[Goanet] Petition to Supreme Court: Malafide Intentions to lift mining ban in Goa

2013-09-13 Thread Rupert Coutinho
ing almost the entire south of Goa. Recent investigations have found
a high content of manganese deposits in the potable water supplied to the
households. The presence of radioactive elements and chromium has also not
been ruled out. These carcinogenic metals and minerals have detrimental
health effects on the innocent tax payers who are subject to wrongful
decisions of unfit people in power. It is highly desirable that a panel
empowered by a Supreme Court Committee verifies and authenticates the water
quality before restarting mining in the state. Also the final report of the
justice Shah Commission should be given a fair consideration before mining
is started.

8. Recently it was reported in one of the leading news channels that the
Chief Minister taking on Supreme Court, having said it(SC) was not adhering
to the judicial doctrine of "justice delayed is justice denied" when it
came to Goa with regard to the mining issue. This rhetoric towards the
mining affected businesses just goes to show the credibility of the elected
representative and their hypocrisy when so much of injustice has been done
to the common man with regards to the failure of law and order machinery in
Goa, rapes on minor children at school, attacks on civilized society and
anti-mining activists and large scale rise in burglaries and prostitution.
It is as if Goans are witnessing a new era of resurrecting Nazism in Goa
without any fear of Contempt of Court.

9. There are reports that a lot of mined ore is still lying idle. We pray
that the Shah Commission be allowed to complete its task and verify the
authenticity of the mined ore on its status of legality.

10. There are no environmental policies in place to follow procedures after
mining activity has ceased in an area. The process of restoring the mined
area to its ecological balance has not been followed. The open pits pose a
potential hazard to human beings and machinery. No efforts have been made
to minimize of mitigate the effects of noise and dust pollution. Most of
the machinery is very old and not being tested or recalibrated. There is a
grave concern on the occupational health and safety procedures being
implemented to protect humans from bodily harm and injury.

11. It is being reported that the ministry of finance and the current
finance minister is very keen to restart mining in Goa to rescue the messed
up economy of the Indian Government which has been in doldrums. With fiscal
consolidation in a big mess and all attempts to reduce the current account
deficit ending in failures, the recent depreciation in the value of rupee
holds the key to export the mined ore lying idle in Goa because this will
help in reducing the CAD by a huge margin. This rush through by the finance
ministry should not be allowed which will result in looting this wealth of

By this petition, I pray that I be made party in this hearing to voice my
concern as a citizen and prevent my constitutional right to freedom of
expression being manipulated by the government of Goa.

Thanking You.


Rupert Coutinho


A Citizen of Goa; Always a Goan and Proud to be a Goan;

CC to:

1. Ministry of Environmental and Forests, Union Govt. of India

2. Ministry of Finance, Union Govt. of India

3. Directorate of Mines & Geology Government of

[Goanet] BJP’s and Congress’ Manifestos are A Highway to Hell……….

2012-02-21 Thread Rupert Coutinho
re of children at stake and second Special Status to protect Goa and 
its Goan Identity unless there are hidden agendas to merge Goa once 
again with Maharashtra….. Damn .. you Goans. Jai Marathi Manus. Jai 
Maharashtra. Marathi Film Industry needs to be given grants and 
encouragement. Destination: Goa – a tourist destination. Victory to 
lunatics BBSM and ilk like Nagesh Karmali. Down with Goans, down with 
genuine Goans, down with Niz Goenkars.

Once may be surprised why Parrikar’s name is repeated very often and why 
not BJP this, BJP that, BJP etc etc...

The answer is quiet simple – One Man Show.  My Ship My Command. Back to 
Salazar Rule….


Rupert Coutinho


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] 5 Years of Shock and Awe

2012-02-20 Thread Rupert Coutinho

5 Years of Shock and Awe

The 5 years of misrule by Digambar led Congress-MGP-NCP combine will 
always be remembered as a reign of terror by Goans everywhere. So far, 
Digambar has been the worst ever CM for Goa, as equally as that occupied 
by his former comrade and predecessor Manohar Parrikar. This reign of 
terror that has stretched for the last 12 years began from the year 1999 
with the accession of Manohar Parrikar to the CM’s chair.

The last 12 years have been characterised by the alarming deaths of many 
innocents on Goan roads, in mining tragedies, in custodial deaths, dowry 
and extramarital related, drugs and sex related as well as high profile 
medical and infrastructure negligence. These incidents have continued 
unabated too long without anyone being forced to be accountable and we 
the people and ignorant Goan electorate have preferred to be tolerant, 
short sighted, forgetful, sussegad and complacent without the will to 

 So, When it comes to Crime, Are we Partners in Crime?

 When it comes to time, we’ll be ready to die………

The deaths are countless. Its been Cypriano, its been Melvin Gomes 
(Cansaulim), its been Scarlett Eden Keeling, its been the innocent power 
linesman on duty, its been the innocent people near the naptha tanks in 
Vasco, its been the infamous Nadia Torrado-Micky Mouse Episodes, its 
been the innocent anti-mining activists Satish Rivonkar and Francis 
Jevaji, its been the innocent passengers, its been the foreign tourists, 
its been the young Raveena who died due to surgical complications, its 
been the innocent tribals from Balli and now finally its been the 
innocent school children at Calvim. Were not all these lives precious 
and dear to their families?

The latest tragedy is a big eye-opener. Definitely someone has had blood 
on his hands and the Chief Secretary has to be made accountable for the 
failures in this disaster management. It’s very easy for the CM to go 
ahead and announce compensations which are not from ones pockets however 
no minister deemed it fit to donate the huge profits they rip from their 
businesses in mining and real estate to develop and implement life 
saving measures and infrastructure till date.

A life lost is lost and the CM has lost his moral right and dignity to 
rule. As a mark of respect and mourning, we would have appreciated his 
announcement of resignation in addition to the cancellation of carnival 

Will things ever change in Goa? Will Goans take this opportunity and get 
rid of the CM who is unmoved by the events of the last 5 years?

Digambar will never be remembered for any good things for Goans. The 
only way his supporters will ever remember him is his perfection in 
which he has managed to stick on to his chair for a full terms.

The Rein of Terror and Corruption must End

And We all know that in our greater interest for Goa and Goans, there is 
no other way. This CM must go.

In a mark of respect for the little school children and in mourning, we 
Goans pray for you'll. God Bless your families...

Rupert Coutinho

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Mathany Saldanha misses to create awareness on the fundamentalist RSS Raj

2012-02-12 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Mathany Saldanha misses to create awareness on the fundamentalist RSS Raj*


Mathany’s door to door campaigning was more focused on criticising the
Congress for promoting ‘’Family Raj’’ which we all Goans are already aware
and fed up too. However he preferred to be ‘’Holier-Than-Thou’’ and missed
to create awareness on the dangers of giving RSS backed fundamentalist
ideology a second chance. Newspapers also reported that Mathany went even
further and acknowledged that some mistakes were there (I'm sure he means
the BJP and him) and assured that they will not be repeated. These
statements from Mathany speak volumes of double standards and opportunism.

This is politics indeed, the dirty acceptable politics. Not all are
untouchables. And it is about survival even if it means kissing and adoring

Mathany’s entry into BJP has been viewed by Catholics purely as
opportunist. They appear betrayed and crucified with his actions of
embracing the BJP ideology which has in the past tried to cancel the
holiday on Good Friday and whose polices don’t hold any favorable relevance
in other north and central Indian states where Catholics have undergone
harassment and torture several times at the hands of the RSS backed
fanatics and governments like the Bajrang dal, Shiv Sena and other senas.
Mathany within BJP will never have any voice and will blindly endorse the
party views, even if it means going against his very own Catholic
community, I have rarely heard Mathany opposing unfavourable policies of
BJP government from 2002 to 2005. BJP is well poised to exploit his entry
into their fold and put up a good promotion campaigning generalising the
Catholic community’s change in views and support toward BJP which is hard
to digest and a sham. BJP’s election tricks are no surprises to the Goan
electorate which is a clear white wash to hide what lies beneath.

The very fact that Parrikar failed to apologise to the Catholics on the
issue of cancellation of holiday on Good Friday besides resorting to
several minority related policies during his controversial tenure,
indicates that he is not at all a changed soul. Such utterances are akin to
the likes of Narendra Modi, who some months ago went on a “ Peace fast”
with great fanfare, failed to apologise to Muslim parents of deceased
children killed in the communal riots. Apparently there are some parallels
which can be easily drawn on this election eve and the only difference is
in magnitude and brazenness. Besides that the well-known BBSM with people
like Nagesh Karmali whose speaches are totally communal have pledged to
support the BJP. Mathany never had a voice against such people when they
entrusted a forced bundhs and hardships on Goans especially the school

It is true that Arrogance and Ignorance go hand in hand. The question is
why can’t Mathany find something better to do? Is contesting on BJP’s
ticket the only way to Save Goa and restore its losing glory? The people of
Cortalim constituency including the relatively underdeveloped places like
Sancoale area are literate enough and notably this mission to fool and
misled cannot succeed here. BJP’s rule of good manipulation which is
promoted as good governance can never be in the best interest of progress
and prosperity for ethnic Goans.

Can Mathany list out his achievements for his constituency and its people
when he was in the BJP’s cabinet? Can he list out his stand on the MoI
which has seen the BJP’s primitive and stone age stand with regard to
English language whose proficiency and fluency is mandatory at all
international levels? As a former MLA can he list out his achievements for
the people especially the Ramponkarrs affected by the illegal sand
extraction at Tirakol? And though he called hurried press conferences  and
sent many letters to parliament demanding special status for Goa/ ethnic
Goans, can he spell out the progress made and further course of action? Can
Mathany sort out the more important issues of the people of Cansaulim and
Cuelim from his very own constituency who are tormented and harassed by non
Goan builders like Abu Bakr Sheet for developing mega housing projects
which are never a welcome to this peaceful and serene village?

And finally is special status for ethnic Goans and Goa an election
manifesto of the BJP and if not, then will Mathany nail the BJP ……….. ?

Rupert Coutinho


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Why BJP has no voice against Monsarette

2012-02-08 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Why BJP has No Voice against Monsarette*

* *

Nothing illustrates better the political cross-currents, special interests
and short sighted super- Memorandum of Understandings (MoM) (also known as
Money of Understandings when translated to financial terms) now at play in
one of the greatest political Election carnival of Goa than the debate over
the BJP’s soft corner for Monserratte.

After being embroiled in several high profile acts, controversies never
seem to dodge the Monserrates Mansions. The latest being the kickbacks from
land conversions amounting to Rs.26 crores and being substantiated by
various media sources. He has hogged the limelight with his sensational
arrest at Bombay airport where in it was first time in international
history that an Education Minister acted like an illiterate and feigning
ignorance on travel and currency issues when being questioned by customs
sleuths. The past too is never forgotten like the stoning of police
station, the alleged Miramar scandals and the alleged rape of a German
underage girl. However the BJP which is well known to bring the Parliament
to standstill on corruption as well as the ‘’Aam Aadmi’’ to despair when
they support bundhs sponsored by the lunatics from BBSM, they forget all
the corruption and morality when it comes to the Godfather Babush. And
although Parrikar keeps throwing surprises like a frog croaking when the
first showers lash Goa, his talks about proofs and filing cases are
restricted mostly during elections time. Moreover nothing progress beyond
this stage. This definitely indicates that they don’t even have a firm
voice against Monsarette.

The truth lies in double standards apparently on corruption and criminality
and I think BJP has a lot more to answer to the Goan electorate in addition
to cancellation of Holidays holy to the Catholics as well as the
controversial release of CD. I don’t think that anyone will contradict my
views of cats being scared of rats in Taleigao. Goans feel cheated by the
no love lost by the BJP towards their former cabinet colleague and a former
TCP minister even though BJP has always been a toilet paper to Babush which
was demonstrated very well when Parrikar was unceremoniously and rudely
thrown down like a humpty dumpty who could never be put up again.

Anyway this is Goa where we live and there are non-stop tiatrs where
gullible electorate gets entertained by classical actors and jokers and
sometimes fooled (in the name of Dynamic Social Workers or leaders of
Ramponkarrs or for that matter even promises of a Special Status) very
often but rarely once in a blue moon….. oops! I mean 5 years.


Rupert Coutinho


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php



2012-02-07 Thread Rupert Coutinho
As appeared in Niz Goenkar.



 Last week in an interview to a news daily Yuri Alemao boasted that if
elected his priority would be to stop water supply to entire south Goa to
highlight the importance of Sanguem to the people of Goa.

If it was uttered by any other new entrant in politics, I would have let it
pass or assumed it was naïve comment. But when it comes from Alemao family,
I take it with a pinch of salt. The reason being, they all claim to be born
politicians. That politics runs in their blood. Without carrying out any
social work in the society, they become dynamic social workers. Then it is
said that their hearts yearns for the poor and they strive to alleviate the
hardships of the down trodden. Firstly to help the poor, this clan should
have their hard earned money instead of ill-gotten wealth that is being
distributed. Furthermore distributing money, rice, sugar, gas cylinders and
other freebies during Christmas, Diwali in the election year does not end
the woes of the poor.

However what bothers my mind is how come Yuri’s father Joaquim Alemao who
has been exploiting mines in Sanguem for decades, did not see that this
constituency was backward. Only now when the demand and price for low grade
iron ore has sharply escalated did he realize that Sanguem was backward.
Indeed the Urban Development minister was making pots and pots of money
through mining (including alleged illegal) all these years that the mining
dust clouded his vision to see that Sanguem constituents did not have water
supply in their houses. Or is it that Yuri has opened his father’s eyes to
the many low grade mine dumps still existing in the taluka that they could
trade in?

Yuri Alemao’s statement that he would stop water supply to south Goa if he
comes to power is utter rubbish. Ironically it is not that the constituents
of Sanguem are suffering from lack of water. It is agreed that they do have
piped water to their houses. But what is choking the life out of the people
of Sanguem and surrounding areas is mining pollution. Is it in the interest
of Yuri Alemao and his father to put an end to mining? Partly their bread
and butter lies in mining while the other part lies in politics which they
have made their business. If not why is Yuri Alemao who is said to be a
pilot not pursuing his career at this prime age instead of dabbling in

Then we have PWD minister Churchill Alemao (Yuri’s uncle) who has been in
the chair for most of his tenure. Water resources also comes under his
ambit. He always beats his breast proclaiming his love for Goans. What has
he done to augment water supply to the people of Sanguem. Could Yuri tell
us? Or could Yuri tell us if he has ever taken up this subject with his
uncle. Has he questioned Churchill Alemao how much attention he paid to
Sanguem during his terms as South Goa Member of Parliament. I am sure he
has not as this young crown prince of Joaquim Alemao started visiting the
constituents of Sanguem during the last one year only with assembly
election specially the iron ore heaps in mind.

Let me educate ignorant Yuri Alemao. Sanguem is blessed with ample of
natural water resources which flow throughout the year. However with
irresponsible mining that is excavation of earth for iron ore reserves
beyond permissible limits groundwater has got diverted in the mining pits
and that is the reason constituents of Sanguem are suffering from shortage
of water. Hence Joaquim Alemao is equally responsible for the suffering of
the people of Sanguem.

Instead of making such absurd comments such as stopping of water supply to
south Goa, Yuri Alemao would do better if he diverts his energies in trying
to improve the education system in Sanguem. Students are studying in
cowsheds in this constituency, different divisions are being taught in one
classroom by a single teacher. In some cases students have to walk almost
five kilometres to reach school, others wake up as early as 5.00am to
travel over hills to attend classes.

Majority of population in Sanguem is dependent on agriculture but due to
rampant and irresponsible mining the sludge has polluted fields and water
bodies thereby dealing a body blow to agriculture and livelihood of the
people. Forest cover too has also dwindled due to mining. Farmers here were
used hills to grow peppers, beetle nut, areca nuts and other vegetation;
this too has also been badly affected. Then there is a sizeable population
of ‘dangar’ community whose sole livelihood is raising cattle. With
flattening of hills they have also been affected.

Has Yuri thought of ways to stop speeding mining trucks which kill people
on regular basis? I am sure he has not because it will affect his father’s
business. Has he thought of mining pollution which is causing all sorts of
lung ailments to the people of Sanguem? If so what is his solution to curb


[Goanet] The Last Opportunity for Us Goans

2012-02-02 Thread Rupert Coutinho
desired for a corrupt free Goa. This time we need to Walk that Talk and
support the genuine Goans who have stepped forward to deliver for us Goans.
Be it *Dr. Hubert Gomes ( Benaulim Constituency), The GXE, The Village
Groups of Goa, Xavier Almeida (GXE – Taleigao Constituency), Bismark Dias
(Cumbarjua Constituency), candidates from Jagrut Gaonkaracho Ekvot –
(Pradeep Sangodkar from San Andre & Clifton D'Souza from Velim
constituency) and Avertino Furtado (Navelim Constituency) *. They are much
better qualified than the present lot and are visionaries than the present
lot and can implement what our late role model Dr. Jack Sequeira envisaged
for Goa. They have the zeal and have stepped forward for us inspite of some
cowardly acts of intimidations by their selfish opponents. They have made a
difference in the social life and have a potential to rein in a change for
Goans in a big way.

 Remember, we won’t be electing the politician to rule over us this time in
2012. We have to vote for ourselves for our policies and for what we want.
The Choice is ours. We can choose ourselves and represent ourselves through
Good Candidates or we can choose the same past and present molesters,
defectors, swindlers, gamblers, builders, miners, industrialists, communal
people and criminals. Do we want our own Goans to build a firewall for our
wealth and survival or do we need a migrant influx to steal and rob us and
eventually kill. Do we need life or do we need the Worst….

Our survival and sustainability depends on our choice this coming election.
We need to have a vision, a broader spectrum and unity to achieve this. We
not only need a corrupt free Goa but also need jobs, employment,
facilities, good health care, accountability, transparency, better
administration, land for Goans, special status, security for property and
women and children, survival and prosperity cum development.

It is our one final opportunity, the last trump card that we have, and it
is our precious Electoral Vote. Belive me it is a much powerful tool then
the money and muscle power that will be witnessed.

Ask not what Goa can do for us but what we have done for our beautiful Goa
and our heirs.

If I can go about motivating and asking for a change, then you too can
motivate others and help them to change, and so every other Goan can hope
and realise a change….a revolution for Goa and the evolution of a new hope
and new life….. but only if we have the will to do it….

All that I would say  *''JUST DO IT''* and Emerge Victorious.. Vote for a
Change and for our future and for the future of our Children…


*Rupert Coutinho*


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Justice to Fernandes Family

2011-12-11 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Justice to Fernandes Family*

It is unjust to read and know that private ancestral land of the non-
influential Fernandes Family has been acquired while the land belonging to
the influential Bernand D’Costa which was acquired earlier has now been
denotified. It is pathetic that in spite of living in a civilized and
liberal world, innocent people have to endure unwanted hardships to save
what has been left by their ancestors for their descendants. Still further
the promise of alternate land compensation has not been fulfilled till
date. Are these acceptable norms and ethics? Are we in democracy or
anarchy? It should be morally binding on the management of Jamia Masjid to
whom the land has been handed over, to return back the ancestral land as a
good gesture and reject the deplorable acts of the present government which
have resulted in grave injustice to the Fernandes family.

Rupert Coutinho


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Social-OMania in Goa

2011-12-07 Thread Rupert Coutinho

Social-oMania in Goa
A lot of young & over ambitious aspirants in Goa are apparently being 
infected by a new virus called Social-o-mania with every newspaper being 
flashed with bright ads describing some unheard people as social 
workers. Even the ever stinking public toilets are getting a temporary 
facelift with no courtesy shown to these ads. So far none of them have 
won a Nobel Prize nor any international award for outstanding social 
works. I guess the Nobel Committee in Sweden needs to be apprised on 
these developments and the need to include a new category of nominations 
especially for Goans with due weightage and consideration given to 
newspapers and well known biased Goan Associations that publicize them.

This year I have read too many ads describing some well know people like 
Savio Alemao, Valanka, Yuri, Warren, Samir Salgaonkar, a variety of 
Roys, Tara Kerkar, John Fernandes, etc., etc and the list goes on. I’m 
totally confused which of the above Alemaos or personalities is the best 
social worker and I wonder what has happened to another well know name 
Rohit in the Goan scenario; perhaps Parrikar may be able to throw some 
light through a press conference as soon as elections are announced. 
While the insane Goans blindly believe all the blizzard and hilarious 
headlines doing their round, the genuine Goans are well  aware of the 
high probability of the Social-o-Mania virus turning lethal into Social 
Omens. Anyway, end of the day all these ads end up either in the garbage 
bin or near the firewood. So its all waste..


Rupert Coutinho


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Goa Needs the Cure shot from Impeccable Doctors.

2011-11-28 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Goa Needs the Cure shot from Impeccable Doctors.*


Sick people need doctors to cure them and Goa is no exception. The legacy
of loot and plunder of Goa by vested interest and politicians at the cost
of middle and lower class has made Goa weak, feeble and driven it ethnic
Goans close to the brink of extinction. Today Goans have high reverence and
respect for the one of its great doctors namely Dr. Jack Sequeira who stood
by Goans and saved Goa for its future generation. He was humble, sincere
and a charismatic leader unlike the present rot of today’s politicians.
However this freedom which he gave us was short-lived and a new set of
opportunist doctors like Willy and Amonkar emerged who joined national
parties and ideologies while the state of affairs of genuine Goans still
continues to be pathetic till today. Their tenures have been marred with
various controversies and high levels of corruption in their respective
governments and they have done nothing to enforce an effective change.
Today Mother Goa is ailing and weeping, and Goans really needs the services
and sacrifices of the likes of Dr. Jack Sequeira to fill in the gaps. This
should be right time and the right decision for some of these real
charismatic, impeccable doctors like Dr. Oscar and Dr. Hubert to come
forward for the sake of the ethnic Goans. You’ll have rightly diagnosed the
ills and causes in the system varying from broken promises, fake so called
social workers, flawed and manipulated Regional plans and wasteful
expenditures and scams. Goa is calling and you’ll will be the only hope for
a permanent cure for Goa in the interest of its future generation.


*Rupert Coutinho *



   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] The BJP's Dhoka Pal

2011-08-24 Thread Rupert Coutinho
 *The BJP's Dhoka Pal*

If Goa lacks an efficient Lokayukta then blame it on the BJP. The main
opposition has lost its teeth, spine, head, clothes, dignity 
everything. The large scale corruption and ever increase in illegalities
right from illegal minings, forgeries, inefficiencies in bureaucracy and
police functioning including custodial deaths and Balli riots are the
blessings of the oppostion to the Kamat led coalition to function
unchallenged for a 5 year term. BJP have failed miserably to put the
Kamat-led coalition on back foot nor have they risen to meet the aspirations
of the common man in Goa however they have risen quickly with the speed of
the lightning to defend the ''Monster'' Modi for his handling of the Godhra
during Vajpayee's visit to the Goa Election Campaign in 2002. Their protests
are insignificant with cheap issues like MoI and Petrol price hikes which
were the foundation works by the NDA regime. Never have they pressed for a
Lokayukta with urgency to tackle the corruption mania and inefficiencies of
the present govt. Today BJP is a liability for the common man in Goa. They
have not only failed to guarantee Lok Pal and Lokayukta in Goa but have
contributed more towards a Dhoka Pal being the principal opposition party.
They are a failure for Goa and its future.

*Rupert Coutinho *

[Goanet] The Kingmaker and The King

2011-08-16 Thread Rupert Coutinho
 greatest setback to the aspiring and
overambitious Kingmaker. ’The arm twisting and resignation tactics failed.  The
Angels and Demons from the Capital Centre stuck to their stand of zero
tolerance towards indiscipline and arrogance. The sword of disqualification
was throttled around the neck of the Save Goa Front episode, and now
Churchill he has been reduced to a silenced man. The kingmaker is now a
disillusioned man and even the CM gave him a cold shoulder during his
resignation episodes of political dramas on the Silver Screens of Goa. He is
apparently scared of the Woman from the ideologically retarded Axis of Evil
namely BBSM who held his representing Navelim constituency to ransom on the
day schools reopened and the man of masses was probably singing Shania
Twain’s hit single “Man I feel like a Woman’’. His silence has also silenced
his supporters in every nook and every corner. The various associations that
publicised and harped on his glory like the Dubai Goans and KGA are nowhere
to be heard anymore. They are defunct and irrelevant now with their leaders
shying away and been ostracised by all. Even the posh beggars (I mean
publicised social workers/ entrepreneurs) and ‘’Bikaris’’ of sponsorships
dependent of the ‘’Brothers’’ for various cultural and publicised Goan
Cultural events held abroad have disassociated from them. Now Churchill’s
own supporters in Navelim and Varca are tired of nibbling or chewing on
peanuts and grass like animals, or for that matter tiny bit of rich pies
while the riches of the Alemaos are highly debated. A hefty life insurance
policy from AIG speaks volumes of one’s person’s wealth. Other rivals like
Micckey and a spent force like Luizinho are capable of enticing the same
supporter to switch sides with more rewards and sweeter pies. Many Goans see
him as a betrayer of the Konkani and anti-MOPA cause and a migrant loving
politician for his love and special privileges extended to the Rahejas and
ilk’s like them.

Hence the kingmaker should now forget the bridges of Galgibag and Sinquetim
and even forget contesting in Navelim or even Benaulim. He should now
contest in Margao Constituency and displace the dark horse of 2007, and
emerge as the real king for as long as the present King rules and lives,
there cannot be another King in Goa. It is now time for the Chruchill to
roll up the sleeves and show his fist to the dig-under and jump on the
bandwagon and lifeline of another Goans cause for as long as this present
king rules, Goa will be dug further and under and everything will be robbed.
The mines will be dug, the roads will be dug in the name of laying power
cables, the graves will be dug for innocent custodial deaths and even the
pockets of Goans will be dug for enriching the legacy of loot and plunder.
It is time to avenge the defeat of the young Alemao at the YC elections by
displacing the King and be crowned as the King of Goa. The Crouching Tiger
has to let out his hidden dragon and prove his mettle.

But that would mean another disaster for ethnic Goans and will Goans accept
the emerging hurricane of the Alemao Clan to wipe them out? For the ethnic
Goans that would have been like just another straw on the camel's back and
eventually it will certainly be the straw that will break the camel's back

Obrigado and God Bless Goans. Viva Goenkarponn.

Rupert Coutinho

[Goanet] BBSM are Ideologically Retarded Stinking Filth

2011-08-10 Thread Rupert Coutinho

 *BBSM are Ideologically Retarded Stinking Filth*

Activities and activists represented and aided by BBSM is a stinking filth
that is spreading their rot all over Goa. They are in no way different to
the physical garbage which keeps piling up across whole of Goa and has no
radical solution to containment, recycling and disposal. BBSM lack the moral
activists and integrity. They have resorted to intimidations, irrational
behaviour and bandhs to highly distinguish themselves as a culturally
backward and uncivilized face in a developed world. They have embarked
themselves on a sinking ‘’Ship of Fools’’ and have now cleverly enticed
higher secondary and gullible college benchwarmers to join in the fun and
don’t know how to steer the ship to its destination.

Their own members contradict themselves. The author of ‘’Cheddi’’ himself
says that he is directly involved for the development of the regional
language while other members of BBSM are not. They don’t have any moral
principles. Although they are against Iiiinglez, they are very badly in need
of the Roman Script to coin their acronym in English as “BBSM” and words
like “English Kiteak? Mai Bhas Zai”. They have forgotten that their own
children and grandchildren have embraced English with love more than the
Marathi language which they forcibly desire and now that some of them have
lost their mental balances, they don’t command any control over their
grandchildren. It is sympathetic for Goans to understand that most of these
BBSM have reached their fag end of retirement or have already retired as
ex-MLAs or chairmen of trusts, schools and ports, they still require means
to sustain themselves and their livelihoods and while some are still power
hungry are dying for glory in their old age. Their division and lack of
leadership is more prominent by the presence of MLAs in the present Govt.
who out of moral resposibility are still not yet prepared to resign which
only signifies the journey of BBSM towards the Bermuda Triangle. And while
the Axis of Evil is still preparing the election strategy for 2012, we
should not forget the hard core die hard activist of BBSM, A.K.A. the
saffron CM- In – Waiting, who after taking a beating at his popularity with
the rise of the demons, is like a lost cartoon in disneyland or something
like an ‘’Alice in  BLUNDERLAND’’ called BBSM.

Even if BBSM are flushed down the toilet drains, they will keep resurfacing
as little dirty stinking nuggets always trying to move upwards even though
they are not needed. Goans are tired of these pests called BBSM who keep
resurfacing and regrouping in small pockets here and there. They are not
welcomed and even their protests are being fizzled out by the Rain Gods.
They are a disgrace to Goa and its Goenkarponn. They are a disgrace to our
Mai Bhas Konkani. They are betrayers of Konkani and have no significant
contribution towards the development of Konkani. Goans need a radical change
to get this ‘’Ship of Fools’’ sunk. BBSM lacks the competency to achieve
harmony and they lack the will to support any social integration free of
violence and destruction. They need to be shown the door. Long Live Konkani.
Long Live MoI – English.

Obrigado and God Bless our Goans and their Goenkarponn and God Bless and
steer the journey of ideologically retarded stink called BBSM to the
heavenly abode of Bermuda Triangle.

 *Rupert Coutinho*

Re: [Goanet] Parrikar smacks of pimp’s mentality

2011-07-20 Thread Rupert Coutinho
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 8:05 PM, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

> Whether one agrees with his present politics or not, I write to show
> my strong disapproval at the your characterization of Mr. Manohar
> Parrikar's
> I'd add the following:
> 1: Unless you were present when Mr. Parrikar spoke, you might be
> relying exclusively on the reporting of his statement. Needless to
> say, Goa-based patracars are not necessarily accurate.
> 2: Regularization of shanty towns in most countries, is a legal
> process. It is best done in a structured fashion. Good structure leads
> to better control.
> 3: And while 'regularization' may encourage new settlements,
> unregulated new settlements are happening anyway.
> 4: As far as I am concerned, courtesy of the naivety and/or negligence
> of the real Freedom Fighters + the 'private interests' of the Bogus
> ones in 1961, and the vote-bank and other banking interests of the
> Politicians e Policia who have ruled Goa since 1963, there is NO
> effective method of preventing the shantification of Goa.
> The process has begun .and is on target to continue uninhibited.
> Have you not been reading Mr. Rajan Parrikar's posts?
> jc

Dear  Mr. Colaco,

You are free to express your personal opinion and views but my observations
are based on me personally watching and studying Parrikar and his moves from
close angles.

Perhaps you must have missed my earlier reply to his infiltrated PR agents
out there to promote his image of “Good Governance and Good POLITICIAN’’
where I have brought out many facts listed in detail and no one could
contest on them with a firm reply. I think they are still ignorant to
understand the word MANIPULATION as opposed to Good Governance and Good

In response to your feedback, I would state the following:

01)   Agreed that press reporting in Goa need greater standards and
integrity however as I have watched Parrikar from close angles, he is quick
to call for numerous press conferences to blow things out of proportion
himself and he is quick to dismiss any negative criticism by stating the
standard replies of he is being misquoted. His latest statement on Chimbel
residents has no further reaction from him nor has he taken back his
statement. So I go by the reports if you will read ( ‘’Parrikar’s assurance
to settle the issue…..’’) what I have written and I have not edited any from

Your addressing of press reporters as “PATRACARS’’ has really amused me and
I still wonder what could be the reasons for that. I’m sure we respect every
profession and individual for what they are inspite of their action being
under the scanner.

02)   Most countries ( I have studied the policies of many developed and
developing nations) are moving ahead in forward direction and have efficient
systems in place to check illegalities and plug loopholes in laws (they
don’t dilly dial for ages to pass an effective law unlike the LOKPAL and
REGIONAL PLAN or bring back black money stashed away. Their politician are
educated in reputed institution and don’t depend on messy inefficient
bureaucrats to interpret acts and amendments). Goa is moving in the negative
and population of Goans has not increased much as compared to the migrants
flooding into Goa. India stand not for better structure nor better control
except to anarchy. There is a Shit-load of babus and politicians pulling the
strings and so the system is still not yet paralysed but is still moving at
snail’s pace. Thanks to some genuine journalists working in various
capacities, many politicians have bitten the dust.

03)   If you do own property in Goa and are not settled there but elsewhere
then are you willing to accept mushrooming of illegal structures and garbage
dumpyards or sewage lines in your backyard? Won’t you voice your
disagreement or are you willing outsiders to encroach and legalise their
stay on your property? Just because something is happening unregulated,
should all of us fold our hands and sit back and enjoy our siesta and say
“tem kiem zavpachem nam’’. I don’t believe in these principles. There will
be someone who can bring a change and there is an untapped talent which has
a potential to turn the tide. I believe people’s voices are supreme.

04)   Effective method of preventing the shantification of Goa is to stand
up and make a noise. Not condemning the wrong actions means supporting the
people who prop up these acts (like Parrikar, Luizinho, Churchill,
Monseratee and Ravi) which has led us to elect the same useless lot over the
years. No Hope LOST. Everyone did not sink with the Titanic. A very few
survived on rafts and some on emergency boats and an infant survived the
freezing cold. Some ripples and personal tragedies or disasters have a
tendency to pull the brakes.

I don’t deny that the process has not begun and may be or could be on target
but people’s voices has decelerated some of them from gaining grounds.


[Goanet] Parrikar smacks of pimp’s mentality

2011-07-14 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Parrikar smacks of pimp’s mentality*


Parrikar’s assurance to settle the issue of regularising the houses at
Indira Nagar in Chimbel is cheap, disgraceful and is a mind of frustration
of a desperate and disillusioned CM-in-waiting.  Can Goans accept that their
land be taken away and given free of cost to outsiders? These acts are more
worst than even the prostitution and murders. The areas will only be another
breeding ground for slums, thrash and crimes to flourish in the social

Parrikar knows how to change the rules of the game and has been the master
of it which is now taken as a precedent and a useful guidance by some of his
successors vis a vis the Navelim farmers protesting against rehabilitation
of migrants on their agricultural lands with another anti-Goan from Varca
calling the shots. Parrikar’s image is waning and with the rise of Axis of
Evil and some lunatics from Bedxellolem Bharatiyancho Saunstha, his cosmetic
image of Good Politician and God Governance has been unmasked and exposed.
An old octogenarian is a PM- in-Waiting at the Rape Capital of the world but
everyone knows for sure that the day will never come and RSS will have to
write a chapter in their Ideological History glorifying an ex-dy-PM who
remained forever-in-waiting. Ethnic Goas too will be blessed immensely if
they keep Parrikar forever as the CM-in-Waiting & as a chapter to remember
for he could not change and prevent the takeover of Goan land by outsiders
despite having ruled comfortably for over 4 years.


Rupert Coutinho

[Goanet] With ref to Valmiki's preferrence to Parrikar as CM

2011-06-22 Thread Rupert Coutinho
-- Forwarded message --
From: Rupert Coutinho 
Date: 2011/6/22
Subject: With ref to Valmiki's Naik's preferrence to Parrikar as CM

Dear Senhor Valmiki bab,

I waited patiently for your reply and the others whom I questioned but there
was no response on the facts produced by me (THE TRUTH & ONLY THE TRUTH)–
you can TRACK THE FULL CHAIN OF FACTS for records.

Many have written to me and are upset that I copied so many in the email and
may be you expressed it in different words. Some were too scared to admit
that this has hurt their masking effects however I stick to my stand of
truth and facts and I won’t ever forget especially the NRI ded xanne
‘’DOTORS’’ or rather ‘’SPIN DOCTORS’’ and the likes of Ramesh Koppa or
zoppa, Louis Rodrigues, Melvin Ferrao etc. They could not digest the truth
nor could they LIST OUT the SURGICAL developments in Panjim as they express
in their forums but all that they could say is Manohar Parrikar has
developed Panjim. Some are fools and pig headed. A prestigious English
Medium institution like IIT does not award degrees for destroying Storm
Water Drains and cutting down age old trees that provide shade. World over
the developments are pre- planned and are INTEGRATED into the
existingecology and not by DESTROYING and building ADDITIONAL concrete

So did IFFI of 2004 bring any development or Destruction? No one has
answered me how much was the REVENUE generated? How much was the
expenditure? How much profit? I am not aware whether the Local Tiatrists
benefitted in any way from IFFI?

My truth has made them worry because they know in digital world everything
gets forwarded and information spreads faster than gossips or rumors. In
addition to my previous facts, the hype behind the words ‘’GOOD
administrator’’ is apparently being unlocked and the face behind the mask
can be seen clearly in the mirror.

They have realized the dark clouds that are returning along with the
monsoons which will wash away and expose hidden communal agendas.

They have heard me talk; they saw me walk between them. Now I got the moves
that will make them move.

Guys, this is the truth. ‘’ all the forums and mailing lists have been
infiltrated with people from communal backgrounds AND WITH a purpose -……..’’.

Explore the people behind the names and don’t believe The Marketing and PR
Managers probably some with Cristao/ Catholic names who will be very quick
to dismiss the facts as ‘’Collective Insanity’’ and sometimes strive hard TO
build image as a Clean and Good Politician. One can run but not always hide
behind re-Baptized names of louis or pintos or desouzas or ferraos or rogers
or ramesh koppa.  Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t share any confidential
information in your posts but mail it to the people whom you’ll personally
know. All the people are counted and who stands for whom.

A spade is a spade and there’s no denying about it and they cannot have a

I’m sure by now this revelation has sent shivers down their spine.

Valmiki, My question to you in addition to my previous questions where in
you said we can talk what can be done next, isn’t it? But till now there is
no solution/ answers to the infinite questions thrown about the Manipulation
and destructive forces that will arise from the Axis of Evil.

*Now Valmiki coming to your idea of proposing a Parrikar-led coalition govt
for Goa’s Good is more of a hypothesis and these postulates don’t have any *
*practicality. *

* *

What Good will it bring to Ethnic Goans? I can only visualize the horrors of
Godhra, Kandhamal or another Bosnia or Crotia or Herzegovina or German
Nazism happening in Goa. Fundamentalism and fundamentalist ideas can never
be justified. It only leads to creation of ideologies similar to moditva or

* *

*It will be like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry going all the way from US
toMoscow and telling the Russian President to convince India that Pakistan
has displayed unquestionable and tremendous efforts in the fight against
international terrorism. Having fundamentalist and masks ruling over people
will be a terrible mistake and a bigger disaster than Germany or Hiroshima
or Nagasaki. Ideology is one thing and moral principles is another. Some
ideologies will see the destruction of the people of their own community and
sacrificed to meet their objectives.*

Why are people misguided that only Parrikar can lead a govt for Goa’s good?
If at all a tainted candidate contests on BJP will you support to elect to
give Parrikar a majority led coalition? How can you practically achieve say
A TARGET OF only 8 seats for BJP to lead a coalition? There was hooliganism
on 6th June 2011. The Bundh which was wholeheartedly backed and demonstrated
by all elected and defeated BJP elements, so do you still vouch for a Bharat
JALAO party? Tell me whether Damodar Naik or Sharmad Raiturkar’s acts
on 6thJune are of the civilized world? Should Goans elect them?

So who

Re: [Goanet] Request to mailing list Goanet rejected

2011-06-07 Thread Rupert Coutinho
you Take it or leave it

I cannot keep on sending individual letters. It takes me time and efforts
to bring out the truth to my fellow Goans.

My letters are sent to other media too and most of Goanet users are
accessing them from those sites and blogs like Niz Goenkar.



On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 8:41 AM,  wrote:

> Your request to the Goanet mailing list
>Posting of your message titled "The Greatest Gods ? Is it
> Churchill or Digambar?"
> has been rejected by the list moderator.  The moderator gave the
> following reason for rejecting your request:
> "If you wish to post your message to Goanet and copy other mailing
> lists and individuals, put goa...@goanet.org in the TO box and all
> other email addresses in the BCC box.
> Thank you.
> Goanet Admin"
> Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator
> at:

[Goanet] Does anyone in Goa dare to suspend GP Naik?

2011-05-30 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Does anyone in Goa dare to suspend GP Naik?*

I doubt whether any action will be taken against GP Naik who is reportedly
under medical survellience for high BP, given that he is due to retire at
the end of this month on 31st May 2011. After all, loyality and Obeisance
always pays as was the case of a mass murderer and terrorist Bin Laden and
its family where history proved once again blood is thicker than water even
though he was publicly disowned by his family and his country.  The deaths
of two innocent tribals perpetuate another set of deadly murderers and
internal terrorist breeding in Goa’s sanctuary including the ones who owe
responsibility of dereliction of duties. The ever assuring CM agreed to
immediately order the suspension of South Goa Collector as reported in the
newspapers. Goans need to come to terms whether we should accept and
tolerate a CM who only gives assurances or a man who can keep his words.
Does Indian democracy really holds any meaning if the administration cannot
initiate action even after orders herald from heads of state. This truly
goes to reflect whether the elected authority and teethless opposition
benches commands any respect from its administration or it is just another
day in Indian democracy where everyone does what they like doing and don't
not care even if it were orders from the First Citizen of the country. I do
know many Goans will think that they were much better under Salazar for some
transitional times and and would have prefered to be under the civilized
Portuguese rules in the years to come.

*Rupert Coutinho*

[Goanet] Police act as courier boys for mining firm

2011-05-26 Thread Rupert Coutinho
The Goa Police did some social service on Tuesday after a 26-year-old was
killed by a speeding mining company truck. The SP South Tony Fernandes and
his Deputy Rohidas Patre, rushed to the house of the victim at Sulcorna,
ready with a cheque of Rs 5 lakh issued in record time by the mining
company, which had engaged the driver of the truck, which killed the victim.


Rupert Coutinho

[Goanet] Serious Fraud Investigation Office recommended Prosecution against Sesa Goa

2011-05-24 Thread Rupert Coutinho

*Serious Fraud Investigation Office recommended Prosecution against Sesa Goa

This is a welcome news to all the native Goans and the severely affected
people and tribals who are battling against mining giants on various issues.
Such gross violations and frauds amounts to cheating and stealing from Goa
its rich resources and wealth which belong rightfully to its ethnic
inhabitants. While corporates continue to pocket these vast riches with the
greed and frauds, the common and innocent people affected by the
uncontrolled mining as well as overindulgence in illegal mining are reduced
to a life of misery and hardships in terms of the ecological disaster
surrounding them. This also includes the various severe impacts of dust
pollution, acid mine drainage effects, uncapped tailings dams, radioactive
radiation elements in the ore, sulfur dioxide contamination, damage to road
infrastructure and well as agricultural lands suffered by the native Goans
living in the vicinity of these areas.

In 2009, the SFIO was asked to investigate the affairs of Sesa Goa,
following a report of the Registrar of Companies (ROC), which 'prima facie'
found the company guilty of fudging invoices. After an investigation
spanning over one-and-a-half years, The Serious Fraud Investigation Office
(SFIO) recommended prosecution against the company and Sesa Goa's Managing
Director, and the Company Secretary for violations under the Companies Act,
1956 on nine grounds, including  over and under-invoicing of export/import
of over Rs. 1,000 crore.  SFIO has uncovered over-invoiced import receipts
of coking coal by Rs. 14.6 crore and also sale of iron-ore by Rs. 42.51
crore, while under-invoicing exports by Rs. 1,002 crore.

Under-invoicing is normally done to avoid paying tax. Under the practice,
companies mention in their records an amount less than what was actually
delivered and pocket the difference.

This breaking news dragged Sesa Goa shares below 4% at the stock
exchange.The SFIO has also alleged that Sesa Goa now owned by NRI
billionaire Anil
Agarwal made excess payment of agency commission to sales agent amounting to
Rs. 40.6 crore to facilitate its exports of iron-ores to foreign buyers. The
SFIO report named the sales agents which included Mitsui & Co (of Japan and
Hong Kong), Nissho Iwai Corpn (Japan), Ahmed Jaffer & Co (Pakistan), and
Arim Peks (Turkey).

The report also accused the company's independent directors and statutory
auditor of non-cooperation with the investigations, and has also recommended
prosecution on this basis.

I would sincerely request SFIO to also investigate seriously all the other
mining giants in Goa wherein innocent tribals are harassed mercilessly while
the owners who are mostly the MLA continue to reaping huge benefits of this
ill-gotten wealth without any social responsibility.

Rupert Coutinho


Read more at:

[Goanet] Negligent Mass Murderers breeding in Goan Families

2011-05-23 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Negligent Mass Murderers breeding in Goan Families*

Reading today’s Open Letter to CM by respected Roger D’Souza on the number
of lives lost due to electrocution I would only generalise and emphasize
that this also applies to all cases of negligence that have been witnessed
in hospitals, other professions and on the deadly roads in Goa. It is
shameful that gross negligence, oversight, complacency and dereliction of
duties has resulted in loss of innocent lives and caused tremendous grief to
the families of the deceased and other anguished Goans. These deceitful acts
have created a new set of mass murderers who are breeding peacefully and
happily in such a civilized state of Goa. I pray that the family of Abhay
alias Akash Gaonkar from Dharbandora will be strong enough in this most
demoralizing moments of their live.

All those responsible for the deaths of these innocent people failed to take
up the necessary action to prevent loss. They never valued life that they
never created and hence had no right to aid its destruction and loss. I pity
the children and families of these irresponsible people and all other
responsible stakeholders that these children have to live in the custody and
guardianship of people who have blood of innocent lives on their hands.
Worst of all, these criminals will have to wake up every morning not as
normal people but negligent and responsible killers of innocent lives. Their
acts have only disgraced their families and brought shame upon thier
children. Will the local MLAs, panchyats, power minister, CEE, JE, AE,
collectors, mamlatdars, talatis and chief secretary ever wake up or have
these incidents still not made any difference to your conscience and your
families particularly your innocent children? I look forward to any further
action from the opportunist LOO from Goa Assembly if he can make any
difference to the common innocent Goan people.

*Rupert Coutinho*


Re: [Goanet] My letter : Parabens (Congratulations) Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

2011-05-19 Thread Rupert Coutinho
Dear Editor
The Navhind Times

An absence of reply to my previous mail makes me feel that Navhind Times is
only interested in the total number of sales and publications rather than
the welfare for Goans.

Hence I will cease to send any further letters to the Navhind Times
including any advertising and at the same time stop purchasing any further
daily subscription as I have a choice for other alternative newspapers with
whom I will pursue my letters for the benefit and development of my Goan

I do understand that my stopping of my personal subscription and
advertisements does not matter to your publications and thus will not have
any significant impact compared to numerous content and felicitation and
birthday ads that you’ll receive but I am firm in my resolve for bringing
out the truth/ the right message and benefits for Goans and I am sure if
every Goan rationally thinks on the same lines, it will make a difference to
your sales and quality.


*Rupert Coutinho*

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Rupert Coutinho

>  Dear Editor,
> Although my article appeared in you column dated 13 May 2011, for which I
> am glad, however I am completely disappointed and unsatisfied that Navhind
> Times altered my topic which did not send the right congratulatory message
> and also did not publish my last sentence (original text attached for your
> reference) which questions the contributions from the presently described
> lot of freedom fighters which they are obliged to clarify since they are
> looting the taxpayers for their doles.
> http://www.navhindtimes.in/opinion/letters-editors-57
> The reason for deletion of my last sentence is best known only to your
> office.
> This only gives me an impression that Navhind Times could be biased in
> thier reporting and is no longer interested in the welfare of the Goans nor
> is it interested in exposing the intolerable elments destroying Goans and
> hence cannot be relied anymore to bring out the truth.
> Sincerely
> Rupert Coutinho
> *Parabens (Congratulations) *Colva Civic and Consumer Forum
> Colva Civic and Consumer Forum have done a marvelous job which has inspired
> Goans to replicate their success to other parts of Goa without losing hope.
> Their dedication, resolve and resilience to rid their village of the filth,
> garbage and sewage discharge has proved that no matter how much corrupt
> minds collude with cheap and undignified individuals to circumvent the
> rules, might is not always right. The High Court came down heavily on the
> Colva Panchayat for severe discrepancies and negligence in giving
> permissions and has further stayed any licenses from being issued to
> commercial establishments till further orders. This is a motivating message
> to all other Goans affected by the real estate and mining mafias to keep up
> their fight and Colva Civic and Consumer Forum definitely deserves a big
> Obrigado from all the Goans. If CCCF can succeed in Colva then I’m very
> certain that every united forum and village group if united can also succeed
> especially in other severely affected areas in North Goa like Calangute,
> Miramar and Candolim. I wonder whether the free loaders and communal
> eccentric dole fighters stealing from the Goan taxpayers have any such
> contribution to the welfare of the people of Goa?
> *Rupert Coutinho*
> *UAE*

[Goanet] Cansaulim People’s Wishes – Can the Pachecos prove their worth?

2011-05-15 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Cansaulim People’s Wishes – Can the Pachecos prove their worth?*

Mickey Pacheo has not stopped short of publicly declaring Viola’s
candidature for the Cortalim seat as the People’s Wishes. Can the Pachecos
prove themselves worth by addressing the wishes of Cansaulim people who have
opposed tooth and nail the unfavorable megahousing projects of well known
outsiders threatening their villages? While the local MLA Mauvin Godhino has
shown his true colors, he should realize that he is not a permanently
elected MLA and that the People’s Voice is supreme and he should be brought
to justice. It is highly pertinent that Goans in their best interest prevent
notorious builders community and outsiders like Abo Bakr Sheik from
destroying the sanctity and ecology of the pristine and calm Cansaulim
village before things go out of hand and lawlessness and anarchy prevails.
The directory of panchayats and bureaucrats who have acted as stooges of
political masters to subdued and harass innocent local villagers should be
made accountable and they need to be pursued in courts till they lose their
retirement benefits to deter the other lots. Meanwhile the people of
Cansaulim-Cuelim-Arossim in parallel should keep up their fight by staying
united and they should not hesitate to file contempt petitions against the
builder, police, MLA and their stooges at a time when the Honourable High
Court bench has already passed stringent judgements against this project.
The people should also not shy away from approaching other social activists,
NRIs and environmental ministries to highlight gross violation and
manipulations but even approach the Courts to demolish any illegalities
committed which is the best solution in their favour.

*Rupert Coutinho*

*UAE *

[Goanet] Parabens to Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

2011-05-12 Thread Rupert Coutinho
 *Parabens (Congratulations) *Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

Colva Civic and Consumer Forum have done a marvelous job which has inspired
Goans to replicate their success to other parts of Goa without losing hope.
Their dedication, resolve and resilience to rid their village of the filth,
garbage and sewage discharge has proved that no matter how much corrupt
minds collude with cheap and undignified individuals to circumvent the
rules, might is not always right. The High Court came down heavily on the
Colva Panchayat for severe discrepancies and negligence in giving
permissions and has further stayed any licenses from being issued to
commercial establishments till further orders. This is a motivating message
to all other Goans affected by the real estate and mining mafias to keep up
their fight and Colva Civic and Consumer Forum definitely deserves a big
Obrigado from all the Goans. If CCCF can succeed in Colva then I’m very
certain that every united forum and village group if united can also succeed
especially in other severely affected areas in North Goa like Calangute,
Miramar and Candolim. I wonder whether the free loaders and communal
eccentric dole fighters stealing from the Goan taxpayers have any such
contribution to the welfare of the people of Goa?

*Rupert Coutinho*


[Goanet] Is Goa doomed?

2011-05-05 Thread Rupert Coutinho

Is Goa doomed?

Today my heart melts with utmost respect, praise and glory next to God, to
the bravest of all, the Navy Seals 6 who eliminated the world’s greatest
human enemy. I am branded as Indian but in reality I am a proud Portuguese
descendent which no history can change and I am born in a beautiful place
called Goa. So going by my praise for the American soldiers, their
patriotism, their people and their persistence, anyone will question my
sense of patriotism towards India especially if I don’t praise the very own
President of India who is the commander in Chief of the defense forces but
can act only on the advise of the cabinet. This particular criticism will
not affect me like any other politician in India wherein they easily go into
denail mode but coming to the reality and the other side of the coin, I
value Obama more, I salute and respect him more since was not any ordinary
rubber stamp but he put his seal on the death warrant on the most wanted man
in the world.

He got democratically elected as the President, he took on a responsible
role of the Commander in Chief with a duty and moral right to protect and
secure American shores and make America a better place to live. He boldy
commanded without someone dictating to him, he acted and he ordered and
never bowed down to eliminated the human face of a diseased mind and so not
only Amerians are proud but the whole world has showered much of the praise
on him and his team including the prime minister of India.

Comparing this with Goa, how brave are the Navy Seals of Goa, the very
ethnic Goans? Are they brave enough to eliminate the corruption, the
greatest public enemy, an abstract in English vocabulary but with a human
face? I don’t ever think so and am very optimistic about it till the end of
the world because even if some people are not corrupt they will still be
guilty to abetment to corruption by their acts of offering bribes,
encouraging illegalities and bearing false and baseless allegations and
electing the corrupt and the most communal hidden faces. In addition to
corruption, there are more pseudonyms like illegal mining, contaminated
water and air, land sale to outsiders, increasing migrants influx and
anti-people representatives and govt. officials whose rise is more
exponential and meteoric and Goans have fallen silent to these burning
issues as the same Goans dine and dance with them as we have witnessed in
many cultural and extravagant events in these days. Therefore every Goan
family is sinking in this quicksand of evils and will die even more
miserable death than Osama bin laden however they will never realize the
bitter truth because they are still blindfolded and don’t want to figure out
the cause.

And one has to believe as one of my Indian friend remarkably said “No one is
safe in Pakistan… Not even 'Osama Bin laden'…… but Everyone is safe in the
great Hindustan… Even 'Ajamal Kasab' and 'Afzal Guru'….’’, . And so
therefore I am very realistic that no one can save the Goans from doom, even
God will not be willing since Goans have welcomed and tolerated the evils
with open arms.

*Rupert Coutinho*

[Goanet] FFs: Stop raising issues

2011-05-04 Thread Rupert Coutinho
I refer Jonas *Correia’s letter, FFs: Stop raising issues *in Oheraldo dated
4th May 2011 and would like to know from the LOO Manohar Parrikar to come
out clean of the correct ages of the people who are claiming themselves as
FFs since he too graciously extended the privileges to these unknown people
by way of the tax payers money during his stint as CM for 4 and half years.
I don’t have any faith on the present govt. nor do I trust the self declared
FFs since it is hard for me to acknowledge that the FFs would have had such
a long life expectancy in this highly polluted world. I really wonder
whether FFs still really exist since they are silent on  other critical
issues threatening the existence of Goans in their own land. So are they
really FFs or are they Free Loaders or Dole Fighers? If not the Loo, can
someone or any of the newspapers please enlighten me?

*Rupert Coutinho*


[Goanet] The preacher has been caught coming out of the Brothel !

2011-04-10 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*The preacher  has been caught coming out of the Brothel !*

Shortly after India’s forced annexation of Goa  the then US President late
John F. Kennedy referring to the perception, especially in the West, that
India had previously been lecturing the world about the virtues of
nonviolence, told the Indian ambassador to the US, “You spent the last
fifteen years preaching morality to us, and then you go ahead and act the
way any normal country would behave People are saying, the preacher has
been caught coming out of the brothel.”

Drawing a striking similarity, The LOO Manohar Parrikar who is now gunning
for Monseratte’s head, during his stint as chief minister with Monseratte as
his minister had driven to his house, when Income Tax sleuths had raided it
and tried to stop the raid. It is alleged that Parrikar had threatened them
for not seeking his permission before the raid. It did not stopped there,
the CBI office in Goa was shut. Therefore, the fundamental duty of all
rational Goans is to caution themselves and their loved ones on the
unreliable, unfit and treacherous preacher. Goans have to think not twice
but million times before electing communal fundamentalists who have the
potential to unleash worst atrocities that world saw Godhra and innocent
Graham Staines highly symbolic of internal terrorism, genocide and crimes
against women, innocent children and humanity.

*Rupert Coutinho*


[Goanet] ''Chalo Panjim for English Medium''

2011-03-28 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*‘’Chalo Panjim with a Political touch’’*

The ‘’Chalo Panjim’’ unity supporting English as Medium of Instruction has
demonstrated the capability and strength of the concerned parents in
organizing mass rallies in the interest of their children’s future.  However
these efforts will be a pure waste since only education policy cannot
guarantee bright and prosperous future when the present legislators continue
to loot and plunder, and function with corrupt and selfish motives. Today
Goa is on the brink of destruction from all spheres and how much goodies
will be left for their hapless children to enjoy in the future? This rally
had the spectacular support of many wolves ranging from Monsarettes, Alemaos
and Goudhinos disguised as shepherds and leading guardians of the Goan
sheep. This make me wonder whether this was a political ploy keeping the
next assembly elections in mind and to divert the people's attention from
the loot and plunder that is taking place ranging from MOPA, mining, slums,
 to various custodial deaths and police-politicos-drugs nexus. From the past
experience, these effort  from the parents will surely be like a leaking tap
with water running down drip, drip, drip as they run from pillar to post to
legislators who are only interested in filling their own pockets. This has
always been the farce and deceptive way of today’s MLAs assuring control on
crimes, drugs, rapes, migrants, slum dwellings in Zuari Nagar moti dongor
and fukat nagar, illegal mining, promising special status
and even promising the heaven and moon in Goa. Educated and concerned
parents should first realize that praying and calling upon uneducated,
communal and illiterate and criminal legislators cannot bring in a good
education policy for their offspring unless they elect the right people to
guarantee this. Instead, their efforts should culminate in a well organized
unity on one platform to announce their candidature or support for honest
and integral people who will uphold the dignity and respect of ethnic Goans
who are fighting today for justice and thier own survival through the
various courts.

Rupert Coutinho,


[Goanet] Suspension of Justice Desmond Dcosta

2011-02-16 Thread Rupert Coutinho

Suspension of Justice Desmond Dcosta

The suspension of sitting Judge Desmond Dcosta has seen severe 
resentment by many native Goans including lawers by their peaceful 
demonstrations. His ethics, honesty and dedication which has been his 
distinguishing characteristic all along have been impeccable. The recent 
unprecedented act certainly raises a needle of suspicion on shadows out 
for revenge for the well known fact that he has presided over high 
profile cases of allegedly rape of a German minor and scarlett keeling’s 
case at the children’s court where the kin of 3 heavyweights in North 
and South Goa had been doing their rounds. Hence the role of any shadows 
if at all involved should be thoroughly investigated. One of the major 
challenges that Goans are facing is of increasing migrants taking over 
Goans and it would be very shameful if proved that Goans themselves 
collude to subdue and suppress honest and integral Goans who uphold 
values and justice by their judgments.

Rupert Coutinho,

[Goanet] Lessons from and after Cypriano

2011-01-27 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*Lessons from and after Cypriano*
We keep blaming politicians for the mess around us in our everyday life. I
hear many saying there is no future in Goa and we are all doomed. Today we
are sulking over what has happened to Cypriano and also there are many who
are also sympathizing with this family who has lost this beloved one in a
tragic case of alleged police brutality. Most of them are only talking in
thin air and so today the present generation of native Goans are bearing
this burnt of mistakes made by a majority of ignorant and literate Goans who
have been part and parcel of the game to destroy Goans and its future
generations and identities, either directly or indirectly, by electing the
corrupt and supporting this corruption with their faithful acts and
deceiving deeds. Hence we are witnessing alarming cases of
drug-politicians-police nexus, rapes, murders, increase in migrants, thefts,
accidents, unnatural deaths, harassments, unemployment, rise of criminals
and major land grabbing scams. This is the very reason why today every Goan
has blood on their hands for the harassment or death of the innocent Goans
be it the case of Cypriano, or a traffic related accidents, or any
fabricated post mortem reports and cases of medical negligence.

We have a distinguished hallmark of being ‘’susegad’’ and highly dumb
educated class for decades when it comes to defending our rights, we haven’t
done enough to stem the rot, we have only spoken too little but failed to
match our words with our actions and have only waited for others to take the
lead in our fight against illegalities instead of being the torch bearers of
change in every little way that we can contribute. We are more cowards and
scared to face and fight for rights, we have been highly literate
professionals and wisest of all fools who have been fooled by our own
politicians for a pittance of favors, we have been taken for a jolly good
ride and most of all we lack the courage of conviction and privilege to live
in dignity and respect.

Comparing this with prostitution, even a prostitute has dignity and commands
respected from their clients. They have gone in this profession not by
choice but due to their poverty and further compulsion and obligation to
provide a decent living to their dependents and little ones. Their very act
of their caring attitude for their loved ones at the cost of their
reputation is certainly more humane and dignified in nature because they
take the responsibility to value the life of their loved ones and provide
for them. Therefore weighing our silence and contribution to the chaos of
present times against a scale with a prostitute (who due to explained
reason, I would say has respect) on the other side of the scale, then where
do we stand in dignity and ethics when it comes to valuing life and doing
away with corruption and preserving our identity for our future generations
to come? So what is the respect we command when we have blood on our hands?
If we truly have a conscience then are we not responsible in some way or the
other for these deaths and crimes against humanity? Have we not been part of
terrorising and intimidating our innocent native Goan people at the hands of
the corrupt politicians whom we have elected years after years, after years,
after years and so on? Have we not been a part to the poverty and
unemployment of our Goan brethren since we allowed our favored political
class to create a migrant vote bank and gave them jobs and privileges in
terms of free water and electricity at the cost of the taxpayers? Have we
not deprived our innocent toddlers and kids of pure milk and clean water
which are diverted to other sources through scams in PWDs and aided by water

I am certain and I have no doubt that our very own silence and failure to
reason out and act in good faith (during elections) and ethics (in dealing
with government servants, mamlatdars, talatis, PWD, TPD, Municipalities and
panchayats) is going to destroy our future Goa of tomorrow. Our Ego and
pride has superseded the bright side of our life and instead of fighting a
combined battle for Goa, we are putting up a disunited front because of our
selfish motives of occupying important status and posts in the various

Had we drawn some serious lessons and learnt from the sacrifices from the
rights of African Americans, the abolishment of Apartheid regime in South
Africa by great activists like Nelson Mandela, the ejection of Taliban
monsters from Afghanistan and the self immolation sacrifice of an unemployed
youth which resulted in the doing away of the aggressive and draconian
leadership in Tunisia, would we ever say again -  ‘’Tem Kiem Zaovpachem
Nam’’. However, I am proud and not only salute but also commend my few
conscious native Goans who are acting in good faith to save Goa and will
hand over the legacy of this rich Goan identity which we have inherited from
the past to our future generations to come.
