[MeeGo-dev] Community infra resources & funds (was RE: MeeGo...)

2011-10-03 Thread quim.gil
Discussing resources & funds is not as much fun as discussing brands or 
toolkits, but let me bring your attention to this point since it is probably 
important or plain critical for any plans forward discussed here. 

My assumption is that the current community doesn't have enough muscle to 
afford the whole cost of infrastructure of a project with the size and 
complexity of MeeGo. The options are either reuse free-as-in-beer infra from 
other projects or assure corporate sponsorship from different sources (I would 
trust less this one, but it is also a possibility).

Imad Sousou wrote:
> I will be working even harder to make sure that developers of MeeGo can also 
> transition to Tizen.

1. Can we get any details about the availability of the current meego.com 
infrastructure under Intel's funding? End of this year? July 2012? End of 2012? 
Later? The answer to this question helps figuring out the urgency for a move.

2. What is the scope we can expect  for tizen.org in terms of community 
infrastructure? Will a "fortizen.org" like site be needed as well or the core 
tizen.org (plus AppUp?) will be inclusive enough to satisfy community 
initiative with a link to the Tizen project, even if it's indirect? The answer 
to this question helps figuring out the need to find/fund own infra for all the 
"non-official" development infra.

Thank you.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Who will keep pushing MeeGo?

2011-09-30 Thread quim.gil
Fernando wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 14:40,   wrote:
>> The strategic reasoning behind HTML5 is understandable: it is a general 
>> trend.
> And I personally think that trend sucks. It means throwing away all existing 
> apps and reconverting them.

The trend of using web technologies to cover the "apps" space is clear and 
pushed by many factors e.g. something simple to develop simple features and 
compatibility across the jungle of platforms. I actually agree with it.

The questionable trend, that is not even a clear trend, is to put all the 
weight in web technologies dismissing the good and powerful native environment. 
Apart from few and very bold exceptions, even the platforms that started 
putting the bets on web ended up opening the door for native, and some of them 
even to "very native". Surely the Tizen architects know this and I'm confident 
(but I don't have more info than you) that they will come up with a sensible 
web/native approach, regardless of the specific technologies used.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Who will keep pushing MeeGo?

2011-09-30 Thread quim.gil
Dave wrote:
> and at best an improvement (HTML5 vs QML).

Fwiw QML doesn't stop any HTML5 improvement. In fact it plays perfectly well 
with HTML & Javascript next to its neighbor QtWebKit, and bridges web 
development with native development (if you need it) down to core C/C++. If you 
need additional features not covered that web engine/framework X provides, you 
can add such engine/framework or you can improve/add to the Qt web 

The strategic reasoning behind HTML5 is understandable: it is a general trend. 
The WAC part makes sense if you have a customer requiring it. Looking forward 
to the announcement of a native SDK and the reasoning behind it. 

And of course looking forward to see the work of the new Tizen stakeholders 
working on the Qt integration. The Qt Project will provide tools for them to 
make Tizen a first class Qt platform if they wish. 

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] MeeGo as a vehicle for Qt-based products?

2011-09-29 Thread quim.gil
About the original point in the subject of this thread: a Tizen architecture 
draft would be useful in order to know what to do. Even a markitecture diagram 
would help. Without that it's difficult to discuss the best approach for Qt in 
relation to Tizen releases and/or future MeeGo.

Apart from the scarce  official information, the only interesting Qt related 
detail is Nomovok saying that they can offer Qt integrated to Tizen. From there 
I understand that there is somewhere enough technical information available to 
make such a decision. That is exactly the same information Robin and other 
developers and stakeholders would need in order to make the right decisions.

Qt is cutting edge technology and for the Qt Project mobile Linux is an 
essential platform. If Tizen becomes a cutting edge mobile Linux platform and 
if Qt can technically run there, then it makes sense to think that someone will 
work on Qt support for Tizen releases. However, I enjoy speculation as little 
as you do and with the current lack of information this assumption is probably 
as far as we can go.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Announcing MeeGo 1.2 Developer Edition for N900

2011-03-05 Thread quim.gil
Arjan wrote:
> (it'll run MeeGo and not Maemo I take it from the press
> releases)...

It will run the release codenamed Harmattan, no news in that front.

But this is a discussion off-topic in meego-dev and well discussed at 
http://forum.meego.com/showthread.php?t=2719 - feel free following there.


MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Announcing MeeGo 1.2 Developer Edition for N900

2011-03-05 Thread quim.gil
Arjan wrote:
> we've been bitten rather badly
> in MeeGo in the past in this respect (promising of features as part of
> architecture choices, but then never getting those open sourced)

Anything documented to compare? What promised features are missing?

We have lost something with this change of plans in the Nokia-Intel 
relationship in MeeGo, but we could gain real openness in the roadmapping and 
architecture processes now. At least I don't see any reason for Nokia to have 
non-public commitments with the MeeGo project, and this is why I'm asking the 
questions above.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Web interface for MeeGo packages

2011-02-02 Thread quim.gil
Hi, would your work benefit from a searchable web interface of MeeGo packages, 
à la http://packages.debian.org , http://packages.opensuse-community.org/ etc? 

If so, your feedback and votes are welcome at

Provide a searchable web interface / package index for MeeGo (like 


MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] MeeGo 1.2 Roadmap?

2011-01-03 Thread quim.gil
Hi there,

Carsten wrote:
> So, we're in 2011, we have a release 1.2 in about 4-5 months - and I
> wondered, what do we intend on delivering?

See, comment, vote:

Bug 9908 - Open roadmapping process defined but no implemented

I also think this is an important topic and I also expected more information or 
at least feedback from the roadmap owners at this point.

> I went to http://wiki.meego.com/Roadmap and looked, finding that we
> have a release plan (always good..) and plans related to the build
> infrastructure.. But no Core/Handset/IVI/SDK roadmaps. Nor on
> meego.com anywhere.
> The question is - and I think it's a fairly reasonable one: Where is
> our Core, Handset, Netbook, IVI and SDK roadmaps for 1.2? It's not on
> meego.com anywhere - how does our future platform 'customers' know
> what we plan to have coming for MeeGo 1.2?
> And second: What is the current status of them - where can I see the
> work in progress? Is there some featurezilla searches?
> Gavin, Sami, Rudolf, Ville and the rest of you guys responsible for
> MeeGo roadmaps - could I ask you to spend some few minutes elaborating
> to the rest of the project what's going on in Program Office regarding
> the roadmaps for 1.2 for your areas? It'll help people understand why
> these roadmaps may be missing and set up expectations to when we'll
> see them :)

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Using "meego" or similar in packages and distro names

2010-12-14 Thread quim.gil
Gabriel wrote:
>> What is really the problem? Apart from the fact that it is 
>> not good practice to carry the names of distros in package 
>> names of generic apps and libraries, it is not evident (at 
>> least to me) where the problems really rely.

> Right now, it *appears* that the LF's position is that you 
> must rename the package if you (a) make major changes and/or 
> (b) repackage it for another distro.  I can't speak for 
> other licenses, but this isn't consistent with the (L)GPL.

This is why I took the time to list the potentially conflictive packages at 

Looking at Ibrahim's email there are two interesting points in relation to this 

> the goal is to avoid any confusion around what is and what is not MeeGo

What are the packages on that list that could lead to that confusion? If there 
is any (I doubt) then the license of such packages needs to address this goal. 
If they don't then let's file the corresponding bugs.

> when you append MeeGo to a package name, it would be very reasonable to 
> conclude
> that this is an official MeeGo package coming from MeeGo.com

When a distro uses any of the packages listed in the wiki page above without 
significant modifications, two remarkable things happen:

1. The "meego" string is already appended in the package name. The distro is 
not making any new attribution, it just keeps the current status. If the MeeGo 
project sees a problem in this, then either the naming or the licensing must be 

2. The "meego" string effectively explains that such package is an official 
MeeGo package coming from MeeGo.com - just being used in the context of another 
distribution. Again, if the MeeGo project finds that this is problematic then 
the solution is to change either the name or the licensing of the package.

If these interpretations are correct, where is the problem then?


MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Using "meego" or similar in packages and distro names

2010-12-14 Thread quim.gil
Hi, let's see if we can move into specific details to find and fix whatever is 
problematic in this discussion about using anything close to "meego" in 
packages and distro names. 

About using "meego" or something similar to name a distro using MeeGo related 
components, the opinion of The Linux Foundation is clear. My simple 
interpretation of it is: thanks, but no thanks. Call it something completely 
different and off you go.

About package names, since they are open source (LGPL, Apache...) there 
shouldn't be any problems redistributing them with the same name, isn't it. If 
there is a problem with the name or license of a specific package please let's 
file a bug and let's discuss and solve it in the context of that specific 

I just took some time to compile the list of packages using "meego" currently 
in 1.1 trunk:

What is really the problem? Apart from the fact that it is not good practice to 
carry the names of distros in package names of generic apps and libraries, it 
is not evident (at least to me) where the problems really rely.

Packages using the "meego" string in the MeeGo releases seem to fall in these 

* Applications developed by the MeeGo project within the UX categories. In 
general it is not a good practice to tie an open source app with the name of a 
distro. Also the "MeeGo" word doesn't appear in the UX of these apps. Should we 
consider the renaming of those packages, removing "meego" from them?
* Packages related with the MeeGo Touch Framework. The branding of this 
framework was discussed and agreed, causing the actual renaming of the 
components (previously libdui). There is no problem in other distros willing to 
use the MeeGo Touch Framework. Is it clear the situation of branding and icons, 
though? Are they in isolated packages?
* Upstream packages with specific MeeGo version/configuration. Not a big 
deal, between not useful or not problematic for other distros.
* Packages intrinsically related to the MeeGo distro (configuration, 
branding, devtools). Not useful in the context of other distros.

Progress in this discussion is measured in improvements to the current 
documentation and bugs filed/solved. If you file any bugs about this please CC 
me. Thanks!

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Meego spec - for comment

2010-09-19 Thread quim.gil

Ryan Abel wrote:
> Why do we go back a few steps and figure out what goals we want to
> achieve with this and then we can find the best way to go about it.

"Simply put, we want to make it possible for an application developer to write 
a MeeGo compliant application once and run it on any MeeGo compliant device."

The Qt / Qt Mobility / Web Runtime game combined with the different UXs is 
already more complex than the setup offered by Android and iOS. We should find 
there all what it takes to build a great commercial developer offering under 
the "compliance flag".

MeeGo needs to offer a simple and crystal clear story for commercial 
developers. No matter how many additional options are also available in this 
Linux based open platform. the keys of app developer success must be contained 
in the MeeGo Core, MeeGo UX, MeeGo API and MeeGo SDK, based on Qt / Qt Mobility 
/ Web Runtime. If MeeGo doesn't have commercial success with these elements 
then we can save the discussions about all the rest.

These limitations and rigidness needed to succed in the commercial side 
shouldn't bother developers willing to play with the rest of combinations in a 
context of free software innovation and pure fun.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] MeeGo Website suggestion

2010-09-16 Thread quim.gil

> I have one suggestion regarding MeeGo Website.

Thank you for your ideas.

We ask contributors to propose website features or improvements via 
http://bugs.meego.com . The more specific the easier is to discuss, agree and 

For the rest, the meego-community list is the right place to discuss about 
meego.com. meego-dev is about platform development.

Thank you!

Quim Gil

> We can put some Flash Plugins for better User Experience
> Other than Static web pages we can put some Dynamic Webpage.
> I think it will improve the accessibility, Interaction, navigation
> factors
> Best Regards
> Hari.


MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Meego spec - for comment

2010-09-15 Thread quim.gil
Let's recap:

MeeGo's promise is vertebrated basically through the MeeGo API. If we don't 
assure a "MeeGo compliant" app runs across MeeGo devices within a range of 
releases then the success of the project is at stage.

This is already complex. You can see the problems you might get looking at the 
Android fragmentation, and the reactions it gets.

The Qt / Qt Mobility / Web Runtime game combined with the different UXs is 
already more complex than the setup offered by Android and iOS. We should find 
there all what it takes to build a great commercial developer offering under 
the "compliance flag".

Then you have MeeGo Extras, hosted at meego.com and handled by the MeeGo 
community, containing compliant apps and also compatible apps departing from 
the MeeGo official API.

The MeeGo commercial offering doesn't *require* Extras but can benefit from a 
successful Extras anyway. Letting Extras out of the Compliance program makes 
sense, especialy now that the comercial part still needs to be created and 

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Meego spec - for comment

2010-09-15 Thread quim.gil

> Why game using as example box2d physics library should not called
> "MeeGo compliant" ? And it is just example of dozens similar
> helper libraries used by game and graphics developers.

Because box2d is not included in MeeGo and a user of a MeeGo device with no 
access to e.g. extras has a high chance of getting confused.

Multiply this for toolkits, devices, apps and users and you will see the 
"MeeGo: what a mess!" headlines coming to Engadget and the likes.

> Having Extras repository with some kind of peer quality control
> is much better than mesh with every application including
> these libraries legal or not so legal way.

Not all devices will have access to Extras. not all users with access will be 
willing to have anything to do there.

"compliant" is a commercial label and it's easy to tie it strictly to the 
commercial side: the vendor stores.

Extras can still do whatever without the label "compliant". Love that freedom!


> Kate

MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] MeeGo Conference and *you*

2010-08-17 Thread quim.gil
Hi, remember that the call for session proposals for the MeeGo Conference ends 
on August 23.


MeeGo teams are expected to be involved in a session related to their MeeGo 
work, being a presentation, workshop, team meeting or BoF, etc.

Probably many of you are leaving the submission of the proposal for tomorrow 
(that is actually my case!). Please don't forget about it.

Quim Gil
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] MeeGo for IVI v1.0.1 Released Today

2010-08-03 Thread quim.gil

Robin wrote:
> Question: where is the IVI UX being developed?
> http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-ivi-ux looks very ..spartan.. :)

Please file bugs about any issues you find related to MeeGo open development 
and project transparency, and make them blockers of 

MeeGo openness meta-bug

Thank you!

Quim Gil
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] [MeeGo-community] Meego works great on Asus eee 701 with non Atom CPU

2010-07-05 Thread quim.gil

Valent Turkovic wrote:

> I tested Asus eee 701 that has plain Intel Celeron CPU with both Meego
> 1.0 image and Fedora 13 with Moblin, both versions work 100% and
> blazingly fast even on that small and underpowered device to

Please help improving http://wiki.meego.com/Devices - thank you!

There are actually several forum threads about this device model i.e.


Also please avoid cross-posting to several mailing lists. meego-dev is not 
really a list for these topics. Please do not reply-all to this email now.

Quim Gil
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Is there Meego SDK for Handset version?

2010-07-01 Thread quim.gil

Andrew Flegg wrote:
> What's the development environment of those working on the Handset UX;
> how are they managing to do development; and how do they get new
> employees up to speed quickly?

Even if you might be targeting the Handset UX, the idea is that you can and 
will want to recycle as much work as possible for other UXs. For this reason 
the default starting point is Qt and the corresponding Qt SDK.

Regular unstable MeeGo SDK builds are on its way, just not ready yet. In the 
meantime, those willing to get familiar with the environment can try the Nokia 
Qt SDK and have a look at the Qt 4.7 novelties. The architecture and the 
components are the same, it's only the targets that differ.

If you want to speed up quickly then Qt Quick is a good choice. See 

Note though that all these pieces are being integrated and polished as we 
speak. MeeGo 1.1 is not yet ready for application developers just looking for a 
stable and reliable environment.

Quim Gil
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] multimedia architecture

2010-06-21 Thread quim.gil

Narendranath Ghosh wrote:

> I am looking for detailed meego multimedia architecture. is it
> available some where.

Have you checked http://meego.com/developers/meego-architecture/media-services ?

> is it same as moblin?

Quim Gil

MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Opening MeeGo requirements

2010-06-18 Thread quim.gil

The process for handling MeeGo requirements is now open. Sami explains the 
details at 

Basically, http://bugs.meego.com is used as the tool for proposing features and 
manage requirements. There is now a new classification "MeeGo Features" where 
new proposals must be filed.

There are already more that 240 features submitted, most of them targetting the 
MeeGo 1.1 release.


The requirements process is managed in combination with the roadmapping 
process: http://meego.com/developers/meego-roadmap

Please watch, vote and comment in the feature requests that matters you most. 
You are also invited to submit new proposals.

Quim Gil
MeeGo Community Office co-coordinator
MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Forum / mail integration (was MeeGo Summit - Structured brainstorming...)

2010-06-03 Thread quim.gil

Reggie said that Forum/Mail integration would require more server power and 
proposed to wait until the meego.com infra is hosted at OSU OSL. 

forum.meego.com is not in OSU OSL yet and this is the main reason why we are 
stuck in this forum/mail integration.

PS: yes, you are busy. No, you are not the only one. Yes, it's a good idea to 
have some respect for tho work others are doing.

MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Repository Working Group - next steps

2010-04-20 Thread quim.gil

I think we have a mismatch between the name and the content. "Repository 
Working Group" is a problematic denomination, while most if not all your points 
are clear and probably easy to agree upon.

"Repository" is a too broad concept: the whole MeeGo release sits in a 
repository and it's easy to get confused thinking that the scope is the whole 
repo = the whole release. 

The scope proposed is the repository/ies hosted at meego.com containing 
packages not officially supported in a MeeGo release.  

- The repos containing the MeeGo official release are out of scope.

- The MeeGo compatible app stores managed by vendors or other third parties are 
out of scope BUT the tools and guidelines for those frontends would be within 
the scope of this team.

Is this right? This is the first thing to agree upon.

How to call this? Names carried from maemo.org or moblin.org would be 
"Downloads", "Extras" or "Garage". "Apps", "Addons", "Catalog" are also used in 
similar contexts. None of them is perfectly accurate but calling it 
"Universe/Multiverse" is probably not the best solution either.  :)

So what about "Downloads" as a compromise between clarity and accuracy?

David Greaves wrote:
> I think two main issues were raised: [2]
> * Is a WG needed?

At this point it is clear that "Working Groups" are being defined as teams 
primarily in charge of vision, strategy and roadmapping. The TSG plans to set 
up some of those for the different UX categories, and probably that's it.

However, this doesn't affect the purpose, scope and "power" of this team if it 
gets up and running. Let's leave behing the "WG" and let's continuw with the 
definition work? 

"Downloads team". How does this sound necxt to the "Program Office"? (this is 
how the "Core team" could be called)

> * Isn't this covered in the MeeGo 'Core' project structure?

At least I don't see it. The Program Office has a clear mission which consists 
on shipping great MeeGo releases every 6 months. The proliferation of a great 
offering of additional software is a different mission that deserves its own 

Can we discuss and agree first on all these general terms? Once they are clear 
and agreed it will be easier to agree on more specific details.

Arjan said something in the MeeGo work group last week that got stuck in my 
little brain: any topic that ends up in the TSG is a failure in the system.  :) 
 There is no officially nominated responsible for this area but a key person is 
Bob Spencer from Intel. We discussed few weeks ago at Portland about how to 
approach the Downloads repository and how to introduce a reliable and community 
friendly QA process. All in all the maemo.org Extras process was seen as good 
source for inspiration - http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras

For practical reasons, I would say that getting Bob on board and syncing with 
whatever are his ideas and plans is a first step in the right direction. If Bob 
is not in the loop or disagrees with the proposal then is quite pointless to 
jump to the TSG again.

> [1]http://wiki.meego.com/Proposal_for_a_Repository_working_group
> [2]http://trac.tspre.org/meetbot/meego-meeting/2010/meego-meeting.2010-03-31-19.58.log.html#l-100

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
MeeGo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] presentation from MeeGo workgroup?

2010-04-16 Thread quim.gil

> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:35:22AM -0400, Dengyi Wang wrote:
> > On 04/16/2010 11:14 AM, Greg KH wrote:
> > > On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 09:46:30AM -0400, Dengyi Wang wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Hi
> > > > 
> > > > If you present on the MeeGo workgroup from Linux Foundation
> Collaboration
> > > > Summit yesterday, is it possible for you to upload your
> > > > presentation/moive/demo/... to
> > > > 
> > > > http://meego.com/community/events/presentations
> > > > 
> > > Sorry, I had no slides, I just talked and then played a video that is
> on
> > > engadget :(
> > > 
> > Any lucky audience capture it in a video?
> There was someone in the audience videoing all of the talks, hopefully
> they will put them online soon.

I didn't have slides either, only a flipchart to improvise basic organzation 
draft diagrams.

There is a forum threrad where some of us added some comments. Maybe the 
participants in the workgroup and others with questions or answers can help 
squeezing that saucy day?


Overall I think it was good, useful and interesting. A day full of questions 
and discussions followed by a little gathering with drinks and food that Amy 
organized so well (and she couldn't enjoy since she had to leave earlier...)

Thanks Amy and thanks Dawn, who chaired the whole day (except the 20 mins she 
took for lunch). 

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
MeeGo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] how to start developing on MeeGo?

2010-04-15 Thread quim.gil
USA Linux UAE said: 
> I am interested in Platform development, porting and packaging , waiting
> for OBS to open and core code to be available

Then you might be interested watching

Bug 615 -  Open the access of MeeGo OBS 

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
MeeGo Devices @ Nokia

> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 7:37 PM, lucas azevedo 
> wrote:
>                                 >
>                                 >
>                                 >                                             
>    There is little info for a
>                                 newbie to startup working on
>                                 >                                 MeeGo from 
>the meego.com website.
>                                 Where can I find more info &
>                                 >                                 doc to 
>instruct me to steup the
>                                 enviroment, compile the kernel,
>                                 >                                 test in 
>                                 >                                             
>Please help, thx
>                                 We are still preparing the developer 
>documentation for
>                                 the first MeeGo release. The information 
>                                 available can be found at
>                                 http://wiki.meego.com/Documentation_backlog
>                                 Note that meego-dev focuses in the 
>development of MeeGo
>                                 itself. Support for application developers is 
>offered in
>                                 these channels where you might get more 
>                                 Application developer support forum
>                                 http://forum.meego.com/forumdisplay.php?f=3
>                                 meego-sdk mailing list
>                                 http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-sdk
>                                 --
>                                 Quim Gil + N900
>                                 open source advocate
>                                 MeeGo Devices @ Nokia
>                 Actually, I'm interested in both developing MeeGo applications
>                 and MeeGo itself. Thanks for the info :)
>                 Kind Regards,
>                 Lucas Azevedo 
>                 ___
>                 MeeGo-dev mailing list
>                 MeeGo-dev@meego.com
>                 http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-dev
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] how to start developing on MeeGo?

2010-04-15 Thread quim.gil

>                         There is little info for a newbie to startup working 
>                 MeeGo from the meego.com website. Where can I find more info &
>                 doc to instruct me to steup the enviroment, compile the 
>                 test in kernel/service/app?
>                       Please help, thx

We are still preparing the developer documentation for the first MeeGo release. 
The information currently available can be found at 

Note that meego-dev focuses in the development of MeeGo itself. Support for 
application developers is offered in these channels where you might get more 

Application developer support forum

meego-sdk mailing list

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
MeeGo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Instructions for ARM / N900 (was Re: Day 1 is here ...)

2010-03-31 Thread quim.gil

>   I would prefer to buy a nokia n 900 with meego operating system.
> Therefore of course is a releasedate for the gui OS needed and a
> releasedate for the nokia n900.
> can anyone make the pojectplan open?

You are mixing 2 things and only one of them is on-topic in meego-dev:

- MeeGo project plans. They will come. Here is the right place to ask and 

- Nokia N900 product plans. Up to Nokia. The MeeGo project has nothing to say 
and here is not a place to ask or request.

Even if the MeeGo project keeps releasing images for the N900 they will not 
have the content average Nokia users expect to find pre-installed in a Nokia 
device (mostly proprietary in the application layer and therefore not suitable 
for MeeGo project releases).

Quim Gil
MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Instructions for ARM / N900 (was Re: Day 1 is here ...)

2010-03-31 Thread quim.gil
> I've a N900 and I'd like to test MeeGo, but I don't know which file to
> download from here: http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/devel/n900/images/
> and how to flash it into my device. Could you please give us some
> instructions? Thanks.


Quim Gil
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] Organization of MeeGo team

2010-03-29 Thread quim.gil

> > what is the organization of the MeeGo team ?
> > OK the project is led by Imad Sousou and Valtteri Halla, but how many
> employees are on the project ? (and how many from nokia, compared to
> intel ?)
> > It's not clear on the website...
> > Thanks
> I very much doubt that information like that is, or will be,
> publically available.

The organization will be publicly available. We are having the code dump 
release this week and with it more roles will be officially appointed. At some 
point all the key roles will be publicly available just like in a regular Linux 

The interesting number though, key for the success of the project, is not the 
comparison between Intel and Nokia contributors but the involvement of 
contributors with all kinds of affiliations, including competitors of Nokia or 
Intel and independents.

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

Re: [MeeGo-dev] [Meego-community] ANNOUNCE: Proposal for a Repository working group

2010-03-28 Thread quim.gil

> ANNOUNCE: http://wiki.meego.com/Proposal_for_a_Repository_working_group

> Mission
> The Repository Working Group (RWG) would define and oversee
> implementation of
> the strategy for publishing community created software with the MeeGo
> project.
> The goal of the RWG would be to unite the various community
> contributions
> interested in applications & libraries, packaging, policy, QA processes,
> building, etc.

It sounds like a good description of the goals of the "Extras / Downloads team" 
(final name to be defined) proposed at 

Is there any reason why this team couldn't be part of the Community WG? It's 
all about community software.

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] Proposing topics to TSG meetings

2010-03-27 Thread quim.gil

We have put a light process in place to propose topics for the Technical 
Steering Group meetings:


It is already valid for the next TSG meeting taking place next Wednesday (which 
looks like it will be a busy MeeGo day).  :)

Quim Gil + N900 
open source advocate 
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] TSG meetings schedule (was Re: First TSG meeting...)

2010-03-18 Thread quim.gil

The suitable times for the TSG meeting are the times suitable for those having 
to take part in there. Obvious?  :) The question is: who *must* attend the TSG 

Now we have 2 TSG members, no official working groups, no MeeGo roles 
officially apointed and a relatively large amount of individuals interested in 
whatever the TSG says in an IRC meeting. But this is only a transitional 

Think of the scenario (to start developing soon) where dozens of MeeGo roles 
have a person appointed, where several working groups have their regular work 
ongoing including periodical meetings, where 1-2 people of each working group 
is meant to attend the TSG meetings to take part in the topics related to their 
work, and where the TSG itself has more than 2 people.

Probably that day most people now interested in TSG meetings will not be that 
interested not to miss a single one. That day the agenda of an average TSG 
meeting can be perfectly a combination of formal decisions pushed by working 
groups, unsurprising appointments and other non-hot topics that can be 
perfectly followed through the instant meeting minutes published at meego.com.

Also most of the questions you would like to address now to the TSG will be 
better addressd to the specific working group or the specific channel where the 
maintainers and specialists can be found.

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
MeeGo-dev mailing list

[MeeGo-dev] TSG meeting moved to Wednesday 24

2010-03-18 Thread quim.gil

The Technical Steering Group just told us that the meeting needs to be moved to 
Wednesday 24 at 20h UTC.


Anyway, this is a better time for the regular TSG bi-weekly meetings.

Quim Gil + N900 
MeeGo-dev mailing list