Re: [gmx-users] Error in equilibration

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Abraham

s lal badshah wrote:

Dear Justin,
I try again by correcting the typo mistake I made, this time it gives 
the following type of out put;

You still have a bad starting structure, even after your EM. Have a look 
at these atoms that are causing the actual error messages, since it 
might be a localised effect. Look for steric clashes, bonds that are too 
long, isolated water molecules, apparently non-formed bonds, etc.

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[gmx-users] Error in equilibration

2008-03-25 Thread s lal badshah
Dear Justin,
I try again by correcting the typo mistake I made, this time it gives the 
following type of out put;

Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 224.227448 (between atoms 1932 and 1934) rms 4.182895
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
198200   49.70.1449   0.1615  0.1449
200201   90.10.1090   1.2643  0.1090
200202   46.80.1529   0.1690  0.1529
200211   41.20.1522   0.1686  0.1522
264265   70.90.1229   0.1349  0.1229
264266   47.20.1335   0.1443  0.1335
266267   66.80.1010   0.1148  0.1010
266268   70.10.1010   0.1010  0.1010
407408   32.70.1090   0.1091  0.1090
457458   90.00.1080   0.1195  0.1080
910912   51.30.1090   0.1088  0.1090
   1001   1002   58.30.1090   0.1095  0.1090
   1062   1065   90.00.1090   0.1098  0.1090
   1249   1252   35.60.1509   0.1233  0.1510
   1252   1253   38.80.1399   0.1381  0.1400
   1252   1255   92.20.1399   0.5340  0.1400
   1255   1256   89.80.1080   0.4882  0.1080
   1255   1259   88.60.1400   1.2513  0.1400
   1257   1261   84.50.1399   0.4295  0.1400
   1259   1260   89.30.1080   1.0345  0.1080
   1259   1261   90.20.1399   1.0302  0.1400
   1261   1262   87.20.1364   0.3727  0.1364
   1262   1263   89.30.0945   0.3040  0.0945
   1926   1929   91.10.1529   0.1698  0.1529
   1929   1930   91.10.1090   0.1885  0.1090
   1929   1931   91.00.1090   0.2040  0.1090
   1929   1932   90.20.1529   1.1270  0.1529
   1932   1933   90.20.1090   1.0924  0.1090
   1932   1934   90.00.1090  24.5498  0.1090
   1932   1935   90.30.1463   1.1944  0.1463
   1935   1936   92.00.1010   0.1697  0.1010
   1935   1937   92.20.1340   0.1430  0.1340
   2565   2566   90.00.1090   0.1235  0.1090
step 0Warning: 1-4 interaction between 196 and 201 at distance 1.104 which is 
larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

Step 1, time 0.002 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 10632.446289 (between atoms 1932 and 1933) rms 207.682693
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
170172   63.20.1335   0.1515  0.1335
172173   41.50.1449   0.1423  0.1449
172181   87.70.1449   0.2694  0.1449
173174   38.50.1090   0.1401  0.1090
173184   33.30.1522   0.1855  0.1522
175178   64.70.1529   0.2016  0.1529
178179   89.50.1090   0.1885  0.1090
178180   89.90.1090   1.3654  0.1090
178181   89.20.1529   0.2470  0.1529
181182   76.80.1090   0.2233  0.1090
181183   63.70.1090   0.2001  0.1090
200201   90.31.2643   0.2235  0.1090
200202   33.20.1690   0.1498  0.1529
200211   31.10.1686   0.1533  0.1522
202203   31.60.1045   0.1152  0.1090
202204   44.70.1033   0.1210  0.1090
202205   32.90.1481   0.1654  0.1529
211213   32.60.1352   0.1395  0.1335
261263   90.00.1083   0.4201  0.1090
266267   37.30.1148   0.1001  0.1010
266268   58.30.1010   0.1009  0.1010
455456   89.90.1082   0.2429  0.1080
457458   90.00.1195   0.2815  0.1080
910912   42.30.1088   0.1093  0.1090
   1001   1002   44.50.1095   0.1091  0.1090
   1062   1065   90.00.1098   0.1777  0.1090
   1212   1222  102.30.1522   0.2192  0.1522
   1222   1223  102.50.1229   0.2490  0.1229
   1222   1224   92.30.1335   0.9308  0.1335
   1224   1225   94.20.1010   0.8418  0.1010
   1224   1226   91.40.1449   5.3237  0.1449
   1226   1227   90.90.1090   4.9695  0.1090
   1226   1228   92.00.1529   5.0058  0.1529
   1226   1243   90.10.1523 121.0580  0.1522
   1228   1229   92.30.1090   1.2347  0.1090
   1228   1230   92.00.1090   1.2312  0.1090
   1228   1231   90.90.1510   1.2383  0.1510
   1231   1232  105.80.1400   0.2522  0.1400
   1231   1234  105.00.1400   0.2524  0.1400
   1243   1244   90.20.1230 121.2270  0.1229
   1243   1245   89.90.1339 121.7164  0.1335
   1245   1246   90.80.1013   7.4736  0.1010
   1245   1247   91.20.1461   9.3242  0.1449
   1247   1248   88.40.1101   3.5300  0.1090
   1247   1249   87.90.1400  13.9017 

Re: [gmx-users] .itp file for polymer (Polystyrene)

2008-03-25 Thread Rohit
Thanks Mark for guiding me.

Mark Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Rohit wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to generate a polymer layer with 30 chains of 20 monomeric 
> units using gromacs' genbox command. For that, I need to have .itp file 
> for the single polymer chain (polystyrene). I have .itp file for styrene 
> molecule, how can I make a .itp file for polymer chain using .itp file 
> of styrene? I guess there must be some way to use parameters of styrene 
> molecule to build up a .itp file for the polymer.
> I would appreciate If someone can help me with this.

For a given n, you can build an n-styrene .top file with pdb2gmx. For 
this to work, you need a styrene .rtp file entry that defines head and 
tail atoms in a manner analogous to the peptide .rtp file entries, and 
probably you will also need to make .tdb entries to cap the chains. Read 
the relevant sections of chapter 5 and the wiki thoroughly, and 
experiment with this mechanism on peptides (where it already works) 
before trying to build the elements for your system.

Once you have the .rtp and .tdb entries constructed, you give pdb2gmx a 
structure file containing the 20-styrene molecule, and it uses the 
residue numbering in that to infer the topology based on the .rtp entry. 
Then you edit the .top file by hand to become a 20-styrene .itp file. 
Then you can construct your 30-chain coordinate file somehow, #include 
the 20-styrene .itp file, construct a .top file by hand, and make sure 
its [ molecules ] entry has 30 styrene molecules. pdb2gmx might also be 
able to handle the 30 20-styrene coordinate file directly with the right 
command-line option, but I've never done it, so you're on your own there.

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[gmx-users] OPLS-AA/L

2008-03-25 Thread chris . neale
Check the archives. I posted a summary of one possible solution less  
than 8 hours ago. You will receive more assistance if you demonstrate  
that you are trying to help yourself. If you still don't find the  
answer that you are looking for then you need to be *way* more  
detailed in your question. Note that a lipid ff that can be used with  
OPLS-AA is an entirely different thing than an OPLS-AA lipid. If you  
truly want an opls-aa lipid then you are looking at months/years of  
difficult work and should start with the papers for parameterization  
of opls and follow their method.


--original message --
Hi all,
I am using gromacs 3.3.1 version.How can I generate OPLS-AA/L  FF for POPC
Thanks in advance

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[gmx-users] System

2008-03-25 Thread s lal badshah
Dear Justin,
I want to do MD simulation of cholera toxin A-subunit.I took PDB file and 
remove other complexes from the protein so it comes to 185 amino acid 
residues.Through Whatif server I added the missing atoms. I uses oplsaa force 
field.Added about 11700 water molecules, closed it in cubic box, added 5 sodium 
ions.Run the energy minimization but it didn't reached the full and output 
says:Converged to machine precision, but not to the requested precision.The EM 
value was in negative.Then I do the equilibration and the mentioned errors 
occured.My EM file is:
title  = cholera.mdp
cpp= /usr/bin/cpp ; the c preprocessor
include= -I/usr/share/gromacs/top
define = -DFLEXIBLE
constraints= none
integrator = steep
dt = 0.002
nsteps = 1
nstlist= 10
ns_type= grid
rlist  = 1.0
coulombtype= PME
rcoulomb   = 1.0
vdwtype= cut-off
rvdw   = 1.4
fourierspacing = 0.12
fourier_nx = 0
fourier_ny = 0
fourier_nz = 0
pme_order  = 4
ewald_rtol = 1es
optimize_fft   = yes
;  Energy minimization stuff
emtol = 1000.0
emstep = 0.01
Wile pr.mdp file istitle   = pr.mdp
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
define  = -DPOSRES
constraints = all-bonds
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
nsteps  = 10
nstcomm = 1
nstxout = 250
nstvout = 1000
nstlog  = 10
nstenergy   = 10
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
rlist   = 1.0
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb= 1.0
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw= 1.4
fourierspacing  = 0.12
fourier_nx  = 0
fourier_ny  = 0
fourier_nz  = 0
pme_order   = 4
ewald_rtol  = 1e5
optimize_fft= yes
;Berendsen temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl  = berendsen
tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 
tc-grps  = protein  non-protein
ref_t   = 298   298 
;Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = berendsen
tau_p   = 20 20
compressibility = 4.5e-5 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.01.0
;Generate velocities is on at 298 K
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp= 298
gen_seed= 173529
Waiting for your reply.
Lal badshah.

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[gmx-users] OPLS-AA/L

2008-03-25 Thread sudheer babu
Hi all,
I am using gromacs 3.3.1 version.How can I generate OPLS-AA/L  FF for POPC
Thanks in advance
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Re: [gmx-users] Error in equilibration

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Abraham

s lal badshah wrote:

Dear Justin & Mark,
I made changes in my pr.mdp file but still the errors came.Please guide me.

As you've read on the LINCS error page on the wiki, the errors are being 
caused by your starting structure being not-close-enough to something 
that makes physical sense, not anything in your .mdp file (although 
Justin's point about T-coupling was sound).

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Re: [gmx-users] .itp file for polymer (Polystyrene)

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Abraham

Rohit wrote:


I am trying to generate a polymer layer with 30 chains of 20 monomeric 
units using gromacs' genbox command. For that, I need to have .itp file 
for the single polymer chain (polystyrene). I have .itp file for styrene 
molecule, how can I make a .itp file for polymer chain using .itp file 
of styrene? I guess there must be some way to use parameters of styrene 
molecule to build up a .itp file for the polymer.

I would appreciate If someone can help me with this.

For a given n, you can build an n-styrene .top file with pdb2gmx. For 
this to work, you need a styrene .rtp file entry that defines head and 
tail atoms in a manner analogous to the peptide .rtp file entries, and 
probably you will also need to make .tdb entries to cap the chains. Read 
the relevant sections of chapter 5 and the wiki thoroughly, and 
experiment with this mechanism on peptides (where it already works) 
before trying to build the elements for your system.

Once you have the .rtp and .tdb entries constructed, you give pdb2gmx a 
structure file containing the 20-styrene molecule, and it uses the 
residue numbering in that to infer the topology based on the .rtp entry. 
Then you edit the .top file by hand to become a 20-styrene .itp file. 
Then you can construct your 30-chain coordinate file somehow, #include 
the 20-styrene .itp file, construct a .top file by hand, and make sure 
its [ molecules ] entry has 30 styrene molecules. pdb2gmx might also be 
able to handle the 30 20-styrene coordinate file directly with the right 
command-line option, but I've never done it, so you're on your own there.

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Re: [gmx-users] Distance constrained energy minimization and MD

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Abraham

jayant james wrote:

Hi all!
The protein that I am trying to simulate has 3 chains. My aim is to 
apply harmonic constraints

to certain parts of the protein and (based on FRET derived distances) I 
am attempting to incorporate distance constraint between certain amino 
acids of different chains during EM and MD.

Constraints and restraints are different concepts in GROMACS. Look them 
up in the manual.

_Harmonic Constraints_

I figured, that for the harmonic constraining the input is in the file 
"posres_D.itp" and I specify

define = -DFLEXIBLE -DPOSRES in the em.mdp

_Distance constraints _

I would also like to have amino acids contrained, not by a fixed 
distance but within a range(say 45-75 angstroms). How do I go about 
doing this?

Check out distance restraints in the manual.

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Re: [gmx-users] query about itp file of sugar

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Abraham

I wnt to generate an itp file for carbihydrate which contains a 
glucose,a galactose and a neuraminidase.I want to know which force fied 
to use and the the linkages to use for the sugar.Please let me know the 
way by which I can make the itp file for the sugar.Eagerly waiting for a 

Deciding which force field to use is something you must do. Read the 
literature and consider what you hope the simulation to achieve and make 
a decision that seems sound in the context of what other people have 
been doing. You may find that your choice of force field will drive your 
choice of simulation software.

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[gmx-users] looking for help about the generating of opls forcefield

2008-03-25 Thread
Hi all:
   How are you! I want to simulate the solution structure of a amino sugar
gromacs, but I have no force field parameter about it. I have tried to obtain 
forcefile parameter through prodrg and antechamber, and try my best to refine 
however, both calculated results with these forcefield parameter were 
I hope someone can give me a hand if you have experience with generating ff
parameter or you have interests. Thank you in advance!

best regard

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Re: [gmx-users] Gromacs slow for 23000 atom DPPC bilayer on a (1 x 4) node: 50 ps in 10 hours

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Abraham

maria goranovic wrote:

An update:
Using a 4th order PME spline resulted in ~ 15 % increase in efficiency.

Thank you, Carsten.

As you can see in some of the original PME papers, tweaking the 
parameters can give about an order of magnitude variation in the 
approximation error for given computational cost, or similar variation 
in cost for a given error. pme_order = 6 works best on my hardware for 
error that I found acceptable.

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[gmx-users] Distance constrained energy minimization and MD

2008-03-25 Thread jayant james
Hi all!
The protein that I am trying to simulate has 3 chains. My aim is to apply
harmonic constraints

to certain parts of the protein and (based on FRET derived distances) I am
attempting to incorporate distance constraint between certain amino acids of
different chains during EM and MD.

*Harmonic Constraints*

I figured, that for the harmonic constraining the input is in the file
"posres_D.itp" and I specify

define = -DFLEXIBLE -DPOSRES in the em.mdp

*Distance constraints *

I would also like to have amino acids contrained, not by a fixed distance
but within a range(say 45-75 angstroms). How do I go about doing this?
Jayant James

Jayasundar Jayant James
Residence -24935864, cell-9841042164
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[gmx-users] combining the OPLS-AA forcefield with the Berger lipids

2008-03-25 Thread Chris Neale
To wrap up combination of the OPLS-AA forcefield with the Berger lipids, 
I have posted a detailed description of the motivation, method, and 
testing. Much of the methods there will be used in a paper at some point 
in time so please do not copy the text directly for your own use.
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Re: [gmx-users] POL3 polarizable water model

2008-03-25 Thread David van der Spoel

Bo Zhou wrote:

Dear Gromacs users,

I wonder whether or not the POL3 polarizable water model (Caldwell JW,
Kollman PA (1995) J Phys Chem 99: 6208-6219.) can be incorporated in gmx
with amber03 force field. Thanks in advance.
IIRC this is a point polarizability model. This is not implemented. The 
recent Drude/Shell models by us and the Charmm crew do work.

Best regards

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David van der Spoel, Ph.D.
Molec. Biophys. group, Dept. of Cell & Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205. Fax: +4618511755.
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Re: [gmx-users] POL3 polarizable water model

2008-03-25 Thread Vasilii Artyukhov
I believe the manual says that only the shell-on-a-spring model is supported
by GROMACS for polarization. As far as I can recall, the POL3 model uses
atomic multipoles, so tough luck for you...

2008/3/25, Bo Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Gromacs users,
> I wonder whether or not the POL3 polarizable water model (Caldwell JW,
> Kollman PA (1995) J Phys Chem 99: 6208-6219.) can be incorporated in gmx
> with amber03 force field. Thanks in advance.
> Best regards
> ___
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[gmx-users] POL3 polarizable water model

2008-03-25 Thread Bo Zhou
Dear Gromacs users,

I wonder whether or not the POL3 polarizable water model (Caldwell JW,
Kollman PA (1995) J Phys Chem 99: 6208-6219.) can be incorporated in gmx
with amber03 force field. Thanks in advance.

Best regards

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[gmx-users] Re: Informatin about Force field for Protein in POPC

2008-03-25 Thread Chris Neale

Please keep this on the mailing list.

I use OPLS + tip4p for protein in water, then I use the Berger lipids 
downloaded from Peter Tieleman's website using some special 
considerations for scaling of the 1-4 interactions. You can find some of 
my posts on that topic via searching for opls and berger.

However, I work with beta-barrel proteins. If you are working on a 
helical protein (e.g. GPCRs) you may want to try amber, but I am not 
sure what lipids you would use there (the scaling trick doesn't work for 
amber-berger combo). Another way to go would be charmm with it's own 
lipids (as simulated in gromacs). The fundamental question of what 
protein ff you want is something that I can not answer for  you.


sudheer babu wrote:

Hi Mr. Chris,
This is Sudheer working as a project associate, I am working on 
membrane proteins

I want to clarify one thing regarding force field in gromacs.
Intially I want to simulate my protein in water, later insert to POPC 
bilayer. So my doubt is, protein in water which FF can use, later when 
embedded into POPC  which FF can use for protein and POPC.

Pls help me.
I am waiting for reply
Thanks in advance. 

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[gmx-users] Re: Hi

2008-03-25 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Please keep correspondence on the gmx-users listserv, so that an archived copy
will be preserved for others to benefit from later.  See my replies below.

Quoting sudheer babu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Mr. Justin,
> Sorry for the posting my question to your personal mail,
> You made me clear so many doubts in gromacs , Thanks for that. But I have
> one doubt since one week trying get answer by different ways, but I didn't
> find, that is FF for protein in POPC. you replied me that read literature I
> read it. I found that using united atom FF( Berger) for lipid and all atom
> FF(OPLS) for protein, in case of membrane protein simulation,i tried to use
> in this way but it showing error, when I do minimisation
> I mentioned  FF in .top in this way,

Well, what is the error?  It is of no use to say that something didn't work. 
What were you doing?  What was the *exact* command you issued?  What was the
*exact* error message?

> Include forcefield parameters
> #include "ffoplsaa.itp"   - for protein
> #include "ffgmx.itp-  for lipid
> #include "lipid.itp"
> #include "popc.itp"

Right; this is a problem.  Inclusion of both ffoplsaa.itp and ffgmx.itp will
probably cause the two to fight.  If you look through the list archives
thoroughly, you will find an excellent procedure written by Chris Neale related
to exactly how to do this.  You may also want to refer to Chapter 5 of the
manual for general information on topologies.

> Pls give me detail explanation  and suggest, normally which FFs use when
> protein inserted into POPC

Refer to the literature.  I have seen papers that have used Gromos96 and OPLS-AA
for membrane protein simulations.  The choice is up to you, based on what you
find and what you believe to be most applicable to your system.


> Thanks in advance.

Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] query about itp file of sugar

2008-03-25 Thread SHREYA RAY CHAUDHURI
I wnt to generate an itp file for carbihydrate which contains a glucose,a 
galactose and a neuraminidase.I want to know which force fied to use and the 
the linkages to use for the sugar.Please let me know the way by which I can 
make the itp file for the sugar.Eagerly waiting for a reply, 


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Re: [gmx-users] Error in equilibration

2008-03-25 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

> ewald_rtol  = 1e5

I don't know if this is related or not, but ewald_rtol is, by default, 1e-5, so
I suspect you've made a typo.

> step 0Warning: 1-4 interaction between 196 and 201 at distance 1.104 which is
> larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
> These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
> This usually means your system is exploding,
> if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

Well, something's exploding, but you haven't given us any information about your
system.  To get more detailed help, you will have to tell us a little about what
you are doing.  What is in your system?  What force field are you using?  How
did you prepare the system?  Did the energy minimization step converge
appropriately to a nice, negative potential energy?


Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] .itp file for polymer (Polystyrene)

2008-03-25 Thread Rohit

I am trying to generate a polymer layer with 30 chains of 20 monomeric units 
using gromacs' genbox command. For that, I need to have .itp file for the 
single polymer chain (polystyrene). I have .itp file for styrene molecule, how 
can I make a .itp file for polymer chain using .itp file of styrene? I guess 
there must be some way to use parameters of styrene molecule to build up a .itp 
file for the polymer. 
I would appreciate If someone can help me with this.

Many Thanks
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[gmx-users] error oxo

2008-03-25 Thread s lal badshah
Dear experts,
Hi! I see the following on the site:
Error 0x0 and 0x1   From FaHWiki  Jump to: navigation, search
   The 0x0 and 0x1 errors are unknown errors - all errors that are known 
will end with some other  error code and message, but those errors that Pande 
Group hasn't seen before or did not know about, will end with error 0x0 or 0x1. 
Note: The WU data of an unknown error can not be trusted and by definition 
you'll never get any credit for it. If the 0x0 and 0x1 error cause is 
identified and classified as some sort of EUE then you'll start getting credit 
for such WUs. One possible cause of errors 0x1 and 0x0 is a hardware failure 
(which is why the software is unable to classify them). If a RAM failure is 
detected by the OS or for some reason the program wishes to allocate more 
memory and the OS refuses, the OS will terminate FAHcore_* and the client will 
no longer be able to communicate with the FAHcore producing Client-core 
communications error: ERROR 0x1  
0x0 errors are Unix Specific and under Linux this error often can be related to 
Glibc incompatibility.
Note: When using the Gromacs core on Linux, this error is also generated in 
circumstances where the Windows core would produce a "Gromacs Cannot Continue 
further" EUE. Unfortunately Pandegroup are currently unsure how WUs are 
triggering this error. As a result a normal EUE is not triggered, and the whole 
WU gets dumped and lost. Folding-community: Guha Jayachandran's comment in 
"Core status 0?" 
Under the Gromacs33 (A0) core, this error is returned because even though the 
cause is known, it has not yet been categorised. The error creates an output in 
the log similar to this: 
Warning: 1-4 interaction between  and  at distance 0.000 which is larger than 
the 1-4 table size 8.298 nm

 One possible cause for error 0x0 is forgetting to redirect the standard 
output. If you're running in the background without a command such as './fah5 
-verbosity 9 >/dev/null 2>&1 &', the simulation will probably get past 100% and 
then create an error. 
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file 

 It should be noted that you yourself cannot increase the table-extension, it 
is an integral part of the WU 
Error 0x1 is not always an "unknown error"  When a WU expires, you may receive 
this error: 
As I have the Lincs error.Is my problem related to this type? As I am using 
Suse linux and I added  directly the gromacs software to Installation packages.
Lal badshah

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Re: [gmx-users] Gromacs slow for 23000 atom DPPC bilayer on a (1 x 4) node: 50 ps in 10 hours

2008-03-25 Thread maria goranovic
An update:
Using a 4th order PME spline resulted in ~ 15 % increase in efficiency.

Thank you, Carsten.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 3:08 PM, maria goranovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear All,
> My apologies. I had too big a simulation cell, and too few atoms, hence
> the problem.
> No particular reason to choose order 5. I will try with pme_order 4 and
> see if it improves performance anyway.
> thanks !
> -maria
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Carsten Kutzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Am 24.03.2008 um 10:17 schrieb maria goranovic:
> >
> > > Hi Folks,
> > >
> > > My simulation is running too slow. It took 10 wall clock hours (40
> > > cpu hours) for a short 50 ps simulation of a ~ 23000 atom DPPC
> > > bilayer. The hardware is a 4-cpu core. The installation is gromacs
> > > 3.3.1. I have run much larger systems (~ 16 atoms) using the
> > > same gromacs installation on the same hardware, and they run much
> > > faster than this (200 ps per 40 cpu hours).
> > >
> > > Can anybody suggest why this is happening ? Is it because of latency
> > > in the cpu communication? If so, what is the workaround ?
> > Is there a special reason for using pme_order=5? I would use the
> > default, 4 instead, or at least an even number.
> >
> > Carsten
> >
> > > My .mdp script is below.
> > > These are the run commands.
> > >
> > > grompp -np 4 -v -f heat.mdp -c minim4.gro -p -n dppc.ndx -o
> > > heat.tpr
> > > mpirun -np 4 ~/bin/mdrun_mpi -np 4 -v -s heat.tpr -o heat.trr -c
> > > heat.gro -e heat -g heat.log > & heat.out
> > >
> > > ;###
> > > ; heat.mdp
> > > ;
> > > title   =  heating
> > > cpp =  /usr/bin/cpp
> > > constraints =  hbonds
> > > constraint_algorithm = lincs
> > > unconstrained_start =  yes
> > > integrator  =  md
> > > nsteps  =  25000
> > > dt  =  0.002
> > > comm_mode   =  linear
> > > nstxout =  5000
> > > nstvout =  5000
> > > nstlog  =  5000
> > > nstenergy   =  5000
> > > nstlist =  10
> > > ns_type =  grid
> > > pbc =  xyz
> > > ; --
> > > coulombtype = PME
> > > rcoulomb= 1.0
> > > vdwtype = cut-off
> > > rlist   = 1.0
> > > rvdw= 1.0
> > > fourierspacing  = 0.1
> > > pme_order   = 5
> > > ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
> > > ; ---
> > > ; Berendsen temperature and preasure coupling
> > > Tcoupl  =  berendsen
> > > tc-grps =  DPPC  SOL
> > > tau_t   =  0.6  0.6
> > > ; i have also tried a tau value of 0.1, but no speed up
> > > ref_t   =  323.0 323.0
> > > Pcoupl  =  berendsen
> > > Pcoupltype  =  semiisotropic
> > > tau_p   =  1.01.0
> > > compressibility =  4.5e-5  4.5e-5
> > > ref_p   =  1.01.0
> > > ; ---
> > > gen_vel =  yes
> > > gen_temp=  323.0
> > > gen_seed=  194040
> > > ;###
> > >
> > > --
> > > Maria G.
> > > Technical University of Denmark
> > > Copenhagen ___
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> >
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> > gmx-users mailing
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> --
> Maria G.
> Technical University of Denmark
> Copenhagen

Maria G.
Technical University of Denmark
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