Re: [Goanet] Re. Fight to Preserve Image

2009-12-28 Thread floriano

No hard feelings there.
But you need to understand what is a 'story' and what is a 'poem'


PS: Only then you will gain full understanding of what is what :-))
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour .. What's Zat???

- Original Message - 
From: "Arwin Mesquita" 

To: "Goanet" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Re. Fight to Preserve Image

Sorry Floriano: I do not understand you poems. Arwin

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 21:04:22 +0530
From: "floriano" 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

There was this man who loved his little girl so much that he told her to 

anything  for her coming birthday present and he would give it to her.
The little girl thought for a while and said

Re: [Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)

2009-12-28 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Parrikar,
I tend to think that Oscar Rebello's mea culpa has been done with an eye 
towards a future political run. 
He has gained name recognition with tacit help from the press.
The Goan press is compromised by its incestuous relationships to 
politicians, developers, mining and vested interests.
Were it not so, it would have long since been reporting on the destruction of 
Goa; on the corruption, bribes and kickbacks to the goan politicos; 
on unsustainable mega-housing developments; on the careful nurturing of migrant 
vote banks; on promotion of tourism, casinos ..etc.
Not given to investigative journalism exposing and documenting corruptive 
practices in the goan government, the goan press - quaintly referred to as 
"journos" - can be counted on instead to provide photo-ops and 
cushions for these reprehensible politicians.
As you know and I know, and those in Goa know, attention to the destruction of 
Goa has come primarily from the concerned citizenry.  
Not the Goan Press.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

From: Rajan P. Parrikar 
Subject: [Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)
Date: Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:01 PM

To Goanet -

Cabal's footsie dances

In his article `The Drums of War' (Herald, 23 Dec), Dr Oscar Rebello 
confesses that he and the GBA "danced footsie" with Digambar Kamat's 
government. While this may come as a shocking revelation to some, 
I had been writing about it in Goan electronic forums for well over 
a year. To those of us who had observed the strange workings of 
the then GBA convener Dr Rebello and the rest of the GBA cabal, it 
was lamentably clear that the movement had been compromised. 
Goans were being tricked from virtually day one by traitors within 
the GBA.

Well, now that the truth is out, when is Dr Rebello going to apologise 
to the people of Goa for betraying the movement he was chosen to 
lead? Who gave GBA the mandate to collude with the very government 
it was formed to take on, the very government that has brought Goa 
to the edge of the precipice? Why is the Goan press silent about this 
major development?

Rajan Parrikar, USA

[By the way, the correct phrase is "to play footsie." - r]


Re: [Goanet] Goanetters meet

2009-12-28 Thread floriano

Tight-fitting sequined dress, big shiny bows and red lipstick is fine. But 
does this sequined dress has deep side-slits or not?


PS: I have missed yesterday's  goanetter's meet, unfortunately. I don't want 
to miss the next one, pls :-))

PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour.What's Zat???

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" 

Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 5:54 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanetters meet

For my part, I will oblige by wearing a tight-fitting sequined dress, with 
a big shiny bow at the back and also one in front, and enough red lipstick 
to make the fish at margao bazar jealous.

Viva re viva hic hic. 2010 coming soon hic hic!!


Re: [Goanet] Wild Animals At Goan Cribs

2009-12-28 Thread A C Fernandes

Bab Clinton,

Thanks for doing a great job for the wild animals this Christmas.

Obviously your attempts last Christmas did pay off and none of our Goan
villages have put any animals in their crib displays this Christmas. So keep
up the good work. Alas the only wild life we see nowadays in Goa are these
very displays like the python that was put on display last year in the crib
in Cansaulim. The fact is that leave alone snakes, it is difficult to come
across any frogs left in Goa, as the only jungles flourishing here are the
concrete jungles that are sprouting and expanding at a rapid pace.

Now that you do not have to save any wild animals on display this Christmas,
how about then putting up a hotline number for protecting the Goan
environment and our flora and fauna so that our wild animals and Goans can
live together in peace and harmony as they have always done over the
centuries for generations?

Now isn't that a difficult one Bab Clinton, as we have some even more
dangerous species as you are well aware of - many serpents of the human
variety, as well as wolves in sheep's clothing in Goa starting with our
corrupt, vile and dangerous politicans and their coterie of hyenas and
vultures be it in the TCP, Panchayats, Police, and even your Forest
Department; and the so called mining magnates, developers and builders who
are ready to destroy our Goan villages, forests, hills, coastal areas,
lakes, ponds, fields, khazan lands, orchard lands, wells - all for the sole
purpose of quenching their insatiable greed. These are the most dangerous
species that we have to deal with and really need to be exposed, dug out
from their lairs and infamous dens and then either caged, erradicated or put
away so that they do not cause any further harm.

If we allow our environment to be destroyed then there will be no place left
for our wild animals nor our Goans in Goa. Soon our wild animals and Goans
will be extinct species in Goa. There will be no more wild animals for you
to protect.

Ready to expand the scope of your work Bab Clinton so that we can in turn
save the habitat for our wild animals or do we just try and protect the very
rare python that we see in a Christmas crib and in turn put it in a cage in
a zoo or hand it over to teh Forest Department to release it in our fast
disappearing wildlife reserves?

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Clinton Vaz  wrote:

> Compliments of the Season!
> The past few years, we have been monitoring the cribs mostly in Salcete.
> Wild animals on display, are cruel and illegal, and we have in the past got
> the animals confiscated and raided with the help of the forest department.
> Last year, a crib at Cansaulim had a python on display, and thanks to
> JoeGoaUk, we managed to get evidence and submit it to the forest
> department.
> The snake was soon confiscated by the Margao wing of the forest department.
> This year, we haven't had a single case of animals in cribs. This is a
> welcome change! :) Joebab and others, if you see such cribs, please do
> contact me (phone or sms)  and i'll see that the forest dept swings into
> action!
> Clinton..
> +91 9890936828

[Goanet] Clergy's political support

2009-12-28 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Our Catholic church system is faulty. There is no rule made by 
Jesus Christ that the so called religious should not marry and remain bachelors 
and spinsters. Jesus Christ has not made a rule that the clergy should be paid 
below daily labourer . In this faulty system where priests salary is pittance 
forces them to become a corrupt Church leaders. Their celebrity makes them 
frustrated and sinful. So the Roman Catholic church is solely to be blamed if 
it has produced a sinful and greedy priest and nuns. The right thing is to 
bring in honesty in the catholic church, pay the priest a good salary so that 
they can live a very happy life. A happy body produces a happy mind and a happy 
mind creates spirituallity. Our Catholic church is very rich church but a 
dishonest church. It was rightly said that if vatican is old it can feed 
world's poor people. Please do not blame the priest for sexuallity but blame 
the sytem which has made them crazy. If I am not mistaken a pari
 sh priest of A city like Margao, Panjim and Mapuca are getting something 
between three thousand to four thousand. A daily worker in Mapuca quotes Rs.300 
/- a day and it goes up to 600 a day.
New Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.


2009-12-28 Thread Averthan

Averthanus L. D'Souza.

 An interesting case has come into prominence in Europe very recently. Three 
women who had to go to Britain to procure the termination of their pregnancies 
filing a suit before the European Court of Human Rights challenging the Irish 
Constitution, which protects all human life from the moment of conception. 
contention is that the lack of abortion facilities in Ireland breaches the 
rights of women to terminate their pregnancies.

 There are two distinct legal problems involved in this case. One, whether the 
have a right to terminate their pregnancies; and two, whether the European 
Court of 
Human Rights can overturn the Constitution of one of its member States.

 The Irish Constitution guarantees to its citizens the right to life, from the 
moment of conception till the time of natural death. Consistent with this basic 
principle, any services which are intended to terminate human life at any stage 
banned, except in special circumstances duly provided by law. There are no 
clinics" in Ireland where women can obtain elective abortions. Those who want 
have abortions usually travel to Britain, where such services are available.

 The present case presents not only a legal challenge, but also a challenge to 
cultural and moral values which have defined European civilization and 
This case comes just two months after Ireland became a signatory to the Treaty 
Lisbon. The Lisbon Treaty came into operation on December 1st 2009. The 
Republic of 
Ireland signed the Treaty hesitatingly only after receiving assurances that 
Constitution would be respected and protected, and that no actions of the 
Union would in any way infringe upon the rights guaranteed to it's citizens by 
Irish Constitution.

 The case filed by the three Irish women poses a direct challenge to the Irish 
Constitution, and it will be interesting to see how the European Court of Human 
Rights will deal with this matter. The decision of the European Court of Human 
Rights will have very far-reaching consequences, not only for the members of 
European Union, but also for other countries which are not part of the European 

 It is commonly understood that the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty 
establishing the European Community which have been updated by the Treaty of 
do not, in any way, infringe upon the sovereign rights of the member states of 
E.U. All the institutions of the E.U. whether political, economic or social are 
set up with the explicit consent of the member States. There are no "overriding 
powers" given to the E.U. A cursory reading of the terms of the Treaty of 
reveals that what undergirds the Treaty are the principles of Subsidiarity and 
Proportionality (Article 3 b). In the common man's language, this means that 
E.U. pledges itself not to override the laws, structures, or institutions of 
Member States. In fact, it explicitly avers that the E.U. will only act in 
areas on which the Member States have authorized it to act. Article 2 A, 
section 5 
reads: "In certain areas and under the conditions laid down in the Treaties, 
Union shall have competence to carry out actions to support, coordinate or 
supplement the actions of the Member States, without thereby superseding their 
competence in these areas.

 Legally binding acts of the Union adopted on the basis of the provisions of 
Treaties relating to these areas shall not entail harmonization of Member 
laws or regulations."

 To the (legally) untrained mind of a layman it appears that the claim of the 
Irish women that the non-availability of abortion services in Ireland 
constitutes a 
violation of their 'human rights' is not only legally untenable, but is also 
ethically specious.

 The ethico-cultural dimension.

 Keeping aside the legal conundrum for the jurists to unravel, it is important 
we consider the ethical and social implications of the claim that women have a 
to arbitrarily terminate their pregnancies, and that, therefore, the State has 
duty to provide them with all the facilities required for this purpose.

 The vast majority of medical opinion holds that a human embryo or foetus is a 
distinct human person. This should be obvious to anyone with common sense. A 
foetus is not a cat or a dog or a mouse - it is human, and will eventually 
into a fully recognizable human being. Therefore the act of destroying a human 
foetus is clearly an act of destroying a human being. The second consideration 
also clear. The embryo or the foetus is a distinct being, and not a "part" of a 
woman's body. The woman only hosts the foetus until it is time for it to 
develop on 
its own. Nature has provided all (female) mammals with wombs to enable the 
to develop into foetuses and the

[Goanet] Goa Netters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Tony de Sa

An off beat photograph from the meet:

Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 8
Ph. : +91 832 2470 148

Re: [Goanet] India�s first international triathlon - Goa - February 14, 2009

2009-12-28 Thread Eustaquio Santimano


Thanks for sharing this very useful information.  Sounds like lots of fun.

Is this the first time Goa is hosting a Triathlon?


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Goanet Sports  wrote:

> India’s first international triathlon will take off against the spectacular
> beaches
> of Goa – India’s no.1 tourist destination.
> Registrations for all categories closes on 7th Feb, 2010.
> 10th Feb – 13th Feb, 2010 – Bib/Goodie bag collection.
> 14th Feb, 2010 RACE DAY.
> Goanet Sports


Kind Regards

Eustaquio Santimano

[Goanet] Dr. Oscar Rebello's confession

2009-12-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Melvyn Ferrao wrote:
> We should be congratulating Dr. Rebello on speaking his mind out. He has
> confessed to his past mistakes publicly, which shows his sincerity.

He has done no such thing.

First of all, his "confession" (and we are being loose with the word)
was buried deep as point #8 in the bilge he unloaded on Herald.
And it was not really a confession - rather, it was a pathetic attempt
to transfer blame for his own sins of commission on to Digu and
make it look like he had been taken in by Digu. Not exactly a sign
of "sincerity" and not exactly "speaking his mind out."

Dr. Rebello ought to apologize publicly to Goans for this 
betrayal.  He cannot - and should not - be trusted again, 
for the harm GBA has done to Goa is immense. Three long 
years lost and we are not merely back where we started. 
We are today in a far bigger world of hurt.



Re: [Goanet] Meeting... and adding a face to the name (and the emails)

2009-12-28 Thread Wendell Rodricks


Was great yesterday


On 29/12/2009, Frederick Noronha wrote:
>  NOW, I SEE IT AS another lost cause. I just don't try to
>  convince people that I don't call myself "Fred" (my one-time
>  email ID). So, when I heard someone call out "Freddy", I
>  didn't protest. 

[Goanet] My Solo on UK Radio

2009-12-28 Thread milind raikar

Dear Well Wishers and Music Lovers,

I wish you all Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May this year be a Peaceful, 

I am extremely Happy to share with you after My National broadcast now 
Radio UK, will be broadcasting my Solo on 30th Dec from 7 - 8 PM.

Mail From UK Radio:
We are going to play the track on Raga Charukeshi from your CD on 30 December 
the last show of 2009. You can listen to our broadcast via the Internet by 
on to and then clicking "Listen Live". Surtarang is 
broadcasted every Wednesday between 7 and 8 pm BST

If possible pls recert back.

Yours Musically,
Milind Raikar
Mob: 9892582671 

India�s first international triathlon - Goa - February 14, 2009

2009-12-28 Thread Goanet Sports

India’s first international triathlon will take off against the spectacular 
of Goa – India’s no.1 tourist destination.


Registrations for all categories closes on 7th Feb, 2010.

10th Feb – 13th Feb, 2010 – Bib/Goodie bag collection.

14th Feb, 2010 RACE DAY.

Goanet Sports

Re: [Goanet] COMMENT: Men of God and the beautiful Game (LectorMascarenhas,

2009-12-28 Thread AF

SO, WHY, pray tell, does the GOA of Toronto, and possibly other GOA's in other 
countires, spend more money and time on field hockey functions and support, 
even to 
the extent of telling us, football-goans, that field hockey is more popular 
goans from africa!!. BS!. anthony

- Original Message - 
From: "Goanet News"
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 3:18 PM

  Guest Column
  Men of God and the beautiful Game

  Thursday, 17. December 2009 - Lector Mascarenhas (GW)

  Their main mission in this world is to spread the good news about
  Jesus Christ but along the long journey the Priests have served
  humanity immensely through the field of Education and the game of

[Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Mon Dec 28 09:43:06 PST 2009

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.

Mario observes:

1. Active Goanetter?  With ONE measley post in December - THIS ONE?!  What the 
bleep is THAT?

2. Are you threatening to really attend this soiree next year or are you just 
blowing smoke?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you?  Or write a book together.  Send some flowers through 
Cecil to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy.  Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already?  Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?


You miss one more important factor which is playing its role silently.

"TIME" .

Another 12 months is long way considering last one month. 

It was a good meet yesterday at FOODLAND. 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] Re. Fight to Preserve Image

2009-12-28 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Sorry Floriano: I do not understand you poems. Arwin

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 21:04:22 +0530
From: "floriano" 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fight to Preserve Goa's Image
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

There was this man who loved his little girl so much that he told her to ask
anything  for her coming birthday present and he would give it to her.
The little girl thought for a while and said
"Daddy, I want your head - Cut it and give it to me because I don't want to
share it with anyone else"

Arwin, forgive me for saying this, but you are like that little girl.
Pls grow up.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (29Dec09)

2009-12-28 Thread alexyz fernandes

An IDEA that rocked Parliament & the Nation when Goan M.P. S. Naik alleged that 
could be condoned. If Tourists stay out late...Dress scantily...

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by 

Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Mr. Goveia,
Tsk! Tsk! 
So unfortunate that your Christmas spirit keeps intruding on the innate 
impulse to bat and brick attacks.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Mon Dec 28 09:43:06 PST 2009

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.

Mario observes:

1. Active Goanetter?  With ONE measley post in December - THIS ONE?!  What the 
bleep is THAT?

2. Are you threatening to really attend this soiree next year or are you just 
blowing smoke?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you?  Or write a book together.  Send some flowers through 
Cecil to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy.  Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already?  Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?


[Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)

2009-12-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Cabal's footsie dances

In his article `The Drums of War' (Herald, 23 Dec), Dr Oscar Rebello 
confesses that he and the GBA "danced footsie" with Digambar Kamat's 
government. While this may come as a shocking revelation to some, 
I had been writing about it in Goan electronic forums for well over 
a year. To those of us who had observed the strange workings of 
the then GBA convener Dr Rebello and the rest of the GBA cabal, it 
was lamentably clear that the movement had been compromised. 
Goans were being tricked from virtually day one by traitors within 
the GBA.

Well, now that the truth is out, when is Dr Rebello going to apologise 
to the people of Goa for betraying the movement he was chosen to 
lead? Who gave GBA the mandate to collude with the very government 
it was formed to take on, the very government that has brought Goa 
to the edge of the precipice? Why is the Goan press silent about this 
major development?

Rajan Parrikar, USA

[By the way, the correct phrase is "to play footsie." - r]

Re: [Goanet] Clergy's Political support

2009-12-28 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

 Bernado Colaco asked: In this festive season I ask JC where is the
police and authority in Goa? Boas entradas!


Dear BC

Boas entradas to you too or would it more politically correct to
now say 'xīn nián kuài lè' to you?

Your above quoted statement might be technically correct. However,
quite unusually (;-), you appear to have missed the main point being
made i.e. The Bishop would be out of his mind to 'discipline' priests
for their sexuality (homosexual or heterosexual).

Chow Mein!


[1] earlier: Cip Fernandes had written thus : The Goa Bishop should
dicipline the Clergy of Corruption and Homosexuality in Goa first.

[2] in response, JC commented thus (excerpted):

I disagree with Cip. There is NOTHING to discipline anybody (not even
priests) wrt Homosexuality.

Child abusers should NOT be "disciplined" by the Bishop. They should
be reported to the police for criminal action.

I do not know what Cip means by "corruption". If the matter is one of
fraud, that too should be reported to the authorities.

Re: [Goanet] Meeting... and adding a face to the name (and the emails)

2009-12-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Thanks for the pictures, FN.
It is nice to be able to put a face to a name.

- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 7:40:46 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Meeting... and adding a face to the name (and the emails)


Get the name you've always wanted or! Go to

[Goanet] Goanetters meet

2009-12-28 Thread Carvalho

Cip wrote:
To orgaines functions in Goa, Cecil Pinto is much much better than my friend 
Fred Noronha

Arrey irmao Cip, kiten zalen?

Frederickan, bar-far kain arranjar korun na? 

Note to Frederick. Next time please arrange caixe-bor sorro. Looks like some 
were Goan-thirsty.

And Frederick if you want me to attend I want in order of priority.
Limo pick-up
Pink champagne, rose wine, none of your Port no 5 served in a plastic bottle.
prawn pattices. Not that stuff you get in the shops. I want home-made stuff, 
Sorpatel, estew and pulau, prepared by a mestrin.
Last but not least that quintessential Goan touch, table center pieces which I 
can put in my handbag and then display in my formica showcase.

And don't forget, my styrofoam souvenirs to always remembers Goanetters meet. 
Something appropriately Goan inscribed on it, like Forgot Not Me, Goanetters 
Meet 2020.

For my part, I will oblige by wearing a tight-fitting sequined dress, with a 
big shiny bow at the back and also one in front, and enough red lipstick to 
make the fish at margao bazar jealous.

Viva re viva hic hic. 2010 coming soon hic hic!!



[Goanet] Goa news for December 29, 2009

2009-12-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Anjuna case a fare dispute: Police - Times of India
dN4OZyD_s6M_Q">No rape bid on Russian eves: police

*** NIA nets Goa-based US man - Economic Times
associate stayed in Goa for 9 yrs on tourist visa

*** CD accuses priest of live-in relationship in Goa - Press
Trust of India
n relationship with a woman sparked off protests in Colva
village of South Goa ...

*** Goa Minister Atanasio Monserratte to join Congress - Press
Trust of India
today to mark 125th year of Congress

*** Higher ore prices could offset export duty hike for Sesa Goa
- Livemint
ore exporters to seek roll-back of duty hike

*** Stars head to Goa for New Year's Eve - Masala
salaAs is the case every year, Goa is once again a hot favourite
with Bollywood stars this New Year's Eve. As Abhishek Bachchan
has been shooting in Goa, ...

*** Pongal update - Goa backs out! - Sify
fyIt clearly means that Soundarya Rajinikanth's Venkat Prabhu
directed Goa will not make it for Pongal, and Vishal's Theeratha
Vilayattu Pillai will also be ...

*** 'Go Goa' beckons Bangaloreans... - Daily News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisOr so does it seem as a huge number of
Bangaloreans have put the downturn behind them and are heading
to Goa this season. And the rest are looking for newer ...

*** Hotel chains making a beeline for Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The credit squeeze and worldwide economic
slowdown appear to have not affected Goa's hotel industry. The
hospitality sector, in fact, ...

*** Demolition of S Goa structures postponed - Times of India
-6JyJbEM">and more »

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Meeting... and adding a face to the name (and the emails)

2009-12-28 Thread Frederick Noronha


NOW, I SEE IT AS another lost cause. I just don't try to
convince people that I don't call myself "Fred" (my one-time
email ID). So, when I heard someone call out "Freddy", I
didn't protest.

Turned out that Menin Rodrigues was there on time... all the
way from Karachi. It was almost three... and I was almost
late. We got talking -- not that I know much about Karachi --
and in no time, the Caldeira brothers showed up. So I put
them in touch, interrupted only a little, and got down to
checking out the place.

Menin's card said: and among
other designations, it listed his role as founder-member,
Board of Governors, St Patrick's College of Karachi and ditto
for St Joseph's College, Karachi. He's president and CEO of
SHAMROCK Communications (Pvt) Ltd, chairman of SHAMROCK
conferences international, and honorary secretary of The Old
Patricians (TOPS) Alumni. I didn't understand the last, but
impressed I was. Hear Menin on the Karachi Goans:

In a little while, Goa Director of Education and historian Dr
Celsa Pinto showed up. So did the Sequeira Sisters (Lizanne
Sequeira da Cunha and Ingrid Mascarenhas), who seemed
relieved to find the few others at the ex-Karachi Goans meet.

  From what one overheard, they were sharing notes on
  the Goan settlements there, how these had changed,
  how the Cincinnatus Town had been renamed Garden
  East, and much more. By the end of it all, I heard
  them discuss the possibilities of making another
  visit to the place they called home, how easy or
  tough it was to get visas, and how a flight from
  Bombay to Karachi was just 75 minutes.

But even as Goanetters started to trickle in for the 4 pm
meet, we heard Caetano Filipe Colaco call out for assistance.
His 96-year-old father-in-law, the legendary band-leader of
the yesteryears, Micky Correa, had actually made it for the
ex-Karachi Goans meet!

This is what another website
[] wrote in October 2009:

  While in Bombay, thanks to Christine Correa, we
  were able to spend a morning with Micky Correa.  As
  the resident band leader at the Taj Hotel for 21
  years, from the 1940s through the 1960s, he is a
  living repository of the era of Big Bands in

  Micky memories include sessions with the diaspora
  of American jazz men who were featured at the Taj.
  Micky is among the last of band leaders from that
  era and has the distinction of being the first
  Indian band-leader at the Taj. Men and women
  mentored and groomed in Mickey's swing and lounge
  bands went on to lead bands of their own and/or
  earn handsome livings in Bollywood, including Chic
  Chocolate, Johnny Baptiste, Lucille Pacheco and

  Micky Correa turned 96 last week... would you
  believe it! And although he has not been able to
  play his baritone sax in many years, he can still
  pound out a tune on his piano

Check out his photo here: The Sequeira Sisters -- Lizanne
Sequeira da Cunha and Ingrid Mascarenhas (one a former Miss
Goa of 1979) -- pose with the oldest ex-Karachi Goan at the
meet, 96-year-old former music genius of the yesteryears,
Micky Correa, who came specially for the ex-Karachi Goans
meet. Photo copylefted by FN.

By this time, Rui Lobo was present, and offered some of his
classic renditions of old Konkani songs on the guitar. Hear
him effortlessly plucking his strings here (caution, not all
Konkani, so no controversy please!):

This was followed by a leisurely round of introductions. Among
those present were (in order of the attendance sheet):
Karachi Goan Menin Rodrigues, Goa Sudharop's George Pinto,
pioneer musician of the yesteryears Micky Correa, Lizanne
Sequeira da Cunha and Ingrid Mascarenhas, historian and
education-director (Goa) Dr Celsa Pinto, Bonnie Fernandes of
Siolim, former Speaker Tomazinho Cardozo, young management
student of Ahmedabad Jason Monserrate (also of
Goanet-Sports), ex-Loyola's Stanley Marchon and Joshua
Marchon, GoaWeb founder Marlon Menezes, guitarist Vernon De
Sa, guitar teacher Rui Lobo, engineer Caetano Filipe Colaco,
Domnic P.F. Fernandes ('Domnic's Goa') of Anjuna, Vivian D.
D'Souza of Socorro, Joe and Jackie Castelino of
Gothenburg/Nerul, Basilio Monteiro of Merces, Lily and
ex-RAFer Gabe Menezes of London, author-painter-academic Dr
Savia Viegas of Carmona, and journalist Ashley D'Mello of
Mumbai (Times of India).

Also present were campaigner Roland Martins of Mapusa,
prominent designer Wendell Rodricks of Colvale, humour
writer Cecil Pinto, Margao-based

[Goanet] Our Visit to XMAS Cribs – A pictorial report

2009-12-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

Our Visit to XMAS Cribs – A pictorial report (& Video Clips)
We started with Cansaulim, then Majorda, 
Margao-Agali/Chowgule college, Raia/Rachol, 
Nuvem, Verna and Velsao.

COTTAR Vado, near Cansaulim Church
This large beautiful crib presented by 
Barcadi Boys of Cottar. 
One of the Castles/Palaces was very beautiful 
with velvety curtain at the doors/Windows etc (see pic)
It has ponds. Bridges, fountains, hills fields etc

COSTA wado.
A presentation by Mexico Boys of Costa Wado.
Another large beautiful  palace (see pic), 
with ponds and fountain hills etc.
The same road from Cottar will lead to this one.
Or this is near Kapddi Posro or at Ambddeakode.
This is from the youth of Tontem
It has some of the best Palaces.see pic . 
There were at least 4
One of them was made from coir rope
 (Sutli/Sumb) see pic
Again with Ponds, fishes, mountains, fountains etc
(artistically, this one is our favourite so far)
FALVADO (young boys of Falvado)
It’s in Arossim, Cansaulim.
I think these people got a prize last year
It has about 6 small and large palaces
Plus a bridge with pond and field
BANDAR, Arossim
Beautiful creation in the water/ lake  by Friends of Bandar.
It has a palace or Taj Mahal Replica 
and a star both with message.
Taj Replica says
 ‘26/11 Xanti Vibadpache  dut Zommole’
Note: Once you start with Cottar (abv),
 the same road will lead
you to all the above as all of them are on the
 main road from Cuelim-Madalem-Tontem-Falvado 
and come out on Cansaulim-Majorda Main road will
 lead to Bandar followed by Utorda/Majorda etc
Video: on above/ Cansaulim
UTORDA, Monteio vaddo
It has one large beautiful palace besides some smaller ones.
It also has a pond and water drawing ‘Lati’ for irrigation etc

ADAO vaddo, Majorda
The road to Majorda Beach Resort or Via Martin Corner, 
Beltabatim will take you’re here.
It is down the road.  by the large Holy Cross Chapel.
This was once awarded a  prize.
It has got message to give or  it tells you what is meant by ‘Natalam’
It also has inscription in green lawn 

Next we went to Margao via Fatorda Stadium.
A road leads to Agali.

There are about 4 popular zones/groups in Agali. 
who give their best every year.
BGN boys crib had a palace thatched with Soda bottles marbles.
Look very beautiful and artistic .
BGN stands for Borges-Gomes-Noronha
It has fields and hills too

Little further same road..
RISING BOYS (in Zone 3).
Margao Holy Spirit Church  replica  was one of the main attraction here.
Plus it has a beautiful castle.

Further on the same road..
St. ANTHONY BOYS (zone 2)
Just outside their crib, there is a Santa Clause
 riding on an old scooter which is the main attraction here.
Besides the crib had good palaces. Desert etc 
Fourth group is by the Chowgule College
This is essentially a night time presentation.
Not open for public during the day, gate remains locked.
However, we managed to get in after catching hold of the FF boys
It  is a mechanical crib.
It has large life size images, 
movement of King Harrods (see pic/clip) 
atop his palace looks wonderful.
Besides, the moving 3 kings,
the crib and the animal in the stable as seen in the pic/video clip.
Open 7pm till late upto 1am
Little further, same road, there was another one, 
large but simple.
It has 3 palaces with pond and bridge
When asked what this place is called, 
we told by a migrant lady ‘Amruth Nagar’
Video on all above – Margao
Then we came out on the Borda Circle 
( Bolshe Big Foot Circle), on the road, 
there was another crib with castle,  bridge etc

[Goanet] Cribs from Velsao, Utorda, Majorda, Raia, Rachol, Nuvem, Verna - a Clip

2009-12-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

A video Clip: 
Cribs from Velsao, Utorda, Majorda, Raia, Rachol, Nuvem, Verna 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] Cribs at Agali, Margao - a clip

2009-12-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

Cribs at Agali, Margao

agali in near Fatorda or close to Chowule College 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Cip Fernandes

Dear Tony,

You know that I am neither extremely fond of you nor fond of you. The good 
thing among us that neither you nor me will pass by, without saying "hello". If 
I am not mistaken, you was the first one to stop and exchanged greetings before 
going to the Goanetters meeting on Monday. You are perfect gentleman! Bless 
you! Now, let me make few things crystal clear.

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I am very much interested to know what upsets 
professional journalist Mr Cecil Pinto as he will never ever gets upset easily. 
He will never get upset for any factual base priori conclusion or statement. 
However, Cecil Pinto may get upset for bad attitudes like those of typical 
"Goemchem Mana", lies, ignorance and emotional based false statements.

2) In the past, I attended functioned organised by Cecil Pinto. Two years 
passed he organised a function at "Aldona Institute" and I attended that 
function with more than 17 friends, including Goa-netters. All my friends have 
enjoyed the function very much and often they remember the good time they 
had. All tickets were sold out in advance. Cecil, please organised more such 
function and I promise you that I will attend with more friends and Goa-netters.

3) I may be an inactive Goanetter in recent days but I noticed someone is 
trying to corrupt the Goa-net. I will never allow anyone to corrupt the Goanet, 
now as well as in future.

4) Active Goanetters become inactive. Some disappears into the thin air like 
so-called Elizabeth.

5) To orgaines functions in Goa, Cecil Pinto is much much better than my friend 
Fred Noronha. 

Who the bleep cares for "Hindis" and "Mohindis"

Will never ever allow anyone to corrupt Goanet or attack any decent genuine 


- Original Message 
From: Carvalho 
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 5:43:06 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.



Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Carvalho wrote: 
> Dear Tony,
> You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 
> clear.
> 1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as 
> just about anything can upset the man.
> 2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.
> As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
> as possible.

Ok, now we know where your uncorrupted self stands.
We also know your fondness to Tony and lack thereof to Cecil.

The purpose of this post is to find out if you can get one Mario Goveia to 
attend a Goanetters Meet.

If so, I will send a post detailing my feelings about you and Mario.
PS. I hope Uncle Mario will not get a heart attack when he reads this one. I 
need him alive for another little while
so that he gets to see $1,650 gold :-)

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat

2009-12-28 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Dear Cip,
You raise a god point. The end of year is getting better for me.

There has to be quite a few baseball bats in India. They are meant for the
express purpose of whacking. In fact, have none of you who live abroad been
ask for baseball bats our brothers on Indian soil. In earlier skirmishes, it
was hockey sticks. The baseball bat delivers "mumbko mar/mukko mar" (blunt
trauma/injury), and is portends something horrible about to happen. Earlier
it used to be hockey sticks but its more messy. I know this having seen it
at Wadala, as well as heard of horror stories in the 70s at Mont Poinsor
Borivli. Anyway, by now baseball bats must be available in India too.

Besides one needs good form to hold a hockey stick, otherwise may as well
hold the short lathi, and swing with both hands. Kind of looks pathetic. The
baseball bat besides, it not having the edge of the hockey stick, is perhaps
comfortable for the simple-minded to wield -- packs a wallop, and is the
closest one can get to a gadha (mace), minus the bulbous portion at the top.
Besides that too being illegal; in any case would need a better
understanding of physics to employ it.

India did not have anything close to the Meiji Restoration where the samurai
were banned from carrying swords; and I believe we Indians cannot have a
sword in our homes (is it just in the cities?), and if I remember correctly
need permission to keep the national flag at home. Also, hardly a few can
use a decent sword decently. We have lost many of our good body-mind
coordination skills to put it kindly.

 I would not be surprised if by now, the police have baseball bats too.


> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 08:25:39 -0800 (PST)
> From: Cip Fernandes 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat
> In Goa, hardly anyone plays baseball. I cannot understand from where the
> taxi driver got one.
> Cip

[Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Mon Dec 28 09:43:06 PST 2009

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.

Mario observes:

1. Active Goanetter?  With ONE measley post in December - THIS ONE?!  What the 
bleep is THAT?

2. Are you threatening to really attend this soiree next year or are you just 
blowing smoke?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you?  Or write a book together.  Send some flowers through 
Cecil to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy.  Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already?  Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?

Re: [Goanet] Goans should face challenges with confidence and committment

2009-12-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

> by
> Eduardo Faleiro
> Great strides have been made in core sectors such as Education. In 1961, the 
> literacy rate here was 30%. Goa is now a fully literate State if we exclude 
> some 
> persons above the age of 50 and a section of migrant labour. 


This one is hilarious.
According to Eduardo Faleiro, IF we exclude the illiterate in Goa, then Goa is 
a fully
literate state. 

Absolutely amazing.

Needless to say, I stoped reading right there.


Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

Re: [Goanet] FW: Fw: Agacaim byepass would be an environmental disaster frommonsoon 2010

2009-12-28 Thread Leopoldo Rocha

Bravo, bravissimo!!
Your claim  to Justice 'Bombay High Court at Goa' is an emblematic stand of e 
genuine Goan versus political power. Goa needs people like you irrespective of 
religious affiliation.
Did you call me 'Don Corleone' ? And are you Tancredo ? I did read Lampedusa's 
Gatopardo in a Portuguese translation  in Goa, before 1969. If I'm wrong , 
'bogoss maka, saiba' !

From: floriano 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 11:32:18 AM
Subject: [Goanet] FW: Fw: Agacaim byepass would be an environmental disaster 
frommonsoon 2010

My below not so pleasant outburst  has brought in a very understanding private 
post by Dr. Kamat where in, among many other things, he wants to know the 
contents of my letter that  to the Justices of the HC of Bombay at Goa which 
prompted the Suo Moto  PIL 02 of 2006. I have sent this letter to the HC to all 
internet distribution lists as well as to all the newspapers in Goa at that 
time, but I am posting it again on goanet because of its relevance to public 
spirited fights with the all powerful authorities. Hopefully it will be 
published, and for which I thank goanet in advance.


PS: I shall be responding to Dr. Kamat subsequently.
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour. What's zat???

December 28, 2005


The Justices of the Honourable Bombay High Court at Goa,

High Court Complex,



Your Lordships,

Subject: Willful Ecological Destruction of Low-Lying Calapur Salt-Pans and 
Mangroves for Commercial Gains:

I am writing to your Lordships as a concerned citizen of Goa, who fails to 
comprehend as to how a people's Government in a democratic set-up can take 
decisions that will harm Goa's ecological balance, thereby exposing the 
populace to the un-thoughtful, man induced  calamities.

I firmly believe that  a Government of the people must be the conscience-keeper 
of the State. If this very conscience-keeper seeks to harm the people of the 
State through its faulty decision making processes in order  to exploit its 
position of power for personal gains by subverting the rule of law, then the 
appeal authority is the highest and the superior conscience-keeper which is the 
judiciary. Hence this appeal.

The case in point is the surreptitious development coming up on the low-lying 
mangrove filled Calapur salt-pans and natural ponds in the Santa Cruz Assembly 
Constituency, where a huge commercial cum residential housing complex is 
proposed to be built with utter contempt for the existing rules and regulations 
governing the non development of such low-lying areas for any purpose other 
than what these are meant for, viz. to cultivate salt, agriculture, 
pisci-culture and more generally to act as a natural buffer/sponge in case of 
excessive flooding. The proposed development will, in time to come, if allowed 
to proceed unchecked, cause many more complex problems such as sanitation and 
hygiene, apart from being prone to flooding. As a lay person, I am not able to 
go into the lengthy details of hazardous ill-effects of this malafide project, 
but there are eminent personalities and qualified nature-lovers in Goa who will 
amply agree with my concerns.

I take the liberty of attaching herewith, for your kind information, sections 
from the weekly newspaper 'The Goan Observer' covering this proposed project 
which is self-explanatory, along with a letter written to the Chief Town 
Planner, Mr. Morad Ahmed,  pointing out various inconsistencies in the proposed 
Town & Country Regional Paln-2011. I take the liberty to also bring to your 
Lordship's  kind attention a letter received from the NGO "Echo Goa" concerned 
about the above cited Calapur salt-pan development, which has been attached to 
the letter to Mr. Morad Ahmed along with its enclosures.

To conclude my appeal to your Lordships, I beg to say that however much a 
conscientious citizen may play his/her part in protecting the bounty of mature, 
he/she cannot compete with the powerful and manipulative elected Government 
which is hell bent on doing otherwise, as there is only so much that a 
responsible citizen can do.

I have found it fit to appeal to the Justices of the High Court before on more 
than one occasion with positive responses for which I am extremely grateful. In 
my perseverance to protect nature, I shall not be deterred from doing so again 
and again, believing that I will only be discharging my duties as a responsible 
citizen of Goa who has neither the mean nor the resources to fight this plague 
of Governmental irresponsibility.

With deepest respect and good wishes for the Season and the New Year, I remain,

Yours faithfully,


Floriano C. Lobo

383A, Pirazona, Moira Bardez Goa-403507

PH: 2470223 - (m) 9422060347


(1)    Two copies of the letter to Chief Town Planner,

Re: [Goanet] Cribs, palaces at CANSAULIM

2009-12-28 Thread Cip Fernandes

We can easily notice the distruction of the Cuelim Mount hill. Why we 
cannot notice the distruction of Goan Roman Catholic community in Cansaulim, 
Goa - the evil practice?

Our Lady of Remedios could work a miracle!

If the Goa Bishop and the Cansaulim Parishoners STOP the cast based celebration 
of the Thee King Feast then all the distructions caused by builders could stop 
as well.

In this 21st century, how can:
1) The Goa Bishop Philip Neri allow the cast based "Three Kings Feast" of 
Catholic Feast celebration, dividing the Catholic Church?
2) Goan Catholics allow this cast based feast celebration, dividing the Goan 
Catholics community?
3) Cansaulim Parishioners allow this cast based feast celebration, dividing the 
Cansaulim Catholic community?

SHAME on Cansaulim Parishioners

SHAME on Gaon Catholics

SHAME on Goa Bishop Philip Neri 

If Goa Bishop Philip Neri cannot put end to this evil practice then Goa Bishop 
Philip Neri should get a transfer to Vatican City.

What type of Roman Catholic education, we need in Goa to put end to this evil 

Deeply ashamed to be born as  a Roman Catholic in Goa

C Fernandes

- Original Message 
From: A C Fernandes 
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 7:05:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Cribs, palaces at CANSAULIM

Dear Joebab,

Compliments for the Christmas Season and Best Wishes for the New Year 2010!

As usual the wonderful pictures of these cribs in Cansaulim that you've
posted, built lovingly by the villagers keeping in mind the local beauty
that Cansaulim, Arossim and Cuelim offers is something that we have grown to
enjoy during the Christmas season. We wait for the pictures that you've
promised from Velcao and the adjoining villages.

With plans by a local builder in the neighbourhood who has close ties to
the MLA from the Constituency, soon you will see gated communities with
palaces and swimming pools built for the Chopras and other money bags
throughout Cansaulim, Arrossim and Cuelim. There are plans to come up with
such projects not only in the orchards where these cribs have been
consructed and the fields but even on the hill slopes.

Soon we will be waiting for the pictures that you Joebab have to offer on
the Feast of the Three Kings which is celebrated by all at the Our Lady of
Remedios Chapel, on the picturesque mount in Cuelim on the 6th of
January. Since you are in the vicinity can you please do a quick visit to
the Cuelim Mount. Apparently the villagers of Cansaulim who are attending
the Novena masses at the "Our Lady of Remedios chapel Cuelim were shocked at
the rampant destruction of the hill using heavy machinery without any
hill cutting permission being obtained. If you could capture the damage that
has been done in this regard all Goans would be shocked to see how the
political clout and machinery is being used to damage and destroy this
sylvan and verdant mount. Also forward a picture to the Save our Slopes
group so that they can step in and stop the damage. You know this area well
and will understand the damage that is being done. Soon these very forces
with stake their claims to construct even on the Mount!

All this is being done under the excuse of development and beautification -
this is not only wrong and immoral but damaging to the ecology of one of the
most beautiful spots in Goa.

Hopefully you will capture this damage and share it with us on Goanet.

Keep up the good work!


[Goanet] Goans should face challenges with confidence and committment

2009-12-28 Thread Lokseva



Eduardo Faleiro

December 19 commemorates the end of the colonial rule in Goa. The freedom 
was not merely for political freedom but also for social and economic change 
and for 
a life of peace and dignity to all. It opened the portals of opportunity 
particularly to the vast mass of people who were denied upward mobility over 
centuries and perhaps the millenia.

Great strides have been made in core sectors such as Education. In 1961, the 
literacy rate here was 30%. Goa is now a fully literate State if we exclude 
persons above the age of 50 and a section of migrant labour. This has been 
mainly through private institutions. Regrettably, Government schools themselves 
in an appalling condition in Goa as in most other States of the country. As a 
only those who cannot afford to enroll their children in private schools send 
to the Government schools. The Fundamental Right to Education for all children 
the age of 14 years is enshrined in our Constitution. What is required is a law 
determine the facilities which the State Government should provide to the 
so that they can exercise this Fundamental Right. "Free Education" means not 
free from tuition fees but also adequate classrooms and teachers, free 
text books and other educational material. Inequalities in education will be 
accentuated in the Computer Age. The dangerous "digital divide" can only be 
prevented if necessary steps are taken right now. The ideal is the "Common 
System" with quality Government schools known as "neighbourhood schools" in 
locality where all children irrespective of social class or religious 
will go. This is the system prevailing in Scandinavia and other educationally 
advanced countries.

The Goa University ought to be a centre of academic excellence at the national 
well as at the international level. It should be a powerful instrument to 
enable the 
youth of Goa and of the country at large to deal with and thrive in today's 
increasingly competitive world, the global "knowledge society" where education 
the key to success. Turning our University into a Central University would have 
advanced this objective and would have improved significantly our University 

The Official Language Act was enacted in 1987. It was intended to strengthen 
common cultural heritage and achieve greater unity and harmony among our 
Yet, in the process of implementing the Act, those who write Konkani in the 
script appear to be at disadvantage . They are entitled to the same protection 
available to those who write in devanagari. This is their constitutional right 
it flows from Article 29 (1) of the Constitution of India. Konkani writers in 
script should have access to literary awards, representation in literary 
financial assistance, etc. to the same extent available to those who write in 
devanagari. However, Konkani should be taught in schools through the devanagari 
script only. The reason is that children learn the roman script through the 
study of 
English which is important for international communication and for availing the 
increasing employment opportunities in the country itself. Devanagari is 
important for access to Indian culture and other Indian languages. The 
importance of 
national languages and assertion of national cultural identity is growing 
in Asia. India is not and should not be an exception.

Significant headway has been made in the fields of healthcare and development 
infrastructure such as electricity and water supply, roads and other forms of 
communication. Here again, there are obvious deficiencies but the progress is 

In the Sixties, tourism was adopted as a key sector for Goa's development 
because of its potential to generate employment in a State with an increasingly 
educated workforce and limited industrial growth. The objective of employment 
been achieved to a great extent inasmuch as about 30% of Goa's population is 
in tourism related activities, directly or indirectly. However, Goa being a 
State, its carrying capacity in terms of its size, facilities available and 
ecological fragility should be considered. Very little awareness existed until 
decade ago among policy makers in Goa or elsewhere in the world about the need 
sustainable tourism development. It is now accepted that tourism should be 
in a manner that meets the requirements of the present without compromising the 
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable tourism 
development considers three fundamental elements, economic, social and 
environmental. Economic sustainability consists in maintaining the growth rate 
at a 
manageable level to avoid consumer dissatisfaction. In Goa, 

[Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Carvalho

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.



[Goanet] Super Chess Housie.

2009-12-28 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Press Note
Super Chess Housie.
International Centre Goa and Chess Activity Centre organizes Super Chess 
Housie, a Pawn Game Chess Tournaments “a unique concept” on 31st December 2009 
at International Centre Goa Dona Paula 
Pawn Chess tournament for different groups starting from Children, ladies, 
adults etc.  will be played one after another till midnight. Each tournament 
will be of around 45 min approximately.
Each pawn chess tournament will be played between 16 players only (total 5 
There will be prizes for tournament winner.
 Anyone by purchasing Coupon can participate and win Rs.500/- or more in each 
Anyone who identify first 5 will win a Prize of Rs.200 and if it tallies with 
the Final ranking in a tournament will win a Prize of Rs.500/- 
First tournament will start at 5.00 p.m. First few tournaments will be for 
There after from 9.00pm it will be open to all with first one exclusively for 
Registration will start from 4.30pm on 31/12/2009 (first-come-first-served 
basis) at the venue. 
For more details contact Shrikant Barve 9403175973 or Reception at 
International Centre Goa, Dona Paula .
To enjoy the New Year's Eve with dine-and-dance, buy passes at the Reception of 
The International Centre Goa.  For further details call: 2452805-10.

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat

2009-12-28 Thread Cip Fernandes

In Goa, hardly anyone plays baseball. I cannot understand from where the taxi 
driver got one.


- Original Message 
From: Mario Goveia 
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 2:26:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat

Salus Correia wrote:

> Samir has gone 'bananas'!  Pramod Shirodkar is definitely a Goan so 
> please do not link him and spoil the 'good name' of the ghatis.  Goans 
> are rapists besides other things.  Remove the blinkers.  Every 
> community has its bad apples, and Goans are not exempt.

Mervyn Lobo wrote:

Secondly, the Russian girls are not tourists in Goa. They are high priced
call girls.

That combination is a good enough lure for anyone with extra money.

Mario observes:

I am not even going to ask how Mervyn knows with such absolute certainty that 
these particular Russian women are whores.  That gold business must be doing 

It was also good during the season that celebrates the birth of Christ to see 
Salus defending the "good name" of the ghatis:-))

As an American I found the use of a baseball bat interesting, which is a 
convenient weapon of choice of neighborhood bullys in North America.

However, for all the Goans recently seen wringing their hands on Goanet and 
gnashing their teeth about this case of attempted rape by a rampant taxi 
driver, please don't pretend this is a Goan phenomenon.  Female foreign 
tourists across India are in constant jeopardy from repressed Indian males with 
an obsession for melanin-challenged women:


Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Cip Fernandes

Tony, I second your suggestion.

Few years back, it was organised at Fort Aguada, Sinquerim and the guest 
speaker was Mr Tomazinho Cardoz. He was the "Speaker" of the Goa Legislative 
Assembly at the time.



- Original Message 
From: Tony de Sa 
To: "Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994" 
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 3:34:31 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

Hi every one,
This is being sent out after the Goanetters meet which was held today at
4.00 p.m.

First of all, congrats to Moderator Frederick (FN) Noronha for organizing
this stand alone meet as opposed to the meet held last year which was piggy
backed on the Goa Sudharop meet and which for this reason earned the ire of
Goanetter Cecil Pinto.

The first person I saw when I entered the seating area was Goanetter Vivian
A. (Socorrokar) A Lobo in a cap with "Goa Netter" written on it. For a
moment I thought that Rico - sorry FN had organized caps for us all, but it
was Vivian's own creation.

Prominent among those present were  former speaker Tomazinho Cardozo,
Director of Education Dr, Celsa Pinto, Wendell Rodrigues and band master of
yester years, amcho Moidecho ganv bhav, Micky Correia!

FN has promised to post the full list of attendees.

Though FN has done a wonderful job of organizing this meet, I have a few
personal suggestions you are free to argue them or reject them:

In future let us form a committee to organize the meeting. The meeting could
take place in a small hall and we could have a theme for the meeting with a
guest speaker. This could be followed by a brief discussion and some light
entertainment. Today's performance by Rui Lobo was excellent. There could be
refreshments. I do not think the netters would mind contributing towards
snacks and beverages. Those who want to partake of spirits to put themselves
in the mood could pay for their own poison. Souvenirs of the meet could also
be given. I would like to suggest Cecil Pinto as one of the organizers.

It was sad to see that some of the more active residen Netters prominent by
their absence: I could name a few: Augusto Pinto, Albert D'Souza, ..

Thanks Frederick once again.


        Tony de Sa

          M  : +91 9975 162 897
          Ph. : +91 832 2470 148



Re: [Goanet] Dr. Oscar's confessions

2009-12-28 Thread Melvyn Ferrao

We should be congratulating Dr. Rebello on speaking his mind out. He has 
to his past mistakes publicly, which shows his sincerity. He has proven to have 
Goa's interest at his heart rather than continuing to play the devil's advocate.

If there are any more such well meaning members of the GBA, we will soon get 
confessions from them too. Who knows, some big skeletons may fall out of the 
in the process.

-Melvyn Ferrao

On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

  To Goanet -

  Why is the Goan media still devoting column-inches to what
  this charlatan Dr. Oscar Rebello has to say?  After he has
  confessed in his own words to collaborating with the govt
  thus betraying the Save Goa movement?

  Ashwin Tombat and Derek Almeida - when are you two
  fellows going to write an editorial about this?  The confession
  was buried in Tombat's paper.  How come Tombat has
  nothing to say about it?  This is HUGE - the leader of
  a movement who was proclaiming it was "apolitical" now
  tells us that he was "dancing footsie" with Digambar Kamat's


[Goanet] Xmas 2009 Wishes From Arol

2009-12-28 Thread Aarol Viegas

Dear friends ,

We Arol , Edna ,Arnaud & Eleora,

 take this opportunity to

Wish each one of YOU,

A Joyous  Merry ‘n’Blessed Christmas 2009


A Very Happy, funfilled, Healthy & successful New Year 2010

Champagne Wishes n love  xxx

Edna , Doha - QATAR

Re: [Goanet] Mumbai's water woes

2009-12-28 Thread Ashley D'silva

Dear Salus,

Staying in Mumbai since 1980 and seeing the city evolve its tough on
Mumbaikar's when the taps dry up. By now all staying here know how to manage
with only half water supply a  day.

Goemkars staying in Goa should not fall into the trap Mumbai has fallen

It's wise to plan now for the next 5 years failing which the situation will
deteriorate as time passes.

The govt of Goa should take note of what happening in Mumbai and avoid these


[Goanet] ***Natalanchim Porbim***

2009-12-28 Thread T-BUSH

Merry Christmas and a Holy New Year 2010

Peace, Joy and Prosperity...

May this Christmas be a delight!
And may the New Year begin on a prosperous note.

Best Wishes/T-BUSH

[Goanet] : Best Wishes for this Season!

2009-12-28 Thread

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[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] New Year Day - Feast of Mary Mother of God

2009-12-28 Thread Jude Botelho


Dear Friend,

One of our traditional invocations when we want to wish people well is to say 
‘God bless you’ or ‘God be with you.’ A Blessing implies finding favour with 
God and that God is looking down on us with love. On the first day of the New 
Year it would be good to bless and thank God for the gift of yet another year 
and ask for his blessings on every day of the New Year. One of the beautiful 
blessings we have received is the gift of a mother, the gift of Mary Mother of 
God and our mother. It would be a great blessing if we could count our 
blessings, the marvel God has done for us everyday! ‘Have a blessed New Year!’ 
–Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: New Year Day “Mary treasured these things in her heart!”  
Readings: Numbers 6: 22-27;                Galatians 4: 4- 7;                
Luke 2: 16-21;

In the first reading from the Book of Numbers we have the blessing imparted by 
priests to all the people after the offering of the sacrifice in the temple. 
Yahweh’s name was three times invoked. This invocation was reserved to priests. 
It symbolized plenitude of God’s blessings in everything they could desire: 
peace with their God, peace with their neighbours and all men. To let one’s 
face shine on one meant to be well disposed to the person. In this case the 
blessing asks for God favour to rest on them, to be benevolent towards them. 
-As we begin a New Year we wish each other God’s blessings and ask the Lord to 
bless every moment of the year.

Mother Of All
Years ago Fulton Oursler was the editor of a highly successful national 
magazine. The story behind his rise to success is fascinating. But even more 
fascinating is the story of his search for God. As a reporter for the Baltimore 
American, Oursler had covered Methodist meetings, Baptist conventions, and 
outdoor revivals. He had even waited for ghosts in darkroom séances. “Out of 
all of this,” he says, “I emerged at the age of 30 a self-styled agnostic.” But 
instead of finding peace, his unbelief left him totally empty inside. It also 
left him unhappy. Eventually the emptiness and unhappiness turned into gnawing 
depression. Then one day serious trouble threatened his family. He needed help. 
But the kind of help he needed was not the kind of help friends could give. 
There was no one to whom he could turn, not even God – for he didn’t believe in 
God. One windy day in New York he was walking down Fifth Avenue. He came to the 
cathedral. He
 stopped, looked at it, and thought he was desperate. Minutes later he found 
himself walking up the steps, going inside, and sitting down. After a few 
minutes of collecting his thoughts, he bowed his head and asked for the gift of 
faith. He sat there a while, then got up, and walked over to the Chapel of Our 
Lady in the cathedral. He went inside, knelt down, and prayed the following 
prayer: “In ten minutes or less I may change my mind. I may scoff at all this 
and love error again. Pay no attention to me then. For this little time I am in 
my right mind and heart. This is my best – take it and forget the rest, and if 
you are really there, help me.” At that moment, he said, there began a 
remarkable transformation in his life. The transformation ended in his becoming 
a deeply committed Christian.
Mark Link in ‘Sunday Homilies’

Today’s gospel focuses on the wondrous event of the birth of Jesus, the good 
news which was too good to be true. The first beneficiaries of the good news 
were the poor and simple shepherds who heard the news and in their simplicity 
and faith believed in it. Because they believed they rushed to see the new-born 
Jesus. They found everything exactly as they were told by the angels. On 
discovering Jesus they were overjoyed and in their joy started to tell every 
one who would listen to them. Joy has to be shared and in through their sharing 
the good news of Jesus spread. The simple shepherds became the first 
missionaries. They told of what they had heard, seen and felt and many were 
astounded at the good news, though many perhaps could not understand or 
comprehend the mystery, or refused to believe. The shepherds returned to their 
fields glorifying God. In the gospel we are told that Mary too heard what the 
shepherds said and treasured all the things that
 were happening to her as a mother and reflected on them in her heart. 
Motherhood and memories seem to go together. By reflecting on important family 
events they not only store them in their memory, but also draw from them 
meaning and significance. The last part of the gospel tells us that after the 
eighth day the child Jesus was circumcised and was given the name Jesus. 
Circumcision was not confined to the Jews but for them it took on an important 
significance of belonging to the Covenant, the covenant between Abraham and 
Yahweh. By his circumcision Jesus became a member of the chosen people and an 
heir of the promises made to Abraham and the Patriarchs. These promises were 

[Goanet] Probe Role of Convent in Child Molestation Case in India

2009-12-28 Thread pclm francis


* *

*Probe Role of Convent in Child Molestation Case in India*

New Delhi: 28 December,2009 :  Two Christian organisations:  Indian
Christian Righteous Action (ICRA) Forum  and Poor Christian’s Liberation
Movement (PCLM) have  demanded federal level   inquiry  against the Sacred
Heart Convent School for their role in a child molestation case take took
place in 19 years ago . “We demand public apology from the Sacred Heart
Convent School of Chandigarh  for throwing out Ruchika Girhotra out of the
school instead of helping her after she was molested ,” the organisation
release stated.

The ICRA Forum president JG Anthony and   PCLM chief RL Francis consider the
role of convent as “un Christian act” and a “shameful” as the convent sided
with the rich and powerful instead of taking side of justice and protecting
a child. The convent shamelessly sided with the powerful official instead of
following the teachings of Jesus Christ. ”No amount of explanation can
exonerate convent authorities of this crime against child”, the statement
further added.

If this kind of behaviour by the convent had taken place in the West there
would have been uproar. Why the Catholic Diocese of Chandigarh is observing
“criminal silence” in this case.

Will the West keep quite if a catholic institution had behaved in the same
manner in America or Europe?

Fourteen year old Ruckika Girhotra, a student of Sacred Heart Convent, was
molested by a senior rank police official Mr. Rathore in uniform in 1990.
The Covent instead of taking up Ruchika’s case threw out of the school in
the same year. Unable to bear the pain and agony Ruchika committed suicide
three years later 1993.

Now after 19 years the judgement comes  with  only six months imprisonment
and  fine of merely 20 ( twenty ) US $.

What a shame for Indian judiciary.

As a Christian we feel ashamed that a Catholic institution, which is suppose
to be a custodian and champion of human rights, sided with the perpetrator
and did not help the child victim.

Both ICRA Forum and PCLM urge the campaigner seeking justice for Ruchika to
held school also ‘responsible’ for the suicide by Ruchica and include their
name in the case.

The organisations can be contacted for further details through e mial : or

[Goanet] Copenhagen Folly

2009-12-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:21:36 -0700
From: Rumba_Pete 

Thank you Mario Goveia, for that excellent link! (
Environmentalists have always wanted to hijack the world with their
seriously flawed ideology. In artfully packaging environmentalism to seem
like any major world religion, they have succeeded beyond their wildest
dreams of destroying the world's economy.

Mario responds:

Rumba Pete?  Is this a another nickname specially approved by the powers that 
be in violation of the Goanet Rules?

With all due respect, Rumba Pete, I am one of those who feels queasy when I 
don't know the identity of a poster in a public forum such as Goanet.  I have 
let the moderators and others who use nicknames like Xanno Moidekar or JoeGoaUK 
know what I think, so I must let you know as well.  When the referees start 
making selective and capricious exceptions to the rules, where does it stop? 

This is nothing personal and neither is it a reflection on what the individuals 
have written.  For example, I have found little or nothing to take issue with 
in Xanno's or Joe's posts, or with this post of yours either, where you have 
actually agreed with me. 

My personal request is for all those who are using nicknames to come out into 
the sunlight, so that the rest of us are not, in effect, talking to some 
anonymous person behind a curtain.

Now back to your comments.

I have long believed that the environmental extremists are quite different from 
rational environmentalists who want us to be good stewards of the environment 
for the benefit of our general health and quality of life and the benefit of 
our future generations.  Thus I support emissions that are filtered of 
particulates and toxic gases that would endanger our health, re-forestation 
when trees need to be cut down, sensible urban planning so as not to destroy 
water tables, normal flows of rainwater, streams, etc., sensible urban planning 
which does not let inappropriate construction and garish signs and billboards 
to destroy the ambience of roads and highways and historic buildings, 
rehabilitation of open pit mines through landscaping and re-planting after the 
ore has been depleted, and so on.

Virtually all the environmental extremists today used to be extreme socialists 
until the world began to realize that extreme socialism made no sense.  Now 
they want to try through the back door of environmentalism what they failed to 
achieve through socialism, a sort of world-government not accountable to anyone 
to redistribute wealth from the producers of wealth to those who squander their 
wealth and resources, while benefitting themselves, the controlling elite, 
whose only skill is the achievement of political power.

The new President of the EU recently let the cat out of the bag:

This report even has a video so you can hear him in his own words.

The good news is that they have not succeeded yet in destroying the world 
economy, even as they have acquired a powerful ally in the new US President, 
Barack Hussein Obama.  Their over-reaching and overconfidence has resulted in a 
backlash that will inhibit if not defeat their plans.  In the US this is 
manifesting itself in a continuing decline in the president's approval ratings 
as more and more people begin to realize where his policies are leading to:

Re: [Goanet] Conflicts of interest - the dirty politics behind

2009-12-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

AFAIC, Copenhagen was "The Age of Stupid".  An event that could as easily been 
carried out with video-conferencing, thus eliminating the need for travel with 
vast entourages and the consequent emissions of CO2.  

Now tell me, how many of those delegates shared limousines to and from the 
conferences? How many used public transport? How many used bicycles? Wasn't it 
a case of "don't do ad I do but do as I tell you" sort of attitude, typical of 

Re Al Gore, if interested, 

BTW, Andrew Bolt is a respected journalist who has regularly weekly columns in 
the Herald-Sun (not to be confused with the British rag The Sun) a newspaper 
which has greater than half the readership in Melbourne. (The other lesser half 
is The Age). 

- Original Message 
> From: Mario Goveia 
> To:
> Sent: Sun, 27 December, 2009 7:27:55 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Conflicts of interest - the dirty politics behind
> Mr. Gore is also a hypocrite on the 
> issue of carbon footprints and was found to have a personal carbon footprint 
> that exceeded in a month what an average American was accused of having in a 
> whole year.
> Carmen wrote:
> I recommend you see another film however - *The Age of Stupid* 

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now:

[Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread Tony de Sa

Hi every one,
This is being sent out after the Goanetters meet which was held today at
4.00 p.m.

First of all, congrats to Moderator Frederick (FN) Noronha for organizing
this stand alone meet as opposed to the meet held last year which was piggy
backed on the Goa Sudharop meet and which for this reason earned the ire of
Goanetter Cecil Pinto.

The first person I saw when I entered the seating area was Goanetter Vivian
A. (Socorrokar) A Lobo in a cap with "Goa Netter" written on it. For a
moment I thought that Rico - sorry FN had organized caps for us all, but it
was Vivian's own creation.

Prominent among those present were  former speaker Tomazinho Cardozo,
Director of Education Dr, Celsa Pinto, Wendell Rodrigues and band master of
yester years, amcho Moidecho ganv bhav, Micky Correia!

FN has promised to post the full list of attendees.

Though FN has done a wonderful job of organizing this meet, I have a few
personal suggestions you are free to argue them or reject them:

In future let us form a committee to organize the meeting. The meeting could
take place in a small hall and we could have a theme for the meeting with a
guest speaker. This could be followed by a brief discussion and some light
entertainment. Today's performance by Rui Lobo was excellent. There could be
refreshments. I do not think the netters would mind contributing towards
snacks and beverages. Those who want to partake of spirits to put themselves
in the mood could pay for their own poison. Souvenirs of the meet could also
be given. I would like to suggest Cecil Pinto as one of the organizers.

It was sad to see that some of the more active residen Netters prominent by
their absence: I could name a few: Augusto Pinto, Albert D'Souza, ..

Thanks Frederick once again.


 Tony de Sa
   M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goa's growing urban chaos: any solutions? (Frederick Noronha, in Herald)

2009-12-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

... and you had recently stated that population growth was a furphy... ??

- Original Message 
> From: Goanet Reader 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Mon, 28 December, 2009 10:19:09 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goa's growing urban chaos: any solutions? 
> (Frederick Noronha, in Herald)
> Goa's growing urban chaos: any solutions?
> By Frederick Noronha
>           Goa's urban spaces are bursting at the seams,
>           getting crowded, 

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now:

Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat

2009-12-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Salus Correia wrote:

> Samir has gone 'bananas'!  Pramod Shirodkar is definitely a Goan so 
> please do not link him and spoil the 'good name' of the ghatis.  Goans 
> are rapists besides other things.  Remove the blinkers.  Every 
> community has its bad apples, and Goans are not exempt.

Mervyn Lobo wrote:

Secondly, the Russian girls are not tourists in Goa. They are high priced
call girls.

That combination is a good enough lure for anyone with extra money.

Mario observes:

I am not even going to ask how Mervyn knows with such absolute certainty that 
these particular Russian women are whores.  That gold business must be doing 

It was also good during the season that celebrates the birth of Christ to see 
Salus defending the "good name" of the ghatis:-))

As an American I found the use of a baseball bat interesting, which is a 
convenient weapon of choice of neighborhood bullys in North America.

However, for all the Goans recently seen wringing their hands on Goanet and 
gnashing their teeth about this case of attempted rape by a rampant taxi 
driver, please don't pretend this is a Goan phenomenon.  Female foreign 
tourists across India are in constant jeopardy from repressed Indian males with 
an obsession for melanin-challenged women:

[Goanet] Comunidade Elections in Moira

2009-12-28 Thread Tony de Sa

Thanks Frederick.

 In response to your questions,
1) Yes only those males in the active list are eligible for being elected.
If your name is not on the active list you can make a representation to the
Administrator of Comunidades and you are given a hearing. The outcome of the
hearing will either put you in or leave you in the outer darkness.

2) If there is no quorum, then the elections cannot be held.

FYI elections are always by show of hands and not by secret ballot as per
the code.

In my village, interested persons saw to it that there was a large turn out
by personally canvassing and putting together a panel. This panel is
determined to salvage what little is left of our heritage in Moira.

BTW Rene Baretto in a personal message has suggested the starting of a Blog
for the comunidade. The idea is a very good one in that it will help our
NRMs (Non-resident Moidekars) to keep a track of affairs in the comunidade.

>Just a query: a friend mentioned that (i) the only persons >eligible to
vote in the Comunidade elections are those >(males) who are currently
registered on the comunidade >active list (ii) if there is less than the
required quorum -- 25 or >so -- then elections are not held, and the
government (or >Governor?) is entitled to nominate anyone to the


Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat

2009-12-28 Thread floriano

We (goasuraj) predicted that the inaugural IFFI 2004 would usher in all 
these high-priced  white skinned whores, prostitutes and call girls into 
Goa. not that there was dearth of it already :-))

Hello ! Nostra Damus  Hello !


PS: Baseball bats in Goa???  Must be the look-alike handle of our  spade 
(khoranti kudou)  the kanadigas call 'Phawda'

PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour. What's Zat??

- Original Message - 
From: "Salus Correia" 

Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa taxi driver hit us with baseball bat

Mervyn:  So was I!!!

Salus Correia wrote:

Samir has gone 'bananas'!? >


Samir was being sarcastic.

Secondly, the Russian girls are not tourists in Goa. They are high priced
call girls.

They are also part of the reason why everyone wants to buy a second home 


Lets see, in Goa you get unlimited amount of booze, gambling and foreign

That combination is a good enough?lure for anyone with extra money.

[Goanet] Vascoites Va sco’s Lotus Dance to be revived after 7 years -

2009-12-28 Thread renebarreto

Vasco’s Lotus Dance to be revived after 7 years
Written by Adelmo Fernandes  
Tuesday, 22 December 2009 00:52

Navhind Times - Goa

In Goa dances are synonymous with Christmas celebrations. Christmas dances are 
held all over the State, which attracts the young and the old alike, not 
forgetting the tourists visiting Goa for Christmas revelries. One such dance 
held in Vasco is the ‘Lotus Dance’ organised by the Municipal High School 
ex-students Association.

This happens to be the oldest dance in the Port Town and probably one among the 
oldest in the State. The first ‘Lotus Dance’ was held way back in 1969. 
Incidentally 2009 would have been the fortieth year, but for the fact that the 
organisers had to stop the show in 2002 thanks to the restriction over playing 
loud music beyond the stipulated time. 

This year, because of public demand, the popular dance is being revived, albeit 
with a changed timing.  In a reminiscent mood, Mr Linton Barreto, Secretary of 
the association, talks about the first time the dance was held as a 
get-together for the past pupils of the school, to revive good memories and to 
also uplift the Alma Mater. “At the first dance the members of the association 
put up the pandal themselves. We had to get the tables from Ferrao Coaching 
Classes and the chairs from a local hotel,” he says nostalgically. 

Because of the popularity it gained among the Vascoites and the huge success 
that followed over the years, the dance became an annual feature. In years to 
come the ‘Lotus Dance’ became synonymous with Christmas celebrations in the 
Port Town. 

“In the past the dance was held after the midnight Christmas mass, but this 
year it will start at 8 p.m. because of the sound restriction,” Mr Barreto 
discloses. The first edition of the dance was held under the leadership of Mr 
Braulio Andrade who was the founder president of the association. The then 
director of the Municipal High School, the late Jaime Vila Nova Baretto, was 
the mentor and the driving force behind the association.

The silver Jubilee of the dance was held in the year 1993 when Mr Linton 
Barreto was the president of the association. While the dance has all the 
regular novelties, prizes and surprises, the uniqueness of the show is the 
Lantern Dance - revellers march along the street holding lit lanterns, led by 
the president of the association.  
According to Mr Linton Baretto, in the past the association was involved in a 
lot of social work. Every year the association comes out with a souvenir for 
the dance, which happens to be the lone source of income with which to organise 
the show. “We do not organise the dance with an eye to make a profit but only 
to bring Vascoites together for the Christmas celebrations,” Mr Barreto says. 

Incidentally every year the dance is held at the same venue, the Mormugao Port 
Institute Hall. This year the association is headed by Mr Caetano Antao. The 
other members of the association are vice presidents Ms Fatima Fernandes and Mr 
Santosh Korjuvenkar, secretary, Mr Linton Barreto, joint secretary, Prakash 
Naik, treasurer, Anthony Rodrigues, and joint treasurer, Lawrence Rebelo. The 
bands in attendance for the dance are “Four Seasons” and “The Cream”. 

It goes without saying that Vascoites are in for a treat this Christmas as the 
dance will also revive sweet memories.



[Goanet] FW: Fw: Agacaim byepass would be an environmental disaster frommonsoon 2010

2009-12-28 Thread floriano

My below not so pleasant outburst  has brought in a very understanding 
private post by Dr. Kamat where in, among many other things, he wants to 
know the contents of my letter that  to the Justices of the HC of Bombay at 
Goa which prompted the Suo Moto  PIL 02 of 2006. I have sent this letter to 
the HC to all internet distribution lists as well as to all the newspapers 
in Goa at that time, but I am posting it again on goanet because of its 
relevance to public spirited fights with the all powerful authorities. 
Hopefully it will be published, and for which I thank goanet in advance.


PS: I shall be responding to Dr. Kamat subsequently.
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour. What's zat???

December 28, 2005


The Justices of the Honourable Bombay High Court at Goa,

High Court Complex,



Your Lordships,

Subject: Willful Ecological Destruction of Low-Lying Calapur Salt-Pans and 
Mangroves for Commercial Gains:

I am writing to your Lordships as a concerned citizen of Goa, who fails to 
comprehend as to how a people's Government in a democratic set-up can take 
decisions that will harm Goa's ecological balance, thereby exposing the 
populace to the un-thoughtful, man induced  calamities.

I firmly believe that  a Government of the people must be the 
conscience-keeper of the State. If this very conscience-keeper seeks to harm 
the people of the State through its faulty decision making processes in 
order  to exploit its position of power for personal gains by subverting the 
rule of law, then the appeal authority is the highest and the superior 
conscience-keeper which is the judiciary. Hence this appeal.

The case in point is the surreptitious development coming up on the 
low-lying mangrove filled Calapur salt-pans and natural ponds in the Santa 
Cruz Assembly Constituency, where a huge commercial cum residential housing 
complex is proposed to be built with utter contempt for the existing rules 
and regulations governing the non development of such low-lying areas for 
any purpose other than what these are meant for, viz. to cultivate salt, 
agriculture, pisci-culture and more generally to act as a natural 
buffer/sponge in case of excessive flooding. The proposed development will, 
in time to come, if allowed to proceed unchecked, cause many more complex 
problems such as sanitation and hygiene, apart from being prone to flooding. 
As a lay person, I am not able to go into the lengthy details of hazardous 
ill-effects of this malafide project, but there are eminent personalities 
and qualified nature-lovers in Goa who will amply agree with my concerns.

I take the liberty of attaching herewith, for your kind information, 
sections from the weekly newspaper 'The Goan Observer' covering this 
proposed project which is self-explanatory, along with a letter written to 
the Chief Town Planner, Mr. Morad Ahmed,  pointing out various 
inconsistencies in the proposed Town & Country Regional Paln-2011. I take 
the liberty to also bring to your Lordship's  kind attention a letter 
received from the NGO "Echo Goa" concerned about the above cited Calapur 
salt-pan development, which has been attached to the letter to Mr. Morad 
Ahmed along with its enclosures.

To conclude my appeal to your Lordships, I beg to say that however much a 
conscientious citizen may play his/her part in protecting the bounty of 
mature, he/she cannot compete with the powerful and manipulative elected 
Government which is hell bent on doing otherwise, as there is only so much 
that a responsible citizen can do.

I have found it fit to appeal to the Justices of the High Court before on 
more than one occasion with positive responses for which I am extremely 
grateful. In my perseverance to protect nature, I shall not be deterred from 
doing so again and again, believing that I will only be discharging my 
duties as a responsible citizen of Goa who has neither the mean nor the 
resources to fight this plague of Governmental irresponsibility.

With deepest respect and good wishes for the Season and the New Year, I 

Yours faithfully,


Floriano C. Lobo

383A, Pirazona, Moira Bardez Goa-403507

PH: 2470223 - (m) 9422060347


(1) Two copies of the letter to Chief Town Planner, Mr. Morad Ahmed with 

(2) Two copies of sections of the 'Goan Observer' coverin

- Original Message - 
From: "floriano" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Agacaim byepass would be an environmental disaster 
frommonsoon 2010

Good work, Dr. Kamat.
However, cautioning the MLA and the CM is enough from your end as an 

Last time, with Hara proposing to  build 7- storeyed shopping complex  at 
Calapur salt pans, you people made a lot of noise, showed yourselves in 
the Cable TV et al and promptly w

[Goanet] Hotel chains making a beeline for Goa

2009-12-28 Thread Freddy Fernandes

Hotel chains making a beeline for Goa


Reference to the article on TOI, Hotel chains making a beeline for Goa

Where there is honey to be had in plenty, there, there will always be a beeline,
it's obvious, isn't it ?  It's not just the hotels that make a beeline, it's the
Kashmiries the major conduits for drugs into Goa, mass influx of the migrants
from the North Eastern Frontier along with Kanadigas into Goa,  with no proper
sanitation, pitching their shanties as and where they like, creating environment
which incubates and nurtures a good number of antisocial elements, patronized by
our Politicians for vote bank politics and not forgetting the money bags and
builders from Mumbai and the north, all of whom are making a beeline for Goa.
It's all about money, Honey !! Goa is become the goose that lays the golden
eggs, for the whole wide world except Goans. 


Most Goans have already been agitated enough, because of the CRZ issue and with
the prevailing inadequate infrastructural facilities. At the moment, Goa most
certainly, looks to be heading for a multi-organ failure because of the overload
on it's limited infrastructure and natural resources. Our government is doing
nothing, to help lessen the burden on our already over burdened infrastructure,
nor to improve the living conditions of the backward and the underprivileged
Goans, problems of lack of basic amenities like water, electric city and garbage
collection are at it's peak and ever increasing. To make matters worse, Lyndon
Monteiro, vice-chairman, Goa Tourism development corporation (GTDC), like a
bullfighter in a bull-ring, has been proudly waving the red flag to the
frustrated, agitated Goans. The living conditions in Goa have to be reviewed and
an action plan needed, to improve these ailing conditions, before venturing into
massive hotel building projects, which sound noble in abstraction, only to have
ghoulish dimensions on the lives of Goans..


Thirty six new hotels and guesthouse projects have been registered with the
GTDC, can we fathom the impact of this major concrete development on the
ecology, infrastructure and the day to day lives of Goans ? For the sake of a
few pieces of silver is our government ready to sacrifice Goa and Goans ? There
is no doubt that Tourism Industry in the back bone of the economy, of most
developing countries of the world, it is also true that most tourists are
attracted to natural beauty, but in Goa our government is destroying nature to
promote tourism, isn't that absurd ? It is also true that, tourist are attracted
to places, where there is less corruption and less crime, which unfortunately
are booming in Goa, adhered and lead by our very own politicians.


To attract more and better quality tourist, we need to preserve and protect our
ecology, natural heritage and our Culture, corruption should be wiped off,
hygiene should be a priority, crime should be controlled at all cost and
infrastructural facilities should be improved, along with the basic amenities to
meet the needs of the local populace, as well as that of the tourists, law and
order too needs to be top notch, only then, will we be well equipped, to attract
quality tourists, as well as maintain and enhance our tourism industry, the way
it should be and for that, we need dedicated, hardworking politicians with a
long term progressive foresight. The present situation if unchecked will only
help, deteriorate and degenerate our tourism industry, a fractured backbone will
only paralyze our economy. 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Wild Animals At Goan Cribs

2009-12-28 Thread Clinton Vaz

Compliments of the Season!

The past few years, we have been monitoring the cribs mostly in Salcete.
Wild animals on display, are cruel and illegal, and we have in the past got
the animals confiscated and raided with the help of the forest department.

Last year, a crib at Cansaulim had a python on display, and thanks to
JoeGoaUk, we managed to get evidence and submit it to the forest department.
The snake was soon confiscated by the Margao wing of the forest department.

This year, we haven't had a single case of animals in cribs. This is a
welcome change! :) Joebab and others, if you see such cribs, please do
contact me (phone or sms)  and i'll see that the forest dept swings into

+91 9890936828