[Goanet]Letter recieved from Governor of Goa

2005-03-11 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Dear Netizens,

Here is a letter received from His Excellency the
Governor of Goa Mr S C Jamir in reply to  feature
report "AGENDA during PRESIDENTS RULE".  

It would be appreciated if Goans world wide take this
opportunity to highlight issues of interest to the
State of Goa for redressal by His Excellency during
Presidents Rule.

Borda Margao Goa
Re letter to Governor 

Dear Sir,

This is in response to your email to the Governor
under the heading "Agenda during President’s Rule" . 
His Excellency has commented that you have raised some
good suggestions and given useful information which
should be urgently examined carefully for necessary
action. The consensus opinion of the people of Goa
today is that some corrective measures should be
brought about if the whole system is to be redeemed,
be it social, politics, or administration. His
Excellency also shares this view and is determined to
do something for which future generations of the State
would remember him by. The period of President’s Rule
is indeed, the time for all those who genuinely care
for the welfare of the people of Goa to come together,
put their heads together and steer the ship of the
State in the right direction.
May I, therefore, request you to adjust your schedules
so as to make it possible for you to interact with His
Excellency in the next few days?

With best regards,
Sebastian Zumvu
OSD to Governor
Raj Bhawan, Dona Paula
2453507 (O)
2453599 (R)
942223 (M)

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[Goanet]ZIlla Panchayat elections -2005 a damp squib

2005-03-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Amidst a raging inconclusive debate of India's tiny
25th State(13.43 lacs 2001 census (Prov) )  being
over-represented in governance, nearly  46.5 %voters
(as confirmed from State election officer) went to the
polls on this otherwise pleasant morning on Sunday
13th March,2005  from 0800 hrs to 1700 hrs to elect 48
members of the 197 candidates ---to the North Goa
Zilla Panchayat and South Goa Zilla Panchayat. 

The polling was obviously lack lustre and incident
free when this writer visited most of the areas in
North and South  (given the political developments
since 29th January 2005 to 4th March 2005 and
Presidents Rule with Assembly in suspended animation. 

Counting of ballots will be held on 15th March, 2005.

Two candidates were elected unopposed viz; Ms Jenifer
Monserate Taleigao seat (reserved for women) (spouse
of Atanasio (Babush) Monserate ex MLA of Taleigao and 
his "man friday" Mr Antonio Silveira from Agacaim seat
( brother of MLA St Andre Mr Francisco Silveira) both
in North Goa Zilla Panchayat. 

With the 73 Constitutional amendment it was necessary
to have two tier Panchayats in Goa in 1994 following
the Goa Panchayati Raj Act .  Thus there were  189
Village Panchayats  (first elections were in 1962 and
under new Act in 1994 ). 

The  Zilla Panchayats came into force North Goa 30 and
South Goa 20 with 8 seats reserved for women and one
each for SC and OBC and 5 seats reserved for women and
one seat each  for SC and OBC  reserved in North and
South respectively, and first such  election held on
6.2.2000 and took office in March 2000 
There is a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson for both
districts and of the 21 subjects needed to be alloted
to then only 5 have been given during the erstwhile

Being elected without having powers have discouraged
the citizens and sitting members from contesting the

Candidates do not contest on political party tickets
but surely have the covert support of those in power.

The reason for Members of the Legislative Assembly not
parting with the powers to  Village Panchayats, Zilla
Panchayats, Municipalities and now Corporation is

The MLA whose predominant job is to be  law maker   at
the State level (alike their counterparts the Member 
of Parliament at the Centre ) ---in the true spirit of
the Constitution of India, and deal with policy
matters on various subjects in the State and
Concurrent List actually pay scant regard for law
making but -- are comfortable with interfering in
the domain of the local bodies to enforce their writ
on the voters. Most of the MLAs and now MPs as well
are first generation literates and have knowledge
limited to the village and taluka level and not beyond
-- to consider them knowledgeable in matters general
or in art of governance in the State and rest of the
country would be a joke in their own admission--
notwithstanding the fact that most of them are

It is because of this mindset and tendency that MLAs
run to inaugurate "Sulabh" toilets or setting up of  
a transformer,  asphalting the  road etc when these
come under the domain of Panchas, Zilla Panchayat
members Councillors or Corporators.

It is to be seen whether during the Presidents rule
necessary ordinances are brought about to allot all
the subjects to these local bodies and thereby force
the MLAs and MPs to concentrate on law making. Atleast
the voters could ensure this if they do not invite
them for such functions which are ordinarily the
preserve of the local bodies.

Meanwhile there were no electoral voting machines used
but the ballot papers were in vogue.

There were attempts earlier to stall the elections on
the grounds that delimitation of the constituencies
were not carried giving due representation to those
that opposed some of the changes -- there was also a
demand to allot constituencies for the STs which have
been ignored.

Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet]Tremors --- cause mild panic in GOA

2005-03-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At 1514 hrs IST a mild tremor admeasuring 5.1 on the
Richter scale was felt in areas of Vasco da Gama
Mormugao Harbour etc.

Following the tremor some people went out of their
work places as a precautionary measure.  With
cellphones in vogue "sms" messages were received and
frentic enquiries were made by one other to ascertain
the safety of ones kith and kin.

The Goa Observatory, Tel No +91 0832 2225547 confirmed
to this writer telephonically at 1520 hrs and 1640 hrs
that the epicentre of the quake was 190 kms off Koyna
Dam in Maharastra.

There are no reports of casualties thus far, but this
writer confirmed telephonically that even at Polem and
Dodamarg there were tremors felt.  

At Panaji those in  dilapidated structured buildings
were a little panic stricken.

There have been several tremors of the intensity
around 5.3 on the Richter scale experienced ever since
the Tsunami struck on that fateful 26th December 2004
last, in the Andamans, Assam 

The mindset has therefore been atuned to such
occurences  the tension however arises when one is
away from ones kith and kin and this was the reason
why the telecom services were inudated with frentic

But for those that were on the move they had hardly
ocassion to experience the same.  

This writer felt the tremor while on the fourth floor
of a building and hence contacted the Goa Observatory
immediately for factual data.

According to information received from the Railways
mild tremors were felt at Chiplun and Mumbai but there
has been no disruption of train movement.

While religious fundamentalists believe such recurring
tremors world wide as instances of  the wrath of God
there are others who firmly believe that in the land
of "Goencho Saib" nothing untoward can happen.

The only message thus --- is do not panic- 

>From the Mormugao Harbour end


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[Goanet]SC --further hearing on Goa case 28/03/3005

2005-03-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
According to a telephonic message recieved this
evening the  matter of ex CM Mr Manohar Parrikar came
up for hearing today as scheduled but following the
developments and imposition of Presidents rule the SC
directed further hearing only after two weeks i.e

This is perhaps because Parliament needs to ratify or
otherwise the imposition of Presidents rule and
suspended animation of the House.  If ratified
Presidents rule stays if not the Rane Government comes
back to power.  But alternatively Mr Parrikars
government could also be reinstated if by the then the
SC decides on  

The issues  

a) whether the Governor could dismiss a duly elected
Government (BJP/UGDP) which has proved its majority on
the floor of the House after winning a vote of

b) whether the Governor has jurisdiction to arbitrate 
on the legality of the Speaker's action .

c) whether the Governor could disregard the Speaker's
report (Mr Vishwas Satarkars BJP ) and take a decision
on his own assessment to dismiss a Government which
has proved its majority?

But due to several uncertainties -- there is one card
the BJP is anxiously awaiting to play-- though many in
its fold do not suscribe to this view and hence the

The results of the Zilla Panchayat elections (50 seats
30 in the North and 20 in the South) are expected by
late evening tommorrow. 

Though these elections are not fought on political
party basis the BJP has backed several candidates --- 

>From voting percentages and trends recorded in the
Novas Conquistas which are predominantly Hindu
dominated constituencies comparatively the ground
swell appears to be in favour of the BJP,  as there
was lesser enthusiasm in the Velhas Conquistas
---predominantly Catholic dominated constituencies  

If this trend is reflected in the results tommorow the
BJP would take the bold step of resigning enmasse and
going for fresh polls -- much to the dislike of the
INC who feel preety secure to go in for by elections
to the five seats and await the outcome of the
election petition filed against the two sitting BJP
MLAs which appear to go in favour of the INC combine
as they argue that there is still two and half years
term of the present Assembly to be completed June 2007

The INC mission to New Delhi was to convince the High
Command the Centre on this score.

Meanwhile the Jarkhand vote of confidence by NDA CM
Arjun Munda is slated tomorrow and hence the SC
hearing Mr Munda petition disposed of the same in the
light of the developments.

Only if Sibu Soren of the UPA INC backed can stage a
comeback there may be a case for the High Command to
revoke Presidents rule in the State and install the
Rane Government -- but this appears to be a  remote
possibility in Jarkhand atleast as things stand and
the PMs no nonsense approach to the unsavoury Jarkhand
and Goa developments which some believe has tarnished
his and Madam Gandhis fair image-- giving the NDA a
handle to slur the favourable Budget proposals which
is a feather in the cap for the UPA government at the


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[Goanet]Goa ZP elections start pouring in

2005-03-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
There were crowds present at the Counting Halls in
both Borda Fatorda Margao and Panaji this early
morning as the ballots were being set on tables for
the counting of votes. 

The results of the first victor was announced a
shortwhile ago on the State Election Commmissions
Zilla Panchayat website http://zpelections.goa.nic.in
wherein Mr Remegio Peidade Jose Francis Fernandes of
Nuvem in South Goa District Constituency was declared
elected polling 4819 votes.

Other results are to follow, as the day goes by.

from the Multipurpose Hall Borda

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet]Dissolution of Assembly or Bye - elections by 15 May ?

2005-03-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With the summer heat descending in Goa post
"Mahashivratri" end of the cold season--- during the
days  , and dawn witnessing an unexpected chill and
dew, there are threats of seismic  tremors,  a repeat
Tsunami both at sea and in politics, students in  XII
& SSC and later Arts Science Commerce faculties facing
the term end examinations and an uncertainty of the
Central Entrance Test exams following Supreme Court
directives for students desirous of admission to the
professional colleges -- 

Goa and Goans are in for an unwarranted   flux
situation following the untimely mid term "abortion of
the Parrikar Government" 
The Zilla Panchayat elections just concluded has the
INC politicians rejoicing that the ground swell in
majority of the total 50 seats (30 in North and 20 in
South) has gone in their favour much to the chagrin of
the BJP --but this does not seem, genuine analysis as
in many of the constituencies which have a triangular
or more contestants, have together polled much more
votes than the winning candidates -- of either the BJP
or the INC backed candidates and therefore merely
satisfies the "first past the post principle".

But despite this the INC MLAs dread to face a fresh
Assembly elections though the masses in Goa opt for
fresh elections and not bye elections to the six 
seats (except Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency MP 
Mr Churchill Alemao who is a votary for fresh
elections in the State).  

According to some sources that this writer spoke to in
New Delhi and in the capital Panaji late this evening
-- there is an  apprehension that some political
fallouts of the Jarkhand and Goa issue is expected
besides   Bihar. 

There are unconfirmed reports that there may be a
Union Cabinet expansion now that the Vote of Acount
has been passed by the Lok Sabha , Presidents rule
ratified for Goa and Bihar besides a small reshuffle
of portfolios involving  among some others Mr Laloo
Prasad Yadav and Mr Ram Vilas Paswan one surrendering
the Railway Ministry as a quid pro quo for the Chief
Ministership of the State of Bihar . 

The Governor of Goa Mr S C Jamir who is currently out
of the State for a week and the Governor of Jarkhand
Mr Sibtey Razi may be replaced and taken in the Union
Cabinet, with replacements to fill their vacancies,
during the Holy Week (observed by Christians).

The BJP in Goa has nothing to lose thus far because
they expect a Tsunami of another kind this time
infighting within the United Legislators Party (INC
NCP and MGP besides the newly "christened" ex MLAs )

a) when it comes to  elections for Heads of Zilla
Panchayats North and South Goa expected next week

b) and allotment of party tickets to candidates for
the Benaulim. Poinguinim  Margao Velim seats in South
Goa and Taleigao Cumbarjua  if the bye elections are
held (the tentative date is   on 15th May, 2005 ) 

But the " hate Parrikar " phobia does not seem to have
faded away yet in the commercial city of Margao. 

At a well attended meet this evening at the Our Lady
of Grace Church Hall 21 citizens passed a resolution
drafted by the "Nitoll Jinn" (Clean Life) Trust"
headed by Mr Arvind Bhatikar IAS (retd) ex Chairman of
Mormugao Port Trust, Mr Uday L Bhemmbre (Advocate) Dr
Francisco Colaco eminent Cardiologist Mr Bernard Souza
Advocate Mr Datta D Naik  Builder Mr Jose Maria
Miranda demanding that the Governor of Goa Mr S C
Jamir take up issues of corruption and communal acts
IFFI works Khareband and Mungul bridges, EDC ODI scam
Pendse report undetected murders Ms Cynthia etc the
Miramar Sex scandal burning of the Masjid, renaming of
roads, vandalism at the "Paco Patriacal" during the
Parrikar regime.  

Ironically while the speakers claimed that the "Nitol
Jin" is apolitical and does not owe alleigence to
either the INC or the BJP their tirade was directed
towards the BJP MLA's and their  four year rule and
their lone supporter the UGDP MLA Mr Mathany Saldhana
while they commended the action (resignation of)  Mr
Digamber Kamat MLA Margao

Another speaker Mr N (Naik) Shivdas of Ponda a teacher
created a mild flutter when he stated that it was only
the Catholic Community that brought in the BJP to Goa
referring to Dr Wilfred De Souza and Mr Francisco
Fernandes --- but he failed to castigate the leaders
of the Maharastra Gomantak Party ( Lion symbol) who in
fact were the first to allow the Lotus (BJP) to mount
their Lion and allow its annihlation despite the party
having a tolerably high vote bank in the New Conquests
till date and an MLA in power.

The Nitoll Jinn apprehends an undercurrent of fear of
re-emergence of Mr Parrikar who Mr Datta Naik one
of the trustees in his own words admitted to be a 
good friend and had supported him initally  to give
Goa a clean administration but became disillusioned
for some "obvious  reasons " later though now it is
communalism card that is being played in the Velhas

The repeated demand for plugging of loopholes in the
Right to Information Act and the need to re-cast it

[Goanet]INC - Goa backstabbing comes to fore

2005-03-29 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Indian National Congress in Goa has still to come
to grips with the ground reality if they are to rule
the State in the near future.  Having been out of
power since October 2000 for well over 4 years and
three months the veteran MLAs of the Party should have
realised to maintain not a SEMBLANCE OF UNITY - either
by show of hands or being photographed as
brothers/sister in arms but by Unity wedded to the
ideology of the oldest political party in India.

Having given ex CM Manohar Parrikar a decent burial
atleast for the moment on 2nd February 2005 the first
trouble started when Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu missed
the ministerial seat. He immediately retaliated and
demanded his pound of flesh (though justifiedly for he
had the maximum pressnotes against Parrikar regime
whether they had merit or otherwise is academic).

Then came the unfortunate Presidents rule which showed
the INC in bad taste the High Command did not
understand the ground realities home and poor Mr
Pratapsing Raoji Rane who was just enjoying the CM's
throne for the 5th term --- actually this crown fell
on his lap owing to the TINA factor (there is no
alternative) with more leaders among the 15 elected
members then followers -- every body wants the CM

Then came another mixed opportunity the Zilla Parishad
elections where the first past the post is the victor
-- never mind the fact that in triangular or more
contests their  cummulative votes polled far exceeded
the winning candidates votes.  The INC claimed the
ground swell was in their favour but ironically shied
away from dissolution and fresh elections to the
Legislative Assembly.

Now came the shocking volte face and a grim reminder
to the High Command that the INC in Goa is back at its
old game --- too many leaders all stabbing behind the

Last moment saw the man responsible for the Tsunami
that swept the over 4 year old BJP led government
getting his spouse a Panch of the VP Taleigao not only
creating a record of sorts of getting elected to ZP
unopposed but also being elected unopposed to the
North Goa Zilla Panchayat, after Mr Atanasio (Babush )
Monserrate played his trump card at last moment ---
"its either Jennifer or I quit the INC" and the magic
did work . Mr Rajendra Gawade elected unopposed as
Vice Chairperson.

But the shocking part came today when the Alemaos
(brothers the MP   and MLA ) official choice Joe Dias
whose candidtature for the South Goa ZP Chairperson
was trounced by Curtorim ZP member Mr Reginald
Lourenco filing his nomination contesting and getting
elected this morning for the post of Chairperson of
the South Goa ZP while Savita Kushali Velip of Fatorpa
was elected Vice Chairperson.

The North Goa Chairperson seat and the South Vice
Chairperson seat is reserved for women.

 The message is loud and clear even assuming the INC
wins the five seats for which bye elections to the
Assembly constituencies are held with enough of
infighting development will suffer in Goa.

Therefore with todays development many voters who this
writer contacted approved of dissolution of Assembly
forthwith and called for fresh elections with a rider
all the seasoned MLAs should be denied a ticket and
young blood inducted --- a la Kamraj Plan --- where
the then late Chief Minister Mr Kamraj adopted the
strategy of senior politicians concentrating on party
organisational build up leaving the legislature to
their minions.  After all the Party is above
individuals and the Party policies alone can guide the
elected representatives.

Meanwhile the semblance of United Legislative Party
consisting of INC NCP MGP and Independent seems to be
given a decent burial--- for the NCP lone MLA Dr
Wilfred Anthony De Souza has admitted that the ULP has
no purpose of existence when the Assembly is under
suspended animation and State under Presidents Rule.
The reason is that he is keen on seeing that NCP
contests the Benaulim seat with Francisco Mickey
Pacheco as the candidate in the event a bye election
is held.  The UGDP has also staked its claim for seats
it has contested in June 2002 and the MGP which has
been partially revived from comatose has also
threatened to contest in its strongholds viz Cumbarjua
against the INC candidate Mr Pandurang Madkaikar.

The BJP members are therefore having the last laugh
obviously for their rise to power has been only due to
the then MGP Executive Committee allowing its "lion"
to be swallowed by the lotus and subsequently the
infighting of the INC increasing its numbers and
ultimate rule in the state since October 2000.

With the BJP celebrating on 6th April their Silver
Jubilee -25 years since formation with the L K Advani
and Atal Behari Vajpayee at the helm of affairs (old
Jan Sanghis( of which the present BJP has been carved
)like Balraj Mahadhok have been unceremoniously cast
into limbo) they can only rest assured that come fresh
elections they can easily win 25 seats in the State
Assembly majority in the Novas Conquistas and atleast
six in the Velhas Con

[Goanet]INC Goa back stabbing comes to the fore

2005-03-29 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Indian National Congress in Goa has still to come
to grips with the ground reality if they are to rule
the State in the near future.  Having been out of
power since October 2000 for well over 4 years and
three months the veteran MLAs of the Party should have
realised to maintain not a SEMBLANCE OF UNITY - either
by show of hands or being photographed as
brothers/sister in arms but by Unity wedded to the
ideology of the oldest political party in India.

Having given ex CM Manohar Parrikar a decent burial
atleast for the moment on 2nd February 2005 the first
trouble started when Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu missed
the ministerial seat. He immediately retaliated and
demanded his pound of flesh (though justifiedly for he
had the maximum pressnotes against Parrikar regime
whether they had merit or otherwise is academic).

Then came the unfortunate Presidents rule which showed
the INC in bad taste the High Command did not
understand the ground realities home and poor Mr
Pratapsing Raoji Rane who was just enjoying the CM's
throne for the 5th term --- actually this crown fell
on his lap owing to the TINA factor (there is no
alternative) with more leaders among the 15 elected
members then followers -- every body wants the CM

Then came another mixed opportunity the Zilla Parishad
elections where the first past the post is the victor
-- never mind the fact that in triangular or more
contests their  cummulative votes polled far exceeded
the winning candidates votes.  The INC claimed the
ground swell was in their favour but ironically shied
away from dissolution and fresh elections to the
Legislative Assembly.

Now came the shocking volte face and a grim reminder
to the High Command that the INC in Goa is back at its
old game --- too many leaders all stabbing behind the

Last moment saw the man responsible for the Tsunami
that swept the over 4 year old BJP led government
getting his spouse a Panch of the VP Taleigao not only
creating a record of sorts of getting elected to ZP
unopposed but also being elected unopposed to the
North Goa Zilla Panchayat, after Mr Atanasio (Babush )
Monserrate played his trump card at last moment ---
"its either Jennifer or I quit the INC" and the magic
did work . Mr Rajendra Gawade elected unopposed as
Vice Chairperson.

But the shocking part came today when the Alemaos
(brothers the MP   and MLA ) official choice Joe Dias
whose candidtature for the South Goa ZP Chairperson
was trounced by Curtorim ZP member Mr Reginald
Lourenco filing his nomination contesting and getting
elected this morning for the post of Chairperson of
the South Goa ZP while Ms Veena Cardozo of Velim
deafeating Savita Kushali Velip of Fatorpa
was elected Vice Chairperson.

The North Goa Chairperson seat and the South Vice
Chairperson seat is reserved for women.

This is a clear instance of Mr Luizinho Faleiro the
blue eyed boy and Man Friday of Madam Sonia Gandhi to
spite the Alemao's tall claim of being responsible for
the re-vival of the INC hopes in Goa.

 The message is loud and clear even assuming the INC
wins the five seats for which bye elections to the
Assembly constituencies are held with enough of
infighting development will suffer in Goa.

Therefore with todays development many voters who this
writer contacted approved of dissolution of Assembly
forthwith and called for fresh elections with a rider
all the seasoned MLAs should be denied a ticket and
young blood inducted --- a la Kamraj Plan --- where
the then late Chief Minister Mr Kamraj adopted the
strategy of senior politicians concentrating on party
organisational build up leaving the legislature to
their minions.  After all the Party is above
individuals and the Party policies alone can guide the
elected representatives.

Meanwhile the semblance of United Legislative Party
consisting of INC NCP MGP and Independent seems to be
given a decent burial--- for the NCP lone MLA Dr
Wilfred Anthony De Souza has admitted that the ULP has
no purpose of existence when the Assembly is under
suspended animation and State under Presidents Rule.
The reason is that he is keen on seeing that NCP
contests the Benaulim seat with Francisco Mickey
Pacheco as the candidate in the event a bye election
is held.  The UGDP has also staked its claim for seats
it has contested in June 2002 and the MGP which has
been partially revived from comatose has also
threatened to contest in its strongholds viz Cumbarjua
against the INC candidate Mr Pandurang Madkaikar.

The BJP members are therefore having the last laugh
obviously for their rise to power has been only due to
the then MGP Executive Committee allowing its "lion"
to be swallowed by the lotus and subsequently the
infighting of the INC increasing its numbers and
ultimate rule in the state since October 2000.

With the BJP celebrating on 6th April their Silver
Jubilee -25 years since formation with the L K Advani
and Atal Behari Vajpayee at the helm of affairs (old
Jan Sanghis( of which the present BJP has been carve

[Goanet]Digamber Kamat ushered into INC amidst disunity in ranks

2005-03-30 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Margao the cultural and commercial centre and the
cradle of politics in Goa --- dominated by the Brahmin
community witnessed the re-entry of Digamber Kamat
native of Assolna, now residing in Margao back into
the INC at a special function held this evening from
1603 hrs until 1904 hrs

Ideally this ought to be a red letter day.   MP
Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency and ex CM Mr
Churchill Braz Alemao who claimed credit for "netting"
a "suffocating" Digu bab from the BJP like a prodigal
son was conspicuous by his absence  alongwith brother
Joaquim Alemao. 

The reason was obvious the defeat of the party
candidate  and his "bete noir" Mr Joe for the
Chairperson of the South Goa Zilla Panchayat post was 
cause enough for  frustration.  He labelled GPCC
President Mr Faleiro as the culprit for this betrayal
or a stab in the back.

Thus when GPCC President rose to speak  one senior
citizen  in the near fully occupied Gomant Vidya
Niketan Hall Margao stood up and  bluntly rebuked Mr
Luizinho Faleiro  --stating bluntly that "one needs
first to bring UNITY within  party man".   This
received a thunderous applause from those assembled
and became the litmus test of the general scorn with
which INC voters look at the faction riddled party in

Some of the speakers were Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu Ms
Victoria Fernandes Mr Francisco Silveira Mr
Chandrakant Kawlekar  Mr Ravi Naik Mr Subhash
Shirodkar all MLAs (some of them were suspected
earlier to be hobnobbing with the BJP and therefore
are made to speak at all such ocassions) Mr Shantaram
Naik ex MP .  In fact the crowd was essentially filled
with migrant Moslems and Bahujan Samaj with a sprinkle
of the traditional Catholic voters but the Saraswat
brahmins were conspicuous by their absence.

Most of the ruling Councillors  of the Margao
Municipal Council were also absent.

Mr Digamber Kamat in his 12 minute speech clarified to
the audience that in the last two years he felt that
"consultation"  was lacking in the BJP --- it was a
one man decision and others party MLAs were told about
it only after an outside  coterie decided on issues
and events.   Even an issue as important as
dissolution of the Assembly in February 2002 was
conveyed to Mr Ravi Naik then Dy CM by Mr Parrikar
only in the morning of dissolution.

Therefore he felt sidelined and hence took this step
of resigning according to his conscience --- His
spouse was also seated on the dais.  He countered the
charge of betrayal citing the example how Mr Parrikar
claimed it was a historic moment (actually this is the
practice under the amended antidefection law) when Mr
Isidore Fernandes resigned from INC and joined BJP
contested and was re-elected--- He therefore saw
nothing wrong in his decision roo --- allegations of
taking crores were refuted because he admitted that he
was a son of a money lender yet led a humble life and
stayed in an apartment for the last over 15 years and
his doors always open to the public.

He stated that power is an essential service and
irrespective of constituencies whether it was Quepem
or Poinguinim  constituencies held by INC then he had
always even while in the BJP ensured light to the

He claimed to be easily assesible to the masses
whether it was a midnight call to accompany someone to
the Hospital or explain the power failure he always
attended to such calls even late nights to serve his

He challenged the audience and reaffirmed that even in
the Department of Electricity the linesman have always
held him in high esteem.  (It is however a fact that
most of the accidental deaths also occured during his
three five year term that he held the Power portfolio)

He credited his entry into public life since 1980 in
the Goa Bhagyatadar Agricultural Produce Marketing
committee wherein 13 of his panel members were elected
and in 12 years of the Chairmanship there was not a
single allegation of corruption against him. Pointing
out to Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu MLA Pernem seated on
the dais he stated that Mr Desphrabhu was the one man
opposition then always castigating the BJP on issues
of corruption but had never made an iota of charge
against him which was proof enough of his integrity.

He also  expressed disgruntlment over the fact that
while 22 Mamlatdars and 31 Assistant Sub Inspectors
were recruited in Goa not a single Margaoite was

He admitted that he managed to turn around the Power
department profits from 20 crores to 150 crores which
was a record of sorts.  There was no power failures in
Margao.  (just  then the power failure occured and the
audience burst into peels of  laughter on two such

He maintained that he credited the citizens of Margao
for having elected him both as Councillor and thrice
as MLA though he was also defeated by a paltry 400 and
odd votes on one ocassion  (which incidentally led him
to switch sides into the BJP at the next hustings in
1994 )   For him his vision was "maza shahar maza
ganv"  and towards this  end h


2005-04-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While Catholics world over mourn the demise of  His
Holiness the   Pope ---John Paul II a Polish native 
born at Krakow Poland on 18th May 1920 , named  Karol
Josef Wojtyla this writer remembers the ocassion of
his visit to Goa in 1986.

On that  red letter date 6.2.1986 there was a
multitude of devotees of all faiths assembled hours
before break of dawn at the Campal stadium.  A huge
metal cross (now located at Karai in Shiroda Ponda
Taluka ) formed the backdrop of a tastefully decorated

This writer had otherwise no prospects of an
opportunity then to have a glimpse of the Pope in the
vast sea of humanity that had converged at Campal.

Suddenly by intuition  it occured to this writer that
the most vintage spot could at best  be the route the
Pope would take from the "Paco Patriacal " (
Archbishops Palace)(where he stayed on his arrival on
5th February, 1986  from the Dabolim airport ) on the
road via the Polytechnic College Altinho downhill
leading towards the venue.  There were hardly any
people just the residents of the few houses in that

At around 9.20 on 6th February, 1986 on a clear cold
morning ,a radiant humble cheerful reddened faced
looking Pope standing in a bullet proof fibre glass
encased  atop a specially designed " Popemobile "
moved steadily blessing the faithfully on either sides
of the road.  

As the motorcade neared us on an almost  spontaneous
spiritual reverence several Hindu and Moslem women and
children residents on either sides of the road fell on
their knees and this writer too followed suit as the
Popemobile approached us.  The Holy Father was moved
by this act of obeisance the vehicle stopped
momentarily and His Holinees smiled and gracefully
blessed us profusely twice over instantly we rushed
and touched the Popemobile as if in acknowledgement of
his blessings.

It was the closest we could get to the Pope thankfully
this part of the route did not have the armed
constabulary  as seen elsewhere and at the venue. 

This security was needed there following the
assasination attempt by an young Turk Mehmet Ali Agca
who fired and critically injured the Pope on 13th May,
1981 at Rome.  After that the  Pontifical Mass took
place but for the few of  us it was a mission -- to
see the Pope closest and recieve his blessings was

Earlier  this writer as a child also chanced to have a
close look almost at arms length to see Pope John Paul
the VI when he came to Mumbai (now Bombay) on   2nd
December 1964 for the International Eucharistic
Congress held at the Oval Maidan in Mumbai (then
Bombay ) from 2nd December to 5th December 1964 .  The
especially erected altar was the venue where  the huge
multitude had gathered while late Cardinal Valerian
Gracias of Bombay, a native of  Telaulim in Navelim
Salcete Goa did the honours on the ocassion. 

This Pope (John Paul VI) travelled in an open
limousine (there were no terrorists fears in India
then) and he waved to the huge multitude present on
either sides of the road, from the the Santa Cruz
airport via Byculla -- Gloria Church to the venue. We
were fortunate to see him at close quarters as the
motorcade  glided along the road Opposite the Byculla
Railway Station.  The car used by the Pope was later
purchased by film actor Raj Kapoor at an auction sale.

The Shiv Sena unit was not born then niether was  the
Jan Sangh Party spitting venom .
"Religion is opium for the masses " wrote George
Bernard Shaw and indeed it is.  Too many rituals
incorporated in religion has alienated the preachings
from  being put in practice.  While religion is a
personal issue for those who believe in the faith,
this Pope who was otherwise not taken too kindly in
the early years of his Pontificate since 16th October
1978 by the Conservative Italian people slowly but
surely turned out to be an icon of the time tested
teachings of the Catholic way of life .  The dignity
and sanctity of Life and Human values. 

His profound passion for prayer as the 264th successor
of St Peter induced the faithful to undo what many
believed that Christian religion had made man a
Prisoner of one's Conscience  

In his deeds and actions in his over 26 years of reign
(the longest as compared to his predecessors) he chose
to send the message --- NO ONE CAN DECIEVE ONES
TO THE GROUND REALITIES --- this distinguished him
from several others and endeared him to his flock he
leaves behind. 

His bold admission of regret for the Inquisition the
Holocaust and his visit to a Mosque and repentence for
the past sins of the Church were  a testimony that he
unlike many Catholics in todays world had chose to
preach and practice according to the DICTATES OF ONES
CONSCIENCE -- that alone gave him the longest tenure
of Papacy and to transit away from this world into the
hands of our Creator

Surely his words deeds and action will etch out  an
indelible mark on the Papacy for Catholics world over 

[Goanet]GULAL --- ZAMBAULIM - Sanguem

2005-04-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Today 5th April 2005 Margao the commercial and cultural capital of Goa, also  
an important city in Salcete, South Goa District wore a near partial deserted 
look this afternoon onwards with many commercial establishments of the Hindus 
(Goan) closed.

It was the festival "gulal" (red colour powder) at Zambaulim, in Sanguem 
taluka nearly 21.7 kms from here This festival has a great significance 
essentially for the Hindu Saraswat Brahmins   ( and now the Margao based " 
noveau riche" Hindu Bahujan (non Brahmin)Samaj mainly "posorkars" traders.

The temple of Lord Damodar is now re located on the banks of the river 
Kushavati in Sanguem Taluka after it was shifted during the Inquisition in 
1565 from its original site at Modsai-Tembim , Velho Mercado, Margao where the 
present Holy Spirit Church now stands.

There is no recorded history to ascertain exactly why the Cristaos also were 
seen  visiting  this temple. Apparently it is believed that pagan worship pre-
1980s mainly among the traditional artisans and workers or the Brahminico-
Cristao "amalgam" witnessed since the Portuguese rule in the Velhas Conquistas 
(Old Conquests of Salcete Mormugao Ilhas and Bardez)  was the reason for this 
joint devotion.  

But after  evangelisation and  Healing Ministries started taking shape whether 
at Valankani in Nagappatinam Tamil Nadu or now Potta in Kerala and other sects 
like the Believers etc gained roots among the Roman Catholic faithful these 
devoutinal visits to Zambaulim by Cristaos have definitely minimised.

Polarisation of religious affinities is evident with traits of 
fundamentalism   among the Hindus and Catholics gaining foot in the territory 
since the late nineties.

However some Cristaos who like this writere still believe -strongly that 
all religions lead to one God even to this day pay obeisance to Lord 

After the rituals -- were performed at 1500 hrs the devotees began to smear 
one another with red gulal (powder)  but only on males --- No colour is 
sprinkled on females.  Thereafter they bathed themselves in the river 
Kushavati --- which  originates from the Western ghats -obviously it is 
believed to have healing powers as well.  

Newly weds also were seen paying  obeisance to Lord Damodar during this 

The entire organisation of the festivities is carried out by the 
Mathagramastha Hindu Sabha.

Hitherto Late Anant (Babu) Narcinva Naik veteran politician was the  President 
of the Committee followed by his son Pandurang (Bhai) Anant Naik.

Preceding the festival there are daily religious functions held thro the 
nights and community meals is served to all the devoutees at the temple 
courtyard after huge donations are collected from the residents
(Hindu Brahmins) of Margao
It is significant to note that while prior to Liberation most of the 
commercial establishments in Margao were owned by the Cristaos it is only after
1964 that the Cristaos have slowly "lost" most of their shops to the Hindu 
Saraswat Brahmins   ( and now the Margao based " noveau riche" Hindu Bahujan 
(non Brahmin)Samaj mainly "posorkars" traders

On the day of "gulal" one can now easily count the number of Cristao shops as 
most of the Hindu ) shops remain  closed after noon.

Today however there was a slight difference. With the large scale migration of 
non Goan Hindus from North India and other parts  most of the shops or 
commercial activities are now owned by migrants 

Muslims (from Karnataka) control business related to viz fruit,vegetable / 
auto-rickshaws mini-buses motorcycle North Indians/Keralites  (crafts/textiles
carpenters/masons/plumbers/interior decorators and Catholics 
(bakeries/resturant/fast food/beauty parlours etc) Maharashtrian 
(garment/tourist taxi drivers) the city does NOT reflect the non commercial 
activity as witnessed  in the past on this ocassion.

Also with almost every one having a two or a four wheeler the pressure on 
private bus transport has eased however the traffic becomes unmanageable after
the "gulal" at Zambaulim  and thereafter in the late evenings. 

This festivity has also witnessed some tragedies -- in the past either by 
drowning "in situ" on the ocassion or some other fatal accident following 
excessive merriment.

This afternoon unfortunately there was a pall of gloom in Aquem Margao 
following a  collision of two motorcycles resulting in the  death of two 
youths both students.



2005-04-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Yet again tragedy struck one at Zambaulim "Gulal"
festival at Sanguem yesterday 5/4/2005.  Young Vinod 
Kurade 29  years  a cobbler,  having a shop,Opp
Pimpalkatta   near the T G Borker Stationery shop
First Gate New market Margao died of drowning in the
River Kushavati after the celebrations of "gulal"
sprinkling of red colour.

It is not known what exactly caused the drowning but
such is the enthusiasm of the revellers that unmindful
of the crowds that bathe in the river every one
plunges into the deep waters after the smearing of
"gulal". Young Kurade was apparently jostled while
diving and his  head struck on a stone at the foot of
the river. With the river reddened it is difficult to
gauge bleeding and apparently this must have resulted
in his untimely death 

Though attempts were made to revitalise his crucial
organs by the time he was brought to Hospicio at
Margao it was too late.

late Kurade was known to this writer since birth and
was known to be very active and agile,  residing
Behind the Presentation Convent Margao.

In another significant coincidence the uncle of late
Sudarshan Redkar one of the two youths who died in
yesterdays tragic motorcycle accident at Aquem in
Margao on the day of Gulal -- had also  met a tragic
fate in 1975  on the ocassion of "Gulal" but  at
Zambaulim when he was bodily lifted and thrown in the
air by his college mates (he was a student of Smt
Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science)  
indulging in merriment after "Gulal"  but instead of
holding him after the leap into the air he fell flat
on the ground resulting in his instant death.

There have been several tragedies in the past on this
ocassion --- one can however niether  decipher --- its
religious significance if any  --- nor  can one
attribute it readily to the wrath of God (pensao)

However Lord Damodar is otherwise  held in such high
reverence that every Monday at Damodar Temple Old
Market Rua Abbe de Faria Margao  the Hindus visit it
religiously to pay obeisance. 

There is also a belief that unless Lord Damodar
signifies his consent --- by the fall of a leaf --
none would venture into any activity. 

Politicians or those aspiring to be one or contest the
elections visit the Lord Damodar to invoke his
blessings and seek "his consent" for their actions.  

In the early nineties the "plot"  to form the
Progressive Democratic Front Government of Mr Proto
Barbosa, Mr Ramakant Khalap, and Churchill Alemao 
after   splitting the INC and unceremoniously
unseating then Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane
was formed only after the above politicians sought the
blessings of Lord Damodar at the Margao temple,
offering the traditional "naal" .  It is not uncommon
to hear from Hindus who swear in the name of "Dam Bab"
to justify their acts.


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[Goanet]Red letter day for SHREE MAHALSA DEVALAYA - Verna (Old Mardol) Salcete Goa

2005-05-01 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This morning 2nd May 2005 on a hot air sunny
atmosphere amidst the slogans of "Jai Shree Ram" and "
Bharat Mata ki jai" by a small section of the over
3000 strong audience and  a thunderous applause, His
Holiness, Jagadguru Sri Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamigal
of Sringeri Sharada Peetham dedicated the Shree Mhalsa
Narayani Devalaya at Verna Salcete South Goa District
Goa India  to the people of Goa, today at 1108 hrs IST
at the Old Mardol Temple site (behind the Verna Police

The present President of the "Shree Mahalsa Narayani
Devalaya Punarudhar (Restoration) Samiti " Mr R G
Desai of Ponda ex LIC employee, narrated at the outset
the brief history of the temple. In the year 1560 the
erstwhile Portuguese (who ruled the Velhas Conquistas
Old Conquests from 1510- 1961)in the spirit of
prosyletisation (the religion of the King (of
Portugal) to be that of his subjects) destroyed the
temple and many others as well and the deity was
shifted to its present site in Mardol,in present day
Ponda Taluka (then not a part of Goa as the Portuguese
ruled the Novas Conquistas New Conquests  only from
1763 to 1961 and not 1510 to 1961 as is commonly

It was the first Chief Minister of Goa late Dayanand B
Bandodkar a devotee of the Goddess Mahalsa (now at
Mardol as well seated on a lion and believed to be the
reason why the MGP got its LION symbol) who desired to
take up the restoration of the destroyed temple and
installed a "ghumti" and set up the "pooja stan" at
the destroyed temple site. But it was in 1975 during
the tenure of his daughter Ms Sashikala Kakodkar who
at the instance of Harsischandra Verencar, Mr Arsekar
and others performed the "shilanyas" under the
tutelage of the then His Holiness, Jagadguru,of
Sringeri Sharada Peetham. (It is a sheer coincidence
that the present Jagadguru who was also present on
that ocassion in 1975 as a mere disciple then, today
after nearly 30 years had the honour of dedicating the
temple  on the auspices ocassion ).

The Shree Mahalsa and the Sringeri Sharada Peetahm
will work together and a silver plate was handed over
to the Purohit of the Mahalsa temple as token of
unity. Awards were also presented to all those that
made the restoration work a success. 

The Goa RSS Pramukh Prof Velingkar in his vitriolic
speech in Konkani narrated the Portuguese excess from
destruction of temples, conversions, Inquisition, made
a mention of Diego Fernandes a Portuguese for his
excesses against the Hindu community. He pointed out
how bread was thrown in wells and how those sitting on
the same bench with a Christian were converted to
Christianity in the 16th century.

Reading out a message believed to have been received
from the RSS chief from Headquarters in Nagpur Mr K
Sudarshan-- it said that "while it is a fact that
Muhammed Ghazani destroyed the Somnath Temple in
Gujarat and the same was restored similarly in Goa too
the destruction of the Mahalsa Temple by the cruel
Portuguese and its restoration is an honour for every
hindu and a national pride" (Incidentally a similar
advertisement was seen on the English daily The
Navhind Times announcing the three day auspices
ocassion 29th April to 1st  May 2005  lending credence
to the belief that the local RSS unit had apparently
"ghost written" the message for the RSS Chief in
Nagpur) given the fact that the Goan populous
especially in the Old Conquests have a history of
religious tolerance.

Earlier the mahajans with ex Union Minister of Finance
and present Panaji Parliamentary Constituency Member
of Parliament Mr Sripad Naik and purohits installed a
cornice atop the three pinnacles climibing on make
shift scaffolds much to the amusement of the crowd and
recieved a thunderous applause.  There was a huge
winding crowd for being obeisance darshan. 

Incidentally since 1975 there is a strong movement
being carried out within the Hindu community by the
non Brahmins (Bahujan Samaj) who are demanding their
entry into the interiors of the temple where
traditionally only the Brahmins are permitted. Two
books "Devle Khuli Kara" (Open the doors of the
Temple) written in Marathi and Konkani by Naik Shivdas
a teacher and social reformer hailing from Ponda has
put the Hindu fundamentalists like the RSS VHP Bajrang
Dal BJP on the defensive making their "allergy to
conversions by Catholics" and hatred towards Moslems a
damp squib.  The over 1500 Mahajans in Goa are mostly
of the Brahmin class and despite slogans like "Garv se
kaho hum hindu hai" the underlying age old caste
hatred and isolation of the non Brahmins from the
temple activity is now turning to be a dormant volcano
about to unleash its fury.

Hence at the Mahalsa temple --- announcements were
made that the interiors of the temple are open to all
irrespective of caste creed or communities 

The presence of Sashikala Kakodkar   and Sripad Naik
(both Bahujan Samaj )made to do the honours on the
dais and off the dais is a pointer to this direction.
Nearby the newly reconstructed templ


2005-05-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Fruit Quiz - Papaya / Banana eating|
|Competition.Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net  | 

At a function held at the Caritas Conference Hall St
Inez Panaji Goa at sharp 4.30 p.m.attended by over 
238 Konkanii mogis (roman lipi)   organised by the
"Dalgado Konknni Akademi"(established in 1989)now
lately  registered under the Societies Registration
Act 1860 Regn No: 57/Goa/2005 with office at Institute
Nossa Senhora de Piedade Near State Bank of India HO
Branch office Panaji Goa 403 001, on the ocassion of
the 150th Birth anniversary of a dicoesan priest 
Monsignor Sebastiao Rudolfo Dalgado a great linguist
(over 15 languages)a scholar of international repute
and first  patron saint of "amchem maim bhas "   a
language considered otherwise by the upper castes
among the Roman Catholics as the language of servants
--Konkani --a son of Assagao in Bardez Velhas
Conquistas Goa (born on 8/5/1855 Monday died 4/4/1922
Monday) the first award a citation and amount of Rs
50,000 was presented to Fr Vasco de Rego Society of
Jesus at the hands of His Grace Archbishop of Goa &
Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao 

late Msgr Dalgado much of whom has not been heard of
by the people of Goa as most of his works are in
Portuguese and probably confined to the archives in
Goa and Lisboa was a linguist par excellence. He had a
penchant for learning every language of the soil where
he set foot on and his obsession with languages was
with a mission to reach out to those he preached
interacted it - thus when  in Bengal he learnt Bengali
Hindi, in Honnavar Karnataka he learnt Kannada, in Sri
Lanka (then Ceylon) he learnt Sinhale and Tamil, in
Portugal he studied Arabic Persian German in Rome he
learnt Hebrew Latin French Italian .. This earned him
international laurels.  One aspect which is not widely
known is that he learnt Sanskrit and gave it
international recognition.  It must be noted that one
who is conversant with dificult languages like Latin
and Sanskrit understands the roots of any language. 
With this medium of communication several of his
literary works earned him the nomination as Professor
of Curso Superior de Letras in Portugal.

It is he who gave Konkani language a direction to make
it a standard language and created the first Konkani
Portuguese dictionary.

Today there is none to match this great linguist whose
efforts earned a chair for Konkani in Lisbon and gave
Konkani the pride and prestige of an international

No doubt there are NAGRI script Konkani linguists who
credit Konkani and Goan culture  with Shenoi Goembab
This is only a myth . Konkani can be written in any
script be it Romi Tulu Malayalam Kannada Urdu and
Nagri. As a matter of fact the contributions of Msgr
Sebastiao Rudolf Dalgado pales the works of Shenoi
Goembab on Konkani to insignificance though the Hindu
Saraswats would disagree on this.

Even the learned scholar and Goa University faculty
member Dr Nandakumar Kamat eulogised the works of Msgr
Dalgado though he mentioned that there were several
others like Francisco Luis Gomes, Cunha de Riveira who
did earn international fame as emminent Goans in their
respective fields. Then there is Fr Antonio Pereira
who in a preface to a book mentions that Msgr Dalgado
is credited  with 2000 konkani proverbs. He said it
was easy to propagate the Roman lipi in Goas 380
villages, and the year long celebrations "konkni uloi
konkni boroi" could set the right direction to involve
every Goan.

The award was rightly given to Fr Vasco Rego sj Born
on 8.1.1925 ironically nearly three years after demise
of Msgr Dalgado, for his unrivalled contribution to
Romi lipi Konkani some of his notable books are "Romi
Misa Gronth" "Vachpam Gronth" "Stotram" "Sonvsarak
Jezu Diat"  "Nazaretcho Jezu" and "Nazaretkar Jezu"
(nagri lipi) Some  328 of his songs are illustrated in
"Gaianancho Jelo" and the music for another 46 of the
songs in the book besides 10 devoutional hymns.  There
are other writings  to his credit are featured in "dor
Mhoineachi Rotti" "Amcho Sevadhorm" Gulab,  Renovacao
etc etc  He is closely associated with Thomas Stephen
Kendr and in several churches and chapels. He is
wRector of Bom Jesus Basilica and was also associated
with the Jesuit Schools Loyola High School Margao
(1968 - 1973) where he introduced Konkani language in
Romi lipi.

Reciprocating the honour conferred on him Fr Rego
praised the Almighty for the reward.  " It was never
my dream to earn laurels but just a service to the one
above" he said.  Explaining in detail what led him to
be  a staunch advocate of Konkani he cited   an
incident while he was in Europe.  On a Christmas Day
in 1952 he alo


2005-05-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The people of Goa were shocked to learn that Ms
Nirmala Prabhakar Sawant ex MLA of 14- Cumbarjua
Assembly Constituency, Tiswadi   ex Minister for
Power, ex-Goa Pradesh Congress Committee, President, a
staunch loyalist, quit the Indian National Party on
11th May 2005 dealing the second stunning blow to the
INC bye-election stakes in Goa, the first being the
INC Party High Command's  decision to give the
Benaulim Constituency seat to the NCP candidate Mr
Francisco (Mickey) Pacheco when the local INC party
unit had earlier stated that all five contituencies
Taleigao, Cumbarjua, Benaulim,Margao and Poinguinim
would be contested by INC Party only and tickets would
be given to those that "sacrificed" their seats for
the downfall of the Parrikar regime.

So damaging was the situation following the
resignation that All India Congress Committee General
Secretary looking after the Goa desk Ms Margaret Alva
took the assistance of Dr Wilfred Anthony De Souza the
lone Nationalist Congress Party (NCP)MLA from the
Saligao Constituency to plead with Ms Sawant to
withdraw her resignation.  

The crowds at her residence five hundred metres from
the Banastarim bridge was evidence of support and
respect she commands in the constituency, who have now
compelled her to contest as the people's candidate as

This writer had a brief tele-talk with Ms Sawant on
12th morning. Ms Sawant bluntly admitted, though in a
gentle tone, that Mr Pandurang Madkaikar (the
candidate who she had contested against unsuccessfully
in the June 2002 elections) had 

a) changed parties frequently (First he quit the INC
party then contested and was elected on 1/6/2002 on 
MGP ticket. Later resigned from the MGP and joined the
BJP (before the amended anti defection law came into
force) Then resigned from BJP and now re-joined the
INC party -- )but all for his "personal gains" 

(interestingly it was brought to the notice of this
writer some time ago that the youthful Mr Madkaikar is
an upcoming real estate developer and has in sheer
violation of the ASI regulations built his bungalow
within the 100 metres prohibited area of the Bom Jesus
Basilica Old Goa)  

b) using  the "party" for his personal gains

and therefore as a loyal party worker (incidentally
she is just one of the few loyal workers who has never
ever defected to any other party right from inception
--unlike the majority in  the INC party  Legislatures
and the INC organisational unit)  she felt humiliated
to continue with such a  party where loyalty is at a

But when this writer had a tele-talk with Mr Emidio 
Monteiro ex INC member who contested as an Independent
he was not in agreement of Ms Sawants view.
He felt that Ms Sawant too benefitted from the INC
apparently referring to the properous Barge repairs
industry of her family.
He also stated that when he contested as an
Independent he was asked by Ms Sawant then not to
split the votes 
Again he states that Ms Sawant was amply rewarded for
her loyalty she was given the ticket to contest thrice
in the past and could win only once.

To refute  this Ms Sawant had earlier stated that it
is not her intention to contest as an Independent but
it is her party workers who have compelled her to do
so to avenge the humiliation meted out to her.

There is no doubt on the credentials of this school
teacher whose father a freedom fighter was mercilessly
tortured to death by the erstwhile Portuguese regime. 
Ms Sawant holds reveres the sacrifice of her father to
the cause of the freedom struggle and her loyalty to
the INC party stems from this singular event  that has
left an indelible mark on her psyche.

This writer was given to understand by a INC party
office bearer that prior to this drastic step Ms
Sawant met the Indian National Congress President
Madam Sonia Gandhi in New Delhi to explain her stand. 

She was asked to meet the Goa Desk In-charge Ms
Margaret Alva who was then away in Kerala, but it
seems the INC Party had made up their minds that Ms
Sawant could wait -- for the moment those five that
had made the "sacrifice to unseat Parrikar " need to
be rewarded and this was final.  Which meant she would
have to campaign for the "defector' now a member of
her party and this she was the cause of the

Sadly one veteran INC voter from St Estevam this
writer contact stated that the Indian National
Congress Party's Constitution as amended by AICC
meeting at Delhi on 18th December 1998 and its Rules 
as approved by the Congress Working Committee on 16th
January & 17th March, 1999 despite a clear cut role
for "primary" and "active" members is blissfully
silent on those like Madkaikar and others -who
change party loyalties as frequently as they do their

This writer spoke to several others in her
constituency to gauge their opinion.  About the
loyalty to the INC party no one denies it even her
worst critics agree that she is an INC loyalist may
remain an INC loyalist ever after. They fel


2005-05-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While speculation is rife over who would ultimately be
the BJP candidate for Margao; last minute developments
indicate that a surprise candidate Mr Chandan Naik the
BJP loyalist to the core may eventually be propped up
as the candidate to take on ex MLA Digamber Kamat for
the prestigious seat. late evening confabulations at
the BJP office Opp Lohia Maidan in Marchon Building
indicated that some new developments are underway. The
BJP members were in a closed door conference when this
writer visited the premises this evening. It is
believed that a party stalwart from Maharashtra has
been deputed to finalise the candidate though Mr
Pramod Mahajan oversees the Goa State. 

Mr Naik  had been very active when the then
Independent Mr Uday Bhembre unseated reigning stalwart
late Anant (Babu) Narcinva Naik and is a know social
and political activist though has not contested either
the local bodies or otherwise in the past.

Mr Naik was one of the staunch Kamat supporter who in
fact wept on the betrayal by Mr Kamat of deserting the
BJP rank and file late February 2005 

Initially both Mr S Raiturkar and Chandan Naik may
file their nominations tommorrow being the last date
but it appears that eventually Mr S Raiturkar the ABVP
activist and a raw hand may be asked to withdraw.

The other notable entrant is a 6.2 feet tall Kannadiga
 now domiciled in Goa and married to a Goan Hindu
Saraswat Brahmin,  Mr Jaffer Ali ex Junior Engineer
from the Department of Electricity who will contest as
an Independent backed by political parties who could
take a chunk of the Moslem votes 

and runours are doing the rounds that Mr  Ivo Coutinho
of Bhurieantlo Monis fame and a member of a
Co-Operative Bank who may file in his nomination as an
Independent. Mr Coutinho was not available for
comments when this writer tried to contact him at his
restaurant.  His entry could pull in several votes
from NRI families and others from Assolna Velim
Chinchinim Cuncolim who have become registered voters
in Margao and upset the apple cart of Mr Kamat who is
heavily banking on minority votes given that he has
visited almost all Christian homes and is closely
associated with Moslem leaders near his residence
(close to the Masjid) and migrant workers on Monte and
other lowlying areas Khareaband Railway Station
Colomord etc.

With nearly half the  eight of the Margao Municipal
Councillors who constitute the Margao Assembly
Constituency supporting the BJP with Chairperson Ms
Kamilini Painguinkar an ex MGP office bearer now a
member of the BJP there is prospects of BJP giving Mr
Kamat a run for his money and individual prestige if
the above nominations are filed and stand until the
last date of withdrawal 19.5.2005

The Saraswat Hindu Brahmins excepting those that are
Congress office bearers and some members of the Lok
Shakti (a collective of apparently disgruntled anti
Parrikar members) will vote for the BJP candidate come
what may while the minority votes can easily be split
between the Independents INC and others in the fray

Borda Margao Goa 

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2005-05-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With scrutiny of nominations complete it is clear that
the candidates  below  will be  the notable contenders
in the fray, the others may withdraw by the 19th May
2005 the last date for withdrawal or lose steam in
pursuing  the high pitched big money electoral battle
at the fag end of electioneering (ending 31st May
11 Taleigao Assembly Constituency  
23 booths
areas of Corporation of City of Panjim Ward Nos: I II
III IV V VI VIII XII   XIV i.e St Inez Camarbhatt
Tonca Caranzalem Govt Quarters Portais Bhatulem etc
electorate 13426 males and 13181 females total 26603
voters excl service and new voters
INCAtnasio (Babush) Monserate  (ex-UGDP, ex BJP )
BJPPradip Nagvekar
in the last election  (June 2002 ) the UGDP (Atnasio
(Babush) Monserate ) won the seat 
in 14  Cumbarjua Assembly Constituency  
31 booths
areas of  Chorao Capao Malar Navelim Goltim Zua
Cumbarjua Gandaulim Bainguinim Ela Corlim Carambolim
electorate 12870 males and 12891 females 25761 total
voters excl service and new voters
INC   Pandurang Madkaikar(ex MGP ex BJP)
BJP   Krishna Kuttikar   (ex INC)
IND   Nirmala Sawant (ex INC)
MGP   Vijaykumar Shet 
in the last election (June 2002 ) the MGP (Pandurang
Madkaikar) won the seat
in 28 Benaulim Assembly Constituency
23 booths
areas Utorda Clata Majorda Betalbatim Nagwado
Sernabattim Vanelim Colva Gandaulim Benaulim Mazilwado
Vasvaddo Pulwado
electorate 11285 males 11590 females total 22875
voters  excl service and new voters
NCP  Francisco (Micky) Pacheco  (ex UGDP ex UGDP (S) 
now also backed by INC alliance partner
UGDP Francisco Monte Cruz (ex INC )
BJP  Premanand Lotlikar  
in the last election (June 2002 ) the UGDP (Francisco
(Mickey ) Pacheco won the seat
in 30 Margao Assembly Constituency
25 booths
areas Aquem Tlasanzor Tolleaband Aquem Alto Aquem
Baixo Caloconda Sirvodem Sarvodem Colmorod Ratwado
Dando Pedda Comba Murmutti Pajifond Malbhat 
electorate 12565 males 12079 females total 24644
voters excl service and new voters
INC   Digamber Kamat   (ex BJP)
BJP   Sharmad  Raiturkar
in the last election (June 2002 ) the BJP  (Digamber
Kamat ) won the seat
in 40 Poinguinim Assembly Constituency 
21 booths
areas Ardhophond Talpona Sadolxem Poinguinim Pratagal
Polem Borus  Shelli  Loliem Cotigao Keri  Ponsulemol
electorate 7438 males 7176 females total 14614 voters 
INC  Isidore Fernandes   (ex IND ex BJP ) 
BJP  Ramesh Tawadekar 
in the last re-election (Oct 2004) the BJP (Isidore
Fernandes)  won the seat

As things stand it is clear that those 5 MLA's who
have "sacrificed by resigning to bring down the Mr
Manohar Parrikar (BJP + UGDP combine ) Government have
been rewarded by the INC/NCP alliance with a ticket to

Resignation and re-election is the new criteria under
the amended "Anti Defection" law in force.

The 34 MLAs of the House placed under suspended
animation excluding Mr Filipe Neri Rodrigues (Ind)
whose case of disqualification is  subjudice are as

Thus after 5th June 2005 counting of votes  there will
be just 39 seats requiring a simple majority of 20 to
form the Government.

BJP (16)

Mr Manohar Parrikar, Mr Manohar (Babu) Ajgaonkar, Dr
Suresh Amonkar, Mr Francisco D Souza, Mr Ramrao Desai
Mr Dayanand Mandrekar, Mr Vinay Tendolkar, Mr Vishwas
Satarkar, Mr Narhari Haldankar, Mr Damodar Naik ,Mr
Laximikant V Parsekar,  Mr Sadanand Shet, Mr Rajendra
Arlekar,  Mr Rajesh T Patnekar, Mr Vasudeo M Gaonkar
Mr V Pai Khot

UGDP (1)
Mr M Saldhana
Total 16 + 1 =17

INC 15

Mr Pratapsing Rane, Mr Agnelo Fernandes, Mr Aleixo
Sequeira, Mr Chandrakant Kavlekar, Mr Dayanad
Narvekar, Mr Francisco Sardinha ,Mr Francisco
Silveira,  Mr Giovani Karl Vaz, Mr Harish Zantye, Mr
Jeetendra Desprabhu, Mr Joaquim Braz Alemao, Mr
Luizinho Faleiro, Mr Ravi Naik, Mr Subhash Shirodkar,
Ms Victoria Fernandes

Dr Wilfred De Souza 

Mr Ramkrishna Dhavlikar 

15 + 1 + 1 = 17


As of date it is the INC + NCP combine which has a
comfortable position given that there is also a 
possibility that the cases filed by the NCP against
Rajendra Arlekar MLA Vasco da Gama also BJP State
President and that of Dayanand Mandrekar MLA Siolim 
for holding an "office of profit" at the last election
June 2002 will go against them reducing the figure of
the BJP strenght to  14.

Now that the BJP has filed their candidates in all the
five constituencies including the Catholic dominated
Benaulim Constituency the options before the voters

Does  the voter  wish to put back on the Treasury

I a)  Mr Manohar Parrikar led Govt who stands for
stability, development of the State and thereby allow
him to complete the unfinished development works in
his agenda until the end of the term May 2007  OR

b)  an INC NCP government who have  a PAST  RECORD 

[Goanet]Constituency round-up MARGAO .

2005-05-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
When the voters of Margao Assembly Constituency caste
their votes  on 2nd June 2005 for the bye elections,
one of the five constituencies, which will eventually
decide who would sit on the treasury benches from June
2005 to June 2007 (the official term end of this
House) little will the "aam admi" or Winston 
Churchills "little man" (read voter) realise that
behind the re-election or rejection of three times MLA
and veteran politician   Mr Digamber Kamat (INC) OR
the youthful new entrant Mr Sharmad Raturkar (BJP) the
electoral result on 5th June will eventually be a
decider on who will continue or be  the KING OF

Therefore in the  Margao Assembly Constituency there
are  much more political stakes than the naked eye can

It must be remembered that Margao is not only a
commercial and cultural centre, but is the FULCRUM   
of all commercial activity of Salcete.


Salcete is the richest taluka in Goa, not only of the
Old Conquest which came under Portuguese rule from
1510 to 1961 but also the New Conquests which came
under Portuguese rule from 1763 to 1961 .

On the positive side the  number of Banks, the Bank
deposits, the rapid land fragmentation, the growing
migrant population, the number of private buses inter
and intra city the starred hotels the growing tourism
industry etc etc are all indicators of the socio
economic status of Salcette.

On the negative side the number of criminal cases viz
traffic violations, thefts, murders, cheating by non
banking financial companies (remember those sheep and
tree plantation and now the outsourcing) multiple
litigation, institutionalised forms of
corruption--involving legal practitioners, medical
practitioners (number of maternity homes speciality
health care centres etc) real estate (apartments )
government land revenue authorities (affidavits,
certificate of birth partition mutation survey etc)
also indicate that there is so much money flowing into
this taluka that every one jumps to get his her pound
of flesh (money)

Postings in Government Departments located in this
constituency come at a "price" for only those that
suscribe to the institutionalised corruption can
survive in this taluka. The law makers -- politicians
ordain thus.

Ever since Assembly elections in Margao the MARGAO

Post liberation the Hindu Sarawat Brahmin community
realised that the Catholic community should slowly but
surely be relegated to second class status. The seeds
of this mission were actually  sown in 1925. To this
they realised that Margao should be the cradle of
politics in Goa given its strategic position in
Salcete Talukar.

Thus following Vassudev Sarmalkar, late Mr Anant
(Babu)  Narcinva Nayak (Naik for political reasons)
was the undisputed king of Salcete -- rememeber it is
he who picked and chose in 1980 (INC (Urs) to INC
(Indira)  birth in Goa) 
Luizinho Faleiro- Navelim, Francisco Monte Cruz
Benaulim, Manu Fernandes, Velim Francisco Sardinha and
even earlier Eduardo Faleiro (both  Brahmins) for
Curtorim and then Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency.

Mr Digamber Kamat was baptised into politics  by late
Mr  Babu Naik so also was Mr Shantaram Naik Desai of
Cuncolim settled in Margao for the Goa Pradesh
Congress Committee Presidentship and later MP Mormugao
Parliamentary Constituency when Mr Eduardo Faleiro
fell out of grace. 

Mr Uday Bhembre (Advocate) too did a brief stint as an
Independent when voters opted to send home Mr Babu
Naik for grooming his son Mr Panudrang (Bhai) Naik in
to his shoes. 

Pre bye-election it was MLA DIGAMBER KAMAT the MLA of
Margao and the others were 


Mr Kamat while in the BJP made a pretence that he
religiously practiced and preached the BJP ideology
though clandestinely he maintained a very good
equation with these MLAs through his trusted followers
and above all was responsive to the demands of the
voters of these constituencies as well.  

His astute shrewdness and cunningness being his
personal trait (betrayals have been history) also came
handy which earned him the "de facto" Dy Chief
Minister status and got him plum postings of Urban
development ( all 13 Municipalities and Power (without
which industry cannot flourish) 

In short he maintained a secular face even while
doning the BJP "avtar" or "garb"

The dominant  Hindu Saraswat Hindu Brahmin community
will be the   deciding factor for the success or down
fall of Mr Digamber Kamat or Mr Sharmad Raiturkar  and
once the dye has been cast ---by "word of mouth " they
can tune the others (Hindu Bahujan Samaj non Brahmins)
 and migrants to fall in line.  It is only the
Catholics who are allergic to the BJP and therefore
this time round there is no harping during campaign in

[Goanet]NEWS FLASH GOA - BJP strenght reduced

2005-05-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Both Mr Dayanand Mandrekar the BJP MLA from Siolim
Assembly Constituency and Mr Rajendra Arlekar the MLA
from the  Vasco-da-Gama Assembly Constituency  have
been disqualifed from the membership of the Goa
Legislative Assembly in an order pronounced by the
Bombay High Court today. Their order has however been
stayed for 30 days enabling them to appeal before the
Supreme Court if they so desire.

It may be recalled that the duo were holding an
"office of profit" viz the Chairmainship of Goa Khadi
and Village Industries Board and Goa State Schedule
Caste & other Backward Classes Finance Development
Corportion Ltd at the time of contesting the May 2002

With these disqualifications the strenght of the BJP
comes down to 14 and besides 1 UGDP member  (total now
15 instead earlier 17)   in the House of 39 MLAs;  the
others belonging to the INC NCP MGP combine .   The
petition of Independent candidate Mr Filipe Neri
Rodrigues is subjudice pending disposal in the Bombay
High Court
It is obvious that the order comes as a further damper
to the BJP combine prospects in the ensuing bye
elections to the five Assembly Constituencies as the
INC, NCP, Independent,  UGDP, being a secular combine
will fare better  , now that they have decided to go
hammer and tongs against the come back of any communal
outfit with the   right wing Hindu funadamentalist
forces in the State notwithstanding their excellent
performance in  development of the State in the past 
51 months 
Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet]Study on "Gaunkaries" Communidades - Prof Olivinho Gomes

2005-05-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This writer understands that, ex Vice Chancellor of
the Goa University  Prof.Olivinho Gomes a native of St
Estavam Tiswadi (Ilhas) was awarded the Second Dempo
Research Fellowship, by the Dempo Trust, (on selection
among three short-listed, including Architect Gerard
da Cunha,in 2003, ) on "THE GOAN VILLAGE  COMMUNES'
that is 'Gaunkari' or 'Comunidades'. 

Readers will recollect that these age old pre-
Portuguese instituions )historically they exist since
Vedic times ) have been the bedrock of litigations
encroachements, not only by Goans,rich and poor but
also the non Goans, and the Government has been the
worst  abettor of all these illegalities and every
politician tries to use the "Gaunkaries" or
Communidades land  to appease the vote bank or indulge
in real estate speculation in lands belonging to these
 221 Communidades. 
A registered body , members of the Association of
Components of the Communidades headed by Mr Andre
Periera a leading legal practitioner and a  renowned
authority on "gunkaries" have time and again
highlighted the problems faced by these age old pre
Portuguese institutions but except  for bemoaning the
problems  viz; illegal usurping of powers of the
Gaunkaries by the  State viz; the Government of Goa,
no faithful English translation of the Code of
Communidades (this author has a copy of the English
translation of Code the same ) lack of finance to move
the appelate Courts, the members are divided over the
line of action (tussle is apparently between the
"owners" and the "tenants" the latter have money but
are not willing to tow the line of the "owners" owing
to mistrust hence no "pragmatic solution" appears in
sight} now well over 44 years, the result the
"Gaunkaries" suffers and the violators profit at the
cost of the age old institutions.

For the non goans it is an El Dourado the land of sun
fun and plenty -- given the gullible nature and crab
mentality of "Amchem Goemcar".

It is also learnt that the research was completed and
presented by him to the Trust on 7th February, 2005,
and it was in all probability expected to be presented
in manuscript officially on 4th March,2005, but
apparently due to unstable political conditions in Goa
(Presidents rule in force)  and Goa Legislative
Assembly came under suspended animation  it could not
be done. 

Later it is learnt that he  was promised on 23rd
April, when the book "Culutural Map of Goa" arising
out of first Fellowship of Dr.Pandurang Phaldesai
Member Secretary kala Academy was released, that it
would be done, after a final meeting of the Trustees,
wherein his  manucsipt would be commented upon and
observations made, in the first/second week of May. 
But there is no communciation so far in this regard,
though he has been pursuing this issue through their
PRO and a few Trustees.

It is reliably learnt that to the extent possible Prof
Gomes has  tried to be as succinct yet as complete as
possible and presented the issue in concrete, readable
terms, in trying to get at the core of the maze of
legislation and disputes that have clouded this
age-old ancestral institution of ours that shaped our
philosophy of life and world outlook.

In fact in the study --The Goan Village Communes, as
his report is entitled  is presented in 207 pages of
Mss. and another 150 pages of annexures. The chapters
are as follows : l.The Village Commune System; 2. The 
Indian Context; 3. Goa and its physcial environment;
4. Origins of the Goan village communes; 5. Pattern of
Commune land layout; 6. The Commune Structure and
Functions; 7. Indigenous depredations of Communes; 8. 
The Portuguese regime and the Communes (the longest of
the chapters); 9. Debate on dissolution v/s Retention;
10. The Commune Constituents ('componentes' and
Others; 11. The Present Goan Village Communes; 12. 
Post-Merger Scenario of Communes; 13. Relevance of
Goan Village Communes; 14. Future Plans and

The annexures include : an authentic translation of
the famous 'Foral' or Charter of 1526 given by the
Portuguese to the citizens of Goa; plans made for
re-organising communes into a cooperative agricultural
partnership in 1900; report for their reorganisation
by agronomical engineer Roncon, on institution of
family households ; basis for remodellation of
communes by expert Wolfango da Silva; samples of some
village communes belonging exclusively to one caste or
community, among all castes and communities including
the Gauddi/Kunnbi, and where two or more 
castes and communities share in their management,
giving statistical information about
them,representative of the Old and New conquests 
regions of Goa; an article on bunds or embankments;
details of land holdings, 'zonn' and dividends;
pictures of of our 'latth' in comparison with 
the 'shadoof 'ofEgypt;old 'gaunkars, 'nadkarnis'
'kulkarnis', 'gaunkar women' of old;,'bhattkar in
'cabaia'; goldsmith, dancer-women;vendors of bangles,
vegetables,thatch-leaves, and goldsmith, plough,
handmill, hindu school, county counci


2005-05-31 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Campaigning in the five assembly constituencies which
officially commenced on 19th May, 2005 ( the last date
of withdrawal ) came to an end on 31st May,2005. The
intervening period until the day of reconing 2.6.2005
June 2005 will be filled with lies lies and more lies
by each of the aspirants.  The voter should be aware.

This writer covered the five constituencies
interacting with some of the candidates their
electoral agents the party office bearers and some
voters to ascertain the electoral prospects of the
candidates in the fray.

Taleigao Assembly Constituency  

CORE ISSUES:  decade old unhygienic  St Inez storm
drain, the undercapacity Tonca sewerage system, the
unreliable inefficient bus transport, the migrant
influx mostly belonging to the minority community, the
economically deprived tribal community "nav gawdas"
and gawdas. The municipal area elite and the village
panchayat villagers have living standards that
contrast by comparison.  Loyalty to the light blue
eyed fair dimunitive highly volatile versatile self
confessed juvenile brat -   Atnasio Babush  Monseratte
son of a money lender  who  resides in a closed
fortress near the St Inez Church--- (there is a
massive gate which bars the naked eye from peeping
into the "castle") is reflected by the INC flags
banners ( photo of Sonia Gandhi and Babush )   in
front of the houses establishments of " his " voters. 
Youthful voulunteers wearing T shirts screaming

Moslems mainly from Karnataka living alongside some of
the  narrow roads of the Constituency are clearly in
violation of building bye laws..  They form the"meat"
of his vote bank. "Dont ask whether the
structures are legal illegal "-- says a resident to
this writer --we have been residing here for over 30
years. They are mainly autorickshaw owners etc.  Then
down the village side there are the gawda community
even the "nav gawdas" and they are all for "Babush" 
"to amcho kama korta  --amka pavta "  The elitist
voters are a little secretive -- we have not decided
yet --- here lies the big question. will they will
they not voter for BJP.  Babush meets the voters on
his several rounds  no "bashan" lectures and he
carried the campaign himself --- he believes in
himself none other.  When asked "Who should get the
credit for the "development" of the Constituency ?
yes the roads are well, laid at Dona Paula the Goa
University the bye pass the garden in front of the St
Inez Church the pavement excellent. Babush tells his
voters the BJP never had a mandate to rule niether in
October,2000 nor in June 2004, and to press his point
he states --"they will never ever". So "without us
(meaning those from other partiest that extended
support to BJP and later turned "noveau BJP" like
Babush) Mr Parrikar would not have achieved anything. 
Yes the credit should go to them --- look what happens
without us --- referring to the present bye elections
-- heads nod in agreement. Every thing is well
organised the voters on the list matter none other he
cross checks himself . Loyalty at the booths ought to
be 100% he tells his volunteers.
The other candidate   Pradip Nagvekar the BJP
candidate started his campaign late but he too moves
around with a few voters and their message is clear --
you need two  hands to clap -- this counters Babush's
claims . Meaning without the direction of Mr Parrikar
to the development agenda  in 51 months the state
would have nothing to mention.  They bank on the
"Hindu votes " the government employees the traders
the upper castes and the intelligentia and these
silent votes could turn the apple cart for Babush. 
Yes Babush has admitted that he had not time enough
for his children and the June 2005 results could
provide him the much needed time if the tide turns
against him.

Allow us to complete the unaccomplished task for the
remaining years.  Some remark  the candidate is "weak"
Mr Parrikar assures - just vote for him -- I will take
care of the rest--- this infact reflects the 51 month
old Mr Parrikar image -- he is the master of all --
Their campaign is a much on low profile.  Mr Parrikar 
himself has met many of the constituents personally
--thats his style, and he blames Babush who in his
opinion would turn Goa into a concrete jungle -- paddy
fields into real estate hills downsized to erect
apartments.  Hence there was no alternative the
demands were too much and I had to get him out says
Parrikar --- give us an absolute majority we need not
depend on these turncoats (Babush) 

Despite contradictions the battle is friendly. The ex
MLA Mr Somnath Zuarkar is supporting Babush -- but
could it be a quid pro qua there are too many cases
involving Zuarkar and Parrikar had pinned him down to

Cumbarjua Assembly Constituency  

Core Issues --Erratic or no regular water supply,
inefficient transport,power failures, promised
system , accute unemployment among the fishing
community community and agricluturists bridges 

The veteran ex INC MLA ex-GPCC Presiden


2005-05-31 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In conclusion the vox populi vote as of today is for 
a) Taleigao   Mr Atnasio B Monserate  (INC)
b) Cumbarjua  Ms Nirmala Sawant   (IND)
c) Benaulim   Mr Francisco Monte Cruz (UGDP)
d) Margao Mr Sharmad Raiturkar(BJP)
e) Poinguinim Mr Isidore Fernandes(INC)

But if the BJP manages to play the "Hindu card" by
word of mouth given the low profile campaign stage
manged by Mr Parrikar and his cohorts --- on the plea
that he be allowed to complete the unfinished task of
development activities of the past 51 months --- which
Goans at large will definitely agree is NO match to
performance of the MGP and INC rule then except for
the Benaulim seat which will go to the UGDP all others
will be swept by the BJP in a shocking verdict.

Campaign notings 

Communal credentials and corruption at IFFI
by BJP are highlighted by the secularists 

Secularist candidates referred to non BJP candidates
in the fray as candidates rumoured to have the
clandestine support of the BJP viz: 
Cumbarjua Ms Sawant  Independent candidate from
Canacona  Mr Leao Monteiro Independent
Benaulim  Mr Francisco Monte Cruz

The common refrain heard at most meetings is 
a) infighting within INC will witness another bye
elections come 5th June 2005 (day of results)
b) Churchill group and Luizinho group are at daggers
drawn though they put up a semblance of unity
c) If Babush wins will the INC be able to get him
abide by the High Command or Local command or have to
dance to his tunes
d) Parrikar is a workaholic non of the other
politicians can match -- this has earned him the wrath
of others 
e) if it was not for making Catholic faith holidays as
Restrictive Holidays and the notorious Freedom
Movement CD circulated in schools Parrikar government
would have lasted the full term
f) Mr Parrikar is the right man in the wrong party --
had he joined INC we would have voted him hands down
g) Mr Parrikar uses politicians like a condom--- Use
and discard 
h) new words in political vocabulary "supreme
sacrifice" or "sacrifice" to all resigned MLAs seeking
i) EDC issue,Pendse Commision report are referred to
but not acted upon by BJP
j) Burning of the Mosque at Porvorim (apparently
following assault by two  youth involved in accident
with MP Shripad Naik who happened to be Moslems),
pre-doctored computer training tender alloted to Goan
one Mr Nilesh Amonkar the highest bidder (20 crores)
5 crore worth works of IFFI awarded for 23 crores.

A song on Babush Monserates birthday bash 28th
December which embarrased Mr Parrikar led him to quit
in a huff --- "insert his fathers photo removing
Gandhi on the Rupee notes " to register ones anger for
removing the Mahatma Gandhi Birthday holiday is
believed to have led to the ouster of Monserate by Mr

Petrol diesel quota given for use of own vehicles
besides the propaganda vehicles

Snacks and cold drinks are supplied by most candidates
at corner meetings 

Food cold and hot drink coupons are provided to
volunteers and pre selected eating houses and hotels
are earmarked for the purpose.

Road shows and national and neighbouring state
Maharashtra and Karnataka politicians lent logistic
support to local candidates.

Election Commission observers removed banners around
booths well in advance.  Stick no bills was observed
more in the rule than in breach.

Door to door campaign was adhered to by the BJP INC
NCP candidates.



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[Goanet]PRESIDENT's RULE to end in Goa.

2005-06-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With the return of the President of India Mr A P J
Abdul Kalam, from his 14 day four nation tour this
evening Saturday 4th June 2005 , the three month
President's Rule introduced since the 4th March 2005
will come to an end.  

The notification to this is expected any moment even
before the results are out on Sunday 5th June 2005
according to sources in New Delhi this writer has

One of the reasons for the immediate revocation of
President's Rule is that during the recently concluded
bye-elections to the five assembly constituencies the
Goa Legislative Assembly House was placed under
suspended animation, and to enable the new combine to
stake claim to form the Government following the
results that pour in it would obviously be advisable
to revoke the suspension as well.

Ironically when this writer contacted some party
workers  from the erstwhile United Legislative
Alliance viz; the Indian National Congress,
Nationalist Congress Party and the Maharashtrawadi
Gomantak Party atleast the NCP workers were clear that
the ULA does not exist any longer.  The MGP were a 
confused lot and were uncertain of their stand.

The UGDP is in a piquant situation in that one of
their members Mr Mathany Saldhana has till date
extended its support to the BJP while the other Mr
Francisco Monte Cruz has made it clear that if elected
he will extend support to the INC.

Whatever the claims the fact remains that new
permutations and combinations will come in play.  

While the BJP is clear on its Chief Ministerial
candidate the INC seems to have now settled for
Pratapsing Raoji Rane as its CM until the time of
writing.  But the BJP though had on an earlier
ocassion mentioned that it would prefer to sit in the
Opposition may have different thoughts if the verdict
is not in their favour.  

As a matter of fact the five candidates in the fray
for the BJP are literally political lightweights owing
their winnability or otherwise on the Party and not in
their individual capacity unlike those in the INC who
have staked their individual capacity rather than
party ideology.

Therefore this bye election result will be a litmus
test to ascertain the base of the BJP and their next
moves based on the % of votes polled.

One thing is clear this time that for the INC the
young legislators and first timers will demand their
pound of flesh and the seniors in the party or ex
ministerial candidates of two or three years standing
could be asked to make --- the "supreme sacrifice" to
rejuvenate the party if it succeeds in forming the


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2005-06-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Counting of votes for   the five Assembly bye
elections began this morning on a tense note both at
Margao and Panaji today 5/6/2005.  

The counting agents of the respective parties and
supporters were all present at around 0700 hrs.  There
was a huge police bandobust just in case tensions rise
as the results were declared.  Being a Sunday there
was  the expected crowd. Tommorrow schools begin for
the academic year 2005-06 

The results as confirmed from the election office.

11  Taleigao Assembly Constituency  
INC Antanasio (Babush) Monserate  
14  Cumbarjua Assembly Constituency  
INC Pandurang Madkaikar
28  Benaulim Assembly Constituency
NCP Francisco (Micky) Pacheco  
30  Margao Assembly Constituency
INC Digamber Kamat   
40  Poinguinim Assembly Constituency 
BJP Ramesh Tawadekar 

BJP (17)

Mr Manohar Parrikar, 
Mr Manohar (Babu) Ajgaonkar, 
Dr Suresh Amonkar, 
Mr Francisco D Souza, 
Mr Ramrao Desai
Mr Dayanand Mandrekar, 
Mr Vinay Tendolkar, 
Mr Vishwas Satarkar, 
Mr Narhari Haldankar, 
Mr Damodar Naik ,
Mr Laximikant V Parsekar,  
Mr Sadanand Shet, 
Mr Rajendra Arlekar,  
Mr Rajesh T Patnekar, 
Mr Vasudeo M Gaonkar
Mr V Pai Khot
Mr Ramesh Tawadekar
UGDP (1)
Mr M Saldhana

Total 17 + 1 =18
INC 18
Mr Pratapsing Rane, 
Mr Agnelo Fernandes, 
Mr Aleixo Sequeira, 
Mr Chandrakant Kavlekar, 
Mr Dayanad Narvekar, 
Mr Francisco Sardinha ,
Mr Francisco Silveira,  
Mr Giovani Karl Vaz, 
Mr Harish Zantye, 
Mr Jeetendra Desprabhu, 
Mr Joaquim Braz Alemao, 
Mr Luizinho Faleiro, 
Mr Ravi Naik, 
Mr Subhash Shirodkar,
Ms Victoria Fernandes
Mr Atnasio (Babush)Monserate
Mr Pandurang Madkaikar
Mr Digamber Kamat

Dr Wilfred De Souza 
Mr Francisco (Micky) Pacheco
Mr Ramkrishna Dhavlikar 

18 + 2 + 1 = 21

The INC becomes the single largest party with 18
followed by BJP 17 NCP 2 UGDP 1 and MGP 1 it therefore
follows that the INC can form the combine with its
pre-poll ally the NCP now with two seats and the
support of the lone MGP to give it 21 seats   as
against the simple majority of 20 in a House of
effective strenght 39.  It is not known whether the
BJP will prefer to seat in the Opposition or take
advantage of the squabbles that are bound to arise. 
Notwithstanding the claims of the Low Command in Goa
to prefer a majority community member for the post of
Chief Minister it is for certain that the blue eyed
boy of Madam Sonia Gandhi, viz Mr Luizinho Faleiro
will be the CM but that would depend on how the NCP
settles down to this bargain.  Alternatively Mr
Digamber Kamat who is believed to have been promised
the Chief Ministerial post may lay his claim in which
case the NCP Dr Wilfred De Souza will have to be made
the Deputy Chief Minister a non constitutional post.

But there is one feeling that the BJP UGDP (18)
combine may agree to lend support to the NCP MGP in
which case the strenght will be 21 with a Chief
Ministerial berth to Dr Chief Minister and a quid
proquo to allow the cases of disqualification to
meander in the Supreme Court until the next elections
in May 2007 .  

As official figures are still awaited from the Officer
of the Chief Electoral officer given the near close
margins of some of the candidates.  The BJP is also
thinking in terms of resigning en masse as one senior
activist has given this writer to understand.  This is
however intended to follow only if the INC NCP begans
wrangling for Chief Ministerial candidate and other
portfolios so that an impression is created that the
predicted instablilty of the INC NCP will not augur
well for the development of the State and the BJP
would not like to be seen as responsible for the
collapse of the administration owing to the INC NCP
This is the vox populi view at the counting centres
around the Multipurpose High School at Gogal Fatorda
where counting took place.  While in Taleigao Mr
Monserate voters began celebrations the Margao camp
was by and large peaceful, apparently the winners are
engaged in confabulations on the formation of

from the Counting Centre at Margao


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[Goanet]GOA CM & DY CM swearing in ceremony 7/6/2005

2005-06-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Given the piquant situation for the Indian National
Congress,   though with 18 seats in its kitty ,
following yesterday's results it is in reality the
Nationalist Congress Party with   2 seats and
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party with 1 seat that will
dictate terms for the functioning of this non BJP
Government for the remaining period of the term until
May end 2007 (or before in case the BJP decides to
fuel in an unprecedented  mid term poll as their
numbers recede from 17 + 1  to 15 + 1, notwithstanding
the assurances of ex CM Mr Manohar Parrikar last
evening that they accept the verdict and will warm the
Opposition benches for the rest of the term.

Obviously therefore the several Chief Ministerial
aspirants have to reckon with this ground reality. 

Hence it was the choice of Dr Wilfred Anthony De
Souza's NCP MLA from Saligaoand that of Mr
Ramkrishna (Sudin ) Dhavalikar the MGP MLA from Madkai
 to agree to only Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane MLA Poriem
to be the Chief Minister of Goa and there were other
pro Rane MLAs within the INC which agreed to his
candidature while others had to give a pretence of

The swearing in ceremony is slated for 10 a.m
tommorrow 7th June 2005.  Alongwith Mr Rane, Dr
Wilfred De Souza will also be sworn in as the Deputy
Chief Minister and Mr R Dhavlikar will be sworn in as
a Minister.  

Portfolios will obviously follow later as Mr Rane may
be required to test his majority on the floor of the
Assembly if the Governor so redeems.

There is no cause for heart burning among the others
Chief Ministerial aspirants among the INC MLAs as
given the numbers the NCP MGP hold the key to the
survival of the Government.

Earlier in the day rumours were doing the rounds that
Mr Digamber Kamat would not relent without a Deputy
Chief Minister post if not the Chief Minister; but
this is obviously wishful thinking; following the
dismal performance of Mr Kamat a three times elected
MLA (he polled a mere 1377 votes mainly from non Goans
Moslems and Catholics from the underdeveloped
unhygienic surrounding suburbs of central Margao)
against a fresher a 29 youth of the BJP (young enough
to be called his son) and with the amended Anti
Defection law there is no alternative for Mr Kamat or
the others MLA's to bargain for portfolios as the only
option would be to resign re-contest or defect with
2/3 members from the INC which is a difficult
proposition as of now unless the younger members
headed by Mr Atnasio (Babush) Monseratte could stage a
midnight coup of sorts given his potential financially
and a never say die personality. But as of now Mr
Monserate will definitely not prefer to  do any thing
that would rock the boat because this bye - election
was indeed a nerve wrecking victory despite his
efforts and drive.

There were several MLAs who discreetly spat venom at
the thought of Mr Luisinho Faleiro being made the CM
but this even was stalled by a sensitive High Command
who ratified the decision to elect Mr Rane as the
Congress Legislative Party (CLP ) leader this morning.

The same goes with the others INC MLAs, who will have
to reluctantly accept the portfolios given by Mr Rane
, as the moment the INC MLAs play truant NCP and MGP
MLA's may withdraw support to the 18 member INC and
the Assembly will have to be dissolved.

This none of the INC members will dread at this

In any case all bodes well for the state which has
seen an unfortunate break down of development activity
from January 27th, 2005 until today, Unfortunately
with the monsoons are expected to lash Goa in the next
48 hours which means all developmental activity will
cease until September end.

Clearly the first half of the financial year will turn
out to  be a waste for the State.


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[Goanet]GOVERNOR Mr S C JAMIR"s - 3 mth rule lack lustre

2005-06-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
As the curtain comes down on the three month old
Presidents rule 4/3/2005 to 6/6/2005, this writer
interacted with a number of citizens in both the North
and South Goa Districts to ascertain their views on
era of Presidents Rule in the State.

The impressions are collated here below

a) The Governor of Goa is seen as a man of impecccable
credentials.  His honesty integrity and his keeness to
gudnerstand the nitty gritty of the State socio
economic scenario and solve the problems of the down
trodden is significant.

b) The bureaucracy under the regime did not measure up
to the expectations of the CM (read common man).
Despite the absence of the legislative assembly
members (under suspended animation) who the
bureaucrats often blame for interference they bungled
in the matters of CET exams and were not sensitive to
the aspirations of the concerned students

c) The general impression was that either the
bureaucracy were not responsive to the administration
or hoodwinked the office of the Governor.  A case in
point is the River Princess issue which resulted in
the suspension of the Director of Tourism, and the non
disclosure of forensic report by the DGP.

d) The attempts of the Governor to meet the people
were not taken to kindly i) the top heavy security
almost  a heavily regimented and garrison scenario ii)
the general cases pertaining to land matters did not
get the deserved attention -- no doubt there may have
been exceptions -- but one swallow does not an autumn

e) Whether it was the Police the general
administration there was no fear among the government
staff --- late coming early going and a sabattical
were resorted to;

f) the Governors visit to a mine in North India ---
stage managed by a scion of an Industrial House who
eventually joined the INC placed the visit in bad
reflecting a pro-INC attitude of the Governor;

g) the Governors lunch (after the meet the people
programme at the Collectorate )at the residence of an
ex Attorney General of Goa in Margao reportedly close
to the ruling INC came in for a measured criticism

h) the visit to Hospicio Margao did not remedy
situation as it did when the then Governor J F R Jacob
indulged in spring cleaning which earned the
appreciation of the masses.

i) an impression was gaining that the bureaucracy
knowing the short term tenure of Presidents Rule was
not responsive to the Governors queries -- adopting a
wait and watch attitude

j) transfers of Police and then reversing some gave an
impression that fair play was not the criteria;

k) there was no down fall in the crime rate --- and a
free for all situation prevailed -- unlike in earlier
periods of Presidents Rule.

l) the Governors messages conveyed at every given
opportunity to the bureacracy to be sensitive to the
aspirations of the people was viewed merely as a
sermon from the pulpits in Churches as this advise
never percolated into the mindset of the over bloated
bureaucracy who continue to this date as obstructors
instead of being facilators to resolve peoples

m) in conclusion while it is true that no new
enactments etc could be put into force during the
tenure -- atleast if the officers in the
administration were directed to clear up all the
pending matters affecting the public in a given time
frame  and the same logically implemented with
desired results --- there would be reason for
appreciating the role of the Governor

n) The bureacracy continued to maintain its lethargic
care to hoot attitude and accountability was lacking
as before.

The people however hope that with  a new Government on
the anvil with secular credentials the Governor would
continue to inculcate in them the spirit to serve the
people rather than themselves (nothwithstanding the
fact that the politicians will have to "make up" for
lost years (over 51 months) they were out of power.

One plea made by a senior citizen a retired Government
officer is that the Governor should pull up the
administration - those involved  for
dereliction of duties  based on complaints
recieved in his office --- and news and views
appearing on the print and visual media  and
pursue them to their logical conclusion.


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[Goanet]FAQ on Goa's Political nightmare 24/10/2000 to 7/8/2005

2005-06-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Q   Was there a BJP Government in Goa?
A   No there was never a BJP Government (viz having a
simple majority of 21 out of 40 members in the 
Legislative Assembly )in Goa. 
In fact 
a) the first on 24 October 2000 was a "technically
constituted " Government (without the mandate of the
people -- but with the support of other party MLAs to
form a simple majority ) 
b) the second on 2 June 2002 again was a coalition
Government led by the BJP to form a simple cobbled
c) even as of 7 June 2005 it is still a minority and
relegated to the Opposition benches.

Q   Who were the MLA's responsible for the rise of the
A   Both Dr Wilfred De Souza and later Mr Francisco
Sardinha were responsible for the rise in numbers of
the BJP MLA's in Goa.

Q   what led to both these senior Indian National
Congress leaders to revolt and join hands with the
A   It was Mr Luisinho Faleiro  (the blue eyed "boy"
of Madam Sonia Gandhi ) who  sidelined senior INC
members Dr Wilfred De Souza and Mr Francisco Sardinha 
(both Brahmins)for ministerial positions and instead
split the UGDP and MGP to consolidate his position
that resulted in their revolt and abetting with the

Q  Is the ex CM Mr Manohar Gopalkrishna Parrikar a
hard core RSS and BJP office bearer?

A  Yes Mr Parrikar who partly studied in a Jesuit
school viz Loyola High School Margao;  is a self
confessed, RSS and makes no pretence of it and on
these credentials,  he has got himself elected to the
Goa Legislative Assembly for three terms.

Q Has Mr Parrikar measured himself as an efficient CM?
A There is no doubt that Mr Parrikar an IIT alumunus 
ranks as one of four  excellent Chief Ministers of Goa

a) the non matriculate late Dayanand  (Bhausaheb)
b) the USA studied Pratapsing Raoji Rane
c) the Dr turned politician Dr Wilfred A De Souza

Q Did the BJP have an agenda to pursue its ideology in
A  Yes, under the stewardship of the ex Chief Minister
Mr Manohar Parrikar in the Government and the active
help of the RSS Pramukh in Goa a Prof ---his guide and
mentor ---they had a clear agenda of 
a) first "uniting" the caste riddled hindu community
(this is next to impossible as their vertical caste
heirarchy is like water tight compartments) using
emotive religious appeals -- Ram , Inquisition et al
b) indoctrinating the "mindset" of the Schedule Tribes
(Van Vasi) and Schedule Castes towards hatred for
minorities as westernised and traitors (Rahu Ketu ) 
c) treating the minorites Catholics as one block
(irrespective of the caste structure still prevalent
and practiced by Catholics contrary to Catholic
d) treating the minorites Moslems as one block
irrespective of whether Shia or Sunni
e) making c) and d) above, subservient to the majority
f) doling out employment opportunities in Government
according the the % of each communities; 
g) representation by way of Ministerial positions also
according to the % of each community (excluding
Moslems in the cabinet) 

Q  Is it true that BJP wear their communal colour on
their sleeves viz by word and action, while INC makes
a "pretence of being secularists ?
A  Yes --- e.g the BJP finds nothing wrong in the
demolition of the Babri Masjid or the Gujarat
genocide; while the INC merely makes a pretence of
secularism e.g 
a) INC  promises no action to be taken on  the
councillor involved in the intrusion criminal
tresspass into  the "Paco Patriacal" Archbishops
residence Altinho Panaji  to remove the linga,
b) INC has niether taken action nor supported families
those whose plaques were destroyed on 18 June 2004
under the renaming of roads issue
c) INC MLA purporting to hold secular credentials has
clandestinely abetted  with an encroacher in the
premise of Santa Almas Chapel Margao  denigrating the
sanctity of the place of worship till date 
d) an INC MLA claims (as per his statement in the
House) to know the culprit responsible for the burning
of the Masjid at Porvorim but till date no criminal
action has been taken,
e) the INC in Goa including Catholic MPs and Ms
Margaret Alva ex MP of Uttar Kanara have not been able
to intervene in the matter of near collapse of the
Church at Anjediva and buckled down in Feb 2005 under
the threat of the Bajrang Dal not to permit the
customary feast of Our Lady of Brotas 
f)Niether have  Catholic MLAs (with secular
credentials)  INC MLAs have   been able to identify
the cause of the fire Near Bom Jesus Basilica Old Goa
till date;
g) no INC MLA threatened to resign when Holidays on
Good Friday and  St Francis Xavier were treated as
RESTRICTED HOLIDAYS (not cancelled totally) 

Q Under whose stewardship has Goa seen the best
A Surely under Mr Manohar Parrikar Goas first and only
most dynamic workaholic ex CM --- for the speed with
which he executed projects in the 51 months of his
fractured political tenure a record which no CM
Minister has yet achieved in Goa -- or will achieve in
the near future with the only  exception of Mr

[Goanet]NCP threat subsides 7 INC MLA's inducted

2005-06-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
As is expected and customary with the Indian National
Congress Party and its "half blood  brother" the
Nationalist Congress Party --(which incidentally
came into being after the Maratha war lord Mr Sharad
Pawar ex CM Mumbai and present Union Minister split
from the INC to form the NCP as he willed  that a
person of foreign origin (referring to Madam Sonia
Gandhi) could not covet the Prime Ministerial seat in
India ---though  after she made the "supreme
sacrifice" of not occupying the seat there was a thaw
in relations which culminated in their alliance both
in Goa and New Delhi --- albeit "to keep the communal
forces at bay " ) the NCP leader Dr Wilfred
Anthony De Souza retaliated "verbally"in no uncertain
terms over the non inclusion of Mr Francisco (Micky)
Pacheco NCP MLA Benaulim in the Cabinet. 

But there are two sides to this argument --- the INC
top brass told this writer telephonically during the
swearing in ceremony this morning that Mr Francisco
(Micky) Pacheco was indeed offered the Benaulim seat
on a INC ticket for his "sacrifice" in unseating the
Parrikar Government alongwith the others Monseratte
Kamat, Madkaikar, Fernandes --- this offer was not
accepted by Mr Pacheco and he preferred to put his
eggs in the basket of the NCP on his own volition and
ofcourse on the studied advice of his mentor Dr
Wilfred De Souza.

Dr De Souza however insists that the sacrifice needs
to be rewarded with a Cabinet berth just as the other
three were rewarded. One of them Mr  Isidore Fernandes
of Poinguinim did not make it at the hustings.  "So
why not Pacheco" and  this act of the INC High or Low
Command  feels the Doctor from Saligao "is a communal
stance worst than that of the BJP" which translated
meant the Doctor would not mind taking support from
the BJP to form the Government. 

This was denied by Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
President -- Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik MLA Ponda --- but
then one could not take Ravi's denial as the gospel
truth given the fact on an earlier ocassion following
the assasination of ex PM and MP Rajiv Gandhi on 21st
May, Mr Ravi Naik denied that there was any
understanding on interchanging Chief Ministerial
positions with Dr Wilfred De Souza and that eventually
led to a political turmoil of sorts which saw De Souza
in CM position  and the then Governor given the boot.

But Ms Margaret Alva INC Observer in Goa close to Dr
Wilfred De Souza also denied such assurances to make
Mr Pacheco a Minister after he wore the NCP label

Therefore while rumours were agog of the imminent
collapse of the Government a shrewd Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane knew that the numbers though seemed
favourable to the NCP MGP to switch sides with the BJP
as being "less communal" according to Dr De Souza the
damocles sword  of Dissolution of the Assembly was
looming high  remember ---the  late night faxed
signature obtained from Rashtrapatiji while enroute to
Moscow on a 14 day four nation tour to dissolve the
Bihar Assembly albeit to avoid "horse trading " when
it was a certainity that the NDA had the numbers and
the RJD INC and others combine would be relageted to
Opposition benches.

This was the final answer and the swearing in ceremony
went on smoothly this mornign as ordained by CM Rane.

The others left thereafter for Mumbai Surat to trash
the "misunderstanding" and pursue the issue of
inclusion of Mr Pacheco, with Mr Prafulla Patel of the
NCP. Incidentally Mr Praful Patel the Union Minister
for Civil Aviation was present of the public meeting
at Dando Grounds in Benaulim on the last Sunday of
electioneering and speaker after speaker from both the
NCP and INC made announcements of Mr Pacheco earning a
ministerial berth with Dr Wilfred De Souza being made
a Deputy Chief Minister.  This public statement
therefore amounts to back stabbing by the INC but this
is the traditional weapon of the INC against loyalist
and committments are not honoured despite the era of
'supreme" and simple sacrifices.

The new Ministerial postings taluka wise is now as

There are 12  ministerial positions available for the
State of the size of Goa (following an amendment to
down size Ministries ) besides two for the post of
Speaker and the Dy Speaker (as per convention the Dy
Speakers post is offered to the opposition but not any
longer in the era of coalitions) 

Then there is the posibility of appointing
Parliamentary Secretaries and these have the rank of
Cabinet Minister --- a red beacon light -- atop the 
car assured so the fringe benefits applicable to
Ministers is available to this Parliamentary
Secretaries (Incidentally Mr Parrikar discovered this
position when he had to drop a Minister from his
Cabinet when the amended act of downsizing Ministerial
postings came into force in July 2003  

PERNEM TALUKA   (nova conquistas 1763- 1961) 
Shri. Jeetendra Deshprabhu   INCPernem  

BARDEZ  TALUKA  (velhas conquistas 1510 - 1961)
Dr Wilfred De Souza  NCP Saligao DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER

Shri. Agnelo Fernandes   I

[Goanet]GAME OF MUSICAL CHAIRS awaits Margao Muncipal Council

2005-06-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Margao the commercial and cultural centre of Goa is
once again in the news -- and for the wrong reasons.

After the lowest ever victory margin 1366 odd votes
the three term  (now fourth term) MLA Margao Mr
Digamber Kamat of INC, the revenge game has started.

The first victim is the Chairperson Margao Municipal
Council Ms Kamalini Poinguinkar -- who was considered
as the de facto "dumb doll" of Mr Kamat.  She was
propped up by Mr Digamber Kamat so that his writ could
run large in the affairs of the Council.  Her survival
was owing to his backing.

But suddenly the friends turned enemy the "suffocating
theory" which led to Kamats resignation from the BJP
was too suffocating for Ms Poinguinkar and her three
other Councillors  Mr Rupesh Mahatme, Mr Durgadas
Prabhu, Mr Narayan Fondekar to swallow and another
councillor of Ward 15 who now appears neutral.

Ms Poinguinkar and the others worked day in and day
out to see to the defeat of Mr Kamat and eventually
succeeded in giving him a humiliating victory margin
for a three times veteram MLA given that his opponent
Sharmad Raiturkar of BJP 29 yrs was a novice unknown
in public circles but yet gave Mr Kamat a run for his
re-election for the fourth term now.

Ms Poinguinkar has therefore decided to resign
tommorrow before the non confidence motion against her
is taken up for consideration by the Council .  The
term of the Council began on 24th October 2001.

But citizens of Margao who this writer contacted were
of the view that the Council is in a mess.  With over
1700 letters received in a month it speaks volumes for
the state of affairs in Margao. Besides this Ms
Poinguinkar does not read English and needs the
assistance of others to understand the nitty gritty of
Council management. Politically though she is a
veteran politician being earlier an office bearer in
the MGP and later switching over to BJP.

Ironically of the four aspirants to the Chairperson
post in the resultant vacancy will be Ms Ethel Lobo
the ex Vice Chairperson who resigned in a huff
earlier, before she was almost ousted over the Gandhi
market issue.   Councillors Ms Monica Dias, Ms Dorris
Texeira, and the Independent candidate Ms Auda Viegas
otherwise the President of the Bailancho Ekvott who
has been testing unsucessfully political waters under
the MGP for the Assembly elections in May 2002 and the
Lok Sabha elections as  UGDP member in May 2004 and
next time may be INC or BJP if not Janata Dal(S).
Both Ms Ethel Lobo and Ms Auda Viegas known as
firebrand Councillors who take the Council to task on
several issues collectively went hammer and tongs over
against Ms Kamilini Poinguinkar and also Mr Digamber
Kamat MLA Margao (BJP) then the Power &  Urban
Development Minister (under which Ministry
Municipalities come under) regarding the pathetic
civic situation in Margao viz
a) Unhygienic Gandhi Market, 
b) slums in Fakirband Khareaband Babu nagri
c) encroachment on pavements and public streets by
unauthorised hawkers and hand cart mobile eateries
d) undisposed garbage near Police Station and other
e) stray dog menance 
f) eatery in the passage at Old Market 
g) incompetence of the Chairperson
h) unclean storm drains in Margao ( from Old Market to
k) ill managed garden and Prince Aga Khan park 
l) petrol pump shifting to decongest city
m) traffic chaos in ward XIV (ward represented by ms
n) frequent power break downs  
o) burial grounds for parishioners of Our Lady of
Grace Church and for Moslems

Though none of these issues remained solved despite Mr
Kamats alleged concern and assurances to develop 
"Modganv" and "Modganvkars" (refer to his past
manifestos the same issues repeated ad nauseaum )it
was surprising to see that Council activity came to a
stand still and both these two   Councillors were
actively canvassing since April May for the election
and victory of Mr Digamber Kamat ---forgetting the
hoary past  -- issues that plagues the city the
fulcrum of business activity for the entire South Goa
District especially Salcete.

It is not clear who will take the Chairperson seat but
since the same is reserved for a women Mr Kamat now
that he is in the INC will opt for Ms Dorris Texeira a
first time councillor the spouse of ex Councillor Mr
Johnny Texeira of the Khareaband ward (incidentally Mr
Kamat polled a significant number of votes from this
booth this bye election).

But this may not be taken kindly to by the other
aspirants  viz Viegas, Lobo, Dias and citizens believe
that the game of musical chairs will begin shortly.

Incidentally of the present eight wards in Margao and
eight wards in Fatorda total 16 wards that constitute
the Margao Municpal Council, two wards from Margao
will shift to Fatorda Assembly Constituency and the
other to Curtorim Assembly Constituency come
delimitation or Assembly elections in May 2007. 
Therefore Mr Kamat as MLA Margao would need to address
his concerns to only the 6 wards of his Margao
Assembly Constituency, and may chose a Cha


2005-06-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While the issue of induction of NCP Benaulim MLA can
wait as the High Command of both the NCP & INC will
resolve the issue later may be in a day or two the
portfolios were announced this evening:

Shri. Pratapsingh Raoji Rane   INC Poriem  CM 
Portfolios: Home Financeand other not alloted yet 

Dr Wilfred De Souza  NCP Saligao DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER
Portfolios: Tourism

Mr Sudin Dhavalikar MGP Marcaim  MINISTER
Porfolio: PWD

Shri. Luizinho Faleiro   INC  NavelimMINISTER 
Portfolio: Industries 

Shri. Dayanand Narvekar  INC Aldona   MINISTER  
Portfolio: Information Technology

Shri  Digamber Kamat   INC  Margao  MINISTER 
Portfolio Power & Mining

Shri Atnasio Monserate INC Taleigao  MINISTER 
Portfolio: Town & Country Planning  

Shri  Pandurang Madkaikar  INC Cumbarjua   MINISTER
Portfolio Transport

Shri. Subash Shirodkar INCShiroda  MINISTER 
Portfolio Panchayats

Shri. Joaquim Braz Alemao INC Cuncolim   MINISTER 
Portfolio Urban Development 

These are the major porfolios alloted .  The fact that
Sports has not been alloted thus far is an indication
that the induction of Mr Francisco (Mickey ) Pacheco
will be a certainity.

There was not much cheer over the allocation of
portfolios but given the delicate act of balancing the
portfolios vis a vis experience this seems reasonable
until the budget session which  is due in July 2005

Mr Kamat has been dispensed of the Urban Development
portfolio which he held under the Parrikar regime for
almost two terms.  For Joaquim Alemao the allotment of
this portfolio, which brings all the 13 
Municipalities and the Corporation of City of Panaji
under his fold -- it will be  a testing time given
that some factions within the Cuncolim Assembly
Constituency are demanding the reversion of Cuncolim
Municipality back to its Panchayat status.  There is
also the demand to revoke the Housing Board complex
proposed in Cuncolim which the Rane government
committed to cancel.  Mr Alemao will also have to
tackle the issue of garbage disposal which as of date
is the biggest issue affecting the State, with it
comes the stray dog menance etc

The Town & Country Planning having been offered to Mr
Monserate he will have to prove his detractors wrong
who had labelled him as intending to convert Goa
beginning with his Taleigao Constituency into a
concrete jungle.

With Power retained by Mr Kamat Mr Luizinho Faleiro
will have to tread in unison with Mr Kamat for
obviously there can be no industry without power.

Mr Dhavlikar has been content with the PWD it is not
known whether some of the spicy 22 projects selected
by Mr Parrikar to be under the GSIDC would be reverted
to the PWD but that seems to be the case now that some
of the projects have come under scrutiny for costs

The detailed notification will be available only
tommorrow listing out the minor portfolios.  The basic
objective of CM Rane appears to be an attempt to keep
the erstwhile BJP led coalition government agenda
untouched as far as development is concerned.  As it
is a word of praise was showered by MrDayanand
Narvekar on the excellent development activity carried
out in the past 51 months and none will disagree on
this count .  Hence Rane stands forewarned to continue
this pace.  This was also the advice by the Congress
High  Command Ms Sonia Gandhi to CM Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane to keep up the pace of development thereby
indicating that the Parrikar Goverment development
activity indeed was a cynosure of all eyes.

Borda Margao Goa 

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[Goanet]New Indian Non judicial stamp paper

2005-06-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While the Telgi ---Indian Non Judicial stamp
paper---case continues to make third page news item on
the national dailies, Central  Government seems to
have awoken to the nuances of the fake India Non
Judicial Stamp paper.

Last week the Central Government made available a new
fascimile of the Indian Non Judicial stamp paper of
denomination Rs.20/- (Rupees twenty only) for the
State of Goa.  The  salient features are 
a) green mast head is replaced by light blue  brown
b) each state will have its own Indian non judicial
stamp paper viz Goa will have its  own 
c) the name of the State  viz  Goa  is written in
English devanagiri Konkani and Hindi  and a serial
number theron
d) the security mark is embossed in silver thereon and
other water marks for security;
e) the vendor needs to have the details of his name
licence number thereon besides his signature of the
purchaser on the front and not on the back side; 
f) the stamp paper has an exclusive  serial number
printed thereon 

Meanwhile the process of issuing stamp papers of other
denominations viz; fifty, hundred, five hundred,
thousand, and five thousand is underway.

Licenced vendors are entitled for a two % commission
by the Government.  Presently the Rs 20/- stamp paper
is the commonly used for affidavits power of attorney
agreement of sale etc 


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[Goanet]NCP Mr Pacheco sworn -in today

2005-06-25 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Amidst a huge crowd of supporters this afternoon 25th
June 2005 at 1634 hrs, and ironically while the
country commemorates its 30th anniversary of
declaration of EMERGENCY in India by the late Prime
Minister Ms Indira Gandhi, in 1975 the Nationalist
Congress Party MLA from Benaulim Constituency Mr 
Francisco (Micky) Pacheco was sworn is the 11th
Minister of the INC led NCP MGP combine in the State.

This fulfills the aspiration of all those who had made
the "sacrifice' to unseat the Parrikar Government. 

In fact CM  Mr Rane played the same game of patience
which he then played with  MLA Churchill Braz Alemao
MLA of Benaulim by keeping him waiting for three
months denying him the coveted Sports portfolio which
resulted in Rane government being unseated and the
Progressive Democratic Front coming to power.  This Mr
Rane regretted later as his three term CM status
record in the country besides Mr J B Patnaik of Orrisa
was abruptly brought to an end by Mr Alemao.

This time he played the same game but knew too well
that only option left for Dr Willy de Souza NCP MLA
was to side with the BJP and that would suit Mr Rane
to paint him a communalist and an opportunist, but
that did not happen despites Dr Willy's non sensical
utterances and threats on a National audio visual

Incidentally tommorrow also the SC is likely to take
up the case of Mr Arlekar and Mr Mandrekar MLAs Vasco
and Siolim whose elections were set aside for holding
"office of profit" at the time of contest in June 2002
and were granted a thirty day stay by HC of Bombay
Panaji bench to appeal in the SC.

Portfolio for Mr Pacheco may be announced tommorrow or

There is a  case of shack burning in Betalbatim
involving Mr  Pacheco alongwith others   due to come
up for final judgement on 5th July, 2005.  

It is not known what  Mr Rane has up his sleeves, but
then he could not afford to delay things any longer
for the lone Rajya Sabha seat is falling vacant with
the completion of term of Mr Eduardo Faleiro in July
2005.   These elections are held within the MLAs of
the House and Mr Rane may have to face an embarassing
situation of having to face an election instead of an
unanimous choice.  Such elections have been quite
embarrasing for the ruling party as cross voting could
come with dissidents throwing the spanners to "reform"
a CM > This the High Command of the INC may not
tolerate and hence the clearance for Pacheco to be

As things stand both Mr Rauraje Deshprabhu stands a
chance of being elected and he seems to fit the bill,
given the fact that he is a staunch INC loyalist he
was denied Ministership on the simple understanding
that his Pernem Assembly Constituency will now have a
Scheduled Caste representative instead of erstwhile
Dhargalim Assembly Constituency.  Hence Rane needs to
as a quid pro quo for his one man mission of  Mr
Parrikar bashing reward him with the RS seat.

Others who could excel is Mr Shantaram Naik Desai from
Cuncolim ex MP Lok Sabha who is a well versed legal
luninary but with the North Goa LS MP being a BJP and
South Goa MP an INC member the opportunity to Mr
Deshprabhu seems obvious.  Mr Khalap has been making
all efforts but there does not seem to be much support
to have a MGP indoctrinated INC convert to represent
Goa at the Rajya Sabha, hence his chances appear dim
unless Mr Deshprabhu shirks the offer.

While Pacheco may have succeded in his mission, it is
now clear that Mr Pacheco will start building up his
newly carved bastion the Nuvem Constituency which is
carved out of part of the erstwhile Loutolim and
Benaulim Constituency and with this the UGDP Mr
Radharao ex MLA Loutolim and Mr Aleixo Sequeira the
present MLA Loutolim will have their prospects
weakened for the next hustings in May 2007.

In any case Mr Aleixo owes his political entry due to
Mr Eduardo Faleiro a close relative and with Mr
Faleiro out this July end Mr Sequeira may not have
much political clout.

This is the latest development besides the
Chairpersons to be appointed for the nearly dozens odd
Corporations according to the political grape wine
this writer gathered from some disgruntled politicians
who have not taken to kindly having been denied the
Ministerial rankings.

from the DONA PAULA end



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2005-06-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
According to a telephonic message recieved this
evening it is learnt that hearing the petitions filed
by the BJP MLA's Mr Rajendra Arlekar and Mr Dayanand
Mandrekar both of VascodaGama and Siolim Assembly
Constituencies, respectively this morning 27th June
2005 the Bench of the Supreme Court issued notices to
Mr Jose Filipe D Souza and Mr Chandrakant Chodankar
NCP candidates (who lost the Assembly elections in
June 2002).

It may be recalled that the two NCP contestants had
challenged the elections of the two   BJP MLAs as they
were holding "office of profit" at the time of
contesting the elections in June 2002 

Their Lordships preferred the matter to be taken up
immediately after vacations i.e without specifying any

Their Lordships also issued notices on an application
for stay filed by the BJP MLAs but refused to extend
the stay granted by the HC.

With this development it is clear that both Mr
Mandrekar and Mr Arlekar no longer continue to be
members of the Goa Legislative Assembly as of now. 
The strenght of the BJP therefore now in the
Opposition benches stands reduced to 14 MLAs.


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[Goanet]ex MP Mr Shantaram L Naik RS nominee?

2005-07-01 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The issue being hotly debated in INC Party circle  in
New Delhi and Goa is whether  the veteran INC  65 year
old politician Mr Eduardo M Faleiro with a consistent
first class academic career upto LL.M and a SC leal
practitioner, MLA Goa Assembly since 1971 ex MP LS
since 1977 and present  MP RS since 1999 be given a
repeat term of the Rajya Sabha come July 2005 
should  Mr Shantaram L Naik (Dessai)LL.B a native of
Cuncolim ex MP Lok Sabha Panaji Parliamentary
Constituency (North Goa)  and ex Goa Pradesh Congress
Committee President be preferred over  Mr Faleiro 
should Mr John Fernandes a native of Caranzalem ex MP
Rajya Sabha be preferred 
why not  a non politico-- a Goan centric individual,
an  academician, economist,industrialist  be
considered for the House of Elders

For the unintiated the  Rajya Sabha (upper House of
Parliament similar to the House of Lords )is one of
the two Houses of the Indian Parliament, the other the
being the Lok Sabha (Lower House similar to the House
of Commons)  . The Rajya Sabha commenced sittings
since  May 1952 The term of office of a member
elected/nominated to Rajya Sabha is SIX years and one
third of such members retire each year. Unlike the LS
the RS is never dissolved. 

The perquisites of office viz;
a) Salary Rs 12,000/- per month  
b) daily allowance Rs 500/- 
c) accomodation
d) 5 units of electricity 
e) 4000 Kilolitres of water per annum 
f) telephone facilities in Delhi/state of residence ).
g) advance for purchase of coveyance
h) constituency allowance Rs,10,000 p.m.
i) office expense Rs 14,000 p.m.
j) pension of Rs.3000/- per month until five years and
beyond  an additional pension of Rs. 600/- per month
upon death Rs 1500 to spouse or dependent.
k) free rail travel   
l) secretarial assistance 
m) medical facilities 
n) rail air travel facilities
o) rail passes 
p) etc 
the member is entitled for two crores per annum under
the Members Of Parliament Local Area Development
to suggest to the District Collector   works to the
tune of Rs.2 Crores per annum to be taken up in
his/her constituency.

But what is generally expected of the both members of
LS (two seats ) and RS (one seat) for Goa is that they
take up issues which relate to subjects in the Union
List the Concurrent List and sometimes issues
affecting the State.

Unfortunately Goa alomgwith Daman and Diu joined the
Union of India only after Liberation on 19/12/1961 and
remained an Union Territory until 30th May 1987 when
Goa became a State.

The result was that Goa suffers immensely for reasons 
a) it missed the Five Year Plans until 1962
b) it could not constitute its State Public Service
Commission and hence till today we have Secretaries to
the Government of Goa IAS officers who are essentially
Non Goans belonging to the AGMU cadre and majority do
not possess a Goan centric mindset.
c) despite Goa having the highest teledensity with
over one lac fifty thousand phones Goa remains a
telecom district of Maharashtra Telecom Circle as a
result nearly 98% of the telecom staff whether lines
man JTO SDE etc all are non goans
d) a similar case is with the Department of Posts and
e) with Colleges being set up in Goa only in the late
sixties and professional colleges much later Goans
could not qualify for Union Public Service Commission
exams and as a result the few Central Government
offices that set up offices in Goa are all manned by
the non Goans
f) recently the Konkan Railway Corporation which is a
Corporation formed by four states Gujarat Maharastra
Goa and Kerala has only managed to benefit non Goans
because the criteria of allotting land or commercial
contracts to land losers is biased as a result non
Goans constitute the majority in the Commercial and
g) the Mormugao Port Trust the Goa Shipyard Ltd the
NABARD  the RBI NIO surprisingly even the Goa
University etc have the top heirarchy belonging to non
h) the Archaeological Survey of India officers man the
nearly 16 sites looked after by them and even the
security services contract awarded to non Goans.
i) the list of archaelogical sites have not been
updated or enlisted in the Central Government list as
a result the Church of Anjediv built before the now
demolished  Babri Masjid and Taj Mahal finds no
mention and is at the mercy of the Ministry of Defence
(Navy) and declared out of bounds for the religious
j) several Central Government institutions like the
Protectorate of Emigrants, Sea Farers Recruitment
Board  which have their regional offices set up
throughout the country before 1961 have not covered
Goa as a result most of our youth are unable to either
make use of these institutions for employment or
learning viz Technical education in Fashion Technology
under the Ministry of Textiles does not have its
Institution in Goa
k) Department of Civil Aviation and the Armed  Forces
the Customs Central Excise the Directorate of Income
Tax etc.
l) in matters of NRIs or PIO's in the Gul


2005-07-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Eminent industrialist mine owner and exporter,  Vice
Chairman of the Chowgule Group of Companies Mr
Yeshwantrao Dattajirao Chowgule expired today early
dawn 5th July 2005 at Mumbai . He was 85 years of age.
Mr Chowgule was actively involved in the day to day
affairs of the Chowgule Group at Goa until his sudden
demise. His funeral rites will be conducted  tomorrow
6th  July 2005 at 1000  hrs IST and mortal remains
will be cremated thereafter at  Gadegal  Sancoale 
Mormugao Taluka .  

Following the sad and sudden demise workers , staff
and officers in  all establishments of the Group held
a condolence meeting and were closed down as a mark of
respect for the departed soul.

The Chowgule Group begin its humble beginnings in Goa
in the early 1916  under their late father Mr
Dattajirao N Chowgule  under the flagship of D N
Chowgule & Sons in the export of tin scrap wood bamboo
coconut oil  etc to the Middle East . Later in 1924
just six years after World War I  they established an
agency dealing in shipping and forwarding.  In 1941
the Chowgule & Co Ltd was established  and the Company
shipped 1500 tonnes of manganese ore to Czechoslovakia
in 1947 . From 1950 onwards began the shipment to
Japan under what came to be known as the “Chowgule
Formula” which involved a sort of  a barter system ore
for machinery  and upgradation .  

Late Mr Yeshwantrao can aptly be described as a field
man be it at the Gavanem Mines  Costi in Sanguem
Taluka  he  alongwith his older brother Vishwasrao D
Chowgule the Chairman of the Chowgule Group of
Companies would visit every mining establishment on
foot  interact with the workers and knew the
intricacies of the mining trade and the barge movement
operations , exports exceedingly well that none could
question his ingenuity in the trade.  

He was an ardent  lover or sports and helped the Goa
Hockey Association during the late 70’s . He was also
the first Municipal President  of the Mormugao
Municipal Council.  He was also the President of the
Goa Chamber of Commerce, Goa Mineral Exporters
Association  and several other social cultural and
religious groups and ranked as the pioneer
industrialist of Goa.  He leaves behind his wife two
daughters and  four sons  besides grand children.

Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet]FIRST WOMAN Dy Speaker of GLA

2005-07-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Both Mr Francisco Sardinha 59 year an ex teacher   INC
MLA Curtorim and Ms Victoria Fernandes  71 yrs (26th
July) (affectionately called Mummy) an ex teacher INC
MLA Santa Cruz were  elected this afternoon the
Speaker and  Deputy Speaker respectively of the Goa
Legislative Assembly, in a House with effective
strenght of 37.

Curtorim in Salcete is the birth place of the duo

The BJP candidates Priol MLA Mr Vishwas Satarkar and
the Tivim MLA Mr Sadanand Shet Tanavade were

It may be recalled that in the House of 40 the Velim
Independent MLA Mr Filipe Neri Rodrigues
disqualification issue is subjudiced and elections of
both Mr Rajendra Arlekar (SC) the BJP  ex- MLAs
Vasco-da-Gama and Mr Dayanand Mandrekar have been set

With the election of Ms Victoria Fernandes as Deputy
Speaker the State has its first woman Deputy Speaker
in the Goa Legislative Assembly.

Ironically while the INC has been going hammer and
tongs over the issue of 33% reservation for women; in
Goa the INC led NCP MGP coalition did not deem it fit
to give a woman representation in the Cabinet.  But it
appears that Mr Rane was guided by the fact that her
miserably poor victory margin in the June 2002
elections a mere 40 votes was not convincing enough
for him to provide her a cabinet posting.

Ms Fernandes has been an exemplary woman of substance
very amiable gutsy and could appropriately be
described as a "man in dress" for she has been in the
forefront on several issues affecting the traditional
occupations of Goans the Ramponkars the toddy tappers
and womens issue.

Even in the just concluded bye-elections Ms Fernandes
gave vent to her bitterness over the communal agenda
of the BJP headed by Mr Manohar Parrikar and can be
safely attributed the credit for the victory of INC 
NCP candidates in the fray.

Borda Margao Goa 

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[Goanet]Mr Shantaram L Naik elected Rajya Sabha MP

2005-07-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Mr Shantaram L Naik Desai ex Lok Sabha MP and Goa
Pradesh Congress Committe President a native of
Cuncolim now resident of Margao was elected today
14/07/2005 as the Member of the Rajya Sabha for a six
year term.

With this the reign of ex Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MP
Mr Eduardo Faleiro will cease to be a Rajya Sabha MP
by July end.

The victory of the INC was expected following the
favourable numbers of the INC NCP MGP combine and the
diminishing strenght of the BJP to a mere 15 MLAs,
notwithstanding the uncertainity of Mr Mathany
Saldanha's vote.

In any case for Mr Saldanha the Speaker Mr Francisco
Sardinha's decision not to permit him to vote will
come as a blessing in disguise to Mr Saldanha for
after the formation of the present INC MGP NCP
government he Mr Saldanha the Cortalim MLA had decided
to be equidistant from both the BJP and the INC which
was unlike his earlier stand to side with the BJP.

Todays vote if cast in the open ballot would have put
Mr Saldanha in a piquant situation for if he had to
side with the INC combine he could have antagonised
the BJP and vice versa.

Though the ruling of the Speaker is devoid of merit
atleast prima facie such legal fictions are being
created ever since the Parrikar Government was struck
by a tsunami of another kind on 27th January, 2005.

What the people of Goa regret is that there is no
governance yet niether is the unfinished tasks on
development matters being pursued in right earnest,
the obvious result is the people of Goa suffer and Goa
lags behind other states as well.

With political stability yet to fall tight into the
groove -- yes the distribution of Chairmanship to
Corporations is underway now that the RS elections are

In the meanwhile there is wide apprehension that the
reshuffle in the Union Cabinet expected any moment now
a Goan MP may be favoured for a cabinet berth, it is
not quite clear whether Mr Churchill Alemao will get a
berth but the prospects of Mr Shantaram L Naik getting
one appears a near certainity due to political reasons
given that the State will have to face elections in
another twenty two months


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[Goanet]Konkani "mai "- victim of script

2005-07-24 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At the peak of the Konkani agitation in Goa in the mid
 eighties -- the Hindu Brahmins in Goa who rallied
behind the "Konkani Porjecho Avaz" manipulated the
"Cristaos" of Goan origin to accept Devnagiri as the
script in lieu of Roman script (which they as well as
the Church authorities were acquainted with)  on the
assumption that --- if the Devnagiri script was
accepted the Hindu Bahujans (non Brahmins) would
easily accept Konkani instead of Marathi as they were
familiar with the Devnagiri script.

The gullible "Cristaos" and the Church accepted this
and so also present MP Mormugao Parliamentary
Constituency Mr Churchill Alemao the backbone of the
language agitation fell head over heel and introduced
primary education in the mother tongue Konkani  in an
unfamiliar non standardised language and worst still
in the Devnagiri script -- (of course his son studied
in a top english school in Panaji) 

It was a prominent writer Mr Ashok Ravi Kavi of the
South Indian weekly the WEEK and this writer in a
write up in the then INDEPENDENT a national weekly
from Mumbai who exposed the clandestine designs of the
Hindu Brahmins led by Uday L Bhembre (Advocate) in Goa
to ENFORCE THE DEVNAGIRI SCRIPT only to consolidate
their supremacy and monopoly over  the KONKANI
LANGUAGE that they demanded the devnagiri script.

Over a decade now the divide between the various
scripts has seen that the Konkani language in
devnagiri script has resulted only in Hindu Brahmins
(familiar with the nagri script) usurping all
Government jobs, their  women who would have otherwise
remained dutiful house-wives have gained employment
both in Government services and also as Konkani
language tutors and the "Cristaos" have suffered with
the unfamiliar non standardised language.

Today there is a tremendous upsurge in favour of the
Roman script in Goa, while the people of Karnataka
rightfully demand that Kannada be the script in the
state of Karnataka . 


There can be a language with diverse script.

Therefore "CRISTAO" Goans world over should demand
that in Goa the Roman script Konkani be given equal
treatment besides Devnagiri and that literature et al
in KonkaniRoman script  be given awards where due.
It is hoped that the Church and the MP Mr Churchill
Alemao realises the game plan of the Hindu Brahmins in
Goa and undo the over fifteen year old damage done to
Konkani in Roman script.

This year the organisors of WORLD GOA DAY 20th August
2005 should have as its agenda " KONKANI --- Roman
script " as the day does not have any significance to
"Cristaos" in Goa as Roman script was sacrificed on
the altar of Devnagiri script.

Reproduced herein below is the text of the press
release by Mr Eric Ozario of "Mandd Sobhann" Mangalore
fame and President of the Karnataka Konkani Sahitya
Academy.  It would be advisable to circulate this
press release to all and sundry so that KONKANI mai
thrive is as many scripts world over. Our "Cristao"
MLA's should support the recognition of Roman script
Konkani as well.

In response to the barrage of anti-propaganda
unleashed through  the `Konkani Minorities'
Institutions' Association', ` `Akhil Bharath 
Konkani Parishad', and so called one man organisation
`Konkani Bhasha  prachar Sabha' the Karnataka Konkani
Sahitya Academy President Mr.  Eric Ozario has issued
a detailed press statement. The Academy has 
which has recently chosen Kannada script to teach
Konkani in the  schools of Karnataka also  reiterated
that, if this group does not  succeed in their evil
designs, then Konkani will be introduced as a 
third language option, from 6th std. onwards, in
schools in  Karnataka, from the next curriculum
itself. If they do, God forbid, 
Konkani is doomed, says the statement.

The main points of the press statement are as below.

(1) Konkanis live on the west coast of India, mainly
in 4 states, namely - Maharastra, Goa, Karnataka and
Kerela. Of these, the highest number of Konkanis live
in Karnataka, around 25 lakhs, more than double the
number living in Goa, and more than half of the entire

Konkani population. 

(2) Konkani has no script of its own, and it is being
written in 5 scripts - Kannada, Devnagari, Roman,
Arabic and Malayalam.

(3) The highest amount of literature is being produced
and read in the Kannada lipi. Goa is divided between 2
lipis - Devnagari and Roman, while in Karnataka no
literature, worth the mention, in other than the
Kannada lipi, exists or is read. Also, the Kannada
lipi literature has a rich heritage of more than 125
years in Karnataka, of good quality and considerable

(4) It is not true to say that the Devnagari lipi is
the `natural' lipi for Konkani. Devnagari was not
evolved for Konkani. How can a lipi used by so many
languages, be the natural lipi of Konkani?

(5) It is not true to say that the Kendra Sahitya
Academy has recognized only the Devnagari lipi.It is
not f

[Goanet]Solid waste management or heads to roll or dissolution?

2005-07-29 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The hall of the old Secretariat was reverberating with
the ways and means of tackling the waste management. 
There were views counter views proponents and
opponents and yet despite the Government coming out
with several proposals
a) giving a decent burial to erstwhile government in 
proposal for disposal areas to be located in   the
cluster of village / municipal area solid waste ;
b) another giving final touches to the large areas
selected for the North and South Goa District
c) the scientific disposal of solid waste at the
existing sites in Curca and Sonsodo in Margao and
shifting of the existing site at Sada in Mormugao 
d) the two year long term plan for a Japanese firm  to
ensure a free of cost disposal of solid waste
apparently in abandoned unused mine pits adopting
landfill measures; 
the solid waste management got the attention it
deserves and without an iota of doubt this needs to be
high on the "non performing " NCP INC MGP Government
which came to power on 7.6.2005

But besides the nitty gritty of the solid waste
management and the environment minister's Dr Wilfred A
De Souza's larger than life proposals to rid off solid
waste the short term measures remain yet to be put in

This writer interacted informally with some of the
participants of the presentation on solid waste
management viz sanitary inspectors chief officers
chairpersons and councillors and 
according to one such official there was a genuine
demand to ensure that collection of solid waste should
be ensured at any cost.  

One suggested that   collection at night would serve
the purpose as this would ensure that waste does not
putrify when collected the next day while others
demanded that Municipal trucks be placed near the
markets so that the vendors themselves clean  and
dispose of the waste at late evenings.

Others were resentful of the fact that under the 74th
Constitutional amendment the Municipalities were given
statutory powers and therefore the CO's ought to be
vested with full powers to ensure the discharge of
their duties. One felt that the post of Director
Municipal Administration was superfluous as he could
not give orders to CO's who have statutory powers
infact solid waste management was the perogative of
the Councillors and the CO and the Government could
only help in providing them land for disposal of solid

But both the Urban Development Minister Mr Joaquim
Alemao and the leader of the Opposition Mr Manohar
Parrikar have been at logger heads with the Chief
Officer  of Margao Municipal Council and the
Commissioner of Corporation of City of Panaji
respectively.  So bitter has been the war between the
executive and the legislators that the common man
wonders --- who enjoins the SUPERIOR or SUBORDINATE
status.  In fact it put this writer to an embarrasing
situation when one female sweeper of the Corporation
of City of Panaji felt that Commissioner N
Suryanarayan was being victimised for no sound reason.

The same has been the case with Mr Sanjiv Gadkar CO
MMC who took up office in May 2005 .  His office does
not have a Grade I Municipal Engineer and the existing
vacancy is being filled by an extension granted for
yet another year to the ME Mr Chandwani, this despite
the fact that CM Pratapsing Raoji Rane announced that
his government would not grant extensions to any
officer. Is the Government bankrupt of Engineers and
worst still why is a non Goan Mr Chandwani favoured is
it the Builders lobby that is ensuring the continuance
of Mr Chandwani one councillor of the BJP told this

It is now almost certain that heads are bound to roll
and as the grapewine has it ex Commissioner of City of
Panaji the Byculla Mumbai bred native of Aldona Mr
Sanjith Rodrigues is going to be the new Commissioner
of City of Panaji atleast until the end of the
extended term in October 2005 and by which time all
the Municpal bodies excluding Ponda will go to the
polls.  Efforts to replace CO Margao Municipal Council
have not materialised yet despite a memo served to
this "good officer" for dereliction of duties viz the
waste site at Sonsodo Margao wall collapsed and the
Minister Urban development held the CO at fault.

Meanwhile the ex Chairperson of the Mormugao Municpal
council Mr Milton Barretto will be the PA of the Urban
development Minister apparently  a councillor from
Mormugao jocularly remarked that Mr Barretto would be
better placed to advise the Minister on the "game of
musical chairs" of highest number of Chairpersons in a
term occuping the top office  which his Municipality
played from 2000 till date.  

In fact the Mapusa Municipal council have already
taken seriously the directions of the Urban
Development Minister Mr Alemao to ensure that
development plans are "whetted" by his office this
they felt is an encroachment on statutorily
constituted bodies.

There is however a possibility that Mr Pratapsing Rane
who has been playing politics to embarrass the NCP
Deputy CM Dr Wilfred De Souza by stalling a court

[Goanet]Bank shoot out in Margao - fatal casualties averted

2005-08-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In a daring attempt this afternoon at 1537 hrs IST
Agnelo Mendes, a resident of Malbhat Margao a Cashier
in the State Bank of Mysore situated at the Ground
floor of Damodar Chambers  below M/s Hanuman Lawande
Chambers (Builder) near the now demolished Blue Pearl
Cinema in Margao, and just opposite the residence of
ex Mayor of Margao Santosh Pai Raiturkar (now a BJP
office bearer)  rushed to the rescue of his Manager
who was shot by one unknown person (believed to be
hailing from Cuncolim area) and three others who fled
the scene.  

According to the reports from Joe Mendes Proprietor of
Mendes Auto Garage Malbhat ,brother of Agnelo  who
this writer spoke to he stated that somewhere around
three thirty five IST as the Bank transactions were
closed for the afternoon break it is believed some
persons entered the Bank and went menancingly towards
the Manager  in full glare of the staff present mostly
women and shot him during the scuffle on the leg. 

In yet another version still to be confirmed , it is
believed two persons entered and demanded at gun point
money from the Cashier.  They were led to the
mezzanine floor where the Manager sits. It is here
that shots were fired at the Manager and the Cashier
who accompanied him jumped to nab the attacker and
suffered the injuries.  The attacker is believed to be
speaking in Konkani 

It was the heroic effort of Mr Agnelo who otherwise
suffers a limp on his leg to rush to the rescue of his

In the melee Mr Agnelo was hurt  in the mouth by the
firing of the gun and has been rushed to the Goa
Medical College Hospital Bambolim. He is declared out
of danger as confirmed from GMC Hospital sources.

Until 1840 hrs a  pose of police was posted at the
Bank premises entrance which incidentally is always
with near closed gates.  Due to intensive
interrogations in progress it is not known whether the
security guard was present at the time of the incident

Being siesta time most shutters are downed and there
are usually few people around what with intermittent
bouts of rain showers. But the screams and shots fired
may have numbed eyewitnesses in shock.  The usual
syndrome of speak no evil hear no evil was felt when
this writer tried to ferret out information from
neighbours etc.

The sensational occurence was dismissed lightly
initially as a similar event took place recently in
Punjab National Bank in Margao but it turned out to be
a fake threat as the man was armed with a toy pistol.

It is common for such robberies in Margao with the
rise of several outsiders now residing in the city and
it has almost become a fashion to recruit services of
the Security personnel. But the irony is that niether
is there a law to ascertain the credibility of those
recruited by the agencies and the police have a half
hearted interest in ensuring that Forms of
identification are filled in by these employers to
ascertain the identity of these migrants. gone are the
days when citizens of Nepal constituted the security
force today ex-servicemen are considered but not all
belong to this category. 

According to one business man near the Bank he said
that a number of Biharis and UP migrants have sought
employment as security personnel and with the
construction boom in the State several carpenters
marble stone traders plumbers etc have bought flats
and are residing in the city. Goan lavish lifestyle
and absentee husbands have attracted the attention of
several migrants to the easy going gullible attitude
of Goans, and this tends to be breeding grounds for
such robberies given that the divide between the rich
and poor is widening by the hour at least in the eyes
of the migrants.

Efforts to contact the Bank Manager or staff on +91
832 2732742 have not yielded results.

It is not clear of the motive of the crime but there
is an apprehension that is may be a case of some
loanee who owes the bank overdues explained a Banker
from a nearby South Indian Bank.

Most of the residents in the Building fear a reprisal
now that one person has been arrested and there are
reports that a driving licence too was found in the

The police are however tight lipped and their version
is thus far in line with the gossip in town.

Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet]State Bank of Mysore shoot out accused

2005-08-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The accused in the State Bank of Mysore robbery at
Margao is presently cooling his heels behind bars when
this writer visited the Police Station.

The accused Mr Santimano Moraes hails from Bemclowaddo
Cuncolim (not related to prominent Moraes's from
Cuncolim). A gulf returnee he ran a bar at Fatorda but
the same turned out to be an unsuccessful venture he
later returned to Cuncolim and was dealing is
wholesale of fish which business also  turned
unsuccessful.  It is not clear whether gambling which
is otherwise a common sport in most villages under the
eagle eyes of the police could have been the cause of
his financial status.  But the motive now gaining
currency is his dues to retrieve a scooter given for
repairs according to the police FIR.

The charges slapped on him are attempt to murder 307
attempt to robbery 394 of IPC by the PI investigating
the same. Incidentally the investigating officer PI
Santosh Desai is a native of Cuncolim.

The only possibility of bail is if he is declared of
unsound mind and that depends on the pressures that

The pistol used in the firing is now in possession of
the police and efforts to investigate its origin
licence could give good leads to the motive and the
other two involved in the crime, which could have
claimed innocent lives. It is not clear yet whether
the pistol is licenced. Today being the week end for
government officials the Collectorate South is still
examining the records when this writer made discreet
enquiries with the officials.

When this writer visited the Police Station this
evening he briefly saw the accused in a remorse state
as a sizeable crowd from his native village were
around the police station.

According to some Mr Moraes is a warm loving and
affectionate helpful person but the misfortune that
has struck him owing to his misdeamenours could have
led him to this unimaginable crime.

It is not strange to see that many successful Goans
working in the Gulf countries and as seafarers have
been unsuccessful back home and obviously it is
because the level of corruption institutionalised bv
our politicians who support a corrupt bureaucracy.  It
 is alcohol and gambling that is finally resorted to
and eventually the vicoius circle  of a Gulf returnee
and a seafared ends up to where he began from.

Estranged spouses and way ward children are the social
fallouts and this is more prominent among the Catholic
community in the Velhas Conquistas but has slowly but
surely taken the toll among the Hindu migrants as

The lessons in this unsuccessful robbery attempt is
the reflection of this dilema facing several Goan NRIs

The Bank Manager and Cashier are recovering from their
ordeal so are the bnearly all female staff of the
Bank.  Officials from headquarters have come to get a
first hand information of the developments.

Meanwhile the Bank officials of other Banks are
gearing up to face such ordeals though actual action
will follow only after the jigsaw puzzle is clear.  

Borda Margao Goa

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2005-08-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Saturday  06/08/2005 

Dr Vijay Mallya, the young dynamic globe trotting
Member of the Rajya Sabha (upper House of India's
Parliament)who earned the sobriquet the "King of Good
Times" as Chairman of the United Breweries Group of 
Companies and  now Kingfisher Airlines which commenced
operations in May 2005  was quizzed by this writer  
on how girls from Goa could get in as Airhostesses on
his Kingfisher airlines ? This was an obvious question
for reasons below. 

Dr Mallya had set his eyes on Goa, which he proudly
stated is the land of his family roots even though
they had migrated to Bangalore Karnataka several years
ago -- 

Now with frequent visits to his mansion at Candolim
Bardez Goa ( Velhas Conquistas ) just facing the five
year old beleagured River Princess -- and setting up
his fledging political outfit -- the Janata Party in
Goa -- intended to harness the power of the youth who
now constitute nearly 65% of the Indian population and
seek entry in Goa's political cauldron;--- the man who
controls this   mega industry and will now launch the 
inaugural Goa Mumbai flight on 11 August 2005 1340 hrs
IST was quick to email this reply:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:on 25/06/2005

Dear Mr.Gonsalves,

I thank you for the graciousness of your letter to me.

You can forward all applications to my HR department
on the email address - [EMAIL PROTECTED] , I assure
you that all applications are looked at quickly and

Once again, I thank you for the acknowledgement and
compliment implicit in your letter, and I hope you
also have the opportunity to fly Kingfisher Airlines
so on.

Dr. Vijay Mallya, MP
Chairman and Managing Director
Kingfisher Airlines Limited
A UB Group Company

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote 16/06/2005
Dr Vijay Mallya
Hon'ble Member of RS
Chairman & MD
United Breweries Ltd


Sub: Openings for Airhostesses on KF Airlines

Kindly recall our brief meeting in Our lady of Grace
Church Hall Margao 10/05/2003 launching of "Vision for
Goa " seminar and the launch of your Janata Party in
Goa, at Mariotts.

Sir there  have been requests from teenagers (girls)
wondering how to get about as Trainees - Airhostess or
allied openings for girls in your esteemed airlines.

They have clicked on Careers -- of your website
www.flykingfisher.com  but  no indication for
posting applications online for  Airhostesses is
Could you kindly advise.

With all best wishes for your airlines

Borda Margao Goa

So this is a great offer for girls in Goa to take up
opportunities in the airlines.  All you need is a
courteous disposition and above all promoting the
unique Goan hospitality. Travel Kingfisher and -- fly
the good times. let the Goan flag fly high up in the
For more  details log on to www.flykingfisher.com

Hillside Apts Borda Margao Goa 

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Only in Yahoo! Mail: http://in.mail.yahoo.com


2005-08-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The organisors of the " Meet to highlight use of
Konkani in Roman script "  which is a meet of the
representatives of associations working in literary
and cultural field of Goa through Konkani in Roman
script to be held on August 8 at Grace Church hall,
Margao should send immediately invitation to all the
14 Catholic MLA's and Ministers of the Goa Legislative
Assembly to speak out their mind on the need to do
justice to the Roman script.

The theme being Unity in diversity of scripts and not
a monopoly of one script Devnagiri overshadowing or
anhilating other scripts.

This being the  follow-up of the preliminary meeting
held in July, 2005 at Pilar the meeting is
specifically convened to bring to the notice of the
writers, poets and artistes of Konkani in Roman script
about the injustice meted out to them and to their
creative activities.

The meeting will discuss about the importance of
Konkani language in our lives, identity of Goans
through Konkani language irrespective of any
particular script, financial support from the
government to all the literary and cultural activities
of Konkani in Roman script, etc., etc.

Even otherwise without an invitation the 14 "Cristao
Montris and Amdars" ought to attend this meet so that
an amendment to Official language act 1987 
legislation or mention be made for need of recognising
Konkani in Roman script during the forthcoming month
long since 11 August 2005, session of the Goa
Legislative Assembly.

Alternatively Mr Luizinho Faleiro on behalf of theINC
Dr Wilfred A De Souza on behalf of the NCP and
Francisco De Souza on behalf of the BJP  Mr Mathany
Saldanha on behalf of the UGDP could spell out their
respective party stands in person or messages at this
meet. Even Mr Churchill Alemao MP could give his view
and also rope in Mrs Margaret Alva attending to the
Goa Desk of her INC to render her views now that in
her home state Karwar -- demand for recognising
Konkani in Kannda script is gaining tremendous

If these 14 Cristao MLA's and Montris do not attend or
voice their opinion the organisors should meet them
personally and record their views and air them

In fact as a follow up after the meet a morcha could
be held in Panaji/Porvorim  during the Assembly
session giving vide coverage on the national and local
visual media.

This has been the demand of several senior Goans of
both  Hindu and Catholic community that this writer
has been interacting with, to build the ground swell
for this demand -- its now or never.

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

Free antispam, antivirus and 1GB to save all your messages
Only in Yahoo! Mail: http://in.mail.yahoo.com

[Goanet]Re : Anthony Gonsalves

2005-08-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Mr Anthony Gonsalves was felicitated and conferred a
State award at the Gomant Bharati Sammelan ( a
gathering of Goans living outside Goa and within India
) by the then BJP led coalition Government on 31st May
2003 at the Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir.   

It must be noted that the erstwhile policy pre 2000
was to honour Goans for their performance within the
State it was only after the BJP led coalition
government who came to power did away with this policy
and hence late Mr Alfred Rose also received State
Government award.

It is time the Kala Academy could document this great
musicians achievement and the present 14 Catholic MLAs
of the Goa Legislative Assembly would render yeomen
service to this cause to recognise the accomplishment
of the ageing maestro.

As regards organising a concert the costs can be
computed and projected on the internet for any
prospective industrialist or Goan lover to pursue the

Unfortunately it is reliably learnt that caste
constraints have jettisoned this eminent Goan from the
social limelight.

godfrey j i gonsalves
borda margao goa

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2005-08-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
There were unprecedented heavy showers since the
afternoon on this Monday 8/8/2005 the first working
day of the week giving tense moments for the
organisors of the " Meet to highlight use of Konkani
in Roman script "  which is a meet of the
representatives of associations working in literary
and cultural field of Goa through Konkani in Roman
script held  at Grace Church hall, Margao.

The meet was conducted under the auspices of the Msgr
Sebastaio Dalgado 15O centenary celebrations Committee
headed by ex Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly
and eminent tiatrist Mr Tomazinho Cardozo.

Mr Wilmix Mazarello an eminent  tiatrist explained in
chaste Konkani without mincing words on how Roman
script was betrayed by the organisation Konkani
Porjecho Avaz. He castigated those like N Shivdas who
tried to brand Roman script lovers as antinationals.

He was clear on one point that for the fear of
breaking the seemingly Goan unity then 18 years ago
when the Konkani language was recognised as the
Official language on 4/2/1987 writers tiatrist
lyricists poets compromised and agreed to Devnagiri
script.  He admitted that of the six years in the
Konkani Academy three as an appointee of the
Government and three outside he had understood that
there was a "hate syndrome' for those advocating the
cause of Roman script.  Even those Cristao Konkani
Roman script stalwarts who graced functions of the
Devnagiri Konkani lovers did not realise that they
were being fooled by them. He supported the demand of
Kannada script for Konkani by the people of karnataka

Mr Tomazinho Cardozo  highlighted the same issues and
spoke how there was no recognition to eminent persons
like Fr Antonio Pereira but instead Shenoi Goembab
Varde Valaulikar who had just 13 Romi lipi works was
projected as the "Father of the Konkani movement" . 
Even the eminent Msgr Dalgado was given mere lip
sympathy and  thrown into the limbo. Only the 127
diocesan schools teach Konkani and the rest Marathi so
it is the Catholic students who have to face the brunt
of a non standardised language. Even the lessons are
all of Devnagiri writers why not five lessons in
written by Roman and others by Devnagiri? 

Fr Pratap Naik who speaks reads and writes Kannada
Devnagiri and Roman scripts Konkani read from prepared
points in Devnagiri script but yet vociferously
advocated the use of Roman lipi in this information
age to have a global interaction via email.  

Fr Naik a Jesuit heading the Thomas Stephen Kendra
Alto Porvorim clarified that God made two types of
living beings Human being " monis " who could speak
and animals who could not "mon zat" Therefore language
or ability of speaking was given as a gift to man. We
are first Konkani and then Goans he said just as there
are languages like Punjabi etc. It is language that
defines our identity not the boundaries of the State.
Our theme should be "Konkani uloi Konkni ghazoi" Next
he stated that to speak is the vehicle of
communication it has emotive spiritual and social
significance.  Therefore Punjabi Gujarati Bengali and
Konkani are all languages of communication.   Next he
admitted that Roman script was alive since 1556. To
label the Konkani Roman script as unscientific is
wrong he culled statistics to show Roman script is 93%
and user friendly, Kannada 82% Sanskrit 100% but
Devnagiri is merely 40 % yet The Sahitya Academy in
New Delhi confers awards on to literary works in
Devnagiri Konkani and not to Roman this is a
misrepresentation of facts.

Fr Pratap suggested a nine point agenda to be placed
before the Government.
He further stated that  just as there are two  bullock
cart needs to move on two wheels so also Konkani to
flourish should move on Devnagiri and Roman script in
Goa.  There should not be alms seeker for recognition
of Roman script we should demand it as our right
having preserved it for several years as a matter of
fact the Church and later the tiatrists etc need to be
credited for the use of Konkani or else it would have
faded away.

The writings of N Shivdas a teacher (read N for Naik
Shivdas--- apparently being shy that Naik refers to
Bahujan Samaj non Brahmin) in a local daily accusing
Fr Naik as trying to drive a wedge between the
communities by stirring up the script issue was

Many present spoke on the agenda to be followed.  This
riter along with another asked the organisors to make
amends in the language Act definition of Konkani to
read as " written in both Devnagiri and Roman script
instead of merely Devnagiri"  Demand from the 14 MLAs
and political parties in writing their stand on Roman
lipi . Raise the issue in the Legislative Assembly
during this session itself during zero hours and get
the Government view point on the Roman script. Its now
or never.

In fact it became evident that the Devnagiri script
lovers were conspicuous by their absence though they
had revealed in a section of the press that they have
no hatred towards the Roman script.  

Mr Ulhas "Buyao" (surname not kn


2005-08-09 Thread godfrey gonsalves

Mr Rene Mendes,

send the same to 

B. B. Borkar Road, Alto Porvorim
GOA - 403 521, INDIA
(0832) 2415857, 2415864

Kind attn of Fr  Pratap Naik, S.J. 
Director, TSKK

You are aware that lovers of Roman script were
following the enactment of Official language Act 1987
on 4th February, 1987 asked to compromise on the
demand for Roman script Konkani for the sake of Goan

What turned out is that only the diocesan run schools
teach Konkani in Devnagiri at the Primary school
level. All others teach English or Marathi and other

Owing to an unfamiliar and non standardized Konkani
vocabulary ( which does not match the Konkani language
as spoken by 95% Goans ) and is written and taught
exclusively  in the Devnagiri script, parents who cant
afford education opt to put their children in English

18 years after the Act was passed it has dawned on the
lovers of Konkani in  Roman script that the ends of
justice must be met NOW or NEVER as only the use of
Devnagiri script has benefitted a miniscule section of
the Society familiar with this language and script.

Konkani continues to suffer and will affect the future
of Goa and Goans.

According to Fr. Pratap Naik sj Thomas Stephen Kendra
Porvorim "just as a bullock cart needs two wheels to
move so also does Konkani in Goa needs both the
Devnagiri and the Roman script to progress" Though
this realisation has dawned late in the day it is
never too late.

Towards this end resolutions were moved at a meeting  
convened by  "Dalgado Konknni Akademi"  (DKA), at 
Margao, Goa on August 08, 2005 in the presence of
Konkani Roman script writers, tiatrists, artists' and
Roman script lovers  at Grace Church Hall,  Margao,
Goa on Monday, 8th August 2005 at 4.00 p.m.  
  We  demand of the Goa Government an 

EQUAL STATUS for KONKANI in  Roman & Devnagiri script 


1. Goa's Konkani community is divided into two groups,
namely those who read and write Konkani in Devnagari
script, and those who read and write Konkani in Roman

Therefore Goa Government should give equal and
official status to Konkani written in Devanagari and
Roman scripts.  

For this the Govt. should modify the Language Act

The present Language Act,1987  2. (c) reads "Konkani
language" means Konkani language in Devanagari script.

We propose the following amendment to 2. (c):
"Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari and Roman scripts.

2. Goa Government recognizes Marathi Akademi as the
official Akademi for Marathi in Goa and gives grants.
Similarly, Goa Government must recognize Dalgado
Konknni Akademi (DKA) as the official NGO of  Konkani 
in Roman script and give the same amount of grants
which the Govt. gives to Goa  Konkani Akademi (GKA)
and Marathi Akademi.

3. So far, Goa Govt. has not appointed the president
of GKA from the Roman script group.  The term of the
present GKA president will be completed in the month
of November 2005.  

Hence this time Govt. must appoint the president of
GKA from the minority community.  In the future, Govt.
could appoint the president by turns from Devanagari
script and Roman script

4. GKA is a Govt. institution.  At present a nominee
of the All India Konkani Parishad is the ex-officio
member of GKA.  

GKA Constitution must be amended to include  a nominee
of Dalgado Konknni Akademi as the ex-officio member of
GKA.  Goa Govt. appoints three persons eminent in the
field of Konkani language, literature or culture as
ex-officio members of GKA. 

 While nominating these three persons Govt. should
give equal representation to 
Devanagari and Roman script groups.

5. In the past Kala Akademi (KA) used to give annual
prizes for books published in Devanagari and Roman
scripts.  For the last many years it has stopped
giving awards to books written in Roman script.  KA
should be ordered to give awards to Roman script
Konkani writers, and extend to them all other projects
and schemes which are available to Konkani in
Devanagari script.

6. Kala Akademi gives Gomantak Sharada Puroskar to
Konkani writers in Devanagari script and Marathi
writers.  In future KA must consider and give this
prestigious award to Roman script writers and artists
as well.

7. Kala Akademi is established to promote the culture
of Goa.  Hence it should be asked to hold competitions
and to promote non-stop Konkani drama, one-act plays
in Konkani in Roman script, Mandos, Dekhnnis,
Christmas carols, Church hymns, Motets, Intruz khells,
Kantaram, Kunbi songs and dances, and other folk arts.

8. Govt. must name its new theatre for the performing


2005-08-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves

Goans world wide have decided to support the cause of
Konkani in Roman script besides the existing Devnagiri
script, as an acceptable understanding to promote the

Many Goans have requested this writer in their
individual capacity, how to acknowledge their support
for the issue of Konkani in Roman script 

Here is a MEMORANDUM prepared by Fr Pratap Naik sj of
Thomas Stephen Kendra TSK which could be sent to the
Hon,ble Chief Minister of Goa Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane

email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax No +91833464 
and copied to Fr Pratap Naik Director TSKK Porvorim
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mr Tomazinho Cardozo
President Dalgado Konknni Akademi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and  to Mr Luizinho Faleiro –
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of the 14 Catholic 
MLA’s including the two disqualified OR to undersigned
writer [EMAIL PROTECTED] to enable follow
up  the same with the Government and others 
Please send this appeal to all your friends well
wishers and lovers of Konkani in Roman script.  A
single email can do wonders. Remember its now or

Konkani in Roman script was believed to be the
language of the servants or the traditional workers or
the "sudirs" but this misplaced belief have made us
strangers in our own land. Lets change this mindset.

Meanwhile in Goa the organisations TSKK and DKA
spearheading the movement will take up the matter with
the 14 Catholic MLA's the other MLA's the Chief
Minister of Goa and other coalition partners during
the ongoing Legislative Assembly session and keep up
the tempo to wards pursuing this mission.

The Church in Goa has yet not awoken despite the
raging debate but it is hoped they will awake slowly
but surely or we need to awake them.

Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa
Panaji, Goa - 403 001, INDIA.


Goa's Konkani community is divided into two groups
namely those who read and write Konkani in Devanagari 
script, and those who read & write Konkani in Roman 

In Goa the Roman script has a history of approximately
500 years.  Besides, in this age of information and
technology Roman script is an asset to our mother

In the world tourist map Goa is an important place. 
Therefore Goa Government should immediately
give equal and official status to Konkani written in
Devanagari and Roman script

For this the Govt. should modify the Language Act
of 1987 accordingly.  The present Language Act,1987 
2. (c) reads "Konkani language" means Konkani
language in Devanagari script.
We propose the following amendment to 2. (c): 
"Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari and Roman scripts.

We hope that your government will take the necessary
steps to do justice to both the communities of Goa and
promote our mother tongue Konkani, the pride of Goa

Your prompt action will be remembered & appreciated by
every broad minded Goan and Konkani lover.

With best wishes,
Yours truly,



Our MLA's visit your countries and seek your
hospitality, and you oblige, you listen to their
speeches as if they are "pearls of wisdom" once back
in Goa they forget your hospitaly and their words of

Goans please remember only what your elected
representatives speak  on the sacred floor of the Goa
Legislative Assembly or House of Parliament can
reflect their true intention. 

Hence force them to make these assurances for Konkani
in Roman script  on the Floor of the Assembly during
the current Monsoon session or in Parliament.  

Borda Margai Goa India  
contact 9822158584

Borda Margai Goa India  
contact 9822158584


Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa
Panaji, Goa - 403 001, INDIA.


Goa's Konkani community is divided into two groups
namely those who read and write Konkani in Devanagari 
script, and those who read & write Konkani in Roman 

In Goa the Roman script has a history of approximately
500 years.  Besides, in this age of information and
technology Roman script is an asset to our mother

In the world tourist map Goa is an important place. 
Therefore Goa Government should immediately
give equal and official status to Konkani written in
Devanagari and Roman script

For this the Govt. should modify the Language Act
of 1987 accordingly.  The present Language Act,1987 
2. (c) reads "Konkani language" means Konkani
language in Devanagari script.
We propose the following amendment to 2. (c): 
"Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari and Roman scripts.

We hope that your government will take the necessary
steps to do justice to both the communities of Goa and
promote our mother tongue Konkani, the pride of Goa

Your prompt action will be remembered & appreciated by
every broad minde

[Goanet]AGENDA FOR WGD 2005 - Konkani- Roman script

2005-08-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
15th August 2005 Happy Independence Day to Goans

We were are thrilled by the enthusiasm of the NRI
Goans on this issue.  Many have asked us how to go
about sending in their support. Here are some

Goans abroad celebrating WORLD GOA DAY 2005 should
INSERT on their agenda for the day one issue viz;  
EQUAL STATUS for KONKANI in  Roman & Devnagiri

On the WGD 20/8/2005  they could EXPLAIN and CIRCULATE
the understated to all the participants; viz  the text
of the REASONS  to justify the demand  as prepared by
Fr Pratap Naik sj Director of Thomas Stephen Kendra
and Mr Tomazinho Cardozo President Dalgado Konknni
Academi DKK  the two bodies spearheading the movement
in Goa
You are aware that lovers of Roman script were
following the enactment of Official language Act 1987
on 4th February, 1987 were asked to compromise on the
demand for Roman script Konkani for the sake of Goan
What turned out is that only the diocesan run schools
teach Konkani in Devnagiri at the Primary  school
level. All others teach English or Marathi and

Owing to an unfamiliar and non standardized Konkani
vocabulary ( which does not match the Konkani language
as spoken by 95% Goans ) and is written and taught
exclusively  in the Devnagiri script: parents who cant
afford education opt to put their children in English

18 years after the Act was passed it has dawned on the
lovers of Konkani in  Roman script that the ends of
justice must be met NOW or NEVER as only the use of
Devnagiri script has benefitted a miniscule section of
the Society familiar with this language and script.
Konkani language continues to suffer and will affect
the future of Goa and Goans.  According to Fr. Pratap
Naik sj Director of Thomas Stephen Kendra Porvorim 
"just as a bullock cart needs two wheels to move so
also does Konkani in Goa needs both the Devnagiri and
the Roman script to progress" Though  this realisation
has dawned late in the day it is never too late.
Towards this end resolutions were moved at a meeting
convened by  "Dalgado Konknni Akademi"  (DKA), at 
Margao, Goa on August 08, 2005 in the presence of
Konkani Roman script writers, tiatrists, artists' and
Roman script lovers  at Grace Church Hall,  Margao,
Goa on Monday, 8th August 2005 at 4.00 p.m. stating 

We  demand of the Goa Government an EQUAL STATUS for
KONKANI in  Roman & Devnagiri script 

 1. Goa's Konkani community is divided into two
groups, viz those who read and write Konkani in
Devnagari script, and those who read and write Konkani
in Roman script.  
 Therefore Goa Government should give equal and
official status to Konkani written in Devanagari and
Roman scripts.  
 For this the Govt. should modify the Language Act
accordingly.   The present Language Act,1987  2. (c)
reads "Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari script.
We propose the following amendment to 2. (c): "Konkani
language" means Konkani language in Devanagari and
Roman scripts.

2. Goa Government recognizes Marathi Akademi as the
official Akademi for Marathi in Goa and gives grants.
Similarly, Goa Government must recognize Dalgado
Konknni Akademi (DKA) as the official NGO of  Konkani
in Roman script and give the same amount of grants
which the Govt. gives to Goa  Konkani Akademi (GKA)
and Marathi Akademi.
3. So far, Goa Govt. has not appointed the president
of GKA from the Roman script group.  The term of the
present GKA president will be completed in the month
of November 2005.   Hence this time Govt. must appoint
the president of GKA from the minority community.  In
the future, Govt. could appoint the president by turns
from Devanagari script and Roman script groups.
4. GKA is a Govt. institution.  At present a nominee
of the All India Konkani Parishad is the ex-officio
member of GKA.   GKA Constitution must be amended to
include  a nominee of Dalgado Konknni Akademi as the
ex-officio member of GKA.  Goa Govt. appoints three
persons eminent in the field of Konkani language,
literature or culture as ex-officio members of GKA. 
While nominating these three persons Govt. should give
equal representation to  Devanagari and Roman script

5. In the past Kala Akademi (KA) used to give annual
prizes for books published in Devanagari and Roman
scripts.  For the last many years it has stopped
giving awards to books written in Roman script.  KA
should be ordered to give awards to Roman script
Konkani writers, and extend to them all other projects
and schemes which are available to Konkani in
Devanagari script.
6. Kala Akademi gives Gomantak Sharada Puroskar to
Konkani writers in Devanagari script and Marathi
writers.  In future KA must consider and give this 
prestigious award to Roman script writers and artists
as well.

7. Kala Akademi 

[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #2443 - Message 5

2005-08-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
We have recieved several replies from Mumbai Pune etc
and the upsurge is tremendous.

Borda Margao Goa

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 


2005-08-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Never did we expect such an upsurge of the emails in
support of Konkani in Roman script.  Please keep up
the tempo .  The more the merrier and watch the next
line of action. 

As it is the Konkani loving people in the State of
Karnataka are actively following the enthusiasm of the
Goans towards Konkani in Roman script. 

This writer interacted with several Hindu "Bahujan
Samaj" (non Brahmins) . Believe it they are extremely
happy that the lovers of Roman script have realised
their foolishness of 1987 after 18 years since  the
Official language act was passed (4.2.1987)  

Surprisingly also several Hindu Brahmins this writer
interacted with in Panaji and Margao openly stated
that Konkani Roman script lovers were foolish to
compromise on Roman script in 1987. Some even went to
the extent of pointing out to present MP Churchill
Alemao calling him "burro" donkey for the compromise
despite the valiant struggle and financial support
from Catholic NRIs. 

They state that atleast for 15 years one could have
demanded that Konkani in Roman script should be
recognised and reviewed for its continuity. 

Therefore now that 18 years have lapsed and there is a
demand and above all a realisation that they were
misled --they are supportive of the view that BOTH
Devnagiri and Roman should continue.  

BUT  they are blunt "dont expect our support -- we
have got ours --- DEVNAGIRI call it hook or by crook
thats all about in politics" 

It is they who ADVISE DISCREETLY  -- better late than

The Hindu Bahujan Samaj are confident that if the
demand for amendment of the Official Language Act 1987
to include Konkani in Roman script as well they will
support the moves whole heartedly. 

But they suspect that the Hindu Brahmins conversant
with the Devnagiri script will brainwash our  12
Catholic MLA's and threaten them if they bring about
an amendment spreading false canards. They could even
ask some fly by night "groups" to issue press
statements threatening Konkani Roman script lovers
that they will demand Marathi as second official
language.  And these 12 MLAs  would use this canard to
shy away from raking up this issue.

The Hindu Brahmins  have  thus far been successful in
ensuring that the local English and vernacular media
does not carry the demand for Konkani in Roman script.
The coverage is not adequate.

But when even four to five members attended their
"public meetings" the Konkani  Devangiri script
correspondents  who report will give them wide

On 20th August 2005 Saturday a non working day for
Government employees  a similar function will be held
by them in a small office of the Goa Konknni Academy
below Pato bridge and one can be sure that there will
be huge write ups ... visit the meet and watch this

But unfortunately for the Hindu Brahmins   they have
NOT  been successful in stopping the tremendous
response on the cybermail.  

At first they tried calling Konkani in Roman script
lovers as "anti nationals" when these same people
would be willing to sell their mothers sisters and
wives to achieve their nefarious designs.

Many of our Catholic Brahmins too do not openly
support  this Roman script mainly because the hangover
of the Portuguese language, and that in the past they
had called Konkani a SERVANTS LANGUAGE 

But that does not mean they do not support the demand
for recognition to Konkani in Roman script.  They are
for it but will not express it in emails.  But they
are with us as well confided many this writer
interacted with telephonically.

Therefore it should be noted that it is only the Hindu
Brahmins who have been riding piggy back on the
gullible Catholics who spread the canard even to this
day that there will be  a backlash from Hindu Bahujans
if the amendment is brought about .  This is a myth
perpetuated by them.  

They are unable to explain why only the Hindu Brahmins
conversant with the written and Devnagiri script have
cornered ALL the Government jobs for their selves and

That is the MONOPOLY  they want to have both to earn
by tutoring  the Catholics in Konkani devnagiri script
and also boost their employment prospects IN
Government offices.

The Hindu Bahujans this writer spoke to has challenged
the Hindu Brahmins to contradict what has been stated

The fact that till date none of the Hindu Brahminss
have been able to counter the demand of Konkani in
Roman script clearly indicates that  the general
ground swell is that our demands as placed by Fr
Pratap Naik Director TSKK Porvorim should be met by
the Government at any cost.

Borda Margao Goa

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 

[Goanet]WGD 2005 to demand ROMAN SCRIPT

2005-08-20 Thread godfrey gonsalves
We are thrilled by the encouraging emails send by the
lovers of Konkani in Roman script to the Chief
Minister of Goa as under:
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa
Panaji, Goa - 403 001, INDIA.
Goa's Konkani community is divided into two groups
namely those who read and write Konkani in Devanagari 
script, and those who read & write Konkani in Roman 

In Goa the Roman script has a history of approximately
500 years.  Besides, in this age of information and
technology Roman script is an asset to our mother

In the world tourist map Goa is an important place. 
Therefore Goa Government should immediately
give equal and official status to Konkani written in
Devanagari and Roman script
For this the Govt. should modify the Language Act
of 1987 accordingly.  The present Language Act,1987 
2. (c) reads "Konkani language" means Konkani
language in Devanagari script.
We propose the following amendment to 2. (c): 
"Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari and Roman scripts.

We hope that your government will take the necessary
steps to do justice to both the communities of Goa and
promote our mother tongue Konkani, the pride of Goa

Your prompt action will be remembered & appreciated by
every broad minded Goan and Konkani lover.

With best wishes,
Yours truly,


Now celebrants of WGD 2005 will similarly pass
resolutions in favour of Konkani in Roman script. 
That will be on their agenda today.

Those who have missed the opportunity to send emails
can now do so through collective resolutions on WGD

The Goa Legislative Assembly is in session until the
end of August 2005 your voice from abroad will be
reflected in the Goa Assembly if only you make the
right noises.  This is the occassion this is the
moment its now or never Konkani in Roman script must
be recognized to do justice to those conversant with
this script.

You have an opportunity to show your resolve now.
Strenghten the hands of Thomas Stephen Konkani  Kendra
TSKK and Dalgado Konknni Akademi two authentic bodies
spearheading the movement in Goa. 


Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 

[Goanet] GU to confer first Ph.D in Konkani (devnagiri script ) to a Goan student

2005-08-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At a function held this evening at the Goa Konkani Academy premises near the 
KTC Bus stand, three Konkani books in Devnagiri script a) Laxmanrao Sardesai 
1904 -1986,Rs 60/-  Gaonran and Rajratna Rs 185/- and Rs 175 both by Ms 
Jayanti Naik a lecturer, were released at the hands of Prof Jayant Budkuley 
Registrar Goa University. The inaugural price offer was Rs 300/- for
all three ie. Rs 50/- Rs 140 and Rs 140/-

Speaking on the ocassion Prof Sebastiao Mariano Borges ab ex- Professor Dept 
of Geology Smt Parvatibai Chiowgule College and earlier a student in Cuncolim
school and Mumbai spoke of some mistakes which need correction.  He was 
apparently referring to the issue of script viz Roman script. Incidentally 
Prof Gomes has translated into English "The truimph of Konkani"
original in Konkani written by Shenoi Goembab in the early 1930's

The Registrar of the Goa University Prof Budkuley spoke of the role of 
University in the propagation of Konkani.  He stated that despite some set-
backs from the other faculty and excecutive members ever since he took up 
placement in the University in March 2002 he came out 

a) with the first circular in the University in Konkani (Devnagiri script) 

b) there is a bimonthly bulletin in Konkani (Devnagiri script) which gives an 
insight into the happenings in the University, which he hopes will now be 
circulated to all the Colleges under the University and he was also optimistic 
that the same could be sent to the Village Panchayats in Goa.

Though eye brows were raised mostly from Goa Unviersity and some writers at 
the last proposal among the audience which constituted about 23 persons (in
the small residential "sala" of an old house which doubles up as the GKA 
office )excluding reporters of the audio visual and print  media.

c) He was willing to provide replies in Konkani Devnagiri script if letters 
were addressed to his office at GU Taleigao in Konkani  

d) His office took the decision to release advertisements of the Goa 
University in Konkani Devnagiri scripton Sunaparant besides the English
daily despite stiff opposition from the non goans in the Goa University

He admitted that the post graduation course MA in Konkani (devnagiri script) 
needed a thorough revamping of the syllabus and should be far advanced.  He 
quoted Mr Sandesh Prabhudesai Editor Sunaparant stating that BA standard of 
Konkani Devnagiri script was in the eyes of students far superior than MA.

The real scoop of the day was when Dr Jayant Budkuley announced that ever 
since the Goa University was set up in 1985 after 20 years the University will 
have to its credit the first student Ph.D in Konkani, this he considers to be 
greatest achievement for Konkani. When this writer a an ex-student of Dr 
Budkuley asked him to divulge the name of the student he preferred to
keep it as a secret.

However another point which was viewed with concern was when Dr Jayant 
Budkuley stated that he keeps at his home photocopies of files of the Goa 
University containing notings of his observations on issues and his efforts in 
promoting Konkani which often suffer stiff resistance from within so that post 
retirement he could write memoirs of his efforts for Konkani.  He admitted 
that despite belonging to the Science faculty (he was an ex lecturer in 
Chemistry at S P C College Margao)he had rendered yeomen service to the cause 
of Konkani, but did admit that English words did flow while he spoke  Konkani.

Mr Pundalik Naik (not Nayak ) President of the GKA explained the significance 
of Konkani-- he stated that Sahitya Academi New Delhi recognised the existence 
of Konkani language in 1975, but with the inclusion of Konkani in the VIII 
Schedule of the Constitution it was found printed on the currency notes in 
Devnagiri script alongwith other such official languages. The National Book 
Trust of India gave fellowships for Konkani literature.  This is possible 
since its inclusion in the VII Schedule on 20th August 1992. Mr Naik assured 
the audience that monographs of past Konkani stalwarts would adorn the GKA 
walls viz; R. V Pandit Shenoi Goembab Joao Agostinho Fernandes (Pai tiatrist) 
and several others.  He proudly stated that the GKA has produced thus far per 
annum nearly 65 book in Konkani roughly five books per month.

Touching upon the point raised by Prof Borges earlier, on the Roman script. Mr 
Naik admitted that there were some aberrations.  He did recognise the need for
safeguards towards Roman script.  He however told the gathering that prior to 
the formation of the "Konkani Porjecho Avaz" (the Voice of Konkani speaking 
people) there were 6 to 8 brain storming sessions and at these sessions the 
issue of script Roman and Devnagiri did surface -- the general consensus was 
Konkani as official language with disunity among Hindus and Catholics was not 
worth -- they were more for UNITY amongst HINDUS AND CATHOLICS first then for 
Konkani and with this the devangiri script was accepted.


[Goanet] GU to confer first Ph.D in Konkani (devnagiri script ) to a Goan student

2005-08-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
a function held this evening at the Goa Konkani
Academy premises near the KTC Bus stand, three Konkani
books in Devnagiri script a) Laxmanrao Sardesai 1904
-1986,Rs 60/-  Gaonran and Rajratna Rs 185/- and Rs
175 both by Ms Jayanti Naik a lecturer, were released
at the hands of Prof Jayant Budkuley Registrar Goa
University. The inaugural price offer was Rs 300/- for
all three ie. Rs 50/- Rs 140 and Rs 140/-

Speaking on the ocassion Prof Sebastiao Mariano Borges
ab ex- Professor Dept of Geology Smt Parvatibai
Chiowgule College and earlier a student in Cuncolim
school and Mumbai spoke of some mistakes which need
correction.  He was apparently referring to the issue
of script viz Roman script. Incidentally Prof Gomes
has translated into English "The truimph of Konkani"
original in Konkani written by Shenoi Goembab in the
early 1930's

The Registrar of the Goa University Prof Budkuley
spoke of the role of University in the propagation of
Konkani.  He stated that despite some set-backs from
the other faculty and excecutive members ever since he
took up placement in the University in March 2002 he
came out 
a) with the first circular in the University in
Konkani (Devnagiri script) 
b) there is a bimonthly bulletin in Konkani (Devnagiri
script) which gives an insight into the happenings in
the University, which he hopes will now be circulated
to all the Colleges under the University and he was
also optimistic that the same could be sent to the
Village Panchayats in Goa.  

Though eye brows were raised mostly from Goa
Unviersity and some writers at the last proposal among
the audience which constituted about 23 persons (in
the small residential "sala" of an old house which
doubles up as the GKA office )excluding reporters of
the audio visual and print  media.

c) He was willing to provide replies in Konkani
Devnagiri script if letters were addressed to his
office at GU Taleigao in Konkani 
d) His office took the decision to release
advertisements of the Goa University in Konkani
Devnagiri scripton Sunaparant besides the English
despite stiff opposition from the non goans in the Goa

He admitted that the post graduation course MA in
Konkani (devnagiri script) needed a thorough revamping
of the syllabus and should be far advanced.  He quoted
Mr Sandesh Prabhudesai Editor Sunaparant stating that
BA standard of Konkani Devnagiri script was in the
eyes of students far superior than MA.

The real scoop of the day was when Dr Jayant Budkuley
announced that ever since the Goa University was set
up in 1985 after 20 years the University will have to
its credit the first student Ph.D in Konkani, this he
considers to be greatest achievement for Konkani. When
this writer a an ex-student of Dr Budkuley asked him
to divulge the name of the student he preferred to
keep it as a secret.

However another point which was viewed with concern
was when Dr Jayant Budkuley stated that he keeps at
his home photocopies of files of the Goa University 
containing notings of his observations on issues and
his efforts in promoting Konkani which often suffer
stiff resistance from within so that post retirement
he could write memoirs of his efforts for Konkani.  He
admitted that despite belonging to the Science faculty
(he was an ex lecturer in Chemistry at S P C College
Margao)he had rendered yeomen service to the cause of
Konkani, but did admit that English words did flow
while he spoke  Konkani.

Mr Pundalik Naik (not Nayak ) President of the GKA
explained the significance of Konkani-- he stated that
Sahitya Academi New Delhi recognised the existence of
Konkani language in 1975, but with the inclusion of
Konkani in the VIII Schedule of the Constitution it
was found printed on the currency notes in Devnagiri
script alongwith other such official languages.  The
National Book Trust of India gave fellowships for
Konkani literature.  This is possible since its
inclusion in the VII Schedule on 20th August 1992. Mr
Naik assured the audience that monographs of past
Konkani stalwarts would adorn the GKA walls viz; R. V
Pandit Shenoi Goembab Joao Agostinho Fernandes (Pai
tiatrist) and several others.  He proudly stated that
the GKA has produced thus far per annum nearly 65 book
in Konkani roughly five books per month.

Touching upon the point raised by Prof Borges earlier,
on the Roman script. Mr Naik admitted that there were
some aberrations.  He did recognise the need for
safeguards towards Roman script.  He however told the
gathering that prior to the formation of the "Konkani
Porjecho Avaz" (the Voice of Konkani speaking people)
there were 6 to 8 brain storming sessions and at these
sessions the issue of script Roman and Devnagiri did
surface -- the general consensus was Konkani as
official language with disunity among Hindus and
Catholics was not worth -- they were more for UNITY
amongst HINDUS AND CATHOLICS first then for Konkani
and with this the devangiri script was accepted.

He however stated that Roman script for literary wo

[Goanet] LIES LIES & more LIES on DEVNAGIRI SCRIPT -Konkani

2005-08-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While the President of the Goa Konkani Academy Mr
Pundalik Naik (not Nayak) states that amendment to
Official Language Act 1987 to include Roman script
alongside Devnagiri will result in a backlash from the
Marathi protoganists.  The Bahujan Samaj (non Brahmin
Hindus)whole heartedly support the demand of Catholics
for the Roman script and in fact have given their
approval to the 13 points listed by Dr Pratap Naik of
the Thomas Stephen Konkani Kendra and Dalgado Konknni

Now in Karnataka the  Konkani Bhasha Prachar Sabha
Secretary Mr N Prushottam Mallya has urged the PM Dr
Manmohan Singh to direct the CM of Karnataka to
consider the memorandum  dated 27 June 2005 demanding
that Devnagiri script ALONE be adopted as the script
for teaching Konkani in schools in Karnataka, instead
of the Kannada script.

This move speaks volumes of the resolve of a small
section of the Konkani speaking people to IMPOSE the
Devnagiri script instead of allowing KONKANI to
flourish in numerous scripts Roman Kannada Urdu
Malyalam etc.

What is shocking however is that the Sabha has gone to
the extent of stating that late Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru had stated in reply to a member's question in
Parliament that use of Devnagiri script should be
adopted for Konkani.

In the considered opinion of many citizens this writer
interacted with this seems clearly a case of the devil
quoting the scriptures.

For the information of the public and more
specifically the Konkani speaking people here is what
late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said in his speech in the
Lok Sabha on 14 March 1962

quote "We have made it clear that we want Goa
to maintain its separate identity, separate
individuality, call it what you will, because 400
years had had a separate identity and the course of
history had imparted it some.  We have no intention of
changing that or suppressing that identity. In fact
some people have advised us to make another change in

It is clear from this text that there is no mention of
script as even the Sahitya Academy that gives
recognition does not insist on script.

Will Mr N Purushottam Mallya now reproduce the date
House of Parliament and the text of the
starred/unstarred Question raised by the member ? and
the reply of the then late Pt Jawaharlal Nehru --
wherein Nehru stated that "Devnagiri" should be the
script for Konkani?

Borda Margao Goa
Cell 9822158584


Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 

[Goanet] THROW BRICK BATS - on "ONLY" Devnagiri script lovers

2005-08-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
TRUTH HURTS but it eventually PREVAILS .  There are
bouquets and brick-bats pouring for Konkani in Roman
script.  But what makes one ignore the brick bats is
since it comes from expected quarters. 

Those who take  advantage  of the gullible Konkani
Roman script lovers. The very same people who are hard
pressed to ensure that only the devnagiri script
prevails -- and roman and other scripts are given a go

Explaining the ground reality in Goa -- means having 
the courage to print out the unprintable  ---not  what
the stereo press in Goa does .  

Dr Pratap Naik sj Director TSKK has poured authentic
well documented and genuinely researched literature
exposing the 18 year old injustice done to the Roman
script-- Yes the Roman script lovers -- with an
exemplary spirit of compromise -- to save the unity of
the Hindu Brahmins, the Hindu Bahujan Samaj (non
Brahmins, the Cristao Bamonns and the other non Bamonn
Cristaos fell head over heal to accept Devnagiri
script --- but that was on the presumption that the
Marathi protoganists would have fallen in line and
accepted Konkani in Devnagiri script .  

That has not happened will never ever  happen . 
Because the underlying caste permutation and
combinations is the ground reality not visible to the
naked eye, its a deep conspired social engineering
with its  own vested interests.  

Unfortunately this is affecting the lovers of Konkani
Roman script and they cant wait any longer. 18 years
is too long.

Its therefore now or never.  For those who throw brick
bats pointing a finger   on the softer option viz
Konkani Roman script lovers --- the message is loud
If they achieve in getting the Devnagiri script lovers
to accept ROMAN and as MANY OTHERS scripts then only
we are prepared to accept brick bats not otherwise.

Why have the ONLY Konkani Devnagiri script lovers not
been able to counter the 13 points listed by Dr Pratap
Naik sj TSKK? 

Please keep your email support going even chain
letters (signature campaings ) will keep the tide
moving.  Discuss the issue in your homes in your
offices and understand the ground reality.

What is demanded is a simple addition or the word
"roman" to the official language act 1987 by an
amendment.  Nothing more 12 MLA;s can do that and the
others will support .  Test the waters now.  It is no
use fearing the shadow of an imminent back lash; these
are all Don Quixote and Sancho Panza  type fears 

The response that has come about is tremendous lets
harness this support for achieving our legitimate
demand now or never.

Watch for the next line of action this week.

Borda Margao Goa

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 


2005-08-24 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Goa's economy is synonymous with the three V's. 

Mr Vishwasrao Dattajirao Chowgule, a Maratha, born 15
August 1915 ancestral home in Kolhapur, Maharashtra,
who started life as a tally clerk,in Mormugao Harbour.

Then  late Mr Vasudev M Salgaocar,a Gaud Saraswat
Brahmin born 13.5.1916 to 13.10.1984 a native of
Ribander Tiswadi (Ilhas)who started as a vegetable
vendor, then Chairman, V M Salgaocar & Irmaos Vasco da

Finally late Vasantrao S Dempo receipient of
Padmashri, a Gaud Saraswat Brahmin born with a silver
spoon in his mouth a native of Santa Cruz Ilhas
Tiswadi, later Chairman of the Dempo Group of
Companies. (As a matter of fact it  was a partnership
firm viz Dempo & Souza. Mr Gabriel De Souza, resident
of Mirmar , then an employee of Siemens in  a Kolkatta
firm. It was somewhere in 1978 that after a protracted
legal battle the partners parted ways following a
court order)

At the stroke of 12 midnight Mr Vishwasrao Dattajirao
Chowgule, born on 25.8.1915 will turn 90 years. 

Even as a nonegenarian Mr Chowgule, a widower, is
still active controlling the great empire from the
Corporate Head office situated at the far end of
Mormugao Harbour Goa whose edifice was laid by his
late Dattajirao Nathaji Chowgule in 1916. 

Despite the untimely death of his beloved brother late
Yeshwantrao Dattajirao Chowgule on 5th August, 2005 
he still holds the fort with dexterity unexpected of a

Beginning as traders in 1916 Chowgules exported  tin
scrap wood bamboos coconut oil etc to the middle east;
In 1924 a shipping agency was established.  But when
in 1947   1500 tonnes of manganese ore was shipped to
Czechoslovakia and in 1950 another 9000 tonnes of iron
was exported to Japan; Chowgule's carved a niche in
the international arena. Today they export to China
Japan etc.

Mr Vishwasrao Chowgule, is known for his
foresightedness and determination. His pragmatism and
understanding the finer points of business and the
world economy saw him succeed where others feared to
tread. Ably supported by his other brothers he could
see the growth of his empire. 

He has to his credit the first pelletisation plant set
up in South East Asia, the first College in Goa post
liberation in March 1962.  

In mining circle the "Chowgule Formula" was a historic
agreement with the Japanese Steel Industry. Under this
formula Chowgules were to export iron ore to Japan
against Japanese loan in the form of equipment
personnel and finance to mechanise the mining
operations.  The loan would be repaid from the cost of
ore supplied by the Chowgule's. 

For this formula the entire credit goes to Chairman of
the Chowgule Group of Companies; Mr V D Chowgule. 
Today the Chowgule empire besides its core activity of
prospecting mining exporting pelletisation
beneficiation are ship owners operating in
International Tramp trade, manufacture of industrial
salt,shipbuilding automobiles,light commercial
vehicles, gases, brewery, perlite, oxy acetylene and
also in education -- viz schools and a college. 

Earlier the Konkani newspaper "Uzvadd" and Marathi
dailies Gomantak and subsequently the English daily
Gomantak Times were all started by the Chowgules.

The Narmada Cement Plant in Gujarat state also earlier
belonged to the Chowgules' before it changed hands.

Chowgules' contribution to the foreign exchange
earnings  is exemplary.  Development comes with a
pinch of salt and environment battles have had to be
fought. Unrest is not uncommon in such environments
when it comes to striking a delicate balance between
industry and social needs. Yet the empire has grown
giving wide  employment potential direct and indirect
to Goans as well as others from all over India.

If at all recognition ought to be given to anyone who
has contributed so immensly not only to the Goan
economy but to the Indian economy as well the first to
recieve it ought to have been Mr Vishwasrao Dattajirao
Chowgules for the many firsts.  

No doubt he is credited with an award during the 1986
Silver Jubilee celebrations for his contribution to
Goan industry and also a lifetime achievement award
during the country's golden jubilee celebrations of
Independence. Yet being a strict disciplinarian and a
no nonsense attitude  he well deserves much more

Mr Chowgule has six children three sons  three
daughters all part of the "Chowgule Parivar" .  

The people of Goa wish him well and many more years of
good health and happiness 

from the Mormugao harbour end

Borda Margao Goa

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 


2005-08-26 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Now you too can join the Roman Script Movement for the
love of Konkani. All you need is to support Konkani
written in any script Roman,Devnagiri, Kannada,Urdu
Malyalam and what have you?  In Goa it is Devnagiri
and Konkani script.In Karnataka it is the Kannada
script and so on.  All those who have sent email
messages will automatically be a part of the movement.
This is besides DKA and TSKK. Any organisation can
support the movement and join hands and thus the
Movement will grow.  Strike when the Iron is Hot.

It would be appreciated if lovers of the movement make
out a leaflet  of the undermentioned as drafted by Fr
Pratap Naik Director TSKK Porvorim and post it in your
club notice board send it to friends well wishers etc
place in magazines, newspapers other periodicals with
a message to circulate it and reach out to others.
Do you know RSM? It stands for Roman Script Movement.

Why RSM? Roman script Konkani was the foundation on
which Konkani was recognized by Central Government.
Only in Goa Language act of 1987, for the reasons best
known to "Konknni Porjecho Avaz" (KPA) Roman script
was ignored and only Devanagari was inserted as the
official script for Konkani. Some Roman script writers
have said that it was a "conspiracy" by vested
interest group.

Therefore now RSM demands to rectify the past SIN by
amending the Language Act of Goa (LAG)1987.


RSM demands from Goa Govt. the following:
1. Goa Government should give equal and officialstatus
to Konkani written in Devanagari and Roman scripts.
For this the Govt. should modify the Language Act
accordingly. The present Language Act,1987 2. (c)
"Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari script. We proposethe following amendment
to 2. (c):"Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari and Roman scripts.

2. Goa Government recognizes Marathi Akademi as the
official Akademi for Marathi in Goa and gives grants.
Similarly, Goa Government must recognize Dalgado
Konknni Akademi (DKA) as the official NGO of Konkani
in Roman script and give the same amount of grants
which the Govt. gives to Goa Konkani Akademi (GKA) and
Marathi Akademi.

3. So far, Goa Govt. has not appointed the President
of GKA from the Roman script group. The term of the
present GKA president will be completed in the month
of November 2005. Hence this time Govt. must appoint
the president of GKA from Roman script writers.

4. GKA is a Govt. institution. At present a nominee of
the All India Konkani Parishad is the ex-officio
member of GKA. GKA Constitution must be amended to
include a nominee of Dalgado Konknni Akademi as the
ex-officio member of GKA. Goa Govt. appoints three
eminent persons as ex-officio members of GKA. While
nominating these three persons Govt. should give
equal representation to Devanagari and Roman script.

5. For the last many years Kala Akademi (KA) has
stopped giving awards to books written in Roman
script. KA should be ordered to give awards to Roman
script Konkani writers, and extend to them all other
projects and schemes which are available to Konkani in
Devanagari script.

6. Kala Akademi gives Gomantak Sharada Puroskar to
Konkani writers in Devanagari script and Marathi
writers. In future KA must consider and give
this prestigious award to Roman script writers and
artists as well.

7. Kala Akademi is established to promote the culture
of Goa. Hence it should be asked to promote cultural
forms of roman script Konkani.

8. Govt. must name its new theatre for the performing
arts in Margão, in honour of Late João Agostinho
Fernandes, who is popularly known as "Pai Tiatrist".

9. Tiatr is the most popular form of theatre in Goa.
Therefore Govt. must promote it.

10. Govt. institutions and Govt. departments while
publishing Konkani books,
should publish them in both Devanagari script and
Roman script.

11. In school syllabus, lessons from Roman script
Konkani must be given equal representation without
changing the language and style. In colleges
and university the syllabus should include Konkani
literature written in Roman script.

12. Konkani has two representatives in Sahitya
Akademi, New Delhi. Goa Govt. sends three names to
Sahitya Akademi as its nominees. Let the Goa Govt.
send names of Devanagari writers and Roman script
writers by turns.

13. To promote Konkani films the Govt. must establish
a separate board with
equal representation of artists from both scripts.



Present situation --- so far none of the local
politicians have openly supported the move to amend
LAG. Their silence could be interpreted as indirect
support to RSM. In Bible Jesus says, "Those who are
not against us are with us". Mr. Eduardo Faleiro's,
(an ex. M.P. of Goa) statement supporting official
status to dual scripts for Goa has been published in
Herald daily (25th august) page 4.

What has

[Goanet] NOW BISHOP OF PUNE - on Konkani Roman script

2005-08-26 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Just 10 days have lapsed  and there has been
tremendous email support 83 as of date from all over
the world USA Canada Australia Portugal Mumbai Pune
etc etc for the amendment to the Official Language Act
1987 . Members of the DKA and TSKK are meeting the
Members of the Goa Legistative Assembly and letters of
appeal have been mailed to all the MLAs and MPs
seeking their support.

But today was a great day for the movement for
recognition of Konkani in Roman script alongwith
Devnagiri script which commenced since the Pilar
meetin July 2005 followed by two public meetings at
Margao and latest on 20th August 2005 at  Majorda.  

The Bishop of Pune made a strong appeal to the people
to support the movement.  

It is sad to note that the Archdiocese of Goa & Daman
is yet to take an official stand on this issue.

In fact what its flock are worried is --why does the
Catholic Church under this archdiocese which
incidentally has under its domain the largest parish
in Asia viz Church of Our Lady of Rosary Navelim,
Salcete Goa always remains a "prisoner of its own
conscience" when the faithful looks towards it for
leadership and  guidance.

It is the hope of the faithful in Goa that the
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman  will take a cue from the
Bishop of Pune and do the needful NOW OR NEVER

Reproduced is the text of the Bishop of Pune's message

Subject: Language Act of 1987

Bishop's House
Pune 411 001
26 August 2005

Dear Lover of Konkani in the Roman Script,
If you are interested kindly send the text given below
or an adaptation of it to the Chief Minister of Goa
and copies to the 3 addresses given below.

Konkani in the Roman Script is about 500 years old. In
this technological age the Roman Script is universal.

Wishing you God's blessings,

Yours devotedly in Christ,
+ Valerian D'Souza
Bishop of Poona

E-mail IDs of
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa, Mr. Pratapsing Raoji
Fax No: +91833464
Rev.Fr.Pratap Naik, Director, TSKK, Porvorim:  
Mr. Tomazinho Cardoso, President, Dalgado Konkanni
Mr. Luizinho Faleiro: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa
Panaji, Goa 403 001

The Goans are proud of their mother tongue.  Some read
and write in the Devanagari Script and others in the
Roman SCript. Both groups should be treated equally.

The Language Act of 1987, 2(c) means Konkani in the
Devanagari Script when it speaks of "Konkani

It should be amended to include the Roman Script and
read: - "Konkani Language means Konkani Language in
Devanagari and Roman Script.

I hope your government will take the necessary steps
to do justice to  both the communities of Goa and
promote our mother tongue in Konkani, the  pride
of Goa.

Your prompt action will be remembered and appreciated
by  every Goan and Konkani Lover.

With best wishes,

Yours truly





from  Porvorim end
Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 


2005-08-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Here is a well researched article -- mailed in three
parts. Fr Pratap Naik TSKK deserves the credit for a
clear explanation on the language conundrum.

You can cut and keep this extract or circulate it.
Anything and everything you do for "Konknni ani Romi
Lipi will add to our Movement.  Join the movement
before its late -- Now or never.

Borda Margao Goa 


Pratap Naik, S.J.
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
Alto Porvorim

1.0  Prostavona:
Bhas mon’xak mon’zati thaun veglli korta.  Moni asa ti
zat mon’zat.  Mon’zat moni, ti uloina.  Monis uloita. 
Bhas mon’xak Devachem dennem.  Jim mon’xam apli bhas
ulounk loztat va uloinant tim Devak okman kortat
mhonnlear chuk zata?  Monis aplea somaza, votthara ani
dhorma pormannem bhas uloita.  Sonvsarantli khoinchi-i
bhas ami ghetli zalear ti bhas poili lok uloita ani
uprant goroz poddlear ti borounk lagta.  Mhonntoch
monis bhas poili uloita ani magir borounk lagta. 
Dekun bhasvijnani (linguists) bhaxechea mollar tonddi
bhaxek (oral language) poilem sthan ani borounche
bhaxek dusrem sthan ditat.

1.1  Lipi:
Bhas boroupak kurvo zai.  Tea kurvanche vollerek lipi
mhonntat.  Bhaxek ani lipiek kosloch sombond na. 
Bhaxek apli mhonnloli soimbik lipi asunk zai oxem kaim
zonn mhonntat.  Bhasvijnanant (linguistics) ‘soimbik
lipi’ hem utor vaprinant.  ‘soimbik lipi’ hem utor
Konknnik Devanagori lipi zai mhonn hott dhortoleamni
ghoddoilam va bhaddeachem haddlam.  Je bhaxe khatir ek
khas lipi ghoddoilea zalear ti lipi te bhaxechi
‘nizachi lipi’ va ‘soimbik lipi’ oxem zai zalear
mhonnum-ieta. Dekik Kon’nodd lipi Kon’nodd bhaxe
khatir ghoddoilea.   Bhas borounk ji lipi lok vaporta
ti lipi te bhaxechi lipi zata.  Lipi bhas boroupak ek
sadhon, ek sonket (symbol), ek madhyom’(medium).  
Lipiecho ani povitrponnacho kaim som’bond na. 
Mhonntoch eke bhaxek omkich lipi vaprunk zai oso nem’
va kaido na.  Khoinchi-i ek lipi eke bhaxe khatir
lokachea matear bollan va kaide korun thapunk zaina. 
Apli bhas boroupak apnnak zai ti lipi vaporcho hok’k
ani mekllik lokak asa.  Dekik Sindhi bhaxek Parxi–Arbi
lipi kaim xekddeam thaun vaportat. Bharotak
svotontrotai melltoch Bharot sorkaran Devonagori lipi
Sindhi bhaxechi lipi mhonn mandun gheunchi oxem
tthoroilem. Punn Sindhi lokan to nirnnoi mandun ghetlo
na. Taka lagun az Sindhi bhaxek Parxi-Arbi ani
Devonagori heo don lipio asat. Te bhair Sindhi
boroupak kaim zonn Gujorati ani Romi lipio vaportat.
Kaxmiri bhaxek Parxi-Arbi ani Devonagori heo don lipio

1.2  Konknnicheo lipio:
Romi, Devonagori, Kon’nodd, Molyallom’ ani Parxi-Arbi
oxem panch lipiamnim Konknni boroitat.  Haka lagun
Konknni bhaxek lipi na oslo vad kaim vorsam fattim
choltalo.  Ho vad chukicho.  Inglez, Latin ani her
Evropi bhaso Romi lipient boroitat.  Tea bhasank apli 
mhonnloli lipi na.  Tori-i tankam lipi na mhonn konn
mhonncho na.  Konknnicho chodd vavr az Romi,
Devonagori ani Kon’nodd lipiamnim zata.  Heo tin lipio
az Konknnicheo mukhel lipio zaleat.  Lokak zai meren
teo choltoleo ani urtoleo.  Konknniche sorv uch’char
dakounk heo lipio unneo poddtat. Konknni khatir ek
khas lipi ghoddounk zai asli. Punn tem kam’ konnem
kelem na.  Konknni Aryon ghorannenatli bhas dekhun
tichi nizachi lipi Devonagori oxem vad ghalpi asat.
Gujorati, Bongalli, Ponjabi, Oriya, Assami heo soit
Aryon bhaso.  Punn teo bhaso Devonagori lipi
vaprinant.  Tankam Brahmi lipi thaun upzol’leo
apleaoch lipio asat.  Devonagori lipi Konknnichi
‘soimbik va nizachi lipi’ mhonn sangpi ani mandun
ghevpi monis amche modem asle ani azunui asat. 
Devonagori lipient kaim kurvo vaporlear mat Konknniche
uch’char dakounk zatat.  Konknni borounk atam chalu
aschi Devonagori lipi ani tichi borounchi rit kitli
chukta ani unni poddta hacher Thomas Stephens Konknni
Kendran (TSKK) zaitem boroilam, sanglam ani purave
diun dakoun dilam.  Mhonntoch to vixoi atam porot
hanga diunchi goroz na. Lipie poros Bhas gorjechi. 
Lipiecher chodd bhar ghalear lipi urtoli punn Konknni
urchi na.
Febrer 26, 1975  disa, Sahitya Akademi, Novi
Dil’li hinnem Konknni ek svotontr sahityik bhas mhonn
manyotai dili.  Hi manyotai ditana lipiecho ul’lekuch
na hem ami motint dhorunk zai.  Sahitya Akademin
Devonagori lipi Konknnichi odhikrut lipi mhonn mandun
ghetlea osli chukichi ani fottichi mahiti kaim Konknni
boroupi ditat.  Sahitya Akademichea sobar monnddollan
Konknni bhaxek manyotai ditana oxo tthorav ghetla: “As
Konkani fulfils the criteria formulated by the Akademi
for recognition of a language, it is recognised as an
independent modern literary language of India.” 
20 Agost 1992 disa Konknnik Bharotachea Sonvidhanachea
attvea porixixttant (Eighth Schedule of the
Constitutions of India) zago mell’lo.  Thoim soit
lipiecho ul’lek na.  He vixim Thomas Stephens Konknni
Kendrant purave asat.  Zankam te zai tamnnim TSKK-ant
ieun te polleunk zatat.  4 Febrer 1987 disa Konknni
Gõychi razbhas zali ani Devonagori lipi Gõy ra

[Goanet] KONKNNI ANI ROMI LIPI - Bhag Dhon

2005-08-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Purtugez bhov thoddi zanna aslolo monis soit voilea
panvddeacho ani Konknni bori zanna aslolo mat sokoilea
dorjeacho oslem chintop Gõykaram modem choltalem.
 Visavea xekddeache survater sirvis mellpak zaitim
Kristanv Gõykaram Gõyam bhair gelim.  Gel’le kodden
tanchim bhurgim Inglez madhyomant xiklim.  Haka lagun
tanchi ghorchi bhas Inglez zali.  Inglez xikloleam
modem bhattkar ani munddkar ho forok urlo na.  Gõyant
Inglez xikop bhitor sortoch adim ghorant ani ghora
bhair fokot Konknni uloupi sadim mon’xam soit aplea
bhurgeam kodde tambddi Inglez (Konglish) tasunk
laglim.  Atam Gõychim Kristanvam ekameka kodden
uloitana Inglez va tambddi Inglez chodd vaportat ani
Konknni unni uloitat.   Hindu loka kodde uloitana mat
Konknni vaportat!  Igorzank lagun Konknni azun urlea. 
Atam Misam Inglejint zaunk lagleant.  Haka lagun 
Konknni bhas Kristanv lokachea jivitantli unni unni
zaunk laglea.  Ti azun kitle dis tanchea jivitant
urtoli?  Hea gom’bhir prosnacher vichar zaupak zai.
 Firgozamni aslolea mullavea iskolamnim (primary
schools) ani dharmikamnim cholounchea mullavea
iskolamnim Konknni madhyom’ asa.  Hea xallamnim zaitim
Kristanv bhurgim Konknni xiktat. Xallamnim Konknni
tisri bhas mhonn xikoitat.  Choddant chodd Kristanv
bhurgim Konknni vixoi ghetat.  Dusri vatt na mhonn tim
Konknni ghetat.  Kaim bhurgeank Konknni bhas, Inglez
bhaxechea adaran xikounchi poddta!  Konknni xiklolim
ani xikchim him bhurgim Devonagorint boroilolim
pustokam va nemallim choddxim vachinant.  Haka zaitim
karonnam asat. Tantlem ek mukhel karonn mhonnlear
Devonagorint boroiloli Konknni tanchi nhoi.  Igorzank
lagun Romi lipient boroil’li Bardexi Konknni tankam
vollkichi ani laginchi.  Dekun Romi lipient tankam
Konknni xikoilear chodd faideachem zatolem aslem. 
Gõyant azun Romi lipient Konknni vachpi asat. Haka
lagun V. Ixtt, Gulab, Dor Mhoineachi Rotti, Jivitacho
Prokas, Amcho Sevadhorm, Goan Review him mukhel
Konknni nemallim choltat. Firgoz potramnim soit kaim
promannan Konknni vaporloli dixtti poddta.
Gõyant Moratthik man ani zago Hindu somaz dita. Tankam
ti aplea dhormachi ani daizachi bhas koxi dista.
Tantlea boreach zonnanchea mota prokar Moratthi tanche
sonvskrutayecho okhonndd vantto. Romi lipientle
Konknnicho som’bond pornne Konknni kodde chodd asa.
Tika 480 vorsancho itihas asa.  Dekun Romi lipi az
Gõyant Konknnichem daiz zalea.  Romi lipi porki
desachi dekun ti amche bhaxek vaporop sarki nhoi, ti
amchem daiz nhoi oxem vad ghalpi asat. Purtugezamni
Gõyant kazu, chiku, onnos, sitafoll, ramfoll,
bottatte, ttomatt, mez, kodel, bank ani kitleoxeoch
vostu haddleo.  Ttivi, reddio, grainddor,saykol, bos, 
viman ani hozar bhaileo vostu amchea sodanchea
jivitacho bhag zaleat.  Finrgi amcho des soddun
vetoch, teo vostu bhaileo mhonnun ami teo bhair marunk
nant.  Romi lipi Gõyant  495 vorsam pasun asa.  Ti ek
mat kiteak porki zata ani kiteak mhonn ti ami kuxin
dovorunk zai?  Ti samballop ani ticho vapor vaddoup
Konknnik faideachem tthortolem.  Tika konnachi bhik
naka. Jem kitem tika mellpak zai tem hok’kan ani
kaidean mellunkuch zai.  Hem sogllem motint dhorun
Romi lipientlea Konknnichea fuddara khatir heo
sokoileo suchovnneo ani mud’de manddtam:
1.   “Konknni uloi, Konknni fuloi, Konknni amchi ganvar
gazoi” hem brid (motto) hanv suchoitam. Tem ami
apnnaunchem.  Ghorant ani ghora bhair Gõykaram kodde
ami fokot Konknnich uloitoleanv ho khor nichev korcho
ani to sodam pallcho.  Haka lagun  Gõykar Kristanvam
modem bhaxek lagun ekchar zatolo.  Lhan vhodd, voilo
sokoilo ho bhedbhav unno zatolo.  Aple bhaxecher
obhiman vaddtolo.  Haka lagun kaim vorsam uprant
Gõychim Kristanvam Konknni ulounk lojeunchim nant. 
Ulttench zalear zankam Konknni iena tankam aplich loz
distoli.  Konknni ulounchi ani ticho vapor chodd
korcho mhonnlear ami Inglez ani her bhaso soddun
diuncheo oso tacho orth nhoi.  Konknni vangdda ami teo
bhaso boreo xikcheo.  Punn avoibhaxecho man tankam
diuncho nhoi.
2.   Bharotachea sonvidhanant (Constitution) unnea
ankddeanchea lokam (minorities) khatir kaim khaxele
hokk asat.  Tantlo ek hokk mhonnlear bhas, lipi ani
sonvskruti samballop.  Sonvidhanacho ankddo 29 oxem
sangta: Protection of interests of minorities. (1)
“Any section of the citizens residing in the territory
of India or any part thereof having a distinct
language, script or culture of its own shall have the
right to conserve the same.”  Mhonntoch Gõychea
Kristavamni aple Konknni khatir Roman lipi samballunk
ani ti fuddem kaddunk koslich addkholl konnench
haddunk zaina. 
3.Konknni fokot tiatr, khell tiatr, Manddo, Dekhnni
ani kantaram purti urchi poristhiti toiar zalea.  Hi
gom’bhir poristhiti pois korpak adim aplea jivitant
purti Purtugez vaporloleamni atam aplea jivitant purti
Konknni appnnaunchi goroz asa.  Somazant voilim
vhoddlim mhonn nanv aslolim mon’xam Konknnik lagim
sortana, obhimanan Konknni uloitana, sado lok Konknni
kodden urtolo. Na zalear Konknni kharvianchi,
poderanchi, renderanchi, kum’baranchi, kunnbianchim,
chamaranchi, randpi

[Goanet] KONKNNI ANI ROMI LIPI - Bhag Tisro - (3) END

2005-08-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Sonvsarar aschea somest Konknnink (Konknni lokak)
kom’pyuttor yugant ektthaim haddachi takot fokot Romi
lipiek asa oxem Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra-k
(TSKK) dista.  Dekun  Kendran atanchi Romi lipient
borounchi rit sudharun uchchara pormannem vijnanik
ritin Konknni borounchi novi rit toyar kelea.  Agost
15, 2005 disa ti pustika Moddganv uzvaddaili.  Ti
pustika Kendrant ani her kodden vikrek mellta.  Ti
appnailear Konknnichi vaddavoll zatoli ani Konknnincho
ekvott ghoddon ietolo.   Devonagorint Konknni
borounchi rit uchchara poros vegllich asa.  Haka lagun
te lipient Konknni boroitana ani vachtana xikpeanche
ani xikovpeanche hal zatat.  Ek bhasvijnani (linguist)
ani ek Konknni xikovpi mhonn hem mhojem pramannik mot.
 Konnak zor mhojea utrancher visvas na tor tamnnim hea
vixoyacher ek bhasabhas  (discussion) dovorlear hanv
tankam  purave diun hem sid’dh (prove) kortolom.
18.  Kristanv lokachim kazaram vosreamni zatat. Thoim
ulovpam, songit ani her kariavolli Inglez bhaxent
zatat. Kazarachi akhkhi kariavoll Konknnintlean zaunk
lagli zalear Konknni sonvskruti vaddtoli ani borem
kolakar toyar zatole.
19.  Romi lipient Konknni boroitoleank ani vavr
kortoleank Sahitya Akademiche, ani Gõyche Kola
Akademiche puroskar mellonant. Tancheo Konknni khatir
jeo ievzonni asat tancho faido Romi lipient Konknni
boroitoleank mellona. Tanchea puroskarancho ani
ievzonnincho faido Romi borovpeank mellpak nettan
chollvoll ani vavr korchi goroz asa.  Romi lipient
vavr keloleank  mellcho ekuch vhoddlo puroskar
mhonnlear 25,000 rupiancho Thomas Stephens Konknni
Kendracho Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar.  Atam
Dalgado Konknni Puroskar suru zala.  Romi lipient
Konknni vavr kortoleam khatir Gõychea Kristanvamnim
fuddakar gheun vhoddle puroskar dilear Konknni khatir
vavr kortoleanchi umed vaddtoli.  Kon’nodd lipient
Konknnicho vavr kortoleank zaite puroskar tancheo
sonvstha ditat.  Gõyant hem kiteak zaina?  Hachi zap
itlich: Gõykarank Gõykarponn lagta, punn Konknniponn
lagona! Hi durdoxa pois kele bogor Gõyant Konknnik
fuddar aschoch na.  Bongalli uloupi Bongalli zata,
Gujorati uloupi Gujorati zata, Konknni uloupi Konknni
kiteak zaina?  Je meren Gõykar apunn Konknni mhonn
mandun ghena te meren to obhimanan Konknni ulouncho
na, vachcho na ani borouncho na. Haka lagun Konknni
voir sorchi na.
20.  Gõyche Akaxvannicher (Radio) nivedok (Announcer)
mhonn kamak ghetona Konknni ani Moratthi/ Hindi
ietoleank mat ghetat.  Romi lipi ietoleank bhair
uddoitat. Hi khori onit. Hacher avaz uttovpachi khori
goroz asa.  Amchea desant boball kele bogor nit
mellona! Jitlo boball chodd zata title vegim nit
21.  Lokachi magnni aslear Kristanv iskolamnim Romi
lipientlean Konknni xikoupak zata.  Gõychi suttka
zatoch Kristanv iskolamnim Devonagori lipientlean
Konknni xikoupak survat keli.  Haka lagun Konknni
sarki ienaslolea Moharaxttrantlea ani Kornattokantlea
Moratthi zanna asloleank ani Gõyant aplem mullavem
xikop Moratthi madhyomantlean kelolea Hindu mon’xank
Konknni xikoupachem kam’ mell’lem ani azunui mellta. 
Romi lipi bori zannam asloleank kuxin kaddlim.   Romi
lipientli Konknni uloitoleancher ani zanna
asloleancher keloli hi vhoddli onit.  Hangsor fokot
lipiecho prosn na.  Lipie vangdda te lipientle
Konknnik ani ti uloitolea lokak arthik (economic)
mollar chepun dovorchem va kuxin dovorchem kam’ nettan
chol’lam. Tankam Konknni ieta punn Devonagori
lipientli Konknni iena hem nib diun tankam kamam
mellpachem dar bond kelam!  Hi onit chalu urli zalear
he fuddem sorkari kamam Romi lipi mat zanna asloleank
mellchinch nant. Hi onit pois korpak ekuch vatt
mhonnlear xikxonnachea mollar Romi lipiek bhitor
kaddop ani tika razbhaxechea kaideant odhikrut zago
melloun divop.  Gõyant Devonagori ani Romi heo donui
Konknnicheo odhikrut lipio mhonn mandun ghetlear donui
somazachea lokak faido asa.
22.  Moratthi ani Konknni borounk Devonagori lipi
vaportat zalolean Moratthi avoibhas aslolim Gõyant
Konknni, Moratthi ani Hindi xikoun pott bhortat.
Konknni xikoupachim kamam fokot Gõykarankuch mellpak
zai. Xallamnim ani kolejimnim Devonagori vangdda Romi
lipientlean Konknni xikoilear hem apxench ghoddon
23.  Razbhas kaido 1987 vorsa pas zalolo.  Azun to
vevharant purto ieunk na.  Hacho orth oso korum ieta:
Gõykarank to kaido avoddona, dekun tamnnim to mandun
gheunk na.  Gõychea Hindu somazan Konknni purti
apnnaunk na.  Dharmik, xikxonnik ani her mollamnim te
Moratthich chodd vaportat.  Uloupak mat Konknni
vaportat.  He fuddem soit Hindu somaz sorv mollamnim
Konknnich purti appnnaitolo hachi koslich khatri na. 
Mhonntoch Gõyant Konknni urtoli ani fultoli zalear 
Kristanv lokan fuddakar ghetlear mat zata.  Lokak zai
zalear ani yotn kelear Gõyant Devonagori vangdda Romi
lipi soit Konknnichi odhikrut  lipi zaum ieta ani ti
kiteak zaunchi nhoi? 
24.  Pordesant zaitim Gõykaram ani her koddchim
Konknni mon’xam asat. Tanchea bhurgeank Devonagori
lipiechi vollok na. Romi lipientlean tankam Konknni
xikunk ani xikounk chodd sompem z

[Goanet] TGF 5th anniversary GOANET 11 th annivesary

2005-08-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
news which   "miss" seeing the print on Goan
newspapers periodicals and magazines--- now see the
light of the day on your websites.


Borda Margao Goa India 

Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to 


2005-08-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The ROMAN SCRIPT MOVEMENT is now gaining awareness
like never before.  After the President of the Dalgado
Konknni Akademi posted the memorandum on 19th and 20th
August 2005 the issue to all the 40 MLAs of Goa
Legislative Assembly, and the 3 Members of Parliament
representing Goa in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha,
most MLA's and MP's thus far approached have been
"sympathetic" to the cause but when asked to bring the
issue during the current session of the House they
seem to develop cold feet or pass on the buck -  a la
" who will bell the cat"  

This is the litmus test to ascertain the calibre of
our supposedly  Goan centric Members of the
Legislature and the Members of Parliament. 

If the MLAs and MP's do not reflect the aspiration of
the people of Goa or the vote bank on whom they depend
to come to power -- they could as well pack their bags
and sit at home --- Excuses of backlash, or too late,
etc mean nothing. Whether its the High Command or the
Low Command of the Party to decide is all balderdash. 

For too long the lovers of Konkani in Roman script
have been taken for granted ---first by the Konkani
porjecho Avaz which had mainly protagonists of the
ONLY DEVNAGIRI SCRIPT who provided the "logistics for
the movement albeit clandestinely -- while our present
MP Mr Churchill Alemao who was made to play the role
of "Robinhood"was hoodwinked to compromise on the
script.  Today he sings another note -- he believes in
BOTH SCRIPTS  Devnagiri and Roman, but is yet to make
a statement on the floor of the Parliament.

But notwithstanding the  muted silence of our
legislators and MPs  Goans world wide  viz; from
Canada, Doha Qatar,Kuwait, Macau, Melbourne, Portugal,
Saudi Arabia,  Riyadh,U.A.E., Dubai, U.K Abudhabi,
Mumbai, Udupi Karnataka, Pune, U.S.A. The prominent
ones like Bishop of Pune, ex Member of Parliament,
Rajya Sabha Mr Eduardo Martinho Faleiro and
associations  have rendered great support. 

Let the emails continue.

It is hoped that the Goans world wide will keep up the
tempo becaese it is you who have the power to make the
legislative members and our Parliamentarians perform
on the floor of the Parliament and the Goa Legislative

This writer has been making efforts to get an MLA to
raise a "Calling Attention Motion" and despite initial
reluctance the issue is recieving "activeconsideration
before the end of the session.  Wait and watch for
this moment.

Meanwhile here is a write up to energise one's thought
process on the merits of our movement. 

It is the endeavour of all those recieving these posts
to ensure wide circulations.  

The members of the RMS (which is a collective of all
you  lovers of the Roman script  beginning with those
who have sent emails faxes and letters besides other
associations etc) are ready to give clarifications on
any doubts raised by the lovers of Konkani in Roman

Meanwhile there have been requests to send the 3 part
report on "Konkani and Roman script" (written in Roman
script Konkani) by Fr Pratap Naik sj to individuals in
WORD format. 

This writer is therefore willing to e-mail the same to
those desirous free of cost. Kindly therefore direct
your request

There are some positive hopes that the Archdiocese of
Goa and Daman may come out with a statement in support
of the demand for amendment to the Official Language
Act 1987 with inclusion of the words "in Roman script"
for definition of Konkani besides Devnagiri.  

It is certain that contrary to the common belief of a
Marathi protoganist back lash, the Bahujan Samaj (non
Hindu Brahmins ) will rejoice if Roman script is
accepted for they have been consistently annoyed with
the Catholics playing second fiddle nd being gullible
to the chicanery of the "Only devnagiri script Konkani
lovers" and getting duped in the process only to
realise later when the harm has been done as in  the
present case  -- i.e after 18 years"

The stoic silence of the "only devnagiri script " has
surprised many but this writer has authentic
information from friends of "only devnagiri script
Konkani' that rectifying the MISTAKE will further the
growth of Konkani -- meaning they realise the need for
bot scripts in Goa Devnagiri and Roman.


- Dr. Matthew Almeida

In his latest book The argumentative Indian the Nobel
laureate Amartya Sen speaking about the argumentative
tradition of a loquacious nation, says: ‘…[P]ersistent
arguments are an important part of our public life.’
We, the Konkani people, are no exception to this. Once
adversaries tried to belittle Konkani saying that she
had no script.  Now protagonists create an uproar
about Konkani scripts, dialects, literature and
society.  There is utter confusion in their minds
between the Konkani language and the scripts employed
to write it. 

High time we learn from specialists to distinguish
language and script.  Central Hindi Directorate of
Govt. of India brought out an official book,


2006-03-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This evening 5/3/2006 when this writer visited the
trouble torn Tilamol Sanvordem Cacora Curchorem areas
at 1630 hrs  the normal Sunday Bazaar at Sanvordem was
missing.  The road from Tilamol to Sanvordem showed  
signs of normalcy returning.  There were some people
attending a Catholic funeral service before the
Tilamol junction as ususal.  A national TV crew had
already covered the area and was uplinking with latest
reports to Headquarters at a nearby field.

There were several cars burnt into ashes the smell of
smouldered tyres seat covers was in the air. A car was
burnt near the Laximi stores -junction  Another near
the Paramrapali building. Another near Praveena
industries. Several pick-ups damaged glass pieces
lying in smitheered state.  A petrol pump bang
opposite the M/s Universal Petrol Pump of  Mr
Durganand Sanvordencar was destroyed short of being
set on fire.  A shop below Dr Kudchadkar Maternity
hospital was also damaged and the owners were
retrieving what they could from the embers.  This four
road junction witnessed the cars lying burnt some
scooters motorcycles all destroyed  a shop was burnt
goods ransacked. A house opposite the Central Bank was
Towards the prayer house in Sanvordem there was a huge
contigent of Goa Police relaxed but on alert.  There
were signs of damage some massive concrete blocks
placed on the street to act as road block.  A posh
house belonging to a businessmen  who is reputed to be
owning around 6 - 8 shops had all its windows
shattered the car at the porch was damaged at
Pontemol.   Ironically from the entire rioting that
was witnessed it was clear that a particular minority
was the target.  

This writer saw many of these middle class apartments
or houses amidst a cluster of other minority and
majority community but selective  damage to them.  The
Pontemol area has a sizeable minority holdings.

Just as the writer was in conversation with police
personnel to get updates a bus No TN 20L 3889 came
with a group of Rapid Action Force Police personnel
men and women.  Today 5/3/2006 was the first batch
that had arrived  as a precautionary measure.

Almost all shops at Sanvordem were shut down and few
people mostly in groups were seen. The shops near the
Railway station were open and there was some activity
of shopping etc in progress.  There was a beeline at
the only petrol pump M/s Sanvordencar which was open
for the town motorist . There was Mr Ramrao Desai the
BJP MLA Curchorem talking to some people and the BJP
MLA from Fatorda and Mr Damodar (Damu) Naik in a white
Maruti Car who greeted this writer. Being a Sunday
there was not much movement. 

It was apparent that the rioters targetted the movable
and immovable properties of only the minority
community and selectively, with abundant care not to
destroy that of others. Therefore the arson looting
was well organised, and most of it restricted to the
Curchorem Cacora Municipal areas.  With stray damages
done to vehicles beyond the Tilamol Church.

Having witnessed the damage there the writer moved
down to Gudemol in the village Panchayat Sanvordem
beyond the bridge near the Curchorem Railway Station
which was the cause of action on night of 2/3/2006 
Just before the a bus stop there was a convoy of
police all stationed and a KTC mini bus in tow. infact
KTC minibuses were used to deploy police personnel.

After preliminary exchange of pleasantries with the
young dynamic policemen mostly youth the writer was
shown the direction of the site where the structure
was demolished.

The place is away from the main road just a 50 metre
walk in an otherwise residential  area. There is an
eating house with a sign board  "PRATIK  ETE JEVAN
MILE "  food is available here, but a resident stated
that since the trouble began on the night of 2nd March
the same was closed. This place is frequented by the
truck owners who transport mineral ore to the nearby
plots for onward movement into railway stockingpoint.

Just near it there is what is believed to be an
upcoming construction of a   "Madrassa" akin to a
primary school and a prayer house that was in the
process of being setup. The construction work began
two month ago.  It is believed that the area was given
to a woman under the twenty point programme who in
turn had now agreed to use it for religious purpose. 
This is unconfirmed.  The panch members were not
available to confirm this niether would the others
talk seeing the police personnel around. 

It is learnt that the despite the villagers opposing
the setting up of the same in a area which constitutes
of  majority community the villagers did not take too
kindly to the minority demand to set up the "Madrassa"
there.  One person who spoke in hushed tones stated
that the area had hardly around 60 of the minority
community and this highhandedness was untolerable.

It is realiably learnt that despite the orders of
demolition issued by the Village Panchayat Sanvordem a
stay was granted by the Deputy Director of Panchayats


2006-03-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On day four the people of Goa awoke to a spate of
rumours. There were rumours in the air about an
imminent bandh but it was not clear who called for the
bandh.  But the first signs of things to come was when
the Goa Dairy at Curti in Ponda Taluka North Goa
District (but under the Mormugao Parliamentary
constituency ) failed to deliver milk early morning.

Then the morning bus services did come with the
children teachers and workers office goers and dropped
them in the Margao city most schools closed early as
the skeleton bus services caused anxiety to the

At Shiroda there were some road blocks and one house
alleged to be stoned. But the situation was other wise
peaceful and life normal.

In Goa many do not risk to travel to work or school on
such days of bandhs because once the public transport
is not in place the autorickshaws and motorcycle
pilots charge astronomical rates for the helpless. But
life did appear normal as the at noon and thereafter
until evening.

In any case the prospects of a bandh was limited to
Cuncolim and Margao until the late hours of 5th March,

But at around 0800 hrs IST the first company of the
Rapid Action Force police were wending through the
main thoroughfare of the city of Margao   with the
unique siren even as school children and women looked
up in surprise at their new found guests.

Margao town evoked a mixed response most
establishments were open and some of the prominent
businessmen mainly the cloth merchants preferred to
down  their shutters while the main commercial market
also was partially closed for the day but some shops
were open.  The Mahatma Gandhi Market  vegetable
market was open and the local councillor (brother of
Manohar (Babu) Ajgaonkar r/o Margao but MLA Dhargalim)
of Ward 13 earlier Ward 14 was seen at  his tea shop
open this gave confidence to many to keep the
establishments open.  

The RAF was posted at strategic points in the New
Market to ward off any untoward incident.  Similar was
the situation at Monte and Housing Board area where
companies of CISF and CRP were deployed.

In Cuncolim there was a bandh but buses of the KTC
moved selectively . Incidentally the areas of Bali etc
form a part of the Quepem Taluka and apparently since
the Curchorem Cacora area also comes under the Quepem
taluka the bandh. But no untoward incident was
reported schools opened and closed early.

The Goa Government turned belatedly wiser and put out
a emergency control room :
Tel Nos +91 0832 2419769, 2419472 Fax 2415201 2419657
Mobile :9850474114 9850473707 at the New Secretariat
Porvorim, for the information of the public,
apparently to dispel rumours.

The situation at Tilamol Quepem was also calm though
schools were opened they wound up by 1100 p.m. Curfew
was in force in the Curchorem Cacora area but there
was no untoward incidents reported and normalcy was
being slowly  restored as others were seen cleaning
the wreckage and completing the panchanama
formalities. There was some respite after the
Government announced the compensation for all those
affected by the arson looting and violence destruction
to property.

Many blame the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane
who also as the Home Minister ought to have nipped the
issue at the beginning when one group obtained the
stay order and the others retaliated taking law in
their hands. 

But the CM has never been known to act quickly as is
his style of functioning believing that if he sits on
files the issues would be solved by themselves. This
time it rebounded and this creates more heartburning
especially this being an emotive issue many expected
him to act fast. The difference of opinion of the
Police and the Administration also led to the

There were others who felt that the elected
representatives who should be at the helm of affairs
considering their government is in power were nowhere
to be seen nor could be contacted on their mobiles.
This made it a free for all.  Many agreed this is not
time to debate as to who is responsible but clearly
what followed was an organised attack selectively.

Being the first of its kind post 1986 language
agitation, many subscribe to the view that the
Government should indeed come forth with a policy on
setting up of religious sites.  This has become big
business of all communities to collect funds for
building places of worship and hence a policy needs to
be put in place.

For the moment with immediate effect all powers should
be placed in the hands of the Chief Secretary or the
Secretary (Home) to decide on grant of permission to
put up an religious establishment.  There is a need
for a consensus to demolish or relocate  all those
that encroach private or public properties. The
Government should begin a dialogue with the religious
authorities at once.
Meanwhile an advertisement released on the local
dailies in public interest stated that " a mosque was
damaged " at Guddemol this is incorrect as this
writer visited the the site Guddemol and


2006-03-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At a well attended meet of over 3000 crowd this
evening  Near the Convent Grounds at Navelim (believed
to be the property of the ancestors of Francisco Luis
Gomes) the Save Dabolim Action Committee under the
stewardship of Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency Lok
Sabha INC MP Mr Churchill Braz Alemao appealed to the

It may be recalled that despite a committee appointed
by the PM to look into the feasibility of the MOPA
airport in the wake of the protests demanding
continuation of Dabolim airport and not MOPA wherein
Mr Alemao is one of the members, the Congress Party in
Goa has launched a tirade against Mr Alemao accusing
him of double standards.  Mr Alemao however has denied
the same and todays meet was  to expose the real

It may be noted that to  offset Mr Alemao's move last 
Sunday 5th March, 2006 both Mr Sardinha and Mr Faleiro
pledged to expose Mr Alemao over his remarks in the
Goa Assembly in 2000 wherein he had supported the idea
of two airports since it was being operated by a
private party. Mr Alemao however denied this and
alleged that he was quoted out of context.

Thus the  movement for retention of Dabolim has seen a
wedge among the Mr Alemao led committee on the one
hand and  both  Mr Francisco Sardinha Speaker Goa
Legislative Assembly and MLA Curtorim  and Mr Luisinho
Faleiro Minister for Education and MLA Navelim on the

While speaker after speaker viz; Mr Bishut Teimudo,
Fr. Costa Parish Priest Navelim Canacona Adv Yogesh
Gaitonde and Nationalist Congress Party representative
Mr Servulo Barros spoke on the merits of continuing
with Dabolim, the star speakers Mr Radharao Gracias,
ex Independent MLA Loutolim Mr Mathany Saldanha MLA
Cortalim and Mr Alemao had many things of interest.

Mr Alemao chose the Navelim turf of Mr Faleiro to read
out the contents of a letter by CM Faleiro dated
22/10/1999 addressed to Mr Ravindra Gupta Secretary
Civil Aviation New Delhi wherein he stated among other
things --- quote 
" I expect that you  expedite the upgradation of
the existing airport at Goa"
" I would also like to take action on our agreement to
have an International Airport of North Goa the process
of which can be initiated immediately" --- unquote.sd
/ Luisinho Faleiro  

Yet another letter which was merely  showed on a power
point presentation  (but reserved for distribution at
the Curtorim meet on 9th March, 2006) of then CM
Francisco Sardinha date 21.2.2000 addressed to  Union
Minister for Civil Aviation New Delhi Mr Sharad
Yadavji ---wherein he stated -- quote " The
international flights consist mainly of direct
chartered flights bringing in Goa more than 1 lakh
tourists per year"  " --- capacity of the Goa airport
in handling flights to the optimal number has been
severely affected by the restrictions imposed by the
Navy under whose administrative control the Goa
airport at present functions. The Government of
India constituted a Committee ...in November 1977 ...
amongst the sites available the one at Mopa was the
most suitable... The proposal is presently with
Cabinet Secretariat, awaiting consideration by the
Union Council of Ministers . I wish to request you for
intervention in the matter for an early decision in
the interest of our State sd/ Francisco Sardinha.

This clearly proved that both M/s Faleiro and Sardinha
were for both airports which according to Mr Alemao is
nothing short of  the demand also of the BJP.
Therefore it is clear that they were not in favour of
retaining ONLY DABOLIM.

Mr Alemao also clarified that 
a) the international airport is to be built by a
PRIVATE PARTY on Build Own Operate and Transfer BOOT 
condition   (for  a 25 year period ??)by floating 
Government is only to provide it land;
b) no bidder will allow the continuation of Dabolim
airport once Mopa is in place and the Union Cabinet
decision is clear on the same in letter dated 1.5.2000
c) no two Air Traffic Controls can be located within a
span of 100 kms as this will render chaos at take off
and landings  
d) the letter dated 1.5.2000 served by the Deputy
Secretary to the Govt of India to then Chief Secretary
of Goa makes it abundantly clear in item (b) closure
of existing airport at Goa for civilian operations on
commissioning of new airport; 

The above letters were shown on the power point
presentation to the gathering and the letter of Mr
Faleiro distributed to the audience.  The letter of Mr
Sardinha will be distributed at Curtorim meet. Mr
Alemao also got one Mr Kurade to read to the audience
the verbatim proceedings recorded in the Goa
Legislative Assembly which clearly proved that Mr
Alemao's approval for two airports was quoted out of
context.  It is clear that he did demand retention of
Dabolim at any cost.

Therefore Mr Alemao pleaded with the audience that
Goans should say in unison that we want only Dabolim. 
He assured the audience that if the INC led coalition


2006-03-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Margao's first Scheduled Tribe Chairperson Ms Piedade
Noronha of Ward # Fatorda was ousted after a four
months.  Notwithstanding the fact that in a surprise
move a few days ago at the height of the communal
tensions at Curchorem Sanvordem she embraced the
Nationalist Congress Party.  Dr Wilfred De Souza NCP
President Goa, Deputy Chief Minister and MLA Saligao
was overconfident that now that Ms Noronha had joined
the NCP she would not be unseated.  His argument was
that the NCP INC forms a coalition Government and
therefore none would dare unseat her.  Unfortunately
the die was cast and the expected happened   Elections
to the new Chairperson will follow next week as per
tentative information recieved.

Ms Noronha unfortunately had teething problems on day
one when the intercine war between the CO and
Chairperson broke with the CO refusing to kow tow to
the dictates of the Chairperson.  True the initial
group of four which formed the ruling group with the
tacit support of the 8 BJP councillors split over
several issues until Ms Noronha was left alone to fend
for herself. 

With this sort of political chaos  the civic duties of
the MMC suffers and citizens are put to grave
inconvenience.  It is observed that most of the time
is engaged in meetings in confabulations and the media
sitting for hours in the Chairpersons office.

There is a demand from the citizens that councillors
should be given just one hour to deal with civic
matters and let the administration function.  They
could use Saturday's and Sunday's for such manoeuvres.
 In any case the Press should not be allowed the
freedom to use the Chairpersons office as a recreation
room post siesta.

Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet] SARDINHA's double standards exposed

2006-03-09 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At a largely attended meeting held in the Curtorim
Market which started   at 6.12 p.m i.e late  by over
an hour apparently to await the locals returning from
work Adv Mike Mehta, Dr Wilfred De Souza, Adv Radharao
Gracias, Mr Churchill Alemao, Mr Alberto Leitao from
Varca Dr Earnest Mr Menino of Nuvem and several others
appealed to those gathered in one refrain MOPA NEVER

It was made clear to the gathering that the airport of
Dabolim was conceptualised by the Portuguese on lines
with a similar airport at Mozambique and intended
exclusively for civil purposes .  The documentary
evidence is available in Portario No:14898 of 1954.
The airport construction commenced in  1954 and
completed in 1955.

It was also mentioned by Dr Wilfred Mesquita ex MLA
Vasco da Gama that there can be no terminal within 80
kms and aerial distance of Dabolim and Mopa being just
30 kms would not therefore be feasible to continue
with Dabolim if Mopa was permitted.  

It was also made clear that the FINAL REPORT on
feasibility of Mopa airport now available with the
Government of Goa makes a mention that neighbouring
areas  of Sindhdurga Ratnagiri Sangli Kudal  will
benefit hence it is obvious that the Dabolim airport
will have to cease operations.  Hence it will be
beneficial for the Konkan areas and not Goa. 
Incidentally the airport too cannot be built in
Sindhudurga Maharastra because with Dabolim airport in
place the next airport can come up only in far off
Ratnagiri but there no one wants it because the
distance to Sindhudurga is far off by road.  Hence the
game plan of the Chief Ministers of Maharashtra is to
back the Mopa airport.  Incidentally land prices will
appreciate around Mopa and Sindhdurga from the
existing Rs.50/ and that would reap rich earnings for
land tycoons like Jeetendra Deshprabhu the Viscount of
Pernem besides its present MLA and other elected
representatives from Maharastra.

Mr Radharao Gracias explained that the interests of
Goa can be protected only by a regional party.  He
said that the INC and BJP national parties were having
both common interests.  To cite a point he stated that
the INC MLA of Santa Cruz Ms Victoria Fernandes was
supporting a panel in tow with BJP ex CM Manohar
Parrikar and ex MLA Taleigao Mr Somanth Zuarkar
against the INC MLA of Taleigao Antanasio Babush
Monserrate for the Corporation of City of Panjim 30
seats due on 12th March, 2006.  With this "unity of
interests" the Goa centric issues are left without a
strong opposition.

Mr Gracias therefore appealed to the Goans and
Curtorkars to safeguard the Goan interests by electing
at least 6 to 10 MLAs from any regional party UGDP or
by any other name so that this group could act as a
deciding factor in the INC or BJP government formation

Apparently to dispel past instance when the elected
members of UGDP changed sides and went alongwith the
BJP to form the Government Mr Gracias stated that Mr
Monserate demanded Taleigao to be reverted as a
Village Panchayat from the then Panaji Municipality
and he achieved the same within a month.  He also
threw the BJP Parrikar government when Mr Parrikar
worked against Goan interests -- CD and Mopa.

Mr Radharao Gracias also enlightened the gathering
that after the amendment to the "Anti Defection Law "
it is now necessary that the elected representative
switching sides will now have to RESIGN AND SEEK
RE-ELECTION and not defect directly.  He cited the
case of Poinguinin Mr Isidore Fernandes, later Mr
Pandurang Madkaikar, Marcaim Mr Francisco (Miky)
Pacheco Mr Digamber Kamat etc all of whom had to
resign and seek re-election.  Therefore the MLAs
getting elected on a regional party would be able to
safeguard goan interests.

Before the meet photocopies of part of the text of the
recorded debate made by Mr Alemao in the Goa
Legislative Assembly in 2000 was circulated alongwith
the Konkani in Devanagari script and a transliteration
in Roman script as reproduced below to refute the
charge made by both Mr Ramakant Khalap ex MLA and Mr
Jeetendra Deshprabhu the present MLA of Pernem to
state that Mr Alemao too supported the MOPA airport.

However on reading the proceedings  it is quite clear
that Mr Alemao was quoted out of context.

Mr Alemao however took the remarks of both Khalap and
Deshprabhu with a pinch of salt and stated that both
would in any case not be elected again and the next

Incidentally both Mr Khalap and Deshprabhu favour Mopa

All speakers appealed to elected representatives
including Mr Sardinha  MLA Curtorim to join the Save
Dabolim movement irrespective of party affiliation as
the interests of Goa and Goans was utmost.

A copy of the letter of Mr Sardinha while he was CM
was also distributed as promised at the Navelim meet. 
With these two meets Mr Alemao has now clarified with
documentary evidence and meetings on home turf of the
two Faleiro and Sardinha exposed their intents for
MOPA as against Dabolim.



2006-03-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In the forthcoming session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly beginning on 20th March 2006 the enclosed
draft Bill prepared by this writer to amend The Goa
Daman & Diu Official Language Act 1987 for the grant
of official recognition to Konkani in Roman script as
well has been circulated to MLA's and others.

The other amendments provided therein to the Goa Daman
& Diu Official Language Act 1987 which was enacted   
while under  Union Territory status  are now following
Goa attaining Statehood sought to be carried out.

It is hoped that the same is pursued in right earnest
so that the movement and the issue does not turn out
to be a political agenda at future elections to whip
up emotions and frenzy as in the 1985 language

Since the amemdment has support from all like minded
Goans for the development of the mother tongue of all
Goans except a miniscule  few who insist on only one
script mooted since 1939 the Bill ought to have a
smooth passage.

Meanwhile it is reliably learnt that the High Command
is sensitive to this demand now that similar moves
have been made from Karnataka as well to grant
recognition to Konkani in Kannada script under the new
dispensation in Karnataka.

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2006-03-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
A suspected terrorist allegedly carrying a bomb aged
35 - 45 years lean was detained by the Railway Police
at the Madgaon Railway Station.  According to one
Railway official as the Mangala Express Nizamuddin
Ernakalum reached Madgaon at 2115hrs IST the man
alighted and was nabbed on suspicion.

He has since been detained.  Police investigations are
in progress.


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[Goanet] 63.63% turn out CORPORATION OF CITY OF PANAJI

2006-03-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Billed as the most crucial election, the voters that
went to the polls today 12th March, 2006 to elect the
first set of 30 corporators to deal with the future of
the Corporation of City of Panaji for the next five
years until March 2011 turned out in large numbers. 

According to a teleconversation this writer had with
the State Election Commissioner Mr P M Borkar on +91
0832 2232632 at 20OO hrs today the polling was
generally peaceful and the turn out registered was

The panels were backed by Minister for Town and
Country Planning and MLA INC Taleigao Mr Antanasio
(Babush ) Monserrate, the other by the Nationalist
Congress Party of Dr Wilfred De Souza and the last by 
 Mr Manohar Parrikar BJP MLA Panaji and Leader of the
Opposition Goa Legislative Assembly, Ms Victoria
Fernandes Deputy Speaker Goa Legislative Assembly INC
MLA Santacruz and Mr Somnath Zuarkar ex INC MLA 
Taleigao MLA .

Interestingly the Corporation of City has 30 wards two
of which Ribander and Chimbel fall in the Santa Cruz
Assembly Constituency  in Taleigao Constituency and 
in Panaji Assembly.

Elections to Municipalities and Panchayats are
officially not fought on party lines despite the
statutory powers given to these bodies under the 73rd
and 74th Constitutional amendments since 1992  However
the MLAs of relevant Assembly constituencies under
which the wards of the Corporation come under try to
ensure that their candidates come to power so that
their position is consolidated at the time of Assembly
elections.  Even ex politicos and aspiring ones too
ensure that their presence is felt to consolidate
their vote bank.

The reason why these elections assume significance is
the challenged thrown by Mr Monserrate to get all the
30 seats as his full page advertisements on local
dailies revealed.  The others opposing his panel
intend to clip his wings after Mr Monseratte a no
nonsense MLA and Minister got his way around after he
had part of the Taleigao wards reverted back to the
Village Panchayat status from the Municipal status as
a quid pro quo for extending support to the then BJP
led coalition that came to power in June 2002.  Mr
Monserrate however had to eat a humble pie when the
MLA Santa Cruz Ms Fernandes got most of the villages
within and outside her constituency removed from the
Planning Development areas under the North Goa
Planning Development Authority after a protracted
struggle ending January, 2006 and put to "sleep" the
draconian Town and Country Planning Ordinance on
September, 2005.

Besides the manifesto of Mr Monserrate that promises
sweeping development changes in the Corporation of
City of Panaji -- Mr Monserrate is known for getting
things done his way, no matter the obstacles.  He is
credited for keeping the entire Congress MLA bandwagon
at his residence "Casa Monseratte" at Taleigao
immediately after the "Tsunami" that struck the BJP
lead coalition of Mr Manohar Parrikar on 27th January,
2005, and ensuring that with the support of Mr
Churchill Alemao MP ex Independent MLA Loutolim
Radharao Gracias Mr Filipe Rodrigues Independent MLA
Velim they staged the coup for the Congress come back
after a 24th October 2000 to 2nd Febraury 2005 drought
the INC suffered.

>From the feed back obtained from voters by this writer
it is clear that Mr Monseratte is well heading for a
majority (16 being the half way mark).  The other
combine has nearly conceded defeat to some extent by
their utterances post Curchorem Cacora Sanvordem

Interestingly there is a sizeable number of migrant
voters which can twist the votes in the ballot boxes.

Tommorrow is the day of counting at the Institute
Menezes Braganza Hall commencing at 0800 hrs 




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2006-03-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Hurricane Babush (Antanasio Monserrate) struck the
Corporation of City of Panaji when his panel won
nearly 19 of the 30 seats establishing a resounding
victory over the Parrikar Zuarkar Victoria Fernandes
panel as official results just poured in.

With this the political earthquake albeit of a mild 
intensity may now strike Goa, and heads (dead wood )
within the INC may have to pave the way for young and
dynamic youth.

More details follows.


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2006-03-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In the final tally the 

Mr Antanasio (Babush) Monserrate (INC)  panel 19 seats

Dr Wilfred A De Souza(NCP)  panel 02 seats

Mr Manohar Parrikar(BJP) Ms Victoria Fernandes (INC)
Mr Somnath Zuarkar (ex INC )panel 09 seats

However it may be noted that political parties
notwithstanding the panels heads have more bearing on
the elections.  But it is clear that the Corporation
that will rule will be the INC led panel

Ward I  Melita Manuel Afonso
Ward II Nazareth Francisco Cabral
Ward IIICarolina Raul Po
Ward IV Levino Anthony Pereira
Ward V  Bento Silvester Lorena
Ward VI Maria Regina Almeida
Ward VIIAldrin Basilio Soares
Ward VIII   Nagesh Sidappa Karishetty
Ward IX Ruth Surendra Furtado
Ward X  Surendra Cristovam Furtado
Ward XI Sadanand Ganesham Thakur
Ward XIIVaidehi Vivek Naik
Ward XIII   Prasad Amonkar 
Ward XIVYatin Ramesh Parekh
Ward XV Jyoti Masurkar
Ward XVITony Rodrigues
Ward XVII   Uday Vaman Madkaikar
Ward XVIII  Uma Naik 
Ward XIXMenino Jesus da Cruz
Ward XX Krishna Ramdas Shirodkar
Ward XXIShushila Chandrakant Gawas
Ward XXII   Mangaldas Puttu Naik
Ward XXIII  Rudresh Vinayak Chodankar  
Ward XXIV   Diksha Mayenkar
Ward XXVShantaram Purushottam Kundaikar
Ward XXVI   Avinash Digamber Bhonsle
Ward XXVII  Varsha Haldankar
Ward XXVIII Suresh Lamiman Chopdekar
Ward XXIX   Rupesh Ravindra Halarnkar
Ward XXXVivina Gokuldas Nasnodkar

It may be noted that the wards were re-constituted
after delimitation of the wards. Thus Panaji has 16
seats with Taleigao 12 and the Santacruz Constituency

While the MLA Panaji Assembly Constituency Mr Manohar
Parrikar played down the victory of the Monserrate
panel stating that it would not affect his turf. 
Ohters consoled themselves stating that money was
distributed.  This amounts to an insult to the voters
who perhaps voted not because of money but they saw in
Mr Monserrate a vision for the betterment of Panaji

Incidentally the Panaji city will recieve a special
urban development fund for the development of the city
being one of the 60 cities selected under the central
scheme.  This Mr Monserrate had planned to utilize for
the development of the city.   

Most voters also admit in private that Mr Monserate is
a no nonsense leader.  He was born with a silver spoon
in his mouth and he is known to distribute funds
lavishly rather then fill it in his own coffers as
others do.. Moreover he is rated as a go getter a man
who speaks only what he can do and this perhaps so his
commendable victory.

No doubt there are concerns about PANAJI AND TALEIGAO
GOING GREY FROM GREEN --- but not that the die is cast
Panjimites and Taleigaocars will see how Monseratte
goes ahead with developmental activities.

His period of probation is short considering that
elections to the Goa Legislative Assembly is round the
corner.  Thus before December end 2006 Panaji will
need to be transformed.

According one "descendant" an elderly resident of
Panaji he believes that the litmus test of Mr
Monserrates panel will be to see how the St Inez
nullah will be transformed.

Fortunately the husband wife duo of the Nationalist
Congress Party that made it at the hustings Mr
Surendra and Ms Ruth Furtado have no qualms about the
emerging scenario and are confident that development
will not suffer.

With the victors being those "first past the post" the
margins are thin and sometimes pale into
insignificance in the sense that the electors can
hardly be called representatives of the wards .  The
reason being that where the  contests were not
restricted one to one the more the numbers (7 being
the highest for one ward)  the votes polled by each is
a two digit figure.

Thus there are umpteen instances where the 
consolidated votes of the losers far exceeds that of
the victor.  To rectify such anomalies and ensure that
the victor reflects the majority of the electorate in
each ward that one represents it is necessary that an
amendment needs to be brought in the Election laws to
ensure that the victor is one who polls not less than 
50%  of the votes polled.  This will ensure that last
minute candidates are not propped up as is the
practice now but only those who do service in the ward
over a period of time could enter into the fray.

Interestingly the antidefection laws are not made
applicable to the Village Panchayats Municipalities
and the Corporation therefore though there may not be
defections at this stage but after the results of the
next Assembly elections if the present INC led
coalition government is not returned to power and the
BJP individually or as a coalition comes to power then
this could trigger floor crossing.

There is also a prospect of curbing the developmental 
powers of the Corporation as the 74th Constitutional
amendment which gives statutory powers to
Municipalities and Corporations ordains that the power
should go to the elected representatives  after
constituting a District


2006-03-16 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Comba in Margao Goa is a know bastion of Hindu
Brahmins Catholics and other non Brahmin Hindus --
mainly tenants.  Most of the traders of yesteryears
and who have their trading outlets in the New Market
area hail from Comba.  Many of them have however
shifted to far off Vidyanagar or Aquem and now settled
in Apartments or sleek bungalows.

The over three hundred year old cross that was damaged
lies in on the West end of the Rua Abbe de Faria first
bylane as one comes from the Margao Old Bus Stand
(Gomant Vidya Niketan) or from the interior road vie
Behind Popular High School the lane proceeding North
bang opposite Mahila Nutan Vidyalaya.

According to a resident residing behind the damaged
cross it is learnt that a passer by noticed the damage
to the cross and some brick facade. With the initial
round of curious onlookers there were rumours agog,
that it was the work of right wing fundamentalists,
some had apprehensions that it was a quid pro qua of
the March 3rd riots where the Moslem community was the

However it must be said to the credit of the residents
of Comba that they did play down the issue and
restored the same by mid afternoon. Politicians have
reason to fish in troubled waters and this ocassion
proved suitable for them.  On the one hand the secular
parties castigated the right wing fundamentalist party
as being responsible for the attack on minorites while
the  right wing fundamentalists alleged that the
secularists were fomenting trouble to consolidate
their vote bank.

Incidentally two youthful politicos hold stakes in
these constituencies Ward 11 and 10  of Margao
Municipal Council and hence the issue was blown out of

According to a source in the police department
generally such acts of vandalisation carried out are
mainly by persons of an unsound mind an alcoholic. 
But what needs to be investigated is who caused the
provocation which is vital but is often ignored in the
investigations.  Of the past three similar incidents
at Ponda Aldona and at Navelim it was proved that
persons of unsound mind had infact carried out the
vandalisation but the police did not proceed beyond to
nail the culprit.

Another interesting thing relating to the event at
Comba is that it happened on a FULL MOON night.  The
police dogs that sniffed the path of the culprit
followed the route accross the railway lines at Pedda
via the ICCI Bank Opp Benlix Bldg and towards
Khareaband. Though many of the nearby residents are
tightlipped on the person/s who were involved; it is
clear that some known persons have committed the act
individually or in concert.

Residents of all communities have reason to fear that
the above incident may provide the breeding ground for
future communal riots, and for valid reasons. 

On 20th December 1986 at the height of the language
agitation when young late Floriano Vaz was murdered a
prominent elite  businessman now deceased was being
targetted by the furious mob as it was then alleged
that the son of the businessmen had indeed provoked
the firing by a police personnel on bandobust on young
Vaz after  the arson committed on a fishnet factory at

It was this that made all communities get together and
restore the cross.

Meanwhile the police should pursue the issue to its
logical conclusion and trace the culprits.

One of the reasons for the spate of such instances of
attacks on minority institutions and persons of
minority community is obvious. It is perhaps for the
first time in post Independence History of India that
the President of India, the Prime Minister, the
Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance all
belong to the minority communities and hence the
discomfort among those who believe in right wing
fundamentalist policies.

In any case there need not be panic or a paranoi as
many  politicians and audio visual and news media
would like to blow such incidents out of proportion. 
Suffice it if the fabric of religious tolerance is not
lost just because of stray and provocative instances
as these.  In the opinion of several well meaning
persons on the occurence of such acts of vandalism, it
is incumbent upon the residents within the area to
resolve the issue by restoring the damaged works and
keep at bay the politicians and outsiders in their own

The acts of the residents of Comba in restoring the
cross without much fanfare and without the assistance
of others is commendable and needs to be replicated in
such situations around the state when they arise. 
Police should however do their best to trace the
culprits and not declare the case as "A final" meaning
incident proved to have happened but since culprits
untraceble  closed.

One school of thought is that a devoutee may have in
frustration vandalised the cross for "prayers
unanswered" or "favours not granted" . Many a times it
is seen that persons in dire straits rush to seek
divine assistance to redeem them of their earthly
misfortunes and this one could be a case where
redemption was no

[Goanet] NRI -FC officials -unwanted guests in GULF ?

2006-03-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Has the  Non Resident Indians --Facilitation Centre,of
Government of Goa  at EDC, House Panaji been disbanded
following the appointment of Mr Eduardo Faleiro, ex
Union Minister and Rajya Sabha member, as the
Commissioner for NRI's, under the Department of Home
Government of Goa?  Well one would think so. 

Following a teletalk  this writer had with the 
Commissioner for NRI's - to congratulate Mr Faleiro on
his  appointment to this office  (a post with a
Cabinet rank ) he stated he was not clear of his job
profile as of now -- but just that he accepted this

Ironically the first public function the Commissioner
will now inaugurate is a Seminar on "Communal Harmony
" organised by the almost defunct  NRI FC, on 18th
March, 2006 with Mr Digamber Kamat Minister for Power
and INC  MLA Margao to preside.

There is no doubt, that the appointment of Mr Faleiro
who has travelled extensively world wide representing
our country at the highest forum and his personal
acumen and expertise would be of immense help to the
NRI's (Goans) given the proper infrastructure and
personnel, besides a clear cut job profile, with due
budgetary support by the Government of Goa.  

Mr Faleiro would do well to come out with "out of the
box" mindset and proposals that will husband the
potential of NRI Goans.  A more friendly and meaning
ful interaction ofcourse with a patient mindset would
be of great help to the NRI's of all stratas. True the
NRI Goans as of now are indeed a divided lot. There
are Goans who serve at the lowest level in menial jobs
upto the top echelons of organisational heirarchy
especially in the Gulf countries and there are others
who are in Canada UK US Germany France Australia
Africa New Zealand etc.

While the former do cannot obtain  citizenships of
those countries like the latter, the aspirations of
the NRI's (Goans) therefore varies.

Nevertheless the NRI's (Goans) could now look upon the
new Commissioner to get their demands redressed now
that this posting is at best a non political posting
where Mr Faleiro does not need to appease or maintain
a vote bank.  His only interests would be tuned
towards Goa and Goans worldwide.

But what is shocking is that though the NRI FC will
eventually have to close shop ---following its
upgradation with an official at Cabinet rank, this
email sent out to Goan NRI's in the Gulf by Chairman
of the NRI FC Mr Chandrakant Keni at almost the end of
the financial year end March 2006 informing of an
impending visit of a three member delegation led by
Herculano Dourado ex MLA and Vice Chairman NRI FC   
has raised eyebrows and has become easily suspect as a
means to squander Government funds and hence needs to
be called off. Kindly read on the agenda.
Dear Friend 
The last Convention organized on 3rd and 4th January
2006 at Kala Academy, Panaji was a success as it was
well appreciated by all the Goans who attended from
various parts of the world. The high level of
organization was also noted by these delegates.
However, it was observed by many that many issues are
discussed at the forum although no follow-up action is
taken. To meet this criticism and to ascertain the
specific problems of Goans spread around the world
specially those in the Gulf, it was decided to send,
to start with, a delegation to Gulf countries to
clearly identify the problems and difficulties faced
by Goans in those countries and look forward for
solutions before the next Convention.

Towards this end we are pleased to inform you that a
three-member delegation led by the Vice-Chairman of
NRI Facilitation Centre Adv.Herculano Dourado, which
is sanctioned by the Government, is proposing to visit
Gulf Countries around the 4th week of March to study
the problems of Goans in those areas first hand.

During our visit in Kuwait which would be from 25th -
28th morning we propose to have a meeting / seminar on
Problems and Aspirations of the Goan Diaspora in
Kuwait / Gulf. What solutions?? We would be highly
obliged if you could assist us in organizing this
meeting by informing all your Goan friends and
colleagues connected with you through the
organizations you represent.

With salutations and warm regards.
Chandrakant Keni,
P. S Email of Shri.Herculano.Dourado
This writer has been inudated with calls from NRI
Goans abroad and via email that the visit is uncalled
for. The reasons they state are many:  a) the NRI FC
has not updated its website after the 2nd Goman Vishwa
Sammelan in January 2005 event although the third one
was held in January 2006 b) the Chairman and others
did pay a visit to the Gulf on the eve of the 2nd
Sammelan but the outcome was nil c) the complaints of
the NRI's have not been addressed as far as revenue
(land) matters, litigations, encroachment of lands
educational, NRI city, air flight fares, medical
engineering college facilities and self employment or
setting up ind


2006-03-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In a gruesome  act of murder some natives from UP or
Hyderabad residing at the Church residential premises
are suspected to have murdered the Parish
Priest of St Francis Church, Macazana Salcete Goa Fr
Eusebio Serrao a native of  Chinchinim Salcete Goa
last night on 17/03/2006 .  

This morning residents were shocked to hear of the
tragic news and rushed to the Church.

The Archbishop of Goa and Daman also rushed to the
scene of the incident when this writer made frantic
calls for information to confirm the news at the Paco
Patriacal Altinho Panaji on +91 0832 2422652.  Later
after a teletalk with an individual from the Parish
Church on +91 0832 2786685  it was confirned that Fr
Serrao was indeed brutally murdered, and his body
mutiliated. Police investigations are on. On an
earlier ocassion according to unconfirmed reports the
priest was similarly tied but was later released.

Incidentally the Church has sounded a warning to the
Goa Government to take serious note of Church
burgalaries and vandalisation of crosses etc.  The
Comba Margao cross vandalisation on Holi Day being the


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2006-03-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The gruesome murder of the Parish Priest of St Francis
Xavier Church Macasana Salcete Goa  about 18 kms from
Margao has sent confusing signals, as both the
villagers and police are still unclear of the motive
of the crime.

According to information collated by this writer  in
situ, this evening at Macazana church and at his
native place in Chinchinim Salcete the alleged two men
suspected are believed to be clsoe acquantainces of
the priest Fr Eusebio Ferrao n/o  Ferrao wado
(Mazilwado) Deussua Chinchinim Salcete Goa 
It is believed that the two persons hailing from Udipi
(Uttar Kannada)? or Uttar Pradesh (UP) ? still
uncertain came around 2.30 p.m. on 17th March. 2006
Friday to the residence of the priest adjoining the
Church and informed the cook that they would be
joining the priest for dinner and stay. 

The present  cook incidentally  a temporary
replacement since the last seven days or so  for the
earlier cook one Mr Sunil? who is alleged to have
proceeded to his native place in Udipi or Karwar  to
answer some exams.

Fr Eusebio is stated to have made all arrangements for
the dinner for his "guests" with purchases of eggs at
a local shop. The alleged assailants came dined and
were reported to have had  animated discusssion well
until  late night.  Later the cook is reported to have
gone to sleep and the priest too went into his room
while the "guests" slept in the adjoining room as per
the bedding seen by the villagers.

Early this morning the Church bells did not toll at
the appointed time and villagers who procceed for the
first mass at 0630 were surprised to see the Church
closed.  They then heard some thumping of the door and
are believed to have broken the window and found the
cook locked in his room, and later the priest gagged
with a pillow on his face and tongue curled up. 

Except for some slight mark on his side rib it appears
that he was suffocated to death, in the early hours of
dusk. No other injury was reported either of body
being mutialated or the tongue cut as per rumours
doing the rounds.  The police dog sniffed the trail of
the alleged assailants upto the nearest bus stop, and
then lost track.  It is not clear whether the
assailants departed by the early 0600 hrs bus but some
villagers are reported to have heard the screeching of
a vehicle in the early hours of dusk.

The police have taken the cook for questioning and
also summoned the other who had proceeded for exams.
The cook doubles up as a sacristian and cook for the
lone Parish priest. 

There is a prayer house constructed at the entrance of
the priests residence which was intact.  The
foundation stone for the same was laid by late Fr
Eusebio in 2004 and inuagurated in April 2005.  

The motive seems uncertain as all his belongings were
intact.  Robbery therefore was not the motive.

The police have carried out finger print imaging and
other investigations under Maina Curtorim Police
Station under PI Harish Madkaikar according to the
police on duty. But since the villagers also broke
into the premises before the police turned up some
vital prints may have been lost.

The prayer room has since been open for prayers but
all other parts have been declared out of bound.  The
priests residence is on the top floor so is the dining
room cooks room and toilet and bathroom
According to some gossip doing the rounds it was
reported that an article on page 3 of Vavrradeancho
IXTT dated  18 March, 2006 under the caption
"Sanvordem Ghoddlem Purai Goem Hal"lam" could have
been the cause of the murder.  But a reading of this
article indicates more of several questions which
remain unanswered of the Sanvordem incident>  But a
small drawing showing a damaged pharmacy Sanvordem a
General Store with a by line "Are, fator kabar zait
aileat. Anik pick-up dhadd" does not show anything
vindictive or provocative on a cursory reading in
Konkani Roman script.

It is not confirmed as to which community the
assailants belong but they are believed to have spoken
in Hindi and English.

A visit to the residence of late Fr Eusebio at
Mazilwaddo Chinchinim witnessed a small number of
locals at his residence at 1930 hrs.  In the well
mosaicc tiled house of late Fr Eusebio was his brother
Jacob and his wife,. A retired seamen he stated that
his brother late Eusebio 61 years visited him last
Friday and infact he had visited Fr Eusebio at
Macazana on 15th. There was never any doubt in their
minds of the impending dastardly in human attack.

The funeral is slated for the 21st of March, 2006 when
the mortal remains of Fr Eusebio will be brought from
the Goa Medical College Bambolim morgue where it is
lying after post partum investigations  to his
residence. From  there (as per the professed wishes of
Fr Eusebio during his lifetime to have the funeral
services at the Dessua Chapel)  he will be taken to
his St Anthony's Chapel  Deussua and then for the
requiem High Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Hope at
Chinchinim owing to the expected crowd for the funeral

[Goanet] DOURADO' s tele- reply Re: -NRI -FC officials -unwanted guests in GULF ?

2006-03-20 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Following the write up by this writer NRI FC officials
-unwanted guests in GULF? Mr Herculano Dourado of NRI
FC in a teletalk with this writer  today 20th
March.2006 at 2120 hrs informed this writer apparently
in reference to the first para --  "that the NRI FC
was NOT  defunct". In his opinion this writer should
have ascertained the same from the NRI FC before
filing the report.  However he admitted that the
website of the NRI FC was NOT being  updated.

When asked by this writer that he should have
clarified all this via the email for the benefit of
all he stated that he was NOT  accessible to internet
and hence this writer volunteered to put up this
clarification on his behalf.

On his contention that the report amounted to
"scurrilous" writing he was informed that he could
hold onto his views but as far as this writer is
concerned the report was based on reports recieved by
this writer .

In anycase the views of the NRI's is clear and stands
reiterated de novo that the Government should NOT
waste public funds on such jaunts which have been of
no benefit to the NRI Goans, and it should be left to
the Commissioner Mr Eduardo Faleiro given the Cabinet
rank to look into the entire functioning of his new


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2006-03-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Suspected killers of late Fr Eusebio Ferrao 61 Parish
priest of St Francis Xavier Macasana Salcette Goa were
 nabbed in outskirts of Nagpur in Maharashtra at dawn
today 21/03/2006.  The killers may have arrived there
from Mumbai after they reached there on 18th  March,
2006 and then intended to break journey at Nagpur and
proceed towards their onward destination to Allahabad
in Uttar Pradesh from where they hail.   

The Goa Police who were accompanied by an acquaintence
of one of the suspects (   the alleged suspects are
believed to have relatives in the  in the goods
transport business at Aquem Alto ) trailed the duo

They were brought into Goa by air, INDIAN IC 597 at
around 1710 hrs according to sources at the Dabolim
airport who spoke to this writer and taken to Police
Headquarters for initial interrogation as the case
otherwise comes under the jurisdiction of the Maina
-Curtorim police under Police Inspector Mr Harish

The Goa Police won the kudos of all leaving the ex CM
Mr Parrikar to praise the police for their excellent
achievement when the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane is reported to have made a statement on the
floor of the Goa Assembly  The Archbishop had on 16th
March, 2006 castigated the Government of dereliction
of duties in maintaining law and order in the state
and protection of minorities following the spate of
incidents thefts and vandalisation.

The duo are being subjected to extensive questioning
at Headquarters and according to the first report
filtering from Headquarters indicate that job
prospects ( abroad ? ) was one of the motives.  

Meanwhile there was a concelebrated High Mass at
Macazana today following which the local Sarpanch made
an announcement of the arrest.  There was great relief
amongs the gathering after nearly 3 days of fear and
trauma for most of the villagers.

As a matter of fact the communal angle that was
initially suspect following the thefts in over seven
churches and chapels in Goa since later part of last
year, the vandalisation of crosses in Ponda Aldona and
lately on Holi day 15 March 2006 at Comba in Margao
and the communal riots on 3rd March,2006 over an
illegal  structure intended for a "madrassa" at
Gudemol Sanvordem  had led the rumour mill trade
charges and counter charges against the right wing
Hindu fundamentalist party in Goa of fomenting
communal tensions and polarising the society.

But what needs to be probed is the reasons for the
"intimacy" that the priest had for "non Goans" and
"male youngsters" given the fact that Goans did not
find favour of employment in the parish house either
for sacristerial functions or domestic chores.

The   three cooks were outsiders (Southerners ) and
the two youth "friends" (Northeners) viz; outsiders
non goans.  
There were other rumours that were doing the rounds
that the duo suspects could have been involved in
thefts of idols in the State.  It is also to be
established whether the alleged killers developed an
accquaintance with the priest while at his last
posting at St Lawrence Church in Agacaim or while at
his present posting as atleast one of them was seen in
the parish often according to a villager.

The question that remains unanswered also is why did
the priest extend dinner courtesy even during Lenten
season moreover 17th March, 2006 was a Friday " Way of
the Cross".  The indulgence in alcohol by the alleged
assailants in the parochial house was not in the
fitness of things especially during Lenten season and
a stigma on the conduct of the religious faithful.

Meanwhile a large  gathering attended the religious
rite at Macazana this morning  followed by a mammoth
gathering at the Mass  held at Our Lady of Hope
Chinchinim and subsequent  burial .  The Main
celebrant was His Grace Archbishop of Goa and Daman
Filipe Neri Ferrao. 

Most  politicians and others were present. 



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2006-03-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Given the fact that there is an immediate need for
introducing the Roman script in the official language
act merely by a small amendment, this writer has made
available a draft Bill which has since been circulated
to the ruling and opposition members of the Goa
Legislative Assembly, so that the same could be
brought in the current Assembly session.

The INC MLA's 
Mr Agnelo Fernandes MLA Calangute and Parliamentary
Secretary, Mr Karl Vaz MLA Mormugao 
Mr Francis D Souza BJP MLA Mapusa and 
Mr Mathany Saldanha UGDP MLA Cortalim (status
subjudice) have evinced keen interest in the same and
could be counted to introduce it for admission from
the Treasury Benches or as a private members Bill from
the Opposition side.

What is important is that it should be introduced now
lest it becomes an emotive issue at election time.

The Goa Daman and Diu Official Language
(Amendment) Bill 2006 ( Bill No:of 2006)
further to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Official
Language Act 1987

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa in
the fifty sixth year of the Republic of India as

1.  Short title and commencement:--- 
(1)This Act may be called the Goa Official Language 
(Amendment ) Act 2006  
2) It shall come into force at once.
2  Amendment of Sections  :
In section 1 and in all other sections of the Goa
Daman and  Diu Official Language Act 1987 (Act No:1 of
1987)  (hereinafter referred as the Principal Act ) 
i) in the long and short title where the figure and
words “Daman and Diu” wherever it occurs, shall be
ii)for the expression “Union Territory” and the “Union
Territory of Goa Daman and Diu” wherever they occur ,
the expression “the State of Goa” shall be substituted
3. Amendment of section 2. 
In section 2 of the Principal Act
i)  clauses (a) and (f) shall be omitted
ii) clauses (b) (c) (d) and (e) shall be restructured
as clauses (a) (b) (c) and (d) resply. 
iii)after  restructure of  clause (c ) of the
Principal Act as clause (b) shall be inserted after
the words in Devanagari “and also Roman script “
4 Amendment of section 3 
In the section 3 of the Principal Act in the second
and third  proviso “the Gujarati language “  “and
Gujarati “ respectively shall be deleted .  In the
same provisos for the expression 
“languages” the “language” shall be substituted

Statement of Objects and Reasons

The Marathi language has been given a certain status
under the Official Language Act because Marathi is the
language used for  religious, cultural   and  business
purposes mainly by the Hindu Community of Goa. 
Likewise over the past over 495 years Konkani in Roman
script is used for all religious cultural and business
purposes .  The entire liturgy of the Catholic
community is in Konkani in Roman script. The “teatro” 
“Mando” “Dulpods” which are cultural outpourings of
the Catholic community is in Konkani in Roman script. 
The first book printed in the continent of Asia was in
the Roman script.  In sum and substance the Konkani
language in Goa has been sustained and propagated
invariably through the Roman script, in which a lot of
literature is produced.  Hence it is necessary to
preserve and ecourage Konkani in the Roman script.

This Bill seeks to achieve the above object.

   Financial Memorandum

No financial implications are involved in the Bill


Assembly HallSecretary to the Legislative Assembly
March, 2006   

The votaries of Konkani in both scripts in Goa
Devanagari and Roman appeal to the Cristao MLAs to
take the initiative and rest assured that the Hindu
Bahujan Samaj MLA's will extend full support to the
same.  But only if the Cristao MLA's do their duty. 
There is no point in being hyporicites as many admit
in private that they are totally for Konkani in Roman
script but develop cold feet on the issue of admitting
the Bill.  Since the job has been made easy by
drafting one tabling the same should not be difficult.

There is a petition signed by several Goans in India
and abroad which are supportive of the move and
therefore MLA's would do well to introduce the same.

The NRI Goans have also been advised to make sure that
when the Cristao MLA's or MP's visit the Gulf or USA
Canada UK Australia Portugal they should demand in
writing from these MLA's MP's on their views on this
Voters in Goa too have been discreetly advised to
remind the MLA's about this issue and if they do not
introduce the Bill and bring about the amendment
before the next hustings they would surely bite the



2006-03-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:   |
|  Politics of Destruction   |
| http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=416
Now that the duo  killers (in their own admission)
have  been arrested, produced in the Criminal
Court Margao and thereafter remanded to police custody
for 14 days, the general view of the public is that
the police should be allowed to complete their
investigations and tighten up the loose ends to enable
them make a fool proof case. 

It must be remembered that the rate of conviction in
India is about 4 % and therefore to ensure that the
ends of justice are met the people who are in the know
of things could at best volunteer to make statements
before the court or assist the Maina Curtorim police
who have done a comMendable job in tracking down the
duo. This in the opinion of well meaning citizens is
the only way one could ensure conviction.  Hence mere
debate/clarifications and counter clarification  on
press reports etc would only distract the attention of
the police. 

The Deputy Inspector General of Police Mr Ujwal Mishra
is believed to have handled the case exceedingly well
as on now and even if some statements as may have
appeared in a section of the press or in other news
media needs to be read between the lines lest the
culprits wriggle out of the situation

It should also be noted that the antecedents of the
duo killers are yet to be identified and at this
juncture it would not be possible for the Police to
divulge all information.  Hence the general feeling is
to excercise restraint and support the police

This writer assures the concerned citizens of close
follow up on merits as the case progressess.

It would also not be out of place if the police
personnel of Maina Curtorim Salcete Goa are rewarded
for their excellent job, in tracking down the


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2006-03-24 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:   |
|  Politics of Destruction   |
| http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=416
Shame on the Goa Government.  The last day of the five
day Goa Legislative Assembly session from 20th March,
2006 to 24th March, 2006 witnessed a near turmoil when
Opposition benches demanded from the treasury benches
to know the reason why the traditional Shigmotsav
celebrations due to be held at Curchorem  were

While the Chief Minister who is also the Home Minister
feared the recurrence of icidents affecting the law
and order situation following the 3rd March, 2006
riots the Opposition were in no mood to take this
lying down.

Unfortunately the Speaker too did not allow the
discussions and this earned the wrath of the

This writer spoke to several persons in and around
Panaji and Porvorim late evening and they were one in
ecpressing resentment about the Government's
cancellation of the festivities.

It may be recalled that when the Navy did not permit
the faithful to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of
Brotas at Anjediv on 2nd February, 2004 and 2005 there
was a hue and cry raised not only by the Catholic
community but also the entire Hindu community from
Canacona and Karwar besides other parts of Goa as this
had hurt the religious sentiments of the community.
Infact on 2nd February, 2003 there was a near riot
near the Binaga Gate and the Navy police personnel had
a tough time in quelling the crowds who remained at
the gate from 0600 hrs well past 1700 hrs to register
their protest.

It was left to this writer to broach the issue with
the higher ups the President of India the Prime
Minister and Madam Sonia Gandhi during her recent
visit to India and it must be said to the credit of
the Rajya Sabha member Mr Shantaram L Naik who raised
the issue in the Rajya Sabha by way of special mention
and a reply from the Union Defence Minister Mr Pranab
Mukherjee is awaited.

Therefore in the same manner the cowardice displayed
by the ruling party in the Goa viz the Congress led
coalition is condemnable.  

An enquiry with the police official at Panaji
Headquarters revealed that there is no reliable
evidence thus far of any threat perception at
Curchorem if the Shigmotsav celebrations were held. 
Even assuming without admission if such a threat was
imminent the Government could have made this public;
but merely stating that the law and order situation is
not conducive to allow such an event at this juncture
smacks of  a weak kneed decision.  For the records the
Zambaulim Gulal which indeed could have been put on a
high alert went of well with adequate police

Therefore one sees no reason for the cancellation. 
One street vendor put it to this writer, stating if
the Government fears such threats they may well have
to close shop in promoting Goa as a 365 day 

It is therefore left to the law makers to ensure that
the festivities are carried out and they should remain
present at the venue to build confidence among the


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2006-03-30 Thread godfrey gonsalves
To undertake Government related civil works
registration with the Government authorities is a

However it is now clear that the Government of Goa
seldom verifies the credentials of the applicants and
genuineness of the testimonials before according such
registration. Even at the time of annual renewal this
cross check by way of abundant caution is not resorted

Little wonder then one realises how the post
Liberation Goa is rid with such badly engineered civil
works that would make a  genuine professional hang
his/her head in shame.
This writer had almost a decade ago conclusively
ascertained  that a prominent (read upper
caste)citizen from South Goa was indeed practicing as
an "Advocate " without having secured the relevant
degree from the Bombay University.   Before the
investigations could be pursued to its logical
conclusion the unfortunate happened the "Advocate" in
question expired. 

While the legal fraternity whispered under their
breath at the time of last rites none had the courage
of conviction to assit the writer to frame the
"Advocate" for his misdemeanour, for fear of being
pulled up for defamation even though solid evidence
was available.

Now  comes yet another discovery this time of  another
prominent citizen from South Goa who has been
masquerading as a "Civl Engineer" and sometimes
It has now been brought to the notice of this writer
that the individual concerned has been registered as
such with  a Planning Development Authority, and a   
Municipality in South Goa District and also with the
Public Works Department of the Government of Goa.   
However upon discreet verification of the testimonials
with the Government of Kerala they have  now
ascertained that niether such individual  bearing such
testimonials has been registered with them nor is said
to have successfully completed and passed the course
of Diploma in Engineering (Civil) in any of their 
institutions in Kerala just over two decades ago.
Ironically the concerned citizen  is also believed to
have  undertaken major civil engineering  works for a
religious institution which was riddled in some
controversy in South Goa with some questioning his
credentials to undertake such sophisticated works on
basis of doubtful credentials.
It is now left to be seen how the Central Bureau of
Investigations Altinho Panaji if directed by the
Government of Goa or the Department of Vigilance
Government of Goa acts on the matter. Meanwhile it is
now learnt that the registration officials namely the
Chief Officer the Municipal Engineer the PDA and the
Registration Department of the PWD are likely cast the
net to nab the culprit.
It may also interest readers to note that in the early
seventies  (in 1974 ?)  the Government of Goa  had
detected that a large number of graduate degrees which
were in circulation and several government employees
had allegedly utilised the same to advance their
career prospects while in Government service or
otherwise and thereby their emoluments. 
It is not clear whether any amnesty was granted to
such employees to come off clean or were granted
reversion to lower grades besides penal action of loss
of increments. 
It is time the Government of Goa conducts a full
investigation of the staff records and where there
exists questionable discrepancies the employees should
be asked to either produce the original documents OR 
instead provide  the name / address of the
University/Institution and the grade/month /year of
passing such examinations.  
The Government could then verify the same with such
institutions within the State or with their counter
parts in other states.
The same practice should also be followed at the time
of renewal of such registrations beginning 2006-07 and
as a matter of routine the Government of Goa should
also make it mandatory to any individual in its
employment or undertaking Government works to produce
testimonials as and when called upon to do so or are
being awarded work orders.
It may also be noted that several cases of such of
fraudulent testimonials to seek gainful employment 
have been detected by UAE countries and now the latest
country to follow suite in investigating similar cases
is  the continent of Australia.

There is already a record number of cases where
persons mainly from the majority community have fudged
their date of births by two years so that they
superannuate on par with teachers at the age of 60
years.  Atleast in one case the employee concerned is
believed to have committed suicide.  The modus
operandi in fudging proof of age documents is to claim
that their parents were unable to register the births
of  their wards owing to the harrassment of this
community by the erstwhile Portuguese regime.  On this
pretext they  then  swear an affidavit especially at
the time of marriage and produce a fresh registration,
advancing their age almost as a rule by two years and
otherwise by more years depending upon how the "palms


2006-04-01 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Lawyers are liars believe many  and apparently 
addressing this valid concern of the numerous  
litigants especially those who are unable to attend
the regular hearings either owing to exigencies of
work or being outstation  or abroad, The Panaji Bench
of the Bombay High Court has since introduced Case
Status System courtesy the National Informatic Centre

Call it  an Inter active Voice Response System  IVRS
in  technological jargon of the Information  age and
presto you will have the case status available.

All one needs to do is dial  +91 0832 2421794 or
2421795 and then follow carefully the instructions
given  on telephone
Dial  1 for English version  2  for Hindi version
Dial  1 for  Civil cases 2 for Criminal cases 3  
if you know the  14 digit Case Identification Number
A)  For civil cases –
1 for Writ Petition
2 for First Appeal
3 for Appeal for Murder
4 for Second Appeal
5 for Patent Application  
6 for Public Interest Litigation
7 for Family Court  Appeal
8 for Contempt Petition
9 for Civil Revision Application
then enter   case No:
then enter   Year   viz  as of now only between 1997
upto 2006  (both years inclusive) 

B) For  criminal cases
1 for Writ Petition
2 Criminal Appeal 
3 Revision Application
4 Confirmation Cases
5 Criminal Application 
6 Contempt Petition
then enter Case No:  Year viz as of now only between
1987 upto 2006 (both years inclusive )

It will then give you the  case status either a) 
disposed  and  the day/month/year of disposal 
Or b)  if pending  the last date of hearing.

And then perhaps you can pay up the lawyers fees not

As a matter of fact it would be of interest to
litigants if the Bombay High Court provides some other
information  as under a) i.  whether Advocate for the
petitioner/respondent (absent / present) or ii . Judge
(on leave/on duty/on training /on deputation)  iii no
judge available iv. any other reason.  This is because
while the Advocates are present in the Court premises
or even otherwise they sometimes avoid attendance
during specific hearings or unpleasant orders.

Another vital information would be to provide  the
details of  “ rojanama “ extract  or otherwise as a
matter of routine it should be made mandatory  for an 
advocate to provide  to his /her clients each
financial year as the case progressess the “roznama
extract “ to ascertain the status of the case and
whether it is worthwhile pursuing the same or call it
a  day by way of out of court settlement.

While on the subject the litigants should stand
forewarned never to part with their original documents
to the advocate and make them available only at the
time such documents are called for at the time of
hearing only.  This is to avoid numerous instances of 
reported “ loss of vital documents in transit or  due
to a light fingered gentry in the Court premises or
the advocates office “ which could affect ones case.

Will the Minister for Law Govt of Goa now take a cue
and introduce the same for cases in the trial Courts
as well and why not in other quasi-judicial bodies of
the Govt of Goa. 

There was a time when Goans used to dread being
dragged to court for that matter even a call at the
Office of the "Regedor" would set ones feet wobbling
but today at a time when one can consider
himself/herself lucky to have an order delivered
during one's lifetime it is the culprits and money
bags  who drag the innocent litigant to the Courts.


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2006-04-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With temperatures at 32 degrees C and the threat of
unseasonal showers in the past  few days ago, the
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Fatorda, South Goa,
India, built in a record time of six months by the
then Indian National Congress Minister for Sports
Government of Goa, Mr Francisco Monte Cruz then MLA of
Benaulim, (where the teams are lodged at the Taj
Exotica ) with an official seating capacity of 27,500
will witness the third ODI between England and India
at 0900 hrs tommorrow 3rd April 2006. Incidentally the
highest turnout at the stands was 43,000 at the
inaugural Football match in 1989 

This time the tickets sale was orderly, the designated
Syndicate Bank did the honours for ticket sale in the
order of Rs.400/- 750/- 1000/- and 2000/- Sale of
tickets was brisk.  There were volunteer passes
distributed by M/s United Breweries of Kingfisher most
of the Sports clubs received their quota of tickets 
for distribution.  There were T shirts blue with the
Indian logo being sold for Rs.100/-  

Nevertheless this morning and last evening too tickets
were on sale in black the quote was Rs.700 for the
lowest denomination but that figure went down to as
low as Rs 600 by dusk.  

One of the reasons for an element of paranoi in the
minds of probable spectators and the slightly less
interest in witnessing the game from the Nehru stadium
 is a) the threat of a bomb blast at the venue (ever
since the 2nd March,2006  Curchorem - Cacora - Gulemol
- riots, the arrest of a terrorist in Sirvodem  Margao
Goa, the unaccompanied bag scare at State Bank of
India  Panaji the alleged terrorist scare at Military
area Ponda and the recent nabbing of a Vasco da Gama
Goa based terrorist in Karnataka a couple of days ago
)  b) the events at the 2nd ODI in North India which
witnessed a rampage of non ticket holders seeking 
unathorised entry which resulted in the severe lathi
charge on an innocent child accompanied by her mother
in North India-- being highlighted on the visual media
since yesterday c) the prospects of unseasonal rains
which could wash away the aspirations of ticket
holders d) the first day of week long the SSC
examinations  many Goans would prefer to see the game
on the idiot box in the confines of their homes. 

It may be recalled that the Lord Damodar -- Gulal
festivities at Zambaulim witnessed the lowest turnover
just 23% in recent times.

Today morning there was crowd of spectators yearning
to see the players at the practice session -- However
security forces Central Reserve Police being deployed
ensured that the enthusiasm of the onlookers was
restricted only to outer bounds of Gate limits.

Incidentally this could as well be the last ODI being
played at Fatorda which forms a part of the Margao
Municipal Council. If all goes well by the time the
next ODI opportunity comes Goa's way it could be held
at either Tivim or Guirim in Bardez Taluka in North
Goa District the venue of Goa's first Cricket Stadium,
promised by the Board of Cricket Control Vice
President Mr Dayanand Narvekar also Minister of State
for Health.

For the Minister for Health Government of Goa Mr
Narvekar this ODI is of great importance.  The cast of
the organising Committee consists of mostly  the same
that was unsuccessfully accused by the previous BJP
led Mr Manohar Parrikar Government in the
inconclusively  investigated "ticket gate scam"
involving Mr Narvekar and others. 

Incidentally Mr Narvekar LL.M an ex MGP MLA is
credited as the architect of the downfall of the 17
year Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party led by Ms
Sashikala Bandodkar( daughter of late Dayanand
Bandodkar Goa's first Chief Minister )when he
alongwith then Rivona MLA Mr Dilkush Desai (who
survived a bullet attack and is now partially
incapacitated and resides at Margao ) It was their
defection from the MGP which then resulted in
Presidents Rule for the first time and the electoral
victory of the Congress- Urs (led by Devraj Urs) which
later defected enmasse to the Congress - Indira in

Therefore for Mr Narvekar and company -- they are not
taking any chances and the gates will be thrown open
by 0600 hrs (unlike the last time when the gates
opened only an hour before the match 0800 hrs leading
to a mob frenzy and gate crashers) and the approach to
the venue will be restricted to genuine ticket holders
only, with multiple checks.  The entire stadium has
been provided with a sun protective canopy,  afresh
paint and the ground done up with the pitch promising 
over 250 runs as per the considered opinion of the
grounds man.  There are CCTC closed circuit TV cameras
"in situ " and lunch and snacks will be served within
the stadium making movement outside restricted  to
some extent.

This writer who visited the venue just before the
England team arrived for their practice session found
that there is much to be desired as far as movement of
vehicular traffic is concerned and an unforseen
catastrophe.  The narrow roads at the Fatorda Church
end should have been cleared of all


2006-04-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Strange but true.  With Goa turning into a concrete
jungle, needless to say wild animals could as well be
the "pedestrians" of the future.  An indication of
things to come was this incident  that alarmed the
inhabitants of the high profile locale of Miramar
Panaji Goa within the precincts of Corporation of City
of Panaji.

This early morning while students and office goers
were on their daily chores a leopard  straying around
Miramar finally "landed into " a residential apartment
"HOME STEAD" of the Menons at Miramar. 

According to a top official of the office of
Conservator of Forests who this writer had a teletalk
with +91 0832 2223508,  the leopard could have as well
come from the nearby Aguada side and swam across the
waters and made its way after meandering thro the
Miramar area at early morning.  According to him there
are areas in Bardez which are witness to such leopards

To a question --whether this could be a domesticated
one apparently set lose by the owners ---fearing the
change of guard expected in the office today with the
arrival of the  new incumbent Chief Conservator of
Forest  Mr Richard D Souza IFS who is likely to take
charge,( following his transfer to Goa from Arunacahal
Pradesh ), he stated that though it is illegal to
domesticate such animals classified under Schedule I
of the Wild Life Act 1972 atleast this one  did not
appear to look like one domesticated and had to be
tranquilised before being nabbed and sent to the
Bondla zoo.

It may be recalled that during the earlier termof 
Mr Richard D Souza IFS in Goa as Conservator of
Forests during the BJP led coalition regime,  the
first thing that he did was to raid all places where
such prohibited animals under Wild Life Act were
domesticated by people of Goa.  All such animals were 
confiscated   from these unauthorise owners and taken
to the Bondla zoo.

This earned the wrath of many animal lovers, though Mr
D Souza was shunted out of the State after a brief 
innings for other reasons. It is believed that the
mining lobby then feared his functioning strictly by
the rule book and so that he was booted out.

Efforts to contact the inmate of the house Ms Angelica
Menon on +91 0832 2461143 in whose house the wild
animal was found early morning by the howling of her
dog were futile.

Meanwhile when this writer spoke to an animal lover in
South Goa who had suffered a similar fate at the hands
of Mr D Souza, he agreed that this may not have been a
domesticated one by the owners of the house, where it
was found,  but did not rule out the  possibility of
the leopards  being domesticated by others and
subsequently released out of fear of being raided-- He
 agreed that though one would need to excercise great
caution to keep leopards as it eas necessary to keep
them away from other feline genre.

There was yet another animal lover who agreed that
there might be a coincidence with the leopard being
found and the arrival of Mr Richard D Souza in Goa. 
He is sure that there will be a notice issued by him
directing all animal lovers in the State to surrender
the all animals prohibited from being domesticated as 
included in the Schedule I of WLA.  At the same time
he wondered how the Government could fill the zoo at
Bondla with domesticated animals from private owners. 
Does the law distinguish from Government as the owner
and private individuals in matters of domestication? 
How then can they put such animals in its zoo?
Ironically some four years ago there was a board at
Bondla indicating that most of the animals held at
Bondla were confiscated from private owners.


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[Goanet] 7th April 1506 to 2006 - SFX - 500 years celebration

2006-04-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
In the backdrop of the Archaelogical Society of India
(ASI) maintained Basilica de Bom Jesus , where the
sacred relics  of St Francis Xavier are held in a
silver casket, at Old Goa (Ilhas) Tiswadi taluka Goa
the western State of India, over four  thousand people
 assembled this evening at 1734  hrs IST at a
specially erected shamiana to partake in the Eucharist
Mass to celebrate 500th Birth anniversary of St
Francis Xavier  (07.04.1506) a native of Navarre in
It was perhaps destined that a native of Spain should
commence his missionary endeavours and also find his
sacred relics held in one of Asia's most beautiful
tiny State of Goa in India which gifted by nature
could easily earn the sobriquet of the "Spain of the
Many faithfiul were taken by surprise  of this
celebration today, which otherwise received vide
publicity in the local print media and on the internet
in the past few days.  This is because it is not the
birth day   but  the death anniversary of the Saint on
3rd December, (and  that of another i.e his most
trusted friend St Ignatius de Loyola who died  on 31st
July  1556 ) that is being celebrated, as feast days. 

This year incidentally is also the 450th death
anniversary of Saint Ignatius de Loyola and 5th
centenary  celebrations of the birth of Blessed Peter
Faber of Villaret in Savoy on 13th April, 1506.  The
indomitable trio were indeed the co-founders alongwith
some others of the Society of Jesus, which has today
over 20,000 priests of this order world wide and the
Goa Province which constitutes Belgaum Pune and Ajra
Sidhudurga. In Goa there are 143 Jesuits.
St  Francis Xavier set foot on this soil at Old Goa
just 100 metres away from the Basilica (where a
monument stands testimony to his visit) in then Goa
which constituted only Salcete Mormugao and Ilhas (now
Tiswadi) the Velhas Conquistas (Old Conquests
(1510-1961) nearly 464 years ago. It is   "here at Old
Goa"  that he arrived from Torre de Belem in Lisbon
(where a monument is erected as well  (Fr Vasco Rego
sj  who visited the spot in Lisboa Portugal ) after he
set sail and reached Goa via the river Mandovi  after
6 months of voyage " according to Fr Vasco De Rego ex
Rector of the Basilica,  and began his works in Asia
to  reap a good crop of faithful for Christianity.
Following his death the Saint is revered not only in
Goa and India as "Goemcho Saib" but by people world
over.  The decadal Expositions where the mortal
remains are brought down from the specially erected
altar for veneration by the faithful is a testimony to
the Saint's following even  several hundred years of
his death enroute to China.
Many a times when tragic incidents or a natural
catastrophe e.g. tsunami affect other parts of the
world or  India, the it is not uncommon to see  Goans
always heave a sigh of relief and note with pride that
nothing will happen so long as "amcho Goemcho Saib" is
there.  Even the Japanese who had established the
first tradelinks for mining of ore from Goa to Japan
pay homage to the Saint by describing Goa " in the
land of Saint Francis Xavier" . 
The   mass which witnessed the Main celebrant His
Grace the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, besides the
Bishop Emeritus Most Rev. Dr Raul Niclau Gonsalves,
Bishop of Belgaum Most Rev. Peter Machado and the
Provincial of Society of Jesus (a society founded on
27.9.1540 ) was a solemn sung Mass as a glowing
tribute to the Saint. 
It may be recalled that the members of the Society of
Jesus were responsible for safeguarding the Konkani in
the Roman script and setting up the first printing
press in Asia to further its written communications to
network with the large indigenous natives.  They set
up many educational institutions in Goa viz St brittos
High School and Loyola High School Margao, the Baga
Retreat Centre Fr Arrupe Home in Raia the Thomas
Stephen Konknni Kendra the Xavier Historical and
Research Centre at Porvorim are testimony of the
service to the community. 

The newly appointed Bishop of Belgaum who partook in
the celebrations was on his maiden visit to Goa and
received a thunderous applause when he was introduced
to the gathering by His Grace the Archbishop of Goa
and Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao.

A special Portuguese delegation was also present on
the ocassion besides the Deputy Chief Minister of Goa
Dr Wilfred A De Souza.

A book on the life and times of St Francis Xavier by
Minguel Correia Monteiro from Portugal was released by
the Archbishop of Goa & Daman Rev Filipe Neri Ferrao.
a) though the Mass was held in the evening transport
arrangements we

[Goanet] Photographs -- SFX 500th Birth Anniversary Celebrations (7/4/1506 to 2006)

2006-04-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Photographs of the celebrations held at Old Goa on 7th April, 2006


a) The Eucharistic Celebrations led by His Grace the Archbishop of Goa and 
Daman, Rev Filipe Neri Ferrao and others.

b) The gathering of priests

c) The Choral Group that did the rendition of hymns

d) Seated, the delegation from Portugal led by Minguel Correia Monteiro, 
author of the book on St Francis Xavier released on this occasion

The same may be circulated freely with due courtesies to this writer.

from the Old Goa end


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[Goanet] 1st Fr . Freddy da Costa Award for Journalism --to John Gomes -KOKOY

2006-04-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
At a low turn out function to present the first late
"Fr Freddy da Costa Award for Journalism" for the year
2005'  organised by the Dalgado (Msgr Sebastiao
Rodolfo Dalgado of Assagao born 8.5.1855 died  4th
April, 1922) Konknni Academy, Panaji a registered
Association, at the Our Lady of Grace Church Hall
Margao at 1636 hrs IST today 10th April, 2006 --- Mr
John Salvador Hipolito Roquelino Gomes popularly known
as "Kokoy" a native of --396 B Panzarcone Cuncolim
Salcete presently residing at 15 Lotlikar Bldg 3rd
Floor Comba Margao  +91 0832 2733152, a veteran writer
both in Konkani (Roman script) and English, a music
composer, a singer, a tiatrist,  was awarded this
prestigious award instituted by the DKA in  memory of
late Fr Da Costa who was indeed during his life time
pained at the neglect of Konkani in Roman script
founded the DKA in 1989 to render justice to Konkani
in the Roman script.

The award which consist of a plaque and a Prize of Rs
1000/- will henceforth be awarded to any writer of
excellence only in Konkani Roman script.

Mr Wilson Mazarelo the President of the DKA in his
introductory speech eulogised the role of Konkani
writers tiatrist and others who despite set-backs
rendered yeomen service to keep the Konkani language
and the Roman script flag flying high.  Noting the
gross injustice to Konkani in Roman script he stated
that he was confident that the recognition for Konkani
in Roman script will be a success given the emotive
contribution of all Konkani lovers.

for the first time in the budget ended March 

Mr Tomazinho Cardozo well known tiatrist and
educationist ex Speaker and ex Sarpanch in his speech
also dwelt upon the injustice done to Konkani in Roman
script.  He said that the injustice done to Konkani in
Roman script was indeed a betrayal but now there are
no two ways about it -- the amendment sought to be
brought in the Goa Legislative Assembly to amend the
definition of Konkani to read as "both Devanagari and
in Roman script" will be introduced in the forth
coming Goa Legislative Assembly.

He praised the awardee of todays function stating that
the role of Mr Gomes in the field of tiatr writing and
journalism was well known to all.  Newspapers like
"Sot" " Uzvadd" Goan Review "Gulab" "Vavraddeancho
Ixtt" even Goan English dailies viz Gomantak Times 
The Navhind Times Herald  etc witness  some of his
excellent thought provoking writings even to this day.
 Ofcourse the recognition he deserved today was only
for his writings in Konkani in Roman script. Mr Gomes
is comfortable on the mouth organ and violin as well.
He has received several awards since 1997 till 2006

There was a request by Mr Cardozo that both Mr Gomes
and veteran tiatrist Mr John Claro who was present at
the gathering should pen down their memoirs so that
other upcoming writers could be influenced by their
works and follow into their footsteps.  There was a
reference made to "Pai tiatrist" late Mr Joao
Agostinho Fernandes of Modsai Borda Margao Goa in
whose memory the MLA of Margao Mr Digamber Kamat also
the Minister of Culture Govt of Goa has assured to
name the auditorium coming up Opp. the Fatorda Stadium
(South end) who had sacredly penned down all his
memoirs and this is now available at the Goa Konkani

He said that ever since the movement for revival of
Konkani Roman script began the authorities have
realised that the no nonsense attitude of the
protoganists of both Roman and Devanagari are
determined to take the movement ot its logical end. 
There is a Government order given to the Goa  Konkani
Academy to ensure that the Roman script literature be
also given due assistance and that before the end of
March 2006 for the first time thirteen books are going
to be released in Roman script funded by the GKA
otherwise around 60 books of little consequence was
published by the GKA only in devanagari script.

Mr Tomazinho also appealed to the audience to partake
in the activities of the DKA and lend financial
assistance in whatever way possible.  

Mr Zito Almeida also spoke on the ocassion.

After the presentation of the award by President of
the DKA Wilson Mazarelo Mr Gomes thanked the
organisors for the honours bestowed on him but he felt
that there were others who deserved it.  He too
despite his advance age spoke with an youthful gait
and vowed to ensure that the Konkani Roman script
movement should be kept going and he assured that
whatever be the endeavours of the DKA towards Konkani
he would always be available at a beck and call.

He informed the gathering that no sooner he learnt
that he was being give

[Goanet] COINCIDENCE OR DESIGN - You be the judge"

2006-04-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Dr  Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in Madhya Pradesh
India, on 14th  APRIL (1891) and died on 6th DECEMBER,

Dr Ambedkar was a "dalit" "untouchable" Scheduled 
Caste (signifies a Schedule in the Constitution of
India recognising certain castes hence the term
"Scheduled" )and he believed that THERE IS NO
Hinduism and therefore appealed to them to embrace
BUDDHISM (largely followed in most Asian countries) 

Yet he earned the title of  "Father of the
Constitution of India".  But he is  discreetly  looked
down upon, infact hated, by the high caste Hindus, for
much of his preachings in favour of Untouchables
Dalits -- reservation for SCs and other  beliefs like
advocating Buddhism.

Siddharta Gautama was the Originator of Buddhism and
born in a Royal family of Nepal.. Buddha Pournima
JAYANTI (birthday) is celebrated in MAY each year.  He
does not claim divinity but his followers -- Buddhists
(mainly Scheduled Castes in India ) see him as a guide
who can lead one "to path of Enlightenment for

Now check these important incidents in India 

On 18th MAY  (1974 )the Indian National Congress Party
in  India under late Smt Indira Gandhi exploded its
first nuclear device, and called the operation as "
Smiling Buddha " coincidentally ? that day was also
being observed as  Buddha Pournima.
On 6th DECEMBER (1992) 
The over five hundred years old BABRI MASJID at
Ayodhya was demolished.  This day coincidentally ? was
the DEATH ANNIVERSARY  of Dr B R Ambedkar.
On 11th MAY (1998)
Nuclear device exploded yet again after 1974 -- by the
Bharatiya Janata Party Government of the day the day
coincidentally also being observed as Buddha Pournima
On 14th APRIL (2006) 
two Bomb explosions in Delhi's JAMA MASJID (Mosque)
and another in Srinigar coincidentally? the day is
also observed as Dr B R Ambedkar jayanti (birthday) 
Is there anything in store coincidentally? for 2550th
Buddha Pournima Jayanti on 14th MAY, 2006 or on the
ocassion of the 50th death anniversary  of Dr B R
Ambedkar 6th DECEMBER, only time will tell.

Yet another "untolerant"  situation which unnerves the
right wing Hindu fundamentalist party in India is the
triumvarate leading the Nation is a) Dr A P J Abdul
Kalam ( a Moslem ) the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan
Singh ( a Sikh ) and the Chairperson of the United
Progressive Alliance (Smt Sonia Gandhi ) a Roman
Catholic ) all minority communities. 



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2006-04-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Ever since the rumblings in the BJP led coalition
headed by Mr Manohar Parrikar beginning  27th January
2005 and his final ouster on 4th Marcfh,2005 with
imposition of Presidents Rule (call it Governors rule
) until the present regime came to power on (2/2/2005
) 7/6/2005 there are strong undercurrents that suggest
the young turks are in no mood to allow the veterans
to have a long innings.

It was Mr Antanasio Monserate who first struck by
revolting against the unceremonious removal of his
coveted portfolio the Town & Country Planning, and
revenge he did take because he apparently realised
that Parrikar had been adopting the condom policy of
"use and discard" to sustain his reign.  It was
Monserrate a novice in politics who first drew blood
when he seated in the remote constituency of
Poinguinim in Canacona Taluka ensured the success of
his friend and "Man Friday" Mr Isidore Fernandes after
getting him to resign from the Indian National
Congress and then re-electing him on BJP ticket. As
the main campaign manager Mr Monserrate indeed earned
full laurels for his success though Mr Parrikar
refused to give him the credit he deserved.

Earlier Mr Monserrate demanded from Mr Parrikar 
reversion of parts of Taleigao from then Municipal
status to Panchayat status and for this he lent
support to the BJP led coalition and later honourably
adorned the garb of BJP  when the same was conceded to

>From  27th January, 2005 he showed his clout by
keeping the entire INC MLA's under his fortress under
lock and key at "CASA MONSERATTE" near the St Inez
Church end.

Later Mr Monserrate not only got his spouse a post of
Vice President in the United Goans Democratic Party
UGDP and later got his  entire Taleigao Village
Panchayat panel elected.

His political strides went to an extent where he
finally got his spouse Ms Jennifer to contest the
Zilla Panchayat elections and later unanimously
elected as the Chairperson of the North Goa Zilla

Facing a formidable challenge from ex CM and present
leader of the Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar' panel
and that of Ms Victoria Fernandes his "bete noir" he
secured nearly two third majority 19 out of total 30
seats in the Corporation of City of Panaji and got his
choice candidates elected as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of
the Corporation.

For Mr Monserate the achievement was not as per his
expectations and blamed it on paucity of time and
inability to sell his ideas for the development of
Panaji to the electorate in a constituency that has
parts of Santa Cruz Taleigao Panaji Assembly
Constituency.  He was however content that the ex CM
was put on hold on home turf Panaji Assembly
Constituency at the forthcoming hustings.

Except for  the only defeat that he faced when the
draconian ordinance of 30 September, 2005 was kept in
abeyance  "to die a natural death"  viz to lapse for
failure to be taken up in the next convened session,
an agitation spearheaded by his bete noir Ms Victoria
Fernandes and other NGO's and the Regional Plan 2011
is still being whetted for finalisation now expected
by month end, Mr Monserrate seems to have crossed the
hurdles single handedly and is now gaining support for
shouldering higher responsibilities.

There has been criticism accusations insinuations ---
being called an extortionist, indulgence in cyber
crimes etc etc but all this notwithstanding many of
the accusations remain only on the lips of the rumour
mongers and have not been subjected to strict test.

The latest move seems to be --- rather the last nail
in the coffin --- Mr Monserate has now offered to
fling his Ministerial portfolios and settle down for
the Organisational postings.  It is certain that Mr
Monserrate has done his homework well; he has indeed
placed all his cards on the desk of the High Command
and to his good luck some of the veteran politicians
primarily the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane
seems to agree with his game plan against the willy
nilly Ponda MLA Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik the present
incumbent to the post of Goa Pradesh Congress

Will Mr Monserate succeed in his game plan is only a
matter of conjecture.  He is indeed receiving support
from unknown quarters and slowly but surely the ground
swell support will turn on his side.

Though the High Command and the UPA Chairperson has
yet to take a decision given that she was not too
happy over the TCP ordinance knowing fully that even
the Church had objections to this draconian move.  Ms
Margaret Alva the AICC observer looking after the Goa
Desk seems


2006-04-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
" I care for Margao Initiative " may sound absurd --
for given the state of civic sense and its affairs --
filth, squalor, garbage, traffic chaos,  there
could'nt be any Margaoite in Margao (which by the way
includes Fatorda region as well of BJP MLA Damodar
(Damu) Naik) who would not care for Margao.  

The political chammeleon Mr Digamber Kamat INC MLA
Margao also the Minister for Power Mining and Culture
has still not reconciled  to his fate of not being a
CM from the "near CM status" he enjoined with the BJP.

Add  to this --the Civic Council  has had its second
Chairperson within the first five  months of the new
body elect (2005 -2010) while  the upright Chief
Officer Mr Melwyn Vaz now in his eight month was
nearly mauled in his office by the Opposition
Councillors with leanings towards BJP / NCP.
Hence there is chaos chaos and more chaos in Margao

So the three day (21st April to 23rd April 2006) "
Down to Earth " Jazz Fest organised in association
with the Department of Culture and Department of
Information and Publicity Govt of Goa to coincide with
the World Earth Day on 22nd April promised to make a
new initiative for the "improvement of Margao city"
wiht the involvement of the citizens.

There was jazz music performances in the past two days
and at the grand finale today evening at the "Ana
Fonte" Gardens Near BPS CLub Pajifond Margao the large
summer vacationing crowd of women children and youth
were treated to good music and songs by  Sharon &
Spice ( Wilson and Sharon tiatrists) , and earlier
Joanne D Mello with the Rocky and Rui Show did the
honours for the evening.

But the duo that recieved the public applause and
"once more" chorus was Dr Francisco Colaco and his
beautiful daughter in tow for their excellent numbers
in English and Portugues sung with the music
accompaniment of Status Quo.

Later yet another good performance came from "Whoopie
Steve Sequeira and Kitu who have come down from
It was left to Prince Jacob to make mention that
Margao does need to improve it does need to have civic
sense , but he also lamented the fact that the amounts
one crore (with the Central Government  contributing
Rs 30 lacs )spent for the rejuvenation of the  5000 m2
area Ana Fonte (spring ) since declared open on 25
January, 2006 was indeed misused because "the toilets
which were to be provided and manned by Sulabh
Sauchalaya have not been installed yet .  Even the
paint on the facade of the spring interiors have faded
in just three months while the flow of the spring
waters too is not well maintained in respect to its
cleanliness and hygiene.

While the evening was a sure treat for all the message
perhaps carried is that Margao will now show the way. 
It may be recalled that the Corporation of City of
Panaji did initiate such a campaign and they have
infact succeeded to a great extent in beautifying the
city.  Better late then Never and Margao surely will
show the way, for other cities to follow suit.

Sidelight of the event:
a) some citizens were wondering how come such events
are being held at the spring venue when  earlier the
venue was intended only for children items; both Mr
Kamat and Deputy CM Dr Wilfred A De Souza in the
presence of CM had vowed at the inaugural
b) there were repeated reminders to the audience to
send their litter to the waste bins 
c) Prince Jacob "long sermonising" was not taken too
kindly by the onlookers around the periphery of the
spring -- perhaps Prince mistook this event for his
tiatr one onlooker commented.
d) the Ana Fonte garden is an excellent venue and the
lungs of Margao -- surely there could be no better
venue for children and women -- Mr Kamat does deserve
the credit -- even though the project took over eight
years to complete
e) for Ethel D'Costa the Panaji based youthful journo
columnist  and organiser her indulgence in Margao and
its new initiatives was indeed a rewarding experience
-- Margaoites could benefit more from her organising
skills, and experience in the coming days.  

>From the "Ana Fonte" Garden 


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[Goanet] Mr LUISINHO FALEIRO Min for Ind & Edn to visit DOHA QATAR

2006-05-03 Thread godfrey gonsalves

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On 11th May, 2006 Mr Luisinho Faleiro, 54,  Minister
for Industries and Education, MLA,  Navelim Assembly
Constituency (over 25 years )  ex CM,  ex GPCC
President, of Goa will interact with Goans in DOHA
QATAR where he will later on be the Chief Guest for
the MAY QUEEN BALL of the Goan Welfare Association,
Doha Qatar.

It is traditional for elected representatives visit 
foreign countries at the cost of the State Exchequer
or at cost of sponsors  (ex MLA Herculano Dourado and
others recently in March 2006 fiscal year end )
visited a Gulf country to "study " problems of NRI
Goans  at the cost of the State Exchequer, and on
return learnt that  his outfit the NRI Facilitation
Centre was in limbo.   The  brief that such elected
representatives (all past or present or future ) carry
to sell to our gullible NRI -"Goemcars" who do not in
any case constitute their vote banks but their
families in Goa do ) is mere wishful thinking.

They could promise you anything short of the MOON on a
platter.  NRI "Goemcars" starved out of emotive love
for "Amchem Bhangarachem Goem "fall  prey to  this
bait.  But when they come back to "Amchem Goem" the
elected representatives (past, present or future
despise them.

This writer has come across umpteen NRI "Goemcars" who
confess to have wined dined and feted or what have you
our "Mukhel Montris" "Montris" and "Amdars' and
"Khasdars" in the Gulf and Western countries but
suffered humiliation bitterly when they tried to meet
them in Goa.

Mr Faleiro's impending visit is a great opportunity
for NRI Goemcars to seek clarifications on:  

Whether Mr Faleiro's  INC led coalition Government (of
MGP NCP and an Independent in Goa ) will  table the
amendment to the Official Language Act 1987 in the
forthcoming monsoon session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly in July 2006 to grant recognition to Konkani
in the Roman script; N.B. The NCP Dr Wilfred A Se
Souza has publicly stated its support for such an
amendment Bill if introduced in the Assembly. The
South Goa Member of Parliament Mr Churchill ALemao has
similarly publicly  whole-heartedly ensured to garner
party support for such an amendment  Bill. As a matter
of fact  when confronted by this writer in his Chamber
in the presence of several visitors during the August
2005 Assembly session to move an amendment Mr Faleiro
merely sermonised on his personal attempts to
introduce Roman script in 1987 but  did not respond
positively to the appeal for introduction of an
amendment bill citing political expediency of
coalition politics.

Whether it is just for  Mr Faleiro's  INC led
coalition Government (of MGP NCP and an Independent in
Goa) to give mere "ASSISTANCE"  ( call it doles or
"izmoll" to votaries of Konkani in Roman script, who
have developed and used the script since the 16th
century in all its liturgical, "tiatrs" its cultural
programmes viz Mandos etc which constitute the flesh
and blood ( read vote bank ) of the INC in Goa .

Whether it is appropriate  for Mr Faleiro's INC led
coalition Government(of MGP NCP and an Independent in
Goa) to fund Konkani in Devanagari script (whose
votaries constitute a miniscule 3% of the population
(mainly Hindu Saraswat Brahmins) with BUDGETARY 
grants for their activities; vis a vis doles "izmoll"
to votaries of Konkani in Roman script. 

Whether it is appropriate  for Mr Faleiro's INC led
coalition Government(of MGP, NCP, and an Independent
in Goa) to on the one hand complain that all these
"ghanties" read non goans are destroying Goa " ---N.B.
 CM Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane made this statement at
his Altinho Panaji residence to this writer in
December, 2005 --- and on the other woo and encourage
them (same "ghanties" ) clandestinely  to strenghten
their vote banks?  (Mr Faleiro himself depends on an
unprecedented  influx of the Kannadiga Moslem and
other migrant vote bank in his constituency segment at
Davorlim and Housing Board -- and has an avowed  soft
corner for similar  migrants at "Monte" Margao)

Whether  Mr Faleiro's INC led coalition Government(of
MGP, NCP, and an Independent in Goa) and its coalition
Government at the Centre  can boldly NOW politically
pack off the arrogant Navy, encroachers (though
belatedly -- i.e. after nearly 45 years of adverse
possession ) from Dabolim and send them to Timbuctoo
and retrieve encroached land OR acquire neighbouring
land under urgency clause for expansion improvement of
the CENTRALLY located Dabolim International 


2006-05-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Goans were shocked  in disbelief to learn of the
brutal murder of Ms Philomena Lopes Asst General
Manager, of SBI Personal Banking Division Malbhat
Margao Goa, at her newly built Bungalow at Chaddvaddo
Novangully Varca Salcete South Goa District.   

According to locals that this writer contacted near
the site of the new Bungalow this evening it is learnt
that Ms Lopes had recently shifted to Goa from Munbai
to take up her posting at SBI Malbhat Margao Goa as
she intended to settle down in Goa.

Pending completion of the new Bungalow a little away
from her ancestral home where her late mother resided,
she was staying in the Furtado Apartment Opp the Varca
Church in an apartment allegedly belonging to her

It is further learnt that she had recently availed
leave from duty to move into her new Bungalow and her
husband a sea farer left  Goa on 1st May, 2006 to join
service overseas after they set foot in the new
Bungalow.   Mr Lopez is believed to be a native from
the Bardez Goa region.

Having been to Goa recently not many of the neighbours
around could throw more light on the motive of the
crime as of now, but some tit bits collected indicate
of a PULSAR or CBZ brand motor bike with local
registration being found  abandoned nearby.

When this writer visited the scene there was no one to
confirm or deny having seen the same. Probably Ms
Lopes being a working woman would possibly not have
time to interact with the villagers and more so the
residents around the new Bungalow.

The Police Inspector Incharge Colva Police Station Mr
Nelson  Albuquerque (other wise an ex  Bandra Mumbai
native himself) is reported to have visited the scene
of the murder yesterday morning and the Police dog
scented the trail of the alleged assailant
unsuccessfully to a little distance.

An young girl a non goan Moslem is reported to have
been attending to the daily chores of late Ms
Philomena.  It was on her learning that the door bell
remained unanswered on the morning of 4th May 2006
that she contacted the neigbours of the earlier
Apartment where she lived earlier.  The Apartment is
alleged to be belonging to her sister.

The body has been taken for post mortem and it is
learnt that her relatives from Mumbai and Bardez are
likely to come over.  Meanwhile her son too is learnt
to be on board the ship and could be expected
alongwith his father to come down.

Incidentally, this area Novangully Varca  is
understood to come under the Navelim Constituency of
Mr Luizinho Faleiro and is also in the locality of
South Goa Member of Parliament Mr Churchill Alemao.

Many feel that though the new Bungalow has a sparse
number of residents the Ground + one complex was too
large for a single occupant and to stay alone
especially being an executive of a  reputed Indian
banking institution.

There were gruesome injuries to her face as per oral
versions of some nearby residents and it is not clear
whether cash or gold ornaments were in the Bungalow.
Police are awaiting her husband and son to throw more
light on the possible motive of the crime.

It may be noted that in March, 2006 another Goan woman
hailing from Varca was involved in renting her flat at
Sirvodem in Margao Goa to a suspected Kashmiri
terrorist now in custody found with some likely
explosive material.

Besides there is a large number of migrant workers who
are brought from Orissa Andhra Pradesh and Kerala who
indulge in the fishing business and others from easter
Uttar Pradesh Jarkhand and Bihar engaged in menial or
construction jobs masonary or carpentary jobs at
starred hotels.

The ostentatious display of wealth by our gullible
Goans, especially  women left behind with their
children or old folks by absentee husbands have
attracted several of these migrants to the flashing of
wealth.  The rich furnishings and display of wealth
easily tempts the poverty stricken workers who know
too well that even during their entire life time they
will not be able to earn such wealth and hence could
easily be tempted to commit such gruesome murder.

Even the liberal attitude of our village women towards
these men is percieved differently by these migrants
who have a mind set of a conservative nature at least
in public and hence tend to view our women with a
promiscuous outlook.  Why even with most of these
migrants used to customary child marriages they look
differently at the local Goan children below fourteen
as well, and hence the potential or rapist  too
lurking around is possible.

Many Goans blame the elected representatives who
depend on migrant CHEAP LABOUR and most of them find
Goa an El Dorado with all the schemes like free
education computers job prospects and employability
accomodation easily provided by gullible Goans.

This was the sum and substance of the locals when this
writer interacted with some of them.


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[Goanet] GOENKARANCHEM DAIZ ===an NGO launched

2006-05-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The threat to Goan Identity was never felt to the
extent that it is being felt today. At last count an 
alarming 33% of the population of Goa constitutes the
migrants or better known as "bhaile" threatening the
demographic composition of this beautiful State. To
add to this cancerous malaise  Goan disunity caused by
the invisible indelible "Great Indian Caste divide"
the traditional Goan "Bhatcar" - "Bhageli"(partner) or
the "Batcar-Mundcar" syndrome and the last potion
strains of polarisation on communal lines which
threatens the foundataions of "Goan tolerance"
unwitnessed in the rest of the country does not bode
well for "NiZ Goemcars" if Goans do not shed their
differences -- at least in public.

With this in mind Margao in Salcete South Goa, the
bastion of Goa's political cultural and commercial
centre witnessed today evening at 1645 6th May 2006, 
at a well attended function at the Gomant Vidya
Niketan the  launching of "Goenkarachem Daiz " a trust
 -- Daiz samballunk ani Goenkarponn rakhunk
--"Goenkarponn ani amchem girest daiz samballpak
ompil'li sonstha"  -- to protect preserve and promote
the unique Goan culture and its identity.

And who among Goans could have visualised this need
better.  It took Mr Antonio Piedade da Moraes, a
dimunitive, lean bespectacled, casual dressed,
publicity shy "Konkani mogi" whose passion for Konkani
led him to possess a treasure trove of literary works
books numbering well over 2000 books of his
collection.  He felt it necessary  to make them
available for posterity to Generation Next to help
preserve and promote our culture our identity and that
of Konkani language the soul of Goan culture. To
satiate his passion it was left to Mr Alfino Fernandes
to support the mission of Mr Morais by providing a
spacious premise at MIDAS TOUCH Apartments bang
opposite the District Court of Margao.  Following this
other furniture and fixtures were liberally donated
and the trust Goenkaranchem daiz took shape in 2005.

The inaugural launch began belatedly with an excellent
presentation by Dr Nandakumar Kamat an
environmentalist now with the University of Goa on
GOALOGY Goem Vidheaxastr.  It shows the Goa in its
right perspective right from early invasion of Homo
sapiens to the pre colonial era the colonial era and
the post colonial era. Truly Goans would have loved to
revisit his presentation. It was a tremendous hardwork
put in true and just put forth before the public in a
nut shell ..  What with satellite imagery from google
earth and pictures notes all rolled in . But the power
point presentation though announced by him to be for
just twenty five minutes extended well beyond an
University lecture ( he is familiar with ) and needed
the moderator Dr Savia Veigas, an activist of Musuem
Heritage a member of the Indias first State Knowledge
Commission, who has returned to Goa  after 25 years a
native of Carmona Salcete Goa, to abruptly put an end
to his unending discourse which hurt the ego of Dr
Kamat and his usual arrogance was let loose on the
organisors. The audience of course did not take kindly
to his longish discourse, and cheered Dr Veigas.  dr
Veigas agreed with most of the presentation made by Dr
Kamat but she felt that what is needed is that
Identity culture should move into the villages.  She
herself had risen from humble beginnings having been a
child of a sea-farer and learnt under the candle
light. In her village the influence of tourism has
alienated the villager. The village child was at the
cross roads neither good in English nor his own mother
tongue Konkani.   She was profusely applauded for
these observations.  Just two questions did not merit
much attention.

Later Miguel Cotta of "Goencho Naad" fame and his
family gave an unique musical traditional songs and
mando  treat to the audience.  This was followed by a
musical group led by Arch. Carlos da Veiga and a final
song by Dr Francisco Colaco Cardiologist and family --
songs to the tunes of late Chris Perry.

Mr Ramnath Shirodkar gave a solo musical rendtion in
Konkani using the mouth organ. 

But the audience went into a musical frenzy tapping
their feet clapping hands to strums and beat of songs
by famed tiatrist composer singer of yester years, the
80 year old (9/9/1925) Mr Remedios Januario Colaco
lovingly known as Remmie Colaco from the Novas
Conquistas Sanvordem Goa; and another song  from Dr
Gopal V Naik widely known as Dr G V NAIK. 
Incidentally both Dr G V Naik and Mr Remmie are age
old friends and know share a Doctor patient
relationship.  Their relics relate to a word of
caution to Goans to unite to protect out Goan

Earlier Mr Edwin Pinto read the aims and objectives of
Goenkaranchem Daiz ( membership Founder Member
Rs.5000/- and Life Member Rs 1000/- forms were
available at the venue. 

Dr Zahir Qazi an ex student of Goa Medical College in
the early eighties a native of Ponda in Goa cherished
his love for Goa and things Goan by narrating several
incidents which embodies the Goan identity

[Goanet] ex PDF Govt Minister Mr Joao Baptist Gonsalves dead

2006-05-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Two times MLA Panaji Assembly Constituency, and ex
Minister for Urban Development in the PDF Government
of Mr Churchill Alemao in 1990, Mr Joao Baptist
Gonsalves, a native of Colva settled in St Inez
Panaji,   expired today morning at 0440 a.m. after a
brief illness. The funeral rites will be held
tommorrow 9th May, 2006 at 0930 hrs at the Our Lady of
Imaculate Conception Panaji and thereafter his cortege
will leave for burial at the St Inez Cemetry. He
leaves behind his wife and two children a son and

late Mr Gonsalves was a self confessed baker of repute
by profession, and he always took pride to publicly
announce his humble beginnings ( unlike several Goans
who fight shy of disclosing their traditional
background) which he once did when he addressed an
electoral campaign meet in Panaji in the presence of
late Prime Minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi to enter the
electoral fray for the first time essentially as a
peoples candidate.

During his tenure in politics he endured himself to
his constituents with his friendly dispostion and
hence easily broke the previous record  being the
first sitting MLA to be elected twice,(though later Mr
Manohar Parrikar ex CM broke this record with a hat
trick  ).  Mr Gonsalves was also the President of the
Bakers Association and during his tenure he worked to
ameliorate the cause of bakers, viz; availabity of
flour, firewood etc which during the late eighties
threatened the existence of our traditional "poders"

He was associated with the Indian National Congress
Party and it is only in recent times that he moved
away from politics to concentrate on his traditional
profession incorporating modern marketing techniques
and ensuring a timely change of guard to carry on the
traditional occupation.


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[Goanet] ex PDF Govt Minister Mr Joao Baptist Gonsalves dead

2006-05-09 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Two times MLA Panaji Assembly Constituency, and ex
Minister for Urban Development in the PDF Government
of Mr Churchill Alemao in 1990, Mr Joao Baptist
Gonsalves, a native of Colva settled in St Inez
Panaji,   expired today morning at 0440 a.m. after a
brief illness. The funeral rites will be held
tommorrow 9th May, 2006 at 0930 hrs at the Our Lady of
Imaculate Conception Panaji and thereafter his cortege
will leave for burial at the St Inez Cemetry. He
leaves behind his wife and two children a son and

late Mr Gonsalves was a self confessed baker of repute
by profession, and he always took pride to publicly
announce his humble beginnings ( unlike several Goans
who fight shy of disclosing their traditional
background) which he once did when he addressed an
electoral campaign meet in Panaji in the presence of
late Prime Minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi to enter the
electoral fray for the first time essentially as a
peoples candidate.

During his tenure in politics he endured himself to
his constituents with his friendly dispostion and
hence easily broke the previous record  being the
first sitting MLA to be elected twice,(though later Mr
Manohar Parrikar ex CM broke this record with a hat
trick  ).  Mr Gonsalves was also the President of the
Bakers Association and during his tenure he worked to
ameliorate the cause of bakers, viz; availabity of
flour, firewood etc which during the late eighties
threatened the existence of our traditional "poders"

He was associated with the Indian National Congress
Party and it is only in recent times that he moved
away from politics to concentrate on his traditional
profession incorporating modern marketing techniques
and ensuring a timely change of guard to carry on the
traditional occupation.


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2006-05-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While Mr Luisinho Faleiro the MLA Navelim (the biggest
parish in Asia)ex CM ex President Goa Pradesh Congress
Committee and present Minister for Industries and
Education,  is in Doha Qatar to attend the May Queen
Ball and also address the NRI Goans thereafter yet
another set of questions NRI Goans could ask him and
seek his clarifications:

After Liberation the deputationists ( from
neighbouring Maharashtra ) ruled Goa after the MGP
came to power. After the INC came to power, the
fifteen year domicile policy came about  and 80% jobs
were to be reserved for sons of the soil.
How come today there are  15% Goans or none at all and
85% non Goans in industries set up in Goa? Was this a
lacunae in his Industrial policy for Goa and if so
have the loop holes been plugged and if not why not
and when?

If the industrial policy ordains that non polluting
industries will be permitted viz soft ware
pharmaceuticals, why did the Government not increase
the SEATS in a) Asias oldest pharmacy College or b)for
short term courses in pharmacy oriented courses IN 
polytechnics/ITIs to meet the pharmaceutical industry
demands; likewise are the existing SEATS  in Govt run,
polytechnics, engineering colleges, and other private
institutions that are granted RECOGNITION  under All
India Council of Technical Education AICTE or DOEACC
enough to cater to the industries needs of the IT
Techno parks intended to be set up in Taleigao,
Soccorro and Morjim.
If not will this NOT lead to a deluge of non goans
entering into the state.

Is it not a fact that Government as a largest employer
in the state employs non Goan workers on nominal
muster rolls NMR or on adhoc basis (read back door
entry) in its Panchayats and Municipalities and other
Government institutions PWD, Irrigation, and
Agriculture, Veterinary  departments --- because they
are willing to work and  be PAID LESS than the minimum
wages of Rs.86/ (now proposed to be hiked to 120/- per
day) unlike Goans who demand the same or higher wages
according to the skill and expertise.  Margao
Municipality and Curca Panchayat is a case in point.

Is it not a fact that the key positions of Heads of
Departments, viz Transport ex Director Mr Nair
(Keralite) Mamlatdars, ex Deputy Labour Commissioner 
Mr B B Naik (from Karwar) Secretary to Panchayats,
Town & Country Planning Department  PWD, Irrigation
Power etc are deliberately kept in the hands of the
NON GOANS till date (excluding the inevitable AGMU IAS
cadre because Goa does till date not have a State
Public Serivice Commission even after Statehood on
30/5/87 ) so that the elected representatives can make
them subservient to their whims and fancies (read
corrupt practices) -- are there no Goan  graduates
despite a 20 year old Goa University available  in
2006 to man these positions? why should Goans work if
they are underpaid?

Why has the Department of Education not started
courses a) in Master in Social Welfare MSW a
qualification pre-requisite for appointment of Labour
Welfare Officers in factories works in Industrial
estates who eventually end up as Personnel Managers
(as a result of which 92% Personnel Managers in Goa
are non Goans and they recruit non Goans  b) Why are
there no diploma courses in Mining or related courses
to cater to the needs of students in  the mining
industry in Bicholim,( Polytechnic at Bicholim is ther
but does the strenght suffice the requirement) Sanguem
Ponda c) Why are there no diploma courses in
agriculture related industries which could help
students in the western ghat bodering talukas of
Sanguem Canacona and Sattari? Without these
polythechnics or institutions located in these areas
to help sons and daughter of poor peasants most of
whom have lost their farm land to mining --can the
Government bluff stating that "students do not come

Has the Government set up educational institutions to
train students in the Audio visual entertainment
industry now that it has decided to host the IFFI on
its own? If not why not?

Will the Minister clarify whether the vegetables that
are brought from Belgaum as of today (hence the
justification for accepting migrants )are required to
for the consumptions  of "niz goencars" or to meet the
demands of migrants who themselves depend on "torcari"

Will the Minister clarify with statistics whether
schemes intended by the Goa Government as announced in
the recent Goa Assembly session will NOT  benefit non
Goans more than Goans and also attract more non Goans
into the State,  for these freebies, at the cost of
changing the demographic composition of the State?

Can the Minister DENY the fact that non goan workers
who intially come as construction workers or work for
the fisheries etc in the first two seasons later on
understand the intricacies of Goan economy (gulf
petrodollars and high per capita income and ) and then
charge higher rates and force thus force the  employer
to go in for a fresh set of migrants.  Has the
Minister not witnessed the non goan labour "


2006-05-11 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Apropos the above a report 6/5/2006 - a reference was
made to Dr Savia Veigas,  QUOTE .stating "SHE  
herself had risen from humble beginnings having been a
child of a sea-farer and learnt under the candle
light" -- UNQUOTE 

Dr Veigas in a teletalk with this writer today
11/5/2006 afternoon kindly clarified  that the above
sentence ought NOT to be attributed to HER but it was
a reference made by her -- to the PEOPLE OF her
VILLAGE Carmona who are mainly seafarers  and have
studied under  the candle light.  

This clarification is therefore intended to set things
in its  proper perspective.


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2006-05-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Goa  Police at Headquarters Panaji, have now
spread a dragnet to nab  one "CIVIL ENGINEER" Mr.
Mario do Socorro Trinidade Achilles, 48 now believed
to be "untraceable" from Pulwado Benaulim Salcete Goa
, following  a First Information Report (FIR)
registered against him by the Engineering Officer
Public Works Division Altinho Panaji, Mr D K Prabhu
Shastri ( now retired on attaining the age or
superannuation)  for filing a FORGED  certificate and
obtaining their PWD registration No:4/84; claiming to
have completed the Diploma in Engineering (Civil) and
also passed the final examination in June 1983
securing second class from the   Board of Technical
Education Thiruvananthapuram Govt of Kerala.

This writer who had reported the matter 30/3/2006 as a
tip off to this impending event, now  learnt that the
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman had  during the tenure of
 Fr Boulais Da Costa (now Parish Priest of Our Lady of
Rosary Church (Chapel) Fatorda) engaged the services
of this civil engineer heading the firm M/s Archilles
Gracias Consultancy  Pulvado Benaulim (as registered
civil engineers planning designers valuers and
consultants )  for undertaking the responsibility for
the alteration,  reconstruction etc of the Chapel of
Our Lady of Piety (built in 1758 at Monte Chandor in
2004, for an extimated amount of over  Rs 18 lacs
collected by way of large donations from well wishers
mainly natives of Chandor and partly from the

Even the Secretariat of Fabricas/Confres Archbishop s
House,  Altinho Panaji did not have any  reason to
suspect the credentials of the Architect/Engineer 
before entrusting the job, to Mr Gracias considering 
his reputation and social standing until some
parishioners are believed to have  protested the works
for fear of damage by way of reconstruction to the
aesthetics of the Chapel façade.

Following this melee the investigations initiated by
this  parishioners finally appeared to have yielded
results . A copy of the  alleged forged certificate
presented by Mr Archilles was obtained from the PWD
records and probed for its contents with the  Joint
Controller of Technical Examinations Thiruvanantha
puram.  On 16.2.2006 a confirmation was obtained in 
that " no candidate bearing the name of Mr Gracias was
permitted to  attend final year Diploma examination in
civil engineering and no student bearing registraion
number 4697 was sent up for that exam in June 1983 and
that the certificate  ( a fascimile which was sent to
them ) was  a FALSE one".

When this matter was brought to the notice of the
Directorate of Vigilance, Altinho, Panaji, Goa , the
Addln.Director Vigilance Mr A W Rane took cognizance
of the same and  on 29/3/2006 directed the Principal
Engineer of the Public Works Department to cancel the
registration and file an FIR .

According to sources in the Police department the case
has since been registered under sections 468, 471, 420
of the Indian Penal Code and arrest is imminent in the
days to come.   

When this writer contacted the  top officials of the
Archdiocese of Goa & Daman earlier they were non
commital on the action they propose to take,
apparently they are awaiting the law to take its own
course. The plain clothes policemen scouting the area
has also been  the subject of debate in the otherwise
quite village in the suburbs of Margao when this
writer visited the same.  Many claimed that Mr Gracias
was otherwise not known to be  a bright student in
school at Loyola High School in Margao  and many had
doubts on his credentials especially considering the
fact that he flouted a  Government Diploma from
distant Kerala.  His prominent social standing appears
to have served as an eyewash for his misdemeanours.

When this writer tried to contact  the Parish Priest
of Nossa Senhora de Belem, Chandor Fr Tony Salema  Tel
+91 0832 2784002 he was informed by Fr Mariano
Silveira the Asst Parish Priest that Fr Salema had
gone abroad and feigned ignorance on the roll of Mr
Gracias in the Chapel construction having been posted
there only in June 2006.  Later Fr Silveira directed
this writer to contact Fr Boulais da Costa the ex
Parish Priest of Chandor (incidentally some claim
though unconfirmed that Fr Da Costa is indeed a
distant relative of Mr Gracias and hails from
Sernabattim  Colva) for necessary information. 
Following a tele-talk with Fr Da Costa, Mobile
9850453717 (+ 91 0832 2741149 ) this evening, Fr Da
Costa feigned ignorance of what appeared in an 
English daily yesterday (regarding FIR and police
action against Mr Gracias) and also on a  Weekly two
weeks ago but claimed to have been told about it only
this morning.  He stated that he was busy with the
novenas and would "read the newspaper today night".
When asked why was a Chartered Engineer  who was
registered with the Institute of Engineers
Maharashtra/Goa Council,  or an Architect registered
by the Council of Architects, Goa Chapter not
selected, Fr Da Costa  claimed that Mr Gracias, was
selected by a panel 

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