Re: [Simh] Initializing disks under RT11

2011-12-20 Thread Jacob Goense
> Anyone know how to initialize a disk under RT-11 with simh?
> I can format and initialize RK05 images, but INITIALIZE fails on RL01 with
> "?DUP-F-Size function failed".

is a RK05 image:

root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# cat 5.ini
set ptr dis
set ptp dis
set lpt enabled
set HK dis
set rx dis
set rp dis
set tm dis
set tq dis
set xq dis
set tti 8b
set tto 8b
set cpu 11/73 128K
set rl0 writeenabled
set rl0 rl02
attach rl0 rl0.dsk
set rl0 badblock
ATTACH RK0 v6root
boot rl0
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# ls -l v6root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2048000 Dec 20 23:29 v6root
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# pdp11 5.ini

PDP-11 simulator V3.8-1
Disabling CR
Overwrite last track? [N]

RT-11FB  V05.03



 0 Files, 0 Blocks
 4762 Free blocks


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Initializing disks under RT11

2011-12-20 Thread Jacob Goense
>> Anyone know how to initialize a disk under RT-11 with simh?
>> I can format and initialize RK05 images, but INITIALIZE fails on RL01
>> with
>> "?DUP-F-Size function failed".
> Assuming
[snip previous reply after misreading]

Here is for the RL01.

root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# dd if=/dev/zero of=rl1.dsk bs=1024
10230+0 records in
10230+0 records out
10475520 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.133831 s, 78.3 MB/s
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# ls -l rl1.dsk
-rw--- 1 root root 10475520 Dec 21 00:00 rl1.dsk
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# cat 01.ini
set ptr dis
set ptp dis
set lpt enabled
set RK dis
set HK dis
set rx dis
set rp dis
set tm dis
set tq dis
set xq dis

set tti 8b
set tto 8b
set cpu 11/73 512K
attach LPT lpt.txt
set rl1 writeenabled
set rl1 rl02
attach rl1 rl1.dsk
set rl0 writeenabled
set rl0 rl02
attach rl0 rl0.dsk
set rl0 badblock
set rl1 badblock
boot rl0
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# pdp11 01.ini

PDP-11 simulator V3.8-1
Disabling CR
Overwrite last track? [N] Y
Overwrite last track? [N] Y

RT-11FB  V05.03



 0 Files, 0 Blocks
 20382 Free blocks

. [CTRL-E]
Simulation stopped, PC: 152656 (BEQ 152676)
sim> quit
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# ls -l rl1.dsk
-rw--- 1 root root 10478080 Dec 21 00:00 rl1.dsk

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Initializing disks under RT11

2011-12-20 Thread Jacob Goense
>>> Anyone know how to initialize a disk under RT-11 with simh?
>>> I can format and initialize RK05 images, but INITIALIZE fails on RL01
>>> with
>>> "?DUP-F-Size function failed".
>> Assuming
> [snip previous reply after misreading]
> Here is for the RL01.
[snip previous reply after still misreading]

Ok, that was for the RL02, sorry for again not getting your question
right. Anyway, the answer for the RL01/RL02 disks is, mind the badblocks

root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=5120
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
5242880 bytes (5.2 MB) copied, 0.0623074 s, 84.1 MB/s
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# cat 1.ini
set ptr dis
set ptp dis
set lpt enabled
set RK dis
set HK dis
set rx dis
set rp dis
set tm dis
set tq dis
set xq dis

set tti 8b
set tto 8b
set cpu 11/73 512K
attach LPT lpt.txt
set rl1 writeenabled
set rl1 rl01
attach rl1 rl01.dsk
set rl0 writeenabled
set rl0 rl02
attach rl0 rl0.dsk
set rl0 badblock
set rl1 badblock
boot rl0
root@mercury:/museum/fuzzball/a# pdp11 1.ini

PDP-11 simulator V3.8-1
Disabling CR
Overwrite last track? [N] Y
Overwrite last track? [N] Y

RT-11FB  V05.03



 0 Files, 0 Blocks
 10172 Free blocks


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Initializing disks under RT11

2011-12-21 Thread Jacob Goense
> Nope, still getting "size function failed".
> [ken@raptor Disks]$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=5120 of=rt11dat.dsk
> 5120+0 records in
> 5120+0 records out
> 5242880 bytes (5.2 MB) copied, 0.0115284 s, 455 MB/s
> [ken@raptor Disks]$ pdp11 rt11.cmd
> PDP-11 simulator V3.6-1
> Create bad block table on last track? [N]

What if you give a Y the first time Simh asks if
it can write on the last track?

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] mac lisp on pdp-10?

2012-06-25 Thread Jacob Goense
> on a related note, it seems that is no longer
> on the internet, but is still listed as the URL to find ITS
> images, ie on trailing-edge's page for the klh10 emulator:
> is anyone aware of a mirror of the files or
> other sources for ITS images?

Does this help?

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Cutler Unix

2015-03-04 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2015-03-04 23:57, Dave Osborne wrote:

Don't forget that DEC did not adopt Unix because of Ken Olsen "snake
oil". The IT world could have been a totally different place

When was Unix put up to adoption?
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Latest Sources?

2015-08-29 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2015-08-28 23:41, Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm wrote:

A zip file of the latest code is at:
works as well for the .ZIP impaired.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VMS/VDE: Almost there

2015-10-07 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2015-10-07 17:22, Johnny Billquist wrote:

I believe there was also DECnet for SunOS, and I know there was DECnet
for Symbolics Lisp machines. And people have implemented DECnet for
Linux, and I'm sure there are other examples out there as well...

According to its HELP.TXT even Mills' fuzzballs once waded through
DECnet swamps. Unfortunately I have never been able to locate the
corresponding NSP.* files to actually build such a DECnet gateway.

The NSFnet Phase I backbone was actually TCP/IP running over DDCMP,
DEC was everywhere.

Simh mailing list

[Simh] terminal multiplexers

2015-11-11 Thread Jacob Goense

Simh simulates a telnet speaking terminal multiplexer.
What were the primordial real systems actually doing this?

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] SIMH console settings for escape sequence support

2015-12-31 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2015-12-31 21:44, Random832 wrote:

Speaking of escape sequences, for systems that don't use terminals
(i.e. Windows) it might be nice for simh to have built-in emulation for
something simple like a VT-52 or an ADM-3A. Or maybe have a telnet

Terminal emulators do a good job here. What I'm still looking for is
something that accurately behaves like a KSR-33. With a quick hack I
got a javascript terminal emulator to look like it, but that's as
close as I got. (yes, I know
they rarely came with a pipe)
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VT100 Color of text

2016-01-09 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-01-09 17:58, Will Senn wrote:

A little more on topic and I've asked this question differently in the
past, but now I think I have a better formulation of the question -
are there SimH compatible video terminal simulators available and
listed somewhere?

For a vt220 I just fire up putty with
at the correct font size.

I have a patched version of the font with a proper none breaking space
for use with a javascript terminal. Still woking on getting the
pinch/bulge right.

If anyone has and ADM-3a and willing to take pics I'm willing to try
to make it into a font. I have the ROM dumps.

There is a BBN Bitgraph in MESS..
..don't ask me how to connect it to anything though, I rarely play
with MESS.

I still have a hankering to play a graphic version of lunar lander or
spacewar on my Macbook Pro on an OS that I administer :).

Doubt I'll ever beat this rendition

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] KS10 IMP documentation

2016-02-29 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-02-29 22:20, SPC wrote:

Hum... not sure about this, but someone talked here some years ago
about a modification of  the SIMH Honeywell simulator to convert it in
one IMP. I assume that he had some kind of BBN IMP code.

I'm not sure if this project would be limited to tray to simulate the
original ARPANET token ring limited to the IMPs or there was some
other goals to reach. An example: modify another simulator adding to
it a simulation of one device like this one (AN22) making it to talk
with the IMP.

As I said this was a post from years ago. Perhaps was Bob Armstrong
who talked about it but I'm not sure at all.

Yes, it was him. See also simh/H316/h316_hi.c:

   The host interface is one of the BBN engineered devices unique to the
   ARPAnet IMP.  This is the famous "1822" card which connected each IMP 
to a
   host computer - a DECSYSTEM-10, an SDS Sigma 7, an IBM 360/90, a 

   or any one of many other ARPAnet hosts.  The idea is to simulate this
   interface by using a TCP/UDP connection to another simh instance 

   the host machine and running the ARPAnet host software.

   Presently the details of the host interface card are not well known, 
   this implementation is simply a place holder.  It's enough to allow 
the IMP
   software to run, but not actually to communicate with a host.  The 
IMP simply

   believes that all the attached hosts are down at the moment.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] KS10 IMP documentation

2016-03-02 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-02-29 23:26, Robert Armstrong wrote:

  But, be aware that all the IMP software we have is from the early
70s and predates TCP.  I don’t know if there was ever any OS for the
KS10 that supported NCP networking, but if there was then it’s
possible you could get something running.

Flag day is clear, IMPS were instructed to drop NCP based on
the (long) leader fields 65-72. Going backwards things blur.

Can this early IMP code switch IP in theory?
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] SimH on Raspberry Pi - out of date?

2016-03-19 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-03-17 14:27, Gregg Levine wrote:

If I remember correctly it would be up to the maintainer of the
package as shown on the appropriate page on the Debian site. You'd
need to check there to see who that is, and then follow their
procedures for requesting the update.

Might be a nice gesture to maintainers if a certain commit in
this eternal Beta could be dressed up for dinner. eg.

- has documentation and code mostly in sync
- is known to build where it should
- warranty void instantly
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 source

2016-10-22 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-10-22 12:55, Al Kossow wrote:

On 10/22/16 7:44 AM, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
I have an idea for project to teach my self rudimentary OS design and 
I would like to use RT-11 as an example

Did anyone ever port MINIX to the PDP-11?

No way.

I vaguely recall lore about 4.x BSD stuff being ported to the PDP-11 
with the machine being thrown out of the window. Citations are welcome, 

maybe this should be crossed over to TUHS.

For the 2012 retro challenge I ported an IRC client to to 2.11 BSD, 
half way I seriously considered adding a window emulator for simh 

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 source

2016-10-23 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-10-22 17:46, Jacob Goense wrote:
I vaguely recall lore about 4.x BSD stuff being ported to the PDP-11 
with the machine being thrown out of the window. Citations are welcome, 

maybe this should be crossed over to TUHS.

Found it. (31:50 - 33:33)
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] RT-11 source

2016-10-26 Thread Jacob Goense

Oh, and of course there is Fuzzball, the early IP/TCP and NTP
testbed for the PDP-11 using RT-11 for build and boot. Later
on it ran production timeservers and the first NSFNet backbone.
Simh mailing list

[Simh] Reference performance benchmarks

2016-12-12 Thread Jacob Goense

I'm running simh in rather tight corners. Mostly VAX/780 and PDP-11/70
with V6 or BSD. Simh runs in a browser, or, I have (too) many of them
on underpowered Asus Eee PC's. Any tips on how I can check if I have
taken things too far? Like minimum values to look for in SHOW CLOCK,
or any tools I can run that can be referenced against same on real kit.

I run into the same question on the I/O end. During the installation
of v6 I can do dd if=/dev/mt0 of=/dev/rk1 bs=2048 count=1000 skip=1025
and it is done in a second on machine that is doing nothing else. With
simh running in a browser on a small busy machine it can take up to an
hour. I have no idea how to gauge how far this is off from real kit.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reference performance benchmarks

2016-12-12 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-12-12 14:34, Paul Koning wrote:

On Dec 12, 2016, at 2:13 PM, Jacob Goense  wrote:
I'm running simh in rather tight corners. Mostly VAX/780 and PDP-11/70
with V6 or BSD. Simh runs in a browser, or, I have (too) many of them
on underpowered Asus Eee PC's. Any tips on how I can check if I have
taken things too far?

Depends on what you mean by "too far".  Do you want SIMH to run as
fast as, or faster than, the real hardware?  If so, running, say, the
PDP11 simulator on a 780 is probably "too far".  But it may be ok for
the 1620 emulator.

If by "too far" you mean "not useable", that depends on your

I don't mind if things run faster. In case a user runs into usability
issues I want to be able to gauge whether it is because simh is running
significantly slower than the real hardware or just time accurate.

People have run PDP-11 emulators on a PDP-10 (MIMIC).
There's a document describing an Electrologica X8 emulator that runs
on its predecessor the X1 -- a machine with no floating point hardware
and a typical instruction time around 50 microseconds.  So the
emulation runs at about 4-8 ms per emulated integer instruction,
substantially slower for float.  But it was (apparently) used for
initial development of substantial programs such as an ALGOL compiler.
 It's all a question of what you consider reasonable.

For development purposes I'd run a pdp11 simh on a vax simh in a
browser, wait hours for it to get something done and find that more
than reasonable. Just that, when opening these Droste effects of
emulators in emulators in emulators in browsers to a wider public, I
want to be able to say that it is not that far off from the original
speed. I'm relatively young (from 1975) and lack the experience to
have even the faintest clue what these speeds are.

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reference performance benchmarks

2016-12-12 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-12-12 16:29, khandy21yo wrote:

Is your speed problem limited to disk access, or is it also CPU
related? Running in a browser might mean that the disk access is going
through the network, which can slow it down excessively, There are
several bottlenecks on a system, like slow disks, that don't effect
other aspects, like instruction speed, it's important to determine
exactly where the speed limits exists.
CPU instruction speed, excessive swapping, disk bandwidth, terminal
baud water, . .. They can all be a problem, and it can be more than
one at a time.

For the browser case I have the feeling it is guest device I/O from one
to the other that is taking way too long, but the real problem is that
I'm not able to gauge if I am going way over time accurate speeds and
even want to bother optimising.

For the case where I am spawning vaxen on a small small box I'm CPU 

host wise, and not sure when to stop.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reference performance benchmarks

2016-12-12 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-12-12 16:09, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

For VAX-11/780 see the benchmark results and source code from Kashtan's
research.  AUUGN-V02.4.pdf starting on PDF page 24. And see Joy's
followup in AUUGN-V02.3.pdf (PDF Page 60). See

While your OS may be different it has numbers for some different
systems so may give you some rough estimates. If this code isn't 

it would be nice to make available (maybe put on github and let us

Oh, I see how I can turn that into a canary and let Travis have a ball
with it. This is a great help.

(Hopefully someday soonI will get my book completed that has this

I think I got a sneak preview of the 386BSD patchkits chapter through
the unintended wonders of google cache once. I'm a sure customer and
will probably empdapt[1] some of it.


[em-d-uh p-tey-shuh n]


1. the state of being emdapted; running in an emulator.
2. something produced by emulating: an emdaptation of a UNIX history 

Origins: Word play on emscripten, embiggen, emulating, adapting
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Reference performance benchmarks

2016-12-12 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2016-12-12 16:34, Johnny Billquist wrote:

I would start at CPU idle detection.

It seems to be working, but definitely a good place to look
at to get more bang(vaxen) for my bucks(cheap x86's/rpi clones).
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] A couple of newbie SimH questions

2017-03-06 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2017-03-06 11:58, Warren Toomey wrote:
I've tried all of the SET CPU IDLE values and I can't find a value that 
the CPU usage below 100%. Is there a compile flag that I need to set? 

host system is Ubuntu 15.10 and Linux 4.2.0-42-generic.

I guess idle pattern detection missing or broken in simh for the 

guest OS. I'll have a look.

and I can happily telnet in. Now I want to set up two SimH instances so
that one DZ line connects the two together. I've read the 

but I can't see how to configure an outbound connection.

This is much better document in the top comment section in

A snippet below. Let me know if that doesn't help.

Line specific tcp listening ports are supported.  These are 

using commands of the form:

sim> attach MUX Line=2,port{;notelnet}
Direct computer to computer connections (Virutal Null Modem cables) 

be established using the telnet protocol or via raw tcp sockets.

sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=host:port{;notelnet}
Computer to computer virtual connections can be one way (as 
above) or symmetric.  A symmetric connection is configured by 

a one way connection with a tcp listening port on the same line:
sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=host:port,listenport
When symmetric virtual connections are configured, incoming 
on the specified listening port are checked to assure that they 

come from the specified connection destination host system.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] How to access RT11/FIles11 floppy images on Windows?

2017-03-18 Thread Jacob Goense

On 2017-03-18 12:49, Tim Stark wrote:

I got and installed DOSBox 0.74.  I tried to access my RT11 disk
images but PUTR hung up after entered ‘mount rx0: image.dsk’.

Years ago I reconstructed an RT-11/Fuzzball disk using
dosemu + dosemu-freedos + PUTR. It didn't work interactively
and resorted to creating an indirect command file called putr.ini.
Running dosemu then did  the job.
Simh mailing list