[Goanet]Nursing College

2005-06-17 Thread virginia sequeira
Dear Sir,

Read the other day that BSc nursing college is coming upin Margao.  Can u give 
me more details abt the college,  If there is any email address where I can 
call, any telephone number and the name of the college please.
Thanking you,


2005-06-17 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Don't forget to say "THANK YOU DADDY" on Father's day

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old 
son waiting for him at the door. Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
"Yeah sure, what is it?" "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?" 
"That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?" the man said 
"I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded 
the little boy.
"If you must know, I make Rs. 300/- an hour."
"Oh" the little boy replied, with his head down.
Looking up, he said, "Daddy, may I please borrow Rs. 100/- ?"
The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you can 
borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march 
yourself straight to your room and go to bed. I work long hard hours everyday 
and don't have time for such childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. After about an hour 
or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little 
hard on his son.

May be there was something he really needed to buy with that Rs.100/- the man 
went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
"Are you asleep, son?" he asked
"No Daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy
"I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on your earlier," said the man.
"It's been a long day, and I took out my anger on you. Here's that Rs. 100/-  
you asked for." The little boy sat straight up, smiling, "Oh, thank you 
Daddy!" he yelled.

Then reaching under his pillow he pulled out some money. The man, seeing that 
the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly 
counted out his money.

"Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled.
"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied,
"Daddy, I have Rs. 300/- now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home 
early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."

For DAD: It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We 
shouldn't let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time 
with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.

For the CHILD: Let's think of all the times Dad has kept aside his personal 
joys, his tensions, his pleasures and other commitments just to be with us.

On this special day to recognize fathers, we should also pay reverence to our 
Heavenly Father, and remember the sacrifice that He gave us by sending His Son 
to die for our sins.

I wish all the fathers would make the FATHER'S DAY a special day to their 
loved ones .Remember to tell your father that you love him. 


[Goanet]Re: Chinese Fable

2005-06-17 Thread kathy veeren
Thank you Cynthia ,

I have enjoyed your contributions very much . They are gems...
one of those crackpots called Kathy Rodrigues  Veeren.

[Goanet]Re: NEWS: Robberies Or Threats, Life Has To Go On, Says Pilar Priest Working In Jharkhand

2005-06-17 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
"Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robberies Or Threats, Life Has To Go On, Says Pilar Priest In Jharkhand

By Peter Raposo, SAR NEWS

"This is not the first incident of an armed robbery in our parish or in 
the neigbouring parishes. Several of them have happened and there's no 
guarantee they won't happen again," Father Fernandes told SAR News, June 

Describing the May 23 attack, Father Fernandes said "In all, there was Rs. 
515,000. They snatched it.and also took away a mobile phone, wristwatch, DTH 
receiver and even sacramental wine, seven bottles in all," said Father 
Fernandes. "We are simply helpless. One cannot do anything about it."

  If robberies are as frequent and as violent as Fr. Fernandes describes, 
one wonders why he kept five lakhs of rupees in an unsafe parish house, 
instead of keeping it in a bank?

 Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

[Goanet]Re: Hi-tech cameras to scan traffic violations

2005-06-17 Thread jerry fernandes
Hello All

Does it mean corruption will stop? What about Police ka chai panni? If it is 
going to stop all these corruptions than three cheers to the traffic 
department. Especially, number of accidents might reduce and save lots of 


Jerry Fernandes

Hi-tech cameras to scan traffic violations 
PANJIM, June 14: The transport department is in the process of taking some 
major decisions including on driving license. An experiment with the mounted 
cameras has already been carried out successfully prompting the government to 
introduce the same shortly. (H)


2005-06-17 Thread jerry fernandes
Hello all,

When BJP ruled, they had their leaders visit Goa number of times, but 
surprising that our present PM declined the offer of visiting Goa. I wonder 
what brought the BJP to Goa on so many times, was it Goa?s famous pork and 
fenny? And why Dr. Manmohan Singh cancelled his plans especially when this was 
Goa?s important day?

Jerry Fernandes 

PANAJI: The three-day visit of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh starting from 
Friday has been cancelled, as per the information received by the Goa police. 

[Goanet]Canada - courtesy Indian Express (Percy Ferrao)

2005-06-17 Thread percy ferrao

Canada: From dreams to nightmares

Harish Dugh

Updated: Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 1504 hours IST

New Delhi, June 11: Far from being the El Dorado of repute, for many 
immigrants Canada has emerged as a land of unmitigated disaster. From rampant 
discrimination to hidden booby traps, Indians have been forced into an 
economic quagmire that has generated despair and dejection. 

Wretched tales abound of even highly qualified Indians landing up in Canada, 
only to find that they don't get the job that their college degrees and 
experience require, having to instead settle for a dead-end job, even to the 
extent of being a sweeper with a PhD! 

Unfortunately, for those who actually manage to land the job they want, are 
sometimes paid 80% or even 70% of the amount a white Canadian will be paid for 
the same work. This is increasingly happening in recent years, signalling that 
Indians and the rest of Asians are deliberately discriminated against. 

While many say that previously most white Canadians were not really highly 
educated and that is why immigrants from Asia in the 60s, 70s, and 80s were 
able to bag jobs that were highly lucrative and satisfying, turning Canada 
into the proverbial land of milk and honey for themselves. 

No longer. The International Herald Tribune's Clifford Crauss tells the tale 
of Gian Sangha who was so desperate for a job that he willingly cut his hair 
and removed his turban to canvass for employment, even though he was a Sikh. 

An environmental scientist, Sangha even had a doctorate from Germany and had 
taught in US. "Here in Canada, there is a hidden discrimination," Sangha said. 
He says Canadian institutions have refused to give him jobs sometimes 
providing excuses that he is over-qualified for the job! 

He is suing them for discrimination. To scrape by, he once cut lawns. Now he 
does clerical work and shares his house with his extended family. It was not 
supposed to be this way in Canada, which years ago put out a welcome mat to 
professionals from around the developing world. With a declining birth rate, 
an aging population and labor shortages in many areas, Canada, a sparsely 
populated nation, has for decades opened its doors to engineers, health 
professionals, software designers and electricians. 

But the results of this policy have been mixed, for Canada and for the 
immigrants. Recent census data and academic studies indicate that the incomes 
and employment prospects for immigrants are deteriorating. Specialists say a 
growing number of immigrants have returned to their homelands or migrated to 
the United States. About 25 percent of recent immigrants with university 
degrees are working at jobs that require only high school diplomas or less, 
government data show. 

However, writes Crauss, the Canadian public continues to support the 
government's goal of increasing immigration, and relations among ethnic groups 
are good, though neighbourhoods in some cities are becoming more segregated. 
But some fear that if opportunities for immigrants do not expand, social 
cohesion may suffer. "The existing system is broken," said Jeffrey Reitz, a 
sociologist who studies immigration at the University of Toronto. "The 
deteriorating employment situation might mean that Canada will not be able to 
continue this expansionist immigration program in the positive, politically 
supported environment that we've seen in the past." 

Reitz estimates that foreign-educated immigrants earn a total of $2 billion 
less than an equivalent number of native-born Canadians with comparable skills 
because they work in jobs below their training levels. 

What immigrants may also be up against is a system that refuses to recognise 
many of the degrees earned by these people back home. It creates the kind of 
piquant situation where Canada advertises for doctors and nurses abroad, yet 
refuses to give Indian medics a job in a hospital, because their degrees are 
not valid here. Thousands are left jobless. 

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but not for immigrants. Crauss 
says, the children of immigrants, who enter the job market with Canadian 
credentials, typically do better at acquiring high-paying jobs. "We have an 
arcane infrastructure of professional organizations that essentially mitigate 
against the immediate integration of these highly skilled immigrants," Joe 
Volpe, the minister of citizenship and immigration 

Volpe said he was concerned that news from disappointed job seekers would seep 
back to their native countries and discourage qualified people from 

For Sangha it may have become what he says is "a painful life. I'm angry and 
frustrated. I never thought it would be like this in Canada." 

Immigrants find themselves going cold, wet and hungry in a land they had 
sacrificed everything they owned to reach. Believing they would

[Goanet]Re: Malaria, Africa ... and Goa

2005-06-17 Thread Peter D'Souza
Fred Noronha writes:

One might be wrong, but in Goa, the issue of malaria seems
to have gone off the radar of public concern. Even the
enthusiasm that was visible in the early and mid 'nineties
seems to have vanished.

Can we afford to be complacent over this? FN

BTW June 16 is the day of the African Child. Large numbers die of 
malaria each year, and many get orphaned by AIDS.


What kinds of drugs do they use to treat Malaria in Goa? In 
Mozambique (and possibly in most parts of Africa) the doctors give you a 
week's worth of chloroquine tablets and leave it to you to take your 
daily dose. The huge majority of people feel better after the second day 
(or just enough to get past the relapse period) and stop taking it. This 
has horrible effects on their health. Chloroquine is resistant to the 
falciparum strain of malaria--the most prevalent in Africa (and in Goa, 
I think?).

There is a tendency among wealthier nations to believe that 
life's problems can be solved with enough money thrown at them, i.e. if 
we give Africa more money it will take care of the malaria problem. The 
U.N. has invested heavily in malaria prevention and treatment (and 
possibly eradication), enough to make a significant dent in the number 
of malaria-related deaths, but it hasn't helped any.

[Goanet]RE: Monsoons... and GMC alumni

2005-06-17 Thread Samantha Townsend
HI there

What news is there if any regarding the River Princess, will she be gone 
before the next holiday season??


[Goanet]Re: Migration - Opportunities for children

2005-06-17 Thread zuz Mari
While here in Toronto kids before they are 12, parents cannot leave them alone 
but, as soon as they cross 12 then the school hands out condoms and advises 
they to practice safe sex.. So you can be grandfather before graduation, my 
conservative views.

Young students working in supermarkets cannot calculate anything without 
calculator, Thank God for the cash till where you feed the amount tendered and 
it tells you what change to give other wise young people are lost in 
calculations. Is our education in Goa not better?

Our parents have educated us with their money here students to complete 
graduation have to rely on Student loans to be paid when they start working. 
What a way to start a career with a bounty over your head. or, to help the 
economies of developed countries.

What about Computer graduates from Goa working as software consultants in USA, 
Australia, Germany ? Are they not better off  then their local counterparts?

And last but not least you all Goenkars who have studied in Goa and now abroad 
are you not making a living.

I salute Cecil and his views.


Zuz Mari 

Re: [Goanet]Chinese Fable

2005-06-17 Thread Seb dc

Hi all,

Its nice to be back and start a grueling summer once again in this part of 
the world, while goa experiences rainy days. And also to stay in touch with 
goa thru Goanews.

But i am really disappointed to see people spreading urban legends through 
goanet now. It just keeps our mailbox stuffed with Spam and some useless 
talk going round and round, repetitions, etc.

Can we put a stop to this please...and contribute to make a Think Tank 
as few suggested.



Re: [Goanet]Chinese Fable

2005-06-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 17/06/05, Cynthia Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For that reason I say.. Blessings to all my crackpot family & friends
> here too.
> Cynthia

RESPONSE: I have gone off you! I thought you came for an well rounded,
sound Brahmin family. Now you inform us that they are crackpots and
your friends too.

Like Salus Correia, who prays for others I shall pray for you and your
family, that this dastardly affliction may pass away. Your family and
friends definitely need blessings. You poor thing, can I adopt you?


Gabe Menezes.
London England.

[Goanet]Viva Goa celebrations in Toronto on July 23rd

2005-06-17 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
*The G.O.A cordially invites you to attend:*

The 8th Annual
*Land of Paradise!!*

* *

*Saturday, July 23, 2005*
*9am- 1am*

*Downsview Hangar**
75 Carl Hall Road
Toronto, Ontario, M3K 2B9*

Over 40 stalls will be set up with Goan foods and treats, arts and 
crafts, real estate, travel, financial institutions, and as well many 
other event sponsors.  This year's Viva Goa is expected to attract more 
than 5000 people from around the Globe and Greater Toronto Area.  Come 
enjoy good food, take in a soccer game, volleyball or participate in the 
darts tournament... meet old friends and have fun involving yourself in 
the activities! View Goan cultural events at their best and dance to the 
early hours of the next morning!

Adult tickets: $10 (at the door) or $7 in advance

Children's tickets: $2.00 (5 - 10 years)
4 and under FREE

*To purchase your tickets please contact the following*:


Re: [Goanet]Re: *** Goanet Reader -- Goan society, its future direction...

2005-06-17 Thread Bernado Colaco
10 years ago the lists and forums were initiated by
Goans. Goans are gullible, 43 years of neo imperialism
rubbed into them. The education must continue. Even
the king of Goa Suraj never new of the plunder taking
place in Goa until...

B. Colaco

> Whether it is single point or multipoint, we both
> seem to have a vested
> interest in Goa's "problem set", right? But the push
> may be coming from
> polar opposite directions! And yet, oddly enough,
> the end result will
> probably be equally infructuous! How about that?!
> Regards.

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]Re: Acres of Diamonds

2005-06-17 Thread Peter D'Souza
Santosh Helekar writes:
>From my standpoint, perpetuation of falsehoods under
any guise causes grave harm to society, and a
gratuitous defense of it adds insult to injury.

Peter responds:
Santosh, mea culpa. Pardon my ignorance of the magnitude of
Cynthia's offense. I had no idea that it had or could cause
"grievous harm" to anybody and have serious societal consequences.
Personally, I am sorry for causing you such injury. If only I had
realised that you felt injured, I'd have done my best not to add
insult to it.

Santosh (continued):
You fail to see the simple fact that stating that I
did no harm in pointing out the errors, is at odds
with your claim that I wasted much emotion in doing

Peter responds:
Mea culpa again--I never once thought that wasting emotions was harmful.

Santosh (continued):
I don't think you can read my emotions, if for nothing
else then for the well-recognized difficulty of doing
so across the gaping electronic void of cyberspace.

Peter responds:
Mea maxima culpa. You're such a logical and (seemingly) rational
fellow, that when you used an exclamation mark in your original
posting about this alleged "scam" it seemed like you were quite
upset. You're right, emotions never are communicated too well in

Santosh (continued):
The irony of it is that if you had not tried to be
gratuitously and pointlessly defensive about this
urban legend, from a habitual and exclusive purveyor
of such myths, the matter would have ended, as far as
I am concerned, with my rather bland and clearly
unemotional first response on this thread.

Peter responds:
Gratuitous, yes; defensive, no. All I did was to point out that the
anecdote was meant to inspire and (in my opinion) did nobody any
harm. You're a researcher (from what I understand), and you tell me
that society has been caused "grievous harm", so I will wait for
you to supply proof of such grievous harm and injury to society.

Santosh (continued):
So I ask you, why did you invest your time (not
emotion, because I cannot tell) into this? Was it
worth it? Or was it a waste of your time?

Peter responds:
Santosh, I might have wasted time, but it was well worth the
emotion. It gave me a lot of grins and giggles.

Santosh (continued):
Are you open-minded enough to recognize that you are wrong
about defending urban legends, even inspiring religious ones?

Peter responds:
You are implying that I am wrong. There is no right or wrong when
you're merely explaining the motive behind sending out a chain

Here's something that you don't know about me: I routinely respond
to chain letters when they contain information that may damage
individuals or corporations, or create a false sense of vindication
for a person's religious belief or ideology. I have done this for
chainletters concerning Bill Gates (whom I dislike), Ted Kennedy
(ditto) & Donald Rumsfeld (like), Procter & Gamble (agnostic),
Einstein (agnostic), patriotic paintings on rocks (like), Neiman
Marcus cookies, "I love Jesus" virus...and several others. Many
months ago Cynthia sent out a chain letter to this group which
contained falsehoods, so I promptly wrote her privately and
explained that it was false. She was very thankful that I'd pointed it
out to her, and I also told her about snopes.com and advised her to
check it out. If I read one of her postings that could possibly be
harmful, I will definitely notify her. In your quest for truth you
simply seem to lose perspective of what really matters. Or perhaps
your perspective is that every little thing matters. A couple of cases
in point (I'm relying on memory here):
Cynthia had a posting about what to do in the event of a tsunami,
it contained a lot of useful advice. You proceeded to tear it
apart. At the end of it all I don't think you really helped
anyone, and I don't think Cynthia harmed any one. Ditto for your
response to Mario's forward concerning AIDS needles. "Look before
you sit"...no harm done.

Hope that helps clarify.


Re: [Goanet]Most active Goanetters are not Americans

2005-06-17 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suspect that the majority shares my feelings, as I
have not heard any outcry on this forum to halt the
genocide in Sudan. It has been said that silence is
consent and I guess you are as much guilty of it as I
Mario responds:
I have mentioned this atrocity several times and
disagree that acceptance of obvious evil out of
personal short-term convenience is good for anything
in the longer run.  The Clinton non-responses to al
Qaeda throughout the 90's is an example, where all
that happened was that they were emboldened to launch
escalating attacks culminating with 9/11.  It could
just as easily have been LA.

Silence on this forum being "consent" to the
atrocities in Sudan is an assumption that may not be
valid.  The vast majority of Goanetters do not
participate in the active dialog, which may suggest
inertia rather than any consent with anything. 
Besides, most of the vocal Goanetters live in
countries that are incapable of doing anything about
Sudan or any other international trouble spot, and are
mostly reduced to wringing their hands and impotent
acceptance of every status quo.
Marlon continues:
I also need not remind you that many in this
> and in previous US adminstrations had no issues
> working with Saddam and a variety of other regimes.
> If it is good for business, it is good - period. 
Mario's perspective:
For people with short memories, the US "worked with
Saddam" when he was a geopolitical balance weight
against an even more rampant and dangerous Iran after
the Shah was deposed, and before he went off the
reservation and invaded Kuwait and began threatening
Saudi Arabia, thereby threatening the free flow of oil
on which the global economy depends.  Marlon is right
that if it is good for business it is generally good
for the most people most of the time.  It is the
"period" I disagree with.  For one thing what is good
for business in the long run may be bad for business
in the short run and vice versa.  There are limits and
the liberation of Iraq is just one example.

No one seems to mention that the US went to war with
Germany, Japan and Italy, virtually destroyed them and
then helped rebuild them to the point that they are
now allies.  So, what's the point of the repeated
references to the US having helped Saddam at one time.

Basically, countries do what serves their perceived
interests.  The strong ones have far more options than
the weak ones, who are left to accept the status quo
because there is nothing much they can do about

[Goanet]Fw: All Goa Computer Teacher's Assoc.

2005-06-17 Thread goasuraj

- Original Message -
From: "goasuraj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: All Goa Computer Teacher's Assoc.

> Our Ref: GSRP/EM/LF/GOG/06/05
> June 16, 2005
> To:
> Mr. Luizinho Faleiro,
> Education Minister,
> Government of Goa,
> Secretariat,
> Porvorim - Penha de Franca,
> Goa.
> Dear Mr. Faleiro,
> Subject: All Goa Computer Teacher's Association - AGCTA.
> At the outset, the undersigned, on behalf of the Goa Su-Raj Party
> congratulates you on being appointed as the Education and Industries
> Minister in the newly formed coalition government of Goa,  expressly on
> demise of the erstwhile repugnant coalition government led by the BJP,
> the bye-elections to the five constituencies of Goa. We do hope and pray
> that these two very important ministries have found a leader in you,  who
> will do the maximum justice where justice was not seen for a long time,
> rendering these two ministries decadent, to say the least.
> The agitation resorted to by the computer teachers of Goa has been a
> to this party, all the while, during their peaceful protests through
> chain-hunger-strikes, which  have been ongoing for a long time. But the
> latest high-handedness meted out to them, first, by the Chief Minister of
> Goa Mr. Pratapsing Rane and then, by the Goa police is deplored in most
> certain terms and vociferously objected to by this party.
> Mr. Rane, the Chief Minister of Goa,  must well know that the people Goa
> cleared the Chief Minister's Official Residence of a virtual Hitler, and
> not expect, nor will they tolerate any more Hitler's rule by proxy, having
> noted with  gross dislike the way Mr. Rane has behaved himself, being a
> Congressman, and the leader of the Opposition, during the erstwhile BJP
> in Goa. Mr. Rane's remarks to the agitating  teachers, when they
> his official residence are obnoxious, vile and most condescending. Mr.
> must realize that he is occupying the post of the Chief Minister at the
> pleasure of the people. This Party is of the opinion that the teachers
> not have resorted to the "Rasta Rokho" on June 14, if it was not for Mr.
> Rane's uncouth behaviour with them. Does Mr. Rane think that these
> are unwanted babies that get stuffed into the garbage bins? For God's own
> sake, these are Goa's cream and Goa's welfare depends on their well being.
> This party believes that contract employment is the most vilest thing a
> government of the people can force on its working class. In the words of
> Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, there is nothing like 'Job
> Insecurity' that can do to the health of the body and mind of a person.
> we at Goa Su-Raj Party believe that he is right on target for saying that.
> As the Education Minister, Sir, we know you are utmost concerned and fully
> aware of what you must do in this case. The world will not come to an end
> the new contract tenders, for whatever reasons they have been
> are cancelled forthwith and a plan is drawn-up to re-instate these
> computer teachers permanently, preferably in batches, giving due
> representation to their male-female numbers. Let the AGCTA be given the
> to agree to who will be the first ones to be taken in, on priority and
> basis.
> Needless to say that if you and/or your government do not improvise on
> problem, you will be responsible for this ever widening and festering
> which this party will wholeheartedly sympathize with, until better sense
> prevails.
> The Goa Su-Raj Party believes that the government of the people which
> the impetus to work for the betterment of its people is no government at
> all. This party also believes that your coalition government will have to,
> in due hurry, solve your own internal problems of bickerings within the
> and file for self glorifications, so that it is free to look at the
> of the people.
> Thanking you,
> Yours faithfully,
> for Goa Su-Raj Party.
> Sd/-
> (Floriano C. Lobo)
> President.
> Copy to: AGCTA.
> Copy to: The Chief Minister of Goa.
> Copy to: Press.

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * June 16-17, 2005 * Monsoons are here...

2005-06-17 Thread Goanet News Service

G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s JUNE 16-17, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

   / d8   Founded in 1994
 e88~88e  e88~-_/~~~8e  888-~88e  e88~~8e  _d88__ by Herman
 888 888 d888   i   88b 888  888 d888  88b  888   Carneiro
 "88_88"    |  e88~-888 888  888 __888  888   ---
  /  Y888   ' C888  888 888  888 Y888,  888 
 Cb   "88_-~   "88_-888 888  888  "88___/   "88_/ 
   Y8""8D  http://www.goanet.org 


In today's issue: The monsoons are here. Speculation over who's crossing
over in politics. Goa's hospitals in the news -- Hospicio does a hip
replacement, while Rane visits the GMC. Dual citizenship. A gruesome death
in an road accident near the GMC. Looking at the late Frank Simoes' new
edition of an earlier-published book. Much more. Read on.

June 17, 2005

The monsoons are here. Or so it seems. Friday 
morning was a wet day, and, for the first time,
it rained or drizzled for parts of the day.
A welcome relief. Temperatures are down too, and
everyone seems in a better mood. But we'll need
to wait and see how strong and consistent the
monsoon season is this year. In recent years, Goa
too has been facing extremities of climate --
with strong, stormy, heavy wet spells punctuated by long
dry spells. Often this story doesn't emerge from
bland rainfall figures. 

o Sunaparant, Konkani daily, speculates with another equation: 
  3 Congress + BJP = Willy government?
o Out of power for ten days and there's trouble brewing in the BJP:
  Dhargalim MLA Babu Azgaonkar is inclined to quit the BJP,
  sources said. (Herald)
o Goa Medical College to be refurbished soon. CM Rane made a
  surprise visit to the GMC on Thursday evening, and inspected
  every ward and department with medical superintendent Dr
  Rajan Kunkolienkar. (NT)
o Hospicio hospital adds another feather to its cap; performs
  first-ever total hip replacement. Orthopaedic surgeons
  Dr Neil Barreto and Dr Sandeep Fowkar achieved this goal. (H)

India today approved dual citizenship for its vast
diaspora who migrated after January 26, 1950, when
the country became a republic. Dual citizenship
will not be extended to those who migrated to
Pakistan or Bangladesh after January 26, 1950. It
will be extended to all persons who meet these
criteria, as long as their home-countries allow
dual citizenship in some form, the government said. 

o Canacona chilly crop could get hit by late monsoons. (H)
o Arvind Pinto focusses on Dadra and Nagar Heveli, 'the 
  forgotten Portuguese enclave'. (H)
o Murdered lady's sister held in Revora murder case. (GT)
o Goa's Marine Police is floundering without assistance. 
  Gomantak Times show the photo of the Marine Police jetty at
  Panjim. This force is struck by a shortage of sea-going
  boats and manpower. (GT)

June 16, 2005

o Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Goa postponed. (NT)
o Information and Broadcasting Ministry team to visit Goa in July
  to discuss 36th International Film Festival of India. CM Rane is
  expected to call on teh Planning Commission to urge special funds
  for Goa to hold IFFI. Though the NDA government had agreed to
  sanction the fund through the Planning Commission specially for
  the IFFI, nothing had materialised. (NT)
o Corporation of the City of Panjim to hire a private agency
  to recover house tax arrears, which have touched Rs 40 million.(NT)
o Special unit of marine police has been opened, Governor Jamir says.(NT)
o Coastal security plan awaiting Home Ministry nod, says Governor Jamir.H
o Mickky Pacheco's Raj Bhavan visit raises eyebrows. (H)
o Konkan Railway monsoon time-table implemented. Trains will
  run slower to cope with the monsoons. (H)
o Congress-backed councillors oust Margao municipality
  chairperson Kamlini Painginkar. BJP's four-year-eight-month
  rule of the municipality finally ended on Wednesday with
  Painginkar ousted by 11-0 votes. Four BJP supporters abstained. (H)
o Two kindergarten students of Ambaulim-Quepem were bitten
  by a rabid dog. (H)
o No foul play in Croatian speaker's son's death in Goa, say
  police. The report says there was no trace of any drugs, alcohol
  or any poisonous substances, police said. 

Goa government promises vegetable cultivation drive.
Agriculture Department has started distributing
fruit trees grafts at a subsidised rate. Agri Director
R G Joshi says they have a target for distributing
200,000 cashew grafts, 60,000 coconut saplings, 25,000
to 30,000 mango grafts and 10,000 grafts and seedlings
of other fruit. Spices like jaiphal, kali miri (pepper),
and kokum (bin

Re: [Goanet]OFFTOPIC: Uganda, Church of England, and racism

2005-06-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 17/06/05, Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BBC World Service is reporting that the new Archbishop of York is a
> Uganda-born member, and the first Black to hold such an important post.
> What is significant is that this post is the second-most-important post in
> Church of England, after the slot in Cantebury. BBC says the archbishop
> was a critic of Idi Amin's government in the Uganda of the past.

RESPONSE: He was appointed by our P.M., Tony Blair, from a short list!
Did I hear on this forum that Church and Politics should not mix?

First black Church of England archbishop appointed

Simon Jeffery and agencies
Friday June 17, 2005

Dr John Sentamu


A former Ugandan high court judge who fled the murderous regime of Idi
Amin today became the first black archbishop in the Church of England.

John Sentamu will move from Birmingham, where he was bishop, to York,
where he takes up the second most senior clerical role in the church.

His appointment - made by the prime minister, Tony Blair, from a
shortlist submitted by church leaders - is expected to please the
millions of Anglicans in Africa.

.for the full text click on to the URL below:-


Gabe Menezes.
London England.

[Goanet]Masons today.

2005-06-17 Thread eric pinto
Always rich, usually older men, into a little bit of
fun, to which they are entitled, and a much bigger bit
of charity - very quietly, yes, they have come a long
way over a thousand years: from a guild of craftsmen,
to hired assassins, to Prime Ministers - socialist
Attlee was the first 'taverner' to circumvent the
Club's hold on privelege.  Gwen and i should be lucky
to  be invited to membership!  The Lodges in Bombay,
Delhi, Calcutta and Madras are very impressive
structures: Our Colonial Governors and the business
elite managed their fiefs from around those bar rails,
my dad often railed !eric.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]From around the GOANWORLD.

2005-06-17 Thread rene barreto



Los Angeles G.O.A.

Please mark your calendars!!! 

GOA-DAY 2005 will be held on Sunday, August 21st at

A flier will be sent your way in a few days. 

Venue: Brothers of St. Patrick's Park - 7820 Bolsa
Avenue, Midway City, CA 92655.
Highlights of the event:

1) A Konglish (Konkani and English) tiatre (Play)
written and directed by Antu Diniz. 

2) Goan Idol - 

3 Categories of performers. (Ages 4 to adults). You
can get in touch with us if you or your child would
like to do a performance at the event. Details to
follow in a few days. 

3) Delicious, home-cooked Goan dinner buffet. 
A flier will be sent your way in a few days with
further details. This is just a heads-up so you can
mark your calendars and prepare for a relaxed,
fun-filled evening on August 21st. 
Looking forward to meeting all of you again. 

 Have a great week ahead!! 

Ralph Figueiredo. 
President - Los Angeles G.O.A. 

New York Goans

World Goa Day - New York  

New York Goans are celebrating World Goa Day on August
27th-Herewith the flier-please post this on Goanet and
any other websites.

Viva Goa!

Hercules Smith


I do hope the above well laid out Goan event 
by the GOA -Los Angeles -  will encourage other 
Goan Organizations world wide - to organise similar

  Let us  have More of Goan Cultural events and
let us  be



rene barreto

2oth of August 2005


Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football 

[Goanet]NEWS: Robberies Or Threats, Life Has To Go On, Says Pilar Priest Working In Jharkhand

2005-06-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

Robberies Or Threats, Life Has To Go On, Says Pilar Priest In Jharkhand

By Peter Raposo, SAR NEWS

AGHARMA, Jharkhand (SAR NEWS) -- When the going gets tough, the tough get 
going. Thefts or threats, peace or violence, a young Catholic priest in 
Gumla Diocese in the northern Indian Jharkhand state is determined to 
carry on with his God-ordained mission to serve the poor.

"Muggings, armed robberies and threats, life in the mission goes on," 
says Father Paul Fernandes, 34, parish priest of Krist Jyoti Parish at 
Agharma in Gumla Diocese.

On May 23 at 11p.m. a group of ten armed robbers threatened Father 
Fernandes, his colleagues and others in the parish at gunpoint and made 
off with Rs. 530,000 in cash and other valuables.

"This is not the first incident of an armed robbery in our parish or in 
the neigbouring parishes. Several of them have happened and there's no 
guarantee they won't happen again," Father Fernandes told SAR News, June 

Describing the May 23 attack, Father Fernandes said that he had gone to 
bed early that night and Brother Tej Kumar Kindo, catechist John Lakra, 
high school computer teacher Sunil Kumar and others staying in the church 
premises had also retired early.

"One of our workers along with two others was sleeping in the mango 
orchard to guard it from robbers. It was around 11p.m. when 10 dacoits 
descended woke them up, tied them and asked them about those sleeping in 
the presbytery. After having learnt that only Bro. Kindo and I were there 
they broke open the gate and came directly to my room on the first floor. 
My room was open; they woke me up and demanded money at gunpoint.

"Then they took me to Kindo's room and realising that I was the head of 
the house, they brought me back to my room and asked me for money. They 
threatened to kill Kindo and the worker in the mangrove if I refused to 
part with the money."

Fearing an attack, Father Fernandes gave them Rs. 18,000 that was meant 
for sponsoring children's free education, but the robbers rummaged 
through the cupboards and drawers in the priest's room and collected all 
they could lay their hands on.

"Then they told me they had information that we had around Rs 2.5 million 
and demanded that I hand over the amount. I denied...but then they asked 
for the keys of the house and opened all the cupboards. In one of the 
cupboards, they found a safe where we used to keep the money of the 
Catholic Co-operative Credit Society. In all, there was Rs. 515,000. They 
snatched it.and also took away a mobile phone, wristwatch, DTH receiver 
and even sacramental wine, seven bottles in all," said Father Fernandes.

"Soon, disturbed by the noise in the corridor, my catechist Lakra, who 
was sleeping in the Youth Centre building came out sensing something was 
wrong. Those guarding the gate with guns saw him and asked him to open 
the gate of the centre but he refused to do so and instead began screamed 
for help. The others too realised something was amiss and began 
shouting," Father Fernandes said.

The robbers immediately took to their heels but not without the booty. 
Lakra then came out and rang the church bell and the people from the 
neighbouring villages gathered at the parish. However, it was too late, 
as the robbers had escaped into the forest under the cover of darkness. 
The police are yet to make any arrest in this connection.

"Since the last two years that I've been in this parish, around nine to 
ten parishes of both Gumla and the neighbouring Simdega Diocese have been 
robbed in a similar fashion," said Father Fernandes. "Robberies are a 
daily affair in our region. Thefts of cattle are very common. Buses 
coming from Ranchi were looted at least five times since I've been here. 
Traveling in the night is simply impossible. No one travels after 8p.m. 
The diocesan authorities have instructed the priests not to venture out 
after 6p.m. due to the danger of armed robberies," the priest added.

But for this intrepid Pilar missionary, living in such circumstances has 
become a way of life. "It really doesn't look like a danger or threat for 
those living here. At times, we have to take patients in the middle of 
the night to the nearest hospital, which is about 10 km from our parish," 
he says.

"We are simply helpless. One cannot do anything about it. The police 
themselves are afraid of their lives. In fact, when we complained to the 
police on the night of the robbery in our parish, they refused to come as 
they were sleeping. The government does nothing about it. It is a sorry 
situation," laments Father Fernandes.

But what can this one man do about it all? "Our parish took the 
initiative and declared a 'bandh' (shutdown). Christians, tribals, 
Muslims and Hindus participated in it. The roads were blocked and inquiry 
demanded. But the police resorted to caning," said Father Fernandes.

The local MLA, Enos Ekka, who came later at the scene, condemned the 
police action, took the injur

[Goanet]The music of Warren Mendonca

2005-06-17 Thread Mario Goveia
The music of Goenkar Warren Mendonca of Auckland, NZ
- check it out.


[Goanet]Quake in California?

2005-06-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
National Public Radio is reporting the quake in California yesterday. Hope 
all our Goan friends are fine out there. FN

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

Re: [Goanet]Re: Willie the casteist

2005-06-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 17/06/05, Tom & Carolina  wrote:
>  Dear Mr. Menezes,
>  I have been in the far east working for the power stations and last 15
> years in engineering contracting.
> I don't and will never have casteist aspirations because that is not my
> nature.

RESPONSE: Thanks for your clarification, it seems that there are some
in Goa who think that Willy is definitely a castist. Especially if he
ever did make the remark that was quoted by Ethel.

I have met you Tom when I was living in Hong Kong. Your sister jacinta knows us.



[Goanet]Chinese Fable

2005-06-17 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

A Chinese Fable

A water bearer in China had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a
pole which he carried across his neck.

One pot had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always
delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the
stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only
one and a half pots full of water to his house.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for
which it was made.

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and
miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been
made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the
water bearer one day by the stream... "I am ashamed of myself, because
this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your

The bearer ! said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only
on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" That's because
I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your
side of the path. Every day while we walk back, you've watered them. For
two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the
table. "Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this
beauty to grace the house."

Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws. we're all cracked pots. But
it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so
very interesting and rewarding. You must take each person for what they
are, and look for the good in each one.

For that reason I say.. Blessings to all my crackpot family & friends 
here too.


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[Goanet]Tiatr Child Actors: Today I Did it...

2005-06-17 Thread JoeGoaUk

I always wanted to meet and congratulate the child artists of Konkani Stage.

At first, I had in my mind just 3, then 5 but today i made it with 9.

Today's Tiatr Margao "ARGAM TUKA DHONIA" By Tony Dias.

'Cash awards to 9 child actors and free cold drinks to all'

The 4th show (Margao)was housefull and people had to go back home.

The Child actors are:
Shruti Naik
Aliston Colaco
Franky Oliviera
Royston Noel
Hazel Gonsalves
Sonia Dias
Victor Fernandes
Anthony Chico
Bladwin D'Silva (the youngest)

more details to follow..

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

Re: [Goanet] Frogs, camels and Frenchies

2005-06-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frogs, personification of ugliness, Mario?
> You sorely disappoint me.
> I love the things and never hesitate to kiss them
> without harbouring an ulterior motive of 
> hoping/expecting them to metamorphose as a royal boy

> or girl.
> I eat them too, with a relish that easily belie
> aesthetic prejudice.
> And... pray ponder how you will hurt the poor
> Frenchies with your prejudice.
Mario replies:
Alfred, tsk, tsk, tsk!  What's all this kissing of
frogs rather than the fabled Scandivanian beauties
that surround you.  Your love of frogs doesn't seem to
stop you from eating them.  I hope you only eat the
ones that don't turn into princesses.  Perhaps the
kisses make you "hungry" in more ways than one.  

To avoid my post from being rejected by the sharp-eyed
Goanet moderators I will refrain from commenting on
the Frenchies, whom we hard-core Americans don't like
very much right now.

If it makes you feel better I will replace frogs with
camels, hoping there is no Goanetter out there who is
making a habit of kissing this hapless four-legged
creature that was designed by a committee.

RE: [Goanet]Re: Willie the casteist

2005-06-17 Thread Cip Fernandes

Do you belong to the same caste as Dr. Willy?

It is clear from your below mentioned posting that you are living your life
on based on so-called past glories. It is not time to grow up?


-Original Message-
Of Tom & Carolina
Sent: 17 June 2005 12:16
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Willie the casteist

 Dear Mr. Menezes,

 I have been in the far east working for the power stations and last 15
years in engineering contracting.
I don't and will never have casteist aspirations because that is not my

I get along well with different nationalities and in the past when I was in
Aldona was well known and popular.
Medicine is in our family;  My paternal and maternal grandparents, my
father, three sibling and not only in Goa, Bombay, Portugal, Hong Kong,
London, Australia and even Switzerland there are and have been doctors from
the de Sousa's clan.

 I know Willie very well and helped him set up his 1st. Consulting room
in Corte do Oiteiro, Boca de vaca in Panjim, during the 60's.  I definitely
refute the point that he is casteist but I seriously object to his treats of
constantly trying to topple the Government.

Thanks for your answer and hope to keep in touch through the net,
Tom de Sousa in Hong Kong

[Goanet]Re: Third-party innuendo

2005-06-17 Thread cornel

Thanks for your maxima culpa.
I was not seeking a complex reply but you clearly saw more in my post than 
I had intended.


Fwd: Re: [Goanet]Free Masons in Vatican

2005-06-17 Thread Floriano
Dear Ms.  Gwen Precila White,

Thank you for your clarion call on the Vatican.
None of the international news channels like the BBC  or the CNN gave this
breaking news nor did our  enterprising channels in India like Aiz Tak and
NDTV 24x7 mention a thing about Vatican being in masonry danger.

When did this happen???
Was there an earthquake?

 I was in Vatican a few years ago and my rounds around the City as well as
the entire Basilica of St Peter never gave a clue as to the defecive
masonry, even atop the Dome. And I am in construction business here in Goa .

It is a good thing that masons from the world over have volunteered to give
their services free  of charge. Is that not a wonderful news? What could we
do without such sensible free working masons?

I am sure the new Pope Benedict will be overwhelmed with joy and the world
which believes in Christ will grow roots on their knees in thanksgiving. And
Pope John Paul II will be rejoicing in heaven at this turn of events.

I shall, on my part, will see if I can convince some of the guys working for
me and around Goa, who call them master masons and command a good deal of
wages/salary will volunteer for this selfless service to save the Vatican.

Do let me know when the repairs and or modifications if envisaged to the
Vatican itself will be completed.

The re-opening of the Vatican City will, no doubt, be a joyous occasion.

If my purse lets me, I shall not want to miss this great occasion.

Do keep me posted and thank you for the concern.

Thank you and God Bless
Yours Sincerely,
Floriano Lobo
Moira Goa- India.

- Original Message -
From: "gwen white" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:16 PM

> Dear (Mogal) Goencars,
> On 14 June an article appeared in which he said that he was doing a
> on Catholicism and came across infiltration of Masons in the Vatican.
> I would like to point out that Masons in the Vatican exists and is rife as
> of today.
> They are racist therefore there is no chance of an Asian or African
> a Pope.
> Also Indian Cardinals do not know what Free Masonry is any way, if they do
> they do not know what the implications are.

[Goanet]OFFTOPIC: Uganda, Church of England, and racism

2005-06-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

BBC World Service is reporting that the new Archbishop of York is a
Uganda-born member, and the first Black to hold such an important post.

What is significant is that this post is the second-most-important post in 
Church of England, after the slot in Cantebury. BBC says the archbishop 
was a critic of Idi Amin's government in the Uganda of the past.

He has also criticised his Church as having a White elite that dominates 
the Church of England. Apparently, only 92 of Britains 11,000

clergy come from the ethnic minorities.
Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net

Re: [Goanet]Road accidents kill near Dabolim Airport and in Vasco

2005-06-17 Thread rene barreto

Friends !

I do apologize for my earlier posts , I seem to be
having problems with the computer I am using at the
cyber cafe ,  or may be  ...it is just my old age
:- ) 

  A few of my messages have slipped  - without being

Sorry once again. 


 Earlier , I made a post about the various accidents -
that have occur ed  in and around Vasco , but all we
have done is publish these incidents -  not ONE of us
seems to be bothered to discuss or  address these
problems here on the GOAN forum. 

Many of us seem to have the attitude - of If it does
not hurt me or my family - why should i bother ...i
hope and pray that attitude does change ..in time.  

 I also read a post - wherein we were told that Road
layouts in Goa are designed by the people in Delhi ,
is that right ? if so , are we to wait to see more
deaths - before the people from Delhi come and rectify
the design of the round about in Vasco / Goa ? 

God bless our GOA. 


 rene barreto


Yahoo! Sports 
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Re: [Goanet]RE:Indigo a new Indian budget Airline?

2005-06-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Hey, Phillip,
What do you know about the recent report that Dawood
Ibrahim was a major investor in Jet Airways.  Any
truth to that?

--- Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are probably right about a bust following the
> boom. In the U.S. (in the
> 80s) and in Europe (in the 90s) airline bubbles have
> been followed by busts.
> Asia may not be very different during this decade.

Re: [Goanet]In America, the crows stick to the garbage

2005-06-17 Thread Marlon Menezes

I suspect that the majority shares my feelings, as I
have not heard any outcry on this forum to halt the
genocide in Sudan. It has been said that silence is
consent and I guess you are as much guilty of it as I

Based on this measure, the only difference between you
and me that you were vocal in your support for the war
in Iraq and I was opposed to it. However, with respect
to Sudan, our mutual silence speaks volumes. 

As far as seeking profit and working for questionable
governments, let us not apply double standards shall
we? There are tens of thousands of Goans who work in
countries that have regimes that continue to violate
human rights. Just because you have the privilage to
work in the US does not mean that you need to pass
judgement on the economic choices made by others who
seek to feed their families. We are all capitalists at
heart. I also need not remind you that many in this
and in previous US adminstrations had no issues
working with Saddam and a variety of other regimes. If
it is good for business, it is good - period. 


--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> /Marlon Menezes writes:///
> Personally, I dont give a hoot that people in
> Iraq may
> have been suffering under Saddam's rule, just I
> do not
> really care about the the genocide in Sudan or
> the
> fact that women are being raped over there.
> [deletia]
> Evil is all relative. I am sure there are many
> of us
> (me included) who would not hesitate to legally
> work
> with the Saddam regime if we could profit from
> it.
> [deletia]
> Marlon,
> I really wish I didn't know this about you.
> Peter


2005-06-17 Thread Francisco Colaco
I am so glad that Tony has received yet another award,
one more to add to the so many laurels he has received
during his glorious career. A cardiologist of great
caliber, he is a researcher par excellence, and has
written umpteen path-breaking papers and done
pioneering research in the field of Cardiology,
cardiac electrophysiology in particular. He is rightly
rated among the best cardiologists of the world. His
biography runs into several pages. Many may not know
that besides being a scientist, Tony is also a writer,
a poet, has a beautiful baritone voice and plays the
guitar with verve and aplomb. Tony is also a humanist,
a great lover of Goa, the place of his birth. I
consider it as my privilege to be counted among his
many admirers and friends. He could have given up on
life after the death of his beautiful wife Marina, who
passed away prematurely and whom he adored so much.
She was the source of his inspiration ? he rightly
acknowledges. But, against heavy odds, Tony showed us
lesser mortals what it takes to overcome. Rising from
the throes of depression, he seems to have gathered
the pieces beneath the rubble of shattered dreams, to
continue to scale to greater and greater heights. Even
to this day Tony gives of his best to all and
everywhere, and is sure to carry on in this way until
the day when the Reaper with the Scythe will come with
a call ? and a beautiful reward too!

Congratulations to Tony and thanks my friend for
continuing to be the source of inspiration that you
have always been to me. A pale shadow of what you are,
I confess that in a small way, I try to emulate the
shining example that you have set before us all.


(Dr. Francisco Colaço, MD.
Largo da Igraja do Espírito Santo,
Margao. Goa. INDIA.)

Do you Yahoo!? 
Make Yahoo! your home page 

Re: [Goanet]Malaria & AIDS, Africa ... and Goa

2005-06-17 Thread rene barreto

  I am glad that Mario Goveia has taken an interest in
discussing  happenings in Goa , I hope many others
will follow his example - 


  That's just great !



--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > United Nations Radio in New York is talking about
> > malaria and Africa's attempt to fight the disease.
> > There's some good news from there, and apparently 
> > there are chances of attaining some targets under
> the
> > Roll-Back Malaria Programme.
> > 
> > One might be wrong, but in Goa, the issue of
> > malaria seems to have gone off the radar of public

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2005-06-17 Thread JoeGoaUk


la la la la la.

That's new ring tone I received twice (from whom I dont know) But I am sure, 
is the one of the many members I sent. 
Pl identify your self and send me once again on my old phone so that I can send 
to others you can try soon after reading this mail (use same No. Pl).

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]Ringtone update 3

2005-06-17 Thread JoeGoaUk

Recieved 7 fresh requests..(includes 3 request for Claudia- which I dont have)

last night sent 5

but the entire backlog will be cleared tonite (including our Linobab)
infact, i took his no. wrong as 00956 iso 00965 it failed twice last night & i 

I also sent to TOny, Antonio, Cyril, Tony2,Cyril2, Pascoal etc  but no 
rcvd yet.
However these people have confirmed already: Luis, Domnic, Gloria, Jervis, 

Plus there were 3 requests to repeat ( as they lost the one sent to them).

Those asked me to sent both, I only sent one. Sorry.

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]New Indian Non judicial stamp paper

2005-06-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While the Telgi ---Indian Non Judicial stamp
paper---case continues to make third page news item on
the national dailies, Central  Government seems to
have awoken to the nuances of the fake India Non
Judicial Stamp paper.

Last week the Central Government made available a new
fascimile of the Indian Non Judicial stamp paper of
denomination Rs.20/- (Rupees twenty only) for the
State of Goa.  The  salient features are 
a) green mast head is replaced by light blue  brown
b) each state will have its own Indian non judicial
stamp paper viz Goa will have its  own 
c) the name of the State  viz  Goa  is written in
English devanagiri Konkani and Hindi  and a serial
number theron
d) the security mark is embossed in silver thereon and
other water marks for security;
e) the vendor needs to have the details of his name
licence number thereon besides his signature of the
purchaser on the front and not on the back side; 
f) the stamp paper has an exclusive  serial number
printed thereon 

Meanwhile the process of issuing stamp papers of other
denominations viz; fifty, hundred, five hundred,
thousand, and five thousand is underway.

Licenced vendors are entitled for a two % commission
by the Government.  Presently the Rs 20/- stamp paper
is the commonly used for affidavits power of attorney
agreement of sale etc 


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RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-17 Thread Cip Fernandes


If ex-CM Parrikar was the best CM in Goa then why did Dr Willy took part to
bring down the Parrikar's government?

Can mention any historical facts to support your above statement so-called
'the best CM's of Goa'?

I have disputes with Carlos' statements having neither any premises nor any
true historical true facts.

Please give us the true historical documented facts and NOT your personal

Just curious!



-Original Message-
Sent: 17 June 2005 01:40
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

What Willy said about Congress may be right. Especially true, when the
president of Goa Congress and CM are both non-catholics. Why did
Congress not select a Catholic for one of these positions? Are Catholic
votes taken for granted by Congress?  It sure seems like. It appears to
me, it is OK if Congress discriminates against Catholics, but it is not
OK if BJP does it. Lets be fair and measure both these parites with the
same yardstick.
If Parrikar supports Willy for CM, then we can get the best of both
worlds. The history shows that they were the best CM's of Goa.

-Original Message-
From: D'Souza, Avelino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:00:11 +0300
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

It seems, I may be wrong, that you have not followed what Willy said
about Congress being more communal than BJP.

In other words, BJP wants Willy to be CM by supporting NCP.  By doing
so, BJP will have a say in the day to day functioning of the government
which is secondary to Parrikar's plan.  The primary focus, as far as
Parrikar is concerned, is to starve the BJP traitors, the infamous five,
by keeping them away from juicy portfolios.

Willy will behave like "a good one" in fresh saffron robes.



Cip Fernandes wrote:


<< Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one >>

Could you please justify your statement with true premises?

Your statement appears to be based either on assumptions well known to
or logical inconsistency.

Further, I will appreciate your description of so-called "a good one".

Personally, I do not have any dispute with either Carlos or Dr. Willy -
dispute is with Carlos' statement.

Just curious!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16 June 2005 01:00


Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one.


Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
It is obvious that this person is not committed to any
ideology or principles. Chameleons !
Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.

[Goanet]Re:Airbus A380 for Kingfisher; Goa to London?

2005-06-17 Thread JoeGoaUk

Rule is: No domestic airline can start international route unless it is atleast 
years old in the domestic field.

So, Kingfisher can only start after 4years and 10 months?

May b A380 order takes 5 years to deliver..

Thu Jun 16 13:05:21 2005


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[Goanet]Re: *** Goanet Reader -- Goan society, its future direction...

2005-06-17 Thread Philip Thomas

Whether it is single point or multipoint, we both seem to have a vested
interest in Goa's "problem set", right? But the push may be coming from
polar opposite directions! And yet, oddly enough, the end result will
probably be equally infructuous! How about that?! Regards.

Re: [Goanet]Malaria & AIDS, Africa ... and Goa

2005-06-17 Thread Mario Goveia

"Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> United Nations Radio in New York is talking about
> malaria and Africa's attempt to fight the disease. 
> There's some good news from there, and apparently 
> there are chances of attaining some targets under
> Roll-Back Malaria Programme.
> One might be wrong, but in Goa, the issue of
> malaria seems to have gone off the radar of public 
> concern. Even the enthusiasm that was visible in the

> early and mid 'nineties seems to have vanished.
> Can we afford to be complacent over this? FN
> BTW June 16 is the day of the African Child. Large
> numbers die of malaria  each year, and many get 
> orphaned by AIDS.
Mario responds:
I would like to know whether DDT is being used in
Africa and India to combat malaria.  I have seen
reports that millions have died from the resurgence of
malaria, mostly in poor tropical countries, since DDT
was banned.

What can one say about AIDS, one of the deadliest
scourges in history?  Unlike malaria, AIDS can be
avoided by avoiding risky behavior, and more needs to
be done to educate people in Africa and elsewhere
about why and how they should do this.  Once a person
is infected the problem becomes much harder and more
expensive to control and leads to a slow and agonizing death.

Re: [Goanet]Road accidents kill near Dabolim Airport and in Vasco

2005-06-17 Thread rene barreto

What is the purpose of making such posts ? Is it for
the people of Goa to be kept informed or for them to
participate - and address the said problems.

 If does relate to me or my family , why shoudl I
botehr - is the attitude many of us have.

 A question I have asked - so often on this forum
...do we have a Vascokars citizen Bureau ? OR  a

 IT is a SHAME - to me it looks many of us on this
forum do not care ... ?

 rene barreto


> Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
> family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
> Help others be BETTER INFORMED,
> The time is come for the people of Goa
> Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
> Website: www.goadesc.org Email:
> Press Clippings on the web:
> http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
> -
> Vasco?s vicious circle continues to kill
> by Neena Dayal
> Accidents in the last 2 months in Vasco
> April - May
> 11 - minor
> 10 - serious
> 05 - fatal
> 07 - deaths
> --
> Accidents in the last 2 months in Mormugao
> April - May
> 01 - minor
> 02 - serious
> 01 - fatal
> 01 - dead
> ---
> The statistics speak for themselves and unless
> someone
> wakes up in the Vasco administration the statistics
> will
> keep on increasing. While road accidents are
> frequent and
> on the rise in Goa because of the lack of control by
> drivers
> and no police patrolling, there is one spot in Goa ?
> near
> Dabolim Airport which has been witnessing an
> increasing
> number of fatalities during the last one year.
> Yes, Dabolim Airport is the first impression of Goa
> for many
> who arrive daily in the hope of having a great
> holiday and
> some quality time here. The cross roads in front of
> the airport
> form one of the most important traffic junctions of
> Goa. Yet
> the glaring reality of the traffic confusion at this
> intersection,
> resulting in accidents on a daily basis has not
> stirred any
> administrative action so far. Many-a-lives have been
> lost,
> but no concrete plan to regulate the traffic on this
> junction,
> which also is a part of the ambitious four lane
> highway
> project, has emerged.
> According to Namrata Kashyap, town planner and
> successful
> landscape architect, ?the reason for the increasing
> number
> of fatalities is that this graded intersection (near
> Dabolim circle)
> is presently being manned by a US-based system of
> traffic
> regulation called the Stop-Sign system. This
> arrangement is
> evidently wrong according to the book on Traffic
> Engineering
> and Transport Planning by L R Kadiyali, which is
> considered
> a bible among all town planners and transport
> engineers.
> It clearly says that ?Stop signs should not be used
> on
> roadways or expressways, for speed control or at
> signalized
> intersections.? (Chapter 13 Traffic signs. Section
> 13.8
> Mandatory signs).
> Investigations by Herald showed that many of these
> signs
> put up at Dabolim Circle are extremely confusing to
> the driver.
> This reporter spoke to Sandip Surlekar, deputy Town
> Planner,
> Vasco, who could not decipher the exact connotation
> of the
> signs (a red bordered triangular sign with six red
> dots on
> white background) placed at this important junction.
> What is causing this confusion is that Indians have
> been
> instinctively following primarily British system of
> traffic-
> roundabouts or traffic-islands for traffic
> regulation at
> intersections for a long time now. And it is this
> confusion
> of a new system that is defectively implemented
> which is
> causing considerable confusion among poorly literate
> transport
> drivers and drivers of private vehicles.
> An examination of the spot showed that many signs
> were
> improperly placed, not easily understood and of a
> different
> signage which was causing confusion among drives.
> Agrees
> Mr Afonso, assistant director transport, Vasco,
> ?signs should
> be placed much ahead of the junction. New fellows
> are always
> speeding?, clearly revealing complete apathy and
> disinterest
> on the part of administration to deal with the
> problem. ??
> Says SP Traffic Mr. Deshpande, ?There is a dearth of
> qualified
> Transport Planners in Goa. The road under question
> has been
> constructed by Border Road Organization (BRO), under
> the
> guidance of National Highway Authority of India
> (NHAI). There
> are no doubts about their quality of construction

Re: [Goanet]FRIDAY BALCAO:Community involvement in tackling malaria in Goa.

2005-06-17 Thread rene barreto

Would Goa Desc - be kind enough and share with the 7
thousand plus Goans on this  forum : 

The discussions on the :
TOPIC: Community involvement in tackling  malaria
   & other vector borne disease in Goa
 SPEAKER: Dr. Dipak Kabadi  Dy. Director (NVBDCP)
 Directorate of Health Services.

I am sure it will be beneficial to  many people of

 rene barreto
 GOAN SOLIDARITY DAY - 20th of August 2005

--- Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
> Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website
> http://www.goadesc.org/balcao/
> Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,
> We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
> on 24th June from 4pm. to 6pm.
> at Goa Desc Resource Centre
> No. 11, Liberty Apartments,
> Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa Ph. 2252660
> TOPIC: Community involvement in tackling  malaria
>& other vector borne disease in Goa
> SPEAKER: Dr. Dipak Kabadi  Dy. Director (NVBDCP)
>  Directorate of Health Services


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[Goanet]Re: Official Language Act - By Siddesh B. Vernekar, Karwar.

2005-06-17 Thread goasuraj
The Konkani Language has not still recieved its proper status even after 18
years after being declared a state. Still te Goans (Marathi minded or
MGP-minded) think that Marathi is their language, this is really foolish, if
so, then the Goans shold also try to learn Kannada, Tamil, Telegu, Malyalam
etc ... as these are also the languages of the different sates and it is not
wrong  to just  hate a language because it is not viable to read and write.

Since now-a-days most of the shops in Goa are owned or run by South-Indians
who prefer to write the names of their shops in their language because they
really have pride for their language and English for the sake of Goans since
they don't know what actually Goans read and write. So, this is a very sorry
state of the Konkani language as still now the Official Language Act is not
implemented which is a real shame on all the previous MGP, Congress, UGDO
and BJP governments.

Since if a government cannot implement the Official language Act properly
then how do we expect that any work will be made on the basis of language
which is still seen in Goa as Marathi in case of Hindus, Roman Konkani in
case of Catholics, Kannada in case of ghatis of the Monte Hill of Margao
(this refers to Digamber Kamat's vote bank), so when will Konkani be used
which is the only official language of Goa.

If the Official Language Act is implemented than all the shop-keepers all
over the state wil have to compulsorily write the names in Konkani first and
then English if required. Since in our place Karwar where Konkani and
Marathi co-exist now-a-days all the shops have to compulsorily write their
name in Kannada and English bot other than these languages nothing is
written, so why can't Goa follow the same procedure.

So, I being from Karnataka expect that the susegad Goans will wake up from
their long 18 years sleep (especially Goa Hit Rakhan Manch) and force the
government  (once it is formed) to implement the Official Language Act.


Dear Mr. Vernekar,
I commend you for your thoughts and your advice to us Goans.
Yes, the hope is always there that when a new government is formed in Goa,
it will at least wipe off the dust which is settled on the Official Language
Act of Goa. But unfortunately, we happen to vote in governments whose chief
ministers are the ones who will sprinkle more dust on this Act as well as on

Take for instance Manohar Parrikar. Though Konkani is his mother tongue, his
majority voters are marathi lovers. Naturally he will go for the vote bank
rather than his language.

Take Pratapsing Raoji Rane who is now the new Chief Minister and was the
Chief Minister who installed the Language Act. He is himself a Maratha and
love Marathi. He will not raise a finger to do anything for Konkani. Many
people consider him a worst traitor unto Konkani. And all the others who
elect him as Chief Minister have salt  where there should be love for one's
mother tongue.

So how can Konkani come up? Besides our Goan parents want their kids to
study in only English so they can make it big in the Western countries. What
can Konkani give?? Never mind if it is the mother's tongue. Let the mother
use it in the kitchen.

Konkani language will never surface if the existing political parties take
their turn to rule Goa in the next hundred years or more. The story is the

However I shall like to bring to your kind attention that the newly formed
Goa Su-Raj Party has this to say in its 'Road Map' which will be its
committment to Goa and Goans and which is to be released shortly.

Thanking you for your concern, being a Kannadiga notwithstanding.

Floriano Lobo

Konkani shall be the sole Official Language of Goa. Official correspondence
shall be in Konkani (Romi & Nagri), Hindi & English. The Party will keep an
open mind on standardization of the script for Konkani and encourage a
proper debate on the subject and strive to exclude emotions in place of
pragmatism. Maximum Governmental funding will be assured for the development
of Konkani through audio-visual, print, cultural and other mediums. As far
as Marathi language is concerned, it has the backing of a large State such
as Maharashtra where, though there is a sizable population of Konkani
speakers in that State, no recognition has been forthcoming, unlike in the
State of Karnataka. This Party proposes that, in case the Marathi
protagonists in Goa are in a position to obtain in Maharashtra for the
Konkani speaking people  the same rights  that they want in Goa for Marathi
speaking people, this party will fully back their efforts for equal status
for Marathi in Goa.

[Goanet]Re: Goan Cardiologist Among the Best of the Best

2005-06-17 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

> J.  Anthony Gomes, M.D., a Professor of Cardiology at the Mount Sinai 
> Center, New York City, has earned the rare distinction of being named one of 
> New York's best physicians
Dr. Gomes has earned that distinction before---some years ago, either Newsweek 
Magazine or New York Magazine conducted an annual poll that put him right at 
the top. In one instance, he was the only electrocardiologist mentioned!
May I also say that those of us who live in New York had discovered this 
modest man's true worth even before the magazines did. That is why I asked him 
to be my cardiologist many years ago, and though more recently he found me a 
specialist who had an office much closer to my home, I still think of Tony 
Gomes as one reason why I find myself in such good health today.
Besides the more than 200 medical papers he has to his credit, his personal 
passion is writing, and he writes eloquently and exultantly about Goa. A truly 
remarkable man.
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

[Goanet]Re: Willie the casteist

2005-06-17 Thread Tom & Carolina
 Dear Mr. Menezes,

 I have been in the far east working for the power stations and last 15
years in engineering contracting.
I don't and will never have casteist aspirations because that is not my

I get along well with different nationalities and in the past when I was in
Aldona was well known and popular.
Medicine is in our family;  My paternal and maternal grandparents, my
father, three sibling and not only in Goa, Bombay, Portugal, Hong Kong,
London, Australia and even Switzerland there are and have been doctors from
the de Sousa's clan.

 I know Willie very well and helped him set up his 1st. Consulting room
in Corte do Oiteiro, Boca de vaca in Panjim, during the 60's.  I definitely
refute the point that he is casteist but I seriously object to his treats of
constantly trying to topple the Government.

Thanks for your answer and hope to keep in touch through the net,
Tom de Sousa in Hong Kong

[Goanet]Re: Spare us this Rogue' gallery

2005-06-17 Thread Miguel Braganza
As usual, Ethel has penned her incisive thoughts well.Is the Dotor the Wiley 
Coyote among the Road Runners...or just Minnie of the Mickky mouse?

>HEART 2 HEART - Herald - June 12
>Dear Dr Wile Willy,
>Do you really want to go down as a rogue in Goa's political history? 
> Do you really think it's worth all that fuss playing Minnie Mouse in this 
unholy Walt Disney disaster? 

Viva Goa [ It is almost Sao Joao time!]

[Goanet]RE:Indigo a new Indian budget Airline?

2005-06-17 Thread Philip Thomas
[Marlon Menezes, June 16]

You are probably right about a bust following the boom. In the U.S. (in the
80s) and in Europe (in the 90s) airline bubbles have been followed by busts.
Asia may not be very different during this decade.

It is also true that everybody does complain about India's pathetic aviation
infrastructure. But maybe once Mumbai and Delhi are upgraded and the
Hyderabad and Bangalore airports come on stream -- all by 2010 at the latest
if all goes well -- things may begin to look different.

Until then I for one am rooting wildly for the low cost carriers to flood
the Indian skies. You see, that may be the only way to get the Navy to budge
at Dabolim. The Air Force is showing flexibility in Pune extending watch
hours by 4 hours a day so I dont see what is holding the Navy back here in
Goa! The Navy mindset may be as armourplated as its ships!

Besides, a big part of the aviation bottleneck in India may be due to the
military which controls 25 airports including Delhi where one runway is
reserved for the Air Force and there are severe air space restrictions.
There seems to be a persistent blindspot in aviation circles including the
media regarding this point. An urgent highlevel review and prudent
implementation may result in huge relief at airports in a single stroke!

Btw, arent you the guy who was pushing for maglev trains in Goa not so long
ago? Cheers.

[Goanet]FRIDAY BALCAO:Community involvement in tackling malaria in Goa.

2005-06-17 Thread Goa Desc

Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website

Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 24th June from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No. 11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa Ph. 2252660

TOPIC: Community involvement in tackling  malaria
  & other vector borne disease in Goa
SPEAKER: Dr. Dipak Kabadi  Dy. Director (NVBDCP)
Directorate of Health Services

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Get the BALCAO Synopsis monthly for Rs.100/-
Information is power, Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!
The FRIDAY BALCAO BOOKLET is available for RS.70/- only
Buy your personal copy and gift one to your relatives, neighbours and friends.
The information handbook that is a must in every Goan home.
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

Re: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-17 Thread Stephen Fernandes
not at all Willy will be CM if he become CM again he
have to rush to out of state if Rane come Down then
President rules are very best for our Goan State and
it will be Forever President rules >>.

Stephen Muscat --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Avelino,
> What Willy said about Congress may be right.
> Especially true, when the 
> president of Goa Congress and CM are both
> non-catholics. Why did 
> Congress not select a Catholic for one of these
> positions? Are Catholic 
> votes taken for granted by Congress?  It sure seems
> like. It appears to 
> me, it is OK if Congress discriminates against
> Catholics, but it is not 
> OK if BJP does it. Lets be fair and measure both
> these parites with the 
> same yardstick.
> If Parrikar supports Willy for CM, then we can get
> the best of both 
> worlds. The history shows that they were the best
> CM's of Goa.
> Regards,
> Carlos
> -Original Message-
> From: D'Souza, Avelino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: goanet@goanet.org
> Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:00:11 +0300
> Subject: RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??
> It seems, I may be wrong, that you have not followed
> what Willy said
> about Congress being more communal than BJP.
> In other words, BJP wants Willy to be CM by
> supporting NCP.  By doing
> so, BJP will have a say in the day to day
> functioning of the government
> which is secondary to Parrikar's plan.  The primary
> focus, as far as
> Parrikar is concerned, is to starve the BJP
> traitors, the infamous five,
> by keeping them away from juicy portfolios.
> Willy will behave like "a good one" in fresh saffron
> robes.
> Avelino
> Bastora/Kuwait
> ___
> Cip Fernandes wrote:
> Carlos,
> << Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a
> good one >>
> Could you please justify your statement with true
> premises?
> Your statement appears to be based either on
> assumptions well known to
> you
> or logical inconsistency.
> Further, I will appreciate your description of
> so-called "a good one".
> Personally, I do not have any dispute with either
> Carlos or Dr. Willy -
> my
> dispute is with Carlos' statement.
> Just curious!
> Cip
> ___
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16 June 2005 01:00
> Vivian,
> Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he
> will be a good one.
> Carlos
> Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
> himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
> spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
> It is obvious that this person is not committed to
> any
> ideology or principles. Chameleons !
> Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.

Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football 

[Goanet]OFFTOPIC: La Bamba...

2005-06-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Did you know? La Bamba, the 1958 Ritchie Valens version of which sold 
over a million copies, is a traditional 14th century song. The tune was 
made popular in Mexico in the 1800s by African slaves singing about their 
village of Mamamba. 

Frederick (FN) Noronha | Freelance Journalist | Mobile +91 9822 122436
Tel +91.832.2409490| http://fn.swiki.net  | http://www.bytesforall.net