[Mimedefang] filter timing out

2004-01-20 Thread alan premselaar
I'm sure this has been covered before, but i couldn't find it in the
(Barchives (could just be i'm tired) ...
(Banyways, lately i've been seeing A LOT of 4.7.1 failures in my log file.
(BI've got my MIMEDefang spool dir on a tmpfs, and i haven't made any changes
(Bto my filter recently.
(BJan 20 17:43:52 uchuu sendmail[16529]: i0K8gKEB016529:
(Bto=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:01:31, pri=32001, stat=Please try again
(BJan 20 17:43:52 uchuu mimedefang-multiplexor: Reap: Killed slave 5 (pid
(B16240) exited due to SIGTERM/SIGKILL as expected.
(BJan 20 17:43:52 uchuu mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 5 resource usage:
(Breq=15, scans=5, user=88.460, sys=0.680, nswap=0, majflt=760, minflt=13997,
(Bmaxrss=0, bi=0, bo=0
(Bthe machine isn't a powerhorse, but it should still be enough to handle mail
(Bfor this domain.. (i don't receive a lot of mail, and i have maybe 12 users)
(Bit'S a PII 400Mhz with 384MB of RAM running Redhat 7.3
(Bit doesn't appear to be running out of slaves.  Any known issues with
(Bspamassassin and/or network tests that I might be missing?  (i stopped
(Bsubscribing to the SA talk list because there was just too much traffic
(Bdaily and I couldn't get thru it all)
(Banyways, as always, any help is appreciated.
(BVisit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
(BMIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] help upgrading mimedefang 2.33 -> 2.39

2004-01-22 Thread alan premselaar
On 1/23/04 4:29 AM, "Steven Ozoa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> We've been using MIMEDefang 2.33 for several months now, with no problems.
(B> Now I'm trying to upgrade to 2.39.  It compiles and installs without errors,
(B> but when I start sendmail/mimedefang again I get the following errors in the
(B> log:
(B> Jan 21 15:11:48 mercury sendmail[27933]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon
(B> (8.12.9): [EMAIL PROTECTED]:05:00
(B> Jan 21 15:11:48 mercury sendmail[27932]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon
(B> (8.12.9): [EMAIL PROTECTED]:05:00
(B> Jan 21 15:11:48 mercury mimedefang[27928]: [ID 936676 mail.info] Multiplexor
(B> alive - entering main loop
(B> Jan 21 15:11:49 mercury sendmail[27936]: [ID 801593 mail.error]
(B> i0LNBnLD027936: milter_read(mimedefang): cmd read returned 0, expecting 5
(B> Jan 21 15:11:49 mercury sendmail[27936]: [ID 801593 mail.info] i0LNBnLD027936:
(B> Milter (mimedefang): to error state
(B> Jan 21 15:11:49 mercury sendmail[27936]: [ID 801593 mail.error]
(B> i0LNBnLD027936: Milter (mimedefang): init failed to open
(B> Jan 21 15:11:49 mercury sendmail[27936]: [ID 801593 mail.info] i0LNBnLD027936:
(B> Milter (mimedefang): to error state
(B> I can put 2.33 back in place and the problem goes away.
(B> Other information:  Solaris 2.9, sendmail 8.12.9, spamassassin 2.55
(B> Any help would be appreciated.
(B> Thanks,
(B  be sure to read the CHANGELOG with each new release.  chances are this is
(Brelated to the md_log functions (for graphdefang) in your filter.
(Bany references to md_log need to be changed to md_graphdefang_log.
(Bhowever, you should check the changelogs to make sure that's not the only
(Bissue.  also, "mimedefang.pl -test" is your friend.
(Bhope this helps,
(BVisit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
(BMIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Off Topic

2004-01-23 Thread alan premselaar
On 1/24/04 10:20 AM, "Benjamin Schmaus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> Question for all:
(B> ?
(B> I wrote a web based front end to MIMEDefang and
(B> Spamassassin.? I did most of the core development in
(B> my spare time after work.? The remainder of my time
(B> was spent implementing it at a service for the company
(B> I worked for.? Now I have left the company and they
(B> say they own the rights to that code.
(B> ?
(B> Doesn't the GPL from MIMEDefang and Spamassassin apply
(B> to the code I created, thus it would also be open
(B> source?? Or does my employer own the code?
(B> ?
(B> If they do own the code, how can I rework the concept
(B> so I can release a new version of the code as open
(B> source?
(B> ?
(B> Any help or direction would be appreciated.
(B> ?
(B> ?
(B  I suggest you first contact a lawyer, just to be on the safe side.
(BIt's been awhile since I've heard anything about intellectual property laws,
(Bbut here's what i believe to be true. Assuming you live in the US.
(BI'm not sure what the criteria is, but my understanding is:
(B  if your primary job function includes programming, any code you write on
(Byour employer's time, they have first claim to. the reason for this is
(Bbecause they are paying your for your time, and if you're using that time to
(Bwrite code, they are technically paying for it, and thus have claim to the
(B  if you wrote the code/program specifically for the use of your employer,
(Band the agreement with your employer was that you would do so, then they
(Bhave first claim to that code. if the agreement is on an entire
(Bproduct/project, then they may also have first claim to code you contributed
(Bto the product/project even on your own time.
(B  otherwise any code written on your own time, they have no claim to.  but
(Bthat means that you'll have to re-write the code that you wrote on their
(Btime with significant differences to prove that it was re-written if
(Bwith regards to the GPL or Perl Artistic Licenses, I'm not really sure how
(Bthat fits into all of this, and that's why you should consult a lawyer.  It
(Bseems to me that, although you may choose to release your code under either
(Bof these licenses, your employer may have the right to withhold code that
(Bthey have legal intellectual property rights to from being released under
(Bthese public licenses. (since technically, your code isn't released yet)
(Bobviously your employer will have to adhere to the GPL or PAL with regards
(Bto any code that wasn't written for them but integrates into the final
(Bin hind-sight, these intellectual property laws may only be valid in
(Bcalifornia as a subset of the california labor laws, so you definitely want
(Bto speak to someone who knows the laws in your area more specifically.
(Bhope this helps,
(BVisit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
(BMIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] clamav and $VirusName variable

2004-01-27 Thread alan premselaar
(B I recently installed clamav 0.65 on my machine (in conjunction with
(BFile::Scan) and I've noticed that ocassionally clamav is returning that it's
(Bfound a virus, but $VirusName is empty.
(Bany ideas as to why this might be happening? or where to look for this?
(Bi'm pretty sure it's running properly on another machine (where i'm not
(Busing File::Scan) but i can't find any differences in how i'm calling it in
(Bmy filter.  
(Bthanks in advance,
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Re: [Mimedefang] Problem running clamd but not clamscan

2004-01-28 Thread alan premselaar
On 1/29/04 1:44 AM, "Ole Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> On 01/28/04 at 08:32, 'twas brillig and Scott Harris scrobe:
(B>> Subject: RE: [Mimedefang] Problem running clamd but not clamscan
(B>>> Scott, et al -
(B>>> I had similar issues with clamd versus clamscan (see
(B>>> lists.roaringpenguin.com/pipermail/mimedefang/2003-December/01
(B>>> 8671.html)
(B>>> but nobody else seemed to (or at least, nobody responded) and
(B>>> I gave up due to lack of time. (Figuring, "I've got a
(B>>> solution that works for my current mail load, why fsck with it...")
(B>>> Ole
(B>>> --
(B>> I'm tempted to take the same route, except for the fact that
(B>> I noticed the filter time has gone up dramatically:
(B> Scott -
(B> The problem I had seemed to be that MD wasn't actually talking
(B> to clamd. (Do you catch the EICAR text file with clamd enabled?) It
(B> would make sense that MD processed significantly faster if it's not
(B> incurring the virusscan overhead at all. Maybe we could have someone
(B> with a working MD<->clamd setup try your speed test and report the
(B> difference in MD time between clamav and clamd...
(B> Ole
(B  I was having the opposite problem.  well, kind of.  I originally
(Bconfigured my filter to use CLAMAV instead of CLAMD (mostly because the
(Bfilter fails and then discards mail if clamd isn't accessible via the
(Bsocket), and although it was catching the virus, it wasn't returning any
(Bname into $VirusName.  I configured CLAMD and changed the filter to use
(BCLAMD and now it's working properly (and returning a value into $VirusName)
(BI'm not sure how to get the filter times into the syslog like that however,
(Bi'd be willing to help in anyway I can.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang/Spamassassin/bayesian

2004-02-17 Thread alan premselaar
On 2/17/04 9:31 PM, "Paul Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> debug: bayes: 29638 tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes_toks
(B> debug: bayes: 29638 tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes_seen
(B> debug: bayes: found bayes db version 2
(B> debug: bayes: Not available for scanning, only 0 spam(s) in Bayes DB < 200
(B> debug: bayes: 29638 untie-ing
(B> debug: bayes: 29638 untie-ing db_toks
(B> debug: bayes: 29638 untie-ing db_seen
(B> Since we get about 600 incoming messages per day of which around 50 are scored
(B> 10+, and 20 scored between 5 and 10, I'd expect to see this number be non-zero
(B> by now
(Bthe bayes learning process takes into account the score of the email without
(Bnetwork and whitelist/blacklist scores added.  So, that means that if the
(Bemail scored say a 5 or 6 with network tests, but the actual non-network
(Bscore is say a 2 or a 3 then it may not be learned automatically (keeping in
(Bmind these figures aren't necessarily accurate, just being used as an
(Bexample) ... I recommend checking the docs for SpamAssassin for specifics
(Babout how the bayes learning works.
(B> The relevant parts of my sa-mimedefang.cf are:
(B> use_bayes 1
(B> auto_learn 1
(B> bayes_path /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes
(B> bayes_file_mode 0666
(B> The bayes stuff looks like this:
(B> localhost:/var/spool/spamassassin# ls -al
(B> total 24
(B> drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Feb 17 12:29 .
(B> drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Jan 19 17:30 ..
(B> -rw-rw-rw-1 defang   root 4096 Jan 19 18:36 bayes_seen
(B> -rw-rw-rw-1 defang   root20480 Jan 19 18:36 bayes_toks
(B> What's missing?
(Btry running sa-learn --dump magic to show you relevant information regarding
(Bthe bayes database.
(Bhope this helps
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(BMIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] false positive with filescan

2004-02-23 Thread alan premselaar
On 2/24/04 2:30 AM, "Lucas Albers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> Yesterday I had a user complained because a word doc was marked as
(B> 'suspicious' with filescan.
(B> I had the file quarantined, and ran it through with the scan.pl perl
(B> interface to File::Scan and it does not detect an suspicious items on the
(B> scan.
(B> Any idea how I can troubleshoot this?
(B> Do I need to save the raw work directory, when a suspicious item is
(B> detected, so I can determein the exact raw format it is scanning?
(B> Anyone have code to do this?
(B> It is a very strange problem.
(B> It is the first time an item has been marked like this in 90K emails.
(B> I turned off blocking of items marked as suspicious with File::Scan, while
(B> I troubleshoot it.
(B  Originally when I implemented MIMEDefang, SpamAssassin, File::Scan, etc at
(Bmy offices, I had similar issues with word documents, excel documents and
(Bmisc. other documents.
(BBasically it was determined that File::Scan was just too paranoid to be used
(Breliably in that environment.  I switched to using CLAMAV and things have
(Bbeen running smoothly ever since.
(BI'm sure this isn't the answer you're looking for, nor does it really answer
(Bthe question.  Hopefully you get some use out of it.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Performance parameters

2004-02-29 Thread alan premselaar
On 04.2.28 6:49 AM, "Kevin A. McGrail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> For a quick change on a server in place with plenty of ram with tmpfs
(B> compiled and configured to /dev/shm, does anyone see a problem with just
(B> adding the following (or very similar) to the mimedefang startup script?
(B> cd /dev/shm
(B> mkdir MIMEDefang
(B> chmod 700 MIMEDefang
(B> chown defang.defang MIMEDefang
(B> ln -s /dev/shm/MIMEDefang /var/spool/MIMEDefang
(BI did this on one of my machines and haven't had any issues with it... (that
(Bi can think of anyways)
(Bon some newly installed machines, I actually created a tmpfs entry in my
(Bfstab at /var/spool/MIMEDEfang which seemed a little cleaner in the case of
(Ba system reboot.
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Re: [Mimedefang] SA body filters tagging header contents

2004-03-02 Thread alan premselaar
On 04.3.3 7:57 AM, "Michael Haren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> Now I must ask, does anyone know of any convenient way to scan only the
(B> body of the message, without the subject? Without creating meta
(B> rules/etc. I didn't see this as an option.
(B> As it seems, if you have the same phrase in both the body and subject,
(B> you cannot tell if it actually appears in the body at all. You can only
(B> determine that it is in the subject, and _might_ be in the body.
(B> Of course if it is in the body but NOT in the subject, a metarule will
(B> help but that's not what I'm going for.
(B> Any ideas here? I thank you again.
(B> Michael
(BWhy would you prefer to do it without META rules?  I personally would use
(BMETA rules in a manner something like (completely untested, off the top of
(Bmy head):
(Bheader __LOCAL_SUBJ_FOOEY   Subject =~ /fooey/i
(Bbody __LOCAL_BODY_FOOEY /fooey/i
(Bscore LOCAL_MY_FOOEY 0.1
(Bor something similar... been awhile since i wrote SA rules.
(Bhope this helps
(BVisit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
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Re: [Mimedefang] Authentication warnings and "cannot write" errors

2004-03-11 Thread alan premselaar
On 3/12/04 6:23 AM, "Cormack, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> Dear group,
(B> Poking through my maillog, I'm seeing log entries that appear below.  As I
(B> read mimedefang.pl, there are a few places where it looks like MIMEDefang is
(B> originating new messages, and sending them, addressed from the defang user,
(B> using the "-f" switch for sendmail.
(B> In which case, it is failing to write the message to my /var/spool/mqueue
(B> directory, which has the following perms:
(B> drwxr-xr-x2 root mail   299008 Mar 11 16:20 mqueue
(B> Should I make the "defang" user a member of group "mail", and open up write
(B> privalegdes to the group, on the mqueue directory?
(B> Thanks for any advice.
(B> Ken
(B  The notifications generated by MIMEDefang should be going thru your
(Bsubmission queue runner, and thus using /var/spool/clientmqueue.
(Byou should confirm the existence of that directory and the permissions and
(Bmake sure you have a submission queue running.  I think the default is 1hour
(Band I set mine for 5mins.  (on redhat, this is configurable in
(Banyways, i'd guess it's SOMEthing related to the /var/spool/clientmqueue
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Re: [Mimedefang] file descriptor scope and embedded perl

2004-07-05 Thread alan premselaar

Chris Masters wrote:
Hi All,
Since upgrading to the latest MIMEDefang today I have
bad file descriptor errors - I assume this is an
embedded perl scope issue.
So, I currently do the following:
1) I do *not* use filer_initialise
2) The file descriptor are global and are declared
*outside* of any function.
3) valid connections are made using a 'connection test
function' within functions called within the 3 main
filter functions.
4) file descriptors are closed in filter_cleanup
I take it that I shouldn't be doing 2?
Can/Should I declare *slave* globals in
Thanks for your help,
  The documentation for mimedefang-filter specifically states that if 
you're using Embedded Perl, you *MUST* use filter_initialize to 
initilize variables (such as file descriptors) that need to be seen 
across slaves.

with embedded perl, the (outside of any subroutine) global variables are 
only initialized once on initial startup, and not on a per-slave basis.

check the mimedefang-filter man pages for more specific information.
hope this helps.
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] block based on outgoing recipient

2004-07-05 Thread alan premselaar

Lucas Albers wrote:
Would this item; in filter_end exclude all further mail filtering, on mail
going from localhost to this a particular recipient?
#in filter_end.
 if ($recipient =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) {
Does not appear to be working...
  if you just want to bypass all filtering for mail originating on your 
localhost and being sent to a specific recipient, wouldn't using 
filter_recipient be more appropriate?

I haven't used it personally, but the pseudo-code could look something like:
sub filter_recipient {

if (localhost) {
if ($recipient =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) {
** this is pseudocode, it's not meant to run as-is. also, I couldn't 
remember the return code off the top of my head, so be sure to 
double-check it for accuracy

hope this helps,
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Re: [Mimedefang] white listing $senders

2004-07-07 Thread alan premselaar
Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
To mimedefang-filter I've added the following two functions
sub filter_sender {
  my ($sender, $ip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;
  return('ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING', "Sender whitelisted")
   if is_whitelisted($sender, $ip);
  return ('CONTINUE', "ok");
sub is_whitelisted {
  my ($sender, $ip) = @_;
  my ($whitelistfile) = '/var/spool/MIMEDefang/whitelist.txt' ;
  return true if ($ip =~ /^192\.168/ );
  if(open (WHITELIST, "< $whitelistfile" )) {
 @whitelist =  ;
 return true if grep { /\b$sender$/i } @whitelist ;
  return false;

I have a couple of questions.
(1) Other than my forgetting to chomp are there other errors in the code
that people notice.
One thing I noticed is that you are storing your file in
/var/spool/MIMEDefang.  if you have your system configured as
recommended with /var/spool/MIMEDefang being on a tmpfs or RAMdisk, then
you'll obviously need to have some sort of external way to make sure
this information isn't hosed if you lose power or reboot the machine (etc.)
also, although the file handle should be closed once the script exits,
it's usually good practice (in my opinion) to close your file handles
when you're done with them.
so, in sub is_whitelisted, just before you return you may want to
if you're only going to whitelist based on senders who publish SPF, you
should (if you haven't already) look into using Mail::SPF::Query.  if
your intention is to whitelist any sender who's publishing SPF records,
then you could probably save yourself a lot of trouble by just
"whitelisting" based on the results of Mail::SPF::Query as opposed to
keeping a local flat-file.  otherwise you could use the results of
Mail::SPF::Query in conjunction with your flat-file read to determine if
the mail should be scanned or not.
(2) Will the whitelist file be opened anew with every incoming mail? or
will it only be opened when the mutliplexor starts a slave?
the way you have it configured here, everytime filter_sender is called
your whitelist file will be opened.
(3) If the answer to (2) is "every time" is there something I can to fix
that while still keeping the whitelist in an external file?
you may want to consider using embedded perl.  then you could setup your
 filehandles in filter_initialize and just reference them as approprite
in filter_sender.
(4) I'm using bayes autolearn for spamassassin, if I by-pass spamassassin
with this whitelisting am I depriving the autolearn system with
important information?
obviously, any information you don't pass thru the bayes autolearn
facility is depriving it from information. whether or not it's important
information is dependant on the contents of the mail and your auto-learn
I also have a few policy questions.
 (4) What I'm doing will exempt whitelisted mail not only from defanging,
 bad extention checks and SpamAssassin, but also from virus scanning.
 Is that stupid?  Note that at the site in question almost all (but
 not all) email users are on Linux.  Of the few MS-Windows users,
 almost everyone (but not everyone) is using a Mozilla based MUA.
 (But I know that there is at least one Outhouse user still, and
 that is not going to change).
Firstly,  I personally am a little uneasy with setting up whitelisting
facilities based on fields that could potentially be exploited or
forged. You may want to keep that in mind when setting up your
whitelisting.  I prefer to do my sender whitelisting (per se) based on
SMTP AUTH.  My mail server doesn't have any "local" senders (i.e. from
the box itself) and is located in a co-lo so there's no local network to
authenticate against.  since all of my users are remote (and world-wide)
the only useful way for me to determine if scanning should be done is by
checking SMTP AUTH.
My policy decisions are such that I scan every piece of mail thru my
server for viruses.  even outgoing mail that has been SMTP AUTH'd.  the
overhead is minimal and it only takes ONE virus mail to cause a problem
so, if you even only have 1 machine that could possibly send a virus,
you're better off scanning than not (in my opinion).
I do, however, skip spam scanning from my authenticated users as i know
my users don't send spam. YMMV
hope this is useful information.
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Still outbound messages are getting blocked by s pamassassin

2004-07-09 Thread alan premselaar

From: Jim McCullars [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Vivek Kumar wrote:

Hi Matthew,
I tried both the following syntax you suggested but I got 
  How about just:
  if ($hostip =~ /^191\.0\.(?:0|1)/) {

That would aslo match, for example.
This might work though:
if ($hostip =~ /^(?:191\.0\.(?:0|1)|127\.0\.0)\./) {
I use a subroutine that allows me to be creative and/or easily expand my 
list of machines/networks that can send email unfiltered. The code had 
been posted to the list awhile back so i'm not going to take credit for 
writing it. I obviously modified it for my own use.

I personally don't use ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING because I still 
force virus scans of outgoing mail, but i use these tests to bypass the 
SpamAssassin tests as necessary.

hope this helps,
code follows:
use Socket;
sub valid_local_network {
my  ($hostip) = @_;
my  $addr   ='';
my  $network_string = '';
my  $mask_string = '';
my  %exempt_subnets = (

$addr = inet_aton $hostip;
while ( ($network_string,$mask_string) = each %exempt_subnets) {
my $network = inet_aton $network_string;
my $mask = inet_aton $mask_string;
if ( ($addr & $mask) eq $network) { 

return 1; 



return 0; 

then in filter_relay you could have:
sub filter_relay ($$$) {
my ($hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;
if (valid_local_network($hostip)) {
return('ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING', "It's from us.");
# ... other relay tests here
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Re: [Mimedefang] Globals

2004-07-13 Thread alan premselaar

Rich West wrote:
Thanks to all of those that responded.
Based upon all of the ideas, I came up with the following code to do the 

sub filter_begin () {
   %lists = &get_lists();
  open (LISTS, "/var/mailman/bin/list_lists -b|")
or die "Could not execute '/var/mailman/bin/list_lists -b'.\n";
my only suggestion is that you do not call die in your filter. it could 
cause strange things to happen.  you're better off returning a null hash 
if the open fails.

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Re: [Mimedefang] White paper on futility of replying to viruses?

2004-07-16 Thread alan premselaar

Ben Kamen wrote:
sounds like a bad idea... imagine all the admins you would be emailing 
who would actually care or be allowed to do anything else due to 
politics.. ugh.

Email is just a mess.
Kenneth Porter wrote:
I seem to get a lot of automated replies from virus scanners 
responding to forged viruses with my address as the sender (typically 
lifted from a newsgroup posting). It would be nice if I could fire off 
a link to that postmaster pointing to an article explaining why 
auto-replies to a virus are a Bad Idea. Does anyone know of any good 
articles explaining this? (And is it an equally Bad Idea to auto-reply 
to such an auto-reply? ;) )

I just train all those emails as spam (for my personal email domain) 
since I don't use any computers that are capable of being infected by 
those viruses.  since those messages are now just like crying wolf, even 
if they were legit virus notifications, the impact is nearly 0.

I also scan all outgoing mail for viruses, and i reject (with a 5.x.x 
error) any messages containing viruses... that way if it really *IS* 
legit mail, the sender will have some idea that the mail wasn't 
delivered.  I'm not really prepared to discard any mail yet...
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Re: [Mimedefang] Relaying denied

2004-07-22 Thread alan premselaar
Les Mikesell wrote:
On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 10:24, Vivek Kumar wrote:
Yes its gorave not gorav (typo error). I was trying to send it to lists
related to mail as I was not getting porper answer for that.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
  Note that by doing this
you lose the ability to check valid user names as the relay
server accepts messages.  There has been some recent discussion
on the list about how to validate via smtp to the delivery
If forwarding to an MS Exchange server, md_check_against_smtp_server() 
won't work as
exchange will always accept recipients and then send out seperate "user 
not found" emails after the fact.  since this is the case, you'll want 
to look into using either LDAP lookups to validate users or use some 
scripts to export your valid AD users into a local user table on the 
mail gateway.  Both solutions have been discussed on this list.

hope this helps
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Re: [Mimedefang] Reversing the process

2004-07-22 Thread alan premselaar
Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
   Not that I really want to do this, but I have a mail server right now 
on which I want to remove MIMEDefang all together, and just leave 
sendmail running.  The folks on that machine actually WANT all their 
spam and viruses, so...who the hell am I to tell them no.  So, how do I 
go about reversing the install, and remove MD (which has SA also tied 
into it)?

  It seems like you could just remove any reference to mimedefang in 
the milter definition section of your sendmail.mc and rebuild your 
sendmail.cf file and you should be golden.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Sendmail 8.10 and MIMEDefang

2004-08-02 Thread alan premselaar

Kenneth Chan wrote:
I have a raq4 with sendmail 8.10.  Which is the most recent version that will work 
with sendmail 8.10?  Is there an archive of previous versions available for download?
 If I'm not mistaken (and this is off the top of my head after a long 
day at work) then sendmail 8.10 doesn't support MILTER which is required 
to run MIMEDefang.  also, apparently some versions of sendmail 8.11 have 
 some MILTER related bugs and it's recommended to use at least sendmail 
8.12 with MIMEDefang.

anyone else on the list can correct me if i'm wrong (please).
hope this helps,
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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang not scanning for Spam??

2004-08-03 Thread alan premselaar
Sven Schuster wrote:

This rule usually does work, even when I reinject this mail (as present
in the users mbox) into sendmail (port 25). I also don't have any
rules to skip spam scanning for certain senders or recipients or the
Any idea what's going wrong here??
are you using the mimedefang-filter that's included with MIMEDefang?
what's the size of the email?
chances are that the email is larger than 102400 bytes then SpamAssassin 
checks will be skipped.

hope this helps
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Re: [Mimedefang] Bad RCPT Throttle in the Real World

2004-08-05 Thread alan premselaar
  check the docs for sendmail 8.13.x ... the delays can be controlled 
on a per domain/IP/etc basis in the access file.  although the machine I 
have sendmail 8.13.x installed on currently is inaccessible (not yet 
installed into production) so i can't confirm this or give you any more 
details than that.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Thanks for the detailed idea.  Can you add these delays, specifically, the
wait 15 seconds before replying, just for IPs listed in a db file (as an
example)?  Any hints on the name of the mod so I can search for it?

You might instead look at the latest mods David is putting into
With the latest sendmail and MIMEDefang, you can do things like tell
MIMEDefang "wait 15 seconds before replying".  The latest sendmails also
have settings that let you delay certain responses like the initial SMTP

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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-11 Thread alan premselaar

Ben Kamen wrote:
Richard Laager wrote:
That's just it - if your sales guy is at hotel with his laptop, he could 
use AUTH/STARTTLS and actually relay through his company's mail server. 
Thus the email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be delivered by 
mail.acmewidgets.com to where it needed to go... SPF would be valid. 
This no bounce at the destination.

this assumes that whatever ISP the sales guy is using at the access 
point doesn't block out-going port 25, like many ISPs have been known to do.

You'd then have to configure the mail servers to accept connections on a 
n alternate port (that's not likely to be blocked by ISPs) and you'll 
also have to configure the sales guy's laptop to connect to your server 
on that specified port.

So the second part below wouldn't even be an issue.
If the people at example.com have setup their SPF record to say that
mail from unlisted networks should be bounced, the message will be
bounced. If they've said it should be subject to additional checks,
but not outright rejected, it will be accepted and the SpamAssassin
score increased. The behavior is exactly per their setup.
if whoever is providing the service for the access point has the policy 
of "you must route all mail through our mail servers" then this 
certainly does become an issue.

I think the biggest hurdle is to get everyone in the internet community 
responsible for the configuration of mail servers to a) agree on 
configuration policies and b) actually implement them.

my 2 yen worth
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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-11 Thread alan premselaar

Ben Kamen wrote:
But seriously, it's so easy to set up StartTLS on the client side...
you know, you would think that... but, as an example, Microsoft 
Entourage (part of Office 2000) for OS X doesn't support STARTTLS, only 
SSMTP. sure you can use SMTP AUTH, but you'd have to configure your mail 
server to support STARTTLS and SSMTP as well.

as an ISP, you can't be platform biased either. you have to take into 
account every possible mail client that anyone using your servers may 
attempt to use. like it or not.

granted, *I* don't like it... and I pretty much force all my users (of 
my personal domain's mail server) to use SMTP AUTH/STARTTLS, but I only 
have about 14 users, and they don't pay for the service so they know 
it's my way or the highway. (heh) ...

anyways, I've been thru the "i want it as secure as possible without 
being too restrictive for what platform/mail client my users choose to 
use" thing.  much easier said than implemented.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Spamassassin not using SURBL

2004-10-12 Thread alan premselaar
Kris Deugau wrote:
alan premselaar wrote:
I just recently installed a system with MD 2.45 and SA 3. and
while doing some testing to see if the network tests were running, I
determined that the -C option to spamassassin does not work as
the man pages are a little hazey about the description,

Hmm.  Seems clear enough to me:
-C path, --configpath=path, --config-file=path
Use the specified path for locating the distributed configuration
files. Ignore the default directories (usually /usr/share/spamassassin
or similar).
you're right, now that I look at them again (and not in the middle of 
the night... it must have been my head that was hazey)  although i still 
contend that "--config-file=" is a little mis-leading.  I seem to 
remember there actually being an option to specify the config *file* to 
load, not just the directory.  of course i could be hazey here too :)

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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang-2.45 and dual opteron

2004-09-30 Thread alan premselaar

Bill Maidment wrote:
I've had mimedefang-2.45 spamassassin-3.0.0 clamav-0.80rc2 running for 
about a week OK on a dual opteron. Then yesterday a friendly bz2 file 
came in as an attachment and clamav threw a fit. I upgraded to 
clamav-0.80rc3 and still had the same problem, so I went back to 
clamav-0.75.1 which handled the bz2 file OK on i386 machine. That's when 
mimdefang stopped working.

I've gone through a myriad of software combinations and just cannot get 
mimedefang to work again. I can't even get the original problem to occur 
again. sendmail/mimedefang just stops on receiving an email as below.

Sep 30 22:51:52 mail mimedefang-multiplexor[2396]: Starting slave 1 (pid 
2479) (2 running): Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (2)
Sep 30 22:53:44 mail sendmail[3205]: i8UCrgoP003205: 
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=1244, 
class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=video.maidment.com.au []
  I've been installing a new machine with MD 2.45, SA 3.0 and clamav 
0.75.1 and it was working fine until I added some greylisting code. then 
it did the same thing.

it turns out that for some reason it was choking on my "use strict;" 
line.  more specifically it was complaining (during debugging) about 
calls to non-existant subroutines "main::sub_routine_name" which 
actually did exist.

I must have beat my head against the wall for 2 hours debugging this.
I reverted to a previous version of the filter and it started working 
again as expected, so i stepped thru changes, etc and finally once I 
removed the use strict; line with all my code changes, everything 
started to work. (i still need to figure out why that was happening)

anyways, the point (i think) is... check the little things and make sure 
you don't have something really little and really obvious taunting you 
and causing you problems.

in my case, it was get as far as you show in your log and then the slave 
would timeout and die and tempfail.

anyways, probably not much help, but thought i'd share.
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Re: [Mimedefang] OFF TOPIC - Need a product to block spyware

2004-09-30 Thread alan premselaar

Johann wrote:
It is the only thing that will get rid of all the malware you have now, 
including Windows 2000. :-)
a good pair of wire cutters will prevent spyware too.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Spamassassin not using SURBL

2004-10-07 Thread alan premselaar
Graham Dunn wrote:
What options are required when running spamassassin from the command
line to get the same behaviour as you would see when run in

Other than using -C

Also should run as the defang user
su -c "spamassassin -C /usr..." defang

I just recently installed a system with MD 2.45 and SA 3. and while 
doing some testing to see if the network tests were running, I 
determined that the -C option to spamassassin does not work as expected.

the man pages are a little hazey about the description, but when i ran 
(as defang user)

spamassassin -D -C /etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf
it didn't pick up *ANY* of the default rules located in 
/usr/share/spamassassin.  instead it reported the working rule DIRECTORY
was /etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf

I haven't had the time (since) to check out bugzilla for SA and see if 
this has already been reported, so i haven't filed a bug report yet.

interestingly enough, spamassassin -D (as defang user) picks up my 
sa-mimedefang.cf (mostly because in the upgrade from 2.39 to 2.45 I left 
sa-mimedefang.cf in /etc/mail/spamassassin and just made 
/etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf a symlink to it) and it picks up the 
/usr/share/spamassassin/*.cf files so everything is hunky-dorey.

i tinkered with it so much, i forget what I did to make it start working 
the way i expected it to.  I did make sure that all my module 
requirements were up to date.  I also ran spamassassin --lint to make 
sure I fixed any problems in my .cf files that creeped in from the 
previous version of SA.

anyways, hope this is useful information.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Installed Modules

2004-10-28 Thread alan premselaar
Trevor Dodds wrote:
Can someone please tell me the command that will display all the modules
is using.  
 I believe what you're looking for is "mimedefang.pl -features"
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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: VERY Newbie Question

2004-10-31 Thread alan premselaar
Jeff Rife wrote:
On 30 Oct 2004 at 0:16, David F. Skoll wrote:

...and the RFC pretty clearly says that an IP address should *never* be
used as the argument to HELO, so that rule *should* reject all e-mail.
Umm... reread his code.

  I think what David was trying to point out is that with his code, 
unless the IP is or *IT MATCHES $helo*, the mail will be rejected.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Frustration...

2004-11-04 Thread alan premselaar
Lisa Casey wrote:
Hi Folks,
I'ld also like to drop, bounce, whatever mail that has certain words in the
subject, such as rolex, penis, viagra, etc.
I know I can do the above with MIMEDefang/Spamassassin, but I'll be darned
if I can figure out how. And the more I try to figure it out, it seems, the
more confused I am getting.
You should look at the /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter file (assuming your 
sendmail config directory is /etc/mail, it may be different on your 
system).  hopefully you are familiar with Perl.

Also, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feed it spam. I have Sendmail/Qpopper
and most of my users pick up their mail using Outlook Express. I understand
I can't just forward spam to a spam mailbox and run sa-learn on that as the
forwarding will not get the original headers.
you could add code in your mimedefang-filter to copy mail scoring (x) 
points to a spam catch-all, although being an ISP you may have privacy 
issue concerns.
There has to be a easy way to learn to use this and get it to do what I want
but I can't really figure it out. Surely there are some other ISP's on these
lists who might be willing to tell me  how they use it.
for your situation, the commercially available CanIT (or CanIT-PRO) may 
be more appropriate. Have you considered it?

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[Mimedefang] MD 2.48 , SA 3.0001 CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS

2004-11-15 Thread alan premselaar
I'm having an interesting problem.
I have:
MD 2.48
SA 3.0x (happens with 3.00 and 3.01)
perl 5.8.5 & 5.6.1 (happens on two seperate systems)
RedHat ES 3.0 & RedHat 7.2
when mail passes through MIMEDefang and calls SpamAssassin, even though 
I've got ok_locales and ok_languages set to "en ja" (to also accept 
japanese mail) mail that comes in with a subject in ISO-2022-JP encoding 
is triggering the CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADER (and sometimes the 
GAPPY_SUBJECT) rules.  If I run the same mail thru spamassassin -D it 
doesn't trigger these rules.

the Bayes database hasn't been fully trained yet so there's no Bayes 
scoring taking place.

I have MD 2.45 and SA 3.00 running on a RH 9 machine elsewhere with the 
same settings (with regards to language) but not experiencing the same 
problem. (although bayes has been trained on that system)

being unable to duplicate the problem with spamassassin -D makes me 
curious if there is some sort of setting or problem related to language 
handling that i'm missing with the latest version of MIMEDefang.

any help/information is greatly appreciated.
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Re: [Mimedefang] MD 2.48 , SA 3.0001 CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS

2004-11-16 Thread alan premselaar
Paul Murphy wrote:
(B> Alan,
(B> Check that you are running "spamassassin -D -p
(B> /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf" or whatever to make sure that MD and
(B> your manual check are using the same config.  If this is the issue, then
(B> carefully compare the default SA config with the MD version, and the 
(B> difference
(B> should indicate the problem.
(B> Best Wishes,
(B  I've only got the sa-mimedefang.cf file in /etc/mail/spamassassin and
(Bi double-checked the debug information from spamassassin -D to confirm
(Bthat it was using the same config file.
(BI appreciate the response however.
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Re: [Mimedefang] MD 2.48 , SA 3.0001 CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS

2004-11-16 Thread alan premselaar
Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
Starting with MD 2.46 (or 2.47?) location of sa-mimedefang.cf was moved 
from /etc/mail/spamassassin to /etc/mail.  Try moving the file, or 
making symbolic link, and see if that is going to make any difference.

sweeet. that was it.  not sure why i missed that, but i did.
thanks for your help
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Re: [Mimedefang] embperl.c issue

2004-11-26 Thread alan premselaar
J.P van Oyen wrote:
Anyone seen this before :
I am seeing this on a machine that now runs 2.39 but can not get updated ?
Hints are appriciated.
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3)
egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
  I can't remember off the top of my head, but i'm going to guess that 
Perl 5.005 doesn't support the embedded perl functions and you'll want 
to upgrade your Perl to 5.6.1 or higher.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Need help with virus notifications

2004-12-10 Thread alan premselaar
Ronald Vazquez NLM wrote:
(B> Hello:
(B> I have been tasked with configuring MIMEDefang to allow a virus to come in 
(B> thru the first instance, tag it with X-RrestrictedAttachment to allow our 
(B> virus scanner to process it.  The idea is that once Trend Micro drops the 
(B> attachment, we can scan the body with the second instance of MD and drop the 
(B> virus notification.
(B> Why?  There are some extensions that even though they are stripped, we do 
(B> notify our users of the action so they can take appropriate action.  This 
(B> means that we only want to stop notifications for uncleanable attachments.
(B> Do anybody know a better way to accomplish this?  The goal is to avoid 
(B> notifying our users of every virus-infected email we drop while still 
(B> notifying them about a VBA file they were waiting for.
(B> Thanks in advance,
(B> Ronald Vazquez
(B  It seems to me that because of the nature of most of today's viruses,
(Byou don't want to send any notifications if they tested positive.  Since
(Boften the sender is forged, it's generally a bad idea to notify the
(Bsender.  Since it's a virus, it's not usually something expected by the
(Brecipient anyways, so the notification only adds noise to the end-user's
(Bin the case of a VBA file that gets quarantined or rejected, etc.  that
(Bcould be caught with the bad_filename routines (not necessarily a virus)
(B and you could choose to make notifications seperate for those than your
(Bvirus handling.  ALthough I would still caution that rejected
(Bbad_filenames will also hit potential virus attachments and still cause
(Bnoise down the line.
(BAs a matter of policy, I reject (550 SMTP reject) any virus infected or
(Bbad_filename emails.  if there's a legitimate user at the other end,
(Bthey'll get notification of the failure.  if there isn't, the noise
(Bshould be minimal.
(Bhope this is helpful
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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang - japanese emails

2004-12-11 Thread alan premselaar
Marco Supino wrote:
I am running mimedefang (2.48) on solaris, through the milter, and have 
problem with scanning japanese emails, it seems mimedefang strips the 
japanese mime parts,

I dont know where to start in order for this not to happen, and i am 
still new to mimedefang, any help is appriciated.

  I've been using MIMEDefang (on linux) with japanese emails for a few 
years at least without any specific problems.

can you provide more specific details of the problem? (and possibly 
attach a copy of your filter)

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Re: [Mimedefang] Need help with filter

2004-12-15 Thread alan premselaar
Ronald Vazquez NLM wrote:
(B> Hello list:
(B> I have the following code as part of my:
(B>   my %trustedSubnets = (
(B ^^
(B># Looopback
(B> ''   => '',
(B> # Home Network
(B> ''  => '',
(B^^^  - this should be );
(Balso I think you also want to replace the => with , above. (my code uses
(Bcommas, i'm not sure if the => will work as well or not off the top of
(Bmy head)
(Beverything else looked ok to me.
(Bhope this helps
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Re: [Mimedefang] Perl help: quarantine and bounce criteria

2005-01-24 Thread alan premselaar
Kenneth Porter wrote:
I've got the following function for bouncing spam/viri in my office 
server. This gets invoked whenever the filter would bounce or discard, 
such as when the spam score is over 10.

If the mail was addressed to a legitimate local mailbox (other than info 
or hostmaster) I want to quarantine instead of drop, but I'm still 
getting quarantines for a single local recipient of info or hostmaster, 
so I've got a bug in that expression I need help with.

sub action_discard_bounce ($) {
   my($message) = @_;
   # don't quarantine if all recipients are @sewingwitch.com
   my $non_sewingwitch =  grep !/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i, @Recipients;
   # check for only recipient being
   # hostmaster or info (almost certain spam so don't quarantine)
   if ( $non_sewingwitch &&
( (scalar @Recipients != 1) ||
  ($Recipients[0] !~
/^(info|hostmaster)[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) )) {
"action_discard_bounce $message");
   if (MTA_is_domain_MX($MyDomain,$RelayAddr)) {
   # don't pester mx backup
   return action_discard();
   } else {
   return action_bounce($message);
  I think something similar has recently come up on the list.  what's 
the actual value of $Recipients[0]?  if it's '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' (no 
quotes) then it won't match, and it'll call 
action_quarantine_entire_message.  (because you're testing for with !~)

hope this helps
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Re: [Mimedefang] Anyone using File::Scan?

2005-02-16 Thread alan premselaar
David F. Skoll wrote:
Does anyone use File::Scan with MIMEDefang?  It seems to cause a lot
of problems with false positives.
For the next release, I'm considering removing the auto-detection
of File::Scan.  In other words, if you want File::Scan, you'll have to
specifically ask for it in your filter.
Any objections to this change?
I used to use File::Scan on the office mail servers but I got complaints 
 about false positives.  I've since switched to ClamAV.

I still use a combination of File::Scan and ClamAV on my personal mail 
server (where I can be more strict about what types of files are 
accepted as attachments).

I think the change would be good, because up until now, if File::Scan is 
installed, it's used.  I could see a case where it may be installed but 
not desired to be used.

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Re: [Mimedefang] This mail's for you... NOT!

2005-03-04 Thread alan premselaar
David F. Skoll wrote:
Most of the spam messages that I receive are addresses to
non-existing users... Mailing list I guess...  Can I setup a way to
accept mail for only a list of e-mail addresses?
Yes, there are a number of ways to do this.  Search the list archives
for "md_check_against_smtp_server"

Alas Exchange tends to accept EVERYTHING and send rejects later.  With later versions of Exchange there's a registry hack to get it to behave properly.

At one point I was using sendmail / mimedefang / etc in front of an 
exchange server (and have since gotten rid of the exchange server 
thankfully) ... at that time I used some sendmail rules to do LDAP 
lookups into the active directory to determine deliverability of mail 
and reject if undeliverable.

We were using Exchange 2000 which didn't have the registry setting.
as far as outgoing mail was concerned, the exchange server was on a 
local subnet (192.168.0.x) and I had the sendmail machine multi-homed.
I just added the IP of the Exchange server into the access database with 
RELAY  and used a mailertable to route incoming mail to the exchange server.

while we were using the exchange server, it worked pretty nicely.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: mimedefang error mimedefang.sock unsafe??

2005-03-23 Thread alan premselaar
James Ebright wrote:
As far as directories go.. the "x" bit simply means you can get a directory
listing if you have privledges. For files it turns on execute allowing the
file to be run as a program. I do not believe that should affect the operation
of MimeDefang in any way as MD does not need the x bit on the directory as it
already knows what the files are called and it only needs read write on the

For some reason you are not getting the mimedefang.sock created. I would
double check your config files and make sure you dont have MD trying to create
it elsewhere. You might also want to double check your /var/spool file system
and make sure its not an underlying issue like bad inode, out of space, out of
inodes, etc.
I just encountered this same problem on a system that has been running 
flawlessly until today.

I was seeing a bunch of
Mar 24 09:44:04 mail mimedefang-multiplexor[21236]: Killing busy slave 
17 (pid 10445): Busy timeout
Mar 24 09:44:04 mail mimedefang[21249]: Error from multiplexor: ERR 
Filter timed out - system may be overloaded (consider increasing busy 

Mar 24 09:44:24 mail mimedefang[21249]: mfconnect: No free slaves
errors in my mail log.
after trying to restart sendmail and mimedefang I was getting the 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe! error message and after 
doing some research realized that the file is not being created.

my /var/spool/MIMEDefang directory is a 2GB tmpfs with proper 
permissions and the mimedefang-multiplexor.sock file is properly being 

I'm a little perplexed at this moment as to what could cause it to fail 
seemingly suddenly.

any insight would be extremely useful.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: mimedefang error mimedefang.sock unsafe??

2005-03-23 Thread alan premselaar
alan premselaar wrote:
I just encountered this same problem on a system that has been running 
flawlessly until today.

I was seeing a bunch of
Mar 24 09:44:04 mail mimedefang-multiplexor[21236]: Killing busy slave 
17 (pid 10445): Busy timeout
Mar 24 09:44:04 mail mimedefang[21249]: Error from multiplexor: ERR 
Filter timed out - system may be overloaded (consider increasing busy 

Mar 24 09:44:24 mail mimedefang[21249]: mfconnect: No free slaves
errors in my mail log.
any insight would be extremely useful.

So, to reply to my own post, I've been toying around and determined that 
Embedded Perl appears to be the culprit.

I turned off embedded perl and mimedefang.sock is being created properly.
It ocurred to me that a friend of mine was having some other issues 
where mimedefang wouldn't start properly with embedded perl turned on 
and kept hanging on the call to SpamAssassin.

I'm running mimedefang 2.49 with Perl 5.8.5 on RedHat EL 3.0 update 4 
along with sendmail 8.13.3

is this a bug?
for the time being I'll upgrate to mimedefang 2.51 and see if that 
changes anything.

also, just for kicks I rebooted the machine (which I know i shouldn't 
have had to do, but i figured if i was having weird memory issues a 
reboot might clear them up) and that had 0 effect on the situation.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: mimedefang error mimedefang.sock unsafe??

2005-03-23 Thread alan premselaar
David F. Skoll wrote:
alan premselaar wrote:
So, to reply to my own post, I've been toying around and determined 
that Embedded Perl appears to be the culprit.

That kind of makes sense.  If the multiplexor is very slow to
initialize, mimedefang waits a bit before entering the main loop.
The code looks like this:
So if the multiplexor is whacked, it can take up to 50*3 seconds, or
a minute and a half for the mimedefang.sock to be created.
This is probably excessive. :-)  I'm thinking 15 iterations around
a loop with a sleep(1) in it is probably better.
 the multiplexor appears to be alive however. (as far as I can tell) 
... the socket is created and it's in the process list.  do you have any 
idea what might cause it to be so slow (somewhat suddenly) ?

I also noticed that mimedefang.pl -features hangs as well. I've narrowed 
this down to *something* in my filter.  Although I haven't figured out 
what yet, and nothing in the filter has changed during the period of 
time where everything was working as expected and it stopped working.

I'm stumped.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: mimedefang error mimedefang.sock unsafe??

2005-03-23 Thread alan premselaar
David F. Skoll wrote:
alan premselaar wrote:
So, to reply to my own post, I've been toying around and determined 
that Embedded Perl appears to be the culprit.

something's *really* hosed.  I copied the mimedefang-filter.example 
file, and just changed the email addresses of the admin and daemon and 
i'm getting the same results.

the problem is the mimedefang.pl -test just hangs...
so, even if i get mimedefang to create the mimedefang.sock file sendmail 
just spawns a bunch of slave mimedefang.pl calls that all hang.

everything was working (untouched) until this morning (JST)
mimedefang.pl -features also just hangs...
any ideas?
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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: mimedefang error mimedefang.sock unsafe??

2005-03-23 Thread alan premselaar
David F. Skoll wrote:
If you're on Linux, try this:
strace mimedefang.pl -features > TRACE.OUT 2>&1
and sending me (off-list!) TRACE.OUT
 Thanks for the pointer. checking the strace info (before sending it to 
you) I was able to determine that it's hanging while trying to connect 
to my SQL database server.

Since I have SpamAssassin configured to use a MySQL database server 
(non-local) and it's not able to make the connection to the database 
server, it's just hanging. completely. indefinitely.

if I comment out the SQL bayes lines in sa-mimedefang.cf, mimedefang.pl 
-features and -test start to work as expected.

Thanks for the help.
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[Mimedefang] interesting problem with SQL backend

2005-03-24 Thread alan premselaar
Today I had an interesting situation.
This is more of an FYI in case anyone else has run into similar 
problems. (cross-posted to MIMEDefang list as well)

I use SpamAssassin with MIMEDefang.
I got notified by one of my users that they were unable to send mail 
suddenly.  after checking the logs I determined that MIMEDefang was 
timing out and returning errors.  the cause for this was very unclear 
(which is why i'm sharing my findings with all of you)...

After digging around (and some assistance from David Skoll on the 
MIMEDefang list) I was able to determine that the problem was caused by 
SpamAssassin not being able to connect to the database server where the 
bayes database is stored. (using MySQL on a remote host)

this caused all sorts of "weirdness for no apparently good reason" and 
was initially very confusing to diagnose.

The symptoms were:
* mimedefang started to return "busy timeout" errors.
* when restarting MIMEDefang (with embedded perl enabled) the 
multiplexor wouldn't complete loading and mimedefang wouldn't create the 
socket, causing sendmail to spit out "file 
/path/to/mimedefang/socket/file unsafe" errors.
* turning off embedded perl would allow mimedefang to start and create 
the socket, but then would spawn multiple instances of mimedefang.pl 
which just hung.
* mimedefang.pl -test and/or mimedefang.pl -features would hang 
indefinitely with no output.

the workaround:
  after determining the problem to be the connection to the SQL server, 
simply setting "use_bayes 0" in sa-mimedefang.cf and restarting 
mimedefang resolved the problem. however, this obviously didn't utilize 
the bayes facilities.

the questions:
 I understand that the SQL code for SA is still 'experimental'.  is 
there any way currently to set a forced timeout to connect to the SQL 

is this something I should open a BZ ticket about?
being that I'm definitely not an SQL guru, does anyone have any 
suggestions for configuring a high-availability MySQL server 
configuration that could failover to a backup server should the primary 
one become incapacitated by a low-level hard drive failure?

Currently I have 1 MySQL database server with the bayes databases on it 
(among other databases) and my primary and secondary mail servers both 
make connections to it to check the bayes database.

This may be somewhat specific to the MIMEDefang implentation, but I 
suspect that there is a possibility that this type of behavior could 
have negative impact in other types of SA implementations as well.
again, this is mostly an FYI, but any suggestions are welcome.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Integrating SPF...

2005-03-29 Thread Alan Premselaar
John Von Essen wrote:
I am looking into SPF plugin for SA now. Does anyone know how it handles 
domains with no SPF record? I would assume that if no SPF exists, then 
forgeries are not penalized for that domain. Just need to make sure 
before I turn this plugin "ON" in production.

basically SA handles SPF in the following way (from my experience):
if SPF is non existant, no SPF rules fire
if SPF is existant and softfails, an SPF_SOFTFAIL rule fires with very 
few points
if SPF is existant and hardfails, an SPF_HARDFAIL rule fires with 
slightly more points
if SPF is existant and passes, an SPF_PASS rule fires with fairly low 
negative points

overall, the SPF scoring is low enough to have *very minimal* impact and 
is not designed to be used for rejection based on SPF.

One other thing (feel free to email me off list), what is the difference 
between Sender ID and using SPF records? Or are they the same thing 
I like SPF, I like the fact that you control it within your own domain 
via your DNS server. When I hear Microsoft talk about Sender ID I get 
nervous, I envision some type of paid subscription to be listed on some 
central repository that Microsoft controls!
I haven't been following the progress of Sender ID, so I can't offer you 
any information about it. sorry.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Newbie question -

2005-04-04 Thread Alan Premselaar
Randy Johnson wrote:
Is anyone using MIMDefang in conjunction with Spamassassin and ClamAV ? I'm
having a devil of a time with the local sockets settings. 
Any How-To's or suggestions would be great !

 I'm running MIMEDefang with SpamAssassin and ClamAV.
I've compiled clamav from source with:
./configure --with-user=defang --with-group=defang
I'm currently using SpamAssassin 3.0.2 with MySQL bayes database. 
previously I was using DB_File style databases and had my 
/etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes_* files chowned to defang.defang

not sure if this is much help, but I am running this configuration.
what type of problems are you having?
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Re: [Mimedefang] configuring mimedefang

2005-04-06 Thread alan premselaar
Speedy Sweedy wrote:
> Ok, based on what you guys are saying in here, I am now only scanning 
> with mimedefang and using it to call clamav.  I've tested my install 
> with the resource from testvirus.org and it catches everything jut fine.
> How do I get mimedefang to test for spam now?  I have spamassin 
> installed and mimedefang detected it when i ran ./configure.  The file 
> sa-mimedefang.cf is also in my mail directory, yet it does not call 
> spamassassin.  What am I missing?

You might be missing the documentation.

All kidding aside. you'll need to look thru the
/etc/mail/mimedefang-filter file to see how you have it configured to
call SpamAssassin.

by default I don't think it even writes anything to the syslog unless a
message scores above a certain score. You should put some debugging
calls in to confirm that it's working and then remove them once you're
comfortable with it.

the mimedefang documentation is your friend.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-07 Thread alan premselaar
Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:
Anyway, I consider it a feature :) It makes users more likely to clean
up their act, instead of inadvertently using your system as a rain barrel.
are you using stream_by_recipient to do this? or are you rejecting the 
mail for every recipient if just one of the recipients is over quota?

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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-12 Thread Alan Premselaar
Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:
We're not using it for any "compliance" testing (mainly because
we're an ISP), but we do use it for other things:
- rejecting on quota exceeded earlier than sendmail detects it
How are you checking quota?  Sounds interesting.

Using the perl interface to quotactl, the Quota module. The big
advantage of this is that we are able to reject at the SMTP level,
based on quota, instead of having mail.local detect the out of
quota condition, and then bounce it. This saves us on average
about 4 or 5 bounces per second (with peaks to more than 10/sec
during some spam runs).
On what system do you have this implemented? (linux? kernel?)
I'm playing around with an implementation on RedHat ES 3.0 and the 
problem I'm running into is that MIMEDefang runs as the defang user, 
Quota::query is only allowed to get quota information for other users if 
run as the superuser.

did you run into these kind of issues? do you have a work around?
Thanks for sharing your code/logic and any assistance.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-12 Thread alan premselaar
Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:
You probably have direct attached storage on the linux box? Apparently
that makes a difference. As a workaround, you could either run the
mimedefang slaves as root (not recommended) or run a specialised "quota
daemon", as root, that can perform the quota queries for you.
ahh, yeah, internal storage ...
the man page for quotactl states that Q_GETQUOTA is priviledged which 
makes me believe that (at least for local storage) it would apply to the 

i'll try with the quota daemon... thanks
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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-12 Thread alan premselaar
Josh Kelley wrote:
We use a setuid copy of /usr/bin/quota to do quota checking on our Red 
Hat server.  (We use a copy rather than making /usr/bin/quota setuid 
since any updates to the quota package would reset the setuid bit.)  
It's probably not the most efficient setup, but I thought that it would 
be simpler than a quota daemon.

I can post my code if anyone's interested, although it's not as fancy as 
Jan's.  For example, we don't do any checking on ESMTP SIZE=, we just 
bounce for people who have exceeded their quota and exceeded their grace 

 I'd be interested in at least looking at it.  Currently I'm using 
procmail for local delivery and its Quota handling is kludgey at best.
I'd really like to get something working within MD.  Since the method 
Jan uses calls the perl module for Quota directly, I don't think setting 
setuid on the quota application will make any difference (although I 
haven't looked at the Quota module code either)

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Re: [Mimedefang] Compliance

2005-04-15 Thread Alan Premselaar
Josh Kelley wrote:
alan premselaar wrote:
I'd be interested in at least looking at it.  Currently I'm using 
procmail for local delivery and its Quota handling is kludgey at best.
I'd really like to get something working within MD.  Since the method 
Jan uses calls the perl module for Quota directly, I don't think 
setting setuid on the quota application will make any difference 
(although I haven't looked at the Quota module code either)

Here you go.  A brief explanation:  we're only really interested in 
checking quotas for students, since faculty/staff don't have quotas.  
Students use their student IDs for their usernames, with 
firstname.lastname set up as an email alias, so we have to check 
aliases.  We test for numeric usernames to see if the account is a 
student (instead of testing something sensible like the account's gid - 
I don't know what I was thinking).  Rather than checking current space 
usage against the message size, as Jan did, we just check to see if the 
user has already exceeded their soft quota and has exceeded their grace 
period (i.e., grace is 'none').  This means that the occasional 
over-the-quota bounce still gets generated (for messages that exceed the 
hard limit before the grace period expires, or for messages so big that 
they exceed the hard limit for users currently below the soft limit).  
This hasn't usually been a problem, but sometime I'll go back and add 
Jan's enhancements - thanks, Jan, for posting your code.
thanks.  I took some of your code and Jan's code and hacked it all 
together.  I thought about putting in the alias checking as well except 
that a) I use more than one alias database with sendmail and b) 99% of 
my aliases map to more than one user so it's not likely that 
quota checking against.  Even if i traversed the list of real users in 
the alias, i'm still in a single recipient stage, so if one real_user in 
the alias is over quota, it would cause the message to be rejected for 
the alias, which I don't really want to do.

the code's only been written against and tested on RHEL ES3.0 linux.
anyways, I figured I'd share my code:
$MAILDIR = "/path/to/mail/directories";
$_QUOTA_CMD = "/path/to/setuid/quota/command";
sub filter_recipient {
($to,$from,$ip,$name,$first,$helo,$rcpt_mailer,$rcpt_host,$rcpt_addr) = @;
	my $local = ($rcpt_mailer eq 'local');

my @qrval = &check_quota_info($rcpt_addr) if ($local);
return(@qrval) if ( $local && lc($qrval[0]) ne 'continue');
# my greylisting code goes here
# if this was the only testing done in filter_recipient you
# could easily just do this:
# return(&check_quota_info($rcpt_addr)) if ($rcpt_mailer eq 'local');
# and be done with it.
sub check_quota_info {
my ($to) = @_;
my $uid = getpwnam($to);
return('CONTINUE',"ok") if (!$uid);  # possible alias
my $dev = Quota::getqcarg($MAILDIR);
my ($bc,$bs,$bh,$bt,$fc,$fs,$fh,$ft) = Quota_query($dev,$uid);
return('CONTINUE',"ok") if ((!defined $bh) || ($bh == 0));
## if usage >= limit then perm-fail
return('REJECT',"Quota exceeded.",'552','5.2.2') if ($bc >= $bh);
## fetch sendmail macros from commands file
read_commands_file() || return('TEMPFAIL',"Internal error.");
my $mailsize;
if (defined $SendmailMacros{msg_size}) {
## round up to the next 4k block
$mailsize = int(($SendmailMacros{msg_size} + 4095) / 4096) + 4;
} else {
$mailsize = 4;
	## if the mail is larget than remaining space, tempfail
	return('TEMPFAIL',"Quota exceeded, try again later",'452','4.2.2') if 
($bc + $mailsize > $bh);

## else accept
sub Quota_query {
my ($device,$uid) = @_;
my $retval = ();
my ($mailquota) = grep { /^\s+$device/ } split('\n', `$_QUOTA_CMD 
# return if user has no defined quotas
return(@retval) if ($mailquota =~ /^Disk quotas .{1,30}: none/);
$mailquota =~ s/^\s+//;
@retval = split('\s{1,6}',$mailquota);
shift @retval;  # remove device name from list
# strip out '*' characters
foreach my $val (@retval) {
$val =~ s/\*//g;
my ($homedir) = (getpwuid($uid))[7];
# pretend there's no hard limit for user if .forward file exists
$retval[2] = 0 if (-f "$homedir/.forward");

Re: [Mimedefang] Foreign Character Sets.

2005-04-18 Thread alan premselaar
Keith Patton wrote:
Yes sendmail accepts it, then it passes it to netscape and it rejects
it.. Funny thing is that sometimes it works other is doesn't.I have
noticed that nearly all the bounces I have seen  has the content in
foreign character set ( chineese or Korean )...  That is why I asked my
question could the foreign char set cause problems for MD?
I receive email with the iso-2022-jp and utf-8 character sets without 
any problems.

of course I'm using sendmail 8.13.3 & mimedefang 2.51, non-relay.
previously I had an exchange server that I was relaying for, running 
older versions of sendmail and mimedefang.  I didn't have any problems 
with those either.

Perhaps it's configuration issue with iplanet?
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Re: [Mimedefang] canonicalize_email error

2005-05-04 Thread alan premselaar
Tim Boyer wrote:
I tried putting in one of the subroutines that David presented at the
Lisa '03 session.  It's got the line
   $recipient = canonicalize_email($recipient);
in filter_recipient.
But when I run it, I get this in the logs:
Have I typed it wrong?  Spelled it wrong?

 You need to actually define a subroutine called "canonicalize_email" 
in the filter as well.

mine looks like:
sub canonicalize_email ($) {
my ($email) = @_;
$email =~ s/^$//;
return lc($email);
basically all it does is remove any < or > from the email and return it 
in lowercase.

hope this helps.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Using Stream_by_recipient

2005-05-06 Thread alan premselaar
Mack wrote:
When i stream by recipient, the email get's discarded and resent to each 
recipient as expected, however the new email doesn't pass through mimedefang 
(specifically filter begin/part/end). This results in not being virus chk/spam 
It just seems to get sent directly from the queue and not pass back through mimedefang. 

I've tried alsorts, but have not been able to resolve this one.
Somebody must know what i'm doing wrong lol
 I don't personally use stream_by_recipient, but if I'm not mistaken, 
when the mail gets requeued, it's queued from localhost.

Make sure that you're not skipping checks based on mail originating from 
localhost, as that would pretty much result in the behavior you're seeing.

also, sharing your filter (or at least the relevant parts) may help to 
provide more specific advice.

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Re: [Mimedefang] canonicalize_email error

2005-05-09 Thread Alan Premselaar
Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:
sub canonicalize_email ($) {
   my ($email) = @_;
   $email =~ s/^$//;
   return lc($email);
basically all it does is remove any < or > from the email and return it 
in lowercase.

Actually, looking at this code again (with a clear mind) all it does is 
remove a preceeding < and a trailing >

if i'm not mistaken, i yanked the code from DFS's Verisign SiteFinder 
checking code that circulated the list awhile back.

Have you considered
RCPT To:< "aL\ien+foo"@mail.12inch.com.>
which your mailer could accept as valid and deliver to you (Except
that in your case, you're not accepting mail to the hostname of
your MX, which is good, but in some cases that or something similar
might be configured).
I very specifically do not accept mail for the hostname of my MX server 
(unless it's generated locally) as I don't *ever* use it. (and it's 
prone to changes at any given point in time) ... my experience has been 
that any mail (not locally generated) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 100% SPAM.

even if ' "aL\ien+foo"@mail.12inch.com.' gets passed to sendmail having 
passed thru my filters, if sendmail knows to strip the plussed content 
and handle the \i as an 'i' then it'll still get delivered, but 
SpamAssassin / CLAMAV / etc will still be run on the message.

and [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be rejected.
(I'll have to re-read thru my filter to double check all of this... I've 
pretty much got it in 'set and forget' mode for awhile)

I've got a somewhat monstrous routine that will actually rewrite this
to a canonicalized email address, and it does a loose RFC2821 compliance
check too (somewhat less monstrous than the last chapter of mastering
regular expressions, though).
I wouldn't mind seeing the code if you're planning to share it, although 
I probably won't spend a lot of time/resources implenting it on my 
personal server(s) just yet.

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Re: [Mimedefang] SMTP

2005-05-10 Thread Alan Premselaar
Christopher Roberts wrote:
Ben wrote:
You literally telnet on P:25 to their SMTP server and type 
the commands by hand. 
If you still get the error - something is wrong on their end.

You live and learn! I have tried doing this for
mailgate01.barclays.co.uk and mailgate02.barclays.co.uk and 90% of the
time both immediately fail with:
   421 4.0.0 mailgate02.barclays.co.uk Server error
So the error is at their end... ?
But, I did managed to connect successfully a few times, and got as far
   RCPT TO: 
 I'd telnet to their server on port 25 and do the following:
EHLO your.mailserver.hostname
(you should get a string of 250- response messages)
(you should see another 250- response, if you get an error here, their 
mail server doesn't like something about your email address. more than 
likely your domain. more than likely your domain doesn't resolve properly)

if at this point it returns a 421 error, the problem is definitely on 
their side, and it appears to be a problem with the recipient.

if you get another 250- response then type:
(you should get a 354- response, type in anything and then follow it by 
a single . on its own line)

if HERE you get the error, then it could be related to anti-virus or 
anti-spam software configuration on their end, or other general 
configuration problems on their end.  It could be related to sender or 
recipient depending on how their mail server is configured.

Whereon I get "domain invalid" response. But I haven't seen any such
failures in the logs, so I suspect that it generally doesn't get this
far... Unless I don't have the log level set correctly - is there a
recommended level for debugging? Currently:
   define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `8')dnl
   define(`confMILTER_LOG_LEVEL', `8')dnl
for debugging you might want to crank it up to 14
hope this helps
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Re: [Mimedefang] Tiny Text

2005-05-10 Thread alan premselaar
-ray wrote:
No, but I have seen 2.5 points before. :)  Silly question, where would i 
put a new rule like that?  I'm already changing some scores in 
/etc/mail/mimedefang/sa-mimedefang.cf, but not sure where to add a new 

 you should be able to create a file in /etc/mail/spamassassin (or 
where your spamassassin local rules directory is set to) called 
"tiny_text.cf" (or really "anything".cf will work) with your rules and 
scores in them.

otherwise, if you're not comfortable with that or don't know where the 
spamassassin local rules directory is set to, you can just add them to 
the sa-mimedefang.cf file

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Re: [Mimedefang] Incorrect required_hits setting

2005-05-14 Thread alan premselaar
Richard J. Kieran wrote:
Thanks for the thoughts. 
The required_hits setting is in sa-mimedefang.cf only. SpamAssassin figures it out and MIMEDefang doesn't. hmmm...
I restarted MIMEDefang every time I made a change to the setting. No change.
The same .cf files work on the old server.
Definitely weird. I suppose I could bump up all my scores by 25%.

  Older versions of MIMEDefang looked for sa-mimedefang.cf in 
/etc/mail/spamassassin.  2.51 looks for it in /etc/mail.

probably what is happening is that you don't have a 
/etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf file and thus it's using default values.

I've put a symlink in /etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf -> 
/etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf and that solved this issue for me.

of course all of this is covered in the changlogs
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Re: [Mimedefang] [possibly off-topic] ALL TRUSTED SA Problem

2005-05-18 Thread alan premselaar
Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
I am trying to assist with a problem where emails coming through an
anti-spam gateway are getting scored with ALL_TRUSTED.  I don't see a reason
why they should be.  I've looked at the SA Source code but still at a loss
and I'm worried it's something in the mimedefang filter.
Here's the headers from an email received by a user on an outlook client and
I've obscured the data to protect the innocent.  Any thoughts?
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0
Received: from fees.acompany.com ([]) by
vaexchange.acompany.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
 Wed, 18 May 2005 05:29:48 -0400
Received: from spam.acompany.com ([]) by fees.acompany.com
with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.211);
 Wed, 18 May 2005 05:29:47 -0400
Received: from sndr132.beta-ca.mxsvrbsminc.net
(sndr132.beta-ca.mxsvrbsminc.net [])
by spam.acompany.com (8.12.11/8.12.11) with ESMTP id
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 18 May 2005 05:31:29 -0400
Received: by sndr132.beta-ca.mxsvrbsminc.net id hhc3p806574u for
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 18 May 2005 02:14:52 -0700 (envelope-from
Received: from localhost by BSMgateway.2558621
with ESMTP id mid72236008.msg
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 18 May 2005 02:14:52 -0700
 This is definitely an issue with SpamAssassin. You should set your 
trusted_network and internal_network settings for SpamAssassin 
appropriately.  SA will do its best to try to figure this out on its 
own, however, especially in the case where your mail gateway server is 
on a private space IP address, it's not always able to do this.

It's been cautioned numerous times that correcting these settings is the 
most appropriate way to solve the problem, as other tests may be 
partially dependant on the trust path to function properly.

If you have your trusted_networks and internal_networks set properly, 
then just set the score to ALL_TRUSTED to 0 for now.

There are some known bugs related to the ALL_TRUSTED rules and code, you 
should scan SA's bugzilla  for them to determine if you're seeing 
symptoms of a bug or not.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Sober virus highlights problem

2005-05-19 Thread alan premselaar
David F. Skoll wrote:
Interesting idea.  I wonder how easy it would be to maintain local
signatures for Clam, just to catch this kind of thing?  I'll have
to investigate.
I've never personally done it, but from following the conversations on 
the clamav users list, it seems like it's *REALLY* easy to do.

something along the lines of using the sigtool to generate your own 
signature database and putting that in the database directory.

(obviously this is a highly oversimplified, mostly uneducated explanation)
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Re: [Mimedefang] 4.7.1 sendmail error

2005-05-20 Thread alan premselaar
Greg Schlut wrote:
Still bringing back that error.  Spamassassin was not scanning the files 
and I did increase the delay.  Any other ideas?  I may try upgrading 
mimedefang this weekend, and see if that solves it, but it really does 
look like a timeout issue.

Thanks for the help.

 are you using embedded Perl?  do you still get the error if you run 
without embedded Perl?

I've seen situations where while running in embedded Perl mode, the 
filter would time out trying to scan with SA, but in non-embedded Perl 
mode it would either work or fail with an error message. (it's been 
awhile, i don't remember the specifics off the top of my head)

I've also experienced odd time outs when I experienced hard disk 
problems on my MySQL server in which the disk would go into an endless 
loop while doing a seek and not time out or return an error. This 
wreaked all sorts of havoc on my mail server.

anyways, just some things to try in order to narrow down the cause of 
the problem.

hope this helps.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Start order for sendmail, MD and Clam

2005-06-07 Thread alan premselaar

Dirk the Daring wrote:

   Is there a particular order in which I should start sendmail, MD and
Clam? That is, are there any dependencies, or reason that one should be
running before the other (seems that sendmail will gripe about a missing
socket if MD is not running, so I start MD first, but what about Clam?)

Sendmail v8.13.4
MIMEDefang v2.51
Clam v0.85


 I start mine in the order of:


considering the logic that MIMEDefang makes calls that may require 
CLAMAV's resources (in this case clamd), and sendmail makes calls that 
may require MIMEDefang's resources, it seemed appropriate to ensure that 
those resources available before any chance of them being called.

subsequently, i shut them down in reverse order.


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Re: [Mimedefang] [Resolved] Start order for sendmail, MD and Clam

2005-06-07 Thread alan premselaar

Dirk the Daring wrote:

   The "stop" scripts are a little more problematic. I've decided that
for stopping, say, clam, it should check for MD being run, generate a
warning if MD is up, but still proceed with the stop even if MD is
running. Same for MD with relation to sendmail.


  Yeah, this could be problematic.  Especially in my case where if I 
make changes to my filter (not very frequently) or spamassassin rules 
(more frequently) i'll restart mimedefang but not necessarily sendmail 
or clamd.

anyways, glad to help.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Timeouts when filter-sender is employed

2005-06-15 Thread alan premselaar

Dirk the Daring wrote:

sub filter_sender {
my($sender, $hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;

# Can't be "psicorps.org" unless it's one of our IP's.
if ($helo =~ /(^|\.)psicorps\.org$/i) {
if ($hostip ne "" and $hostip ne "209.170.141.XXX" and
$hostip ne "209.170.141.XXX" and $hostip ne "") and
  the ) before the and in the above line is probably 
what's causing your problem. (non-matching parens) 

$hostip ne "209.170.141.XXX" and $hostip ne "209.170.141.XXX") {
syslog('info', "MIMEDefang rejected a connection where Host $hostip said 
HELO $helo");
return(0, "Connection Rejected: $hostip is not authorized to use $helo 
for identification");

I'm sure it's been recommended that instead of returning 0 or 1 etc, you 
should return 'CONTINUE' or 'REJECT' etc. it shouldn't cause filter 
failures however.

return (1, "OK");

when in doubt, running mimedefang.pl -test on your filter will show you 
most problems with your filter before running it live.

perl -c should show you any serious compilation errors


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Re: [Mimedefang] ClamAV's Worm/Trojan/Joke/W97M classifications

2005-07-01 Thread Alan Premselaar

Kelson wrote:


My address would have to be forged by a virus that uses a relay, and 
most of the current viruses are direct to MX with their own SMTP 
engines.  In these cases this is moot.  The message just dies with 550.

Expect this to change as more ISPs start filtering outgoing SMTP 
connections.  All a virus (or spam zombie) has to do is extract the 
settings from the user's mail config and send via the ISP's relay.

Depending on how the app stores the password, it may even be possible to 

One of the reasons I use 550 rejects for viruses is that I also scan 
outgoing mail... so if by some chance one of my users gets infected with 
a virus (regardless of the fact that we have desktop antivirus software 
installed on all our machines as well as ClamAV on the MX server) and it 
tries to send out using our mail gateway, the mail gateway will reject 
that mail with a 550 and throw an error back to the client machine.

if the virus is in an attachment that they're legitimately trying to 
send, they'll get an error message and then they'll undoubtedly come 
crying to the helpdesk which will then kick them and tell them to run 
the latest antivirus software/signatures.

if we just dumped viruses into /dev/null, the user would assume their 
mail was sent and just "never got to the recipient" ... considering that 
a lot of our business is conducted via email (internationally) and can 
often be time sensitive... by the time we figured out that the intended 
recipient never received the mail (at this point probably x times), and 
why, it may be too late.

there are pros and cons to both solutions.  choosing the solution in 
which the pros outweigh the cons for your situation is the important part.


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Re: [Mimedefang] ClamAV's Worm/Trojan/Joke/W97M classifications

2005-07-01 Thread alan premselaar

Chris Gauch wrote:

Alan wrote:

One of the reasons I use 550 rejects for viruses is that I also scan
outgoing mail... so if by some chance one of my users gets infected with
a virus (regardless of the fact that we have desktop antivirus software
installed on all our machines as well as ClamAV on the MX server) and it
tries to send out using our mail gateway, the mail gateway will reject
that mail with a 550 and throw an error back to the client machine.

if the virus is in an attachment that they're legitimately trying to
send, they'll get an error message and then they'll undoubtedly come
crying to the helpdesk which will then kick them and tell them to run
the latest antivirus software/signatures.

While it certainly makes sense to reject viruses when scanning outgoing mail
from your own network, it's best to make sure that virus attachment is
removed prior to rejecting and generating the bounce.  We also used to do
the same thing (rejecting viruses) when it came to outbound mail from our
own mail server (which is completely separate from our MD/ClamAV (CanIt-PRO)
gateway cluster), where we run a commercial AV scanner.  In at least a dozen
or so situations early last year, we were basically rejecting viruses from
client PCs, but the ignorant users (who WERE NOT infected prior to receiving
the bounce), would open the attachments in the bounce and infect their PCs,
spreading the virus like wild fire. Let me explain... 

I'm not generating bounces... i'm merely 550 rejecting ... which is fine 
in my situation because it's the SMTP outgoing gateway machine that is 
rejecting the contect coming directly from the client machine. (which is 
on our local network) ... so, what happens is, the user (on said client 
machine) writes email, attaches a file, hits send, gets a popup windows 
that says "ERROR 550 YOUR MESSAGE CONTAINS A VIRUS" and doesn't go 
beyond that point until they either a) figure it out themselves and run 
their anti-virus scanner or (more likely) b) contact our helpdesk and 
admit that they don't know enough to really be allowed to touch a 
computer even indirectly connected to the internet.  then our help desk 
eraddicates the virus or tells the user they're SOL.

no bounces (aka DSN or NDN) involved.

we have instituted a no MS internet software policy, but it doesn't 
necessarily mean that someone's not going to open OE or IE out of habit 
or just cuz they think they know what they're doing.

Also, one point that has been glazed over in this entire thread is that 
email is not the only way for these machines to be infected with 
viruses, and the user doesn't even have to be a complete moron to become 
infected any longer. Especially with exploits in which all you have to 
do is open the wrong URL, without knowing it or any indication on the 
site itself, just that one little act can infect your machine. nothing 
to do with mail.

right or wrong, i don't think either solution really adds any more to 
the problem, nor does it really remove anything from the problem. I 
think what these solutions do is change the way the problem is perceived 
by the people that are directly affected by the implementation of these 

if AV scanners were absolutely, without a doubt 100% reliable, that 
would be a different story.  if there were NO OTHER WAYS to contract 
these viruses, it would be a different story.  if there weren't other 
legitimate causes for DSNs, NDN, or whathave you, then the argument 
would hold more weight.

As it stands, obviously, my solution isn't appropriate for everyone, but 
it is most appropriate for me. my solution is rejection (not bouncing). 
my solution can have some adverse effects on other people as a result of 
someone else's malicious software, true. so does yours. just in a 
different way.

I take the stand (as others on the list also have) that I am not, and 
can not be responsible for everyone I come into contact with either 
directly or indirectly.  As much as I would like to help everyone, i'm 
neither qualified, nor is it entirely appropriate.  At a certain point, 
people need to take responsibility for themselves.  That includes being 
responsible for what they do and/or do not tolerate, how they deal with 
those things that they find they are unable to tolerate, and how to 
alter their environment so that they can protect themselves from those 
things they are unable to tolerate.

The argument that i've seen here has been two-in-one.  the first is that 
discarding is better than rejecting.  for some, that is true and 
appropriate.  the second, parallel argument is that the reason to 
discard is because people other than [insert admin/implementing 
authority/etc. here] are unable to accept or even understand 
responsibility for themselves and that we (the mail admin community) 
must accept responsibility for them and every other netizen instead of 
educating them as necessary for them to accept responsibility.  This is 
the role of an enable

Re: [Mimedefang] filter & logging issues

2005-07-07 Thread alan premselaar

B. Tolka wrote:

Hello All,

I have a function call  should_check_for_spam that seems to be processed
twice in my filter.  I am trying to log the System-Whitelist vs

I am not programmer by trade.  

What exactly does this line do in my filter? if
(($Features{"SpamAssassin"})  && should_check_for_spam($Recipients[0])) 

this line first checks the value of $Features{"SpamAssassin"} and if 
true will then test the return value of 
should_check_for_spam($Recipients[0])  * this is the first call to 
your sub-routine.

Snippets of my filter are below

sub filter_begin () {

   if(stream_by_spam_list()) {

sub stream_by_spam_list () {
my(@on_list, @off_list, $recip);
foreach $recip (@Recipients) {
if (should_check_for_spam($recip)) {

here you make your 2nd call to your sub-routine.

(actually, 1st and 2nd are only relative to this email, chances are in 
reality that this is the first call and the check above is the 2nd call)

push(@on_list, $recip);
} else {
push(@off_list, $recip);

you may want to write @on_list and @off_list to a temp file for use in 
your check above and instead of calling 
should_check_for_spam($Recipients[0]) do something like 
"is_on_SA_checklist($Recipients[0])" and write a routine to check if the 
value is in the temp file.

if ($#on_list >= 0 && $#off_list >= 0) {
# Some on, some off -- remail
$TerminateAndDiscard = 1;
return 1;
return 0;



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Re: [Mimedefang] Blatent spam getting X-Spam-Score: 0 ()

2005-07-08 Thread alan premselaar

Bill Curtis wrote:

So any idea why these aren't getting any scores at all?


  If it were I, I'd put some debuging md_syslog calls in.  right after 
you receive the results from the sa check and then also write before you 
write those values to the header.

chances are somewhere in between, the variables you're using to populate 
the header are either nulled out or becoming undefined.

find out for sure with debugging.


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Re: [Mimedefang] RE: Filtering on sender, recipient, and subject at the same time

2005-07-18 Thread alan premselaar

Craig Green wrote:

Note that since you're in filter_end, the HEADERS file *is* available, 
so you can just parse that if you'd prefer.  There was nothing wrong 
with your initial logic; it's just that parsing the file on disk is 
slower *and* it takes more code than using the MIME entity.  However, if 
it works, it works.  ;-)

Although if the spool directory is configured on a tmpfs (ramdisk) as 
has been recommended for quite some time now, then reading a "file on 
disk" is no longer an issue, as the disk itself is in RAM.

(I do, however, agree that using the MIME Tools code is much cleaner to 
look at.)

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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang, spamassassin and /etc/mail/spamassassin

2005-08-17 Thread Alan Premselaar

Rudy Attias wrote:

Hey all,

I'm quite new with this configuration but I seem to get the hang of it.
I'm running a mail relay(no local account) that forward to an exchange
2003 server in the lan. The relay is running sendmail and mimedafang
that scan using spamassassin and clamav. I have 2 main problems, both of
them are related about the way that mimedafang function with
First problem that is partly solved is the bayes processing with
spamassassin, in order to enable it I have added first to the
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf the following lines which made no
#Enable bayes

   auto_learn 1
   use_bayes 1
   bayes_path  /var/spool/MIMEDefang/bayes
   bayes_file_mode 0666
trying to put the same lines to the /etc/mail/sa-mimedafang.cf created
the files required in the directory /var/spool/MIMEDefang/bayes,
bayes_toks and bayes_seen (is it all the files that need to be

With later versions of MIMEDefang, it looks for 
/etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf instead of 
/etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf ... I've just created a symlink 
during my upgrade process and that works fine. (you could also make a 
symlink to /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf if you so chose)

I do not have local accounts so I'm not sure how bayes makes the

you should consult the SA documentation and/or mailing list for 
specifics of how the autolearn function works.

How can I check the count of learned messages, if I'm not mistaking
bayes will start filtering only after about 200 auto learned messages? 
Please feel free to correct me and enlighten me.

you are correct, Bayes will not kick in until you have at least 200 ham 
*AND* 200 spam learned.  you can check using the commandline by running 
the following command:

sa-learn --dump magic

Second problem is that I want to add some custom rules to spamassassin
by adding some file (e.g newrules.cf) to /etc/mail/spamassassin but I
have no indication that mimedafang read those, on the contrary it seems
that when I added the bayes configuration to local.cf in that directory
it didn't effect the spamassassin the is run from mimedafang.
appending to sa-mimedafang.cf is the only option? If not how do I check
or seen in the logs that it actually loaded those files?

if i remember correctly, MD needs the primary config file (in this case 
/etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf) to pass to the SA API when initializing the 
modules.  once this is done, any config directory directives (and 
defaults) are in place.  So you can put anyfile.cf in 
/etc/mail/spamassassin and it will be used.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Spam with more than one recipient - reject or not?

2005-08-17 Thread Alan Premselaar

Michal Jankowski wrote:

There are two users - user A and user B. User A wants to receive
everything, user B wants to have all spam mail rejected (with
action_bounce, so in case of a false positive the sender is notified).

There comes a mail addressed to both A and B. What should mimedefang

1. Bounce
   Pro: B doesn't get unwanted spam
Sender is notified
   Con: It's not delivered to A

2. Deliver to A only
   Pro: B doesn't get unwanted spam
A gets everything
   Con: The sender thinks they both received it

3. Deliver to A and B
   Pro: A gets everything
No problem with false positives
   Con: B gets unwanted spam

4. ?

Any ideas?


It seems to me like the 'most ideal' option would be 1. I say this 
because if someone sent mail to A & B that got scored high enough to be 
bounced but it wasn't actually spam, then at least the sender is 
notified that it got rejected by the filters and they can fix the mail 
and send again.

2 would be my second option if A didn't accept the fact that if the mail 
scored high enough to be bounced that the likelyhood of it being spam 
outweighed the likelyhood of it being a FP. The problem is that if it is 
a FP in scenario 2, nobody knows and thus the problem can't be fixed.

3 would be the 'safest' option in the fact that no mail is being 
rejected or discarded, but it's certainly not an ideal installation.  It 
would bring up the "why do we even have a spam filter anyways?" question 
from B quite often I would think.

I personally do global rejection if the mail scores above a certain 
score, otherwise I add spam headers and pass it on to the user to do 
with as they please (i sort mine into a spam folder).

To date I've had 0 complaints about it and nobody has contacted me 
saying "my mail got rejected, why?" (that doesn't necessarily mean that 
someone hasn't thought that but just not known how to get ahold of me, 

so, that being said, i'd choose door #1.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Checking origin of sender

2005-09-02 Thread alan premselaar

Ian Mitchell wrote:

HELO junkmail.com

Why would this make it past your SPAM filter? Unless you're doing 
something like whitelisting your domain (which is a bad idea in general) 
it should still be scanned.

Especially since in your example you have:

which means that as far as the MTA is concerned, the mail came from 

Now what's the advantage of the above? It appears to come from the
receiver thus allowing it to be filtered on appropriately. Now as long as
the email doesn't break too many of the litterally thousands of other
rules, it will make it through an appear to be legitimate (at least on the
side of the server).

actually, it will only "appear to be legitimate" on the side of the 
client.  assuming the client displays the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
part of the FROM: value as the sender (which a lot of clients do)

this is more of a social engineering issue, except that it's not really 
since the system is working exactly as it's been designed to.

No email from my domain either in the plain text name portion or the
actual sender email address should orgininate outside my domain's SPF
record. Any suggestions for hunting and destroying these emails?

In this case, if you want to avoid your end users being confused by this 
type of email, I would suggest that you check the comment portions (in 
quotes) and the email portion (in <>) of the From: to see if the comment 
contains your domain name, and if so if it matches the domain from the <>.

if it doesn't match, markup the Subject or add a tag to the From: 
comment to make it obvious that it wasn't originated from your network.


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Re: [Mimedefang] exiting the filter before any processing

2005-09-05 Thread alan premselaar

Rolf wrote:


I've tried so many combinations and none work.  Feeling a bit silly.

Where can I put in mimedefang-filter a statement so that the filter 
exits before any processing happens based on $RelayAddr ??

I've tried a simple: return if ($RelayAddr eq "ip address");  in various 
parts of the filter but none make any difference. Do I need such a 
statement in each of the subroutines?

What am I missing and/or misunderstanding?


 I think you want to put something like this in filter_relay:

if ($RelayAddr eq 'ip address') {

and you'll also need to make sure you're calling mimedefang with relay 
checking turned on.

You should check the man pages for how to do this specifically as I 
don't remember off the top of my head.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Rejecting some recipients

2005-09-15 Thread alan premselaar

Jeff Grossman wrote:

Sorry for the run on message before.  I have MIMEDefang set up with the
md_check_against_smtp_server setting.  So, it checks my server first to see
if the address is valid or not.  So, do you think it is still a problem with
just putting the addresses I want to reject in the access database?  The
reason I would prefer that method is because the list of rejections is much
smaller than the accept list, and the reject list does not change like the
accept list does.



 if you have sendmail configured to use virtusertables, then you could 
put something like this in the virtusertables file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   error: nouser "No such user here"

you'll have to check the docs for what the values of the error: 
directive are for virtusertables, but that will probably do what you 
want it to do.

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Re: [Mimedefang] (no subject)

2005-09-26 Thread alan premselaar


I'm confused...
I got a mailbox call spamdrop, where all spam detected by Mimedefang->SA is
Some of the emails subject is altered to contain:'*SPAM*', some
'[SPAM]', and some are not changed???!!!???

I still have the problem of honest spam endup in spamdrop mailbox and 
NOT marked

as spam by mimedefang headers?!?!




  are you also calling Spamassassin/spamc via procmail by any chance?

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Re: [Mimedefang] Suggestions please ... ;)

2005-11-10 Thread alan premselaar

Garry Glendown wrote:
Oh how easy life would be if customers just bought services and stopped 
complaining about missing features ... ;)

OK, here we go ... after some advice from the list, I installed MD to 
add special filtering capabilities to a customer mailserver. So far so 
good ... working as originally intended. I.e., filtering mails with a 
certain maximum size, filtering with a maximum number of recipients, etc 

I tried to clarify the exact handling and now got the request to have 
the filters modifiable based on the recipient/sender of the mail (at the 
customer's site). So, while the default might state that only 
attachments at 2MB are permitted, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is allowed to send 
or receive 5MB attachments, whereas [EMAIL PROTECTED] is supposed to 
receive msgs even if the number of recipient is greater than the default 

Now - how would you folks handle this? Problem is the former mailserver 
(Tobit David) had such features ...

And, can MD handle this "split" logic, i.e. can I "duplicate" the mail, 
deliver it to certain recipients, whereas I quarantine it to the rest 
(in case of multiple recipients)?


 I don't personally use the feature so I'm not going to be able to give 
you much details, but it sounds like stream_by_recipient() might be what 
you're looking for.  check man mimedefang-filter for more details.

you'll probably also want to look at filter_sender and or 
filter_recipient to handle the recipient count logic and the file size 

hope this helps

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Re: [Mimedefang] upgrade mimedefang to 2.54 failed with error

2005-11-24 Thread Alan Premselaar


Dear List,

I tried to upgrade mimedefang to 2.54.
while running ./configure i got the following error message:
configure: WARNING: Oops.. I couldn't find libmilter/mfapi.h.  Please install
Sendmail 8.12

It's odd because i got sendmail 8.13.4 complied with milter support??
can anyone suggest a fix?

Debian Serge 3.1a + sendmail 8.13.4 + clamd 0.87 + SA 3.0.3 + mimedefang 2.51

(is there a simple way to upgrade?? or should i got through the whole proccess
of configure,make, make install...etc.??)



 I'm not all that familiar with Debian, but I suspect that just 
installing the sendmail_configure or sendmail_source packages will allow 
you to compile MIMEDefang.

It's telling you it can't find a header file needed to compile (as a 
milter).  You shouldn't need to re-compile sendmail, just insall the 

hope this helps,

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Re: [Mimedefang] Creating live graph for monitoring the mail systems

2005-12-01 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Mathew Thomas wrote:
> Hi
> I use some Perl script to analyse the syslog which produces a lot of
> information like total mail, no. inbound/outbound mail, no. of spam, no.
> of mail with viruses, dropped mail, etc daily via a cron job. I would
> like to use the data to produce some graph for live monitoring the mail
> gateways via web. I can run the script every half an hour or 15 min and
> produce the necessary data.
> I don't know how to go ahead with it. Please reply. Thanks in advance
> for the help
> Mathew


  You can do all of that with Graphdefang, which should be in the
contrib directory of MIMEDefang.  I haven't checked to see if it's still
included, but it used to be.

not sure if this is exactly what you want, since it won't use your
script, but it should produce semi-real-time-graph-monitoring.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Error message:Problem running virus scanner: code=2

2005-12-06 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

> Mathew,
> Sorry for not answering your exact question...BUT
> What should should sertainly do is upgrade mimedefang to latest 2.54 and SA
> 3.0.3 and clamAV 0.87

Actually, SA 3.0.3 is still susceptable to a remote exploitable DoS
attack, if anything upgrade to 3.0.4 (or the recent 3.0.5 release if you
want to stick with the 3.0.x series or you can go to version 3.1.x)

likewise, ClamAV 0.87 is also vulnerable to a remote exploit and 0.87.1
is recommended.

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Re: [Mimedefang] disclamer only for out going mails.

2005-12-20 Thread alan premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Joseph Brennan wrote:

> No, since I have not been asked to do such a thing.  The question
> just got me started thinking about how difficult it is to define
> what outgoing mail is.  I didn't even mention the situation we
> have here, and also at many universities, that the "company" has
> many email servers, so that some mail outbound from the main
> system is actually internal mail by some definition.

I require all my users to use SMTP AUTH to send mail from our mail
server, even from the internal network.  So I use the
SendmailMacros{auth_authen} (i think) to check to see if SMTP AUTH has
been used to determine if mail is "outgoing"  ... it seems to be fairly
simple, but granted, not every place can enforce an SMTP AUTH policy.

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Re: [Mimedefang] poor performence from SA

2006-01-12 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

> I have upgraded to SA 3.1 but i get strange actions...
> I think that the SA is now checked before mimedefang filters and skips
> other
> filters...(but i'm not 100% sure about that? how can check?)

Did you install spamass-milter during your 3.1 install?

> I stop about 1000 spam mail per day and get about 3000 legit mail per
> day (some
> of it SPAM!!)

are you saying that you block about 1000 spam per day and receive 3000
per day, some of which is spam?

by definition legit mail != SPAM.

> I noticed another very anoing problem that I posted before but could NOT
> resolved it here...which is GOOD email with spam score less then 5
> end-up in
> spamdrop instead of delivered to user mailbox!

what are you using to move the mail to your spamdrop? are you
quarantining the mail in mimedefang? are you pre-sorting to a different
folder using something like procmail? are you just discarding the mail?

we're a little short of useful information here.

> and checking the headers it says:
> [quote]
> X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.1 required=5.0 tests=DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_XX,
>MSGID_FROM_MTA_ID autolearn=no version=3.0.3
> [end quote]
> this was from the spamdrop mailbox!! why is it there is the spam-status
> is NO
> ???

for one thing, this still shows it was scanned with version 3.0.3. are
you sure that you properly upgraded to 3.1? make sure that any
pre-existing 3.0.3 installation has been successfully removed.

most importantly, for anyone to provide you any assistance, you'll need
to provide more details about how you have it all installed.

hope this helps (even just a little)

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Re: [Mimedefang] OT: Disclaimer Madness

2006-02-14 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

ya, if you gather all the disclaimers and then send them to the
originating companies all at once, can you cause a disclaimer paradox
and thus the universe to explode?

Dave Williss wrote:
> I hope you sent a copy of the combined disclaimers to them. :-)
> - Original Message - From: "Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] OT: Disclaimer Madness
>> David F. Skoll wrote:
>>> We should be grateful if you would also notify the IT Operations
>>> Manager at City & Guilds of the e-mail, then delete it and destroy any
>>> copies of it. To contact the IT Operations Manager, please email
>> I love this one.  We *should* be grateful.  D'Oh!
>> I wonder if a boilerplate like this would be an effective method for
>> seeding a honeypot address??  H.
>> Charles
>> ___
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>> http://lists.roaringpenguin.com/mailman/listinfo/mimedefang
> ___
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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang and mailman

2006-02-21 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Daniel O'Connor wrote:


> Hmm but mail that is destined to pass through mailman is handled by 
> MIMEDefang 
> first - I want to tell MD to treat all mail to my lists as for the mailman 
> user (ie use the mailman user's Bayes DB).
> I don't mind if I have to put something like..
> if ($to == "list1" | $to == "list2") {
>   $user = "mailman";
> }


  I'm using mailman as well. If memory serves, I had to allocate a
seperate virtual domain specifically for the mailman lists in order for
mailman to handle them properly.

Assuming you're using the same type of configuration, you may want to
look at stream_by_domain to process different domains with different
parameters. I don't personally use stream_by_domain or
stream_by_recipient so I can't help you with specifics related to these,
but hopefully this will point you in the right direction.

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Re: [Mimedefang] sa-mimedefang.cf

2006-03-03 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

> Mickey Hill wrote:
>> On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 11:12 -0500, webmaster wrote:
>>> Well, sa-mimedefang.cf doesn't exist. Where can I obtain it and what
>>> does it say?
>> I believe it's in /etc/mail now.
> I concur.  Although I softlink my /etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf to 
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

So, to more directly answer the OPs question, /etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf
 should be whatever the contents of your local.cf file normally are,
although configured for your mimedefang installation.

I also, like Matthew, have a symlink of /etc/mail/sa-mimedefang.cf ->
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf  which should be all you need to do.

I think primarily this was done to prevent mimedefang from clobbering
the SA local.cf file and keeping things separated for easy
administration (i could be wrong). one thing it does do is make it easy
to identify what config files are necessary for the mimedefang installation.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: [SURBL-Discuss] Fw: Interesting Phishing Trick

2006-03-14 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

David F. Skoll wrote:

> Good grief...
> If I worked at a place like that, my e-mails would all look like this:
> PHB-decreed HTML mail
> Hello,
> This is a plain-ASCII e-mail.  But it's HTML.  Really!
> Regards,
> David.

I would do the same thing.

or i might go a step further and embed HTML tags inside the 
blocks to be even more annoying.

and then say "I dunno, your mail client must not parse HTML properly"

of course there's always the option of complying to HTML mail and
sending all mail with a font size of 4.

"dude, i can read it... you must need glasses"


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Re: [Mimedefang] MD 2.51/clamav .88.1 failure

2006-04-10 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Richard J. Kieran wrote:
> On Friday, 4/7, I updated clamav from version .88 to .88.1. When I did so, 
> virus scanning broke. Maillog was filled with entries like:
> Apr  7 15:49:23 hoover mimedefang.pl[66764]: Problem running virus scanner: 
> code=999, category=cannot-execute, action=tempfail 
> Apr  7 15:49:23 hoover sm-mta[67374]: k37JnNo4067374: Milter: data, 
> reject=451 4.3.0 Problem running virus-scanner
> Apr  7 15:49:23 hoover sm-mta[67374]: k37JnNo4067374: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> delay=00:00:00, pri=145673, stat=Problem running virus-scanner
> The clamd.log showed no problems. It seemed to be happy as a, well, clam. I'm 
> running MD version 2.51 on FreeBSD 5.4. 
> I was able to fix it by re-installing clamav .88
> Has anyone else seen this problem? Do I need to update MD? Any other thoughts?
> Richard


 There's been some conversation on the clamav list about problems with
the config files since upgrading to 0.88.1 (even not associated with

you should check your clamav config files to make sure you don't have
more than one space between the directive and the value, specifically in
relation to the LocalSocket directive.

apparently while the following works:

LocalSocket /tmp/name/of/socket/file

the following is broken in 0.88.1:

LocalSocket  /tmp/name/of/socket/file(notice the extra space?)

So far on the clamav users list there's no talk about a patch or a fix
for this problem other than to check your config files for extraenous

hope this helps.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Filter not working (properly)

2006-04-12 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
>Anyone have any idea why this piece of my mimedefang filter suddenly
> quit working?
>if ($FoundVirus) {
>md_graphdefang_log('virus', $VirusName, $RelayAddr);
>md_syslog('warning', "Discarding because of virus $VirusName");
>$QuarantineDir = '/var/spool/MD-Quarantine/virus';
>action_quarantine_entire_message("Message quarantined because of
> virus: $VirusName.");
>$QuarantineDir = '/var/spool/MD-Quarantine';
>return action_discard();
>It's logging the virus message just fine, and I get the quarantined
> e-mails as well, and clamav is also reporting the virus as it should in
> its log file, but MD is not saving the data in
> /var/spool/MD-Quarantine/virus anymore, it just stopped.  Any ideas as
> to why?  The last two items that got updated were clamav (0.88.1) and
> sendmail (8.13.6).  Haven't touched MD just yet, though it also needs an
> update.


  here are the obvious questions:

have the permissions on the directory changed at all?
do you have any files in /var/spool/MD-Quarantine? (as opposed to

I'm not sure why you set $QuarantineDir twice, and theoretically it
shouldn't have any impact, but maybe somehow it is and it's writing the
files in the wrong place. (really reaching here)

I'm assuming you've restarted sendmail and MIMEDefang as well during the
upgrade process for sendmail but, just in case you haven't, you should.

I would be tempted to question the clamav upgrade as a number of people
have apparently been having problems with 0.88.1 (although I haven't had
any at all), but it appears that it's returning the virus name properly
so unlikely to be the cause.

that pretty much leaves sendmail ... if you downgrade back to 8.13.5 (or
whichever version you were using previously) does it work again?

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Re: [Mimedefang] exempt user problem

2006-05-02 Thread alan premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Luke Worthy wrote:
> Sorry about my previous post, I now realize that we need to keep some
> other features of this filter (it keeps a copy of everyones email as
> well as the exemption thinggy).
> So below is my original post, and the listing of the filter code.
> To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
> Recently I have started with a new company, and they have deployed
> MIMEDefang on a few different sites, with a custom filter, that has
> exemption lists.  Unfortunately the custom exemption list only works
> sometimes.  IANAPP (I Am Not A Perl Programmer), and would really like
> some help on either how to fix this current filter.
> Here are the logs from me sending a "Movie.wmv" to an exempt user.
> May  1 12:05:45 mail sendmail[20621]: k412XBf0020621:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=3898524, class=0, nrcpts=1,
> msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
> relay=cpe-61-9-140-241.vic.bigpond.net.au []
> May  1 12:05:45 mail mimedefang.pl[9050]: MDLOG,k412XBf0020621,exempt
> user,,0,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,testing
> May  1 12:05:45 mail mimedefang.pl[9050]: MDLOG,k412XBf0020621,exempt
> user,,0,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,testing
> May  1 12:05:45 mail mimedefang.pl[9050]:
> MDLOG,k412XBf0020621,bad_filename,Movie.wmv,video/x-ms-wmv,<[EMAIL 
> May  1 12:05:45 mail mimedefang.pl[9050]:
> MDLOG,k412XBf0020621,mail_in,,,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,testing
> May  1 12:05:45 mail mimedefang.pl[9050]: filter: k412XBf0020621:
> append_text_boilerplate=1 drop_with_warning=1
> May  1 12:05:45 mail sendmail[20642]: k412XBf0020621:
> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:02:33, xdelay=00:00:00,
> mailer=local, pri=61316, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
> It kinda looks like it's going through twice.
> Luke
(filter snipped)


 After looking at your filter I can tell you what's going on.

firstly, it looks like it's going through twice because you're using
stream_by_domain / stream_by_recipient functions which actually
re-insert the message on either a per-domain or per-recipient basis (as
appropriate)  so that is normal.

secondly, the reason that you're getting inconsistant results from this
is because you're trying to save exemption state information in a global
variable.  This won't work because the way MIMEDefang works, different
slaves may process different parts of the same message.  you should read
the man pages for MIMEDefang and pay particular attention to the section

hope this help.

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Re: [Mimedefang] DNS and MX records

2006-05-10 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Kris Deugau wrote:
> netguy wrote:
>> Receintly I updated DNS for a few domains.  My registrar gives the
>> option of assigning an IP addy for domain.tld without having an alias:
>> mail.domain.tld  Ok, says I, lets give it a go.  Bam!  Slam, Spam
>> started invading my privacy.  This leads me to believe either:
>>1. Mail ( spam ) in this case is being sent to domain names without
>> doing MX lookups.
> Yep.  Spamware will certainly blindly open a connection to port 25 on
> , rather than sorting through MX records.  Personally, I
> think it's "better" to have that A record in place, spam notwithstanding.

If I'm not mistaken, even properly configured MTAs will revert to the A
record of a domain of there are no MX records available. (although I
haven't done any real research to back up this statement recently so I
could be completely off base)

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Re: [Mimedefang] DNS and MX records

2006-05-10 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Les Mikesell wrote:

> The place this is likely to be a problem is where you have
> virtual web servers with names in lots of domains pointing
> to the same box and you do want to accept mail for some
> of those names.  Note that CNAMES take all the associated
> data for the related A records, so if you have an MX for
> the real A record, the CNAME'd names get it as well, and
> if you don't, mailers will follow the CNAME to the related
> A record.  

This last part doesn't make a lot of sense, considering it's not legal
to use a CNAME entry as an argument for your MX record.

of course, while an interesting topic none-the-less, none of this is
directly relevant to MIMEDefang.  Just thought I'd be the one to say it. ;)

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Re: [Mimedefang] Warning: unable to close filehandle LOGF properly.

2006-06-07 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Tory Blue wrote:
> Did a search and a few people see this but no answers.
> Did I miss something running Mime 2.44/clamav/sendmail 8.13 on a Linux box
> mimedefang-multiplexor[15477]: Slave 1 stderr: Warning: unable to close
> filehandle LOGF properly. 
> Thanks
> Tory

Just to kind of raise this issue again... I've googled and haven't found
any definitive information (yet) ...

I just upgraded to SA 3.1.3 and just now started seeing this problem
(i.e. i wasn't having this problem up to SA version 3.1.0)

I'm running mimedefang 2.53 (embedded perl), SA 3.1.3, Perl 5.8.0,
RedHat 9.0

I'll note that I also just started getting the "WARNING: Something in
your Perl filter appears to have opened a file descriptor outside of any
function..." message.  I haven't changed my filter at all, and i'm not
making any database calls.  All other file handling routines should be
w/in functions (i.e. reading headers file, etc)

any ideas?

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Re: [Mimedefang] Warning: unable to close filehandle LOGF properly.

2006-06-07 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Alan Premselaar wrote:

> Just to kind of raise this issue again... I've googled and haven't found
> any definitive information (yet) ...
> I just upgraded to SA 3.1.3 and just now started seeing this problem
> (i.e. i wasn't having this problem up to SA version 3.1.0)
> I'm running mimedefang 2.53 (embedded perl), SA 3.1.3, Perl 5.8.0,
> RedHat 9.0
> I'll note that I also just started getting the "WARNING: Something in
> your Perl filter appears to have opened a file descriptor outside of any
> function..." message.  I haven't changed my filter at all, and i'm not
> making any database calls.  All other file handling routines should be
> w/in functions (i.e. reading headers file, etc)
> any ideas?
> alan

AND to reply to myself... I probably shouldn't be working on this while
i'm sick.

anyways, as it turns out, I installed SA 3.1.2 from CPAN as 3.1.3
apparently hasn't propogated to CPAN yet.

also, i'm running sendmail 8.13.6

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Re: [Mimedefang] What determines ALL_TRUSTED?

2006-06-10 Thread alan premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Jim Hatfield wrote:
> I've seen a few uncaught spams lately with ALL_TRUSTED scored.
> I see that this is determined by a function called check_all_trusted(),
> but my Perl isn't good enough to work out how this flag is determined.
> Mails are delivered direct via SMTP, not relayed from anywhere, so I
> don't see that there should be any trusted relays in the chain.


  This is a question more appropriate for the spamassassin list, as it
is definitely in reference to the internals of SpamAssassin.  Howerver;
here's a basic breakdown of that ALL_TRUSTED means.

the ALL_TRUSTED rule is evaluated based on the trust path.  the trust
path is determined automatically if it's not explicitly setup using the
trusted_networks and internal_networks configuration directives.

if your mail server is behind NAT, the trust path auto-determination
routines will likely get confused, so you should define them manually.

the trust path refers to MTAs that you explicitly trust NOT TO FORGE
RECIEVED HEADERS.  that's it. it's not a whitelist, it's not hosts you
trust not to send spam.  in most cases this should be your local mail
host, its outward facing network address and any other MX hosts you have
explicit control over.

the trust path can affect other network related tests, so it's important
to set it properly.  You should check the SpamAssassin wiki for more
details on the ALL_TRUSTED rule and setting the trust paths.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Should I try to do MIMEDefang with Mailscanner for backup MX

2006-06-20 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1


Steve Campbell wrote:


>> a) MIMEDefang does things like relay checks, sender checks, and 
>> recipient checks that MailScanner doesn't do.
> This is where I want to remove the backup MX senders.

This type of scenario has been debated in a number of different mail
related lists over time.  One thing you need to consider is that, it is
perfectly reasonable for legitimate mailers to hit your secondary MX
server even if your primary MX server is running. This could be related
to temporary failures on your primary MX causing the sending server to
retry your secondary MX, or it could be cached information about which
MX server to connect to.  Because of this, you need to be really careful
about blocking mail coming into your secondary server.

>> b) MailScanner does bulk AV and AS checks, instead of one at a time 
>> checks (which may lead to a net gain in efficiency).
> I would leave the MS/SA functions as they are. They would still do the AV and 
> AS
> checks, but probably have less emails to check as MD has deleted the spammers'
> attempt around the primary MX. Although both servers are primary and secondary
> MX servers, they are deleting at the MTA, so both have less process cycles due
> to reduced MS/SA emails to check.

if your only means of reducing the load of your AV/SA scanning is based
on the point of the connection, you may find that the effort to
implement this doesn't provide quite the impact that you hope for or expect.


> The real problem I saw is that I can't find online man pages for
> mimedefang-filter, and most stuff I saw dealt with the md_check_smtp_*, or
> something like that, for checking if a user is a valid recipient on a server.
> Sorry, I'm at home now and don't have my notes in front of me.

in my setup, I have a machine that hosts multiple domains (MX1) and a
backup MX (MX2) for those multiple domains.  not as complicated a setup
as yours, but on a basic level I have MX2 use md_check_smtp_server
against MX1 to validate users and reject on invalid users right off.  I
also have duplicate spamassassin and AV software installations on each
of the MX servers, sharing a mysql database hosted on a third machine

in this situation, if MX1 is offline, the mail coming into MX2 is still
checked for viruses and run thru SA.  if it passes those phases, it's
queued for delivery to MX1 when it becomes available.  if not, it's
rejected as appropriate.

this ensures that legitimate connections to MX2 (even if MX1 is
available) aren't rejected, and worst case scenario is that while MX1 is
offline and unable to validate users, some mail for unknown users may be
queued and sent to MX1 when it's available, and then rejected causing
MX2 to generate a DSN.  as this happens so infrequently, I feel it's a
reasonable compromise.

> One for, one against.
> I have just started playing with milters, so I like something that is
> configurable, more so than those that are fairly single-purposed.

MIMEDefang is an extremely powerful tool that gives you a broad range of
possibilities for mail filtering.  The downside is that you need to know
at least the very basics of Perl in order for it to be configurable to
your tastes.  (and obviously the more you know about Perl, the better
you can tweak it to your tastes)

I definitely recommend that you learn Perl, as doing so would allow you
to easily do what you're looking to do with MIMEDefang.


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Re: Fwd: Re: [Mimedefang] Should I try to do MIMEDefang with Mailscanner forbackup MX

2006-06-23 Thread alan premselaar
Hash: SHA1


Steve Campbell wrote:

 Why don't you just use sendmail to trow them away? As others already
 pointed that out, you could provision your primary access database(s) to
 the secondary (or make the secondary use the primary's access.db over a
 TCP socket) and have sendmail do the rejecting without bothering
>> MIMEDefang.
> I'm getting the feeling that I am not using sendmail properly with regards to
> mail accounts. Right now, whenever I need a new mail account, I just create a
> new user on the box. Imap and pop accounts are then available when needed. I
> dont add anything to the access files for users. For now, I just use the 
> access
> files for spam, blocking IPs, and the like.

You're using sendmail properly.  My setup is nearly identical to yours
(only my primary MX is the primary MX for *ALL* my domains, and my
secondary MX is the secondary MX for *ALL* my domains, that's the only

>> You could deliver the primary's access database to the secondary somehow 
>> (via scp/rsync, ftp, etc. like in every 5 minutes or so, or just when 
>> your primary access database gets updated, e.g. when you add a new 
>> mailbox) and merge both access files before building the access.db. Thus 
>> the secondary MX will always have all the information needed to reject 
>> mail coming to non-existing recipients for both of your domains.
> My paragraph above sort of explains why this won't work, since my access file
> doesn't contain much. I'll look and see what it has, though, and maybe I can 
> do
> something with it. 

Distributed access lists, while providing an independant means of
rejecting unknown users even if the primary MX is unavailable, is more
of an administrative burden.  Plus, if whatever system that provides the
list of valid users for you to distribute to your secondary MX is
unavailable, your access list will be out of sync and you could
potentially accept messages for no longer valid users and somewhere down
the road end up generating a DSN.

>> If your backup MX is unable to reject unknown recipients when the 
>> primary is unreachable, it would need either to accept and queue 
>> everything and then relay that to the primary, or to tempfail 
>> everything. The first could result in a lot of junk and useless bounces 
>> clogging the queues, the second would be equivalent to not having a 
>> secondary at all.
> Agreed, and the former is what it does at the present time.

if your MX servers are decent hardware, and regularly monitored /
maintained, your primary MX shouldn't be offline much (if at all) and
this shouldn't really be a big issue.

> I kept wondering why everyone kept saying I didn't need MD, and now I see why.
> I'll have to rethink my entire access scheme. At the moment, all mailboxes 
> for a
> domain are on the primary MX. If mail goes to the backup MX, it gets relayed,
> but only because I relay the entire domain to the where the mailboxes are (the
> primary MX for the domain).
> It all used to be so simple.

It's still pretty simple.  The reason people are telling you you don't
need MD is because you apparently JUST want to reject unknown users on
your secondary MX.

of course, if you wanted to implement AV and SA scanning into your MD
filter, it makes sense to use it to do all of that, instead of using MD
to only check recipients against the primary MX and then using other
milters, etc to do the other functions.  especially since you can do so
much more with MD that could reduce (even more) the amount of mail
that's being processed by your AV scanner and SA (like bogus HELO
checks, greylisting, etc).

Also, since your primary MX is the secondary MX for *SOME* of your
domains, and your secondary MX is the primary MX for *SOME* of your
domains, you essentially make this process more difficult.  so you'd
either need to manage nearline access/virtual domain lists carefully
enough to know which is on which machine, or you'll need to write an MD
filter that'll check against the proper primary MX machine based on
which domain the mail is coming in for.

then you'll have to take into consideration "what happens if one mail
comes in for users in two overlapping domains?" (i.e. one domains's
primary MX is the other domain's secondary MX)

you could potentially use MD's stream_by_domain() functions, but then
that'll basically nullify your ability to 5xx reject mail and force you
to generate DSNs for even unknown users (which kind of defeats your
purpose and everyone elses' arguments about rejecting mail)

I would say that if you want to keep your (real) user accounts on two
separate servers for certain domains, then your ideal setup would be to
make each of those servers the primary MX for those domains respectively
and then install one or more additional servers as backup MX for all
domains.  since a backup MX isn't intended to be used for much traffic,
and only intended to que

Re: [Mimedefang] Should I try to do MIMEDefang with Mailscanner forbackup MX

2006-06-23 Thread alan premselaar
Hash: SHA1

Atanas wrote:

> I primarily deal with non-standard sendmail setups hosting virtual
> domains (e.g. multiple mailboxes and multiple domains per single user)
> via local delivery agent (LDA) like procmail and maildrop, where
> sendmail acts as a middleman between the sender and the LDA.
> For your standard sendmail setup (i.e. one mailbox per user and no LDA)
> on your primary MX you don't really need that list in your access.db.
> Sendmail already knows how to deal with non-deliverable messages and
> effectively rejects them before entering the queue.

Just to clarify, if the destination mailbox is local, then at least with
sendmail an LDA (Local Delivery Agent) is required.  I'm not familiar
with other MTA software so I don't know if the LDA functionality is
built-in to the MTA itself or not, but with sendmail a separate LDA is
required. By default the LDA is procmail.

>   1. Sender <=> Primary MTA -> Mailbox
> On your secondary MX however, the situation is quite similar to my
> virtual domain setup. Here's what your delivery chain looks like:
>   2. Sender <=> Secondary MTA <=> Primary MTA -> Mailbox
> and here's mine:
>   3. Sender <=> Primary MTA <=> LDA -> Mailbox
> In both cases (#2 and #3) there's one middleman - your secondary MTA or
> my primary MTA. I have also longer delivery chain with two middlemans in
> case mail comes in through my secondary:
>   4. Sender <=> Secondary MTA <=> Primary MTA <=> LDA -> Mailbox
> In all of the above scenarios, leaving at least one middleman with no
> clue about the destination end point what's valid and what not, creates
> a gap which depending on the mail volume (or a dictionary attack for
> instance) could quickly get filled with useless junk floating around.

both sets of examples are identical, only in one set you've explicitly
mentioned the LDA and in the first set the LDA is implied.

If your "middleman" is sendmail, then your explanation above is
incorrect.  sendmail needs to know the delivery path before it can
process the message for delivery. which means that sendmail knows if the
email address is valid or not.  if the email address is *NOT LOCAL*,
sendmail may not know the deliverability of the address, but it knows if
it's valid.

so, for instance, sendmail when receiving a message for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
first has to determine if it is to accept mail for domain.tld.  if it
doesn't accept mail for domain.tld, it has to determine which MX host
DOES accept mail for domain.tld and whether or not it is allowed to
relay the mail.

if sendmail *DOES* accept mail for domain.tld, then it checks to see if
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is local to this machine. if it is then it checks to see
if there are restrictions to sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (often with
access database or virtualuser database, etc) part of these checks are
to see if this user actually exists on this host.  this is part of
sendmails validation of deliverability.

once it is determined to be locally deliverable, the message is then
passed to the LDA for actual delivery.

I wanted to make these points clear because it seems that Steve may not
be fully knowledgable of the mail transport/delivery process and what
you've explained could potentially be *really confusing*.

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Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.roaringpenguin.com
MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

Re: [Mimedefang] What is the order of things that occur

2006-07-12 Thread Alan Premselaar
Hash: SHA1


Steve Campbell wrote:
> Jan-Pieter,
> Thanks and wow!
> Quoting Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 04:00:05PM -0400, Steve Campbell wrote:
 In the current internet, there isn't any point in having a secondary
 MX just for the purpose of fallback, if your primary server is mostly
> The servers that I am running these on are pretty tough Dell servers (real
> server class) with SCSI Raid and dual Power and all. Of course, I realize 
> these
> can break as easily at the XTs I run our web sites on. (smily thing here)
>> No, the secondary would tempfail too, so you end up NOT accepting the
>> email on the secondary. Try it.

for the most part this is true, however you can easily code your
filter_recipient() subroutine to accept and queue the mail if the
primary server doesn't respond.  there are obvious downsides to doing
this (like having to accept mail for unknown users and then probably
generating DSNs for them) but it can be done.

I have something like this in my backup MX's filter:

my ($answer,$msg) = md_check_against_smtp_server($from,$to,
"backup_mx_hostname", $check_mail_server);
$answer = 'CONTINUE' if ($answer eq 'TEMPFAIL');

return($answer,$msg) if ($answer ne 'CONTINUE');

after this I do greylisting routines, you could just as easily just
return ($answer,$msg) there w/o the conditional and that would queue up
the mail.

...lots of snippage...

I tend to agree that in today's internet environment, there's not nearly
as much merit to having a backup MX as there was in the days of UUNET
and periodic dialup mail transports, but it certainly gives the PHB the
warm fuzzies. (I'm kind of stuck in the same boat in that respect)

anyways, hope this helps.

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