[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:
 Are you serious Lurk? Why don't I just say it? How about
 the feelings of the person involved?  There are several
 here who know what and who I am talking about. If I told
 you, you would be extremely unhappy about both the events
 and the fact that I had outed the person against her
 wishes. Sono it stops here for now.

You're not getting it, Joe. Folks who *don't* already
know are now mentally going over all the movement women
they can think of who might qualify for the fry your
brains if you knew level, almost certainly including
the woman in question (how many could there be at that
level?). Maybe some will even figure it out. Maybe
they'll ask somebody else who does know. And then tell
their friends.

This woman's privacy was more secure before you spoke up.
Now, to many readers here, she's a known unknown; before,
she was an unknown unknown. That's a significant change
in status, for which you're responsible. Now she's only
one step away from exposure; before, it was two.

[FairfieldLife] Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 You just think you can evaluate things because you have Google. 
 You mistake information for context and it makes you feel smart 
 when you are clueless. 

Excellent point.

Google is like the curtain that the wizard hides
behind in The Wizard Of Oz. And the person behind
the curtain *likes* the curtain and *hates* Pay
no attention to the man behind the curtain because 
the curtain hides the fact that there was never ary
reason why anyone *should* have paid attention to 
him in the first place. The only thing he's *ever*
done is sit behind a curtain and Google shit. :-)

There are whole generations of people now who don't
feel that there is any difference between Live and
Memorex. When it comes to searching for information
to bolster their rants, prejudices, and to help them
win their petty tyrant battles, Google is *enough*
for them to consider themselves an expert, someone
who *should* be paid attention to. 

Such people really, really, really don't like it when
someone pulls back the curtain and points out that 
the person being so authoritative about a subject
*knows nothing about it but what they read on Google*.

What these kinds of people *DO* with the information
they mistake for context and real knowledge is 
another matter. Some use it -- as you suggest -- to 
make themselves look smart. A person who *in person* 
would be literally speechless on a subject *because 
they know nothing about it* can on the Internet spend 
a couple of minutes Googling and then come roaring 
back into a cyberdiscussion *pretending* to know 
something about it. 

It's like the early Hermione in the Harry Potter books, 
except that Hermione actually *did* know all the answers. 
The Google versions of Hermione, because they're not 
functioning in real time in a real conversation, are 
like Hermione with a cheat sheet, pushing the Pause 
button on a conversation and running for Google to find 
something to say. And, as you say, some do this in 
an attempt o make themselves look smarter or more 
knowledgeable than they really are.

However, there is another form of intent that one
sees often in the Google addicts of the Internet.
*Their* intent in going to Google in the first 
place is not *just* to make themselves look smarter.
There is a deeper intent that involves *making
someone less look dumb*. 

THAT is what was going on in this whole discussion,
Curtis. The entire *intent* of the person trotting
out information from Google as if it were real
knowledge was *to make you look stupid*. 

You know it, she knows it, and everyone else on this
forum knows it. *Without* having to Google it.  :-)

And one of the reasons is that you have successfully
pulled back the curtain on many of her pronounce-
ments and pointed out what they really are -- facts
gained not from real experience and real study but
from a few seconds on Google, but then presented
as if they *were* the result of real experience and
real knowledge. 

Pay no attention to that fat woman behind the curtain.
The more she tries to convince you that she knows 
more than you do, the more likely it is that she 
needed Google to do it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: fairfieldc...@yahoogroups.com

2010-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickm...@... wrote:

 Dear Friends,
 I'm forwarding the following announcement about a new Yahoogroup for 
 those of us who live in or who want to keep in touch with happenings 
 in Fairfield.  Please feel welcome to join it at 
 Best wishes,
 fairfieldc...@yahoogroups.com is for those who live in or who want to 
 keep in touch with happenings in Fairfield, Iowa. We're interested in 
 your news about life transitions such as weddings, births, 
 graduations, deaths, adoptions, name changes, etc. Community stories, 
 eulogies, and  acclamations are welcome. If you're opening a new 
 business or closing an old one, we want to know. Got a special event 
 planned? Got a lost dog or a rummage sale? Did you just publish your 
 new book and want a place to share the news? Got photos or stories 
 about your vacation or about the new grandbaby? Got a piece of news 
 that's so uplifting you want to share it? Got something of unique or 
 historical interest to those who practice Transcendental Meditation?
 No matter what your affiliations, if you're friendly and respectful 
 of others and if what you have to post is appropriate for a family 
 environment, you're invited to join fairfieldc...@yahoogroups.com 
 The link is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldCafe/.

Nice, Dick. Let'd hope it will be moderated to avoid that TM-haters like the 
Vaj and the Turkeq takes over the place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: fairfieldc...@yahoogroups.com

2010-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 Nice, Dick. Let'd hope it will be moderated to avoid that 
 TM-haters like the Vaj and the Turkeq takes over the place.

With any luck it'll be a forum populated by 
We hate and look down on everyone who isn't
us folks like yourself and Doug/Buck.

That'll be appropriate. A circle-jerk of jerks,
looking down on non-meditators and pretty
much everyone in the world except themselves, 
and talking only *to* one another, since they
are the only ones who matter. 

Meanwhile, no one else on planet earth will 
even know that they exist, or care.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:

 Are you serious Lurk? Why don't I just say it? How about the feelings
of the person involved? There are several here who know what and who I
am talking about. If I told you, you would be extremely unhappy about
both the events and the fact that I had outed the person against her
wishes. Sono it stops here for now.

 Read Judith Bourke's book when it comes out. Also, I highly recommend
reading Nancy Cook de Herrera's book which I just did again for the
first time in several years. It really captures first hand what it was
like to be a part of the growth of the movement in the early 60s and
what it was like to be in on the great phase transition...the good and
the bad...in the mid 70s.

 Read. Learn.
 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
   This topic really agitates you doesn't it Tex? As I've said, I
  understand. I was agitated when I first heard about it myself way
  when. However, I didn't put up a steel door and refuse to consider
  information coming from several sources, Joe, I for one don't care
if he
  had sexual relations or not. I am not unnerved by it, but ...one of
  whom would really fry your brain if you knew. this type of
  is a little weak (Out of respect for her privacy, she will remain
  anonymous until she chooses to say something on her own.)
   By the way, your guesses' below are lousy. If you've got
  to say, why don't you just say it, instead of saying, if you only
  if you only knew. Well if you know, tell us! And if you are not
  to tell us, then maybe get off the high horse a little, as the
  authority on the matter.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willytex@ wrote:
  Maybe nobody ever 'caught' him doing anything like
 Tex, it doesn't make sense to you for the simple
 reason that you do not want it to make sense. You
 don't want this to compute since you would short
 circuit if you allowed yourself to allow this as
 a possibility.

So, Joe, how many minutes did you spend in his direct
company alone, in his room? Zero. In fact, I've seen
no evidence that you were ever in a room with the guy
at all, much less being a skin-boy, door stop. My
guess is that you've never been within a thousand
feet of the guy, if that. So, your comment makes no

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread Vaj

On Apr 27, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

The only reason Willy posts here is to be annoying. I can't even  

when he ever started a topic. He just posts non-sequitur replies to
topics to just annoy folks.

Trolls live under bridges, in Texas so do Illegal Aliens. Need I say  
any more? It's only a matter of time till Ricardo Guillermo is  
deported back to wherever he came from. I always figured the reason  
he made so many non sequiturs was because he just doesn't have a good  
command of English.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread ditzyklanmail
LOL. With no disrespect to the poster: 
 The Turkey is one of the most slaughtered living beings in America.
Thanksgiving Day sounds like a beautiful title, not for a turkey though. 
Farmed, mated, fed, watered, plucked, chopped, dressed, stuffed, put in the 
oven, sliced and eaten. 
Served with garnishments, cranberry and stuffing. 
The organs of the turkey make a great addition to the flavor of gravy too. 

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 27 April, 2010 11:01:04 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama Event [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Rick Archer included below]
President Obama spoke in Ottumwa (town near FF) today. My wife
and I got good seats and managed to shake his hand at the end. I said to him
We love you. Don't let the turkeys get you down. He laughed and
replied, There are lots of them out there. They keep on gobbling.
I've attached two photos I took.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

 I can't even recall when he ever started 
 a topic... 
Don't get me started. I've already 
asked you please not to feed it. I've 
got over 8,000 posts on Usenet, some 
of which are very interesting and 
informative, if I say so myself. 

While you were posting one-liners 
that start with RE: and begin and end 
on one line, I wrote a whole book!

jus b reg 2 x y med, ne alt sans
3 guns, seps abs, n' i's-wide shut;
nodoze, no bear down, u-jus n joy,
else. - (Wallah Sutra 1.5) 

Usenet Archives:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

 Trolls live under bridges, in Texas so 
 do Illegal Aliens...

Now this post has class!

Not all 'trolls' live under bridges, Vaj, 
and not all illegal aliens are Hispanic. 

Why are you so prejudice against Tejanos? 

They are Caucasion people just like you 
are. You said you were opposed to the 
caste system, based on birth circumstances. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
Oh, what fun! Barry rushes to rescue Curtis,
having perceived that he'd gotten himself into
something of a mess. But typically, Barry hasn't
read enough of the exchange to have any idea of
what he's talking about, so he gets himself even
more fouled up than Curtis.

Barry mocks the practice of looking things up on
the Web, having completely overlooked this from
Curtis, *in the very same post that he's 
responding to*:

I did the same searches you did Judy.


Barry also tries to paint me as pretending I
already knew the information I gave Curtis:

 Such people really, really, really don't like it when
 someone pulls back the curtain and points out that 
 the person being so authoritative about a subject
 *knows nothing about it but what they read on Google*.

Except, of course, that I told Curtis *from the
start* that I'd gotten the information from Web
searches and was *explicit* that I had no
expertise myself. There was no curtain to be
pulled back in the first place. Not even Curtis
would claim he had done so.

Barry also misses the fact that much of the
information didn't come from a search engine but
rather from the Web site of the journal. And who
had gone to that Web site to check up on the
journal first?

Curtis himself, of course, in his *initial
response to Buck*, before I'd posted anything to
the thread. He used the information he'd found
there to denigrate the journal and therefore the

Trouble was--and this was what much of our
discussion was about--he didn't look carefully
enough, and as a result misconstrued the status
of the paper, thinking it was an original
research report when it wasn't.


 The more she tries to convince you that she knows 
 more than you do, the more likely it is that she 
 needed Google to do it.

As noted, I repeatedly cited my sources for the
information, and repeatedly insisted that Curtis
could have known just as much as I did by using the
same sources.

I also repeatedly pointed out that this kind of
information constitutes only a *low-level* vetting.
Its usefulness is limited; it can't help one
evaluate the quality of the research itself, which
requires expertise that neither Curtis nor I have.

What it *can* do is keep one from making the kinds
of embarrassing mistakes Curtis made, such as
suggesting that the journal was a scam operation
in which authors pay to have their work published;
and that Orme-Johnson published his paper there
because he couldn't get it published anywhere else.

The irony of it all is that if Curtis had done his
due diligence, he'd have had more than enough
ammunition to demonstrate that Buck was making
this paper sound much more significant than it
actually was.

Barry, of course, is oblivious to all this. His
interest isn't in the actual situation but only
in trying to help poor Curtis out by Getting Judy.

He never realizes, not after 16 years, that when
his Get Judy attempts are so disastrously ill
founded, he ends up helping Judy instead by
exposing his own incompetence.

Now let's see if Curtis has the integrity to tell
Barry he's full of it, or whether he'll pretend
Barry hit it on the nose and gratefully acknowledge Barry's assistance.

I know which I'm betting on.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  You just think you can evaluate things because you have Google. 
  You mistake information for context and it makes you feel smart 
  when you are clueless. 
 Excellent point.
 Google is like the curtain that the wizard hides
 behind in The Wizard Of Oz. And the person behind
 the curtain *likes* the curtain and *hates* Pay
 no attention to the man behind the curtain because 
 the curtain hides the fact that there was never ary
 reason why anyone *should* have paid attention to 
 him in the first place. The only thing he's *ever*
 done is sit behind a curtain and Google shit. :-)
 There are whole generations of people now who don't
 feel that there is any difference between Live and
 Memorex. When it comes to searching for information
 to bolster their rants, prejudices, and to help them
 win their petty tyrant battles, Google is *enough*
 for them to consider themselves an expert, someone
 who *should* be paid attention to. 
 Such people really, really, really don't like it when
 someone pulls back the curtain and points out that 
 the person being so authoritative about a subject
 *knows nothing about it but what they read on Google*.
 What these kinds of people *DO* with the information
 they mistake for context and real knowledge is 
 another matter. Some use it -- as you suggest -- to 
 make themselves look smart. A person who *in person* 
 would be literally speechless on a subject *because 
 they know nothing about it* can on the Internet spend 
 a couple of minutes Googling and then come roaring 
 back into a cyberdiscussion *pretending* to know 
 something about it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

 This topic really agitates you doesn't it Tex?
Maybe so, Joe, but the rumor I get most agitated 
by is the 'Mahesh Yogi murdered his Guru' rumor. 
When I first read this on Usenet, I thought it 
was a joke.

'Conspiracy Theories - The Cook Did It!'

But, apparently there are at least two informants 
on FFL that actually believe it, and one of them 
supports the 'Mahesh Had Sex' rumor, so I guess 
you could consider the source. 

 As I've said, I understand. I was agitated when 
 I first heard about it myself way back when. 
 However, I didn't put up a steel door and refuse 
 to consider information coming from several 
 sources, one of whom would really fry your 
 brain if you knew. 

It just doesn't make any sense. Go figure.

 (Out of respect for her privacy, she will remain 
 anonymous until she chooses to say something on 
 her own.)

Well, at least you have the common decency to
not reveal her name, unlike some skin-boys I
know. But, that doesn't explain why you and the 
skin-boys are so interested in other people's 
private life, hanging outside his bedroom door
all night.

 By the way, your guesses' below are lousy.

My guess is that the Maharishi probably got
seduced by women almost every day, from 1935
until his death, if what Turq says is true. I 
mean, the Mahesh was a powerhouse with women!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
  Are you serious Lurk? Why don't I just say it? How about the feelings
 of the person involved? There are several here who know what and who I
 am talking about. If I told you, you would be extremely unhappy about
 both the events and the fact that I had outed the person against her
 wishes. Sono it stops here for now.
  Read Judith Bourke's book when it comes out. Also, I highly recommend
 reading Nancy Cook de Herrera's book which I just did again for the
 first time in several years. It really captures first hand what it was
 like to be a part of the growth of the movement in the early 60s and
 what it was like to be in on the great phase transition...the good and
 the bad...in the mid 70s.

Sounds like the housing and internet bubbles. Bubbles usually associated with 
investments. But each individuals invest their time, seeking the high promised 
returns of being on the ground floor of the phase change, and resulting new 
order. The value of the future investment (of time) is so high, some invested 
all there time on it. When the bubble bursts, these time investors are left 
strewn among the rubble -- at least for a while. And 10-20 years their college 
peers in careers, etc. 

  Read. Learn.
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
This topic really agitates you doesn't it Tex? As I've said, I
   understand. I was agitated when I first heard about it myself way
   when. However, I didn't put up a steel door and refuse to consider
   information coming from several sources, Joe, I for one don't care
 if he
   had sexual relations or not. I am not unnerved by it, but ...one of
   whom would really fry your brain if you knew. this type of
   is a little weak (Out of respect for her privacy, she will remain
   anonymous until she chooses to say something on her own.)
By the way, your guesses' below are lousy. If you've got
   to say, why don't you just say it, instead of saying, if you only
   if you only knew. Well if you know, tell us! And if you are not
   to tell us, then maybe get off the high horse a little, as the
   authority on the matter.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willytex@ wrote:

   Maybe nobody ever 'caught' him doing anything like
  Tex, it doesn't make sense to you for the simple
  reason that you do not want it to make sense. You
  don't want this to compute since you would short
  circuit if you allowed yourself to allow this as
  a possibility.
 So, Joe, how many minutes did you spend in his direct
 company alone, in his room? Zero. In fact, I've seen
 no evidence that you were ever in a room with the guy
 at all, much less being a skin-boy, door stop. My
 guess is that you've never been within a thousand
 feet of the guy, if that. So, your comment makes no


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread tartbrain
What did he say when you asked him to be interviewed on BATGAP?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 President Obama spoke in Ottumwa (town near FF) today. My wife and I got
 good seats and managed to shake his hand at the end. I said to him We love
 you. Don't let the turkeys get you down. He laughed and replied, There are
 lots of them out there. They keep on gobbling. I've attached two photos I

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:35 AM, tartbrain wrote:

 What did he say when you asked him to be interviewed on BATGAP?

I never thought you'd ask.  I'll be right over. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:
 President Obama spoke in Ottumwa (town near FF) today. My wife and I got
 good seats and managed to shake his hand at the end. I said to him We love
 you. Don't let the turkeys get you down. He laughed and replied, There are
 lots of them out there. They keep on gobbling. I've attached two photos I

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goldman says You want the truth? You can't handle the truth

2010-04-28 Thread tartbrain
More Sorkin.

Goldman to top 5% Stanford Biz School grad on recruiting tour: 

You're attracted to me, but the idea of physical intimacy is uncomfortable 
because you only know me as Goldman -- the Greatest of all Investment Banking 
firms. But it's not always going to be that way, and the reason I know that is 
there was a moment last night when you were with ME, not just Goldman. And I 
know what a big step that was for you. So, Heather, I'm in no rush. Here's my 
plan. We're going to slow down, and when you're comfortable, that's when it's 
going to happen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  No, its an anon piece from a blog. Though I wish I had
  thought of it. After the set up (Nicholson doing Gitmo/
  Goldman) it just writes itself.
 Deserves some kind of prize. That's one of the neatest
 parodies I've ever seen.
 I guess Sorkin gets a lot of the credit for writing an
 archetypal speech that you can just plug stuff into to
 fit the occasion without losing any of the rhythm or
 the 'tude.
 But it's eerie how well it fits with what went down today
 in the Senate hearing on Goldman. Exact same mindset on
 the part of the Goldman execs as that of Colonel Jessep.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Brilliant. Is this yours?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. Son, we live in a 
country with an investment gap. And that gap needs to be filled by men 
with money. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Middle Class Consumer? Goldman 
Sachs has a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You 
weep for Lehman and you curse derivatives. You have that luxury. You 
have the luxury of not knowing what we know: that Lehman's death, while 
tragic, probably saved the financial system. And that Goldman's 
existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves pension 
funds. You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't 
talk about at parties, you want us to fill that investment gap. You 
need us to fill that gap. We use words like credit default swaps, 
collateralized debt obligation, and securitization? We use these words 
as the backbone of a life spent investing in something. You use 'em as 
a punchline. We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain 
ourselves to a commoner who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the 
very credit we provide, and then questions the manner in which we 
provide it! We'd rather you just said thank you and paid your taxes on 
time. Otherwise, we suggest you get an account and start trading. 
Either way, we don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!

[FairfieldLife] Dr Steven Greer responds to Stephen Hawking's 'Aliens are Dangerous'

2010-04-28 Thread do.rflex

It is unfortunate that Stephen Hawking has added his voice to a growing chorus 
of xenophobia and fear regarding what he terms Aliens.

Secondly, as a scientist, he should know better: Any interstellar civilization 
would possess such technologies that the meager resources of Earth would be 
unneeded. If you can travel faster than the speed of light, you can manifest 
what is needed. Period. Moreover, IF they were hostile- since ETs are already 
visiting Earth (see www.DisclosureProject.org)- this would have been made 
crystal clear when we detonated the first atomic weapon in 1945. To date, no 
place on Earth has been invaded or attacked or colonized.

Hawking should refrain from stirring the war-mongering fear pot that attends 
all things alien. 

And one might ask: Why would he make such statements, unless he is carrying 
water for the military-industrial-financial complex which profiteers off of the 
wars that fear breeds?

Steven M. Greer MD
April 26, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:35 AM, tartbrain wrote:
  What did he say when you asked him to be interviewed on BATGAP?
 I never thought you'd ask.  I'll be right over. 

And then he paused, and said,

You know, its about time people recognized me as the first Awakened President. 
It's lonely at the top -- you know, the Oneness thing. And its an increasing 
pain in the rear to keep tiptoeing around those damned sleeping elephants in 
congress. Let America and the world hear me loud and clear: 'Wake-Up America! 
Wake-up World! The time has come for an enlightened society! Ignorance no 
more!' Oh and hey, when I am in Fairfield, do you think you could score me a 
temporary Dome Badge?

And its rumored that Aaron Sorkin is working on a sequel to The American 
President -- called The Awakened President.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  President Obama spoke in Ottumwa (town near FF) today. My wife and I got
  good seats and managed to shake his hand at the end. I said to him We 
  you. Don't let the turkeys get you down. He laughed and replied, There 
  lots of them out there. They keep on gobbling. I've attached two photos I

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of tartbrain
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:26 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:35 AM, tartbrain wrote:
  What did he say when you asked him to be interviewed on BATGAP?
 I never thought you'd ask. I'll be right over. 

And then he paused, and said,

You know, its about time people recognized me as the first Awakened
President. It's lonely at the top -- you know, the Oneness thing. And its an
increasing pain in the rear to keep tiptoeing around those damned sleeping
elephants in congress. Let America and the world hear me loud and clear:
'Wake-Up America! Wake-up World! The time has come for an enlightened
society! Ignorance no more!' Oh and hey, when I am in Fairfield, do you
think you could score me a temporary Dome Badge?

And its rumored that Aaron Sorkin is working on a sequel to The American
President -- called The Awakened President.
All kidding aside, he certainly strikes me as having a high degree of
awakening. He's all there when you shake his hand and look into his eyes.
He's not just going through the motions. We felt we were in the presence of
a great soul. He seems so blissful and above the fray. My impression of
the man is that he's naturally grounded in a deep wellspring of potential
and that he'll continue to blossom and feel exhilarated (his words) by the
world's most demanding job, rather than be overwhelmed by it, as so many
presidents have been.

[FairfieldLife] USA: Vastu Coordinators Training Course completes first Phase II

2010-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008

USA: Vastu Coordinators Training Course completes first Phase II for
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good NewsTranslate This Article
27 April 2010

Two Deputy Ministers of Architecture of the Global Country of World
Peace http://www.vedicpandits.org/initiative-administration.html 
recently taught the first Phase II programme of the Vastu Coordinators
Training Course
  for architects, builders, and developers.

Phase II was held in Maharishi Vedic City
http://maharishivediccity.net/ , Iowa, USA. It was a followup to Phase
I, which has been completed by over 800 people around the world, who are
now bringing the knowledge of Vedic Architecture, Maharishi Sthapatya
http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-architecture/ ,
to their own countries.

Deputy Minister Dr Christian Schweitzer; Deputy Minister Dr Vojtek
Skalski, a Vedic architect from Finland; and Dr Jon Lipman, AIA,
director of Fortune-Creating Buildings
http://www.fortunecreatingbuildings.com/ , who recently completed a
tour of the Western United States
709 , led the course.

Describing the course on the Maharishi Channel
http://www.maharishichannel.in/ ,* Dr Schweitzer said it was the first
time he had visited the area. He showed photographs
http://www.fortunecreatingbuildings.com/photos#  of many of the
approximately 500 Vastu
rchitecture  buildings in Maharishi Vedic City and nearby
Fairfield—the largest collection of such buildings in the world.

The Vastu Coordinators Course consisted of theory about Maharishi
Sthapatya Veda and also the practice of visiting the many Vastu
buildings and seeing how the rules of Vastu were actually applied to a
variety of structures. Participants spoke with owners of the houses
about their experiences living in the buildings; and also visited new
construction sites to see the principles in action.

Dr Schweitzer commented that practising the Transcendental Meditation
http://www.tm.org/benefits-of-meditation  and Transcendental
Meditation Sidhi Programme
http://www.permanentpeace.org/technology/sidhi.html , including Yogic
Flying http://www.mum.edu/achievements/2008_11_08.html , with the
large group of almost 2,000 Yogic Flyers now participating in the
Invincible America Assembly
http://istpp.org/news/2009_05_ia_assembly.html  in Fairfield was a
very rich and deep experience for him.

He also very much enjoyed attending the Yagya
http://www.maharishiyagya.org/yagya/index.html  performances of the
1,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits http://www.vedicpandits.org/  currently
living in Maharishi Vedic City. These Pandits
http://www.vedicpandits.org/maharishi-talks.html  are participating in
the Invincible America Assembly, making a special contribution to
creating invincibility http://www.invincibility.org/  for America and
peace for the world through their special peace-creating Vedic

* Dr Schweitzer spoke on the 26 April Maharishi Global Family Chat
http://maharishichannel.in/archives/gfc-2010.html , which is broadcast
daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel
http://www.maharishichannel.in/ , Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily
Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic
download, via an RSS feed
http://globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=125220651513709056 .

© Copyright 2010 Global Good News®

[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
Barry's *really* upset that I quoted a post of his from
a little over *three weeks ago* in which he describes
his own reliance on Google to bolster his rants and

And because he's so enraged, he tops his earlier
ludicrous mistakes and hypocrisy in trying to defend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 The only points I wished to make with regard to THE 
 CORRECTOR herself were:
 1. She is in my opinion FFL's biggest offender in terms 
 of Quick-Googling something to *fake* knowledge about 
 a subject that she does not have, and

If I were trying to fake having knowledge, I wonder why
I'd have *announced*--repeatedly--that I had used the Web 
to find my information?


 2. Her *intent* in doing so is almost always the same --
 an attempt to make someone she dislikes look stupid.

Uh-huh, that would work if Curtis hadn't made *himself*
look stupid, just as Barry does in his current attempt
to Get Judy, by trying to fake knowledge he didn't

 You'll notice that this is all smoke and mirrors and
 nitpicking designed to deflect attention away from the
 two numbered points above. She really DOESN'T know
 squat about brain research, and was only trying to
 fake it via Googling.

Too funny, after I'd not only made it explicit in my
posts to Curtis that I knew squat about brain research,
but had *pointed out to Barry* in my post this morning
that I had made it explicit. He didn't read that post,
so he's left twisting slowly, slowly in the wind with
his head up his ass. Quite a sight, that...

(Plus which, none of what I Googled had anything to
do with brain research per se.)

 And she really WAS only in the
 discussion in the first place to try to make Curtis
 look bad.

And of course we all know that Barry *never* tries to
make anybody look bad.

belly laugh

 Over and out from my side. She'll spend several more
 posts trying to spin all of this.

Only one post needed to render Barry's incompetent
attempts at spin harmless (harmless to me, at least)
by the simple expedient of pointing out the facts.

 They will be on
 top of the ten other posts she's used up trying to
 make me look bad this week

Only seven, actually. Most of which (five) were in
response to Barry's (wildly unsuccessful) attempts
to make *me* look bad.

Jeez, he'd better keep his Over and out vow. Now
that he's completely lost it--through his own doing--
it'll only get worse from here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of tartbrain
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:26 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:35 AM, tartbrain wrote:
   What did he say when you asked him to be interviewed on BATGAP?
  I never thought you'd ask. I'll be right over. 
 And then he paused, and said,
 You know, its about time people recognized me as the first Awakened
 President. It's lonely at the top -- you know, the Oneness thing. And its an
 increasing pain in the rear to keep tiptoeing around those damned sleeping
 elephants in congress. Let America and the world hear me loud and clear:
 'Wake-Up America! Wake-up World! The time has come for an enlightened
 society! Ignorance no more!' Oh and hey, when I am in Fairfield, do you
 think you could score me a temporary Dome Badge?
 And its rumored that Aaron Sorkin is working on a sequel to The American
 President -- called The Awakened President.
 All kidding aside, he certainly strikes me as having a high degree of
 awakening. He's all there when you shake his hand and look into his eyes.
 He's not just going through the motions. We felt we were in the presence of
 a great soul. He seems so blissful and above the fray. My impression of
 the man is that he's naturally grounded in a deep wellspring of potential
 and that he'll continue to blossom and feel exhilarated (his words) by the
 world's most demanding job, rather than be overwhelmed by it, as so many
 presidents have been.

Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go ? Does he 
claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:28 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go ? Does
he claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?
No, he's pretty modest. Have to edit the audio to balance levels, then I'll
upload and let you know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:
 And its rumored that Aaron Sorkin is working on a sequel
 to The American President -- called The Awakened


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dr Steven Greer responds to Stephen Hawking's 'Aliens are Dangerous'

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
This is satire, right?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 It is unfortunate that Stephen Hawking has added his voice to a growing 
 chorus of xenophobia and fear regarding what he terms Aliens.
 Secondly, as a scientist, he should know better: Any interstellar 
 civilization would possess such technologies that the meager resources of 
 Earth would be unneeded. If you can travel faster than the speed of light, 
 you can manifest what is needed. Period. Moreover, IF they were hostile- 
 since ETs are already visiting Earth (see www.DisclosureProject.org)- this 
 would have been made crystal clear when we detonated the first atomic weapon 
 in 1945. To date, no place on Earth has been invaded or attacked or colonized.
 Hawking should refrain from stirring the war-mongering fear pot that attends 
 all things alien. 
 And one might ask: Why would he make such statements, unless he is carrying 
 water for the military-industrial-financial complex which profiteers off of 
 the wars that fear breeds?
 Steven M. Greer MD
 April 26, 2010

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Apr 27, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 The only reason Willy posts here is to be annoying. I can't even recall
 when he ever started a topic. He just posts non-sequitur replies to
 topics to just annoy folks.

 Trolls live under bridges, in Texas so do Illegal Aliens. Need I say 
 any more? It's only a matter of time till Ricardo Guillermo is 
 deported back to wherever he came from. I always figured the reason he 
 made so many non sequiturs was because he just doesn't have a good 
 command of English.

I think all those prairie dogs he ate are catching up with him and their 
prions are eating away his brain.

[FairfieldLife] Stephen Hawking: Aliens may not come in peace

2010-04-28 Thread do.rflex

If intelligent alien life forms do exist out in the vastness of the space, they 
might not be the friendly cosmic neighbors the people of Earth are looking for, 
famed British scientist Stephen Hawking says in a new television series 
chronicling his work to explore the secrets of the universe.

An advanced spacefaring extraterrestrial civilization could end up wandering 
the universe in enormous spaceships on the prowl for vital materials after 
consuming the natural resources of their own world, Hawking explains in an 
episode of the show Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking, which premiered 
Sunday on the Discovery Channel.

Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and 
colonize whatever planets they could reach, Hawking said. If so, it makes 
sense for them to exploit each new planet for material to build more spaceships 
so they could move on. Who knows what the limits would be? 

Continue reading: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:28 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
 Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go ? Does
 he claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?
 No, he's pretty modest. 

Igal modest ? What happened, was he hit by a truck, fell out from a balcony or 
something ? Or is he simply using the old hinting trick ? 

And why did you want to interview him in the first place ?
Inquering minds want's to know.

Have to edit the audio to balance levels, then I'll
 upload and let you know.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:05 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com ]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:28 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
 Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go ?
 he claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?
 No, he's pretty modest. 

Igal modest ? 
Well, relatively speaking.
And why did you want to interview him in the first place ?
He wanted to be interviewed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Indicated Scientifically

2010-04-28 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Judy: And now we've reached the point in the exchange where
   Curtis realizes he has no legitimate ammunition, so
   he starts to make shit up and try to stuff it in my
   mouth, his standard tactic when up against the wall.
   Such integrity.
   (Doesn't it ever occur to him that the shit is going
   to splatter right back in his face?)
   As he knows, I never suggested I had credentials or
   training in the field. Just the same layperson's
   common sense and ability to use the Internet to do some
   low-level vetting that Curtis has but was too lazy to
   use, pretending his epistemic humility was so profound
   there was no way he could know anything at all about
   the journal's credibility, and that therefore it was
   the height of hubris for Buck to tout the paper.
  I did the same searches you did Judy I just lack your
  confidence in my ability to put the information in useful
  context.  I also doubt yours.
 I know you aren't stupid, so I have to assume you're
 just disingenuous.
 Here's what I was responding to (which you cleverly
   I am so impressed with your credentials in this field.
   You are just another person who mistakes intelligence
   for training. Very common in pseudo-science.
 See above where I said make shit up and try to stuff it
 in my mouth?
 Where exactly did I tout, or even hint at, my credentials 
 or training in this field?

Nowhere.  You are trying to make a case that you can make a low level vetting 
decision and I am not buying it. So we are just arguing about where your lack 
of knowledge comes to play here.

 From the start, my point was that you don't *need* any
 credentials or training to do the kind of low-level check
 I did.

Calling it a low level check doesn't improve your actual abilities to undestand 
the authority of the person posting.

   Except that Curtis went to a whole lot of trouble to
   try to *discredit* the journal and the paper, getting
   practically everything he said wrong. *That's* where
   a bit of epistemic humility would have done him some
   good, realizing that he needed to read what he was
   commenting on. E.g.:
  My comment apply with or without the distinction you
  found between a study and a paper about studies.
 That was the least of your errors, true. But you made
 it because you didn't bother to determine what it was
 you were complaining about, instead spending most of
 your time composing the lengthy complaint.

I read as much as I needed to see I didn't have the background to evaluate it.  
Then I checked out the editors and realized I didn't have the background to 
evalute them.

 On the other hand, you might want to ask a scientist
 you trust about the relative significance of review
 articles vs. original research studies.
 Plus which, you attribute all the conclusions involved
 to O-J, but he was an author of only 9 of the several
 dozen papers whose conclusions he cited in his review.

Big apologies to David for such a sin.

   [O-J] must have either been rejected at mainstream
   outlets already or knows it will not fly under more
   rigorous standards.
  So you think this was his first choice where to publish
 Again: It was an *invited commentary* (one among 14) 
 specifically on a paper previously published in that
 journal. No other journal is going to extend a mass
 invitation to comment on a paper published in a
 *different* journal. This ain't rocket science, Curtis.
 The first choice question simply doesn't apply.

Your most legitimate complaint.  i withdraw my suspicions that he was shopping 
this paper around and landed here.
   As noted, the paper was *invited by the journal editors*;
   and it was a *review article*, not a report of original
  Means nothing to my comments about my lack of ability to
  analyse this paper in teh context of technical fields.
 Makes a *huge* difference with regard to your first
 choice issue (which was clearly intended to denigrate

You are right.  My suspicions for this paper were unfounded.

 If you can't evaluate assertions about a technical field
 you have no expertise in, second-best is to check out
 the credentials of whoever made the assertions. That's
 done all the time here with regard to, for example,
 critiques of the global warming hypothesis, and it makes
 sense as far as it goes: suspicions about the assertions
 of those without credentials are often well founded.
 But if you're going to raise doubts about assertions on
 the basis of the lack of credentials of those making
 them, you'd damn well better make sure you've checked
 them out thoroughly enough to be *sure* they lack
 credentials, instead of simply making up the alleged
 lack as you did.

I'm not sure I deserve this much scolding. I was wrong about it being a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:05 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com ]
  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:28 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
  Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go ?
  he claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?
  No, he's pretty modest. 
 Igal modest ? 
 Well, relatively speaking.
 And why did you want to interview him in the first place ?
 He wanted to be interviewed.

ROFL !! That's a good one, funniest information of the week !
Some fellows simply never change ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

  This topic really agitates you doesn't it Tex? As I've
  said, I understand. I was agitated when I first heard
  about it myself way back when.
 He's a flak generator, otherwise known as a troll. He
 particularly likes to throw up flak about movement
 history. He fondly envisions himself as a sort of crazy
 wisdom guy who forces folks to confront their 
 assumptions by making contradictory or inane statements.
 He's just not very good at the wisdom part. 
My job is not to answer questions, but to question answers.
I'll leave the 'wisdom' statements to you and Barry Wright.

 Don't waste your time.

Good point!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

  Trolls live under bridges, in Texas so 
  do Illegal Aliens...
 I think all those prairie dogs he ate are 
 catching up with him and their prions are 
 eating away his brain...

You don't have to get so angry and annoyed, 
Barry2. Not all Tejanos live under bridges 
and eat prairie dogs. California has the most
illegal aliens of any state in the U.S.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Indicated Scientifically

2010-04-28 Thread Vaj

On Apr 28, 2010, at 1:23 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

 See above where I said make shit up and try to stuff it
 in my mouth?

 Where exactly did I tout, or even hint at, my credentials
 or training in this field?

Nowhere. You are trying to make a case that you can make a low  
level vetting decision and I am not buying it. So we are just  
arguing about where your lack of knowledge comes to play here.

One of the interesting areas where TM researchers/commentators/ 
reviewers often, inevitably, shoot themselves in the foot is in  
their description of higher states of consciousness. David Orme- 
Johnson, really not all that different from other TM/SCI  
researchers, tries to insinuate some superiority to witnessing  
deep sleep, as opposed to lucid dreaming. He (and many other TM  
commentators/researchers) don't seem to be aware of the fact that  
when awareness expands, it expands to ALL spheres of waking, deep  
sleep and dreaming. In other words, if you've truly developed the  
shaksi or witness-consciousness, it doesn't just arbitrarily miss  
the other states. If you awaken witness-consciousness, you will also  
witness the construct of dreaming arise, utterly conscious of the  
whole unfolding dream-deep sleep-waking continuum, not just a piece  
of it.

If these allegedly advanced TMers aren't also lucid dreaming, it  
doesn't sound like they've actually developed a real witness- 
consciousness. Also, if their sleep hasn't diminished considerably  
(four hours or less), something quite easy to judge in a standard  
sleep lab-style sleep study, it's highly unlikely they're in any  
higher state of consciousness at all, but merely hypervigilant from  
over-indoctrination and indiscriminate acceptance of TM/SCI dogmas.

One thing you can count on David O-J for is a good chuckle. As usual:  
he delivers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:
 You just think you can evaluate things because you have Google. 
 You mistake information for context and it makes you feel smart 
 when you are clueless. 

 Excellent point.

 Google is like the curtain that the wizard hides
 behind in The Wizard Of Oz. And the person behind
 the curtain *likes* the curtain and *hates* Pay
 no attention to the man behind the curtain because 
 the curtain hides the fact that there was never ary
 reason why anyone *should* have paid attention to 
 him in the first place. The only thing he's *ever*
 done is sit behind a curtain and Google shit. :-)

 There are whole generations of people now who don't
 feel that there is any difference between Live and
 Memorex. When it comes to searching for information
 to bolster their rants, prejudices, and to help them
 win their petty tyrant battles, Google is *enough*
 for them to consider themselves an expert, someone
 who *should* be paid attention to. 

Whatever happened to casual conversation?  We seem to be in an age of 
exactitude where everybody so concerned that they may be wrong about 
something they spend time looking stuff up on Google before they post.  
Imagine if we were trying to have a conversation around a table in 
restaurant or bar this way.  Everyone would be jumping on their laptop, 
tablet or smartphone before they said a word.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

  You just think you can evaluate things because you have Google. 
  You mistake information for context and it makes you feel smart 
  when you are clueless. 
  Excellent point.
  Google is like the curtain that the wizard hides
  behind in The Wizard Of Oz. And the person behind
  the curtain *likes* the curtain and *hates* Pay
  no attention to the man behind the curtain because 
  the curtain hides the fact that there was never ary
  reason why anyone *should* have paid attention to 
  him in the first place. The only thing he's *ever*
  done is sit behind a curtain and Google shit. :-)
  There are whole generations of people now who don't
  feel that there is any difference between Live and
  Memorex. When it comes to searching for information
  to bolster their rants, prejudices, and to help them
  win their petty tyrant battles, Google is *enough*
  for them to consider themselves an expert, someone
  who *should* be paid attention to. 
 Whatever happened to casual conversation?  

Or, even more sorely missed, conversation as an art
form, in which the purpose is to entertain and be

 We seem to be in an age of exactitude where everybody so 
 concerned that they may be wrong about something they spend 
 time looking stuff up on Google before they post. 

I think it's more fundamental than that. A lot of
people *simply don't have anything to say* unless 
they can look up something said by someone else
to parrot.

 Imagine if we were trying to have a conversation around a 
 table in restaurant or bar this way. Everyone would be 
 jumping on their laptop, tablet or smartphone before they 
 said a word.

And some would be incapable of saying anything at 
all without being able to look up something to say.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread Joe
Maybe so, but you're the one who seems angry and annoyed Tex.

Go figure.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   Trolls live under bridges, in Texas so 
   do Illegal Aliens...
  I think all those prairie dogs he ate are 
  catching up with him and their prions are 
  eating away his brain...
 You don't have to get so angry and annoyed, 
 Barry2. Not all Tejanos live under bridges 
 and eat prairie dogs. California has the most
 illegal aliens of any state in the U.S.

[FairfieldLife] Castaneda's concept of impeccability

2010-04-28 Thread Yifu Xero
Although Carlos may have made up most of the stuff in his books, even the made 
up parts are quite fascinating and instructive.
Let's briefly cover his (the supposed Nagual) notion of impeccability.
There's a moral component to this only to a degree, since an evil sorcerer can 
take care to be impeccable within karmic limits.
Foremost, one must undertake various practices to insure that one is protected 
from psychic attacks by other sorcerers, especially.
But like the good-Spy/ bad-Spy comics, there's no absolutely foolproof 
Such protection is evolutionary, akin to the various types of strategies 
undertaken by insects, birds, and other creatures to enhance their own 
protective devices while at the same time gaining an edge on the next meal.
By way of examples, if somebody is assassinated - like Tat Walla Baba (in spite 
of a strong psychic shield); or in the case of Gandhi, well we can say that 
although in the first case, Tat was well aware of impeccability strategies but 
failed due to bad karma.
Gandhi covered himself with a huge amount of good karma and had millions of 
followers, but for some unknown underlying karmic reasons coupled with more 
obvious causes, there was a chink in this psychic armor - right in the chest.
Now getting to MMY,  somewhat separate from his messing around with the female 
followers; it';s quite obvious that the man knew virtually nothing about the 
concept of impeccability and his psychic armor (if any - due to multitudes of 
yagyas); had so many holes it that he was like that old Jerry Lewis movie where 
he was inducted into the Army and had lots of shots.  Spouts of water spewed 
out of the holes.
As Nagual's go, MMY was a total embarrassment to the concept of 
impeccability.  What a disgrace!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

  Not all Tejanos live under bridges 
  and eat prairie dogs.
 Maybe so, but you're the one who seems 
 angry and annoyed Tex.
Why would I be upset, - I'm not Tejano.
Not all Texans are Hispanic. But, you're 
obviously prejudiced against Texans. 

Go figure.

Mexico is now more violent than Iraq. The 
unrest is spilling across the borders. The 
old shrill argument that criminals, drug 
smugglers, and violence in general are 
spreading into the American southwest from 
Mexico is no longer quite so shrill...

Read more:

'How Could They Do That in Arizona!'
By Victor Davis Hanson
Pajamas Media, April 27th, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-28 Thread Joe

Maybe so, but you're the one eating prarie dogs. You're just not making any 
sense today Tex.

Go Figure.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   Not all Tejanos live under bridges 
   and eat prairie dogs.
  Maybe so, but you're the one who seems 
  angry and annoyed Tex.
 Why would I be upset, - I'm not Tejano.
 Not all Texans are Hispanic. But, you're 
 obviously prejudiced against Texans. 
 Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

  Whatever happened to casual conversation?  
 Or, even more sorely missed, conversation as an art
 form, in which the purpose is to entertain and be
That's not good enough for Judy, Turq - you're supposed
to be posting 'wisdom' statements - otherwise you're a
'troll', I guess. So, where, exactly, are the wisdom
statements from the Junk Yard Dog? LOL!

He's a flak generator, otherwise known as a troll. He
particularly likes to throw up flak about movement
history. He fondly envisions himself as a sort of 
crazy wisdom guy who forces folks to confront their
assumptions by making contradictory or inane statements.
He's just not very good at the wisdom part.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Indicated Scientifically

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex

  You are trying to make a case that you can make a low  
  level vetting decision and I am not buying it. So we 
  are just arguing about where your lack of knowledge 
  comes to play here.
 One thing you can count on David O-J for is a good 
 chuckle. As usual: he delivers...

Maybe you could post a review of scientific studies that 
demonstrate 'higher states of consciousness' in which 
'witnessing deep sleep' develops into 'awareness' that
expands into ALL spheres of waking, deep sleep and 
dreaming. That would prove that the 'shaksi' or witness-
consciousness, unfolds the construct of dreaming to an 
utter consciousness of the whole unfolding dream-deep 
sleep-waking continuum.

There must be dozens of standard sleep lab-style sleep 
studies that prove this.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 Whatever happened to casual conversation?

Gee, there's plenty of it here. Not sure how you've managed
to miss it.

 We seem to be in an age of exactitude where everybody so
 concerned that they may be wrong about something they spend
 time looking stuff up on Google before they post.

You seem to be reading an entirely different forum than I am.

 Imagine if we were trying to have a conversation around a
 table in restaurant or bar this way.  Everyone would be
 jumping on their laptop, tablet or smartphone before they
 said a word.

What more often happens, here and in live conversations,
is that someone will say something that someone else
finds dubious, and one or the other or both will check
the Web to see if it can be verified.

Of course, live conversations have a very different
dynamic than those on electronic forums. In a live
conversation, you get a response right away, whereas on
an electronic forum there's usually a delay. So Web-
checking tends to interrupt the flow of live 
conversations, but not of electronic ones.

Several participants here would *benefit* from doing
their Web checking before they post, though. They tend 
to spout off without having their facts in hand. And
there's no point in having a discussion about, say,
why over half of U.S. adults are taking prescription
antidepressants, or why the U.S. has spent over half its
GDP since WWII on defense, or how Obama managed to beat
Hillary in a landslide in the primaries, if none of 
these is actually the case (all three--and many more--
from just one participant here).

You can't have rational conversations when you have
folks like this participating unless you have a way
to determine what the real facts are.

Of course, sometimes it doesn't help to check the Web.
In searching for information about a spit feminist
blogger, one person here found a photo of her on a blog
accompanying a post trashing Obama, and assumed it was
her blog and her post. This person then made a post on
FFL trashing the spit feminist blogger at length for
being an Obama-hating spit Hillary-lover.

Unfortunately, it was the blog and the post of a rather
well-known male rightwinger, and his post was trashing
the spit feminist blogger for having made a pro-Obama,
anti-Palin post on *her* blog.

Doing Google searches is pretty much useless, in other
words, if you don't actually read the material you find.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Indicated Scientifically

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 If these allegedly advanced TMers aren't also lucid dreaming, it  
 doesn't sound like they've actually developed a real witness- 

Vaj might want to read a paper by Gackenbach, a leading
lucidity researcher (cited frequently in the O-J paper),
on the experience of lucid dreaming among TMers and its
relationship to witnessing:


He also might wish to review the O-J paper itself. Quote
from the first paragraph:

...There exists [sic] discussions of developmental models
of consciousness that include lucid dreaming, witnessing
waking, witnessing dreaming and witnessing deep sleep that
have previously been presented (Alexander et al., 1985;
Alexander, 1988; Alexander et al., 1990; Alexander and
Langer, 1990; Gackenbach, 1991; Travis, 1994; Mason, 1995;
Mason et al., 1997; Travis, 2005). The authors discuss the 
possibility of a continuum of experiences that includes
lucid dreaming, witnessing dreaming and witnessing deep
sleep and their relationship to so-called  higher states
of consciousness

So contrary to Vaj's assertions, the TM researchers do
indeed include lucid dreaming in their model of
consciousness; and TMers do indeed report having lucid

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-04-28 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Apr 24 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat May 01 00:00:00 2010
281 messages as of (UTC) Wed Apr 28 23:29:14 2010

42 authfriend jst...@panix.com
34 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
32 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
20 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
19 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
14 tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 Joe geezerfr...@yahoo.com
12 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 9 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 8 ditzyklanmail carc...@yahoo.co.in
 7 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 7 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 6 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 4 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 4 guyfawkes91 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 4 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 4 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 3 Yifu Xero yifux...@yahoo.com
 3 Hugo fintlewoodle...@mail.com
 2 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 2 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 2 wle...@aol.com
 2 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 2 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 scienceofabundance no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 parsleysage meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com

Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 President Obama spoke in Ottumwa (town near FF) today. My wife and I got
 good seats and managed to shake his hand at the end. I said to him We love
 you. Don't let the turkeys get you down. He laughed and replied, There are
 lots of them out there. They keep on gobbling.
Oh, you are so inside the inner circle, to share the inside joke with the 
President.  I like him too, but I don't idolize him.  Sounds like you idolize 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dr Steven Greer responds to Stephen Hawking's 'Aliens are Dangerous'

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 It is unfortunate that Stephen Hawking has added his voice to a
growing chorus of xenophobia and fear regarding what he terms Aliens.

 Secondly, as a scientist, he should know better: Any interstellar
civilization would possess such technologies that the meager resources
of Earth would be unneeded. If you can travel faster than the speed of
light, you can manifest what is needed. Period. Sounds like you've got
it all figured out.  No uncertainties for you.  That's neat, to be at
that level. Moreover, IF they were hostile- since ETs are already
visiting Earth (see www.DisclosureProject.org)- this would have been
made crystal clear when we detonated the first atomic weapon in 1945. To
date, no place on Earth has been invaded or attacked or colonized.

 Hawking should refrain from stirring the war-mongering fear pot that
attends all things alien.

 And one might ask: Why would he make such statements, unless he is
carrying water for the military-industrial-financial complex which
profiteers off of the wars that fear breeds?

 Steven M. Greer MD
 April 26, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:
 All kidding aside, he certainly strikes me as having a high degree of
 awakening. He's all there when you shake his hand and look into his
 He's not just going through the motions. We felt we were in the
presence of
 a great soul. He seems so blissful and above the fray. My impression
 the man is that he's naturally grounded in a deep wellspring of
 and that he'll continue to blossom and feel exhilarated (his words)
by the
 world's most demanding job, rather than be overwhelmed by it, as so
 presidents have been.

Rory, Rory, get over here.  Someone is honing in on your territory.  I
know he is your friend.  But this is and was your franchise. Protect it.
Calling all Rories!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Oh, Crikey.  I take it back. Igal Harmon.  Yea, he is going to shout it.  Love 
him like a brother.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:05 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com ]
  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:28 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event
  Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go ?
  he claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?
  No, he's pretty modest. 
 Igal modest ? 
 Well, relatively speaking.
 And why did you want to interview him in the first place ?
 He wanted to be interviewed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Whatever happened to casual conversation?  We seem to be in an age of 
 exactitude where everybody so concerned that they may be wrong about 
 something they spend time looking stuff up on Google before they post.  
 Imagine if we were trying to have a conversation around a table in 
 restaurant or bar this way.  Everyone would be jumping on their laptop, 
 tablet or smartphone before they said a word.

I'm not sure Judy does casual convesations.  And you can always count of Turq 
to do something to incite some challenge if he feels you are making an iota of 
judgement.  So, I think it's pretty difficult to weave through these little 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

2010-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:28 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Event

 Fine. And how did the interview with Igal Harmelin, aka Igal Moria go
? Does
 he claim to be enlightened or awaken now ?
 No, he's pretty modest. No, I'm sure he just shouted shouted about his
enlightenment.  That's the deal with these interviews.  The little
that I watched, it is pretty low key.  Ex:  Yes, I feel more balanced.
Yes, the ups and downs don't disturb me as much.  Yes, I feel more
inner freedom  I'm gonna guess that they play out along these lines.
Butmaybe I'm mistaken   Have to edit the audio to balance levels,
then I'll
 upload and let you know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Google -- the curtain from The Wizard Of Oz

2010-04-28 Thread WillyTex
  Whatever happened to casual conversation?
 Gee, there's plenty of it here. Not sure how you've 
 managed to miss it.
Oh Yeah!!!

He's a flak generator, otherwise known as a troll. He
particularly likes to throw up flak about movement
history. He fondly envisions himself as a sort of
crazy wisdom guy who forces folks to confront their
assumptions by making contradictory or inane statements.
He's just not very good at the wisdom part.


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Movie for Bhairitu- Kick-Ass

2010-04-28 Thread Bhairitu
Good call.  I saw it this afternoon.  Enjoyed it very much and I think 
Turq would too.  Was it what you expected?  Over the week I had read and 
heard mixed reviews.  I think some critics thought it was going to be a 
movie for kids because of Lionsgate's lousy marketing which made it seem 
so.  It's not though in spite of that in front of me at the ticket 
counter was a mom and a bunch of young teen agers who had probably 
talked her into taking them to it.  I was wondering what she was 
thinking as the movie played (it's R rated mainly for language and 
violence).  This is the kind of role Nicholas Cage does best: a complete 
goof ball though he did a great job in The Bad Lieutenant: Port of 
Call  -- New Orleans.   But the star of the film was definitely Chloe 
Moretz in a great performance the Cage character's daughter.

The extra bonus was to hear more of John Murphy's Adagio in D Minor 
which was first used in Sunshine.  Now you can hear the whole piece on 
his website.  Due to some legal problems the score for Sunshine was 
never released on CD and the only versions of the piece most people 
could hear was the excerpt from the movie with voice over it.   The work 
is almost like Mozart transported to the 21st century and one of the 
most spiritual pieces ever written:

I think this movie will do better on DVD and Bluray and will probably be 
a bit cult hit.  I may get the Bluray.

Mike Dixon wrote:
 Hey Bhairitu, I've got a movie for you to see that I think you'll like. I 
 just saw *Kick-Ass*. It's nothing like I thought it would be, thank god! It's 
 kind of like a cheaper version of Superman/Batman/Super Heroes with scenes 
 that look like Quinton Terrintino did them. The dialog is hip and funny as 
 hell but it does get gruesome at times. I don't know...you might like the 
 4:20 showing! Hope you see it and enjoy!


[FairfieldLife] Canti-truncated 600-cell built with zoometools

2010-04-28 Thread Yifu Xero


Re: [FairfieldLife] Canti-truncated 600-cell built with zoometools

2010-04-28 Thread ditzyklanmail
That is really cool!

I like the K-nex roller coasters too!  

From: Yifu Xero yifux...@yahoo.com
To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, 28 April, 2010 10:10:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Canti-truncated 600-cell built with zoometools

http://www-math. mit.edu/~ drew/ZomePhoto. html


[FairfieldLife] YS III 36: translation, that respects Vyaasa's comment!

2010-04-28 Thread cardemaister


To the outward turned mind the sensory organs [Vyaasa:
praatibhaadayaH -- card] are perfections, but are obstacles
to realization.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Indicated Scientifically

2010-04-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
[Curtis wrote:]
I am so impressed with your credentials in this field.
You are just another person who mistakes intelligence
for training. Very common in pseudo-science.
  See above where I said make shit up and try to stuff it
  in my mouth?
  Where exactly did I tout, or even hint at, my credentials 
  or training in this field?

So what makes you think it's OK to pretend otherwise?

 You are trying to make a case that you can make a low
 level vetting decision and I am not buying it.

Yes, I know. You're using your epistemic humility to
relieve you of the necessity to do any due diligence,
because that way you can continue to hint darkly that
it's all a big scam.

 So we are just arguing about where your lack of
 knowledge comes to play here.

I have no idea what this means.

  From the start, my point was that you don't *need* any
  credentials or training to do the kind of low-level check
  I did.
 Calling it a low level check doesn't improve your actual
 abilities to undestand the authority of the person posting.

Non sequitur; and you're continuing to try to put words
in my mouth. I never said it did.

Except that Curtis went to a whole lot of trouble to
try to *discredit* the journal and the paper, getting
practically everything he said wrong. *That's* where
a bit of epistemic humility would have done him some
good, realizing that he needed to read what he was
commenting on. E.g.:
   My comment apply with or without the distinction you
   found between a study and a paper about studies.
  That was the least of your errors, true. But you made
  it because you didn't bother to determine what it was
  you were complaining about, instead spending most of
  your time composing the lengthy complaint.
 I read as much as I needed to see I didn't have the
 background to evaluate it.

And if you'd left it at that, as I keep pointing
out, you'd have been fine. But your error about study
vs. review article got woven into your complaint.

 Then I checked out the editors and realized I didn't
 have the background to evalute them.

And this is just pure bullshit. You needed no background
to determine that they both worked at respected
institutions, one of which was sponsoring the journal, 
and that one of the editors held a very responsible
position at his institution and also had published widely
in his field.

Just on the most basic level, that means they have more
credibility than someone who *doesn't* work at a
respected institution, who *doesn't* hold a responsible
position at that institution and *hasn't* published
widely in his field, and whose journal is funded out of
his own pocket.

If the editors worked at the German equivalent of Podunk
Community College and hadn't ever published anything,
they might still be brilliant editors, but it would be
highly unlikely. By the same token, the editors of this
journal might be complete flakes, but that would *also*
be highly unlikely.

The *likelihood* is that they're both reasonably
respectable, reasonably well-qualified researchers and
editors. To claim you have no basis for making that
kind of evaluation is silly and irresponsible and
intellectually dishonest.

This is what laypersons *do* when they want to have
some idea of a person's credibility. They don't just
throw up their hands and declare themselves
incompetent, and then turn around and insinuate that
*because* they can't determine for certain what the
story is, *therefore* it's most likely scurrilous.

  Again: It was an *invited commentary* (one among 14) 
  specifically on a paper previously published in that
  journal. No other journal is going to extend a mass
  invitation to comment on a paper published in a
  *different* journal. This ain't rocket science, Curtis.
  The first choice question simply doesn't apply.
 Your most legitimate complaint.  i withdraw my suspicions
 that he was shopping this paper around and landed here.

Thank you, finally. Why did it take you so long? I 
mentioned this in my first post in this exchange and
every one thereafter. How many rounds have we gone now?

   Neither of us is trained in this field. I have no idea
   what the brain waves the studies found mean.
  Perfectly reasonable objection. If you'd stuck to that,
  it wouldn't be a problem.
 Oh I give you more credit for finding something...

Have I objected to any of your other lectures to Buck
on similar topics?

Curtis also assumed, without having bothered to check
it out, that because the journal publishes only online
rather than on paper, therefore it couldn't be
   Not true. I pointed out that it had been around for 3
   years.  Since I put up Websites and do not know the guys
   who put it up I have no way to disctinguish this site