Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-13 Thread Joel C. Ewing
You shouldn't be looking at high CPU utilization but at total CPU usage 
and EXCP counts for the job step (freely available from the usual 
IEFACTRT exits).  High CPU utilization could be a sign of a very 
efficient and well tuned program, or a sign of gross choice of internal 
algorithms.  Bottom line though, if total consumption is not enough to 
be significant in your shop, or to adversely affect other important 
work, or to cost more than the user end-user is willing to pay, it may 
not be worth pursuing.

If the job is causing problems either from excessive CPU usage or 
excessive I/O, the cheapest thing to check and fix is I/O tuning since 
in many cases this is just a JCL change.  If EXCPs on any DD is high 
(say 10K EXCPs and up), check that this is reasonable based on the 
number of records and blocks in the file.  For sequential DASD files 
check for the obvious - poorly blocked or unblocked records.  If a 
sequential file is humongous, requesting enough buffers for full 
cylinder or at least multi-track I/O may reduce overhead.  For VSAM, 
BUFNI and BUFND should always be specified, as the defaults are 
inadequate for either sequential or random processing.  In extreme cases 
you may want to trying using BLSR.  I have seen cases where a factor of 
10-100 reduction in EXCP's and CPU has been achieved simply by adding 
appropriate buffering to a VSAM file.  IDCAMS LISTCAT before and after a 
run is your friend for detecting VSAM abuse.

If you have to go down to the level of program code, then look for the 
obvious again:  Arrays being repeatedly searched, especially serial 
search (it's incredible how much CPU can be used by a serial search of 
even a relatively small array of 10-20 elements if you do it 100,000 
times).   I have seen extreme cases where a corporate want-a-be 
programmer had actually written COBOL code using a serial search of a 
100,000 element table! Even a binary search (SEARCH ALL) of a large 
array of several 1000 elements is radically less efficient than a hash 
table lookup if you are going to do it 1,000,000 times.  Another big 
problem (which will also show up in your EXCP data) is repeated look up 
of the same data using a VSAM file as a table when an internal table is 
more appropriate.  A strong clue to this kind of behavior is a VSAM file 
with an EXCP count orders of magnitude larger than the total number of 
records in the file!

Frequently the biggest savings are made by taking a totally different 
approach to the problem, but when dealing with applications that are not 
your responsibility one would rather not get down to that level.

McKown, John wrote:

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Staller, Allan

Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

Without the souce code I can't make any intelligent 
suggestions. However, if you can find a copy of "The Elements of 
Programming Style" it will give several examples of "bad" vs 
"good" code and how to get from here to there.

IIRC, at one time there were (at least) three versions. One 
each for COBOL, FORTRAN, and ?


Thanks. I guess I was asking because I don't have an automated way to
check for "bad" coding. And I was wondering if it was even worth my
time. If a high CPU utilization is "normal", then it would likely be a
waste of time to "desk check" the code. But if high CPU utilization is
sufficiently "abnormal", then it might be worth my time (and salary) to
do some "spot checks" of code and write a report to management. 

One that would likely cause the programmers to hate me even more. They
already don't like me becase I now almost always require a "service
desk" ticket to do any work. But I can charge time to those tickets,
which proves my salary is worth paying. Why it is "easier" to walk to my
desk and ask me to do something than to write a email to the help desk
to open a ticket is beyond me. Perhaps because they don't want it known
how often they ask for our services? Speculation.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology


Joel C. Ewing, Fort Smith, AR[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Ed Gould


Over the years I have seen plenty (more that 25) cobol programs than  
can pin the needle for as long as they are running. This was on a  
variety of COBOL compilers, This was also not a looping condition per  
se. It was designed into the program and yes it was productive  

The "looping" was varied as to the programming reason. Yes it drove  
our cap perf person nuts. We had one troublesome program that  
typically drive the pin for 3 or 4 hours (sorry don't remember which  
as it was a long time ago. We hired a expert cobol type and he was  
able to reduce it enough to pay for his expertise. I do remember the  
application people were tight mouthed as to what he did. I don't know  
whether it was because it was less than competent programming or what.

I have heard that some companies justified STROBE because of this  
type of program. I fought it tooth and nail and was able to shoot it  
down 2 or 3 times.


On Oct 12, 2006, at 8:13 AM, McKown, John wrote:

I'm feeling under the weather today and our zSeries is pegged at 100%,
so I thought I'd ask a curiousity question here. I hope you don't  

I have never considered COBOL to be a language which would normally be
used to write a program which would cause high CPU utilization (as in
percentage). But I've noticed lately that many of our batch COBOL
programs can run our z890 (capacity 250) at over 20% CPU as shown by
SDSF. And I don't mean just a spike now and then, but for minutes at a
time. Does this seem weird to anybody else? I am afraid that it likely
means that the COBOL code is not written very well, but we don't have
anything like Strobe (which we "threw out" due to cost during the
previous management cycle), so I cannot be sure. Oh, and we won't  

get anything to replace it because the programmers refuse to use it
anyway. They're too busy (and they are).

Well, since I can't do anything about it anyway, it is just a talking

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Bill Klein
I know that someone has already given one of these references, but the two
places that I would start (given the information you have provided in the
thread) are:

The Performance tuning paper (which "application programmers can EASILY read
and understand) at:

And the section "Improving VSAM performance" of the Programming Guide at: 

You should be aware that the latter SAYS that normally a "systems
programmer" will help (or do) the tuning for VSAM, but I still think that
application programmers can get a lot out of that section.

"McKown, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm feeling under the weather today and our zSeries is pegged at 100%,
> so I thought I'd ask a curiousity question here. I hope you don't mind.
> I have never considered COBOL to be a language which would normally be
> used to write a program which would cause high CPU utilization (as in
> percentage). But I've noticed lately that many of our batch COBOL
> programs can run our z890 (capacity 250) at over 20% CPU as shown by
> SDSF. And I don't mean just a spike now and then, but for minutes at a
> time. Does this seem weird to anybody else? I am afraid that it likely
> means that the COBOL code is not written very well, but we don't have
> anything like Strobe (which we "threw out" due to cost during the
> previous management cycle), so I cannot be sure. Oh, and we won't likely
> get anything to replace it because the programmers refuse to use it
> anyway. They're too busy (and they are).
> Well, since I can't do anything about it anyway, it is just a talking
> point.
> --
> John McKown
> Senior Systems Programmer
> HealthMarkets
> Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
> Administrative Services Group
> Information Technology

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Kirk Talman
I agree.  In addition,

It is worth using indexes instead of subscripts even for just a few 
references.  If you have a loop over an subscript consider changing to a 
loop over an index.  Define the termination value as an index data item. 
Before the loop, set the index to the loop termiantion value.  Then set 
the index data item to the index.

Also using random or skip sequential VSAM access to process a VSAM file 
using more than about 1% of the records should be replaced with sequential 
comparison. especially with QSAM files.  Using a path on an alternate 
index for sequential processing can also be a killer.

IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote on 10/12/2006 
12:21:47 PM:

> I have seen this CPU usage before for a couple of reasons:

>  1).  Heavy internal tabling or table lookups.
>  2).  Use of the "INITIALIZE" verb is a killer in a complex table
>   that gets executed many times.

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Tom Savor

I have seen this CPU usage before for a couple of reasons:

 1).  Heavy internal tabling or table lookups.
 2).  Use of the "INITIALIZE" verb is a killer in a complex table
  that gets executed many times.

Tom Savor
Fidelity National Information Services
3905 Brookside Parkway
Alpharetta, GA  30022

Phone: 770-576-1167
cell:  404-660-6898

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Mason
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:25 AM
> Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
> John
> I'm home-bound all the time which means that all my reading 
> is done online and Google is my friend.
> Using >IBM "COBOL Performance Guide"< I discovered "IBM 
> Enterprise COBOL Version 3 Release 1, Performance Tuning" 
> with my first "hit", which was
> leading me to
> Is this the manual you need?
> Chris Mason

I'll look tomorrow. Thank you very much for looking them up for me. I
appreciate it. I'm using a 'work at home' (Microsoft Terminal Server)
system and it is a bit difficult for me to get used to for some reason.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Chris Mason

I'm home-bound all the time which means that all my reading is done online
and Google is my friend.

Using >IBM "COBOL Performance Guide"< I discovered "IBM Enterprise COBOL
Version 3 Release 1, Performance Tuning" with my first "hit", which was

leading me to

Is this the manual you need?

Chris Mason

- Original Message - 
From: "McKown, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 12 October, 2006 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim McAlpine
> > Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:30 AM
> > Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
> >
> >
> > John, I presume you've checked the compiler options and the
> > run time options.  Do you have a copy of the COBOL
> > Performance Tuning manual.
> >
> > Jim McAlpine
> >
> I don't know. I'll check when I'm back in the office. I'm working from
> the house today due to a "medical procedure" around lunch time. I live
> fairly close to the doctor's office.
> --
> John McKown

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread he_ming
en, I think CPU high is very common if there is just one job running. In batch 
windows, CPU is always above 80%.
Program will get the CPU and donnot lose CPU until it need to do IO or system 
want to dispatch other job. Extremely, bad program is in loop and it will 
occupy the CPU. 

So you can use RMF to monitor the job and open GTF trace to analyst it if you 

Best regards,

He Ming (贺 明)

发件人: Staller, Allan
发送时间: 2006-10-12 22:09:32
主题: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

Without the souce code I can't make any intelligent suggestions.
However, if you can find a copy of "The Elements of 
Programming Style" it will give several examples of "bad" vs "good" code
and how to get from here to there.

IIRC, at one time there were (at least) three versions. One each for


> Not unusual at all. Poorly written code in any language can do this. 
> E.G. In cobol terms, using display fields in computations instead of 
> the relevant decimal or binary items (PIC 9  vs pic 9 comp-3 
> vs pic 9 comp).

See, I am under the weather. I meant other than poor coding. Oh, and
perhaps I should add that we don't do anything particularly fancy. This
is basically VSAM I/O (no database) and processing records. And I have
seen many times where the programmer does exactly as you have said,
using a USAGE DISPLAY numeric as an array index value. I really wish
that the COBOL compiler would put out "idiot alert!" messages when this
happens. And then, as a non-overridable system option, refuse to compile
the program.

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim McAlpine
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
> John, I presume you've checked the compiler options and the 
> run time options.  Do you have a copy of the COBOL 
> Performance Tuning manual.
> Jim McAlpine

I don't know. I'll check when I'm back in the office. I'm working from
the house today due to a "medical procedure" around lunch time. I live
fairly close to the doctor's office.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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content is protected by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, you
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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Rugen, Len
I have used Omegamon to look at batch CPU usage.  Sometimes most of the
CPU is in the Cobol (or whatever) main module, sometimes there is
inter-module calling, sometimes systems services like IDGZILLA show up.

I think if one module in a call-each-other job lags on a non-LE compiler
when the others move to LE, it can be bad as well.

It's been a long time, but compiler options can do bad things.  We still
have CA-Optimizer and certain debug options here are standard.  I think
the way it's used here, it's a DE-optimizer.  

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Jim McAlpine

John, I presume you've checked the compiler options and the run time
options.  Do you have a copy of the COBOL Performance Tuning manual.

Jim McAlpine

On 10/12/06, McKown, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Staller, Allan
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:06 AM
> Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
> Without the souce code I can't make any intelligent
> suggestions. However, if you can find a copy of "The Elements of
> Programming Style" it will give several examples of "bad" vs
> "good" code and how to get from here to there.
> IIRC, at one time there were (at least) three versions. One
> each for COBOL, FORTRAN, and ?
> HTH,

Thanks. I guess I was asking because I don't have an automated way to
check for "bad" coding. And I was wondering if it was even worth my
time. If a high CPU utilization is "normal", then it would likely be a
waste of time to "desk check" the code. But if high CPU utilization is
sufficiently "abnormal", then it might be worth my time (and salary) to
do some "spot checks" of code and write a report to management.

One that would likely cause the programmers to hate me even more. They
already don't like me becase I now almost always require a "service
desk" ticket to do any work. But I can charge time to those tickets,
which proves my salary is worth paying. Why it is "easier" to walk to my
desk and ask me to do something than to write a email to the help desk
to open a ticket is beyond me. Perhaps because they don't want it known
how often they ask for our services? Speculation.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Alvaro Quintupray

In general I have seen that most of the problems of performance and
consumption of CPU in program Cobol Batchy must to problems with the I/O in
archives VSAM. Very good improvements are obtained with adjustment of
buffers and sizes of CI in the definition of clusters. Also the performance
improves if in the programs the logic is modified to accede the records  in
sequential mode. 


-Mensaje original-
De: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de
McKown, John
Enviado el: Jueves, 12 de Octubre de 2006 10:03
Asunto: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Staller, Allan
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:52 AM
> Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

> Not unusual at all. Poorly written code in any language can do this. 
> E.G. In cobol terms, using display fields in computations instead of 
> the relevant decimal or binary items (PIC 9  vs pic 9 comp-3 
> vs pic 9 comp).

See, I am under the weather. I meant other than poor coding. Oh, and perhaps
I should add that we don't do anything particularly fancy. This is basically
VSAM I/O (no database) and processing records. And I have seen many times
where the programmer does exactly as you have said, using a USAGE DISPLAY
numeric as an array index value. I really wish that the COBOL compiler would
put out "idiot alert!" messages when this happens. And then, as a
non-overridable system option, refuse to compile the program.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this
message and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or
distribution of this transmission, or taking any action based on it, is
strictly prohibited. 

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Staller, Allan
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:06 AM
> Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
> Without the souce code I can't make any intelligent 
> suggestions. However, if you can find a copy of "The Elements of 
> Programming Style" it will give several examples of "bad" vs 
> "good" code and how to get from here to there.
> IIRC, at one time there were (at least) three versions. One 
> each for COBOL, FORTRAN, and ?
> HTH,

Thanks. I guess I was asking because I don't have an automated way to
check for "bad" coding. And I was wondering if it was even worth my
time. If a high CPU utilization is "normal", then it would likely be a
waste of time to "desk check" the code. But if high CPU utilization is
sufficiently "abnormal", then it might be worth my time (and salary) to
do some "spot checks" of code and write a report to management. 

One that would likely cause the programmers to hate me even more. They
already don't like me becase I now almost always require a "service
desk" ticket to do any work. But I can charge time to those tickets,
which proves my salary is worth paying. Why it is "easier" to walk to my
desk and ask me to do something than to write a email to the help desk
to open a ticket is beyond me. Perhaps because they don't want it known
how often they ask for our services? Speculation.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

This message (including any attachments) contains confidential
information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and its
content is protected by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, you
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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Staller, Allan
Without the souce code I can't make any intelligent suggestions.
However, if you can find a copy of "The Elements of 
Programming Style" it will give several examples of "bad" vs "good" code
and how to get from here to there.

IIRC, at one time there were (at least) three versions. One each for



> Not unusual at all. Poorly written code in any language can do this. 
> E.G. In cobol terms, using display fields in computations instead of 
> the relevant decimal or binary items (PIC 9  vs pic 9 comp-3 
> vs pic 9 comp).

See, I am under the weather. I meant other than poor coding. Oh, and
perhaps I should add that we don't do anything particularly fancy. This
is basically VSAM I/O (no database) and processing records. And I have
seen many times where the programmer does exactly as you have said,
using a USAGE DISPLAY numeric as an array index value. I really wish
that the COBOL compiler would put out "idiot alert!" messages when this
happens. And then, as a non-overridable system option, refuse to compile
the program.

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Staller, Allan
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:52 AM
> Subject: Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

> Not unusual at all. Poorly written code in any language can 
> do this. E.G. In cobol terms, using display fields in 
> computations instead of the relevant decimal or binary items 
> (PIC 9  vs pic 9 comp-3 vs pic 9 comp).

See, I am under the weather. I meant other than poor coding. Oh, and
perhaps I should add that we don't do anything particularly fancy. This
is basically VSAM I/O (no database) and processing records. And I have
seen many times where the programmer does exactly as you have said,
using a USAGE DISPLAY numeric as an array index value. I really wish
that the COBOL compiler would put out "idiot alert!" messages when this
happens. And then, as a non-overridable system option, refuse to compile
the program.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

This message (including any attachments) contains confidential
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content is protected by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, you
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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Staller, Allan

I have never considered COBOL to be a language which would normally be
used to write a program which would cause high CPU utilization (as in
percentage). But I've noticed lately that many of our batch COBOL
programs can run our z890 (capacity 250) at over 20% CPU as shown by
SDSF. And I don't mean just a spike now and then, but for minutes at a
time. Does this seem weird to anybody else? I am afraid that it likely
means that the COBOL code is not written very well, but we don't have
anything like Strobe (which we "threw out" due to cost during the
previous management cycle), so I cannot be sure. Oh, and we won't likely
get anything to replace it because the programmers refuse to use it
anyway. They're too busy (and they are).

Not unusual at all. Poorly written code in any language can do this.
E.G. In cobol terms, using display fields in computations instead of the
relevant decimal or binary items (PIC 9  vs pic 9 comp-3 vs pic
9 comp).

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Re: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread Pommier, Rex R.
Not odd at all.  We have COBOL jobs that do that.  We have 1 particular
job that walks an IDMS database and formats the records for pushing out
to MQSeries.  When they run this thing, I can almost see the lights dim.
The COBOL takes 50% of the machine and MQ takes the other 50%.  14 hours
later, the thing is done.  I know this is an exception, but they do
exist...  We also have others that are somewhat CPU intensive - just not
to this extreme.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of McKown, John
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

I'm feeling under the weather today and our zSeries is pegged at 100%,
so I thought I'd ask a curiousity question here. I hope you don't mind.

I have never considered COBOL to be a language which would normally be
used to write a program which would cause high CPU utilization (as in
percentage). But I've noticed lately that many of our batch COBOL
programs can run our z890 (capacity 250) at over 20% CPU as shown by
SDSF. And I don't mean just a spike now and then, but for minutes at a
time. Does this seem weird to anybody else? I am afraid that it likely
means that the COBOL code is not written very well, but we don't have
anything like Strobe (which we "threw out" due to cost during the
previous management cycle), so I cannot be sure. Oh, and we won't likely
get anything to replace it because the programmers refuse to use it
anyway. They're too busy (and they are).

Well, since I can't do anything about it anyway, it is just a talking

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program

2006-10-12 Thread McKown, John
I'm feeling under the weather today and our zSeries is pegged at 100%,
so I thought I'd ask a curiousity question here. I hope you don't mind.

I have never considered COBOL to be a language which would normally be
used to write a program which would cause high CPU utilization (as in
percentage). But I've noticed lately that many of our batch COBOL
programs can run our z890 (capacity 250) at over 20% CPU as shown by
SDSF. And I don't mean just a spike now and then, but for minutes at a
time. Does this seem weird to anybody else? I am afraid that it likely
means that the COBOL code is not written very well, but we don't have
anything like Strobe (which we "threw out" due to cost during the
previous management cycle), so I cannot be sure. Oh, and we won't likely
get anything to replace it because the programmers refuse to use it
anyway. They're too busy (and they are).

Well, since I can't do anything about it anyway, it is just a talking

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

This message (including any attachments) contains confidential
information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and its
content is protected by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, you
should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure,
copying, or distribution of this transmission, or taking any action
based on it, is strictly prohibited. 

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