Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Larry Sheldon
Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
Eppure si rinfresca

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Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Henry Yen
On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 16:44:38PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
> MAYBE IF [please read thru before replying because I probably cover
> most knee-jerk responses eventually]:
> d) Microsoft hadn't ignored all these basic security practices in
> operating systems which were completely well understood and
> implemented in OS after OS back to at least 1970 if not before because
> they saw more profit in, to use a metaphor, selling cars without
> safety glass in the windshields etc, consequences be damned.

That's a thesis argued in Clarke's book (already mentioned here on NANOG,
and slashdot and ...):

 "Microsoft  has  vast  resources,  literally billions of dollars in
 cash,  or  liquid  assets  reserves.  Microsoft  is  an  incredibly
 successful  empire  built  on  the premise of market dominance with
 low-quality goods."

   Who  wrote  those  lines?  Steve  Jobs? Linux inventor Linus Torvalds?
   Ralph  Nader?  No, the author is former White House adviser Richard A.
   Clarke  in  his  new  book,  Cyber  War:  The  Next Threat to National
   Security and What to Do About It.

   Clarke  tries  to  be  fair. He notes that Microsoft didn't originally
   intend  its  software  for  critical networks. But even his efforts at
   fairness  are  unflattering. Microsoft's original goal "was to get the
   product  out  the  door and at a low cost of production," he explains.

Henry Yen   Aegis Information Systems, Inc.
Senior Systems Programmer   Hicksville, New York

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread andrew.wallace
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Jorge Amodio   wrote:
> Cyber Threats Yes, But Is It Cyber War?
> -J

Cyber war is something made up by the security industry to save it from going 
bankrupt because the traditional profit vectors such as virus and worm authors 
aren't releasing threats to the web anymore because the motivation for the 
hackers has changed from fun to money.

You've got folks now trying to artificially ramp up cyber security as a 
national security agenda now to create a new profit vector now that the 
traditional threats don't exist anymore.

"How do we ramp up cyber security as a national security agenda, something the 
next president has to worry about?"

"How do we get cyber security as the top headline on CNN and Fox News so that 
cyber security is something The White House works on?"

The response to this video was "It Shouldn't Take a 9/11 to Fix Cybersecurity 
(But it Might)"

I highlighted these suspicious videos on Full-disclosure mailing list but they 
didn't seem to think there was anything wrong.

I also sent them to MI5 via their web form but I've had no reply from them.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Brielle Bruns

On 6/9/10 2:56 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Brielle Bruns wrote:

On 6/9/10 6:27 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:

Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any
regulation ?

Laws and regulation exist because people can't behave civilly and
be expected to respect the rights/boundries/property others.

CAN-SPAM exists because the e-mail marketing business refused to
self regulate and respect the wishes of consumers/administrators

Which is good, because it certainly eliminated most of the SPAM. --

FDCPA exists because the debt collectors couldn't resist the
temptation to harass and intimidate consumers, and behave

And of course, it has caused them all to do so, now, right? -- NOT!

These may not solve all problems, but it does give victims (at least in 
the case of debt collectors) the ability to club them in the face in 
court a few times to the tune of a thousand bucks or so an incident.

Nothing is more satisfying then being able to offer a debt collector the 
option to settle for $X amount.  :)

Lately, the courts have been ruling that companies like LimeWire
are responsible for their products being used for
piracy/downloading because they knew what was going on, but were
turning a blind eye.

This is a positive step, IMHO, but, now companies like Apple and
Micr0$0ft need to be held to similar standards.

Problem is, Microsoft and Apple, though being lax in their coding 
practices, can't entirely help it.  Open Source software has the same 
problems, but do you really think that we should be charging Linus every 
time a Linux box is owned?

There comes a point where a program is so large and expansive that 
holes/exploits is a fact of life.

Why not apply the same standards to ISPs?  If it can be shown that
you had knowledge of specific abuse coming from your network, but
for whatever reason, opted to ignore it and turn a blind eye, then
you are responsible.

I agree.

When I see abuse from my network or am made aware of it, I isolate
and drop on my edge the IPs in question, then investigate and
respond.  Most times, it takes me maybe 10-15 minutes to track down
the user responsible, shut off their server or host, then terminate
their stupid self.


A little bit of effort goes a long way.  But, if you refuse to put
in the effort (I'm looking at you, GoDaddy Abuse Desk), then of
course the problems won't go away.


Now if only we could get certain providers to put some effort into it...

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 11:05 PM, JC Dill wrote:

> Owen DeLong wrote:
>> Software has been out of control for a long time and I hope that the gov't 
>> will start by ruling the "not responsible for our negligence or the damage 
>> it causes" clauses of software licenses invalid.
> The beauty of my "attractive nuisance" argument is that the EULA doesn't 
> shield Microsoft from the damage their software causes to a 3rd party such as 
> the ISP who has to deal with the botnet infections of their customers. 
> jc

Yep... Much the same as my suggestion merely involves applying the same product 
liability standards as
every other industry faces to software.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread JC Dill

J. Oquendo wrote:
More finger pointing here. 

You say that like it's a bad thing.  I'm pointing fingers at the company 
that has a long history of selling software with shoddy security 
(including releasing newer versions with restored vulnerabilities that 
were found and "fixed" years earlier), and then passing the buck on 
fixing the issues it causes by hiding behind their EULA.  Their EULA 
protects Microsoft from their own customers, but it does NOT protect 
Microsoft from the effects the damage causes on OTHERS who are not 
parties to the EULA.  This is where "attractive nuisance" comes in.

ISP's don't "have to" handle the problem, they SHOULD handle the problem.

This whole thread is about ISPs not handling the problem and allowing 
the problem to affect others beyond the ISP.  In this case we could 
claim the ISP is also allowing an attractive nuisance to damage others 
and hold that ISP responsible for the damage that extends outside their 
network.  However, we don't need a legal framework to solve THAT problem 
- we can address it with appropriate network blocks etc.  (UDP-style)


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Dillon
> And "would damage the country" is a very fuzzy concept that you really don't
> want to go anywhere near.

I wasn't drafting legislation; I was introducing a concept. I would
expect that actual
legislation would explicitly list which industries were subject to
such regulation.

Otherwise it might include all Internet PoPs and datacenters which
would be rather dumb.

--Michael Dillon

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Tim Franklin
> Checklists come in handy in fact if many were followed (BCP
> checklists, appropriate industry standard fw, system rules)
> the net would be a cleaner place.

Sensible checklists that actually improve matters, yes.

The audit checklists I've often been subjected to, full of security theatre and 
things that are "accepted auditor wisdom" rather than contributing to the 
security of the network in any meaningful way, not so much.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread J. Oquendo
Tim Franklin wrote:
> and another checklist with a magic acronym that has everything to do
> with security theatre and nothing to do with either actual security or
> the reality of operating a network.
Checklists come in handy in fact if many were followed (BCP checklists,
appropriate industry standard fw, system rules) the net would be a
cleaner place. What I've seen by many responses are feet dragging: "Ah
why bother it won't do nothing to stop it..." Without even trying. It
all begins with one's own network. The entire concept of peering was
built on trust of the peer. Would you knowingly allow someone to share
your hallway without taking precautionary measures or at least a
vigilant eye. What happens when you see something out of the norm, do
you continue to allow them without saying anything waiting for your
neighbor to speak. In doing so, how can you be assured the individual
won't try to creep up on your property.

// JC Dill wrote:

Yes, ISPs are going to have to "handle" the problem.  But, IMHO the root
cause of the problem starts in Redmond, and ISPs should sue Redmond for
the lack of suitable security in their product, rendering it an
attractive nuisance and requiring ISPs to clean up after Redmond's
mess.  It's not fair to expect ISPs to shoulder this burden, and it's
not fair to pass on the cost to customers as a blanket surcharge (and it
won't work from a business standpoint) as not all customer use
Microsoft's virus-vector software.  And it's not really fair to expect
the end customer to shoulder this burden when it's Microsoft's fault for
failing to properly secure their software.  But end user customers don't
have the resources to sue Microsoft, and then there's that whole EULA

ISPs who are NOT a party to the EULA between Microsoft and the user, but
who are impacted by Microsoft's shoddy security can (IMHO) make a valid
claim that Microsoft created an attractive nuisance (improperly secured
software), and should be held accountable for the vandal's use thereof,
used to access and steal resources (bandwidth, etc.) from the ISP thru
the ISP's customers infested Windows computer.

More finger pointing here. Should MS now sue Adobe for shoddy coding
because Adobe's PDF reader caused a compromise (improperly secured
software). Let's take it from the top down for a moment and focus on
what is going on. Operating systems are insecure it doesn't matter if it
was produced by a company in Redmond or hacked together on IRC. ANY
operating system that is in an attacking state (dishing out malware,
attacking other machines) is doing so via a network. If slash when you
see it, do you shrug it off and say not my problem, its because of
someone's lack of oversight in Redmond when you have the capability to
stop it.

ISP's don't "have to" handle the problem, they SHOULD handle the problem.


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

227C 5D35 7DCB 0893 95AA  4771 1DCE 1FD1 5CCD 6B5E

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 12:27:18 BST, Michael Dillon said:

> If any organization operates an infrastructure which could be
> vulnerable to cyberattack that would damage the country in which they
> operate, that organization needs to be regulated to ensure that their
> networks cannot be exploited for cyberattack purposes.

s/cannot be/minimize the risk of/

And "would damage the country" is a very fuzzy concept that you really don't
want to go anywhere near.  Remember Microsoft arguing that a Federal judge
shouldn't impose an injunction that was going to make them miss a ship
date, on the grounds that the resulting delay would cause lost productivity
at customer sites and harm the economy?

(Mind you, I thought MS was making a good case they *should* be regulated,
if their ship dates actually had that much influence.. ;)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Tim Franklin
> I would expect that the increased awareness of network security that
> resulted would pay dividends in business and home use of networks.

I'd expect a lot of nice business for audit firms with the right government 
connections, and another checklist with a magic acronym that has everything to 
do with security theatre and nothing to do with either actual security or the 
reality of operating a network.

But perhaps I'm jaded from dealing with current auditors.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Dillon
> Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?


All vulnerable industries should have their use of network
communications regulated. This means all power stations, electricity
line operators, dam gate operators, etc. They should all be required
to meet a standard of practice for secure network communications, air
gap between SCADA networks and all other networks, and annual network
inspections to ensure compliance.

If any organization operates an infrastructure which could be
vulnerable to cyberattack that would damage the country in which they
operate, that organization needs to be regulated to ensure that their
networks cannot be exploited for cyberattack purposes. That is the
correct and measured response which does not involve the military
except possibly in a security advisory role, and which is within the
powers of governments.

I would expect that the increased awareness of network security that
resulted would pay dividends in business and home use of networks.

--Michael Dillon

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-10 Thread Alexander Harrowell
This would appear to be political in nature and therefore not operational, 

"Larry Sheldon"  wrote:

>On 6/9/2010 08:21, Joe Greco wrote:
>> Your car emits lots of greenhouse gases.  Just because it's /less/ doesn't
>> change the fact that the Prius has an ICE.  We have a Prius and a HiHy too.
>Did Godwin say anything about rand discussions degenerating to
>mythologies like "gorebull warming"?
>Somebody should have said:
>A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
>Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
>the vote.
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>Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
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>ICBM Targeting Information:

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-10 Thread Ina Faye-Lund
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 11:14:10PM -0700, Paul Ferguson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
> boil this down to a couple of issues:
> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

No and no.  The first no being legally, the second, morally.

The user is responsible for the abuse.  Now, if the question had been whether
the ISP should be responsible for dealing with it appropriately, then the
answer would be yes.

Of course, when it comes to the legal aspect, it would probably vary from
country to country.  No, let me rephrase that:  It _does_ vary from country to
country, and probably also state to state.

However, to hold someone else responsible for a person's criminal activity
would be just plain wrong, as long as the ISP's part in the activity is only to
give their customer access to networks and services that every other customer
also gets access to.

> 2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who abuse
> their services in a criminal manner?

No.  For several reasons.

First, the hosting provider normally does not have too much control over what
the customers actually do.  If someone complains, or they detect something
through audits or similar, that is different.  But even then, there will be
certain problems. 

How does the hosting provider know that something is, in fact, criminal?  In
some cases, that may be obvious, but there will be cases where the case is not
so clear.  If the provider might be held responsible for something their
customers do, they might decide to remove legal content 'just in case'.

Also, who would determine whether something is illegal or not?  Tech support?
The admin?  I doubt that any of those are able to determine something that
courts tend to spend a lot of time and resources on.

> I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
> criminal activity, they should take action, no?

Not necessarily.

Again, this would of course depend on the laws in the given state or country.
However, people disagree on what is considered legal or not.  If everyone _had_
agreed on this, the courts would have had less work.

It is the responsibility of the judicial system to determine whether someone is
breaking the law or not.  For commercial companies to start making that sort of
judgements is, at least in my opinion, _not_ a good thing.

Ina Faye-Lund 

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread JC Dill

Owen DeLong wrote:

Software has been out of control for a long time and I hope that the gov't will start by 
ruling the "not responsible for our negligence or the damage it causes" clauses 
of software licenses invalid.

The beauty of my "attractive nuisance" argument is that the EULA doesn't 
shield Microsoft from the damage their software causes to a 3rd party 
such as the ISP who has to deal with the botnet infections of their 


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Jorge Amodio
Cyber Threats Yes, But Is It Cyber War?


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 18:04, Joe Greco wrote:
>> On 6/9/2010 14:37, Karl Auer wrote:
>> [good stuff]
>>> Try thinking about what *could* happen rather than what *can't* happen.
>> Even better:  Think "here is what I can do".  And then do it.
> Some of us already do:
> Implement BCP38
> Implement spam scanning for e-mail
> Have a responsive abuse desk
> Reload - not repair - any compromised systems
> Sponsor resources to combat spam
> many more etc.
> Some of us have been doing what you suggest for so long that we've 
> become a bit skeptical and cynical about it all, especially when we 
> see that in the last decade, BCP38 filtering still isn't prevalent, 
> abuse desks are commonly considered to be black holes, and people
> still talk about disinfecting a virus-laden computer.
> There is only so much you can do, short of getting out a Clue by Four
> and going around hitting people with it.

I am sorry nto report that doing the right thing rarely gets any ink.

But it is still the right thing, and you have to keep doing it--if for
no reason better than being able to live with your self.

Thanks for what you do.
Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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Eppure si rinfresca

ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> On 6/9/2010 14:37, Karl Auer wrote:
> [good stuff]
> > Try thinking about what *could* happen rather than what *can't* happen.
> Even better:  Think "here is what I can do".  And then do it.

Some of us already do:

Implement BCP38
Implement spam scanning for e-mail
Have a responsive abuse desk
Reload - not repair - any compromised systems
Sponsor resources to combat spam
many more etc.

Some of us have been doing what you suggest for so long that we've 
become a bit skeptical and cynical about it all, especially when we 
see that in the last decade, BCP38 filtering still isn't prevalent, 
abuse desks are commonly considered to be black holes, and people
still talk about disinfecting a virus-laden computer.

There is only so much you can do, short of getting out a Clue by Four
and going around hitting people with it.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 12:08 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> > That's not going to happen (but I'll be happy to be proven wrong).
> Oh, there are so many things that are "not going to happen", aren't
> there? And because of that we shouldn't even bother suggesting
> regulation as a solution to anything because "the big companies" won't
> let it happen?

Thankfully, I'm going to stop reading this right here, because you're
attributing to me something I didn't say.  I said that rewriting the
liability laws to outlaw draconian EULA's wasn't going to happen.  I'm
fairly certain that regulation, on the other hand, is likely to be the
solution that ends up working, and I said so much earlier.  So since 
I'm not interested in rehashing the issues for you, I'm going to go 
take the evening off.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Henry Linneweh
Your humor has me roflmao


From: Paul Vixie 
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 10:14:34 AM
Subject: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers (Dave Rand) writes:
> ...
> With more than 100,000,000 compromised computers out there, it's really
> time for us to step up to the plate, and make this happen.

Paul Vixie

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 2:05 PM, Larry Sheldon wrote:

> On 6/9/2010 15:56, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Brielle Bruns wrote:
>>> On 6/9/10 6:27 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
 Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?
>>> Laws and regulation exist because people can't behave civilly and be 
>>> expected to respect the rights/boundries/property others.
>>> CAN-SPAM exists because the e-mail marketing business refused to self 
>>> regulate and respect the wishes of consumers/administrators
>> Which is good, because it certainly eliminated most of the SPAM. -- NOT!
> It is actually an outstanding example of something of something I spoke
> of here earlier.
> Without any exception that I know of, regulations are written to protect
> the entrenched.  CAN-SPAM was written to protect spammers, not to
> prevent anything important to them.
Actually, as much as it would make so much more sense if that were the
case, it simply isn't true.  CAN-SPAM was written to be a compromise that
was supposed to allow consumers to opt out of receiving SPAM and
prevent SPAMMERs from sending unwanted messages.

Sadly, of course, it hasn't done either one.


> -- 
> Somebody should have said:
> A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
> Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
> the vote.
> Requiescas in pace o email
> Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
> Eppure si rinfresca
> ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong
> Again, apples and oranges to a degree. Car owners don't receive a "use
> at your own risk" disclaimer either. Yet some Toyota owners faced
> horrifying instances of "subpar" prechecks. GM recalled a million or so
> cars and the list will always go on and on. Mistakes happen period and
> when mistakes DON'T happen Murphy's Law does. I can speak for any
> software vendor but I can speak about insecurity and exploitability of
> software. That too is what it is from any standpoint be it anywhere in
> Redmond to any other location. Look at Sun's horrible misstep with telnet:
Note, however, that in all of these cases, the car manufacturers were
liable and did have to take action to resolve the issues.

WHY are software companies not held to these same standards?

There's no need for new law, just for the judiciary to wake up and
stop granting them a bizarre and unreasonable exemption from the
existing laws.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 15:56, Owen DeLong wrote:
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Brielle Bruns wrote:
>> On 6/9/10 6:27 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>>> Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?
>> Laws and regulation exist because people can't behave civilly and be 
>> expected to respect the rights/boundries/property others.
>> CAN-SPAM exists because the e-mail marketing business refused to self 
>> regulate and respect the wishes of consumers/administrators
> Which is good, because it certainly eliminated most of the SPAM. -- NOT!

It is actually an outstanding example of something of something I spoke
of here earlier.

Without any exception that I know of, regulations are written to protect
the entrenched.  CAN-SPAM was written to protect spammers, not to
prevent anything important to them.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

Requiescas in pace o email
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
Eppure si rinfresca

ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Barry Shein

On June 9, 2010 at 07:39 (Jorge Amodio) wrote:
 > > 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
 > Not sure, ISPs role is just to move packets from A to B, you need to
 > clearly define what constitutes abuse and how much of it is considered
 > a crime.
 > If I call your home every five minutes to harass you over the phone is
 > AT&T responsible ?

Actually, that might be in their purview.

The example I would use is if someone called you to sell you swamp
land in Florida or otherwise try to swindle you is that the phone
company's responsibility, to ensure the honesty of all phone

-Barry Shein

The World  |   |
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD| Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada
Software Tool & Die| Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Brielle Bruns wrote:

> On 6/9/10 6:27 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>> Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?
> Laws and regulation exist because people can't behave civilly and be expected 
> to respect the rights/boundries/property others.
> CAN-SPAM exists because the e-mail marketing business refused to self 
> regulate and respect the wishes of consumers/administrators
Which is good, because it certainly eliminated most of the SPAM. -- NOT!

> FDCPA exists because the debt collectors couldn't resist the temptation to 
> harass and intimidate consumers, and behave ethically.
And of course, it has caused them all to do so, now, right? -- NOT!

> It's just a matter of time, and really unavoidable.  The thing is, these 
> industries have no one to blame but themselves.  In all cases, these 
> laws/regulation only came into affect AFTER situations got out of control.
Software has been out of control for a long time and I hope that the gov't will 
start by ruling the "not responsible for our negligence or the damage it 
causes" clauses of software licenses invalid. That would actually be a major 
positive step because it would allow consumers to sue software manufacturers 
for their defects and the damages they cause leading to a radical change in the 
nature of how software developers approach responsibility for quality in their 
products. Right now, most consumer operating systems are "unsafe at any speed".

> Lately, the courts have been ruling that companies like LimeWire are 
> responsible for their products being used for piracy/downloading because they 
> knew what was going on, but were turning a blind eye.
This is a positive step, IMHO, but, now companies like Apple and Micr0$0ft need 
to be held to similar standards.

> Why not apply the same standards to ISPs?  If it can be shown that you had 
> knowledge of specific abuse coming from your network, but for whatever 
> reason, opted to ignore it and turn a blind eye, then you are responsible.
I agree.

> When I see abuse from my network or am made aware of it, I isolate and drop 
> on my edge the IPs in question, then investigate and respond.  Most times, it 
> takes me maybe 10-15 minutes to track down the user responsible, shut off 
> their server or host, then terminate their stupid self.

> A little bit of effort goes a long way.  But, if you refuse to put in the 
> effort (I'm looking at you, GoDaddy Abuse Desk), then of course the problems 
> won't go away.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Barry Shein

On June 8, 2010 at 21:05 (Paul Ferguson) wrote:
 > Hash: SHA1
 > On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 8:59 PM, JC Dill  wrote:
 > >
 > > I'm still truly amazed that no one has sic'd a lawyer on Microsoft for
 > > creating an "attractive nuisance" - an operating system that is too
 > > easily hacked and used to attack innocent victims, and where others have
 > > to pay to clean up after Microsoft's mess.
 > >
 > Do you honestly believe that if 80% of the world's consumer computers were
 > *not* MS operating systems, that the majority of computers would still not
 > be targeted?

Ah, the disinformation reply...

MAYBE IF [please read thru before replying because I probably cover
most knee-jerk responses eventually]:

a) Microsoft hadn't ignored well-known techniques for dividing secure
vs insecure operations in their kernel thus allowing any email script
you're reading to do whatever it wants including, e.g., re-writing the
boot blocks.

b) Microsoft hadn't made the first and usually only newly created user
"root" on a new system so it'd be easier to install applications they
bought and administer the system and save them understanding that they
sometimes have to type in a separate adminstrator's password. But the
extra typing and forgetting that password of course would detract from
the "user experience".

c) Microsoft hadn't distributed, for decades, systems with graphics
libraries which relied on injecting raw machine code into the kernel
to speed up operations like scrolling a window (which used to be very
slow without this, as one example), and got their third-party vendors
so hooked on this technique that they screamed bloody murder every
time MS even hinted that they might remove it. It took generations of
OLE, X controls, .NET, etc to get rid of this, if it's even completely
gone now.

d) Microsoft hadn't ignored all these basic security practices in
operating systems which were completely well understood and
implemented in OS after OS back to at least 1970 if not before because
they saw more profit in, to use a metaphor, selling cars without
safety glass in the windshields etc, consequences be damned.

e) Microsoft hadn't made tens if not hundreds of billions off the
above willful negligence for decades (if you include the first warning
when viruses became rampant in the late 80s, plus a decade of infected
zombie bots starting in the late 90s) after they knew full well the
disasterous consequences, causes, and fixes.

f) The fact that Microsoft began putting exactly the fixes the above
implies with, generously, XP SP2, but not seriously until Vista
(general release: January 30, 2007) which is tantamount to an
admission of guilt. Such as separating Administrator from User and the
privileges thereof.

Then, and only then, MAYBE their mere market dominance would be
a plausible reason.

But for those of us who actually UNDERSTAND operating systems and how
their security works (or doesn't) and what the problems have been
specifically statistics and probabilities and hand waves just can't

Blaming Microsoft OS's vulnerability to viruses and zombification on
their market dominance would be like blaming the running out of IPv4
addresses on cisco's market dominance. It has a certain appeal to the
ignorant, but anyone who knows anything about the actual causes and
history knows there's not one grain of truth to it.

-Barry Shein

The World  |   |
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD| Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada
Software Tool & Die| Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 14:37, Karl Auer wrote:
[good stuff]

> Try thinking about what *could* happen rather than what *can't* happen.

Even better:  Think "here is what I can do".  And then do it.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Karl Auer
On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 12:08 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> That's not going to happen (but I'll be happy to be proven wrong).

Oh, there are so many things that are "not going to happen", aren't
there? And because of that we shouldn't even bother suggesting
regulation as a solution to anything because "the big companies" won't
let it happen?

It took a few decades, but eventually people figured out that tobacco
killed people, and some of the biggest financial interests in the world
ended up being legislated against. That process is not finished, the
rearguard action is not played out, but the setup is not the cosy little
"we'll do whatever we want and you can't stop us" that we had in the

The Mafia in Italy seemed indomitable a few decades ago. It had the
whole country (and large chunks of the US and other countries) in its
grip, apparently unchallengeable. But the Mafia in Italy is now dying
under the weight of courageous police and judges and a legal system that
in spite of itself tries to do the will of the people. Little by little
the changes were made, little by little the structures the Mafia
depended upon were taken away. Including, most importantly, the belief
amongst Italians that the Mafia was untouchable.

Your argument seems to be "if we do X, it won't work". This is true for
almost any X, because our field, like many other specialist fields, is a
kind of ecosystem. Many factors have reached a kind of equilibrium, and
it's really hard to look at any one factor and say "fix that" without
seeing how so many other factors would work against the change.

Try thinking about what *could* happen rather than what *can't* happen.
> What legislator is going to vote for software liability reforms that will
> ruin major software companies?  When their own staff and experts will be
> willing to state that outcome, in no uncertain terms?

Why do you assume these laws will ruin anyone? Noone is seeking to
destroy software companies, any more than the people who demanded
accountability from auto manufacturers or pharmaceutical companies
wanted to put them out of business. People want cars and medicine, and
are prepared to pay for them. But if the car is defective or the
medicine proves harmful, people want recourse in law.

Same for software. When the company screws up, people should be able to
take them to court and have a realistic chance of success if their
grievance is real. It is that simple. Yet when we read of yet another
buffer overflow exploit in a Microsoft product we just sigh and update
our virus checkers, because Microsoft has *zero* obligation in law to
produce software that has no such flaws. There is no other product group
I know of where a known *class* of defect would be permitted to continue
to exist without very serious liability issues arising.

> What are the outcomes here?  We pass such legislation, it doesn't magically
> fix things.  It just means that companies like Adobe and Microsoft are
> suddenly on the hook for huge liabilities if they continue to sell their
> current products.  Do we expect them to *stop* selling Windows, etc.,?

You assume it all happens at once. You assume the change will be large.
You assume there is no grace period. You assume a lot, then act as if it
must be so.

> That's the problem, isn't it.  If we were serious about it, we could
> approach the problem differently:  rather than trying to tackle it from
> a marketplace point of view, perhaps we could instead tackle it from a 
> regulatory point of view.  Could we mandate that the next generation of 
> browsers must have certain qualities?  It's an interesting discussion,
> and in some way parallels the car safety examples I provided earlier.

Mandating specific qualities in that sense leads to legislation that is
out of date before the ink is dry. No - you mandate only that products
must be fit for their intended purpose, and you declare void any
attempts to contract away this requirement. Just like with other
products! And then you let the system and the market work out the rest.

> I certainly agree, but it isn't going to be wished away in a minute.  To
> do so would effectively destroy some major technology companies.

You do a great line in straw men. Who said it would take a minute? Not
I. Not anyone. People are just trying to point out that while it may be
difficult, it's not impossible. We are also trying to point out the
places where effective positive change could be made.

> in a way)  That's one of the reasons I had predicted more appliance-like
> computers, and now they seem to be appearing in the form of app-running
> devices like the iPad.  From a network operator's point of view, that's
> just great, because the chance of a user being able to do something bad
> to the device is greatly reduced.

There is no reduction in the chance that the manufacturer will screw up,
making their product vulnerable to attack. But even if all iPads turn
out to be totally crackable, Apple will still hav

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Ken A

On 6/9/2010 1:43 PM, Larry Sheldon wrote:

On 6/9/2010 13:35, JC Dill wrote:

IMHO it is impossible to regulate the internet as a whole.

Exactly so.

That is precisely why you don't want somebody else to attempt it.

The only hope is for everybody to take personal responsibility for their
little piece of it.

This situation has led to the growth of blacklists, and whitelists of 
all sorts. These, at least have some potential to drive dollars to 
hosts/providers with better records of behavior. Not a silver bullet.. 
and not without controversy. And of course the cost is paid by victims 
up-front. Law and order in the wild west..


Ken Anderson
Pacific Internet -

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread andrew.wallace
The original article is FUD. The Times newspaper is historically known as MI5, 
MI6's newspaper of choice.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 13:35, JC Dill wrote:

> IMHO it is impossible to regulate the internet as a whole.  
Exactly so.

That is precisely why you don't want somebody else to attempt it.

The only hope is for everybody to take personal responsibility for their
little piece of it.
Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread J. Oquendo
Jorge Amodio wrote:
> Unfortunately in the software industry you get (when you do, not
> always) the alert and the patch after the fact, ie the exploit has
> been already out there and your machine may probably have been already
> compromised.
> I never seen any operating system coming with a sign saying "Use at
> your own risk", why when I buy a piece of software I have to assume it
> to be insecure, and why I have to spend extra money on a recurring
> basis to make it less insecure, when there is no guarantee whatsoever
> that after maintenance, upgrades, patches and extra money my system
> will not get compromised because a moron forgot to include a term
> inside an if before compiling.
> Insecurity and exploitable software is a huge business. I don't expect
> software to be 100% safe or correct, but some of the holes and issues
> are derived form bad quality stuff and as car manufacturers the
> software producers should have a recall/replacement program at their
> own cost.
> My .02
> Jorge

Again, apples and oranges to a degree. Car owners don't receive a "use
at your own risk" disclaimer either. Yet some Toyota owners faced
horrifying instances of "subpar" prechecks. GM recalled a million or so
cars and the list will always go on and on. Mistakes happen period and
when mistakes DON'T happen Murphy's Law does. I can speak for any
software vendor but I can speak about insecurity and exploitability of
software. That too is what it is from any standpoint be it anywhere in
Redmond to any other location. Look at Sun's horrible misstep with telnet:


The Solaris 10 Operating System, the most secure OS on the planet,
provides security features previously only found in Sun's military-grade
Trusted Solaris OS.


9 Vulnerabilities for Microsoft *ANYTHING* of the first 60 published.
But again, this is irrelevant. I don't care for any operating system
anymore. I care for the one that accomplishes what I need to do at any
given time. Be it Linux, Windows, BSD, Solaris heck get me plan9 with
Rio, I could care less. However, myself as an end user, I'm the one
responsible for my machine as I am the one running it. If I find it to
be insecure or "virus/trojan/malware/exploitability" prone, there is no
one shoving it down my throat. Even if I didn't know any better. So for
those who are unaware of what's going on, how difficult would it be to
create a function within an ISP tasked with keeping a network structured
to avoid allowing OUTBOUND malicious traffic.

We could argue about: "But that would be snooping" where I could always
point at that a NAC could be set up prior to allowing a client to
connect. Can anyone honestly tell me that one of their clients would be
upset slash disturbed slash alarmed about an ISP protecting them (the
customer) as well as other "neighbors" (customers)? That's like saying:
"Oh they set up a neighborhood watch association... and they're watching
over my house when I'm not home or capable of watching all sides of my
house... HOW DARE THEY!" Sorry I can't picture that happening. What I
picture is fear and people dragging their feet.

I can tell you what though, for the first company to pick up on that
framework, I can guarantee you the turnover rate wouldn't be as high as
say being on a network where now the business connection is lagged
because of spam, botnets and other oddities that could have been prevented.


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

227C 5D35 7DCB 0893 95AA  4771 1DCE 1FD1 5CCD 6B5E

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread JC Dill

Larry Sheldon wrote:

On 6/9/2010 01:11, JC Dill wrote:

Owen DeLong wrote:

Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue. 
What entity do you see as having any possibility of effective regulatory 
control over the internet?

Doesn't matter as long as it enables radial outbound finger pointing.

It does matter because THERE IS NO SUCH ENTITY.
The reason we have these problems to begin with is because there is no 
way for people (or government regulators) in the US to control ISPs in 
eastern Europe etc.

Or in the US.
But what we see here is what is what is wrong with "regulation"--the
regulated specify the regulation, primarily to protect the economic
interests of the entrenched.

IMHO it is impossible to regulate the internet as a whole.  It is built 
out of too many different unregulated fragments (IP registries, domain 
registries, ASs, Tier 1 networks, smaller networks, etc.) and there will 
never be enough willingness for the unregulated entities to voluntarily 
become regulated - if some of them agree to become regulated then others 
will tout their unregulated (and cheaper) services.  IMHO it would 
require a massive effort of great firewalls (such as China has in place) 
to *begin* to force regulation on the internet as a whole.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread JC Dill

Larry Sheldon wrote:

On 6/9/2010 08:05, Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, JC Dill  said:

I'm still truly amazed that no one has sic'd a lawyer on Microsoft for 
creating an "attractive nuisance" - an operating system that is too 
easily hacked and used to attack innocent victims, and where others have 
to pay to clean up after Microsoft's mess.

Many of the problems are PEBKAC, as evidenced by the massive responses
to phishing scams.  I can't tell you the number of our users that have
sent their password to Nigeria to be used to log in to our webmail and

In other words, if somebody is going to handle the problem, the people
that know how ("ISP's" for want of a term) are going to have to do it.

Yes, ISPs are going to have to "handle" the problem.  But, IMHO the root 
cause of the problem starts in Redmond, and ISPs should sue Redmond for 
the lack of suitable security in their product, rendering it an 
attractive nuisance and requiring ISPs to clean up after Redmond's 
mess.  It's not fair to expect ISPs to shoulder this burden, and it's 
not fair to pass on the cost to customers as a blanket surcharge (and it 
won't work from a business standpoint) as not all customer use 
Microsoft's virus-vector software.  And it's not really fair to expect 
the end customer to shoulder this burden when it's Microsoft's fault for 
failing to properly secure their software.  But end user customers don't 
have the resources to sue Microsoft, and then there's that whole EULA 

ISPs who are NOT a party to the EULA between Microsoft and the user, but 
who are impacted by Microsoft's shoddy security can (IMHO) make a valid 
claim that Microsoft created an attractive nuisance (improperly secured 
software), and should be held accountable for the vandal's use thereof, 
used to access and steal resources (bandwidth, etc.) from the ISP thru 
the ISP's customers infested Windows computer.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 12:32:54 CDT, Larry Sheldon said:
> On 6/9/2010 12:17, Joe Greco wrote:
> > So, just so we're clear here, I go to Best Buy, I buy a computer, I 
> > bring it home, plug it into my cablemodem, and am instantly Pwned by
> > the non-updated Windows version on the drive plus the incessant cable
> > modem scanning, resulting in a bot infection...  therefore I am 
> > negligent?
> > 
> > Do you actually think a judge would find that negligent, or is this
> > just your own personal definition of negligence?  Because I doubt that
> > a judge, or even an ordinary person, could possibly consider it such.
> One can argue (and I will) that there is indeed some culpability because
> the buyer bought the cheapest version of everything and connected it to
> a negligent provider's system.

And the average consumer can avoid the culpability in this scenario, how,

"If people place a nice chocky in their mouth, they don't want their cheeks

Description: PGP signature

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> > So, just so we're clear here, I go to Best Buy, I buy a computer, I 
> > bring it home, plug it into my cablemodem, and am instantly Pwned by
> > the non-updated Windows version on the drive plus the incessant cable
> > modem scanning, resulting in a bot infection...  therefore I am 
> > negligent?
> > 
> > Do you actually think a judge would find that negligent, or is this
> > just your own personal definition of negligence?  Because I doubt that
> > a judge, or even an ordinary person, could possibly consider it such.
> One can argue (and I will) that there is indeed some culpability because
> the buyer bought the cheapest version of everything and connected it to
> a negligent provider's system.

Really?  Because the *cheapest* version of everything seems to run the
same OS as the most *expensive* version of everythiing.

Best Buy -> Computers -> Desktop Computers -> Towers Only -> a Presario
Sempron with Windows 7 Home Premium, $279.

Best Buy -> Computers -> Desktop Computers -> Desktop Packages -> a Dell
Intel Core i5 package with Windows 7 Home Premium, $859.

So, since I mentioned Best Buy, but didn't mention anything about what
was paid, I am hard pressed to imagine the basis for your claim, since
the cheapest PC I was able to quickly locate runs the same OS as the 
most expensive PC I was able to quickly locate (it's of course possible
that there are cheaper and more expensive at BB, as well as gear that
does not run W7HP).

Further, since the incumbent provider in many areas is also the *only*
provider, I wonder what theory you use to hold the customer responsible
for their choice of provider, or where they're supposed to get information
on the "negligence" of a provider so that they can make informed choices
of this sort.

And are you really suggesting that people should expect to get Pwned if
they buy an inexpensive computer, but not if they buy a better one?  I
can understand you saying "they can expect the hard drive to fail sooner"
or "the fans will burn out faster", because that seems to be borne out by
actual real world experience, but I wasn't aware that the security quality
of Windows varied significantly based on the cost of the computer.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Jorge Amodio
> You buy a car and as you're driving along a message comes into the
> dashboard: "Car Update needed, to fix A/C" you ignore it. Don't update
> it who cares, you're driving smoothly. Another alert comes into the car
> dashboard: "Critical alert, your breaks need this patch"... You ignore
> it and drive along. 5-10 years later the car manufacturer EOL's the car
> and support for it. You crash... Who is to blame, the car manufacturer
> or you for not applying the updates. Granted the manufacturer could have
> given you a better product, the fact remains, it is what it is.

Unfortunately in the software industry you get (when you do, not
always) the alert and the patch after the fact, ie the exploit has
been already out there and your machine may probably have been already

I never seen any operating system coming with a sign saying "Use at
your own risk", why when I buy a piece of software I have to assume it
to be insecure, and why I have to spend extra money on a recurring
basis to make it less insecure, when there is no guarantee whatsoever
that after maintenance, upgrades, patches and extra money my system
will not get compromised because a moron forgot to include a term
inside an if before compiling.

Insecurity and exploitable software is a huge business. I don't expect
software to be 100% safe or correct, but some of the holes and issues
are derived form bad quality stuff and as car manufacturers the
software producers should have a recall/replacement program at their
own cost.

My .02

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 12:17, Joe Greco wrote:
 What I don't want to see which you are advocating... I don't want to see
 the end users who do take responsibility, drive well designed vehicles
 with proper seat belts and safety equipment, stay in their lane, and
 do not cause accidents held liable for the actions of others. Why should
 we penalize those that have done no wrong simply because they happen
 to be a minority?
>>> I agree, on the other hand, what about those people who genuinely didn't
>>> do anything wrong, and their computer still got Pwned?
>> Fiction.
>> At the very least, if you connected a system to the network and it got Pwned,
>> you were negligent in your behavior, if not malicious. Negligence is still
>> wrong, even if not malice.
> So, just so we're clear here, I go to Best Buy, I buy a computer, I 
> bring it home, plug it into my cablemodem, and am instantly Pwned by
> the non-updated Windows version on the drive plus the incessant cable
> modem scanning, resulting in a bot infection...  therefore I am 
> negligent?
> Do you actually think a judge would find that negligent, or is this
> just your own personal definition of negligence?  Because I doubt that
> a judge, or even an ordinary person, could possibly consider it such.

One can argue (and I will) that there is indeed some culpability because
the buyer bought the cheapest version of everything and connected it to
a negligent provider's system.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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Eppure si rinfresca

ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> >> What I don't want to see which you are advocating... I don't want to see
> >> the end users who do take responsibility, drive well designed vehicles
> >> with proper seat belts and safety equipment, stay in their lane, and
> >> do not cause accidents held liable for the actions of others. Why should
> >> we penalize those that have done no wrong simply because they happen
> >> to be a minority?
> > 
> > I agree, on the other hand, what about those people who genuinely didn't
> > do anything wrong, and their computer still got Pwned?
> Fiction.
> At the very least, if you connected a system to the network and it got Pwned,
> you were negligent in your behavior, if not malicious. Negligence is still
> wrong, even if not malice.

So, just so we're clear here, I go to Best Buy, I buy a computer, I 
bring it home, plug it into my cablemodem, and am instantly Pwned by
the non-updated Windows version on the drive plus the incessant cable
modem scanning, resulting in a bot infection...  therefore I am 

Do you actually think a judge would find that negligent, or is this
just your own personal definition of negligence?  Because I doubt that
a judge, or even an ordinary person, could possibly consider it such.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Paul Vixie (Dave Rand) writes:
> ...
> With more than 100,000,000 compromised computers out there, it's really
> time for us to step up to the plate, and make this happen.

Paul Vixie

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> --=-sFVAwQY0p26r8nFOk9Ww
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 08:50 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> > Primarily because the product that they've been given to use is defective
> > by design.
> Indeed. So one approach is to remove the protection such defective
> designs currently enjoy.

That's not going to happen (but I'll be happy to be proven wrong).  As
it stands, were software manufacturers to be held liable for the damages
caused by their products, think of what would happen.  How much does it
cost for NerdForce to disinfect a computer?  How many man-hours did that
MS-SQL Slammer worm cost us?  How much is lost when a website is down?

What legislator is going to vote for software liability reforms that will
ruin major software companies?  When their own staff and experts will be
willing to state that outcome, in no uncertain terms?

What are the outcomes here?  We pass such legislation, it doesn't magically
fix things.  It just means that companies like Adobe and Microsoft are
suddenly on the hook for huge liabilities if they continue to sell their
current products.  Do we expect them to *stop* selling Windows, etc.,?

> > supposed to play out for the single mom with a latchkey kid?  Let's be
> > realistic here.  It's the computer that ought to be safer.
> Fine. Agreed. Now what mechanisms do you suggest for achieving that?
> Technical suggestions are no good, because noone will implement them
> unless they have to, or unless implementing them in some way improves
> the product so it sells better.

That's the problem, isn't it.  If we were serious about it, we could
approach the problem differently:  rather than trying to tackle it from
a marketplace point of view, perhaps we could instead tackle it from a 
regulatory point of view.  Could we mandate that the next generation of 
browsers must have certain qualities?  It's an interesting discussion,
and in some way parallels the car safety examples I provided earlier.

> > modest improvements on the part of users, sure, but to place it all on=20
> > them is simply a fantastic display of incredible naivete.
> Indeed. And certainly not something I'd advocate. at least not without
> making sure that they, in turn, could pass the responsibility on.
> > That shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market actually
> > works.  It's nice in theory.
> It would be a lot more pleasant discussing things with you if you
> understood that people may disagree with you without necessarily being
> naive or stupid.

It's not a pleasant discussion, because in all visible directions are
pure suck.  I'll call naive when I see it.

> > We (as technical people) have caused this problem because we've failed to=
> =20
> > design computers and networks that are resistant to this sort of thing.
> And why did we do that? What allowed us to get away with it? Answer:
> Inadequate application of ordinary product liability law to the
> producers of software. Acceptance of ridiculous EULAs that in any sane
> legal system would not be worth the cellophane they are printed behind.
> And so forth. I know the ecosystem that arose around software is more
> complicated than that, but you get the idea.

I certainly agree, but it isn't going to be wished away in a minute.  To
do so would effectively destroy some major technology companies.

> > Trying to pin it on the users is of course easy, because users (generally
> > speaking) are "stupid" and are "at fault" for not doing "enough" to
> > "secure" their own systems, but that's a ridiculous smugness on our part.
> You're right. And again, I am not advocating that. People are always
> going to be stupid (or ignorant, which is not the same thing as stupid).
> The trick is to give them a way out - whether it's insurance, education
> or effective legal remedy. That way they can choose how to handle the
> risk that *they* represent - in computers just as in any other realm of
> life.

Actually, IRL, we've been largely successful in making much safer cars.
It's by no means a complete solution, but it seems to be the best case
scenario at this time.  Software is devilishly hard to make safer, of
course, and companies with a decade of legacy sludge being dragged along
for the ride do not have it easy.  (I really do feel sorry for Microsoft
in a way)  That's one of the reasons I had predicted more appliance-like
computers, and now they seem to be appearing in the form of app-running
devices like the iPad.  From a network operator's point of view, that's
just great, because the chance of a user being able to do something bad
to the device is greatly reduced.

> > I'm fine with that, but as long as we keep handing loaded guns without=20
> > any reasonably-identifiable safeties to the end users, we can expect to
> > keep getting shot at now and then.
> You keep stating the problem, where what others are trying to do is
> frame a solution. Right now we are j

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 11:50, J. Oquendo wrote:

[Lots of good stuff snipped.]

> Don't blame the software vendors blame oneself. I've seen even the most
> savvy users using OS' *other* than Windows get compromised. I performed
> an incident response about 8 months ago... 42 machines 41 Linux, 1
> Windows... Guess what, all the Linux boxes running Apache were
> compromised. They were running vulnerable software on them (Wordpress,
> etc). So to compare Apples and Oranges (Windows versus another) is
> pointless.

Exactly so (applies also to the snipped material).

Responsibility.  Individual, personal and corporate responsibility.

Using only the fingers of a clinched fist to indicate the location of
the best agent for correcting a problem.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread J. Oquendo
Larry Sheldon wrote:
> On 6/9/2010 10:58, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> What happened to the acronyms "AUP" and "TOS"?
>> I'm not sure what you mean by that.  I'm talking about an ISPs liability to
>> third party victims, not to their customers.
> "Acceptable Use Policy" and "Terms of Service"
>> AUP/TOS are between the ISP and their customer.
> Very good.  Does that provide an answer to the earlier question about
> "what is a provider to do?" when a customer misbehaves?  Does that
> provide a method for assigning liability?
> I am not a lawyer, but it doesn't seem a stretch to me to include, in
> this context, traffic from peers and transit providers.

"Acceptable Use Policy" and "Terms of Service"

Imagine for a moment you're speeding... You get pulled over, get off
with a warning. Phew! You speed again, get pulled over again, you get a
warning. How long will it be before you just outright ignore the law and
speed simply because you know all you will get is a warning. AUP's and
TOS' mean little if they're not enforced and I theorize that they're not
enforced perhaps because a company's staff is likely to be overwhelmed
or underclued as to how to proceed past a generic: "Thou shall not spew
dirty traffic in my network or else..." Or else what? You're going to
flood their inbox with "Thou shall not" messages?

In the case of Mr. Amodio and I believe Owen griping about insecure
software, I offer you this analogy...

You buy a car and as you're driving along a message comes into the
dashboard: "Car Update needed, to fix A/C" you ignore it. Don't update
it who cares, you're driving smoothly. Another alert comes into the car
dashboard: "Critical alert, your breaks need this patch"... You ignore
it and drive along. 5-10 years later the car manufacturer EOL's the car
and support for it. You crash... Who is to blame, the car manufacturer
or you for not applying the updates. Granted the manufacturer could have
given you a better product, the fact remains, it is what it is.

Don't blame the software vendors blame oneself. I've seen even the most
savvy users using OS' *other* than Windows get compromised. I performed
an incident response about 8 months ago... 42 machines 41 Linux, 1
Windows... Guess what, all the Linux boxes running Apache were
compromised. They were running vulnerable software on them (Wordpress,
etc). So to compare Apples and Oranges (Windows versus another) is


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

227C 5D35 7DCB 0893 95AA  4771 1DCE 1FD1 5CCD 6B5E

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 10:58, Owen DeLong wrote:

>> What happened to the acronyms "AUP" and "TOS"?
> I'm not sure what you mean by that.  I'm talking about an ISPs liability to
> third party victims, not to their customers.

"Acceptable Use Policy" and "Terms of Service"
> AUP/TOS are between the ISP and their customer.

Very good.  Does that provide an answer to the earlier question about
"what is a provider to do?" when a customer misbehaves?  Does that
provide a method for assigning liability?

I am not a lawyer, but it doesn't seem a stretch to me to include, in
this context, traffic from peers and transit providers.
Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> Yes, it's complex, but, it is the only mechanism the law provides
> for the transfer of liability.  You can't leap-frog the process and
> have the SPAM victims going directly after LatchKeyMom's
> OS Vendor because there's no relationship there to provide
> a legal link of liability.

This leads to an incredibly Rube-Goldberg-like setup to solve the
problem; if that's the case, even if the issue of EULA's leaving end
users holding the bag were resolved, this would not be much of an
incentive to vendors to fix the problem.

> >> To carry your analogy a bit too far, if someone is roaming the streets
> >> in a beat-up jalopy with wobbly wheels, no lights, no brakes, no
> >> mirrors, and sideswiping parked cars, is it up to the city to somehow
> >> clear the way for that driver? No - the car is taken off the road and
> >> the driver told to fix it or get a new one. If the problem appears to be
> >> the driver rather than the vehicle, the driver is told they cannot drive
> >> until they have obtained a Clue.
> > 
> > Generally speaking, nobody wants to be the cop that makes that call. 
> > Theoretically an ISP *might* be able to do that, but most are unwilling,
> > and those of us that do actually play BOFH run the risk of losing
> > customers to a sewerISP that doesn't.
> > 
> Whether anyone wants to be the cop or not, someone has to be the cop.
> The point is that SewerISPs need to be held liable (hence my proposal
> for ISP liability outside of a 24 hour grace period from notification).
> If SewerISP has to pay the costs of failing to address abuse from their
> customers, SewerISP will either stop running a cesspool, or, they will
> go bankrupt and become a self-rectifying problem.

In the meantime, CleanISP is bleeding customers to SewerISP, rewarding
SewerISP.  And tomorrow there's another SewerISP.

> >> If the user, as a result of their computer being zombified or whatever,
> >> has to
> >> 
> >>> "take it in to
> >>> NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
> >>> a new computer,"
> >> 
> >> ...then that's the user's problem. They can solve it with insurance
> >> (appropriate policies will come into being), or they can solve it by
> >> becoming more knowledgeable, or they can solve it by hiring know how.
> >> But it is *their* problem. The fact that it is the user's problem will
> >> drive the industry to solve that problem, because anywhere there is a
> >> problem there is a market for a solution.
> > 
> > That shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market actually
> > works.  It's nice in theory.
> No, it shows how broken current market practice is. What we are saying is
> that some relatively minor application of existing law to the computer market
> would correct this brokenness.

That's like saying going to the moon is a relatively minor application of
rocket science.

> > We (as technical people) have caused this problem because we've failed to 
> > design computers and networks that are resistant to this sort of thing.
> > Trying to pin it on the users is of course easy, because users (generally
> > speaking) are "stupid" and are "at fault" for not doing "enough" to
> > "secure" their own systems, but that's a ridiculous smugness on our part.
> You keep saying "WE" as if the majority of people on this list have anything
> to do with the design or construction of these systems.  We do not. We are
> mostly network operators.

I keep saying "we" as opposed to "them" because "we" are part of the problem,
and "they" are simply end users.  "We" can (and, from past experience with
the membership of this list, does) include members of the networking community,
hardware community, software community, developers, and other related 
interests.  "We" have done a poor job of designing technology that "they"
can understand, comprehend, and just use, which is, when it comes right down
to it, all they want to be able to do.

> However, again, if the end user is held liable, the end user is then in a
> position to hold the manufacturer/vendors that they received defective
> systems from liable.

The hell they are.  Why don't you READ that nice EULA you accepted when you
bought that Mac.

> It does exactly what you are saying needs to happen,
> just without exempting irresponsible users from their share of the pain
> which seems to be a central part of your theory.
> If I leave my credit card laying around in an airport, I'm liable for part of
> the pain up until the point where I report my credit card lost.  Why should
> irresponsible computer usage be any different?

Because the average person would consider that to be dangerous, and the
average person would not consider opening an e-mail in their e-mail client
to be dangerous, except that it is.

> >>> then we - as the people who have designed and provided=20
> >>> technology - have failed, and we are trying to pass off responsibility=20
> >>> for our collective failure onto the end user.
> >> 
> >>

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong
>> What I don't want to see which you are advocating... I don't want to see
>> the end users who do take responsibility, drive well designed vehicles
>> with proper seat belts and safety equipment, stay in their lane, and
>> do not cause accidents held liable for the actions of others. Why should
>> we penalize those that have done no wrong simply because they happen
>> to be a minority?
> I agree, on the other hand, what about those people who genuinely didn't
> do anything wrong, and their computer still got Pwned?

At the very least, if you connected a system to the network and it got Pwned,
you were negligent in your behavior, if not malicious. Negligence is still
wrong, even if not malice.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Brielle Bruns

On 6/9/10 8:43 AM, Michiel Klaver wrote:

Our experiences from the Dutch ISP market indicate otherwise, customers
are more than happy to be informed they might have been infected by a
virus/worm. Most customers are too afraid of loosing valuable documents
due to a file-eating virus for example, or afraid of loosing connection
to the internet entirely and appreciate it to get an opportunity to do
some clean-up when placed in quarantaine vlan. They even will recommend
you, and your reputation as ISP-with-clue will increase.

Unfortunately, here in the US, as someone who decrapifies computers for 
several home and business users, I find that no matter how much I alert 
users to infections, they just don't care.

They say...

"But I can still use my computer!  You're just trying to get more money 
out of me."

You warn them that opening attachments is dangerous.

They say...

"But I got this great power point presentation that shows me how to make 
cookies on the hood of my car, which I would have never seen had I 
listened to you!"

You warn them that the screen saver they just downloaded and ran sent 
their passwords and credit cards to a cracker.

They say...

"Oh, but my credit card company won't hold me liable, so it's not a big 

They install MyCleanPC or similar, which proceeds to install more 
crapware which eventually starts randomly deleting important files on 
their computer.

They say...

"But I saw it on TV, and people were saying its a great product that 
makes my 386 perform like a Core i7!  Your a computer expert, I'm sure 
you've backed up my files on your computer without me needed to tell you."

Yeah, things may be different overseas, but here in the US, ignorance is 
bliss and endorsed by the GOP and Tea Party.  Here, people take pride in 
being the dumbest moron on the block.

In all cases of the above, I was told almost that exact statement by a 
customer.  They will do _anything_ to try and avoid responsibility for 
their behavior.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Wed, Jun 09, 2010, Larry Sheldon wrote:

> You might not have the state inspection rip-off, but I'll bet that if
> your state accepts federal highway money, you have mechanical condition
> standards that include tires, brakes, seat belts and a lot of other things.

.. and a change in the minimum drinking age?


(Before you go "That's not relevant to the discussion", think again. Hard.)

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Brielle Bruns

On 6/9/10 6:27 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:

Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?

Laws and regulation exist because people can't behave civilly and be 
expected to respect the rights/boundries/property others.

CAN-SPAM exists because the e-mail marketing business refused to self 
regulate and respect the wishes of consumers/administrators

FDCPA exists because the debt collectors couldn't resist the temptation 
to harass and intimidate consumers, and behave ethically.

It's just a matter of time, and really unavoidable.  The thing is, these 
industries have no one to blame but themselves.  In all cases, these 
laws/regulation only came into affect AFTER situations got out of control.

Lately, the courts have been ruling that companies like LimeWire are 
responsible for their products being used for piracy/downloading because 
they knew what was going on, but were turning a blind eye.

Why not apply the same standards to ISPs?  If it can be shown that you 
had knowledge of specific abuse coming from your network, but for 
whatever reason, opted to ignore it and turn a blind eye, then you are 

When I see abuse from my network or am made aware of it, I isolate and 
drop on my edge the IPs in question, then investigate and respond.  Most 
times, it takes me maybe 10-15 minutes to track down the user 
responsible, shut off their server or host, then terminate their stupid 

A little bit of effort goes a long way.  But, if you refuse to put in 
the effort (I'm looking at you, GoDaddy Abuse Desk), then of course the 
problems won't go away.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 08:21, Joe Greco wrote:

> Your car emits lots of greenhouse gases.  Just because it's /less/ doesn't
> change the fact that the Prius has an ICE.  We have a Prius and a HiHy too.

Did Godwin say anything about rand discussions degenerating to
mythologies like "gorebull warming"?

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 08:09, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Jorge Amodio  said:
>> That's why at least in the US by *regulation* you must have insurance
>> to be able to operate a car, instead of mitigating the safety issues
>> that represents a teenager texting while driving we deal with the
>> consequences.
> The insurance requirement is a state-by-state thing.  It was only added
> here a few years ago, and I don't think it is universal.

Similar answer as the one for the brakes and tires thing.

Implementation may vary from state to state, just like the mechanical
standards thing.  When last I lived in California, there was no
"insurance" requirement but there was a "proof of financial
responsibility" requirement that was most easily (for most people) by
carrying insurance to certain standards for Public Liability and
Property Damage.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 08:08, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Alexander Harrowell  said:
>> No, but we can and do require cars to have functional brakes and minimum 
>> tread depths, and to be tested periodically.
> Not in this state.

You might not have the state inspection rip-off, but I'll bet that if
your state accepts federal highway money, you have mechanical condition
standards that include tires, brakes, seat belts and a lot of other things.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 08:05, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, JC Dill  said:
>> I'm still truly amazed that no one has sic'd a lawyer on Microsoft for 
>> creating an "attractive nuisance" - an operating system that is too 
>> easily hacked and used to attack innocent victims, and where others have 
>> to pay to clean up after Microsoft's mess.
> Many of the problems are PEBKAC, as evidenced by the massive responses
> to phishing scams.  I can't tell you the number of our users that have
> sent their password to Nigeria to be used to log in to our webmail and
> spam.

In other words, if somebody is going to handle the problem, the people
that know how ("ISP's" for want of a term) are going to have to do it.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 07:39, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
> Not sure, ISPs role is just to move packets from A to B, you need to
> clearly define what constitutes abuse and how much of it is considered
> a crime.
> If I call your home every five minutes to harass you over the phone is
> AT&T responsible ?

How does the question change with a "regulator" telling them they are?

And does it matter if I refuse all calls from ATT because they don't?

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 07:39, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
> Not sure, ISPs role is just to move packets from A to B, you need to
> clearly define what constitutes abuse and how much of it is considered
> a crime.
> If I call your home every five minutes to harass you over the phone is
> AT&T responsible ?
>> 1a. If so, how?
> Pull the plug without looking at how much you are billing.

I'd say pull the plug while watching the balance sheet.

I have no idea how many providers of netnews service there are left--not
many because they waited for somebody else to solve the problems.  I
subscribe to one that rigorously polices spam and troll traffic (from
their own customers _and_from_the_world).

And for less than some of the other services.  (They are associated with
a German University, I think, so there may be a subsidy issue.  I would
pay several times as much as I do for the service--maybe an order of
magnitude more.)

> What incentive they have to do so ? and how liable they become if do
> something without a court order or such ?

Is "survival" an incentive?

>> Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
>> criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.
> Probably true, here money talks.

But it doesn't listen.  It waits for the bailout.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Karl Auer
On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 08:50 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> Primarily because the product that they've been given to use is defective
> by design.

Indeed. So one approach is to remove the protection such defective
designs currently enjoy.

> supposed to play out for the single mom with a latchkey kid?  Let's be
> realistic here.  It's the computer that ought to be safer.

Fine. Agreed. Now what mechanisms do you suggest for achieving that?
Technical suggestions are no good, because noone will implement them
unless they have to, or unless implementing them in some way improves
the product so it sells better.

> modest improvements on the part of users, sure, but to place it all on 
> them is simply a fantastic display of incredible naivete.

Indeed. And certainly not something I'd advocate. at least not without
making sure that they, in turn, could pass the responsibility on.

> That shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market actually
> works.  It's nice in theory.

It would be a lot more pleasant discussing things with you if you
understood that people may disagree with you without necessarily being
naive or stupid.

> We (as technical people) have caused this problem because we've failed to 
> design computers and networks that are resistant to this sort of thing.

And why did we do that? What allowed us to get away with it? Answer:
Inadequate application of ordinary product liability law to the
producers of software. Acceptance of ridiculous EULAs that in any sane
legal system would not be worth the cellophane they are printed behind.
And so forth. I know the ecosystem that arose around software is more
complicated than that, but you get the idea.

> Trying to pin it on the users is of course easy, because users (generally
> speaking) are "stupid" and are "at fault" for not doing "enough" to
> "secure" their own systems, but that's a ridiculous smugness on our part.

You're right. And again, I am not advocating that. People are always
going to be stupid (or ignorant, which is not the same thing as stupid).
The trick is to give them a way out - whether it's insurance, education
or effective legal remedy. That way they can choose how to handle the
risk that *they* represent - in computers just as in any other realm of

> I'm fine with that, but as long as we keep handing loaded guns without 
> any reasonably-identifiable safeties to the end users, we can expect to
> keep getting shot at now and then.

You keep stating the problem, where what others are trying to do is
frame a solution. Right now we are just absorbing the impact; that is
not sustainable, as long as the people providing the avenues of attack
(through ignorance or whatever) have no obligation at all to do better.

> > Yep! And the fastest way to get more secure systems is to make consumers
> > accountable, so that they demand accountability from their vendors. And
> > so it goes, all the way up the chain. Make people accountable. At every
> > level.
> Again, that shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market
> actually works.  It's still nice in theory.

There are whole industries built around vehicular safety. There are
numerous varieties of insurance that protect people - at every level -
from their own failures.

Where there is no accountability in a human system, failure is
practically guaranteed - whether in the form of tyranny, monopoly,
danger to life and limb or whatever. The idea of accountability and the
drive to attain it forms the basis of most legal and democratic systems,
and of uncountable numbers of smaller systems in democratic societies.
Now, what were you saying about "theory"?

>   Do you really think that the game of
> telephone works?  Are we really going to be able to hold customers
> accountable?  And if we do, are they really going to put vendor feet to
> the fire?  Or is Microsoft just going to laugh and point at their EULA,
> and say, "our legal department will bankrupt you, you silly little twerp"?

Please, read more carefully. "At every level". If the consumer is made
responsible, they must simultaneously get some avenue of recourse. Those
ridiculous EULAs should be the first things against the wall :-)

> Everyone has carefully made it clear that they're not liable to the users,
> so the users are left holding the bag, and nobody who's actually
> responsible is able to be held responsible by the end users.

Correct. That is the current situation, and it needs to be altered. On
the one hand consumers benefit because they will finally have recourse
for defective software, but with that gain comes increased

> Yes, "we" needs to include all the technical stakeholders, and "we" as
> network operators ought to be able to tell "we" the website operators to
> tell "we" the web designers to stop using Flash if it's that big a
> liability.  This, of course, fails for the same reasons that expecting
> end users to hold vendors responsible does, but there are a lot less of

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 06:14, Owen DeLong wrote:
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Paul Ferguson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
>> boil this down to a couple of issues:
>> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
>   Yes, but, there should be an exemption from liability for ISPs that take
>   action to resolve the situation within 24 hours of first awareness (by
>   either internal detection or external report).

What happened to the acronyms "AUP" and "TOS"?

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 06:11, Owen DeLong wrote:
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:11 PM, JC Dill wrote:
>> Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue. 
>> What entity do you see as having any possibility of effective regulatory 
>> control over the internet?
>> The reason we have these problems to begin with is because there is no way 
>> for people (or government regulators) in the US to control ISPs in eastern 
>> Europe etc.

What happ3ens if you replace the word "government" with the word "person"?

(And since the cost is the only thing that matters, how much does
"government" cost?  I suppose that is something somebody else should
worry about too.)

> The reason we have these problems is because NO government is taking action. 
> If each government
> took the action I suggested locally against the ISPs in their region, it 
> would be just as effective.
> In fact, the more governments that take the action I suggested, the more 
> effective it would be.

It is my strongly held belief that with my substitution a lot would get
done and at a much lower individual cost.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Michiel Klaver

 Original message 

Generally speaking, nobody wants to be the cop that makes that call.
Theoretically an ISP *might* be able to do that, but most are unwilling,
and those of us that do actually play BOFH run the risk of losing
customers to a sewerISP that doesn't.

Our experiences from the Dutch ISP market indicate otherwise, customers are 
more than happy to be informed they might have been infected by a 
virus/worm. Most customers are too afraid of loosing valuable documents due 
to a file-eating virus for example, or afraid of loosing connection to the 
internet entirely and appreciate it to get an opportunity to do some 
clean-up when placed in quarantaine vlan. They even will recommend you, and 
your reputation as ISP-with-clue will increase.

To stay on-topic, this is one of the first steps to prevent hosts in your 
network attacking NATO and decrease the risk of being disconnected by them.

Commercial products that might assist you:;page=product-qnet

Michiel Klaver
IT Professional

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 01:14, Paul Ferguson wrote:

> To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
> boil this down to a couple of issues:

If I may offer a few edits and comments .

> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for every thing from within their customer 
> base?> 

> 1a. If so, how?

[Good question.  The answers will be hard, and some of the answers will
seem to some to be against their own "self interest.  How does a
toll-road operator do it?  An inn-keeper?]

> 2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
> abuse their services in a criminal manner?

[A legal question--is the inn keeper responsible for the harm to you of
a meth lab he allows to operate in the room next to yours?]

> 2.a If so, how?

See above.

> I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
> criminal activity, they should take action, no?

In some US states the law requires it.

> If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

It's hard.  It costs to much (actually false in my opinion--see "trashed
hotel rooms").  Somebody else should be doing it.  Personal (see also
"corporations as persons") responsibility is now an undefined term.

> Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
> criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.

All the crap I get, I get from a (nominally[1]) US provider.

[1]  China probably holds the mortgage, which is another problem for
discussion another day (and somewhere else).

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

Requiescas in pace o email
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
Eppure si rinfresca

ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> > I am pretty sure I saw stats that suggested that old cars that crashed into
> > new cars did substantially more damage to the new car and its occupants than
> > an equivalent crash between two new cars, something to do with the old car
> > not absorbing about half the impact into its own (nonexistent) crumple
> > zones, though there are obvious deficiencies in the protection afforded to
> > the occupants of the old car as well...
> Old cars without crumple zones tend to do more damage to new cars
> with crumple zones. Occupants of new cars tend to receive less damage
> because the crumple zones absorb some of the energy while occupants
> of older cars receive more of the energy transferred directly to them due
> to the higher stiffness of the older car.
> At least in the studies I have read.

I'm talking about the difference between the levels of damage to a new car 
where you have a crash between an old and new car, and a crash between two
new cars.  The evidence that an old car is more lethal to its occupants is
well known.  We were discussing damage inflicted upon others, so that is
not relevant.

> > Generally speaking, because the computer is unsafe by design, and most of
> > the problems we're discussing are not "driving the car in a reckless
> > manner."  I do not live in mortal fear that I am going to steer my car into
> > the median and it's going to jump over into oncoming traffic and ram into
> > an oncoming semi, because that's simply not something I'd do, and it's not
> > something the car designers expected would be a regular thing to do.  On
> > the other hand, I do live in mortal fear of opening a PDF document on a
> > Windows machine, something that both Adobe and Microsoft deliberately
> > engineered to be as easy and trivial as possible, and which millions of
> > people do on a daily and regular basis, but which nonetheless can have
> > the undesirable side effect of infecting my computer with the latest
> > stealth exploit, at least if I read the news correctly.
> I don't agree with your premise. Yes, some operating systems are unsafe
> by design, but, not all.  As I said, you should be accountable for the 
> behavior
> of your computer. If you can show that the behavior was the result of faulty
> software, then, you should be able to recover from the manufacturer of that
> software (assuming you paid a professional for your software).

That is a nice theory, but does not play out in practice.  If you are
suggesting that part of the solution to the overall problem is to
legislate such liability, overriding any EULA's in the process, we can
certainly discuss that.

> Just as a driver of a car with a stuck accelerator due to manufacturer defect
> is liable to the pedestrians they plow, and, the manufacturer is liable to the
> driver, I see no reason not to have a similar liability chain for software.

Doesn't exist at this time, see EULA.

> Strangely, I don't live in mortal fear of opening a PDF document on my
> Macs or Linux systems.  As such, I don't see why we should all be punished
> for the fact that you chose to buy software from the morons in Redmond.
> A bad choice made by a majority of people is still a bad choice.
> (Note: You are the one who singled out Micr0$0ft first.)

The latest Adobe vulnerability applies to pretty much all platforms.  It
is, in this case, a Flash vulnerability, but others have been PDF.  You
can use an alternative Flash or PDF player, of course, but that's not a
guarantee, it's just lowering the risk.

> > As a Windows user, I *am* *expected* to open web documents and go browsing
> > around.  The Internet has been deliberately designed with millions upon
> > millions of domains and web sites; it's ridiculous to suggest that users
> > should be aware that visiting a particular web site is likely to be
> > harmful, especially given that we can't even keep servers safe, and some
> > legitimate high-volume web sites have even been known to serve up bad
> > stuff.
> I assume all web sites are potentially harmful unless I have good reason
> to believe otherwise. Why shouldn't everyone be expected to behave
> in a similar manner?
> Seems to me that is the only rational approach.  Don't you tell your kids
> not to talk to strangers? Isn't this sort of the same thing?

I haven't been a child for many years.  Generally speaking, I expect to
be able to talk to another person without significant risk.  

What you suggest makes sense from a security point of view, but many people
are only able to identify a small handful of websites as being ones they
"know".  If you're suggesting that people should never visit other websites,
then that really limits the usefulness of the Internet.  Why shouldn't it
be, instead, that web browsers are made to be safe and invulnerable?

> >> I'm not out to target specific products. Yes, I'll celebrate the death of
> >> our favorite convicted felon in Redmond, but, that's not the point.
> >> 
> >> I don't have a CompS

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Joe Greco wrote:

>> On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 07:02 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
>>> There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC use=
>> r
>>> to do.
>> Sure - but if their computer, as a result of their ignorance, starts
>> belching out spam, ISPs should be able at very least to counteract the
>> problem. For example, by disconnecting that user and telling them why
>> they have been disconnected. Why should it be the ISP's duty to silently
>> absorb the blows? Why should the user have no responsibility here?
> Primarily because the product that they've been given to use is defective
> by design.  I'm not even saying "no responsibility"; I'm just arguing that
> we have to be realistic about our expectations of the level of
> responsibility users will have.  At this point, we're teaching computers
> to children in elementary school, and kids in second and third grade are
> being expected to submit homework to teachers via e-mail.  How is that
> supposed to play out for the single mom with a latchkey kid?  Let's be
> realistic here.  It's the computer that ought to be safer.  We can expect 
> modest improvements on the part of users, sure, but to place it all on 
> them is simply a fantastic display of incredible naivete.
I don't think that is what is being proposed.  What is being proposed is
that in order for this to work legally in the framework that exists in the
current law is to create a chain of liability.

Let's use the example of a third party check which should be fairly
familiar to everyone.

A writes a check to B who endorses it to C who deposits it.
The check bounces.

C cannot sue A.  C must sue B. B can then recover from A.

So, to make this work realistically, the end user (latchkey mom in
your example) has a computer and little Suzie opens MakeMeSpam.exe
and next thing you know, that computer is using her full 7Mbps uplink
from $CABLECO to deliver all the spam it can deliver at that speed.

Some target of said spam calls up $CABLECO and $CABLECO turns
off LatchKeyMom's service.  The spam targets can (if they choose)
go after LatchKeyMom ($CABLECO would be liable if they hadn't
disconnected LatchKeyMom promptly), but, they probably won't if
LatchKeyMom isn't a persistent problem. LatchKeyMom can go
after the makers of MakeMeSpam.exe and also can go after
the makers of her OS, etc. if she has a case that their design
was negligent and contributed to the problem.

Yes, it's complex, but, it is the only mechanism the law provides
for the transfer of liability.  You can't leap-frog the process and
have the SPAM victims going directly after LatchKeyMom's
OS Vendor because there's no relationship there to provide
a legal link of liability.

>> To carry your analogy a bit too far, if someone is roaming the streets
>> in a beat-up jalopy with wobbly wheels, no lights, no brakes, no
>> mirrors, and sideswiping parked cars, is it up to the city to somehow
>> clear the way for that driver? No - the car is taken off the road and
>> the driver told to fix it or get a new one. If the problem appears to be
>> the driver rather than the vehicle, the driver is told they cannot drive
>> until they have obtained a Clue.
> Generally speaking, nobody wants to be the cop that makes that call. 
> Theoretically an ISP *might* be able to do that, but most are unwilling,
> and those of us that do actually play BOFH run the risk of losing
> customers to a sewerISP that doesn't.
Whether anyone wants to be the cop or not, someone has to be the cop.

The point is that SewerISPs need to be held liable (hence my proposal
for ISP liability outside of a 24 hour grace period from notification).

If SewerISP has to pay the costs of failing to address abuse from their
customers, SewerISP will either stop running a cesspool, or, they will
go bankrupt and become a self-rectifying problem.

>> If the user, as a result of their computer being zombified or whatever,
>> has to
>>> "take it in to
>>> NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
>>> a new computer,"
>> ...then that's the user's problem. They can solve it with insurance
>> (appropriate policies will come into being), or they can solve it by
>> becoming more knowledgeable, or they can solve it by hiring know how.
>> But it is *their* problem. The fact that it is the user's problem will
>> drive the industry to solve that problem, because anywhere there is a
>> problem there is a market for a solution.
> That shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market actually
> works.  It's nice in theory.
No, it shows how broken current market practice is. What we are saying is
that some relatively minor application of existing law to the computer market
would correct this brokenness.

> We (as technical people) have caused this problem because we've failed to 
> design computers and networks that are resistant to this sort of thing.
> Trying to pin it on the users is

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Larry Sheldon
On 6/9/2010 01:11, JC Dill wrote:
> Owen DeLong wrote:
>> Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue. 
> What entity do you see as having any possibility of effective regulatory 
> control over the internet?

Doesn't matter as long as it enables radial outbound finger pointing.

> The reason we have these problems to begin with is because there is no 
> way for people (or government regulators) in the US to control ISPs in 
> eastern Europe etc.

Or in the US.
But what we see here is what is what is wrong with "regulation"--the
regulated specify the regulation, primarily to protect the economic
interests of the entrenched.

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

Requiescas in pace o email
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
Eppure si rinfresca

ICBM Targeting Information:

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Mike O'Connor
:I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
:criminal activity, they should take action, no?

What a provider "should" do and what makes sense under the law of the
land are two different things.

:If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

The laws pertaining to what's required of people when witnessing a
crime vary by locality within the U.S.  I dunno how they work for
the rest of the NANOG audience.  What is required of people versus
what's required of corporate entities varies, too.  "Good Samaritan"
laws are hardly universal, and don't always play well with the other
laws of the land.  

Things can get ugly when some murky behavior gets retroactively deemed
a crime (perhaps by some tech-challenged judge or jury) and a provider
becomes an accessory after the fact.  "You mean, the DMCA makes THAT
illegal?!?"  Or, perhaps a provider tries to take some small action in
the face of a crime, then is deemed to have a "special relationship"
making them liable for not being quite helpful enough.  "You mean, I
have to rebuild my entire network because my customer support rep has
reported bad behavior to the authorities?"

Ultimately, acting on crime is a rat's nest.  Some providers have
enough trouble dealing with attacks from Pax0rland, extracting sane
prices for last-mile service, evaluating/deploying new technology,
keeping up with all the off-topic emails on NANOG, etc.  

Raise the bar so the least-paid front-line rep requires a "customer
support within the law" class.  Create a legal climate where the only
way it makes sense to provide bits involves a big army of attorneys
and lobbyists to define the regulatory climate.  Let's make total
provider consolidation a reality...  then we won't need those pesky
32-bit ASNs.  :)

Back to work...

 Michael J. O'Connor
"Not baked goods, professor...  baked BADS!"-The Tick

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> > Grandma does not go check her tread depth or check her own brake pads and
> > discs for wear.  She lets the shop do that.  I was hoping I didn't have to
> > get pedantic and that people could differentiate between "I pay the shop a
> > few bucks to do that for me" and "I take responsibility personally to drive
> > my car in an appropriate fashion" (which includes things like "I take my
> > car to the shop periodically for maintenance I don't have the skills to do
> > myself"), but there we have it.
> Whether grandma measures the tread depth herself or takes it to the shop,
> the point is that grandma is expected to have tires with sufficient tread
> depth and working brakes when she operates the car. If not, she's liable.
> If she drives like the little old lady from Pasadena, she's liable for the 
> accidents she causes.

There is no "shop" that the average computer owner should take their
computer to, and unlike a car, anything that might seem to require some
periodic maintenance is typically automated (OS updates, virus updates,
etc).  There are places like NerdForce that you can take your computer to,
but you're likely to be sold a load of crap, and you can even take the
same computer to five different services and get wildly differing results
(and wildly differing bills).  There's no standardization, and part of
*that* is due to the way we've allowed end user operating systems to be

> > My point: We haven't designed computers for end users appropriately.  It
> > is not the fault of the end user that they're driving around the crapmobile
> > we've provided for them.  If you go to the store to get a new computer, you
> > get a choice of crapmobiles all with engines by the same company, unless 
> > you go to the fruit store, in which case you get a somewhat less obviously
> > vulnerable engine by a different company.  The users don't know how to take
> > apart the engines and repair them, and the engines aren't usefully protected
> > sufficiently to ensure that they don't get fouled, so you have a Problem.
> The end user should be able to recover from the responsible manufacturer
> for the design flaws in the hardware/software they are driving. Agreed. That
> is how it works in cars, that's how it should work in computers.

It doesn't; look at that wonderful EULA.  Want to fix that?  Be my guest,

> What I don't want to see which you are advocating... I don't want to see
> the end users who do take responsibility, drive well designed vehicles
> with proper seat belts and safety equipment, stay in their lane, and
> do not cause accidents held liable for the actions of others. Why should
> we penalize those that have done no wrong simply because they happen
> to be a minority?

I agree, on the other hand, what about those people who genuinely didn't
do anything wrong, and their computer still got Pwned?

>From this perspective:  Our technology sucks.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 6:17 AM, Joe Greco wrote:

>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:02 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
 So? If said end customer is operating a network-connected system without
 sufficient knowledge to properly maintain it and prevent it from doing 
 to the rest of the network, why should the rest of us subsidize her 
 I don't see where making her pay is a bad thing.
>>> I see that you don't understand that.
>> Seems to me that you are the one not understanding...
>> I can't refinance my mortgage right now to take advantage of the current 
>> interest
>> rates.  Why?  Because irresponsible people got into loans they couldn't
>> afford and engaged in speculative transactions. Their failure resulted in
>> a huge drop in value to my house which brought me below the magic
>> 80% loan to value ratio, which, because of said same bad actors became
>> a legal restriction instead of a target number around which lenders had
>> some flexibility. So, because I had a house I could afford and a reasonable
>> mortgage, I'm now getting penalized by paying higher taxes to cover
>> mortgage absorptions, reductions, and modifications for these irresponsible
>> people. I'm getting penalized by paying higher interest rates because due
>> to the damage they did to my property value and the laws they forced
>> to be created, I can't refinance.
>> I'm mad as hell and frankly, I don't want to take it any more.
>> Do you see that?  Do you still think I don't have a legitimate point on this?
>> I'm tired of subsidizing stupidity and bad actors. It's too expensive. I 
>> don't
>> want to do it any more.  We already have too many stupid people and bad
>> actors.  We really don't need to subsidize or encourage the creation of more.
> A doesn't really seem connected to B.
Proof that you still don't get it.

Punishing those that are responsible by making them pay for the behavior
of those who fail to take responsibility IS a major problem.

A and B are both examples of such a process.

 The internet may be a vast ocean where bad guys keep dumping garbage,
 but, if software vendors stopped building highly exploitable code and ISPs
 started disconnecting abusing systems rapidly, it would have a major effect
 on the constantly changing currents. If abuse departments were fully funded
 by cleanup fees charged to negligent users who failed to secure their 
 properly, it would both incentivize users to do proper security _AND_ 
 for more responsive abuse departments as issues are reduced and their
 budget scales linearly with the amount of abuse being conducted.
>>> The reality is that things change.  Forty-three years ago, you could still
>>> buy a car that didn't have seat belts.  Thirty years ago, most people still
>>> didn't wear seat belts.  Twenty years ago, air bags began appearing in
>>> large volume in passenger vehicles.  Throughout this period, cars have been
>>> de-stiffened with crumple zones, etc., in order to make them safer for
>>> passengers in the event of a crash.  Mandatory child seat laws have been
>>> enacted at various times throughout.  A little more than ten years ago, air
>>> bags were mandatory.  Ten years ago, LATCH clips for child safety seats
>>> became mandatory.  We now have side impact air bags, etc.
>> Sure.
>>> Generally speaking, we do not penalize car owners for owning an older car,
>>> and we've maybe only made them retrofit seat belts (but not air bags,
>>> crumple zones, etc) into them, despite the fact that some of those big old
>>> boats can be quite deadly to other drivers in today's more easily-damaged
>>> cars.  We've increased auto safety by mandating better cars, and by
>>> penalizing users who fail to make use of the safety features.
>> Right, but, owners of older cars are primarily placing themselves at risk, 
>> not
>> others.
> I am pretty sure I saw stats that suggested that old cars that crashed into
> new cars did substantially more damage to the new car and its occupants than
> an equivalent crash between two new cars, something to do with the old car
> not absorbing about half the impact into its own (nonexistent) crumple
> zones, though there are obvious deficiencies in the protection afforded to
> the occupants of the old car as well...
Old cars without crumple zones tend to do more damage to new cars
with crumple zones. Occupants of new cars tend to receive less damage
because the crumple zones absorb some of the energy while occupants
of older cars receive more of the energy transferred directly to them due
to the higher stiffness of the older car.

At least in the studies I have read.

>> In this case, it's a question of others putting me at risk. That, generally,
>> isn't tolerated.
>>> There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC user
>>> to do.  The average PC user expects to be able to check e-mai

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 07:02 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> > There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC use=
> r
> > to do.
> Sure - but if their computer, as a result of their ignorance, starts
> belching out spam, ISPs should be able at very least to counteract the
> problem. For example, by disconnecting that user and telling them why
> they have been disconnected. Why should it be the ISP's duty to silently
> absorb the blows? Why should the user have no responsibility here?

Primarily because the product that they've been given to use is defective
by design.  I'm not even saying "no responsibility"; I'm just arguing that
we have to be realistic about our expectations of the level of
responsibility users will have.  At this point, we're teaching computers
to children in elementary school, and kids in second and third grade are
being expected to submit homework to teachers via e-mail.  How is that
supposed to play out for the single mom with a latchkey kid?  Let's be
realistic here.  It's the computer that ought to be safer.  We can expect 
modest improvements on the part of users, sure, but to place it all on 
them is simply a fantastic display of incredible naivete.

> To carry your analogy a bit too far, if someone is roaming the streets
> in a beat-up jalopy with wobbly wheels, no lights, no brakes, no
> mirrors, and sideswiping parked cars, is it up to the city to somehow
> clear the way for that driver? No - the car is taken off the road and
> the driver told to fix it or get a new one. If the problem appears to be
> the driver rather than the vehicle, the driver is told they cannot drive
> until they have obtained a Clue.

Generally speaking, nobody wants to be the cop that makes that call. 
Theoretically an ISP *might* be able to do that, but most are unwilling,
and those of us that do actually play BOFH run the risk of losing
customers to a sewerISP that doesn't.

> If the user, as a result of their computer being zombified or whatever,
> has to
> > "take it in to
> > NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
> > a new computer,"
> ...then that's the user's problem. They can solve it with insurance
> (appropriate policies will come into being), or they can solve it by
> becoming more knowledgeable, or they can solve it by hiring know how.
> But it is *their* problem. The fact that it is the user's problem will
> drive the industry to solve that problem, because anywhere there is a
> problem there is a market for a solution.

That shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market actually
works.  It's nice in theory.

We (as technical people) have caused this problem because we've failed to 
design computers and networks that are resistant to this sort of thing.
Trying to pin it on the users is of course easy, because users (generally
speaking) are "stupid" and are "at fault" for not doing "enough" to
"secure" their own systems, but that's a ridiculous smugness on our part.

> >  then we - as the people who have designed and provided=20
> > technology - have failed, and we are trying to pass off responsibility=20
> > for our collective failure onto the end user.
> I think what's being called for is not total abdication of
> responsibility - just some sharing of the responsibility.

I'm fine with that, but as long as we keep handing loaded guns without 
any reasonably-identifiable safeties to the end users, we can expect to
keep getting shot at now and then.

> > This implies that our
> > operating systems need to be more secure, way more secure, our applicatio=
> ns
> > need to be less permissive, probably way less permissive, probably even
> > sandboxed by default
> Yep! And the fastest way to get more secure systems is to make consumers
> accountable, so that they demand accountability from their vendors. And
> so it goes, all the way up the chain. Make people accountable. At every
> level.

Again, that shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the market
actually works.  It's still nice in theory.

We would be better off short-circuiting that mechanism; for example, how
about we simply mandate that browsers must be isolated from their 
underlying operating systems?  Do you really think that the game of
telephone works?  Are we really going to be able to hold customers
accountable?  And if we do, are they really going to put vendor feet to
the fire?  Or is Microsoft just going to laugh and point at their EULA,
and say, "our legal department will bankrupt you, you silly little twerp"?

Everyone has carefully made it clear that they're not liable to the users,
so the users are left holding the bag, and nobody who's actually
responsible is able to be held responsible by the end users.

> > We can make their Internet cars safer for them - but we largely haven't.
> I'm not sure that the word "we" is appropriate here. Who is "we"? How
> can (say) network operators be held responsible for (say) a weakness in
> A

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
> >> I'm all for that, but, point is that people who fail to meet that standard 
> >> are
> >> currently getting a free ride. IMHO, they should pay and they should have
> >> the recourse of being (at least partially) reimbursed by their at-fault 
> >> software
> >> vendors for contributory negligence.
> > 
> > Great idea.  You know, I've got a great solution for global warming.
> > Let's hold all the car owners accountable for all the greenhouse gases
> > their cars belch out, and let them have the recourse of being (at least
> > partially) reimbursed by their at-fault car manufacturers and gasoline
> > distributors for contributory negligence.
> > 
> 1.My car emits very little greenhouse gas, so, I'm cool with that.  Sounds
>   great to me. (I drive a Prius).

Your car emits lots of greenhouse gases.  Just because it's /less/ doesn't
change the fact that the Prius has an ICE.  We have a Prius and a HiHy too.

> 2.Manufacturers are held liable for contributory negligence when the
>   design of their vehicle is unsafe and causes an accident.

That isn't relevant to what I suggested.

> 3.We're not talking about greenhouse gasses here... We're talking
>   about car-wrecks on the information superhighway caused by
>   a combination of irresponsible operators and poor vehicle design.

That wasn't the analogy I was making.  I was stabbing at the whole idea
behind your suggestion, by directly translating it to a real-world example.

> > See how insane that sounds?
> > 
> Actually, it sounds reasonably sane to me, but, it's not a good analogy
> as noted above, so, the relative merits are mostly irrelevant.
> Owen

Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 6:09 AM, Chris Adams wrote:

> Once upon a time, Jorge Amodio  said:
>> That's why at least in the US by *regulation* you must have insurance
>> to be able to operate a car, instead of mitigating the safety issues
>> that represents a teenager texting while driving we deal with the
>> consequences.
> The insurance requirement is a state-by-state thing.  It was only added
> here a few years ago, and I don't think it is universal.

I believe at least 48, if not 50 states now have compulsory financial
responsibility laws.

However, even if you didn't have insurance, that never exempted you
from liability, it just made you less likely to be able to meet your
obligations under that liability.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:02 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
> >> So? If said end customer is operating a network-connected system without
> >> sufficient knowledge to properly maintain it and prevent it from doing 
> >> mischief
> >> to the rest of the network, why should the rest of us subsidize her 
> >> negligence?
> >> I don't see where making her pay is a bad thing.
> > 
> > I see that you don't understand that.
> > 
> Seems to me that you are the one not understanding...
> I can't refinance my mortgage right now to take advantage of the current 
> interest
> rates.  Why?  Because irresponsible people got into loans they couldn't
> afford and engaged in speculative transactions. Their failure resulted in
> a huge drop in value to my house which brought me below the magic
> 80% loan to value ratio, which, because of said same bad actors became
> a legal restriction instead of a target number around which lenders had
> some flexibility. So, because I had a house I could afford and a reasonable
> mortgage, I'm now getting penalized by paying higher taxes to cover
> mortgage absorptions, reductions, and modifications for these irresponsible
> people. I'm getting penalized by paying higher interest rates because due
> to the damage they did to my property value and the laws they forced
> to be created, I can't refinance.
> I'm mad as hell and frankly, I don't want to take it any more.
> Do you see that?  Do you still think I don't have a legitimate point on this?
> I'm tired of subsidizing stupidity and bad actors. It's too expensive. I don't
> want to do it any more.  We already have too many stupid people and bad
> actors.  We really don't need to subsidize or encourage the creation of more.

A doesn't really seem connected to B.

> >> The internet may be a vast ocean where bad guys keep dumping garbage,
> >> but, if software vendors stopped building highly exploitable code and ISPs
> >> started disconnecting abusing systems rapidly, it would have a major effect
> >> on the constantly changing currents. If abuse departments were fully funded
> >> by cleanup fees charged to negligent users who failed to secure their 
> >> systems
> >> properly, it would both incentivize users to do proper security _AND_ 
> >> provide
> >> for more responsive abuse departments as issues are reduced and their
> >> budget scales linearly with the amount of abuse being conducted.
> > 
> > The reality is that things change.  Forty-three years ago, you could still
> > buy a car that didn't have seat belts.  Thirty years ago, most people still
> > didn't wear seat belts.  Twenty years ago, air bags began appearing in
> > large volume in passenger vehicles.  Throughout this period, cars have been
> > de-stiffened with crumple zones, etc., in order to make them safer for
> > passengers in the event of a crash.  Mandatory child seat laws have been
> > enacted at various times throughout.  A little more than ten years ago, air
> > bags were mandatory.  Ten years ago, LATCH clips for child safety seats
> > became mandatory.  We now have side impact air bags, etc.
> > 
> Sure.
> > Generally speaking, we do not penalize car owners for owning an older car,
> > and we've maybe only made them retrofit seat belts (but not air bags,
> > crumple zones, etc) into them, despite the fact that some of those big old
> > boats can be quite deadly to other drivers in today's more easily-damaged
> > cars.  We've increased auto safety by mandating better cars, and by
> > penalizing users who fail to make use of the safety features.
> Right, but, owners of older cars are primarily placing themselves at risk, not
> others.

I am pretty sure I saw stats that suggested that old cars that crashed into
new cars did substantially more damage to the new car and its occupants than
an equivalent crash between two new cars, something to do with the old car
not absorbing about half the impact into its own (nonexistent) crumple
zones, though there are obvious deficiencies in the protection afforded to
the occupants of the old car as well...

> In this case, it's a question of others putting me at risk. That, generally,
> isn't tolerated.
> > There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC user
> > to do.  The average PC user expects to be able to check e-mail, view the
> > web, edit some documents, and listen to some songs.  The average car driver
> > expects to be able to drive around and do things.  You can try to mandate
> > that the average car driver must change their own oil, just as you can try
> > to mandate that the average computer must do what you've naively referred
> > to as "proper security", but the reality is that grandma doesn't want to 
> > get under her car, doesn't have the knowledge or tools, and would rather 
> > spend $30 at SpeedyLube.  If we can not make security a similarly easy
> > target for the end-user, rather than telling them to "take it in to
> > NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 a

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Jorge Amodio  said:
> That's why at least in the US by *regulation* you must have insurance
> to be able to operate a car, instead of mitigating the safety issues
> that represents a teenager texting while driving we deal with the
> consequences.

The insurance requirement is a state-by-state thing.  It was only added
here a few years ago, and I don't think it is universal.
Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Alexander Harrowell  said:
> No, but we can and do require cars to have functional brakes and minimum 
> tread depths, and to be tested periodically.

Not in this state.
Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, JC Dill  said:
> I'm still truly amazed that no one has sic'd a lawyer on Microsoft for 
> creating an "attractive nuisance" - an operating system that is too 
> easily hacked and used to attack innocent victims, and where others have 
> to pay to clean up after Microsoft's mess.

Many of the problems are PEBKAC, as evidenced by the massive responses
to phishing scams.  I can't tell you the number of our users that have
sent their password to Nigeria to be used to log in to our webmail and

Users open attachements, follow links, and click "OK" with alarming
ease.  As long as that is the case (and I don't see that changing),
blaming one vendor is not going to help.

Something like the NSA's SELinux helps (because you can have all browser
plugins run in sandboxes, have saved attachments non-executable, etc.),
but users will still follow the instructions to override it.
Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> > I'm all fine with noting that certain products are particularly awful.
> > However, we have to be aware that users are simply not going to be required
> > to go get a CompSci degree specializing in risk management and virus
> > cleansing prior to being allowed to buy a computer.  This implies that our
> > operating systems need to be more secure, way more secure, our applications
> > need to be less permissive, probably way less permissive, probably even
> > sandboxed by default, our networks need to be more resilient to threats,
> > ranging from simple things such as BCP38 and automatic detection of certain
> > obvious violations, to more comprehensive things such as mandatory virus
> > scanning by e-mail providers, etc., ...  there's a lot that could be done,
> > that most on the technology side of things have been unwilling to commit
> > to.
> Great comments Joe, and I agree with you that there is a lot more that
> can be done and should be done, but there is a main difference with
> your recount about the auto industry, all those changes were pushed by
> evolving regulation and changes in the law and enforcement.

Oh, good, you GOT my point.

> Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?

We're going to get it, I think, because collectively we're too stupid to

Locally, for example, we implement BCP38, we screen potential customers,
and we have an abuse desk that will be happy to help.  If you complain to
us that you're getting packets from a customer here that contain the data
octet 0x65, we'll put a stop to it (though you'll probably stop getting
packets entirely), because we feel that it's being a good neighbour to
not send things that we've been told are not wanted.

Most network providers are in the unfortunate position of having allowed
themselves to get too swamped and/or don't care to begin with.  Running a
dirty network is the norm, just as running Windows (sorry Gates) is the
norm, just as running Internet Explorer is something of a norm, just as
running with Administrator privs is the norm, etc.  We've allowed horrible
practices to become the norm.  It's exceedingly hard to fix a bad norm.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:28 AM, Joe Greco wrote:

>> No, but we can and do require cars to have functional brakes and 
>> minimum tread depths, and to be tested periodically.
>> Obviously this is acceptable because the failure modes for cars 
>> are worse, but the proposed solution is less intrusive being after the fact.
> Grandma does not go check her tread depth or check her own brake pads and
> discs for wear.  She lets the shop do that.  I was hoping I didn't have to
> get pedantic and that people could differentiate between "I pay the shop a
> few bucks to do that for me" and "I take responsibility personally to drive
> my car in an appropriate fashion" (which includes things like "I take my
> car to the shop periodically for maintenance I don't have the skills to do
> myself"), but there we have it.
Whether grandma measures the tread depth herself or takes it to the shop,
the point is that grandma is expected to have tires with sufficient tread
depth and working brakes when she operates the car. If not, she's liable.
If she drives like the little old lady from Pasadena, she's liable for the 
accidents she causes.

> My point: We haven't designed computers for end users appropriately.  It
> is not the fault of the end user that they're driving around the crapmobile
> we've provided for them.  If you go to the store to get a new computer, you
> get a choice of crapmobiles all with engines by the same company, unless 
> you go to the fruit store, in which case you get a somewhat less obviously
> vulnerable engine by a different company.  The users don't know how to take
> apart the engines and repair them, and the engines aren't usefully protected
> sufficiently to ensure that they don't get fouled, so you have a Problem.
The end user should be able to recover from the responsible manufacturer
for the design flaws in the hardware/software they are driving. Agreed. That
is how it works in cars, that's how it should work in computers.

What I don't want to see which you are advocating... I don't want to see
the end users who do take responsibility, drive well designed vehicles
with proper seat belts and safety equipment, stay in their lane, and
do not cause accidents held liable for the actions of others. Why should
we penalize those that have done no wrong simply because they happen
to be a minority?


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Jorge Amodio
> I'm not opposed to making operating systems and applications safer.
> As I said, just as with cars, the manufacturers should be held liable
> by the consumers.  However, the consumer that is operating the
> car that plows a group of pedestrians is liable to the pedestrians.
> The manufacturer is usually liable to the operator through subrogation.

That's why at least in the US by *regulation* you must have insurance
to be able to operate a car, instead of mitigating the safety issues
that represents a teenager texting while driving we deal with the

Perhaps we have to call the insurance industry to come up with something.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Karl Auer
On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 07:02 -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC user
> to do.

Sure - but if their computer, as a result of their ignorance, starts
belching out spam, ISPs should be able at very least to counteract the
problem. For example, by disconnecting that user and telling them why
they have been disconnected. Why should it be the ISP's duty to silently
absorb the blows? Why should the user have no responsibility here?

To carry your analogy a bit too far, if someone is roaming the streets
in a beat-up jalopy with wobbly wheels, no lights, no brakes, no
mirrors, and sideswiping parked cars, is it up to the city to somehow
clear the way for that driver? No - the car is taken off the road and
the driver told to fix it or get a new one. If the problem appears to be
the driver rather than the vehicle, the driver is told they cannot drive
until they have obtained a Clue.

If the user, as a result of their computer being zombified or whatever,
has to

> "take it in to
> NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
> a new computer,"

...then that's the user's problem. They can solve it with insurance
(appropriate policies will come into being), or they can solve it by
becoming more knowledgeable, or they can solve it by hiring know how.
But it is *their* problem. The fact that it is the user's problem will
drive the industry to solve that problem, because anywhere there is a
problem there is a market for a solution.

>  then we - as the people who have designed and provided 
> technology - have failed, and we are trying to pass off responsibility 
> for our collective failure onto the end user.

I think what's being called for is not total abdication of
responsibility - just some sharing of the responsibility.

> This implies that our
> operating systems need to be more secure, way more secure, our applications
> need to be less permissive, probably way less permissive, probably even
> sandboxed by default

Yep! And the fastest way to get more secure systems is to make consumers
accountable, so that they demand accountability from their vendors. And
so it goes, all the way up the chain. Make people accountable. At every

> We can make their Internet cars safer for them - but we largely haven't.

I'm not sure that the word "we" is appropriate here. Who is "we"? How
can (say) network operators be held responsible for (say) a weakness in
Adobe Flash? At that level too, the consumer needs comeback - on the
providers of weak software.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (   +61-2-64957160 (h)  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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Old fingerprint: 07F3 1DF9 9D45 8BCD 7DD5 00CE 4A44 6A03 F43A 7DEF

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Joe Greco wrote:

>> I'm all for that, but, point is that people who fail to meet that standard 
>> are
>> currently getting a free ride. IMHO, they should pay and they should have
>> the recourse of being (at least partially) reimbursed by their at-fault 
>> software
>> vendors for contributory negligence.
> Great idea.  You know, I've got a great solution for global warming.
> Let's hold all the car owners accountable for all the greenhouse gases
> their cars belch out, and let them have the recourse of being (at least
> partially) reimbursed by their at-fault car manufacturers and gasoline
> distributors for contributory negligence.
1.  My car emits very little greenhouse gas, so, I'm cool with that.  Sounds
great to me. (I drive a Prius).

2.  Manufacturers are held liable for contributory negligence when the
design of their vehicle is unsafe and causes an accident.

3.  We're not talking about greenhouse gasses here... We're talking
about car-wrecks on the information superhighway caused by
a combination of irresponsible operators and poor vehicle design.

> See how insane that sounds?
Actually, it sounds reasonably sane to me, but, it's not a good analogy
as noted above, so, the relative merits are mostly irrelevant.


Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Jorge Amodio
> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

Not sure, ISPs role is just to move packets from A to B, you need to
clearly define what constitutes abuse and how much of it is considered
a crime.

If I call your home every five minutes to harass you over the phone is
AT&T responsible ?

> 1a. If so, how?

Pull the plug without looking at how much you are billing.

> 2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
> abuse their services in a criminal manner?

Same as 1,

> 2.a If so, how?

Same as 1a.

> I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
> criminal activity, they should take action, no?
> If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

What incentive they have to do so ? and how liable they become if do
something without a court order or such ?

> Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
> criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.

Probably true, here money talks.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:02 AM, Joe Greco wrote:

>> So? If said end customer is operating a network-connected system without
>> sufficient knowledge to properly maintain it and prevent it from doing 
>> mischief
>> to the rest of the network, why should the rest of us subsidize her 
>> negligence?
>> I don't see where making her pay is a bad thing.
> I see that you don't understand that.
Seems to me that you are the one not understanding...

I can't refinance my mortgage right now to take advantage of the current 
rates.  Why?  Because irresponsible people got into loans they couldn't
afford and engaged in speculative transactions. Their failure resulted in
a huge drop in value to my house which brought me below the magic
80% loan to value ratio, which, because of said same bad actors became
a legal restriction instead of a target number around which lenders had
some flexibility. So, because I had a house I could afford and a reasonable
mortgage, I'm now getting penalized by paying higher taxes to cover
mortgage absorptions, reductions, and modifications for these irresponsible
people. I'm getting penalized by paying higher interest rates because due
to the damage they did to my property value and the laws they forced
to be created, I can't refinance.

I'm mad as hell and frankly, I don't want to take it any more.

Do you see that?  Do you still think I don't have a legitimate point on this?

I'm tired of subsidizing stupidity and bad actors. It's too expensive. I don't
want to do it any more.  We already have too many stupid people and bad
actors.  We really don't need to subsidize or encourage the creation of more.

>> The internet may be a vast ocean where bad guys keep dumping garbage,
>> but, if software vendors stopped building highly exploitable code and ISPs
>> started disconnecting abusing systems rapidly, it would have a major effect
>> on the constantly changing currents. If abuse departments were fully funded
>> by cleanup fees charged to negligent users who failed to secure their systems
>> properly, it would both incentivize users to do proper security _AND_ provide
>> for more responsive abuse departments as issues are reduced and their
>> budget scales linearly with the amount of abuse being conducted.
> The reality is that things change.  Forty-three years ago, you could still
> buy a car that didn't have seat belts.  Thirty years ago, most people still
> didn't wear seat belts.  Twenty years ago, air bags began appearing in
> large volume in passenger vehicles.  Throughout this period, cars have been
> de-stiffened with crumple zones, etc., in order to make them safer for
> passengers in the event of a crash.  Mandatory child seat laws have been
> enacted at various times throughout.  A little more than ten years ago, air
> bags were mandatory.  Ten years ago, LATCH clips for child safety seats
> became mandatory.  We now have side impact air bags, etc.

> Generally speaking, we do not penalize car owners for owning an older car,
> and we've maybe only made them retrofit seat belts (but not air bags,
> crumple zones, etc) into them, despite the fact that some of those big old
> boats can be quite deadly to other drivers in today's more easily-damaged
> cars.  We've increased auto safety by mandating better cars, and by
> penalizing users who fail to make use of the safety features.
Right, but, owners of older cars are primarily placing themselves at risk, not

In this case, it's a question of others putting me at risk. That, generally,
isn't tolerated.

> There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC user
> to do.  The average PC user expects to be able to check e-mail, view the
> web, edit some documents, and listen to some songs.  The average car driver
> expects to be able to drive around and do things.  You can try to mandate
> that the average car driver must change their own oil, just as you can try
> to mandate that the average computer must do what you've naively referred
> to as "proper security", but the reality is that grandma doesn't want to 
> get under her car, doesn't have the knowledge or tools, and would rather 
> spend $30 at SpeedyLube.  If we can not make security a similarly easy
> target for the end-user, rather than telling them to "take it in to
> NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
> a new computer," then we - as the people who have designed and provided 
> technology - have failed, and we are trying to pass off responsibility 
> for our collective failure onto the end user.
I disagree.  It used to be that anyone could drive a car. Today, you need
to take instruction on driving and pass a test showing you are competent
to operate a motor vehicle before you are allowed to drive legally.

Things change, as you say.  I have no problem with the same requirement
being added to attaching a computer to the network.

If you drive a car in a reckless manner so as to endanger

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> No, but we can and do require cars to have functional brakes and 
> minimum tread depths, and to be tested periodically.
> Obviously this is acceptable because the failure modes for cars 
> are worse, but the proposed solution is less intrusive being after the fact.

Grandma does not go check her tread depth or check her own brake pads and
discs for wear.  She lets the shop do that.  I was hoping I didn't have to
get pedantic and that people could differentiate between "I pay the shop a
few bucks to do that for me" and "I take responsibility personally to drive
my car in an appropriate fashion" (which includes things like "I take my
car to the shop periodically for maintenance I don't have the skills to do
myself"), but there we have it.

My point: We haven't designed computers for end users appropriately.  It
is not the fault of the end user that they're driving around the crapmobile
we've provided for them.  If you go to the store to get a new computer, you
get a choice of crapmobiles all with engines by the same company, unless 
you go to the fruit store, in which case you get a somewhat less obviously
vulnerable engine by a different company.  The users don't know how to take
apart the engines and repair them, and the engines aren't usefully protected
sufficiently to ensure that they don't get fouled, so you have a Problem.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Jorge Amodio
> I'm all fine with noting that certain products are particularly awful.
> However, we have to be aware that users are simply not going to be required
> to go get a CompSci degree specializing in risk management and virus
> cleansing prior to being allowed to buy a computer.  This implies that our
> operating systems need to be more secure, way more secure, our applications
> need to be less permissive, probably way less permissive, probably even
> sandboxed by default, our networks need to be more resilient to threats,
> ranging from simple things such as BCP38 and automatic detection of certain
> obvious violations, to more comprehensive things such as mandatory virus
> scanning by e-mail providers, etc., ...  there's a lot that could be done,
> that most on the technology side of things have been unwilling to commit
> to.

Great comments Joe, and I agree with you that there is a lot more that
can be done and should be done, but there is a main difference with
your recount about the auto industry, all those changes were pushed by
evolving regulation and changes in the law and enforcement.

Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Jorge Amodio
>> On the other hand think as the Internet being a vast ocean where the
>> bad guys keep dumping garbage, you can't control or filter the
>> currents that are constantly changing and you neither can inspect
>> every water molecule, then what do you do to find and penalize the
>> ones that drop or permit their systems to drop garbage on the ocean ?
> Bad analogy. There's some plumes of oil in the Gulf of Mexico that are
> getting mapped out very well by only a few ships.  You don't have to
> examine every molecule to find parts-per-million oil, or to figure out
> who's oil rig the oil came from.

May be, but that is a particular case where you can exactly finger
point who made the mess and make him accountable and responsible to
cleaning it. But it's another example that shows that companies make
decisions based not on what is right or wrong to do but what is more
or less profitable to do within a risk management context.

> And you don't need to look at every packet to find abusive traffic
> either - in most cases, simply letting the rest of the net do the work
> for you and just reading your abuse@ mailbox and actually dealing with
> the reports is 95% of what's needed.

Agreed, but you still have no control about what happens on the other
side of the ocean, and if you don't provide a liability waiver to the
abuse@ guy they may have their hands tied by their legal department to
do anything.

I'll give you another bad analogy, for sure we need to keep an eye and
deal with transport and distribution, but the only way to eradicate
drugs (most unlikely because of the amount of $$$ it moves) is to go
after production and particularly consume, meanwhile the only thing
you can do is damage control and contention.

If it is still so freaking easy for the crocks to have a profitable
criminal biz on the net, they will find the workaround to keep making
money while its easy.

My point is, go hard after the crocks and fix the holes, things like
why the heck access to the power grid control systems are accessible
over the net from Hackertistan ? And if there is a real reason for it
to be on the net put the necessary amount of money and technology to
make it as secure as possible.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Alexander Harrowell
No, but we can and do require cars to have functional brakes and minimum tread 
depths, and to be tested periodically.

Obviously this is acceptable because the failure modes for cars are worse, but 
the proposed solution is less intrusive being after the fact.

Excuse topposting, on mobile.

"Joe Greco"  wrote:

>> So? If said end customer is operating a network-connected system without
>> sufficient knowledge to properly maintain it and prevent it from doing 
>> mischief
>> to the rest of the network, why should the rest of us subsidize her 
>> negligence?
>> I don't see where making her pay is a bad thing.
>I see that you don't understand that.
>> The internet may be a vast ocean where bad guys keep dumping garbage,
>> but, if software vendors stopped building highly exploitable code and ISPs
>> started disconnecting abusing systems rapidly, it would have a major effect
>> on the constantly changing currents. If abuse departments were fully funded
>> by cleanup fees charged to negligent users who failed to secure their systems
>> properly, it would both incentivize users to do proper security _AND_ provide
>> for more responsive abuse departments as issues are reduced and their
>> budget scales linearly with the amount of abuse being conducted.
>The reality is that things change.  Forty-three years ago, you could still
>buy a car that didn't have seat belts.  Thirty years ago, most people still
>didn't wear seat belts.  Twenty years ago, air bags began appearing in
>large volume in passenger vehicles.  Throughout this period, cars have been
>de-stiffened with crumple zones, etc., in order to make them safer for
>passengers in the event of a crash.  Mandatory child seat laws have been
>enacted at various times throughout.  A little more than ten years ago, air
>bags were mandatory.  Ten years ago, LATCH clips for child safety seats
>became mandatory.  We now have side impact air bags, etc.
>Generally speaking, we do not penalize car owners for owning an older car,
>and we've maybe only made them retrofit seat belts (but not air bags,
>crumple zones, etc) into them, despite the fact that some of those big old
>boats can be quite deadly to other drivers in today's more easily-damaged
>cars.  We've increased auto safety by mandating better cars, and by
>penalizing users who fail to make use of the safety features.
>There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC user
>to do.  The average PC user expects to be able to check e-mail, view the
>web, edit some documents, and listen to some songs.  The average car driver
>expects to be able to drive around and do things.  You can try to mandate
>that the average car driver must change their own oil, just as you can try
>to mandate that the average computer must do what you've naively referred
>to as "proper security", but the reality is that grandma doesn't want to 
>get under her car, doesn't have the knowledge or tools, and would rather 
>spend $30 at SpeedyLube.  If we can not make security a similarly easy
>target for the end-user, rather than telling them to "take it in to
>NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
>a new computer," then we - as the people who have designed and provided 
>technology - have failed, and we are trying to pass off responsibility 
>for our collective failure onto the end user.
>I'm all fine with noting that certain products are particularly awful.
>However, we have to be aware that users are simply not going to be required
>to go get a CompSci degree specializing in risk management and virus
>cleansing prior to being allowed to buy a computer.  This implies that our
>operating systems need to be more secure, way more secure, our applications
>need to be less permissive, probably way less permissive, probably even
>sandboxed by default, our networks need to be more resilient to threats,
>ranging from simple things such as BCP38 and automatic detection of certain
>obvious violations, to more comprehensive things such as mandatory virus
>scanning by e-mail providers, etc., ...  there's a lot that could be done,
>that most on the technology side of things have been unwilling to commit
>We can make their Internet cars safer for them - but we largely haven't.
>Now we can all look forward to misguided government efforts to mandate
>some of this stuff.
>... JG
>Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
>"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
>won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
>With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> So? If said end customer is operating a network-connected system without
> sufficient knowledge to properly maintain it and prevent it from doing 
> mischief
> to the rest of the network, why should the rest of us subsidize her 
> negligence?
> I don't see where making her pay is a bad thing.

I see that you don't understand that.

> The internet may be a vast ocean where bad guys keep dumping garbage,
> but, if software vendors stopped building highly exploitable code and ISPs
> started disconnecting abusing systems rapidly, it would have a major effect
> on the constantly changing currents. If abuse departments were fully funded
> by cleanup fees charged to negligent users who failed to secure their systems
> properly, it would both incentivize users to do proper security _AND_ provide
> for more responsive abuse departments as issues are reduced and their
> budget scales linearly with the amount of abuse being conducted.

The reality is that things change.  Forty-three years ago, you could still
buy a car that didn't have seat belts.  Thirty years ago, most people still
didn't wear seat belts.  Twenty years ago, air bags began appearing in
large volume in passenger vehicles.  Throughout this period, cars have been
de-stiffened with crumple zones, etc., in order to make them safer for
passengers in the event of a crash.  Mandatory child seat laws have been
enacted at various times throughout.  A little more than ten years ago, air
bags were mandatory.  Ten years ago, LATCH clips for child safety seats
became mandatory.  We now have side impact air bags, etc.

Generally speaking, we do not penalize car owners for owning an older car,
and we've maybe only made them retrofit seat belts (but not air bags,
crumple zones, etc) into them, despite the fact that some of those big old
boats can be quite deadly to other drivers in today's more easily-damaged
cars.  We've increased auto safety by mandating better cars, and by
penalizing users who fail to make use of the safety features.

There is only so much "proper security" you can expect the average PC user
to do.  The average PC user expects to be able to check e-mail, view the
web, edit some documents, and listen to some songs.  The average car driver
expects to be able to drive around and do things.  You can try to mandate
that the average car driver must change their own oil, just as you can try
to mandate that the average computer must do what you've naively referred
to as "proper security", but the reality is that grandma doesn't want to 
get under her car, doesn't have the knowledge or tools, and would rather 
spend $30 at SpeedyLube.  If we can not make security a similarly easy
target for the end-user, rather than telling them to "take it in to
NerdForce and spend some random amount between $50 and twice the cost of
a new computer," then we - as the people who have designed and provided 
technology - have failed, and we are trying to pass off responsibility 
for our collective failure onto the end user.

I'm all fine with noting that certain products are particularly awful.
However, we have to be aware that users are simply not going to be required
to go get a CompSci degree specializing in risk management and virus
cleansing prior to being allowed to buy a computer.  This implies that our
operating systems need to be more secure, way more secure, our applications
need to be less permissive, probably way less permissive, probably even
sandboxed by default, our networks need to be more resilient to threats,
ranging from simple things such as BCP38 and automatic detection of certain
obvious violations, to more comprehensive things such as mandatory virus
scanning by e-mail providers, etc., ...  there's a lot that could be done,
that most on the technology side of things have been unwilling to commit

We can make their Internet cars safer for them - but we largely haven't.
Now we can all look forward to misguided government efforts to mandate
some of this stuff.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 00:36:29 EDT, "Patrick W. Gilmore" said:
> But it is not -just- market share.  There are a lot more Windows Mobile
> compromises, viruses, etc., than iOS, Symbian, and RIM.  I think
> combined.  Yet Windows Mobile has the lowest market share of the four.

I'll just point out that it's really hard for the user to install some
random app they found on the net on 3 of those operating systems,

Let's face it - a significant percentage of users really need to be
restricted to a Harvard architecture "no user serviceable parts inside"
system if you expect them to compute safely.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Gregory Edigarov
On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 06:27:08 -0500 (CDT)
Joe Greco  wrote:

> > I'm all for that, but, point is that people who fail to meet that
> > standard are currently getting a free ride. IMHO, they should pay
> > and they should have the recourse of being (at least partially)
> > reimbursed by their at-fault software vendors for contributory
> > negligence.

Yeah, of course, let's go back into 1990's, and pay for every byte sent.
This surely will keep users accountable for their all faulty software. 
> Great idea.  You know, I've got a great solution for global warming.
> Let's hold all the car owners accountable for all the greenhouse gases
> their cars belch out, and let them have the recourse of being (at
> least partially) reimbursed by their at-fault car manufacturers and
> gasoline distributors for contributory negligence.

With best regards,
Gregory Edigarov

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> >Obviously NATO is not concerned with proving the culprit of an attack an
> >albeit close to impossibility. Considering that many attackers
> >compromise so many machines, what's to stop someone from instigating. I
> >can see it coming now:
> >
> >hping -S -a -p ++21 -w 6000
> >hping -S -a -p ++21 -w 6000
> Lets try to seperate the attacks into those that we (NANOG) have dealt with 
> and those that NATO are referring to - and there is *no* overlap between 
> the two.
> Attacks such as botnets, hpings, compromised machines, DDOS attacks, site 
> defacements, prefix hijacks is what this list deals with, sometimes well 
> and other times not.
> The attacks NATO is referring to are ones like causing trains to crash into 
> each other, attacks causing oil and gas pipelines to overload and explode, 
> attacks altering blood bank data, attacks poisoning the water supply, etc. 
> - all of which can be done remotely.
> NATO is in no way (unless they have been out in the sun too long) condoning 
> an attack for a DDOS attack.  I think NATO is discussing attacking if 5,000 
> people die from some cyber attack as listed above (I have many more 
> scenerios).

That's a great starting place, because most will agree that such attacks
would be sufficiently serious to warrant a response.


1) What happens when the attack moves on down the scale, towards "a cyber
   attack that crippled vital military communication networks (but didn't
   kill anyone)", or "a cyber attack that crippled government websites
   (but was basically just a nuisance)"?

2) What happens when a decision is made to play tit for tat, and A attacks
   B, B misidentifies A as C, and B attacks C with cyber warfare?

"Cyber warfare" responses will almost certainly need to include DoS
capabilities.  This is troublesome.  Let's consider, for the sake of 
discussion, an attack by the US on Elbonia.  Everyone here knows how
the 'net works; Elbonia isn't going to allow the US military to run a
bunch of fiber to their border and hook up to their routers.  That
traffic will have to arrive via existing commercial connectivity. 
How exactly will that work?  How exactly will that impact the carriers
who are also running their normal traffic for other locations on the
same networks?  Some I've talked to seem to think that this is an
unlikely or even unthinkable situation, but let's be realistic:  if
you want to render an enemy's radio communication useless, you flood 
their radio spectrum, etc., and at some point, it's not unthinkable to
the average politician to expect to be able to do the same thing to a

It's not unthinkable, alas.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Joe Greco
> I'm all for that, but, point is that people who fail to meet that standard are
> currently getting a free ride. IMHO, they should pay and they should have
> the recourse of being (at least partially) reimbursed by their at-fault 
> software
> vendors for contributory negligence.

Great idea.  You know, I've got a great solution for global warming.
Let's hold all the car owners accountable for all the greenhouse gases
their cars belch out, and let them have the recourse of being (at least
partially) reimbursed by their at-fault car manufacturers and gasoline
distributors for contributory negligence.

See how insane that sounds?

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Paul Ferguson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
>>> Please, be for real -- the criminals go after the entrenched majority.
>>> If it were any other OS, the story would be the same.
>> If this were true, the criminals would be all over Apache and yet it is
>> IIS that gets compromised most often.
> Actually, that is another fallacy.
> The majority of SQL Injections are on Apache-based systems.
SQL injection is an SQL attack, not a compromise of the HTTP daemon
itself (usually partially a compromise of PHP or similar scripting language).

The majority of compromises (buffer overflows, etc.) against the web server
itself are IIS.

> Look, this isn't a blame-game in which we need to point out one vendor,
> operating system, plug-in, browser, or whatever.
Agreed... All vulnerable vendors should be treated the same. If you are
selling software without source code and making money as "professional
developers" by selling that software, then, it should come with liability for
the damages caused by your failure to secure the software properly.

If you're providing source code and allowing others to use it and you are
not getting paid for developing it, then, obviously, it is ridiculous to hold 
liable since the person who chose to use your source code has the ability
to fix it to resolve any security issues.

> The problem is that it is a wide-spread problem wherein we have millions of
> compromised consumer (and non-consumer) hosts doing the bidding of Bad
> Guys.

> I would certainly love to hear your solution to this problem.
Hold the owners of compromised systems financially liable for the damage they
do. Make it possible for said owners to subrogate such claims against any 
of commercial closed insecure software which contributed to the compromise of 

> And stop pointing fingers.
No finger pointing there, just actual liability targeted at those actually 


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Michiel Klaver

- Original message -
All that said, the biggest problem is users.  Social Engineering is a far 
bigger threat than anything in software.  And I don't know how we stop that.  
Anyone have an idea?

Users will click anything they find 'interesting', can't change that part up 
front. However, after those users get infected with whatever 
virii/worm/botnet client came along, you could detect it [1] and place them 
into a quarantaine vlan routing all traffic to an information page stating 
they have done something stupid and educate them how to clean-up and 
avoiding it from happening in the future again.

This will stop the abuse almost instantly (if the detection and vlan move is 
done automatically), and it will educate users afterwards by learning from 
their msitakes. Most users appreciate such kind of warnings from their own 
ISP (afraid of loosing documents by a virus) and are willing to clean-up. 
You could charge fees when users need clean-up assistance.

[1] Projects like scan all kinds of botnets and (after a 
sign-up) send out notifications to your abuse-desk when they find infected 
hosts at your IP subnets. You could also setup your own Snort IDS with the 
detection rules from

With kind regards,

Michiel Klaver
IT Professional

Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Paul Ferguson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
> boil this down to a couple of issues:
> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
Yes, but, there should be an exemption from liability for ISPs that take
action to resolve the situation within 24 hours of first awareness (by
either internal detection or external report).

> 1a. If so, how?
Unless exempt as I suggested above, they should be financially liable
for the cleanup costs and damages to all affected systems.

They should be entitled to recover these costs from the responsible
customer through a process like subrogation.

> 2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
> abuse their services in a criminal manner?
Absolutely, with the same exemptions specified above.

> 2.a If so, how?
See my answer to 1a above.

> I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
> criminal activity, they should take action, no?

> If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?
Because we don't inflict any form of liability or penalty when they fail to do 


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-09 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:11 PM, JC Dill wrote:

> Owen DeLong wrote:
>> Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue. 
> What entity do you see as having any possibility of effective regulatory 
> control over the internet?
> The reason we have these problems to begin with is because there is no way 
> for people (or government regulators) in the US to control ISPs in eastern 
> Europe etc.
The reason we have these problems is because NO government is taking action. If 
each government
took the action I suggested locally against the ISPs in their region, it would 
be just as effective.
In fact, the more governments that take the action I suggested, the more 
effective it would be.


Re: ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-09 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 11:14:10PM -0700, Paul Ferguson wrote:
> 1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

Yes -- if they wish to be considered at least minimally professional.
The principle is "if it comes from your host/network on your watch, it's
your abuse".  Given that many common forms of abuse are easily identified,
and in many cases, easily prevented with cursory due diligence upfront,
there's really no excuse for what we see on a regular basis.  Abusers have
learned that they don't have to make the slightest effort at concealment
or subtlety; even the most egregious and obvious instances can operate
with impunity for extended periods of time. [1]

As I've often said, spam (to pick one form out of abuse) does not just
magically fall out of the sky.  If I can see it arriving on one of my
networks, then surely someone else can see it leaving theirs...if only
they bother to look.  And of course in many cases they need not even
do that, because others have already done it for them and generously
published the results or furnished them to the RFC2142-designated contact
address for abuse issues.


[1] One would think, for example, that many ISPs and web hosts would
have learned by now that when a new customer fills a /24 with nonsensically
named domains or with sequentially numbered domains that the spam will
start any minute now.  But fresh evidence arrives every day suggesting
that this is still well beyond their capabilities.

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-08 Thread Paul Ferguson
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:11 PM, JC Dill  wrote:

> Owen DeLong wrote:
>> Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue.
> What entity do you see as having any possibility of effective regulatory
> control over the internet?
> The reason we have these problems to begin with is because there is no
> way for people (or government regulators) in the US to control ISPs in
> eastern Europe etc.

Exactly, which is the problem we are foretelling.

If you guys can't wrap your brains around the problem, and can't come up
with suitable solutions to abate criminal activity, then the hammer drops
in a way which none of us will appreciate.

I think that is pretty clear.

The U.S. Government doesn't care about ISPs in The Netherlands or Christmas
Islands, because it is not within their jurisdiction.

But you are. That is the entire point.


- - ferg

Version: PGP Desktop 9.5.3 (Build 5003)


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

2010-06-08 Thread Paul Ferguson
Hash: SHA1

To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
boil this down to a couple of issues:

1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

1a. If so, how?

2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
abuse their services in a criminal manner?

2.a If so, how?

I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
criminal activity, they should take action, no?

If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.


- - ferg

Version: PGP Desktop 9.5.3 (Build 5003)


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-08 Thread JC Dill

Owen DeLong wrote:

Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue. 

What entity do you see as having any possibility of effective regulatory 
control over the internet?

The reason we have these problems to begin with is because there is no 
way for people (or government regulators) in the US to control ISPs in 
eastern Europe etc.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-08 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote:

>> Problem is there's no financial liability for producing massively 
>> exploitable software.
>> No financial penalty for operating a compromised system.
>> No penalty for ignoring abuse complaints.
>> Etc.
>> Imagine how fast things would change in Redmond if Micr0$0ft had to pay the 
>> cleanup costs for each and every infected system and any damage said 
>> infected system did prior to the owner/operator becoming aware of the 
>> infection.
> It isn't Microsoft.  It once was, but Vista and Windows 7 are really solid, 
> probably much better than Linux or Mac OS.  (Note that I run NetBSD and Mac 
> OS; I don't run Windows not because it's insecure but because it's an 
> unpleasant work environment for me.)
> Microsoft is targeted because they have the market.  If Steve Jobs keeps 
> succeeding with his reality distortion field, we'll see a lot more attacks on 
> Macs in a very few years.  It's also Flash and Acrobat Reader.  It's also 
> users who click to install every plug-in recommended by every dodgy web site 
> they visit.  It's also users who don't install patches, including those for 
> XP (which really was that buggy).  There's plenty of blame to go around 
> here
> A liability scheme, with penalties on users and vendors, is certainly worth 
> considering.  Such a scheme would also have side-effects -- think of the 
> effect on open source software.  It would also be a lovely source of income 
> for lawyers, and would inhibit new software development.  The tradeoff may be 
> worth while -- or it may not, because I have yet to see evidence that 
> *anyone* can produce really secure software without driving up costs at least 
> five-fold.
Open source should be basically covered by the equivalent of a good samaritan 

After all, the source is open, so, anyone who wants it fixed can fix it.

OTOH, non-open-source software which is subject to dependency on a vendor who 
got paid
for the software as a professional development house should carry a different 
standard of

Just as the mechanic you pay at the local garage is held to a higher standard 
of liability than
the shade-tree mechanic on your block that changes your oil for free.


Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-08 Thread Paul Ferguson
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:

>> Please, be for real -- the criminals go after the entrenched majority.
>> If it were any other OS, the story would be the same.
> If this were true, the criminals would be all over Apache and yet it is
> IIS that gets compromised most often.

Actually, that is another fallacy.

The majority of SQL Injections are on Apache-based systems.

Look, this isn't a blame-game in which we need to point out one vendor,
operating system, plug-in, browser, or whatever.

The problem is that it is a wide-spread problem wherein we have millions of
compromised consumer (and non-consumer) hosts doing the bidding of Bad

I would certainly love to hear your solution to this problem.

And stop pointing fingers.

- - ferg

Version: PGP Desktop 9.5.3 (Build 5003)


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

2010-06-08 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 9:06 PM, JC Dill wrote:

> Dave Rand wrote:
>> I'm fond of getting the issues addressed by getting the ISPs to be involved
>> with the problem.   If that means users get charged "clean up" fees instead
>> of a "security" fee, that's fine.
> "I urge all my competitors to do that."
> The problem isn't that this is a bad idea, the problem is that it's a bad 
> idea to be the first to do it.  You want to be the last to do it.  You want 
> all other companies to do it first - to charge their customers more (while 
> you don't charge more and take away some of their business) to pay for this 
> cost.
Heck, at this point, I'd be OK with it being a regulatory issue.  Perhaps we 
need regulators to
step in and put forth something like the following:

1.  An ISP who receives an abuse complaint against one of their customers 
shall not be
held liable for damages to the complainant or other third parties IF:

A.  Said ISP investigates and takes remedial action for valid 
complaints within 24
hours of receipt of said complaint.

B.  Said ISP responds to said abuse complaint within 4 hours of 
their determination
including the determination made and what, if any, remedial 
action was taken.


C.  If the complaint was legitimate, the remedial action taken by 
said ISP causes
the reported abuse to stop.

2.  Any ISP who takes remedial action against one of their customers as 
in the previous section shall charge their customer a fee which shall 
not be
less than $100 and not more than the ISP's full costs of investigation 
remedial action.

I'm not saying I necessarily like the idea of more regulation, but, if we as an 
are unwilling to solve this because of the above competitive concerns, then, 
that is what is necessary to get us to act.


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