RPM help

2006-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg
This is really a question of RPMs (though it arises because I'm eager  
to move from MySQL 4.1 to MySQL 5).  If I knew the correct place to  
post the question, I would probably know where to find the answer.  I  
do suspect that it's a FAQ, but I haven't found  the right search terms.

I'm using SuSE 9.3 (not the Enterprise Server), and I would like to  
upgrade from MySQL 4.1 to the latest stable version.  There do not  
appear to be SuSE rpms for 5.0.

I'm happy to build and install MySQL from source, but I would like to  
integrate the fact of that installation into the RPM database.  I'm  
sure that there are tools or instructions on how to do that, but I  
haven't found any yet.

Thanks for any help with this.



Jeffrey Goldberghttp://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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Re: RPM help

2006-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:38 PM, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:

I'm using SuSE 9.3 (not the Enterprise Server), and I would like to  
upgrade from MySQL 4.1 to the latest stable version.  There do not  
appear to be SuSE rpms for 5.0.

Someone has kindly pointed out to me off-list that there are generic  
linux RPMs (which I'd overlooked).


Jeffrey Goldberghttp://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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Re: MySQL 5.0 character sets

2005-10-28 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Oct 28, 2005, at 1:06 AM, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:

I'm new on this list, so a very short intro about me: I'm Andras  
Barthazi, a Hungarian web developer. I like MySQL very much, I'm  
using it since 3.x versions, so I think I know it very well. But...

I'm new to everything, but I can tell you what I think that manual says.

character_set_client | latin1

This is, what the client thinks about itself, determined from the  
environment. It will be used for autoconverting character data sent  
from the client.

It is what the client tells the server about the queries that the  
client sends.

character_set_connection | latin1

This is, what the client thinks about the server, but I'm not sure,  
how it will be determined, and what exactly is it for. As the  
documentation says, it will be used for autoconverting character  
data sent to the server.

It is what the server uses internally.  The server will convert  
queries from character_set_client to character_set_connection

character_set_database   | latin1

It's the general database default character set, used when you  
create a table. No more additional meaning. ?

That is my guess.

character_set_results| latin1

It is, what the client thinks about itself, and will be used for  
converting character data coming from the server.

When the server sends results to the client it will send the results  
in character_set_results.  That is the server will convert from  
character_set_connection to character_set_results when sending results.

character_set_server | latin1


Fogolmam sincs.  (I can't figure it out from the documentation either).

character_set_system | utf8


Sincs (nor here).

And another strange thing I found: you can set the table's  
(default) character encoding, but I see no effect. The table data -  
of course - won't be converted (that's another alter table  
command), the results I got won't be changed - so I don't know,  
what exactly default table character set is good for.

I've also been having some difficulty with this.  I recommend using  
utf8 for everything, unless the window in which you run the client  
can't handle utf8.

Remember, those accent marks matter.  After all

  Szárba szökik

just isn't the same without them.

Minden jót.


Jeffrey Goldberghttp://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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Re: Map of MySQL Users

2005-10-24 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

[posted only]

On Oct 24, 2005, at 8:14 PM, Claire McLister wrote:

if you go to the web page, http://www.zeesource.net/maps/help.do,  
then in the paragraph under the heading Automatic Maps the last  
sentence should give you the location of your IP.

Hmm.  That located me perfectly, but on the map, I was off by 2000km.

However, I had just updated my location (deleted my entry and then  
created a new one with my correct address), so if that fed back into  
the location system, that might explain it.

And this is great.


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Turning tables on their side

2005-10-19 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg
I suspect that this is the wrong list for this kind of question, but  
if someone could point me to appropriate sources, I would very much  
appreciate it.

I am new to SQL but inherited project designed by someone who doesn't  
seem answer his email anymore.

Essentially date were collected on the web using PHP inserting things  
into a MySQL data base.  It took me time, but I now have a handle on  
what is in which of the 15 tables involved.

Each response to each question by each respondent produced its own  
record (row).  That is, I have something like

 respondent_idquestion_id  answer_id  answer_text

  23   201  56 NULL
  23   202  20 NULL
  23   203   1 NULL
  23   204NULL Arlington
  24   201  52 NULL
  24   202  21 NULL
  24   203   0 NULL
  24   204NULL Richmond

and so on for other respondent_ids as well.

What I would like to get for my users is something that looks like

 respondent_id   q201 q202 
q203   ...
  23 text-for-ans56   text-for-ans20  text-for- 
answer1   ...
  24 text-for-ans52   text-for-ans21  text-for- 
answer0   ...

So instead of having a record for each response, I'd like to have a  
single record for each respondent that shows all of that respondents  

For someone who knows SQL this should be easy.  I suspect that a

 group by respondent_id

clause will play a role, but I just don't see it.

As I said, references to books or sites that I should learn from  
would also be welcome.


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Re: Turning tables on their side

2005-10-19 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

[mailed and posted]

On Oct 19, 2005, at 3:34 PM, Brent Baisley wrote:

The person you inherited from formatted the data correctly in my  

I agree.

What you are trying to do is store the data as you see it, which is  
rarely a normalized data model. Your presentation layer should  
handle the formatting for the user.

I'm sorry that I didn't make the question clear.  My goal is to  
export an MS-Excel file that looks like my target.  I do not wish to  
change how things are done in the DB.  The end-users will want a  
spreadsheet like that for doing their analysis.  Not for queries.

I'm using phpmyadmin which will do an Excel export of a table for  
me.  I just need to create the temporary table long enough to do the  


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Re: Turning tables on their side

2005-10-19 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

[posted only]

On Oct 19, 2005, at 4:07 PM, Jon Frisby wrote:

Create an Excel spreadsheet.  Import the raw data, structured as-is,
into a worksheet.  Select all the relevant columns.  Go to Data -
Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Report.  Click Finish.  From the
PivotTable Field List, drag the respondant ID into the box labeled
Drop Row Fields Here, then drag question ID into the box labeled  

Column Fields Here.


Thank you so much.


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Re: Turning tables on their side

2005-10-19 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

[posted only]

On Oct 19, 2005, at 3:48 PM, sheeri kritzer wrote:

One particular bit of SQL you may find helpful is this:


concat with anything and a null value will produce a null value.  That
snippet of sql code will help you get one answer from the 2 the
original database had.

Thank you.  I can immediately see several places where that will come  
in handy

Unless there's ever an answer_id AND an
answer_text, although the example doesn't support that.

Well, there shouldn't be any cases like that, but I'll can run a  
quick query to check.

Thank you for all of your help.


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Re: Encryption for mySQL 3.23

2005-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Oct 4, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Jeff Pflueger wrote:

Where might I find the key so that I can send it along to them? any  
suggestions on this?

The password is what you need to send.  The encryption and decryption  
functions generate a key from the password.  Internally, the key that  
the AES/Rijndal algorithm uses is a 128 bit (or 256 bit) sequence,  
but the AES_ENCRYPT() function will convert the password (in a  
deterministic way) probably using a hash function such as SHA-n or  
MD5 into a 128 bit sequence.

If you could describe a bit more fully what it is that you are trying  
to achieve we might be able to suggest alternative strategies that  
will better meet your needs than encrypting particular fields this way.


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Documenting and visualizing a database

2005-09-25 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

This is probably a FAQ, but I haven't been able to find the answer.

Briefly, I am looking for tools that will help me document a  
database.  Visualization would be nice too, so that I could quickly  
see the relations between tables.

Less briefly.  I am new to MySQL, SQL in general and databases.  I  
have inherited a project that uses, Apache, PHP, and MySQL.  The  
MySQL Press book, MySQL Tutorial has been extremely helpful.

My predecessor, who did know something about MySQL, left no  
documentation.  As I am trying to figure out what is what and what  
the relationships are between tables, I've got paper and pencil  
pictures, and a text file full of notes.  But, mostly it is just an  
understanding -- for the parts that I understand -- in my head.  Now  
I can always redraw my paper and pencil stuff with something like  
xfig, but it struck me that there is probably a standard, well  
conventional, notation for this kind of thing and tools for the purpose.

I'm a bit of a geezer and my memory isn't as reliable as it used to  
be.  Plus, I don't want any successor on this project to curse me  
quiet as vehemently as I curse my predecessor.

So advice or pointers to advice would be very welcome.  As for tools,  
I'd be looking for things that can run on Unix systems (GNU/Linux and/ 
or OS X).  If I've hit the wrong list, I sure someone will tell me  
where to go.



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Re: Documenting and visualizing a database

2005-09-25 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Sep 25, 2005, at 5:44 PM, Robert L Cochran wrote:

I would start by writing down what you believe the database  
consists of:

1. The table structures -- write them down, commit them to paper.

Thanks, I've already printed out all of table structure information.

2. The relationships you believe exist between the tables. Document  
them in writing and visually.

That is what I have started to do.  Because the stuff that I was  
writing down seemed, well, fairly structured, I'd assumed that there  
were some useful conventions for recording these.

Use whatever tool works for now -- don't make the mistake of  
allowing the tools to stand in the way of proper documentation.

Of course.  But I was hoping that existing tools might remind me to  
note down things that I might not have occurred to me to note down.

Now look at the code components.

1. Print and organize all the code that exists.
2. Study the code; determine how each component relates to the  
others. Diagram this program flow as above for the tables. Don't  
let lack of software stop you. Pen and paper is better than exactly  

I wasn't looking for software for this part, though something like  
ctags for PHP would be nice.  After printing everything out, the next  
thing I did was put things under revision control.

As to learning MySQL and PHP, there is really only one good  
technical writer for MySQL: Paul DuBois. His book MySQL 3rd edition  
is a must-read.


But even Paul is not a magician; you can't learn MySQL from a book  
alone. You need Paul's book, and the willingness to practice  
working with MySQL.

Of course.  The Tutorial from MySQL AB requires that.  And I've  
successfully added some new required things to the project.

Of the various PHP writers, I really have great respect for Tim  
Converse and Joyce Parks.

Again, thanks for the recommendation.

But I'm still left puzzled.  If people haven't developed tailored  
tools to document a database, then I find more than a bit of irony in  
the fact that people who specialize in organizing data in useful ways  
would not have developed a way to organize data that they need to  
make use of on a daily basis.



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