[Goanet]AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - March 29, 2005!

2005-03-28 Thread domnic fernandes
“Dusreanchi chakri korpan tuji khont pekounk mozot mellta.”
(Serving others helps to heal your grief.)
Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
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Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I am puzzled by the fact that you wrote: 
 Sure do.
 In response to the following from me:
 The point is it is wrong to disseminate urban
 legends and hoaxes through chain letters and spam
 email.Do you disagree?
 I will assume that it is a typing error, and that
 actually meant you agree with me.


Yes - it was indeed a typo on my part.  I meant I
agree with your view that spread of hoaxes is wrong. 



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Re: [Goanet]Re:perks

2005-03-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- gilbert menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have no intention of discussing 1961 affairs. 
 This discussion is
 about the so called *perks* of the Armed Forces.
 I am wondering why your heart is bleeding for the
 Indian taxpayer,
 when you are not one yourself.  You may also like to
 know that all
 members of the Armed Forces pay the same direct and
 indirect taxes
 which everyone else pays in this country without
 Now , since you are making such an issue about
 perks, would you like
 to identify them and put a cost to them?  Then we
 can discuss whether
 they contribute to your allegation of the *cats
 whiskers* attitude.
 Lastly, you have painted Admiral Mehta as a real
 ogre. Let me tell you
 that he really loves Goa.  He should, because he has
 been married to a
 Goan for the past 30 years.
 Gilbert Menezes
  Message: 9
  Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 01:16:44 +1100 (EST)
  From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
  Subject: Re: [Goanet]MI, MI, those empty pots!
  To: goanet@goanet.org
  Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
  Coming back to the orginal perks that Philip
  mentioned that upset Gilbert.  Largely, I agree
  Gilbert that the military deserve them, after all
  are expected to lay down their lives if need be.
  But these perks often go to their heads, and then
  military have this attitude that they're the
  whiskers and the civilians are nothing, not
  that it is because of the civilians and because
  civilians pay them through their taxes that they
  there.  This is the same attitude that the Navy
  regarding Dabolim, what with one Admiral Mehta
  bluffing his way at a conference quoting a lease
  agreement signed between the Indian MoD and the
  Aviation Dept, to which the Goan populace,
  the Govt, was not privy to.

Please read the above carefully, and see if I made
*any* bleeding-heart comments.  Its all about the
Navy's attitude - nil else.  Who Admiral Mehta is
married to, is his private matter - please don't bring
it into the discussion.  Events of 1961/1962 do have
an influence why the Navy is holding on to Dabolim.

P.S. Contrary to what you state, I do pay tax in Goa,
though not income-tax.  And I do contribute to Goan
charities whenever possible, which is not peanuts


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne -Australia.

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[Goanet]Umbrellas, Vangores, Bunds - CUNCOLIM - That Village of Twelve

2005-03-28 Thread Goa's Pridewww.goa-world.com
GOA MESSENGER, 1-15 February 2005 
Vol. VI  Issue - 6 


Umbrellas, Vangores, Bunds
Cuncolim - That Village Of Twelve

—Armstrong Vaz

Twelve seems to be a favourable number with Cuncol
kars. They have twelve umbrellas representing the
twelve Vangores of Cuncolim, and then they have the
twelve bunds of Cuncolim and the twelve Van gores
comprising of the original inhabitants-Gaonkars of
Cuncolim. Here are some interesting related facts. 

The Shantadurga Temple The Gaonkars of Cuncolim
secretly transferred the deity of Shri Shantadurga to
Fatorpa in the face of forceful conversion by the
Portuguese in Cuncolim. The present temple is housed
at Fatorpa .The temple lies amidst the greenery of the
surrounding hills and is known for a big annual zatra
(fair) which falls in the month of Paus
.(December-January) from Pancha mi to Dosam which in
fact, sets the tone of all the zatras in Goa. Hindus
and Catholics alike worship the deity, which
represents the truly secular character and communal
harmony Of Goa.The Fatorpa temple is also know for the
Shigmo Sontreo (Umbrellas) festival. During which, on
panchami day (usually in March), the devotees
commemorate the day of transfer of the deity to
Cuncolim from its present location Fatorpa. The
colourful procession wends its way through the same
old route by which the deity was brought to Fatorpa.
The deity of Shantadurga is brought in a procession
from Fatorpa to Cuncolim, each year, on Panchami day
in the month of Phalguna, the day on which the
festival of Sontreos is held. The deity is
ceremoniously taken to the original place where it was
enshrined, to the accompaniment of traditional folk
music and twelve silk umbrellas. The procession passes
through the vaddos of Molanguinim, Biunsa, Voddy,
Tolliebhatt, Markutt and Demani and from Molangini to

The twelve umbrellas represent the twelve vangores of
Cuncolim. There is only one red umbrella. The
procession banned by the Portuguese at the request of
Patriarch Don Antonio Sebastiao Valentewas
re-established after the Portuguese Republic was set
up in 1910.

The Twelve Vangores Mhal: Gaonkars of Dessai and Porob
ward. Shetkaar: Coutin hos of Socrecotto Naik:
Tavares, Almeida, Torcato of Murida and Baga, Dessai
and Naik. Mangro: Souza’s of Biunsa and Dessai. Sobro:
Martins of Dandora, Baga, Velim and Dessai. Tombddo:
Dessais. Porob: Fernandes of Cuncolim and
sokoillo-vaddo of Velim. Sidakali: Coutinho, Pereira
and Paes of Milleavaddo, Saldanha, Viera,
Mas-carenhas, Souza, and Mir -anda’s of Dandora.
Lokakalli: Lourenco, Rebello, Gama, Tavares, Faria,
Vaz, Fernandes. Bandekar: Aguiar, Almeida of Adibandh,
Noronha, Dessai, Dias of Murida, Noronha of
Maddicotto, and the component of third vangores of
Assolna, residents of Gadwavaddo and Bandavaddo,
Almeida, Sousa, Gracias, Martins, Melo and Saldanha.
Rounno: Dias and Dessai Benklo: Dessai, Moraes and
Coutinho and residents of Benkleavaddo.

The ward of Veroda, has a separate church-St.
Anthony’s Church (Verodkars, however earlier formed
part of the Cuncolim parish till the elevation of the
San Antonio Capela to a church in the early 1980s. The
elevation of status from Chapel to Church was largely
due to businessman Avertano Furtado of Holiday Inn
Resort (Cavelos sim).Veroda also has six vangores or
family groups. Fotto: includes Jacques, Moraes, Brito
and Noronha. Naik, Nayak, Naique, Zolmi and Porobo.
These family groups consist are the original Gaonkars
of Cuncolim and Veroda. Each year the feast of Our
Lady of Health is celebrated by one of the twelve
vangores of Cuncolim. The twelve vangores of Cuncolim
irrespective of their present religious beliefs;
continue to have a hand in the administrative affairs
of the Temple at Shantadurga, Fatorpa.

Twelve Bhands of Cun colim: In Cuncolim, Goa has an
interesting irrigation system - Bara Bhand (twelve
bunds) that are named Zogla bandh, Uskinibandh, Molle
-bandh, Vedebandh, Sallebandh ,Folleabandh and Dothra
bandh (on the Northern and Eastern sides).
Chireabhandh, Oddabandh, Fontibandh, Dugalebandh,
Pairabandh and Novobandh on Southern and Western
side.The village has perhaps more rivulets than any
other in Goa. Unfortunately due to deposits of silt
and sand for over a century, they are not deep enough
to irrigate a large portion of the village for the
second crop. Small dams that are built annually in the
month of October with mud, twigs and coconut stem hold
or collect water in the streams that encircle the
villages of Cuncolim  Veroda. The water collected is
used for the production of Vangana(Khazana/saline)
crop. The water reservoir No vo Bandh supplies water
to the neighbouring villages of Assolna, Ambelim and
Velim. The bandh is situated between two hills. The
Portuguese rebuilt it around 1880 when the old one had
collapsed. At that time the surrounding areas were
flooded and cattle and goats, washed away. Although
rebuilt about hundred years ago, it is still called
Novo Bandh-new bund. Initially 

[Goanet]Indian Mutual Funds.

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes

How best to judge a mutual fund

Sunil Nayanar | March 28, 2005 10:57 IST

Evaluating mutual fund performance is always an exercise fraught with
risks. Funds, which performed best in terms of absolute returns may
not necessarily be the most consistent over longer periods of time.

And if you are looking at annualised returns, abnormally high returns
in a rising market may help a fund post averages higher than the rest,
regardless of whether it managed to perform consistently over several
years running.

While there is no better benchmark than performance, investors would
do well to keep in mind the consistency factor also.

And the winners are...

A look at the performance of equity diversified schemes over a
one-year period ended February 28, 2005, tells us that SBI Mutual
Fund's Magnum Global scheme is on top of the heap as far as returns
for the period go, at 84.49 per cent, followed by another scheme of
SBI -- SBI Magnum Sector Umbrella -- Contra Fund, at 80.78 per cent.

The next three in the list are Taurus Starshare (66.43 per cent),
Sundaram Select Mid Cap (63.86 per cent) and Franklin India Prima Fund
(61.88 per cent). These funds have also managed to outperform the
benchmark Sensex by a mile. For the record, the Sensex recorded a
return of 18.35 per cent over the past one year.

We are not merely looking at absolute returns per se. Our aim is to
do better than the peer set while trying to beat the index, notes
Rajat Jain, chief investment officer of Principal Mutual Fund, whose
Principal Growth Fund gave a return of 49.64 per cent.

When one looks at compounded annualised returns for periods above one
year, we get a different picture. For the two-year period, well-known
funds like Franklin India Prima Fund (99.34 per cent) and Reliance
Growth Fund (98.43 per cent) come out on top.

SBI's top performing funds, Magnum Sector Umbrella -- Contra and
Magnum Global, have done well over here, too, giving returns of 95.32
per cent and 92.87 per cent respectively.

In fact, the former is the best performing diversified fund over a
five-year period, too, with returns of 26.19 per cent, followed by
Franklin India Prima Fund (24.83 per cent), Reliance Vision (24.76 per
cent), Reliance Growth (20.69 per cent) and HDFC Capital Builder
(20.18 per cent).

When you look at the compounded annualised return for the Sensex for
the five-year period, which is at 3.18 per cent, the performance of
these schemes stands out.

Look for consistency

The problem is -- as we noted earlier -- annualised returns may be
skewed by an abnormal return during any year in the timeframe of
return calculation. That way funds which have consistently beaten the
markets over the years, without giving abnormally high returns during
any period, tend to be lower down the order.

Also while one fund manager may have played it cautious by investing
in good quality stocks over the years and given a return of, say, 20
per cent over a five-year period, another one who invested in
speculative stocks or small-caps in one year may have struck it rich
in that year, thereby outperforming the former by a long way.

Thus it is important to look at consistency of returns over a period
of time rather than going by absolute returns generated in the short
term, or even one or two years.

A look at the top 25 schemes in terms of absolute returns over the
one-year period ended February 28, 2005, and their consistency over
the past five calendar years throws up a different picture altogether.

There are few schemes, which have consistently managed to beat the
index over the past years. The most notable among them being HDFC
Capital Builder, which topped the charts in 2004, Franklin India Prima
Fund, the 2003 topper and Reliance Growth (best in 2002).

While these funds have consistently managed to stay in the top 10,
others like HSBC Equity Fund, Alliance Equity Fund, DSP ML
Opportunities and Principal Growth also have performed admirably.

HDFC Capital Builder has managed to beat the index in five of the six
years under consideration, the only aberration coming in 2001.
Franklin India Prima also managed to stay ahead of the index five of
six times, missing out only in 2000, when the tech bubble burst. As
for Reliance Growth, it has been an outperformer four of six times.

The way to the top

But to be fair, funds like SBI Magnum Global and SBI Magnum Umbrella -
Contra have been performing remarkably well over the past year.

In fact, the former is the number one in terms of return for the past
six months, while it is lying at number five for the three-month
period ended February 28, 2005. Similarly the latter ranks in the top
five for the three-month and six-month periods.

A look at the portfolios of these schemes shows active churning in the
past year. While SBI Magnum Global had auto, auto ancillaries, steel
and petro stocks dominating its portfolio in February 2004, one year
hence it has shifted focus to 

Re: [Goanet]3 Nepal scholars barred from Goa meet

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 07:37:10 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
 Gabe has been posting articles by some anti-American
 columnists from India highly critical of the US for
 revoking the visas or denying visas to certain
 Indians, as if any and everyone should be allowed into
 the country just because they want to..Experienced travellers 
 know that this can happen if
their paperwork is incomplete or if their bona fides
are questioned by the host country for whatever
reason.  Fred has now given us an example of 3
Nepalese scholars barred from a meeting in India,
including one who had been an Ambassador to India.
Security personnel stopped them at the border on
orders from higher authorities. 
Hey, Gabe, since you seem to have been trying to make
some sort of point with those articles you posted,
what say you or your anti-American columnists now?

RESPONSE: Mario, Mario wither thou goest? Where is Khatmandu? Who
prevented them from entering into India?

I think this question about not allowing them to travel has to do with
their own homeland. Please ask the King of Nepal.

USA Certainly has the right to prevent any one they wish, from not
entering their territory. I accept that totally. What I don't accept,
is your retort, that USA is one of the most accommodative Countries in
the World, on this issue. Call it as it is, please.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Huge Earthquake 8.2 - 8.5

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A massive 8.2 magnitude earthquake has struck off
the coast of Sumatra close to where a quake triggered a tsunami that
left nearly 300,000 people dead or missing across Asia, residents and
officials say.

The latest quake had the potential to cause a widely destructive
tsunami and authorities should take immediate action, including
evacuating coastlines within 600 miles (1,000 km) of the epicentre,
the Pacific tsunami warning centre said.

One official said any possible tsunami could be headed toward the
Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.

There were no immediate reports of casualties, but Indonesia's Metro
TV quoted a resident on the island of Nias, off western Sumatra, as
saying buildings there were damaged.

Things are quite bad right now, the resident said. There is much
damage. People are running in panic. Many people are also trapped.

He did not elaborate on what he meant by people were trapped.

Tens of thousands of people across northern and western Sumatra fled
their homes and drove or ran to higher ground, TV and residents said.

Thailand urged people living along parts of its west coast, including
tourists on the resort island of Phuket, to evacuate while Malaysia
issued a warning to coastal residents.

About 3,000 to 4,000 tourists and locals have been evacuated from
Patong and Kamala beaches to higher places, Phuket deputy governor
Wichai Buapradit told Reuters.

We've told them to take their valuable belongings and to go to higher
places, he added.

Authorities in India's Andaman and Nicobar islands, north of the
epicentre, issued a preliminary tsunami warning as did the federal
government in New Delhi. Sirens were ringing in the eastern Sri Lankan
town of Trincomalee and many coastal areas were evacuated, residents


Indonesia's information minister said there were no reports of a
tsunami along the coast.

There is no report of any damage, the Andaman and Nicobar islands'
Lieutenant-Governor Ram Kapse told Reuters by telephone. We have
issued an initial warning. If there is any problem, we will evacuate.

A spokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey told Reuters the quake
struck 125 miles (200 km) west northwest of Sibolga, Sumatra or 880
miles northwest of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta at 5:09 p.m. on
Monday, close to where the 9.0 magnitude quake struck in December.

It was felt as far away as Singapore and the Malaysian coastal city of
Penang, jolting people out of their beds just past midnight.

It felt stronger than on December 26, said Arumugam Gopal, a
resident of Penang.

A telephone operator in the Sumatran city of Medan said: It was very
strong. We all ran out of the building.

An NGO official in Banda Aceh, the town worst hit by the December 26
tsunami, sent out a telephone message saying thousands of people fled
their homes and headed for higher ground after feeling what he
described as a very damn big earthquake.

U.S. Geological Survey spokesman Don Blakeman said Monday's quake was
considered a great earthquake because it was larger than a magnitude
8. He said it was an aftershock from December's temblor but was a
very serious earthquake in its own right.

But the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said the quake had the
potential to generate a widely destructive tsunami in the ocean or
seas near the earthquake.

Authorities can assume the danger has passed if no tsunami waves are
observed in the region near the epicentre within three hours of the
earthquake, it added.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]PROFILE: Goa's number one on two wheels (By Fermino Faleiro)

2005-03-28 Thread Goanet Reader
Meet Goa's rider Number 1. Fidel Furtado of Raia, Salcete, is a determined
rider and a maniac on two wheels. He practices on his own private racing
track -- there's no permanent racing track in Goa yet.
At 33, this Science graduate who's study pharmacy runs the Fatorda Pharmacy,
apart from being a student of the Kare Law College at Margao.
Believes Fidel: Motocross racing brings out the best in people. Encompassed
within our sport are all the best qualities of mankind -- courage,
determination, integrity, competitiveness, honesty, skill and virtue.
Fermino Faleiro interviews the local achiever.
Q: How would you describe yourself briefly.
I like adventure sports and also off-road driving with my jeep, mountain
climbing and boating.
Q: Are you a trained or self-learned rider?
(Smilingly) I am a  natural rider as riding  fast runs in our family. My
brother Gordon is also a rider. Then, my father sabino used to always ride
his bike or car fast, so may be i learnt from him. Moreover, motocross
racing involves jumps and sharp-U turns; so some amount of natural talent is
Q: Now since you are a celebrated rider and hold the title of being Goa's
Number 1 rider, how does it feel?
It feels really good. I give credit to my heavenly father. With his
blessings i reached the top. Then, there was a lot of help from my parents
Sabino and Bertha, my brother Gordon, sister Sheryl and my friends. to be No
1 rider a lot of hard work has to be put in. Also, there's training, bike
mainentenance, and so on. It's a big ordeal and its a bigger ordeal.
Q: What inspired you into getting in this daring hobby?
I used  to see my father riding his bike fast and i love speed; its a real
pleasure. I like the feel of the wind on my face and the roar of the bike,
it rushes up my spirit of adventure and moreover I like to take risks and
face challenges.
Much of this was in this sport; mostly it was for the love of speed, apart
from the fact that I myself as gifted by god for this sport.
Q: What are the challenges and difficulties one faces on the tracks?
Well, on the tracks there are lots of challenges.
We have to take jumps, ''whoop de doos which means speed breakers but
they are high. Then there are sharp turns, and the high table tops jumps,
which have to be tackled with speed.
Then, on the first turn, there is always a risk of a crash as 20-30 riders
all rush towards the first turn to get the lead from the start line. So,
being present on the first turn is not for the fainthearted. Sometimes,
crashes also do occur on turns and on jumps, when two riders jump
Q: What kind of assistance do you'll receive or expect from the Sports
Authority and others who can make a difference to this sport in Goa?
Well, first the bike cost around Rs 300,000 to import, so the Sports
Authority of Goa should work to get the import duty waived. This would allow
riders to bring in bikes at half the current price.
Then, companies such as Suzuki, Yahama, Honda and Kawasaki should sponsor
riders with support, in the form of parts and riding gear.
Finally, a permanent track should be made available, and the prize-money
offered should be increased. Imagine, we spend around Rs 15,000 for an
event, and the prize money we receive is just Rs 5000.
Q: Winning, it would seem, is your hobby. Where, and what event, was the
very first you won?
(Smilingly): The very first event that i won was Veedol auto cross in
Panjim, i won the first place with my Yezdi bike. (WHICH YEAR)
Q: How do you balance yourself between studies, profession and your daring
It is again the blessing of my God, Lord Jesus,  and the support from my
family who help me very much. Without them it was not possible.
Well, another thing is we have to balance our timings, giving each a equal
time. That means, one slot for studies, then buisness, and remaining for
Q: What are the other events you are currently looking forward to?
The  MRF round which is going to be held soon in Goa. Its a national meet or
event and so lot of competition, and then there is also two local races in
Navelim and Mobor, and the gold cup supercross in Candolim .
Q: What is your message to aspiring young riders and youth?
Have a faith in God, have confidence in yourself  and in your equipment, be
positive, and sucess is sure.
THE WRITER is currently undergoing a mentorship programme at the Pilar 
School of Journalism/GoaJMentor Network. Your comments on this article 
could act as an encouragement to the writer, who can be contacted at 


2005-03-28 Thread rene barreto

TAKE CARE - people in Goa.
Another eartquake 8.5 magnitude off SUMATRA.

Tsunami warning issued - please take care 




[Goanet]Another Tsunami?

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
A massive earthquake has struck near Indonesia. The eight-point-two
magnitude quake was centered 880 miles northwest of Jakarta.

A spokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey says the quake could
trigger a tsunami.

No reports of injury or damage had been received from the region. The
Dec. 26 quake that launched the massive tsunami was a 9.0, the USGS

KBTV-4 News will have the latest on this story during Your Hometown
News at 5 and 10. Stay tuned.

( Regional News Service and NBC News contributed to this report.)


Southeast Texans` Compassion to Tsunami Victims Created a Supply Surplus
Several Charities Unite to Bring Relief to Tsunami Devastated Regions
of Sri Lanka
Local Organization Pledges $1 Million to Build New Orphanage for Tsunami Victims
Hometown News Travels to Southeast Asia with Local Charities to Survey
Damage  Cleanup Efforts
Christus Hospital Associates Raise Over $2,000 for Tsunami Crisis
Invisible Armor Heading to Tsunami Victims
Local Company Meets With Congressman Lampson to Help Aide Tsunami Victims
American Red Cross Responds to Tsunamis

Gabe Menezes.
London, England


2005-03-28 Thread alexyzhahoo
I've been digesting Goanet Digest now and then and would like to contribute
to it it ...as and when. And hopefully to add a little colour to it...it
will be in verse. To begin with... on the long drawn debate on caste...which
coincidently I had also visualised with the verse below on my weekly page
March 2005.



T'was Easter when Christ descended to Goa for a holiday and got a blast !

To know his Christians were divided into Upper, Middle and Lower caste.

This is not in my teachings or in the Bible he sadly said...

And those who believe in caste are not Christians he declared !!

Then with disgust ascended into heaven feeling like an outcaste !!!


[Goanet]On Good Friday, Goan Villagers Venerate The Dead Body Of Jesus(SAR)

2005-03-28 Thread Frederick Noronha
On Good Friday, Goan Villagers Venerate The Dead Body Of Jesus

By Fr. Desmond de Sousa CSsR

PANAJI, Goa (SAR NEWS) -- In the Church of Varca, a village in south Goa,
dedicated to Our Lady of Glory, there is an image of the dead body of Jesus
(Senhor Morto), which is believed to be miraculous. Twice in the year,
people from all walks of life and religious beliefs come from the
neighbouring villages and all parts of Goa to Varca to venerate this image.
The two days of veneration are November 27 and Good Friday -- from morning
to evening.

On November 27, the Archdiocese of Goa alone celebrates the feast of the
Holy Cross, explains the parish priest.

Despite more than 500 years of established Catholic faith in Goa, the
popular devotion of the people is highly susceptible to believe unusual
happenings as miracles or possessions by evil spirits. Apparitions of Our
Lady near a Church in the village of Batim, in central Goa, miraculous
bleeding images and dramatic possessions by dead persons' spirits are
fairly common occurrences.

Someone remarked during the spiritual preparations for the millennium, When
we had sessions on the Social Doctrine of the Church which is essential to
the Catholic faith, despite all our propaganda, the maximum number of
participants we ever drew was about 100. But an all-night vigil, with
healing service that is not essential to the faith, without much propaganda,
will draw more than 10,000 people.

The Synod of Goa (February 2002) was aware of the need to change the highly
devotional faith of the people into a responsible faith for the
transformation of Goan society. But the popular devotions are deeply
ingrained in the faith of the people.

For the last couple of years, there has been some uneasiness about the
veneration of the dead image of Jesus, from Good Friday morning, whereas the
celebration of the Passion and Death of Jesus only begins in the afternoon. 
This year, on the advice of the Varca Church Pastoral Council, the
authorities had decided to make a change in the timings of veneration on
Good Friday alone. The veneration of the image of Senhor Morto started after
the procession that followed the Good Friday ceremonies and continued till
noon on Holy Saturday.

A press release stated that the change in timings was to avoid disappointing
those who came as usual in the morning.

Re: [Goanet]Dalits and Jesuits Wimbledon.

2005-03-28 Thread Eddie Fernandes
America, the Catholic weekly magazine published by Jesuits since 1909 is at 
http://www.americamagazine.org/ Subscription to the both the  print and web 
versions is $48 p.a. For the web version only the sub. Is $24 p.a. Single 
articles cost $1.50 but you can also buy access to the archives for a set 
period of time -  for example, $4.95 for 24 hours.

The article summaries are free and the one in question is cited as:
Title: 'Dalit' Means Broken
BY: John Francis Izzo.
Source: America. New York: Feb 14, 2005.Vol. 192, Iss. 5;  pg. 11, 4 pgs
Subjects:   Religious discrimination,  Catholic churches,  Caste
ISSN/ISBN:   00027049
Text Word Count   2284
Document URL:
Abstract (Document Summary)
Recent Hindu-Muslim riots and attacks on Christians are instigated by 
affluent, elite, high-caste Hindus who are trying to expel threats to the 
Brahminic caste system, the Hindu ideology of superiority and inferiority. 
The need for Catholic bishops and priests to solve caste discrimination and 
end prejudice against poor Catholic Dalit villagers is emphasized.

An alternative to buying it would be to refer to it in any large Catholic or 
National Library.  In London it is available at Heythrop College 
(Kensington, W8) and at the British Library (St Pancras NW1)

Eddie Fernandes
- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In my initial post on the subject I had mentioned that
the article 'Dalit' Means Broken was published in
the Jesuit magazine, America, in the February 14, 2005
issue, and that it was only available on the Internet
to paying subscribers.
The web site is www.americamagazine.org
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is the only thing I could find; nothing about
caste issues. :-
In many parts of India today the persecution and
oppression of the Dalits, better known as the
Untouchables, is still continuing.

[Goanet]Course on Cultivation of Orchids and Anthuriums.

2005-03-28 Thread St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science Commerce - Mapusa -
Course on Cultivation of Orchids and Anthuriums.

St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa, is organising its second course on Cultivation 
of Orchids and Anthuriums, under the extension service of the Community 
College Cell.  The course will be of four months duration and will be 
conducted on Saturdays from 2.30p.m. to 5.30p.m. starting from 9th April, 
2005.  For further information contact the college office at 2262356 or e-mail 

Orchids and Anthuriums have a very good market potential in Goa, require easy 
handling, have a longer table life of 15 - 20 days and remain fresh on the 
plant for not less than a month.  In addition, the Goan climate is highly 
suitable for the plants.  Therefore it makes an ideal choice as a Career 
opportunity and a profitable hobby in Goa.


Re: [Goanet]Dalits and Jesuits Wimbledon.

2005-03-28 Thread Mario Goveia
In my initial post on the subject I had mentioned that
the article 'Dalit' Means Broken was published in
the Jesuit magazine, America, in the February 14, 2005
issue, and that it was only available on the Internet
to paying subscribers.

The web site is www.americamagazine.org

--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is the only thing I could find; nothing about
 caste issues. :-
 In many parts of India today the persecution and
oppression of the Dalits, better known as the
Untouchables, is still continuing. 

Re: [Goanet]3 Nepal scholars barred from Goa meet

2005-03-28 Thread Mario Goveia
Gabe has been posting articles by some anti-American
columnists from India highly critical of the US for
revoking the visas or denying visas to certain
Indians, as if any and everyone should be allowed into
the country just because they want to.

Experienced travellers know that this can happen if
their paperwork is incomplete or if their bona fides
are questioned by the host country for whatever
reason.  Fred has now given us an example of 3
Nepalese scholars barred from a meeting in India,
including one who had been an Ambassador to India. 
Security personnel stopped them at the border on
orders from higher authorities.

Hey, Gabe, since you seem to have been trying to make
some sort of point with those articles you posted,
what say you or your anti-American columnists now?

--- Frederick Noronha wrote:
 Top Stories
 Saturday March 26, 10:28 AM
 Three Nepal scholars barred from India meet
 By Indo-Asian News Service
 Kathmandu, March 26 (IANS) Three Nepalese academics,
including a former ambassador to India, were Friday
prevented by security forces from traveling to India
to attend a seminar.
 Lokraj Baral, a former Nepalese envoy to India and a
respected author, as well as Tribhuvan University
professors Krishna Khanal and Krishna Hachchethu were
to take part in the seminar to be held in Goa from 
 The Centre for the Study of Developing Society in
 New Delhi had organised the meet.
 But security personnel stopped all three at the
Tribhuvan International Airport, saying they had
instructions from higher authorities.

[Goanet]Mahindra rally to hold Salgaocar

2005-03-28 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
Mahindra rally to hold Salgaocar
Last Updated: March 28, 2005 16:43 IST
An injury time controversial goal helped Mahindra United, who were reduced  
to 10-men, to rally from behind to hold Salgaocar to a 2-2 draw in the  
ninth National Football League match at the Nehru stadium in Margao, on  

Leading 1-0 at half time, Salgaocar dominated majority of the proceedings  
and scored through Bernard Pires (43rd minute) and Bello Rasaq (82nd).

Mahindra scored both their goals through penalties by Flavio Deo Rodrigues  
(64th, injury time).

The draw took Mahindra's tally to 20 points from 14 matches, while  
Salgaocar have 16 points from 14 matches.

Salgaocar's Rasaq was declared man of the match.
Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/


2005-03-28 Thread St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science Commerce - Mapusa -

The Post Graduate Department of Psychology of St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa, is 
introducing a “Tele Counselling Helpline” for students during the examination 
period.  It is during this period that a student goes through a gamut of 
emotions, many even feel that they cannot cope with this stress.  Often, their 
parents and teachers are unavailable to provide the necessary help, or unable 
to do so.
This is the only Post-Graduate Department of Psychology in GOA and the 
department has setup a “Tele Counselling Helpline” to help students and 
provide them with timely help and guidance. In order to overcome their 
stressful situation.  Counsellors are made available and they could be 
approached through the following numbers: 2262356 - 9.00 a.m. to 4.00  p.m. 
9850458891 - after 4.00 p.m. 9850458891.

[Goanet]Bhupathi-Woodbridge advance

2005-03-28 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
Bhupathi-Woodbridge advance
March 28, 2005 16:17 IST

Mahesh Bhupathi and Todd Woodbridge of Australia moved into the second  
round while Leander Paes and Nenad Zimonjic of Serbia made a first round  
exit in the doubles event of the Nasdaq Open-100 tennis tournament at Key  
Biscayne, Miami on Sunday.

Fifth seeded Bhupathi and his Australian partner defeated Jiri Novak and  
David Rikl of Czech Republic 7-6 (7-3), 6-2 in the opening round of the  
USD 3,450,000 Tier 1 event.

The duo will next play Americans Graydon Oliver and Travis Parrott.
Paes and Zimonjic, the seventh seeds, lost after a tough three-set battle  
against Jose Acasuso of Argentina and Nicholas Lapentti of Ecuador. They  
went down 6-7 (7-9), 7-6 (10-8), 3-6.

Acasuso and Lapentti will now face Jonathan Erlich and Andy Ram of Israel  
in the second round.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

[Goanet]sontreo festival on 30th March evening

2005-03-28 Thread armstrong augusto vaz

30th March, starting from Fatorpa and ending at Cuncolim at around 2.30 to 
3.00 p.m. when the diety reaches Cuncolim from Fatorpa.


gave a festival fo colurs coming to cuncolim.

[Goanet]Face to face with tribal reality of Goa - IV

2005-03-28 Thread nest nest

Next NEST study session will be held at the residence of Anand Velip, 
H.No.228, Valkini, Col. no.2, Sanguem, Goa from 4pm on saturday 2nd April to 
4pm Sunday 3rd April 2005.

The Venue is 7kms. away from Sanguem town. Public transport is available from 

You are invited. Overnight stay.

Anand's contact nos. 2607277, 2607273

Theme: Feudalism, Capitalism and transformations in tribes of Goa.

Thanks and hope to see you in Sanguem.

Gopal KerkerDurgadas Gaonkar   Sebastian Rodrigues  


31/A, IGREJ VADDO, MARNA, SIOLIM, BARDEZ, GOA. 403517 PH: (0832)2272164

FOUNDER: Dr. Bikram Dasgupta.

Re: [Goanet]Game 3 Madd!

2005-03-28 Thread Marie D'Souza

It would be nice if Dominic, you and the others write the  English meaning of 
the words so we know when to use them

[Goanet]Astrology for politicians!

2005-03-28 Thread xembuh Moidekar

Learn to say no, said Charles Spurgeon. It will be of more use to
you than to be able to read Latin.

One educator used to say that no society can last long unless it has a quorum 
of unpurchasable people. These are people of principle who cannot be bought; 
people who have learned to say no. I believe that these so-called 
unpurchasable people are the truly contented and fulfilled souls around us.

In Whitney Seymour's book MAKING A DIFFERENCE (New York: William Morrow and 
Co., Inc., 1984), Arthur McArthur, General Douglas McArthur's father, told his 
son of such an unpurchasable man. This man was a Union general in charge of 
the occupied territory surrounding New Orleans toward the end of the American 
Civil War. He was pressed by local plantation owners to permit them to haul 
their cotton to the wharves in order for it to be sold for shipment to 
England. The general controlled all the wagons and horses, and his orders from 
high command in Washington were clear. He was not to let the cotton crop
get to market.

Then one day, when Colonel Arthur MacArthur was visiting the general, two 
Southern ladies were ushered into the general's office, a grande dame and a 
beautiful young companion. The older lady came right to the point. She said 
that the landowners needed the temporary use of transport facilities to move 
their cotton. The North did not wish to force England into the war, she 
argued, and was allowing some merchant ships to slip through the blockade. 
Therefore, the Union would not be opposed to the sale of cotton for English 
textile mills. To show her gratitude she handed over $250,000 in gold 
certificates. And if you need other inducements, this young lady will supply 
them, she added. They departed, leaving behind a distressed general holding 
the beautiful young woman's address.

The general immediately ordered MacArthur to dispatch this message to 
Washington: TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I have just been offered 
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the most beautiful woman I have  
ever seen to betray my trust. I am depositing the money with the Treasury of 
the United States, and request immediate relief from this command. They are 
getting close to my price.

Many others may have fallen for the seductive offer. And though his decision 
was no doubt difficult to make, how much harder might his life have eventually 
become had he chosen wrong? Saying yes to contentment and peace often begins 
with saying no. For ultimately happy lives are guided by unwavering 
principles, such as honesty, trust and love. Those who keep sight of their 
principles and use them as a guide in all their decision-making will 
eventually arrive at a place of lasting peace.

Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your 
hands, says Carl Schurz. But like the (seafarers) on the desert of waters, 
you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your 

[Goanet]Between the lines

2005-03-28 Thread Carlos
Kuldip Nayar writes from New Delhi

It appears that the BJP is beginning to retrieve the territory it had lost. 
After the defeat at 
the Lok Sabha polls nearly one year ago the party was in the dumps. The media 
paid it 
hardly any attention. The BJP tried to play the Hindutva card but made no 
There was no response to even the emotive issue of building a temple at the 
place where 
the Babri masjid stood once.
The ruling Congress itself is responsible for making the BJP relevant. 
Initially, the 
stalling of parliament rattled the Congress unnecessarily. The more the 
sought the BJP's cooperation, the more intractable it became. This was the 
game that the 
Congress too had played when it was in the opposition. It should have figured 
out how to 
face such situations.
What really put the Congress on the defensive was its effort to grab power, 
first in Goa 
and then in Jharkhand. The party adopted the same old methods to get into the 
through the Congress-appointed governors even though the party and its allies 
had not the 
necessary numbers. People were shocked to see the flouting of constitutional 
Defeat either evokes defiance or the desire to compromise. The Congress has 
opted for 
the latter. Maybe, it has found that the BJP leaders, from L.K.Advani to 
Sushma Swaraj, 
are too ferocious for the Congress to challenge with the timid and the 
inarticulate lot it 
has on its side. Maybe, the Congress has decided not to join issue with the 
BJP. Whatever 
the reason, it is apparent that the Congress does not want to pick up the 
gauntlet which 
the BJP throws down so often. Those who saw Congress president Sonia Gandhi 
on the then prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee in the Lok Sabha are 
disappointed over 
the squeamishness of the Congress leaders. Something has gone wrong somewhere 
because Sonia is still the party president. Either Sonia has some other 
considerations in 
view or her advisors have given her poor advice.
Therefore, New Delhi's overreaction to the denial of US visa to Gujarat Chief 
Narendra Modi does not come as a surprise. Washington's step was an act of 
and, hence, highly objectionable. The State Department could have ticked Modi 
off by 
withdrawing the diplomatic visa while sustaining the ordinary one. True, 
bungled. But the pitch to which New Delhi took the incident was so 
disproportionate that 
it made Modi look like a martyr. He is responsible for the Gujarat carnage and 
The BJP's attitude was understandable. It had to go to town because it had 
been groping 
for an issue for a long time to be in the limelight. The party converted the 
visa's denial 
into an issue of national pride.
When in power, the party did not say a word over the stripping of George 
Fernandes at 
New York, although he was India's defence minister at that time. L.K. Advani 
was then 
on a different trip: how President Bush dropped in when Advani was sitting 
Secretary of State Powell. The party wanted to take credit for proximity with 
Modi is himself exploiting the visa's denial and saying all kinds of things to 
attention from the real reason: The report by the National Human Rights 
Commission on 
his complicity in what happened in Gujarat. Modi's one vignette is that 
President Bush 
has punished him because he has enacted the anti-conversion measure. Another 
quote is that human rights activists should be punished for their foreign 
links. That 
Washington has again refused him a visa is unfortunate. But it is a non-event, 
not the end 
of the world as the BJP is trying to project. Why should the Congress play 
into its hands? 
Perhaps the government has an eye on the smooth functioning of parliament. Is 
this the 
The Congress is, however, wrong if it believes that the BJP will show any 
accommodation to the government. This is clear from the manner in which the 
BJP state 
governments have refused to introduce VAT, a tax which is to be levied 
throughout the 
country from April 1.
The same non-cooperative attitude was behind the BJP boycott of Lok Sabha 
Somnath Chatterjee's conference of State Speakers. His idea was not to 
confront the 
judiciary but to point out that the Jharkhand judgment indicating guidelines 
to the state 
legislature might upset the fine balance which the judiciary and the 
legislatures had 
maintained after independence. The constitution gave legislatures unrestricted 
powers to 
conduct affairs in the house. Even unwittingly, the supremacy of the elected 
should not 
be watered down.
The Congress rightly allowed its states to attend the Speaker's meeting. But 
it did not 
support his suggestion that the President, as authorized by the constitution, 
should make a 
reference to the Supreme Court for another look on its judgment so as to 
delineate clearly 
the power of the judiciary and that of legislatures. The Congress 

[Goanet]Thought for Today

2005-03-28 Thread Cip Fernandes
Thought for Today  27-03-2005

You are a peace messenger who can see beyond the differences dividing two 
sides to the similarities that lie deep inside.

[Goanet]Easter Greetings

2005-03-28 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Easter Greetings

The managing committee of the Goan Welfare Society (GWS), Kuwait wishes all 
its members, well-wishers and the Goan community, a very Blessed Easter.

Carmo Santos, President
 Managing Committee
Goan Welfare Society - Kuwait
Upcoming Events in Kuwait:
May Ball 2005 - 12th May 2005 at Safir Palace, Riggae.

Annual General Body Meeting - Venue and Date will be announced shortly.

Upcoming Event in Kuwait:  India Day - 1st April 2005 - Kuwait Entertainment 

Re: [Goanet]GABE!, So, what?

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:14:02 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
 Gabe, I stand by my comments.  The US Immigration
 authorities obviously have their reasons for
 interrogating and deporting Mr. Sadiq.  So what?  It
 is high time they became more selective.  People with
 legitimate reasons for coming to the US have several
 avenues for appeal.
 --- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The cycle of US Visa denial to Indians has
 begun. Be careful Anti Hindu/Anti Muslim/Anti
 Christian baiters. You may not be able to visit the
 Bush Kingdom Aqui e' Goa, Aqui e' India Jai

RESPONSE: For the record; Gabe Menezes did not write the above. Gabe
Menezes quoted the post written or posted by Carlos6143. Makes a big
difference one would presume.

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

Re: [Goanet]The Jesuit journal article on caste

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 12:41:55 +0100, cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Mario,
 I have not been able to obtain the article on caste you informed us about.
 Assuming you have a hard copy of the article, is there any chance you can
 mail me a copy? I'll be more than happy to pay for the costs. Alternatively,
 can it be sent to me electronically?

RESPONSE: I belong to the Juisit Church in Wimbledon (Sacred Hear)
There is a periodical put out once in a while but I have not seen this
article. Perhaps it is only available in USA.
Check out the Wimbledon

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * Mar 28, 2005 * Politicians and sports kits

2005-03-28 Thread Goanet News Service

G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  MARCH 28, 2005  DATELINE: GOA
||g |||o |||a |||n |||e |||t ||   Issue compiled by
||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||   Frederick Noronha
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GoanetNewsBytes needs volunteers to send in updates about what's 
happening in Goa and the world of the Goa diaspora. Please contact
us if you can help out, either regularly on on an occasional basis.

Copyleft Goanet 2005 Creative Commons http://www.creativecommons.org 
You may reproduce this ezine in its entirety, with credits retained.


WHAT'S IN TODAY'S ISSUE: Politicians and sports, bad bed-fellows? An
HIV-victim's bold campaign for others of her fate...and also focus on
politics, the environment, obituaries and a lot more. Special focus on the
Salmona spring issue at Saligao, with some insightful comments on how things
work back in Goa. This and more, in the Goanet News Bytes ezine.

2,342 balls and 2158 cricket bats from the Sports
Authority of Goa. For the past 15 months, Goa's 40
MLAs, including former chief minister Manohar Parrikar,
have collected almost everything what was due
to them from the Sports Authority of Goa's MLA quota.
According to the SAG's widely-unknown MLA quota, every
legislator is entitled to goods worth Rs 55,000. While 
goods worth Rs 35,000 are picked up from Angley's Sports
Goods, the remainder of the stock is collected from
Champs at Panjim. Detailed investigations by Herald
including perusal of SAG's stock books threw up some
interesting numbers. Over the past 15 months, Goa's MLAs
have, between them, collected 2,342 footballs, 1,893
volleyballs, 2,158 cricket bats, 3,890 cricket stumps,
hundreds of shuttle-cocks and a large number of
badminton racquets. (Herald)

NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS TO THIS POSITIVE CASE: Ms Monteiro's world was shattered 
when her husband was declared HIV positive? Her life changed forever. But
she is now working to help infected women get jobs. She is team leader for
the Alliance for Support of People Living with HIV/AIDS (AASHA), a forum to
organise women with HIV/AIDS who undergo rejection, neglect and stigma from
their families and society. (GT)

WELL, THIS WATER ISN'T PO(R)TABLE: Looming crisis has Vascoites forced to
drink polluted well water. Maxy Pereira, a resident of Mangor Hill, is
quoted saying: We know that the well-water in our area is polluted. But
what do we do when we don't get enough water from the PWD? Simple. We are
forced to risk our lives and drink water from the well. Another resident of
a flat at the Dempo Odyssey, R Y Patil, says that though there is a
bore-well in their building, it is of no use to them, as the water is
polluted and unfit for drinking or washing. Vascoites agree that the water
scarcity has resulted in frequent fights and arguments, even in flats where
people earlier used to stay harmoniously. (GT)

Even as the mining industry did irreversible damage
to the environment of Goa and disturbed the quality of
life in the areas of its operations, thanks to the
tacit support of the government, the mining lobby
became a law unto itself -- indulging in criminal 
damage of the ecology. However, the landmark judgement
of the Supreme Court on February 21 has the power to
bring the mining industry to its knees. (H)

GOA AND GARBAGE: A focus article looks at the garbage
situation in various parts of Goa -- Anjuna, Ponda, Arambol,
Khasne and Amberem and Poraskadem (all Pernem),
Quepem, Pomburpa, Sanguem, etc.

o Mandrem Congress wants immediate arrest of BJP MLA Parsekar. (GT)
o North Goa zilla parishad post: Will Jennifer Monserrate clear
  the hurdles? (GT) Straight context for North Goa Zilla Panchayat
  chairperson (adhyaksha) between Siolim ZP member Dorothy
  Fernandes and Reis Magos ZP member Anjali Malik. The post is
  reserved for women. (H)
o Does the Governor need advisors? Additional Solicitor General
  Carlos Alvares Ferreira is seen with him most of the time at
  the Raj Bhavan. (GT)
o Goa launches its Anti-Retroviral Treatment Centre at the
  Goa Medical College, OPD block, on March 29 at 4 pm.
o PHOTO: One of the Romtamell groups performing at the Mapusa
  Shigmotsav parade on Sunday. Photo by Prakash Dhumal (GT)


o QUEPEM residents oppose mobile tower. (H)
o Scooterist Diego from VADDEM SOCCORO broke his leg after he dashed

[Goanet]Dalits and Jesuits Wimbledon.

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
This is the only thing I could find; nothing about caste issues. :-


In many parts of India today the persecution and oppression of the
Dalits, better known as the Untouchables, is still continuing. In
Pannur and Manvi Taluka the Jesuits are joining hands with the Dalits
and have established two centres with the goal of freeing people from
bonded labour and giving them the education and futures that they
deserve. The refuge in Pannur and the new school in neighbouring Manvi
Taluka are the beginnings of a new start for these oppressed people
and offers a shining light to children born without hope! However,
this hope cannot exist without your help! Every penny you raise will
go directly to the people:

Livelihood Support

For people who have had everything taken from them, ownership and self
sufficiency brings self respect and sustenance.
£125 buys one buffalo to provide milk for the children and an income.
£25 will pay for seedling mango and coconut trees providing food and income.

Child Sponsorship

£125 a year will pay for education and books.
£7.50 will buy a school uniform.

Nurturing happy childhoods

A happy and loving home is a key to happiness, to open this up for the children:
£50 will pay for the building and provision of a communal garden and play areas
£25 will contribute towards musical Instruments and sports equipment
£20 will decorate a classroom

Click here to download the poster 

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * Mar 27, 2005 * Panjim sitting on an epidemic?

2005-03-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 17:10:12 +0530, Goanet News Service
 G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  EASTER SUNDAY, 2005  DATELINE: GOA

o Assault case filed against BJP MLA Laxmikant Parsekar. (H)
 BJP MLA still at large. Protests break out as all sections
 condemn this 'goondaism'. Mandrem MLA Laxmikant Parsekar has
 not even been questioned for brutally attacking a journalist.
 Police admit being 'extra cautious' since he's an MLA. (GT)

RESPONSE: What's new? One law for the poor and people with not
connections and another for those in the know and with
Power..corrupt Goa, corrupt India. I suppose bringing bigger fish
to task is quite impossible.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Goan cultural fest - 2005 - Dubai

2005-03-28 Thread borg costa
The Goan cultural fest - 2005 will be held on 1st
April 2005, 5 Pm to 11 Pm atAjman Beach Hotel, Dubai
You can enjoy the Goan Cuisine,Folk dances, there are
Loads of fun  game, fancy dress competition for Kids
and Live music by the band True Colors with DJ Navz
 DJ Ryan.

The tickets rates are :- below 6 Years free, 6-12
Years Dhs. 40/=  Adults Dhs. 80/=. 
Ticket includs : Snacks, 1 complimentary drink 

So, Party with your entire family in true goan

for more details please click the link


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!

Re: [Goanet]Re: Easter greetings reciprocated

2005-03-28 Thread rene barreto

   * Happy Easter to you too.*  ? * Happy *  ? 

 Hi Cornel,
 Happy Easter to you too. 
 In the spirit of Easter, 

  Are we sure ...we undersatnd in what we write
and say  when we say - * In the spirit of Easter,
* ? We seem to have lost the meaning of Religion
completly - or is it that some of us are trying
to bluff ourselves ? 

 Lets face reality and ask ourselves this simple
question -  Do we really care ?  are we serious
in trying to eliminate the CASTE System that we
see - that prevails in Goa ? I do not believe
that we do , we only care to DISCUSS on the
various Goan Forums we belong to ! 


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!

[Goanet]Re: [goan_doctors] GOA Doctors Website Suggestions!

2005-03-28 Thread rene barreto

  GREAT to know that we have some - outside Goa
who still care for the development in Goa - and
more so for the health of Goans there. 

  I am glad that Dexter has got things moving - I
call it MAKING IT HAPPEN. I do hope that many
more Goan Doctors will join this great MOVEMENT !
LETS keep it simple , every bit of effort will
help. Lets make the TIME.


  Thanks to god sent - Emmaarkay , thank you for
making the time to help us build this website , I
hope the other GOAN DOCTORS will come to your
assistance - when things look up for us. 

   TOGETHER we can make a better GOANWORLD !

   rene barreto


Hi Dr.Dexter D'Costa,

Thank you for your prompt reply, as also that
from Rene. The inputs
that you have triggered should get us more
suggestions and we should
sooner be able to draft the necessary framework
for the proposed

I remember those years in early seventies, when I
had an opportunity
to work on a few research projects at GMC with
Dr.Gogte, Dr.Dumey,
Dr.S.D.Sharma et al.

The memories of Panjim, Mapusa, Old Goa, Mira
Mar, Altinho, Vagatore,
Anjuna - I just can not forget.

I am sure by now GMC must be having a much
spacier building with more
clinical facilities.

These days I am permanently settled in New
Jersey, USA. I hope to keep
all the members of this group posted for
important developments in
this part of the world.

With best regards,



On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 14:41:12 -0800 (PST), dexter
 Hey Emmaarkay,
   I'm extremely delighted to hear from you.
Here are my thoughts on how we
 go about setting up the Goan Doctors Website:
this but I doubt if anyone
 replied back to him. We need to know how many
members we have to decide on
 the feasibility of the website , and
contribution of each member to its
 content! We can email this list to everyone ,
and one representative in each
 country can contact them to ensure they
participate in this website!
 1. Who will provide the content that go on the
 We need to have two groups:
 (a)Core E-website Committee- They are
responsible for the final content
 approval on the website. The website could be
updated monthly with
 updates/news on different activities in
different regions of the world
 concerning Goan Doctors! The committee members
would have specific sections
 to be in-charge of and responsible for
contacting members to contribute with
 articles/stories/updates. The contribution will
come from every member,
 though the organization and the final content
approval will be done by the
 core committee.
 (b) Every member can contribute monthly to the
website by contacting the
 core commitee members. To ensure that every
participates, we can have a
 cyclical contribution list so all have a part
in this website! The
 contributions can be scientific research in
their field (Medicine, Surgery,
 Health Administration, Public Health, etc...),
or just news on their life
 (What they are currently doing and any other
 2. Do you already have a logo or planning to
have one?
 We can design a Logo with a necessary theme. I
know Dr.Amit is good at
 3. How do you propose to host the site, meaning
the group will go for a
 basic paid hosting or will go through free
hosting offers?
 The basic paid hosting will have better
quality, though it needs to be
 ensured that members make regular contributions
(their dues) to keep the
 website afloat!So maybe a free hosting
seems feasible for now considerng
 the response we've been getting!We can always
upgrade later!
 3.a If for free hosting, do we tolerate
annoying (as well as eye catching)
 We need to ensure that we do not get Spam mails
or Ads. I've already noticed
 that we sometimes receive SPAM mail through the
goan doctors email list.
 4. The subject focus and the corresponding
 The subject focus should be a mix of
scientific/academic , social/activities
 held, and personal/family updates..The
theme being that we ALL keep in
 touch and know whats happening in our friends
 5. The graphics that go with the pages.
 As long as its low-cost and not too offensive
to anybody!
 Emmaarkay, you can call me at 573-529-1791.
Tell me more about you too! I'd
 like to get in touch with you!
 Right now, I think we first need to form a
Focus Group that decides on all
 these issues, and then each representative can
start contacting the members
 in their country to get them more involved!
(The more the merrier!)
  Can we have more feedback/suggesstions from
the other members so that we
 can decide on the final outcome- A Goan Doctors
Website with Links to Every
 Chapter! (It would be best to keep all the
regions under one roof for easy

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-03-28 Thread Chris Fernandes
Im afraid i hv not bn receiving yr mail for quite sometime.  wud apreciate
receiving yr mails.  thanx

Chris Fernandes

[Goanet]Prince Jacob's 'Padri' Hopes To Purge 'Sins'

2005-03-28 Thread borg costa
Goa: Hope after Despair - Now, 'Padri' Hopes To Purge
Panaji, Mar. 8: Exit Sins, Enter Priest. After the
flop show of the controversial Hindi film Sins across
the country, popular Konkanni playwright from Goa,
Prince Jacob, is all set to convert his super-hit play
Padri (Priest) into a movie.
The formal launching of the film was held near Our
Lady of Snows Church, Raia-Salcette, in the presence
of Goa Pradesh Congress Committee president Luizinho
Faleiro, Konkanni Academy president Pundalik Naik and
others including priests. 
The script and dialogues will be penned by Prince
Jacob and the lyrics and music by Wilfy Rebimbus of
Mangalore. The producer of the Rs 5-million film is
Raymond Quadros and the director, Rajesh Fernandes -
his debut Konkanni film - who has successfully
directed three films in Kannada. 
'Padri' will be shot in Goa and Karnataka -- on the
famous Colva and Dona Paula beaches and the churches
of Raia, Panjim and one in Karwar. It will have eight
songs and plenty of comedy, which is characteristic of
the Konkanni tiatr. 
Unlike 'Sins', which deals with the illicit
relationship of a Catholic priest with a teenaged
girl, 'Padri' will present a good message and create
communal harmony, sources said. 

Prince Jacob has dedicated the film to the many
priests I know personally and whose life of sacrifice
I admire.

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