GSoC Status Report

2011-05-16 Thread Marc Green
Hello all,

My name is Marc Green and I am working on the 'Standardization of Core
Documentation Parsing Tools' GSoC project. The proposal is available for
reading at If you don't want to read the
whole thing, or even follow the link, the description of the project is as
follows: I am going to deprecate Pod::Parser by replacing all uses of it
within perl's core with Pod::Simple.

Although the coding period does not officially start until May 23rd, my
mentors (hey rjbs and theory) and I decided that the best way to participate
in the community bonding/setting up period is to start coding. I have been
working for about 2.5 weeks so far, and decided I have made enough progress
to elicit a status report, so here we are.

In summary, this is what I have done so far:
- converted the first (and easiest) module, Module::Build::PodParser, from
using Pod::Parser (
- started converting Pod::Html to use Pod::Simple instead of the home grown
- - I have implemented a --backlink flag in Pod::Simple as a first step (

What I plan to do over the next week(s):
- continue converting Pod::Html to use Pod::Simple (I believe this will be
the most time consuming module to convert)
- - I will need to write a subclass of Pod::Simple::Xhtml in order to
implement the features needed for Pod::Html
- - my mentors and I have decided to remove the current cache feature of
Pod::Html in order to simplify the conversion

Also, if you *really* want to know what is going on, the irc logs from the
meetings I have with my mentors are available at There is also a todo list there I made
for myself, but it probably won't shed any light on the situation for anyone
who is not me.

Thanks for reading,

Pod::Html's cross referencing of C<> links

2011-05-20 Thread Marc Green
Hello Tom,

I am converting the homemade pod parser in Pod::Html to Pod::Simple, and I
am trying to keep most of the functionality while doing so, too.

I am currently attempting to understand how the module cross references the
links. More specifically, I understand how it resolves L<> links, but I am
confused as to why you resolve C<> "links". From reading the source, I
gather that C<> "links" are resolved by searching pod documents for =item
directives, and storing their text in a global hash.

Could you explain what C<> links are, and why you cross reference them? (You
can skip the second question if the answer to the first makes it redundant.)

Thank you,

Re: Pod::Html's cross referencing of C<> links

2011-05-20 Thread Marc Green
> My guess is that it's just plain wrong, so no wonder it's confusing.
> Perhaps it's reflecting an early design, or perhaps it's just a typo, and L
> was meant instead of C.  L<> can link to =items provided they are of a type
> that permits that.  Currently, the only ones that are are ones that are in
> what html calls definition lists, at least in Pod::Html.

I do not think it would be a typo for it is repeated in several cases
(unless it was a typo in a find/replace all, I suppose). Whatever the
reason, could you rephrase your last sentence? I feel that it will shed some
light on something I am not grasping, but currently it is rather difficult
to understand.

Re: Pod::Html's cross referencing of C<> links

2011-05-21 Thread Marc Green
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Karl Williamson

> Perhaps what is meant in the comments is that you can't use L<> to link to
> most =item's.  If you need to refer to one, perhaps you should use C<>
> markup to distinguish it from regular text.  But the C<> would be a verbal
> reference and not a clickable link.

Ah, I think you are right. Thanks for clarifying.

I don't know when the specification changed, but after another read of the
I have an answer:

Previous versions of perlpod distinguished L links from L
>  links (and their targets). These have been merged
> syntactically and semantically in the current specification, and *section*can 
> refer either to a "=head
> *n* Heading Content" command or to a "=item Item Content" command.

Well, it is not an answer to my original question, but it helps me make the
executive decision to consider "C<> links" as L<> links.

Thanks for the help,

GSoC Status Update

2011-05-27 Thread Marc Green
Hello all,

I am sending my status report early because I will not be able to send it at
the beginning of next week.

Although one could not tell from the most recent
commitsI have pushed this past week, I
have gotten a lot done. This is because I
have found out what I have been doing is a colossal waste of time.

More specifically, at the beginning of this week I was in the mindset that I
needed to subclass Pod::Simple::Xhtml to modify it in order to resolve L<>
directives to local links (as opposed to online links, as it does by
default). So I went on my merry way, creating the module, tossing ideas back
and forth about how to best achieve the desired result, until about 2 hours
ago. I realized that it will be a pain pursuing my original plan (which was
to use Pod::Simple::Search within my subclass of ::Xhtml in order to resolve
the links). Consequently, I realized I need not subclass Xhtml to resolve
links locally, the module itself provides methods to alter the URL of all
links. It's embarrassing that I never thought to use said methods before,
but oh well, the damage is done.

Not only that, but I took on way too much when I was subclassing ::Xhtml.
For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to scrap everything in
Pod::Html and rewrite it using my subclass. I came to my senses today and
realized I only need to have a drop in replacement for Pod::Html's pod
parser and xhtml formatter. What a relief!

But this week wasn't really a waste of time. Besides the obvious reason of
finding a good way not to resolve links locally, I learned about the
internals of Pod::Html much more (though not enough, yet). I cleaned out all
of Pod::Html's old code, and started setting up to use ::Xhtml and ::Search.
I also removed the --header feature of Pod::Html that was needlessly
distracting me. I plan on adding it, in addition to other features I have
removed, back, once I get the bare bones of the conversion to ::Xhtml done.

I won't have a lot of time next week to work on this, (vacation :D), but
when I get back I plan on, in no particular order:

- using Pod::Simple::Search to resolve L<> directives
- investigating how Pod::Html resolves other links (RFC links, perl.* links
in verbatim text, etc)
- write several test cases for Pod::Html, both to understand how it works
and to have for when I convert it

Thank you,

GSoC Status Update

2011-06-05 Thread Marc Green

This is my weekly status update for my GSoC Project.

I have been on vacation this week, so expectedly not much has been
accomplished. Also, I have not met with my mentors this week (because of the
vacation), but I will be doing so tomorrow, and our discussion will be
posted to The stuff I *have*
accomplished has not been committed yet as it seems rather pointless to
commit random, confusing changes, but expect them to be committed in the
coming days.

I am still working on getting Pod::Html to use Pod::Simple::XHTML instead of
its own parser, and I imagine it will be a few weeks until I am done.
Although this module is taking longer than I thought, I am still on track
because I started coding a few weeks prior to the start of the coding
period. It is taking longer than I thought due to its complexity and sundry
features. In an effort to simplify things, I have removed several features
that will be reimplemented once I can get a skeleton working.

As of right now, I am working on getting the cross referencing of L<> links
to work, which in my opinion is the most confusing part of this module. In
particular, it seems that Pod::Html not only cross references normal L<>
links, but also "C<> links", which I believe is text in a C<> snippet that
is an also the text of an =item directive in one of the perldoc pages (e.g.,
C<$"> would cross reference to the $" item of perlvar). I am not positive on
that, though. To figure out what exactly Pod::Html cross references, I am
adding several test cases.

By the end of next week I plan on having the test cases finished, and have a
working knowledge of how and what Pod::Html cross references. In addition to
that, I plan on having my subclass of Pod::Simple::XHTML, ::LocalPodLinks,
mostly written. This module takes care of cross referencing the pod links,
which, in ::XHTML, is done by linking to a website rather than locally. (A
side note: last week I believed that my work on ::LocalPodLinks was wasted
because I *thought* I found a feature of ::Simple that could do the same
thing, but I was wrong.)

Until next time,

GSoC Status Update (again)

2011-06-06 Thread Marc Green
Hello again,

I am writing another status report as an addendum to my last, as I was able
to meet on irc with my mentor today. The primary thing discussed was my test
cases for Pod::Html. rjbs suggested I look into Html::Element as a way to
save myself much work, because writing more test cases for the current
Pod::Html, although helpful in understanding it, will do little after the
conversion to Pod::Simple. This is because I am not preserving the exact
html output of the current Pod::Html in the switch to Pod::Simple, but I am
preserving the overall translation, and obviously the diff between the two
outputs will yield many differences (so I would have to rewrite the tests).
Html::Element will allow me to focus on the gist of the html without
worrying about the layout. I have not looked into the module yet, but for
now that is what I understand.

Since yesterday's status report, I have written test cases which do not
validate (but do not invalidate) my previous understanding that "C<> links"
are code snippets that are also perldoc =item directives. Regardless of what
further tests reveal, the new Pod::Html will not implicitly convert C<>
snippets to links, as I am taking the advice of Marek Rouchal and sticking
to perlpodspec.

That is all for now,

Re: [pod-simple] Calling _handle_text (#7)

2011-06-11 Thread Marc Green
It seems he realized it was a bug in his code just as soon as he opened the
issue, as per the comment on

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:08 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* ambs <
> *Date:* June 11, 2011 7:41:28 AM PDT
> *To:*
> *Subject:* *[pod-simple] Calling _handle_text (#7)*
> Hello.
> I am hacking `Pod::PseudoPod::LaTeX` and found out a strange behavior that
> seems to be related with `Pod::Simple::BlackBox`, but it's been difficult to
> track the correct place where to fix it. So, some help (guidance or
> correction) is appreciated.
> The problem: consider this pod block...
>=item * Some text
>Some paragraph.
> It seems that ``_handle_text`` is not being called to ``Some text`` nor
> ``Some paragraph`` text. Therefore, ``Pod::PseudoPod::LaTeX`` method that
> should encode special characters to LaTeX is not being called.
> Thank you for any hint or direction.
> All the best,
> ambs
> --
> Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

GSoC Status Update

2011-06-13 Thread Marc Green
Hello everyone,

Another week has passed and it is time to update all of you on my status. As
per usual, the irc meeting with my mentors that I had today is
available at

I excitedly announce that I have a working version of the new Pod::Html! It
successfully takes a pod file and converts it to html via Pod::Simple (no
more home made parser, woohoo!). Although it currently implements a lot of
the old Pod::Html's features, there is still some work to do on it.

The biggest feature I need to implement, the one I have been working on for
more than I should have, is the cross referencing. I am not going to explain
what is confusing me right now, as I will be doing that in an email I am
going to compose shortly after this one, which will be addressed to

Once I get that figured out, I am going to reimplement the --norecurse
feature of Pod::Html which I had removed to simplify the transition. I
believe I will have to subclass Pod::Simple::Search to add a --norecurse
feature there, and then just pass the global $Recurse from Pod::Html to my
subclass of ::Search.

And, of course, I need to do testing. I am confident in the tests that I
have already made, but once I finish the crossreferencing I will be doing
many more.

There are some things that I am not going to have time for (during the
summer, anyway). Pod::Html used to automatically determine the title of the
html page. Pod::Simple::Xhtml does not offer such a feature, and although I
want to implement it, I fear doing so would take time away from future
modules to convert. In addition, I wanted to add the cache feature back in,
but I will not have time.

If any of you want to take a gander at my progress (or lack thereof, if you
are mean), it is available on my github, I
welcome any and all questions.

Thank you,

Pod::Html's use of --htmldir and --htmlroot for cross referencing

2011-06-13 Thread Marc Green

I am having difficulty understanding how Pod::Html uses --htmldir and
--htmlroot. Rather, I understand how it uses them in the code, but I cannot
grasp their overall function or purpose. Do any of you have experience with
this matter or have knowledge that can be shared? Below is an example of my


The documentation says that --htmldir

"Sets the directory in which the resulting HTML file is placed. This is used
> to generate relative links to other files. Not passing this causes all links
> to be absolute, since this is the value that tells Pod::Html the root of the
> documentation tree,"

but that still leaves questions. If $Htmldir sets the directory in which the
resulting file is placed, does that mean it will move it there, or does that
mean I need to repeat the path of the --outfile, as that is where the
--outfile will be? What is the point of that? Further, is it essentially a
boolean switch to determine if I want absolute or relative paths? Are there
any other factors that determine if the path is relative or absolute?

The comments of Pod::Html describe --htmldir as

"The directory to which the html pages will (eventually) be written."

Why is "pages" pluralized? Is --htmldir supposed to be the directory where
all the cross referenced .html pages are? Is the resulting file written
elsewhere but moved there later?

The explanation given in the usage of Pod::Html says that

"--htmldir - directory for resulting HTML files,"

which hints that it should be the directory where all the .html files that
are cross referenced live. Either that, or Pod::Html converts more than one
pod file at a time, which I do not believe is true.


I am faced with similar questions regarding --htmlroot, but I don't see a
point in listing them right now.

Some background information: I am in the middle of converting Pod::Html to
use Pod::Simple instead of its own parser. The feature that I am currently
migrating is the cross referencing of links. I use Pod::Simple::Search to
find all POD files in @Podpath, and using a hash of { name => path } of the
POD files I need to correctly link to them from the resulting html file. My
work is on github, for the subclass
of Pod::Simple::Xhtml that I use, and for
the new Pod::Html.

I appreciate any help given,

GSoC Status Update

2011-06-20 Thread Marc Green

I have much to announce this week. Well, not too much, but I am excited
about it so it seems like a lot.

Starting off from where Ieft last week: I have finally gotten cross
references working in my new Pod::Html! It took a great deal of time,
tinkering, and help from my mentors, but it is finally implemented. The
decided strategy I used to finish was the 'Do what I can and wait for bug
reports', as trying to fully comprehend what is going on is not worth the
time commitment.

After that accomplishment, I started working on test cases for the new
Pod::Html. This is what I am doing right now, but it should not take much
longer, (naively) assuming no setbacks occur. Well, assuming no *other*
setbacks occur: I realized, thanks to the test cases, that
Pod::Simple::XHTML does not anchor =item directives, thus they are not
linkable. I thought it would be an easy bug to fix but it is proving
difficult. rjbs and theory, my mentors, are helping me patch it up, for
which I am very thankful.

For this week I hope to have fixed the aforementioned =item anchoring bug,
finish converting the test cases (and maybe adding new ones), implementing
the --norecurse option in ::Search, and writing test cases for that. If I
can complete all of this, then I can call myself done with Pod::Html. Done
Enough, anyway.

My Pod::Html code:


Handling nested =open directives

2011-06-25 Thread Marc Green
Hello Pod People,

Given the following erroneous POD, should the formatter interpret the bold
line as the start of a text paragraph and indent it (and therefore each line
afterwards would also be treated as a text paragraph), or should the
formatter keep the bold line at the same indent level as the prior
italicized line, and treat the "=item *" as a bulleted list instead of a
text paragraph?

I believe that it should treat it as the former because the bold line is
after the nested =open, but the test case for htmlview.pod disagrees -- it
treats it as the latter.

Thank you,

>From ext/Pod-Html/t/htmlview.pod:

> =over 4
> =item foo
> The foo item.
> =item bar
> *The bar item.*
> =over 4
> *This is a list within a list *
> =item *
> The wiz item.
> =item *
> The waz item.
> =back
> =item baz
> The baz item.
> =back

Re: Handling nested =open directives

2011-06-25 Thread Marc Green
>   From ext/Pod-Html/t/htmlview.pod:
>>  >  =over 4
>>> >
>>> >  =item foo
>>> >
>>> >  The foo item.
>>> >
>>> >  =item bar
>>> >
>>> >  *The bar item.*
>>> >
>>> >  =over 4
>>> >
>>> >  *This is a list within a list *
> This paragraph should not be here. There should be nothing between the
> =over and the first =item. Is it in the original?
Yes, it is in the original.

GSoC Status Update

2011-06-27 Thread Marc Green
Hello everyone,

I am nearly finished converting Pod::Html to use Pod::Simple, which produces
a great feeling, especially compared to the initial overwhelmed feeling I
had before trekking through this module.

Over the past week I have accomplished several goals, including:
implementing a --recurse flag for Pod::Simple::Search to enable/disable
recursing through directories (enabled by default), which is needed because
Pod::Html offers the same flag; implementing a flag in Pod::Simple::Xhtml to
anchor certain =item directives (certain meaning the type of =item that is a
definition list, not a bulleted or numbered list), which is needed in order
to link to those =item directives; and completing several test cases (and
fixing bugs revealed by said test cases).

To call this module finished, I need to complete one final test case, fix up
a few others (explained below), and implement a switch in Pod::Html to
disable the POD ERRORS section from appearing in converted pod files (in
case some don't want that section).

The meeting I had with my mentors today is pushed to if you want to read what transpired. A
main point was that I need to modify the test cases that rely on
/usr/share/perl being present. When making them I knew I would need to
handle this issue, but I figured I would just skip those tests. I was
persuaded to instead just make a mock /usr/share/perl in the test directory
to keep the test cases self sustaining. That seems like the obvious thing to
do, oh well.

If I can finish Pod::Html by Wednesday then I will be right on track with my
projected timeline. I have been working on Pod::Html for a whopping five and
a half weeks. In my proposal I naively gave myself 2.5 weeks to do
Pod::Html, and I clearly did not understand the complexity of the task.
However, because I started writing code at the start of the community
bonding period instead of the official coding period, I gained several
weeks, balancing out my work and the timeline.

Assuming I finish Pod::Html, I will start on Pod::Checker this week.

Thank you,

GSoC Status Update

2011-07-04 Thread Marc Green

Over the past week I was able to implement a --nopoderrors flag in Pod::Html
and finish the test cases for Pod::Html, both of which were described in my
last update. However, I was not able to start on Pod::Checker yet, because I
spent the lesser half of the week struggling with the test cases, trying to
get them to pass on Windows. To make a long week short: I added
"File::Spec"s everywhere they were needed, among other things.

The brunt of the work is done, so now I need to get this patch applied to
perl's core. Before I do, however, I need to:
- fix up some porting/ test cases (e.g., authors.t, manifest.t, etc.),
- have my code reviewed by my mentors (and others),
- have the newest Pod::Simple shipped to cpan and integrated into the core
(looking at you, theory), and
- have a separate patch of mine accepted into the core that removes a test
case that tests an unsupported feature (lib/Pod/t/eol.t).

In addition, I want to try and get Pod::Html into Russ Allbery's podlators.

Most of what is on my todo list for next week involves me waiting for
others, so I plan to start refactoring the next module, Pod::Checker, so
that it uses Pod::Simple instead of Pod::Parser. My first thought is to try
and use Pod::Simple::Checker, but its feature set is severely lacking in
comparison, so I will have to port a lot of code over. Note that this is
being said before I have perused either module, so don't hold me to that.

Thank you,

GSoC Status Update

2011-07-11 Thread Marc Green
Hi everyone,

I have been focusing on the finer details of getting Pod::Html released this
week, and I was able to look into Pod::Checker a little bit too.

With the help of my mentors, essentially all of the test cases for Pod::Html
pass (including the porting/ tests, which were more work than I expected due
to a naming error on my part). I say "essentially" because one of them is
still failing. However, we have determined it is not the fault of Pod::Html,
but of Pod::Simple. Because of this, I am moving the test case over to
Pod::Simple and will fix it before its next release. Before I can smoke (and
release the module), however, a few final things must be finished. In

- I need to complete the aforementioned move of the failing test case,
- I am going to ensure a usable version of pod2html is installed when perl
is installed (via a perlbrew install of my perl branch), and
- The newest version of Module::Build needs to be released and merged into
the core (this version includes updates for Pod::Html).

As for Pod::Checker, I am dismayed to conclude that using
Pod::Simple::Checker will not suffice as a substitute; it is too
featureless. Instead, I am thinking about subclassing Pod::Simple myself to
create an identical (feature-wise) version of Pod::Checker. But again, this
is only a thought that I need to research more into, so don't hold me to it.

Another issue that comes up with Pod::Checker is the fact that it is a
subclass of Pod::Parser. My mentors and I are relieved that this is an
implementation detail and is not documented, so it is free to be changed.
Also, the fact that its home is under cpan/Pod-Parser/Pod will provide some
trouble when removing Pod-Parser. rjbs said he will look into that.

For next week, I want to *finally* finish Pod::Html. What a momentous
occasion that will be! In addition, I am going to continue my investigation
of Pod::Checker.


GSoC Status Update

2011-07-19 Thread Marc Green
Hello everyone,

For those of you who were let down by yesterday's lack of report from me,
cheer up, because here it is ;). I'll keep it short though, so don't get too

What I have to say on Pod::Html:

- It has been smoked, and all test cases pass, woohoo!
- rjbs (and anyone else who would like to:
  is going to do a code review by next week to make sure the code is
suitable for the core
- rjbs is going to ask xdg to make a release of module::build

On Pod::Checker:

- I am subclassing Pod::Simple to accomplish the port
- I think it should be a mostly simple port (thanks for sending me in the
right direction, rafl)
- Keeping the interface is going to be mostly easy, Pod::Simple provides
methods to easily accommodate for it

Sorry there is not much else to report. I have not really started writing
code, so I am not going to elaborate until next week and I know what the
future will look like.

Oh! But I do know what I plan to work on throughout the week. I am going to
continue switching out Pod::Parser code for Pod::Simple code in
Pod::Checker. More specifically: porting the methods listed under the
Interface section of Pod::Checker.


GSoC Status Update

2011-07-26 Thread Marc Green

The only thing left to do with regards to Pod::Html is to have it reviewed
any of you would like to). Once that is done, that is, once all
suggestions, and warnings are considered and possibly acted upon, it will be
ready to be merged into the core.

I am happy to announce that I have made much progress on porting
Pod::Checker this week. I have made a list of all the errors that
Pod::Simple already checks for, and by comparing that to what Pod::Checker
additionally checks for, I can efficiently implement the rest. So that is
what I have been doing. There is a minor snag in one of the error checks,
the one that warns if there is any text after a =pod directive, because
Pod::Simple does not offer any way to access said text. To overcome this I
am adding such a feature to Pod::Simple::Blackbox, so I should resume
porting the error checks shortly.

Also, there is going to be a modification of my proposed timeline. I am
working on the third of five modules to port; the first of which is
completely done (Module::Build::PodParser), the second is essentially done
(Pod::Html), and the current one is progressing nicely (Pod::Checker). With
only three weeks until the suggested pencils down date (August 22), however,
I do not believe there is enough time to finish all five. I am going to work
with my mentors to create a realistic schedule that focuses on getting what
I have done merged without leaving unfinished code.

Thank you,

Re: GSoC Status Update

2011-07-27 Thread Marc Green
> > I am happy to announce that I have made much progress on porting
> > Pod::Checker this week. I have made a list of all the errors that
> > Pod::Simple already checks for, and by comparing that to what
> Pod::Checker
> > additionally checks for, I can efficiently implement the rest. So that is
> > what I have been doing. There is a minor snag in one of the error checks,
> > the one that warns if there is any text after a =pod directive, because
> > Pod::Simple does not offer any way to access said text. To overcome this
> I
> > am adding such a feature to Pod::Simple::Blackbox, so I should resume
> > porting the error checks shortly.
> When I looked at this before I found there tended to be significant
> disagreement over whether the Pod::Checker checks were actually good
> checks that ought to be included in Pod::Simple.
> I know this is opening a huge can of worms but I'd be interested if you
> could post the list of checks you're adding to Pod::Simple.
> Michael

I am not adding checks to Pod::Simple, I was advised that would be a bad
idea (and harder to do). Rather, I am rewriting Pod::Checker to have
Pod::Simple as a superclass instead of Pod::Parser, and in doing so I need
to rewrite the checks *within Pod::Checker* using Pod::Simple.

Rereading my email I realize my ambiguity, but I hope I have now cleared up
any confusion. If not, let me know.

Also, if you still want to see what error checks I am rewriting, they are
available at
There are three files: ps-errors, pc-errors, and pc-errors-todo. The first
is a list of what Pod::Simple checks for, the second is what Pod::Checker
checks for, and the third is a list of the checks I have left to rewrite.

Thanks for your concern,

Re: GSoC Status Update

2011-07-27 Thread Marc Green
> Here are a couple of pod checker errors that are in error, AFAICT
> One is that it warns on any E<> above 255 as being out of range.  I think
> this is plain wrong, as people do this and it works.  Perhaps there are some
> circumstances when it is wrong, I don't know.
> The other is that it warns that use of a link to a man page with a section
> number is deprecated.  We have discussed that on this list before, and as I
> remember it, the consensus was it should not be deprecated.

If no one objects to those being non errors, I will not implement them in
the rewrite of Pod::Checker.

Thank you for letting me know Karl, I appreciate it.


GSoC Status Update

2011-08-01 Thread Marc Green
Hey everyone,

This is my weekly status update.

I have nothing new to report on Pod::Html except that I plan on doing some
commit squashing so the history is not so ugly.

On Pod::Checker, however, there is much to report. First off, to solve the
issue of it being a subclass of Pod::Parser, my mentors, rafl, and I decided
to make it its own dist. Also, rjbs advised to make Pod::Checker have-a
Pod::Simple, instead of being-a Pod::Simple, so future changes won't have to
worry about breaking the Pod::Simple interface. I will take his advice on

I have implemented a boat load of error/warning checks this week, starting
at 36 combined, now down to 7ish. There is a small quirk where some error
checks fail to check when below an unclosed =begin directive. It is a
sensible quirk, but I need to work it out in order to get the 7ish down to
7. Three of said error/warnings are proving to be difficult as they require
me to edit Pod::Simple::Blackbox, a file I would not mind ever opening, but
I may have to stick an ugly TODO comment on them, depending on how much time
I have.

I have added the pod_handler() feature to Pod::Simple that I briefly
mentioned in last week's status update, too.

I am currently working on error checks for L<> formatting codes, and if you
are curious you can read this week's meeting at which describes my
troubles in more detail.

For the upcoming week, I have quite a bit on my plate:
- implement different warning levels in Pod::Checker
- fix the unclosed =begin disable POD checks
- test the interface of Pod::Checker (e.g., $checker->idx(),
$checker->hyperlinks(), $checker->nodes(), etc)
- implement the rest of the error checks

I suppose it does not look like a lot, but it is.


Re: [perl #95784] [PATCH] Let X<> within anchorifiable paragraphs be additional anchors.

2011-08-04 Thread Marc Green
> I thought the Z<> code was being use for named anchors:
> Z
> and later:
> L
> I think the Pod::Simple does this.

I believe Z is the null formatting code; it is supposed to be empty.

GSoC Status Update

2011-08-09 Thread Marc Green
Hey folks,

I have implemented all error checks from the old Pod::Checker into the new
Pod::Checker *except* for two remaining ones, and maybe a third. The
remaining error/warning checks are 'warn if there is a blank line with only
whitespace on it', 'warn if there is an unknown entity in E<>', and possibly
'warn if there is no argument to the =item directive'. All three require
modifying Pod::Simple, which is why they fell to the bottom of the todo
list. The reason why the third error check is a "maybe" is because I am not
sure if that should even be a warning. I am going to email pod-people
separately to discuss that.

After I have modified Pod::Simple enough to implement the remaining error
checks, I will kindly ask one of my mentors to do a release of Pod::Simple.
Once the release has been merged into core, I can FINALLY RELEASE POD::HTML,
as I have been waiting for this next release to do so (Pod::Html uses
features of Pod::Simple that are not in the latest release). Before I do
release Pod::Html I am going to modify my commit history to neaten it up a

On the subject of modifying Pod::Simple, throughout the past week I have
added two features to the module. One of them is an additional attribute in
the attribute hash passed to the starting L<> event handler. The attribute
is 'raw', which contains the raw, original text of the L<>, which I needed
to have in order to implement some error checks, and having this attribute
fulfills a perlpodspec suggestion. There is a bug in my implementation
currently where it condenses all surrounding whitespace into a single ' ',
so that, given L< link>, 'raw' is " link ". This still works for my
purposes, but it needs to be fixed and I am stumped as to how to do it. I
believe the culprit is either the regex that captures fcodes, but it might
be my implementation of 'raw'.

The second feature I added is passing an attribute hash to the ending event
handlers of =over and =begin directives. The attribute hash contains
'fake-closer', which is set to true if Pod::Simple had to close an =over or
=begin block due to a lack of such closer being present in the POD source. I
added this to implement some error checks. I modified Pod::Simple::Methody
to also pass the attr_hash, but I did not modify any other subclass to take
advantage of the new feature. I doubt anyone else will need it, but I am
going to document it in Pod::Simple::Subclassing just in case.


Removal of specific Pod::Checker warnings

2011-08-11 Thread Marc Green
Hello Pod People,

I am emailing to provoke discussion on two warnings that Pod::Checker
displays that I think should be removed.

Pod::Checker currently warns if there is an '=item' directive with no
argument (as opposed to '=item *', for example). The description of the
warning is:

"=item without any parameters is deprecated. It should either be followed by
* to indicate an unordered list, by a number (optionally followed by a dot)
to indicate an ordered (numbered) list or simple text for a definition

perlpodspec states "Pod processors must tolerate a bare "=item" as if it
were "=item *"." Is Pod::Checker's behavior still in line with perlpodspec?
Is the use of '=item' without any parameters deprecated? Or should that
warning be removed from Pod::Checker?

The second Pod::Checker warning I am emailing about is "No =items in =over",
which is explained as "The list opened with =over does not contain any
items." The relevant perlpodspec section states:

"An "=over" ... "=back" region containing no "=item" paragraphs at all, and
containing only some number of ordinary/verbatim paragraphs, and possibly
also some nested "=over" ... "=back" regions, "=for..." paragraphs, and
"=begin"..."=end" regions. Such an itemless "=over" ... "=back" region in
Pod is equivalent in meaning to a "..." element in

Given that there is clearly a use for =itemless =over/=back blocks, should
it still be a warning? I think no, and instead, Pod::Checker should warn
about an empty =over/=back block, one that contains nothing but whitespace.

What do you guys think?


Re: Removal of specific Pod::Checker warnings

2011-08-11 Thread Marc Green
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Shawn H Corey wrote:

> On 11/08/11 10:37 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:
>> Marc Green  writes:
>>  >  Pod::Checker currently warns if there is an '=item' directive with no
>>> >  argument (as opposed to '=item *', for example). The description of
>>> the
>>> >  warning is:
>>> >  "=item without any parameters is deprecated. It should either be
>>> followed by
>>> >  * to indicate an unordered list, by a number (optionally followed by a
>>> dot)
>>> >  to indicate an ordered (numbered) list or simple text for a definition
>>> >  list."
>>> >  perlpodspec states "Pod processors must tolerate a bare "=item" as if
>>> it
>>> >  were "=item *"." Is Pod::Checker's behavior still in line with
>>> >  perlpodspec?  Is the use of '=item' without any parameters deprecated?
>>> >  Or should that warning be removed from Pod::Checker?
>> I'd remove it.  It seems like a style thing to me, and while I personally
>> prefer =item *, I don't see a good reason to require that.
> I'm not sure about that.  Although a POD parser should be forgiving, a
> checker should not.  I think it should report things that are not spec even
> if the parsers accept them.

I agree that a POD checker should report *all* errors/warnings, but is
having an argumentless =item really a warning?

By Pod::Checker's defintion, a warning indicates bad style, so that would
mean that having an argumentless =item is bad style. Personally, I don't
think it is; I find it a convenient shorthand. Do you disagree?

GSoC Status Update

2011-08-15 Thread Marc Green

I got a *bunch* of stuff done this past week, but not everything I wanted

Things I got done:

- implement different warning levels in Pod::Checker (P::C, for shorthand)
- test P::C's interface (e.g., $pc->node())
- update P::C's documentation to reflect reworded, added, and deleted checks
- test the podchecker cli
- ask pod-people their opinion on particular error checks*
- submit small bug in Pod::Escapes (used to resolve E<> fcodes) to rt
- document 'fake-closer' attribute passed to end_event_handlers if
Pod::Simple (P::S) did not find a real closing directive (e.g., "=end")**
- implement, document, and test 'whiteline_handler' P::S attribute, which
takes a subroutine to handle POD lines that have only whitespace on them***
- add a TODO to P::S::Blackbox to correct E<> resolution based on the
current =encoding
- fix a bug in P::S inhibiting =begin blocks in =over blocks
- send pull requests for all my edits to Pod::Simple and friends

* - I ended up not implementing the error check "argumentless =item", as I
do not think anyone thought it was necessary, and I ended up switching the
error check "=itemless =over/=back block" for "empty =over/=back block", as
the former is not an error.

** - The 'fake-closer' attribute allowed me to implement the error check "no
closing directive for =begin/=over", as Pod::Simple automatically closes
unclosed blocks before triggering the appropriate event so I needed more
information to know if there was in fact a closing directive.

*** - 'whiteline_handler' allowed me to implement the error check
"whitespace on seemingly blank line"

Things I did not get done:

- make P::C its own dist (away from Pod::Parser)
- go over all 'XXX's in Pod::Checker to see if I can remedy the TODOs
- double check that the new Pod::Checker is as good or better than the old,
error checking wise (this will be time consuming)
- document what needs to be done for another module I wanted to convert this
summer, Pod::Usage

The four items above are what I want to get done this next and final week.
rjbs offered to help me with the minor stuff, like removing the 5.14isms I
have been erroneously using, and I am very thankful for that.

Regarding Pod::Html: once all my pull requests for Pod::Simple are accepted
(I need to fixup a few things in two of them) and the module is released and
merged into blead, we can merge Pod::Html into blead and await tests and


GSoC Status Update

2011-08-23 Thread Marc Green
Hello everyone,

This is my last status update, as GSoC ended today (Monday, at the time of
writing). [I am not able to send this out now because I do not have access
to my email (well, to the Internet). I am going to send it out tomorrow or
the day after.]

I believe my project has been successful, and I am positive my mentors would
agree. That being said, I am *still* not done with neither Pod::Html nor
Pod::Checker. Well, I am done with all the coding -- they're both in their
final stages in that regard, but they are yet to be merged into core and
tested (and complained about). I plan to see them through though, and I plan
on being the maintainer for both of them if possible.

I was able to wrap up everything with Pod::Checker this week, so all I need
to do is to clean up its commit history (which will get done within the next
few days). Actually, that is a lie, I was not able to get everything wrapped
up. There is one thing in particular that I did not get done: splitting
Pod::Checker into Pod::Checker and Pod::Checker::Internals, the latter
being-a Pod::Simple and the former having-a Pod::Checker::Internals. This
split was conjured up in order to remove Pod::Simple from Pod::Checker's
interface. However, as I just said, I was not able to do this. Instead, I
added a warning in Pod::Checker's documentation explaining that no user
should EVER use any aspect of Pod::Checker's interface that has to do with
Pod::Simple unless it is documented. Perhaps this is a task that can be
tackled by me or someone else in the future.

Oh, actually, my lie in the previous paragraph was a lie for another reason
too. My mentor, rjbs, offered to do some grunt work on Pod::Checker for me
so I could focus on the bigger stuff. These tasks include removing the
5.14isms I used throughout and making Pod::Checker its own dist (apart from
Pod::Parser). These are not done yet, but him and I are going to remain in
contact so that the new Pod::Checker can see the light of day.

Pod::Html shall also see the light of day. My second mentor, theory,
released a new version of Pod::Simple which contains some new code I added
to allow me to finish Pod::Html a while back. [At the time of writing this
it might not be released, but he assured me it would be in the next few
days, so I will take his word.] Now that it is released, I can rebase its
commit history to remove some hacks that let me use the aforementioned new
code. Pod::Html will then be merged into core and hopefully be a success.

I feel this has been a wonderful experience for me; my foot is in the Perl
community door now, and I have gotten a taste of what it is like to
contribute to an open source project. It has also been a great experience
for the Perl community (I can imagine), as who doesn't like seemingly free,
beneficial code. (Seemingly beneficial, perhaps.)

Thank you everyone who helped me this summer, in particular rjbs, theory,
and rafl. I appreciate it!


Merging Pod-Html v1.12 with blead

2011-11-19 Thread Marc Green
Hello all,

My refactored version of Pod::Html (, which
replaces Pod::Parser with Pod::Simple, has passed (or at least failed due
to a reason that is not caused by me) the smoke tests. The test results are
under smoke-me/gsoc-pod, if you would like to take a look.

I think it is now ready to be merged into blead, so I email you for your
thoughts on this, your support, your criticisms, any words of
encouragement, or anything else you would like to share.

Thank you,

Re: pod checker that finds missing internal links?

2012-01-29 Thread Marc Green
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Ricardo Signes

> * Patrice Dumas  [2012-01-27T18:15:17]
> > More precisely, podchecker coming with perl 5.10 gets it wrong, it
> > finds multiple defined labels because it takes only into account the
> > beginning of an =item, for example
> podchecker is in the process of being replaced with Pod::Simple-based code.
> Hopefully that will help.
> Maybe Marc Green can comment...
If I am understanding the situation correctly, the problem is that
Pod::Checker does not issue an "unresolved internal link" warning when the
target of an L<> formatting code does not exist in the document *if* the
target is the prefix of another node in the document (i.e., is a prefix of
a =head or =item directive).

This functionality still exists in the Pod::Simple-based code, so the issue
won't be taken care of when Pod::Checker is replaced. Thus, we need to
decide whether or not the "L<> target shortcut" behavior should stay (and
perhaps be documented better) or go.

I think Marek suggested that X<> can serve as a way to create an anchor
that can be linked to as a fix for the problem, because if that
functionality is implemented, then the "L<> target shortcut" behavior can
be removed.

As Shawn said, there aren't many (if any) POD parsers that create indexes,
so X<> is not being used as much as the designer of the formatting code
thought it would be. (Note that I may be mistaken here. I am talking from
limited personal experience, so let me know if this is not the case.) Thus,
letting L<> targets link to X<>s sounds appealing to me.

On verbatim paragraphs immediately following an =item command; and Pod::Simple

2012-02-18 Thread Marc Green
Hello Pod People,

A simple (yet lengthy) question on verbatim paragraphs that immediately
follow an =item command, and how Pod::Simple treats them:

Given the following POD,


=item *

verbatim code snippet


Should the =item be considered empty, followed by a verbatim paragraph, or
should the =item's contents include the verbatim paragraph?

I think the general understanding is that the content of an =item extends
until the next =item command. (I found nothing in perlpodspec stating this,
but I have always known it to be this way.) This supports the latter

What brought this technicality to my attention is that Pod::Simple
interprets it as the former (emphasis added):

$ perl -MPod::Simple::DumpAsText -E'exit
> Pod::Simple::DumpAsText->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen' test_verb.pod
> ++Document
>\ "start_line" => "1"
>   ++over-bullet
>  \ "indent" => "4"
>  \ "start_line" => "1"
> *++item-bullet
>\ "start_line" => "3"
> --item-bullet
> ++VerbatimFormatted
>\ "xml:space" => "preserve"
>\ "start_line" => "5"
>   * "verbatim code snippet"
> --VerbatimFormatted*
>   --over-bullet
> --Document

It can be seen that the item-bullet was empty, followed by a verbatim
paragraph. Contrast that with a *non-verbatim* paragraph immediately
following an =item command (emphasis added):

$ perl -MPod::Simple::DumpAsText -E'exit
> Pod::Simple::DumpAsText->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen' test_verb.pod
> ++Document
>\ "start_line" => "1"
>   ++over-bullet
>  \ "indent" => "4"
>  \ "start_line" => "1"
> *++item-bullet
>\ "start_line" => "3"
>   * "a non-verbatim paragraph"
> --item-bullet*
>   --over-bullet
> --Document

Note that the "a non-verbatim paragraph" text is present within the
item-bullet, unlike the previous example.

The Pod::Simple::Subclassing documentation states:

> When an "=over ... =back" block is parsed where the items are a bulleted
> list, it will produce this event structure:
>   ...Stuff...
> ...more item-bullets...
> Note that it states there should only be item-bullet events, and nothing
else in between, before, or after.

This is a contradiction, and I am not sure which should be correct: the
code or the docs.

Experimenting more, it looks like Pod::Simple only considers the *first*
normal paragraph as the item's contents, with following paragraphs
remaining outside the item-bullet event (emphasis added):

$ perl -MPod::Simple::DumpAsText -E'exit
> Pod::Simple::DumpAsText->filter(shift)->any_errata_seen' test_verb.pod
> ++Document
>\ "start_line" => "1"
>   ++over-bullet
>  \ "indent" => "4"
>  \ "start_line" => "1"
> *++item-bullet
>\ "start_line" => "3"
>   * "first paragraph"
> --item-bullet
> ++Para
>\ "start_line" => "7"
>   * "second paragraph"
> --Para*
>   --over-bullet
> --Document

Thoughts on this behavior? I feel that the content's of an =item should be
contained within that =item's item-bullet event, instead of partially in,
partially out.

Thank you,

Re: Working on CPAN Testers fails for Pod::Simple::Search

2016-04-29 Thread Marc Green
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Ricardo Signes 

> * "David E. Wheeler"  [2016-04-29T16:43:03]
> > Anyone object to making Neil a committer and co-maint on Pod-Simple? (I’m
> > hoping Neil doesn’t object.) The canonical repository is here:
> No objection, and I preemptively overrule Neil's potential objection.

I very much welcome it!