Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 No, I don't "accept things at face value." I probably think as much about them 
as you do, except it's a different kind of thinking, that incorporates, to the 
best of my knowledge and understanding, the spiritual elements in life, which 
you appear to dismiss because they cannot be measured in any way that science 

 Exactly. There are many "instruments" through which to measure and weigh our 
experience, our world, our lives and what happens in those lives. Some of it 
involves known scientific findings about certain things, some involves using 
our knowledge as amassed over our years alive and some it is a combination of 
feeling, intuition and logic. 

 There is not enough "science" to answer all the questions I have throughout a 
single day. Why Salyavin is "speechless" at the assertion that science (as we 
know it and practice it) is purely man made is almost beyond me.

 Is that what you think I'm speechless about? Actually I'm speechless that 
anyone can know so little about something and still trumpet it like they are 
some sort of master who has both understood and gone beyond the knowledge. You 
don't give me any impression that you know how science works or what it's 
limitations might be. 

 Professor Poindexter, you might be dextrous with a test tube but your reading 
comprehension is severely lacking. I suggest you put the chemicals away and get 
some tutoring on your comprehension skills. The fact that you would write what 
you did is a classic case of exaggerating to the point of absurdity (grossly 
unscientific of you) or you are simply playing the same game that lummox who 
used to post here plays all the time. I, Ann, the "master who has both 
understood and gone beyond the knowledge" - guffaw. You wanna join my brethren 
and me and travel to the far corners of the galaxy on wings of supreme 

  He acts as if "science" is some absolute, perfect discipline that has existed 
and continues to exist as some separate entity and we have simply discovered it 
sitting there. 

 You are hallucinating really severely here.

 Nonsense. Humans created the concept of science, they have made all the 
scientific parameters and the rules for how they go about investigating the 
universe. Certain laws they are discovering seem to be absolute and true but 
the discipline itself is all man made. That is what I think Salyavin perhaps 
misunderstood about my statement. But then, he does consider him the Professor 
Peabody of the group and has little time for the other ignoramuses like myself 
who he doesn't like anyway.

 Don't worry, I'll stick around and offer my Ha'pporth on any subject I choose 
regardless of whether I like you or not.

 And here I was kind of liking the "speechless" part. You sure you want your 
buddies over yonder to know you're hobnobbing with the unscientific over here? 
(I lived in England when they still had halfpennies, BTW, how great were they, 

  (I think it has something to do with the fact I can't stand that blowhard 
bawee who he finds, personally, fascinating. I just see bawee as some crazy 
scientific experiment gone badly awry, LOL).


 You are hallucinating again.

 No, no take a look. The guy is an aberration of nature. He just has to be the 
result of some Dr Frankenstein getting a bit giddy with the cadaver parts. I 
think the great Dr must have replaced a brain with a turntable with a broken 
record on it and that needle just keeps skipping and skipping and skipping.

 This is fun, let's do it again. You didn't teach me anything scientific in 
this post but I'm a patient woman. Maybe next time you can explain why the 
Ouija board works.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 What I am interested in is the relationship between the visible and the 
invisible worlds -- how they interact. I doubt whether that would mean anything 
to you, but I find it fascinating. Since science does not acknowledge an 
invisible world, I doubt whether it can be of any help. I am talking about the 
interactions between humans and all the other beings that inhabit this universe 
in realms we do not see. Angels act at a distance all the time. Of course, as a 
fan of science you will think such a statement meaningless or absurd, but I 
encourage you to keep an open mind. The impression I have at the moment is that 
your mind is more closed than most. 

 Closed mind eh? Ok, luckily for us I've got a mind open enough to actually try 
and engage with the accusation rather than simply dismissing it.

 There's a belief round here that "science" is some sort of dogmatic statement 
about reality that refuses to consider alternative ideas and viewpoints. This 
is wildly in error but I see how you arrived at it, the troubl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-16 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 No, I don't "accept things at face value." I probably think as much about them 
as you do, except it's a different kind of thinking, that incorporates, to the 
best of my knowledge and understanding, the spiritual elements in life, which 
you appear to dismiss because they cannot be measured in any way that science 

 Exactly. There are many "instruments" through which to measure and weigh our 
experience, our world, our lives and what happens in those lives. Some of it 
involves known scientific findings about certain things, some involves using 
our knowledge as amassed over our years alive and some it is a combination of 
feeling, intuition and logic. 

 There is not enough "science" to answer all the questions I have throughout a 
single day. Why Salyavin is "speechless" at the assertion that science (as we 
know it and practice it) is purely man made is almost beyond me.

 Is that what you think I'm speechless about? Actually I'm speechless that 
anyone can know so little about something and still trumpet it like they are 
some sort of master who has both understood and gone beyond the knowledge. You 
don't give me any impression that you know how science works or what it's 
limitations might be. 

  He acts as if "science" is some absolute, perfect discipline that has existed 
and continues to exist as some separate entity and we have simply discovered it 
sitting there. 

 You are hallucinating really severely here.

 Nonsense. Humans created the concept of science, they have made all the 
scientific parameters and the rules for how they go about investigating the 
universe. Certain laws they are discovering seem to be absolute and true but 
the discipline itself is all man made. That is what I think Salyavin perhaps 
misunderstood about my statement. But then, he does consider him the Professor 
Peabody of the group and has little time for the other ignoramuses like myself 
who he doesn't like anyway.

 Don't worry, I'll stick around and offer my Ha'pporth on any subject I choose 
regardless of whether I like you or not.

  (I think it has something to do with the fact I can't stand that blowhard 
bawee who he finds, personally, fascinating. I just see bawee as some crazy 
scientific experiment gone badly awry, LOL).


 You are hallucinating again.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 What I am interested in is the relationship between the visible and the 
invisible worlds -- how they interact. I doubt whether that would mean anything 
to you, but I find it fascinating. Since science does not acknowledge an 
invisible world, I doubt whether it can be of any help. I am talking about the 
interactions between humans and all the other beings that inhabit this universe 
in realms we do not see. Angels act at a distance all the time. Of course, as a 
fan of science you will think such a statement meaningless or absurd, but I 
encourage you to keep an open mind. The impression I have at the moment is that 
your mind is more closed than most. 

 Closed mind eh? Ok, luckily for us I've got a mind open enough to actually try 
and engage with the accusation rather than simply dismissing it.

 There's a belief round here that "science" is some sort of dogmatic statement 
about reality that refuses to consider alternative ideas and viewpoints. This 
is wildly in error but I see how you arrived at it, the trouble is you are 
joining the debate about what is and what isn't at a point when people who 
study psychology and parapsychology already have a rather good idea about what 
constitutes a reasonable explanation for things like angels. And it isn't 
invisible worlds. You may continue to believe in them if you wish but with no 
evidence other than "feelings" there's no reason for anybody else to.

 I think it's a problem of education that so many people these days are so 
ignorant of how science works. Ignorant isn't an insult BTW, it just means you 
don't know something. In order for me to persuade you there is merit in 
challenging beliefs and trying to work out what something means rather than 
taking it at face value I'd have to go through grade school education about 
physics, biology and chemistry and all the stuff that explains how the stuff of 
the universe actually works and extrapolate from that the likelihoods of their 
being angels and unicorns farting rainbows.

 It isn't narrow minded to dismiss something if it contradicts everything else 
you know, and this is exactly what scientists do not do! I didn't just dismiss 
Marshy when he said that consciousness is the unified field, I sat up because 
it isn't part of any mainstream thinking and asked for a further explanation. 
And I didn't get one. I read Marshy's books and sat through interminable 
lectures to no avail, if they know somethin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-16 Thread salyavin808
 This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 No, I don't "accept things at face value." I probably think as much about them 
as you do, except it's a different kind of thinking, that incorporates, to the 
best of my knowledge and understanding, the spiritual elements in life, which 
you appear to dismiss because they cannot be measured in any way that science 

 Exactly. There are many "instruments" through which to measure and weigh our 
experience, our world, our lives and what happens in those lives. Some of it 
involves known scientific findings about certain things, some involves using 
our knowledge as amassed over our years alive and some it is a combination of 
feeling, intuition and logic. 

 There is not enough "science" to answer all the questions I have throughout a 
single day. Why Salyavin is "speechless" at the assertion that science (as we 
know it and practice it) is purely man made is almost beyond me. He acts as if 
"science" is some absolute, perfect discipline that has existed and continues 
to exist as some separate entity and we have simply discovered it sitting 
there. Nonsense. Humans created the concept of science, they have made all the 
scientific parameters and the rules for how they go about investigating the 
universe. Certain laws they are discovering seem to be absolute and true but 
the discipline itself is all man made. That is what I think Salyavin perhaps 
misunderstood about my statement. But then, he does consider him the Professor 
Peabody of the group and has little time for the other ignoramuses like myself 
who he doesn't like anyway (I think it has something to do with the fact I 
can't stand that blowhard bawee who he finds, personally, fascinating. I just 
see bawee as some crazy scientific experiment gone badly awry, LOL).

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 What I am interested in is the relationship between the visible and the 
invisible worlds -- how they interact. I doubt whether that would mean anything 
to you, but I find it fascinating. Since science does not acknowledge an 
invisible world, I doubt whether it can be of any help. I am talking about the 
interactions between humans and all the other beings that inhabit this universe 
in realms we do not see. Angels act at a distance all the time. Of course, as a 
fan of science you will think such a statement meaningless or absurd, but I 
encourage you to keep an open mind. The impression I have at the moment is that 
your mind is more closed than most. 

 Closed mind eh? Ok, luckily for us I've got a mind open enough to actually try 
and engage with the accusation rather than simply dismissing it.

 There's a belief round here that "science" is some sort of dogmatic statement 
about reality that refuses to consider alternative ideas and viewpoints. This 
is wildly in error but I see how you arrived at it, the trouble is you are 
joining the debate about what is and what isn't at a point when people who 
study psychology and parapsychology already have a rather good idea about what 
constitutes a reasonable explanation for things like angels. And it isn't 
invisible worlds. You may continue to believe in them if you wish but with no 
evidence other than "feelings" there's no reason for anybody else to.

 I think it's a problem of education that so many people these days are so 
ignorant of how science works. Ignorant isn't an insult BTW, it just means you 
don't know something. In order for me to persuade you there is merit in 
challenging beliefs and trying to work out what something means rather than 
taking it at face value I'd have to go through grade school education about 
physics, biology and chemistry and all the stuff that explains how the stuff of 
the universe actually works and extrapolate from that the likelihoods of their 
being angels and unicorns farting rainbows.

 It isn't narrow minded to dismiss something if it contradicts everything else 
you know, and this is exactly what scientists do not do! I didn't just dismiss 
Marshy when he said that consciousness is the unified field, I sat up because 
it isn't part of any mainstream thinking and asked for a further explanation. 
And I didn't get one. I read Marshy's books and sat through interminable 
lectures to no avail, if they know something deep about reality they sure 
aren't letting on what it actually is in a way it can be understood. The whole 
belief is explained only in wishy-washy terms in reference to other wishy-washy 
terms. This isn't the way physics works ad it's why nobody takes John Hagelin 
seriously. He has no argument to offer them that they can scrutinize. You'd 
think he would after all these decades.

 Not only that I've researched the whole story of unification and found that it 
was abandoned in the 70's by physicists because the only experiment anyone 
could think of to test it ended up disproving it. Even in Einste

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-16 Thread feste37
 if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-16 Thread salyavin808
eart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote : 
 ---In,  wrote : 

 But to answer the point: I would never have said "ignore your own experience" 
but I often say "question the explanations you are given".


 Well, of course!  You're a fool not to!  Look, I've been given grief here 
because I feel like I've taken a step up in my so called "experiences"

 But it's taken 35 years for God's sake, and has happened in spite of regular 
meditation, in spite of stepping out of the movement for almost this entire 
time.  For someone to say, it's "random brain activity" just seems rather 
absurd.  For the record, it doesn't bother me, it just seems rather narrow, 
that's all. 

 And science is the best way of working out whether your subjective experience 
"means" something in the wider context of physics and social functioning 
because it sets up experiments that can fail if the thing being tested has no 
actual validity. You may still have a good experience meditating even if it it 
can't defeat the controls of a proper experiment and it turns out you aren't 
creating world peace.

 Well it's funny you mention this, and perhaps you'd be kind enough to offer 
your opinion on something.  Since my family situation has changed, I have time 
to meditate after work, at work which I do, at least several days a week.  But 
I do it leaning back in my chair, and after about 15 minutes I usually put my 
head back and go into a rest mode.  I feel this meditation is just for 
relaxation purposes,and nothing more, where as before, I would sit cross 
legged, without back support, and that, I think led to a more spiritual type of 
meditation in terms of the clarity of experience.  But I don't see myself going 
back to that.

 And again, why this seeming prejudice to thinking "outside the box" This seems 
rather limited to me.  My wife worked at IBM for thirteen years, and they 
employed PhD's whose sole job was to do nothing, but think "outside the box"

 Read it again. I said If there is no basis to something, in this case the idea 
that brainwaves travel outside of the brain can affect crime rates, then 
there's no point coming up with ideas as to why it might happen. You need a 
signal to make it worth postulating a cause for it. No signal = don't waste 
your time.

 Look, whatever you say.  If this is your opinion, great.  If the state of 
measurement for such things is final, then I guess you are right.  But, how do 
you know for certain nothing else is going on.?

 Again, I'm not saying there is something else going on, but I am certainly 
careful about making absolute statements.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
environment, it appears to me you are 
spinning the discussion, and my comments to arrive a  pre-arranged conclusion  
you are comfortable with.

 Perhaps you don't buy into the notion that our thoughts can affect our 
environment, or that a person transcending does not have any effect that 
expands out.

 I don't know.  I am speculating that it does.  I can't say to what extent, and 
I am not defending the Maharishi Effect or saying that it works.

 But I remain open to that possibility.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. 

 No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even me

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Exactly.  I mean talk about taking on a "meaningful" issue.  Sheesh! 


---In,  wrote :

 HAHA well be careful, that activity could prove dangerous to someone's health 
if they actually tried that. What is a "flying" fuck, though? I figure if 
you're rolling on a doughnut it's a rolling fuck.

 On the subject of those who get all vigilante and ready to take on the 
Movement for giving grown adults the opportunity to spend their hard-earned (or 
not hard earned) dinero on Ayurvedic treatments or Maharishi honey then so be 
it. Look at all those spending money on hair grow products and cheap 
soon-to-be-out-of-fashion clothes or cable subscriptions in order to watch the 
pap available on most TV stations. It's called freedom to make a choice. It's 
not like spending money on some guys chanting yagyas that you're going to die 
as a result, or that ten firstborn children are going to be drowned at dawn. 
The best that could happen is that you feel good about having invested in 
yagyas (the placebo effect) and at worst some busy body comes and talks your 
ear off later and tries to convince you that you just wasted $500. Who needs 
it? It 's like those bores who insist you're a "cultist" all the while you 
haven't had a thing to do with the Movement for over three decades. LOL

---In,  wrote :

  If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at the cosmetic 
industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their cash in 
order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so much 
snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on stuff 
that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply a 
waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
ess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin's god, Science, is a very poor god indeed. I have no doubt that TM 
creates "action at a distance" because I have experienced it myself on a number 
of occasions. I have no interest in whether science is able to measure it or 
not. If someone is meditating in my house, it creates a calming effect. Just a 
few months ago, I had a friend here, and unbeknownst to me she was meditating 
in another room. I was noting the unusual feeling of calm I was experiencing, 
and then, some minutes later, discovered that she had been meditating. I trust 
my own experience and do not have to look to science to confirm or deny it. 
Science can go great things but it is not the be-all and end-all. 

 Science is limited by the fact that humans invented it, practice it, have 
created the tools, are responsible for reading and interpreting those 
tools/instruments. Science is only as valid/comprehensive/true as humans are 
and as we all know, that isn't saying much. Science is not something that 
exists as some absolute entity - it is purely manmade.


 It's a miracle!


---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I find it rather humorous that  you appear to consider yourself a 
final authority on what science can or cannot prove.   

 Certainly it's a fair statement to say, "we don't have any scientific basis to 
make such and such a statement", but some of us are not afraid to think a 
little outside that box, and perhaps more importantly not discount what our 
experiences may be, "outside that box"

 With regard to brain waves affecting the environment, it appears to me you are 
spinning the discussion, and my comments to arrive a  pre-arranged conclusion  
you are comfortable with.

 Perhaps you don't buy into the notion that our thoughts can affect our 
environment, or that a person transcending does not have any effect that 
expands out.

 I don't know.  I am speculating that it does.  I can't say to what extent, and 
I am not defending the Maharishi Effect or saying that it works.

 But I remain open to that possibility.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
air statement to say, "we don't have any scientific 
basis to make such and such a statement", but some of us are not 
afraid to think a little outside that box, and perhaps more 
importantly not discount what our experiences may be, "outside that box"

With regard to brain waves affecting the environment, it appears to me 
you are spinning the discussion, and my comments to arrive a 
 pre-arranged conclusion  you are comfortable with.

Perhaps you don't buy into the notion that our thoughts can affect our 
environment, or that a person transcending does not have any effect 
that expands out.

I don't know.  I am speculating that it does.  I can't say to what 
extent, and I am not defending the Maharishi Effect or saying that it 

But I remain open to that possibility.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Good nuance.  Good comparison.

A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient 
literature? Yep, that's a fine comparison.

I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the 
environment? Not even the TMO is claiming that.

Of course they are.

No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental 
level of nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" 
that they are claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's 

If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life 
supporting (I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes 
(supposedly) into play and effects what others think and do. That is 
"the environment".

 We can m! easure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to 
attach some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These 
signals arein the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy 
to measure them because we already know the frequencies.

All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could 
be measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is 
movement. If radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted 
and sent long or short distances through the atmosphere then brain 
waves are also doing the same thing. Even the beating of ones heart 
has some ability to be heard and felt outside of the body.

I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart 
can be heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves 
can then maybe the Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of 
people's hearts being heard across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect 
is supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all 
things via our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an 
unmeasurable phenomena, or am I unreasonable in expecting a physical 
basis to claims for the physical world?

Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean th! e force, the 
energy of the brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie 
being felt outside of the brain and body. Sheesh.

Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that 
the TMO publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies 
on people's ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces 
and effects. It's their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely 
familiar sciencey-sounding phrases and use them to piggyback their own 
beliefs and hope you won't be able to tell the difference.

Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

Because he is right, they do.


Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money! 
by claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response 
answers my question about who the letter was aimed at

You're such a curmudgeon.

Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't 
have a grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. 
They'll bleed him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube 
video to see wha! t people think of it.A sane person would distance 
themselves from such *nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing 
yogic flying and the TMO to create world peace. Might pull for it 
secretly though, kind of like a Muslim secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread feste37,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. 

 No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crim

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
7;t know.  I am speculating that it does.  I can't say to what extent, and 
I am not defending the Maharishi Effect or saying that it works.

 But I remain open to that possibility.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. 

 No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. An

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread salyavin808
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditat

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread feste37
to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin's god, Science, is a very poor god indeed. I have no doubt that TM 
creates "action at a distance" because I have experienced it myself on a number 
of occasions. I have no interest in whether science is able to measure it or 
not. If someone is meditating in my house, it creates a calming effect. Just a 
few months ago, I had a friend here, and unbeknownst to me she was meditating 
in another room. I was noting the unusual feeling of calm I was experiencing, 
and then, some minutes later, discovered that she had been meditating. I trust 
my own experience and do not have to look to science to confirm or deny it. 
Science can go great things but it is not the be-all and end-all. 

 Science is limited by the fact that humans invented it, practice it, have 
created the tools, are responsible for reading and interpreting those 
tools/instruments. Science is only as valid/comprehensive/true as humans are 
and as we all know, that isn't saying much. Science is not something that 
exists as some absolute entity - it is purely manmade.

---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I find it rather humorous that  you appear to consider yourself a 
final authority on what science can or cannot prove.   

 Certainly it's a fair statement to say, "we don't have any scientific basis to 
make such and such a statement", but some of us are not afraid to think a 
little outside that box, and perhaps more importantly not discount what our 
experiences may be, "outside that box"

 With regard to brain waves affecting the environment, it appears to me you are 
spinning the discussion, and my comments to arrive a  pre-arranged conclusion  
you are comfortable with.

 Perhaps you don't buy into the notion that our thoughts can affect our 
environment, or that a person transcending does not have any effect that 
expands out.

 I don't know.  I am speculating that it does.  I can't say to what extent, and 
I am not defending the Maharishi Effect or saying that it works.

 But I remain open to that possibility.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 people in the TMO I consider this a folie a deux - a shared 
delusion - but not with John Hagelin or Tony Nader, they know what they are 
doing and they are trying to raise money out of other people's ignorance and I 
am fascinated to watch people who have been through the brainwashing defend 
them by attacking me.

 What do they have to gain? Do they make lots of money? I have no idea. Do they 
like the power, the prestige (if there is such a thing in their position)? What 
is their motive?

 What do people find rewarding about being conned out of their life savings 
anyway? Nothing I suspect. You can buy a yagya for anything, a death, a birth, 
a wedding, getting a new job, looking for a new car, I know someone who paid 
for a yagya for her dying cat! And they took her money!


 Sure, I can see the cat thing. But, what is the price of your average yagya? 
It's just a kind of prayer and people like to have others pray for them, it 
appears. If you can get those saints and positive entities in the universe 
workin' for ya, why not? Look, it's all about feeling better, more secure, 
looked after in a world where you have no control, no idea when the next train 
is coming down the track to take you out, I get it.

 I'd love to know how much money the TMO makes out of it all. Untold millions 
every year and it's all rubbish. Amazing really, I'm almost honoured to be 
witnessing such a brilliant scam.

 But who is getting hurt here? Maybe you're just sorry/envious you didn't think 
of such a lucrative industry. I mean, these kinds of things are everywhere, 
look good - use my product. Look sexy - wear these clothes. Smell good - wear 
my cologne. Want success - go to our University. Want a woman - use our dating 
site. What makes the selling of yagyas so much worse? Because the Movement is 
preying on vulnerable people in their moments of darkness or need? Don't be 
silly - we're all suckers being preyed on all the time by hundreds and 
thousands of predators. And most of us manage to see through many of them and 
even if we don't, so we're out a few bucks. Also, you can't convince stupid or 
those in denial, why try?

 I mean, just look at the cosmetic industry, as one example, and how millions 
of women dish our their cash in order to look years younger or sexier when, in 
fact, it's all just so much snake oil? Every minute of every day we are 
spending time and money on stuff that is either misrepresented or just plain 
unproven and untrue or simply a waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on 
this lottery ticket I have to win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest 
skin care products.

 You have more chance of getting something with your lottery ticket than you do 
buying yagya's.

 Now there's a scientific statement based on opinion only. LOL

 But why do you think it's OK for religious groups to lie because you like 
cosmetics? I don't get your argument there, it isn't the same thing is it?. 

 I see that you don't get it. See above for further explanation of this simple 

 Put on make-up and look in the mirror and you like the results. Pay £5,000 for 
a health yagya and it doesn't work and then fall back on your brainwashing and 
come up with an excuse, planets emitting waves at you or karma being too strong 
maybe. Best get another yagya to counteract the negativity that stopped the 
first one working.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technol

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. 

 No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 Huh? My definition of "the environment" is obviously broader than yours. To 
me, the environment is anything outside my body and that includes the unified 
field as well as "the fundamental level of nature". I didn't say brain waves 
effect brain waves although they do that as well as effect every other single 
thing in "the environment". I also was not initially talking about the ME, I 
was responding to Steve's assertion that "I maintain that brain waves are real 
and affect one's environment." You are the one who extrapolated the ME.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy.

 Haha, says he who sees himself as Einstein's protege.

  But as your heart can be heard outside of your body a lot easier than your 
brainwaves can then maybe the Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of 
people's hearts being heard across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 My point was not anywhere near what you are twisting or simply not sharp 
enough to understand. My point was that even an unseen almost silent organ in 
the body, the heart, has measurable sound and movement - has energy - that can 
be measured outside the body thus it has an effect on the environment just as 
brain waves (not the ME) are forms of energy and like microwaves or radio waves 
travel outward and, if you have the right receiving instruments, create a sound 
or a picture or, more generally, an effect on that environment. Your blather 
about war zones and hearts is just your usual pig headed refusal to interact 
civilly with those you don't like.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Remember, I wasn't initially talking about the ME, I was responding to Steve's 
comment at the beginning of this post. You started talking about the ME. I 
don't care about that. What I care about and believe is that all matter has 
energy and, in addition, if you have brain waves they, too, have/are energy and 
when you have energy you have "an effect".

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess yo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote : 

 If there is no basis to something, why bother getting outside the box? As soon 
as you do that you get into religious beliefs, and defending those isn't what 
science is all about. But you can believe any rubbish you like, it only natters 
when someone tries to sell it as justifying something else. Deliberately 
spreading ignorance is wrong AFAIC

 Salyavin, why should one ignore one's own experience, even if it is  so called 
"mystical experience".  I'm not declaring it to be anything other than a 
subjective experience, but neither am I going to discount it.  I don't care 
whether or not science can validate this so called "mystical experience".

 This paragraph is completely unconnected with the bit you snipped from my 
post. Did you cut and paste the wrong thing?

 But to answer the point: I would never have said "ignore your own experience" 
but I often say "question the explanations you are given".

 And science is the best way of working out whether your subjective experience 
"means" something in the wider context of physics and social functioning 
because it sets up experiments that can fail if the thing being tested has no 
actual validity. You may still have a good experience meditating even if it it 
can't defeat the controls of a proper experiment and it turns out you aren't 
creating world peace.

 And again, why this seeming prejudice to thinking "outside the box" This seems 
rather limited to me.  My wife worked at IBM for thirteen years, and they 
employed PhD's whose sole job was to do nothing, but think "outside the box"

 Read it again. I said If there is no basis to something, in this case the idea 
that brainwaves travel outside of the brain can affect crime rates, then 
there's no point coming up with ideas as to why it might happen. You need a 
signal to make it worth postulating a cause for it. No signal = don't waste 
your time.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Again, it does strike me as weird this preoccupation of some with how other 
people spend their money. 

 It is their money after all, and most people enjoy spending money.

 I don't think they need someone looking over their shoulder saying "Stop. I 
disapprove of you spending your money this way"

 I might be inclined to tell them to take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut.  
I surely might.  (-:

 HAHA well be careful, that activity could prove dangerous to someone's health 
if they actually tried that. What is a "flying" fuck, though? I figure if 
you're rolling on a doughnut it's a rolling fuck.

 On the subject of those who get all vigilante and ready to take on the 
Movement for giving grown adults the opportunity to spend their hard-earned (or 
not hard earned) dinero on Ayurvedic treatments or Maharishi honey then so be 
it. Look at all those spending money on hair grow products and cheap 
soon-to-be-out-of-fashion clothes or cable subscriptions in order to watch the 
pap available on most TV stations. It's called freedom to make a choice. It's 
not like spending money on some guys chanting yagyas that you're going to die 
as a result, or that ten firstborn children are going to be drowned at dawn. 
The best that could happen is that you feel good about having invested in 
yagyas (the placebo effect) and at worst some busy body comes and talks your 
ear off later and tries to convince you that you just wasted $500. Who needs 
it? It 's like those bores who insist you're a "cultist" all the while you 
haven't had a thing to do with the Movement for over three decades. LOL

---In,  wrote :

  If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at the cosmetic 
industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their cash in 
order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so much 
snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on stuff 
that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply a 
waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread salyavin808
 is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread feste37
e we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread salyavin808
 travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might wor

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You just have a problem when people think in a different manner than what you 
approve of.
And I'm not frightened by this concept of personal accountability.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Again, it does strike me as weird this preoccupation of some with how other 
people spend their money. 

 It is their money after all, and most people enjoy spending money.

 I don't think they need someone looking over their shoulder saying "Stop. I 
disapprove of you spending your money this way"

 I might be inclined to tell them to take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut.  
I surely might.  (-:

 It's easier than thinking.

---In,  wrote :

  If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at the cosmetic 
industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their cash in 
order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so much 
snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on stuff 
that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply a 
waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Uh, Salyavin, there are consumer laws to cover some or all the situations you 
list below. 

 Society determines what is acceptable risk, what is choice, and what is fraud.

 Sometimes that line can be fuzzy, but there is a line.

 You wish to expand this concept to cover something that you find objectionable.

 It doesn't work that way, does it. You may engage in an activity that someone 
else feels should be curtailed, maybe like riding a bike on the Sabbath. 

 And guess what.  I have bought a car that broke down the next day.

 Was I pissed?  I sure was.  But whose fault was that?

 It's a harsh world, and there are laws that have been written to protect 
rights, but you can't as a rule cede personal responsibility to some outside 


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? 

 I do. If someone rang your grandmother and told her they could make her rich 
by giving them all her life savings and investing it in junk bonds and then 
spending her money on foreign holidays and sports cars, would you be angry? Of 
course. Would you be counting on some consumer law to protect her? If not, why 

 If someone sold you a car that broke down the next day you'd expect some sort 
of legal protection right?

 Suppose you knew someone who was mentally disabled and some stupid religious 
group told him their prayers would be the best money they ever spent and took 
£40,000 off them. And obviously gave nothing in return because prayers don't 

 Wouldn't you be angry and want to see them brought down a peg or two?

 Suppose you were part of an internet chat group and every time you pointed out 
people were getting conned by bullshit other people reverted to cult type and 
attacked you with insults and very weak arguments about how it was people's 
right to get conned if they want to?

You'd probably be a staggered as me I suspect.

 My next door neighbour is a Christian and spends a lot of his time praying. 
His prayers are undoubtably as effective as the TMO's yagyas (ie: not at all) 
But here's the thing, his don't cost a fortune. His aren't shrouded with lies 
and highly dubious scientific claims in order to make the victim, sorry 
recipient, think they are getting sort sort of historically validated 
technology to alter the laws of nature.

 From day one in the TMO they are training you to believe this crap and they 
are counting on your scientific illiteracy to do the work for them. It is a con 
and I am happy to point it out whenever they try it just as I would be if 
someone tried to sell me a crappy car or rob my grandmother.

 With a lot of people in the TMO I consider this a folie a deux - a shared 
delusion - but not with John Hagelin or Tony Nader, they know what they are 
doing and they are trying to raise money out of other people's ignorance and I 
am fascinated to watch people who have been through the brainwashing defend 
them by attacking me.

 What do people find rewarding about being conned out of their life savings 
anyway? Nothing I suspect. You can buy a yagya for anything, a death, a birth, 
a wedding, getting a new job, looking for a new car, I know someone who paid 
for a yagya for her dying cat! And they took her money!


 I'd love to know how much money the TMO makes out of it all. Untold millions 
every year and it's all rubbish. Amazing really, I'm almost honoured to be 
witnessing such a brilliant scam.

 I mean, just look at the cosmetic industry, as one example, and how millions 
of women dish our their cash in order to look years younger or sexier when, in 
fact, it's all just so much snake oil? Every minute of every day we are 
spending time and money on stuff that is either misrepresented or just plain 
unproven and untrue or simply a waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on 
this lottery ticket I have to win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest 
skin care products.

 You have more chance of getting something with your lottery ticket than you do 
buying yagya's.

 But why do you think it's OK for religious groups to lie because you like 
cosmetics? I don't get your argument there, it isn't the same thing is it?. Put 
on make-up and look in the mirror and you like the results. Pay £5,000 for a 
health yagya and it doesn't work and then fall back on your brainwashing and 
come up with an excuse, planets emitting waves at you or karma being too strong 
maybe. Best get another yagya to counteract the negativity that stopped the 
first one working.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
he Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
nsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-15 Thread salyavin808
on about who the letter was aimed at

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Again, it does strike me as weird this preoccupation of some with how other 
people spend their money. 

 It is their money after all, and most people enjoy spending money.

 I don't think they need someone looking over their shoulder saying "Stop. I 
disapprove of you spending your money this way"

 I might be inclined to tell them to take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut.  
I surely might.  (-:

 It's easier than thinking.

---In,  wrote :

  If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at the cosmetic 
industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their cash in 
order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so much 
snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on stuff 
that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply a 
waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? 

 I do. If someone rang your grandmother and told her they could make her rich 
by giving them all her life savings and investing it in junk bonds and then 
spending her money on foreign holidays and sports cars, would you be angry? Of 
course. Would you be counting on some consumer law to protect her? If not, why 

 If someone sold you a car that broke down the next day you'd expect some sort 
of legal protection right?

 Suppose you knew someone who was mentally disabled and some stupid religious 
group told him their prayers would be the best money they ever spent and took 
£40,000 off them. And obviously gave nothing in return because prayers don't 

 Wouldn't you be angry and want to see them brought down a peg or two?

 Suppose you were part of an internet chat group and every time you pointed out 
people were getting conned by bullshit other people reverted to cult type and 
attacked you with insults and very weak arguments about how it was people's 
right to get conned if they want to?

You'd probably be a staggered as me I suspect.

 My next door neighbour is a Christian and spends a lot of his time praying. 
His prayers are undoubtably as effective as the TMO's yagyas (ie: not at all) 
But here's the thing, his don't cost a fortune. His aren't shrouded with lies 
and highly dubious scientific claims in order to make the victim, sorry 
recipient, think they are getting sort sort of historically validated 
technology to alter the laws of nature.

 From day one in the TMO they are training you to believe this crap and they 
are counting on your scientific illiteracy to do the work for them. It is a con 
and I am happy to point it out whenever they try it just as I would be if 
someone tried to sell me a crappy car or rob my grandmother.

 With a lot of people in the TMO I consider this a folie a deux - a shared 
delusion - but not with John Hagelin or Tony Nader, they know what they are 
doing and they are trying to raise money out of other people's ignorance and I 
am fascinated to watch people who have been through the brainwashing defend 
them by attacking me.

 What do people find rewarding about being conned out of their life savings 
anyway? Nothing I suspect. You can buy a yagya for anything, a death, a birth, 
a wedding, getting a new job, looking for a new car, I know someone who paid 
for a yagya for her dying cat! And they took her money!


 I'd love to know how much money the TMO makes out of it all. Untold millions 
every year and it's all rubbish. Amazing really, I'm almost honoured to be 
witnessing such a brilliant scam.

 I mean, just look at the cosmetic industry, as one example, and how millions 
of women dish our their cash in order to look years younger or sexier when, in 
fact, it's all just so much snake oil? Every minute of every day we are 
spending time and money on stuff that is either misrepresented or just plain 
unproven and untrue or simply a waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on 
this lottery ticket I have to win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest 
skin care products.

 You have more chance of getting something with your lottery ticket than you do 
buying yagya's.

 But why do you think it's OK for religious groups to lie because you like 
cosmetics? I don't get your argument there, it isn't the same thing is it?. Put 
on make-up and look in the mirror and you like the results. Pay £5,000 for a 
health yagya and it doesn't work and then fall back on your brainwashing and 
come up with an excuse, planets emitting waves at you or karma being too strong 
maybe. Best get another yagya to counteract the negativity that stopped the 
first one working.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editor

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. 

 No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy. But as your heart can be 
heard outside of your body a lot easier than your brainwaves can then maybe the 
Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of people's hearts being heard 
across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Wa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Again, it does strike me as weird this preoccupation of some with how other 
people spend their money. 

 It is their money after all, and most people enjoy spending money.

 I don't think they need someone looking over their shoulder saying "Stop. I 
disapprove of you spending your money this way"

 I might be inclined to tell them to take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut.  
I surely might.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

  If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at the cosmetic 
industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their cash in 
order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so much 
snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on stuff 
that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply a 
waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 It doesn't even mention yogic flying.. and Why? The guy is a scientist and 
makes administrative decisions based on observation, gathering data, testing, 
and experience. Metrics and merit now matter more in the running of the new TM 
order than just some old rigid belief in ideology. This is refreshing and comes 
of necessity. This large order world-wide advertising heralds a new new 
[post-vedic-f-ing?] time for TM. -JGU

---In,  wrote :

 Why? Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying.. Reality check. An adaption based on observation of human behavior. 
Evidently Yogic flying as advanced practice seems too fantastic and complex to 
frankly lead with. But the science research on meditation and people's 
experience with meditation are tight and they carry their own weight separately 
as a practical reality. 

 The meditation part of TM is well taught, people generally like it, the 
science is substantial, so evidently he is going now with 'TM' in the larger 
marketplace of ideas and less so with what was but one 'advanced practice' of 
Yogic-F'ing. There seems an evident re-alignment to what works well, the 
meditation. Not that yogic flying won't be somewhere in the bowels of TM. But 
evidently the lead is different with this, like putting a better foot forward. 
It is very mammalian, The movement is yet alive and moves, of necessity.   

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 7thRay writes
 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 salyavin808 writes:


 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that. We can measure electrical activity in brains 
easily but you have to attach some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp 
to do it. These signals are in the brain, if they could travel outside it would 
be easy to measure them because we already know the frequencies. 

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent 
and life supporting (I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes 
(supposedly) into play and effects what others think and do. That is "the 

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

 You're such a curmudgeon.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone dem

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


Oh, I'd endorse it if I believed it, no problem. Trouble is, I can't see it 
working or how it could be working if I could see it!

 It's a nice idea that people can influence each other towards peaceful 
cooperation without them even being aware of it though. One of the best.

 I used to think there's no harm in trying, but there's been a lot of financial 
harm over the years. Marshy's last big idea was a wealth fund to keep a bunch 
of pundits chanting non-stop to create world peace. An awful lot of people gave 
up an awful lot of money for that, a fool and his money are soon parted you 
might say but surely we have to raise the alarm if they keep trying the same 
scam every time the world goes banana shaped...

 I left the movement long before all of this yagya/investment stuff. I invested 
in an education at MIU that I chose and that I subsequently gained/profited 
from. I paid, I got my money's worth. I chose to learn the Sidhis. It was an 
interesting experience and worth the few shekels I had to dish out. No biggie. 

 However, I was not interested beyond that in either becoming a TM teacher and 
"devoting" large swathes of my life to selling the technique nor was I ever 
involved in giving money to either Ayurvedic or any other TM related product 
including their honey so I guess it is easy for me to ignore all of that and 
not make a fuss. If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to 
engage in all or some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at 
the cosmetic industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their 
cash in order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so 
much snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on 
stuff that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply 
a waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.
 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Why? Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying.. Reality check. An adaption based on observation of human behavior. 
Evidently Yogic flying as advanced practice seems too fantastic and complex to 
frankly lead with. But the science research on meditation and people's 
experience with meditation are tight and they carry their own weight separately 
as a practical reality. 
 The meditation part of TM is well taught, people generally like it, the 
science is substantial, so evidently he is going now with 'TM' in the larger 
marketplace of ideas and less so with what was but one 'advanced practice' of 
Yogic-F'ing. There seems an evident re-alignment to what works well, the 
meditation. Not that yogic flying won't be somewhere in the bowels of TM. But 
evidently the lead is different with this, like putting a better foot forward. 
It is very mammalian, The movement is yet alive and moves, of necessity.   

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 7thRay writes
 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 salyavin808 writes:


 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that. We can measure electrical activity in brains 
easily but you have to attach some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp 
to do it. These signals are in the brain, if they could travel outside it would 
be easy to measure them because we already know the frequencies. 

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't have a vested interest in this, but just out of curiosity, why would it 
be a concern of your how people wish to spend their money?

---In,  wrote :


 An awful lot of people gave up an awful lot of money for that, a fool and his 
money are soon parted you might say but surely we have to raise the alarm if 
they keep trying the same scam every time the world goes banana shaped...

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Unless and until the TMO can demonstrate with solid evidence that the 1% effect 
works, I don't see it having much chance of gaining any traction. 

 I was simply pointing out, based on my own experience, that the power of 
attention can have remarkable and practical effects in everyday life.

 I don't claim this is a great revelation, or anything that special.

 At the same time, I think it something a bit more subtle than is commonly 
taken into consideration.

 If you want to use this as some evidence against me, I ain't gonna stop you.

---In,  wrote :



 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


Oh, I'd endorse it if I believed it, no problem. Trouble is, I can't see it 
working or how it could be working if I could see it!

 It's a nice idea that people can influence each other towards peaceful 
cooperation without them even being aware of it though. One of the best.

 I used to think there's no harm in trying, but there's been a lot of financial 
harm over the years. Marshy's last big idea was a wealth fund to keep a bunch 
of pundits chanting non-stop to create world peace. An awful lot of people gave 
up an awful lot of money for that, a fool and his money are soon parted you 
might say but surely we have to raise the alarm if they keep trying the same 
scam every time the world goes banana shaped...
 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that. We can measure electrical activity in brains 
easily but you have to attach some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp 
to do it. These signals are in the brain, if they could travel outside it would 
be easy to measure them because we already know the frequencies. 

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Me, I'm not so sure.  I think the combined thoughts of humans is a powerful 
part of the equation. 

 I think changes in the earth affected the development of humans, and the 
development of the human intellect and reason had an effect on earth and it's 
landscape and fauna and flora.

 Don't ask me why, because I can't really answer that.

 But, I enjoy thinking about these things and looking at different theories.

---In,  wrote :

 They think we may influence the earth but I think that might be a little 
pretentious. The entire human race is nothing compared with the mass of the 





 On 12/13/2015 01:42 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Good nuance.  Good comparison.
 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   
 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.
 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!
 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 
 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 
 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 
 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics
 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.
 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?
 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.
 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.
 mailto:dickmays@... wrote :
 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Quite interesting.  This is how it starts.  Some will be ahead of curve,and 
some, likely the great majority, will be behind the curve.  But this is how it 

---In,  wrote :

 Or it's earth waves that influence are thinking and what we do.  It could be 
why astrology may more or less or considering planets used as markers for 
earth/solar cycles that recur.  Here's an interesting article about that:
 They think we may influence the earth but I think that might be a little 
pretentious. The entire human race is nothing compared with the mass of the 
 On 12/13/2015 01:42 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Good nuance.  Good comparison.
 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   
 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.
 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!
 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 
 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 
 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 
 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics
 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.
 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?
 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.
 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.
 mailto:dickmays@... wrote :
 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Or it's earth waves that influence are thinking and what we do.  It 
could be why astrology may more or less or considering planets used as 
markers for earth/solar cycles that recur.  Here's an interesting 
article about that:

They think we may influence the earth but I think that might be a little 
pretentious. The entire human race is nothing compared with the mass of 
the planet.

On 12/13/2015 01:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Good nuance.  Good comparison.

I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

---In,  wrote :

All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube 
video to see what people think of it.A sane person would distance 
themselves from such *nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing 
yogic flying and the TMO to create world peace. Might pull for it 
secretly though, kind of like a Muslim secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and 
War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention 
yogic flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some 
research, they'll instantly find this:

And that will be that.

Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it 
anyway if it works. And then we can say; we havebeen doing it. And 
yagyas too!

So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at 
a distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. 
The crime rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly 
fluctuates over the year anyway, even the editors of the journal that 
one was published in weren't impressed.

And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back 
at that time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected 
when there people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because 
there wasn't. You can't say that more people would have died if we 
weren't meditating, how are you going to prove it? There are lies, 
there are damn lies and there are statistics

If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, 
aren't there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate 
in Washington would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. 
The war in Lebanon would have stopped. Even if it's as good as the 
claimed unmeasurable effects, how would that help in Syria? 10% fewer 
beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that interfere with Saudi Arabian 
justice a bit? They won't like that.

Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't 
even explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone 
demonstrate that it does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why 
this advert is heavy on promises and light on explanation?

Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and 
pundits all over the world would have had us all dancing in the 
streets by now, but we appear to be stuck with having to come up with 
actual solutions for problems rather than hoping some stirrings of 
bliss in some mythical unified field will magically save the world.

I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even 
had it explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war 
deaths and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and 
statistics below in the middle column.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good nuance.  Good comparison. 

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!
Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic flying 
so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll instantly 
find this:

And that will be that. 
Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 
So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 
And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics
If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.
Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?
Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.
I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)  #yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747 
-- #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp #yiv2003912747hd 
0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp #yiv2003912747ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp .yiv2003912747ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp .yiv2003912747ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp .yiv2003912747ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-sponsor #yiv2003912747ygrp-lc #yiv2003912747hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-sponsor #yiv2003912747ygrp-lc .yiv2003912747ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2003912747 
 #yiv2003912747activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747activity span 
.yiv2003912747underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2003912747 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2003912747 .yiv2003912747attach di

[FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread salyavin808

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)