RE: Gump and Unicode

2003-06-12 Thread Tim Vernum
 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 in /etc/.profile (or .bash_profile... 
 depending on shell) of the user under which the processes run 
 should map 

 I'm not Solaris Expert, so I can't comment on this.

My installs of Solaris 2.6 and 8 support the en_US.UTF-8 locale, so
I suspect the process is the same. (although I haven't tested)

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RE: Short Apache licence for source files

2002-12-04 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 OK, I think I understand slightly better but our license refers to
 this software not to any specific file.

IANAL, IAN-Roy, IAN-ASF, but...

The license does not give any indication of what this software is.
i.e. It doesn't define the scope of the piece of work to which it applies.

Thus when Roy said:
'The problem with the 1.1 license is that it lacked a way to define the
   scope of what was covered beyond this file.'

It means just that - the 1.1 license doesn't define what it applies to.
It refers vaguely to THIS SOFTWARE, but that's all.

The concern is that if it is not directly included within the source files
then the scope of THIS SOFTWARE is unclear.
Does it include all the source?
What about the included jars?
What if those jars are not under the ASF license?

This not the case in the GPL ( because
Term 0 of the GPL defines (ot attempts to define) the scope of the work.

My understanding is that License 2.0 will include a similar item (but I'm
basing that on guesswork).

While it should be clear to normal people what this software means,
lawyers have a nasty habit of not seeing the obvious :)

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RE: [PROPOSAL] Committer access and responsibilities...

2002-05-24 Thread Tim Vernum


 If you are a commiter - you have the same rights with all 
 other commiters.
 If you don't want to exercise some rights - it's your choice. 

But it's not just about exercising rights, it's also about
granting rights.

At the moment, you cannot grant someone one right (commit access)
without also granting them additional rights (voting etc).

Some people (myself included) would claim that the condition of
entry for those rights, are not equal.

In that case, where do you set the bar? At the bottom or the top?
It seems that that is where this discussion really came from.

Pier set it at the top (the code might be good, but he wasn't 
going to grant someone full committer rights based solely on that),
while you set it closer to the bottom (the code deserved commit 
access, and that implies the other rights).

Personally I'm -0 on this.

I don't think commit access should be so widely given out, because
I think that the developer communities should be larger than the
set of committers.
The voting rules allow for the casting of non-binding votes, but 
they tend not to be used much.
It's fairly easy for non-committers to submit patches, but that puts
a responsibility onto the committers to apply them in a timely fashion.

I'm not a committer on any (sub)project, but I don't think that should
stop me participating and expressing non-binding opinions.

The community is open to non-committers, and you/we should be encouraging
that. Why the rush to vote people in?
There's a number of things that the committer status gives - which ones
are being targeted?

If all you're trying to do is avoid having to apply their patches for 
them, then that's a different discussion (i.e. How do you improve the 
patch-submit-apply process).

If you think that he project needs to include the opinions/ideas of more
people, then listen to the non-binding votes.

I would think that making someone a committer is done in the anticipation
that they will become a core member of the tomcat  Jakarta communities.
The commit/voting rights are just a side effect of that.


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[OT] Subproject Proposal - crossdb

2002-04-24 Thread Tim Vernum

 It is a problem people can understand and is easy to become 
 fascinated with.
 Similar to they way everyone in the world has created their 
 own text editor.

Text Editors are for weenies.

Real developers write their own window manager :)


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RE: Subproject Proposal - crossdb

2002-04-22 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Torque is a persistence layer that uses O/R mapping to use a database
 to provide persistence. A persistence layer is a handy tool in many
 server applications.
 CrossDB is a database abstraction layer that uses the Factory and the
 Builder pattern a lot which enables you to write code that works on
 several databases, transparantly. You can see it as an extension to
 JDBC. Database abstraction layers are useful in any application that
 talks to databases.

I would add, that having a database abstraction layer doesn't prevent
you from writing a persistence layer.

If a project had a need to hand-craft their persistence layer (not sure
why, but it's entirely possible), and a requirement to be able to connect
to different database implementations at runtime (I know of products with
that requirement) then it might be reasonable to write that persistence
layer using CrossDB.

You aren't scattering database logic throughout your code.
You are centralising it into one chunk of code.
You could read your column names from resources if you wished.

At some point some piece of code has to use jdbc to talk to your database.
If you need to talk to multiple databases (or even if you don't), then an
abstraction like CrossDB may be suitable.

I've never used it, I probably wouldn't use it, but if there is a need for
people to still use JDBC directly (and I believe there is, in some cases),
then a tool like CrossDB is not without merit.

Not that this is in any way endorsing it as a jakarta project, since the
requirement there are more about community and commitment than use cases.

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RE: Subproject Proposal - crossdb

2002-04-21 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 21:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The project is called crossdb and can be found at
  What is it?
  crossdb is a Java API that is used to create SQL statements 
 that are database independent.  So you can write an 
 application and have it run the exact same on any database 
 (ie: MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc.)

 Out of morbid curiosity... I couldn't find this answered on the
 website...  How is this different then hsql 
 ( and
 why would I want to use it as opposed to hsql?

I have nothing to do with either project, but hsql *is* a database.
crossdb is a database API

Your question is somewhat akin to what's the difference between
jdbc and oracle? 

To the original poster (Travis), if you haven't already done so,
you should read
and formulate your proposal to cover all the issues dicussed there.

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Parallel Ant (was RE: The Complete Server Platform?)

2002-03-24 Thread Tim Vernum


 Cannot ant (like normal decent pmake/bsdmake) figure out from the
 dependencies what can be done in parallel. I am not asking for the
 awsomeness of 'make -j 8 world' of *BSD - butsomething close should be
 possible I take it - could be a nice graduade student project :-)

It's probably feasible, but hard, and arguably the wrong place to do it.

I assume that the time consuming part is the javac.
If there's another task that's taking time, then it might be worth looking
at, but for javac...

Ant gets most of its speed gains (over make) by passing all the java
code to javac at once.
If it were passing the files one at a time, then it would be relatively
easy to run two processes at once.
But doing that would slow you down in almost all cases (maybe not
on the 8-way box, but in 99% of cases it would)

So Ant would have to take the fileset you pass, and do dependency analysis
on it to produce two (or more) disjoint sets of files to pass separately to
There's a fair amount of complexity there, and I'm not sure that Ant is the
place to put it.

Since the normal cases for JavaC is to pass in multiple files at once, I 
think javac should be able to parallelise itself.

So, a better grad project, might be to hack Jikes to support parallel

[ I think follow-ups should go to Ant-Dev ]


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RE: Free Wi32-CVS Gui client

2002-01-15 Thread Tim Vernum


 I need a good free wi32 cvs client with gui.
 Any websites for download?

Not sure how good it is (I don't use it) but:

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RE: Code conventions

2002-01-08 Thread Tim Vernum

 It's only two little lines extra to include the {}'s, 

Yeah, but those two lines will make my code run slower.

Don't you know?

The less space your source code takes, the less space
your class file will take.
And smaller classes run faster.

It must be true - 90% of people I've worked with seem
to live by that principle.


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RE: crushed

2002-01-07 Thread Tim Vernum

 Perhaps like Commons, there should be an open proving ground 
 for those wishing to make steps into the Apache world.

Probably not what you had in mind, but adding the project to
the gump run would be a start.

All sorts of monitoring goes on then, including prompting from 
the gump-er (ie Sam) to fix things that break.
I know Sam (et al) have + will provide patches to other projects
to bring their build systems up to scratch.

It's a start at having the external community work with the
Jakarta community(/ies), which seems to be the primary concern.

If the project won't deal with gump nags, and can't keep their
builds from breaking then they probably won't fit into Jakarta.

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RE: Problem with Tomcat

2001-12-16 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Osama Shafaamri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  I'm trying to use Tomcat 4.0.1 with our application, we 
 have a problem,
 there is an exception which is thrown,  we don't know what 
 is the problem,
 even that with Tomcat 3.0 is working fine, so could you 
 please advise me.

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RE: Using bzip2 for tarball

2001-11-19 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Daniel Rall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  What about using the bzip2 format for tarball along
  with gzip and zip format ?

 You have my +1, though I would instead recommend using bzip2 instead
 of gzip.

+1 on adding bzip2
-1 or removing gzip

Many (most?) non-linux users don't have bzip2 binaries, and forcing
people to download the (somewhat larger) .zip files would most likely
result in a net increase in traffic.


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2001-10-21 Thread Tim Vernum

 Any hint of what I should try?  

Your first step would be to post to the correct list.
Maybe one of the tomcat ones?

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RE: ASPizer

2001-10-18 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Endre Stølsvik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 So you (Jakarta) rejected Jboss. I didn't know that. How 
 incredibly smart
 of you. 

Ah yes, the incredible science of predicting alternative

How do you know that JBoss would have worked within Jakarta?
Maybe the JBoss developers would have clashed with the
culture here, and stopped working.

It is possible that JBoss is doing well *because* it is
a separate project, outside of the ASF.

Regardless, I don't think people have lost out.
JBoss exists, people can use it.
What would have been gained by making it part of Jakarta?

 Think about the synergies between Tomcat and Jboss!!!
 Wow! Incredible.

You can find synergies anywhere you want.
It doesn't mean that the project is a good fit at Jakarta.

   It's just that Jakarta seems to be accepting and rejecting 
 according to
 what you - the *main* man - want..

I would hardly call Jon the main man.
But he is a member of the PMC which means he gets a vote.
And his vote carries no more weight than anyone else's.

You really seem to have some personal issues with Jon, how about
you take them offline.

We all know that Jon tends to be blunt and has a knack for offending
people. I believe that Jakarta would be better served if he toned it
down. But endless discussions on this list are not going to change

The Apache projects are meritocracies, people have influence based
on their contributions. Jon has contributed a lot and that is why
he is an ASF member.
This is how apache works - deal with it.

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RE: ASPizer

2001-10-17 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Avi Cherry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  Instead, he 
 questioned the motives of the developer offering their code, implying 
 that he was being selfish in wanting to have the Apache group take 
 the project in.  This was obviously not his intent,

It might have been obvious to you, but it wasn't obvious to me (and
 still isn't)

When I first read the original mail my reaction was Someone with
a homeless project looking for an owner.

In fact Paul's most recent mail says
As a result of this, we are interested in building a market
 through open source.

Which has an air of we can't afford to do this ourselves so we're
hoping that we can utilise the Apache resources to get our product
of the ground.

There's nothing _wrong_ with that - my impression is that part of
Sun's motive for donating to Jakarta is to take advantage of the
resources/name of Apache to promote their technology.
It can be a win-win situation, but if no one here thinks the
project is worth being involved in, then there's no reason
for the PMC et al. to put time/resources into it.

 Jon, it wouldn't kill you to be polite. 

That I most certainly agree with.
Even a one line answer can be made more polite.
A dosage of It appears to me... or I still don't see...
can make most comments more palatable.

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RE: Viewcvs MIA

2001-08-20 Thread Tim Vernum

 Then he should ask on the viewcvs mailing list because 
 Jakarta's system is
 configured by the author of the product and isn't subscribed 
 here and can't
 do anything to help him.

And he was expected to know that, how?

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RE: Veltag JSP Taglib

2001-08-14 Thread Tim Vernum

 I'm curious, why would you use Velocity in a JSP context? 
 What's the value-add over Velocity by itself? 

Buzzword compliance.
Sure our webpages are using JSP - look;

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RE: sending returned email

2001-05-30 Thread Tim Vernum

From: Giedrius [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 We installed James Mail Server 1.2 with default configuration.
 And got interesting error:
 If MailServer can't send email, it stores in spool directory.
 And trying to send to sender with RE: and attached message.
 Then MAilServer can't send it, and history repeats until 
 there is not free
 space on the hard disk.

Sounds like something you should bring up on one of the
James mailing lists.


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