[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-08 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 9-2-2013 1:49, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> It turned out that the reason was simply that the default AppConfigDir
> (~/.config/ ) wasn't there, and therefore in the two usual lines
> AppConfigFileName:= GetAppConfigFile(False);
> ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);
> the second line was generating the access violation.
> Desktop specs tell where configuration data should go, but they don't
> guarantee that the directory exists. Other applications take care of
> creating if it doesn't exist, but its presence depends on which
> applications you launch.
> Of course, once one knows, one can use ForceDirectories in the
> application code, but it would be much more user friendly if
> XdgConfigHome (or SysConfigDir when it will be implemented) in sysutils
> took care of that. You ask for the default configuration path to put
> your data in, and you get a sane and *existing* path.
> It would also be nice if TIniFile.Create didn't generate an Access
> Violation if the file can't be created.
> Should I open an issue on the bugtracker on this subject, or I'm the
> only one to think that it's a bug/required feature?
If I were you, I'd open an issue. I agree this is a problem.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 9-2-2013 10:25, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> On 9-2-2013 1:49, Giuliano Colla wrote:
>>> It turned out that the reason was simply that the default AppConfigDir
>>> (~/.config/ ) wasn't there, and therefore in the two usual lines
>>> AppConfigFileName:= GetAppConfigFile(False);
>>> ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);
>>> the second line was generating the access violation.
>>> Desktop specs tell where configuration data should go, but they don't
>>> guarantee that the directory exists. Other applications take care of
>>> creating if it doesn't exist, but its presence depends on which
>>> applications you launch.
>>> Of course, once one knows, one can use ForceDirectories in the
>>> application code, but it would be much more user friendly if
>>> XdgConfigHome (or SysConfigDir when it will be implemented) in sysutils
>>> took care of that. You ask for the default configuration path to put
>>> your data in, and you get a sane and *existing* path.
>>> It would also be nice if TIniFile.Create didn't generate an Access
>>> Violation if the file can't be created.
>>> Should I open an issue on the bugtracker on this subject, or I'm the
>>> only one to think that it's a bug/required feature?
>> If I were you, I'd open an issue. I agree this is a problem.
> It is not a problem.

It is indeed not a problem if this is user code, not default code in a
Lazarus application. Didn't understand Giuliano's message to mean that.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 07:34, Michael Müller wrote:

> I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the feeling 
> that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally OR try-except 
> but there are situations where you need both. One of the criteria is if the 
> object is local or global since for a global object it is likely that you 
> place the .Free (or for a global object better FreeAndNil()) into a 
> destructor or finalization section (which means that you have to stop the 
> program in case of an error and not continue showing just a dialog) so you'll 
> need only the try-except if you want to catch the exception. In case of a 
> local object you'll ALWAYS have the lines
> Obj := Class.Create;
> try
>   // do some code
> finally
>   Obj.Free;
> end;
> otherwise you'll end up with memory leaks.
> If you want to catch the exception in this situation you'll put try-except 
> extra around try-finally so you'll end up with
> Obj := Class.Create;
> try
>   try
> // do some code
>   finally
> Obj.Free;
>   end;
> except
>   writeln('We have a problem);
>   halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one
> end;
> Regards
To developers:
How would a generalized/packed construct like

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

(in other words: a try-*-end construct where * can be 'finally', or 'except', 
or BOTH.)

fit into Pascal philosophy?
Advantages is mainly: 
- one less indent level ('oh, I need try-except around all THAT, bugger.') to 
care about;
  (yeah, even with all the good tools to manage the code, it stings, that the 
   have to be separately declared and one needs to remember that...)

Would it be very complicated? 


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 09:39, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Lukasz Sokol wrote:
>> To developers: How would a generalized/packed construct like
>> try [code block] finally [code block] except [code block] end;
>> (in other words: a try-*-end construct where * can be 'finally', or
>> 'except', or BOTH.)
>> fit into Pascal philosophy? Advantages is mainly: - one less indent
>> level ('oh, I need try-except around all THAT, bugger.') to care
>> about; (yeah, even with all the good tools to manage the code, it
>> stings, that the twohave to be separately declared and one
>> needs to remember that...)
> I think this complicates things unduly. As it is case-else and
> then-else are about the only places where there is this sort of
> composite block, and finally-except-end is even uglier since parts of
> all three blocks may be executed.

With the traditional construct there could be another place that 
poses a potential pitfall:

[use fixed width font to see below comfortably]

try vs  try
  try [...]
[...]   finally
  finally [...]
[...]   except
  //(*1*)   end;

Using the composite one, protects the user of this construct from putting code 
into *1* place
where it may not be executed if exception happens in the try..finally block;

I'm not saying, this is not sometimes that one wants, but (at least in my case, 
putting code in *1 is a result of a thinko/PEBKAC. There, this I think is 
another (better?) 
argument in favor of composite try...finally...except...end;

I still think the latter (single-level, composite) is nice to have.
And acknowledges that the two are in effect used together most of the time.

And lets one to easily add a 'finally' or 'except' section if need arises, 
loosing any code to *1* black hole.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 11:01, Sven Barth wrote:
> On 13.02.2013 10:11, Lukasz Sokol wrote:
>> To developers: How would a generalized/packed construct like
>> try [code block] finally [code block] except [code block] end;
> or what about
> try [code block] except [code block] finally [code block] end;
> In any case the semantics need to be defined correctly. E.g. in the
> first case what happens if an exception is raised inside the
> "finally" block? In the second case what happens if an exception is
> raised inside the "except" block? Do they work like nested "try try
> except end finally end" or "try try finally end except end" blocks or
> do they have the same rules?

I'd imagine it should work exactly like try try ... finally ... end; except ... 
so if exception happens in 'finally' block, 'except' is executed,
if no exception happens anywhere, only 'finally' happens.

> Keep this FAQ entry in mind when suggesting features:
> http://www.freepascal.org/faq.var#extensionselect
Nice, thanks!

> (Note: I personally would have nothing against such a feature, but
> the details need to be defined!)
>> (in other words: a try-*-end construct where * can be 'finally', or
>> 'except', or BOTH.)
>> fit into Pascal philosophy? Advantages is mainly: - one less indent
>> level ('oh, I need try-except around all THAT, bugger.') to care
>> about; (yeah, even with all the good tools to manage the code, it
>> stings, that the two have to be separately declared and one needs
>> to remember that...)
>> Would it be very complicated?
> I don't know how complicated it would be (we now also need to take
> into account Win64 SEH and possibly in the future also Win32 and
> WinCE SEH), but it should at least be doable...
> Regards, Sven

I was imagining something in or just before the parser, detecting the 
construct and 'mechanically' (string for string even) substituting it for 
traditional, putting the 3 code blocks into the proper places. 
No ifs, no buts, same semantics, just flattened. 
Write once, compile everywhere ;) Unfortunately I don't have 
enough compiler knowledge to even imagine where this could be happening. 

That would have all cases covered then...?


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 11:01, Sven Barth wrote:

> Keep this FAQ entry in mind when suggesting features:
> http://www.freepascal.org/faq.var#extensionselect
> (Note: I personally would have nothing against such a feature, but
> the details need to be defined!)

Well I guess unless someone is ready to have a precedent of relaxing
rule 2 here 'Anything that is only a shorter notation does not apply ...'
this won't happen :(

But it's not just 'shorter', it's relatively 'safer' too, and doesn't 
forbid anybody from using traditional constructs either, at all, if they wish 
so/need so.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 13:14, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> I see no problem in adding finally, if you define carefully when it is 
> executed.
> Michael.

I second that, we don't need no pythonisms here ;) (or is it pythonosis?)

I'd rephrase what I discussed with Sven Barth: 

this construct (the packed try.(1).finally.(2).except.(3).end;) - a 
packed/condensed version -

- should be semantically EXACT to 

  (1,2,3): code blocks
  (HOLE1) possibility for the try..finally..end block to be skipped if 
exception happens here
  (HOLE2) possibility for code to be skipped if exception happens in the 
try...finally...end; block

- except, it will not have the HOLEs. Because [maybe some statistics needed 
here] this is 
probably the main (most advocated ?) use of them both at the same time.

- It shall allow any constructs that are allowed in traditional (1,2,3) code 
blocks to be 
used exactly the same way with the same meaning.

The new way will:

-flatten the source code (one indent level less)
-shorten the source code (one 'try' and one 'end;' less)
-provide automatic protection from falling into the (HOLEs). (thinkos and 
PEBKACs protection) 
 (this is most important here I think).

Note that I'm not advocating for this to replace the traditional constructs; 
Also I accept, that HOLEs may be perfectly justified code. But if someone needs 
them, they probably
know what they are doing.

Hope this makes sense,

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-14 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 16:50, Giuliano Colla wrote:

> IMHO the try..except..finally construct should provide exactly the same 
> functionality as a nested
> try
>   try
>   [code]
>   except
>   [code]
>   end;
> finally
> [code]
> end;
> i.e. it should be executed whatever happened in the sections between try and 
> finally (except if somewhere there was an Application.terminate!). Any 
> exception not handled shoud be re-raised after the finally block has been 
> executed.
> The advantage would be to get rid of one level of nesting, making the code 
> more readable and less error prone.
> This would guarantee both proper error handling and freeing of global 
> resources, even in presence of errors.

> Giuliano

It is subtle, I agree, but in

end; (my version)

I can catch the errors of either normal and finally code;
I assume that try...finally...end is the more important; it is try...finally.. 
end that has to go without errors,
or else one will be reported; if no exception happens, except is omitted; the 
except section in this case, can
catch anything and its job is to decide whether to allow further execution, 
show/log a message or bail out.
(also AFAICS this way it is recommended to be used in most snippets)

In your case (try..finally...end being the outer), what if it may not be 
possible to free the global resources 
(e.g. if you .Created a TStringList, and in finally you want to .Free it, but 
say, its pointer got corrupted or 
something free'd it already, and you can't - you'll get an AV which you'd have 
to catch in another try..except..end
to properly show user a message? Or if something else that has to be done in 
finally section, throws?) 

Kind Regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-18 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 14/02/2013 13:58, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> It depends on what one tries to do in the try.. clause, on which
> errors one choses to deal with on the except clause, and the
> likelihood of recoverable errors in the finally clause. Allowing both
> constructs, (try..except..finally and try..finally..except) as Sven
> suggested, would most likely cover a broader range of cases. Then,
> sometimes someone will still need nested try..whatever, to deal with
> situations which do really require the HOLES you mentioned.

At first I thought, that having 2 versions of this construct, would be
overkill; and whether it is intuitive enough for everybody that the last
section will be the 'outside', it's hard to say without others input;

For myself, the more intuitive construct is, to do try, then finally, 
if no exception anywhere then skip except, otherwise (whether it happened 
in try or finally) execute the exception handling code. Which equals the tandem
construct with except on outside.

But now, I think it actually would be a good thing to have the other too;

Whether the order of the inside/outside sections should be selectable by order 
keywords in the flattened construct, is still debatable; I think if majority
agrees that this is intuitive enough, 

Main reason is to close the HOLEs, secondary, flatten the code and shorten it 
even if only a bit.

Maybe he one and true answer for all of the above would be to have:

try vs  try  
  try   except
try finally
except  except

so with except being optionally allowed either side of 'finally' ?

> Giuliano

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-19 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 18/02/2013 18:53, DaWorm wrote:

> If this is what is really desired, is this a good construct?
> try ... except ... finally ... except ... end;
> I don't care for the meaning of "except" looking to be contextual,
> but is it really?  Reading that, to me it looks mostly predictable
> how the logic would have to work.  I guess the only question is
> whether the finally code is executed if the try code has an
> exception.  If this isn't desired, could a "break" be used in the
> first except to cause the finally to be skipped?

Does "break" do it in traditional try..finally..end? 
This new construct shall be no different.

That's actually why I opt for just try..finally...except..end; too - 
because an exception in the 'finally' section, if it was the outer, 
could have unpredictable consequences; with 'except' being outer,
at least your program will have a chance to still run and exit 
(more or less) gracefully.

> Jeff.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 9-2-2013 1:49, Giuliano Colla wrote:

It turned out that the reason was simply that the default AppConfigDir
(~/.config/ ) wasn't there, and therefore in the two usual lines

AppConfigFileName:= GetAppConfigFile(False);
ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);

the second line was generating the access violation.

Desktop specs tell where configuration data should go, but they don't
guarantee that the directory exists. Other applications take care of
creating if it doesn't exist, but its presence depends on which
applications you launch.

Of course, once one knows, one can use ForceDirectories in the
application code, but it would be much more user friendly if
XdgConfigHome (or SysConfigDir when it will be implemented) in sysutils
took care of that. You ask for the default configuration path to put
your data in, and you get a sane and *existing* path.
It would also be nice if TIniFile.Create didn't generate an Access
Violation if the file can't be created.

Should I open an issue on the bugtracker on this subject, or I'm the
only one to think that it's a bug/required feature?

If I were you, I'd open an issue. I agree this is a problem.

It is not a problem.

You should READ the documentation when using functions:



"This does not mean that the directory exists, or that the user can write in 
this directory (especially if Global=True).
  It just returns the name of the appropriate location."

So it is not a bug.

We can maybe have an appropriate 'AllowCreate' or 'EnsureDir' parameter or so. 
But for system config directories, this is nonsense, so it should be optional.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 09/02/2013 10:25, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 9-2-2013 1:49, Giuliano Colla wrote:

It turned out that the reason was simply that the default AppConfigDir
(~/.config/ ) wasn't there, and therefore in the two usual lines

AppConfigFileName:= GetAppConfigFile(False);
ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);

the second line was generating the access violation.

Desktop specs tell where configuration data should go, but they don't
guarantee that the directory exists. Other applications take care of
creating if it doesn't exist, but its presence depends on which
applications you launch.

Of course, once one knows, one can use ForceDirectories in the
application code, but it would be much more user friendly if
XdgConfigHome (or SysConfigDir when it will be implemented) in sysutils
took care of that. You ask for the default configuration path to put
your data in, and you get a sane and *existing* path.
It would also be nice if TIniFile.Create didn't generate an Access
Violation if the file can't be created.

Should I open an issue on the bugtracker on this subject, or I'm the
only one to think that it's a bug/required feature?

If I were you, I'd open an issue. I agree this is a problem.

It is not a problem.

You should READ the documentation when using functions:



"This does not mean that the directory exists, or that the user can 
write in this directory (especially if Global=True).

  It just returns the name of the appropriate location."

So it is not a bug.

We can maybe have an appropriate 'AllowCreate' or 'EnsureDir' 
parameter or so. But for system config directories, this is nonsense, 
so it should be optional.

I can easily accept that it's not a bug, but you must agree with me that 
it's a problem.

If every user application must include code between GetAppConfigxx and 
TIniFile.Create to extract the path and ensure that it exists, even for 
the trivial case Global=false, then it's reasonable that the right place 
for that code is in system functions, and not in user application.

Maybe the right thing to fix isn't GetAppConfigxx, but TInifile.Create, 
which doesn't return any warning if the file path doesn't exist, and 
will just SigSev on a subsequent ini.WriteWhatever.

TIniFile silently creates the file if it doesn't exist, letting you 
think that it takes care of everything, then why shouldn't it also 
create the path if it doesn't exist? (provided it's writable, of course, 
but Global=true requires special handling in any case, it's not for 


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 09/02/2013 10:25, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 9-2-2013 1:49, Giuliano Colla wrote:

It turned out that the reason was simply that the default AppConfigDir
(~/.config/ ) wasn't there, and therefore in the two usual lines

AppConfigFileName:= GetAppConfigFile(False);
ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);

the second line was generating the access violation.

Desktop specs tell where configuration data should go, but they don't
guarantee that the directory exists. Other applications take care of
creating if it doesn't exist, but its presence depends on which
applications you launch.

Of course, once one knows, one can use ForceDirectories in the
application code, but it would be much more user friendly if
XdgConfigHome (or SysConfigDir when it will be implemented) in sysutils
took care of that. You ask for the default configuration path to put
your data in, and you get a sane and *existing* path.
It would also be nice if TIniFile.Create didn't generate an Access
Violation if the file can't be created.

Should I open an issue on the bugtracker on this subject, or I'm the
only one to think that it's a bug/required feature?

If I were you, I'd open an issue. I agree this is a problem.

It is not a problem.

You should READ the documentation when using functions:



"This does not mean that the directory exists, or that the user can write 
in this directory (especially if Global=True).

  It just returns the name of the appropriate location."

So it is not a bug.

We can maybe have an appropriate 'AllowCreate' or 'EnsureDir' parameter or 
so. But for system config directories, this is nonsense, so it should be 

I can easily accept that it's not a bug, but you must agree with me that it's 
a problem.

If every user application must include code between GetAppConfigxx and 
TIniFile.Create to extract the path and ensure that it exists, even for the 
trivial case Global=false, then it's reasonable that the right place for that 
code is in system functions, and not in user application.

Like I said, we can imagine a parameter 'AllowCreate' or 'ForceCreate'.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Bart
On 2/9/13, Michael Van Canneyt  wrote:

> Like I said, we can imagine a parameter 'AllowCreate' or 'ForceCreate'.

GetAppConfigDir(Global : Boolean: ForceCreate: Booelan = false) : String;

While this can easily be implemented without breaking existing code,
this still does not solve the original problem.
If creating the directory fails, the function does not return an
errorcode, unless we decide to let it raise an exception in this

Common programming sense would be to query the desired location, and
if it does not exists, try and create it,(for this the ForeceCreate
parameter is usefull) __and check__ if this went OK.

So, no matter how we change the GetAppConfigDir() function, it will
always require code for checking if all went OK.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Bart wrote:

On 2/9/13, Michael Van Canneyt  wrote:

Like I said, we can imagine a parameter 'AllowCreate' or 'ForceCreate'.

GetAppConfigDir(Global : Boolean: ForceCreate: Booelan = false) : String;

While this can easily be implemented without breaking existing code,
this still does not solve the original problem.
If creating the directory fails, the function does not return an
errorcode, unless we decide to let it raise an exception in this

Which is why I said 'we can imagine': 
I didn't investigate all angles yet...

Common programming sense would be to query the desired location, and
if it does not exists, try and create it,(for this the ForeceCreate
parameter is usefull) __and check__ if this went OK.

So, no matter how we change the GetAppConfigDir() function, it will
always require code for checking if all went OK.

There is only one way:
if the ForceCreate is implemented and if creation fails, an exception 
will be raised.

In which case the
and so forth will not be executed, and probably many other things will 
go wrong as well

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Bart
On 2/9/13, Michael Van Canneyt  wrote:

>> If creating the directory fails, the function does not return an
>> errorcode, unless we decide to let it raise an exception in this
>> case..

> There is only one way:
> if the ForceCreate is implemented and if creation fails, an exception
> will be raised.

And in this case the OP still needs to do an extra check
(try..except), so basically this does not solve his "problem" because
it is unsolvable without the programmer checking/validating what
GetAppConfigDir did.

function GetAppConfigDir(Global: Boolean; ForceCreate: Boolean;
WhatToDoIfCreationFails: TProcedure) would "solve" the original
problem ;-)


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Bart wrote:

On 2/9/13, Michael Van Canneyt  wrote:

If creating the directory fails, the function does not return an
errorcode, unless we decide to let it raise an exception in this

There is only one way:
if the ForceCreate is implemented and if creation fails, an exception
will be raised.

And in this case the OP still needs to do an extra check
(try..except), so basically this does not solve his "problem" because
it is unsolvable without the programmer checking/validating what
GetAppConfigDir did.

Which is why I always write the code to check/create the dir myself.

But having the check/create in a central place can have its advantages.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-09 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/09/2013 04:19 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013, Bart wrote:

And in this case the OP still needs to do an extra check
(try..except), so basically this does not solve his "problem" because
it is unsolvable without the programmer checking/validating what
GetAppConfigDir did.

Which is why I always write the code to check/create the dir myself.

But having the check/create in a central place can have its advantages.

The advantages I can see that it would make easier using VendorName, 
and, most of all,
that once it's been written and debugged it's written and debugged for 
all users, while application code must be written and debugged each time!


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-02-09 13:56, Bart wrote:
> While this can easily be implemented without breaking existing code,
> this still does not solve the original problem.
> If creating the directory fails, the function does not return an
> errorcode, unless we decide to let it raise an exception in this
> case..

That's why I think they should stay as two separate prodecures.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-10 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/10/2013 12:43 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2013-02-09 13:56, Bart wrote:

While this can easily be implemented without breaking existing code,
this still does not solve the original problem.
If creating the directory fails, the function does not return an
errorcode, unless we decide to let it raise an exception in this

That's why I think they should stay as two separate prodecures.
Looking more carefully into the matter, the real inconsistency is not in 
GetAppConfigFile, or in GetAppConfigDir, which just do what they're 
meant for, but in TIniFile:

1) When you use it to *read* configuration parameters, if the file 
doesn't exist it silently just passes you the default values. This is 
normal, because the first time the program runs it didn't yet have the 
chance to write configuration data.

2) When you use it to *write* configuration parameters, it silently 
creates the file, and puts there the parameters. This again is normal, 
because the first time the program run the configuration file isn't 
there yet.

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just crashes 
without rising an exception that the user application can handle somehow.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by GetAppConfigXx 
does usually exist, so you have an application which 99% of the times 
works just fine, and 1% of the times crashes without telling why.

This was perhaps tolerable when GetAppPathConfigXx did not exist, and it 
was developer responsibility to provide a reasonable path, taking into 
account different target system, but today I'd expect TIniFile to take 
care also of forcing the appropriate path, and to raise an exception if 
it fails.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 00:13:00 +0100
Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> 3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just crashes 
> without rising an exception that the user application can handle somehow.

I get an exception in this case:

> This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by GetAppConfigXx 
> does usually exist, so you have an application which 99% of the times 
> works just fine, and 1% of the times crashes without telling why.

Even if the directory exists the write may fail. So you must use a
try..except anyway.

> This was perhaps tolerable when GetAppPathConfigXx did not exist, and it 
> was developer responsibility to provide a reasonable path, taking into 
> account different target system, but today I'd expect TIniFile to take 
> care also of forcing the appropriate path, and to raise an exception if 
> it fails.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just crashes 
without rising an exception that the user application can handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by GetAppConfigXx does 
usually exist, so you have an application which 99% of the times works just 
fine, and 1% of the times crashes without telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

home: >cat ti.pp
program ti;

uses inifiles;

  with TMemIniFile.create('/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt') do

However, I agree that it should try to create the path as well.
I have adapted the implementation.

You'll get an error telling you if it failed to create the dir:
An unhandled exception occurred at $00427F7E:
EInOutError: Could not create directory "/my/path/to/"

Which means that you are still (as previously) responsible for catching 
possible errors.
But these errors should be less frequent with this change.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 11/02/2013 09:21, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just 
crashes without rising an exception that the user application can 
handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by 
GetAppConfigXx does usually exist, so you have an application which 
99% of the times works just fine, and 1% of the times crashes without 
telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which is 
something the end user will never do. Consider that this sort of errors 
doesn't pop up when you're developing, but rather after you've deployed 
your application.
Let's assume that saving configuration is on a FormClose procedure, as 
usual, and you have a try..finally construct, as usual.

Your user starts the program by clicking on a launching Icon.
When he clicks on a Close button, if the path doesn't exist the program 
won't be terminated, and he's left with a window he can't close. On a 
terminal you can see

TApplication.HandleException Unable to create file "/home/colla/.pippo/uclc.cfg"
  Stack trace:
exception at 080BAF29:
Unable to create file "/home/colla/.pippo/uclc.cfg".

But no error is shown on the screen (try..finally has trapped it), and 
the form is not closed. Then the user will attempt to click again on the 
close button of a form which is already "almost" closed. On a terminal 
you can see:

TApplication.HandleException Access violation
  Stack trace:
  $082A9B6D  GTK2WSBUTTON_CLICKED,  line 2417

But again nothing on the screen. The program hangs here. From command 
line you need a ^C to terminate. Otherwise you need a killall. Which 
isn't a very good situation for an end user.

home: >cat ti.pp
program ti;

uses inifiles;

  with TMemIniFile.create('/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt') do

However, I agree that it should try to create the path as well.
I have adapted the implementation.

You'll get an error telling you if it failed to create the dir:
An unhandled exception occurred at $00427F7E:
EInOutError: Could not create directory "/my/path/to/"

Which means that you are still (as previously) responsible for 
catching possible errors.

But these errors should be less frequent with this change.

Thank you, attempting to create the path is a welcome improvement. It 
makes TIniFile behavior much more consistent.

However, what I've learned from this episode is that while attempting to 
save configuration data using TINIFile on program termination you should 
never use a try..finally construct, as it's suggested everywhere, but 
rather a try..except (or both). Otherwise you'll never be able to catch 
possible errors.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 11/02/2013 09:21, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just crashes 
without rising an exception that the user application can handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by GetAppConfigXx 
does usually exist, so you have an application which 99% of the times 
works just fine, and 1% of the times crashes without telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which is 
something the end user will never do.

That is not the problem of TIniFile, but of the application programmer.

TIniFile properly reports any error, as it should, with an exception.
It is always up to the application programmer to deal with such cases.

That this is sometimes tricky in a GUI application, cannot be helped.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Giuliano Colla wrote:

However, what I've learned from this episode is that while attempting to 
save configuration data using TINIFile on program termination you should 
never use a try..finally construct, as it's suggested everywhere, but 
rather a try..except (or both). Otherwise you'll never be able to catch 
possible errors.

I'd suggest that there are two separate cases here. In the first case, 
near the start of a program you decide whether there is a preexisting 
.ini file, create it if not, and if necessary update it to contain e.g. 
the default name of a backend server. In the second case, at the the end 
of a program run you save the current session's state.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 11/02/2013 12:40, Mark Morgan Lloyd ha scritto:

Giuliano Colla wrote:

However, what I've learned from this episode is that while attempting 
to save configuration data using TINIFile on program termination you 
should never use a try..finally construct, as it's suggested 
everywhere, but rather a try..except (or both). Otherwise you'll 
never be able to catch possible errors.

I'd suggest that there are two separate cases here. In the first case, 
near the start of a program you decide whether there is a preexisting 
.ini file, create it if not, and if necessary update it to contain 
e.g. the default name of a backend server. In the second case, at the 
the end of a program run you save the current session's state.

I was speaking of the second case(saving configuration data to your .ini 
When attempting to load configuration data, a try..finally is ok. If no 
configuration data are available you already have a built-in mechanism 
to provide default values.
But when attempting to save the current session's state at the end of 
the program, a try..finally will mask any error, and possibly lead to an 
unpleasant lock up.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 11/02/2013 12:35, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 11/02/2013 09:21, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just 
crashes without rising an exception that the user application can 
handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by 
GetAppConfigXx does usually exist, so you have an application which 
99% of the times works just fine, and 1% of the times crashes 
without telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which 
is something the end user will never do.

That is not the problem of TIniFile, but of the application programmer.

TIniFile properly reports any error, as it should, with an exception.
It is always up to the application programmer to deal with such cases.

That this is sometimes tricky in a GUI application, cannot be helped.

It can be helped both by reducing the likelihood of the event, as you've 
done, and by not suggesting to use in that case a try..finally construct 
in a GUI application, which would mask the errors.
This suggestion comes historically from Delphi literature, but 
fpc/Lazarus developers should never forget that they're smarter than 
Delphi people. ;-)


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Sven Barth

Am 11.02.2013 13:06, schrieb Giuliano Colla:

Il 11/02/2013 12:35, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 11/02/2013 09:21, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just 
crashes without rising an exception that the user application can 
handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by 
GetAppConfigXx does usually exist, so you have an application 
which 99% of the times works just fine, and 1% of the times 
crashes without telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which 
is something the end user will never do.

That is not the problem of TIniFile, but of the application programmer.

TIniFile properly reports any error, as it should, with an exception.
It is always up to the application programmer to deal with such cases.

That this is sometimes tricky in a GUI application, cannot be helped.

It can be helped both by reducing the likelihood of the event, as 
you've done, and by not suggesting to use in that case a try..finally 
construct in a GUI application, which would mask the errors.
The "try..finally" itself will not mask the error. The error will 
propagate to the next surrounding "try..except" handler (executing the 
code in all finally sections it encounters) and normally this will 
result in a dialog being displayed (if you did not change 
Application.OnException). It could be however that you try to create the 
configuration file when the usage of GUI is no longer possible (I don't 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-02-11 11:29, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which is 
> something the end user will never do.

Wrong. This is something you are doing wrong in your GUI application
then. I have loads of fpGUI 'gui' applications, that report exceptions
just fine to the use - no matter how they launched that application.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which is 
something the end user will never do.

That is not the problem of TIniFile, but of the application programmer.

TIniFile properly reports any error, as it should, with an exception.
It is always up to the application programmer to deal with such cases.

That this is sometimes tricky in a GUI application, cannot be helped.

It can be helped both by reducing the likelihood of the event, as you've 
done, and by not suggesting to use in that case a try..finally construct in a 
GUI application, which would mask the errors.
This suggestion comes historically from Delphi literature, but fpc/Lazarus 
developers should never forget that they're smarter than Delphi people. ;-)

I didn't suggest anything. I wrote 'deal with such cases'. 
How, this I leave up to the programmer.

But I will say this: 
trying to format the user's harddrive or attempt to fry his monitor is 
usually the wrong approach ;)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 11/02/2013 12:40, Mark Morgan Lloyd ha scritto:

Giuliano Colla wrote:

However, what I've learned from this episode is that while attempting 
to save configuration data using TINIFile on program termination you 
should never use a try..finally construct, as it's suggested 
everywhere, but rather a try..except (or both). Otherwise you'll 
never be able to catch possible errors.

I'd suggest that there are two separate cases here. In the first case, 
near the start of a program you decide whether there is a preexisting 
.ini file, create it if not, and if necessary update it to contain 
e.g. the default name of a backend server. In the second case, at the 
the end of a program run you save the current session's state.

I was speaking of the second case(saving configuration data to your .ini 
When attempting to load configuration data, a try..finally is ok. If no 
configuration data are available you already have a built-in mechanism 
to provide default values.
But when attempting to save the current session's state at the end of 
the program, a try..finally will mask any error, and possibly lead to an 
unpleasant lock up.

But you should have already ascertained early in the program- when the 
.ini was created (possibly from a template) or read- that the path etc. 
was accessible. What's more you're typically doing this before the main 
program logic is started, so you shouldn't get caught by finalization 
that's only there to clear up after the main program.

So this is, basically, bad application coding.

Besides which, while I agree that your original point

> It turned out that the reason was simply that the default
> AppConfigDir (~/.config/ ) wasn't there, and therefore in the
> two usual lines

illustrates something that is inconvenient, my understanding is that 
different distreaux (not to mention the preference of different system 
owners) use ~/.config to a varying extent. If anything, it is the fault 
of AppConfigDir for indicating a directory without raising an exception 
pointing out that it doesn't yet exist :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/11/2013 01:57 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:
It can be helped both by reducing the likelihood of the event, as 
you've done, and by not suggesting to use in that case a try..finally 
construct in a GUI application, which would mask the errors.
This suggestion comes historically from Delphi literature, but 
fpc/Lazarus developers should never forget that they're smarter than 
Delphi people. ;-)

I didn't suggest anything. I wrote 'deal with such cases'. How, this I 
leave up to the programmer.

I wasn't speaking of you. You didn't. But too many examples show it that 
way. Programmers are influenced by examples.

But I will say this: trying to format the user's harddrive or attempt 
to fry his monitor is usually the wrong approach ;)

Creating a .config/ directory is somehow more in the natural programming 
practice, than formatting user's hard drive, or frying his monitor. 
We'll leave those practice to Redmond developers


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/11/2013 01:34 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2013-02-11 11:29, Giuliano Colla wrote:

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which is
something the end user will never do.

Wrong. This is something you are doing wrong in your GUI application
then. I have loads of fpGUI 'gui' applications, that report exceptions
just fine to the use - no matter how they launched that application.

I agree with you. I just followed blindly the myriad of examples which 
surround with a try..finally the statements after a TIniFile.Create, to 
ensure that TIniFile.Free is executed, forgetting that in a GUI 
application this is not the proper way to do it.
With a try..except any error in between would be properly handled, and 
Free may be called safely as required.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread DaWorm
Lost in the shuffle, wasn't this originally found in Lazarus?  Sounds like
a bug report for incorrect handling of INI files when the config directory
is missing needs to be filed in their bug tracker.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Sven Barth

On 11.02.2013 15:30, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

If anything, it is the fault
of AppConfigDir for indicating a directory without raising an exception
pointing out that it doesn't yet exist :-)

And AppConfigDir/File is documented as not guaranteeing that the path to 
the directory or file exists. This also includes upper parts of the 
path's tree.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Sven Barth

On 11.02.2013 13:18, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 11.02.2013 13:06, schrieb Giuliano Colla:

Il 11/02/2013 12:35, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 11/02/2013 09:21, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just
crashes without rising an exception that the user application can
handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by
GetAppConfigXx does usually exist, so you have an application
which 99% of the times works just fine, and 1% of the times
crashes without telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which
is something the end user will never do.

That is not the problem of TIniFile, but of the application programmer.

TIniFile properly reports any error, as it should, with an exception.
It is always up to the application programmer to deal with such cases.

That this is sometimes tricky in a GUI application, cannot be helped.

It can be helped both by reducing the likelihood of the event, as
you've done, and by not suggesting to use in that case a try..finally
construct in a GUI application, which would mask the errors.

The "try..finally" itself will not mask the error. The error will
propagate to the next surrounding "try..except" handler (executing the
code in all finally sections it encounters) and normally this will
result in a dialog being displayed (if you did not change
Application.OnException). It could be however that you try to create the
configuration file when the usage of GUI is no longer possible (I don't

Just to prove my point: I wrote the following little test program in 
Lazarus. Add a button to a empty form and assign the OnCreate and 
OnDestroy events of the form and the OnClick event of the button and add 
the following code to them:

=== snippet begin ===

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('FormCreate');
MessageDlg('FormCreate Finally', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('Button1Click');
MessageDlg('Button1Click Finally', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('FormDestroy');
MessageDlg('FormDestroy Finally', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

=== snippet end ===

If you now run the application (for now I assume you run it without a 
debugger or outside the IDE) you first get the "FormCreate Finally" 
dialog, then a "Exception "FormCreate" occured" dialog and then the form 
will be display. An analogous event will happen if you click the button 
and as well when you close the form.

So it would be nice if you'd show where exactly no error message is 
displayed for you (preferrably with a compiling code example).

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:02:39 +0100
Sven Barth  wrote:

> On 11.02.2013 15:30, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> > If anything, it is the fault
> > of AppConfigDir for indicating a directory without raising an exception
> > pointing out that it doesn't yet exist :-)
> >
> And AppConfigDir/File is documented as not guaranteeing that the path to 
> the directory or file exists. This also includes upper parts of the 
> path's tree.

And here is an example, what happens when a program blindly forces


It seems some system variables under Windows sometimes contain
gibberish. But that's off topic.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Sven Barth

On 11.02.2013 17:16, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:02:39 +0100
Sven Barth  wrote:

On 11.02.2013 15:30, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

If anything, it is the fault
of AppConfigDir for indicating a directory without raising an exception
pointing out that it doesn't yet exist :-)

And AppConfigDir/File is documented as not guaranteeing that the path to
the directory or file exists. This also includes upper parts of the
path's tree.

And here is an example, what happens when a program blindly forces


Hui O.o It shows nicely that NTFS and Windows support Unicode characters :P

It seems some system variables under Windows sometimes contain
gibberish. But that's off topic.

Either that or the application did use the corresponding APIs correctly...


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/11/2013 04:45 PM, DaWorm wrote:
Lost in the shuffle, wasn't this originally found in Lazarus?  Sounds 
like a bug report for incorrect handling of INI files when the config 
directory is missing needs to be filed in their bug tracker.

INI files and related stuff are part of the fcl library 
(packages/fcl-base), not of the Lazarus library.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread DaWorm
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Giuliano Colla <
giuliano.co...@fastwebnet.it> wrote:

> On 02/11/2013 04:45 PM, DaWorm wrote:
>> Lost in the shuffle, wasn't this originally found in Lazarus?  Sounds
>> like a bug report for incorrect handling of INI files when the config
>> directory is missing needs to be filed in their bug tracker.
> INI files and related stuff are part of the fcl library
> (packages/fcl-base), not of the Lazarus library.

Sorry, went back and look, I misread "a Lazarus application" as "the
Lazarus application" and thought it was Lazarus itself saving its settings.

As Emily Littella used to say, Never Mind.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/11/2013 05:12 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

On 11.02.2013 13:18, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 11.02.2013 13:06, schrieb Giuliano Colla:

Il 11/02/2013 12:35, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 11/02/2013 09:21, Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

3) But if also the *path* to the file doesn't yet exist, it just
crashes without rising an exception that the user application can
handle somehow.

This is incorrect. It does tell you why it fails.

This is rather unpleasant, because the path provided by
GetAppConfigXx does usually exist, so you have an application
which 99% of the times works just fine, and 1% of the times
crashes without telling why.

It tells you *exactly* why it 'crashes':

home: >./ti
An unhandled exception occurred at $0042AE87:
EFCreateError: Unable to create file "/tmp/path/to/nothing.txt"

This is true only if you invoke the program from command line, which
is something the end user will never do.

That is not the problem of TIniFile, but of the application 

TIniFile properly reports any error, as it should, with an exception.
It is always up to the application programmer to deal with such cases.

That this is sometimes tricky in a GUI application, cannot be helped.

It can be helped both by reducing the likelihood of the event, as
you've done, and by not suggesting to use in that case a try..finally
construct in a GUI application, which would mask the errors.

The "try..finally" itself will not mask the error. The error will
propagate to the next surrounding "try..except" handler (executing the
code in all finally sections it encounters) and normally this will
result in a dialog being displayed (if you did not change
Application.OnException). It could be however that you try to create the
configuration file when the usage of GUI is no longer possible (I don't

Just to prove my point: I wrote the following little test program in 
Lazarus. Add a button to a empty form and assign the OnCreate and 
OnDestroy events of the form and the OnClick event of the button and 
add the following code to them:

=== snippet begin ===

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('FormCreate');
MessageDlg('FormCreate Finally', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('Button1Click');
MessageDlg('Button1Click Finally', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('FormDestroy');
MessageDlg('FormDestroy Finally', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

=== snippet end ===

If you now run the application (for now I assume you run it without a 
debugger or outside the IDE) you first get the "FormCreate Finally" 
dialog, then a "Exception "FormCreate" occured" dialog and then the 
form will be display. An analogous event will happen if you click the 
button and as well when you close the form.

So it would be nice if you'd show where exactly no error message is 
displayed for you (preferrably with a compiling code example).

I extracted from my code a minimal example, and I too can see the 
exception dialog, which doesn't show in the main application.

I don't see why the extra code should create a problem, but, by adding 
one piece after the other I should be able to find out where the problem 
comes from. However, replacing the original try..finally with a 
try..except, the main application behaves properly, but in that case 
it's the application which pops up the error dialog.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-11 Thread Sven Barth

On 11.02.2013 21:10, Giuliano Colla wrote:

I don't see why the extra code should create a problem, but, by adding
one piece after the other I should be able to find out where the problem
comes from. However, replacing the original try..finally with a
try..except, the main application behaves properly, but in that case
it's the application which pops up the error dialog.

It would be nice if you could minimize the problemematic code further 
step by step so that we can see what caused the "missing dialog". Maybe 
it's a bug somewhere else...


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Sven Barth wrote:

On 11.02.2013 15:30, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

If anything, it is the fault
of AppConfigDir for indicating a directory without raising an exception
pointing out that it doesn't yet exist :-)

And AppConfigDir/File is documented as not guaranteeing that the path to 
the directory or file exists. This also includes upper parts of the 
path's tree.

I admit that I was slightly trolling there, since Giuliano was 
complaining about exceptions that he wasn't seeing (because, it turns 
out, he wasn't catching them).

However I feel that my point stands: if the program opens, checks and 
closes the .ini file before the main logic starts, then it's possible to 
keep those initial activities separate from any try-finally required by 
the application logic. This initial activity obviously still requires 
both a try-finally and a try-except, which is where he was going wrong 
with his initial attempt.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/11/2013 09:14 PM, Sven Barth wrote:
It would be nice if you could minimize the problemematic code further 
step by step so that we can see what caused the "missing dialog". 
Maybe it's a bug somewhere else...

I've made some further experiments with my minimal test.
Test form is just a Form with a Close button (BitBtn Kind=bkClose).
The full code is the following:

unit uinitfile;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, 


  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
BitBtn1: TBitBtn;
procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ private declarations }
{ public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;
  ini: TIniFile;
  AppConfigFileName: string;
  SomeData: boolean;
  SomeOtherData: boolean;

{$R *.lfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 AppConfigFileName:= '/not/existing/path/inifile.cfg';
 ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);
   SomeData:= ini.ReadBool('Section','Val',true);
   SomeOtherData:= ini.ReadBool('Section','Val1',true);

procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
  ini:= TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);
{$DEFINE Finally}
{$IFDEF Finally}
MessageDlg('Error while writing '+AppConfigFileName,mtError,[mbOK],0);


One may test two conditions: with try..finally and with try..except.
Even with this minimal sheds some light on the matter.

Try..finally situation, with IDE and Debugger.
Press the Close button. A debugger error notification is shown. Pressing 
"Continue", an error dialog is displayed: "Unable to create ... press OK 
to Ignore...etc.":
Pressing OK (no harm should come, just the file can't be written) the 
form isn't closed as it should, and it's still there.
Pressing again the close Button, FormClose is executed again, and the 
same dialog is shown. No way to close the form, unless you press Cancel 
on the error dialog.
Why FormClose doesn't close the form in presence of an error (handled by 
a try..finally) when writing the ini file?
Launching from command line, you have the same behavior, and an 
additional information when you select Cancel:

WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the component is 
processing an event?

Try..except situation, from IDE and Debugger.
Press the Close button. Debugger Notification. Pressing Continue my 
message dialog is shown. Pressing OK on my dialog the form is closed and 
the program is terminated.

Launching from command line, no console messages.

My conclusion is that one can't properly handle INI files with just a 
try..finally construct, as all examples show, because a possible error 
will propagate outside the construct, with unpredictable effects (in 
this case the FormClose procedure doesn't properly complete).


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread José Mejuto

El 12/02/2013 13:29, Giuliano Colla escribió:

My conclusion is that one can't properly handle INI files with just a
try..finally construct, as all examples show, because a possible error
will propagate outside the construct, with unpredictable effects (in
this case the FormClose procedure doesn't properly complete).


Finally always propagate the exception bubbling up looking for other 
exception handler, and that's its job, in comparation to except handler 
which "eat" the exception and if you need to propagate it again you must 
"Raise" in the exception handler.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/12/2013 10:02 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I admit that I was slightly trolling there, since Giuliano was 
complaining about exceptions that he wasn't seeing (because, it turns 
out, he wasn't catching them).

You catch an exception if you can handle it. If a user for some reasons 
has write-protected a configuration file, there's nothing the 
application can do about it. One can usually rely on the system default 
exception handler to show the error message. If it doesn't happen, then 
there's something wrong somewhere.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Sven Barth

On 12.02.2013 13:29, Giuliano Colla wrote:

On 02/11/2013 09:14 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

It would be nice if you could minimize the problemematic code further
step by step so that we can see what caused the "missing dialog".
Maybe it's a bug somewhere else...

I've made some further experiments with my minimal test.
Test form is just a Form with a Close button (BitBtn Kind=bkClose).
The full code is the following:


One may test two conditions: with try..finally and with try..except.
Even with this minimal sheds some light on the matter.

It indeed does, but not as you think.

Try..finally situation, with IDE and Debugger.
Press the Close button. A debugger error notification is shown. Pressing
"Continue", an error dialog is displayed: "Unable to create ... press OK
to Ignore...etc.":
Pressing OK (no harm should come, just the file can't be written) the
form isn't closed as it should, and it's still there.
Pressing again the close Button, FormClose is executed again, and the
same dialog is shown. No way to close the form, unless you press Cancel
on the error dialog.
Why FormClose doesn't close the form in presence of an error (handled by
a try..finally) when writing the ini file?
Launching from command line, you have the same behavior, and an
additional information when you select Cancel:

WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the
component is processing an event?

Try..except situation, from IDE and Debugger.
Press the Close button. Debugger Notification. Pressing Continue my
message dialog is shown. Pressing OK on my dialog the form is closed and
the program is terminated.
Launching from command line, no console messages.

My conclusion is that one can't properly handle INI files with just a
try..finally construct, as all examples show, because a possible error
will propagate outside the construct, with unpredictable effects (in
this case the FormClose procedure doesn't properly complete).

The problem is not INI files, but more how OnClose is handled. OnClose 
is called whenever the user tries to close the form and if an assigned 
event handler raises an exception it seems that the calling code assumes 
that the form should not be closed. In my example I used OnDestroy which 
seems to be handled more gracefully.

I'd suggest you to ask on the Lazarus list whether it is intentionally 
that you can't close a form of which the OnClose event handler raises an 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013, Sven Barth wrote:

called whenever the user tries to close the form and if an assigned event 
handler raises an exception it seems that the calling code assumes that the 
form should not be closed. In my example I used OnDestroy which seems to be 
handled more gracefully.

I'd suggest you to ask on the Lazarus list whether it is intentionally that 
you can't close a form of which the OnClose event handler raises an 

This is also so in Delphi. Just tested.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Mattias Gaertner

Giuliano Colla  hat am 12. Februar 2013 um 13:29
> Why FormClose doesn't close the form in presence of an error (handled by
> a try..finally) when writing the ini file?
> Launching from command line, you have the same behavior, and an
> additional information when you select Cancel:
> WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the component
> is processing an event?
> Try..except situation, from IDE and Debugger.
> Press the Close button. Debugger Notification. Pressing Continue my
> message dialog is shown. Pressing OK on my dialog the form is closed and
> the program is terminated.
> Launching from command line, no console messages.
> My conclusion is that one can't properly handle INI files with just a
> try..finally construct, as all examples show, because a possible error
> will propagate outside the construct, with unpredictable effects (in
> this case the FormClose procedure doesn't properly complete).

The LCL has a default exception handler, so that the application notifies the
user, that the application has a bug instead of simply crashing and vanishing
The programmr is reponsible to handle exceptions, show the user error messages
and give the user choices (e.g. ignore, retry).
BTW, the Ini.Free writes to disk, so it needs the try..except, the WriteValue
calls do not need the try..except.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Giuliano Colla  hat am 12. Februar 2013 um 13:29

Why FormClose doesn't close the form in presence of an error (handled by
a try..finally) when writing the ini file?
Launching from command line, you have the same behavior, and an
additional information when you select Cancel:

WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the component
is processing an event?

Try..except situation, from IDE and Debugger.
Press the Close button. Debugger Notification. Pressing Continue my
message dialog is shown. Pressing OK on my dialog the form is closed and
the program is terminated.
Launching from command line, no console messages.

My conclusion is that one can't properly handle INI files with just a
try..finally construct, as all examples show, because a possible error
will propagate outside the construct, with unpredictable effects (in
this case the FormClose procedure doesn't properly complete).

The LCL has a default exception handler, so that the application notifies the
user, that the application has a bug instead of simply crashing and vanishing
The programmr is reponsible to handle exceptions, show the user error messages
and give the user choices (e.g. ignore, retry).
BTW, the Ini.Free writes to disk, so it needs the try..except, the WriteValue
calls do not need the try..except.

That depends. 
if you disabled write caching, every write call will update the file.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Giuliano Colla wrote:

On 02/12/2013 10:02 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I admit that I was slightly trolling there, since Giuliano was 
complaining about exceptions that he wasn't seeing (because, it turns 
out, he wasn't catching them).

You catch an exception if you can handle it. If a user for some reasons 
has write-protected a configuration file, there's nothing the 
application can do about it. One can usually rely on the system default 
exception handler to show the error message. If it doesn't happen, then 
there's something wrong somewhere.

Yes, but the point that I'm trying to get across is that the earlier you 
make sure that you've got full access to the files (i.e. all directories 
in the path exist, the file either exists and is writable or you create 
it from a template) the easier you make life for yourself. If having the 
file is absolutely essential then check for it before you even open the 
main form and bomb if it's obvious that there's a problem.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/12/2013 01:58 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
The LCL has a default exception handler, so that the application 
notifies the user, that the application has a bug instead of simply 
crashing and vanishing silently. The programmr is reponsible to handle 
exceptions, show the user error messages and give the user choices 
(e.g. ignore, retry).
That's what I was relying on. There's nothing the application can do if 
a user has write-protected the configuration files, or if there's a disk 
error while writing (I didn't think of a non existing .config/, because 
I've always found it there, before the last episode).

So I was just happy with a system error, which in this case fails to show.

As an additional information:
in FormClose

ini := TIniFile.Create(BadAppConfigFileName);
  on E: Exception do Application.ShowException(E);

shows the error only on the console, but no visual dialog.

  on E: Exception do MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOk],0);

shows a proper message dialog.

Maybe this discussion should be moved to Lazarus list?


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Giuliano Colla

On 02/12/2013 02:46 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Giuliano Colla wrote:

On 02/12/2013 10:02 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I admit that I was slightly trolling there, since Giuliano was 
complaining about exceptions that he wasn't seeing (because, it 
turns out, he wasn't catching them).

You catch an exception if you can handle it. If a user for some 
reasons has write-protected a configuration file, there's nothing the 
application can do about it. One can usually rely on the system 
default exception handler to show the error message. If it doesn't 
happen, then there's something wrong somewhere.

Yes, but the point that I'm trying to get across is that the earlier 
you make sure that you've got full access to the files (i.e. all 
directories in the path exist, the file either exists and is writable 
or you create it from a template) the easier you make life for 
yourself. If having the file is absolutely essential then check for it 
before you even open the main form and bomb if it's obvious that 
there's a problem.

That's the point. The configuration file in this application is useful 
but not essential. It holds fine calibration data for a set of remote 
sensors. If you can't read it, you must click again on the "Calibrate" 
button a number of times, to display more precise values. One could even 
chose to write-protect it, to avoid overwriting a good calibration.
It's not a DataBase application where if you don't set the right 
hostname, user and password you can't do a thing.
That's why I would have been perfectly happy with a default system error 
box telling "write error", or whatever, just to let know that the data 
have not been saved.
What happens on the contrary is that, in case of failure, no error is 
shown, and, what's more annoying, that the form can't be closed, which 
can be quite confusing for a normal user.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-12 Thread Michael Müller

Am 12.02.2013 um 13:29 schrieb Giuliano Colla:

> I've made some further experiments with my minimal test.
> Test form is just a Form with a Close button (BitBtn Kind=bkClose).
> The full code is the following:
> unit uinitfile;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> interface
> uses
>  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, 
> Buttons,IniFiles;
> type
>  { TForm1 }
>  TForm1 = class(TForm)
>BitBtn1: TBitBtn;
>procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
>procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
>  private
>{ private declarations }
>  public
>{ public declarations }
>  end;
> var
>  Form1: TForm1;
>  ini: TIniFile;
>  AppConfigFileName: string;
>  SomeData: boolean;
>  SomeOtherData: boolean;
> implementation
> {$R *.lfm}
> { TForm1 }
> procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> AppConfigFileName:= '/not/existing/path/inifile.cfg';
> ini := TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);
> try
>   SomeData:= ini.ReadBool('Section','Val',true);
>   SomeOtherData:= ini.ReadBool('Section','Val1',true);
> finally
>   ini.Free;
> end;
> end;
> procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
> begin
>  ini:= TIniFile.Create(AppConfigFileName);
> {$DEFINE Finally}
> {$IFDEF Finally}
>  try
>  finally
>  end;
> {$ELSE}
>  try
>  except
>MessageDlg('Error while writing '+AppConfigFileName,mtError,[mbOK],0);
>  end;
>  ini.Free;
> {$ENDIF}
> end;
> end.

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the feeling 
that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally OR try-except but 
there are situations where you need both. One of the criteria is if the object 
is local or global since for a global object it is likely that you place the 
.Free (or for a global object better FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or 
finalization section (which means that you have to stop the program in case of 
an error and not continue showing just a dialog) so you'll need only the 
try-except if you want to catch the exception. In case of a local object you'll 
ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
  // do some code

otherwise you'll end up with memory leaks.
If you want to catch the exception in this situation you'll put try-except 
extra around try-finally so you'll end up with

Obj := Class.Create;
// do some code
  writeln('We have a problem);
  halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the feeling 
that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally OR try-except but 
there are situations where you need both. One of the criteria is if the object 
is local or global since for a global object it is likely that you place the 
.Free (or for a global object better FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or 
finalization section (which means that you have to stop the program in case of 
an error and not continue showing just a dialog) so you'll need only the 
try-except if you want to catch the exception. In case of a local object you'll 
ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
// do some code
  writeln('We have a problem);
  halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one

I tried to make that point but I'm not sure the message reached its mark.

It's possibly unfortunate that Borland chose to use "try" for both 
constructs, rather than having distinct try-except-end and 
start-finally-end forms.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Lukasz Sokol wrote:

To developers:
How would a generalized/packed construct like

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

(in other words: a try-*-end construct where * can be 'finally', or 'except', 
or BOTH.)

fit into Pascal philosophy?
Advantages is mainly: 
- one less indent level ('oh, I need try-except around all THAT, bugger.') to care about;
  (yeah, even with all the good tools to manage the code, it stings, that the two 
   have to be separately declared and one needs to remember that...)

I think this complicates things unduly. As it is case-else and then-else 
are about the only places where there is this sort of composite block, 
and finally-except-end is even uglier since parts of all three blocks 
may be executed.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Sven Barth

On 13.02.2013 09:58, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the
feeling that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally
OR try-except but there are situations where you need both. One of the
criteria is if the object is local or global since for a global object
it is likely that you place the .Free (or for a global object better
FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or finalization section (which means
that you have to stop the program in case of an error and not continue
showing just a dialog) so you'll need only the try-except if you want
to catch the exception. In case of a local object you'll ALWAYS have
the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
// do some code
  writeln('We have a problem);
  halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one

I tried to make that point but I'm not sure the message reached its mark.

It's possibly unfortunate that Borland chose to use "try" for both
constructs, rather than having distinct try-except-end and
start-finally-end forms.

Other languages did the same, so I don't see the problem here...

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Sven Barth

On 13.02.2013 10:11, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 13/02/2013 07:34, Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the feeling 
that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally OR try-except but 
there are situations where you need both. One of the criteria is if the object 
is local or global since for a global object it is likely that you place the 
.Free (or for a global object better FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or 
finalization section (which means that you have to stop the program in case of 
an error and not continue showing just a dialog) so you'll need only the 
try-except if you want to catch the exception. In case of a local object you'll 
ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
   // do some code

otherwise you'll end up with memory leaks.
If you want to catch the exception in this situation you'll put try-except 
extra around try-finally so you'll end up with

Obj := Class.Create;
 // do some code
   writeln('We have a problem);
   halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one


To developers:
How would a generalized/packed construct like

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

or what about

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

In any case the semantics need to be defined correctly. E.g. in the 
first case what happens if an exception is raised inside the "finally" 
block? In the second case what happens if an exception is raised inside 
the "except" block? Do they work like nested "try try except end finally 
end" or "try try finally end except end" blocks or do they have the same 

Keep this FAQ entry in mind when suggesting features: 

(Note: I personally would have nothing against such a feature, but the 
details need to be defined!)

(in other words: a try-*-end construct where * can be 'finally', or 'except', 
or BOTH.)

fit into Pascal philosophy?
Advantages is mainly:
- one less indent level ('oh, I need try-except around all THAT, bugger.') to 
care about;
   (yeah, even with all the good tools to manage the code, it stings, that the 
have to be separately declared and one needs to remember that...)

Would it be very complicated?

I don't know how complicated it would be (we now also need to take into 
account Win64 SEH and possibly in the future also Win32 and WinCE SEH), 
but it should at least be doable...


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Sven Barth

On 13.02.2013 12:41, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 13/02/2013 11:01, Sven Barth wrote:

Keep this FAQ entry in mind when suggesting features:

(Note: I personally would have nothing against such a feature, but
the details need to be defined!)

Well I guess unless someone is ready to have a precedent of relaxing
rule 2 here 'Anything that is only a shorter notation does not apply ...'
this won't happen :(

Precedent: case of String

If the other reasons are compelling enough or someone even provides a 
patch for the feature I personally see no problem. Of course the 
opinions of the other core developers matter as well...

But it's not just 'shorter', it's relatively 'safer' too, and doesn't
forbid anybody from using traditional constructs either, at all, if they wish 
so/need so.

That's for example a reason that speaks for the feature.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist. [OT]

2013-02-13 Thread Lukasz Sokol
On 13/02/2013 12:31, Sven Barth wrote:
> On 13.02.2013 12:41, Lukasz Sokol wrote:
>> But it's not just 'shorter', it's relatively 'safer' too, and
>> doesn't forbid anybody from using traditional constructs either, at
>> all, if they wish so/need so.
> That's for example a reason that speaks for the feature.
> Regards, Sven 

Thanks, your acceptance made me shed a tear of joy and made my day brighter :)


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Giuliano Colla

Sven Barth ha scritto:

On 13.02.2013 10:11, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 13/02/2013 07:34, Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the 
feeling that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally 
OR try-except but there are situations where you need both. One of 
the criteria is if the object is local or global since for a global 
object it is likely that you place the .Free (or for a global object 
better FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or finalization section (which 
means that you have to stop the program in case of an error and not 
continue showing just a dialog) so you'll need only the try-except if 
you want to catch the exception. In case of a local object you'll 
ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
   // do some code

otherwise you'll end up with memory leaks.
If you want to catch the exception in this situation you'll put 
try-except extra around try-finally so you'll end up with

Obj := Class.Create;
 // do some code
   writeln('We have a problem);
   halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one


To developers:
How would a generalized/packed construct like

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

or what about

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

Python provides the following:
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

which can be used in any reasonable combination: just try..except, just 
try..finally just try..except..else etc.

The except..else is a very useful construct, because it provides a path 
to a code block to execute only if there were no previous errors.
This wouldn't break any existing applications, just add very useful 

What fpc developers think about that?


Giuliano Colla

Before activating the tongue, make sure that the brain is connected 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Wed, 13 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Sven Barth ha scritto:

On 13.02.2013 10:11, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 13/02/2013 07:34, Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the 
feeling that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally OR 
try-except but there are situations where you need both. One of the 
criteria is if the object is local or global since for a global object it 
is likely that you place the .Free (or for a global object better 
FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or finalization section (which means that 
you have to stop the program in case of an error and not continue showing 
just a dialog) so you'll need only the try-except if you want to catch 
the exception. In case of a local object you'll ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
   // do some code

otherwise you'll end up with memory leaks.
If you want to catch the exception in this situation you'll put 
try-except extra around try-finally so you'll end up with

Obj := Class.Create;
 // do some code
   writeln('We have a problem);
   halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one


To developers:
How would a generalized/packed construct like

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

or what about

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

Python provides the following:
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

which can be used in any reasonable combination: just try..except, just 
try..finally just try..except..else etc.

The except..else is a very useful construct, because it provides a path to a 
code block to execute only if there were no previous errors.

This wouldn't break any existing applications, just add very useful features.

What fpc developers think about that?

"Else" is used in Except already to select between various classes:

  on E : MyType do
  // exception is not MyType

so that is a problem.

I see no problem in adding finally, if you define carefully when it is executed.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Giuliano Colla

Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:

On Wed, 13 Feb 2013, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Sven Barth ha scritto:

On 13.02.2013 10:11, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 13/02/2013 07:34, Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the 
feeling that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use 
try-finally OR try-except but there are situations where you need 
both. One of the criteria is if the object is local or global since 
for a global object it is likely that you place the .Free (or for a 
global object better FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or 
finalization section (which means that you have to stop the program 
in case of an error and not continue showing just a dialog) so 
you'll need only the try-except if you want to catch the exception. 
In case of a local object you'll ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
   // do some code

otherwise you'll end up with memory leaks.
If you want to catch the exception in this situation you'll put 
try-except extra around try-finally so you'll end up with

Obj := Class.Create;
 // do some code
   writeln('We have a problem);
   halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one


To developers:
How would a generalized/packed construct like

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

or what about

[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

Python provides the following:
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

which can be used in any reasonable combination: just try..except, 
just try..finally just try..except..else etc.

The except..else is a very useful construct, because it provides a 
path to a code block to execute only if there were no previous errors.
This wouldn't break any existing applications, just add very useful 

What fpc developers think about that?

"Else" is used in Except already to select between various classes:

  on E : MyType do
  // exception is not MyType

so that is a problem.

I didn't think of that, because I never use it. It would be nice to use 
it the other way, but I understand it would break existing code. A 
different keyword like nonexcept?

I see no problem in adding finally, if you define carefully when it is 

IMHO the try..except..finally construct should provide exactly the same 
functionality as a nested


i.e. it should be executed whatever happened in the sections between try 
and finally (except if somewhere there was an Application.terminate!). 
Any exception not handled shoud be re-raised after the finally block has 
been executed.
The advantage would be to get rid of one level of nesting, making the 
code more readable and less error prone.
This would guarantee both proper error handling and freeing of global 
resources, even in presence of errors.


Giuliano Colla

Before activating the tongue, make sure that the brain is connected 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Giuliano Colla

Lukasz Sokol ha scritto:

On 13/02/2013 13:14, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I'd rephrase what I discussed with Sven Barth: 

this construct (the packed try.(1).finally.(2).except.(3).end;) - a 
packed/condensed version -

I would be in favor of try..except..finally, as opposed to 
try..finally..except, because I believe it better to handle exceptions 
before, and clean-up after. Exception handling doesn't consist only in 
showing an error box, it may involve also providing a remedy to some 
errors, and hopefully passing to finally a cleaner situation to handle. 
I'm ready to change advise if proved wrong.

- should be semantically EXACT to 

  (1,2,3): code blocks
  (HOLE1) possibility for the try..finally..end block to be skipped if 
exception happens here
  (HOLE2) possibility for code to be skipped if exception happens in the 
try...finally...end; block

- except, it will not have the HOLEs. Because [maybe some statistics needed here] this is 
probably the main (most advocated ?) use of them both at the same time.

- It shall allow any constructs that are allowed in traditional (1,2,3) code blocks to be 
used exactly the same way with the same meaning.

The new way will:

-flatten the source code (one indent level less)
-shorten the source code (one 'try' and one 'end;' less)
-provide automatic protection from falling into the (HOLEs). (thinkos and PEBKACs protection) 
 (this is most important here I think).

Note that I'm not advocating for this to replace the traditional constructs; 
Also I accept, that HOLEs may be perfectly justified code. But if someone needs them, they probably

know what they are doing.

If one is left free not to use the new construct, he can use the old 
one, and put in as many holes as he want.
After all one is free to insert anywhere in the code a few assembler 
lines and to break anything fpc developers had in mind..


Giuliano Colla

Before activating the tongue, make sure that the brain is connected 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Sven Barth

On 13.02.2013 17:50, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Python provides the following:
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]
[code block]

which can be used in any reasonable combination: just try..except,
just try..finally just try..except..else etc.

The except..else is a very useful construct, because it provides a
path to a code block to execute only if there were no previous errors.
This wouldn't break any existing applications, just add very useful

What fpc developers think about that?

"Else" is used in Except already to select between various classes:

  on E : MyType do
  // exception is not MyType

so that is a problem.

I didn't think of that, because I never use it. It would be nice to use
it the other way, but I understand it would break existing code. A
different keyword like nonexcept?

I don't see the point of a "else" or "nonexcept" branch. If I want code 
to be executed in the case that no exception happened (e.g. a Commit for 
a database transaction) then I put in the block started by the "try"... 
One might argue that an additional branch would increase readability, 
but I personally don't see a real use for it...

I see no problem in adding finally, if you define carefully when it is

IMHO the try..except..finally construct should provide exactly the same
functionality as a nested

i.e. it should be executed whatever happened in the sections between try
and finally (except if somewhere there was an Application.terminate!).

Application.Terminate is not special. It merely sets a "FTerminated" to 
True which will trigger a leave of the application main loop once the 
event handler returns. The only function that would be special in that 
regard is "Halt", but that already works that way that any handlers are 

Any exception not handled shoud be re-raised after the finally block has
been executed.
The advantage would be to get rid of one level of nesting, making the
code more readable and less error prone.
This would guarantee both proper error handling and freeing of global
resources, even in presence of errors.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-13 Thread Sven Barth

On 13.02.2013 18:07, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Lukasz Sokol ha scritto:

On 13/02/2013 13:14, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I'd rephrase what I discussed with Sven Barth:
this construct (the packed try.(1).finally.(2).except.(3).end;) - a
packed/condensed version -

I would be in favor of try..except..finally, as opposed to
try..finally..except, because I believe it better to handle exceptions
before, and clean-up after. Exception handling doesn't consist only in
showing an error box, it may involve also providing a remedy to some
errors, and hopefully passing to finally a cleaner situation to handle.
I'm ready to change advise if proved wrong.

As the proposed construct is a "mere" syntactic sugar anyway I see no 
problem in allowing both cases (after all you can do both ways with the 
original constructs as well)...

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-14 Thread Giuliano Colla

Lukasz Sokol ha scritto:

It is subtle, I agree, but in

end; (my version)

I can catch the errors of either normal and finally code;
I assume that try...finally...end is the more important; it is try...finally.. 
end that has to go without errors,
or else one will be reported; if no exception happens, except is omitted; the 
except section in this case, can
catch anything and its job is to decide whether to allow further execution, 
show/log a message or bail out.
(also AFAICS this way it is recommended to be used in most snippets)

In your case (try..finally...end being the outer), what if it may not be possible to free the global resources 
(e.g. if you .Created a TStringList, and in finally you want to .Free it, but say, its pointer got corrupted or 
something free'd it already, and you can't - you'll get an AV which you'd have to catch in another try..except..end
to properly show user a message? Or if something else that has to be done in finally section, throws?) 

The purpose of the try..except construct is to allow the developer to 
put some remedy in case of errors, instead of just aborting the program.
The purpose of the try..finally construct is to guarantee some actions 
even if the program is going to be aborted.
The new constructs would provide both options at the same time. But I'm 
afraid that there's not a "better solution" good for all situation. It 
depends on what one tries to do in the try.. clause, on which errors one 
choses to deal with on the except clause, and the likelihood of 
recoverable errors in the finally clause.
Allowing both constructs, (try..except..finally and 
try..finally..except) as Sven suggested, would most likely cover a 
broader range of cases.
Then, sometimes someone will still need nested try..whatever, to deal 
with situations which do really require the HOLES you mentioned.


Giuliano Colla

Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong (O. Wilde)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-14 Thread Giuliano Colla

Sven Barth ha scritto:
I don't see the point of a "else" or "nonexcept" branch. If I want 
code to be executed in the case that no exception happened (e.g. a 
Commit for a database transaction) then I put in the block started by 
the "try"... One might argue that an additional branch would increase 
readability, but I personally don't see a real use for it...
You're right. At first glance it appeared to me a good idea, but 
actually it wouldn't provide anything useful.

Giuliano Colla

Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong (O. Wilde)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-18 Thread DaWorm
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Lukasz Sokol  wrote:

> Maybe he one and true answer for all of the above would be to have:
> try vs  try
>   try   except
> try finally
> except  except
> end;end;
>   finally
>   end;
> except
> end;
> so with except being optionally allowed either side of 'finally' ?
> I haven't actually tried this, but what would this do?


If this is what is really desired, is this a good construct?


  I don't care for the meaning of "except" looking to be contextual, but is
it really?  Reading that, to me it looks mostly predictable how the logic
would have to work.  I guess the only question is whether the finally code
is executed if the try code has an exception.  If this isn't desired, could
a "break" be used in the first except to cause the finally to be skipped?

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist.

2013-02-19 Thread Sven Barth

On 18.02.2013 19:53, DaWorm wrote:

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Lukasz Sokol mailto:el.es...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Maybe he one and true answer for all of the above would be to have:

try vs  try
   try   except
 try finally
 except  except

so with except being optionally allowed either side of 'finally' ?

I haven't actually tried this, but what would this do?


If this is what is really desired, is this a good construct?


The idea for the construct is to replace (if I take your last example) 
the following construct:

=== example begin ===






=== example end ===

The variant

=== example begin ===





=== example end ===

would replace

=== example begin ===





=== example end ===


=== example begin ===





=== example end ===

would replace

=== example begin ===





=== example end ===

These are the most common usages of nested try...finally/except blocks 
and thus can increase the readability. Thus no change in semantics, only 
in "formatting".

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Fpc Access Violation if AppConfigDir doesn't exist. [OT]

2013-02-13 Thread Sven Barth

On 13.02.2013 13:44, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 13/02/2013 12:31, Sven Barth wrote:

On 13.02.2013 12:41, Lukasz Sokol wrote:


But it's not just 'shorter', it's relatively 'safer' too, and
doesn't forbid anybody from using traditional constructs either, at
all, if they wish so/need so.

That's for example a reason that speaks for the feature.

Regards, Sven

Thanks, your acceptance made me shed a tear of joy and made my day brighter :)

It's mostly because I want that feature for a long time myself. :)

You'll nevertheless have to convince at least a few more core devs that 
this feature would be useful or/and implement it yourself... [mostly 
because I'm currently busy with other projects, either FPC related or 
not ^^]


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org