Re: CS>'3 nines' equals about 764 ppm in ten minutes.

2007-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  Veddy interestink!
A current plot would be, as well.

So, what does that stuff look after letting sunlight hit it 
for a while?


At 11:41 PM 12/23/2007 +1030, you wrote:
I've tried to re-create the 'old method' of making Colloidal Silver with a 
glass of tap water, a pinch of salt, and 3 x 9v batteries with no current 
control. This was the method used by Stan Jones, (and perhaps by the new 
blue man, Paul Karosan)

I started with a brand new 12 gauge pure silver anode (and cathode).
7 cms was submersed. I calculated that this weighed 2.3 grams or 2300 
milligrams.  (Based on 'ccsilver'  website information 34'' = 1oz.  or 
86cm = 28g). The electrodes were spaced about an inch apart.

After 60 MINUTES of brewing time I observed the anode. It was visibly VERY 
reduced. I estimated it had lost half its volume.
So in one hour, 1150 milligrams of silver had been dissolved in just 250 
mls of water.

This equates to 4600 ppm.

As the conductivity of the water was 'consistently high' throughout the 
brew time I estimated that after 10 minutes the milligrams dissolved
would have been about one sixth of the final amount , or about 191 mgs in 
250 mls.

This equates to 764 ppm (Produced in just 10 minutes remember.)

So any assumption that this old method makes about 1 ppm per minute is 
completely wrong by a factor of about 70.

And I doubt that omitting the pinch of salt would have made much 
difference because the conductivity of the tap water was pretty high 
anyway. (So making CS with anything other than pure water is a bad idea.)

You'll also note that the calculations above are exclusively limited to 
the milligrams of pure silver that was actually dissolved. I have no idea 
what that would equate to in ppms of silver chloride.

Compare this to one of todays current controlled Silverpuppys or 
Silvergens for example. After 3 or 4 hours brewing time in pure water they 
produce about 15 ppm. (Or about 3.7 milligrams in a 250 ml glass of water) 
And no silver chloride.

Meter readings don't mean much in a test like this but I recorded them 
anyway with a HM Digital COM100.

Tap water:  324ppm / 660uS
Pinch of salt added:  990ppm / 1950uS
After 30 minutes: 1330ppm / 2650uS
After 60mins: 1820ppm / 3450uS.

Actually, I was surprised to see the conductivity increase. I expected it 
to remain virtually stable with dissolved silver combining with impurities 
to form non conductive particles.

My power source was a DC wall transformer that output about 29v.


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CS>A Christmas Card for you all:)

2007-12-24 Thread wordsjunkie
I'm sending this card to you all on the list:)

May you all have a wonderful Christmas:)

>From me and mine to you and yours, may you have peace and joy, and may it
stay with you throughout the year. I wish you health and happiness, freedom
and abundance, and that all your endeavors prosper:)

Merry Christmas:)



Re: CS>The Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

2007-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  Gone OT


At 09:18 AM 12/23/2007 -0500, you wrote:

There is no more "too hot" coffee sold at McDonalds.

When an elderly woman endured intense physical pain which resulted in 
personal disfigurement that required corrective surgery after spilling a 
scalding hot beverage in her lap at McDonald's drive up window, the 
authorities finally woke up and decided it was not such a bright idea to 
serve scalding hot beverages to people in moving vehicles..  Coffee 
temperature is now reduced and regulated by law at McDonalds and probably 
all drive up windows.

I tend to appreciate many of the public safety rules.  It didn't happen to 
me but that does not stop me from deeply sympathizing with the woman to 
whom it did happen.

- Original Message -
From: Paula Perry
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: CS>The Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

I think the most valid reason for what you call the "nanny state" is NOT 
to protect consumers. It's government and corporate interest merger. 
Government agencies, especially of late, work primarily to protect 
industry profits and monopolies. Lawyers and suing are just part of a 
little side show. It has gotten tougher and tougher to beat big insurance 
and big pharma racket. Sure take the wrong leg off during an operation you 
are likely to collect something if you live long enough. Might be better 
to have the leg. A lot of new legislation is now in force that protects 
pharma and places limits on what people can collect for damages. Most 
people damaged by pharma drugs and surgeries and infections related to 
hospitals don't collect a dime. Behind that anti lawyer spin are a lot of 
big insurance and big pharma talking heads. How many people have collected 
damages for too hot of coffee since that one case was fully exploited by 
the corporate controlled media? Probably none.

- Original Message -
From: faith gagne
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: CS>The Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

People are so used to NOT taking responsibility for themselves and the 
Nanny government doesn't help.  This started when all the danged lawyers 
started suing for stupid stuff, like the lady and the McDonald's coffee. 
Come on now, how much common sense does it take to know that coffee is 
hot, and you need to be careful with it?

Liz:  The woman was elderly and was badly injured.   Accidents happen.

Faith G.

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Re: CS>CS Maker for Emergencies

2007-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote
 All I knew or could find out about CS back then wasalmost absolutely 
nothing...which alone was enough to figure out how not to do it.

Total ignorance is an opportunity to dispel tradition.

  I never thought using salt was a good idea and never tried it.
As a former seat-o-the pants electro-plater, I always used de-ionized water 
in the vats...and..current control set by observation.
 "Purity and the right current to match the shapes was very important to 
"Burnt" edges and un-plated inside corners that need bleed wires teach 
about ion discharge in reverse, by observation.

The idea was to make "silver water" not "silver and who knows what" water.

If you don't know what's "supposed" to be in there, don't use it until the 
results say you should try something else you know nothing about.
After the initial "Nope, black ain't it"... the results just said tweek the 
current and observe closer, nothing else needed. [Try not to burn it next 
time, ey?, creep up on it with a garden trowel and a don't use 
dynamite first.]

Surprise!  "Silver water" is NOT light EVERYONE said.
..and if I don't do *that*, it doesn't get [burnt] yellow like everyone 
said it should be.


At 09:56 AM 12/23/2007 -0600, you wrote:

Morning Ode,

>> At 07:48 AM 12/23/2007, you wrote:

That's pretty much my first attempt to make CS...almost didn't dare pour 
it down the drain and *some* people will drink that stuff.

  I find it hard to believe that you screwed up your first batch ?

I did a perfect job on my first batch, and every batch since.

It must be the very high tech,  super complex generator that I use.
Or it may be the control system that controls it.   

I know some people get carried away and wind up in Cloud 9.



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Re: CS>Colloidal vs Ionic

2007-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  Ionic silver is what comes off the electrodes in EVERY generator that 
uses electrodes in water.
After that forms a mix of colloids made *from* those ions [and inevitable 
anions ] consisting of silver oxides, silver hydroxide and  metallic silver 
in varying somewhat tweekable proportionsalong with, the ionic silver 
that remains ionic.

The only difference between this generator and that generator is how the 
process is tweeked to favor this something over something else forming 
later and where.  Bricks are bricks, it's how they get stacked that makes 
buildings look different.
If nothing has a control to control it, that's just that much less tweeking 
that can be done.

PS  I went from having 1-3 cavities a year to 2 repairs in 9 years.
In fact, 3 "watch spots" simply stopped progressing for 3 years before the 
dentist got tired of watching them do nothing and filled them on GP

I've given much CS to people who have chronic plaque 
that "had" plaque problems.

 Within 2 weeksGONE, without exception.
 Add to that Several people who just don't get cold sores... any more.
 My very first generator sale went to one of those people who got cold 
sores all the time..and..unsolicited amazement.
 Not only did they heal faster than when anything else was used, not only 
did timely application prevent emergence...after a while they became a 
thing of vague memory.
 Neither of us had any idea how well CS worked for that, reconfirmed over 
and over again in times hence as others tried it.



At 08:33 AM 12/23/2007 -0800, you wrote:
Hi there... I've been a member of the list for several years now, but I 
must admit I don't read many of the posts. I have been brewing CS for many 
years with my SG7 and I have been offering to my friends mason jars full 
of my brew as a token of our friendship. The funny thing is people keep on 
coming back with amazing stories- especially dental related. Anyway, 
although I have been making this stuff for years, I am not sure what I am 
making. Can someone fess up and tell me if the small CS makers (SG7) are 
actually making Colloidal Silver or Ionic Silver??

According to all the small CS device manufacturers, it is colloidal, but 
you go to the people who are selling proprietary mixtures, they state that 
the home units only make Ionic. I have never found any information that 
conclusively states what I am making. Whatever it is it works, but again, 
I'd like some (financially) disinterested parties to rectify whether it is 
CS or IS. and possilbly explain the difference. And while you are at 
it, can you also explain what Mild Silver Protein is and how it is related.



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Re: CS>'3 nines' equals about 764 ppm in ten minutes.

2007-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

No exactly "current control"...more like fire or exploding battery prevention.

Uh, that would be a 40 milliamp limit?  ...or a little more if 27 volts was 
being used?
 I doubt you ever reached that limit  at anything short of a sludge making 
stage as getting water to conduct more than 10 milliamps with electrodes 
looped over opposite edges of a jar for distance is difficult.

Might need more salt.

BTW  Mark Metcalf was once again selling cheesy generators for a premium 
under the heading "Make you own silver chloride"

At least they cost less than $150 1980s dollars
It looks like few people believe his tripe any more [not found ]


Hi David,
method did indeed have current control of sorts, which was in the form of 
a 24volt 40ma
"grain of wheat" lamp bulb in series with one of the electrodes. That 
basically limited the
current to about 10ma according to my logbook of 10 years ago.  I would 
only run that for 2 to
5 minutes. Anything much longer and there was a glass of pretty  purple or 
red and leave it

for a while more to get brown or black sludge and silver plated glass.

Tony M

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Re: CS>3 nines' equals about 764 ppm in ten minutes

2007-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote


We offer both the plans for "do-it-yourselfers", and the finished 
generators for those who don't have the time or inclination to construct 
the ***simple*** apparatus on their own.

You will find we offer the lowest prices anywhere. For fully detailed PLANS 
that allow you to build your own colloidal silver generator from 
readily-available parts, the cost is only $45 + $4.50 Priority USPS 
shipping to USA destinations.

For a fully-assembled, ready to use, Colloidal Silver Generator Kit, which 
includes 1 Generator, Batteries, Color-coded Leads, Clips, 2 - 99.99% Pure 
Silver Electrodes, Electrolyte tablets sufficient to make 10 gallons of 
Colloidal Silver solution and Instructions, the cost is only $179.95 + 
$6.50 shipping to USA mainland destinations.

"Only" $187 for a box of batteries, a bit of silver wire and some salt pills.

At 11:12 AM 12/24/2007 +1030, you wrote:

Hello Wayne.

Re Stan Jones. I'm not assuming or speculating anything. He said himself 
that he made it that way. I quote him here...

"To answer your questions:
> "1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
> series (27 volts D.C.);
> "2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
> is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
> improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
> use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.
> "3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
> current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
> gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
> idea what the PPM of this solution was.

End of quote.

You can read more of it on Ode's website but I 
cant remember where I read the original interview. But it wasn't the first 
time I'd read about this method. In fact you can still find remnants of it 
on the net. Read the details of the generator offered by this 
He's including 'electrolyte tablets' in the kit.

I'll answer your other questions below.

Re: CS>'3 nines' equals about 764 ppm in ten minutes.
Wayne Fugitt 
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 09:34:04 -0600

Morning David,

>> At 07:11 AM 12/23/2007, you wrote:

I've tried to re-create the 'old method' of making Colloidal Silver with 
a glass of tap water, a pinch of salt, and 3 x 9v batteries with no 
current control.

  I wonder where you found that as the "Old Method" ?

This was the method used by Stan Jones, (and perhaps by the new blue 
man, Paul Karosan) You are making wild assumptions, speculating, and 
confusing the ones that might  not be confused already.

See above re Stan Jones. Re Paul Karosan I said 'perhaps' he made it that 
way, but if he started 14 years ago theres a good chance I'm not far 
wrong. And I dont think I'm confusing anyone by clearly explaining what I did.

No one with a slight knowledge, or a .1 brain used the method that Stan 
Jones used.

Stan Jones did. Who knows who else did the same. The method must have been 
quite widely circulated (and bastardised).

>> First, Tap water, the a pinch of salt.
>> A pinch of salt is no unit of measure. Depending on how much work a 
man has done in his life, the thumb and forefinger will be larger and 
the pinch will be larger.

It doesn't really matter if its a few grains or a pinch of salt in tap 
water. You still wind up with a very conductive solution.

After 60 MINUTES of brewing time I observed the anode. It was visibly 
VERY reduced. I estimated it had lost half its volume.
So in one hour, 1150 milligrams of silver had been dissolved in just 250 
mls of water.

This equates to 4600 ppm.
  Only one little question, Just what were you trying to 
prove ?
Isn't it obvious? If you used the 'old method' you create CS thats 
extremely strong. Much stronger than the users may have realised.

>>So any assumption that this old method makes about 1 ppm per minute 
is >>completely wrong by a factor of about 70.

It appears to me, you are the only one assuming anything.
Again tell me where you got the instructions for "The Old method".

I've read the 1 minute = 1 ppm  rule on numerous occassions - usually 
taken completely out of context with no understanding of the variables. 
But 'people' read it and believe it. Regarding 'Where I got the method' 
I've partially answered that but ask Mike Devour how common he thinks this 
method might have been.

You'll also note that the calculations above are exclusively limited to 
the milligrams of pure silver that was actually dissolved. I have no 
idea what that would equate to in ppms of silver chloride

Re: CS>A Christmas Card for you all:)

2007-12-24 Thread Deborah Gerard
thanks Liz...same to you and Happy New Year...deb

wordsjunkie  wrote:  I'm sending this card to you all on 
the list:)

May you all have a wonderful Christmas:) 

>From me and mine to you and yours, may you have peace and joy, and may it stay 
>with you throughout the year. I wish you health and happiness, freedom and 
>abundance, and that all your endeavors prosper:) 

Merry Christmas:)



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Re: CS>Current Measurement, Wheres the Logic ?

2007-12-24 Thread Marshall Dudley
Interesting, I had always pronounced it rhyming with palm.  Guess that 
is what happens when you only see it in print, and never in conversation.


Dan Nave wrote:

A balun, pronounced /'bæl.ʊn/ ("bal-un"), is a passive electronic 
device that converts between balanced and unbalanced electrical 
signals. They often also change impedance. Baluns can take many forms 
and their presence is not always obvious. They always involve some 
form of electromagnetic coupling.

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Re: CS>Re: What did I do Wrong?

2007-12-24 Thread Marshall Dudley
They are generally limited to about 30 mA, and not usually lethal.  I 
speak from one who has gotten "bitten" a few times. But they sure as 
hell hurt!


Dan Nave wrote:
If you are not familiar with the difference between series and 
parallel circuits, measuring volts and amps, etc, stay away from that 
neon sign transformer!

Although, it is designed to be current limited,
so it *MIGHT* not kill you...


Clayton Family wrote:


Last time I dead shorted something was maybe 15 years ago when I was 
installing a new elec box behind my stove. That was a stupid thing to 
do too. Then I kept on resetting the circuit breaker until I broke 
that!  I finally called the electrician to come out and tell me where 
I went wrong (and I don't mean in my childhood). Sometimes my brain 
just goes on vacation, I have no excuse.

I replaced the fuse and my meter works again. That's good- I guess I 
quit while I was not too far behind, I didn't fry the whole unit.  I 
am glad I asked.

The wall wart says it is a class 2 power supply, input 120V AC 60hz 
20 w, output 24V DC 500mA. I did not realize there was a difference 
in those small units used to power all kinds of gadgets around the 
house. I have not looked at them closely. I thought transformers were 
more for high voltage applications, like neon signage and such. I do 
have one of those too, but they scare me.

My regular 3 battery setup works fine. I was trying to see where to 
set the potentiometer to keep the current controlled with an AC to DC 
power supply.  I just looked at my meter, and it says right on it the 
max for that setting is 400mA.  Darn it.  If I hook it up to the 
other lead, it will measure up to 10A, so I guess that is the way to 
go, then when I get the pot. set, so the current is low, maybe then I 
can move the lead to the other side.


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Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Source

2007-12-24 Thread Marshall Dudley

wordsjunkie wrote:

Hi There Marshall:)
Does he have a website perchance? Thank you:)
I don't think so yet. But he did mention he was planning on getting one 


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Re: CS>Current Measurement, Wheres the Logic ?

2007-12-24 Thread Marshall Dudley

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Evening Marshall,

Likely you can write your own formulas.  I can write some but I like 
to have them programmed into my HP 15 C.  Very fast and often saves me 
hundreds of dollars, in a few cases,  thousands of dollars.

Uggg, I hate reverse Polish.  Never could get my thinking in the proper 
order to use one effectively.  But every other engineer I ever knew 
loved it.


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Re: CS>Colloidal vs Ionic- mold illness & cold sores

2007-12-24 Thread Clayton Family

On Dec 24, 2007, at 5:53 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

I've given much CS to people who have chronic plaque that "had" plaque problems.

 Within 2 weeksGONE, without exception.
 Add to that Several people who just don't get cold sores... any more.
 My very first generator sale went to one of those people who got cold 
sores all the time..and..unsolicited amazement.
 Not only did they heal faster than when anything else was used, not 
only did timely application prevent emergence...after a while they 
became a thing of vague memory.   Neither of us had any idea how well 
CS worked for that, reconfirmed over and over again in times hence as 
others tried it.


I was getting cold sores again that would not go away with cs, and I 
had worked up to maybe 1/2 cup or more a day. Then I found the water 
leak and consequent mold under the sink. I stopped the cs (down to a 
tiny amount in the evening), started some other supplements, and began 
some detoxing. The cold sores have gone away, and stayed away, which 
indicates I am not being exposed to the mold directly.

With mold induced illnesses, the cold sores just do not go away, but 
you will not get a cold or the flu.

Since I have just started to catch a cold, I am one happy camper!  That 
means I am throwing off the mold illness, and that there is probably 
not more hiding. I hope not.  I have again started to up my CS intake.

There has been some recent news that my neighborhood has VOC's 
percolating up through the ground and accumulating in basements. The 
EPA even came in and tested the 2 schools nearby.  That may be an issue 
with my house and health too. I do have chemical sensitivities which 
are known to be caused by over exposure to chemicals and can go along 
with mold illness, so I have been told.

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Re: CS>Re: What did I do Wrong?

2007-12-24 Thread Clayton Family
Thanks, everybody for the input and advice on this stuff. I plan on 
reviewing it all after christmas- things are a little busy right now, 
and I need time to think about it without being interrupted.  I really 
appreciate the help.

Merry Christmas!


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CS>Silver Colloids: Colloidal Silver Product Reports

2007-12-24 Thread Bill Amos

CS>The Old Method, ( 3 Nine's )

2007-12-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

We all know that much misinformation exists all over the internet, in 
books, web pages, documents, and all sorts of publications.

Not much finds it's way onto a list like this.

However sometimes it does.  A few items need addressing.

I define misinformation as anything incomplete, using the wrong term,
half truths, statements that are not true in all cases, and statements that 
should have

conditional statements attached.
In some cases
Not in all cases
Possibly, ..  and ... a few others.

Normally only the feds and world organizations make it a practice to coin 
trick phrases that sound like the truth when they are not.  Many exist but 
only 3 examples below.

Federal Reserve
The Fairness Doctrine
The Rights of a Child

Often we all may make a statement that is close to falling into the same 

First thing to address, ..

"The Old Method"

Young and Old
Up and Down
Fast and Slow
Soft and Hard  ( and many more )
all can only be defined with Fuzzy Logic.

This alone makes the term,  "The Old Method" barely worth discussing.
One could try, for a long, long, time and never get an acceptable 
definition for

"The Old Method".  The old methods for making CS go back much further than Stan
Jones or the beginning or the 9 volt battery ( Mid 50's, maybe 1954 or 1955 )

Definitely not the method of Stan Jones. We all defined his method in short 
"The fools method".  No matter where he got his information, he got the 
results he disserved.

One other phrase that is in the class with the Feds guidelines..

3 nines' equals about 764 ppm in ten minutes.

3 nines is a hardware item
Strange how it equals a result.
The 3 nines does nothing without mans hands and mind, a process.
It could have been 4 nines, 3 twelves,  or any combination.
To suggest that 3 Nines are bad, says my 52 volt system is double bad, and 
100 VDC is even worse.   The process is all that matters.

764 ppm is a result.  It may be misleading for several reasons.

It was not stated that these number were silver, but is a bit suggestive, 
and I suspect that many will think the numbers refer to silver.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
The result was a Witch Doctors Brew, a Devils Brew, a chemical soup of some 
kind, heaven only knows.

Of course these numbers prove most of my statements about ppm.
Tap water:  324ppm / 660uS
Pinch of salt added:  990ppm / 1950uS
After 30 minutes: 1330ppm / 2650uS
After 60mins: 1820ppm / 3450uS.

Awesome numbers to say the least.   Did you read Bean Soup or Chili ?

No true ppm meter exists.  Even the ones with a ppm graduation have the 
math done inside to convert from microsiemens to ppm.

There is a movement in the instrument industry to standardize EC and ppm 
and have only one unit.  Of course that will be a disaster.

Many of my technical growing friends have tried for years to use the EC 
meter to arrive  at ppm.   They cannot do it either.  The only way is to 
carefully weigh the nutrients and calculate it.  I got so tired of doing 
this, I wrote a program to do it, then even wrote one I called,  "Backwards 
ppm Calculation".  That is not joke. It does serve a purpose.  Yes, I can 
calculate it both forward and backwards.

Where does that leave us ?  Not more confused I trust.

One more small thing 

>> Would you have preferred I called it an Adaptor? ' It says 24v DC on 
the label.
>> (My meter said was actually 29V DC). Splitting hairs over things like 
this just

>>  confuses people Wayne.

   What confuses them is not calling a Spade a Spade.

Call it what it is.
The definition of a transformer is relatively clear cut.
The definition of a power supply is also.

Of course I know, there are 1000 variations of each.
Some transformers are relatively fancy, have internal fuses, multiple 
winding on both the primary and secondary, allowing for different input 
voltages and providing a variety of output voltages.

Most do not know how tough the Wall Warts really are.  I have seen every 
single bit of the plastic cover melt and disappear.  The critters still 
work.  Unbelievable.

Almost forgot this..  From an old message by Jason
They don't.  It's the process that creates a product ( when making CS with 
any water that is not pure ) that is the problem.  The end result of using 
salt in production is a product that is filled with silver debris; flakes, 
particles too large to be held in suspension, etc.; hardly an oligodynamic 

He should have stated, overuse of salt or improper use of salt.
I guess few people can do it right,.. either don't know how, are too 
lazy, unconcerned, or whatever.

I think Ian wrote the block below.
Back in "the old days" when it was recommended to add salt to the process 
of making CS, can anyone who has been on the list for that long remember 
people suffering adverse effects or were fewer benefits reported from its use?

Re: CS>Current Measurement, Wheres the Logic ?

2007-12-24 Thread Dan Nave

I thought it was just that southern drawl...  ;-))


Marshall Dudley wrote:
Interesting, I had always pronounced it rhyming with palm.  Guess that 
is what happens when you only see it in print, and never in conversation.


Dan Nave wrote:

A balun, pronounced /'bæl.ʊn/ ("bal-un"), is a passive electronic 
device that converts between balanced and unbalanced electrical 
signals. They often also change impedance. Baluns can take many forms 
and their presence is not always obvious. They always involve some 
form of electromagnetic coupling.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal vs Ionic- mold illness & cold sores

2007-12-24 Thread Dan Nave
I think you should get one of those sodium chlorite and clay 
bags called Mildew Odor Controller bags and put one under 
your sink.  They are activated by moisture, and the cupboard 
should keep the chlorine dioxide contained in that space and 
kill the mold and oxidize the toxins.


Clayton Family wrote:

On Dec 24, 2007, at 5:53 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

I've given much CS to people who have chronic plaque that "had" plaque problems.

 Within 2 weeksGONE, without exception.
 Add to that Several people who just don't get cold sores... any more.
 My very first generator sale went to one of those people who got cold 
sores all the time..and..unsolicited amazement.
 Not only did they heal faster than when anything else was used, not 
only did timely application prevent emergence...after a while they 
became a thing of vague memory.   Neither of us had any idea how well 
CS worked for that, reconfirmed over and over again in times hence as 
others tried it.


I was getting cold sores again that would not go away with cs, and I had 
worked up to maybe 1/2 cup or more a day. Then I found the water leak 
and consequent mold under the sink. I stopped the cs (down to a tiny 
amount in the evening), started some other supplements, and began some 
detoxing. The cold sores have gone away, and stayed away, which 
indicates I am not being exposed to the mold directly.

With mold induced illnesses, the cold sores just do not go away, but you 
will not get a cold or the flu.

Since I have just started to catch a cold, I am one happy camper!  That 
means I am throwing off the mold illness, and that there is probably not 
more hiding. I hope not.  I have again started to up my CS intake.

There has been some recent news that my neighborhood has VOC's 
percolating up through the ground and accumulating in basements. The EPA 
even came in and tested the 2 schools nearby.  That may be an issue with 
my house and health too. I do have chemical sensitivities which are 
known to be caused by over exposure to chemicals and can go along with 
mold illness, so I have been told.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Selenium Yeast, Epicor, XPC LS

2007-12-24 Thread Dan Nave

There is a new product out called Epicor which is a selenium
yeast product which is supposed to increase immunity.  Also 
is a good source of selenium.  See:

This is the same product basically as the animal feed
product (original results were noticed by workers breathing
in dust from this process and having reduced incidence of
absenteeism due to illness).

One could use the animal feed product at a fraction of the
price.  I had this idea and I notice that Dr. David Williams
is  saying the same thing, so that makes it alright...  He
is recommending 1 to 3 gm of XPC LS for an adult (the LS
indicates suitable for use in organic feeding)

You should be able to get a feed store to order it in a 50
pound bag or Diamond V indicates:

Nutra Blend will carry both products, to order direct call

I notice it is already being sold on Ebay in 5 lb lots:

Product profile (I expect it should be the same as the LS):

This could be fed to a horse, pets, and conceivably, family.


Re: CS>Rebuttals please

Marshall Dudley wrote: wrote:
The following post came through one of my equine lists.  Can anyone 
here comment on this please?  MA
"I caution anyone using the Colloidal silver for an extended 
period of time. It depletes the body

of selenium. I have personaly used it on my lyme disease
gelding, and this was how I found it out. I now do NOT give
Especial any CS at all. "
Colloidal Silver does tend to bind with, and cause to be excreted 
increased amounts of selenium. That is why it is recommended if taking 
CS over extended amounts of time, to be sure and supplement with 
selenium.  Not a big deal.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal vs Ionic- mold illness & cold sores

2007-12-24 Thread Clayton Family
Well, the cabinet has been removed, so there is no more mold there, at 
least that I have been able to find.

Does it smell like chlorine? If it does, I wil not be able to tolerate 
it. I do not do well with bleach.  It might work, if it was tolerated.

On Dec 24, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Dan Nave wrote:

I think you should get one of those sodium chlorite and clay bags 
called Mildew Odor Controller bags and put one under your sink.  They 
are activated by moisture, and the cupboard should keep the chlorine 
dioxide contained in that space and kill the mold and oxidize the 


Clayton Family wrote:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>There's always the exception!

2007-12-24 Thread Gail Naranjo

I've given much CS to people who have chronic plaque
> that "had" plaque problems.
>   Within 2 weeksGONE, without exception.
Anytime people start claiming something works 'without
exxception', I find myself wondering?  

I love CS; use it all the time.  But you better not
stop your yearly dentist visits.  I did, thinking the
CS covered it.  When I finally went, due to a broken
tooth, I had developed gum disease from plaque.  Could
have been preventing had I gone in for yearly check

CS, as well as EVERYTHING ELSE, has it's limits.  Be

Merry Christmas to all!



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver Colloids: Colloidal Silver Product Reports

2007-12-24 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I've always admired Frank Key's site because he's been very helpful on 
this list, particularly in making it quite clear that 
controlled-current home-brew EIS using distilled water is generally 
safe and effective.This gentleman has a proprietary product for 
sale, but has never denigrated the low-cost home-made EIS that many 
list-members make and use with reported success.

There's still quite a lot of controversy about ionic/colloidal merits, 
and I lack the expertise to form any conclusion, but I know that EIS 
has proven very effective, with almost incredible results in treating 
(self-diagnosed) conjunctivitis on several occasions.

On Tuesday, Dec 25, 2007, at 05:46 Asia/Tokyo, Bill Amos wrote:

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Re: CS>Silver Colloids: Colloidal Silver Product Reports

2007-12-24 Thread Deborah Gerard
Hey Bill how are you doing? long time no seedebbie

Bill Amos  wrote: 

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

CS>Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2007-12-24 Thread Teri
*May tomorrow bring you joy and lots of good presents :-) I'm 
sending these wishes for all of my list friends for a healthy 2008 for 
themselves and their families and pets.

Teri and the Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Christmas Wish

2007-12-24 Thread Bruce Anderson

/*Merry Christmas to all and to all a Blessed New Year.

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