[JOYnet] Need Blood Immediately

2003-03-20 Thread Mariza Vaz
Hi JY,

Praise The Lord !

My colleagues cousin who is 12 years old is suffering from Blood Cancer, he is
in need of 40 bottles of blood for his operation on Saturday, do you'll know
anyone who the family can get in touch with for Blood..Let me know ASAP.

Do keep him  his family in prayers

Mariza Vaz, Mumbai

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[JOYnet] Attack on Priests at Shirdi

2003-03-16 Thread Mariza Vaz
 - Original Message -
  From: Voice Of The Exploited [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:30 PM
  Subject: Attack on Priests at Shirdi
The Editor
Dear Madam / Sir,
Re: Condemnation of the murderous assault on Rev. Fathers Dominic
Rozario / Paul D'silva of Rahata Parish, Ahmednagar at Shirdi Bus
We condemn the murderous attack on both the Priests by fascist /
fundamentalists forces at Shirdi Bus Stand on March 12 at 8.30
Both the Priests were on their pastoral visits to Shirdi and
Nimgaon respectively. At around 8.00 p.m.  Rev. Fr. Paul was
waiting at the Shirdi Bus stand for the return of Fr. Dominic from
Nimgaon. A youth approached him and requested him to come aside
saying , Father I wanted to speak with you.
While the youth was speaking four more youngsters joined him and
tried their best to push the Rev. Fr. Paul in a waiting rickshaw.
Fr. Dominic tried to intervene at which point of time both were
assaulted mercilessly. When there was a public commotion the youth
Then  the Priests got in touch with their Parish Priest Rev.
Gilbert who immediately contacted the Police Inspector at the
Rahata Police Station who in turn spoke to his counterpart at
Shirdi Police Station. about this.
The Priests were then taken to the Rahata Rural Hospital for the
medical tests. Around 5 / 6 youth have been arrested thus far.
However pressure is being exerted on the police authorities to
release them.
We have taken up this matter with Dr Abraham Mathai, Member State
Minorities Commission, Government of Maharashtra who is also
pursuing this case with the concerned Government and Police
We strongly urge that the guilty are not released and punishment
meted to them.Also the police and the government authorities
investigate who were responsible for this shameful episode.
You are kindly requested to give due publicity to this news item
in your esteemed Newspaper.
Thanks for your support
Best Regards
Dolphy D'souza
National Secretary for Social Justice  Human Rights
All India Catholic Union ,
Vice-President - The Bombay Catholic Sabha,
State Co-ordinator-All India Christian Council
Camp Mumbai:
105-B, Evergreen Appts,
Mith-Chowky, Marve Road, Malad [w], Mumbai 400 064
Tel : 2808 5468 / 2862 6525 / Cell : 989 2016671
 Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Bible Quiz

2003-03-10 Thread Mariza Vaz
Hi JY,

Here is a another quiz put up by my parish this time, this was for Bible
sunday..I have answers to a few of them, can some of you help me with the

1. In Joseph's conversation with his Hebrew-speaking brothers __a___
a. joseph needed an interpreter to understand them. b. two interpreter were
needed. c. no interpreter was needed. d. they needed an interpreter to
understand him.

2. Eunice was _c
a. timothy's sister. b. paul's sister. c. timothy's mother. d. paul's

3. the fright induced in the philistines by the israelites ark of the covenant
caused them to _a_
a. win the battel. b. lose the battle. c. avoid battle. d. panic

4. it is written, paul noted, that a man shall leave his father and mother
and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh adding
that this is d
a. self evident. b. understandable. c. somewhat ambiguous. d. a great

5. nehemiah's rebuilding progressed rather inefficiently because of _
a. high interest rates. b. bad weather. c. defense measures. d. lack of

6. paul described himself as a member of the tribe of ___
a. asher. b. benjamin. judah. d. reuben.

7. the reason why satan did not take job's wife from him is _
a. that she herself was an affliction. b. that satan never attached women. c.
that satan overlooked this possiblity. d. not stated.

8. bethany was distant from jerusalem about __a
a. two miles. b. five miles. c. nine miles. fourteen miles.

9. in the vision that isaiah had of judah and jesusalem, that lord said that
of burnt offerings of rams and fat of fed beasts he desired ___
a. more. b. no more. c. the same. d. any given amount.

10. for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword said jesus
to _
a. the crowd of chief priest and elders. b. the centurion c. one of those who
were with jesus. d. no one in particular.


Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Bible Quiz

2003-03-07 Thread Mariza Vaz
Hi JY,

There is a quiz put up by my zone..I have answers to a few of them, can
some of you help me with the remaining.

First Things First Quiz !

1.  Who was the first child born in this world ?  Cain

2.  Who was the first farmer ? Cain

3.  Who was the first fugitive ?

4.  Who was the first king of Israel ?

5.  Who was the first born of Abraham ? Issac

6.  Which bird was first released from the ark ? Raven

7.  Who was the first person to see the rainbow ? Noah

8.  Who was the first Christian Martyr ? Stephen

9.  What was the first miracle of Jesus ? Changing of water into wine at

10.Who was the first murderer ? Cain

11.To whom did Jesus appear first, after his Resurrection ? Mary

12.   What were the first words of Jesus on the cross ? Father forgive them
for they do not know what they are doing.

Mariza Vaz, Mumbai.

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[JOYnet] Miracle! Weeping Potrait of Jesus in Goa

2003-03-03 Thread Mariza Vaz
Keep praying

Camurlim wakes up to news of Jesus' portrait weeping tears of blood

- The sleepy village of Camurlim in Salcete woke up on Thursday to hear
news of a portrait of Sacred Heart of Jesus weeping blood.
As news of the extraordinary event spread like wildfire, thousands of
- irrespective of creed, thronged Our Lady of Candelaria Church at
Ambora-Camurlim throughout the day and till late evening.
The faithfuls could see dried red-colour blood-like substance in the
of the eyes and chest, making it appear that the tears were flowing
the Sacred Heart.
The event occurred in the house of Mascarenhas family at
on late Wednesday night. Fourteen-year-old, Steffi Karande, a tenth
student, said she first saw tears rolling down from the portrait at
11.30 pm
last night. The portrait was kept in the wall cupboard of a bedroom,
its glass frame broke when it came down all of a sudden from the main
somewhere in January last.
As fear stricken Steffi reportedly saw tears coming down on the
she woke up her elder sister, Sonia, who has just gone to sleep in the
room. Both said they were completely taken aback when the tears turned
and decided to inform the other family members, who knelt down before
portrait and recited the Holy Rosary.
Soon, the news were conveyed to the immediate neighbours and by
midnight, a
lot of people gathered at the house to have a glimpse of the portrait.
of the neighbour Jack is reported to have touched the portrait to
the truth in the happening as is evident by the blur on the portrait.
It was past midnight that the news was communicated to the Parish Priest
Our Lady of Candeleria, Fr Antonio Lopes, who personally went to the
and later took the portrait in his custody.
This morning, the portrait was kept for veneration in the Church
premises as
streams of devotees began to pour in the village. Men and women, the old
the young and children were seen standing in a big queue to have a
of the portrait. The faithful were seen fervently saying the Rosary and
prayers as they patiently waited for their turn.
Around 3 pm, the queue stretched to a kilometer away from the Church and

people still poured from all corners of the State till 8 in the evening.
Some of the people who had a glimpse of the portrait told Herald that it
certainly a different one from the normal picture of Sacred Heart of
A teacher, Katy Lobo from Loutolim said this is a sign Jesus is trying
reveal himself in these difficult times.
Involved in the Charismatic renewal movement, Lobo interpreted the event
being a clear message of suffering that Jesus wants everyone to change

How it happened: Steffi narrates the unusual event at Camurlim

- Jesus was apparently trying to convey something to us, was how a
14-year old Steffi and her elder sister, Sonia (16) said while narrating

last night's unusual event in their house.
An uncontrollable Steffi said she was studying till late night in view
the forthcoming SSC exams. Just then, Sonia went to sleep and my sight
suddenly went on the half-open wall cupboard, where I noticed something
different on the portrait of Jesus, she recalled.
Suddenly, tears began rolling down from Jesus' eyes, an emotion-choked

Steffi said, prompting her to wake up her elder sister.
I too saw the tears on the portrait of Jesus, Sonia, who is studying
Std XI Arts at Rosary school said. All of a sudden, the tears turned
red. I
went close to the cupboard to have a close view and the substance was
too, she recalled but said the substance would not go when she tried to

wipe it.The two sisters then knelt down, cried aloud and prayed before
informing the other members of the family.
May be Jesus was trying to give some sign for us. I feel Jesus was
us to pray, may be because of the impending war, Sonia said. Streams of

people were also seen visiting the Mascarenhas family throughout the day

after having a glimpse of the portrait at the Church premises.
An elderly woman, Maria Joaquina Mascarenhas, who stays in the house
informed that the portrait was kept in the wall cupboard after it fell
the main altar last month. Since the glass broke, we replaced the
with a new one, she said.


Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-11-06 Thread Mariza Vaz
Dear Friends,

Praise The Lord !!

Do keep my uncle in prayers, he underwent an operation on Sunday for boils
that he got on his back, it was so bad that they had to scoop out the pus that
was formed in. He also has diabeties and it has been fluctuating to high and
low. He is still in hospital till the healing and also for the diabeties to
come to normal.

With Prayers
Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Bible query

2002-10-24 Thread Mariza Vaz
Hi Friends,

Praise The Lord !

I am solving a Bible quiz which is put up by my zone..Can someone help me
with this one.
A King from the Bible with the name starting with the alphabet U


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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-10-11 Thread Mariza Vaz

Hello Friends,

Kindly keep my Family in prayer, there has been misunderstanding between my
mom and sis-in-law and there is tension in the entire family. Pray for my bro,
sis-in-law and children too, especially my neice who is affected by this
My Mom will be meeting my sis-in-law on sunday for the first time after the

With Prayers
Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Shyna - Last Update....

2002-10-03 Thread Mariza Vaz

- Original Message -
From: Areis Fernandes
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: {SPAM?} Shyna - Last Update

Joynetters  all you wonderfull people of God who have been praying for Shyna,
I thank you all sincerelyOur God who is a mighty God knew whats better for
Shynahere is the final update given to us by Carol...

Shyna left for her heavenly abode on October 1st(Tuesday) at 4.15 a.m. Shyna
was buried in Goa yesterday morning i.e. Oct.2, since her grandparents and all
her uncles  aunts live in Goa. The parents were very shattered since they
were expecting a miracle.  Shyna received her First Holy Communion and the
Sacraments on Sept.30 (Monday) night. She was only waiting to receive our Lord
Jesus before she joined Him in heaven as a beautiful angel.

Her parents Vienna and Shamir have conveyed their heartfelt thanks to all who
prayed unceasingly for their child Shyna and they said that their little angel
who is now in heaven will intercede for them and their families with our

Maersk Oil Qatar AS, P.O. Box 22050, Doha, Qatar
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[JOYnet] Update on Shyna's health...

2002-09-30 Thread Mariza Vaz

- Original Message -
From: Areis Fernandes
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 6:51 PM
Subject: {SPAM?} Update on Shyna's health...

Joynetters  all you wonderful people of God, it's time we really go down on
our knees  intercede for Shyna, her health is deteriorating rapidly.read on
for her health update given by Carol:

Shyna is sinking -- she is still at Jaslok hospital - doctor just said that
she will not be able to go thru this week at all.  She is in tremendous pain
which has shifted to her liver -  we were trying out some ayurvedic medicine
but this too seems not to be working -- trying to shift her to shanti avedna
hospital at bandra.  I have made arrangements with my parish priest to give
her first holy communion tomorrow morning with the anointing of the sick --
hope she survives till then at least to receive Jesus the first time - which
was her dearest wish.  Please please pray for her and her parents who seem
totally shattered!
God bless U and all who are praying for her.

Maersk Oil Qatar AS, P.O. Box 22050, Doha, Qatar
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[JOYnet] Maxim D'Souza....

2002-09-22 Thread Mariza Vaz

- Original Message -
From: Areis Fernandes
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:37 AM
Subject: {SPAM?} Maxim D'Souza

Joynetters  all you wonderfull people of God who have been praying for
Maximjust a small note to tell you guys, Maxim D'Souza expired in Bombay
on 20 Sept, Friday...

May his soul rest in peace. Pls pray for his family members that they may
accept God's will  plan in his life  also in thiers


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[JOYnet] Latest update on Shyna's health...

2002-09-19 Thread Mariza Vaz

- Original Message -
From: Areis Fernandes
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: {SPAM?} Latest update on Shyna's health...

Joynetters  all you wonderful people in our Lord Jesus...here is an update on
6 year old Shyna's health, given to us by Carol.let us pray that God gives
Shyna the courage to bear the physical pain  also her parents the strength 
grace to comfort their child in this most difficult time of their life.

The 2nd opinion from the doctor was bad -- he too says there is nothing he
can do for Shyna.  Since this is a 2nd relapse even after the whole chemo
cycle is over.   He said she will only get temporary relief with pain killers
but she seems to be getting agonizing pain in various parts of her body and
she cries in pain -- Her Mother Vienna wants to see that her baby is
comfortable -- and we are trying to get her into Shanti Avedhna Hospital at
Bandra where there are terminally ill patients looked after the Nuns --
sometime maybe this evening.  We really do not know what to do and how best to
help this baby and her Parents -- they seem totally shattered and it is as
though Vienna and Shamir are sharing in the same pain our dear beloved Mother
Mary went thru during the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Actually you
cannot bear to see Shyna when she goes thru her pain -- it is so

Also please pray for Maxim D'Souza from Bombay, he too suffers from Leukemia 
has taken very sick for the last few days. Doctors have given up home on him.
His family members are devastated too.


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[JOYnet] Urgent prayers needed for Shyna...

2002-09-12 Thread Mariza Vaz

- Original Message -
From: Areis Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mariza Vaz (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 6:40 PM
Subject: FW: Urgent prayers needed for Shyna...

 mariza pls post this prayer request on joynet too urgently.

 -Original Message-
 From: Areis Fernandes
 Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 4:10 PM
 Subject: Urgent prayers needed for Shyna...
 Importance: High

 This is an urgent update on Baby Shyna Fernandes (5 year old) from Bombay,

 Baby Shyna was practically healed 90% last year and was in school from
 June and we all were very happy for her. But suddenly she has taken very
 ill.  She has started getting terrible pains in her stomach and the
 have given her only pain-killers to ease her pain temporarily -- so the
 keeps on coming after the effect of the pain killer is over.  The doctors
 say they cannot give her any more chemo since her file is closed and she
 just 3/4 weeks to live.  She is now at home swallowing only pain-killers
 which give her temporary relief.

 She will be going to another Cancer specialist tomorrow for a 2nd opinion
 and we know that our God can do what is impossible with any doctor!! Her
 Parents Vienna  Shamir are so broken with this change of scenario in
 child's life!!

 Friends, let us storm the heavens for this child that our Lord heals her.

 Maersk Oil Qatar AS, P.O. Box 22050, Doha, Qatar
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