IPC::MM and mod_perl

2002-07-25 Thread Marc Kelly

This may be more of an Apache question, but I saw a thread in the mod_perl
archives on caching methods that is relevant.

I'd like to use IPC::MM to store data in shared memory across child
processes, but I've run into permissions problems. I'm assuming this is
because I'm creating the cache in startup.pl which is run by root, and
trying to store data in a child process that is run as user apache. If I
create the cache in a child process, I can write to it, but lose the ability
to use it in other child processes.

The IPC::MM perldoc mentions file permissions, but I think that's for a
file-based cache, which doesn't apply here. I could be wrong on that and
just setting the permissions incorrectly. I haven't found a lot of
documentation about using this library, so maybe this isn't the proper way
for it to be used. 

I'm on Linux (RH 7.3/2.4.18-3) and apache 1.3.22.


DBI handle management in modules

2002-07-25 Thread Matthew Pressly

I have a number of perl modules that manage their own persistence
to a SQL database via DBI.  I discovered a flaw in my current
approach which was to use an Apache::Singleton::Process
object to create a connection and in modules that needed a
connection, store the connection in a lexically scoped variable
near the top of the module.  The problem I found with this approach
is that I am essentially caching the database connections at module
load time, so if the database connection goes away (which it does
from time to time because of things like the database server getting
restarted), the now broken connection continues to be used.

The code (after quite a bit of distillation) looks basically like:

package MyPersistentObject;
use strict; use warnings;
use MyProject::Dbh;
my $dbh = MyProject::Dbh->instance->dbh;  ###

sub method1 {
   my ($self, $id) = @_;
   $dbh->do(qq[delete from table1 where id=?], undef, $id);

package MyProject::Dbh;
use strict; use warnings;
use Apache::Singleton::Process;
use base (Apache::Singleton::Process);
sub _new_instance {
   return DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {RaiseError => 1});

httpd.conf has:
Perlrequire /pathgoeshere/startup.perl

and starutp.perl has:
use Apache::DBI;

What I'm basically trying to accomplish is:
1) Make database connection in one place in the code.
2) Not have to pass $dbh all over the place, but instead have modules
that need a database connection get it themselves.
3) Connection only needs to happen once per request.  If the connection
dies during a request, the next query using that request should fail, and
the next request serviced by that child process should get a new connection.
4) I don't want to call 'connect' before every query because the overhead
is too high, even when Apache::DBI returns a "pooled" connection.
5) For one request, only one connection should be used (i.e, the
connection should be a request singleton).
6) Modules that require DBI connections should not be dependent on
a mod_perl environment.  I.e. they should also be usable in command line

What I have come up with so far is to rewrite the connection handling as 
which also seems to remove the need for Apache::DBI:

package MyProject::DbhSingleton;
use Apache::Singleton::Request;
use base (qw Apache::Singleton::Request);
sub _new_instance {
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr) or die DBI->errstr;

The thing I'm not sure about is when should I be calling this to
get a local copy of $dbh in a module.  I know that calling it only
at module "use" time is not frequent enough, and calling it before
every query is too frequent (too expensive), but I'm not sure of a
happy medium.  For some objects, calling
MyProject::DbhSingleton->instance to
store a dbh as a instance data would suffice, but not in all cases.

I've looked through the guide and done a number of web searches
but have not found anything that directly addresses this.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated


Re: Is this list still active?

2002-07-25 Thread perrin

> Just wanted to know.  Haven't gotten any posts for awhile.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Actually, many of us are at the Open Source Convention this week and thus
not posting much.  Even so, there have been postings and if you aren't
getting them there may be something wrong on your end.
- Perrin

Re: Simple file manipulation module.

2002-07-25 Thread darren chamberlain

* Ganesan M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-07-25 11:07]:
> I am looking for a perl module to do simple file manipulations like
> (list, create, edit, modify, copy, move, rename files in a directory)
> through web interface.  Any module recommendations to do the above
> job?

Well, modules:

  * IO::File (create, modify)
  * File::List (list)  # <--- Not core
  * File::Copy (copy, move)
  * File::Path (mkpath)
  * File::Spec (os-independant filepaths)
  * rename (builtin)

File::Butler seems to support a lot of those things as well, but I can't
vouch for it.


Blore's Razor:
Given a choice between two theories, take the one
which is funnier.

Mahanaxer's Correllary:
The same goes for algorithms.

Re: Simple file manipulation module.

2002-07-25 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Ganesan M wrote:

>I am looking for a perl module to do simple file manipulations like
> (list, create, edit, modify, copy, move, rename files in a directory)
> through web interface.  Any module recommendations to do the above job?

it is not a reccomandation, I just searched CPAN and got this:


>From the description:

"The Apache::FileManager module is a simple HTML file manager. It provides
file manipulations such as cut, copy, paste, delete, rename, extract
archive, create directory, and upload files. The interface is clean and
simple, and configuration is a breeze.

For those of you who are up to the challenge, you can configure
Apache::FileManager on run on a development server and update your live
server htdocs tree with the click on a button."

Bye, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini, 
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Simple file manipulation module.

2002-07-25 Thread Ganesan M


   I am looking for a perl module to do simple file manipulations like
(list, create, edit, modify, copy, move, rename files in a directory)
through web interface.  Any module recommendations to do the above job?


Re: .bml files not executing in apache

2002-07-25 Thread Randy Kobes

On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, randy reed wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> Thanks for your reply. Please excuse my utter newbie status at
> all this. Ok, looking at your message and the documentation for
> mod_perl as well as the LJ documentation here's what I see.
> BML is actually setup up as a perl module Apache::BML its
> excuted in a file called modperl.pl In httpd.conf there is a
> PerlRequire c:/livejournal/cgi-bin/modperl.pl but, as you can
> see if you try to get on my site
> (www.thefreemachine.cc/index.bml) it doesn't excute. So whats
> missing that would get httpd to call it when it receives a
> request for a .bml file. Is there something I'm missing here
> (this is running on a windows machine), the code seems fairly
> straightforward
> PerlInitHandler +Apache::LiveJournal
> DirectoryIndex index.html index.bml
> });
> {
> Apache->httpd_conf(qq{
> # BML support:
> PerlSetVar BMLDomain lj-$LJ::DOMAIN
> PerlModule Apache::BML
>   Apache::BML::load_config("lj-$LJ::DOMAIN", "$LJ::HOME/cgi-bin/bmlp.cfg");
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::BML
> });
> }

I'm not familiar enough with how the bml stuff works to
offer anything specific there to look at. Is there anything
in the error logs that might help? Also, are you sure that
that c:/livejournal/cgi-bin/modperl.pl is successfully loaded,
and in particular that variables like $LJ::DOMAIN and
$LJ::SERVER_TOTALLY_DOWN are reaching Apache->httpd_conf()?
And is the bmlp.cfg file being read? One way to check these
things is to put some print statements in various locations
to let you know that that point is being reached.

best regards,
randy kobes

reading an ENV with Perl that was set with mod_rewrite [E= : ]

2002-07-25 Thread Eric Frazier


Has anyone used mod_rewrite to set an environmental variable based on the 
result of a reg exp?

For example:
RewriteRule ^/pt=([^/]+)?(.*) /home/me.com/public_html/$2  [E=PT:$1]

I can get a static url like:
RewriteRule   /perl  /usr/local/apache/perl/printenv [E=ERIC:bob]

to work, but the first one I can't. PT doesn't exist, but ERIC does.

I know this is not exactly on topic, but it is a weird sort of issue, the
admin I was dealing with said he could get the above ENV with PHP or
mod_perl but not with perl CGI's I can't seem to get it with a mod_perl
Registry script either though. 



(250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)

"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

Problem: Apache2 / Perl 5.8.0 / mod_perl 2.0 / PHP all on Win32

2002-07-25 Thread French, Shawn

I am in a bit of a jam. I think the "cross-post" is necessary since I need
the help of Apache, mod_perl, and PHP developers/users. I apologize for the
length, if you have time, my explanation (at the end) should clarify what I

I need:
- A perl-enabled web server to run on the win32 platform
- mod_perl to allow for persistent (stay connected on the server side)
Net::Telnet objects  (CGI is unacceptable since a new process is spawned at
each request leaving no room for persistent objects)
- Multiple perl interpreters of Apache2 / mod_perl 2.0 to serve more than
one mod_perl request at a time
- Access to the client's Net::Telnet object during all of his/her requests
throughout his/her session
- I might need Perl 5.8.0 for threads::shared to solve the above
- A way for mod_perl scripts to communicate with PHP scripts quickly and

Does anybody know what kind of configuration I could use to support all of
my needs above? 
Does anybody know another way for mod_perl 2.0 and PHP to communicate other
than apache_notes (if it's true I can't use apache_notes with Apache2 / PHP
If a solution is not available now (ie. I can't share Net::Telnet objects in
different requests, or, PHP isn't fully supporting Apache2), when will it be
available (if ever)?

Thanks for your time and any help,

Brief (?) Explanation
I need a win32 server to provide a sort of web-interface to perl Net::Telnet
objects (which is just a wrapper for telnet sessions written in perl). These
objects open sockets/file_handles on the server and have to be accessible to
my server-side scripts throughout multiple client requests.

ie. A session for Client_123 might look like:
Request 1: Client_123's telnet object is initialized (connects to a
remote telnet host)
Request 2 -> n-1: A script on the server executes commands on
Client_123's telnet connection
Request n: Client_123's telnet object is destroyed

>From mod_perl 2.0 docs
A mod_perl 1.0 enabled server based on Apache 1.3 on Win32 is limited to a
single thread serving a request at a time. This effectively prevents
concurrent processing, which can have serious implications for busy sites.
This problem is addressed in the multi-thread/multi-process approach of
mod_perl 2.0/Apache 2.0

Obviously I need Apache2/mod_perl2 if I want to be able to have more than
one client request executing perl code at the same time. However, I need to
make sure that the Net::Telnet object is accessible (ie. in shared memory,
indexed by the clients session_id) for all of Client_123's request. I was
told that I might be able to use threads::shared to keep the Net::Telnet
objects accessible by multiple mod_perl threads in mod_perl2 and Perl 5.8.0
so that shouldn't be a problem... as long as I use Apache2 / mod_perl 2.0 /
Perl 5.8.0.

Thrown in to the mix is the fact that I need some PHP scripts to communicate
(transfer parameters) to mod_perl scripts, and for the mod_perl to transfer
the results back to the PHP scripts. I have this working using apache notes
in Apache1.3.26 / mod_perl 1.27 / PHP 4.21. However (as mentioned above)
only one mod_perl request (involving telnet stuff) can be served at a time
so I need to upgrade to Apache2, where there isn't apache_note support

PerlSendHeader and $r->header_out

2002-07-25 Thread Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN)

Hi People With Functioning Brain Cells,

I'm having a brief period of grief, which I'm sure I've been through

I have this situation where I set a cookie using:

Now this is all fine, however I'm having a major problem in getting my
header into the right place.

If I call $r->send_http_header right after my $r->header_out(set_stuff)
directive, and then call $r->print("page contents"), I get:


Now, I experimented with PerlSendHeader being set to On, whilst disabling
the call to $r->send_http_header, yet it then appears to give me a header
which doesn't include the cookie header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 13:01:12 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Linux/SuSE) PHP/4.0.6 mod_perl/1.26
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html

Any idea what is going on?

I'd like to just send_http_header with the headers appearing on top of my
page.  It appears to do things in the wrong order.  There is no
duplication of headers either.

If anyone can help and would fancy flying me out, I'll even buy you a
beer. :)

My content handler returns the result of another method called within the
same module.  This method is passed the request object, which in turn it
uses to send the headers and print the page.  This seems 'sensible' to me;
so why is it not working??

Many Thanks,


   "We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you
We should have each other to tea, huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up by the fire
And sleep for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream"
- The Cure, "Love Cats."

Re: [mp 2.0] v2.0.40 dev of apache

2002-07-25 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Jann Linder wrote:

> Any ideas?  Is there a dev cvs site for 'unreleased' modperl builds which we
> can log in on?


>  Is there a separate team developing mod_perl or is is still Mr.
> Stein?

I think you are a bit confused here. :-)  Greg Stein made mod_dav.
mod_perl is primarily written by Doug MacEachern.

There's a mailinglist for the development of the mod_perl internals.

  - ask

ps. if you are not receiving frequent messages from the list you are
probably not subscribed.  Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to change that.

ask bjoern hansen, http://askbjoernhansen.com/   !try; do();

[mp 2.0] v2.0.40 dev of apache

2002-07-25 Thread Jann Linder

Thanks, Ward.

Now that I know this list is active,  I've a question.  I know the
development versions are all that is released of 2.0.40 of Apache2, however,
I have a need to use them due to 2.0.39's incompatibilities w/several key
features of PHP (can you say 'multiple cookies broken'?).  Having said that,
If I upgrade to 2.0.40, modperl 1.99_04 breaks with an AWFUL msg during
compile time.  (This is not the forum to troubleshoot the compile, though)
so I will just say does anyone know the average difference between an Apache
'official' release and the mod_perl official release supporting it?  My
question is kind of "Out there" I know...but since I must use 2.0.40 of
Apache2, I do not wish to lose my mod_perl which is actually more important
to me.  

Any ideas?  Is there a dev cvs site for 'unreleased' modperl builds which we
can log in on?  Is there a separate team developing mod_perl or is is still
Mr. Stein?

I know, I know...lots of questions.  Thanks in advance.


On 7/24/02 3:45 PM, "Vuillemot, Ward W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i just got your message
>  :  -Original Message-
>  :  From: Jann Linder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>  :  Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:44 PM
>  :  Subject: Is this list still active?
>  :  
>  :  
>  :  Just wanted to know.  Haven't gotten any posts for awhile.
>  :  
>  :  
>  :  Thx.
>  :  
>  :  Jann
>  :  

Mr. Jann Linder
Director of Internet Development
DinnerBroker/Pricing Dynamics, Inc.
San Francisco, CA
1-888-iEATat8 x235

hiding perl code

2002-07-25 Thread Michael Robinton

see attached

=head1 NAME

BZS::License - Perl extension to examine a license file.

=head1 USEAGE

There are two modes of operation:

use BZS::License;1;
encrypted module here...

The calling routine should define an anonymous hash pointed to by the
variable $ptr2_License. i.e.

 use vars qw( $ptr2_License );
 $ptr2_License = {
'private'   => 'name1, name2,...',  # use private key 
# module name
'path'  => 'path to License file',
 require licensed_module_name;

Or, for nested modules, a reference pointer to point back to the originating
module containing the License information.

 use vars qw( $ptr2_License );
 $ptr2_License = { 'next' => 'any value will do', };
 require licensed_module_name;

Seconds remaining until License expiration are returned in
$ptr2_License{expires} unless there is no expiration

Warnings if any will be in $ptr2_License->{warn}

It is important the 'require' instead of 'use' loads the module
so that $ptr2_License is visible to the loader and not forgotton
in the case of mod-perl so don't enclose a in BEGIN{} block.

Version checking is not supported via 'use' like statement. It
can be done by examining the module contents.

More automated setup can be accomplished with the BZS::License::Util tools.

  use BZS::License::Util;
See BZS::License::Util documentation for complete description

The second module mode is for development use and just loads the module so its
objects can be accessed;

  use BZS::License;

  $time = BZS::License::date2time(date string);

  @file_text = BZS::License::get_file(file_path);

  $first_tag_number = BZS::License::extract(\@file_text,\%parms);



See the documentation for BZS::Loader for details of License loading
operation. Only the differences are covered here.

BZS::License performs a similar load operation to BZS::Loader. First,
however it looks for a hash pointer in the caller program called $ptr2_License.
The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional 'private' key
list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. B, a
hash key of 'next' with no particular value that indicates to look to the
next caller on the stack for the License pointer. If the pointer is not 
present or the License file is not found successfully, then
no further action is taken. If the License file is successfully opened, and
the contents validated then the attached encrypted module is loaded and the
seconds remaining until License expiration are returned or now() in the case
of no expiration. Undef is returned for an expired license (module fails to

=over 4

=item This is what is in a certificate

 License Text followed by:
 ID::unique licensee identifier, date code is fine
 NAME:  :company or entity name
 ADD1:  :address line 1
 ADD2:  :address line 2
 CITY:  :city
 STATE: :state or province
 ZIP:   :postal code
 CTRY:  :country
 TEL:   :telephone number
 FAX:   fax number
 CONT:  :contact person
 MAIL:  :email addy of contact
 SERV:  :http server name   * optional
 HOST:  :hostname   * optional
 USER:  :calling user   * optional
 GROUP: :calling group  * optional
 HOME:  :called from withing this path  * optional
 DATE:  :creation date, mm-dd-yy |   or mmm dd yy | 
 EXP:   :expiration * optional
 KEY:   :hex key
 PKEY:  :hex public key

=item $time = BZS::License::date2time(date string)

Converts a string into a numeric time value as returned by the perl function
'time' else 0;

 * acceptable date formats
mm dd yy
month day year  month = text or digits
month day, year

actually any combination of separators [/- ] will work
commas are always deleted, white space compressed, etc...

=item @file_text = BZS::License::get_file(file_path)

Takes the file path/name as its argument. Returns the stripped file contents
suitable for MAC calculation in an array. On failure, returns an empty

=item MAC calculation

The MAC signature is created by taking the MD5 sum of the file less MAC the
line (if present). Leading blank lines are removed, all tabs
are converted to single spaces and trailing white space is snipped  to 
avoid complications caused by cut and paste operations. MAC calculation is
only done on the text portion of the file.

=item $first_tag_num = BZS::License::extract(\@file_text,\%parms)

B takes an input array consisting of the lines of text in the License
and returns the \%parms hash filled wit

Re: Apache::DProf

2002-07-25 Thread Chris Newman

Think you need to load in Apache::Registry with :

PerlModule Apache::Registry

before the PerlHandler Apache::Registry bit
Suggest also that you do all the module loading / startup before specifying 
any handlers

eg . from my mod_perl.conf

PerlRequire conf/startup.pl

PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On

Alias /perl-bin/ /usr/local/apache/mod_perl/

PerlModule Apache::DProf
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule B::TerseSize
PerlModule Apache::Status

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On
allow from all

On Wednesday 24 Jul 2002 2:20 pm, Ruslan V. Sulakov wrote:
> I have troubles using Apache::DProf
> I try to use it as described at:
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/performance.html#Code_Profiling_Techn
>i ques
> But when my httpd.conf has a line:
> PerlModule Apache::DProf
> apache reply with error 500 (Internal Server Error) when I request a perl
> script, that runs under mod_perl
> Without this line, all works fine!
> Errorlog shows following message during each request:
> [Sat Jul 20 07:34:28 2002] [error] Undefined subroutine
> &Apache::Registry::handler called.
> I have in my httpd.conf
>   SetHandler  perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>   PerlSendHeader On
>   Options +ExecCGI
>   PerlModule Apache::DProf
>   PerlRequire /path/to/my/modules/modperl_startup.pl
> Is here something wrong?
> How can I have Apache::DProf worked for profiling my code?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ruslan