Linux-Hardware Digest #613

2001-04-12 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #613, Volume #14   Thu, 12 Apr 01 14:13:11 EDT

  Re: linux installation on acer travelmate 345t (R-R-B)
  Re: SCSI errors, why? (Trevor Jenkins)
  Re: Looking for (Andrey Vlassov)
  Re: Superblock (Andrey Vlassov)
  Re: IDE->SCSI for CDR on offboard IDE controller (Andrey Vlassov)
  Re: CUV4X-D, io-apic problem (VIA chipset) (Andrey Vlassov)
  Re: ** HP Pavilion computers:  modem works? ** (aflinsch)

Subject: Re: linux installation on acer travelmate 345t
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 17:10:32 GMT

ks wrote:
> is it possible to install linux on that notebook?
> Any reference document in the web?

I installed quasi/successful a travelmate 201T (suse 7.1 kernel
but had some problem with lucent modem and ali sound, both should work
with appropriate drivers, but i don't messed around very much with 'em.

Saluti..Gr"usse..Salutations..Regards..Saludos..  Rag.Roberto Basville


From: Trevor Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI errors, why?
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 17:14:06 +

Trevor Jenkins wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 10:39:07 +, Trevor Jenkins
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >Since connecting a Jaz and Zip drive on my workstation's SCSI bus I've
> > >been seeing odd behaviour from the (SCSI) CD-ROM. Prior to introducing
> > >these new devices I didn't have a problem using the CD-ROM .
> >
> > Do you have good termination at both ends of the SCSI bus?  ...
> Terminated this problem. :-) You were correct. Bus termination was all
> over the place.

Seems I spoke too soon. Although the SCSI bus is now usable I'm still
seeing errros reported when I try to use some CDs. Similar messages to
those I mentioned before. Although I don't think that the bus length is
too great some of the cables are long. 

>From what I can see the Jaz and Zip drives are unaffected by these

Regards, Trevor

British Sign Language is not inarticulate handwaving; it's a living
Support the campaign for formal recognition by the British government


<>< Re: deemed!


From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.hardware
Subject: Re: Looking for
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 17:20:47 GMT

Hi Chris,

not too much help but try contact next guy he had some experience with
this Tape Library

Garry D. Robbins 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David x76353/RDCS/8-23-KP)

I have been using the Networker product from Legato for about 3 years
It is in use on several of our servers. We backup over 250 workstations
to two SPARC20's each connected to a EXA-BYTE EXB480 jukebox.  We also
have several DLT-4000 jukeboxes running on other servers.

On one of the DLT-4000 servers we backup over 40Gbytes to two DLT's in
4-5hr. Using only 1 tape in each jukebox.

I have not had much success using the Soltice Backup product that SUN
with the SOlaris nowdays. It is not configurable enough to allow for use
more than a single NFS server machine, it allows only single client

and check next pdf file - there is some reference for IBM tape library
which emulates EXB480.


Chris Johnson wrote:
>  Hi,
>  We've inheritted an EXB480 tape library.  That's the good news.
> The bad news is we have no operations manual for it and don't know
> how to work the console keypad.  We're using software called mover
> to move tapes around.  It works fine on other libraries but on the
> EXB480 it tries to do an inventory search each time we ask for a move.
> Obviously we'de like to turn this behavior off.
>  Where to find an operations manual or a PDF or an ASCII version
> or just plain HELP from someone who has one would really be
> appreciated.
>  Thanks.
> ---
> Chris Johnson   |Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Administrator   |Web:
> NMR Center  |Voice:617.724.2369
> Mass. General Hospital  |FAX:  617.726.7422
> 149 (2301) 13th Street  |Survival, all by it self, isn't worth it.
> Charlestown, MA., 02129 USA | Me
> -

Linux-Hardware Digest #613

2000-09-21 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #613, Volume #13   Thu, 21 Sep 00 20:13:06 EDT

  Re: Bad Mouse (Rahul Singh)
  Sun GDM 20E20 ("Bernd Oliver Christiansen")
  IRQ conflicts and PCI cards (Rajesh Raman)
  Intel D815EEA MB: Ethernet OK. Sound? (Bill Stapleton)
  Re: IRQ conflicts and PCI cards (Andrey Vlasov)
  USB (Jason Fossella)
  Video and Sound ("Kevin L. Brooks")
  Video and Sound ("Kevin L. Brooks")
  Confirmation of "Spyware" (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: Nvidia Geforce2 GTS & VMware (Jim Broughton)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors Overcome! (Felix Miata)
  Re: USB (Georg Acher)
  Mouse right-click on desktop: how to modify pop-up menu? (Scott Rockstad)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors Overcome! (root)
  Re: Mouse right-click on desktop: how to modify pop-up menu? (Zane)
  Re: SAMSUNG DVDROM SD604 compatibily ("Stéphane Glondu")
  Re: dual sound cards with linux (slack7) (lobotomy)

From: Rahul Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bad Mouse
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:52:05 -0400


My intellimouse now works since I changed the lines in XF86Config and it scrolls
great in netscape browser.

But it does'nt work in netscape messenger for emails etc. Can I make it work in
my netscape inbox as well?

Rahul Singh,

James Richard Tyrer wrote:

> Chris A wrote:
> > I'm having a problem getting my mouse, a microsoft Intellimouse, working
> > for X. Actually it works but only about every 50th time i try it. I use
> > mouseconfig to set it up and i've tried all the different ttyS' and seriel
> > protocals but nothing seems to work. I've also tried editing the xf86config
> > file but it doesn't work there either. Any ideas?
> If your mouse works on the console, then it is an X problem.
> Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get a console.  Log in and see if you can use the mouse.
> If you have a PS/2 Wheel Mouse, your XF86.Config should have the following:
> ProtocolIMPS/2
> Device  /dev/mouse
> Buttons 5
> ZAxisMapping  4  5
> In the proper syntax for your version of X.


From: "Bernd Oliver Christiansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sun GDM 20E20
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:08:56 -0700


does anybody have a nicely working XF86config file for Sun's GDM 20E20
monitor or knows which monitor type to select in RedHat 6.2?  I'm currently
using Genreric Multisync, but at 1280x1024 the picture is shifted down by an
inch or so.




From: Rajesh Raman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IRQ conflicts and PCI cards
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:31:59 -0500


I'm running Linux Mandrake 7.1, and am having problems with an
IRQ conflict between the PCI modem and NVIDIA's graphics driver,
which both want IRQ 3.  As a result, if I first dial-up and then try to
startx, the X server freezes, and if I startx and then try to dial-up,
the modem cannot "get terminal I/O params."  (Yes, I can dial-up
outside X, xor run X just fine.)

Since I don't have any ISA cards (in fact my motherboard doesn't
have any ISA slots), isapnp tools (pnpdump in particular) don't
give me any information to work with --- it just comes back with
"no boards found."

I guess I could install a 2.3 series kernel and let honest-to-God pnp
take care of the mess.  However, is there some other relatively easy
solution for this problem?  A few pointers to the right tools would be
sufficient, but complete solutions are always welcome.  :-)

Thanks much!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Stapleton)
Subject: Intel D815EEA MB: Ethernet OK. Sound?
Date: 21 Sep 2000 21:46:08 GMT
Reply-To: Bill Stapleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I got handed a new work machine, based on an Intel D815EEA all-in-one type
motherboard.  It came with Windows 98SE, now I've also got Linux (Red Hat
6.2) running, so I can pass on a couple of things:

The built-in ultra66/100 controller works, on the Quantum Fireball
20gig that it came with anyways.  I went from 4mb to 25mb/sec by
turning on dma which was off by default (hdparm -d1).

I had problems with the built-in ethernet.  It shows up as eepro100
in Windows, but the FOUR different eepro100 drivers I got from
various linux places didn't work.  However, Intel offers a linux
driver, e100, which DOES work.  I got it from here:

The built-in video was disabled, it's useing a Matrox card instead,
so it works in that fashion.  :-)

Now, sound:  Apparently this motherboar

Linux-Hardware Digest #613

2000-04-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #613, Volume #12Wed, 5 Apr 00 01:13:11 EDT

  Re: PPP modem problem: bug in chat? (Daniel Savard)
  Re: Linux/Samba printer configuration (John Hill)
  high altitude modern systems performance (Kenneth Mankoff)
  Partition -Boot problem. (Den Zoner)
  scsi, eth0 irq conflict ("Jerry O'Brien")
  Linux with Cisco 605 internal xDSL modem (Robert Adams)
  Re: printing problems with ye old Epson740 (Dale Pontius)
  Creative Ensoniq card in Mandrake 6.1 (Michael Longval)
  telnet via serial? ("John Bald")
  Re: BP6: Linux hangs on udma66 HD access (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Linux with Cisco 605 internal xDSL modem (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: PCMCIA!!! (Bob Martin)
  Re: IDE problems with Linux (John Hill)
  Re: CD's play but there is no sound (Craig Peterein)
  Re: Which of these Ethernet Cards? (Lucky)
  Recommend a modem? (Ed Hourigan)
  Re: Promise FastTrak 66 RAID controller (Rod Roark)
  Integrated Motherboards ("Dylan McClung")
  Re: Dual processor (Robert McCormick)

From: Daniel Savard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP modem problem: bug in chat?
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 22:10:00 -0500

Dans l'article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "S. Park" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Dragos-Anton Manolescu wrote:
>> I have 2 computers running Mandrake 7.0. The main difference between
>> them is the clock speed--120 vs 500MHz. I've been using a TDK
>> Cyberexpress modem (PCMCIA) for dialup in the 120MHz computer for
>> about 3 years now. However, I can't get it to work with ppp on the
>> 500MHz computer. The modem is recognized Ok by the PCMCIA package, and
>> setserial displays the same status on both computers. As far as I can
>> tell, the problems are caused by one of the programs in the ppp suite:
>> Mar 26 07:53:55 hoth pppd[2872]: pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
>> Mar 26 07:53:56 hoth chat[2896]: Can't get terminal parameters: Input/output error
>> Mar 26 07:53:56 hoth pppd[2872]: Connect script failed
>> Mar 26 07:53:57 hoth pppd[2872]: Exit.
>> I have searched with altavista and someone suggested redirecting the
>> I/O for chat. I've changed /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp and
>> now it reads:
>> connect "/usr/sbin/chat $chatdbg -f $CHATSCRIPT /dev/modem"
>> However, this hasn't solved my problem. Is the version of chat
>> distributed with Mandrake ($Id: chat.c,v 1.25 1999/09/06 05:10:23
>> paulus Exp $) broken?
>> Thanks,
>> -Dragos
> If there is I/O error, it doesn't look like solely chat problem. Did you
> test with minicom to see if the modem responds correctly to at commands?
> If not, you have to look up if the modem is set up properly.
> Cheers.

I had exactly the same problem. The minicom test worked fine and I
was able to startup pppd using the manual method with minicom. After
many tests, it seems the chat scripts from which I wrote my own were
buggy. I rewrote it on a single line taking care to remove all unecessary
options (TIMEOUTs, ABORT, etc) until it works. I ended with a minimal
chat script, but a working one...

Hope this can help

Daniel Savard


From: John Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux/Samba printer configuration
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 03:09:54 GMT

Mark Bratcher wrote:
> One question: if the jobs are just sitting in the spooler, what is the
> status the jobs? Spooling? Printing?...
> BWMiller wrote:
> >
> > I have installed Samba and am attempting to establish it as a print
> > server for one HP LaserJet4Mplus on our NT network.  I can print
> > locally from within Samba, have created the proper printer share,
> > installed the printer using printtool, and can see the printer on the
> > network from any NT workstation.  Assuming the identical print drivers
> > are already loaded on the local file system, I should be able to print
> > through the Samba server, but nothing happens.  I don't recieve any
> > error messages, and the documents just sit in the spool on the
> > workstations.
> >
> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have had this happen to me seemingly at random.  If the files sit in
the Windows machine, it is a Windows issue.  I usually reinstall the
printer driver in Windows, making sure to print directly to the printer
- why even involve the Windows spooler??
Good luck!


From: Kenneth Mankoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED

Linux-Hardware Digest #613

1999-06-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #613, Volume #10   Mon, 28 Jun 99 08:13:32 EDT

  Re: es1370: unable to write to codec register (SB-PCI128 Problem) (Sebastien Caille)
  video capture camera recommend? (Lei Chen)
  Voodoo Banshee SuSE 6.0 ("Frederik Meerwaldt")
  Re: Getting Ftape to work with a Ditto 2GB Parallel Port Tape Drive (Peter Christy)
  Re: SuSe on Asus AMD K6-2 450Mhz 128K system (Peter Christy)
  Re: Mounting a SCO OpenServer 5.0.2 Filesystem in Linux? (Paul Sherwin)
  Re: DVD-RAM it is supported ?? ("Moors, ing. E.W.J.")
  Re: And with Dell Latitude ? (was SOLVED: IBM ThinkPad i1720 & Linux  (Alan Schmitt)
  Re: Jaz Jet PCI for SuSE 6.2: can't see Jaz nor SCSI CD-ROM (Paul Gray)
  Re: Gateway Telepath for windows with X2 (Greg H)
  FREE 4GL Compiler on Linux (Mehdi Afshar)
  PCI sound card setup ?'s (Rob)
  Logitech PS/2 M-S48 Mouse Setup (Merryweather Management Systems Ltd.)
  HP laserjet 3100 (Philipp Woelfel)
  Re: Gateway Telepath for windows with X2 (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: (despite my occasional anti-linux post, read this)  was Re: Monitor (Joseph T. 
  Re: support for radio ethernet (David Fox)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (David Fox)

Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:51:18 +0200
From: Sebastien Caille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: es1370: unable to write to codec register (SB-PCI128 Problem)

Patrick Reynolds wrote:

> I've been working with RH 5.2 for about five months now, dual
> booting Win98. My Intel mobo has a Crystal CS chip on it, and it's
> been working with Linux, and Win98, but I use my PCI 128 for Win98 for
> games that support 4 speakers, its nice to have, blah blah blah But,
> its a pain to switch between the 128, and going into BIOS and Enabling
> and Disabling the onboard sound whenever I switch between 98 and RH 5.2
> (linux).
> When I try to SNDCONFIG my PCI128 card, it probes it as the AudioPCI
> card, thats correct. When it tries to play the sample sound I get a
> repeating
> es1370: unable to write to codec register
> es1370: unable to write to codec register
> es1370: unable to write to codec register
> es1370: unable to write to codec register
> es1370: unable to write to codec register
> ..
> And before that, I get the LD4 error, so I have to go into ISAPNP and
> (VERIFYLD N). When I boot Linux, I get the same error when it tries to
> init. Sound. Any help please? Anything will help, trust me.
> Thanks in advance -- Patrick --

I solved  this problem by changing the option "PCI Latency Delay". Had to
put a value of 16.
You can also try the alsa sound drivers. Check at

This driver works better than the native kernel driver

...The silence was broken by troggish,
   the spell was cast and
   the sky turned red...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lei Chen)
Subject: video capture camera recommend?
Date: 28 Jun 1999 07:46:30 GMT

Looking for a quick and easy way to capture mug shots and convert to PGM
format, any recommendations as to hardware and software? Thanks.


From: "Frederik Meerwaldt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Voodoo Banshee SuSE 6.0
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 14:03:20 +0200

Hi all,
I installed SuSE Linux V6.0 on my Amd K6-2 300 3Dnow! with an ELSA
Victory II Voodoo Banshee 16 MB card inside.
I downloaded the following files in an empty dir in my linux system:

I did a 'rpm -Uvh Device3Dfx-2.1-2.src.rpm' and the screen output was:
Device3Dfx   ##

Then I deleted the file Device3Dfx-2.1-2.src.rpm and did a
'rpm -Uvh *.rpm' and the screen output was:

failed dependencies: is needed by Glide_V3-2.60-6 is needed by Glide_V3-2.60-6 is needed by Glide_V3-2.60-6 is needed by Glide_V3-2.60-6
  XFree86-VGA16 is needed by XFree86_3DFX-XF86Setup-3.3.3-5 is needed by XFree86_3DFX-XF86Setup-3.3.3-5 is needed by XFree86_3DFX-XF86Setup-3.3.3-5

What shall I do???
Please help. U R G E N T. Pleaaasss...
Thanks in advance,


From: Peter Christy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Getting Ftape t

Linux-Hardware Digest #613

1999-03-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #613, Volume #9 Tue, 9 Mar 99 21:13:37 EST

  Re: help me choose hardware for my new Linux box (Gregory G. Woodbury)
  Re: Speed..Speed..Speed (John Burton)
  Netgear FA310TX - telnet timeout ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: modutils for 2.2.2 (Robert Schiele)
  AMD K6-2 vs. K6-III (Nicholas Strugnell)
  Re: i740 is slow on X? (Scott Drager)
  Re: iomega jazz drives (Pas Moi)
  Re: To Michal regarding Netgear card (Thomas Lepkowski)
  Re: Diamond SupraExpress 56iPRO or 56ePRO and linux (Antonio Ramiro Garcia Prieto)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Modem setup (Allen)
  Re: AMD K6-2 vs. K6-III (Colin)
  Re: Pentium III compatible (Allen)
  Re: CHEAP HW For Linux NoteBook Project (John Sarapata)
  HELP: K6-2 motherboard w/ Linux; Perf. compares/ PII ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: io conflict with ethernet card (3com 3c509b) ("Patrick Greer")
  Re: 'Dazed & Confused' (David Ripton)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory G. Woodbury)
Subject: Re: help me choose hardware for my new Linux box
Date: 10 Mar 1999 00:20:39 GMT

Eldad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> shaped electrons to say:
>In a couple of days,  I'll order my new Linux machine. It will be used
>mostly for internet stuff, a little development and a lot of
>emulation. I plan to install Red Hat 5.2.

  Be sure to pick up the updates to 5.2, they fix a number of security


>Partitions: anything special I need to know besides what the installer
>will tell me? I have installed Linux before, but back then disks were
>less than 1GB...

  Make sure that your root partition lies in cylinders less than 1024!
Even if BIOSes and other programs claim to be free of this problem, its
better to use a bootable partition that is within the 1024 cylinder limit.

Gregory G. "Wolfe" Woodbury  `-_-'Owner/Admin:
ggw at U  Errant co-moderator of:
"The Line Eater is a boojum snark." Hug your wolf.  (Thanks Peter.)


From: John Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.fortran
Subject: Re: Speed..Speed..Speed
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 20:38:04 GMT

"Jeffrey J. Potoff" wrote:
> We did some investigation on quad Xeon boxes before going with a
> dual 21264 Alpha machine.  From what I saw, the Xeon wasn't really
> much faster than the 450 MhZ PII and cost a whole lot more.  If
> I had to go with Intel chips, I'd stick with a dual 450 MhZ PII.
> If speed is the primary concern, however, you'll get the most out of
> an Alpha.  The 21164, 533MhZ NT boxes are going for about $3400
> (or substantially less, depending on configuration) w/video,
> 256mb ram, etc.
> Jeff
  I'm sorta in the same boat as the original poster, but perhaps in a
slightly lower price range. I found the price of the Alpha 21164, 533Mhz
box, about the same as a dual 500Mhz PentiumIII (I know, no real
improvement over Pentium II, but the pricing was inline with PentiumII
*if* it ran at that speed). The Alpha had a SpecFP95 of 21.9 & SpecINT95
of 16.6, where a *single* 500mhz  P-III had a SpecFP95 of 14.7 and
SpecINT95 of 20.6. Supposedly, from the Spec benchmarks, a dual P-III
system *should* be better at floating point than the Alpha 21164 533
Mhz. (I'll believe it when I actually see it...;-)

My question for you is, what kind of prices are we talking about for a
dual 21264 alpha machine?


John Burton, Ph.D.
Senior Associate GATS, Inc.  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  11864 Canon Blvd - Suite 101
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)  Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 873-5920 (voice)   (757) 873-5920 (fax)


Subject: Netgear FA310TX - telnet timeout
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 18:57:44 GMT

I have a curious problem with the Netgear FA310TX on my RH5.2 system. The
card is recognized fine, but when I try to telnet to another machine the
telnet hangs. HOWEVER, if I do a nslookup of a machine just BEFORE I do a
telnet then the telnet works fine - returns immediately with a login prompt.

Does anyone know why that would be the case ?

When I replaced the Netgear card with a 3Com 3c590 (with approp. entry in
conf.modules), the telnet works fine right on the first try, i.e. I don't have
to any nslookup.

I have tried the latest public domain tulip.c driver and the one from NetGear
(mine is a D1 board - uses the NetGear chip). Tried also the driver that ships
with RH5.2. They all give the same problem.

Thanks in advance,

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