[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existentials and type var escaping

2007-06-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Roberto Zunino wrote:

foo, as defined above does not work (lazy patterns not allowed), and in

foo y = E (case y of E x - x)

a variable escapes. I also tried with CPS with no success.

Is foo definable at all? I'm starting to think that it is not, and that
there must be a very good reason for that...

It's not definable, and there is a good reason. Existential boxes in 
principle contain an extra field storing their hidden type, and the type 
language is strongly normalizing. If you make the type argument explicit, 
you have

  foo (E t x) = E t x
  foo _|_ = E ??? _|_

The ??? can't be a divergent type term, because there aren't any; it must be 
a type, but no suitable type is available (foo has no type argument). You 
can't even use some default dummy type like (), even though _|_ does have 
that type, because you'd have to solve the halting problem to tell when it's 
safe to default.

I'm less clear on how important it is that type terms don't diverge. I think 
it may be possible to write cast :: a - b if this restriction is removed, 
but I don't actually know how to do it.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Visual Haskell 0.2 installer bug

2007-03-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

The Visual Haskell 0.2 VS'03 installer, downloaded today from


doesn't work correctly when a nonstandard install root is specified. All of 
the root-folder files go into the correct place, but files in subfolders 
(like bin) go into Program Files\Visual Haskell. Then when it comes time to 
register bin/vs_haskell.dll the installer looks in the correct place, 
causing registration to fail since the file isn't there.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Fractional/negative fixity?

2006-11-10 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould


I think that computable real fixity levels are useful, too.

Only finitely many operators can be declared in a given Haskell program. 
Thus the strongest property you need in your set of precedence levels is 
that given arbitrary finite sets of precedences A and B, with no precedence 
in A being higher than any precedence in B, there should exist a precedence 
higher than any in A and lower than any in B. The rationals already satisfy 
this property, so there's no need for anything bigger (in the sense of being 
a superset). The rationals/reals with terminating decimal expansions also 
satisfy this property. The integers don't, of course. Thus there's a benefit 
to extending Haskell with fractional fixities, but no additional benefit to 
using any larger totally ordered set.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Fractional/negative fixity?

2006-11-10 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned showsPrec and readsPrec. Anything 
more complicated than negative fixities would require their interfaces to be 

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Fractional/negative fixity?

2006-11-10 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned showsPrec and readsPrec. Anything 
more complicated than negative fixities would require their interfaces to be 

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rank N type tutorial?

2006-10-27 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Greg Buchholz wrote:

I'm not quite sure why this is illegal...

foo :: Integer - (forall a. Show a = a)
foo 2 = [foo] 
foo x = x

...while this is just fine...

bar :: Integer - (forall a. Show a = a-b) - b 
bar 2 k = k [bar] 
bar x k = k x

The way to think about it is that foralls are extra function arguments. Your 
first example is like

  foo :: Integer - (a::Type - Show a - a)

so a is chosen by the caller, not by you. The second case is like

  bar :: Integer - (a::Type - Show a - a - b) - b

In order for the first case to work as you expect, you'd need the type

  foo :: Integer - (a::Type, Show a, a)

which is traditionally written

  foo :: Integer - (exists a. Show a = a)

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] Lexically scoped type variables: new proposal

2006-10-26 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Hi, everyone. Long time no see. I have a specific proposal for scoped type
variables, which is totally different from plans A and B, and which I'd like
people to pick to pieces for me. (Especially you, Simon.)

Type variable scoping in System F is simple: the type bindings are explicit
and follow the same rules as the value bindings. Type variable scoping in
Haskell is complicated only because the actual binding sites of the
underlying System F type variables aren't visible. In particular, GHC's type
signatures are never located at type variable binding sites; at best they're
nearby. I'm convinced that the only way that type variable scoping will ever
make sense is if scoped type variable bindings are written at their actual
System F binding sites. That's what this proposal is about.

We introduce anonymous type aliases, with the syntax

decl  -  ... | 'type' tycon

or perhaps more conveniently

decl  -  ... | 'type' tycon1 ... tyconN

These are like ordinary type aliases, except that instead of referring to a
type specified by the programmer, they refer to a type to be inferred by the
compiler. They can appear in local bindings; for example,

let { type N ; x :: [N] ; x = hello } in ...

results in N being an alias for (i.e. bound to) Char in the body of the let,
just as x is bound to hello.

And that's all. Well, that's not all, but I think the system above, as an
extension of Haskell 98, has the power of traditional scoped type variables.

Note that the problem of distinguishing between local type variables and
nonlocal (scoped) type variables goes away in this proposal. The rule is the
same as Haskell 98's: lowercase identifiers are local to a type expression,
and uppercase identifiers scope like value bindings. Explicit foralls at the
top level of a type are never necessary.

Also note that in this proposal, the binding site of the type variable is
decoupled from the specification of the type; the type signature that fixes
N (by forcing unification with a rigid type) can be located anywhere in N's
lexical scope.

But that's not all! (I wish it were.) The problem with putting the anonymous
type aliases in let/where decls is that System F type variables aren't bound
there. (They could be, but I don't think they ever are in GHC.) Where they
are bound is in lambda expressions, in function bindings (when the function
is called), and in pattern matching on existential dcons. The let/where
syntax does suffice for those cases, but it's awkward -- you end up having
to write something like

f x' y = let type N
 x :: [N]
 x = x'
 in ...

It should be possible to bind type aliases everywhere that System F type
variables can be bound, for which I propose the following syntax:

f (type N) (x::[N]) y = ...

and analogously

\(type N) (x::[N]) y - ...
case e of D (type N) (x::[N]) y - ...

The parentheses around (type N) are mandatory. This syntax is sensible
inasmuch as functions really do take type arguments and dcons really do have
type fields, and we're simply writing them explicitly in the place where
they've always been. This syntax also harmonizes fairly well with the
existing type alias syntax, which can kinda sorta be seen as a pattern
binding in this picture. The type variables thus introduced have the same
scope as pattern variables, except that they also scope over the pattern
type signatures in subsequent arguments or dcon fields.

And that's all, for old-style scoped type variables. I realize that
capitalized type variables might take some getting used to, but I really
feel like this approach, or something like it, is much easier to understand
and a significantly better candidate for standardization than what we've got
now. It's always clear which variables are scoped and which aren't, and the
scoping rules are exactly what you'd naively expect them to be. There are no
difficult choices to make in the design (except for syntax; beware of
Wadler's Law).

Things that worry me:

  * Do constraint (dictionary) parameters threaten this proposal? They
aren't explicit either, and so can't be given type signatures for
the purpose of fixing a scoped tyvar. Fortunately in this proposal
you needn't identify the meaning of a tyvar at its binding spot,
and my intuition is that, if the scoped tyvar is useful at all,
there will always be somewhere in its scope where its meaning can
be disambiguated by a type signature. But I'm not sure.

  * Something else that's slipped my mind, but I want to post this
before going to bed.

  * What about the GHC 6.6 changes? See below.

I don't know how to make this proposal compatible with GHC 6.6 because I
don't understand yet how type inference works with GADTs and
impredicativity. My best guess is that the correct change is to require that
an anonymous type variable only alias a rigid System F type variable
[introduced in the same scope], where I'm not sure whether the part in

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Existentially-quantified constructors: Hugs is fine, GHC is not?

2006-05-19 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Ross Paterson wrote:

Why would a type variable be present at runtime, let alone bound to _|_?

Well, it'd be present in jhc. And you want your intermediate language to 
typecheck even if the types disappear before you get to assembly language. 
And the same issue shows up with dictionaries, e.g. in

data MyObj = forall a. MyInterface a = MyObj a

f x = myFunc o where MyObj o = x

In order to make this work, you have to support lifted dictionaries, which 
means a potential performance penalty on every dictionary lookup.

Hugs does accept that code, so I assume it's paying that penalty, unless 
there's some other solution to this problem that I'm missing.

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Class System current status

2006-05-12 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Johannes Waldmann wrote:

class ( Show p, ToDoc i, Reader b, ToDoc b, Measure p i b )
= Partial p i b | p i - b  where ...   -- (*)

(*) A funny visual aspect of FDs is the absurd syntax.
On the left of |, the whitespace is (type arg) application,
but on the right, it suddenly denotes sequencing (tupling)

I think it's fine. The p i b on the left is effectively a tuple also. It 
could be a tuple---i.e. the MPTC syntax could be Partial (p,i,b) and it 
would still make sense.

The class declaration syntax is totally screwy anyway. Functional 
dependencies are constraints, and should be grouped with the typeclass 
constraints, but instead they're on opposite sides of the head. Plus the = 
implication is backwards. And the method declarations are also constraints. 
We oughta have

class Partial p i b where
  Foo p
  (p,i) - b
  grok :: p - i - b


class Partial p i b | Foo p, p i - b where
  grok :: p - i - b

or something. But I'm not proposing anything of the sort. I'm in favor of 
standardizing the syntax we've got. Syntax changes are disruptive, and I 
don't think they're justified unless they free useful syntax for another 
use, which this wouldn't.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: develop new Haskell shell?

2006-05-12 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:

Donn Cave wrote:

(cd /etc/stuff; cat *  result)

Well the problem here is that the command leaves you in /etc/stuff so 
you have to remember this when you subsequently execute another command.

No it doesn't. The parentheses around the command sequence cause it to run 
in a subshell with its own private working directory.

Well someone had to define the meaning of basename so if we make the 
definition of renif similarly built-in the comparison is between

 ls = mapM_ (renif txt hs)


for a in *.txt; do mv $a $(basename $a .txt); done

This comparison is unfair because basename is a much more generic operation 
than renif. The Haskell code should be something like

glob *.txt = mapM_ (\a - mv a (basename a .txt ++ .hs))

So the Haskell command is shorter, easier to read, and more re-usable, 
because mapM_ (renif txt hs) can be used anywhere that supplies a 
list of files whereas for a  in *.txt doesn't make the source of the 
list explicit. Do they come from the current directory? What if some 
other list of files should be used?

This makes no sense. Bash has its own set of rules. The for statement 
iterates over a list, which in this case is generated by a glob. If you want 
something else, you use the appropriate construct. The body of the for loop 
is just as reusable as the corresponding Haskell code.

My reaction to this thread is the same as Donn Cave's: even after reading 
through the whole thread, I don't understand what a Haskell shell is 
supposed to be. It feels like people are more interested in capturing 
territory for Haskell than in solving any actual problem. For simple 
commands and pipes, the bash syntax is perfect. For anything nontrivial, I 
use some other language anyway. I long ago wrote a Perl script to do a far 
more general form of the renaming example you gave above. As far as I know, 
the only reason people write nontrivial /bin/sh scripts is that it's the 
only scripting language that's universally available on Unix systems. Even 
Perl isn't deployed everywhere. A Haskell shell is never going to be 
ubiquitous, and Haskell syntax is inferior to bash syntax for 99% of the 
command lines I type.

On the other hand, I'm entirely in favor of extending Haskell with functions 
like glob :: String - IO [String]. That would be useful.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: WordPtr,IntPtr,IntMax,WordMax

2006-05-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

also, incidentally, for anyone on x86 that cares about math performance,
use -optc-fsse2 to make it use the much nicer math coprocessor available
on modern x86 cpus.

I object to its characterization as nicer. It's faster, but *lower 
precision*. It worries me that people are so blithely abandoning those extra 
bits in the name of speed. A few years from now there's going to be an 
expensive engineering failure, and months of investigation will reveal that 
it was because a math library was compiled for SSE2. Be careful out there.

(And while I'm on the subject, Haskell should have a LongDouble type.)

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: WordPtr,IntPtr,IntMax,WordMax

2006-05-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Simon Marlow wrote:

I suppose you might argue that extra precision is always good.

Well... I'm having a hard time thinking of a situation where it isn't. I 
realize that people want reproducibility, I'm just not convinced that they 
should. The situations where optimization flags make a significant 
difference in the result are situations where the original result wasn't 
trustworthy to begin with. Reproducible rounding gives you a false sense of 
security in those cases, and doesn't make a difference otherwise. If you 
know IEEE 754 inside out, and IEEE double-precision is exactly what you 
want, then it's nice if your programming language can cater to that, but 
along those lines it'd be nice if Haskell supported rounding modes, trap 
handlers, and so on.

I suppose this problem could be solved the way the analogous Int problem is 
solved, with a machine-precision Float and portable/reproducible Float32 and 

The x87 isn't the only FPU with this problem. The PowerPC has a fused 
(double*double)+double operation that the optimizer can't use if you need 
reproducibility, because it doesn't round the intermediate product.

LongDouble would be fine, but storing intermediate Doubles in 80 bits is 

The x87 registers are actually 82 bits wide, so even using LongDouble 
doesn't guarantee reproducibility. Maybe there needs to be a Float80 also. 
(Available only on x86, presumably.)

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: WordPtr,IntPtr,IntMax,WordMax

2006-05-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

skaller wrote:

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 00:34 +0100, Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

Simon Marlow wrote:

I suppose you might argue that extra precision is always good.
Well... I'm having a hard time thinking of a situation where it isn't. 

Wastes space in the cache tree, slowing down the program
and limiting the max size problem that can be handled.

But we were talking about flushing temporary values to memory to force 
rounding; in this case keeping the extra precision is cheaper than getting 
rid of it. When that's not true, I agree that less precision is sometimes 

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existentially-quantified constructors: Hugs is fine, GHC is not?

2006-05-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Otakar Smrz wrote:

   data ... = ... | forall b . FMap (b - a) (Mapper s b)

   ... where FMap qf qc = stripFMap f q

the GHC compiler as well as GHCi (6.4.2 and earlier) issue an error

My brain just exploded.
I can't handle pattern bindings for existentially-quantified

The problem here is a tricky interaction between irrefutable pattern 
matching and existential tuples. In Core, the FMap constructor has a third 
field which stores the type b, and when you match against the pattern (FMap 
qf qc) you're really matching against (FMap b qf qc). (stripFMap f q) might 
evaluate to _|_, in which case, according to the rules for irrefutable 
matching, all of the pattern variables have to be bound to _|_. But type 
variables (like b) can't be bound to _|_.

From an operational standpoint, the problem is that the (fully-evaluated) 
value of b has to be available in the body of the let statement, which means 
that (stripFMap f q) must be evaluated before the body, and the let 
statement must diverge without reaching the body if (stripFMap f q) 
diverges, since no value can be assigned to b in that case. But the 
semantics of let clearly require that execution always proceed to the body 
no matter what (stripFMap f q) evaluates to.

So I'm not convinced that your program is well-typed, even though it looks 
fine at first. I'm not sure what happens to Haskell's semantics when you 
allow type variables to be bound to _|_. The fact that Hugs allows it may be 
a bug.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: deeqSeq proposal

2006-04-05 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Andy Gill wrote:

- [various reasons for deepSeq]

You left out the one that most interests me: ensuring that there are no 
exceptions hiding inside a data structure.

deepSeq :: a - b - b

This ties demand for the (fully evaluated) normal form of an expression to 
demand for the WHNF of a different expression, which is a bit weird. I think 
it's cleaner for the primitive to be your strict, which ties demand for 
the normal form of an expression to demand for the WHNF of the same 
expression. In fact I'd argue that deepSeq should not be provided at all 
(though of course it can be defined by the user). The analogy with seq is a 
bit misleading---deepSeq is a lot less symmetric than seq. The expressions 
(x `deepSeq` y `deepSeq` z) and (strict x `seq` strict y `seq` z) are 
equivalent, but only the latter makes it clear that z doesn't get fully 

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: how would this be done? type classes?existential types?

2006-03-23 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:

Is there a reason for using  instead of

  [exists a. Resource a=a]


Only that = looks like a function arrow,  looks like a tuple. I stole 
this notation from an unpublished paper by SimonPJ et al on adding 
existential quantification to Haskell. I'm not especially attached to it. 
Actually I rather like

forall a | Resource a. a
exists a | Resource a. a

a) A value 'v' of type 'exists a. Resource a=a 'would have to be 
internally represented as something like (dictResource_t, value_t)


b) Given such a value, there is no syntactic way to distinguish the pair 
from the value_t stored inside it, unlike the use of 'forall' where the 
syntax for the constructor conveniently represents any dictionaries 
that have been glued onto the value (ie pattern matching against R x 
gives us back the dictionaries R and the plain value x)?

Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can't work out when to construct 
and deconstruct these implicit tuples. That's exactly what the type 
inference process does with implicit type arguments, and implicit type 
returns are dual to that, so the process should be similar.

It is tricky, though. E.g. given (f (g z)) where

   f :: forall a. [a] - Int
   g :: String - (exists b. [b])

in principle you should be able to call g first, getting a type b and a list 
[b], then instantiate f with the type b, then pass the list to it, 
ultimately getting an Int. But I don't know how to design a type inference 
algorithm that will find this typing. If on the other hand

   f :: (exists a. [a]) - Int

then it's easy to do the right thing---which is a little odd since these two 
types for f are otherwise indistinguishable.

Hope I'm not making this more confusing but I'm still trying to get my 
head around all these invisible happenings regarding dictionaries so I 
can visualise what's happening in terms of bytes and pointers in the 

Once you understand where the types go in System F, the dictionaries are 
easy: they always follow the types around. Any time you have

forall a b c. (C1 a b, C2 b c) = ...

in the source, you have five corresponding parameters/arguments in GHC Core, 
one for each type variable and constraint. These are always passed around as 
a unit (at least prior to optimization). In principle you could box them in 
a 5-tuple. The dictionary values are nothing more or less than proofs that 
the corresponding constraints hold.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Positive integers

2006-03-23 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Daniel McAllansmith wrote:
I can see the domain bounds check would be a problem in theory, but in 
practice doesn't the type enforce that?  Keeping Word positive costs nothing 
because it just overflows.  Wouldn't it be much the same?

If you're planning wraparound semantics then you're better off with Int 
indexes. Passing an index congruent to -1 mod 2^32 is certainly an error, 
and (!!) may as well fail immediately rather than try to traverse 2^32-1 
list nodes. I think both Int and Word are equally correct here, since both 
are proper supersets of the valid set of indexes. (If you're working with 
lists so long that Int may not be big enough, you shouldn't trust Word either.)

Haskell 98's List module supplies generic versions of the list functions, 
like genericIndex :: Integral a = [b] - a - b, which will work with Word.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Strict tuples

2006-03-22 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

ghc's strictness analyzer is pretty darn good, If
something is subtle enough for the compiler not to catch it, then the
programmer probably won't right off the bat either.

Even the best strictness analyzer can't determine that a function is strict 
when it really isn't. The main point of strictness annotations, I think, is 
to actually change the denotational semantics of the program.

strictness does not belong in the type system in general. strictness
annotations are attached to the data components and not type components
in data declarations because they only affect the desugaring of the
constructor, but not the run-time representation or the types in
general. attaching strictness info to types is just the wrong thing to
do in general I think.

Your argument seems circular. Haskell 98 strictness annotations are just 
sugar, but they didn't *have* to be. You can say that f is strict if f _|_ = 
_|_, or you can say it's strict if its domain doesn't include _|_ at all. 
One feels more at home in the value language (seq, ! on constructor fields), 
the other feels more at home in the type language (! on the left of the 
function arrow, more generally ! on types to mean lack of _|_).

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Strict tuples

2006-03-22 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Taral wrote:
T I don't see that more optimization follows from the availability
T of information regarding the strictness of a function result's
T subcomponents.

ghc uses unboxed tuples just for such sort of optimizations. instead
of returning possibly-unevaluated pair with possibly-unevaluated
elements it just return, say, two doubles in registers - a huge win

Mmm, not quite. Unboxed tuples are boxed tuples restricted such that they 
never have to be stored on the heap, but this has no effect on semantics at 
all. A function returning (# Double,Double #) may still return two thunks.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: different code in different platforms

2006-03-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Neil Mitchell wrote:

#ifdef __WIN32__
(Windows code)
(Linux code)

In Yhc, we use a runtime test to check between Windows and Linux.

I think the cleanest solution is to factor the OS-specific code into 
separate modules with OS-independent interfaces and names, and pull in the 
appropriate implementations at compile time by changing the module search 
path. That way you avoid the syntactic and semantic ugliness of cpp as well 
as most of the practical problems of a runtime test.

You can also use any two or all three of these techniques together.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: how would this be done? type classes? existential types?

2006-03-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Matthias Fischmann wrote:

now i want to create a list of a type similar to

  [r1, r2, r3] :: (Resource a) = [a]

but with r1 being pizza, r2 being crude oil, and so on.

The type you actually want here is [exists a. (Resource a)  a], but no 
Haskell implementation supports that.

  data Rs = forall a . (Resource a) = Rs a
  unRs (Rs a) = a
  rsName :: Rs - String
  rsName = resourceName . unRs


but what is the type of unRs?

Its type is (Rs - (exists a. (Resource a)  a)), but again no Haskell 
implementation supports that.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: how would this be done? type classes? existentialtypes?

2006-03-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Matthias Fischmann wrote:

is there any difference between these
two?  if they are equivalent, why the two different ways to say it?

  data X where X :: (Resource a) = a - X
  data Y = forall a . (Resource a) = Y a

There's no difference. There are two ways to say it for historical reasons. 
The second notation dates back many years, while the first notation is new 
and experimental. Only the first notation supports GADTs, and only the 
second supports deriving declarations and strict fields and record syntax 
(though I think this is going to change). Also the second notation is more 
convenient when you're declaring an ordinary datatype---compare

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
data List a where { Nil :: List a ; Cons :: a - List a - List a }

and now it gets interesting: i need instances for Rs on Show, Read,
Eq, Ord.  Show is very simple, but Read?

I think you're right: it's impossible to implement Read for Rs in an 
extensible way, because there's no way to obtain the necessary Resource 
dictionary at runtime. I've wished in the past for a family of functions, 
one for each single-parameter typeclass, with types something like

Dynamic - (forall a. C a = a - b) - Maybe b

and you'd need something similar here.

Assuming this is indeed impossible and you have to close the world of 
Resources, you may as well do it by writing

data Rs = RsRice Rice | RsCrudeOil CrudeOil | ...
  deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: how would this be done? type classes? existential types?

2006-03-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Matthias Fischmann wrote:

On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 12:40:00PM +, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

(Why isn't it resourceName :: String ?)

when i am trying this, ghc complains that the type of resourceName
doesn't have any occurrance of 'a', and i feel that it must be harder
for the type engine to figure things out if there isn't, so
resourceName is still a mapping from resources to their names.

Yes, if you had

resourceName :: forall a. Resource a = String

then there'd be nothing to prevent the expression (resourceName :: String) 
from evaluating to any resource name in any context.

A trick you can pull is to define

data Proxy a = Proxy

and give resourceName's parameter the type Proxy a instead of a. This makes 
it clear that it's only the type you care about, not the value. The downside 
is that it tends to be less convenient to use, which is presumably why 
standard library functions with this problem (like floatRadix and sizeOf) 
don't use this solution.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: small extension to `...` notation

2006-03-08 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Philippa Cowderoy wrote:

On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Doaitse Swierstra wrote:

 xs `zipWith (+)` ys

There is one problem with this: it doesn't nest [...]

Another problem is that it's not clear how to declare the fixity of these 
things. Should they always have the default fixity? Should they be required 
to have the form `ident args` and use the fixity of `ident`? Neither 
approach seems very clean.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: relaxed instance rules spec (was: the MPTC Dilemma (please solve))

2006-03-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 03:53:45AM -, Claus Reinke wrote:

the problem is that we have somehow conjured up an infinite
type for Mul to recurse on without end! Normally, such infinite
types are ruled out by occurs-checks (unless you are working
with Prolog III;-), so someone forgot to do that here. why?
where? how?

Polymorphic recursion allows the construction of infinite types if I
understand what you mean.

No, that's different. An infinite type can't be written in (legal) Haskell. 
It's something like

type T = [T]

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-02 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

I wrote:
I just installed Visual Haskell 0.1, and when I type in the 
editor, CPU usage rises to about 70% and there's a noticeable delay 
before each character appears on the screen.

This is no longer happening, so I guess I ran afoul of a bug.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Visual Haskell: Could not find module `Control.Monad.Writer'

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Replying to an old thread...

Bernd Holzmüller wrote:

Could not find module `Control.Monad.Writer':   use -v to see a list
of the files searched for

I just installed Visual Haskell and ran into the same problem, and the 
solution I found was to right click on References in the project and add 
the mtl package.

I also had to add the haskell98 package to get Happy-produced source code to 
work (even though Happy was called with --ghc).

-- Ben

Haskell mailing list

Re: overlapping instances and constraints

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Niklas Broberg wrote:

Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

Are there uses of overlapping
instances for which this isn't flexible enough?


Hmm... well, what about at least permitting intra-module overlap in Haskell' 
(and in GHC without -foverlapping-instances)? It's good enough for many 
things, and it's relatively well-behaved.

instance (Show a) = IsXML a where
 toXML = toXML . show

The intention of the latter is to be a default instance unless another
instance is specified.

I can see how this is useful, but I'm surprised that it's robust. None of 
the extensions people have suggested to avoid overlap would help here, clearly.

Are there uses of overlapping instances for which the single-module 
restriction isn't flexible enough, but extensions that avoid overlap are 
flexible enough?

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Duncan Coutts wrote:

hIDE and Visual Haskell use the ghc lexer and get near-instantaneous
syntax highlighting.

Hmm... I just installed Visual Haskell 0.1, and when I type in the editor, 
CPU usage rises to about 70% and there's a noticeable delay before each 
character appears on the screen. This is a very short module (~100 lines) 
and a Pentium M 1600 CPU. Am I doing something wrong?

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Benjamin Franksen wrote:

TAB characters in program text should be forbidden by law.

Well... they are quite useful for lining things up if you're using a 
proportional font, and I don't think proportionally-spaced code is a bad 
idea. I want them to be optional. But it would be nice if parsers would warn 
about (or even reject) programs whose meaning depends on tab width.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Layout rule

2006-03-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Ketil Malde wrote:

Multi line comments are nice for commenting out blocks of code.

They're also nice for comments within a line. E.g. haskell-src-exts contains 
the declaration

  data HsQualConDecl
  = HsQualConDecl SrcLoc
  {- forall -} [HsName] {- . -} HsContext {- = -} HsConDecl

Probably half of my uses of {- -} begin and end on the same line.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: PrefixMap: code review request

2006-02-28 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:
Whoever thought up the original Haskell layout rule assumed that people 
would be happy using a single fixed width font, tabs set to 8 spaces, 
and didn't care about the brittleness of the code (in the face of 
identifier renamings) it allowed one to write.

Are you complaining that Haskell permits you to write code with these 
problems, or that it requires you to? The latter is not true. Instead of

keyword clause1

you can always write



keyword { clause1
; clause2

Both styles are insensitive to tab width and renaming of identifiers. The 
off-side rule only comes into play when you don't include an explicit {, so 
you can suppress it entirely if you prefer.

If you have a different layout rule in mind I'd be interested in hearing it, 
but I think Haskell's is quite good overall. Lisp has similar indentation 
problems despite the lack of a layout rule, since people commonly write

(foo (...)

Renaming foo can't confuse the compiler, but I've never had a Haskell layout 
error change the meaning of my program. At worst it causes the program to be 

I do edit my source code in a fixed-width font, but it's a very pretty font 
(Bitstream Vera Sans Mono). It's a small price to pay for the convenience of 
being able to use 2D layout, even in languages where it's not significant, 
and in comments.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: rounding errors with real numbers.

2006-02-28 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Maybe you should use a kind of convex combination, that is

(x-oldLower)*a + (oldUpper-x)*b

Maybe lower*(1-z) + upper*z where z = (x-oldLower) / (oldUpper-oldLower). I 
think this will always map oldLower and oldUpper to lower and upper exactly, 
but I'm not sure it's monotonic.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Layout rule (was Re: PrefixMap: code review request)

2006-02-28 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:

Here is my proposed layout rule:

1) All layout keywords (where, of, let, do) must either be followed by a 
single element of the corresponding block type, and explicit block 
introduced by '{', or a layout block whose first line starts on the 
*next* line

I wouldn't have much trouble adapting to that.

and whose indentation is accomplished *only* by tabs

You can't be serious. This would cause far more problems than the current rule.

I would also make it that explicit braces are not allowed to switch off 
the layout rule (ie they can be used within a layout),

I don't understand. What does used within a layout mean?

multiline strings would not be permitted,

They aren't now, except with \ escapes. A stray  will be caught on the same 
line unless the line happens to end with \ and the next line happens to 
begin with \, which is exceedingly unusual.

and multiline comments would not be permitted 
(pragmas could easily be used just by using --#)

But --# doesn't introduce a comment. And this would make UNPACK pragmas 
rather inconvenient to use.

1) When you see a ';' you could immediately tell which block it belongs 
to by looking backwards till the next '{'

I guess that might be helpful, but it doesn't seem easier than looking left 
to the beginning of the current line and then up to the first less-indented 

2) Variable width fonts can be used,

They can be used now, if you adhere to a certain style, but not everyone 
likes that style. I wrote in C++ with a variable width font and tabs at one 
time, but eventually went back to fixed width. One reason was that I 
couldn't use comment layout conventions that tend (in my experience) to 
improve readability more than monospacing hurts it. Another reason was that 
glyph widths appropriate to natural languages didn't work all that well for 
source code. Spaces are much more important in source code than in natural 
language, for example. A proportional font designed for source code would be 
nice, but I haven't found one yet. Stroustrup used a mixture of proportional 
and monospaced glyphs in _The C++ Programming Language_ and it worked well.

or different font faces to 
represent different sorts of identifier eg class names, tycons, value 
constructors, operators like `seq` as opposed to seq etc

Lots of editors do this with monospaced fonts; I think it's orthogonal to 
the layout issue.

3) Using only tabs ensures that vertical alignment goes to the same 
position on the screen regardless of the font and tabs could even have 
different widths just like in a wordprocessor

Requiring tabs is a really bad idea. Just forget it. Seriously.

4) Any keypress has a localised effect on the parse tree of the buffer 
as a whole ( {  no longer kill everything which follows and there would 
be no {- )

I don't understand why this is an advantage. If you have an editor that 
highlights comments in green, then large sections of the program will flash 
green while you type a {- -} comment, which might be annoying, but it also 
means you'll never forget to close the comment, so the practical benefit of 
forbidding {- -}, as opposed to simply not typing it yourself, seems nil.

5) It paves the way for a much more immersive editing environment, but I 
can't say more about this at the moment because I haven't finished 
writing it yet and it will be a commercial product :-)))

I guess everything has been leading up to this, but my reaction is that it 
renders the whole debate irrelevant. The only reason layout exists in the 
first place is to make source code look good in ordinary text editors. If 
you have a high-level source code editor that manipulates the AST, then you 
don't need layout, or tabs, or any of that silly ASCII stuff. The only time 
you need to worry about layout is when interoperating with implementations 
that use the concrete syntax, and then there's nothing to stop you from 
exporting in any style you like. And when importing, there's no reason to 
place restrictions on Haskell's layout rule, because the visual layout you 
display in the editor need have no connection to the layout of the imported 

Using my self-imposed layout rule I'm currently editing all my Haskell 
code in a standard text editor using tabs set to 4 spaces and a variable 
width font and have no problems.

Which is the best argument for keeping the current rule! If it were changed 
as you propose, then someday Hugh Briley would come along and complain that 
Haskell's layout syntax squandered screen space---but he *wouldn't* be able 
to program in his preferred style, because it would no longer be allowed. 
Religious freedom is a good thing.

{- Ben -}

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] Re: strange behavior of Implicit Parameters

2006-02-27 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
I'd advise against using implicit parameters, because (as you've seen) it's 
hard to reason about when they'll get passed to functions. Another example:


-- Ben

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: -fno-monomorphism-restriction makes type-inference ambiguous?

2006-02-27 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Eike Scholz wrote:

mylength = synAttr listLength

$ *Main :type synAttr
$ synAttr :: (Data b) = ((?stack::[Dyn]) = b - a) - Attr a

$ *Main :type listLength
$ listLength :: (?stack::[Dyn]) = List - Float

$ *Main :type (synAttr listLength)
$ (synAttr listLength) :: Attr Float

$ *Main :type mylength
$ mylength :: (?stack::[Dyn]) = Dyn - Dyn - [Dyn] - Maybe Float


type Attr a = Dyn - Dyn - [Dyn]- Maybe a

This may be a bug. But note that both interpretations are legitimate. One 
way of applying synAttr to listLength is first to apply ?stack to 
listLength, obtaining listLength' :: List - Float and creating a 
(?stack::[Dyn]) constraint on the application node, then specializing 
listLength' to the type (?stack::a) = List - Float, then passing that to 

Again, I recommend that you not try to use implicit parameters.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: inside the GHC code generator

2006-02-24 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Rene de Visser wrote:
Integer is about 30 times slower than it needs to be on GHC if you have 
over half the values between 2^-31 and 2^31. On i386 can you basically 
can test the low bit for free (it runs in parallel to the integer add 
instruction). This would allow only values outside this range to 
required calling the long integer code. Such an optimization is not 
easily done in C.

Currently GHC defines

data Integer = S# Int# | J# Int# ByteArray#

So it already avoids using GMP for small integers. There's a will this 
multiplication overflow primitive, but I'm not sure how it's implemented.

I think that changing this to use magic pointers would be pretty easy. You'd 
need to introduce a new primitive type, say Int31#, and then:

1. anytime you previously constructed a WHNF S# on the heap, make a
   magic pointer instead

2. anytime you dereference a pointer that might be an S#, check for a
   magic pointer first.

Even if a lot of code needs to be changed, it's straightforward because the 
changes are local. You're just changing the meaning of a pointer such that 
there's a statically allocated S# n at address 2n+1.

It would also be worth trying this for Char#, which is already a 31-bit 
type, to see if it would speed up text-processing code.

If only simple loops are optimized it will encourage people to always 
code loops in their haskell rather than perhaps using more appropriate 

You could say that about any language. When your code needs to be fast it 
needs to be fast. I'd rather write ugly Haskell code than ugly C code, if it 
comes to that.

Also take the Maybe data type with Nothing and Just ... or any other 
datatypes with 0 and 1 variable constructors. Here these could be 
represent by special values for the 0 variable case and bit marking on 
the single constructor values.

I'm not sure this would help much. Nullary constructors are already 
allocated statically, so they're already represented by special values. You 
could check for those values instead of dereferencing the pointer, but in 
time-critical code the static object will presumably be in L1 cache anyway. 
I could be wrong of course, and it would be easy enough to extend the Int31# 
idea to nullary constructors (Int0#).

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: inside the GHC code generator

2006-02-24 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| [...] put a static table in the executable with
| information about register and stack usage indexed by procedure return
| point, and use that to unwind the stack and find roots. 

Every accurate garbage collector (including GHC's) uses a technique like
this, but the solution is invariably tightly-coupled to the garbage
collector, compiler and run-time system.

Okay, I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that no languages that 
compile via C use compacting collectors, since obviously lots of them do. 
But they do it by using various hacks to force local heap pointers into 
locations where the GC can find them. Most of this effort is wasted, because 
the local variables disappear before the GC runs. What I'm talking about is 
idiomatic C code which manipulates heap pointers like any other object, and 
which can be optimized as usual (e.g. holding heap pointers in callee-saved 
registers across function calls) without causing GC problems. There's no 
reason in principle that this couldn't be done.

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Compilation of big, static tables

2006-02-24 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 10:40:31AM +, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

What I would really like is a syntax to statically construct an array,
without having to compute it from a list.

This is exactly what my ForeignData proposal on the haskell-prime wiki
is meant to address  [...]
though, I only have it specified for creating pointers to data, it
wouldn't be much trickier to make it work for haskell unboxed arrays
too (though, you can just make a StorableArray out of them easily as

What about boxed arrays? A static Array of thunks makes as much sense to me 
as a static UArray of CInts. This doesn't really feel like an FFI feature. 
(Not that foreign data wouldn't be useful too.)

-- Ben

Haskell mailing list

Re: inside the GHC code generator

2006-02-23 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould


* multiple results can be returned via C++ paira,b template, if this is
efficiently implemented in gcc

There's a -freg-struct-return option in 2.x, 3.x and 4.x. I think it's off 
by default on many architectures.

* recursive definitions translated into the for/while loops if possible

I think recent versions of GCC do a good job of this. See


All of this efficiency stuff aside, there's a big problem you're neglecting: 
GARBAGE COLLECTION. For a language that allocates as much as Haskell I think 
a conservative collector is absolutely out of the question, because they 
can't compact the heap and so allocation becomes very expensive. A copying 
collector has to be able to walk the stack and find all the roots, and that 
interacts very badly with optimization. All the languages I've seen that 
compile via C either aren't garbage collected or use a conservative or 
reference-count collector.

The closest thing I've seen to a solution is the technique used in Urban 
Boquist's thesis, which is to put a static table in the executable with 
information about register and stack usage indexed by procedure return 
point, and use that to unwind the stack and find roots. Some C compilers 
(including gcc) support debugging of optimized code, so it might be possible 
to parse the debugging tables and extract this information. As far as I 
know, no one has ever looked into the feasibility of doing this, which is 
kind of surprising since root-finding is probably the single biggest 
obstacle to compiling functional languages via C.

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Export lists in modules

2006-02-23 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Malcolm Wallace wrote:

An explicit interface would be useful for many purposes besides
machine-checked documentation.  For instance, it could be used to
eliminate the hs-boot or hi-boot files used by some compilers when
dealing with recursive modules.

Why *does* ghc require hs-boot files? What can be gleaned from an hs-boot 
file that couldn't be expressed in the corresponding hs file? For example, 
why doesn't ghc simply require that at least one module in a recursive group 
contain an explicit export list mentioning only explicitly typed symbols?

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Capitalized type variables (was Re: Scoped type variables)

2006-02-23 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

I wrote:

What I don't like is that given a signature like

x :: a - a

there's no way to tell, looking at it in isolation, whether a is free or 
bound in the type.  [...]

Here's a completely different idea for solving this. It occurs to me that 
there isn't all that much difference between capitalized and lowercase 
identifiers in the type language. One set is for type constants and the 
other for type variables, but one man's variable is another man's constant, 
as the epigram goes. In Haskell 98 type signatures, the difference between 
them is precisely that type variables are bound within the type, and type 
constants are bound in the environment.

Maybe scoped type variables should be capitalized. At the usage point this 
definitely makes sense: you really shouldn't care whether the thing you're 
pulling in from the environment was bound at the top level or in a nested 
scope. And implicit quantification does the right thing.

As for binding, I suppose the simplest solution would be explicit 
quantification of the capitalized variables, e.g.

f :: forall N. [N] - ...
f x = ...


f (x :: exists N. [N]) = ...

Really, the latter binding should be in the pattern, not in the type 
signature, but that's trickier (from a purely syntactic standpoint).

What do people think of this? I've never seen anyone suggest capitalized 
type variables before, but it seems to make sense.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Module System

2006-02-22 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Simon Marlow wrote:

there's a lack of modularity in the current
design, such that renaming the root of a module hierarchy requires
editing every single source file in the hierarchy.  The only good reason
for this is the separation between language and implementation.

I don't see how this is related to implementation. Surely all the language 
spec has to say is that the implementation has some unspecified way of 
finding the code for a module given only its canonical name, along with (if 
desired) a way of expanding a glob to a list of canonical names. Then the 
module namespace reform boils down to rules for converting partial names 
into canonical names. I can't see how any useful functionality in the module 
system could depend on a particular way of organizing code on disk.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: The worst piece of syntax in Haskell

2006-02-22 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

  foo :: (Monad m) = [m a] - m [a]
  instance Integral a = Eq (Ratio a)
  class Monad m = MonadPlus m

I think the most consistent (not most convenient!) syntax would be

   foo :: forall m a. (Monad m) = [m a] - m [a]
   instance forall a. (Integral a) = Eq (Ratio a) where {...}
   class MonadPlus m. (Monad m)  {...}

There's implicit forall quantification in instance declarations. It's 
currently never necessary to make it explicit because there are never type 
variables in scope at an instance declaration, but there's no theoretical 
reason that there couldn't be. There's no implicit quantification in class 
declarations---if you added a quantifier, it would always introduce exactly 
the type variables that follow the class name. I think it's better to treat 
the class itself as the quantifier. (And it's more like existential 
quantification than universal, hence the  instead of =.)

As far as syntax goes, I like

   foo :: forall m a | Monad m. [m a] - m [a]
   class MonadPlus m | Monad m where {...}

but I'm not sure what to do about the instance case, since I agree with the 
OP that the interesting part ought to come first instead of last.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell] Re: IO == ST RealWorld

2006-02-20 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

ST doesn't have exceptions which IO does. It would be no good to make ST
pay for the cost of exception handling. GHC handles them behind the
scenes (I think?) but in jhc they are explicit and IO is defined as

data World__

data IOResult a = FailIO World__ IOError | JustIO World__ a
newtype IO a = IO (World__ - IOResult a)

Supposing you had

  data STResult s a where
FailIO :: World__ IOWorld__ - IOError - STResult IOWorld__ a
JustST :: World__ s - a   - STResult s a

could static analysis then eliminate the test for FailIO in ST code? It 
would be pretty cool if the answer was yes, since it would mean that merging 
IO and ST would be an optimization instead of a pessimization (the test 
could also be omitted in IO code that uses only the ST subset). In jhc I 
suppose this would have to happen late in compilation, when you eliminate 
unused type parameters.

Actually, won't the test for FailIO always be eliminated by the existing 
points-to analysis?

-- Ben

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Question for the haskell implementors: Arrays, unsafePerformIO, runST

2006-02-16 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Data.Array.ST has

  runSTArray :: Ix i = (forall s . ST s (STArray s i e)) - Array i e

I think if you can implement that, then all your problems will be solved.

-- Ben

Haskell mailing list

Re: ExistentialQuantifier

2006-02-16 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Ross Paterson wrote:

I don't think the original name is inappropriate: the feature described
is certainly existential quantification, albeit restricted to
alternatives of data definitions.

I think that existential quantification should mean, well, existential 
quantification, in the sense that term is used in logic. I don't like the 
idea of using it for the feature currently implemented with forall in 
front of the data constructor, given that these type variables are 
universally quantified in the data constructor's type. How about changing 
the name to existential product types or existential tuples? I would 
even suggest boxed types, but that's already taken.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell] compares :: Ord a = a - a - Ordering - Ordering

2006-02-14 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

I just realized that the class Ord should have an additional method:

  class Eq a = Ord a where
compares :: a - a - Ordering - Ordering
compares x y d = case compare x y of { EQ - d ; o - o }

This would make writing Ord instances much easier:

  instance (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Ord d) = Ord (a,b,c,d) where
compares (a1,b1,c1,d1) (a2,b2,c2,d2) =
  compares a1 a2 . compares b1 b2 . compares c1 c2 . compares d1 d2

-- Ben

Haskell mailing list

Re: forall a (Ord a = a- a) - Int is an illegal type???

2006-02-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

David Menendez wrote:

Ben Rudiak-Gould writes:
|  forall a. (forall b. Foo a b = a - b) - Int
| is a legal type, for example.

Is it? GHCi gives me an error if I try typing a function like that.

This works:

f :: forall a. (forall b. Foo a b = a - b) - Int
f _ = 3

I interpret this type as meaning that you can call the argument provided you 
can come up with an appropriate b. If you can't come up with one then you 
can't call the argument, but you can still ignore it and type check.

If you had, for example,

instance Foo a Char
instance Foo a Int

then you would be able to use the argument polymorphically at b=Char and b=Int.

f = undefined also works if you have instance Foo a b (which is only 
allowed with -fallow-undecidable-instances). I think it's because of 
predicativity that it fails without it.

Presumably forall a. (Ord a = a- a) - Int could be allowed as well, but 
if you're called with a = IO () then you can't call your argument, therefore 
you can never call your argument, therefore it's not a useful type in practice.

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Matching constructors

2006-02-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

data Patootie = Pa Int | Tootie Int
and I want to pull out the indices of all elements of a list 
that have type constructor Tootie, how would I do that?

x = [Pa 3, Tootie 5, Pa 7, Tootie 9, Pa 11]
y = [ i |Tootie i  - x ]
z = [ i | i@(Tootie _) - x ]

I think this is what the OP wanted:

[ i | (i,Tootie _) - zip [0..] x ]

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: forall a (Ord a = a- a) - Int is an illegal type???

2006-02-09 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:

I'm puzzled why GHC chooses to create illegal types instead  of
finding the innermost quantification point ie I would think that

(Ord a= a-a) - Int

should then obviously be shorthand for

 (forall a. Ord a= a-a) - Int

and surely this could easily be implemented by just prepending forall a 
b c onto any context restricting a b c... (?)

I agree that it's strange to add an implicit quantifier and then complain 
that it's in the wrong place. I suspect Simon would change this behavior if 
you complained about it. My preferred behavior, though, would be to reject 
any type that has a forall-less type class constraint anywhere but at the 
very beginning. I don't think it's a good idea to expand implicit 
quantification. Also, the rule would not be quite as simple as you make it 
out to be, since

forall a. (forall b. Foo a b = a - b) - Int

is a legal type, for example.

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: exported pattern matching

2006-02-09 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Philippa Cowderoy wrote:
Myself I'm of the view transformational patterns (as described in 
http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/299277.html) are more interesting - I can't 
help wondering why they were never implemented?

Maybe because of tricky semantics. I'm not quite sure what

case x of
  (y,z)!f - ...
where f _ = (z,3)

should desugar to.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Passing a matrix from C to Haskell

2006-02-08 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Cyril Schmidt wrote:
I was thinking of something like passing the array as Ptr Int#, but how 
do I fetch the elements that I am interested in?

I think you want Ptr CInt and peekElemOff. If the array is declared in C as

int a[100][20]

and p :: Ptr CInt is a Haskell pointer to it, then a[y][x] can be accessed 
as peekElemOff p (y * 20 + x). This should be 100% portable.

-- Ben

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Restricted Data Types

2006-02-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Hughes wrote:

That means that the Monad class is not allowed to declare

   return :: a - m a

because there's no guarantee that the type m a would be well-formed. The 
type declared for return has to become

   return :: wft (m a) = a - m a

I'm confused. It seems like the type (a - m a) can't be permitted in any 
context, because it would make the type system unsound. If so, there's no 
reason to require the constraint (wft (m a)) to be explicit in the type 
signature, since you can infer its existence from the body of the type (or 
the fields of a datatype declaration).

Okay, simplify, simplify. How about the following:

For every datatype in the program, imagine that there's a class declaration 
with the same name. In the case of

data Maybe a = ...


class Maybe a where {}

In the case of

data Ord a = Map a b = ...


class Ord a = Map a b where {}

It's illegal to refer to these classes in the source code; they're only for 
internal bookkeeping.

Now, for every type signature in the program (counting the type signatures 
of data constructors, though they have a different syntax), for every type 
application within the type of the form ((tcon|tvar) type+), add a 
corresponding constraint to the type context. E.g.

singleton :: a - Set a

becomes (internally)

singleton :: (Set a) = a - Set a


fmapM :: (Functor f, Monad m) = (a - m b) - f a - m (f b)


fmapM :: (Functor f, Monad m, m b, f a, m (f b), f b) =
 (a - m b) - f a - m (f b)

You also have to do this for the contexts of type constructors, I guess, 
e.g. data Foo a = Foo (a Int) becomes data (a Int) = Foo a = Foo (a Int).

Now you do type inference as normal, dealing with constraints of the form 
(tvar type+) pretty much like any other constraint.

Does that correctly handle every case?

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Scoped type variables

2006-02-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Simon PJ thinks that Haskell' should include scoped type variables, and I 
tend to agree. But I'm unhappy with one aspect of the way they're 
implemented in GHC. What I don't like is that given a signature like

x :: a - a

there's no way to tell, looking at it in isolation, whether a is free or 
bound in the type. Even looking at the context it can be hard to tell, 
because GHC's scoping rules for type variables are fairly complicated and 
subject to change. This situation never arises in the expression language or 
in Haskell 98's type language, and I don't think it should arise in Haskell 
at all.

What I'd like to propose is that if Haskell' adopts scoped type variables, 
they work this way instead:

   1. Implicit forall-quantification happens if and only if the type does
  not begin with an explicit forall. GHC almost follows this rule,
  except that forall. (with no variables listed) doesn't suppress
  implicit quantification---but Simon informs me that this is a bug
  that will be fixed.

   2. Implicit quantification quantifies over all free variables in the
  type, thus closing it. GHC's current behavior is to quantify over
  a type variable iff there isn't a type variable with that name in

Some care is needed in the case of class method signatures: (return :: a - 
m a) is the same as (return :: forall a. a - m a) but not the same as 
(return :: forall a m. a - m a). On the other hand the practical type of 
return as a top-level function is (Monad m = a - m a), which is the same 
as (forall m a. Monad m = a - m a), so this isn't quite an exception 
depending on how you look at it. I suppose it is a counterexample to my 
claim that Haskell 98's type language doesn't confuse free and bound 
variables, though.

If rule 2 were accepted into Haskell' and/or GHC, then code which uses 
implicit quantification and GHC scoped type variables in the same type would 
have to be changed to explicitly quantify those types; other programs 
(including all valid Haskell 98 programs) would continue to work unchanged. 
Note that the signature x :: a, where a refers to a scoped type variable, 
would have to be changed to x :: forall. a, which is potentially 
confusable with x :: forall a. a; maybe the syntax forall _. a should be 
introduced to make this clearer. The cleanest solution would be to abandon 
implicit quantification, but I don't suppose anyone would go for that.

With these two rules in effect, there's a pretty good case for adopting rule 3:

   3. Every type signature brings all its bound type variables into scope.

Currently GHC has fairly complicated rules regarding what gets placed into 
scope: e.g.

f :: [a] - [a]
f = ...

brings nothing into scope,

f :: forall a. [a] - [a]
f = ...

brings a into scope,

f :: forall a. [a] - [a]
(f,g) = ...

brings nothing into scope (for reasons explained in [1]), and

f :: forall a. (forall b. b - b) - a
f = ...

brings a but not b into scope. Of course, b doesn't correspond to any type 
that's accessible in its lexical scope, but that doesn't matter; it's 
probably better that attempting to use b fail with a not available here 
error message than that it fail with a no such type variable message, or 
succeed and pull in another b from an enclosing scope.

There are some interesting corner cases. For example, rank-3 types:

f :: ((forall a. a - X) - Y) - Z
f g = g (\x - exp)

should a denote x's type within exp? It's a bit strange if it does, since 
the internal System F type variable that a refers to isn't bound in the same 
place as a itself. It's also a bit strange if it doesn't, since the 
identification is unambiguous.

What about shadowing within a type:

f :: forall a. (forall a. a - a) - a

I can't see any reason to allow such expressions in the first place.

What about type synonyms with bound variables? Probably they should be 
alpha-renamed into something inaccessible. It seems too confusing to bring 
them into scope, especially since they may belong to another module and this 
would introduce a new notion of exporting type variables.

I like rule 3 because of its simplicity, but a rule that, say, brought only 
rank-1 explicitly quantified type variables into scope would probably be 
good enough. Rules 1 and 2 seem more important. I feel like a new language 
standard should specify something cleaner and more orthogonal than GHC's 
current system.

-- Ben


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Java-like

2006-02-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
main = do return xx = ((\x - print x) :: Show a = a - IO ())
main2 = do return xx = (\(x:: (forall a . (Show a) = a)) - print x)
main3 = do (x :: forall a . Show a = a) - return xx
   print x

in this module, only main compiles ok

The other two need exists rather than forall, which isn't supported by 
GHC. As written, they say that x can produce a value of any type that's an 
instance of Show, but the value you're binding to x has type String, which 
can only produce a value via Show String.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Restricted Data Types

2006-02-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Another reasonable alternative is

data Set a = Eq a = Set (List a)

The type of member would become
member :: a - Set a - Bool
(with no Eq constraint).

John Hughes mentions this in section 5.2 of the paper, and points out a 
problem: a function like (singleton :: a - Set a) would have to construct a 
dictionary out of nowhere. I think you need an Eq constraint on singleton, 
which means that you still can't make Set an instance of Monad.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-07 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Brian Hulley wrote:
One motivation seems to be that in the absence of whole program 
optimization, the strictness annotations on a function's type can allow 
the compiler to avoid creating thunks at the call site for cross-module 
calls whereas using seq in the function body itself means that the thunk 
still has to be created at the call site because the compiler can't 
possibly know that it's going to be immediately evaluated by seq.

GHC solves this with the worker-wrapper transformation: the code for the 
wrapper is exported as part of the module's interface and inlined at 
external call sites. It handles seq, unboxing, and so on and calls the 
worker via a private interface.

Not that I think strictness information in the type system is a bad idea.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Bang patterns

2006-02-06 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Pursuant to a recent conversation with Simon, my previous post to this 
thread is now obsolete. So please ignore it, and see the updated wiki page 

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Restricted Data Types

2006-02-06 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Jim Apple wrote:

Have we considered Restricted Data Types?


I'd never seen this paper before. This would be a really nice extension to 
have. The dictionary wrangling looks nasty, but I think it would be easy to 
implement it in jhc. John, how about coding us up a prototype? :-)

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Ketil,

KM (Is the second ! actually meaningful?)

yes! it means that the function is strict in its result - i.e. can't return
undefined value when strict arguments are given.

Unfortunately this interpretation runs pretty quickly into theoretical 
difficulties. A ! on the right hand side of a function arrow isn't like a ! 
on the left hand side. If you used this notation for this purpose, it would 
have to be special-cased. Note that in GHC at present, a function of type 
Int# - Int# can diverge.

KM   foo :: [!a] - ![a] - a

![a] means strict list, it is
the same as defining list with next field strict:

data List2 a = Nil2 | List2 a !(List2 a)

This isn't consistent with the general rule that ! means absence of _|_. The 
semantics that you want could be implemented as a special case for the [] 
constructor, but polymorphism breaks this, e.g.

data Foo a = MkFoo Int !a
data Bar a = MkFoo Int a
Foo [Bool] /= Bar ![Bool]

for example, the following definition

type Map a b = [(a,b)]

will be instantiated to

Map !Int String == [(!Int, String)]

As long as you're only specializing datatypes this works fine, but when you 
try to do the same with polymorphic functions acting on those datatypes, you 
run into serious problems. E.g.

f :: forall a. a - Maybe a
f _ = Just undefined

Now we have (f :: Int - Maybe Int) 3 == Just _|_, but (f :: !Int - Maybe 
!Int) 3 == _|_. This means that either f and all of its callers must be 
specialized at compile time (despite having no type class constraints) or f 
must inspect its implicit type argument at run time.

such proposal already exists and supported by implementing this in GHC

As Robert Dockins said, it's not implemented, and it isn't clear how to 
implement it. At this point it's looking fairly likely that my PhD thesis 
will be on this very topic, so stay tuned.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FilePath as ADT

2006-02-05 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

Encouraged by Mono, for my language Kogut I adopted a hack that
Unicode people hate: the possibility to use a modified UTF-8 variant
where byte sequences which are illegal in UTF-8 are decoded into
U+ followed by another character.

I don't like the idea of using U+, because it looks like an ASCII 
control character, and in any case has a long tradition of being used for 
something else. Why not use a code point that can't result from decoding a 
valid UTF-8 string? U+ (EF BF BF) is illegal in UTF-8, for example, and 
I don't think it's legal UTF-16 either. This would give you round-tripping 
for all legal UTF-8 and UTF-16 strings.

Or you could use values from U+DC00 to U+DFFF, which definitely aren't legal 
UTF-8 or UTF-16. There's plenty of room there to encode each invalid UTF-8 
byte in a single word, instead of a sequence of two words.

A much cleaner solution would be to reserve part of the private use area, 
say U+109780 through U+1097FF (DBE5 DF80 through DBE5 DFFF). There's a 
pretty good chance you won't collide with anyone. It's too bad Unicode 
hasn't set aside 128 code points for this purpose. Maybe we should grab some 
unassigned code points, document them, and hope it catches on.

There's a lot to be said for any encoding, however nasty, that at least 
takes ASCII to ASCII. Often people just want to inspect the ASCII portions 
of a string while leaving the rest untouched (e.g. when parsing 
--output-file=¡£ª±ïñ¹!.txt), and any encoding that permits this is good 

Alternatives were:

* Use byte strings and character strings in different places,
  sometimes using a different type depending on the OS (Windows
  filenames would be character strings).

* Fail when encountering byte strings which can't be decoded.

Another alternative is to simulate the existence of a UTF-8 locale on Win32. 
Represent filenames as byte strings on both platforms; on NT convert between 
UTF-8 and UTF-16 when interfacing with the outside; on 9x either use the 
ANSI/OEM encoding internally or convert between UTF-8 and the ANSI/OEM 
encoding. I suppose NT probably doesn't check that the filenames you pass to 
the kernel are valid UTF-16, so there's some possibility that files with 
illegal names might be accessible to other applications but not to Haskell 
applications. But I imagine such files are much rarer than Unix filenames 
that aren't legal in the current locale. And you could still use the 
private-encoding trick if not.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-05 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Paul Hudak wrote:
Minor point, perhaps, but I should mention that : is not special syntax 
-- it is a perfectly valid infix constructor.

But Haskell 98 does treat it specially: you can't import Prelude hiding 
((:)), or rebind it locally, or refer to it as Prelude.:. In fact I've 
always wondered why it was done this way. Can anyone enlighten me? Of course 
it might be confusing if it were rebound locally, but no more confusing than 
the fact that [f x | x - xs] is not the same as (map f xs).

It might be kind of nice if the list type were actually defined in the 
Prelude as

data List a = Nil | a : List a

and all of the special [] syntax defined by a desugaring to this (entirely 
ordinary) datatype, e.g. [1,2] - 1 Prelude.: 2 Prelude.: Prelude.Nil.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is $ right associative instead of leftassociative?

2006-02-05 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 01:14:42PM -, Brian Hulley wrote:

How about:

 f x y
 . g x
 $ z

But then you have a problem when you when you want to add something
at the beginning ;-)

How about:

. f x y
. g x
$ z

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-04 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

Weak uses seq to achieve WHNF for it's argument

newtype Weak a = WeakCon {runWeak :: a}
mkWeak x = seq x (WeakCon x)
unsafeMkWeak x = WeakCon x

This doesn't actually do what you think it does. mkWeak and unsafeMkWeak are 
the same function.

mkWeak 123 = seq 123 (WeakCon 123) = WeakCon 123
unsafeMkWeak 123 = WeakCon 123
mkWeak _|_ = seq _|_ (WeakCon _|_) = _|_
unsafeMkWeak _|_ = WeakCon _|_ = _|_

To quote John Meacham:

| A quick note,
| x `seq` x
| is always exactly equivalant to x. the reason being that your seq
| would never be called to force x unless x was needed anyway.
| I only mention it because for some reason this realization did not hit
| me for a long time and once it did a zen-like understanding of seq
| (relative to the random placement and guessing method I had used
| previously) suddenly was bestowed upon me.

I remember this anecdote because when I first read it, a zen-like 
understanding of seq suddenly was bestowed upon /me/. Maybe it should be in 
the docs. :-)

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-04 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

Weak uses seq to achieve WHNF for it's argument

newtype Weak a = WeakCon {runWeak :: a}
mkWeak x = seq x (WeakCon x)
unsafeMkWeak x = WeakCon x

This doesn't actually do what you think it does. mkWeak and unsafeMkWeak are 
the same function.

mkWeak 123 = seq 123 (WeakCon 123) = WeakCon 123
unsafeMkWeak 123 = WeakCon 123
mkWeak _|_ = seq _|_ (WeakCon _|_) = _|_
unsafeMkWeak _|_ = WeakCon _|_ = _|_

To quote John Meacham:

| A quick note,
| x `seq` x
| is always exactly equivalant to x. the reason being that your seq
| would never be called to force x unless x was needed anyway.
| I only mention it because for some reason this realization did not hit
| me for a long time and once it did a zen-like understanding of seq
| (relative to the random placement and guessing method I had used
| previously) suddenly was bestowed upon me.

I remember this anecdote because when I first read it, a zen-like 
understanding of seq suddenly was bestowed upon /me/. Maybe it should be in 
the docs. :-)

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is $ right associative instead of left associative?

2006-02-04 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
No one has mentioned yet that it's easy to change the associativity of $ 
within a module in Haskell 98:

import Prelude hiding (($))

infixl 0 $
f$x = f x

or, for the purists,

import Prelude hiding (($))
import qualified Prelude (($))

infixl 0 $
($) = (Prelude.$)

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: The dreaded M-R

2006-01-31 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

interestingly enough, the monomorphism restriction in jhc actually
should apply to all polymorphic values, independently of the type class

x :: a 
x = x 

will transform into something that takes a type parameter and is hence
not shared.

Interesting. I'd been wondering how you dealt with this case, and now it 
turns out that you don't. :-)

I doubt this will cause a problem in practice since there
arn't really any useful values of type forall a . a other than bottom.

It could become an issue with something like

  churchNumerals :: [(a - a) - (a - a)]
  churchNumerals = ...

Maybe you could use a worker-wrapper transformation.

  churchNumerals' :: [(T - T) - (T - T)]
  churchNumerals' = ...

  churchNumerals :: [(a - a) - (a - a)]
  churchNumerals = /\ a . unsafeCoerce churchNumerals'

The unsafeCoerce is scary, but it feels right to me. There is something 
genuinely unsavory about this kind of sharing, in Haskell or any other ML 
dialect. At least here it's out in the open.

-- Ben

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell] IO == ST RealWorld

2006-01-24 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Ross Paterson wrote:

But IO isn't a state monad: others are concurrently changing the world
without waiting for my Haskell program to terminate.

I think that closed-world behavior should be treated as a property of runST, 
not of the ST monad operations. Otherwise your IORef = STRef IORegion 
proposal doesn't work either, because e.g.

myId :: STRef s a - a - ST s a
myId r x = writeSTRef r x  readSTRef r

doesn't necessarily return its second argument when lifted to IO, in the 
presence of multithreading.

This philosophical objection to IO = ST IORegion has come up before, and I 
think it's approaching the problem exactly backwards. If IO = ST IORegion 
works in practice and is useful in practice, then we ought to be coming up 
with a theory of IO/ST that supports it, not rejecting it on the basis of a 
theory that doesn't support it.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Guess what ... Tutorial uploaded! :)

2006-01-23 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Dmitry Astapov wrote:


I like the approach too, but the section on IO actions, which I'm reading 
now, is not correct. It's not true that a - someAction has the effect of 
associating a with someAction, with the actual work deferred until later. 
All of the IO associated with someAction happens at the program point where 
a - someAction appears, whether or not it's needed later. getContents is 
a rare exception to this rule. It works by using unsafeInterleaveIO behind 
the scenes, which muddies Haskell's generally clean semantics and leads to 
odd impure behavior. I wish getContents were a good example of nonstrictness 
or laziness, but I don't think it is.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shootout favouring C

2006-01-16 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Isaac Gouy wrote:

Please keep to the true spirit of fictional crime
writing and provide a motive for these evil characters
who will stop at nothing to make Haskell seem some
worse than C.

Erm, fictional? It strikes me that this particular brand of evil is more the 
norm than the exception. I think Bjarne Stroustrup put it quite well:


That said, I see nothing to suggest that such is happening here. I do have 
objections to the shootout, but they're objections to the whole concept of 
benchmarks in general, not to these particular ones.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existentially-quantified constructors, Eq and Show

2005-12-11 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

John Meacham wrote:

PS. many, including me, feel 'forall' is a misnomer there and should be
the keyword 'exists' instead. so just read 'foralls' that come _before_
the type name as 'exists' in your head and it will make more sense.

I disagree. When you write

forall a. D (P a) (Q a)

it means that there's a variant of D for all types a. It's as though you had

  D (P Bool) (Q Bool)
| D (P String) (Q String)
| ...

Writing exists instead would mean that there's only one version of D for 
some a, and you don't know what that a is; in that case you could only 
safely apply D to arguments of type (forall b. P b) and (forall b. Q b).

I think the problem is not with the use of forall, but with the use of the 
term existential type. The fact that existential quantification shows up 
in discussions of this language extension is a red herring. Even Haskell 98 
has existential types in this sense, since (forall a. ([a] - Int)) and 
((exists a. [a]) - Int) are isomorphic.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Two questions: lazy evaluation and Church-Rosser

2005-11-19 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Gregory Woodhouse wrote:

I've been trying to do some background reading on lambda calculus, and
have found discussions of strict evaluation strategies (call-by-value and
call-by-name) but have yet to find an appropriate framework for modeling
lazy evaluation

Just wanted to point out that call-by-name is non-strict. Lazy
evaluation is basically just call-by-name with extra sharing; if you only
care about semantics and not time/space behavior, it's the same as call-by-name.

(much less infinite lists and comprehensions).

In a lazy or call-by-name operational semantics, you never get infinite 
lists, just lists with unevaluated tails which get unwrapped as needed.

List comprehensions in Haskell are syntactic sugar. The Haskell 98 report 
explains how to transform them away.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Monads vs. continuations

2005-10-31 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
I don't know if this helps, but there's a straightforward way to understand 
the IO monad in terms of continuation passing.

You can think of a value of type IO a as being a CPS expression with a hole 
in it; the hole is to be filled with a continuation which expects a value of 
type a. The only way to fill the hole is by using =, whose second argument 
is a continuation with another (nested) hole in it. So effectively with = 
you build a CPS expression from the outside in. The final continuation, 
which takes () and aborts the program, is ultimately filled in by the 
runtime system.

This viewpoint doesn't work for other monads, since they always provide some 
sort of destructuring operations on monadic values, e.g. runState or the 
standard list deconstructors. But it works fine for IO provided you ignore 
the existence of unsafePerformIO and friends.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] newtype is superfluous

2005-10-15 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

This is not true.  With newtype, A _|_ is _|_, with data, A _|_ is not _|_.

It's probably more helpful to explain this in terms of a program that 
exhibits different behavior in the two cases:

  case error data of A x - newtype

But as far as I know, the above newtype declaration is equivalent to this:

data A = A !Int


  case A (error data!) of A x - data or newtype

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie question on Haskell type

2005-10-14 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Cale Gibbard wrote:

As an example of this sort of thing, I know that there are only 4
values of type a - Bool (without the class context). They are the
constant functions (\x - True), (\x - False), and two kinds of
failure (\x - _|_), and _|_, where _|_ is pronounced bottom and
represents something along the lines of nontermination (aborting the
program also counts).

Don't forget (\x - x `seq` True) and (\x - x `seq` False).

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Growing Trees

2005-09-22 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

[Previously sent only to the OP -- oops]

Tom Hawkins wrote:

data Tree a
  = TreeRoot { stuff:: a
 , children :: [Tree]
  | TreeNode { stuff:: a
 , parent   :: Tree
 , children :: [Tree]

But because of these bidirectional links, every time I add a node I must 
reconstructing the entire tree.

If you don't want to use IORefs or STRefs, you could try The Zipper:


or you could represent the tree as

  type Tree a = Data.Map.Map Int (Node a)

  data Node a = TreeRoot { stuff :: a, children :: [Int] }
  | TreeNode { stuff :: a, parent :: Int, children :: [Int] }

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Mixing monadic and non-monadic functions

2005-09-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Bjorn Lisper wrote:

However, there is a way to resolve the ambiguity that can be claimed to be
the most natural one, and that is to always choose the least possible
lifting. In the example above, this would mean to interpret [[1]]++[[2]]
precisely as [[1]]++[[2]] (lift 0 levels) rather than [[1]++[2]] (lift 1

It's not the mathematics I'm worried about, it's the people. Consider the 
time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana example. What's 
interesting about it is not just the existence of more than one parse, but 
the fact that it's hard to even notice the other parses exist unless you're 
looking for them, because people are so good at unconsciously resolving this 
kind of ambiguity from context.

I'm afraid that once people get used to the idea that they can write
xs `op` ys and get implicit lifting, they will write xs ++ ys and never 
notice that it has an unlifted interpretation which will take precedence. 
This isn't the nastiest class of bug, but it's pretty nasty.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Mixing monadic and non-monadic functions

2005-09-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Frederik Eaton wrote:

I think this is a good idea. I like the inline -, or maybe
something like @.

The operator-section notation (- expr) has the big advantage of being 
unlikely to collide with any other syntax proposals.

I'm not sure what you intend to do about nested do statements,
though. If they correspond to different monads, I might want to have a
'borrow' in the inner do statement create a lifted expression in the
outer do statement.

In such cases you almost certainly wouldn't want to use this notation 
anyway. It's confusing enough with a single monad.

As an experiment I tried rewriting some monadic code from one of my projects 
(Reform) using the (- expr) syntax. It was interesting. Some points:

  * Most of my uses of - could be replaced with the inline form. In
some cases it seemed like a bad idea, because the intermediate
variable name was useful as documentation. In the other cases I'd
obviously chosen a meaningless intermediate variable name just to
get around the lack of a feature like this one.

  * I found myself writing do return a lot, which isn't a combination
you usually see in Haskell code. It felt odd, but perhaps you'd get
used to it.

  * The new syntax is really nice as a replacement for the annoyingly
common x - foo ; case x of... idiom that I've always disliked.

  * The increased similarity to programming in an eager language was
startling at times. I'm just not used to thinking eagerly when I
write Haskell, even though I do it all the time in other languages.

  * There are tricky corner cases. For example,

  x - getByte
  if x  128
then return x
else return (x - 128) * 256 + (- getByte)

doesn't do what it's probably intended to do: the second byte will
be read even if x  128. You have to write else do return
instead of else return. I'm afraid this would be easy to get
wrong. It wouldn't be hard to make the translation assume an
implicit do at the branches of if and case statements, but this
wouldn't always be what you'd want. Even worse is that short-
circuiting  and || don't work as they do in eager languages.

So on reflection I'm not sure I think this proposal is a good idea. I 
probably wouldn't be able to write or read code in this style without doing 
manual desugaring in my head, which takes away much of the appeal. But it 
might be worth adding if people can be trusted to use it judiciously.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Mixing monadic and non-monadic functions

2005-09-14 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Frederik Eaton wrote:

I want the type system to be able to do automatic lifting of monads,
i.e., since [] is a monad, I should be able to write the following:


and have it interpreted as do {a-[1,2]; b-[3,4]; return (a+b)}.

The main problem is ambiguity: [[1]]++[[2]] could be [[1],[2]] or [[1,2]], 
for example. If your proposal resolves this ambiguity in favor of one result 
or the other, then I'm opposed to it -- it's far too easy in practice to 
write code like this, expecting it to be lifted, and failing to notice that 
it also has an interpretation without lifting (or the other way around). 
This is the Perl FWIM disease[1] -- not that I dislike Perl, but people are 
quite rightly leery about bringing this sort of thing into Haskell.

I have another proposal, though. Introduce a new keyword, which I'll call 
borrow (the opposite of return), that behaves like a function of type 
(Monad m) = m a - a inside of do statements. More precisely, a do 
expression of the form

do { ... ; ... borrow E ... ; ... }

is transformed into

do { ... ; x - E ; ... x ... ; ... }

where x is a fresh variable. If more than one borrow form appears in the 
same do statement, they are pulled out from left to right, which matches the 
convention already used in liftM2, ap, mapM, etc.


+ Pure sugar; no tricky interactions with the type system.

+ Nice symmetry between putting a value in a monad and taking it out.

+ Potentially helpful for beginners who ask how do I get a String
  from an IO String?


- Needs a new keyword.

- Pretends to be an expression but really isn't; perhaps
  distinctive syntax would be better. (Inline -?)

- Depends on enclosing do keyword: in particular, do { stmt } would
  no longer be equivalent to stmt, if stmt contains borrow.
  Potential confusion.

- Potentially misleading for beginners (but then so is do notation,
  and the keyword class, and n+k patterns, and so on...)

-- Ben

[1] http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~partain/haskerl/partain-1.html
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parity of the number of inversions of a permutation

2005-03-15 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Henning Thielemann wrote:
I' searching for a function which sorts the numbers and determines the 
parity of the number of inversions. I assume that there are elegant and 
fast algorithms for this problem (n * log n time steps), e.g. a merge 
sort algorithm.
This is a rather nice little problem. I think this works:
countInversions :: (Ord a) = [a] - Int
countInversions [] = 0
countInversions xs = snd $ foldb merge [([x],0) | x - xs]
merge :: (Ord a) = ([a],Int) - ([a],Int) - ([a],Int)
merge (xs,a) (ys,b) =
  case merge' (length xs) xs ys of
(zs,c) - (zs,a+b+c)
merge' 0 [] ys = (ys,0)
merge' n xs [] = (xs,0)
merge' n (x:xs) (y:ys) =
  case compare x y of
LT - case merge' (n-1) xs (y:ys) of (zs,c) - (x:zs,c)
GT - case merge' n (x:xs) ys of (zs,c) - (y:zs,c+n)
EQ - undefined
foldb :: (a - a - a) - [a] - a
foldb f [] = undefined
foldb f [x] = x
foldb f xs = foldb f (foldb' f xs)
foldb' f (x1:x2:xs) = f x1 x2 : foldb' f xs
foldb' f xs = xs
-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Proposal: Allow \= for field update in record update syntax

2005-03-02 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Benjamin Franksen wrote:
On Thursday 24 February 2005 23:27, Keean Schupke wrote:

Well, not quite true, because the type of the label is used to index the
value, the selection happens at compile time. So at run time there is no
instance selection left... it is simply the value. At least in theory!

Hmm. I haven't seen it from this perspective, yet! At first reading, I 
this is simply too good to be true. I mean, there is some sort of list
structured thing representing the whole record, right? Then how can the
function that selects an element *not* traverse through the list?

It does. An HList of Int,Bool,Char is isomorphic to the type 
(Int,(Bool,(Char,(, and selecting the Bool element will ultimately 
compile to code like this:

   case list of
 (_,(x,_)) - ...
It doesn't need to search for the right element at runtime, and it 
doesn't need to check for end-of-list at runtime, but it does need to 
deconstruct O(n) pairs at runtime. A statically balanced tree structure 
would reduce that the O(log n), but I doubt it would improve performance 
for typical record sizes.

Of course, inlining may well lead to something like
   case (a,(b,(c,( of
 (_,(x,_)) - ...
which can be optimized away.
-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Type of y f = f . f

2005-02-28 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Pedro Vasconcelos wrote:
Jim Apple [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a type we can give to

y f = f . f

y id
y head
y fst

are all typeable?

Using ghci:

Prelude let y f = f.f
Prelude :t y
y :: forall c. (c - c) - c - c

So it admits principal type (a-a) - a-a. From this you can see that
(y head) and (y fst) cannot be typed, whereas (y id) can.
I think the OP's point is that all three of his examples make sense, and 
the resulting functions would have Haskell types, yet there doesn't seem 
to be a Haskell type which permits all three uses of y. I can come up 
with types which permit any one of the three:

  y :: forall a. (a - a) - a - a
  y :: forall a f. (forall x. f x - x) - f (f a) - a
  y :: forall a b c f. (forall x y. f x y - x) - f (f a b) c - a
but I can't find a type which permits more than one. It can probably be 
done with type classes.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Typing in haskell and mathematics

2005-02-01 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Jeremy Gibbons wrote:
If you want a  b  c to mean (a  b)  (b  c) but a + b + c 
to mean (a + b) + c, you're going to have to treat  differently 
from +, which goes against the spirit of considering them both 
simply functions.
I've wanted to chime in here for a while now. I strongly disagree with 
the idea that there's something wrong with a  b  c, in math or in 
programming languages.

Infix operator parsing happens in two independent stages: first 
operators are grouped according to precedence, and then according to 
associativity. In the second stage we only consider expressions that 
look like (e1 `op1` e2 `op2` ... `opn` en), where all operators are in 
the same precedence class. In most languages this stage looks for three 

   * all operators are left-associative
   * all operators are right-associative
   * n==1 and `op1` is nonassociative
Now, the first two of these are hacks, when applied to associative 
operators. A mathematician would never say that a+b+c is shorthand for 
(a+b)+c -- that smacks of evaluation order. a+b+c is shorthand for 
parenthesize it however you like, because it *doesn't matter*. It's 
just a list of things to be added up. This applies equally to 
a+b-c-d+e, which is a notational abbreviation for a+b+(-c)+(-d)+e. 
And no mathematician would write a*b/c/d*e. The idea that this would 
be evaluated from left to right is an error of grade-school students. 
(Henning Thielemann's paper has an example of this: the student who 
writes something like 7 * 3 + 1 = 22 / 2 = 11 * 3 + 1 = 34...)

Left-associativity and right-associativity are useful hacks, granted -- 
but then why limit ourselves to foldl1 and foldr1? What about foldl and 
foldr (specifying a zero element in the infix declaration) or foldc 
This is a better way of parenthesizing `merge`, for example. (=) can't 
be right-associative and so ends up left-associative, even though that 
leads to inefficient code. It ought to produce (e1 = (\x1 - e2 x1 = 
(...))), but we have no way to express that.

The following two cases seem much less hacky to me:
   * all operators are the same and the operator is (declared as) variadic
   * all operators are (declared as) inequalities (giving (e1 `op1` e2) 
 (e2 `op2` e3)  ...)

Such operators are commonly seen in mathematics, unlike true 
left-associative or right-associative operators, which are rare and 
usually merit a special explanation to avoid confusing the reader.

Even the first stage (precedence) is broken in every computer language 
I've encountered. How should (a .. b * c) group? Clearly it shouldn't 
-- it should be rejected. But there's no way to do that except to give 
(..) and (*) equal precedence and opposite associativities. Aside from 
the fact that that's clearly a hack, I don't see any reason to expect 
that the graph of operator clashes can be two-colored in general, or 
that every connected subgraph can sensibly have a single precedence.

The problem is the silly imposition of a linear order on precedence 
classes, a convention which seems to date to the dawn of high-level 
programming languages, but was never found in mathematics. Even 
languages which could easily specify a partial order (because they have 
a fixed set of operators) don't do it. I've never understood why.

There's a strong case to be made for getting rid of infix operators 
entirely (I personally think that complex arithmetic/logical expressions 
are much more comprehensible in Scheme), but if you're going to have 
them, variadic operators make more sense than left-associative operators.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: File path programme

2005-01-31 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Peter Simons wrote:
The module currently knows only _relative_ paths. I am still
experimenting with absolute paths because I have recently
learned that on Windows something like C:foo.txt is
actually relative -- not absolute. Very weird.
\foo.txt is also relative on Win32. And con.txt is absolute.
There also is a function which changes a path specification
into its canonic form, meaning that all redundant segments
are stripped. So although two paths which designate the same
target may not be equal, they can be tested for equivalence.
Again, while this transformation may be useful in some cases, it is not 
a canonicalization operation. foo/../bar and bar do not in general 
refer to the same file, and foo and foo/. are not in general 
equivalent. We shouldn't encourage these misconceptions in the library, 
even if we do provide a path-collapsing transformation along these lines.

Other comments:
The Read and Show instances aren't inverses of each other. I don't think 
we should be using Read for path parsing, for this reason.

I don't understand why the path ADT is parameterized by segment 
representation, but then the Posix and Windows parameter types are both 
wrappers for String. It seems artificial to distinguish read :: String 
- RelPath Windows from read :: String - RelPath Posix in this way.

In general, this library doesn't seem to deal with any of the hard 
cases. The devil's in the details.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] space behaviour of lazy recursive lists

2005-01-30 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Axel Jantsch wrote:

gibs = 1 : 1 : (zipWith f gibs (tail gibs))
   where f x y = min (x + y) 10

[...] how can I force the garbage collector to reclaim the
memory of the head of the list after I have processed it, since I will
never ever reference it again?
There's no entirely satisfactory way to do this. The language standard 
doesn't specify caching behavior, so you have to rely on the way that 
actual implementations handle caching.

I think it's safe in practice to assume that a binding inside a function 
won't be cached across call boundaries, even if the value of the binding 
doesn't depend on the function argument. I.e. you should be able to 
solve your problem with

   makeGibs () = gibs where
 gibs = 1 : 1 : (zipWith f gibs (tail gibs))
 f x y = min (x + y) 10
In principle a compiler could float the definition of gibs outside the 
function makeGibs and cache it across calls, but I don't think any 
compiler will actually do this, precisely because it makes this trick 
stop working.

A more elegant variation which definitely won't be cached is
   gibsFrom a b = gibs where
 gibs = a : b : (zipWith f gibs (tail gibs))
 f x y = min (x + y) 10
-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Nature of Char and String

2005-01-30 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
John Goerzen wrote:
Char in Haskell represents a Unicode character.  I don't know exactly
what its size is, but it must be at least 16 bits and maybe more.
String would then share those properties.

However, usually I'm accustomed to dealing with data in 8-bit words.
So I have some questions:
Char and String handling in Haskell is deeply broken. There's a 
discussion ongoing on this very list about fixing it (in the context of 

But for now, Haskell's Char behaves like C's char with respect to I/O. 
This is unlikely ever to change (in the existing I/O interface) because 
it would break too much code. So the answers to your questions are:

 * If I use hPutStr on a string, is it guaranteed that the number of
   8-bit bytes written equals (length stringWritten)?
Yes, if the handle is opened in binary mode. No if not.
   + If yes, what happens to the upper 8 bits?  Are they simply
 stripped off?
 * If I run hGetChar, is it possible that it would consume more than
   one byte of input?
No in binary mode, yes in text mode.
 * Does Haskell treat the this is a Unicode file marker special in
   any way?
 * Same questions on withCString and related String-CString
They all behave as if reading/writing a file in binary mode.
-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] File path programme

2005-01-26 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
robert dockins wrote:
 After the discussion about file paths over the last several days I 
went home and put together a quick trial implementation for unix file 
paths, with the idea of adding windows, SMB and maybe VMS (why not?) paths.

This is great. Comments below.
 data PathRoot
= UnixFilesystemRoot
| WindowsDrive Char
| SMBShare String String
| VMSDevice String
| ... -- whatever else we need
I would say that all paths are relative to something, whether it's the 
Unix root, or the current directory, or whatever. Therefore I would call 
this something like PathStart, and add:

   | CurrentDirectory
   | CurrentDirectoryOfWindowsDrive Char
   | RootOfCurrentWindowsDrive
What is a pathname, broadly speaking? Answer: it's a description of a 
path in a directed graph with labeled edges. It consists of a single 
node designator (the starting point) and a sequence of edge designators, 

   data Pathname =
 Pathname {
   pathStart :: PathStart,
   pathEdges :: [String]
Most of the time all we care about is either the final node or the final 
edge that we reach by following the path. The only reason we specify the 
rest of the path is that there are only a few nodes that we can name 
directly; to refer to any other location on the graph we have to give 
driving directions from one of those nodes.  There's no reason the OS 
couldn't make nodes and edges first-class entities--it would solve a 
multitude of problems--but most don't, so forget that.

On Unix, there are two nodes we can name directly, the root and the 
current directory. On Windows, there are 26 roots and 26 current 
directories which we can name directly; additionally we can name the 
root or current directory of the current drive, which is one of those 
26, and there are an arbitrary number of network share roots, and \\.\, 
and perhaps some other stuff I don't know about.

Symbolic links complicate things a bit, since they are followed like 
edges but are actually paths (so they may be affected by seemingly 
unrelated changes to the graph). They're rather like VPNs, actually, 
though I'm not sure how far I want to push that analogy.

Whether we're talking about the final node or the final edge depends on 
the OS call; this is the usual pointer-vs-pointee confusion that's also 
found in most programming languages outside the ML family. Probably we 
can ignore it, with the exception of the /foo vs /foo/ distinction, 
which we must preserve. This can probably be handled by parsing the 
latter as Pathname { pathStart = UnixFilesystemRoot, pathEdges = 
[foo,.] }.

 class (Show p) = Path p where
Okay, I'm not convinced that a Path class is the right approach. For the 
reasons given above, I think I'd rather have a single Path datatype, 
probably with its data constructors exported. What do we gain with the 
class approach? Well...

 (A) Functions that accept paths can be polymorphic on the path type 
(where String is a path type).
 (B) We can have different datatypes for the paths of different 
operating systems.

It seems like these are two very different problems which should be 
solved with different typeclasses, if they're to be solved with 
typeclasses at all. I think (A) can be solved very simply, and 
independently of the specification of a path-handling library:

   class IsPath a where
 withCPath :: a - (Ptr CChar - IO b) - IO b
   instance IsPath String where
 withCPath = withCString   -- tricky i18n issues!
   instance IsPath [CChar] where
 withCPath = withArray0 0
   instance IsPath PathADT where
 withCPath = withCString . pathToString
   instance IsPath (Ptr CChar) where
 withCPath = flip ($)
   openFile :: (IsPath p) = p - ...
I'm tentatively opposed to (B), since I think that the only interesting 
difference between Win32 and Posix paths is in the set of starting 
points you can name. (The path separator isn't very interesting.) But 
maybe it does make sense to have separate starting-point ADTs for each 
operating system. Then of course there's the issue that Win32 edge 
labels are Unicode, while Posix edge labels are [Word8]. Hmm.

isAbsolute :: p - Bool
Definition: a path is absolute if its meaning is independent of (Posix: 
the current directory) (Win32: all current directories and the current 

 pathCleanup :: p - p   -- remove .. and suchlike
This can't be done safely except in a few special cases (e.g. /.. - 
/). I'm not sure it should be here.

 hasExtension :: p - String - Bool
This is really an operation on a single component of the path. I think 
it would make more sense to make it an ordinary function with type 
String - String - Bool and use the basename method to get the 
appropriate path component.

 pathToForeign :: p - IO (Ptr CChar)
 pathFromForeign :: Ptr CChar - IO p
This interface is problematic. Is the pointer returned by pathToForeign 
a heap pointer which the caller is supposed to free? If so, a Ptr CChar 
instance would have to 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell programs in C

2005-01-25 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Mark Carroll wrote:
Wasn't there someone mentioning here a little while ago
some project where they strip most of System.* from the libraries and get
something that might be suitable for embedded applications? What was that
called? Anyone remember?
-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] File path programme

2005-01-25 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Jules Bean wrote:
 [...] it is an extension of the notion that /foo/ and /foo
 refer to the same directory. (Except, apparently, in the presence
 of symbolic links... or so I have some vague memory)
Yes, /foo/ is equivalent to /foo/., which is not always the same as 
/foo. If /foo is a symlink, then lstat(/foo/, ...) will stat the 
directory at the other end, not the symlink.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] File path programme

2005-01-24 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Isaac Jones wrote:
You might be interested in the new FilePath module that's in the
works.  There's been a lot of work to make these functions portable.

I didn't realize this was in CVS. IMHO this library is deeply broken, 
and should not be in GHC 6.4. We should be replacing ill-specified hacks 
with a carefully designed library, not an official collection of 
ill-specified hacks. It took me only a few minutes to find a bunch of 
cases which the CVS code mishandles, ranging from simple bugs, to cases 
where the existing behavior might be okay if documented, to cases where 
I'm not convinced there's any sensible behavior consistent with the 
function's type.

 splitFileName server\\share == (server,share)
   (should probably be (server\\share,))
 splitFileName foo:xyz == (foo:.,xyz)
   (should be (.,foo:xyz) -- this refers to the named stream
xyz of foo)
 joinPaths c:\\ \\foo == \\foo
   (should be c:\\foo. I realize that cd c:\\ on Windows doesn't
actually make c:\\ the current directory, but ; doesn't
separate shell commands either.)
 splitFileName /foo == (/,foo),
 splitFileName /foo/ == (/foo,)
   (arguably makes sense, but why isn't it documented?)
 splitFileName /foo/bar == (/foo,bar)
 splitFileName /foo//bar == (/foo/,bar)
   (definitely a bug)
 pathParents /foo///bar == [/,/foo,/foo,/foo,/foo/bar]
 pathParents foo/../bar == [.,foo/../bar]
   (what if foo doesn't exist and we wanted to create it?)
Add to those the fundamental problems with splitFileExt which were 
already mentioned on this thread.

I don't even think the broad approach taken by the library interface is 
right. Manipulating pathnames with FilePath-FilePath functions is like 
refactoring a Haskell module with String-String functions. There should 
be parsing and serialization functions which convert between the 
external FilePath representation and an internal ADT, and the 
manipulation should happen on the ADT.

Please, let's not ship this with the hierarchical libraries. It's not 
ready for prime time.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Top Level etc.

2005-01-20 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Jim Apple wrote:
 Does anyone have examples of these? This one scares the foo out of me:

 * It's not even safe in general to add a signature giving the same type
 that the compiler would infer anyway
Here's an example:
len :: [a] - Int
len xs = let ?accum = 0 in len' xs
len' [] = ?accum
len' (x:xs) = let ?accum = ?accum + (1::Int) in len' xs
   *Main :t len'
   len' :: forall a. (?accum :: Int) = [a] - Int
   *Main len hello
len :: [a] - Int
len xs = let ?accum = 0 in len' xs
len' :: forall a. (?accum :: Int) = [a] - Int
len' [] = ?accum
len' (x:xs) = let ?accum = ?accum + (1::Int) in len' xs
   *Main :t len'
   len' :: forall a. (?accum :: Int) = [a] - Int
   *Main len hello
This happens as a side effect of the way that type inference currently 
works on recursive binding groups. It happens with typeclass 
dictionaries too, but it isn't observable because they can't be rebound 
in a local scope.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hugsvs GHC (again)was: Re: Somerandomnewbiequestions

2005-01-20 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Glynn Clements wrote:
Keean Schupke wrote:
Why is disk a special case?

With slow streams, where there may be an indefinite delay before the
data is available, you can use non-blocking I/O, asynchronous I/O,
select(), poll() etc to determine if the data is available.
With files or block devices, the data is always deemed to be
available, even if the data isn't in physical memory.
I don't think this really captures the reason for the difference. It's 
not that select chooses not to do anything on the assumption that file 
access is fast. It's that it /can't/ do anything, because (drum roll) 
disk files are totally different from streams.

The data you read from an input stream is being actively written by 
someone else. As the producer keeps writing, data will end up buffered 
in local memory until you read it. select() tells you when there's 
buffered data to read.

If you're reading from a random-access file, there's no way it can tell 
you when the file data is buffered, because it doesn't know which part 
of the file you plan to read. The OS may try to guess for readahead 
purposes, but select()'s behavior can't depend on that guess.

If streams were distinguished from random-access files at the OS level, 
the situation would be different. The fact that you create an input 
stream on top of a disk file indicates to the OS that you plan to read 
the file sequentially from that point. It's natural to use the same 
buffering model that's used for sockets, and select() can tell you when 
that buffer is non-empty. This is just like readahead, except 
predictable and under app control to some extent.

Since you can create an arbitrary number of streams on a file, this 
mechanism provides all the functionality of NT's overlapped I/O model 
and quite a bit more.

This is another example of why the world would be better off with the 
file/stream model. Have I convinced anyone?

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: Why is getArgs in the IO monad?

2005-01-18 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Conal Elliott wrote:
The meaning of
length getArgs would then have to be a value whose type is the meaning
of Haskell's Int, i.e. either bottom or a 32-bit integer.  I'm
guessing that none of those 2^32+1 values is what you'd mean by length
getArgs.  On the other hand, the IO monad is a much roomier type.
I'm not strongly convinced by this argument. I don't think you can tell 
me which particular Char value you mean by the expression (maxBound :: 
Char) either, yet you probably wouldn't argue for changing maxBound's 
type. I think Jim's claim is that there's no clear dividing line between 
these cases, and I tend to agree. Even if you want to disallow explicit 
recompilation (and how do you define compilation denotationally?), an 
automatic rollout of a new version of Hugs could lead to successive 
invocations of a script using different values of (maxBound :: Char) 
(or, more plausibly, some constant defined in the library) without user 
intervention. How is this different from any other environmental change, 
such as a change in the program arguments? I think this is what Jim 
meant when he wrote

It seems that, looking out at the world from main, the args passed to
main and the compilation happen at the same time (before, long long
ago). What motivation would we have for treating them differently?
-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hugs vs GHC (again)was: Re: Somerandomnewbiequestions

2005-01-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
John Meacham wrote:
Actually, If I were writing new haskell libraries, I would use mmap
whenever I could for accessing files. not only does it make the file
pointer problem go away, but it can be drastically more efficient.
I'm not sure this is a good idea, because GHC really needs non-blocking 
I/O to support its thread model, and memory-mapped I/O always blocks. In 
fact this is a problem even if we only memory-map files at the 
programmer's request.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I/O interface

2005-01-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
Convenience. I'm worried that it uses separate types for various
kinds of streams: files, pipes, arrays (private memory), and sockets.
Haskell is statically typed and lacks subsumption. This means that
even though streams are unified by using a class, code which uses
a stream of an unknown kind must be either polymorphic or use
existential quantification.
Yes, this is a problem. In my original proposal InputStream and 
OutputStream were types, but I enthusiastically embraced Simon M's idea 
of turning them into classes. As you say, it's not without its 

I see several possibilities here.
   * We could adopt Avery Lee's suggestion (from the discussion in 
2003) to use field labels instead of methods. Advantages: InputStream 
and OutputStream behave more like their OOP equivalents, with no loss of 
extensibility. Disadvantages: potentially less efficient (no 
specialization possible); loses some static type information.

   * We could use a single type for all input and output streams in the 
standard library, but retain the type classes also.

   * We could provide existential wrappers:
 data IStream = (InputStream a) = MkIStream !a
 instance InputStream IStream where ...
A nice thing about the last approach is that it supports dynamic 

   case (x :: IStream) of
 MkIStream x -
   case (Data.Dynamic.cast x :: UArrayInputStream) of
 Just x - (getUArray x, getCurrentIndex x)
 Nothing - ...
Completeness. Unless File{Input,Output}Stream uses {read,write}()
rather than file{Read,Write}, openFile provides only a subset of
the functionality of open(): it works only with seekable files,
e.g. not with /dev/tty.

What is the type of stdin/stdout? They may be devices or pipes
(not seekable), regular files (seekable), sockets...
Simon M's current interface is incomplete, but the concept is fine.
Again, to try to avoid confusion, what you call a seekable file the 
library calls a file, and what you call a file I would call a Posix 
filehandle. Roughly. It's hard to be precise because file is such a 
heavily overloaded term. (For example, is /dev/tty a file? Is the 
(major,minor) device number it might correspond to on a particular 
filesystem at a particular moment a file? Is the integer that's returned 
from open(/dev/tty, ...) a file? Is the tty device itself a file? I 
think you've used file in all four senses.)

When I talk about a stream, I mean one end of a unidirectional pneumatic 
tube. If it's the ingoing end, you stick some data in the tube and it's 
carried away. If it's the outgoing end, you wait for some data to arrive 
and then take it. Tubes all look the same. No pneumatic tube is a 
storage device, but you may happen to know that it leads to a Frobozz 
Magic Storage Device at the other end.

By the same token, stdin is never a file, but the data which appears 
through stdin may ultimately be coming from a file, and it's sometimes 
useful, in that case, to bypass stdin and access the file directly. The 
way to handle this is to have a separate stdinFile :: Maybe File.

As for openFile: in the context of a certain filesystem at a certain 
time, a certain pathname may refer to

 * Nothing
 * A directory
 * A file (in the library sense); this might include things like 
/dev/hda and /dev/kmem
 * Both ends of a (named) pipe
 * A data source and a data sink which are related in some qualitative 
way (for example, keyboard and screen, or stdin and stdout)
 * A data source only
 * A data sink only
 * ...

How to provide an interface to this zoo?
The dynamic-typing approach is to return some sort of Thing with a 
complicated interface which is approximately the union of the interfaces 
for each thing in the above list. Unsupported methods fail when called. 
This is roughly what Posix does, except that directories are a special 
case, and Nothing is very special (as perhaps it should be, but I'm not 

The Haskell approach is, I guess, to use an algebraic datatype, e.g.
   data FilesystemObject
 = Directory Directory
 | File File
 | InputOutput PosixInputStream PosixOutputStream
 | Input PosixInputStream
 | Output PosixOutputStream
Here I'm using Posix*Stream for all streams backed by Posix 
filehandles. I'm unsure whether NoSuchPath should be in there too.

You might say that this is annoyingly complicated. My first reaction is 
tough--it's exactly as complicated as the reality it models. But there 
should presumably be helper functions of types FilesystemObject-IStream 
and FilesystemObject-OStream.

The other complication is that Posix makes you specify access rights 
when you look up a path in the filesystem. This makes no sense, but it's 
something we have to live with.

So I'd argue for replacing openFile with something like
   data FilesystemObject = ...
   openPath :: FilePath - IOMode - IO FilesystemObject
   filesystemInputStream :: FilesystemObject - (IO?) IStream

Re: [Haskell-cafe] performance question

2005-01-17 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Stijn De Saeger wrote:
data Bound = I Double | E Double deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)  
data Interval = Il Bound Bound | Nil Bound Bound deriving (Eq,Ord)  

isIn :: Double - Interval - Bool
isIn r (Nil x y) = not (isIn r (Il x y))
isIn r (Il (I x) (I y)) = r = x  r = y
isIn r (Il (I x) (E y)) = r = x  r  y
isIn r (Il (E x) (I y)) = r  x  r = y
isIn r (Il (E x) (E y)) = r  x  r  y

If performance is the main concern, I would flatten the data structure:
   data Interval = IlII Double Double
 | IlIE Double Double
 | IlEI Double Double
 | IlEE Double Double
 | NilII Double Double
 | NilIE Double Double
 | NilEI Double Double
 | NilEE Double Double
   isIn :: Double - Interval - Bool
   isIn r (IlII x y) = r = x  r = y
   isIn r (IlIE x y) = r = x  r  y
   isIn r (IlEI x y) = r  x  r = y
   isIn r (IlEE x y) = r  x  r  y
   isIn r (NilII x y) = r  x || r  y
   isIn r (NilIE x y) = r  x || r = y
   isIn r (NilEI x y) = r = x || r  y
   isIn r (NilEE x y) = r = x || r = y
Depending on your application you might not need all of those cases.
Another neat trick you can pull is to take advantage of the fact that 
Double is actually a discrete type, like Int, and you can therefore get 
away with closed intervals only:

   data Interval = Il Double Double | Nil Double Double
   isIn :: Double - Interval - Bool
   isIn r (Il x y) = r = x  r = y
   isIn r (Nil x y) = r  x || r  y
But this requires nextLargestDouble and nextSmallestDouble functions. I 
don't know if Haskell provides them. Also, you could run into trouble 
with wider-than-Double intermediate values.

Finally, if you never do anything with intervals except pass them to 
isIn, you can do this:

   type Interval = Double - Bool
   isIn r i = i r
-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linear shuffle

2005-01-15 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I did some shuffling based on mergesort [...]

I think it doesn't guarantee equal probabilities of all permutations.
It doesn't (proof: it has a bounded runtime, which can't be true of a 
perfect shuffling algorithm based on coin flips). But it looks pretty 
good. I think that iterating this algorithm n times is equivalent to 
assigning a random n-bit number to each list element and sorting, which 
is equivalent to Chris Okasaki's approach with one iteration and an 
array of size 2^n.

Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It even works for infinite lists.
In the sense that it doesn't diverge if you evaluate any finite prefix 
of the list, yes. In the sense that it does a good job of shuffling the 
list, no.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linear shuffle

2005-01-15 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Scott Turner wrote:
Analogous to quicksort's bad behavior in the worst case, an invocation of
'partition' is not guaranteed to make any progress with the shuffling,
because one of the output lists might receive all of the input items.
It's worse than quicksort, because there's no guarantee that the 
algorithm will ever terminate. But this is actually optimal--there's no 
way to perfectly shuffle a list using a bounded number of coin flips, 
because n! doesn't divide any power of 2 for n=3.

I posted this algorithm on comp.lang.functional a while ago:

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I/O interface

2005-01-12 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
Ben Rudiak-Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The file interface in this library is only used for files, which are
always seekable (by definition).

What do you mean by files? What you get from open() is not always
seekable [...]
This was all discussed a year ago, and rather than reiterate it I'll try 
to expand the wiki page when I have a chance. Maybe all of this new 
discussion should be on the wiki also.

-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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