RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2017-10-30 Thread Nichole Rohling
So does waste just go in the bag on its own or do you still have to use
suppository? Do they attach the beginning of large intestine/colon or the
end? I also have a problem with hemorrhoids and wonder if this would help
with them too. I am just so tired of having to call someone. Strange thing
is it is always 2 to 3 hours after laying down.




From: greg [] 
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 5:04 PM
To: Nichole Rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


I know how you feel, the bowel routine was running my life. Scheduled
everything around it, not waning to go out those days incase issues after.
Then worse, I started leaking, just enough to smell. I finely 'bagged it'
and got a colostomy. The only thing wrong was I didn't do it years ago.
Quality of life s s much better, but not just for me, but for family and
helper. What use to take 2 hours, now takes 30 seconds. Just pop the bag
off, wipe clean, pop new bag on.  It takes maybe 1 minute when dong a full
change, every 5 days. J`ust unstick the wafer part, wipe clean, stick new
one on.


In 2 or 3 years now, no real issues. A few times it unsnapped, not put on
good enough. And you can hear farts more, not often, or I'm lucky.


Life changing. I heard of people having issues with sores, but I never have.
Only once. I was on strong antibiotics, had diarrhea (liquid). I didn't
change the bag often enough, burned my skin a bit. My fault.


The 2 main supply makers send you free sample anytime you want to try
different types. So you can try until you find a style you like. Send you
nice travel bags to hold your supplies.



> Ugh! So tired of having to call my caregiver or sister at night to

> come and get me up on my shower chair to poop.


> It ranges from every 3 to 2 weeks but last night it had only been

> one week. It is always at night 2 to 3 hours after getting in bed.

> I've tried the magic bullet and it doesn't work any better than the

> suppository I use. I still go when I do bowel program but I don't

> think my bowels are emptying out. Then when I have to call at night

> it is a pot full of loose stool. (I did just start an antibiotic so

> that might have played a role in last night and making it only a

> week in between).



> Any suggestions? I seriously am thinking a colostomy would be

> better but then again, will I still have these blowouts?



> Nicki

[QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2017-10-29 Thread Nichole Rohling
Ugh! So tired of having to call my caregiver or sister at night to come and
get me up on my shower chair to poop.

It ranges from every 3 to 2 weeks but last night it had only been one week.
It is always at night 2 to 3 hours after getting in bed. I've tried the
magic bullet and it doesn't work any better than the suppository I use. I
still go when I do bowel program but I don't think my bowels are emptying
out. Then when I have to call at night it is a pot full of loose stool. (I
did just start an antibiotic so that might have played a role in last night
and making it only a week in between).


Any suggestions? I seriously am thinking a colostomy would be better but
then again, will I still have these blowouts?



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-13 Thread Danny Hearn
vengeance after all of that. It still shows up in my urine specimens, but the 
only thing that causes this sediment buildup and that is getting worse every 
week now. I have no idea what she will suggest when she comes back. I so wish 
my husband will live because him and my urologist here in Arizona used to get 
together to talk about different bacterium, because he had been a chief medical 
technologist back in the early 1970s, went to medical school and retained 
everything he learned I was like a second physician for me and saved my life on 
numerous occasions my lab results were wrong, and he could see that clearly and 
why.Losing my husband caused me to have "Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures." 
It was just too much trauma for me since he was everything to me. I have very 
little family left. These seizures have continued because they are triggered by 
periods/a day of great stress, pain or exhaustion, and that has happened 
numerous times since my husband's death. I was first put on "seizure 
medication" but later learned that these type of seizures are only caused by 
stress, pain or exhaustion or all of the above so the seizure medication that I 
was put on when they continued after my husband's death really doesn't do 
anything but I am afraid to go off of it as well.*Huge sigh*~Lori​
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 7:04 PM, nichole rohling <> 

I am s leaning that way and your response just helps me lean that 
way a little more. Did you rule out other issues such as gall bladder, pancreas 
before you took the leap? Nicki  From: greg [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 5:18 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx I was having lots of issues, some 
of that, some leakage, etc. I decided just to bag the whole idea So To Speak. 
Colostomy. My only complant is that I didn't do it 45 years ago. So 
much nicer, faster, less stress, less embarassing,  Greg> I was having issues 
last fall with having to call my caregiver to> come and get me on my shower 
chair about 2 hrs after I would get in> bed. I would have diarrhea or very 
loose stools.> > Dr. started me on a probiotic and it did help. Only had to 
call> caregiver once from November to last Thursday. I had to call> Thursday 
night, Sat, Sun and last night (I took lomotil Monday and> didn’t have to call 
Mon or Tues)> > I called Craig’s nurse hotline and she gave me several> 
possibilities as to what we need to check.> > Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have 
been having a very odd excruciating> pain in my shoulder joints.> > Anyone with 
a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone experience> bowel issues like I 
am.> > We’ll be checking a number of other things too but just asking for> 
others’ thoughts, experiences.> > > Nicki

"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and heart 
and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean Koontz


RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-12 Thread nichole rohling
I am s leaning that way and your response just helps me lean
that way a little more. Did you rule out other issues such as gall bladder,
pancreas before you took the leap?




From: greg [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 5:18 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx


I was having lots of issues, some of that, some leakage, etc. I decided just
to bag the whole idea So To Speak. Colostomy. My only complant is that I
didn't do it 45 years ago. So much nicer, faster, less stress, less



> I was having issues last fall with having to call my caregiver to

> come and get me on my shower chair about 2 hrs after I would get in

> bed. I would have diarrhea or very loose stools.


> Dr. started me on a probiotic and it did help. Only had to call

> caregiver once from November to last Thursday. I had to call

> Thursday night, Sat, Sun and last night (I took lomotil Monday and

> didn't have to call Mon or Tues)


> I called Craig's nurse hotline and she gave me several

> possibilities as to what we need to check.


> Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have been having a very odd excruciating

> pain in my shoulder joints.


> Anyone with a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone experience

> bowel issues like I am.


> We'll be checking a number of other things too but just asking for

> others' thoughts, experiences.



> Nicki

RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-12 Thread nichole rohling
Thanks Lori! I assume I’ll be doing a lot of testing!




From: Lori Michaelson [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:44 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx


Hi Nicki,


It took me 4 1/2 years to get diagnosed with syringomyelia and a lengthy syrinx 
between 1989 and 1994. My symptoms were so misleading. I thought I had some 
sort of an abdominal issue because my primary symptoms were severe abdominal 
discomfort and pain as well as a huge increase in spasticity. I had every test 
done possible thinking I had to be something to do with my abdomen (but I was 
not having any irregular bowel problems). I had x-rays, CT scans, sonograms, 
etc. of my abdomen and colon. I even had an upper and lower G.I. series and 
EVERYTHING was negative.


It was not until my ex common-law husband lifted me into his truck in the 
passenger seat and we drove up to my sister's house. I sat in the passenger 
seat and my sister came out to see me because I did not bring my wheelchair. 
She asked me if I felt okay and I said yes and "why?" She said "Because you're 
right pupil is dilated." This was approximately 1993/April 1994 or so and I had 
had it. I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG. It made going to work terrible. I was in 
pain all the time and my spasticity was out of control. That is when I called 
Greg hospital and a neurosurgeon told me to have an MRI [after I told him about 
my pupil dilation that stayed fixed for an entire week] to check for 
syringomyelia. Back then I had NEVER heard of syringomyelia and I was scared to 


I had a shot live-in and it failed and I almost died for two weeks in Brooklyn 
New York. I chose the wrong neurosurgeon but did not know it at the time. After 
that one failed I had a syringo-plural shunt put in and I had it there ever 
since. I had many follow-up MRIs and they have all said that shunt is still 
working but I have not had an MRI done since 1998/1999. Since I almost died I 
am not letting anybody touch my spine again unless I am on my deathbed.


Bottom line - my syrinx never caused any problems with my bowels. BUT it caused 
all kinds of abdominal pain and discomfort. I even thought it was/might be 
bladder stones and I had a bunch of tiny ones removed but that was not the 


For me, syringomyelia is more disabling then quadriplegia by far. I did not 
begin to have pain in the area where my shunt is until 2 years later but it is 
caused by the muscle/nerve area that the shunt is woven through. The pain 
medication I am on keeps the pain at bay unless I get hurt by getting moved 
wrong by a caregiver or overuse that particular muscle.


That's my story. For you I would suggest thinking back over everything that has 
occurred over the last numerous months and by process of elimination... 
something might occur to you. Otherwise... I would also suggest having your 
stool checked for bacteria also.



C4/5 complete quad, 36 1/2 years post



On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 11:13 AM, nichole rohling <> 

I was having issues last fall with having to call my caregiver to come and get 
me on my shower chair about 2 hrs after I would get in bed. I would have 
diarrhea or very loose stools.

Dr. started me on a probiotic and it did help. Only had to call caregiver once 
from November to last Thursday. I had to call Thursday night, Sat, Sun and last 
night (I took lomotil Monday and didn’t have to call Mon or Tues)

I called Craig’s nurse hotline and she gave me several possibilities as to what 
we need to check.

Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have been having a very odd excruciating pain in my 
shoulder joints.

Anyone with a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone experience bowel issues 
like I am.

We’ll be checking a number of other things too but just asking for others’ 
thoughts, experiences.





"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and heart 
and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean Koontz

RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-12 Thread nichole rohling
Yes. Waiting for my doctor to return my call so we can start testing and ruling 
things out.




From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx


Have you considered having a sample of your stool tested for high bacteria?

Best Wishes


In a message dated 5/12/2016 12:14:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I was having issues last fall with having to call my caregiver to come and get 
me on my shower chair about 2 hrs after I would get in bed. I would have 
diarrhea or very loose stools.

Dr. started me on a probiotic and it did help. Only had to call caregiver once 
from November to last Thursday. I had to call Thursday night, Sat, Sun and last 
night (I took lomotil Monday and didn’t have to call Mon or Tues)

I called Craig’s nurse hotline and she gave me several possibilities as to what 
we need to check.

Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have been having a very odd excruciating pain in my 
shoulder joints.

Anyone with a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone experience bowel issues 
like I am.

We’ll be checking a number of other things too but just asking for others’ 
thoughts, experiences.



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-12 Thread wheelchair
Have you considered having a sample of your stool tested for high  bacteria?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/12/2016 12:14:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I was having issues last fall with having to call my  caregiver to come and 
get me on my shower chair about 2 hrs after I would get  in bed. I would 
have diarrhea or very loose stools. 
Dr. started me on a probiotic and it did help. Only had to  call caregiver 
once from November to last Thursday. I had to call Thursday  night, Sat, Sun 
and last night (I took lomotil Monday and didn’t have to call  Mon or Tues) 
I called Craig’s nurse hotline and she gave me several  possibilities as to 
what we need to check. 
Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have been having a very odd  excruciating pain in 
my shoulder joints. 
Anyone with a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone  experience bowel 
issues like I am. 
We’ll be checking a number of other things too but just  asking for others’
 thoughts, experiences. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-12 Thread RONALD L PRACHT
Ive never heard of a post traumatic syrinx causing bowell issues with a quad. 
Syrinxes are very complicated in their symptoms though. If you read about it, 
ore than likely it will confuse you.  Ron 

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:15 PM, nichole rohling 

 I was having issues last fall with having to 
call my caregiver to come and get me on my shower chair about 2 hrs after I 
would get in bed. I would have diarrhea or very loose stools.Dr. started me on 
a probiotic and it did help. Only had to call caregiver once from November to 
last Thursday. I had to call Thursday night, Sat, Sun and last night (I took 
lomotil Monday and didn’t have to call Mon or Tues)I called Craig’s nurse 
hotline and she gave me several possibilities as to what we need to 
check.Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have been having a very odd excruciating pain 
in my shoulder joints.Anyone with a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone 
experience bowel issues like I am.We’ll be checking a number of other things 
too but just asking for others’ thoughts, experiences.  Nicki


[QUAD-L] Bowel Problems / Syrinx

2016-05-12 Thread nichole rohling
I was having issues last fall with having to call my caregiver to come and
get me on my shower chair about 2 hrs after I would get in bed. I would have
diarrhea or very loose stools.

Dr. started me on a probiotic and it did help. Only had to call caregiver
once from November to last Thursday. I had to call Thursday night, Sat, Sun
and last night (I took lomotil Monday and didn't have to call Mon or Tues)

I called Craig's nurse hotline and she gave me several possibilities as to
what we need to check.

Syrinx was 1 of them ad I have been having a very odd excruciating pain in
my shoulder joints.

Anyone with a syrinx experience bowel issues? Or anyone experience bowel
issues like I am.

We'll be checking a number of other things too but just asking for others'
thoughts, experiences.



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-04 Thread alcibiates2
Considering all the problems and pain does anyone here ever think of getting a 
Best wishes,John s. 

 Original message 
From: greg <> 
Date: 12/04/2015  11:28 AM  (GMT-05:00) 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

Mine got so bad, 2+ hours of non stop sweating, constant worries about it, I 
finely "Just bagged it". I wish I'd done it from the beginning. Sooo much 
easier, faster, less worries, no accidents. reg

> I have hated BM days for yrs due to the sweats, nausea etc. Milk of
> Magnesia or sennekot is what I use.

RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-04 Thread nichole rohling
I am seriously considering it. My mom is having neck surgery in January so
I'm giving my body until after that to be back to normal. If it's still
messed up then I'm seeing a surgeon. 

Seems that everyone who has had a colostomy say they wish they had done it



From: greg [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:13 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


I had so many bowel issue the last few years, mostly leaking, I finely got
colotomy. Best thing I've done. Bowel rutine was taking 2 hours of non stop
sweating. I finely did it... Makes life so much easier, fewer worries, way
faster, easier on my body. 90sec a day.


> Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty

> (consistency of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings

> about 2 hrs after going to bed. I get chills, etc and generally

> caregiver gets here and gets me on the shower chair before it's too

> late. This went on about once a week for a month or so. I had been

> taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. My

> body is still doing the same thing - but only about once every 2

> weeks if I'm lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr

> yesterday, all labs came back fine.


> Of course bowel program is jacked up because there's nothing there,

> sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that

> morning and sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings.


> No rhyme or reason for it.



> I'm up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen?



> Nicki

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-04 Thread greg
Mine got so bad, 2+ hours of non stop sweating, constant worries about it, I finely "Just bagged it". I wish I'd done it from the beginning. Sooo much easier, faster, less worries, no accidents. reg
> I have hated BM days for yrs due to the sweats, nausea etc. Milk of
> Magnesia or sennekot is what I use.

RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-04 Thread Danny Espinoza
I've never known anything else since my accident forced me to have a



From: nichole rohling [] 
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2015 9:14 AM
To: 'greg' <>;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


I am seriously considering it. My mom is having neck surgery in January so
I'm giving my body until after that to be back to normal. If it's still
messed up then I'm seeing a surgeon. 

Seems that everyone who has had a colostomy say they wish they had done it



From: greg [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:13 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


I had so many bowel issue the last few years, mostly leaking, I finely got
colotomy. Best thing I've done. Bowel rutine was taking 2 hours of non stop
sweating. I finely did it... Makes life so much easier, fewer worries, way
faster, easier on my body. 90sec a day.


> Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty

> (consistency of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings

> about 2 hrs after going to bed. I get chills, etc and generally

> caregiver gets here and gets me on the shower chair before it's too

> late. This went on about once a week for a month or so. I had been

> taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. My

> body is still doing the same thing - but only about once every 2

> weeks if I'm lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr

> yesterday, all labs came back fine.


> Of course bowel program is jacked up because there's nothing there,

> sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that

> morning and sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings.


> No rhyme or reason for it.



> I'm up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen?



> Nicki

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread wheelchair
Its not always the Duke either.. Ripe foods  loaded with 
bacteria, can cause the bowels to shake, rattle and roll.   Also, a stomach 
can produce a sudden urge, that you hadn't planned.   Only to find out the 
restaurant's washroom is NOT accessible. Oh the stories  I've heard, but I 
haven't heard them all.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/3/2015 9:18:09 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I always  thought ghost BM, or ghost poop was the gross mucus that 
sometimes comes out  during a transfer  
etc.—not good but not really poo either, kind of a drag and a relief at  
the same time.

On Dec 3, 2015, at 6:20 PM, _wheelchair@aol.com_ 
(  wrote:

Ghost Bowel Movements, are generally unplanned, unwanted bowel movement  
long after you have completed a personal bowel program.  its probably  more 
common with the Duke's than the others. Shortly after the Duke is  introduced 
to the rectum, it may travel a couple of inches up the  bowel.  After 
resting it begins to dissolve and a small piece travels  up the bowel while the 
larger, un-dissolved portion is flushed out.
Later on, sometime hours, will pass and you have "that urge" and not a  
mile to the nearest toilet, your body cuts loose and you have a bowel  
movement.  I hope that explains, but I'm sure members here have some of  the 
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/3/2015 7:53:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
_jume@comcast.net_ (  writes:

What do you mean dukes traveling up the  bowel? Also, what is a ghost BM?


From:  _wheelchair@aol.com_ ( 
To:,, "quad-list"  
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015  5:24:53 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

I use milk, instead of water when making oat meal.  I like the  old fashion 
over the 1 minute (smaller oats).
The oatmeal tends to absorb.  Do you think you are experiencing  ghost BM ? 
 If so, a small piece of the dukes are breaking off and  traveling up the 
bowel, for later reaction.  I hope it works for you  and your bowels.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:10:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I’m sure going to give it a try and I  will let you know. I’m to the point 
of being afraid to eat lunch for  fear of accidents during the day.  


From:  shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday,  December 02, 2015 6:35 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

Those  never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic  
bullet, changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get  
them. The guy who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample  size 
to try, I think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take  a few 
tries. Eat a big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works  for me daily. 
I love dates and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if  you try them and 
how you do. 
Kind  regards,
Shirley Bell

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

-  Original Message - 
From:  _nichole rohling_ (   
To:  _'shirley  bell'_ (  ; _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Sent:  Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM
Subject:  RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

No Shirley, I’ve used generic  Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.

Thinking maybe I should try  them? 


From:  shirley bell []  
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
To:  nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

are  you using magic bullet?
Kind  regards,
Shirley Bell

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

-  Original Message - 
From:  _nichole rohling_ (   
To:  _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (   
Sent:  Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

Back in August my bowels started deciding they  wanted to empty 
(consistency of cow poop for lack of better term) in  the evenings about 2 hrs 
going to bed. I get chills, etc and  generally caregiver gets here and gets me 
on the shower chair before  it’s too late. This went on about once a week 
for a month or so. I  had been taking Culturelle since last December so I 
stopped taking  it. My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once 
 every 2 weeks if I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to  the 
dr yesterday, all labs came back fine. 
Of course bowel program is jacked up because  there’s nothing there, 
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do  bowel program that morning and 
sometimes it is on non-bowel pr

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread Robert Vogel
I always thought ghost BM, or ghost poop was the gross mucus that sometimes 
comes out during a transfer
etc.—not good but not really poo either, kind of a drag and a relief at the 
same time.
> On Dec 3, 2015, at 6:20 PM, wrote:
> Ghost Bowel Movements, are generally unplanned, unwanted bowel movement long 
> after you have completed a personal bowel program.  its probably more common 
> with the Duke's than the others. Shortly after the Duke is introduced to the 
> rectum, it may travel a couple of inches up the bowel.  After resting it 
> begins to dissolve and a small piece travels up the bowel while the larger, 
> un-dissolved portion is flushed out.
> Later on, sometime hours, will pass and you have "that urge" and not a mile 
> to the nearest toilet, your body cuts loose and you have a bowel movement.  I 
> hope that explains, but I'm sure members here have some of the best stories.
> Best Wishes
> In a message dated 12/3/2015 7:53:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
> writes:
> What do you mean dukes traveling up the bowel? Also, what is a ghost BM?
> From:
> To:,, "quad-list" 
> <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 5:24:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems
> I use milk, instead of water when making oat meal.  I like the old fashion 
> over the 1 minute (smaller oats).
> The oatmeal tends to absorb.  Do you think you are experiencing ghost BM ?  
> If so, a small piece of the dukes are breaking off and traveling up the 
> bowel, for later reaction.  I hope it works for you and your bowels.
> Best Wishes
> In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:10:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
> writes:
> I’m sure going to give it a try and I will let you know. I’m to the point of 
> being afraid to eat lunch for fear of accidents during the day.
> Nicki
> From: shirley bell [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:35 PM
> To: nichole rohling
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems
> Those never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic 
> bullet, changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get them. 
> The guy who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to 
> try, I think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take a few tries. 
> Eat a big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. I love 
> dates and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if you try them and how you 
> do.
> Kind regards,
> Shirley Bell
> <>
> - Original Message -
> From: nichole rohling <>
> To: 'shirley bell' <> ; 
> <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM
> Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems
> No Shirley, I’ve used generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.   
> Thinking maybe I should try them?
> Nicki
> From: shirley bell [ <>] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
> To: nichole rohling
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems
> are you using magic bullet?
> Kind regards,
> Shirley Bell
> <>
> - Original Message -
> From: nichole rohling <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems
> Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency 
> of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going 
> to bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on 
> the shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once a week for a 
> month or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped 
> taking it. My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once every 
> 2 weeks if I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr 
> yesterday, all labs came back fine.
> Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s nothing there, sometimes 
> it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and sometimes it 
> is on non-bowel program evenings.
> No rhyme or reason for it.
> I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen?
> Nicki

RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread nichole rohling
I experienced ghost bm’s just after I came home from rehab. We started using a 
fleet enema after I did bowel program and that eliminated the problem. 

What is crazy is it happens right around 2 hours after I get in bed……every 




From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


I use milk, instead of water when making oat meal.  I like the old fashion over 
the 1 minute (smaller oats).

The oatmeal tends to absorb.  Do you think you are experiencing ghost BM ?  If 
so, a small piece of the dukes are breaking off and traveling up the bowel, for 
later reaction.  I hope it works for you and your bowels.


Best Wishes


In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:10:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I’m sure going to give it a try and I will let you know. I’m to the point of 
being afraid to eat lunch for fear of accidents during the day. 




From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:35 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Those never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic 
bullet, changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get them. 
The guy who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to try, 
I think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take a few tries. Eat a 
big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. I love dates 
and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if you try them and how you do. 

Kind regards,
Shirley Bell <> 

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling <>  

To: 'shirley bell' <>  ; 

Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM

Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


No Shirley, I’ve used generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.   


Thinking maybe I should try them?





From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


are you using magic bullet?

Kind regards,
Shirley Bell <> 

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling <>  


Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency of 
cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going to 
bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on the 
shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once a week for a month 
or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. 
My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once every 2 weeks if 
I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr yesterday, all labs 
came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s nothing there, sometimes 
it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and sometimes it is 
on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread jume9999
What do you mean dukes traveling up the bowel? Also, what is a ghost BM? 

- Original Message -

To:,, "quad-list" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 5:24:53 PM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

I use milk, instead of water when making oat meal. I like the old fashion over 
the 1 minute (smaller oats). 
The oatmeal tends to absorb. Do you think you are experiencing ghost BM ? If 
so, a small piece of the dukes are breaking off and traveling up the bowel, for 
later reaction. I hope it works for you and your bowels. 
Best Wishes 
In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:10:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes: 

I’m sure going to give it a try and I will let you know. I’m to the point of 
being afraid to eat lunch for fear of accidents during the day. 


From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:35 PM 
To: nichole rohling 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

Those never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic 
bullet, changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get them. 
The guy who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to try, 
I think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take a few tries. Eat a 
big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. I love dates 
and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if you try them and how you do. 

Kind regards, 
Shirley Bell 

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling 

To: 'shirley bell' ; 

Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM 

Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

No Shirley, I’ve used generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs. 

Thinking maybe I should try them? 


From: shirley bell [ ] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM 
To: nichole rohling 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

are you using magic bullet? 

Kind regards, 
Shirley Bell 

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling 


Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM 

Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency of 
cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going to 
bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on the 
shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once a week for a month 
or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. 
My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once every 2 weeks if 
I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr yesterday, all labs 
came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s nothing there, sometimes 
it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and sometimes it is 
on non-bowel program evenings. 

No rhyme or reason for it. 

I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 


Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread jume9999
I have hated BM days for yrs due to the sweats, nausea etc. Milk of Magnesia or 
sennekot is what I use. 


- Original Message -

From: "nichole rohling" <> 
To: "quad-list" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 2:01:10 PM 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems 

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency of 
cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going to 
bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on the 
shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once a week for a month 
or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. 
My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once every 2 weeks if 
I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr yesterday, all labs 
came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s nothing there, sometimes 
it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and sometimes it is 
on non-bowel program evenings. 

No rhyme or reason for it. 

I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 


Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread wheelchair
Ghost Bowel Movements, are generally unplanned, unwanted bowel movement  
long after you have completed a personal bowel program.  its probably more  
common with the Duke's than the others. Shortly after the Duke is introduced 
to  the rectum, it may travel a couple of inches up the bowel.  After resting 
 it begins to dissolve and a small piece travels up the bowel while the 
larger,  un-dissolved portion is flushed out.
Later on, sometime hours, will pass and you have "that urge" and not a mile 
 to the nearest toilet, your body cuts loose and you have a bowel movement. 
  I hope that explains, but I'm sure members here have some of the best  
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/3/2015 7:53:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

What do you mean dukes traveling up the bowel?  Also, what is a ghost BM?


To:,, "quad-list" 
Sent:  Wednesday, December 2, 2015 5:24:53 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Bowel Problems

I use milk, instead of water when making oat meal.  I like the old  fashion 
over the 1 minute (smaller oats).
The oatmeal tends to absorb.  Do you think you are experiencing  ghost BM ? 
 If so, a small piece of the dukes are breaking off and  traveling up the 
bowel, for later reaction.  I hope it works for you and  your bowels.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:10:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I’m sure going to give it a try and I will  let you know. I’m to the point 
of being afraid to eat lunch for fear of  accidents during the day.  
From:  shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December  02, 2015 6:35 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

Those  never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic 
bullet,  changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get them. 
The guy  who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to 
try, I  think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take a few 
tries. Eat a  big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. 
love  dates and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if you try them and 
how you  do. 
Kind  regards,
Shirley Bell

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

-  Original Message - 
From: _nichole  rohling_ (  
To: _'shirley bell'_ (  ; _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Sent:  Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM
Subject: RE:  [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

No Shirley, I’ve used generic Dulcolax  suppositories for 17 yrs.
Thinking maybe I should try  them? 
From:  shirley bell []  
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
To:  nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

are  you using magic bullet?
Kind  regards,
Shirley Bell

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

-  Original Message - 
From: _nichole rohling_ (   
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (   
Sent:  Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted  to empty 
(consistency of cow poop for lack of better term) in the  evenings about 2 hrs 
going to bed. I get chills, etc and generally  caregiver gets here and gets me 
on the shower chair before it’s too  late. This went on about once a week 
for a month or so. I had been  taking Culturelle since last December so I 
stopped taking it. My body is  still doing the same thing – but only about once 
every 2 weeks if I’m  lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr 
yesterday, all  labs came back fine. 
Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s  nothing there, 
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program  that morning and 
sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings. 
No rhyme or reason for it. 
I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this  happen? 

Fw: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-03 Thread lwillis82153
For some reason suppositories quit working for me several years ago.The past 
four years I have used Miralax and digit-stem with occasional milk of mag. Like 
you I hate it beyond hate. Bowel mgmt = pure hell.

Sent from Surface

Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎December‎ ‎3‎, ‎2015 ‎8‎:‎58‎ ‎PM
To: nichole rohling, quad-list

I have hated BM days for yrs due to the sweats, nausea etc. Milk of Magnesia or 
sennekot is what I use.


From: "nichole rohling" <>
To: "quad-list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 2:01:10 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency of 
cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going to 
bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on the 
shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once a week for a month 
or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. 
My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once every 2 weeks if 
I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr yesterday, all labs 
came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s nothing there, sometimes 
it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and sometimes it is 
on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



[QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread nichole rohling
Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency
of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going
to bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on
the shower chair before it's too late. This went on about once a week for a
month or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped
taking it. My body is still doing the same thing - but only about once every
2 weeks if I'm lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr
yesterday, all labs came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there's nothing there,
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and
sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I'm up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread shirley bell
Those never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic 
bullet, changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get them. 
The guy who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to try, 
I think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take a few tries. Eat a 
big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. I love dates 
and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if you try them and how you do. 
Kind regards,
Shirley Bell
  - Original Message - 
  From: nichole rohling 
  To: 'shirley bell' ; 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

  No Shirley, I've used generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.   


  Thinking maybe I should try them?





  From: shirley bell [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
  To: nichole rohling
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


  are you using magic bullet?

  Kind regards,
  Shirley Bell

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling 


Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency 
of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going to 
bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on the 
shower chair before it's too late. This went on about once a week for a month 
or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. 
My body is still doing the same thing - but only about once every 2 weeks if 
I'm lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr yesterday, all labs 
came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there's nothing there, 
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and 
sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I'm up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread wheelchair
Have you considered a bowl of oatmeal before bed?  Not once but each  night 
before you sleep and see if that helps.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/2/2015 4:10:50 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to  empty 
(consistency of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about  2 hrs 
going to bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here  and gets me 
on the shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once  a week 
for a month or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so  I 
stopped taking it. My body is still doing the same thing – but only about  once 
every 2 weeks if I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the  dr 
yesterday, all labs came back fine.  
Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s  nothing there, 
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that  morning and 
sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings. 
No rhyme or reason for it. 
I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen?   

RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread nichole rohling
I'm sure going to give it a try and I will let you know. I'm to the point of
being afraid to eat lunch for fear of accidents during the day. 




From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:35 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Those never worked right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic
bullet, changed my life! go to concepts in confidence web site and get them.
The guy who developed the bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to
try, I think. Also, when you try it, give it a chance. May take a few tries.
Eat a big fruit every day, apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. I
love dates and eat 3 or so a day as well. let me know if you try them and
how you do. 

Kind regards,
Shirley Bell

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling <>  

To: 'shirley bell' <>  ; 

Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:44 PM

Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


No Shirley, I've used generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.   


Thinking maybe I should try them?





From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


are you using magic bullet?

Kind regards,
Shirley Bell

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling <>  


Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency
of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going
to bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on
the shower chair before it's too late. This went on about once a week for a
month or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped
taking it. My body is still doing the same thing - but only about once every
2 weeks if I'm lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr
yesterday, all labs came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there's nothing there,
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and
sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I'm up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread nichole rohling
I do mine on Mon, Wed, Fri mornings before my shower as well as use a fleet 
enema……..thanks though




From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Hi   Nickii do my bowel program  in the morning before my shower i use a 
fleet enamy. then i'am fine till the next day. i do it 7 days aweek as i got 
older i do everyday-and the fleet enamys are fast no accidents at at all. i'am 
a post 26yrs c 6,7 quad

sorry about the typos.







In a message dated 12/2/2015 4:10:50 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency of 
cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going to 
bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on the 
shower chair before it’s too late. This went on about once a week for a month 
or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped taking it. 
My body is still doing the same thing – but only about once every 2 weeks if 
I’m lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr yesterday, all labs 
came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s nothing there, sometimes 
it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and sometimes it is 
on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



RE: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread nichole rohling
No Shirley, I've used generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.   


Thinking maybe I should try them?





From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


are you using magic bullet?

Kind regards,
Shirley Bell

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling <>  


Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:01 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted to empty (consistency
of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings about 2 hrs after going
to bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver gets here and gets me on
the shower chair before it's too late. This went on about once a week for a
month or so. I had been taking Culturelle since last December so I stopped
taking it. My body is still doing the same thing - but only about once every
2 weeks if I'm lucky. No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr
yesterday, all labs came back fine. 

Of course bowel program is jacked up because there's nothing there,
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program that morning and
sometimes it is on non-bowel program evenings.

No rhyme or reason for it.


I'm up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen? 



Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread wheelchair
Oh n.  And that was my best solution too.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:23:21 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

no,  no, no…… 
I  can’t stand oatmeal…..the texture makes me gag 
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday,  December 02, 2015 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

Have  you considered a bowl of oatmeal before bed?  Not once but each night 
 before you sleep and see if that helps.

Best  Wishes

In a  message dated 12/2/2015 4:10:50 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
_zoocrew1@windstream.net_ (   writes:

Back in August my bowels started  deciding they wanted to empty 
(consistency of cow poop for lack of better  term) in the evenings about 2 hrs 
going to bed. I get chills, etc and  generally caregiver gets here and gets me 
on the shower chair before it’s  too late. This went on about once a week 
for a month or so. I had been  taking Culturelle since last December so I 
stopped taking it. My body is  still doing the same thing – but only about once 
every 2 weeks if I’m lucky.  No particular food triggers it. Went to the dr 
yesterday, all labs came back  fine.  
Of course bowel program is jacked  up because there’s nothing there, 
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do  bowel program that morning and 
sometimes it is on non-bowel program  evenings. 
No rhyme or reason for  it. 
I’m up for suggestions and anyone  else had this happen?  

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-02 Thread wheelchair
I use milk, instead of water when making oat meal.  I like the old  fashion 
over the 1 minute (smaller oats).
The oatmeal tends to absorb.  Do you think you are experiencing ghost  BM ? 
 If so, a small piece of the dukes are breaking off and traveling up  the 
bowel, for later reaction.  I hope it works for you and your  bowels.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/2/2015 7:10:23 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I’m sure going to give it a  try and I will let you know. I’m to the point 
of being afraid to eat lunch for  fear of accidents during the day.  
From: shirley bell  [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:35  PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

Those never worked  right for me . I had many accidents. I LOVE the magic 
bullet, changed my life!  go to concepts in confidence web site and get them. 
The guy who developed the  bullet owns it. You can get small sample size to 
try, I think. Also, when you  try it, give it a chance. May take a few 
tries. Eat a big fruit every day,  apple or wedge of melon works for me daily. 
love dates and eat 3 or so a day  as well. let me know if you try them and 
how you do. 
Kind  regards,
Shirley Bell

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

- Original  Message - 
From: _nichole rohling_ (   
To: _'shirley  bell'_ (  ; _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Sent: Wednesday,  December 02, 2015 6:44 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L]  Bowel Problems

No Shirley, I’ve used  generic Dulcolax suppositories for 17 yrs.   
Thinking maybe I should try  them? 
From: shirley bell  [] 
Sent:  Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:34 PM
To: nichole  rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

are you using  magic bullet?
Kind  regards,
Shirley Bell

_www.ShirleyBellDesigns.com_ ( 

- Original  Message - 
From: _nichole rohling_ (   
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (   
Sent: Wednesday,  December 02, 2015 5:01 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Bowel  Problems

Back in August my bowels started deciding they wanted  to empty 
(consistency of cow poop for lack of better term) in the evenings  about 2 hrs 
going to bed. I get chills, etc and generally caregiver  gets here and gets me 
on the shower chair before it’s too late. This went  on about once a week 
for a month or so. I had been taking Culturelle since  last December so I 
stopped taking it. My body is still doing the same  thing – but only about once 
every 2 weeks if I’m lucky. No particular food  triggers it. Went to the dr 
yesterday, all labs came back fine.   
Of course bowel program is jacked up because there’s  nothing there, 
sometimes it happens on evenings when I do bowel program  that morning and 
sometimes it is on non-bowel program  evenings. 
No rhyme or reason for it. 
I’m up for suggestions and anyone else had this happen?   

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-07 Thread John S.
You wouldn't catch me dead in a hospital that allowed nurses to have long 
fingernails. That is just typhoid Mary trying to get back into business.  All 
nurses were taught in school that fingernails are unsanitary and rather 
disgusting on a nurse. Beside being a place to grow germs, it inhibits their 
ability to use many medical devices.  Even nurses at veterinary hospitals can't 
have long nails. It is bad enough they can't wash their hands because they 
haven't the mental acuity to remember it, but with long nails they just CAN'T 
get their hands clean.


- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 5:11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

In many hospitals it has become policy not to do dig stim unless 
specifically ordered by your doctor.  Many lawsuits were filed when nurses 
with long fingernails caused rectal hemmoraging (sp?) and longer hospital 
stays.  I've asked nurses to cut their nails before allowing them to insert 
In a message dated 6/6/2008 3:01:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
That isn't a hospital rule. It is a simple We nurses decided we don't  do 
digital stimulation. 
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves nothing; and makes  you

Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with Tyler Florence on 
AOL Food.


Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-06 Thread John S.
That isn't a hospital rule. It is a simple We nurses decided we don't do 
digital stimulation. This is a result of ignorance and incompetence within a 
nursing staff. Doctors have actually had to perform digital stimulation in some 
of these hospitals and I personally believe they should make known that they 
are not competent to treat disabled people in those facilities. can they really 
do an enema if they can't do digital stimulation. And from what you have said, 
they can't clean a person, either, or you wouldn't have gotten an infection. We 
should publish a list of hospitals that are handicapped and can't help 
handicapped people.
Like, in Cincinnati, Ohio, avoid Christ, Providence, Mercy/Anderson, and St. 
Luke in Northern Kentucky.


- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2008 3:28:25 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

In a message dated 6/5/2008 3:16:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
I know  they don't do that not digitals like I do at home and that was 
partially the  reason.  My mom had to make sure it was getting done by doing 
herself,  which my aide does at home.  I used about a month after I got home 
and  then weaning off.
the hopital i went to does digital, i'm surprise one wouldn't! they were 
also great on the rolling...every 2 hrs.


Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with Tyler Florence on 
AOL Food.


Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-06 Thread MikeyBird3
In many hospitals it has become policy not to do dig stim unless  
specifically ordered by your doctor.  Many lawsuits were filed when nurses  
with long 
fingernails caused rectal hemmoraging (sp?) and longer hospital  stays.  I've 
asked nurses to cut their nails before allowing them to insert  suppositories. 
In a message dated 6/6/2008 3:01:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

That isn't a hospital rule. It is a simple We nurses decided we don't  do 
digital stimulation.  

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves nothing; and makes  you
walk  funny.

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-06 Thread wheelchair
Smart Advice Mikey!
In a message dated 6/6/2008 4:12:04 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

In many hospitals it has become policy not to do dig stim unless  
specifically ordered by your doctor.  Many lawsuits were filed when  nurses 
with long 
fingernails caused rectal hemmoraging (sp?) and longer  hospital stays.  I've 
asked nurses to cut their nails before allowing  them to insert suppositories. 
In a message dated 6/6/2008 3:01:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

That isn't a hospital rule. It is a simple We nurses decided we  don't do 
digital stimulation.  

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves  nothing; and makes you
walk  funny.


 Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. _Watch Cooking with Tyler Florence 
on AOL  Food_ 
( .

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

[QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-05 Thread LMN2GKI
Lately have read many message dealing with the subject of stool  softeners, 
etc) last night watching the tube I saw a new (as far as I'm  concerned) 
product, the name is MYRALAX my wife  wrote the name, claims to be the 
knows! also to be gentle  will know after first try.
Hope this brings relief to some of our sisters and brothers.
Hoboken NJ
Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk,  every situation 
is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You  choose how people 
affect your  mood.
After all today  is the tomorrow you worried about  yesterday.
If a  cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what is an empty desk a 
sign  of?
--Albert Einstein  
On a  positive note, 
I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it seems  today, life does 
go on, and it will be better tomorrow.  

The three words most feared by  MSers:



Most of our actions are a reflection on one's background,  training and 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-05 Thread DAANOO
My doctor used on me when I was in the hospital for pneumonia.  First  they 
had to use three large glasses of prune juice plus 2 tablespoons milk of  
magnesium in and along with the Miramax Senna and stool softeners, plus bran  
cereal and a boost drink although called something else, because I wasn't  
 My bowels finally started moving after a few days.  I  couldn't even eat 
because I stomach was hurting and I felt nausea.  There  was stool in my bowels 
at the very beginning not moving.  I don't know what  caused although I know 
they don't do that not digitals like I do at home and  that was partially the 
reason.  My mom had to make sure it was getting done  by doing herself, which 
aide does at home.  I used about a month after I  got home and then weaning 

Lately have read many message dealing with the subject of stool  softeners, 
etc) last night watching the tube I saw a new (as far as I'm  concerned) 
product, the name is MYRALAX my wife  wrote the name, claims to be the 
knows! also to be gentle  will know after first try.
Hope this brings relief to some of our sisters and brothers.
Hoboken NJ
Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk,  every situation 
is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You  choose how people 
affect your  mood.
After all today  is the tomorrow you worried about  yesterday.
If a  cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what is an empty desk a 
sign  of?
--Albert Einstein  
On a  positive note, 
I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it seems  today, life does 
go on, and it will be better tomorrow.  

The three words most feared by  MSers:



Most of our actions are a reflection on one's background,  training and 


 Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. _Watch Cooking with Tyler Florence 
on AOL  Food_ 
( .

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel problems

2008-06-05 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 6/5/2008 3:16:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  [EMAIL 

I know  they don't do that not digitals like I do at home and that was 
partially the  reason.  My mom had to make sure it was getting done by doing 
herself,  which my aide does at home.  I used about a month after I got home 
then weaning off.
the hopital i went to does digital, i'm surprise one wouldn't! they were  
also great on the rolling...every 2 hrs.

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

[QUAD-L] bowel problems

2008-05-05 Thread Roy Abell
I have just discovered an incredible website that offers a solution to
quadriplegic bowel problems.  I have tried the product and I am very


Their website is


Another quadriplegic


Re: [QUAD-L] bowel problems

2008-05-05 Thread SCIQuad96
One way to get your product notice. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel problems

2008-05-05 Thread SCIQuad96
wheel writes:

JUST DISCOVERED ??? or are you marketing a product that has been on the  
market for more than 5 years.
Your return addy shows, which implies somehow that you work  for, 
work with or are received some form of reimbursement for making claims on  
this discussion board.
Nice try but this discussion board has intelligent members that are way  
ahead of you and the product you are trying to promote here. You didn't  
its price which most insurance companies won't pay for and requires  
replacement fluids that are just as expensive.
Sorry kiddo, you lost your credibility here from me. but I can't  speak 
for the other members.
Best Wishes

Now, this is how it should've been said. Thumbs Up!  Wheel

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel problems

2008-05-05 Thread wheelchair
I thought I was being too tough on Jim Avery.  He is a nice guy and  has a 
genuine concern for himself and others, I'm sure.  Jim Abell, may not  realize 
that this worldwide discussion board grows each day with new  members  Some of 
them have the capital to invest in the PIE System.   Most do not.  That is not 
to imply that there no merits to its use.   Jim didn't mention that the 
product wasn't designed exclusively for Quads  either.
This is not MY discussion board.  It belongs to Jim Lubin.  I  just want 
those who market products good or bad to be upfront with those who may  not be 
aware of products and systems. Good information is worth a million.   No 
information will cost you a million.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/5/2008 5:36:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

wheel writes:

JUST DISCOVERED ??? or are you marketing a product that has been on the  
market for more than 5 years.
Your return addy shows, which implies somehow that you work  for, 
work with or are received some form of reimbursement for making claims  on 
this discussion board.
Nice try but this discussion board has intelligent members that are way  
ahead of you and the product you are trying to promote here. You didn't  
its price which most insurance companies won't pay for and requires  
replacement fluids that are just as expensive.
Sorry kiddo, you lost your credibility here from me. but I can't  speak 
for the other members.
Best Wishes

Now, this is how it should've been said. Thumbs Up!  Wheel


 Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? _Get new twists on family favorites at 
AOL  Food_ ( .

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

FW: [QUAD-L] bowel problems

2008-05-05 Thread William Willis

FYI - my doc put me on reglan about a month ago and it has made a huge 
difference in my bowel program. It increases peristalis. Anyone else take it?
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