Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Making code for some seminormal representations faster

2014-11-21 Thread Andrew
I'm currently going around in circles with some CombinatorialFreeModule 
woes. The previous code for these alternating seminormal forms works, but 
in order to cope with the many variations of seminormal representations 
that I decided to implement working I've have had to jazz things up quite a 
lot. Now my basic class structure looks something like this:

from sage.combinat.free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing

class A(CombinatorialFreeModule):
def __init__(self, base_ring, basis_keys, prefix='a', **kwargs):
super(A,self).__init__(base_ring, basis_keys, prefix=prefix, **

class Element(CombinatorialFreeModule.Element):

class B(A):
def __init__(self, base_ring, basis_keys, prefix='b', **kwargs):
super(B,self).__init__(base_ring, basis_keys, prefix=prefix, **

class C(B):
def __init__(self, shape, prefix='c', **kwargs):
base_ring=PolynomialRing(Integers(), 'q')
super(B,self).__init__(base_ring, shape.standard_tableaux(), prefix=
prefix, **kwargs)

This simplified code works fine. For example,

sage: C(Partition([3,2])).an_element()
2*c[[[1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]] + 3*c[[[1, 3, 4], [2, 5]]] + 2*c[[[1, 3, 5], [2, 4

Unfortunately my real code does not work, having issues like:

sage: rep=SeminormalRepresentation([2,1]); rep
SeminormalRepresentation([2,1])# seems to work OK
sage: rep.an_element() # try to construct an element
.element_class at 0x119a88c80) failed: AttributeError: 
'SeminormalRepresentation_with_category' object has no attribute '_prefix'
sage: rep(StandardTableau([[1,2],[3]]))
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
AttributeError: 'SeminormalRepresentation_with_category' object has no 
attribute '_basis_keys'

Does anyone have an idea of what is going wrong. Part of the issue might be 
all of the super calls, but I tried taking though ut and explcitly calling 
the previous class (they are linearly ordered), but this doesn't help.

For anyone feeling masochistic, the full code is at trac:17303 (it uses 6.5beta0)


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] A small hint in Symmetric Functions

2014-11-21 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Salut Nicolas!

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 12:19:15PM +0100, Nicolas Borie wrote:
 As I was constructing some Free Modules over the symmetric
 functions, I fall on this (sage 6.4.beta2 for my version (yes,
 that's probably old)):
 sage: SymmetricFunctions(QQ) in CommutativeRings()
 sage: SymmetricFunctions(QQ).a_realization() in CommutativeRings()
 I would have loved that the two lines return True. If I say no
 mistakes, the symmetric functions should be an abstract parent with
 severals realizations. The category is *probably* initialized in with the line:
 Parent.__init__(self, category = GradedHopfAlgebras(R).WithRealizations())
 Is this enought to change this category for the following one (with
 QQ replaced by R in the source code naturally) ?
 sage: GradedHopfAlgebras(QQ).Commutative().WithRealizations()


While you are at it, you might as well want to go for:


 Perhaps this question is relatively empty but I didn't contribute to
 Sage for something like a year. I just reviewed 2 tickets the last 6
 month and I am still scared of using git (don't laugh please!). So I
 asked before since a such one line patch cost 10 minutes for git
 lovers but probably 2 hours with the cheat-sheet of Volker for me.
 Ok, I just heard someone saying that it will need one than one line
 since it could be nice to add the proper test in the
 documentation... Rhoo

This sounds like a perfect ticket for a come back. The extra time
you'll spend there is a long term investment anyway.

Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Making code for some seminormal representations faster

2014-11-21 Thread Travis Scrimshaw
Hmmm... I don't see anything from a quick read of the code why this is 
going wrong. I'll take a more detailed look today.


On Friday, November 21, 2014 5:55:51 AM UTC-8, Andrew wrote:

 I'm currently going around in circles with some CombinatorialFreeModule 
 woes. The previous code for these alternating seminormal forms works, but 
 in order to cope with the many variations of seminormal representations 
 that I decided to implement, I've have had to jazz things up quite a lot. 
 Now my basic class structure looks something like this:

 from sage.combinat.free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule
 from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import 

 class A(CombinatorialFreeModule):
 def __init__(self, base_ring, basis_keys, prefix='a', **kwargs):
 super(A,self).__init__(base_ring, basis_keys, prefix=prefix, **

 class Element(CombinatorialFreeModule.Element):

 class B(A):
 def __init__(self, base_ring, basis_keys, prefix='b', **kwargs):
 super(B,self).__init__(base_ring, basis_keys, prefix=prefix, **

 class C(B):
 def __init__(self, shape, prefix='c', **kwargs):
 base_ring=PolynomialRing(Integers(), 'q')
 super(B,self).__init__(base_ring, shape.standard_tableaux(), 
 prefix=prefix, **kwargs)

 This simplified code works fine. For example,

 sage: C(Partition([3,2])).an_element()
 2*c[[[1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]] + 3*c[[[1, 3, 4], [2, 5]]] + 2*c[[[1, 3, 5], [2, 

 Unfortunately my real code does not work, having issues like:

 sage: rep=SeminormalRepresentation([2,1]); rep
 SeminormalRepresentation([2,1])# seems to work OK
 sage: rep.an_element() # try to construct an element
 SeminormalRepresentation_with_category.element_class at 0x119a88c80) 
 failed: AttributeError: 'SeminormalRepresentation_with_category' object 
 has no attribute '_prefix'
 sage: rep(StandardTableau([[1,2],[3]]))
 AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last
 AttributeError: 'SeminormalRepresentation_with_category' object has no 
 attribute '_basis_keys'

 Does anyone have an idea of what is going wrong. Part of the issue might 
 be all of the super calls, as perhaps some of the the classes higher up are 
 not using super, but I tried taking out all ofthe super calls and, 
 instead,  explicitly calling the previous classes (they are linearly 
 ordered), and unfortunately this doesn't help.

 For anyone feeling masochistic, the full code is at trac:17303 (it uses 6.5beta0)


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[sage-combinat-devel] post-doctoral position in Lyon

2014-11-21 Thread Frédéric Chapoton
Hello everybody,

there is a post-doctoral position in algebraic combinatorics opening in 
Lyon (France) next September.

Details can be found here:

Please pass the word to people you know that could be interested. Lyon is a 
nice city, and there is an active group in combinatorics in our department.

By the way, some other post-doc positions are available in Lyon, please 
look there for more information:



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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Making code for some seminormal representations faster

2014-11-21 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Hi Andrew,

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 05:55:51AM -0800, Andrew wrote:
I'm currently going around in circles with some CombinatorialFreeModule
woes. The previous code for these alternating seminormal forms works,
but in order to cope with the many variations of seminormal
representations that I decided to implement working I've have had to
jazz things up quite a lot. Now my basic class structure looks
something like this:
from sage.combinat.free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule
from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import
class A(CombinatorialFreeModule):
def __init__(self, base_ring, basis_keys, prefix='a', **kwargs):
super(A,self).__init__(base_ring, basis_keys, prefix=prefix,
class Element(CombinatorialFreeModule.Element):
class B(A):
def __init__(self, base_ring, basis_keys, prefix='b', **kwargs):
super(B,self).__init__(base_ring, basis_keys, prefix=prefix,
class C(B):
def __init__(self, shape, prefix='c', **kwargs):
base_ring=PolynomialRing(Integers(), 'q')
super(B,self).__init__(base_ring, shape.standard_tableaux(),
prefix=prefix, **kwargs)
This simplified code works fine. For example,
sage: C(Partition([3,2])).an_element()
2*c[[[1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]] + 3*c[[[1, 3, 4], [2, 5]]] + 2*c[[[1, 3, 5],
[2, 4]]]
Unfortunately my real code does not work, having issues like:
sage: rep=SeminormalRepresentation([2,1]); rep
SeminormalRepresentation([2,1])# seems to work
sage: rep.an_element() # try to construct an element
sentations.SeminormalRepresentation_with_category.element_class at
0x119a88c80) failed: AttributeError:
'SeminormalRepresentation_with_category' object has no attribute
sage: rep(StandardTableau([[1,2],[3]]))
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call
AttributeError: 'SeminormalRepresentation_with_category' object has no
attribute '_basis_keys'
Does anyone have an idea of what is going wrong. Part of the issue
might be all of the super calls, but I tried taking though ut and
explcitly calling the previous class (they are linearly ordered), but
this doesn't help.

Hmm, I haven't taken the time to think with a pen and paper, but I
don't guarantee that the what the super call do is as straightforward
as it ought to, given that the instance of A being initialized will
end up being in a subclass A_with_category, and similarly for the
others.  Does it work if instead you call explicitly A.__init__ in
B.__init__, and so on?

Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Making code for some seminormal representations faster

2014-11-21 Thread Andrew

On Saturday, 22 November 2014 10:24:43 UTC+11, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:

 Hi Andrew, 
 Hmm, I haven't taken the time to think with a pen and paper, but I 
 don't guarantee that the what the super call do is as straightforward 
 as it ought to, given that the instance of A being initialized will 
 end up being in a subclass A_with_category, and similarly for the 
 others.  Does it work if instead you call explicitly A.__init__ in 
 B.__init__, and so on? 

Hi Nicolas,

I fixed my problem so the code is working now. It is possible that there 
are some issues with the super calls but as far as I can tell it is working 
as I expect.

One question that I should ask you, however, is the following. I have a 
suspicion that I should define a category for the Hecke algebra 
representations, however, I don't know what the benefits are of doing this 
or how to do it. Certainly the code seems to work without this (not that I 
have added extensive tests yet or properly implemented the mathematics), 
but if this is necessary, or desirable, I would like to understand what 
this gives me over and above having a dedicated class for Hecke algebra 



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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Making code for some seminormal representations faster

2014-11-21 Thread Travis Scrimshaw
Hey Andrew and Nicolas,
   I've probably mentioned this before, but I think we should figure out 
how we want to handle categories for representations in general. I would 
like this for Lie algebras (equiv. universal enveloping algebras), quantum 
groups, and general groups (equiv. group algebras). Something which would 
be benefit from having a category for Hecke algebra representations would 
be methods for constructing the Grothendieck group, a list of simples (up 
to isomorphism), and a canonical place to look for constructing examples 
(via ``an_element()``).

   So my thoughts (if you've heard this before, feel free to skip) on this 
would be to construct a category parameterized by a Hecke algebra ``H`` 
which is a subcategory of the category of modules over ``H.base_ring()``. 
For general representation categories, we'd have an abstract method 
``representation_action()`` (the name can change, I didn't think too hard 
about this) that the user must implement and which we use throughout the 
category and with some default implementation of ``get_action()`` which 
calls ``representation_action()`` when passed an element of ``H``. In this 
case specifically, we could define a generic ``representation_action()`` 
which converts an element to the T_i basis and calls ``T_action(i)`` 
(again, probably a better name out there).

   Although for now we can just have a base class for all Hecke algebra 
representations, and there is not a clear and obvious gain to me at present 
from defining such a category.


On Friday, November 21, 2014 4:16:13 PM UTC-8, Andrew wrote:

 On Saturday, 22 November 2014 10:24:43 UTC+11, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:

 Hi Andrew, 
 Hmm, I haven't taken the time to think with a pen and paper, but I 
 don't guarantee that the what the super call do is as straightforward 
 as it ought to, given that the instance of A being initialized will 
 end up being in a subclass A_with_category, and similarly for the 
 others.  Does it work if instead you call explicitly A.__init__ in 
 B.__init__, and so on? 

 Hi Nicolas,

 I fixed my problem so the code is working now. It is possible that there 
 are some issues with the super calls but as far as I can tell it is working 
 as I expect.

 One question that I should ask you, however, is the following. I have a 
 suspicion that I should define a category for the Hecke algebra 
 representations, however, I don't know what the benefits are of doing this 
 or how to do it. Certainly the code seems to work without this (not that I 
 have added extensive tests yet or properly implemented the mathematics), 
 but if this is necessary, or desirable, I would like to understand what 
 this gives me over and above having a dedicated class for Hecke algebra 



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Re: [sage-devel] Better tracebacks (#71)

2014-11-21 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
Let me also mention that I have no plans to change anything regarding 
the inspect module, this is only about displaying tracebacks.

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Re: [sage-devel] Bug in abs(I*x).diff(x)

2014-11-21 Thread Ondřej Čertík
I've written up all the equations from this thread together with
detailed step by step derivation:

e.g. the derivatives are here:

Most of the examples from this thread are there, but few are still
missing, I'll add them tomorrow.

Bill, please let me know if you have any feedback/comments to it.


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[sage-devel] Re: Build error in Sage-6.2: pynac-0.3.2

2014-11-21 Thread Chris Carrowiano
Yep, still an issue with 6.3  6.4 using Fedora 20 32-bit.
My pie-neck be bugging...

...Compiling from source code is no fun; my penguin is tired. 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Simon King
Hi y'all!

I have heard that this is a Texan greeting, so, I hope nobody feels 

Am Freitag, 21. November 2014 08:36:40 UTC+1 schrieb Nathann Cohen:

  Also, I can accept that using he as a general pronoun is not intended 
  be sexist, especially from a non-nature speaker, but I am really 
  to find a reasonable interpretation this last sentence. The best I can 
  up with is that you are trying to be funny and it's lost in translation. 
  this what you intended? 

 It was a joke, indeed. It is getting dangerous to joke, guys 

That's the problem with political correctness. I know that some people, 
mainly in the USA but not so much elsewhere, find PC very important. But 
they should not forget:

- In international settings (such as here!) you simply can not expect that 
everybody knows about fine details of the English language. For example, my 
German translation for guys would be Leute, which is 100% neutral and 
actually only exist in plural (there is no der Leut/ die Leut referring 
to a single person), and I suppose in French (Nathann's principal language) 
it is les gens, which I think is similar. So, I was shocked when someone 
stated that Nathann was sexist when speaking about 10 to 20 guys 
-- If we'd start with PC, we would seriously discriminate non-native 
English speakers. Thus, PC is politically incorrect when used in an 
inter-cultural setting.

- In the case of cultural differences, which sometimes become apparent in 
jokes that can't be understood by people from another culture, one should 
generally assume that the other person does *not* have a bad intention. 
Also known as in dubio pro.
-- If you can see a neutral or positive meaning in what someone says, then 
you shouldn't assume a bad intention (double meaning of to assume is 
totally intended here...).

- PC is a moving target. Words that used to be perfectly neutral in the 
past are now considered offensive. And words that have been used as insult 
of a minority are sometimes taken up by the minority and re-defined as 
positive --- but then sometimes the minority would only allow the use of 
the formerly offensive word by members of the minority, not by outsiders. 
Which is discrimination answered by discrimination, and is near to 
impossible to understand for non-native speakers, which is again 
-- Don't start to try and define what is offensive. It is useless.

So, please cut PC out! There is some truth in its basic idea (one should 
speak in a way that does not exclude people that shouldn't be excluded), 
but it becomes totally unreasonable and seriously discriminating in any 
pluralistic setting. That's funny, since PC pretends to support pluralism, 
but from my perspective it miserably fails. PC (when it is supposed to be 
more than a very rough guideline) is unacceptable as the base of a 
pluralistic society such as ours.

Back to the question of a code of conduct.

- Law (or a code of conduct) can define what is misbehaviour, but it can 
not *prevent* misbehaviour.

- A committee that creates bad consequences for offenders would 
theoretically be able to prevent continued misbehaviour. However, I'd think 
the creation of such committee would be overbearing. Sage is not a state.

- It strikes me as perfectly possible that person A acts in compliance with 
a code of conduct, but still person B feels offended by person A. This is a 
totally normal situation in real life and keeps courts busy. And this 
situation can by definition not be avoided by *any* kind of code of conduct.

- I know that some people disagree with me, but I truly believe that 
bluntly punishing a criminal is *not* helpful for the crime victim. And far 
less when it is not a crime but just civil misbehaviour.

I do acknowledge that there has been hurt feeling on sage-(combinat-)devel 
in the past, but I think our existing way of dealing with it is of a very 
suitable kind. Certainly it could be improved (be more supportive for the 
offended, and avoid replying to an offender in an offensive way, since 
this would feed the troll), but a code of conduct would totally change our 
existing approach, and this strikes me as plain wrong.

William was correct in counting my vote as -1.


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[sage-devel] Re: Better tracebacks (#71)

2014-11-21 Thread Volker Braun
IMHO this would better be solved upstream.

* IPython input transformers should also keep a map from the original 
source lines to the transformed lines. By default, that would just be the 
identity map.

* IPython already hooks into the linecache used for tracebacks in 
get_ipython().compile.cache, just store the original source together with 
the transformed source and line mapping. Probably that can just be added at 
the end of the cache tuple.

* IPython already hooks into the exception formatting to colorize the 
exceptions, this should always show the pre-transformed source.

On Friday, November 21, 2014 6:45:32 AM UTC, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:


 I have a working proof-of-concept to improve tracebacks for preparsed 
 code and for Cython code. On, you can 
 see an example of a new traceback. 

 This isn't a finished patch yet, but I would like some opinions on the 
 general approach first. 

 The main changes are: 
 1) Change the preparser to add the unpreparsed source as comments. Yes, 
 this increases the size of preparsed code a lot: 

 sage: preparse('2 + 3') 
 'Integer(2) + Integer(3) #sage_pp#:2 + 3' 

 2) When executing load() or attach(), always save the preparsed source 
 to a temporary file. This is needed to get any traceback at all for this 
 exec()ed code. 

 3) Add an upstream patch to IPython (which is likely to be accepted 
 upstream, I asked ipython-dev) to not replace the .pyx file by the .so 
 file in tracebacks. 

 4) Write a custom extract_tb() function which undoes preparsing in 
 tracebacks and which makes paths absolute w.r.t. SAGE_SRC. The latter is 
 needed because Cython filenames in tracebacks are relative. 

 5) Monkey-patch the Python library function traceback.extract_tb() with 
 this custom function when the SageTerminalApp starts. 

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[sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Simon King

On 2014-11-21, Simon King wrote:
 That's the problem with political correctness. I know that some people, 
 mainly in the USA but not so much elsewhere, find PC very important.

Interestingly, I just read in Wikipedia that in the USA, the term
political correctness is mainly used by right-wing people, and has a
pejorative sense. Before reading it, I had the impression that the term
was mainly used by people aiming at pluralism, and had a positive meaning
to them.

Yet another cultural difference, I guess.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Better tracebacks (#71)

2014-11-21 Thread Jeroen Demeyer

On 2014-11-21 14:00, Volker Braun wrote:

IMHO this would better be solved upstream.

I don't want to make this specific to IPython.

I also want to use it for sage-run and sagenb and perhaps other places 
too which don't use IPython.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread mmarco
I am not exactly a -1 for the code of conduct, but at some point between -1 
and 0. 

And of course, i wouldn't quit working on Sage and/or commenting here 
regardless of the final decision about the code of conduct. My experience 
in the Sage community has been very positive so far. Discussions have been 
productive and respectful except for a few isolated cases. I feel good in 
this community, i have found very nice and interesting people here. And, 
very importantly, Sage now includes some features that are important for my 
work because i implemented them. 

I don't think that a change of conduct would change any of the above. And 
even if it does, i would still have powerful reasons to keep contributing 
to the Sage development.

El viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014 03:06:53 UTC+1, William escribió:

 Can somebody help me count the votes?   I made pass through this long 
 and complicated thread, and here's what I seem to have got: 

 FOR a code of conduct, possibly suitably word-smithed (7): 

 Jan Groenewald 
 Travis Scrimshaw 
 Anne Schilling 
 Mike Zabrocki 
 Andrew Mathas 
 Ben Salisbury 
 Viviane Pons 

 AGAINST having code of conductor (5) 

 Robert Dodier 
 Simon King 
 Nathann Cohen 
 Harald Schilley (qualified) 

 Other proposal or comments, but didn't vote and proposal gained no 
 significant traction  (5): 

  william stein 
  karl dieter 
  John Perry 

 Also, important question.  Is there anybody who is *seriously* 
 considering quitting working on Sage if they don't like the way this 
 vote goes?  If you don't want to respond on list, feel free to email 
 me offlist at javascript:. 


  -- William 

 On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Robert Dodier 
 javascript: wrote: 
  On 2014-11-19, Tom Boothby javascript: wrote: 
  In situations where it looks like real abuse has occurred, a committee 
  of arbiters should exist to rule on it. 
  Instituting a committee of authorities seems misdirected -- unless one 
  takes an inclusive approach and declares that all participants are 
  hereby authorities. That is, that all participants are equally 
  empowered to complain about bad behavior -- anyone can say to anyone, 
  cut that shit out, perhaps worded more tactfully, but the same 
  in content at least. 
  About the fabled rudeness of the inhabitants of NYC, I speculate that 
  it's misunderstood by outsiders. What is actually going on is that all 
  citizens feel empowered to complain when anyone breaks a rule. Instead 
  of suffering in silence as someone cuts in line or stands in a doorway, 
  someone just goes ahead and says, hey, stop it. I'm told (never spent 
  much time there myself) that it makes people more polite, because one 
  knows that one cannot get away with petty misbehavior. I'd like to 
  think the same applies to any informal gathering of humanity. 
  Robert Dodier 
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 William Stein 
 Professor of Mathematics 
 University of Washington 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread kcrisman

I wasn't going to go there, but since it was brought up... ncohen knows 
that in no way is this me griping about him personally; I remember some far 
more vituperative problems from long ago that (thankfully) involve no-one 
in this thread, to my recollection.

 Sorry Nathan, but since you asked, these comments clearly violate item 
  of the proposed code of conduct, and arguably items (1) and (2) as well. 

For those of us (like me) who access this on the web and hence had to look 
up (1)-(4), I have to say I agree that those were in violation of (1). 
 Here is part of (4):

Be respectful and polite. Not all of us will agree all the time, but 
disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all 
experience some frustration now and then, but we
cannot allow that frustration to morph into personal attacks.

Now, realistically that is not going to happen - because it's SO EASY to 
just hit reply.  

But what a (short) community standard can do is to provide guidelines for 
how to deal with such situations.  In this particular case, it was 
particularly sad because, although I agreed that Nathann was out of line 
(and told him so privately), I also think that those who were replying to 
him probably should have just disengaged from the degenerating 
conversation.  It's not in our blood to do it, as mathematicians!  But 
sometimes necessary, to let things cool down.  Honestly, I felt really bad 
for everyone involved in that discussion, because it was clear everyone was 
at least a little miffed, if not hurt.

Hence the idea of suggesting somewhere (without an explicit code, perhaps) 
that in such situations the community expects (whatever that means) that 
people just stop talking about a given thing - or at least stop doing so on 
sage-devel. On sage-flame, go for it, if you really want to; private 
emails, we can't stop you.

It won't stop a thread from going, but at least someone not directly 
involved (perhaps not from a committer list) can say Remember community 
standards item #43-E-5 paragraph 7b! and that is the cue that if those 
involved keep going, be it on their own heads for hurt feelings.  Or wasted 


 Well, then I believe that my only defense is that I was feeling very 
 alone trying to get item 3 observed. Indeed, a bug had been returning 
 wrong answers for 20 months and nothing had been done against it by 
 those who knew the code, despite frequent reminders. I had tried a lot 
 but in vain, I did not understand the code sufficiently. 

Oh, I have been there.  We have ALL (well, anyone who has worked on Sage 
for more than a few hours a year) been there.   Yes it is annoying.

And I have also been the one who never replied to pings because I had other 
priorities or my kids were sick or I was worried about something else at 
work or I was trying to actually get away from the internet for more than 
12 hours or I didn't have a working Sage installation and would rather read 
a book or watch TV than try to figure out how I broke it... maybe community 
standard #5 can be We know there will be unfixed bugs, and as an open 
source, all-volunteer project, we can only encourage others kindly to work 
on them, except more elegant, and with a Stuart Smalley aesthetic in it.

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[sage-devel] Re: Build error in Sage-6.2: pynac-0.3.2

2014-11-21 Thread kcrisman
I didn't really follow this conversation, but it sounds like there is an 
easy fix and just no one ever committed it.  Is there even a ticket?

Yep, still an issue with 6.3  6.4 using Fedora 20 32-bit.
 My pie-neck be bugging...

 ...Compiling from source code is no fun; my penguin is tired. 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Better tracebacks (#71)

2014-11-21 Thread Volker Braun
You don't have to use IPython interactively, just use its machinery for 
evaluating code-from-a-string instead of reinventing the wheel. Really, why 
doesn't SageNB just do the equivalent 
of sage.repl.interpreter.get_test_shell().run_cell('1+1'), instead there is 
multiple temporary files with some base64 encoding thrown in for fun? This 
is Python, you can just compile/evaluate code in a string without any 
temporary files! You need a little bit of thought to get the tracebacks 
right, but IPython already implements that for you.

On Friday, November 21, 2014 1:58:34 PM UTC, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:

 On 2014-11-21 14:00, Volker Braun wrote: 
  IMHO this would better be solved upstream. 
 I don't want to make this specific to IPython. 

 I also want to use it for sage-run and sagenb and perhaps other places 
 too which don't use IPython. 

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Re: [sage-devel] Maple versus Mathematica

2014-11-21 Thread Jean Bétréma
Le mercredi 19 novembre 2014 00:03:27 UTC+1, William a écrit :

  lM = Map[If[# == 0, 0, 1] , M[[2]][[#[[2]]  /@ M[[3]], #[[2]]  /@ 
  M[[4, {2}]; 

 Holy f*2}];ng s/@! 

Sure this answer by Sage is less cryptic:

sage: p=Permutation([4,1,2,5,3])
sage: type(p)

but it prevents me (and perhaps others) to do any development in such a 
system :-(

I think the thread about a pseudo Code of Conduct is indeed intended to 
prevent guys (yes, guys) like Nathann to say simply that in some areas Sage 
code is a whole mess. Too bad.

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Re: [sage-devel] Bug in abs(I*x).diff(x)

2014-11-21 Thread Bill Page
On 20 November 2014 22:08, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Bill Page wrote:
 This problem can be reduced to finding an algorithm to determine
 if f(x) is everywhere non-negative. Richardson proves that no such
 algorithm exists.

 I see. But what does this have to do with the derivative of |f(x)| that
 we are trying to figure out?

This has to do with 'conjugate' in general, not just derivatives of
expressions containing 'conjugate'.  The problem is that 'conjugate'
is transcendental but it cannot be written in terms of log and exp.

 As you pointed out, the challenge is that if you include conjugate(x),
 then you might be out of luck. But aren't you out of luck already if
 you have abs(x) in the expression in the first place? I.e. taking a
 derivative is not going to change anything, you are still out of luck.

You are right about the derivative.  But my limited understanding is
that the strategy is not to avoid 'abs(x)' but rather to avoid 'sin'.
We cannot similarly avoid 'conjugate' and in general the effect of
including 'conjugate' is apparently unknown.  But one effect of
including 'conjugate' is that we can have expressions like


which is necessarily real-valued, rather like 'abs(x)' for x
real-valued is non-negative.  So it would be nice to know, for example
for any expression composed of x, integers, +, *, sin, and conjugate,
if there is an algorithm to determine if this expression is everywhere

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Better tracebacks (#71)

2014-11-21 Thread Volker Braun
Its not brain surgery, but you want 

1) Apply the preparser, possibly other input transformations

2) handle syntax errors from the preparser and show an appropriate error 
(not: a traceback inside the preparser)

3) handle errors from the string - ast compilation and show an appropriate 

4) put the source into traceback.linecache

5) beautify the traceback

IPython does all these things already.

Loading code from a file is just loading + evaluating the loaded string.

On Friday, November 21, 2014 5:08:50 PM UTC, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:

 On 2014-11-21 15:29, Volker Braun wrote: 
  You don't have to use IPython interactively, just use its machinery for 
  evaluating code-from-a-string instead of reinventing the wheel. 
 What's wrong with exec(compile())? There is not much reinvented in that. 

 Note that it's not just code evaluated from a string, it's also stuff 
 like load() and attach(). I don't know if there are IPython equivalents 
 for those. 

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[sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Simon King

On 2014-11-21, mmarco wrote:
 And of course, i wouldn't quit working on Sage and/or commenting here
 regardless of the final decision about the code of conduct.

I forgot to say: I would very likely not quit because of that, even
though I am -1.

 My experience in the Sage community has been very positive so far. 
 Discussions have been
 productive and respectful except for a few isolated cases. I feel good in
 this community, i have found very nice and interesting people here.

+1 :)

 very importantly, Sage now includes some features that are important for my
 work because i implemented them.

... and because someone else reviewed them.

I count this as another argument why a code of conduct is not needed.
Sage-developers typically want to use Sage for what they are really
interested in. So, they have a strong interest in getting work done.
Hence, they have good reason to behave in a constructive way: If
someone trolls around, then (s)he is likely to not get help/trac review
from the community. And the worst what can happen to them is: Not
getting response. That's the good old don't feed the troll, and for
that basic rule we don't need a code of conduct.

Best regards,

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[sage-devel] Re: Maple versus Mathematica

2014-11-21 Thread Simon King
Hi Jean,

On 2014-11-21, Jean Bétréma wrote:
 Sure this answer by Sage is less cryptic:

 sage: p=Permutation([4,1,2,5,3])
 sage: type(p)

 but it prevents me (and perhaps others) to do any development in such a 
 system :-(

Just doing
  sage: p??
will show you the source code, and doing
  sage: edit(p, 'vim') # or another editor instead of vim
will allow you to work on the code.

Hitting type(p) is simply not the best approach to find out about

Best regards,

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Anne Schilling
 Which kind of rule would you see in a code of conduct that would make 
 messages like those you cited (not all were pointing at you, by the way) 
 illegal ? 

(1) Statements were made that were not factually correct.
(2) People were directly insulted.
(3) Conversely, Sage is constantly evolving, and earlier decisions that were 
made in good faith may
sometimes need to be reconsidered. Nonetheless, we should still appreciate the 
hard work done in the past.

The thread that the quotes were from are an example where the design 
discussions were done in
private. It was *not* a pleasant experience for the people who at the end fixed 
the bug.
I thought that sage-devel was there for discussions about the code, design 
discussions etc..
The discussions seemed to suppress that aspect completely, which I find very 

As William said, one option is to just move the actual design discussions to a 
private forum
where contributions are constructive rather than counter-productive.



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Re: [sage-devel] Maple versus Mathematica

2014-11-21 Thread Harald Schilly
On Nov 21, 2014 5:27 PM, Jean Bétréma wrote:

 Le mercredi 19 novembre 2014 00:03:27 UTC+1, William a écrit :

  lM = Map[If[# == 0, 0, 1] , M[[2]][[#[[2]]  /@ M[[3]], #[[2]]  /@
  M[[4, {2}];

 Holy f*2}];ng s/@!

 Sure this answer by Sage is less cryptic:

 sage: p=Permutation([4,1,2,5,3])
 sage: type(p)

 but it prevents me (and perhaps others) to do any development in such a
system :-(

Hi, I am quite confused by this. Having a good type system at hand is
really helpful, in my opinion. What do you actually expect to get here

Sage already changes some of Python to make it more useful, but I think
those basics should stay as they are.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Nathann Cohen
 (1) Statements were made that were not factually correct.
 (2) People were directly insulted.
 (3) Conversely, Sage is constantly evolving, and earlier decisions that were 
 made in good faith may
 sometimes need to be reconsidered. Nonetheless, we should still appreciate 
 the hard work done in the past.

Anne, please let us stop re-doing that match here. It will really last
forever otherwise.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Andrew
Hi Simon,

I think your comments are a form of uber political correctness, in that you 
are taking the moral high ground that it is not politically correct to be 
political correct:) Although I agree that there are some merits to this 
perspective I think that this is just a distraction from the current 

On sage-dev we're focused on sage, so mathematics and coding. Is is ever 
necessary, or useful, to talk about hating a particular person or a group 
of people? 


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Re: [sage-devel] Maple versus Mathematica

2014-11-21 Thread Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave Ltd)
On 18 Nov 2014 22:37, Stefan wrote:

 I don't know if I simply lack the appropriate Mathematica knowledge, but
years ago, when I implemented matroids
 lM = Map[If[# == 0, 0, 1] , M[[2]][[#[[2]]  /@ M[[3]], #[[2]]  /@
M[[4, {2}];

I am no expert on Mathematica, but Mathematica code does not need to be so

Anyway,  is it any less readable than this code to plot the Mandelbrot set?

Or this C code


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Nils Bruin
On Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:06:53 PM UTC-8, William wrote:

 Can somebody help me count the votes?   I made pass through this long 
 and complicated thread, and here's what I seem to have got.

I'm -1 to an enforcable code of conduct. In extreme cases (which haven't 
happened) a list administrator could temporarily ban someone. The natural 
outrage such an action is bound to have is, in my opinion, a good deterrent 
on using it. I explain my motivation below. 

From the information I see, sage-devel is behaving like most online forums. 
Most of the discussion is civil and productive, but there is the occasional 
derailing. As far as I know, this happens on any forum of reasonable size, 
unless there is heavy moderation (which would slow down and defeat the 
purpose of sage-devel). I think sage-flame was a nice invention and has 
helped in controlling signal-to-noise on sage-devel in the past. It hasn't 
been used so frequently recently.

If I'm right that sage-devel is not particularly hostile (for the most part 
it's pretty good in my opinion), then I don't think implementing a code of 
conduct with teeth is going to improve the situation significantly. 
Having guidelines for conduct easily available might help in showing 
newcomers that we care. A perceived offender can be pointed to it too to 
make the person aware how other people are perceiving his tone.

I think  the most effective way of establishing the community we want is by 
leading by example. That already happens quite a bit.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Nathann Cohen
 On sage-dev we're focused on sage, so mathematics and coding. Is is ever
 necessary, or useful, to talk about hating a particular person or a group

If what you have in mind is my I hate the fact that [...], you will find
that it hates a fact. Not this or that person. Don't act as if I said
that I hated a person. I said that I hate a fact, and indeed I hate a

Now, if your question is whether it is useful or necessary to talk about
hating a fact, then the answer is that it is not necessarily useful.

Is it particularly useful on sage, where we are focused on mathematics and
coding, to talk about whether people should talk about hating facts ? Or
whether people should talk about things which are not necessary/useful ?

I do not think that the answer to that is of any consequence.


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[sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Dima Pasechnik
On 2014-11-21, William Stein wrote:
 Can somebody help me count the votes?   I made pass through this long
 and complicated thread, and here's what I seem to have got:

I'd say it's OK to have such a code, but it's not really OK to actively enforce
it. Such an active enforcement would only be counterproductive, if not
outright impossible.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread Simon King
Hi Andrew,

Am Freitag, 21. November 2014 20:43:12 UTC+1 schrieb Andrew:

 I think your comments are a form of uber political correctness, in that 
 you are taking the moral high ground that it is not politically correct to 
 be political correct:) Although I agree that there are some merits to this 
 perspective I think that this is just a distraction from the current 

In some post in this thread it was claimed that another post was sexist, 
even though there was enough reason to refuse the claim. One person imputed 
bad intention to another person, without considering in dubio pro. Such 
questionable, annoying and distracting claims and imputations will occur a 
lot more when they can be based on the authority of a code of conduct. I 
don't want it. That's how my comment is related with the current discussion.


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Re: [sage-devel] Bug in abs(I*x).diff(x)

2014-11-21 Thread Ondřej Čertík
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 9:37 AM, Bill Page wrote:
 On 20 November 2014 22:08, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Bill Page 
 This problem can be reduced to finding an algorithm to determine
 if f(x) is everywhere non-negative. Richardson proves that no such
 algorithm exists.

 I see. But what does this have to do with the derivative of |f(x)| that
 we are trying to figure out?

 This has to do with 'conjugate' in general, not just derivatives of
 expressions containing 'conjugate'.  The problem is that 'conjugate'
 is transcendental but it cannot be written in terms of log and exp.

 As you pointed out, the challenge is that if you include conjugate(x),
 then you might be out of luck. But aren't you out of luck already if
 you have abs(x) in the expression in the first place? I.e. taking a
 derivative is not going to change anything, you are still out of luck.

 You are right about the derivative.  But my limited understanding is
 that the strategy is not to avoid 'abs(x)' but rather to avoid 'sin'.
 We cannot similarly avoid 'conjugate' and in general the effect of
 including 'conjugate' is apparently unknown.  But one effect of
 including 'conjugate' is that we can have expressions like


 which is necessarily real-valued, rather like 'abs(x)' for x
 real-valued is non-negative.  So it would be nice to know, for example
 for any expression composed of x, integers, +, *, sin, and conjugate,
 if there is an algorithm to determine if this expression is everywhere

I am still confused about one thing: is this issue is already present
in FriCAS before your changes?
Because you can already use conjugate, sin, +, *, ..., even without defining
the derivative for abs(x). I fail to see how defining the
abs(x).diff(x) in the way you did it
can introduce issues that weren't present in the first place.


I have finished the writeup, it starts here (you might want to refresh
your browser
to see the latest changes):

and it was implemented with these two PRs:

I must say one thing that I like about the theta is that it tells
you immediately if the function is analytic or not (if theta is
present it is not, if it is not present, then the expression does not
depend on theta, and thus is analytic). For example, for log(z), the
theta cancels, and so the result 1/z is analytic.

I found a bug in these results from FriCAS:

 (4) - D(abs(f(x)),x)

  , _  _  ,
 f(x)f (x) + f(x)f (x)

(4)  -
 (5) - D(abs(log(x)),x)

 xlog(x) + x log(x)
(5)  --

The bar must be over the whole f(x) as well as log(x), because
conjugate(log(x)) is only equal log(conjugate(x)) if x is not negative
real number. See the example here: where I
have it explicitly worked out. You can also check that easily in

In [1]: from cmath import log

In [2]: x = -1+1j

In [3]: log(x).conjugate()
Out[3]: (0.34657359027997264-2.356194490192345j)

In [4]: log(x.conjugate())
Out[4]: (0.34657359027997264-2.356194490192345j)

In [5]: x = -1

In [6]: log(x).conjugate()
Out[6]: -3.141592653589793j

In [7]: log(x.conjugate())
Out[7]: 3.141592653589793j

In [8]: log(x.conjugate()) - 2*pi*1j
Out[8]: -3.141592653589793j

Where [3] and [4] are equal, but [6] and [7] are not (you need to
subtract 2*pi*i from [7], as in [8], in order to recover [6],
consistent with the formula in the writeup).

Apart from this issue, all other examples that you posted seem to be
correct and agree with my hand based step by step calculation in the


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Re: [sage-devel] Maple versus Mathematica

2014-11-21 Thread William Stein
On Nov 21, 2014 11:46 AM, Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave Ltd) wrote:

 On 18 Nov 2014 22:37, Stefan wrote:
  I don't know if I simply lack the appropriate Mathematica knowledge,
but years ago, when I implemented matroids
  lM = Map[If[# == 0, 0, 1] , M[[2]][[#[[2]]  /@ M[[3]], #[[2]]  /@
M[[4, {2}];

 I am no expert on Mathematica, but Mathematica code does not need to be
so cryptic.

Can anybody rewrite the above line of mathematica code so that it does
something equivalent, but is less cryptic?

 Anyway,  is it any less readable than this code to plot the Mandelbrot

 Or this C code


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[sage-devel] Re: Maple versus Mathematica

2014-11-21 Thread Jason Grout
The ith element of a list is M[[i]].  An expression ending in  is a 
lambda function, with # being the first parameter.  f /@ B is equivalent 
to map(f, B) (f is applied to each element of B).  If[# == 0, 0, 1] is 
equivalent to lambda x: x==0 ? 0 : 1

So to me, it looks like:

m2 = [m[2][i] for i in [x[2] for x in m[3]]
m3 = [m2[i] for i in [x[2] for x in m[4]]
lM = [[0 if i==0 else 1 for i in x] for x in m3]

There's a decent chance that I missed something, though.  It's been a 
long while since I did anything in mathematica, and I've realized that 
mathematica quickly starts looking like line noise after I've stopped 
using it.



P.S. I was curious about the online mathematica the other night.  If I 
understood the marketing material correctly, it seems you get 
interactive computation included in the base price, and you are charged 
for offline computation.  I checked the prices, and saw that the credit 
system they offer sells computational time for about $10.80/hour (in $15 
increments), down to $6.47/hour (if you buy $180 at a time), billed in 
100ms chunks [1].  In comparison, the highest price an Amazon Linux EC2 
On Demand instance is a 32 processor, 244GB Ram, 8 800GB SSD instance 
for $6.82/hour.  I realize I didn't count Amazon's bandwidth charges 
($0.12/GB after 1GB out from EC2 to internet each month), but 
regardless, that seems like relatively expensive computational time.

[1] (down at the bottom)

On 11/21/14, 20:45, William Stein wrote:

On Nov 21, 2014 11:46 AM, Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave Ltd)
  On 18 Nov 2014 22:37, Stefan wrote:
   I don't know if I simply lack the appropriate Mathematica
knowledge, but years ago, when I implemented matroids
   lM = Map[If[# == 0, 0, 1] , M[[2]][[#[[2]]  /@ M[[3]], #[[2]] 
/@ M[[4, {2}];
  I am no expert on Mathematica, but Mathematica code does not need to
be so cryptic.

Can anybody rewrite the above line of mathematica code so that it does
something equivalent, but is less cryptic?

  Anyway,  is it any less readable than this code to plot the
Mandelbrot set?
  Or this C code
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