FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

2004-05-24 Thread Kathy Forer
It was a dark and stormy night, long, long ago and far away, I don't 
recall how I happened on Fluxlist, something about Seattle, or digital 
art, but at first it appealed to an absurdist element in my strivingly 
rationalist nature. Later, I came to learn about Fluxus, vaguely, more 
osmotically than referentially, and I'm still here, listening and 
throwing pennies and wooden nickels.

Watching how the sometimes uncool geeky cool crowd does it, but knowing 
we're special and of course that doesn't matter, for among other things 
we knew Miss Petal. Fluxlist has its own history. Present, etc.

Last week I saw the Dieter Roth exhibit and was much more satisfied 
than I thought I'd be. So messy! It was the insides turned outside and 
yeah I liked it, mostly. Though my sensibilities are inclined toward 
form, my curiosity is captured by painted postcards. And context.

Does anyone know the origin of the phrase "tea and crumpets"?
Much pleased to share your wit and wobbly grinks,

Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

2004-05-25 Thread michael leigh
 ---The phrase "tea and crumpets" was I believe, first
mentioned in the ancient Book of Crump back in the
12th century by the sage and onion gatherer poet
WIlhem de Marmalude. IN a strange dialect only known
to himself and few followers he thus describes his
first meeting with FHartley Forfesters- the Treacle
   " Doush thou be lumpit,
 Me olde dear crump
 It maketh me slump
 IN me glope wiv tea
 An crumpet play lood
 On the pink trumpet"

A.1.Waste PAper Co. Ltd.

 Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It was a dark
and stormy night, long, long ago and
> far away, I don't 
> recall how I happened on Fluxlist, something about
> Seattle, or digital 
> art, but at first it appealed to an absurdist
> element in my strivingly 
> rationalist nature. Later, I came to learn about
> Fluxus, vaguely, more 
> osmotically than referentially, and I'm still here,
> listening and 
> throwing pennies and wooden nickels.
> Watching how the sometimes uncool geeky cool crowd
> does it, but knowing 
> we're special and of course that doesn't matter, for
> among other things 
> we knew Miss Petal. Fluxlist has its own history.
> Present, etc.
> Last week I saw the Dieter Roth exhibit and was much
> more satisfied 
> than I thought I'd be. So messy! It was the insides
> turned outside and 
> yeah I liked it, mostly. Though my sensibilities are
> inclined toward 
> form, my curiosity is captured by painted postcards.
> And context.
> Does anyone know the origin of the phrase "tea and
> crumpets"?
> Much pleased to share your wit and wobbly grinks,
> Kathy

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Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

2004-05-25 Thread suse
Oddly therre is an anonymous Kufic script from 10th century which reads:

"Deus, my beloved,
behold dervish crump
IT may be something
in me. Lets grope with tea
and crumpets sing coo coo
to the pink strumpet"

The Button Press

>" Doush thou be lumpit,
>  Me olde dear crump
>  It maketh me slump
>  IN me glope wiv tea
>  An crumpet play lood
>  On the pink trumpet"
> A.1.Waste PAper Co. Ltd.

Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

2004-05-27 Thread michael leigh
 --Well, strangley enough I was I teh BArgain Booze
down the road just now and I accidentally fell into a
time portal situated in between the Cheese and onion
Crisp dispenser and the Tasmanian Champagne and ended
up in Gaul in the 9th century! As luck would have it a
nearby empty castle contained a huge library of
mouldering books and parchments and on one rather
smelly and disgusting peice of vellum was scrawled-

" Qhel merde de frottage,
  Dans le frappe mon page
  Avec le tea et crumpette
  Pour les grande souflette!"


suse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Oddly therre is an
anonymous Kufic script from 10th
> century which reads:
> "Deus, my beloved,
> behold dervish crump
> IT may be something
> in me. Lets grope with tea
> and crumpets sing coo coo
> to the pink strumpet"
> The Button Press
> >" Doush thou be lumpit,
> >  Me olde dear crump
> >  It maketh me slump
> >  IN me glope wiv tea
> >  An crumpet play lood
> >  On the pink trumpet"
> > 
> > A.1.Waste PAper Co. Ltd.
> > 
> > 

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Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

2004-09-16 Thread Bertrand Clavez
OK folks I'm back and I only have 2458 fluxlist post to read.
Kinda late, uh?
Actually, I moved, and since the 9th of july I'm making heavy work in my new
house (like the roof, the whole electric wiring, the tranformation of the
ceiling into a living space etc.) and it's only now that I have the
possibility to get my mails (even though it's a low stream connection)
I still have to make a bathroom, to restore five or six rooms, and to garden
a bit to eradicate the jungle we have backyard, and we'll be fine with the
childrenin 2012 (alas the university is opening in 10 days, and I
haven't yet prepared a single lesson...)
Otherwise, even if the website is not our main occupation currently
(euphemism), we're organising a flash exhibit of Ben Patterson in the
University of Paris-8: two days only in their exhibiting space, but also a
lecture/workshop in the seminar of Prof. Liliane Terrier on wed. evening.
+ We'll have a dinner with some of the FLuxus artists that have answered to
the invitation of the Center G. Pompidou for the opening of the big
exhibition "the sound in art" which is to open on the 21st of Sept.
More to come soon, hope you all spent a nice summer (winter for those who
live beyond the equator), and I begin to read all those delayed posts


- Original Message - 
From: "michael leigh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

> ---The phrase "tea and crumpets" was I believe, first
> mentioned in the ancient Book of Crump back in the
> 12th century by the sage and onion gatherer poet
> WIlhem de Marmalude. IN a strange dialect only known
> to himself and few followers he thus describes his
> first meeting with FHartley Forfesters- the Treacle
> bearer.
>" Doush thou be lumpit,
>  Me olde dear crump
>  It maketh me slump
>  IN me glope wiv tea
>  An crumpet play lood
>  On the pink trumpet"
> A.1.Waste PAper Co. Ltd.
>  Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It was a dark
> and stormy night, long, long ago and
> > far away, I don't
> > recall how I happened on Fluxlist, something about
> > Seattle, or digital
> > art, but at first it appealed to an absurdist
> > element in my strivingly
> > rationalist nature. Later, I came to learn about
> > Fluxus, vaguely, more
> > osmotically than referentially, and I'm still here,
> > listening and
> > throwing pennies and wooden nickels.
> >
> > Watching how the sometimes uncool geeky cool crowd
> > does it, but knowing
> > we're special and of course that doesn't matter, for
> > among other things
> > we knew Miss Petal. Fluxlist has its own history.
> > Present, etc.
> >
> > Last week I saw the Dieter Roth exhibit and was much
> > more satisfied
> > than I thought I'd be. So messy! It was the insides
> > turned outside and
> > yeah I liked it, mostly. Though my sensibilities are
> > inclined toward
> > form, my curiosity is captured by painted postcards.
> > And context.
> >
> > Does anyone know the origin of the phrase "tea and
> > crumpets"?
> >
> > Much pleased to share your wit and wobbly grinks,
> > Kathy
> >
> >
> Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping"
> your friends today! Download Messenger Now
> http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html

Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

2004-09-16 Thread suse
hello Bertrand,
I have about 2113 to read.and I have not made a bathroom either.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bertrand Clavez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist

> I still have to make a bathroom, 

RE: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets

2004-05-25 Thread Roger Stevens
Michael, I have to take issue with you there. Norbeth Winkfartle, the
13th Century German etymologist and wood shavings reconstructionalist
quotes this verse by Gertrude Nqzthmmprtzzfjp, the unpronounceable
acupuncturist and chronicler to the court of King Stupid the Peddler
dated 11th century -

Wan thet croompit with his talleth phoon
Be set with tea and a pinke tromboone

Not only an earlier mention of tea and crumpets but also the first ever
reference to the telephone.

Hope this clears it up.


 ---The phrase "tea and crumpets" was I believe, first
mentioned in the ancient Book of Crump back in the
12th century by the sage and onion gatherer poet
WIlhem de Marmalude. IN a strange dialect only known
to himself and few followers he thus describes his
first meeting with FHartley Forfesters- the Treacle
   " Doush thou be lumpit,
 Me olde dear crump
 It maketh me slump
 IN me glope wiv tea
 An crumpet play lood
 On the pink trumpet"

A.1.Waste PAper Co. Ltd.

 Kathy Forer wrote: 
> Does anyone know the origin of the phrase "tea and
> crumpets"?

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RE: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets

2004-05-25 Thread michael leigh
 ---Sorry, you are wrong in several parts, notably the
word "croompit" in the 13th century was infact a lowly
dwelling place for itinerant "croom" sharpeners - this
being the pointed end of ruddish stick used in pea
foddling ceremonies about that time.
 The "talleth phoon" was actually a very tall spoon
for scooping dead earwigs from the tops of beehives
and elaborate hair-do's of that time.

Please try and get your facts right in future.


 Roger Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Michael, I have to take issue with you there.
> Norbeth Winkfartle, the
> 13th Century German etymologist and wood shavings
> reconstructionalist
> quotes this verse by Gertrude Nqzthmmprtzzfjp, the
> unpronounceable
> acupuncturist and chronicler to the court of King
> Stupid the Peddler
> dated 11th century -
> Wan thet croompit with his talleth phoon
> Be set with tea and a pinke tromboone
> Not only an earlier mention of tea and crumpets but
> also the first ever
> reference to the telephone.
> Hope this clears it up.
> Roger
>  ---The phrase "tea and crumpets" was I believe,
> first
> mentioned in the ancient Book of Crump back in the
> 12th century by the sage and onion gatherer poet
> WIlhem de Marmalude. IN a strange dialect only known
> to himself and few followers he thus describes his
> first meeting with FHartley Forfesters- the Treacle
> bearer.
>" Doush thou be lumpit,
>  Me olde dear crump
>  It maketh me slump
>  IN me glope wiv tea
>  An crumpet play lood
>  On the pink trumpet"
> A.1.Waste PAper Co. Ltd.
>  Kathy Forer wrote: 
> > 
> > Does anyone know the origin of the phrase "tea and
> > crumpets"?
> > 

> Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" 
> your friends today! Download Messenger Now 
> http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html

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Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets

2004-05-25 Thread Kathy Forer
And, here, I thought a crompid was a fork in the road, best taken 
within an intersection.


Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets

2004-05-26 Thread michael leigh
Some further observations on the origins of "crumpets"

Crumpet = a small crumb kept as a pet

crumpet = a crumpled petal soaked in rum

crumpet = a squashed trumpet

crumpet = an umpires petulant stare

crumpet = a rather foul fart after eating rump steak

 --- Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > And, here,
I thought a crompid was a fork in the
> road, best taken 
> within an intersection.
> http://www.quinion.com/words/topicalwords/

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Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets

2004-05-26 Thread ArtnAnts

In a message dated 5/26/04 12:33:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

crumpet = a squashed trumpet


Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets

2004-05-26 Thread David-Baptiste Chirot

from crumpet
to crumb pit
>Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and crumpets 
>Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 18:20:04 EDT 
>In a message dated 5/26/04 12:33:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
> > crumpet = a squashed trumpet 
> > 
 FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! 

RE: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-05-25 Thread Roger Stevens
Jill visited NY a couple of weeks ago and visited the Dieter Roth
exhibition. She said it was wonderful. She brought me back the
catalogue. Well, I say catalogue - it's actually a 300 page large-format
Roth Time - A Dieter Roth Retrospective. It's magnificent.

What staggered me was just how much work the guy produced. I had no idea
he was so prolific.

He's always been one of my favourite artists and was quite an influence
on my work. I first came across his work in the library of the Art
College when I was a sculpture student (this would have been 1968? 69?)
It was book full of little poems and sayings stuck in with transparent
sticky tape. I just thought... WOW!

Kathy Forer wrote -
 Last week I saw the Dieter Roth exhibit and was much more satisfied 
than I thought I'd be. So messy! It was the insides turned outside and 
yeah I liked it, mostly. Though my sensibilities are inclined toward 
form, my curiosity is captured by painted postcards. And context.

RE: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-05-25 Thread michael leigh
 ---Gosh, Roger, I had no idea you'd studied sculpture
at art college. I'd always imagined you'd carved poems
at Poetry College! You learn something new every day o
n teh FLusxlist!  


 Roger Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Jill visited NY a couple of weeks ago and visited
> the Dieter Roth
> exhibition. She said it was wonderful. She brought
> me back the
> catalogue. Well, I say catalogue - it's actually a
> 300 page large-format
> book.
> Roth Time - A Dieter Roth Retrospective. It's
> magnificent.
> What staggered me was just how much work the guy
> produced. I had no idea
> he was so prolific.
> He's always been one of my favourite artists and was
> quite an influence
> on my work. I first came across his work in the
> library of the Art
> College when I was a sculpture student (this would
> have been 1968? 69?)
> It was book full of little poems and sayings stuck
> in with transparent
> sticky tape. I just thought... WOW!
> Kathy Forer wrote -
>  Last week I saw the Dieter Roth exhibit and was
> much more satisfied 
> than I thought I'd be. So messy! It was the insides
> turned outside and 
> yeah I liked it, mostly. Though my sensibilities are
> inclined toward 
> form, my curiosity is captured by painted postcards.
> And context.

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now 

Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-05-25 Thread Kathy Forer
My favorite pieces, the one that reconciled me to the many others, 
which I had been amused by but didn't necessarily "get," were the 
tapestries, done in collaboration with weavers Wiener and Export. Also 
the fecund assemblages. One of a barroom with a "behind the scenes" 
backside. Another with a radio intriguingly tuned to a station 
reporting local current events, weather and traffic.

Amazing how the organic pieces were so early, or perhaps the repeats 
and variations we see now are so "late." His influences on and by are 

There's a good flash of the exhibit at 

Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-05-26 Thread michael leigh
 -Thanks for this link Kathy. Looks like a great
exhibition. Michael

 Kathy Forer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > My favorite
pieces, the one that reconciled me to
> the many others, 
> which I had been amused by but didn't necessarily
> "get," were the 
> tapestries, done in collaboration with weavers
> Wiener and Export. Also 
> the fecund assemblages. One of a barroom with a
> "behind the scenes" 
> backside. Another with a radio intriguingly tuned to
> a station 
> reporting local current events, weather and traffic.
> Amazing how the organic pieces were so early, or
> perhaps the repeats 
> and variations we see now are so "late." His
> influences on and by are 
> palpable.
> There's a good flash of the exhibit at 

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Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-05-28 Thread Sol Nte
Roger wrote on Dieter Roth:

> He's always been one of my favourite artists and was quite an influence
> on my work. I first came across his work in the library of the Art
> College when I was a sculpture student (this would have been 1968? 69?)
> It was book full of little poems and sayings stuck in with transparent
> sticky tape. I just thought... WOW!

That book sounds like 246 Little Clouds published by Dick Higgins' Something
Else Press..I have to say I'm the proud owner of a near mint original
copy..one of the more treasured books I have. I bought it in Amsterdam on my
Birthday a few years ago, then we got the bus to Edam but found out that
Edam is no longer made in Edam.??

Anyway I thoroughly recommend it and you can still pick it up quite cheap
from abebooks.com or sommat like that.



RE: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-05-28 Thread Roger Stevens

I suspect that is the very book and I'd love a copy

I'll have a look.

I've done several searches but the cheapest I've found so far is £87 or

Visit The Poetry Zone

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Sol Nte
Sent: 28 May 2004 13:39
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

Roger wrote on Dieter Roth:

> He's always been one of my favourite artists and was quite an
> on my work. I first came across his work in the library of the Art
> College when I was a sculpture student (this would have been 1968?
> It was book full of little poems and sayings stuck in with transparent
> sticky tape. I just thought... WOW!

That book sounds like 246 Little Clouds published by Dick Higgins'
Else Press..I have to say I'm the proud owner of a near mint original
copy..one of the more treasured books I have. I bought it in Amsterdam
on my
Birthday a few years ago, then we got the bus to Edam but found out that
Edam is no longer made in Edam.??

Anyway I thoroughly recommend it and you can still pick it up quite
from abebooks.com or sommat like that.



Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-06-10 Thread mIEKAL aND
I used to spend hours looking at this at the University Library at 
UW-Madison when I was a youngun.

On Friday, May 28, 2004, at 07:38 AM, Sol Nte wrote:
That book sounds like 246 Little Clouds published by Dick Higgins' 
Else Press..I have to say I'm the proud owner of a near mint original
copy..one of the more treasured books I have. I bought it in Amsterdam 
on my
Birthday a few years ago, then we got the bus to Edam but found out 
Edam is no longer made in Edam.??

Re: FLUXLIST: accidental fluxlist and Dieter Roth

2004-06-13 Thread ArtnAnts

In a message dated 6/10/04 3:48:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Birthday a few years ago, then we got the bus to Edam but found out
> that
> Edam is no longer made in Edam.??

that is so sick!