Re: [ANNOUNCE] Petal 0.1

2002-07-16 Thread Kip Hampton

At 10:41 AM 07/16/2002 +0100, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
>Hi list,
>   I am glad to announce the first release of Petal, the Perl Template
>   Attribute Language module. You will find a rather copious
>   documentation here:
>   It should be pretty stable, however the more people have a play with
>   it the more likely I am to be aware of potential bugs :-) Tell me what
>   you think!

Interesting work, cheers.

I'm curious though, why you've chosen to implement it as a handler for 
XML::Parser rather than as a SAX Handler (or even better, a Filter)?  What 
SAX buys (among other things) is the ability for folks to invisibly use 
whatever XML parser is installed, including a pure Perl implementation.

Doing Petal as a SAX Filter would mean that it would be totally easy to add 
it to the mix in things like AxKit and custom SAX pipeline publishing 
systems. So, doing complex, multi-stage transformations like 
My::NonXML::SAXGenerator -> Petal -> SomeXSLT -> SomeOtherXSLT come for free.

Anyway, just random thoughts, really. Petal seems nice and it seems a shame 
to lock it in the XML::Parser-based-one-off jail.


Kip Hampton
Perl and XML:

Join Us In San Diego!

Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-21 Thread Kip Hampton
Matt Sergeant wrote:

(you can of course use XSLT in AxKit :-)
And don't forget that, with AxKit, you can use Apache::ASP, Mason, or 
any Apache::Filter-aware handler to provide content for AxKit to 
transform and TT2 as a transformational language. Oh, and there's 
XPathScript, too, which, although its only one part of AxKit, is really 
a novel "templating/trasformation" language all on its own...

Why choose one when you can have 'em all? :-)


Re: templating system opinions

2003-07-21 Thread Kip Hampton
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 12:22, Kip Hampton wrote:

Why choose one when you can have 'em all? :-)

Well, no offense to AxKit, but having multiple templating systems in a
single project is something that I specifically work to avoid.  It
complicates things and typically hurts performance.  
Developer time is always more costly than bigger iron so I prefer 
environments that let people use the tools that they know and can be 
nore rapidly productive with. AxKit lets me choose, and If I don't need 
it, I don't use it (or load it) but if I do, then its available.

If I had an
Apache::ASP app and wanted to use XSLT, I would just use the built-in
support for it.  If I had a Mason app, I would use XML::libXSLT
Certainly, and you wouldn't be wrong to do so. However, the instant you 
want to start applying different styles to content based on 
environemental conditions, or setting up chains of transformations, then 
you begin duplicating logic in your app code that AxKit already does 
well behind the scenes by adding a directive or two to your httpd.conf.

"Horses for courses" as the saying goes; personally, I prefer having 
more choices.


Re: [OOT] ANNOUNCE: IPO::Shareable

2000-04-06 Thread Kip Hampton

okay, i'll bite. . .

package IPO::Shareable

use IPO::BuzzWords qw(:xml :b2b :asp :wha);
use Angel::Investor
use Location::PaloAlto qw(:noMatterWhatItCosts)

sub hype {
my ($self, $company) = @_;
my $product;
die "penniless" unless $self->{sold};

if ($company->{marketing_dept} > 1) {
   $product = $self->produce(['vaporware', 'months_late']);
   $product->{'spec_change'} = 'daily';

while ( $company->in_business() ) {
my $bloat = new IPO::BuzzWords(['seen_on_cnet',

return $product;


anyone else?  :-)

Tobias Hoellrich wrote:

> You failed to mention that this module requires:
> IPO::BuzzWords qw(:xml :b2b :asp :wha)
> Angel::Investor
> Location::PaloAlto qw(:noMatterWhatItCosts)
> Thanks Perrin
>   Tobias
> At 03:15 PM 4/6/00 -0700, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> >=head1 NAME
> >
> >IPO::Shareable - Perl extension to get rich quick
> >

"Wit is something that you possess.
 Humour is something that possesses you."
  --Robertson Davies

RE: XSL-handler

2000-06-14 Thread Kip Hampton

Have a look at AxKit. It does what you are looking for and quite a bit more.

Or visit a CPAN nearest you for a slightly dated version.


-Original Message-
From: Jonas Nordström [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 8:41 AM
Subject: XSL-handler

Is there some form of XSL-module for mod-perl?
I want to send some XML as a response to the Apache-server and then have it
picked up by an Apache module that uses an XSL-template to render it in HTML
or WML based on the original URL. Is that possible?

Jonas Nordström

Re: mod_perl setup for w2k?

2000-06-16 Thread Kip Hampton

Well, when tugged the sleeve of a certain Unusually-Sized Rodent at
ApacheCon about the future of Apache on Windows  I was told that Apache
will *not* support NT5 uh, I mean, Windows2000. Ken, is this still true?


Tom Roche wrote:

> The courseware project on which I labor has been running on several
> webserver/platforms, notably CGI on NT IIS and mod_perl on Apache on
> Solaris. My boss has decided he'd like to see it on mod_perl on Apache
> on Windows 2000. I've found the docs for "Using Apache With Microsoft
> Windows," and especially enjoy the part
> > Windows support is entirely experimental, and is recommended only
> > for experienced users. The Apache Group does not guarantee that this
> > software will work as documented, or even at all.
> :-) I've also found Randy Kobes' mod_perl binaries at
> and am planning to try perl-win32-bin-0.6.exe. If anyone has already
> gotten mod_perl running on w2k, I'd appreciate your recommendations
> (or pointers to documentation) regarding
> * which Kobes binary you use, or
> * which Apache, Perl, etc you use
> * tips, tricks, traps, etc

Re: mod_perl setup for w2k?

2000-06-16 Thread Kip Hampton

Randy Terbush wrote:

> I'd strongly disagree that this is not true.
> Covalent intends to make a significant commitment to making sure that Apache
> 2.0 on Win32 is on par with the Unix platform's stability and performance.

This is *excellent* news. It's always possible that I misunderstood, though
doubtful since discerning the future of Apache [especially mod_perl] on Win32
was a good portion of the reason I attended the conference and Ken *did* seem
adamant on the subject, but that said, if I did misunderstand, I sincerely
apologize for spreading disinformation.


> > -----Original Message-
> > From: Kip Hampton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 4:00 PM
> > To: Tom Roche
> > Subject: Re: mod_perl setup for w2k?
> >
> >
> > Well, when tugged the sleeve of a certain Unusually-Sized Rodent at
> > ApacheCon about the future of Apache on Windows  I was told that Apache
> > will *not* support NT5 uh, I mean, Windows2000. Ken, is this still true?
> >
> > -kip
> >
> > Tom Roche wrote:
> >
> > > The courseware project on which I labor has been running on several
> > > webserver/platforms, notably CGI on NT IIS and mod_perl on Apache on
> > > Solaris. My boss has decided he'd like to see it on mod_perl on Apache
> > > on Windows 2000. I've found the docs for "Using Apache With Microsoft
> > > Windows," and especially enjoy the part
> > >
> > >
> > > > Windows support is entirely experimental, and is recommended only
> > > > for experienced users. The Apache Group does not guarantee that this
> > > > software will work as documented, or even at all.
> > >
> > > :-) I've also found Randy Kobes' mod_perl binaries at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > and am planning to try perl-win32-bin-0.6.exe. If anyone has already
> > > gotten mod_perl running on w2k, I'd appreciate your recommendations
> > > (or pointers to documentation) regarding
> > >
> > > * which Kobes binary you use, or
> > >
> > > * which Apache, Perl, etc you use
> > >
> > > * tips, tricks, traps, etc
> > >
> >

Re: [is it time for something other than html?] RE: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Kip Hampton

Jauder Ho wrote:

> XML+XSLT is an interesting combination
> but integrating that into a dynamic generator (perl based or other) is
> going to be nontrivial to say the very least. Is there anyone interested
> in exploring this?

Most of the hard work for this has been done by our own lovely and
talented Matt Sergeant by providing native support for Perl XSP in
AxKit. You add  to your XML and XSP does
&function($param) and whatever else behind the scenes. Okay, so you have
to write the taglib to make this happen, but once it's done it's done
and you're *ML folks never have to deal with code at any level. And,
while adding new taglibs is not exactly trivial, it certainly isn't
rocket science, either.

IMHO, XML+yourfavoritetransformer(s) is the answer to separating the
three worlds of code, content and design. Yes, we all want lighting
fast, dynamic, reusable widgets for our Web apps. I'm just becoming
increasingly convinced that HTML is one possible *output* of such a
system, not it's basic building block.

"In this world you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.
 Well, for years I was smart I recommend pleasant."

   --Elwood P. Dowd

Re: The Template Toolkit (Re: Templating Systems)

2000-07-30 Thread Kip Hampton

Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Ian Kallen wrote:
> >
> > XForm sounds just like something I need actually, can any of the XSLT
> > tools transform it? In perl, of course, XML::XSLT, Sablotron (which
> > doesn't compile on FreeBSD btw, feh!)?
> I don't think any tools support it yet. The only thing that may come close
> is the FP taglib in Cocoon, which I'd point you to, but something is going
> really slow this morning. Its in the CVS archive only at this point, and
> there's a README in the docs section of the distribution.
> Kip Hampton has said he'll work on an equivalent taglib for AxKit.

Yup. Though, XForms is (will be) considerablbly more powerful. The fp
taglib is more concerned with reading/writing form data in XML while
XForms seeks to redefine forms technology in general. 

FWIW, the folks over a Stack Overflow have created Mozquito
( that trys to implement many of the cool
features of XForms for today's browsers. What they've done is pretty
astonishing, but when I saw how it worked I ran screaming from the
building. . .


Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-19 Thread Kip Hampton

Nick Tonkin wrote:
> er, maybe 20 trillion ... ? seeing as how ValueClick alone has done a bit
> over 42 billion since 6/98 ... :)
> How about an oyster, open, showing the perl inside, wearing a Parka
> and driving a Vespa?

Heh. Well, if you are going to go *that* route, we might consider doing
a knock-off of the Quadrophenia cover [1], but replace the anonymous,
angst-ridden rider's head with that of a friendly-looking Camel. :-)

Of course, all this presumes that people even remember who/what the Mods



"Perl was written first of all to let the Artist make amoral decisions."
- Larry Wall

Re: Real Widgets and Template Languages

2001-05-28 Thread Kip Hampton

Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> The design pattern here is that driver specific stuff goes into a
> constructor or config method. But leave the rest of the methods alone. This
> allows you to plug and play the objects.

I like that.

Every time the idea of widgets (small w) comes up, my mind wanders back
to UIML [1]. In a nutshell, UIML tries to define a simple markup syntax
for making device/language-agnostic user interfaces. So, theoretically,
you could build Web, WAP, Tk, etc. applications from the same base
document. It may be worth another look in this context.

I'm not suggesting, BTW, that Widget::* stuff should be based on UIML
(or any other ML du jour) only that it's a bit of prior art relevant to
building client/device-neutral UIs that we might be able to borrow from.


"Perl was written first of all to let the Artist make amoral decisions."
- Larry Wall

Re: Shutdown

2001-08-13 Thread Kip Hampton

Matt Sergeant wrote:

> However, I have asked Kip Hampton to mirror the download directory for me,
> and that will be available somewhere soon when he posts the URL here.

Done and done. The contents of's "downloads" directory is
mirrored here [1]

Have a safe move, Matt.


print join ' ', map { ucfirst($_->getFirstChild->getData)}
XML::LibXML->new()->parse_string(join '', pack "c*", (60, 122, 62, 60,
97, 62, 106, 117, 115, 116, 60, 47, 97, 62, 60, 98, 62, 97, 110, 111,
116, 104, 101, 114, 60, 47, 98, 62, 60, 99, 62, 112, 101, 114, 108, 60,
47, 99, 62, 60, 100, 62, 88, 77, 76, 60, 47, 100, 62, 60, 101, 62, 104,
97, 99, 107, 101, 114, 60, 47, 101, 62, 60, 47, 122,
62))->findnodes('//*[name() != "z"]')->get_nodelist;

Re: Children dying

2001-08-14 Thread Kip Hampton

Hi Aleksandr,

Aleksandr Vladimirskiy wrote:
> Hi Andrew, thanks for the suggestions. I compiled mod_perl statically.
> I haven't seen "expat" mentioned anywhere, can you expand on that?

You can check by doing:

strings /path/to/apache/bin/httpd | grep -i XML

If you get anything back from that, then Expat is compiled in.


print join ' ', map { ucfirst($_->getFirstChild->getData)}
XML::LibXML->new()->parse_string(join '', pack "c*", (60, 122, 62, 60,
97, 62, 106, 117, 115, 116, 60, 47, 97, 62, 60, 98, 62, 97, 110, 111,
116, 104, 101, 114, 60, 47, 98, 62, 60, 99, 62, 112, 101, 114, 108, 60,
47, 99, 62, 60, 100, 62, 88, 77, 76, 60, 47, 100, 62, 60, 101, 62, 104,
97, 99, 107, 101, 114, 60, 47, 101, 62, 60, 47, 122,
62))->findnodes('//*[name() != "z"]')->get_nodelist;