Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Mike Noyes
On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 13:17, Martin Hejl wrote:
> > Ideally, building from a local working-copy of the repository will be
> > fairly easy (it sounds like this is getting tested RealSoonNow).  This
> > would separate download problems from actually building the source
> > (possibly important for those with flaky internet access, or folks using
> > the flaky sourceforge CVS servers! :).
> Well, that's what the whole "we supply a tarball of everything you need,
> and put it into FRS" approach was all about. But it seems that is not an
> approved approach.

That approach is fine. I just thought the tag approach was easier.

Mike Noyes Projects: leaf, phpwebsite, phpwebsite-comm, sitedocs

leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Charles,

> You don't understand how subversion works.  
I never claimed otherwise ;-)

> It's like a file-system and
> making a tag or branch is like copying a directory.  Everything
> underneath is copied too.
Well, to me, the way things are stored in the backend are pretty much
meaningless (looking at CVS from an API point of view, one would never
guess that it stores diffs).
I'll repeat, that all I know about subversion is hearsay, but from what
I heard, the command line interface can be used pretty much
interchangeably instead of cvs - so how exactly does it matter that
subversion handles branches differently internally?

It seems that the difference you're referring to below is mainly in the
web-interface (from a user's perspective), right?

> can set the repository root in buildtool to either:
> ...or...
>From what you describe, it would indeed make it a lot easier to add
support for building something for a specific branch in buildtool.

> and it should go without saying (but I'll
> say it anyway! :) that after copying, changes made to one branch (ie:
> trunk/file1) will not affect another branch (ie: branches/Release_1.0)
> unless you explicitly merge the changes (with the various merge commands
> or by manually backporting).
Well, I guess that's what branches are all about ;-)


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Charles,

> This is where subversion's branching would really shine.  You would
> simply change the repository URL in the main config file and 'head'
> would point to the latest version of that branch, which is probably what
> you'd want (ie: security updates/bug fixes included).
Ah, ok, I get it. Thanks for the clarification.

> You would have the same problems the current CVS version has with
> versions if you wanted to build to a particular repository version
> number, rather than the latest version of a branch/tag, however.

> Ideally, building from a local working-copy of the repository will be
> fairly easy (it sounds like this is getting tested RealSoonNow).  This
> would separate download problems from actually building the source
> (possibly important for those with flaky internet access, or folks using
> the flaky sourceforge CVS servers! :).
Well, that's what the whole "we supply a tarball of everything you need,
and put it into FRS" approach was all about. But it seems that is not an
approved approach.

> This would also somewhat isolate
> buildtool from the actual download mechanism, making it possible to use
> subversion, bit-keeper, perforce, or whatever should anyone want to.  It
> would also mean buildtool wouldn't have to be updated to support
> building arbitrary could select from one (or a few) major
> revisions and get automatic downloads/builds by adjusting the repository
> URL, and manually create a working copy to build from if you wanted some
> arbitrary version of a package (or packages) for some reason.
I don't disagree with any of that, but you need to see it from my point
of view. I do not have the time to make that migration, and to me,
building old sources is not a priority (I already can do that for the
old packages I need to support, because I have backups of my old
buildenvs stashed away somewhere). So, to me, the whole thing would mean
spending time I don't have on something that lets me do things I can
already do.
Now, believe me, I surely understand that there's more to software
development than doing just the "cool stuff" that one is interested in -
but since that pretty much sums up my day at work, I'll opt to not do so
in my evenings as well, at least for something I don't consider to be
something critical.
I'm not going to debate the fact that it would surely be nice if
somebody did it though

> I have briefly looked at the buildtool source in CVS, and it looks like
> it would be pretty simple to add a subversion download method.  If I get
> some spare time I may try to do this, although I'm not exactly a perl guru.
You are very welcome to try (and don't hesitate to ask if you run into
trouble - at leat, the "non-subversion" kind of trouble ;-)) - I just
don't have the time to do the work (and worse, the testing - doing a
fresh checkout of everything and a rebuild uses up a whole evening on my
internet connection/build environment).


leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Charles Steinkuehler
Hash: SHA1

Martin Hejl wrote:
> Hi Charles,
>> This might be one benefit to subversion.
> It might be (I don't know, I've not used subversion so far). But the
> problem I see for buildtool is not so much that it's too hard to fetch a
> file for a specific branch, but rather that buildtool currently isn't
> fetching anything other than HEAD. So, one would have to make pretty
> much the same changes to buildtool, wether we're using subversion or
> not. Wether the url created is
> /tags/something/filename
> (for subversion) or
> filename?rev=HEAD&only_with_tag=something
> (for viewcvs) seems to be an implementation detail to me.
> Actually, that could be something to try:
> * add a branch in CVS for each release
> * append "&only_with_tag=something" to each URL to fetch from viewcvs
> (based on wether the user supplied a branch tag or not). Of course, this
> would only work if the initial checkout of buildtool was done for the
> right branch too.
> This _could_ work (basically, it's along the lines of what Erich
> suggested).

You don't understand how subversion works.  It's like a file-system and
making a tag or branch is like copying a directory.  Everything
underneath is copied too.

Sorry for the long e-mail...executive summary:
*HEAD* (latest version on this branch) is not the same as
*TRUNK* (main-line development branch), at least in subversion. :)

A brief example, start with a minimal subversion repository, accessed
via the following url:

Now let's add a project (bering-uclibc) and the 'default' structure used
when importing stuff from CVS.  We now have the following URLs:

After adding lots of stuff to the repository (under trunk/), you've got
a major release ready:<...>

You're now ready to make a branch, so you do a *COPY* within subersion:

Copy from:

Now you have:<...> can set the repository root in buildtool to either:

...and *BOTH* will work just the same, without buildtool knowing
anything about revision numbers.  The caveat is that you will always get
the *HEAD* of the particular branch you're using, but you don't always
have to get the *TRUNK*.

NOTE:  The initial "copy" in subversion is fast and 'free' (doesn't take
any extra repository space).  Only changes to the resulting branches
increase the repository size, and it should go without saying (but I'll
say it anyway! :) that after copying, changes made to one branch (ie:
trunk/file1) will not affect another branch (ie: branches/Release_1.0)
unless you explicitly merge the changes (with the various merge commands
or by manually backporting).

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Charles Steinkuehler
Hash: SHA1

Martin Hejl wrote:
> Hi Erich,
>> I assume the code within buildtool to access a certain file is pretty
>> central. How difficult is it for this piece of code to use an
>> environment variable specifying a TAG (defaulting to HEAD).
> It is, but that doesn't solve the problem. The idea behind buildtool is
> that it can use whatever sources (getting them from CVS is only one
> option, FTP and HTTP are others). So, the version to fetch is stored in
> a config file (buildtool.cfg, one for each package) - and currently, all
> those contain "HEAD". It would probably be possible to add some hack to
> ignore the HEAD from the config and use something else (something the
> user provided) instead, but I haven't tried it.

This is where subversion's branching would really shine.  You would
simply change the repository URL in the main config file and 'head'
would point to the latest version of that branch, which is probably what
you'd want (ie: security updates/bug fixes included).

You would have the same problems the current CVS version has with
versions if you wanted to build to a particular repository version
number, rather than the latest version of a branch/tag, however.

Ideally, building from a local working-copy of the repository will be
fairly easy (it sounds like this is getting tested RealSoonNow).  This
would separate download problems from actually building the source
(possibly important for those with flaky internet access, or folks using
the flaky sourceforge CVS servers! :).  This would also somewhat isolate
buildtool from the actual download mechanism, making it possible to use
subversion, bit-keeper, perforce, or whatever should anyone want to.  It
would also mean buildtool wouldn't have to be updated to support
building arbitrary could select from one (or a few) major
revisions and get automatic downloads/builds by adjusting the repository
URL, and manually create a working copy to build from if you wanted some
arbitrary version of a package (or packages) for some reason.

I have briefly looked at the buildtool source in CVS, and it looks like
it would be pretty simple to add a subversion download method.  If I get
some spare time I may try to do this, although I'm not exactly a perl guru.

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Charles,

> This might be one benefit to subversion.
It might be (I don't know, I've not used subversion so far). But the
problem I see for buildtool is not so much that it's too hard to fetch a
file for a specific branch, but rather that buildtool currently isn't
fetching anything other than HEAD. So, one would have to make pretty
much the same changes to buildtool, wether we're using subversion or
not. Wether the url created is
(for subversion) or
(for viewcvs) seems to be an implementation detail to me.
Actually, that could be something to try:
* add a branch in CVS for each release
* append "&only_with_tag=something" to each URL to fetch from viewcvs
(based on wether the user supplied a branch tag or not). Of course, this
would only work if the initial checkout of buildtool was done for the
right branch too.

This _could_ work (basically, it's along the lines of what Erich

> ...also, since branches and tags are "free" (zero-copy) in subversion,
> they don't suffer from the performance penalties encountered with CVS,
> meaning it's faster/easier to create them as well as easier to use them,
> so they're more likely to be properly taken advantage of.
Add to that the fact that the subversion servers might work reliably
more often than the CVS servers. The reason I'm not spending my evenings
trying to port everything to subversion is not because I think CVS is
superior to subversion (I know it fixes some of the issues CVS has) -
it's simply that the benefits we might get don't outweigh the amount of
time that would be needed to do the port (to me, I'm not speaking for
anybody but myself - somebody else might have other priorities, and
possibly also more spare time, and might even get a kick out of
switching one source control system with another. To me, a source
control system is simply a tool to do a job, and unless it causes more
pain that it's worth, I'm unlikely to change it, unless I am _extremely_


leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi again,

Martin Hejl wrote:
> * Check out src/bering-uclibc/buildtool for the release branch of 2.4.1
> * check out src/bering-uclibc/apps for the release branch of 2.4.1
> * modify cvs-sourceforge use the "file" target for server
>   cvs-sourceforge and make it point to the cvs checkout of
>   src/bering-uclibc/apps made above
> * hope that we didn't forget to remove the cvs-sourceforge server
>   specification in any of the buildtool.cfg files (and that none of the
>   sources point to cvs-devel or some other site that doesn't use proper
>   versioning - the latter is unlikely, but possible).
just to clarify - there is no "release branch" at this time, so one
would have to do the checkout based on date (2006-04-24 for 2.4.1,
unless I'm mistaken).


leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Mike,

> Is buildtool able to use a checked out working copy to build from? 
It is, if one adjusts the main config (changes the "cvs-sourceforge"
server setting in conf/sources.cfg to use the "file" type, which will
use the local filesystem rather than CVS). But wether that will work to
build an old release is something I don't know (I never needed to do
that - buildtool was originally created to make life easier for the
people working on Bering-uClibc - and those tend to work on HEAD, rather
than anything else). It could probably be made to be something else as
well, but that will require at least some testing, possibly some coding
(the Bering uClibc team has a couple of ideas we'll try as soon as
there's time - but until we've actually tried it, everything I say here
is pure speculation, because nobody has done that so far). Again, if
anybody wants to for himself, he's more than welcome to. My approach
would be:

* Check out src/bering-uclibc/buildtool for the release branch of 2.4.1
* check out src/bering-uclibc/apps for the release branch of 2.4.1
* modify cvs-sourceforge use the "file" target for server
  cvs-sourceforge and make it point to the cvs checkout of
  src/bering-uclibc/apps made above
* hope that we didn't forget to remove the cvs-sourceforge server
  specification in any of the buildtool.cfg files (and that none of the
  sources point to cvs-devel or some other site that doesn't use proper
  versioning - the latter is unlikely, but possible).

> Isn't
> building from checked out working copies best? I can't imagine pulling
> content from anonymous/developer cvs during the build process is
> painless.
It used to be (a while ago), but it hasn't been for quite a while.
That's why Arne added support for using CVSExt to buildtool, so one can
download the sources using one's developer account (and with that, it is
rather painless).


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Erich,

> I assume the code within buildtool to access a certain file is pretty
> central. How difficult is it for this piece of code to use an
> environment variable specifying a TAG (defaulting to HEAD).
It is, but that doesn't solve the problem. The idea behind buildtool is
that it can use whatever sources (getting them from CVS is only one
option, FTP and HTTP are others). So, the version to fetch is stored in
a config file (buildtool.cfg, one for each package) - and currently, all
those contain "HEAD". It would probably be possible to add some hack to
ignore the HEAD from the config and use something else (something the
user provided) instead, but I haven't tried it.

> I agree it
> might not be the most elegant method, but might work.
It might (I really don't know if it would catch everything, or miss some
special cases nobody is thinking about right now). If somebody is
willing to give it a shot, [s]he is more than welcome to do so.


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread KP Kirchdoerfer
Hi Mike;

Am Freitag, 5. Mai 2006 19:24 schrieb Mike Noyes:
> On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 09:10, Martin Hejl wrote:
> > Mike Noyes wrote:
> > > Tagging the release in cvs is easier.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Adding the tag is not the problem.
> Martin,
> Agreed, and this is probably causing me confusion.
> > Updating buildtool to use the tag/branch is. That's why creating a
> >  snapshot of a buildenv "base" (all the sources downloaded, but nothing
> >  compiled yet) is much easier for us than tagging the release, creating
> >  a maintenance branch (up to here I agree that it would be painfully
> >  easy) and modifying buildtool to be able to use the tags/branches for
> >  downloading filew via viewcvs. the way it is right now, buildtool
> >  simply downloads everything from HEAD - the code to let buildtool know
> >  which release branch to download packages for is simply not written at
> >  this point,
> Ok. I think I finally see the issue.
> Is buildtool able to use a checked out working copy to build from? Isn't
> building from checked out working copies best? I can't imagine pulling
> content from anonymous/developer cvs during the build process is
> painless.

It isn't; and even using the restricted area can be harmful (broken 
downloads). But it is the current approach. And it was a step forward to 
build a LEAF router from the sources.

> > and I don't see anybody who has time/is willing to write  that code
> >  right now.
> I wasn't asking for that. I thought it was a simple matter of adding the
> cvs tag for releases. I mistakenly(?) thought buildtool used a working
> copy for building.

I will test, if it's possible... 

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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Erich Titl


Martin Hejl wrote:

Adding the tag is not the problem. Updating buildtool to use the
tag/branch is. That's why creating a snapshot of a buildenv "base" (all
the sources downloaded, but nothing compiled yet) is much easier for us
than tagging the release, creating a maintenance branch (up to here I
agree that it would be painfully easy) and modifying buildtool to be
able to use the tags/branches for downloading filew via viewcvs.
the way it is right now, buildtool simply downloads everything from HEAD
- the code to let buildtool know which release branch to download
packages for is simply not written at this point, and I don't see
anybody who has time/is willing to write that code right now.

I assume the code within buildtool to access a certain file is pretty 
central. How difficult is it for this piece of code to use an 
environment variable specifying a TAG (defaulting to HEAD). I agree it 
might not be the most elegant method, but might work.



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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Mike Noyes
On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 09:10, Martin Hejl wrote:
> Mike Noyes wrote:
> > Tagging the release in cvs is easier.
> > 
> >
> Adding the tag is not the problem.

Agreed, and this is probably causing me confusion.

> Updating buildtool to use the tag/branch is. That's why creating a
>  snapshot of a buildenv "base" (all the sources downloaded, but nothing
>  compiled yet) is much easier for us than tagging the release, creating
>  a maintenance branch (up to here I agree that it would be painfully
>  easy) and modifying buildtool to be able to use the tags/branches for
>  downloading filew via viewcvs. the way it is right now, buildtool
>  simply downloads everything from HEAD - the code to let buildtool know
>  which release branch to download packages for is simply not written at
>  this point,

Ok. I think I finally see the issue.

Is buildtool able to use a checked out working copy to build from? Isn't
building from checked out working copies best? I can't imagine pulling
content from anonymous/developer cvs during the build process is

> and I don't see anybody who has time/is willing to write  that code
>  right now.

I wasn't asking for that. I thought it was a simple matter of adding the
cvs tag for releases. I mistakenly(?) thought buildtool used a working
copy for building.

Mike Noyes Projects: leaf, phpwebsite, phpwebsite-comm, sitedocs

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Mike,

Mike Noyes wrote:
> Subject was: Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using
> alternative  initrdfile
> On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 02:58, Eric Spakman wrote:
>>>How does one to go about building the buildenv for a specific release,
>>>e.g. does CVS have release tags? For example, if I wanted to have a
>>>buildenv which matches _exactly_ the one for 2.4.1 how to proceed?
>>There currently aren't any release tags unfortuanatly. But everything in
>>CVS is exactly 2.4.1, so if you build buildenv you would have version
>>The Bering-uClibc team will make a snapshot of the current tree and put
>>the sources in a tarball in the File release area.
> Eric,
> Please reconsider this decision. Tagging the release in cvs is easier.
Adding the tag is not the problem. Updating buildtool to use the
tag/branch is. That's why creating a snapshot of a buildenv "base" (all
the sources downloaded, but nothing compiled yet) is much easier for us
than tagging the release, creating a maintenance branch (up to here I
agree that it would be painfully easy) and modifying buildtool to be
able to use the tags/branches for downloading filew via viewcvs.
the way it is right now, buildtool simply downloads everything from HEAD
- the code to let buildtool know which release branch to download
packages for is simply not written at this point, and I don't see
anybody who has time/is willing to write that code right now.


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Charles Steinkuehler
Hash: SHA1

Martin Hejl wrote:
> Eric Spakman wrote:
>> There currently aren't any release tags unfortuanatly. But everything in
>> CVS is exactly 2.4.1, so if you build buildenv you would have version
>> 2.4.1.
> Just to clarify - the main reason that there releases aren't tagged in
> CVS was not simply because of oversight, but because buildtool currently
> doesn't support fetching tagged files (and adding would only solve part
> of the problem - to be of real use, buildtool would need to support
> branches, so maintenance fixes would be fetched).
> When making a checkout from CVS, remember to use a SF developer account
> - synching between the "real" CVS server and the backup server (which is
> used for anonymous access) still doesn't seem to work (I infer that from
> the fact that commits from 2 days ago are still not visible on the
> backup server).

This might be one benefit to subversion.  "tags" and "branches" in
subversion are not special case items, as they are in CVS, but
full-fledged repositories in their own right.  Assuming buildtool could
talk to a subversion repository, it would be a simple matter of
specifying the appropriate base repository in a config file somewhere
and any desired version (with applicable patches/updates, if it's been
maintained) can be built.

The difference would be simply (using the somewhat standard CVS-like
repository layout):

Latest Version:

Previous release version with updates:

Previous release snapshot:

...also, since branches and tags are "free" (zero-copy) in subversion,
they don't suffer from the performance penalties encountered with CVS,
meaning it's faster/easier to create them as well as easier to use them,
so they're more likely to be properly taken advantage of.

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Eric Spakman
Hi Mike,

>> The Bering-uClibc team will make a snapshot of the current tree and put
>>  the sources in a tarball in the File release area.
> Eric,
> Please reconsider this decision. Tagging the release in cvs is easier.
If this is easier to do, it's definitly preferable.


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leaf-devel mailing list

[leaf-devel] CVS tags

2006-05-05 Thread Mike Noyes
Subject was: Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using
alternative  initrdfile

On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 02:58, Eric Spakman wrote:
> > How does one to go about building the buildenv for a specific release,
> > e.g. does CVS have release tags? For example, if I wanted to have a
> > buildenv which matches _exactly_ the one for 2.4.1 how to proceed?
> >
> There currently aren't any release tags unfortuanatly. But everything in
> CVS is exactly 2.4.1, so if you build buildenv you would have version
> 2.4.1.
> The Bering-uClibc team will make a snapshot of the current tree and put
> the sources in a tarball in the File release area.

Please reconsider this decision. Tagging the release in cvs is easier.

Mike Noyes Projects: leaf, phpwebsite, phpwebsite-comm, sitedocs

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Erich Titl
Martin Hejl wrote:
> Hi Erich,
>>Thanks for the clarification. The release tags would not hurt though.
> Sure.
>>>When making a checkout from CVS, remember to use a SF developer account
>>>- synching between the "real" CVS server and the backup server (which is
>>>used for anonymous access) still doesn't seem to work (I infer that from
>>>the fact that commits from 2 days ago are still not visible on the
>>>backup server).
>>M... without release tags noone can be sure to fetch code that
>>_exactly_ matches a certain version, unless you publish a catalog with
>>all individual file versions. It would be a lot of work though.
> Actually, (from a CVS perspective, not that buildtool has support for
> that) it's quite easy. Simply check out by date (the date of a release
> is known after all). But as I said, without branching you would get the
> exact state of the CVS at that point in time, rather than the release
> plus maintenance/security fixes.

Right, so you are all working in one linear branch. However, inserting a
release tag would not hurt current operation at all, even if it cannot
be handled by buildtool to date.



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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl
Hi Erich,

> Thanks for the clarification. The release tags would not hurt though.

>> When making a checkout from CVS, remember to use a SF developer account
>> - synching between the "real" CVS server and the backup server (which is
>> used for anonymous access) still doesn't seem to work (I infer that from
>> the fact that commits from 2 days ago are still not visible on the
>> backup server).
> M... without release tags noone can be sure to fetch code that
> _exactly_ matches a certain version, unless you publish a catalog with
> all individual file versions. It would be a lot of work though.
Actually, (from a CVS perspective, not that buildtool has support for
that) it's quite easy. Simply check out by date (the date of a release
is known after all). But as I said, without branching you would get the
exact state of the CVS at that point in time, rather than the release
plus maintenance/security fixes.


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Erich Titl

Martin Hejl wrote:
> Eric Spakman wrote:
>>There currently aren't any release tags unfortuanatly. But everything in
>>CVS is exactly 2.4.1, so if you build buildenv you would have version
> Just to clarify - the main reason that there releases aren't tagged in
> CVS was not simply because of oversight, but because buildtool currently
> doesn't support fetching tagged files (and adding would only solve part
> of the problem - to be of real use, buildtool would need to support
> branches, so maintenance fixes would be fetched).

Thanks for the clarification. The release tags would not hurt though.

> When making a checkout from CVS, remember to use a SF developer account
> - synching between the "real" CVS server and the backup server (which is
> used for anonymous access) still doesn't seem to work (I infer that from
> the fact that commits from 2 days ago are still not visible on the
> backup server).

M... without release tags noone can be sure to fetch code that
_exactly_ matches a certain version, unless you publish a catalog with
all individual file versions. It would be a lot of work though.



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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Martin Hejl

Eric Spakman wrote:
> There currently aren't any release tags unfortuanatly. But everything in
> CVS is exactly 2.4.1, so if you build buildenv you would have version
> 2.4.1.
Just to clarify - the main reason that there releases aren't tagged in
CVS was not simply because of oversight, but because buildtool currently
doesn't support fetching tagged files (and adding would only solve part
of the problem - to be of real use, buildtool would need to support
branches, so maintenance fixes would be fetched).

When making a checkout from CVS, remember to use a SF developer account
- synching between the "real" CVS server and the backup server (which is
used for anonymous access) still doesn't seem to work (I infer that from
the fact that commits from 2 days ago are still not visible on the
backup server).


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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Eric Spakman
Hello Erich,

>> That's what I meant ;-)
>> If that option is removed, the initrd can also made smaller, because
>> the code needed to backup (mkfs.minix) can be removed.
> I believe this would be the best solution. I have no problem custom
> tailoring my initrd, but for the average user it might be handy to have a
> tool to configure initrd like modules.lrp.
I also think this is the best solution.
I don't think the average user would custom tailoring its initrd, why
would that be necessary? There isn't anything that I know of in the initrd
which could or should be changed in the initrd by an average user.
If anyone wants to change the initrd it can easely be done on a linux
machine with loopmounting it.

> Who would be the one to decide on this?
If no one objects :)

> Another question
> How does one to go about building the buildenv for a specific release,
> e.g. does CVS have release tags? For example, if I wanted to have a
> buildenv which matches _exactly_ the one for 2.4.1 how to proceed?
There currently aren't any release tags unfortuanatly. But everything in
CVS is exactly 2.4.1, so if you build buildenv you would have version
The Bering-uClibc team will make a snapshot of the current tree and put
the sources in a tarball in the File release area.

> thanks
> Erich

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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Erich Titl
Hi Eric

Eric Spakman wrote:
> Hi Erich,
>>>The question is, how useful is it to backup initrd? Life could be 
>>>made very easy when the option to backup initrd is removed. There are 
>>>different initrd packages which makes booting of of most systems 
>>>possible (floppy, usb, cdrom and hd) and if anything is missing a new 
>>>initrd can be added.
>>OK, I can agree on that, then why not remove the option of backing up
>>initrd entirely? If one can specify initrd at boot _and_ there is
>>anoption to back it up, then IMHO it should work.
> That's what I meant ;-)
> If that option is removed, the initrd can also made smaller, because 
> the code needed to backup (mkfs.minix) can be removed.

I believe this would be the best solution. I have no problem custom
tailoring my initrd, but for the average user it might be handy to have
a tool to configure initrd like modules.lrp.

Who would be the one to decide on this?

Another question

How does one to go about building the buildenv for a specific release,
e.g. does CVS have release tags? For example, if I wanted to have a
buildenv which matches _exactly_ the one for 2.4.1 how to proceed?



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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrdfile

2006-05-05 Thread Eric Spakman
Hi Erich,

>> The question is, how useful is it to backup initrd? Life could be 
>> made very easy when the option to backup initrd is removed. There are 
>> different initrd packages which makes booting of of most systems 
>> possible (floppy, usb, cdrom and hd) and if anything is missing a new 
>> initrd can be added.
>OK, I can agree on that, then why not remove the option of backing up
>initrd entirely? If one can specify initrd at boot _and_ there is
>anoption to back it up, then IMHO it should work.
That's what I meant ;-)
If that option is removed, the initrd can also made smaller, because 
the code needed to backup (mkfs.minix) can be removed.

>> Note that the initrd is installed by linuxrc, not lrpkg -I.
>If I am not mistaken, initrd is read by the kernel at boot, is it
>installed one more time?
You are right, what I meant is that the initrd(_*) is installed with /
var/lib/lrpkg/initrd.* names at early bootstage.



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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrd file

2006-05-05 Thread Erich Titl
Hi Eric

Eric Spakman wrote:
> Hi Erich,
> The question is, how useful is it to backup initrd? Life could be 
> made very easy when the option to backup initrd is removed. There are 
> different initrd packages which makes booting of of most systems 
> possible (floppy, usb, cdrom and hd) and if anything is missing a new 
> initrd can be added.

OK, I can agree on that, then why not remove the option of backing up
initrd entirely? If one can specify initrd at boot _and_ there is
anoption to back it up, then IMHO it should work.

> Note that the initrd is installed by linuxrc, not lrpkg -I.

If I am not mistaken, initrd is read by the kernel at boot, is it
installed one more time?



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leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [leaf-devel] Glitch in initrd backup when using alternative initrd file

2006-05-05 Thread Eric Spakman
Hi Erich,

The question is, how useful is it to backup initrd? Life could be 
made very easy when the option to backup initrd is removed. There are 
different initrd packages which makes booting of of most systems 
possible (floppy, usb, cdrom and hd) and if anything is missing a new 
initrd can be added.

Note that the initrd is installed by linuxrc, not lrpkg -I.


>Hi folks
>I have multiple LEAF systems on the same hardware booting from the same
>medium. This requires the use of different initrd files, I call the
>secondary file initrd2.lrp. In the backup menu this is displayed
>correctly whereas in the /var/lib/lrpkg directory the corresponding
>files are still named initrd. This is because these files are not
>built/named dynamically but are contained in the initrd file itself (as
>they are in all other .lrp packages)
>It might be nice if the files controlling the backup could be
>dynamically named (as the backup target is). This could be done rather
>easily with the files loaded by lrpkg -i, it may be a trifle more tricky
>for initrd though.
>I am tempted to do this for my recent system.
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>leaf-devel mailing list

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leaf-devel mailing list