Re: [MLO] Re: When will we start to see some design and not just marketing upgrades to MLO?

2011-09-15 Thread Trish Putnam
Daniel, do you use a modern tablet?  I do.  Does it fully replace my desktop
or laptop?  No, of course not.  But you might be surprised at how often it
does stand in.  Generally, during the daily spate of meetings I don't need
heavy computing power.  I need to manage my schedule, my tasklist, a way to
do some quick research and respond to email, and to take a note or two about
action items and open questions. With my tablet (a 10.1" Android-based
device), I may not type my usual 100+ words a minute using the virtual
keyboard, but I can type as fast as I need to for notes and email, and I
could certainly type well enough to add or edit tasks and projects in MLO.

I can attach a keyboard or mouse if I want to, and I do occasionally do so
when I expect to have to do a large amount of keyboarding, but the plus side
is that I can reduce the weight and bulk and leave them at home, too,
leaving me carrying something the size of a notepad.

My point is that you should probably not class tablets as smartphones. I
love smartphones, but would agree that they aren't really able to present
more complex scenarios easily - there simply isn't enough screen real
estate.  Nor should you class tablets as some sort of fad or toy when
talking about the need for more complex functionality.  In point of fact you
might be surprised at how few people with complex schedules and todo lists
need heavy processing power when they need to use their organizer, but they
DO need something that is not a power pig and can take them through multiple
meetings without having to haul around ten pounds of laptop, power brick,
and assorted accessories in a bag.

Most of the tech industry is betting on tablets, especially after watching
the iPad take off in the business sector. I wouldn't write them off so
quickly :)

 On Sep 14, 2011 6:58 AM, "daniel sekera"  wrote:
> I appreciate your views, but I disagree with the mobile platform being
> anything more than a plaything. I know right now tablets and smart phones
> are the big wave everyone is riding, but what exactly do these things do?
> By that I mean production comes from "doing" things not reading things and
> until these mobile platforms figure out a way to allow fast and easy
> including data entry into spreadsheets etc they will remain nothing more
> than fancy "viewers"
> I know some have nice "virtual" keyboards but in no way yet are they as
> useful as a laptop.
> so "pads" will keep getting bigger and more robust and then someone will
> uhI need a keyboard to "attach" to my pad and then the laptop will be
> reinvented. all i see now in meetings are people walking in with smart
> phones and pads AND their laptops. I don't think the laptop will ever be
> replaced.
> The Majority of my "work" is done on a laptop or a desktop. I need things
> to talk to one another on those platforms.
> I want to be able to drag and drop almost anything into MLO in some
> just so I can quickly tie documents together with the associated tasks
> I want to be able to have MLO work seamlessly with Gmail and the be able
> drag emails from gmail into MLO to create tasks without needing third
> software apps or work arounds in either direction.
> There might be small things here or there but otherwise I love MLO and how
> it can work in almost any situation. I
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Lisa Stroyan  wrote:
>> I disagree that mobile platforms should be just task trackers. I think
>> need to be richly featured; the more tablets become popular the more
>> are going to be doing task management on the go.
>> However, the real income is still in the desktop and so the advanced
>> features need to pull in desktop users. For example, advanced filtering,
>> auto formatting, defining views, etc. There are many powerful features of
>> the desktop that do not need to be on mobile devices.
>> But my little soapbox as some of you already know is use models. I don't
>> blame the developers whatsoever for being a bit snowed under with the
>> various mobile apps and bugfixes. But before major updates to the desktop
>> are designed, there has to be some idea of how people will use them. I
>> the flexible feature set of MLO, and I think it supports many different
>> of using MLO which is great, and that strength needs to be preserved.
>> One use model that I think would be effective for users and also would
>> generate revenue would be to allow definition of views on the desktop
>> are then exported to the mobile device to which they sync.
>> Finally on the integration with other task managers, I think it's
>> way more work than it is worth to integrate with competitor's task
>> Integrations take a lot of work and are really prone to be buggy and tend
>> need more maintenance than other features. My advice to people saying we
>> need integrations is to look at what you would do with that integration
>> what fe

Re: [MLO] Re: When will we start to see some design and not just marketing upgrades to MLO?

2011-09-19 Thread Trish Putnam
Neal, I'm not sure why you think the battery life isn't sufficient for the
current tablets.  I generally get between 8-10 hours on my tablet.  Primary
use is MLO, some reading and some light notetaking during the day, although
occasional random web searches occur as well.  It's lightened my load
considerably, and I can do most of the stuff I did on a laptop (well, I
don't do any code development on it :) ).

I think that Andrey is going to find that the tablet market will explode in
the next 6-18 months.  I'm sorry that MLO will be behind in supporting that,
but hey, at least I can do some basic management of tasks through the
Android version - it gets me through, even if it's not ideal.

I am looking forward to seeing the Windows 8 slates, though!

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Neal  wrote:

> Trish, I have SO argued this point with Andrey.  Unfortunately, Andrey does
> treat the Tablets and Ipads as glorified smartphones.  You don't get a full
> implementation of MLO on either of them.  You are only now starting to get a
> version that incorporates the "extra" real estate of the Ipad.
> The Windows 8 Slate that will let you make hand written notes and turn them
> into digital text is about a year out.  The current slate versions don't
> have the battery life to make them, imo, worthwile for the cost.  So for
> right now there isn't really a full implementation of MLO available in the
> tablet market.
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Re: [MLO] Re: What and When to expect MLO4

2011-09-23 Thread Trish Putnam
A couple of comments inline:

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Grant  wrote:

> Neal,
> Desktop, laptops and (separate) keyboards are not going to away,
> especially in the professional world.  There are just too many tasks
> that are better and quicker (time is money and money is king) done
> with a large screen, and well designed physical keyboard and mouse.
> For that matter, pen and paper have not, and will not go away either.
> So lets accept that MLO will still have to work on all these devices.
> But the origins of this discussion where that releases of MLO for new
> platforms needs to be balanced with its continuing functional
> development.
No disagreement from me regarding desktops, laptops, keyboard and mouse -
they aren't going away anytime soon, and they are still my principal tools
for heavier computing needs.  I definitely think that the primary focus is
the desktop version of the app - that's where I do the majority of my
"housekeeping" for projects, schedules and tasks.  Keyboards and mice are
peripherals that we're all expert in using and it's become engrained.

However, that said, it is not right to class development of tablet/slate
based versions with the phone versions.  Tablets, due to their screen size
primarily, are perfectly capable of doing complex work with MLO that would
be difficult to do on a phone.  One of the primary markets for tablets is
for business folks, management, and others who need to move around a lot
through their work day to meetings and client sites.  These people will be
away from their desks for hours at a time, and need to be able to manage
their calendar/task lists/projects on their primary portable device, which,
more and more commonly, is becoming a tablet of some sort.   A tablet in
most ways is more closely aligned with a netbook than a smartphone,
regardless of the OS that's being used as a platform.

I'd really like to see MLO more closely aligned between desktop and tablet
versions.  It's logical to keep the smartphone version "dumbed down" due to
the challenges of the user interface on a small screen.

> Mark, and a few others:  regarding justifying a wish for a new feature
> by giving the business need it solves, it not really necessary.
> People experienced with a tool deserve the respect that their
> intuitive desire for a new feature, like more text formatting in Notes
> is correct.  When more than a few ask for the same feature, its is
> pretty much confirmed that there is a need, even if not analytically
> defined - and the fact that most of the world does not work with
> simple text editors, but prefer and use the capability to improve the
> visual attractiveness, and visual navigation and accelerated
> understanding that goes with richer formatting capabilities seems to
> pretty much put any doubt to rest.
> Grant, I see your point, but when the business justification - the problem
being solved - is provided, then it's easier to consider options for a
feature.  Say that someone asks for feature X.  With the context that
feature X is requested to solve problem Y, the designer and developer can
consider other ways that problem Y could be solved or at least partially
solved if X is very complicated.  Perhaps option Z would be a simplified way
to accomplish most or all of what problem Y actually needed and could make
it into the next release instead of the more complex X that would be 3 years
out on the roadmap.

It allows the ability to think around the problem space for a solution,
rather than focusing on something that addresses a symptom, as well.
Perhaps one feature request is for HTML formatting and another is for Rich
Text formatting, for example.  They're two separate requests if it's without
any context.  But if both requests are intended to solve a similar problem,
it might be that only one need be implemented, or that one will at least be
a good compromise for the short term.  In part, that also addresses your
next comment, as it focuses the dialog on what needs to be solved, rather
than the exact implementation.

> Lastly, it always amazes me when someone says they want something like
> a simple calendar view, or more text formatting capabilities that
> there are bunch of people who take that to mean a request for a full
> featured Outlook like calendar or a Word like program (or physical
> keyboard only request) and then go on to bash the idea as silly and as
> far too technically complex for the MLO team to implement (and then
> elsewhere also say that people should not make technical decisions for
> the MLO team - which is just what they are doing).  These these people
> have taken the suggestion immediately to an extreme, indeed a worse
> case scenario, and decrease the chances for rational dialog around
> what scale of features is really needed in this case which probably
> would reduce the technical complexity by 80%, while still giving 80%
> of the new capability being asked for.
> But regardless, there is one point I

Re: [MLO] Hide in To-Do: Do you ever use?

2011-09-24 Thread Trish Putnam
That is pretty much how I use it, too.  I capture ideas that I am not ready
to act on or tasks that I don't want to forget entirely but which shouldn't
have enough priority yet to appear on my to-do list - stuff that I do when I
have spare time.
 On Sep 23, 2011 10:01 PM, "Denis Sheremetov" 

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Re: [MLO] Input parsing: How to enter start AND due date for task at the same time?

2011-10-06 Thread Trish Putnam
I agree with this as well.  I have a number of tasks which don't require
much time to complete and don't necessarily need to start on a specific
date, but do need to be completed within a particular window of time.  Tying
to use lead time to do that places an artificial inflation on the actual
length of the task.
 On Oct 6, 2011 8:15 PM, "Lisa Stroyan"  wrote:

> I think it's a bug.  It's been really driving me crazy recently, too. I
> thought there was a way to do it with a space in one and not the other but
> can't figure it out.
> Lisa
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 2:54 PM, dezpr6 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to enter a start and a due date in rapid task entry, but the -
>> s and -d do not seem to work together. So if I want to set both start
>> and due, then I have to use the -l (lead time) switch. But sometimes I
>> don't want to calculate lead time, especially when I use date and
>> time. Is this now a feature, or bug?
>> Regards
>> Robert
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> Lisa Stroyan
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Re: [MLO] New to MLO on PPC

2011-10-13 Thread Trish Putnam
That is actually a far more complex answer than you might think.  MLO can do
pretty much everything from being a simple to-do list manager to being a
sophisticated time management system, with several stops in between.  It
would probably be helpful if you could give us an idea of why you're
interested in MLO.  What attracted you to the application?  Is there a
problem you're trying to solve with it?

As an example, I have a fairly complex schedule with a lot of moving pieces
and parts between work, school and home.  My task list can be fairly
complicated with lots of dependencies, and I was getting a bit overwhelmed
trying to stay on track, so I decided to implement a time management system
I was acquainted with.  I needed a tool to help with that which would run on
my desktop and my smartphone.  It also needed to be reasonably portable so I
could stick it on a thumb drive and use it at work as well without actually
having to install it on a work system, and there had to be a way to keep the
multiple instances of the tool in sync without manually updating each
task/project/scheduled event on each device.

On Oct 13, 2011 2:40 AM, "Buddy Winz"  wrote:

> Hi there. I'm new to MLO on my almost expired OS, Windows Mobile 6.5.5. I'm
> still confused on using MLO. Could someone please help me? Maybe by giving
> examples of how to use MLO? TIA
> Sent from my BlackBerry® & INDOSAT
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Re: [MLO] Can an MLO desktop File be paired for Wi-Fi sync with more than one mobile device?

2012-10-12 Thread Trish Putnam
This was actually enough of a pain to me that I've started using an
alternate solution, even with my investment in MLO.  It's a shame, as I
really like the software, but the lack of flexibility for sync options is a
deal breaker.
If better options for sync come along I'll reconsider.
On Oct 11, 2012 8:45 AM, "Elizabeth Lindsay"  wrote:

> Correct - the desktop can only be paired with one device.  I found that
> frustrating since I have both a phone and a tablet.  Takes a few steps to
> unpair / repair, decided to skip it and rarely use tablet.
> On Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:54:20 PM UTC-5, Dwight Arthur wrote:
>> Hi, Greg.
>> Sorry that I don't know enough about wifi sync to answer the question.
>> And I clearly recognize the advantage of wifi sync over cloud sync, namely
>> the cost. But I wanted to mention that cloud sync would allow your mobile
>> devices to sync with each other through the cloud and the desktop could
>> catch up later, the mobile devices would not have to wait for the desktop.
>> -Dwight
>> Greg May  wrote:
>> »From the Wi-Fi sync dialog, it appears that am MLO file can only be
>> »paired
>> »with one device at a time. I'd like to be able to Wi-Fi sync to both my
>> »
>> »iPad and my iPhone, but it looks like there's no way to keep both
>> »pairings.
>> »It looks like I would have to sync on one device, unpaid, pair and sync
>> »the
>> »other device.
>> »
>> »Am I right?
>> »
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Re: [MLO] Can an MLO desktop File be paired for Wi-Fi sync with more than one mobile device?

2012-10-15 Thread Trish Putnam
Greg, I have an encrypted digital notebook stored on a private server plus
my Outlook 2010/Exchange Server (I'm familiar with setting up my Outlook to
support GTD time management at a basic level).  While it's not as
functional as MLO is and I miss some of the features, I need to be able to
efficiently work with whichever of my devices is at hand (home PC, laptop,
tablet or phone) and know that the data is properly and safely synced at
whatever schedule makes sense.

I appreciate the amount of work that goes into a fine program like MLO, but
to me, the ability to adequately sync multiple devices without forcing
people to the cloud to do it is basic functionality for a mature task
manager.  There are plenty of people and companies who might approve the
use of MLO, but would balk at their data being stored in the cloud, for
example, regardless of encryption, unless they have control of it.   I
actually had a second, entirely separate profile that deals with work, as I
have to be aware of NDA and business-sensitive information and handle it
differently from my personal profile.  In my case, I would never sync my
business profile with the cloud, though I have synced my personal profile
occasionally while trying the cloud sync out.  Either way, I need the
information from both profiles on multiple devices, and at least part of
that data I would not be able to sync via the cloud.

I get the value of cloud sync as an option, but 1) I don't think it should
be the only workable solution for syncing and 2) if I have already paid for
multiple licenses to support my devices, I believe it is ludicrous to
charge extra for what is touted as the only way to support such a basic
functionality.  Now, if it truly were an option (i.e., Wi-Fi sync worked
beautifully for multiple devices) then I could see it as being offered as a
subscription add-on for those who want to sync over the air.
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Greg May  wrote:

> Trish, what is your alternate solution?
> On Thursday, October 11, 2012 8:52:43 AM UTC-7, Trish P wrote:
>> This was actually enough of a pain to me that I've started using an
>> alternate solution, even with my investment in MLO.  It's a shame, as I
>> really like the software, but the lack of flexibility for sync options is a
>> deal breaker.
>> If better options for sync come along I'll reconsider.
>> On Oct 11, 2012 8:45 AM, "Elizabeth Lindsay"  wrote:
>>> Correct - the desktop can only be paired with one device.  I found that
>>> frustrating since I have both a phone and a tablet.  Takes a few steps to
>>> unpair / repair, decided to skip it and rarely use tablet.
>>> On Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:54:20 PM UTC-5, Dwight Arthur wrote:

 Hi, Greg.
 Sorry that I don't know enough about wifi sync to answer the question.
 And I clearly recognize the advantage of wifi sync over cloud sync, namely
 the cost. But I wanted to mention that cloud sync would allow your mobile
 devices to sync with each other through the cloud and the desktop could
 catch up later, the mobile devices would not have to wait for the desktop.

 Greg May  wrote:

 »From the Wi-Fi sync dialog, it appears that am MLO file can only be
 »with one device at a time. I'd like to be able to Wi-Fi sync to both
 »iPad and my iPhone, but it looks like there's no way to keep both
 »It looks like I would have to sync on one device, unpaid, pair and
 »other device.
 »Am I right?
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Re: [MLO] Can an MLO desktop File be paired for Wi-Fi sync with more than one mobile device?

2012-10-16 Thread Trish Putnam
You are right, for most people it would probably be prohibitively expensive
in both time and money.  In my case, I'm a former Microsoft employee and
have access to a certain amount of employee discounts as an alumna.  I have
been running my own Small Business Server (which includes Exchange) for
years, in part as an exercise to keep my skills up, so for me it's not
really any extra overhead from a time or a money perspective - it's not
like I set it up just to do time and task management (talk about swatting a
fly with a nuclear device! :) ).  That was the primary reason I hadn't
really described my alternate methods; it's probably not very useful to

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 6:48 AM,  wrote:

> Trish: you present a very interesting case, and I hope you will not mind
> if I pump you for a little more information.
> ** **
> It sounds as though you have an exchange server running on your premises
> under your personal control. Is that accurate? If so, I’m surprised because
> I thought that would be prohibitive in time and expertise required as well
> as monetary investment. Do you have any comment on this? 
> ** **
> If your exchange server is operated as a service by someone outside of
> your premises and control, how do you reconcile synching the kinds of data
> you would not want on MLO cloud despite encryption?
> -Dwight
> ** **
> *ON:* Monday, October 15, 2012 4:51 AM, Trish Putnam wrote
> Greg, I have an encrypted digital notebook stored on a private server plus
> my Outlook 2010/Exchange Server (I'm familiar with setting up my Outlook to
> support GTD time management at a basic level).  <…>  There are plenty of
> people and companies who might approve the use of MLO, but would balk at
> their data being stored in the cloud, for example, regardless of
> encryption, unless they have control of it. <…>
> --
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Re: [MLO] Re: MLO's cloud sync management of conflicting data

2012-10-28 Thread Trish Putnam
I don't think you could assume a common clock, since that would require all
the devices to be online at the time of change to access the clock.
On Oct 28, 2012 6:12 AM, "Marc García Martí" 

> Hello,
> I'm no software developer, but I imagine that if the different clients, or
> sources of information, shared a common clock, and the cloud server checked
> that clock, the system itself could resolve the conflicts. just my opinion
> of course.
> Thanks
> On Oct 28, 2012, at 2:44 AM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:
> I've been thinking long and hard about this and I think I've been coming
> at it from the wrong angle. I have been studying, when there's a conflict,
> how can an algorithm resolve it. The better question, I think, is whether
> the conflict can be avoided. The only way to make a conflict is to update a
> task on one device and leave that change unsynched for long enough for the
> user to get to another device and make a conflicting update. If every
> platform synched soon after a local change and also soon after a remote
> change has been synched, provided that the sum of the two "soon"s is less
> than the time it takes to go to a new device and enter a change, then there
> will be no conflict. (Except in abnormal circumstances such as blackout.)
> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:53:50 AM UTC-4, kitus wrote:
>> <...> I was wondering, can't the cloudsync handle conflicting data
>> autonomously? why do I have to be prompted when the same action has been
>> updated from different devices? <...>
> --
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Re: [MLO] MLO's cloud sync management of conflicting data

2012-10-28 Thread Trish Putnam
The problem would be with guaranteeing that all clocks had a valid and
reliable time to a very high degree of accuracy.

One thing that could be done, perhaps, is to provide a setting to allow the
user to decide whether to trust timestamps. If yes, then the computer
handles conflict resolution automatically. If no, behavior stays as it is
 On Oct 28, 2012 10:00 AM, "Marc García Martí" 

> I said I'm no software developer, but if the app itself checked current
> clock locally before uploading content, it could attach the current time to
> the information. That way, assuming all the devices have a valid and
> reliable time, the cloud itself could figure things out automatically.
> Thanks
> On Oct 28, 2012, at 3:58 PM, Trish Putnam  wrote:
> I don't think you could assume a common clock, since that would require
> all the devices to be online at the time of change to access the clock.
> On Oct 28, 2012 6:12 AM, "Marc García Martí" 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm no software developer, but I imagine that if the different clients,
>> or sources of information, shared a common clock, and the cloud server
>> checked that clock, the system itself could resolve the conflicts. just my
>> opinion of course.
>> Thanks
>> On Oct 28, 2012, at 2:44 AM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:
>> I've been thinking long and hard about this and I think I've been coming
>> at it from the wrong angle. I have been studying, when there's a conflict,
>> how can an algorithm resolve it. The better question, I think, is whether
>> the conflict can be avoided. The only way to make a conflict is to update a
>> task on one device and leave that change unsynched for long enough for the
>> user to get to another device and make a conflicting update. If every
>> platform synched soon after a local change and also soon after a remote
>> change has been synched, provided that the sum of the two "soon"s is less
>> than the time it takes to go to a new device and enter a change, then there
>> will be no conflict. (Except in abnormal circumstances such as blackout.)
>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:53:50 AM UTC-4, kitus wrote:
>>> <...> I was wondering, can't the cloudsync handle conflicting data
>>> autonomously? why do I have to be prompted when the same action has been
>>> updated from different devices? <...>
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Re: [MLO] MLO's cloud sync management of conflicting data

2012-10-28 Thread Trish Putnam
Basing the timestamp on the time of transmission requires reliance on the
false assumption that all devices making the change are online and
transmitting all the time.

For example:
I'm on a plane with my phone and my tablet.  Both are properly offline for
the flight.  I make a change to my data on my tablet, and put it away for
the remainder of the flight.  Meanwhile, I play Angry Birds on my phone for
a while, then realize that my change wasn't quite right, and pop open MLO
on my phone to make an additional change to the same data.  The phone,
then, should be the winner in a conflict.  However, my phone connects first
when I get off the plane, and transmits my data - per the transmission
time, it was first.  My tablet transmits ITS data moments later when I turn
my tablet back on, and per the transmission timestamp, it is actually the
conflict winner as the most recent change, even though the change was
actually made later on my phone.

Transmission time should NEVER resolve the conflict - it's irrelevant to
the actual time of data change.  Conflict resolution of that sort should be
based on the time the change is saved on the device, with the caveat that
the concept of delta and adjusted timestamp is still relevant.
(For what it's worth, I have worked in the software industry for about 14
years, so I'm not a complete rookie, either :D )

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 5:50 PM,  wrote:

> Hi, Marc. There are a number of scenarios in which relying on the latest
> timestamp does not work. Three that come quickly to mind are (1) Today’s
> changes to yesterday’s task, (2) you are both right, and (3) trickle down.
> ** **
> Today’s changes to yesterday’s task
> I have a task that repeats daily. Monday I complete the task and now it
> shows Tuesday. On Tuesday on my phone I realize I will not be getting to
> this task until Wednesday, so I complete it twice and now it shows Thursday
> ** **
> On Oct 28, 2012 6:12 AM, "Marc García Martí" 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> ** **
> I'm no software developer, but I imagine that if the different clients, or
> sources of information, shared a common clock, and the cloud server checked
> that clock, the system itself could resolve the conflicts. just my opinion
> of course.
> ** **
> Thanks
> ** **
> On Oct 28, 2012, at 2:44 AM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:***
> *
> I've been thinking long and hard about this and I think I've been coming
> at it from the wrong angle. I have been studying, when there's a conflict,
> how can an algorithm resolve it. The better question, I think, is whether
> the conflict can be avoided. The only way to make a conflict is to update a
> task on one device and leave that change unsynched for long enough for the
> user to get to another device and make a conflicting update. If every
> platform synched soon after a local change and also soon after a remote
> change has been synched, provided that the sum of the two "soon"s is less
> than the time it takes to go to a new device and enter a change, then there
> will be no conflict. (Except in abnormal circumstances such as blackout.)
> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:53:50 AM UTC-4, kitus wrote:
> <...> I was wondering, can't the cloudsync handle conflicting data
> autonomously? why do I have to be prompted when the same action has been
> updated from different devices? <...>
> ** **
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Re: [MLO] Re: MLO 4 license?

2012-11-06 Thread Trish Putnam
The primary problem with "phone home" systems is the general assumption
that the system/device where the application is installed will have access
to the internet at the time the application starts, EVERY time the system
starts (there are some phone home schemes that only check daily or weekly,
but most seem to check at every application start).

That's an erroneous assumption.  I may very well be working with a tablet
that is wi-fi only, and it may not be connected to the network for days.
Or I may be working on a phone on a plane and want to check my schedule for
when I arrive at my destination.  Phone home systems generally prevent you
from using the application (or at least using it fully) when the
application cannot confirm the validity of the license.

There's also included in this the also erroneous assumption that data, even
in small amounts, should be freely available.  The problem there is when
you think about roaming with a phone - even a little blip of data can be
expensive, and if you're overseas, it becomes a real factor.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:30 PM, robisme  wrote:

> Would a "phone home" activation system bother you that much ? What's the
> point problem ?
> Le lundi 29 octobre 2012 09:22:06 UTC+1, Andrey Tkachuk (MLO) a écrit :
>> Hi Joshua,
>> The LAN sync will work as in MLO3
>> There is no "phone home" changes. The license system is the same as in
>> MLO3. So all is good! :)
>> Thanks.
>> Andrey.
>> On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:12:02 AM UTC+3, Joshua Cearley wrote:
>>>  -  I assume that when you mention “file sync” you are talking
 about Wi-Fi? It appears that Wi-Fi is undisturbed, although I have not
 tested it myself. Also, the fact that some feature is present in a beta
 test version is not a guarantee that the feature will still be there in a
 subsequent public release.

>>> Nope.  MLO3 has the option to synchronize your current file with another
>>> MLO file (File->Synchronization->"Sync to other data file located on my
>>> computer, flash drive, or LAN".)  It's pretty easy to just sync with a file
>>> in a Dropbox folder, or to a USB key, and no other task software I've used
>>> supports this.
  -  I do not know what “phone home” is other than the line
 from the movie “E.T.”

>>> Where upon entering your license key, the program refuses to work unless
>>> it contacts an 'activation' server.  It "phones home" to ask the developer
>>> permission to use software a user has already paid (and entered their key)
>>> for, usually because the developer doesn't trust their own paying customers.
>> --
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Re: [MLO] Currently I see no future in MLO

2012-11-06 Thread Trish Putnam
Valid point, Michael, and I agree that the development effort doesn't need
to support all of the possible systems out there directly.  However, go
back to Darius's point that there's no web interface.  It's not ideal, but
it would alleviate the pain if there were SOME way to make use of MLO from
devices that aren't currently supported, such as a way to access your
cloud-living data via a web-based UI.  At this point, if your device isn't
supported you don't have an option to work around it.

A web-based UI for MLO cloud would certainly provide at least basic
crossplatform support for any internet-connected device, which would be a
decent ROI for a single development effort vs. trying to guess which
platforms should be supported quickly.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Michael Emerald, CFA <> wrote:

>  The “other side” (me) says that of all the PIM managers I’ve used, this
> one is foolproof, useful, rock solid, and increases productivity
> enormously.  I sense that the product will evolve with your own needs below
> over time.  Then again, as a business consultant I’d ask whether catering
> to the lesser-used systems is a worthwhile investment of programming
> resources.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Darius
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 06, 2012 04:44
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [MLO] Currently I see no future in MLO
> ** **
> I've checked a MLO roadmap and I must say I don't see a good future for
> MLO . MLO is doing a big mistake: no web app or API for MLO cloud, there is
> even no basic support for web planned . Now MLO is just not a true multi OS
> device.
> ** **
> I've have 3 new machines and on every of them I cannot use MLO. One is
> Raspberry PI, one is laptop with Ubuntu, one is VMware with Lubuntu for my
> TV ( I have Windows PC and Galaxy  note which I am using fine with MLO) . I
> know, this is Linux and Linux is not supported, but the problem is bigger:
> ** **
> Now we have Windows RT released. How to use MLO?
> As in my example I have some machines with Linux, how to use MLO?
> If windows 8 fails, and some people will turn to Mac/Linux, what to do?***
> *
> If I bought chrome book, how to use MLO?
> ** **
> In short I don't think the developement for all the OS will be fast enough
> without any web app...
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Re: [MLO] Re: Easiest way to maximize from system tray?

2013-01-10 Thread Trish Putnam
Lisa, you can go to what amounts to a classic desktop easily in Windows 8,
it's built in, and works pretty much as you expect in most regards.

While I agree that I'm not a huge fan of the tiles concept unless you're
working with a touchscreen device (it's pretty nice on a Surface tablet,
for example), there are new larger touchpads for desktops coming out that
mitigate some of the issues - look at the Logitech touchpad, in

And now, back to our regularly scheduled MLO chatter :P


On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Lisa Stroyan  wrote:

> H, I wonder if Windows 8 is still fast if I put a shell over the top
> to make it look like a normal Windows OS?
> I know Vista sucks, it was all that was available when I got my laptop,
> and it wasn't worth trying to put XP on. But now it's familiar.
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 8:00 AM, robisme (Olivier R) <
>> wrote:
>> That's a good summary.
>> there is one thing I like in 8, it is damn fast.
>> Le jeudi 10 janvier 2013 15:39:16 UTC+1, Dwight Arthur a écrit :
>>> My apologies for going even further off topic but I can’t help myself.
>>> I skipped Vista, going from 95 to 7. I think it will be my last Windows.
>>> If I want something that will make my computer act and look like a huge
>>> phone I will get an Android tablet.
>>> Vista is what happened when MS engineers built the OS they wanted to
>>> build rather than the one their customers wanted to use. 7 is what happened
>>> when crashing sales made MS remember to talk to their customers. I think 8
>>> is what happened when they built another one that they wanted to build. I
>>> don’t know anyone at all who said, I really wish Windows would offer live
>>> tiles on touch screens. Maybe Windows 9 will be customer-focused again, but
>>> by then I doubt I’ll still have windows-compatible hardware.
>>> -Dwight
>>> *From:* mylifeo...@googlegroups.**com [mailto:mylifeo...@**
>>>] *On Behalf Of *robisme (Olivier R)
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 10, 2013 9:08 AM
>>> *To:* mylifeo...@googlegroups.**com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [MLO] Re: Easiest way to maximize from system tray?
>>> Lisa, if there was a version to skip, it was Vista ;-)
>>> Windows 7 is very stable
>>> Windows 8 is very fast
>>> Olivier
>>> Le mercredi 9 janvier 2013 17:13:02 UTC+1, Lisa S a écrit :
>>> That assumes we will move to Windows 8 and not manage to skip it
>>> entirely, which is my current plan(Of course now Murphy's law will take
>>> effect and force me into it, but in that case I'll install something that
>>> makes it look "normal" again. They do exist.)
>>> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 11:58 PM, Stéph  wrote:
>>> OK, that's an advantage of Windows 7 - the icon next to the start button
>>> get's highlighted when MLO is open, rather than an extra, rectangular
>>> button appearing for the open program. Windows 7 has a few other features
>>> for saving space and grouping items on the Taskbar, too.
>>> Of course, it will be all change as we start to move to Windows 8 Live
>>> Tiles and touch screens.
>>> Stéphane
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Re: [MLO] Next Actions by Project is showing tasks that aren't projects

2013-01-11 Thread Trish Putnam
It's the way I keep things off my to-do list, definitely.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Chris  wrote:

> I'll try that for now. Is that what you use generally for keeping things
> off your To-Do list (e.g. @Someday, @WaitingFor) or is there some better
> way to do this?
> On Friday, January 11, 2013 9:24:46 PM UTC-7, Dwight Arthur wrote:
>> You could try checking the box “hide the branch in to-do” that I
>> described to you a couple of emails ago.
>> *From:* mylifeo...@googlegroups.**com [mailto:mylifeo...@**
>>] *On Behalf Of *Chris
>> *Sent:* Friday, January 11, 2013 11:14 PM
>> *To:* mylifeo...@googlegroups.**com
>> *Subject:* Re: [MLO] Next Actions by Project is showing tasks that
>> aren't projects
>> One followup question: how do you get something to NOT show up in the
>> next actions view? Specifically, I don't want certain actions that are in
>> folders to show up as next actions as they are not something I'm ready to
>> start working on.
>>  --
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RE: [MLO] MLO opening slow on Android

2013-01-12 Thread Trish Putnam
So my Galaxy S 2 opens it in about 2 seconds. I wonder if it is related to
number of tasks?  I only have about 50 in my test profile.

Alternatively, what about a memory leak?  Is it slowing over time, or is it
behaving that way fresh after a phone reboot?

On Jan 12, 2013 6:19 PM,  wrote:

> It's now taking me about 90 seconds to load from scratch on Samsung Infuse.
> Not sure if that's considered "old" but the same device was able to open
> in something closer to 8 seconds about 6 weeks ago, so I'm concerned.
> -Dwight
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Nick Clark
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [MLO] MLO opening slow on Android
> It sounds like you have an old Android device, which will be most  of the
> problem. On my Motorola Defy (2.3) it takes 14 seconds to load from scratch
> while on my Samsung Note 2 it takes 3 seconds. On both it is instant if
> Android hasn't closed the app due to lack of memory.
> Depending on the device there may be an option to keep it in memory as a
> priority, or alternatively to auto end other apps to keep the memory
> available.
> Nick
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Re: [MLO] MLO opening slow on Android

2013-01-16 Thread Trish Putnam
Well, I just synced my real profile to my phone - 352 tasks and about 60%
recurring. It still opened in about 2 seconds even after rebooting to
ensure it is completely out of memory and loading from scratch.

My phone is on Jelly Bean version of Android, and I have around 280 MB free
RAM with 9 applications running, which is normal for me. I am running MLO
from the phone, not the SDcard.

While a number of my tasks have a few notes, most are fairly limited -
generally some context for the task, an address, phone #, or a quick note
about where I am if it's something ongoing.

I am syncing via MLO cloud.

Is it possible that you simply don't have enough free memory for the
application to stay loaded?
On Jan 16, 2013 1:33 AM, "laurits"  wrote:

> Well, 2 seconds is good. Also, your number of tasks is rather low, so that
> might be answer why yours is fast. I think I'm at some 500 tasks now, and
> probably half of them are recurring, so that's way more extensive usage.
> Anyway I think the problem is that Android isn't keeping the app in
> memory. I tried various methods to make it permanent ... there seems to be
> an improvement but anyway there are times when I just stare waiting until
> it opens.
> On Sunday, 13 January 2013 05:02:08 UTC+2, Trish P wrote:
>> So my Galaxy S 2 opens it in about 2 seconds. I wonder if it is related
>> to number of tasks?  I only have about 50 in my test profile.
>> Alternatively, what about a memory leak?  Is it slowing over time, or is
>> it behaving that way fresh after a phone reboot?
>> Trish
>> On Jan 12, 2013 6:19 PM,  wrote:
>>> It's now taking me about 90 seconds to load from scratch on Samsung
>>> Infuse.
>>> Not sure if that's considered "old" but the same device was able to open
>>> MLO
>>> in something closer to 8 seconds about 6 weeks ago, so I'm concerned.
>>> -Dwight
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: mylifeo...@googlegroups.**com
>>> [mailto:mylifeo...@**] On Behalf Of Nick Clark
>>> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:09 PM
>>> To: mylifeo...@googlegroups.**com
>>> Subject: [MLO] MLO opening slow on Android
>>> It sounds like you have an old Android device, which will be most  of the
>>> problem. On my Motorola Defy (2.3) it takes 14 seconds to load from
>>> scratch
>>> while on my Samsung Note 2 it takes 3 seconds. On both it is instant if
>>> Android hasn't closed the app due to lack of memory.
>>> Depending on the device there may be an option to keep it in memory as a
>>> priority, or alternatively to auto end other apps to keep the memory
>>> available.
>>> Nick
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RE: [MLO] How do you pros mark a recurring task FINALLY complete?

2013-02-11 Thread Trish Putnam
I usually set a reasonable end date for the recurrence and push the date
out if necessary if it's a task I need to keep for time tracking or history
needs. If the tall ends early, I use Dwight approach to ending it.

 On Feb 10, 2013 10:27 AM,  wrote:

> Hi, Michael
> I usually delete it.
> ** **
> But in cases where it’s a particularly memorable task that I do not want
> to lose track of, I go into the reoccurrence options and set the “end by”
> option – I forget whether it has to be set to today or tomorrow, then save
> it and click complete once more; it becomes a completed task subject to
> archiving and whatever else you do with your completed tasks.
> -Dwight
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Michael Emerald, CFA
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 10, 2013 1:20 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [MLO] How do you pros mark a recurring task FINALLY complete?**
> **
> ** **
> Hi Y’all.
> ** **
> I have a task to send a reminder every 4 days until client responds, at
> which point it’s done, complete, over, finito.
> ** **
> The only way I can think of to quickly not see it anymore is to delete
> it.  Is there a better way?  My present way works okay, but if there’s a
> better way to milk a cow I want to know it.
> ** **
> ** **
> *Michael Emerald, CFA*
> *Owner, Performance Business Design*
> ** **
> *Performance Business Design:*
> ** **
> *Facebook:*
> ** **
> *Boston Plein Air Artists Group: *
> ** **
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Re: [MLO] Tab loses name after being PINned

2013-02-11 Thread Trish Putnam
I oh ji
On Feb 11, 2013 3:48 PM, "canadug"  wrote:

> (Version:
> *Problem*
> Tab loses title when pinned
> *Steps to recreate*
> 1.  Create a new tab
> 2.  Right click on the tab and choose 'Pin this tab'
> *Workaround*
> don't pin the tab.  :(
> *Expected behaviour*
> The title should not disappear and there should be an option to custom
> format the title, e.g. bold it.
>  --
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Re: [MLO] Formatted Notes

2013-02-22 Thread Trish Putnam
Mark, I completely understand the challenges involved with implementing
formatted text on multiple platforms, but I think that standing here frozen
because it isn't feasible to do it all at once isn't the a good option.  If
it must be done in pieces, so be it.  Dwight, your point is very good.  I,
too, would probably be willing to cope with a short term mismatch of
editing capabilities with the understanding that it would be corrected
fairly soon.

If it were me planning this and I intended to implement RTF (or some other
formatting option) in phases, I'd make RTF optional and make it opt-in.  If
you are working across multiple platforms and not all of them support RTF,
you can choose to leave the notes editor in the default ASCII mode and
never have to worry about it.  If you know that you are only working with
platforms which have RTF support, or you don't care if you get extraneous
gibberish as long as you can have formatted text where it's supported,
click the check-box and enable RTF in the notes editor.  The first time you
set it, I would probably give you a warning about all platforms not
supporting rich text formatting, etc, and make you confirm that you read
the warning, but after that it's basically as Dwight says, and no further
warnings would get in your way or bug you.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 1:58 PM,  wrote:

> Hi, Mark. I understand that a forced synchronous cross-platform flash-cut
> is a bear. As an alternative I would be pleased to have RTF support on one
> platform with the understanding that if I viewed an RTF note on a platform
> that doesn’t support it there will be miscellaneous Ascii gibberish
> sprinkled across my content, and that if I edit an RTF note on a platform
> that doesn’t support RTF I will lose the formatting and make the gibberish
> permanent. I would accept all of this if there was a commitment to deliver
> RTF support to the remaining platforms in some finite period.
> -Dwight
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Mark Levison
> *Sent:* Friday, February 22, 2013 4:14 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [MLO] Formatted Notes
> ** **
> ** **
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 3:35 PM,  wrote:
> Just want to mention that Evernote on my Android phone creates, displays,
> and edits notes with bold, italics, underline and bullets, and syncs it all
> well with Evernote on Windows.
> ** **
> Dwight and Joel - I was the one who made the point. My point was the
> implementation cost is higher than you think because it needs to
> implemented on all platforms at once. You can't have rich text on windows
> and not have it on Android/IPad/IPhone etc otherwise the odd platform
> out destroys your formatting or even the note. Oddly enough I suspect the
> legacy platforms think BB 7/8 etc would be the biggest issue.
> ** **
> Cheers
> Mark  
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Holmes245
> *Sent:* Friday, February 22, 2013 3:09 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [MLO] Formatted Notes
> The bullet feature would help me as I've used that in other programs
> before I found MLO as a way to check mark off stuff. If I were a college
> student, I would have used MLO for assignments and would have used that
> feature to mark off tasks that were a part of that assignment that didn't
> necessarily need a separate task. I still use MLO for this with other
> things but I'm limited to the act of inserting my own "bullets" with the
> minus sybol but can't mark anything out. MLO, for the most part, has forged
> ahead except for this aspect of it.
> If I remember correctly, I think Andrey mentioned somewhere (or maybe
> someone else did) that he's not sure how to incorporate this into the
> software and have it sync accross platforms because the mobile devices
> wouldn't have rich text editing. Hey, I personally don't mind not having it
> on the mobile app. It's the PC software that needs to have it. Maybe have
> the edits displayed in the mobile apps but not have it be editable? 
> Joel
> On Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:15:14 AM UTC-5, Majorbillion wrote:
> I 2nd that. I mentioned it before too. 
> I use the notes quite a bit and many times I wish I could boldface,
> underling, highlight indent, and bullet. 
> The organizational usefulness of outlines works well for planning. But if
> you have a lot of information that you collect, free form notes is some
> times the only practical way to record this info. 
> Eddie
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Heinz Gäggeler 
> wrote:
> When it will be possible to insert and edit formatted notes in future of
> MLO?
> I think this is a feature that is reque

Re: [MLO] Formatted Notes

2013-02-22 Thread Trish Putnam
Lisa, I definitely remember the Evernote fun - it was rather frustrating,
since one of the big reasons I used Evernote was because I needed to work
on multiple platforms, including editing.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Lisa Stroyan  wrote:

> Trish, I really like this solution. Anyone else remember when Evernote did
> the whole "you can append but not edit notes created on other platforms"
> thing? It was a PITA, honestly, though as with most of Evernote it was
> better than its competitors. I certainly wouldn't want my notes to suddenly
> be not-editable on Android, though I could put up with RTF formatting stuff
> in order to get that feature.
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Trish Putnam wrote:
>> Mark, I completely understand the challenges involved with implementing
>> formatted text on multiple platforms, but I think that standing here frozen
>> because it isn't feasible to do it all at once isn't the a good option.  If
>> it must be done in pieces, so be it.  Dwight, your point is very good.  I,
>> too, would probably be willing to cope with a short term mismatch of
>> editing capabilities with the understanding that it would be corrected
>> fairly soon.
>> If it were me planning this and I intended to implement RTF (or some
>> other formatting option) in phases, I'd make RTF optional and make it
>> opt-in.  If you are working across multiple platforms and not all of them
>> support RTF, you can choose to leave the notes editor in the default ASCII
>> mode and never have to worry about it.  If you know that you are only
>> working with platforms which have RTF support, or you don't care if you get
>> extraneous gibberish as long as you can have formatted text where it's
>> supported, click the check-box and enable RTF in the notes editor.  The
>> first time you set it, I would probably give you a warning about all
>> platforms not supporting rich text formatting, etc, and make you confirm
>> that you read the warning, but after that it's basically as Dwight says,
>> and no further warnings would get in your way or bug you.
>> Trish
>> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 1:58 PM,  wrote:
>>> Hi, Mark. I understand that a forced synchronous cross-platform
>>> flash-cut is a bear. As an alternative I would be pleased to have RTF
>>> support on one platform with the understanding that if I viewed an RTF note
>>> on a platform that doesn’t support it there will be miscellaneous Ascii
>>> gibberish sprinkled across my content, and that if I edit an RTF note on a
>>> platform that doesn’t support RTF I will lose the formatting and make the
>>> gibberish permanent. I would accept all of this if there was a commitment
>>> to deliver RTF support to the remaining platforms in some finite period.
>>> -Dwight
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *Mark Levison
>>> *Sent:* Friday, February 22, 2013 4:14 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [MLO] Formatted Notes
>>> ** **
>>> ** **
>>> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 3:35 PM,  wrote:
>>> Just want to mention that Evernote on my Android phone creates,
>>> displays, and edits notes with bold, italics, underline and bullets, and
>>> syncs it all well with Evernote on Windows.
>>> ** **
>>> Dwight and Joel - I was the one who made the point. My point was the
>>> implementation cost is higher than you think because it needs to
>>> implemented on all platforms at once. You can't have rich text on windows
>>> and not have it on Android/IPad/IPhone etc otherwise the odd platform
>>> out destroys your formatting or even the note. Oddly enough I suspect the
>>> legacy platforms think BB 7/8 etc would be the biggest issue.
>>> ** **
>>> Cheers
>>> Mark  
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *Holmes245
>>> *Sent:* Friday, February 22, 2013 3:09 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [MLO] Formatted Notes
>>> The bullet feature would help me as I've used that in other programs
>>> before I found MLO as a way to check m

Re: [MLO] Context with multiple locations

2014-04-25 Thread Trish Putnam
I concur with Dwight on this.  In fact, I stopped using location context
for most errands because very few of my errands only have a single possible
location for getting it done, so relying on connect to activate a task was
causing me to miss efficient opportunities.
On Apr 25, 2014 6:30 AM, "Dwight Arthur"  wrote:

> Hi, Oliver. Maybe someone will have a suggestion. But I'd like to share
> with you that I've tried to do this and I havent succeeded. This requires a
> feature called something like "location inheritance" which is not
> implemented and not scheduled.
> -Dwight
> Mlo betazoid on Android sgn2
> On Apr 25, 2014, Oliver  wrote:
>> How can I create a task in a context that comes up with a location based
>> reminder in more than one location? Examples would be something like
>> grocery stores, DIY stores, post offices etc. I would like to create a task
>> like "Post important letter" and assign it to the context "Post Office".
>> Then have MLO notify me when I am near any of the five post offices that
>> are near my home or office. Can this be achieved? If yes, how?
>>  --
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Re: [MLO] Hard vs. soft deadlines

2014-05-23 Thread Trish Putnam
Dwight's idea of using the start date as a soft deadline might be workable
for you.  In my case, though, I actually use the start date as a start date
for certain kinds of projects/tasks, so I think it would probably just
introduce additional confusion.

My usual way of dealing with soft deadlines vs hard deadlines is to set the
soft deadline as the due date, but include information about the hard
deadline in the notes for the task, and tag tasks where the due date is a
soft deadline with a context of @SoftDeadline. As I do my weekly review and
plan for next week, I have a view which looks at all tasks with a context
of @SoftDeadline for the next two weeks and assess whether the current
deadline is achievable or needs to shift, then adjust accordingly.  You
could adjust the timeframe of your view to suit your usual style, of course.

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 8:22 AM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:

> Hi, Bastian. I'm not sure if this is relevant to your needs but you might
> try putting the hard deadline as "due date" and the soft deadline as "start
> date". Nothing prevents you from working on a task before its start date,
> it just does not show up on "active task" reports. It would be easy to
> create a custom repory showing all active tasks plus all tasks that would
> be active if not for a future start date. If you want a more thorough
> explanation of how this could work, please post more detail about how you
> plan to use hard versus soft deadlines.
> -Dwight
> --
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Re: [MLO] Re: Windows phone 8 version?

2014-07-16 Thread Trish Putnam
The lack of Windows Phone 8.1 client is why I've had to unfortunately move
away from using MLO.  I still love the app - it's my favorite task
managment system, bar none, but I need to be able to use it on my phone in
order for it to really be useful to me.

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Jeremy Dodd  wrote:

> +1. I'd LOVE to have MLO on my windows phone 8.1, especially to be used
> with Cortana!!
> On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:17:59 AM UTC-7, gadgety wrote:
>> correction: French Canadian
>> Den tisdagen den 20:e november 2012 kl. 02:55:31 UTC+1 skrev Carhum:
>>> Is the WP* version be released soon? I have the Windows desktop version
>>> and would like to synchronize MLO with my windows phone
>>  --
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Re: [MLO] Re: Windows 8 Phone version

2014-07-16 Thread Trish Putnam
+100 from me :)
I'd be happy to beta test when such a beast exists!

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Richard C  wrote:

> Tentative + 1.   I am thinking that I might well move to a Windows 8
> tablet for work use so this would be good.
> On Wednesday, 2 October 2013 19:09:52 UTC+1, Marshall Youngblood wrote:
>> I know this has been asked a dozen times, but I  haven't seen an answer
>> other than try another product. Will there be a version for the Windows
>> phone? Need a beta tester?
>> Thanks.
>> Marshall
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Re: [MLO] Re: MyLifeOrganized for Android v.2

2014-08-12 Thread Trish Putnam
Gentlemen -
Please focus on discussing the issue, rather than making it personal.  You
both detract from your own arguments by being snarky.  Thanks.

Daniel's point is valid.  What we paid for is the version of the
application at the time we purchased, which presumably met our needs to a
level we found acceptable, if not perfect. We are not entitled to any
updates for new or changed features, although I would typically make an
exception that it's reasonable to expect fixes for major flaws (absolute
showstoppers for a major part of the program, NOT inconveniences or issues
with an easy workaround) or security issues.

That said, Joel has also made an excellent point regarding communications.
 While MLO does better than many small development houses, it would be wise
to provide a bit more in terms of regular status communication to keep
customers interested and engaged, and perhaps willing to pony up for new
upgrades - customer retention is usually less expensive than recruiting new
customers, and in fact satisfied existing customers are far better
advertising than any other sort.

This doesn't necessarily mean release commitments.  It could be something
like a monthly or even quarterly newsletter that includes high level info
on the order of  "We are working on fixes on the following issues for the
next release, tentatively planned for next year.  We're also working on
feature X and feature Y, which have been highly requested.  In addition,
we're assessing feature Z for future work, as well as a cool new feature
ZZZ that we're keeping under wraps for the moment.  We are experiencing
some delays with development for Platform A refresh, as we have had to ramp
up a new developer in that space."  Don't promise dates.  Just tell people
what you're working on and a high level of what's in your way.

Joel, correct me if I'm wrong, but I presume that your rant is really less
about expecting an upgrade, and more about the need to hear what's going on
so you can decide if MLO will be able to serve your needs going forward, or
if you (and others) should start looking for other options that keep up
with changing needs.  Is this fair to say?


Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 9:19 AM, daniel sekera  wrote:

> seriously,
> you are who to tell me to go away?
> I offered my opinion nothing more and I am entitled to offer it.
> you entirely miss the point in that what you PAY for you have the use of
> today.  there is no obligation to produce anything in the future on any
> timetable.  You are not paying for future development you are paying for
> todays product to use upon payment.
> it is nice to hear about future development but it is not going to change
> the fact that all you can do today is to use what you have.
> so sorry to disappoint you but I am not going away.  feel free to not read
> my posts if you wish that is your right
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Joel Azaria  wrote:
>> Seriously Daneil??  If you're happy with what you have then you have
>> nothing to add to the conversation.  Enjoy it quietly.
>> However;
>> If you your Toyota were deficient and you were making monthly payments on
>> your Toyota TO Toyota, and they TOLD YOU there was an improvement coming
>> soon, is your claim that you wouldn't expect it to be deliverd?
>> If your Samsung firmware didn't play nicely with your other Samsung
>> devices or your phone carrier, and Samsung promised you a new version were
>> coming soon would you not be wondering where it was 8 MONTHS later?
>> And Cannondale and Infinity/Comcast/Time Warner/Cablevision, and ad
>> nauseum anyone else that makes a public promise to me and doesn't hold.
>>  Feel free to sit quietly happy with what you have while others drive the
>> conversation towards improvement for you.
>> And btw, damn right I expect my country to improve it's infrastructure -
>> There's a little known concept called paying taxes (perhaps you've heard of
>> it?) that beholds my government to just that among other things.  Again,
>> feel free to be happy with crappy infrastructure while other more civilly
>> responsible people hold our government's feet to the fire on that too.
>> If you're happy then happily go away.  You've added nothing to the
>> conversation let alone anything constructive.
>> On Thursday, August 7, 2014 9:18:20 AM UTC-4, daniel wrote:
>>> dear toyota, are you ever going to update my 4runner?
>>> dear samsung; are you ever going to update my phone?
>>> dear cannondal

Re: [MLO] Re: What I really LIKE about MyLifeOrganized!

2014-08-22 Thread Trish Putnam
It's unfortunate for me that I've had to look for other solutions - I love
MLO, but I've moved to a Windows 8.1 phone and there's no way to use it
there.  If there was a web interface, I could still manage even without a
native app, but I HAVE to be able to use my task and time management on my

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Holmes245  wrote:

> Those are good thoughts Irando. I think a lot of people find that their
> case is like yours - they later discover just how feature rich MLO is and
> realize that they've undervalued its potential. Like you said though, this
> is because it is so feature rich. Because it is, I suspect many people give
> up on it before they find out how to use those features. That's why I don't
> complain as much when the development team is behind on projects like the
> update to Android. I'm just thankful that there's a program like this that
> works as it does. When I started using MLO, it was a slow process to
> discover features. The more I used it, the more I learned about those
> features. In fact, I'm still learning and discovering more efficient ways
> to use it. For me, filtering, active actions and the work spaces make doing
> that much, much easier. Sticking with it, learning how to use it is key to
> understanding just how useful it could be.
> I also like your idea of it working online like Workflowy. I wouldn't be
> against using it online, like something through the Chrome app store or
> something like that.
> Joel
> On Friday, August 22, 2014 4:21:54 AM UTC-4, lrando wrote:
>> I have to apologize, in the past I was unfairly critical of the desktop
>> app. I've been using it off and on for years. But recently I read
>> 'checklist manifesto' and realised that MLO is a great way to manage lots
>> of checklists. Once I got into that paradigm, I have bit the bullet and dug
>> in to learn how to use it. Now I can't see why anyone would want to work
>> without it. So here is a quick list of things I like most about it off the
>> top of my head.
>> - Its extremely flexible, in fact I'd have to say overwhelmingly flexible.
>> - Its overwhelmingly feature packed.
>> - The tab feature to set up permanent views that let you easily clone and
>> modify them on the fly, then either save or get rid of them.
>> - The speed that you can just search for the name of a list, click on it,
>> and go there for editing.
>> - The speed and ease of use, once you get past some of the learning curve.
>> One suggestion before I go.
>> I think Workflowy has the potential to work like MLO if they go in that
>> direction.
>> If not, I wish MLO would use Workflowy as model to implement aspects of
>> the desktop app on the web.
>> Or maybe use the Phone app as a model for a web version of MLO.
>> Anyway, I'd like to see a web version that all the various mlo platforms
>> can sync to the way toodledo does.
>> Please accept my apologies and Keep up the good work.
>> On Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:55:35 AM UTC+2, Andrey Tkachuk (MLO)
>> wrote:
>>> Please post here a few lines about what you really LIKE about
>>> MyLifeOrganized application.
>>> The happy users are usually quiet and enjoying the software. The
>>> unhappy are posting new feature requests :-)
>>> So let’s keep the balance here – say us what you are using in MLO and
>>> what we did right. Your posts in this thread will help us to
>>> understand what features are frequently used and implemented the right
>>> way.
>>> Newbie may get new information from real users about MLO from this
>>> thread!
>>> This thread is moderated and all discussions not related to the subject
>>> will be deleted/moved to other threads.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Andrey.
>>> P.S. And as always you can say what you want to be improved in other
>>> forum threads, feature requests etc.
>>  --
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Re: [MLO] Re: What I really LIKE about MyLifeOrganized!

2014-08-22 Thread Trish Putnam
Yes, I agree, Joel - while I would like a native app for my phone, it's not
the highest priority and I fully understand that and support it, though I
will continue to ask for it so Andrey knows there is an audience :)

However, a web interface would take care of those of us who are not part of
the iPhone/Android ecosystems anymore, as well as people who have chosen
other non-Windows/Mac operating systems.

I'm a long-time user, so it was hard to let go, and I do still look at the
latest Windows-based releases regularly.  It was also a tough call to move
to the Windows phone and leave MLO behind as my daily driver, but there
were other things that I gained from my move that made it worthwhile for
me.  I am ever-hopeful that something will change and allow me to "come
home" though!

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Holmes245  wrote:

> Unfortunately, I think the reason Andrey probably hasn't added Windows
> Phone is that he already has a lot on his plate as it is. Either people are
> unhappy that he doesn't offer it on every platform or they're unhappy that
> he can't get around to updating them in a reasonable time. I know what you
> mean though. In my opinion, if I moved to Windows Phone, it would be a
> matter of looking at the apps I use and deciding which ones I'm willing to
> sacrifice. MLO is too valuable to me to drop so I stayed with Android.
> Joel
> On Friday, August 22, 2014 2:31:32 PM UTC-4, Trish P wrote:
>> It's unfortunate for me that I've had to look for other solutions - I
>> love MLO, but I've moved to a Windows 8.1 phone and there's no way to use
>> it there.  If there was a web interface, I could still manage even without
>> a native app, but I HAVE to be able to use my task and time management on
>> my phone.
>> Regards -
>> Trish Putnam
>> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Holmes245  wrote:
>>>  Those are good thoughts Irando. I think a lot of people find that
>>> their case is like yours - they later discover just how feature rich MLO is
>>> and realize that they've undervalued its potential. Like you said though,
>>> this is because it is so feature rich. Because it is, I suspect many people
>>> give up on it before they find out how to use those features. That's why I
>>> don't complain as much when the development team is behind on projects like
>>> the update to Android. I'm just thankful that there's a program like this
>>> that works as it does. When I started using MLO, it was a slow process to
>>> discover features. The more I used it, the more I learned about those
>>> features. In fact, I'm still learning and discovering more efficient ways
>>> to use it. For me, filtering, active actions and the work spaces make doing
>>> that much, much easier. Sticking with it, learning how to use it is key to
>>> understanding just how useful it could be.
>>> I also like your idea of it working online like Workflowy. I wouldn't be
>>> against using it online, like something through the Chrome app store or
>>> something like that.
>>> Joel
>>> On Friday, August 22, 2014 4:21:54 AM UTC-4, lrando wrote:
>>>> I have to apologize, in the past I was unfairly critical of the desktop
>>>> app. I've been using it off and on for years. But recently I read
>>>> 'checklist manifesto' and realised that MLO is a great way to manage lots
>>>> of checklists. Once I got into that paradigm, I have bit the bullet and dug
>>>> in to learn how to use it. Now I can't see why anyone would want to work
>>>> without it. So here is a quick list of things I like most about it off the
>>>> top of my head.
>>>> - Its extremely flexible, in fact I'd have to say overwhelmingly
>>>> flexible.
>>>> - Its overwhelmingly feature packed.
>>>> - The tab feature to set up permanent views that let you easily clone
>>>> and modify them on the fly, then either save or get rid of them.
>>>> - The speed that you can just search for the name of a list, click on
>>>> it, and go there for editing.
>>>> - The speed and ease of use, once you get past some of the learning
>>>> curve.
>>>> One suggestion before I go.
>>>> I think Workflowy has the potential to work like MLO if they go in that
>>>> direction.
>>>> If no

RE: [MLO] Re: What I really LIKE about MyLifeOrganized!

2014-08-24 Thread Trish Putnam
Yup, and as I said (and have before :) ) I completely understand the issues and 
the economics of the situation. I've worked in software for many years myself.  
 My purpose was to remind everyone that there ARE ways to support nearly 
everyone not in the main paths.

And by the way, Dwight, there are even ways to keep the data reasonably secure, 
though I acknowledge that they are probably not ideal for hypersensitive 
situations. I have some thoughts on how it could be managed so that there are 
levels of security depending on your needs

-Original Message-
From: "Holmes245" 
Sent: ‎8/‎23/‎2014 6:42
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [MLO] Re: What I really LIKE about MyLifeOrganized!

Hey Dwight, actually, I wasn't the one requesting an app for the Windows Phone. 
It was Trish. I was just explaining that a possible reason (although you list 
another) was that Andrey has his hands full with development as it was. I have 
an Android phone.


On Friday, August 22, 2014 11:55:41 PM UTC-4, Dwight Arthur wrote:
Hi, Joel. Believe me, I am not trying to disparage Windows Phone or anyone 
else’s choice of platform, but a recent study 
( showed worldwide 
2014q2 market share for Windows Phone to be 2.5%, down from year-ago 3.4%. If 
your ability to feed your children hinged on how many licenses you could sell, 
these figures would give you pause. On the other hand, Trish’s suggestion of a 
web version promises to provide less-than-perfect but fully usable access to 
MLO for Windows phone and many other less-popular platforms.
On yet another hand, please note that there’s a recurring discussion about the 
need to protect the privacy of any user’s task lists. This discussion is 
pointing towards end-to-end encryption of customer data in the cloud. Anyone 
using this sort of encryption would in all probability preclude use of a web 
interface to display and manage cloud data about tasks. I think it should be a 
choice: you can have encrypted cloud data, or you can have web access to view 
and manage cloud data, but not both, Pick one. 
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Holmes245
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MLO] Re: What I really LIKE about MyLifeOrganized!
Unfortunately, I think the reason Andrey probably hasn't added Windows Phone is 
that he already has a lot on his plate as it is. Either people are unhappy that 
he doesn't offer it on every platform or they're unhappy that he can't get 
around to updating them in a reasonable time. I know what you mean though. In 
my opinion, if I moved to Windows Phone, it would be a matter of looking at the 
apps I use and deciding which ones I'm willing to sacrifice. MLO is too 
valuable to me to drop so I stayed with Android.

On Friday, August 22, 2014 2:31:32 PM UTC-4, Trish P wrote:
It's unfortunate for me that I've had to look for other solutions - I love MLO, 
but I've moved to a Windows 8.1 phone and there's no way to use it there.  If 
there was a web interface, I could still manage even without a native app, but 
I HAVE to be able to use my task and time management on my phone.

Regards -
Trish Putnam
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Holmes245  wrote:
Those are good thoughts Irando. I think a lot of people find that their case is 
like yours - they later discover just how feature rich MLO is and realize that 
they've undervalued its potential. Like you said though, this is because it is 
so feature rich. Because it is, I suspect many people give up on it before they 
find out how to use those features. That's why I don't complain as much when 
the development team is behind on projects like the update to Android. I'm just 
thankful that there's a program like this that works as it does. When I started 
using MLO, it was a slow process to discover features. The more I used it, the 
more I learned about those features. In fact, I'm still learning and 
discovering more efficient ways to use it. For me, filtering, active actions 
and the work spaces make doing that much, much easier. Sticking with it, 
learning how to use it is key to understanding just how useful it could be.
I also like your idea of it working online like Workflowy. I wouldn't be 
against using it online, like something through the Chrome app store or 
something like that. 

On Friday, August 22, 2014 4:21:54 AM UTC-4, lrando wrote:
I have to apologize, in the past I was unfairly critical of the desktop app. 
I've been using it off and on for years. But recently I read 'checklist 
manifesto' and realised that MLO is a great way to manage lots of checklists. 
Once I got into that paradigm, I have bit the bullet and dug in

RE: [MLO] Online Version in the Future?

2014-11-10 Thread Trish Putnam
Understood, Dwight. Unfortunately, for those of us with unsupported phones (for 
example, me and my lovely Windows phone!) it's very difficult to justify using 
MLO without some means to access our data. A web interface would be a logical 
way to do this. 

It would have to be opt in, of course. Your data would only be accessible if 
you opted to allow it.

I would likely choose to have two different files - my general to-do list would 
be exposed, as that's the one I usually access from my phone, and the other one 
would  not be exposed to maintain it more securely.

Or, as we move ever closer to a universal Windows OS, perhaps in some future 
version it will all be moot for me...😎 

-Original Message-
From: "Dwight Arthur" 
Sent: ‎11/‎10/‎2014 19:26
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [MLO] Online Version in the Future?

On Monday, October 20, Yury wrote:
any comments on this?

2014-09-30 18:32 GMT+04:00 osaga :

Will an online client version of MLO every be complete? It seems very logical 
to do this.

I don't know whether a web version of MLO is in development or not, but I do 
have a concern. Presumably one of the objectives of a web version would be to 
enable me to access my tasks easily and quickly no matter where I am. However, 
this would probably also enable lots of other people to access my tasks easily 
and quickly no matter where they are, so long as they can guess or sleuth my 
password. I would not like to see that happen.

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RE: [MLO] Re: folder name in bold style IF folder contains almost onetask in its root

2014-11-23 Thread Trish Putnam
So if I'm understanding correctly, you want the holding to occur if and ONLY if 
1. The folder is at the root level
2. The folder directly contains tasks

You do NOT want this to occur if
1. The folder is not at the root level (I.e. It is a sub folder)
2. The folder is root level, but only contains sub folders, even if those sub 
folders contain tasks.

Could you explain your use case for this particular configuration? 

-Original Message-
From: "marcopanichi" 
Sent: ‎11/‎22/‎2014 19:40
To: "" 
Subject: [MLO] Re: folder name in bold style IF folder contains almost onetask 
in its root

Hi Stéphane,

not necessarily, preferably no

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:54:48 PM UTC+1, Stéph wrote:
In your example, should folders 1.2, 3.1 & 3.2 be bold as well? 

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RE: [MLO] Android version of MLO - is there an more compact view??

2014-11-29 Thread Trish Putnam
For what it's worth, while I personally understand and agree with being able to 
reduce white space, for some people it poses issues if it isn't present - I 
have had colleagues who had problems reading items as separate if there isn't a 
line of white space between them, for example. 

Ideally, there would be a setting to add the white space (white space should 
probably be opt-in, but either way would work).

-Original Message-
From: "Joel Azaria" 
Sent: ‎11/‎29/‎2014 11:29
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [MLO] Android version of MLO - is there an more compact view??

Go to settings, general and find "list view display mode.  
Compact will show more on screen.  It is not any more efficient with white 
space it will just remove any/all second line data (shows context, date due et 
If the v2 iPad so is any indication, the v2 android app will not improve upon 
On Nov 28, 2014 3:15 PM, "Andrei Bacean"  wrote:

Hi friend
Look into the settings. It's possible to choose a compact view.
Best regards
Andrew B

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RE: [MLO] Android version of MLO - is there an more compact view??

2014-11-29 Thread Trish Putnam
Not disagreeing with you on that, Joel, though I think that the reduced info 
approach might still be useful for some people. There are those out there who 
explicitly want the immediately visible info to be limited to the task title, 
and only see more detail when they explicitly click on an item.  Again, it 
could just remain an available option.

Why I'm focused on remembering the impacts to others it's that I've recently 
been following a number of support forums for other task management systems. 
I'm looking for something that I can sensibly use with my Windows phone as well 
as my desktop and laptop, so I've seen a lot of different approaches requested 
and discussed.  I keep coming back to MLO and the clunky workarounds I do to 
manage tasks on my phone because of its ultimate flexibility- I can personalize 
it to work the way I do, or I can use it in an extremely simplified fashion. 

-Original Message-
From: "Joel Azaria" 
Sent: ‎11/‎29/‎2014 11:50
To: "" 
Subject: RE: [MLO] Android version of MLO - is there an more compact view??

I agree Trish.  But having whitespace is not the same as *wasting* whitespace. 
IMO MLO wastes a lot of whitespace. 
And if I deliberately CHOOSE a compact view I think I'm implying I want less 
wasted screen.  Can we agree on that?  So then why take info away (2nd line) 
while favoring space wasting?  Minimize the waste and give me back my 2nd line. 
 THAT might make for a useful compact view.  As t stands compact gives me 
little and costs too much.
IMHO of course.

On Nov 29, 2014 2:42 PM, "Trish Putnam"  wrote:

For what it's worth, while I personally understand and agree with being able to 
reduce white space, for some people it poses issues if it isn't present - I 
have had colleagues who had problems reading items as separate if there isn't a 
line of white space between them, for example. 

Ideally, there would be a setting to add the white space (white space should 
probably be opt-in, but either way would work).

From: Joel Azaria
Sent: ‎11/‎29/‎2014 11:29
Subject: Re: [MLO] Android version of MLO - is there an more compact view??

Go to settings, general and find "list view display mode.  
Compact will show more on screen.  It is not any more efficient with white 
space it will just remove any/all second line data (shows context, date due et 
If the v2 iPad so is any indication, the v2 android app will not improve upon 
On Nov 28, 2014 3:15 PM, "Andrei Bacean"  wrote:

Hi friend
Look into the settings. It's possible to choose a compact view.
Best regards
Andrew B

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Re: [MLO] Why do contexts start with different special characters

2014-12-04 Thread Trish Putnam
As an add-on, I have my own personal "code" for what the first character
means -
@ represents an action type - @Call, @Waiting, @Online, @Computer and so on
(@Computer in terms of action means something I need to use a computer for,
not a specific location)
~ is specifically for shopping needs, and generally designates a shopping
location, sometimes specific, sometimes a generic location, i.e. ~Costco,
~GroceryStore, ~Safeway, ~Amazon, ~Mall
# is a "location" context (other than shopping) - #Office, #Home,
#DevComputer, #HomeComputer, #Laptop (#HomeComputer is a specific machine I
need to be at, in this case.  Yes, it overlaps with the action type
@Computer, but they are used for two different things in my setup)
+ is used to denote a person or group of people like +Family, +Eric,
+Colleagues, etc.

There are others, but you get the idea.

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:

> In a postscript to a post in the thread at
> John Smith asked what the significance is of the first character in context
> names like @work, #calls, etc. Answer: no significance, people just use
> them to create some grouping in the sorted list of contexts. For example, I
> have about a half dozen contexts that are tied to a location for use with
> location alarms on Android. I start them all with "@" so that they are
> together in my context list.
> An issue for many new users is that the built in sort sequence in Android
> and Windows is different, so a group of contexts you put at the top may
> come out at the bottom on a different platform. See
> for some help with that issue.
> -Dwight
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RE: [MLO] Why do contexts start with different special characters

2014-12-04 Thread Trish Putnam
Oh, don't get me wrong. My tasks do not all have context tags, and typically if 
they do, it's at most two, but more likely just a single one. They are 
specifically used to drive specific views where items may come from several 
locations in my outline. 

-Original Message-
From: "pottster" 
Sent: ‎12/‎4/‎2014 14:00
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [MLO] Why do contexts start with different special characters

Interesting. Every one is different! I would go with the use of @ and ~ 
although I would use flags because for me, the use of status and physical 
location are mutually exclusive i.e. only one of the tags would apply at any 
one time. Also, I would use sections of the outline for specific areas of my 
life and for people as those attributes are reasonably fixed. Delegating to 
someone would be an exception - I'd use flags for that because I might easily 
switch the task. To be clear for those who don't use them, there can only be 
one flag per task. There can be multiple contexts per task but I've stopped 
using them because it meant too much maintenance. I've found that multiple tags 
are great for a database where records are fairly static once created e.g. 
browser bookmarks - less so for more dynamic data such as a task.

On Thursday, 4 December 2014 20:32:34 UTC, Trish P wrote:
As an add-on, I have my own personal "code" for what the first character means 
@ represents an action type - @Call, @Waiting, @Online, @Computer and so on 
(@Computer in terms of action means something I need to use a computer for, not 
a specific location)
~ is specifically for shopping needs, and generally designates a shopping 
location, sometimes specific, sometimes a generic location, i.e. ~Costco, 
~GroceryStore, ~Safeway, ~Amazon, ~Mall
# is a "location" context (other than shopping) - #Office, #Home, #DevComputer, 
#HomeComputer, #Laptop (#HomeComputer is a specific machine I need to be at, in 
this case.  Yes, it overlaps with the action type @Computer, but they are used 
for two different things in my setup)
+ is used to denote a person or group of people like +Family, +Eric, 
+Colleagues, etc.  

There are others, but you get the idea.

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:

In a postscript to a post in the thread at John 
Smith asked what the significance is of the first character in context names 
like @work, #calls, etc. Answer: no significance, people just use them to 
create some grouping in the sorted list of contexts. For example, I have about 
a half dozen contexts that are tied to a location for use with location alarms 
on Android. I start them all with "@" so that they are together in my context 

An issue for many new users is that the built in sort sequence in Android and 
Windows is different, so a group of contexts you put at the top may come out at 
the bottom on a different platform. See for 
some help with that issue.
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Re: [MLO] Unable to add tasks or subtasks to my MLO file

2015-03-10 Thread Trish Putnam
I didn't have any issues going to Windows 8.1, either.  Are you able to see
the existing tasks?

Regards -

Trish Putnam

On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 8:02 AM, robisme (Olivier R) <> wrote:

> Couldn't you just copy the task to a fresh new file and profile ?
> --
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RE: [MLO] Re: Project templates - what's the best approach?

2018-04-13 Thread Trish Putnam

Yup, that makes three of us - I've done it that way for a number of years now.

On April 13, 2018 2:32:01 PM "'Michael Emerald, CFA' via MyLifeOrganized" 

Yes, great minds think alike.  I do the same.

(Actually I owe the idea to (what’s his name?) our previous Fearless Leader).

[] On Behalf Of Stephen Jones

Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 02:42
To: MyLifeOrganized
Subject: [MLO] Re: Project templates - what's the best approach?


I keep my templates in my original file. They are under a folder called 
templates and it is marked as hide the branch in to do. I just copy and 
paste and do not inherit contexts (because I already set them up with the 
project template)


Stephen J

On Tuesday, 10 April 2018 15:55:11 UTC+10, Jan Onesork wrote:
Hey guys,

I'd like to use some kind of project templates for projects that have 
always the same structure (=processes).

There are two possible approaches that I know of:

A) Keep my templates saved in a text file somewhere and paste it with the 
rapid task entry dialog. The template would have to use the proper syntax 
for input parsing.

B) Keep my templates saved in a different MLO file. I'd have to open the 
file with templates, copy the template to my clipboard, open my original 
file again, paste the template in the right place.

Option B) would be probably the most user friendly (no need to fiddle 
around with the input parsing syntax)

Which approach do you prefer? Or is there some other way I'm missing?

Thank you for your thoughts.

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