[FairfieldLife] But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship...

2009-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
Great article from The Onion:


But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship Where I Ask You To
Do Things And You Do Them
By Kimberly Pruitt
June 9, 2009 | Issue 45•24

  [Kimberly Pruitt]
I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to
all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well,
I don't really see a relationship in our future. It would be terrible if
we let sex destroy this great friendship we have where I get everything
I want and you get nothing you want. Don't you think?

I knew you would understand. You always do.
I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to
all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well,
I don't really see a relationship in our future. It would be terrible if
we let sex destroy this great friendship we have where I get everything
I want and you get nothing you want. Don't you think?
I knew you would understand. You always do.

We're so perfect as friends, you know? I can tell you anything, and you
know you can always come to me anytime you need to hear me bitch about
work or how ugly I feel. You wouldn't want to ruin a friendship like
that just so you could be my boyfriend, and have me look at you with
desire and longing in my eyes, if only once—would you? Of course
not. Well, if we started dating, it would only complicate this wonderful
setup I've got going here.

It's just…you're like my best friend, and I would hate for something
you desperately want to change that. I mean, sure, we could go on some
dates, maybe mess around a little and finally validate the six years
you've spent languishing in this platonic nightmare, but then what? How
could we ever go back to the way we were, where I take advantage of your
clear attraction to me so I can have someone at my beck and call? That
part of our friendship means so much to me.

No. We are just destined to be really, really good friends who only hang
out when I don't have a boyfriend, but still need male attention to
boost my fragile and all-consuming ego.

Anything can happen once you bring romance in. Think about how awful my
last relationship was at the end, remember? The guy I'd call you crying
about at 3 a.m. because he wouldn't answer my texts? The guy I met at
the birthday party you threw me? I had insanely passionate sex with him
for four months and now we don't even talk anymore. God, I would die if
something like that happened to us.

Plus, ick, can you even imagine getting naked in front of each other?
I've known you so long, you're more like a brother that I've drunkenly
made out with twice and never mentioned again. It'd be way too weird.
And if we did, then whenever you'd come shopping with me, or go to one
of my performances or charity events, or take me for ice cream when I've
had a bad day at work, you'd be looking at me like, "I've seen her
breasts." God, I can't think of anything more awkward that that.

Oh, before I forget, my mom says hi.

Anyway, you would totally hate me as your girlfriend. I'd be all needy
and dramatic and slowly growing to love you. If I was your girlfriend, I
would never be able to tell you all about the other asshole guys I date
and pretend I don't see how much it crushes you. Let's never lose that.
That's what makes us us.

Don't worry. You're so funny and smart and amazing, any girl but me
would be lucky to date you. You'll find someone, I know it. And when you
do, I'll be right by your side to suddenly become all flirty and
affectionate with you in front of her, until she grows jealous and won't
believe it when you say we're just friends. But when she dumps you,
that's just what we'll be.
Best friends. Friends forever.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch and initiations fees.

2009-06-10 Thread guyfawkes91

> Leaving aside the kids learning via the David Lynch FOundation, you mean...
Yes, and quite rightly so. Counting only the people who make a choice to learn 
off of their own backs gives us a better idea of the level of demand in society 
as compared with including people who are a captive audience and learn as part 
of a package. 

To judge the actual popularity of TM amongst kids you'd have to check out the 
traffic on Facebook amongst kids regarding TM. It's close to nil. Which implies 
that even though hundreds and thousands have learned there's little real 
enthusiasm and therefore very few are going to go on to become teachers. 

The probability that one of the "at risk kids" who learn as part of the DLF 
package going on to become a TM teacher is close to nil. If someone walks in to 
a TM center, pays their own course fees, and learns because they've made up 
their own mind, then the probability that they go on to become a TM teacher 
although it's still close to nil it is much greater. We don't have figures but 
I'd guess it's orders of magnitude greater.

In the long run it's not the number of people that learn that counts, it's the 
number that become teachers. Therefore it's not worth counting the number of 
"at risk kids" who learn.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secretary Clinton on Sunday TV

2009-06-10 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Can you even imagine, the alternative?
> > > Sarah Palin, Seductress in Chief?
> > > 
> > > What a country, huh?
> > > Only in America!
> > 
> > Oh right Robert, is that the best you have to offer to 
> > the discussion? How about picking an issue we can actually 
> > talk about such as (O.K. I pick something simple for you) 
> > why has the closing of Guantanamo stalled?
> This is the whole Raunchydog, Judy, and Edg
> problem in a nutshell:
> "We demand that you talk about the things 
> that *we* want you to talk about. Furthermore,
> you can't just talk about them, you must *debate*
> them with us, because these issues bum us out and
> we want to bum you out, too."
> What pathetic ego...

Geez, Barry, do you would think a little fact based information and an 
intelligent, thoughtful conversation about politics will kill ya? 

Run for cover! My God! People with actual information are talking about 
politics! How the hell can I get into such a conversation? My usual ploy of 
making things up out of my ass can't possibly Edg into the conversation. What 
to do? I know I'll make up shit about them anyway! That's the ticket! Now hear 
this everyone: Don't listen to those know something folks. Listen to ME the 
know nothing person. 

Geez, Douse Barry with a little water and he melts into a hysterical puddle. 

Akkk! You wretched brats! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh! (he 
moans pathetically) My world! My world, that such a girl as you could destroy 
my world, my beautiful wickedness!


RAUNCHYDOG: Move along folks, ain't nothing to see. Barry's tantrum didn't 
leave him any smarter about politics. He's hopelessly information impaired. 
(With a twinkle in her eye) Good to know.


[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Post Count & Meditator Status

2009-06-10 Thread dhamiltony2k5
"outing people as meditators?"

No, you misinterpret this.  No, these are not outings in the sense of that word 
the way some might use it.  Is simply a compiling in to a status list of those 
admitted  meditator FFL'ers.  Those who have published thus here as writers 
saying publicly  that they are practicing meditators.

Consequently, by what was publicly published before the list is known.

For instance, there are some few noteworthy real names of folks we all have 
known in the past as meditators who have not confirmed in recent memory that 
they are still meditate; hence, they simply have not been upgraded as 
`yes'=meditator yet  in the listing.   Of course they  may be meditators still 
or they may be, as Nabby would point out,  quitters.  Can't say.  

Have a nice day.  I'm on now the Raja program for meditation this morning.

Jai Guru Dev,

-D in FF

> > this survey is creepy.
> Naw, practically I find knowing the meditator status of writers here to be 
> quite useful.  You know, it helps in setting the spam filter accordingly.  
> On the one hand, the many thoughtful postings of FFL meditators do come right 
> through.  On the other hand if a non-meditator might write something useful, 
> when that happens it often subsequently will get picked up by some real 
> meditators of FFL and occasionally that might become a thread worthwhile to 
> check out.  Hence it all very innocently, naturally and simply works a very 
> effective editing of the list.  
> & hey, the spam filter usually takes care of most all that Judy/Barry 
> personal stuff sending it directly over to spam delete file.  Is highly 
> effective that way.  
> In the end it all does work great towards a higher quality list in simply 
> knowing better where people are honestly coming from.   A simple Meditator & 
> non-meditator sorting that weights the writing on FFL.   Is that so 
> threatening?
> Are you a meditator?
> Om, it's a pretty simple question.  
> Jai Guru Dev,
> -Doug in FF
> posting status.
> Posters: 99
>  > > > > `Yes' = meditators
> > > > >
> > > > > Fairfield Life Post Counter, Meditator Status:
> > > > >
> > > > > 50 authfriend 
> > > > > `Yes' 50 TurquoiseB 
> > > > > `Yes' 45 Vaj 
> > > > > `Yes' 44 nablusoss1008 
> > > > > 32 "grate.swan" 
> > > > > `Yes'  31 Bhairitu 
> > > > > 29 sparaig 
> > > > > 27 ruthsimplicity 
> > > > > 27 "Richard J. Williams" 
> > > > > `yes' 24  Robert 
> > > > > 22 off_world_beings 
> > > > > `Yes' 22 dhamiltony2k5 
> > > > > 21 enlightened_dawn11 
> > > > > `Yes' 20 Rick Archer 
> > > > > `Yes' 20 Duveyoung 
> > > > > 18 "do.rflex" 
> > > > > 17 bob_brigante 
> > > > > 16 Sal Sunshine 
> > > > > `Yes' 15 "BillyG." 
> > > > > 13 Richard M 
> > > > > `Yes' 12 shempmcgurk 
> > > > >'Yes' 10 satvadude108 
> > > > > `Yes' 10 raunchydog 
> > > > > 10 lurkernomore20002000 
> > > > > 9 cardemaister 
> > > > > 8 WLeed3@
> > > > > 8 Nelson 
> > > > > 7 geezerfreak 
> > > > > 3 drpetersutphen 
> > > > > 3 William108 
> > > > > 3 Dick Richardson 
> > > > > `Yes' 3 Dick Mays 
> > > > > `Yes' 3 Alex Stanley 
> > > > > 2 sgrayatlarge 
> > > > > 2 scienceofabundance 
> > > > > 2 beno beno 
> > > > > 2 Tom 
> > > > > 2 Marek Reavis 
> > > > > 2 Hugo 
> > > > > 1 uns_tressor 
> > > > > 1 tkrystofiak 
> > > > > 1 pranamoocher 
> > > > > 1 nelson lafrancis 
> > > > > 1 metoostill 
> > > > > 1 Peter 
> > > > > 1 Paul Mason 
> > > > > 1 Patrick Gillam 
> > > > > 1 Mike Doughney 
> > > > > 1 Mike Dixon 
> > > > > 1 Joe Smith 
> > > > > 1 Barbara Thomas 
> > > > > 1 "min.pige" 
> > > > > 1 wayback71 
> > > > > 1 jyouells2000  
> > > > >
> > > > > 1 shukra69 
> > > > > 1 sanosh2002 
> > > > > 1 Zoran Krneta 
> > > > > 1 John 
> > > > >  `Yes'  1 enpai 
> >  2 Jason 
> >  2 tomwalsh23 
> >  2 It's just a ride 
> >  3 kaladevi93 
> >  2 Stu 
> >  6 Ben 
> >   1 kuldip jhala  
> >  1 ve-da@
> >  1 ultrarishi 
> >  1 sanosh2002 
> >  1 horashastra 
> >  1 feste37 
> >  1 emptybill 
> >  1 WLeed3@
> > "yes'  1 Dick Mays 
> >  1 Devanath Saraswati 
> >  1 uns_tressor 
> >  1 jimjim5886 
> >  1 Darrylle 
> >  1 Thomas Walsh 
> >  1 fflmod@
> >  `yes'  1 bhawani_shank2000 
> >  1 jim_falkenstern 
> >  `yes'=meditator  1 at_man_and_brahman 
> >  1 curtisdeltablues 
> >  4 It's just a ride 
> >  4 I am the eternal 
> >  1 gullible fool 
> >  1 vedamerlin@
> >  3 metoostill 
> >  1 alex52556 
> >  1 Randy Meltzer 
> >  1 claudiouk 
> >  Posters: 99

[FairfieldLife] Re: But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship...

2009-06-10 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Great article from The Onion:
> http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/but_if_we_started_dating_it
> But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship Where I Ask You To
> Do Things And You Do Them
> By Kimberly Pruitt
> June 9, 2009 | Issue 45•24
>   [Kimberly Pruitt]
> I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to
> all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well,
> I don't really see a relationship in our future. 
 Great commentary on the times and arrested development common to the 
non-gender specifics.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secretary Clinton on Sunday TV

2009-06-10 Thread do.rflex

Hey RD, maybe you should make a "Leave Hillary Alone!" video like this guy did 
about Britney Spears:

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSjUe0FyxQ

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Finally, Secretary Clinton will be interviewed on a Sunday TV show. This 
> > > Sunday, June 7, she'll appear on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. 
> > > It'll be her first Sunday show interview as secretary of state and her 
> > > first Sunday show since she ended her presidential campaign almost 
> > > exactly a year ago.
> > > 
> > > http://hillary.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/06/05/secretary_clinton_on_sunday_tv_finally
> > >
> > Hillary being interview by Steph and fetch it...
> > Is like Cheney being interview by Shawn Hannity...
> > No real hard questions, there...
> > R.G.
> >
> Stephanopoulos was subtly insulting when he interviewed Hillary. For the 
> record this is how it went down: 
> http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/Politics/story?id=7775502&page=1
> GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: The president has a very high-powered team, Vice 
> President Biden, General Jones, Secretary Gates. You've got envoys for Iran, 
> Afghanistan, North Korea. How do you fit in?
> GEORGE: What is your role, exactly? 
> [Translation: Obama has plenty of high-powered qualified MEN doing the heavy 
> lifting what does he need you for? Geez! Hillary is SOS! How boneheaded can 
> you get? A more respectful question would have been: How is your State 
> Department coordinating its efforts with the special envoys? Or what role do 
> the special envoys play in supporting the efforts of the State Department?]
> GEORGE: It [having envoys] also gives you the ability to get out of the 
> crisis management and carve out areas where you're really going to take 
> initiative. What are those? 
> [Geez! This asshole thinks Hillary doesn't have to bother her pretty little 
> head with anything important like managing a crisis, because the important 
> MEN already have that cornered. I almost expected him to say that she might 
> as well go shopping because that's what women do, doncha know.]
> GEORGE: So there's plenty of work to go around? 
> [Give me a break! George made it sound as though Hillary had been hired by a 
> temp agency, totally dispensable, and could be laid off if there wasn't 
> enough work for her to do. He might as well have asked if she was eligible 
> for unemployment. George knows very well Hillary has a reputation for being 
> one of the hardest working politicians that Senate or a presidential race has 
> ever known and that she is working practically non stop as SOS. 
> Despite George's dismissive line of questioning, Hillary answered substantive 
> questions for the rest of the interview brilliantly, belying the implication 
> that the envoys do all her thinking for her. George, what a putz!]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secretary Clinton on Sunday TV

2009-06-10 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Can you even imagine, the alternative?
> > > Sarah Palin, Seductress in Chief?
> > > 
> > > What a country, huh?
> > > Only in America!
> > 
> > Oh right Robert, is that the best you have to offer to 
> > the discussion? How about picking an issue we can actually 
> > talk about such as (O.K. I pick something simple for you) 
> > why has the closing of Guantanamo stalled?
> This is the whole Raunchydog, Judy, and Edg
> problem in a nutshell:
> "We demand that you talk about the things 
> that *we* want you to talk about. Furthermore,
> you can't just talk about them, you must *debate*
> them with us, because these issues bum us out and
> we want to bum you out, too."
> What pathetic ego...

'Obnoxious' pathetic ego.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Post Count & Meditator Status

2009-06-10 Thread Zoran Krneta
1 Zoran Krneta 

2009/6/10 dhamiltony2k5 

> "outing people as meditators?"
> No, you misinterpret this. No, these are not outings in the sense of that
> word the way some might use it. Is simply a compiling in to a status list of
> those admitted meditator FFL'ers. Those who have published thus here as
> writers saying publicly that they are practicing meditators.
> Consequently, by what was publicly published before the list is known.
> For instance, there are some few noteworthy real names of folks we all have
> known in the past as meditators who have not confirmed in recent memory that
> they are still meditate; hence, they simply have not been upgraded as
> `yes'=meditator yet in the listing. Of course they may be meditators still
> or they may be, as Nabby would point out, quitters. Can't say.
> Have a nice day. I'm on now the Raja program for meditation this morning.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> -D in FF
> >
> > > this survey is creepy.
> >
> >
> > Naw, practically I find knowing the meditator status of writers here to
> be quite useful. You know, it helps in setting the spam filter accordingly.
> >
> > On the one hand, the many thoughtful postings of FFL meditators do come
> right through. On the other hand if a non-meditator might write something
> useful, when that happens it often subsequently will get picked up by some
> real meditators of FFL and occasionally that might become a thread
> worthwhile to check out. Hence it all very innocently, naturally and simply
> works a very effective editing of the list.
> >
> > & hey, the spam filter usually takes care of most all that Judy/Barry
> personal stuff sending it directly over to spam delete file. Is highly
> effective that way.
> >
> > In the end it all does work great towards a higher quality list in simply
> knowing better where people are honestly coming from. A simple Meditator &
> non-meditator sorting that weights the writing on FFL. Is that so
> threatening?
> >
> > Are you a meditator?
> >
> > Om, it's a pretty simple question.
> >
> >
> > Jai Guru Dev,
> > -Doug in FF
> >
> >
> >
> > posting status.
> >
> >
> > Posters: 99
> >
> >
> > > > > > `Yes' = meditators
> >
> >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Fairfield Life Post Counter, Meditator Status:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 50 authfriend 
> > > > > > `Yes' 50 TurquoiseB 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > `Yes' 45 Vaj 
> > > > > > `Yes' 44 nablusoss1008 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > 32 "grate.swan" 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > `Yes' 31 Bhairitu 
> > > > > > 29 sparaig 
> > > > > > 27 ruthsimplicity 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > 27 "Richard J. Williams" 
> > > > > > `yes' 24 Robert 
> > > > > > 22 off_world_beings 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > `Yes' 22 dhamiltony2k5 
> > > > > > 21 enlightened_dawn11 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > `Yes' 20 Rick Archer 
> > > > > > `Yes' 20 Duveyoung 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > 18 "do.rflex" 
> > > > > > 17 bob_brigante 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > 16 Sal Sunshine 
> > > > > > `Yes' 15 "BillyG." 
> > > > > > 13 Richard M 
> > > > > > `Yes' 12 shempmcgurk 
> > > > > >'Yes' 10 satvadude108 
> > > > > >
> >
> > > > > > `Yes' 10 raunchydog 
> > > > > > 10 lurkernomore20002000 
> > > > > > 9 cardemaister 
> >
> > > > > > 8 WLeed3@
> > > > > > 8 Nelson 
> > > > > > 7 geezerfreak 
> > > > > > 3 drpetersutphen 
> > > > > > 3 William108 
> > > > > > 3 Dick Richardson 
> > > > > > `Yes' 3 Dick Mays 
> > > > > > `Yes' 3 Alex Stanley 
> > > > > > 2 sgrayatlarge 
> >
> > > > > > 2 scienceofabundance 
> > > > > > 
> >
> > > > > > 2 beno beno 
> > > > > > 2 Tom 
> > > > > > 2 Marek Reavis 
> > > > > > 2 Hugo 
> > > > > > 1 uns_tressor 
> > > > > > 1 tkrystofiak 
> > > > > > 1 pranamoocher 
> > > > > > 1 nelson lafrancis 
> > > > > > 1 metoostill 
> > > > > > 1 Peter 
> > > > > > 1 Paul Mason 
> > > > > > 1 Patrick Gillam 
> > > > > > 1 Mike Doughney 
> > > > > > 1 Mike Dixon 
> > > > > > 1 Joe Smith 
> > > > > > 1 Barbara Thomas 
> > > > > > 1 "min.pige" 
> > > > > > 1 wayback71 
> > > > > > 1 jyouells2000 
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 1 shukra69 
> > > > > > 1 sanosh2002 
> > > > > > 1 Zoran Krneta 
> > > > > > 1 John 
> > > > > > `Yes' 1 enpai 
> > > 2 Jason 
> > > 2 tomwalsh23 
> > > 2 It's just a ride 
> > > 3 kaladevi93 >
> > > 2 Stu 
> > > 6 Ben 
> > > 1 kuldip jhala 
> > > 1 ve-da@
> > > 1 ultrarishi >
> > > 1 sanosh2002 
> > > 1 horashastra 
> > > 1 feste37 
> > > 1 emptybill 
> > > 1 WLeed3@
> > > "yes' 1 Dick Mays 
> > > 1 Devanath Saraswati 
> > > 1 uns_tressor 
> > > 1 jimjim5886 
> > > 1 Darrylle 
> > > 1 Thomas Walsh 
> > > 1 fflmod@
> > > `yes' 1 bhawani_shank2000 
> > > 
> >
> > > 1 jim_falkenstern 
> > > `yes'=meditator 1 at_man_and_brahman 
> > > 1 curtisdeltablues 
> > > 4 It's just a ride 
> > > 4 I am the eternal 
> > > 1 gullible fool 
> > > 1 vedamerlin@
> > > 3 metoostill 
> > > 1 alex52556 
> > > 1 Randy Meltzer 
> > > 1 claudiouk 
> >
> > > Posters: 99
> >

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread scienceofabundance
I will be in FF for some time over the summer. Is there a non-TMO regular 
meditation (TM, not TM Sidhis) location available for evening meditation? If 
there is, is there some ID required? [I don't know what that might be for 
meditators, but in any case I don't have any.]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , scienceofabundance
> I will be in FF for some time over the summer. >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Curtis is dead? Very sad news...

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" rick@ wrote:
> >
> > "The news of my death has been greatly exaggerated." - Mark Twain
and Curtis
> >
> Rick, you beat me to it. Curtis, if you don't show up pretty soon,
FFLife will become a cult site reporting sightings of you. No kidding.
Nabby will say he spotted you in one of his crop circles. Barry will say
you kicked sand in the face of a 97 pound weakling on the beaches of
Sitges. Alex will say you mooned him at the University Amaco and I'll
say, I hope you are well and will write home soon. Peace Brother.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "raunchydog" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > "The news of my death has been greatly exaggerated." - Mark Twain
and Curtis
> >
> Rick, you beat me to it. Curtis, if you don't show up pretty soon,
FFLife will become a cult site reporting sightings of you. No kidding.
Nabby will say he spotted you in one of his crop circles. Barry will say
you kicked sand in the face of a 97 pound weakling on the beaches of
Sitges. Alex will say you mooned him at the University Amaco and I'll
say, I hope you are well and will write home soon. Peace Brother.

And I'll say he got his ass kicked by a Shotokan master.


[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread seekliberation
I'm not trying to contradict the prediction entirely, but does Offworld realize 
that prior to a match that Machida had to work with boxers, kickboxers, 
wrestlers and BJJ coaches in order to prepare for Rashad Evans?  

So I wouldn't necessarily consider this a win for Shotokan.  In fact, look at 
Chuck Liddell, he started practicing Kempo.  Bas Rutten started out with 
TaeKwondo.  George St. Pierre started with traditional martial arts also.  But 
at some point all the great fighters have to transition to Boxing, Kickboxing, 
or some form of grappling if they want to stand a chance against the world's 
best fighters.  That's the reason traditional martial arts were phased out of 
the Octagon in the mid-90's, because they were either getting hurt, or had to 
transition to something different.

> > > Those are some violent fantasies you have there. >>
> >
> > They are not fantasies, just realities which your arrogance and ego
> > cannot accept. The enlightened see the pearly white teeth in
> > everything, the unenlightened see violence in words...lol.
> >
> > << You might want to get that checked. >>
> >
> > Wait...you're the Ru here...you get checked.
> >
> > You just don't understand martial arts Curtis.
> >
> > You have no idea of the bone shattering power, or organ collapsing
> > danger a Shotokan fighter is trained to give on the first strike.
> >
> > If you watch Shotokan fighters, it is all about the first blow. Poor
> > quality martial artist's don't understand this.
> >
> > You are a VERY smart man Curtis, but on this point you are INCREDIBLY
> > stupid. If a hardened foot or a hardened fist hits your adam's apple
> > with full force it shoves it into the back of your neck. You would
> > probably be dead.
> >
> > This is just one of MANY other Shotokan instantly devestating
> > techniques. How about your big gorrilla guy on steroids or wiley
> > grappler guy gets his knees broken? Not that difficult for a well
> > trained Shotokan fighter.
> >
> > A Shotokan fighter cannot be tested unless the other fighters
> > understand that one blow can be one blow too many in a real combat.
> >
> > If you are watching a fight where the fight is NOT stopped after one
> > solid strike, then you are not watching a legitimate martial art. IF
> > the fighters carry on, then it is because they do not understand that
> > a blow with full Shotokan power, will likely break a bone or collapse
> > an organ, or break your knees.
> >
> > There are techniques that even a black belt in Shotokan (never mind
> > the 5th and 6th dan guys), that would COMPLETELY baffle and throw a
> > grappler or a boxer off, and, in competition, before the guy knows
> > what happened he would be gently laid to the ground, flat out, with a
> > hard bone of a heel coming towards his face at an unprecedented
> > speed. If it were carried through, that bone would break the guys
> > skull.
> >
> > Curtis, you just don't get it. A true expert in shotokan will take
> > down 95% of the others in a split second, but the other baboons keep
> > fighting as if nothing happened.
> > LOL...it is a joke.
> >
> > You are living in a TV ratings fantasy land when it comes to martial
> > arts.
> >
> > Shotokan dominates Martial Arts, and almost all Shotokan experts are
> > totally humble.
> >
> > The only thing more powerful than thatpure transcendental
> > consiousness.
> >
> > NOW...since your ego is too big to concede this obvious point (there
> > are extremely vulnerable parts that an expert can COMPLETELY
> > incapacitate the opponent with the VERY firt strike, and therefore
> > competitions that keep on fighting are not true martial arts, but a
> > different and less precise sport ), I therefore predict that one day
> > you will see a true Shotokan master enter your babies Octagon.
> > Silence will enfold the world at that point and the monstor on
> > steroids that you hold so highlywill be annihilated.
> >
> > This day will come, and you will see it. That is my prediction, and
> > you will be awestruck.
> >
> > OffWorld
> >
> Another prediction by OffWorld comes true.
> OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction - originally posted on FFL on Nov 26,
> 2007  - comes true -- while all you jerks scoffed...
> OffWorld's:- Nov 26, 2007:
>   "I therefore predict that one day you will see a true Shotokan master
> enter your babies' Octagon. Silence will enfold the world at that point
> and the monstor on steroids that you hold so highlywill be
> annihilated. This day will come, and you will see it. That is my
> prediction, and you will be awestruck." -- OffWorld
> And on May 24th 2009 my prediction came true (its a pity Cutris did not
> live to see it, but he was severely overweight, and I tried to warn him
> to do something about it, or he would die within the year. I am sad he
> ignored me, but at least I tried unlike you other jerks) ...
> http://tinyurl.com/kqa8qq 
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secretary Clinton on Sunday TV

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung
I totally agree with your take on George - amazing sexism, yet he obviously 
felt he had deniability.

That's the base genderist quality that is built in, from birth on, into most 
boys.  Entitlement, it's what's for breakfast.

Thanks for posting this.  George's little boy looks can go a long way to 
creating a believable "what? I'm just asking questions" innocent facial 
expression, but with the below posting, it's certain that he'll at some point 
start looking like Bloggo to us -- smarmy and wolf-sheep-clothingized to the 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Finally, Secretary Clinton will be interviewed on a Sunday TV show. This 
> > > Sunday, June 7, she'll appear on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. 
> > > It'll be her first Sunday show interview as secretary of state and her 
> > > first Sunday show since she ended her presidential campaign almost 
> > > exactly a year ago.
> > > 
> > > http://hillary.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/06/05/secretary_clinton_on_sunday_tv_finally
> > >
> > Hillary being interview by Steph and fetch it...
> > Is like Cheney being interview by Shawn Hannity...
> > No real hard questions, there...
> > R.G.
> >
> Stephanopoulos was subtly insulting when he interviewed Hillary. For the 
> record this is how it went down: 
> http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/Politics/story?id=7775502&page=1
> GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: The president has a very high-powered team, Vice 
> President Biden, General Jones, Secretary Gates. You've got envoys for Iran, 
> Afghanistan, North Korea. How do you fit in?
> GEORGE: What is your role, exactly? 
> [Translation: Obama has plenty of high-powered qualified MEN doing the heavy 
> lifting what does he need you for? Geez! Hillary is SOS! How boneheaded can 
> you get? A more respectful question would have been: How is your State 
> Department coordinating its efforts with the special envoys? Or what role do 
> the special envoys play in supporting the efforts of the State Department?]
> GEORGE: It [having envoys] also gives you the ability to get out of the 
> crisis management and carve out areas where you're really going to take 
> initiative. What are those? 
> [Geez! This asshole thinks Hillary doesn't have to bother her pretty little 
> head with anything important like managing a crisis, because the important 
> MEN already have that cornered. I almost expected him to say that she might 
> as well go shopping because that's what women do, doncha know.]
> GEORGE: So there's plenty of work to go around? 
> [Give me a break! George made it sound as though Hillary had been hired by a 
> temp agency, totally dispensable, and could be laid off if there wasn't 
> enough work for her to do. He might as well have asked if she was eligible 
> for unemployment. George knows very well Hillary has a reputation for being 
> one of the hardest working politicians that Senate or a presidential race has 
> ever known and that she is working practically non stop as SOS. 
> Despite George's dismissive line of questioning, Hillary answered substantive 
> questions for the rest of the interview brilliantly, belying the implication 
> that the envoys do all her thinking for her. George, what a putz!]

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch and initiations fees.

2009-06-10 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> Tex, apnea simply means breath suspension for whatever reason.  Even when you 
> are awake.  Vaj wasn't talking about SLEEP apnea, but apnea.

Though, let's be clear, the "apparent breath suspension" associated
with periods of "pure consciousness" during TM practice isn't
apnea, but apneusis that lasts long enough that respiration isn't apparent
to the casual observer. Additionally, there's some evidence of ~1HZ fluctuations
during the apneusis that may indicate respiration driven by the beating
of the heart.

Main Entry: ap·neu·sis
Pronunciation: ap-'n(y)ü-s&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural ap·neu·ses /-"sEz/ 
: sustained tonic contraction of the respiratory muscles resulting in prolonged 


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch and initiations fees.

2009-06-10 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91  wrote:
> > 
> > Leaving aside the kids learning via the David Lynch FOundation, you mean...
> > 
> Yes, and quite rightly so. Counting only the people who make a choice to 
> learn off of their own backs gives us a better idea of the level of demand in 
> society as compared with including people who are a captive audience and 
> learn as part of a package. 
> To judge the actual popularity of TM amongst kids you'd have to check out the 
> traffic on Facebook amongst kids regarding TM. It's close to nil. Which 
> implies that even though hundreds and thousands have learned there's little 
> real enthusiasm and therefore very few are going to go on to become teachers. 
> The probability that one of the "at risk kids" who learn as part of the DLF 
> package going on to become a TM teacher is close to nil. If someone walks in 
> to a TM center, pays their own course fees, and learns because they've made 
> up their own mind, then the probability that they go on to become a TM 
> teacher although it's still close to nil it is much greater. We don't have 
> figures but I'd guess it's orders of magnitude greater.
> In the long run it's not the number of people that learn that counts, it's 
> the number that become teachers. Therefore it's not worth counting the number 
> of "at risk kids" who learn.

Unless they believe that they have learned something important and are inspired
to share that Something Important with others.

As an ADHD person myself, my own experience with TM suggests it is
very good at at least temporarily ameliorating the symptoms. If others with ADHD
have the same experience they might decide to go on to become TM
teachers even if it wasn't a "voluntary" decision on their part to learn in the
first place.


[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > My comment on the topic is that Alex doesn't eat pizza at his
> > keyboard. He's a gourmet cook.
> True. But, I think it can be argued that my paleo diet and deer hunting are 
> as good a fit with my heartless übercool elitist geek snob persona as eating 
> pizza at a keyboard. In any event, thank you for finally weighing in on this 
> vitally important topic. Clearly, you've given it all the thought it deserved.

Oh, Alex, I'm sorry, I never actually meant to start a war with you, but 
clearly,  my accusations of your having a geek-bent personality struck a nerve. 

Just for the record, when I was asking you if you would be comfortable with 
having a private detective create a dossier about you, I had absolutely zero 
knowledge -- and still do not have any -- about your private life.  I guess my 
intuition was in a ballpark that only you recognized, and thus you started 
confessing various stuff just to show that you were not bothered by the 
revelations, and it was old news to you.

I had no such intent to rile you up with those emotions -- sorry, bull china 
shoppe thingy.  I just wanted you to budge a nanometer towards a tighter 
privacy policy.  

I do think it would profit you to see that you have a proof of some merit that 
karma is an actuality -- look how fast it came about that your privacy was 
invaded after your merely having revealed such a minor tidbit about Nab.  The 
speed of that echo is breathtaking, right?  I love it when this happens to 
meBAM...there you are ascending skyward at a rapid pace from your petard's 
hoisting.  I remember being a true believer who'd take something like that and 
feel satisfied that the woo-woo dogma of the TMO had some serious real life 
markers.  You?

As for our relationship, it's taken a sour bend in the road, but you should 
know that I've always enjoyed your posts here as models of conceptual balance 
and semantic precision -- the good side of being geeky.  As for your heart, 
what would I know?  

That's about as much apology as I can squeak out, hope it's enough.

All the above said, h, Opps you did it again.  I'll reply in another post.


[FairfieldLife] Attention training and attention state training

2009-06-10 Thread Vaj

From the MindBlog:

Attention training and attention state training

Tang and Posner (PDF here) examine two different approaches that have  
been shown to improve attention and self-regulation: computer based  
exercises in children and adults (attention training, AT); and  
exposure to nature, mindfulness and integrative body-mind training  
(IBMT, or attention state training, AST). Here is their summary of  
the characteristics of these two approaches:

• Trains executive attention networks
• Requires directed attention and effortful control
• Targets non-autonomic control systems
• Produces mental fatigue easily
• Training transfers to other cognitive abilities

• Produces changes of body-mind state
• Requires effortful control (early stage) and effortless exercise  

• Involves the autonomic system
• Aims at achieving a relaxed and balanced state
• Training transfers to cognition, emotion and social behaviors

Activation of the anterior cingulate cortex appears to be central  
with both approaches, with AT involving involving changes in anterior  
cingulate and lateral prefrontal areas, perhaps mainly through  
increased connectivity between the two. AST involves increased  
interaction between anterior cingulate cortex and the autonomic  
nervous system. Increase in activity in the ACC in AST is similar to  
what is found in AT during task performance and could account for the  
improved executive attention with both methods.

It is worth noting that both aerobic exercise (A.F. Kramer and K.I.  
Erickson, Capitalizing on cortical plasticity: influence of physical  
activity on cognition and brain function, Trends Cogn. Sci. 11  
(2007), pp. 342–348) and music education (E.G. Schellenberg, Music  
and cognitive abilities, Psychol. Sci. 14 (2004), pp. 317–320.) have  
also been shown to enhance cognitive processes

[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > I have owned computers since 1980 and only a few weeks ago did I
> > notice that Yahoo lets a poster check a box to keep the IP address
> > hidden from the likes of you. See?  
> Yes, I *do* see... in the archives, that despite your only noticing that 
> option a few weeks ago, you've somehow been configured with it since your 
> very first post, more than two years ago:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/132218?source=1&var=1

There you go again . . . (Edg doing a Pres. Regan impression)

I probably did know about the IP check box, but I forgot...it was years ago and 
I'm an old fading man, but I wasn't trying to pull a fast one and hide my 
earlier knowledge...since I truly had forgotten that I'd made that decision 
early on.  

But, there you go again, spilling beans about someone in order to shame them 
(me.)  This is stalking.  You fucking stalked me again.  

Well, let's see what karma ya get for that one.  I'll leave it up to your god.  
And who is that god you might ask?  It's your own sweet soul, and as much as 
you're a geek, I can sense a core of honesty and fairness in you that will 
eventually drive you nuts with guilt about your stalking.  I'll wait.

A, what a smug morning I'm having!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Curtis is dead? Very sad news...

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > "The news of my death has been greatly exaggerated." - Mark Twain and Curtis
> >
> Rick, you beat me to it. Curtis, if you don't show up pretty soon, FFLife 
> will become a cult site reporting sightings of you. No kidding. Nabby will 
> say he spotted you in one of his crop circles. Barry will say you kicked sand 
> in the face of a 97 pound weakling on the beaches of Sitges. Alex will say 
> you mooned him at the University Amaco and I'll say, I hope you are well and 
> will write home soon. Peace Brother.

I fucking miss 'im thass fer shur.

I had the premonition when he left for Italy -- how ya gunna keep him down on 
the FFL farm after he's seen that, amazing, he has two more hours in his day in 
which he doesn't have to spar with someone -- fucking heaven!

You go boy -- soar into the light and forget the flickers of shadow here.  

Wingless, yet do we imagine your heights.


[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
Classic abuser behavior on Edg's part. Abuse, then
apologize profusely to suck the victim in for more

How many suspect that Edg's sister ran away with
the older guy just to get away from Edg?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> Oh, Alex, I'm sorry, I never actually meant to start a war with you, but 
> clearly,  my accusations of your having a geek-bent personality struck a 
> nerve.  
> Just for the record, when I was asking you if you would be comfortable with 
> having a private detective create a dossier about you, I had absolutely zero 
> knowledge -- and still do not have any -- about your private life.  I guess 
> my intuition was in a ballpark that only you recognized, and thus you started 
> confessing various stuff just to show that you were not bothered by the 
> revelations, and it was old news to you.
> I had no such intent to rile you up with those emotions -- sorry, bull china 
> shoppe thingy.  I just wanted you to budge a nanometer towards a tighter 
> privacy policy.  
> I do think it would profit you to see that you have a proof of some merit 
> that karma is an actuality -- look how fast it came about that your privacy 
> was invaded after your merely having revealed such a minor tidbit about Nab.  
> The speed of that echo is breathtaking, right?  I love it when this happens 
> to meBAM...there you are ascending skyward at a rapid pace from your 
> petard's hoisting.  I remember being a true believer who'd take something 
> like that and feel satisfied that the woo-woo dogma of the TMO had some 
> serious real life markers.  You?
> As for our relationship, it's taken a sour bend in the road, but you should 
> know that I've always enjoyed your posts here as models of conceptual balance 
> and semantic precision -- the good side of being geeky.  As for your heart, 
> what would I know?  
> That's about as much apology as I can squeak out, hope it's enough.
> All the above said, h, Opps you did it again.  I'll reply in another post.
> Edg

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attention training and attention state training

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung

The below sounds like it was lifted from the educational manual for teachers to 
use: teachers of the children in THX 1138.  Math flows into one via a liquid 
dripping into virgin veins.

Ghastly it is when pure science abuts innocence.  

Yet that is how the world is trending.  All the kids out there doing twitter or 
whatever are getting used to interacting with a computer screen; so the next 
step is involving them in behavioral therapies involving thousands of 
iterations.  Come to school, get wired up, learn or be tasered, like that.  

The power of Pavlov is being explored.  All that we need is a killer-ap that 
educates kids quickly and to a fine pointedness.  Then it'll be used to 
bludgeon kids like Whack A Mole.

But, the human spirit eschews control, so that's going to be a struggle for 
those who would mechanize education.  

If the world does encroach on the freedom of children's minds, odious, but, 
hey, good news: no worries mate, we'll have something far more devastating to 
all of us happen before that killer-ap is creatednamely: any of several 
singularities could POP any day now.  

Consider that any of the following could plunk its ass down on us:  A.I. HAL 
happens, nanobot swarms become conscious, some kiddie chemist creates 
artificial life that infects all living organisms, genetic engineering busts 
out of the controlled field trials and all plants everywhere become right 
handed instead of left handed, Israel starts a nuke war that scalds the Earth, 
or, hey, a crop circle could tell us how to get unlimited electricity out of a 
gizmo made up of two tin cans and a hamster on Benzedrine.  


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
>  From the MindBlog:
> Attention training and attention state training
> Tang and Posner (PDF here) examine two different approaches that have  
> been shown to improve attention and self-regulation: computer based  
> exercises in children and adults (attention training, AT); and  
> exposure to nature, mindfulness and integrative body-mind training  
> (IBMT, or attention state training, AST). Here is their summary of  
> the characteristics of these two approaches:
> AT
> • Trains executive attention networks
> • Requires directed attention and effortful control
> • Targets non-autonomic control systems
> • Produces mental fatigue easily
> • Training transfers to other cognitive abilities
> • Produces changes of body-mind state
> • Requires effortful control (early stage) and effortless exercise  
> (later)
> • Involves the autonomic system
> • Aims at achieving a relaxed and balanced state
> • Training transfers to cognition, emotion and social behaviors
> Activation of the anterior cingulate cortex appears to be central  
> with both approaches, with AT involving involving changes in anterior  
> cingulate and lateral prefrontal areas, perhaps mainly through  
> increased connectivity between the two. AST involves increased  
> interaction between anterior cingulate cortex and the autonomic  
> nervous system. Increase in activity in the ACC in AST is similar to  
> what is found in AT during task performance and could account for the  
> improved executive attention with both methods.
> It is worth noting that both aerobic exercise (A.F. Kramer and K.I.  
> Erickson, Capitalizing on cortical plasticity: influence of physical  
> activity on cognition and brain function, Trends Cogn. Sci. 11  
> (2007), pp. 342–348) and music education (E.G. Schellenberg, Music  
> and cognitive abilities, Psychol. Sci. 14 (2004), pp. 317–320.) have  
> also been shown to enhance cognitive processes

[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "seekliberation"
> I'm not trying to contradict the prediction entirely, but does
Offworld realize that prior to a match that Machida had to work with
boxers, kickboxers, wrestlers and BJJ coaches in order to prepare for
Rashad Evans?
> So I wouldn't necessarily consider this a win for Shotokan.  In fact,
look at Chuck Liddell, he started practicing Kempo.  Bas Rutten started
out with TaeKwondo.  George St. Pierre started with traditional martial
arts also. >>

Incorrect. You are lumping all martial arts together. My point is that
Shotokan is by far the superior form. I predicted a Shotokan Master
would enter the Octagon, not some other martial art.
I had never heard of Lyoto Machida at the time, and knew little about
the MMA. Machida was trained from an early age by his father who was a
Shotokan master. Without this training, all the other training in the
world are ineffective by comparison.

There is a reason why, in Shotokan competition, most punches and kicks
are 'pulled' (completely held back in the last few centimeters - just
enough to strike), and that there are ONLY three strikes allowed.
Because, with Shotokan, if you hit someone once with full force you
could easily kill someone, and if not, the first could disorient
completely, and on the second or third, you could kill. For this reason,
Machida is FAR MORE highly trained than the others, and he has complete
control that he HAS to hold back A LOT, in order not to kill someone. He
is unbeatable in the MMA. Even if he was allowed into the heavyweights,
he would STILL win the title -- all because of his Shotokan training. He
is trying to get into the Heavyweight section now.


[FairfieldLife] Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline attention 
grabbing power!

Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to seem like a 
negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any explanation for an 
obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just dropping out sends the wrong 

I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a fantastic 
opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from intelligent people whom I 
respect here.  FFL has been very useful for developing my thinking on certain 
topics and has given me much more than I ever contributed.  

Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the "Renaissance" 
means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity.  Like the artists of 
that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending time away from my 
cyber-focused life here in the US made my time priorities change since I have 
been back.

Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person to find on 
the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails lately.  Many people 
here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched me but you get the idea!) My 
lurking is too erratic for posting to me here to be effective.

In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the cyber bird 
here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having spent time here. When 
I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I can reconsider spending time 
on FFL again.

Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as though I 
could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front of my bar stool 
in no time.  Cheers!

[FairfieldLife] Worst Side Story

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung

Clever writing, professional level performance, and brief.

And, bi-partisan.


[FairfieldLife] Dalai Lama a Patriot's Fan [1 Attachment]

2009-06-10 Thread Vaj
 From the recent teaching at Gillette stadium in Boston

[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > >
> > > My comment on the topic is that Alex doesn't eat pizza at his
> > > keyboard. He's a gourmet cook.
> > 
> > True. But, I think it can be argued that my paleo diet and deer
> > hunting are as good a fit with my heartless übercool elitist
> > geek snob persona as eating pizza at a keyboard. In any event,
> > thank you for finally weighing in on this vitally important
> > topic. Clearly, you've given it all the thought it deserved.
> Oh, Alex, I'm sorry, I never actually meant to start a war with
> you, but clearly,  my accusations of your having a geek-bent
> personality struck a nerve.  

Indeed, it did! Right smack dab in the physiological laughter center. I'm 
laughing at you, laughing at myself, and laughing at this entire ridiculous 

> Just for the record, when I was asking you if you would be
> comfortable with having a private detective create a dossier about
> you, I had absolutely zero knowledge -- and still do not have any
> -- about your private life.  I guess my intuition was in a ballpark
> that only you recognized, and thus you started confessing various
> stuff just to show that you were not bothered by the revelations,
> and it was old news to you.

What you call confessing, I call explaining what my impostor had posted and why 
it is a non-issue. If there's anyone on FFL right now on the receiving end of 
what might be labeled stalking, it's me, and even though I have the power to 
boot off my "stalker", I haven't. FFL has always been a rough'n'tumble forum 
with very few restrictions, and that's the way Rick wants it.
> I had no such intent to rile you up with those emotions -- sorry,
> bull china shoppe thingy.  I just wanted you to budge a nanometer
> towards a tighter privacy policy.  

What you're pushing for is a tighter "illusion of privacy" policy, and I will 
not be a part of enabling such dumbassery. Anonymity is like virginity, either 
ya got it or ya don't. If you publicly post your IP address to the completely 
public FFL archives, you are no longer as private as you thought you were, and 
ignorance of the technical reality doesn't change that reality. It's like if 
you have sex, you're no longer a virgin; you can argue 'til you're blue in the 
face that you're still a virgin because you didn't know that having sex would 
destroy your virginity, but the fact remains that you are no longer a virgin.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of scienceofabundance
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 7:51 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fairfield Information Request
>I will be in FF for some time over the summer. Is there a non-TMO regular
meditation (TM, not TM Sidhis) location available for evening meditation? If
there is, is there some ID required? [I don't know what that might be for
meditators, but in any case I don't have any.]

There are lots of things. Doug Hamilton publishes a list. You might enjoy
our Wednesday Night Satsang. Not meditation, but lively discussion. Email me
privately for details.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 10, 2009, at 7:50 AM, scienceofabundance wrote:

I will be in FF for some time over the summer. Is there a non-TMO  
regular meditation (TM, not TM Sidhis) location available for  
evening meditation? If there is, is there some ID required? [I don't  
know what that might be for meditators, but in any case I don't have  

Yes, but not only is there an ID required, but you
must also know the secret handshake and password.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Attention training and attention state training

2009-06-10 Thread Vaj

On Jun 10, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Duveyoung wrote:


The below sounds like it was lifted from the educational manual for  
teachers to use: teachers of the children in THX 1138.  Math flows  
into one via a liquid dripping into virgin veins.

Ghastly it is when pure science abuts innocence.

Yet that is how the world is trending.  All the kids out there  
doing twitter or whatever are getting used to interacting with a  
computer screen; so the next step is involving them in behavioral  
therapies involving thousands of iterations.  Come to school, get  
wired up, learn or be tasered, like that.

The power of Pavlov is being explored.  All that we need is a  
killer-ap that educates kids quickly and to a fine pointedness.   
Then it'll be used to bludgeon kids like Whack A Mole.

But, the human spirit eschews control, so that's going to be a  
struggle for those who would mechanize education.

If the world does encroach on the freedom of children's minds,  
odious, but, hey, good news: no worries mate, we'll have something  
far more devastating to all of us happen before that killer-ap is  
creatednamely: any of several singularities could POP any day now.

Consider that any of the following could plunk its ass down on us:   
A.I. HAL happens, nanobot swarms become conscious, some kiddie  
chemist creates artificial life that infects all living organisms,  
genetic engineering busts out of the controlled field trials and  
all plants everywhere become right handed instead of left handed,  
Israel starts a nuke war that scalds the Earth, or, hey, a crop  
circle could tell us how to get unlimited electricity out of a  
gizmo made up of two tin cans and a hamster on Benzedrine.

The reason I posted the article was because it is one in a growing  
number of scientific papers that demonstrate it's (it = optimal  
attentional training) not all about "effortlessness" as TM-bots seem  
to unknowingly repeat, but the balance between effortless training  
and effortful training.

It was actually lifted from Deric Bownds blog, a gay, formerly  
married molecular biologist and zoologist, who also plays a really  
mean Chopin.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attention training and attention state training

2009-06-10 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> Vaj,
> The below sounds like it was lifted from the educational manual for teachers 
> to use: teachers of the children in THX 1138.  Math flows into one via a 
> liquid dripping into virgin veins.
> Ghastly it is when pure science abuts innocence.  
> Yet that is how the world is trending.  All the kids out there doing twitter 
> or whatever are getting used to interacting with a computer screen; so the 
> next step is involving them in behavioral therapies involving thousands of 
> iterations.  Come to school, get wired up, learn or be tasered, like that.  
> The power of Pavlov is being explored.  All that we need is a killer-ap that 
> educates kids quickly and to a fine pointedness.  Then it'll be used to 
> bludgeon kids like Whack A Mole.
> But, the human spirit eschews control, so that's going to be a struggle for 
> those who would mechanize education.  
> If the world does encroach on the freedom of children's minds, odious, but, 
> hey, good news: no worries mate, we'll have something far more devastating to 
> all of us happen before that killer-ap is creatednamely: any of several 
> singularities could POP any day now.  
> Consider that any of the following could plunk its ass down on us:  A.I. HAL 
> happens, nanobot swarms become conscious, some kiddie chemist creates 
> artificial life that infects all living organisms, genetic engineering busts 
> out of the controlled field trials and all plants everywhere become right 
> handed instead of left handed, Israel starts a nuke war that scalds the 
> Earth, or, hey, a crop circle could tell us how to get unlimited electricity 
> out of a gizmo made up of two tin cans and a hamster on Benzedrine.  
> Edg

Well Edg, I'm on board for a whopping conspiracy theory. Let's follow the 
money. Who would pay for such research and why? The villain in all things 
capable of controlling human behavior is the "military industrial complex" of 
course. And what about all those one line items with scientific sounding names 
tucked away in thousands of pages of a spending bill for the military? Congress 
allocates billions for obscure projects such as "cognition training to control 
emotions and social behaviors" and they don't even read the damn bill written 
by their lobbyists friends paying for their next election who say they damn 
well better pass it. Besides, it's just too big, too ponderous to bother and 
they must pass it NOW in the dead of night while no one tunes in C-SPAN. That's 
right folks, like a thief in the night, our government plots to control every 
detail of your life and by the time you notice you won't be able to remove the 
RFD chip attached to your brain you so willingly agreed to because you were 
just so sure you were getting Alzheimer's and didn't to have your family to 
find you wandering the street of Fairfield, naked as a jay.   

>  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> >  From the MindBlog:
> > 
> > Attention training and attention state training
> > 
> > Tang and Posner (PDF here) examine two different approaches that have  
> > been shown to improve attention and self-regulation: computer based  
> > exercises in children and adults (attention training, AT); and  
> > exposure to nature, mindfulness and integrative body-mind training  
> > (IBMT, or attention state training, AST). Here is their summary of  
> > the characteristics of these two approaches:
> > 
> > AT
> > • Trains executive attention networks
> > • Requires directed attention and effortful control
> > • Targets non-autonomic control systems
> > • Produces mental fatigue easily
> > • Training transfers to other cognitive abilities
> > 
> > AST
> > • Produces changes of body-mind state
> > • Requires effortful control (early stage) and effortless exercise  
> > (later)
> > • Involves the autonomic system
> > • Aims at achieving a relaxed and balanced state
> > • Training transfers to cognition, emotion and social behaviors
> > 
> > Activation of the anterior cingulate cortex appears to be central  
> > with both approaches, with AT involving involving changes in anterior  
> > cingulate and lateral prefrontal areas, perhaps mainly through  
> > increased connectivity between the two. AST involves increased  
> > interaction between anterior cingulate cortex and the autonomic  
> > nervous system. Increase in activity in the ACC in AST is similar to  
> > what is found in AT during task performance and could account for the  
> > improved executive attention with both methods.
> > 
> > It is worth noting that both aerobic exercise (A.F. Kramer and K.I.  
> > Erickson, Capitalizing on cortical plasticity: influence of physical  
> > activity on cognition and brain function, Trends Cogn. Sci. 11  
> > (2007), pp. 342–348) and music education (E.G. Schellenberg, Music  
> > and cognitive abilities, Psychol. Sci. 14 (2004), pp. 317–320.) have  
> > also been sh

[FairfieldLife] Lynn Twist

2009-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
Lynn Twist spoke in FF last night to a full house and receive an award from
the mayor. Very inspiring lady. She's behind this and other things:

[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread seekliberation
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
I believe it's you that is incorrect.  One fighter alone is not a good case for 
the best form of martial arts. 

You are correct, however, that Shotokan is much more dangerous.  This is why it 
will have a much harder time producing the caliber of fighters coming out of 
the less dangerous forms.  For example, I have been teaching hand to hand 
combat in the Marine Corps since 2001.  Our techniques are much more dangerous 
than just about any art, including Shotokan.  And that's why we can't produce 
the high quality fighters of MMA competition, BECAUSE OUR TECHNIQUES ARE TOO 
the technique that wins, it's how well you implement that technique.  

You are also giving Shotokan way too much credit, and too little credit to 
Machida as a fighter.  I've seen Machida pull guard, get submissions on 
fighters and go for chokes and armbars.  Where did he learn that?  He started 
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a teenager, as well as wrestling.  His father apparently 
knew that Shotokan alone wouldn't suffice.

What i'm getting at is if he practiced Shotokan only, he'd be done for in MMA 
competition.  Yes, you're right, Shotokan was a good basis, same for St. 
Pierre, Bas Rutten, and Oleg Taktarov.  But even they all had to transition to 
a Boxing/kickboxing workout in order to prepare for a match.  If they didn't, 
they'd get brutalized in the ring.   

If you'd like a bit more of a reality check in Martial Arts, i'd recommend the 
book "Living the Martial Way" by Forrest Morgan, who also practiced Shotokan.  
He is a retired Colonel, has multiple black belts, and has a serious disgust 
for the superficial approach of most karate schools.  In the book he explains 
why boxing and wrestling, which are sports rather than martial arts, are 
producing better fighters than traditional Karate.  It's not because their 
techniques are superior, but because they actually train like real fighters.  
For some reason, typical civilians, and other more passive natured people, 
believe they can take on real fighters by learning a special technique or form 
of fighting, then they walk around their whole lives thinking they are Obi Wan 
Kenobi despite the fact they couldn't even handle one day of a collegiate 
wrestlers workout, or a professional boxers training regimen.  

Basically, i'm saying you're giving way too much credit to Shotokan, and not 
enough to Machida who has combined wrestling, BJJ, Shotokan and Boxing all into 
one form.  He is an exceptional athlete, and a future UFC hall of famer, most 
likely.  But if you took the wrestling, BJJ, and Boxing away, with shotokan 
only, he ain't looking nearly as good.  


> Incorrect. You are lumping all martial arts together. My point is that
> Shotokan is by far the superior form. I predicted a Shotokan Master
> would enter the Octagon, not some other martial art.
> I had never heard of Lyoto Machida at the time, and knew little about
> the MMA. Machida was trained from an early age by his father who was a
> Shotokan master. Without this training, all the other training in the
> world are ineffective by comparison.
> There is a reason why, in Shotokan competition, most punches and kicks
> are 'pulled' (completely held back in the last few centimeters - just
> enough to strike), and that there are ONLY three strikes allowed.
> Because, with Shotokan, if you hit someone once with full force you
> could easily kill someone, and if not, the first could disorient
> completely, and on the second or third, you could kill. For this reason,
> Machida is FAR MORE highly trained than the others, and he has complete
> control that he HAS to hold back A LOT, in order not to kill someone. He
> is unbeatable in the MMA. Even if he was allowed into the heavyweights,
> he would STILL win the title -- all because of his Shotokan training. He
> is trying to get into the Heavyweight section now.
> OffWorld

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The photos people choose to portray their "inner selves"

2009-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
> Turq - I did not take this photo with a web cam.
> That's my real hair. LOL!
You look very confused!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread raunchydog
Thank God you're not dead! Anyhoo, I erotically miss you, either erratically 
indisposed or exposed. Hugs.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline attention 
> grabbing power!
> Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to seem like a 
> negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any explanation for an 
> obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just dropping out sends the 
> wrong message.
> I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a 
> fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from intelligent 
> people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for developing my 
> thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than I ever 
> contributed.  
> Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the "Renaissance" 
> means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity.  Like the artists of 
> that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending time away from my 
> cyber-focused life here in the US made my time priorities change since I have 
> been back.
> Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person to find 
> on the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails lately.  Many 
> people here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched me but you get the 
> idea!) My lurking is too erratic for posting to me here to be effective.
> In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the cyber bird 
> here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having spent time here. 
> When I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I can reconsider spending 
> time on FFL again.
> Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as though I 
> could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front of my bar 
> stool in no time.  Cheers!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> Yes, but not only is there an ID required, but you
> must also know the secret handshake and password.
> Sal
Hello Sal. I actually started that group but now it is functioning well on its 
own, so I am looking for a straightforward group TM meditation. 

[And I would remind you that that the oaths you took were forever.]


[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > >
> > > I have owned computers since 1980 and only a few weeks ago did I
> > > notice that Yahoo lets a poster check a box to keep the IP address
> > > hidden from the likes of you. See?  
> > 
> > Yes, I *do* see... in the archives, that despite your only
> > noticing that option a few weeks ago, you've somehow been
> > configured with it since your very first post, more than two
> > years ago:
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/132218?source=1&var=1
> There you go again . . . (Edg doing a Pres. Regan impression)
> I probably did know about the IP check box, but I forgot...it was
> years ago and I'm an old fading man, but I wasn't trying to pull a
> fast one and hide my earlier knowledge...since I truly had 
> forgotten that I'd made that decision early on.  

Ok, fair enough.
> But, there you go again, spilling beans about someone in order to
> shame them (me.)  This is stalking.  You fucking stalked me again.  

No, Edg, discussing on FFL that which has been posted to FFL is not stalking. 
FFL is a discussion forum with archives and very few restrictions. If you can't 
handle it, then perhaps you should leave FFL and hang out instead in the warm, 
fuzzy, enforced positivity-only world of 


Seriously, Edg, who are you to whine about me when the only reason you started 
posting here in the first place was to rip someone a new asshole for not having 
your degree of knowledge about astronomy. Your first sentence ever posted to 

"Offworld is without doubt the most ignorant fool when it comes to
supernovae. I'm astounded that I had to bother to announce this --
what the hell are the rest of you folks thinking to let Offworld spew
absolute nonsense at you like that and not one of you had the idea to,
like, what?, maybe Google the word "supernova?"

> Well, let's see what karma ya get for that one.  

You started posting here in order to insult Offie. Nabby's participation on FFL 
consists largely of him hurling abuse at anyone who disagrees with his cultish 
TB worldview. And, now you're both riled up in return. Yeah, karma's a bitch. 

> I'll leave it up to your god.  And who is that god you might ask?
> It's your own sweet soul, and as much as you're a geek, I can 
> sense a core of honesty and fairness in you that will eventually
> drive you nuts with guilt about your stalking.  I'll wait.

I would first have to accept your ridiculous definition of stalking before I 
could ever feel guilty about it. Not. Gonna. Happen.

[FairfieldLife] He's alive!

2009-06-10 Thread shempmcgurk
Curtis is alive!

Imagine my surprise after so much mourning, weeping, and crying to awaken this 
morning, turn on my computer, log onto FFL and discover that Curtis is NOT dead!

Oh, happy day.

What possessed that moron in Vermont to claim such a thing?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 10, 2009, at 11:57 AM, scienceofabundance wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine   

Yes, but not only is there an ID required, but you
must also know the secret handshake and password.


Hello Sal. I actually started that group but now it is functioning  
well on its own, so I am looking for a straightforward group TM  

[And I would remind you that that the oaths you took were  

Correct.  What happens in the Temple of Doom,
stays in the Temple of Doom...


[FairfieldLife] Re: The photos people choose to portray their "inner selves"

2009-06-10 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > Turq - I did not take this photo with a 
> > web cam. That's my real hair. LOL!
> >
Bhairitu wrote:
> You look very confused!
Sometimes you just don't seem to get it -
you totally missed the point: I did not take
this photo with a web cam and that is my real 
hair. LOL!

[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Duveyoung
 "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> Seriously, Edg, who are you to whine about me when the only reason you 
> started posting here in the first place was to rip someone a new asshole for 
> not having your degree of knowledge about astronomy.

Yeah, I did that.  Urp. But what does that have to do with the thread's issue 
of "defining stalking?" Except of course, that your just stalked me again and 
cherry picked something to show my nasty side without mentioning that I've 
posted some very heartful stuff here too.  That's your agenda showing, ya see?

It was off topic, but it gave you some "footing" to smack back at me; you're 
striking blindly back at me as your psyche backpedals from the stalking 
accusation. Yup, youse is on da run.

No need, bub, settle down.  I'm not trying to find a knockout punch...honest.  
I'm glad to have you as a moderator so that Rick can have a vacation  

Come on though, if you applied for a job somewhere and someone stalked you via 
googling and offered your prospective employer -- out of context -- a ton of 
blurbs you've posted over the years that, like my blast at Off, can seemingly 
label your entire personality but are actually merely small pieces of it that 
do not necessarily characterize the whole person, what would your emotional 
reaction be?  You'd be miffed even though right now you know that that material 
is out there and can be spun into a negativity by an agenda pusher.  

I've been all over the map in my posts here: anyone could easily cherry pick as 
you did above and make me seem a saint or a demon, and doing such to me would 
constitute stalking for the purpose of yellow journalism.  Muck raking.  Yes?

Look at how Willy does this very thing all the time: quotes people their own 
words, but out of context, just to piss them off that they're being spun by a 
troll.  Do you morally approve of this or are you merely being neutral about 
such?  Do you think that folks must be held accountable for everything they've 
ever done or said?  If so, welcome to the the wonderful world of Lutheranism.

Oh well, you're young and snotty. So was I. You're learning.  It takes a heap 
O' whacks to make a heart a home.  I'll see you in twenty years maybe and we'll 
compare notes.

BTW, I do admire that you haven't taken revenge on your stalker. I wudda failed 
that test.


[FairfieldLife] Obama orders general to shave Cobert's head LOL

2009-06-10 Thread raunchydog

[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread pranamoocher
Machida rules!!!
Its easy to see he has a great future ahead and is very exciting to

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
> I believe it's you that is incorrect.  One fighter alone is not a good
case for the best form of martial arts.
> You are correct, however, that Shotokan is much more dangerous.  This
is why it will have a much harder time producing the caliber of fighters
coming out of the less dangerous forms.  For example, I have been
teaching hand to hand combat in the Marine Corps since 2001.  Our
techniques are much more dangerous than just about any art, including
Shotokan.  And that's why we can't produce the high quality fighters of
that wins, it's how well you implement that technique.
> You are also giving Shotokan way too much credit, and too little
credit to Machida as a fighter.  I've seen Machida pull guard, get
submissions on fighters and go for chokes and armbars.  Where did he
learn that?  He started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a teenager, as well as
wrestling.  His father apparently knew that Shotokan alone wouldn't
> What i'm getting at is if he practiced Shotokan only, he'd be done for
in MMA competition.  Yes, you're right, Shotokan was a good basis, same
for St. Pierre, Bas Rutten, and Oleg Taktarov.  But even they all had to
transition to a Boxing/kickboxing workout in order to prepare for a
match.  If they didn't, they'd get brutalized in the ring.
> If you'd like a bit more of a reality check in Martial Arts, i'd
recommend the book "Living the Martial Way" by Forrest Morgan, who also
practiced Shotokan.  He is a retired Colonel, has multiple black belts,
and has a serious disgust for the superficial approach of most karate
schools.  In the book he explains why boxing and wrestling, which are
sports rather than martial arts, are producing better fighters than
traditional Karate.  It's not because their techniques are superior, but
because they actually train like real fighters.  For some reason,
typical civilians, and other more passive natured people, believe they
can take on real fighters by learning a special technique or form of
fighting, then they walk around their whole lives thinking they are Obi
Wan Kenobi despite the fact they couldn't even handle one day of a
collegiate wrestlers workout, or a professional boxers training regimen.
> Basically, i'm saying you're giving way too much credit to Shotokan,
and not enough to Machida who has combined wrestling, BJJ, Shotokan and
Boxing all into one form.  He is an exceptional athlete, and a future
UFC hall of famer, most likely.  But if you took the wrestling, BJJ, and
Boxing away, with shotokan only, he ain't looking nearly as good.
> Seekliberation
> > Incorrect. You are lumping all martial arts together. My point is
> > Shotokan is by far the superior form. I predicted a Shotokan Master
> > would enter the Octagon, not some other martial art.
> > I had never heard of Lyoto Machida at the time, and knew little
> > the MMA. Machida was trained from an early age by his father who was
> > Shotokan master. Without this training, all the other training in
> > world are ineffective by comparison.
> >
> > There is a reason why, in Shotokan competition, most punches and
> > are 'pulled' (completely held back in the last few centimeters -
> > enough to strike), and that there are ONLY three strikes allowed.
> > Because, with Shotokan, if you hit someone once with full force you
> > could easily kill someone, and if not, the first could disorient
> > completely, and on the second or third, you could kill. For this
> > Machida is FAR MORE highly trained than the others, and he has
> > control that he HAS to hold back A LOT, in order not to kill
someone. He
> > is unbeatable in the MMA. Even if he was allowed into the
> > he would STILL win the title -- all because of his Shotokan
training. He
> > is trying to get into the Heavyweight section now.
> >
> > OffWorld
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship...

2009-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> Great article from The Onion:
> http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/but_if_we_started_dating_it
> But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship Where I Ask You To
> Do Things And You Do Them
> By Kimberly Pruitt
> June 9, 2009 | Issue 45•24
>   [Kimberly Pruitt]
> I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to
> all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well,
> I don't really see a relationship in our future. It would be terrible if
> we let sex destroy this great friendship we have where I get everything
> I want and you get nothing you want. Don't you think?
> I knew you would understand. You always do.
> I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to
> all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well,
> I don't really see a relationship in our future. It would be terrible if
> we let sex destroy this great friendship we have where I get everything
> I want and you get nothing you want. Don't you think?
> I knew you would understand. You always do.
> We're so perfect as friends, you know? I can tell you anything, and you
> know you can always come to me anytime you need to hear me bitch about
> work or how ugly I feel. You wouldn't want to ruin a friendship like
> that just so you could be my boyfriend, and have me look at you with
> desire and longing in my eyes, if only once—would you? Of course
> not. Well, if we started dating, it would only complicate this wonderful
> setup I've got going here.
> It's just…you're like my best friend, and I would hate for something
> you desperately want to change that. I mean, sure, we could go on some
> dates, maybe mess around a little and finally validate the six years
> you've spent languishing in this platonic nightmare, but then what? How
> could we ever go back to the way we were, where I take advantage of your
> clear attraction to me so I can have someone at my beck and call? That
> part of our friendship means so much to me.
> No. We are just destined to be really, really good friends who only hang
> out when I don't have a boyfriend, but still need male attention to
> boost my fragile and all-consuming ego.
> Anything can happen once you bring romance in. Think about how awful my
> last relationship was at the end, remember? The guy I'd call you crying
> about at 3 a.m. because he wouldn't answer my texts? The guy I met at
> the birthday party you threw me? I had insanely passionate sex with him
> for four months and now we don't even talk anymore. God, I would die if
> something like that happened to us.
> Plus, ick, can you even imagine getting naked in front of each other?
> I've known you so long, you're more like a brother that I've drunkenly
> made out with twice and never mentioned again. It'd be way too weird.
> And if we did, then whenever you'd come shopping with me, or go to one
> of my performances or charity events, or take me for ice cream when I've
> had a bad day at work, you'd be looking at me like, "I've seen her
> breasts." God, I can't think of anything more awkward that that.
> Oh, before I forget, my mom says hi.
> Anyway, you would totally hate me as your girlfriend. I'd be all needy
> and dramatic and slowly growing to love you. If I was your girlfriend, I
> would never be able to tell you all about the other asshole guys I date
> and pretend I don't see how much it crushes you. Let's never lose that.
> That's what makes us us.
> Don't worry. You're so funny and smart and amazing, any girl but me
> would be lucky to date you. You'll find someone, I know it. And when you
> do, I'll be right by your side to suddenly become all flirty and
> affectionate with you in front of her, until she grows jealous and won't
> believe it when you say we're just friends. But when she dumps you,
> that's just what we'll be.
> Best friends. Friends forever.

Sort of along these lines because you like movie tips I recommend the 
movie "Careless" but mainly because of one of the cast members. It's a 
film about a young bookstore clerk (Colin Hanks) who finds a severed 
finger in his apartment and tries to figure out where it came from with 
help from his dysfunctional dad (Tony Shalhoub) and his buddy (Franz 
Kranz). It's a fairly decent B-comedy (I think Colin is a much better 
actor than dad Tom). It is playing on Showtime for subscribers here.


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[FairfieldLife] Don't fall off the roof

2009-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
This Friday is the big day.  Analog TV goes away.  Means nothing if you 
don't get broadcast TV because if you watch TV then you're probably 
getting it by cable, satellite or the new IPTV critter.  Or you're 
watching via the Internet.

It's a weird thing because some people thing the switch goes off the 
analog channel and the digital one goes one.  Actually most all TV 
stations have been broadcasting in both analog and digital.  Some like 
in my area for a number of years.  TV transmitters eat a lot of 
electricity and running two of them is quite expensive.  So maybe, just 
maybe that will mean fewer commercials.  But I'm not holding my 
breathe.  Of course I watch using DVR and skip the commercials.

One of the goofy things about this transition which I think was a BIG 
mistake was allowing stations to move their digital signal back to their 
VHF channel if was in the high VHF band (7-13).  The lower channels are 
going to be used for emergency mobile and other things probably like 
some cheap broadband wide-fi.  That's going to be confusing and 
frustrating for people who've been watching the HD channel in UHF and 
they now have to find and receive the VHF again.  But that's what the 
boys and girls in their gray flannel suits wanted and I bet their 
engineer argued against.

I'm in a valley so can't get any broadcast signals so I have cable.   
Those receiving via roof antenna take care unless you're already set.  
(Some areas, like San Diego, already switched).

And BTW, there's a new movie channel which will not only be available on 
cable or satellite but also on the Internet, for free!  And they will 
have movies that haven't reached DVD yet and in HD too:

"Lionsgate, Paramount, and MGM have joined forces to launch Epix, an HD 
television channel and accompanying online 720p streaming service. 
Thanks to an innovative business model, you won't see a charge for 
either service."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The photos people choose to portray their "inner selves"

2009-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> Turq - I did not take this photo with a 
>>> web cam. That's my real hair. LOL!
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> You look very confused!
> Sometimes you just don't seem to get it -
> you totally missed the point: I did not take
> this photo with a web cam and that is my real 
> hair. LOL!

And you still look confused.  ROTFL!

[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> Yeah, I did that.  Urp. But what does that have to do with the
> thread's issue of "defining stalking?" Except of course, that
> your just stalked me again and cherry picked something to show
> my nasty side without mentioning that I've posted some very
> heartful stuff here too.  

You are free to start your own Yahoo Group with rules that define stalking as 
discussing within the group posts that were previously posted to the group. 
But, that won't fly on FFL.

> It was off topic, but it gave you some "footing" to smack back at
> me; you're striking blindly back at me as your psyche backpedals
> from the stalking accusation. Yup, youse is on da run.

Reflecting back at you, from your own words, that you are exactly what you 
accuse me of being is striking blindly? IMO, a better description would be 
striking back with deadly accurate precision. I find it quite interesting that 
what is pissing you guys off so much is simply having your own public presence 
on FFL reflected back at you.

> Look at how Willy does this very thing all the time: quotes
> people their own words, but out of context, just to piss them off
> that they're being spun by a troll. Do you morally approve of this
> or are you merely being neutral about such?  

Willy has been in my killfile for years because, IMO, his S/N ratio is zero. I 
neither approve nor disapprove of his quote posts. Usually, the only time I 
ever see what he writes is if I happen to read a post that quotes him. For the 
most part, the only attention he gets from me is in my capacity as moderator if 
he overposts. There are other moderators besides me, so if Willy's posts are in 
violation of the few rules we have here, it's up to the other mods to deal with 
him. Considering that the person who posted suggestions to Kirk on how to 
commit suicide is still subscribed and free to post, it's not likely that Willy 
is going to get the boot for posting his bizarre quote posts. 

You're asking for changes to the FFL rules that Rick very clearly has no 
interest in making. On FFL, your desperate accusations of stalking are hollow 
and impotent. 

> Do you think that folks must be held accountable for everything
> they've ever done or said?  If so, welcome to the the wonderful
> world of Lutheranism.

Of course people are accountable for their words and actions. Do you live in 
some bizarro fantasy world where people are not? Who do you think is 
accountable for yours? Basement Cat?

[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "seekliberation"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , off_world_beings 
> I believe it's you that is incorrect.  One fighter alone is not a good
case for the best form of martial arts.
> You are correct, however, that Shotokan is much more dangerous.  This
is why it will have a much harder time producing the caliber of fighters
coming out of the less dangerous forms.  For example, I have been
teaching hand to hand combat in the Marine Corps since 2001.  Our
techniques are much more dangerous than just about any art, including
Shotokan.  And that's why we can't produce the high quality fighters of
that wins, it's how well you implement that technique.  >>

Marine Core are not a good example. It is common knowledge outside of
the army that military can't fight for shit. They have all the wrong
attitude. They joined the military for all the reasons that are the
exact opposite of the Shotokan spirit, and this affects their abilit to
fight. They can only knock down the doors of little old ladies and
children in Iraq.
You are wrong about Shotokan, and no technique in hand to hand combat in
the marine core is more dangerous than Shotokan.  Machida could not do
this if he had not been trained from an early age in Shotokan. THAT is
why he is more effective. Your Marine Core grunts could easily be killed
in hand to hand combat by a fully trained Shotokan.

You are correct though that a fully trained person could kill someone
easily. That is why it is the best out of 3 (pulled) strikes in
Shotokan. When I last had this argument here on FFL, a bunch of nanas
started saying how hard it is to kill someone by hand, almost
impossible. I am glad you agree about that with me.

> What i'm getting at is if he practiced Shotokan only, he'd be done for
in MMA competition.>>

Nonsense, any highly trained Shotokan would give your goons hell. The
dumb goons would have to make a choice: "Will he break my kneecap, will
sweep me, and then crush my face in, will he crush my adam's apple with
his heel and stop my breathing, will he hit any number of knock-out
points, or will he just break my jaw?"

Any of these these could happen before your goons even realised they got

> If you'd like a bit more of a reality check in Martial Arts, i'd
recommend the book "Living the Martial Way" by Forrest Morgan>>

I'm all set thanks. I practiced Shotokan 6 days a week, in 3 hour
grueling sessions, 52 weeks a year for 3 years. How often do your
marines practice a week, and for how many years?

I praticed Maharishi's TM-Sidhis for 25 years.you?


[FairfieldLife] Re: He's alive!

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "shempmcgurk" 
> Curtis is alive!
> Imagine my surprise after so much mourning, weeping, and crying to
awaken this morning, turn on my computer, log onto FFL and discover that
Curtis is NOT dead!
> Oh, happy day.
> What possessed that moron in Vermont to claim such a thing?>

I heard you guys say it a while back no? He has no reality to you
though. He is just an online personlaity - ie. not a real one. Just like
you, and ulike me who gives my real name in Vermont.

Only an idiot worries so much about an anonymous digital personality who
he has never met.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "curtisdeltablues"
> I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline
attention grabbing power!
> Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to seem
like a negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any
explanation for an obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just
dropping out sends the wrong message.

They said you were dead Curtis !
Shotokan Rules. Lyota Machida owns your ass now boy !

> I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a
fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from
intelligent people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for
developing my thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than
I ever contributed.
> Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the
"Renaissance" means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity. 
Like the artists of that period, my attention is shifting.>>

Had you ever been out of the US before?


[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <
> Seriously, Edg, who are you to whine about me when the only reason you 
> started posting here in the first place was to rip someone a new asshole for 
> not having your degree of knowledge about astronomy. Your first sentence ever 
> posted to FFL:
> "Offworld is without doubt the most ignorant fool when it comes to
> supernovae. I'm astounded that I had to bother to announce this --
> what the hell are the rest of you folks thinking to let Offworld spew
> absolute nonsense at you like that and not one of you had the idea to,
> like, what?, maybe Google the word "supernova?"

There you go Edg. Ofcourse this arrogant asshole Alex is stalking you. He is 
pissed because someone starting asking questions about his practises of 
revealing IP-adresses to the readers of FFL not availble to the general public. 
Now he is after you; the "quote" out of context shows it all. 

He is pissed, arrogant and Rick Archers femi younger "friend".

[FairfieldLife] Re: He's alive!

2009-06-10 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > Curtis is alive!
> >
> > Imagine my surprise after so much mourning, weeping, and crying to
> awaken this morning, turn on my computer, log onto FFL and discover that
> Curtis is NOT dead!
> >
> > Oh, happy day.
> >
> > What possessed that moron in Vermont to claim such a thing?>
> I heard you guys say it a while back no? He has no reality to you
> though. He is just an online personlaity - ie. not a real one. Just like
> you, and ulike me who gives my real name in Vermont.
> Only an idiot worries so much about an anonymous digital personality who
> he has never met.
> OffWorld

I went to MIU with Curtis from '75 to '79.  I know he's a real person, what he 
looks like, and what he's like.

Yes, I have remained anonymous and Curtis doesn't know who I am but I assure 
you if he met me, he'd remember me (and, yes, he played a really mean mouth 
organ even back then!).

As for you giving your real name, you did that in a pique of temporary insanity 
when you were going to sue new.morning for some imagined slight he perpetrated 
against your ex-wife.  When you calmed down from your stupor, you were sorry 
you had exposed yourself.  The proof of that is your silly ranting posting of a 
few months ago when you complained that I had "outed" you by giving your real 
name when it was you yourself who had done that.  So don't try and bullshit 
everyone here by claiming that you're some sort of brave soul who has given his 
real name.

Now, go take your meds and stop bothering everybody.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 4:08 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Alex Stanley"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Alex Stanley" <
> Seriously, Edg, who are you to whine about me when the only reason you
started posting here in the first place was to rip someone a new asshole for
not having your degree of knowledge about astronomy. Your first sentence
ever posted to FFL:
> "Offworld is without doubt the most ignorant fool when it comes to
> supernovae. I'm astounded that I had to bother to announce this --
> what the hell are the rest of you folks thinking to let Offworld spew
> absolute nonsense at you like that and not one of you had the idea to,
> like, what?, maybe Google the word "supernova?"

There you go Edg. Ofcourse this arrogant asshole Alex is stalking you. He is
pissed because someone starting asking questions about his practises of
revealing IP-adresses to the readers of FFL not availble to the general
But they are available to the general public. That's the point Alex keeps
making, which you keep ignoring. I'm sure someone could come up with a web
link offering step-by-step instructions on how to see them, but Alex has
already explained it pretty clearly.

[FairfieldLife] Shemp is Mr. NoWhereMan

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "shempmcgurk" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , off_world_beings 
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

> >  > , "shempmcgurk" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Curtis is alive!
> > >
> > > Imagine my surprise after so much mourning, weeping, and crying to
> > awaken this morning, turn on my computer, log onto FFL and discover
> > Curtis is NOT dead!
> > >
> > > Oh, happy day.
> > >
> > > What possessed that moron in Vermont to claim such a thing?>
> >
> > I heard you guys say it a while back no? He has no reality to you
> > though. He is just an online personlaity - ie. not a real one. Just
> > you, and ulike me who gives my real name in Vermont.
> >
> > Only an idiot worries so much about an anonymous digital personality
> > he has never met.
> >
> > OffWorld
> >
> I went to MIU with Curtis from '75 to '79.  I know he's a real person,
what he looks like, and what he's like.
> Yes, I have remained anonymous and Curtis doesn't know who I am but I
assure you if he met me, he'd remember me (and, yes, he played a really
mean mouth organ even back then!).
> As for you giving your real name, you did that in a pique of temporary
insanity >

Your stuff about my real name is bullshit. I gave my real name a very
long time ago, several times, because you or someone else had your usual
unbelievably disgusting insults, and I said, "I'd like to see you say
that to my face", and then I gave my name and state. That was LONG
before the insult you gave me about my ex-wife.

The offer to say any of it to my face is still open to you or any of the
other NoWhereMen anonymous haters on FFL.

> Now, go take your meds and stop bothering everybody.>

That's what people say when they are entirely lonely and lost little
loosers, who can ONLY get social interaction as an anonymous poster,
posting endless insults to people on the internet.

I'm off out to the pub for nachos and a beer with my girlfriend, and
drink a good pint of  Vermont organic beer.

Keep posting here while I'm gone Mr. NoWhereMan.

Mr. NoWhereMan:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scFa5DYupkU


[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> He is pissed because someone starting asking questions about his
> practises of revealing IP-adresses to the readers of FFL not
> availble to the general public. 

The FFL archives, including the message headers and the IP addresses they 
contain, are publicly available to *anyone* on the Internet. Accessing the FFL 
archives does not require a subscription to FFL or even a Yahoo ID. You can see 
that for yourself by opening this link to the FFL archives in a web browser 
that is not logged in to Yahoo:


To the right of any message on there, you can click "Show Message Option" (in 
Internet Explorer and Google Chrome it reads "Show Message Info") and "View 
Source" to see the entire message with the complete header, IP addresses and 
all... completely available to the general public. 

[FairfieldLife] Alex invaded the poster's privacy (Re: Rick Archer: )

2009-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > He is pissed because someone starting asking questions about his
> > practises of revealing IP-adresses to the readers of FFL not
> > availble to the general public. 
> The FFL archives, including the message headers and the IP
> addresses they contain, are publicly available to *anyone* on
> the Internet. Accessing the FFL archives does not require a
> subscription to FFL or even a Yahoo ID. You can see that for 
> yourself by opening this link to the FFL archives in a web 
> browser that is not logged in to Yahoo:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/messages
> To the right of any message on there, you can click "Show Message
> Option" (in Internet Explorer and Google Chrome it reads "Show
> Message Info") and "View Source" to see the entire message with
> the complete header, IP addresses and all... completely available
> to the general public.

Just in case I was not entirely clear, when I wrote "To the right of any 
message on there" I mean when you've clicked on a message to read it, and it is 
displayed on your monitor. To the right of the message body are the "Show 
Message Option/Info" and "View Source" links.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp is Mr. NoWhereMan

2009-06-10 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , off_world_beings 
> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > >   > , "shempmcgurk" 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Curtis is alive!
> > > >
> > > > Imagine my surprise after so much mourning, weeping, and crying to
> > > awaken this morning, turn on my computer, log onto FFL and discover
> that
> > > Curtis is NOT dead!
> > > >
> > > > Oh, happy day.
> > > >
> > > > What possessed that moron in Vermont to claim such a thing?>
> > >
> > > I heard you guys say it a while back no? He has no reality to you
> > > though. He is just an online personlaity - ie. not a real one. Just
> like
> > > you, and ulike me who gives my real name in Vermont.
> > >
> > > Only an idiot worries so much about an anonymous digital personality
> who
> > > he has never met.
> > >
> > > OffWorld
> > >
> >
> > I went to MIU with Curtis from '75 to '79.  I know he's a real person,
> what he looks like, and what he's like.
> >
> > Yes, I have remained anonymous and Curtis doesn't know who I am but I
> assure you if he met me, he'd remember me (and, yes, he played a really
> mean mouth organ even back then!).
> >
> > As for you giving your real name, you did that in a pique of temporary
> insanity >
> Your stuff about my real name is bullshit. I gave my real name a very
> long time ago, several times, because you or someone else

...wasn't me.

Why would you even hint that it was me?

> had your usual
> unbelievably disgusting insults, and I said, "I'd like to see you say
> that to my face", and then I gave my name and state. That was LONG
> before the insult you gave me about my ex-wife.

What "insult" that I gave you about your wife?

Frothing again.  That was new.morning, not me.

> The offer to say any of it to my face is still open to you or any of the
> other NoWhereMen anonymous haters on FFL.
> > Now, go take your meds and stop bothering everybody.>
> That's what people say when they are entirely lonely and lost little
> loosers, who can ONLY get social interaction as an anonymous poster,
> posting endless insults to people on the internet.
> I'm off out to the pub for nachos and a beer with my girlfriend, and
> drink a good pint of  Vermont organic beer.
> Keep posting here while I'm gone Mr. NoWhereMan.
> Mr. NoWhereMan:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scFa5DYupkU
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline attention 
> grabbing power!
> Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to seem like a 
> negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any explanation for an 
> obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just dropping out sends the 
> wrong message.
> I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a 
> fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from intelligent 
> people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for developing my 
> thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than I ever 
> contributed.  
> Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the "Renaissance" 
> means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity.  Like the artists of 
> that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending time away from my 
> cyber-focused life here in the US made my time priorities change since I have 
> been back.
> Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person to find 
> on the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails lately.  Many 
> people here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched me but you get the 
> idea!) My lurking is too erratic for posting to me here to be effective.
> In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the cyber bird 
> here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having spent time here. 
> When I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I can reconsider spending 
> time on FFL again.
> Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as though I 
> could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front of my bar 
> stool in no time.  Cheers!

Man, you are such a nice guy.  No flipping anyone off or anything.  I spend too 
much time on the net so I understand the need to step back.  

I'll miss you.  It is not the same without you. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> I believe it's you that is incorrect.  One fighter alone is not a good case 
> for the best form of martial arts. 
> You are correct, however, that Shotokan is much more dangerous.  This is why 
> it will have a much harder time producing the caliber of fighters coming out 
> of the less dangerous forms.  For example, I have been teaching hand to hand 
> combat in the Marine Corps since 2001.  Our techniques are much more 
> dangerous than just about any art, including Shotokan.  And that's why we 
> can't produce the high quality fighters of MMA competition, BECAUSE OUR 
> OPPONENT.  It's not the technique that wins, it's how well you implement that 
> technique.  

There cannot possibly be a "best style" because different styles were designed 
by and for different types of people.


[FairfieldLife] GOP Less Popular Than Russia, China, Venezuela

2009-06-10 Thread do.rflex

In the new USA Today/Gallup Poll about the state of the GOP, 34% had a 
favorable impression of the Republican Party, matching the lowest level in more 
than a decade. In comparison, 53% had a favorable impression of the Democratic 

Dissatisfaction with the GOP extends to within its own ranks. Among 
Republicans, 33% had an unfavorable impression of their own party. In contrast, 
4% of Democrats had an unfavorable impression of their party.


[In the Polling Report] 34% is lower than Americans rate many countries, 
including Putin's Russia, Chavez's Venezuela and Communist China.

But the silver lining for the GOP is they're still slightly more popular 
(34%-27%) than the Palestinian Authority.  [LOL!]


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-06-10 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jun 06 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 13 00:00:00 2009
553 messages as of (UTC) Thu Jun 11 00:01:13 2009

50 authfriend 
45 TurquoiseB 
35 Duveyoung 
34 raunchydog 
34 off_world_beings 
34 Rick Archer 
29 "do.rflex" 
28 shempmcgurk 
26 Robert 
23 Vaj 
22 sparaig 
19 nablusoss1008 
17 Alex Stanley 
14 Sal Sunshine 
14 Bhairitu 
11 WillyTex 
11 Richard M 
10 ruthsimplicity 
10 bob_brigante 
 8 "Richard J. Williams" 
 8 "BillyG." 
 7 dhamiltony2k5 
 6 John 
 5 seekliberation 
 5 geezerfreak 
 5 cardemaister 
 4 Joe Smith 
 3 yifuxero 
 3 scienceofabundance 
 3 lurkernomore20002000 
 3 gullible fool 
 3 Nelson 
 2 ffl...@yahoo.com
 2 azgrey 
 2 Mike Dixon 
 2 It's just a ride 
 2 Eustace 
 2 "min.pige" 
 1 shukra69 
 1 ruffedgrousepa 
 1 pranamoocher 
 1 nelson lafrancis 
 1 guyfawkes91 
 1 guyfawkes91 
 1 curtisdeltablues 
 1 billy jim 
 1 Zoran Krneta 
 1 Peter 
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Dick Mays 

Posters: 50
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Information Request

2009-06-10 Thread scienceofabundance
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:

> There are lots of things. Doug Hamilton publishes a list. You might enjoy
> our Wednesday Night Satsang. Not meditation, but lively discussion. Email me
> privately for details.

Thanks Rick. I have Doug's list from a posting some time ago, and I will 
probably visit with some of the groups listed.

I realize that my initial email was not as clear as it could have been. What I 
intended to ask was if anyone knew of a group TM meditation (not TM sidhis 
program - "regular" 20 minute TM group meditation.) It would have to be outside 
the TMO as I don't fulfill the requirements of that wonderful organization we 
all know and love...


[FairfieldLife] moving fruits in an infinite linear world

2009-06-10 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] 'Please Someone, Get Karl a Drool Cup!'

2009-06-10 Thread Robert
Watch a drooling Karl 'Spinmeister' Rove, freakout...
Now freak...
You go Maureen!


[FairfieldLife] White House Proclamation

2009-06-10 Thread scienceofabundance
Below is an announcement from the White House which came out (so to speak) on 
June 1st.  To put it mildly, it means a lot to thousands of Gay BLT Americans 
and friends.  Also, based on some previous contributions to FFL, it will raise 
the blood pressure of some members thus providing another reason for some of 
FFL's most beloved members to contribute their insights.


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release June 1, 2009

- - - - - - -

Forty years ago, patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn in New York City 
resisted police harassment that had become all too common for members of the 
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Out of this 
resistance, the LGBT rights movement in America was born. During LGBT Pride 
Month, we commemorate the events of June 1969 and commit to achieving equal 
justice under law for LGBT Americans.

LGBT Americans have made, and continue to make, great and lasting contributions 
that continue to strengthen the fabric of American society. There are many 
well-respected LGBT leaders in all professional fields, including the arts and 
business communities. LGBT Americans also mobilized the Nation to respond to 
the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic and have played a vital role in broadening this 
country's response to the HIV pandemic.

Due in no small part to the determination and dedication of the LGBT rights 
movement, more LGBT Americans are living their lives openly today than ever 
before. I am proud to be the first President to appoint openly LGBT candidates 
to Senate-confirmed positions in the first 100 days of an Administration. These 
individuals embody the best qualities we seek in public servants, and across my 
Administration -- in both the White House and the Federal agencies -- openly 
LGBT employees are doing their jobs with distinction and professionalism.

The LGBT rights movement has achieved great progress, but there is more work to 
be done. LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without the fear of harassment, 
and LGBT families and seniors should be allowed to live their lives with 
dignity and respect.

My Administration has partnered with the LGBT community to advance a wide range 
of initiatives. At the international level, I have joined efforts at the United 
Nations to decriminalize homosexuality around the world. Here at home, I 
continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT 
Americans. These measures include enhancing hate crimes laws, supporting civil 
unions and Federal rights for LGBT couples, outlawing discrimination in the 
workplace, ensuring adoption rights, and ending the existing "Don't Ask, Don't 
Tell" policy in a way that strengthens our Armed Forces and our national 
security. We must also commit ourselves to fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 
both reducing the number of HIV infections and providing care and support 
services to people living with HIV/AIDS across the United States.

These issues affect not only the LGBT community, but also our entire Nation. As 
long as the promise of equality for all remains unfulfilled, all Americans are 
affected. If we can work together to advance the principles upon which our 
Nation was founded, every American will benefit. During LGBT Pride Month, I 
call upon the LGBT community, the Congress, and the American people to work 
together to promote equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or 
gender identity.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by 
virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United 
States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender 
Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to turn back 
discrimination and prejudice everywhere it exists.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of June, in the 
year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United 
States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.




Re: [FairfieldLife] White House Proclamation

2009-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 10, 2009, at 7:42 PM, scienceofabundance wrote:

Below is an announcement from the White House which came out (so to  
speak) on June 1st.  To put it mildly, it means a lot to thousands  
of Gay BLT Americans

Is that gay Americans who like a certain
type of sandwich?

and friends.  Also, based on some previous contributions to FFL, it  
will raise the blood pressure of some members thus providing another  
reason for some of FFL's most beloved members to contribute their  



[FairfieldLife] Re: White House Proclamation

2009-06-10 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 7:42 PM, scienceofabundance wrote:
> > Below is an announcement from the White House which came out (so to  
> > speak) on June 1st.  To put it mildly, it means a lot to thousands  
> > of Gay BLT Americans
> Is that gay Americans who like a certain
> type of sandwich?
'Today's Special'
Delicious Vegaterian 'Butt Meister' soup, with onions...
To drink: Pink Lemonade, with a twist of tang.

> > and friends.  Also, based on some previous contributions to FFL, it  
> > will raise the blood pressure of some members thus providing another  
> > reason for some of FFL's most beloved members to contribute their  
> > insights.
> Done.
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] 'Celebacy in Fairfield'

2009-06-10 Thread Robert
The per-capia rate of celebacy in Fairfield, Iowa, has sky-rocked, reports a 
local yocal...
'They mus be a puttin' somethin' in the water...Henry Wright, of Lockport 
Them folks up there, look like they could use a little nookie once in a while, 
Wright was heard mumbling to himself...
Sure, I know it's good to meditate and everything, but sometimes you need to 
bust a move, so to speak...
Henry Wright of Lockport, telling like it is!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , ruthsimplicity 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "curtisdeltablues"
> >
> > I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline
attention grabbing power!
> >
> > Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to
seem like a negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any
explanation for an obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just
dropping out sends the wrong message.
> >
> > I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a
fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from
intelligent people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for
developing my thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than
I ever contributed.
> >
> > Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the
"Renaissance" means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity. 
Like the artists of that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending
time away from my cyber-focused life here in the US made my time
priorities change since I have been back.
> >
> > Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person
to find on the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails
lately.  Many people here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched
me but you get the idea!) My lurking is too erratic for posting to me
here to be effective.
> >
> > In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the
cyber bird here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having
spent time here. When I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I
can reconsider spending time on FFL again.
> >
> > Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as
though I could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front
of my bar stool in no time.  Cheers!
> >
> Man, you are such a nice guy.  No flipping anyone off or anything.>

Are you kidding me ! He's not as bad as some, but in the past he was
unbelievably self-serving and harsh.


> I'll miss you.  It is not the same without you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Celebacy in Fairfield'

2009-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> The per-capia rate of celebacy in Fairfield, Iowa, has sky-rocked,
> reports a local yocal...
> 'They mus be a puttin' somethin' in the water...Henry Wright, of
> Lockport said...

Lockport? Is that some kind of mutant hybrid of the two nearby towns of 
Lockridge and Stockport?

[FairfieldLife] 'Coming Soon to a Universe Near You!'

2009-06-10 Thread Robert
Going to the Essential
"We often make available to you, resources, tools to help you accomplish your 
development work much faster, and you don't notice them. 
We ask that you be very attentive to all tools which will be made available to 
you to help you work easier, faster, and more comfortably. Please don't be 
blind as the tools we provide to you are not necessarily tools coming from 
outside. It could be that any of you, through your conduct, through a word, be 
himself or herself the tool that we desire to put momentarily at the reach of 
the person who needs to work on himself or herself or who needs to cleanse what 
still need to be cleansed.
For this reason we ask you to beware of what you are going to go through in the 
coming days, in the coming months because if you are not careful, you cannot do 
the work that we ask from you since you will not see what we make available to 
you to help you accomplish it. 
Remember that each one of you is the master, the guide, the Light for the 
other. There is no first or last one, there are simply souls who seek to reach 
the Light and who have available to them various resources to help them achieve 
this . Some human entities hinder access to this new consciousness that can 
propel them toward their future, to a greater or a lesser extent, by being 
asleep. They hinder because of fear, or a poorly controlled emotional, 
sometimes because of feelings which are not what they should be. 
Beware of what you are receiving inside yourself, beware of everything you are 
receiving from outside, be aware of encounters, be aware of the other, your 
friend, your brother, your companion, of all those you love, and especially of 
all those you love less. They might have the tool you need or the key which 
will allow your consciousness to open a new door.
We would like to remind you that as the days and months pass, your role will be 
important, and you should be clear with yourself, the more you should be clear 
with life, the more you should let go of everything that hurts you, of 
everything you have created around you which not only hinders you but also 
conceals the Light. 
Remember, how much we are counting on you and how important you are to us. Do 
not waste your energy with useless words, with superficial judgments, focus on 
the best within you in order to be able to give it, to be able to give yourself.
Even if everything collapses around you, it is not by falling that you will be 
able to be effective and serve the Divine Plan, but by standing while 
everything collapses around you, by trusting and by having Faith in the Divine 
Love, in the Strength that we put in you and especially by knowing for sure 
that you are not alone and that each one of you work with all his brothers and 
with us." 
by the Sublime and Beautiful...  Monique Mathieu


Re: [FairfieldLife] My upcoming return to Fairfield - I need your help please

2009-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 10, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Michael Dean Goodman wrote:

Dear Fairfield Lifers,

I lived in Fairfield for 19 years between 1979 and 2004.  I was one  
of the
first people to move off campus and buy a house in town after we all  
to Fairfield from the big Amherst course.  I bought a dilapidated  
old junker
that had been subdivided into 3 cheap apartments, and totally  

it into a really nice single family home.

In 2004, when my father passed away, I moved to Florida to care for my
very sick, blind mother, as he had asked me to. They had been  
together for
over 60 years.  My mother died recently, finally ending years of  
suffering -
great pain and very little quality of life - so my loving service to  
her is over,

and I am free to travel again.

Next week, I'm returning to Fairfield by car, and I'll stay for the  
rest of June
and all of July, at least.  I'm primarily coming to repair my house  
there that's
not gotten proper attention for these 5 years (and I don't want to  
live in it

while I'm repairing it).  I'm also coming to reconnect.

Since I haven't been in Fairfield for a long time, I'm relying on  
those of you

who live there to help me find some resources that I'll be needing:

I need a small house or apartment to rent on a month-to-month basis,  
town or out.  Preferably somewhat furnished (at least a bed, desk,  
DR table,
kitchen appliances, etc.).  But I'm open even to unfurnished.  I am  
quiet and
neat.  I could use anything from an efficiency to a 1 or 2 bedroom  
I'd be happy to put down a security deposit as needed and provide  
es.  It could even be a place that's on the market and I'd give them  

income while they're waiting for it to sell.

I need workmen of various kinds to repair my house.  Please send me  

als to people who can do:
a. Carpentry
b. Plumbing
c. HVAC (furnace & a/c)
d. Electrical
e. Grading (earth-moving)
f. Roofing
g. General labor
I will be acting as my own general contractor, since I once owned  
and ran

a contracting company in Chicago and Fairfield.

I need someone to reliably mow the lawn every 2 weeks all through the
mowing season.  It's a small yard, and took about 30 minutes max. when
I used to do it.

Who should I use to place a dumpster on the property for trash from  


I need to find a 'container moving company' who parks a container on  
property, you load it with your stuff, and then they come pick it up  
and trans-

port it to your destination on a truck or train.

I need to know what the fast internet options are in Fairfield -  
DSL, cable,

wireless, etc. (not dial-up).

I need reliable cell phone service in Fairfield - who should I  
trust?  U.S.

Cellular, Sprint, ATT?

What partner dances are regularly held? (Ballroom, Latin, tango,  


Are there regular drum circles in Fairfield these days?  I'm  
bringing my


Please answer by writing to me off-list or calling me.  Any leads  
are deeply


I look forward to reconnecting to many of my friends while I'm back.


My condolences on your parents, Michael.

But you know the reality of your house situation
as well as anyone, or soon will.
It's beyond repair, it's even too dangerous to
safely walk into, so dangerous in fact that even
the few animals that were living there all moved out.
There's no need for a dumpster, only a wrecking
ball at this point.  Its life as any kind of a livable
dwelling has been over for years.

You told the city you had 10G to fix it up, supposedly
that's only a small fraction of what would be needed,
if someone could even be found to do the work on a
condemned building.  A contractor looked at it,
said it was unsalvageable and wouldn't do it for any
amount because it was too dangerous.  In all the years
you spent caring for your parents, did you ever give
any  thought to the children who live near there,
and their parents, who have had to look at that eyesore
every day for years now, and to avoid the possible
pests that it might attract?

Not that it matters at this point, but I'm wondering
why you ignored the many letters the city sent
you. You're wasting your time now...let the  city do its work and give
them the 10G to pay for the job of getting rid of
an unsightly, dangerous building that was once a proud
old home.


[FairfieldLife] Re: OffWorld's Shotokan Prediction comes true

2009-06-10 Thread seekliberation

> Marine Core are not a good example. It is common knowledge outside of
> the army that military can't fight for shit. 

Man for man, no, they aren't hand to hand combat experts.  Many of them have 
jobs that have more emphasis on other qualities.  Many of them are simply 
pussies who just want to wear a uniform.  However, you're not talking to one of 
those people.  

They have all the wrong
> attitude. They joined the military for all the reasons that are the
> exact opposite of the Shotokan spirit, and this affects their abilit to
> fight. They can only knock down the doors of little old ladies and
> children in Iraq.

You are claiming that I only fight women and children?  You are saying that men 
have never attacked me in Afghanistan?  I've never come under machine gun fire 
or mortar fire by religious fanatics who are known for suppression of women and 
children?  FYI - in Afghanistan it's the Americans, like me, who are there to 
assist women and children every time a suicide bomber blows up their madrassa 
or village.  Do the Taliban provide care for these people?  No, they don't.  
Women are lower than animals in their culture.  I actually have several medics 
that have served with me that are directly responsible for saving some young 
teenage boys and some infants.  Without us providing their medical care, they 
are purely victims of the Taliban's motives.  You've been paying too much 
attention to liberal media. 

Also, do you really think Feudal Japan had only enlightened reasons for war?  
Do some more objective research into the reality of the Samurai and other 
famous warriors.  They killed, no remorse, period.   

> You are wrong about Shotokan, and no technique in hand to hand combat in
> the marine core is more dangerous than Shotokan.  

How do you know?  Have you looked into this?  How many Marines have you sparred 

Machida could not do
> this if he had not been trained from an early age in Shotokan. THAT is
> why he is more effective. Your Marine Core grunts could easily be killed
> in hand to hand combat by a fully trained Shotokan.

Send whoever you know is a fully trained Shotokan to Camp Lejeune, NC.  Let him 
claim that he can defeat any of our fighters, and let him spar with a few of 
our guys out here.  We've got many pro and amateur fighters that would be glad 
to oblige.  I'm on my way out to Okinawa in a few weeks for a new duty station, 
so my contact information will not help you.  However, email me at 
seekliberat...@yahoo.com if you're serious, and i'll hook you up(or whoever the 
shotokan master is) with a place either in Wilminton, Jacksonville, or New 
Bern, North Carolina.
> Nonsense, any highly trained Shotokan would give your goons hell. The
> dumb goons would have to make a choice: "Will he break my kneecap, will
> sweep me, and then crush my face in, will he crush my adam's apple with
> his heel and stop my breathing, will he hit any number of knock-out
> points, or will he just break my jaw?"
Any of these these could happen before your goons even realised they got hit.

First of all, I'm not a goon, nor are any of the fighters I train with.  Some 
of them are very courageous individuals who have been practicing martial arts 
their whole lives, have wives and children, have risked their lives on numerous 
occasions, and care deeply for others.  Second of all, what i'm trying to 
explain is that it's not the deadliness or lethal quality of the technique that 
determines who wins a fight.  It's the ability of the fighter to implement the 
technique on a resisting opponent at 100% effort.  Boxers and wrestlers get 
that experience, as well as jiu-jitsu competitors.  Most of the traditional 
karate practitioners don't get that experience unless their from a country that 
allows more brutal competition, or if they're a criminal or fighting illegally. 

> I'm all set thanks. I practiced Shotokan 6 days a week, in 3 hour
> grueling sessions, 52 weeks a year for 3 years. How often do your
> marines practice a week, and for how many years?

You are correct in the assessment that 'most' Marines don't practice H2H combat 
as often as you do.  We don't have time, just like an LAPD SWAT member doesn't 
have time to concentrate on H2H combat as much either.  

I, on the other hand, don't fall in this category.  I had a strong interest in 
martial arts way before joining the Marine Corps.  I practiced TaeKwando for 2 
years in Florida, and Shotokan for 1 year in Fairfield Iowa.  After joining the 
Marine Corps I transitioned to kickboxing while living in southern California.  
When I was stationed in Camp Lejeune I started with traditional JiuJitsu, and 
transitioned to Brazilian JiuJitsu, which has been my preference since 2003, 
but the place I train at also offers kickboxing and Kempo, which I will 
practice, but much less than BJJ.  I have also had the opportunity to train 
directly with Randy Couture, Frank Shamrock, and Renato Verrisimo(nickname 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My upcoming return to Fairfield - I need your help please

2009-06-10 Thread bob_brigante
House does not look too bad from the photo:


House and land valued at 27K:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Michael Dean Goodman wrote:
> > Dear Fairfield Lifers,
> >
> > I lived in Fairfield for 19 years between 1979 and 2004.  I was one  
> > of the
> > first people to move off campus and buy a house in town after we all  
> > came
> > to Fairfield from the big Amherst course.  I bought a dilapidated  
> > old junker
> > that had been subdivided into 3 cheap apartments, and totally  
> > transformed
> > it into a really nice single family home.
> >
> > In 2004, when my father passed away, I moved to Florida to care for my
> > very sick, blind mother, as he had asked me to. They had been  
> > together for
> > over 60 years.  My mother died recently, finally ending years of  
> > suffering -
> > great pain and very little quality of life - so my loving service to  
> > her is over,
> > and I am free to travel again.
> >
> > Next week, I'm returning to Fairfield by car, and I'll stay for the  
> > rest of June
> > and all of July, at least.  I'm primarily coming to repair my house  
> > there that's
> > not gotten proper attention for these 5 years (and I don't want to  
> > live in it
> > while I'm repairing it).  I'm also coming to reconnect.
> >
> > Since I haven't been in Fairfield for a long time, I'm relying on  
> > those of you
> > who live there to help me find some resources that I'll be needing:
> >
> > I need a small house or apartment to rent on a month-to-month basis,  
> > in
> > town or out.  Preferably somewhat furnished (at least a bed, desk,  
> > DR table,
> > kitchen appliances, etc.).  But I'm open even to unfurnished.  I am  
> > quiet and
> > neat.  I could use anything from an efficiency to a 1 or 2 bedroom  
> > situation.
> > I'd be happy to put down a security deposit as needed and provide  
> > referenc-
> > es.  It could even be a place that's on the market and I'd give them  
> > some
> > income while they're waiting for it to sell.
> >
> > I need workmen of various kinds to repair my house.  Please send me  
> > refer-
> > als to people who can do:
> > a. Carpentry
> > b. Plumbing
> > c. HVAC (furnace & a/c)
> > d. Electrical
> > e. Grading (earth-moving)
> > f. Roofing
> > g. General labor
> > I will be acting as my own general contractor, since I once owned  
> > and ran
> > a contracting company in Chicago and Fairfield.
> >
> > I need someone to reliably mow the lawn every 2 weeks all through the
> > mowing season.  It's a small yard, and took about 30 minutes max. when
> > I used to do it.
> >
> > Who should I use to place a dumpster on the property for trash from  
> > the
> > renovations?
> >
> > I need to find a 'container moving company' who parks a container on  
> > your
> > property, you load it with your stuff, and then they come pick it up  
> > and trans-
> > port it to your destination on a truck or train.
> >
> > I need to know what the fast internet options are in Fairfield -  
> > DSL, cable,
> > wireless, etc. (not dial-up).
> >
> > I need reliable cell phone service in Fairfield - who should I  
> > trust?  U.S.
> > Cellular, Sprint, ATT?
> >
> > What partner dances are regularly held? (Ballroom, Latin, tango,  
> > swing,
> > etc.)
> >
> > Are there regular drum circles in Fairfield these days?  I'm  
> > bringing my
> > djembe.
> >
> >
> > Please answer by writing to me off-list or calling me.  Any leads  
> > are deeply
> > appreciated!
> >
> > I look forward to reconnecting to many of my friends while I'm back.
> >
> > Namaste,
> My condolences on your parents, Michael.
> But you know the reality of your house situation
> as well as anyone, or soon will.
> It's beyond repair, it's even too dangerous to
> safely walk into, so dangerous in fact that even
> the few animals that were living there all moved out.
> There's no need for a dumpster, only a wrecking
> ball at this point.  Its life as any kind of a livable
> dwelling has been over for years.
> You told the city you had 10G to fix it up, supposedly
> that's only a small fraction of what would be needed,
> if someone could even be found to do the work on a
> condemned building.  A contractor looked at it,
> said it was unsalvageable and wouldn't do it for any
> amount because it was too dangerous.  In all the years
> you spent caring for your parents, did you ever give
> any  thought to the children who live near there,
> and their parents, who have had to look at that eyesore
> every day for years now, and to avoid the possible
> pests that it might attract?

[FairfieldLife] Making a flamethrower in your garage

2009-06-10 Thread bob_brigante

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My upcoming return to Fairfield - I need your help please

2009-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 10, 2009, at 10:45 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

House does not look too bad from the photo:


House and land valued at 27K:


The house is a total wreck, Bob...unlivable,
condemned, and not even fit to enter.  The
trees in front as well as the location of the
camera conceal much of the damage.

The whole back section is a sagging,
soggy mess, with, I am sure, the
attendant mold and rats such situations
usually bring, dangerous and unhealthy.
Heartbreaking, really. The neighbors have been
far better sports than I would have been.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lieberman-Graham Dropped From Supplemental

2009-06-10 Thread raunchydog
Holy Cow! When I posted this 3 days ago, I had no idea that lurking in the 
Graham-Lieberman amendment, supported by Obama, was an attempt to gut FOIA, the 
Freedom of Information Act. Democratic Rep. Louise Slaughter, Chairwoman of the 
powerful House Rules Committee, vehemently opposed the amendment in an 
interview with Glenn Greenwald yesterday. Next to Social Security and Medicare, 
FOIA signed into law by LBJ in 1962 represents one of the most important pieces 
of legislation Democrats have ever passed. Without FOIA, Obama's promise of 
transparency in government? Not so much. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> "According to sources on the Hill, the Lieberman-Graham detainee photo 
> suppression amendment is out of the conference report of the supplemental.
> For everyone who made phone calls -- pat yourself on the back.
> Let us all now sit back and enjoy the spectacle of Joe Lieberman throwing a 
> tantrum. 
> If you decided you wanted to celebrate by donating to the Marcy Wheeler fund, 
> -- well, I could think of worse things."
> [Good job Jane and Marcy. Now let's see if and when Obama actually releases 
> the torture photos. I sure hope we don't hear more foot dragging excuses.]
> raunchydog
> Source:
> Lieberman-Graham Dropped From Supplemental
> By: Jane Hamsher Monday June 8, 2009 4:08 pm 
> http://firedoglake.com/2009/06/08/breaking-lieberman-graham-dropped-from-supplemental/

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Celebacy in Fairfield'

2009-06-10 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert"  wrote:
> >
> > The per-capia rate of celebacy in Fairfield, Iowa, has sky-rocked,
> > reports a local yocal...
> > 'They mus be a puttin' somethin' in the water...Henry Wright, of
> > Lockport said...
> Lockport? Is that some kind of mutant hybrid of the two nearby towns of 
> Lockridge and Stockport?

It is an off-the-grid town in Iowa where the CIA did 
many of their MK-ULTRA experiments. Evidently, back
in the day, Babajii spent lotsa time there. 

[FairfieldLife] Ron Paul on Global Warming

2009-06-10 Thread shempmcgurk
Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists
by Ron Paul 
by Ron Paul


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Statement before the US House of Representatives, June 4, 2009

Madam Speaker, before voting on the "cap-and-trade'' legislation, my
colleagues should consider the views expressed in the following petition
that has been signed by 31,478 American scientists:
"We urge the United States government to reject the global warming
agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any
other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would
harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and
damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon
dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the
foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere
and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce
many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments
of the Earth.''

Circulated through the mail by a distinguished group of American
physical scientists and supported by a definitive review of the
peer-reviewed scientific literature, this may be the strongest and most
widely supported statement on this subject that has been made by the
scientific community. A state-by-state listing of the signers, which
include 9,029 men and women with PhD degrees, a listing of their
academic specialties, and a peer-reviewed summary of the science on this
subject are available at www.petitionproject.org

  The peer-reviewed summary, "Environmental Effects of Increased
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide'' by A. B. Robinson, N. E. Robinson, and W.
Soon includes 132 references to the scientific literature and was
circulated with the petition.

Signers of this petition include 3,803 with specific training in
atmospheric, earth, and environmental sciences. All 31,478 of the
signers have the necessary training in physics, chemistry, and
mathematics to understand and evaluate the scientific data relevant to
the human-caused global warming hypothesis and to the effects of human
activities upon environmental quality.

In a letter circulated with this petition, Frederick Seitz – past
President of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, President Emeritus
of Rockefeller University, and recipient of honorary doctorate degrees
from 32 universities throughout the world – wrote:

"The United States is very close to adopting an international agreement
that would ration the use of energy and of technologies that depend upon
coal, oil, and natural gas and some other organic compounds.

This treaty is, in our opinion, based upon flawed ideas. Research data
on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful.
To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric
carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful.

The proposed agreement we have very negative effects upon the technology
of nations throughout the world; especially those that are currently
attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to the over 4
billion people in technologically underdeveloped countries.

It is especially important for America to hear from its citizens who
have the training necessary to evaluate the relevant data and offer
sound advice.

We urge you to sign and return the enclosed petition card. If you would
like more cards for use by your colleagues, these will be sent.''

Madam Speaker, at a time when our nation is faced with a severe shortage
of domestically produced energy and a serious economic contraction; we
should be reducing the taxation and regulation that plagues our
energy-producing industries.

Yet, we will soon be considering so-called "cap and trade'' legislation
that would increase the taxation and regulation of our energy
industries. "Cap-and-trade'' will do at least as much, if not more,
damage to the economy as the treaty referred by

[FairfieldLife] Re: My upcoming return to Fairfield - I need your help please

2009-06-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 10:45 PM, bob_brigante wrote:
> > House does not look too bad from the photo:
> >
> > http://jefferson.iowaassessors.com/picsum.php?gid=11230
> >
> > House and land valued at 27K:
> >
> > http://jefferson.iowaassessors.com/parcel.php?gid=11230
> The house is a total wreck, Bob...unlivable,
> condemned, and not even fit to enter.  The
> trees in front as well as the location of the
> camera conceal much of the damage.
> The whole back section is a sagging,
> soggy mess, with, I am sure, the
> attendant mold and rats such situations
> usually bring, dangerous and unhealthy.
> Heartbreaking, really. The neighbors have been
> far better sports than I would have been.
> Sal


Aha...then see this post:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline attention 
> > grabbing power!
> > 
> > Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to seem like 
> > a negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any explanation 
> > for an obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just dropping out sends 
> > the wrong message.
> > 
> > I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a 
> > fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from intelligent 
> > people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for developing my 
> > thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than I ever 
> > contributed.  
> > 
> > Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the "Renaissance" 
> > means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity.  Like the artists of 
> > that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending time away from my 
> > cyber-focused life here in the US made my time priorities change since I 
> > have been back.
> > 
> > Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person to 
> > find on the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails lately.  
> > Many people here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched me but you 
> > get the idea!) My lurking is too erratic for posting to me here to be 
> > effective.
> > 
> > In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the cyber bird 
> > here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having spent time here. 
> > When I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I can reconsider 
> > spending time on FFL again.
> > 
> > Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as though I 
> > could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front of my bar 
> > stool in no time.  Cheers!
> >
> Man, you are such a nice guy.  No flipping anyone off or anything.  I spend 
> too much time on the net so I understand the need to step back.  
> I'll miss you.  It is not the same without you.
Right on Ruth! Curtis is one of those multi-dimensional folks who are rare and 
so much fun to interact with. FFL will be a lesser place without him. But as 
the man sayshe's easy to contact and stay in touch with.

Curtis.man, come out to the left coast why dontcha??? You know how to 
contact me. Do it!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Erotic Lurking from Curtis

2009-06-10 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , ruthsimplicity 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> > >
> > > I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline
> attention grabbing power!
> > >
> > > Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to
> seem like a negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any
> explanation for an obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just
> dropping out sends the wrong message.
> > >
> > > I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a
> fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from
> intelligent people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for
> developing my thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than
> I ever contributed.
> > >
> > > Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the
> "Renaissance" means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity. 
> Like the artists of that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending
> time away from my cyber-focused life here in the US made my time
> priorities change since I have been back.
> > >
> > > Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person
> to find on the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails
> lately.  Many people here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched
> me but you get the idea!) My lurking is too erratic for posting to me
> here to be effective.
> > >
> > > In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the
> cyber bird here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having
> spent time here. When I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I
> can reconsider spending time on FFL again.
> > >
> > > Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as
> though I could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front
> of my bar stool in no time.  Cheers!
> > >
> >
> > Man, you are such a nice guy.  No flipping anyone off or anything.>
> Are you kidding me ! He's not as bad as some, but in the past he was
> unbelievably self-serving and harsh.
> OffWorld
Oh really? Coming from youdo you see the irony? Fuck you Off. Fuck Off, Off.