Hash: SHA1

Martin Hejl wrote:
> Hi Erich,
>> I assume the code within buildtool to access a certain file is pretty
>> central. How difficult is it for this piece of code to use an
>> environment variable specifying a TAG (defaulting to HEAD).
> It is, but that doesn't solve the problem. The idea behind buildtool is
> that it can use whatever sources (getting them from CVS is only one
> option, FTP and HTTP are others). So, the version to fetch is stored in
> a config file (buildtool.cfg, one for each package) - and currently, all
> those contain "HEAD". It would probably be possible to add some hack to
> ignore the HEAD from the config and use something else (something the
> user provided) instead, but I haven't tried it.

This is where subversion's branching would really shine.  You would
simply change the repository URL in the main config file and 'head'
would point to the latest version of that branch, which is probably what
you'd want (ie: security updates/bug fixes included).

You would have the same problems the current CVS version has with
versions if you wanted to build to a particular repository version
number, rather than the latest version of a branch/tag, however.

Ideally, building from a local working-copy of the repository will be
fairly easy (it sounds like this is getting tested RealSoonNow).  This
would separate download problems from actually building the source
(possibly important for those with flaky internet access, or folks using
the flaky sourceforge CVS servers! :).  This would also somewhat isolate
buildtool from the actual download mechanism, making it possible to use
subversion, bit-keeper, perforce, or whatever should anyone want to.  It
would also mean buildtool wouldn't have to be updated to support
building arbitrary versions...you could select from one (or a few) major
revisions and get automatic downloads/builds by adjusting the repository
URL, and manually create a working copy to build from if you wanted some
arbitrary version of a package (or packages) for some reason.

I have briefly looked at the buildtool source in CVS, and it looks like
it would be pretty simple to add a subversion download method.  If I get
some spare time I may try to do this, although I'm not exactly a perl guru.

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Charles Steinkuehler
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