Laptop recommendations for 6.x

2007-02-20 Thread Nik Clayton


What's currently recommended as a FreeBSD laptop platform?

I'm using an IBM/Lenovo T42 at the moment, but that's shortly going back, so:

Things I like:

  * Suspend to RAM works
  * Nice enough keyboard
  * Workable screen resolution (1024x768, big enough for four xterms)
  * Reasonably light
  * Has a dock -- makes things much easier
  * 1.7GHz CPU is fast enough for my needs (web, e-mail, software
  * Trackpad

Things I don't like:

  * Battery life isn't great
  * Suspend to disk doesn't work
  * No WiFi

Can anyone recommend a laptop with all those features that works with FreeBSD?

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Re: EV1 Servers makes me sick

2006-10-03 Thread Nik Clayton

Alexandre Vieira wrote:

I was also told that is freebsd friendly and
extremely cheap.

Since this seems to have become a recommendation thread, I'm a happy 
customer of  They offer discounts to open 
source contributor's too.

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Switching virtual consoles from within X

2006-05-11 Thread Nik Clayton
Is it possible to (from the command line) switch virtual consoles while 
within X?

Since I upgraded X on my laptop resume from suspend has been a little flaky. 
 But if I make sure I run 'zzz' from within a text virtual terminal the 
laptop has (so far) always resumed correctly.

I could create ~/bin/zzz which checks to see if I'm in X and refuses to run, 
but it would be even nicer if I could have it automatically switch to a 
virtual console for me, and then run /usr/sbin/zzz.

I'm aware of 'vidcontrol -s ', and if I run that from a virtual terminal 
it works.  However, if I run it within X it refuses to work, printing:

vidcontrol: must be on a virtual console: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Is there a way around this restriction?


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Re: 6.x on an IBM T42 laptop

2006-05-08 Thread Nik Clayton

Mark Willson wrote:
I've got an IBM T42 laptop that's currently running 5.4, and it's working 
nicely at the moment.  ACPI works well enough that suspend to RAM works 
('zzz'), the audio works, USB devices are recognised, and the battery life's 
reasonable (with est enabled).

Is anyone aware of any regressions in laptop functionality going from 5.4 to 

I've been running 6-STABLE on a T42 for a while and not noticed any
problems in the subjects mentioned.  The addition of iwi has made life
a little simpler.  I think it is ok to take the leap...


I noticed that the acpi_ibm manual page talks about the suspend-to-disk 

Does that work?

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6.x on an IBM T42 laptop

2006-05-04 Thread Nik Clayton
I've got an IBM T42 laptop that's currently running 5.4, and it's working 
nicely at the moment.  ACPI works well enough that suspend to RAM works 
('zzz'), the audio works, USB devices are recognised, and the battery life's 
reasonable (with est enabled).

Is anyone aware of any regressions in laptop functionality going from 5.4 to 


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Failing to understand getrusage()

2006-03-02 Thread Nik Clayton

I'm failing to understand how getrusage() works, which is a bit perplexing,
because it doesn't seem like it would be terribly complicated.

I've attached the code.  My aim is to verify that I can use getrusage() to
do (admittedly crude) instrumentation of which functions in my program are
allocating lots of memory[1].  So I figure I can call getrusage() at various
points and look at the ru_maxrss member.

I'm confused because the results I'm getting don't make a great deal of
sense.  The attached program, when run 10 times one after the other,
produces the following output;

  before: 0, after: 1300
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 188, after: 188
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 452, after: 452
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 0, after: 1316
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 0, after: 0

'before' is ru_maxrss before 'malloc(1024 * 1024)', 'after' is ru_maxrss 
afterwards.  Different runs produce slightly different numbers -- the point 
is that they vary widely, and in some cases are '0' for both cases.

Those results don't look sane to me.  From doing some googling it looks like 
there may be a delay between the process's resident set size increasing and 
the stats that getrusage() uses being updated.

If that's the case, can I (portably?) wait for the getrusage() stats to 
synchronise before I read them?  If it's not the case, what am I doing 
wrong?  Is there another (portable) mechanism I use to find out how big my 
process is?


[1] I'm actually instrumenting Perl applications, using Perl's built-in 
debugger, instrumenting at the Perl level, so solutions of the form "Use 
 profiling application" aren't going to be applicable.  I'm using 
BSD::Resource, which wraps getrusage(), and odd results from that led me to 
this C test.
/* Call getrusage() before and after allocating 1MB of RAM, and see what
   the maxrss figure is */



struct rusage  ru;
char  *ptr;

rc = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
if(rc == -1) {
perror("getrusage(): ");
return 1;

printf("before: %ld, ", ru.ru_maxrss);

ptr = malloc(1024 * 1024);
if(ptr == NULL) {
perror("malloc(): ");
return 1;
memset(ptr, 0, 1024 * 1024); /* Zero-fill the memory */

rc = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
if(rc == -1) {
perror("getrusage(): ");
return 1;

printf("after: %ld\n", ru.ru_maxrss);


return 0;
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Re: Major new feature in 4.4 missing in the release notes

2001-09-21 Thread Nik Clayton

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:54:46PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Bruce A. Mah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I personally like the PDF versions, which, for a variety of reasons, 
>  > didn't make it to the "FreeBSD Project-produced" ISO images.  (Some of 
>  > the CDROM/DVD vendors might put them on though.)  You can grab them on 
>  > my snapshot page at:
>  > 
>  >
> Thanks for the hint!
> They will appear on the Lehmanns Edition of FreeBSD 4.4.  :)
> Regards
>Oliver  (Lehmanns FreeBSD Release Engineer)

Are you guys coming to


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Re: FreeBSD Books

2001-09-17 Thread Nik Clayton

On Sat, Sep 15, 2001 at 11:25:15PM -0500, Scott Corey wrote:
> Quite awhile back I remember that there were some FreeBSD books in the
> making i.e. "Advanced BSD System Administration" provisional title and
> "BSD in a Nutshell" what happened to them?

Still in progress, I believe.  "BSD in a Nutshell" is being written by
Brett Glass, "Advanced BSD System Administration" (I think that's the
correct title) is being written by Greg Lehey.

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Re: 4.4 will be delayed until Saturday, the 8th of September

2001-09-06 Thread Nik Clayton

On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 09:48:30AM -0700, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> What length of time would you prefer?

I'd say at least a week.  As various others have pointed out, it's going
to be at least 24-48 hours before interested parties have pulled down
ISOs from mirrors, burnt CDs, and installed from them.  Then it's the
weekend, when many people have better^Wother things to do, and/or are
not at their day job when they might have some time to devote to

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Re: Staying *really stable* in FreeBSD

2001-06-27 Thread Nik Clayton

On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 09:41:18AM -0500, Christopher Schulte wrote:
> At 11:44 PM 6/26/2001 +0100, Nik Clayton wrote:
> >I've rewritten section and at
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >Do people think this gets the point across any better?
> The patch branch (currently RELENG_4_3) should be introduced, perhaps 
> mentioned here, 

Not yet.  AIUI, the RELENG_4_3 branch is an experiment, and gives us the
option of providing security fixes this way.  I haven't seen a
commitment[1] from the security officer team that they will actually do

Until that happens I don't think it should be documented.


[1] Not a slur on the fine efforts of the security team.  I mean that I
haven't seen an e-mail that says "Yes, any security fixes to RELENG_4
will *definitely* be made available on the RELENG_4_3 branch".
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Re: Staying *really stable* in FreeBSD

2001-06-27 Thread Nik Clayton

On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 02:34:03AM -0700, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> From: "Juha Saarinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Staying *really stable* in FreeBSD
> Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 12:00:59 +1200
> > " Who needs FreeBSD-STABLE?
> > If you are a commercial user or someone who puts maximum stability of
> > their FreeBSD system before all other concerns, you should consider
> > tracking FreeBSD-STABLE. This is especially true if you have installed
> It's probably time to rewrite that paragraph substantially.  It was
> something of a tactical error to encourage certain interest groups to
> run "work in progress" code, even if that work is very carefully
> bounded and kept "in progress" for the shortest periods possible.
> You just can't have a code base which is actually going places and
> having things actively updated (which is generally a really good idea,
> especially when the updates involved fixing bugs) and also guarantee
> that it's particularly usable for anything.  Whether it builds
> flawlessly without warnings or not, it still represents a fairly
> significant unknown quantity until such time as you've frozen the code
> and spent a few weeks, at minimum, collecting user reports and making
> very carefully selected changes.
> We've also heard any number of suggestions for "fixing" the problem,
> from aggressive automated tagging (which would be tremendously
> expensive with CVS and not fix the "builds but doesn't work" problem)
> to extensive regression test suites that nobody seems to have time to
> actually write.
> As I said at the beginning, perhaps it's time to simply re-write the
> Handbook paragraph which inadvertently "sells" -stable as a solution
> for certain types of problems it was never meant to solve.


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Weekly FAQ changes

2001-05-07 Thread Nik Clayton

FreeBSD FAQ Updates

  The following changes have been made to the FreeBSD FAQ since 2001-4-30:

Questions that have changed:

I have an IBM Thinkpad in the A, T, or X series that FreeBSD installs 
on, but then the machine locks up on next boot. How can I solve this?
Last change:

I'm having problems setting up my printer.
Last change:

  This is a weekly service.  Updates will be posted to the FreeBSD -questions
  and -stable mailing lists sometime every Monday.

  As always, you can read the complete FAQ at
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FAQ Updates

2001-04-17 Thread Nik Clayton

FreeBSD FAQ Updates

  The following changes have been made to the FreeBSD FAQ since 2001-4-4:

Added questions:

Where can I get an Office Suite for FreeBSD?

Questions that have changed:

Making the most of a kernel panic
Last change:

  This is a weekly service.  Updates will be posted to the FreeBSD -questions
  and -stable mailing lists sometime every Monday.

  As always, you can read the complete FAQ at
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Re: www supfile

2001-04-12 Thread Nik Clayton

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 12:12:27AM +0100, j mckitrick wrote:
> I've noticed that 'www/en' no longer works as a valid tag for cvsup files.
> But the 'www/en' directory still exists.  I must have missed something
> somewhere.  Is there revised documentation somewhere?

What do you mean by 'tag'?  On a '*default tag=' line?

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Re: Releases

2001-04-12 Thread Nik Clayton

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 06:20:18PM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
> On 11 Apr 2001, at 22:51, Nik Clayton wrote:
> > Done.
> Did I miss the commit?  When was this done?

21:50 last night, to src/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile, on the
RELENG_4 branch.  ID

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Re: Releases

2001-04-10 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 05:55:13PM -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> types:
> > > Just because the problem is difficult to solve does not mean it can not be
> > > or should not be solved.
> > Fine, how about you solve it and the rest of us will get back to all
> > the other stuff we have on our plates. :)
> I know, you're kidding. 

He's almost certainly not.  FreeBSD is a huge time sink, and people work
on whatever interests them.  If this topic interests you then you're the
best person to work on it, and submit changes.

> But if some group of people who have to deal
> with the questions propose a complete new naming scheme designed to
> deal with all the problems we see the current ones causing (though the
> only serious one is -BETA/-RC), is there any chance of it being
> adopted?  

There's certainly a chance.

> How about just a new name for either -BETA (the major source
> of the problem), or simply calling -STABLE -ALPHA, thus making -BETA &
> -RC seem desirable?

Because -STABLE is not alpha code, by any definition of "Alpha" that I'm
familiar with.  -STABLE is designed to be exactly that, "Stable code
that is probably suitable to run your production systems on, with as few
surprises as possible".

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Re: Releases

2001-04-10 Thread Nik Clayton

On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 05:29:43AM +1200, Dan Langille wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Christopher Schulte wrote:
> > At 03:45 AM 4/10/2001 +1200, Dan Langille wrote:
> > >Give meaningful and widely used names to things which people are familiar
> > >with.
> >
> > -CURRENT fits all those requirements.
> In this case, the familiarity is reduced to those familiar with the
> project.  Witness the frequency with which the confusion
> arises.

It's question five in the FAQ.

The first para says "only of interest to developers working on the
system and die-hard hobbyists".

The second para says

If you are not familiar with the operating system or are not capable of
identifying the difference between a real problem and a temporary 
problem, you should not use FreeBSD-CURRENT. This branch sometimes
evolves quite quickly and can be un-buildable for a number of days at a
time. People that use FreeBSD-CURRENT are expected to be able to analyze 
any problems and only report them if they are deemed to be mistakes 
rather than ``glitches''. Questions such as ``make world produces some 
error about groups'' on the -CURRENT mailing list are sometimes treated 
with contempt.

I don't see any way in which someone could start running -current
without seeing that warning, or the equivalent warnings in the Handbook.

Short of making -current refuse to build without a magic cookie in
/etc/make.conf, and a webpage that contains that cookie along with this
dire warning, I don't see how we can make it more obvious to people that
they shouldn't be running -current if they don't know what they're doing.

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Re: Releases

2001-04-10 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 03:54:32PM -0400, Matthew Emmerton wrote:
> Next, the case of the bind and ntpd updates.  Yes, these were fixed
> in -STABLE and -CURRENT very quickly, but were only documented in UPDATING.
> How many people who are running -RELEASE have this?  That's right, none.  If
> the "current release" box had an "Newsflash" or other such link to inform
> users of 1) critical bugs that exist in the current release, and 2) HOWTOs
> that show how to fix them, then a lot of the confusion surrounding these
> fixes would be resolved.

That's the "Errata" link.  Suggestions for alternative text welcome.
Note that the NTP bug hasn't had an advisory released yet (presumably
because the security are busy working on it at the moment).

> Finally, almost every newbie I see asking a question asks "how can I do this
> on FreeBSD, and where is the HOWTO- to help me?"  Most often these people
> are redirected to offsite repositories of information,  rather than the
> documentation included with FreeBSD.  IMHO, this contributes to the
> degradation of the existing documentation of FreeBSD, as more effort will go
> into updating third-party sources.

Which sources.  I am *very* interested in bringing more documentation in
to the tree -- for example, I've been trying to get in touch with Dan
who runs to get them in to the tree,
but so far, no response.

Anyone that wants to submit documentation to the FreeBSD project is
encouraged to do so.  It's also a pretty fast track to becoming a

As ever, it's "rough consensus and working code" (or documentation, in
this instance).  Comments such as "The FAQ sucks" don't work.  PRs that
say "The FAQ sucks, because it doesn't answer this question, here's a
patch ready to go" get looked at much more rapidly.

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Re: RC2 wrongness in INSTALL.TXT

2001-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 02:19:18PM +0200, Neil Blakey-Milner wrote:
> I don't believe this is correct; I have functioning anonymous FTP with:
> ftp:*:14:5::0:0:Anonymous FTP Admin:/var/ftp:/nonexistent
> Anything involving no password must be wrong, surely?

Mea culpa, you're quite right.

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Re: RC2 wrongness in INSTALL.TXT

2001-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:22:06PM -0700, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> Empirical evidence shows that the original ftp passwd line is correct.  
> I propose the following patch instead, which deals with the "release 
> name" issue but should (I think) reflect the realities of anon FTP.
> (Picture the same patch for the alpha of course.)
> How's this?  If it gets your point across I'll do the relevant commits.

You da man.

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RC2 wrongness in INSTALL.TXT

2001-04-01 Thread Nik Clayton

I've pulled down the RC2 candidate, and have it on CD on one machine,
which I'm then using as the source of an FTP install to another machine
(which has a non-functional CDROM, natch).

INSTALL.TXT in the root of the release says


1.1 Installing from a network CDROM
--- ---

If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see the
Quick Start section.  If you don't have a CDROM drive on your system
and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of
another system to which you have network connectivity, there are also
several ways of going about it:

1. If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM
   drive in some FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You simply add the
   following line to the password file (using the vipw command):


   And anyone else on your network will now be able to choose a Media
   type of FTP and type in: ``ftp://'' after
   picking "URL" in the ftp sites menu.


Not strictly true.

  1.  You need to give the ftp user a password, or quote the line as



  Warning: This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet)
  to FTP to your machine, which may not be desirable.  If so, use
  passwd(1) to assign a password to the "ftp" user.

  2.  sysinstall can't find the release.  Looking at the debug terminal
  it tries various versions of pub/FreeBSD, /FreeBSD, and so on.
  You need to go in to the options menu and set the release name to
  "any".  This is documented inside sysinstall.  We should probably

  You will also need to set the release name to "any" in the
  installer's "Options" menu for this to work.


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Re: Tracking -docs like -stable

2001-02-21 Thread Nik Clayton


On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 08:04:04PM -0500, Kenneth W Cochran wrote:
> Hello -stable & -docs:
> I'm trying to "track" documentation similarly to -stable.
> I can cvsup the "docs-supfile" Just Fine, but what needs to
> be done afterward?

Chapter 7 of the FDP Primer, at

should help.

> After cvsup of doc-all, in what directory should I be when
> making/building?

Depends.  If you've pulled down the whole repository you will need to
check out the doc/ hierarchy first, something like

% cd
% mkdir doc-cvs
% cd doc-cvs
% cvs -d /home/ncvs checkout doc
% cd doc

Alternatively, if you've just pulled down the most current files then
you will have told CVSup where to put them, probably somewhere like

If you want to build all the documentation, start at the root directory
of the checked out docs (e.g., /usr/doc/, or $HOME/doc-cvs/doc if you
follow the example above), and run make(1).

If you want to build all the documentation for a specific language and
encoding, then cd(1) down a level, eg

% cd en_US.ISO_8859-1

If you want to build all the articles, or books, for a specific language
then cd(1) down one more level

% cd books


% cd articles

If you want to build a specific document, such as the FAQ, cd(1) down in
to it's directory

% cd faq

before running make(1).

> What are the relevant make-targets for documentation 

Typically, you will do something like this

% make FORMATS= 

where  is one or more of

html html-split txt ps pdf pdb rtf

(if you want to build multiple formats at once then you have to protect
the spaces from the shell, either something like

% make "FORMATS=html ps" ...


% make FORMATS=html\ ps ...

 should be one of

-blank- If you don't specify a target, or you specify
all a target called "all" then the document will be
converted to the FORMATS you list.

clean   Removes the formatted document, and any
intermediate files created by the build process.

install Installs the document, typically somewhere under
/usr/share/doc -- this path is controlled by the
DOCDIR variable.

package Builds a FreeBSD package of the formatted
document that can be manipulated (installed,
queried, etc) with the FreeBSD pkg_* commands.

lintBoth these targets will verify that the document
validateis valid according to the DTD it claims to
comply with.

> & where can I find them?

Chapter 7 of the primer (in theory).  I've just had a look at that, and
it's as enlightening as it could be.  I would be very grateful for
submissions that cleaned it up.

If you just want to quickly check that a particular format builds you
can give the target filename.  For example,

% cd doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq
% make book.html

will generate the FAQ as one large HTML document.  You could also do

% make index.html   # Lots of little HTML files
% make  # Postscript
% make book.pdf # PDF

> How do I properly omit building the .pdf and .ps versions?

Make sure that the FORMATS variable doesn't contain "pdf" or "ps".  By
default, it doesn't.

> I can't find anything in The Books (Lehey v3 & the
> Handbook) & the docproj Web-site seems targeted toward
> documentation "authors" & not toward documentation "trackers."
> The textproc/docproj port is installed.

Incidentally, you will probably need to update this, as I committed some
changes to it last night, to pull in eps2png and the netpbm utilities,
which are required now that we support graphics in the documentation.

Hope that helps,

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Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

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Re: docproj port still broken in 4.2-RELEASE

2000-11-08 Thread Nik Clayton

On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 12:01:09PM -0800, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> ===>  Cleaning for tidy-2804
> ===>  Cleaning for w3m-0.1.11.p.17
> ===>  Cleaning for docproj-1.1
> make: don't know how to make all. Stop
> *** Error code 2
> Stop in /usr/src/release.
> *** Error code 1
> I'm going to have to disable docs for this build if we can't get
> this fixed. :-(

Working on it.  It would be very helpful if you (or someone else) could
forward me a copy of the ${CHROOTDIR}/mk shellscript when this happens,
so I can try and replicate this without doing a full release.

[ Yes, I know that in an ideal world I'd do a release -- however, in an
  ideal world I'd not be spending the majority of my time travelling,
  with a laptop that fails to suspend to disk/memory reliably.  If I
  can duplicate this without needing to build a release I can try and get
  a fix faster. ]

Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

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Re: docproj port still broken in 4.2-RELEASE

2000-11-08 Thread Nik Clayton

On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 12:01:09PM -0800, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> ===>  Cleaning for tidy-2804
> ===>  Cleaning for w3m-0.1.11.p.17
> ===>  Cleaning for docproj-1.1
> make: don't know how to make all. Stop
> *** Error code 2
> Stop in /usr/src/release.
> *** Error code 1
> I'm going to have to disable docs for this build if we can't get
> this fixed. :-(

Some questions, for anyone that's building a release, and can afford to
spend some time poking around on my behalf;

(1)  Are you building this with a specific RELEASETAG?  If so, what is it?

The "make: don't know how to make all. Stop" line is consistent with
running make(1) in a directory that doesn't contain a {m,M}akefile.

(2)  Could you check if ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/doc actually contains any files?

(3)  If it does contain files, can you tell me what revision numbers the
 files are.


Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
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  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

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Re: Upcoming rc.conf changes not loading certain currently loaded daemons

2000-08-24 Thread Nik Clayton

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 01:03:50AM -0400, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> On a recent email Peter Jeremy wrote: 
> >..., rc.conf was recently changed (in -current) to not
> >start inetd, portmap or sendmail.  If you are actually relying on
> >any of these daemons, and you actually notice the differences in
> >/etc/defaults/rc.conf, you will be able to update /etc/rc.conf
> >without a period of head-scratching when they don't start.
> What was the reason for these daemons been set to not start?

Now, if you have an empty /etc/rc.conf then (in theory) no network services
are running.  This also means that if you want to find out what services are
started at boot time you only have to look in /etc/rc.conf, rather than
having to look at /etc/defaults/rc.conf as well.

> Wouldn't this "break" working machines?

Only if you (1) Are running -current, and (2) don't read the mailing lists
and the diffs mergemaster shows you.

If both (1) and (2) are true then you shouldn't be running -current anyway.

Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: Irda support

2000-08-04 Thread Nik Clayton

On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 10:18:12PM -0500, Henry F. Marquardt wrote:
> I agree, this is a 'lost' technology, a solution in search of a problem.
> Even the palm crowd doesn't use it much that I've seen - I remember some of
> the early marketing hype there with people swapping IR business cards - I
> don't think I've ever seen anyone do that 

Do it all the time.

> and I don't think I could figure
> out how in any reasonable amount of time with mine - it'd be quicker to
> scribble on a napkin.

Being able to sync my Palm pilot with my Vaio using IR would be *very* nice.
One less set of cables to have to carry around with me.

> Same with my laptop, it was configured as com2 and as far as I was concerned
> just taking up IRQ space - I turned it off when I put FBSD on there.
> Doesn't mean you should play with it, but what are you going to *use* it
> for?

There are a bunch of mobile phones out here with built in modems.  Point 
the phone at the computer and suddenly (in Windows) you've got a modem
attached to COM2 (or whatever) -- again, without needing the additional
cabling.  This is a good thing.

Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: HEADS UP! Always use the 'make buildkernel' target to make yerkernels

2000-07-13 Thread Nik Clayton

On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 01:33:58PM -0500, Shawn Barnhart wrote:
> I guess I don't care which tools I use, so long as they do the right
> thing, and, most importantly THAT THE METHODS ARE TOTALLY DOCUMENTED
> One thing that frustrates me about FBSD is the "docrot" of the handbook.
> When I was getting started with FBSD I seemed to stumble across many
> things that, while not exactly incorrect, were nevertheless incomplete
> or outmoded by newer/better/smarter ways of doing things.

# cd /usr/gnats/docs
# grep -i barnhart *

S'funny, this seems to be the first time you've told any of us.  Next 
time, please use send-pr(1) with the category set to "docs".  It would be
appreciated if you could suggest alternative or replacement text in your

Do this often enough and you get asked to become a committer.


Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

[Conspectus] -stable, week ending 12th June 2000

2000-07-03 Thread Nik Clayton

[ Posting on behalf of Salvo Bartolotta, who did all the hard work.  See for more information.  To
  contribute, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- N ]

FreeBSD-stable Conspectus, week ending 12th June 2000
Dates# Posts Subject   
June 06 - 07 June   2HEADS UP: More important Vinum information
June 09 - June 09   1HEADS UP: OpenSSH 2.1.0 merge 
June 08 - June 08   1"sbsize" path for testing!!   
June 08 - June 08   1[PATCH] psmintr out of sync.. 
June 08 - June 08   1PS/2 mouse driver updates - can someone commit
June 07 - June 07   24.0-STABLE crashes ...(SMP?)  
June 07 - June 10   9Inetd problems
June 08 - June 09   9APC Back-UPS Pro  
June 11 - June 12   5Re: AHA 1542 CP Configuration problems
June 09 - June 09   2linprocfs 
June 06 - June 07   3ABIT BE6-II(hpt366) & ata in -stable  
June 07- June 075Passive mode for FTP  

June 06 - June 07 (2 posts): HEADS UP: More important Vinum information

No sooner had [Greg Lehey] fixed a Vinum bug than he found out another.

The next day, he added that his /src/sys/dev/vinum/vinumrevive.c commit (to
-CURRENT) would probably solve the problem -- he was still testing.

On June 7, 2000, Greg announced that he had just merged with 4.0-STABLE the
fixes for the RAID-5 revive corruption bug. He strongly recommended
4.0-STABLE and 5-CURRENT users to update as soon as possible, and, until
then, not to attempt anything on RAID-5 plexes that had lost (or would
lose) a subdisk. Finally, he promised that he would very soon commit a
large MFC to 3-STABLE so that the matter might be settled for that branch
as well.


June 09 - June 09 (1 posts): HEADS UP: OpenSSH 2.1.0 merge

On June 9, 2000, [Kris Kennaway] proclaimed that he had merged with -stable
the OpenSSH 2.1.0 code from -current.

He also provided the following information:
The major new feature of OpenSSH 2.x is support for the SSH2 protocol
and DSA keys, freeing it from the dependency on RSAREF for USA people.
It interoperates well with the ssh2 port and other SSH2 clients/servers
- see for more interop details. Another new
feature is support for OPIE passwords in SSH1 mode.
Missing from OpenSSH 2.1.0 is support for OPIE and Kerberos in SSH2
mode, which will be hopefully added later.
For more information on how to use OpenSSH 2.1, see the manpages, the
file /usr/src/crypto/openssh/README.openssh2 and
Server DSA key generation is automatic the next time you boot with
sshd_enable=YES in rc.conf, or you can do it by hand (see the above

Owing to some syntax errors, the OpenSSH MFC caused a temporary breach of
-STABLE; the difficulty, however, was soon overcome.


June 08 - June 08 (1 posts): "sbsize" path for testing!!

On June 8, 2000, [Brian Fundakowski Feldman] made the following
Per request of users and the security officer, I've backported the
changes from 4.0/5.0 which allow administrative control over the socket
resources a user can allocate. I need testers to get this done before
3.5-RELEASE, as my crash-box is -CURRENT. I think I have caught all of
the problematic parts of the code and merged things correctly, so I do
not _expect_ anything to go wrong.
The big problem is that people are using the DoS (indeed, it has just
been reposted on BugTraq for some unknown reason), and something must
be done to prevent a user from crashing the system like that. Changing
the limit is as easy as modifying /etc/login.conf, and a default value
should be in place. I don't know what the default value should be, so I
invite estimates on how much socket buffer space a user really needs.
The patch, which will necessitate both a make world and new kernel/
modules build, is located at:
In addition to the sbsize change, there's a relatively minor change to
struct socket which does break binary compatibility of kernel modules
if they use that member (so_cred). Anything groveling in the kernel
memory, like pidentd, would need

[Conspectus] -stable, week ending 5th June 2000

2000-06-17 Thread Nik Clayton

[ Posting on behalf of Salvo Bartolotta, who did all the hard work.  See for more information.  To
  contribute, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- N ]

FreeBSD-stable Conspectus, week ending 5th June 2000
Dates  # Posts Subject   
May 31 - June 01  33.5 Release date  
May 30 - May 30   1Announce: -stable commit lists
June 01 - June 01 1HEADS UP: Data corruption bug in Vinum
   found and fixed   
June 01 - June 01 2smbfs for FreeBSD 3.4 
June 03 - June 05 5PCCARD support
June 04 - June 05 23dfx driver   
June 02 - June 04 53.4-STABLE -> 4.0-RELEASE upgrade:
   unable to mount root partition
June 02 - June 02 2Reboots on Alpha System running 4.0 Stable
June 05 - June 05 1Spontaneous reboot with STABLE SMP kernel
May 30 - June 01 18GENERIC 4.0 kernel compile fails on in_cksum.c
May 30 - June 05  3Make world fails on latest 2.2.8...   
June 05- June 05  1FATAL FS Mount bug in -STABLE and -RELEASE
May 31 - May 31   1FinallyA solution, It would appear
May 30 - May 31   6-jn and -STABLE world 
May 29 - May 30   94.0-stable, OpenSSH v1 & v2   

May 31 - June 01 (3 posts): 3.5 Release date

On May 31, 2000, [Jordan K. Hubbard] announced to the -stable community a
possible date for the release of FreeBSD-3.5: June 20.

On the same day, [James Housley] reminded the -stable forum that CTM did
not still work as it should:
I have a PR that I think should be resolved before the release: http://
src/usr.sbin/ctm/ctm/ctm_input.c limits files to 10Meg (10485760).
cvs-cur.6200xEmpty.gz has a file, src/sys/dev/isp/asm_pci.h,v that is
greather than 11Meg, actually 11913588 bytes.

[Vivek Khera], replying to Jordan's letter, remarked:
I was just investigating the NIS server on 3.4-STABLE, and noticed that
the docs claim that TCP wrappers are not compiled in by default since
they are not shipped with FreeBSD... However, that is no longer the
Can we get this security updgrade included in the next release? All
that seems to be necessary is to define YP_WRAPPER in the Makefile and
link to the libwrap that is part of the system now.


May 30 - May 30 (1 posts): Announce: -stable commit lists

On May 30, 2000, [David Miller] made this proclamation:
I've setup freebsd-stable-3 and freebsd-stable-4 majordomo lists at These use procmail to filter the RELENG_[3|4] messages out
of cvs-all, so one can easily tell which commits affect them.
Anyone could use procmail to filter the list himself, but I thought
this was more convenient, especially for those not set up with
To subscribe, send an email to freebsd-stable-[3|4][EMAIL PROTECTED]
Digest versions are setup as well.


June 01 - June 01 (1 posts): HEADS UP: Data corruption bug in Vinum found
and fixed

On June 1, 2000, [Greg Lehey] promulgated the following important result:
I've just discovered (and fixed) a serious data corruption bug in
Vinum. Under certain circumstances, serious data corruption can result:
1. You are using RAID-4 or RAID-5 plexes.
2. One of these plexes (not the first plex in the system, whether a
RAID-[45] plex or not) develops parity problems.
3. You correct these errors with the 'rebuildparity' command.
Under these circumstances, the corrected blocks will probably be
written to the wrong subdisk. The original parity errors will remain.
The fix is in 4-STABLE and 5-CURRENT (revisions and 1.29,
respectively). I don't think that 3-STABLE currently supports the
rebuildparity command, but I shall check and MFC if necessary.


June 01 - June 01 (2 posts): smbfs for FreeBSD 3.4

On June 1, 2000, [Boris Popov] broadcast some good news:
Native smbfs for FreeBSD now supports version 3.4 of this OS (it may
also run on 3.2 or 3.3, but definitely 'll crash on 3.1).
Please note, that FreeBSD 3.4 doesn't contain src/sys/crypto directory
which is required if you want to use encrypted passwords. You have to
pull this directory from either FreeBSD 

Re: make world failed

2000-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 03:55:59PM -0700, R Joseph Wright wrote:
> Sorry to jump in in the middle of this thread, but I must agree with
> Brennan that FreeBSD's online documentation is woefully incomplete.  A
> person upgrading from 3.x to 4.0-release shouldn't have to subscribe to a
> mailing list.

Indeed, and they don't.  You could download 4.0 and install it over your
existing 3.0 installation, or use /stand/sysinstall's "Upgrade" option.

It only becomes tricky when you want to upgrade using "make world".

Trying to bootstrap one system from another is a *hard* problem.  You
should not expect to be able to do it by reading three lines and running
one command.

> I'd like to see the FreeBSD handbook achieve that level of quality and
> detail.  At that point, I think the flames people get for not reading the
> docs would make more sense.
> I'd be glad to help in this area, as I'm a very good writer.  Can someone
> point me in the right direction?   


Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: make world failed

2000-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 09:26:27PM +0200, Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 11:54 AM -0700 2000/4/3, Doug Barton wrote:
> > I realize that you don't want to accept responsibility for your
> >  actions, but please stop posting hear trying to convince us that there is
> >  some way we could have unloaded the gun before you pointed it at your
> >  foot.
>   I know you don't want to hear this, but the reality of it is that 
> we really should be doing a better job of keeping the web pages 
> up-to-date with regards to things like this.

It's not so much that we don't want to hear it, more that we'd rather 

This page isn't quite right.  Please review this patch, which adds
all the necessary information, and then commit it.

If you do that two or three times, preferably as PRs, and your patches
apply cleanly each time, and are accurate, I'll be banging on -core's 
door to get you added as a committer very shortly afterwards.

Seriously folks, this is one of the simplest ways to get one of those 
coveted e-mail addresses.  Just write good quality 
documentation, or submit updates to the existing documentation, and keep
submitting it.

13 of the 55 or so committers added over the past 14 months or so have
been Documentation Project committers.

>   In particular, when there is a major change coming and we know 
> that the necessary information is to be found in the appropriate 
> UPDATING file (or wherever), then we should change the web pages to 
> reflect the fact and point to the appropriate specific file.

Patch patch patch. . .

I'm about to commit a change to the Handbook which tells the user to 
read the UPDATING file first.

Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: make world failed

2000-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 04:42:34PM -0500, Brennan W Stehling wrote:
> How about having an UPDATING and an UPGRADING file?

Lack of people to update them.  Then people complain when they get out
of sync.

If you (or anyone else reading this) wants to step forward and maintain
either of these files, please yell now.  For example, /usr/src/UPDATING
is currently empty in 3-stable because no one's volunteered to maintain

> One could explain a simple upgrade of a similar branch while the upgrade
> file will explain how to go from 3.x to 4.0 and above.  That would make it
> clear that there is a different method for the two situations.

There isn't really a different method.

% cd /usr/src
% make world

However, at certain times, in *both* trees, you might need to jump through
more hoops than that.  The hoops differ depending on where you're coming
from, and where you're going to.  UPDATING aims to list all those hoops
(and this is dynamic information, which makes it less suitable for the

> If anyone has suggestions for documenation, perhaps it should copied to
> Nick Clayton so he can take some action.  And if anyone would like to
> assist in creating the documentation.. he's the man to contact as well.

Suggestions should always be sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list as
well.  If I can't field them, there are people there who can -- some of
them seem to do little except commit patches that other people send in,
and that's one of the most valuable, and thankless, roles there is.

Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: make world failed

2000-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 03:03:33PM -0500, Brennan W Stehling wrote:
> As for improving documentation I may just make a bsd search site.

Internet connection, $19.95 a month.  Computer, $799.95.  Modem, $149.95.
Telephone line, $24.95 a month.  Software, free.  USENET transmission,
hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Thinking before posting, priceless.
Somethings in life you can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard.
  -- Graham Reed, in the Scary Devil Monastery

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: Parallel port in GENERIC (Was FreeBSD 3.4 and printing)

2000-02-15 Thread Nik Clayton

On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 03:24:48PM -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> What is needed is a *comment* in GENERIC telling users to change net to tty
> if they want to use their printers.

Agreed.  Attached is a trivial patch to GENERIC, for -stable only.  The
same line in GENERIC in -current looks like

device  ppc0at isa? irq 7

so I assume -current doesn't have that problem.

This will close conf/16394.  Any objections?

If you want to imagine the future, imagine a tennis shoe stamping
on a penguin's face forever.
--- with apologies to George Orwell

RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.143.2.26 GENERIC
--- GENERIC 2000/01/31 21:30:31
+++ GENERIC 2000/02/15 12:28:32
@@ -154,6 +154,10 @@
 device sio3at isa? disable port "IO_COM4" tty irq 9
 # Parallel port
+# Note:  The ppc0 entry is to support networking over the parallel port.
+#If you will be printing to it, change "net" to "tty", and 
+#review ppc(4) to ensure you have the correct flags value.
 device ppc0at isa? port? flags 0x40 net irq 7
 controller ppbus0  # Parallel port bus (required)
 device lpt0at ppbus?   # Printer

Re: FreeBSD Portal

1999-12-27 Thread Nik Clayton


On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 04:40:05PM -0800, Mike s wrote:
> Well, i have already taking the iniative in starting
> what it is i have been talking about. 

That's great.  It gives people a chance to see what you have in mind.
Actions speak a lot louder than words.

> I have a lot of documentation that is done already,  (
> alot being 35% )
> the site is very appealing for those that use netscape
> and the like and is also
> lynx friendly.

Also good.  I'd be interested in you collaborating with the rest of
the doc team to try and get this in to the 'mainstream' site as well.

> I have already coded alot of user/interactive parts of
> the site in php.

This is (sort of) the problem.

PHP (or Zope, or Zend, or lots complicated CGI scripts) are great when
you only have one site.  And one language.  And only a few people working
on it.

As soon as you start using something less mainstream, you start to reduce
the number of people who can work on it, and, more importantly, you increase
the effort required to mirror it (and, quite possibly, to translate it).

If you look at the FreeBSD site as it is at the moment, you'll see it's
mirrored in sixty countries, and translated in to five languages.

That's possible because the site's infrastructure is relatively basic.
The mirrors don't need to worry about setting up a complex webserver,
all they need is basic CGI functionality, and the translation teams just
need to be familiar with HTML, there's nothing extra they need to learn.
This keeps the effort requirement down, and increases the chance that
people will participate.

Looking at your list of proposed content;

> before launching the alpha site it will include:
> -a step by step installation process focused on the
> novice.
> -troubleshooting 
> -basic networking support
> -getting Connected to the internet
> -all man pages marked outdated/up to date
> -using CVSup and make world
> -security related support
> -what services need to be running for specific server
> purposes
> -performance optimization
> -understanding log files
> -understanding /etc/*.conf files for the novice
> -most common asked questions  with simple solutions (
> Not FAQ's )
> -FreeBSD command reference.
> -UID's and GID's  file permissions
> -introduction to firewalls.
> -mailing list archives which users will be able to
> send and recieve via the web

With the exception of the mailing list archives, there's nothing there
that can't be done with the FreeBSD site as it is, and;

> the beauty of the site is that user can submit
> comments to the documentation
> also add documentation to the subject in mind that
> will be pre-formatted
> to the site once submitted and at the bottom of the
> page will be links to all
> the comments and addition documentation.

That's a nice idea.  I'd be interested in something like this for the
FreeBSD site that automatically included a link to the outstanding PRs
for a piece of documentation.

However, your approach won't scale to new languages, or to mirror sites,
without a lot of effort, and it's issues like these that we have to 
consider for the main FreeBSD site.

Also, consider how the user will be able to get their documentation.  Will
it only be available from your site?  A lot of people have dial up 
connections, and won't want to recheck a new site each week on the off
chance that some comments have been added to a document.  How will they be
able to keep local copies of your documentation?  Will they be able to 
download Postscript or PDF versions for pretty printing.  Or even suitable
for installing in to a Palm Pilot[1].

I'm not trying to be negative -- I deeply appreciate that you want to help,
and that you're prepared to put the time in to doing some work on what you
see as being problems.


[1]  OK, I only got this working a few weeks ago, but it's still a very
 nice feature :-)
If you want to imagine the future, imagine a tennis shoe stamping
on a penguin's face forever.
--- with apologies to George Orwell

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: How to mount a 250 easy steps

1999-08-28 Thread Nik Clayton


On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 08:32:32PM -0400, Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> I offer to help make changes quite often.  The last couple of times they
> fell on deaf ears and I have much better things to occupy my time with 
> than chasing people around.  

Sorry about this.  I try and make sure that any and all messages about
the documentation that are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] are replied to,
although some times it might take me a couple of weeks.

It looks like some of yours might have fallen through the cracks.  If 
you're still interested, I'd really appreciate a copy of your last
message about this (or a pointer to it in the archives) so I can see what
we can do to help out.


 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
 non-self-referential dummy head-node whose own object destructor severs
 the links.
-- Tom Christiansen in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: /usr/share/misc/magic updates?

1999-07-07 Thread Nik Clayton

On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 01:08:36PM -0700, David Bushong wrote:
> I have an update to /usr/share/misc/magic I'd like to submit, but have no
> clue where to send it.  Pointers?

Use send-pr(1).  See the "How to Contribute" section in chapter 19 of 
the FreeBSD Handbook.

 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
 non-self-referential dummy head-node whose own object destructor severs
 the links.
-- Tom Christiansen in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: sup(1) in FreeBSD 3.2-STABLE

1999-07-05 Thread Nik Clayton

On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:36:16PM -0700, Spiderman wrote:
> In cvsup(1) there is a refrence to sup(1) which doesn't exist.
> Should it exist?

No it shouldn't.  However, CVSup is a port, rather than a part of the
FreeBSD base system, so this should ideally have gone to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thanks for the report though.

I've forwarded your message on to John Polstra, who has said that the
next release will have that note removed from the documentation.

Once again, thanks for letting us know.

 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
 non-self-referential dummy head-node whose own object destructor severs
 the links.
-- Tom Christiansen in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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