[symfony-users] Why this action from a custom form doesn't take values ...

2009-06-08 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have this two methods in my class:

public function executeFiltrarPorApartamentoForm(sfWebRequest $request) {
$this-form = new TbPorApartamentoForm();

public function executeFiltrarPorApartamento(sfWebRequest $request) {
echo 'Entering';
die ($request-getParameter('id_apartamento'));

$pager = new sfPropelPager('TbReservacion', 

$pager-setPage($request-getParameter('page'), 1);
$this-reservaciones = $pager;

And the 'porApartamento' template have this code:
form action=?php echo url_for('@visitantes_por_apartamento_execute') ? 
method=post class=formulario_login
legend?php echo __('filtrar') ?/legend
  li?php echo __($form['id_apartamento']-renderLabel()), 
$form['id_apartamento'] ?/li
pinput type=submit value=?php echo __('go') ? size=20 //p

The route definition for @ visitantes_por_apartamento_execute is as follow:

  url: /reservacion/filtrar/por_apartamento/execute
  param: { module: reservacion, action: FiltrarPorApartamento }

Why when I send the form the value 'id_apartamento' is always empty? What's 
wrong here?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] How to build my own filters

2009-06-08 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I need filter some data and for that nothing better than the filters 
generated using symfony propel:build-filters or even better using 
admin-generator filters but I need a special filter for a given role based on 
user permissions. Does anybody know how to do this? I was thinking and maybe I 
could use a different generator.yml but when I use 
sfYaml::loader('generator_role1.yml') wich is inside 
/apps/backend/reservacion/config and contain this piece of configuration:

 display: [desayuno, almuerzo, comida]

If I could do this then I'll be able to setup the filters based on permissions 
or roles but this approach doesn't work. If any have a better solution I'll be 
gracefully if it/she share the solution.

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] Re: Why the form isn't saved?

2009-06-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Let me see your current used code please. Maybe there is still a
 mistake in binding request values to your form.

Hi Frank:
I didn't reply to you until now because I get the other form working but now 
I'm running a similar problem, thx for the help also. I try to override the 
Signin() method and in some part of the code I have this:

if ($request-isMethod('post')) {
  if ($this-form-isValid()) {
$values = $this-form-getValues();
try {
  if ($user-doLogin($values['username'], $values['password'])) {
  } else {
$this-setFlash('exception', El usuario no existe o la 
contrasentilde;a no es vaacute;lida., 0);
catch (Exception $exception) {
  $this-setFlash('exception', strip_tags($exception-getMessage()), 0);

array_key_exists('remember', $values) ? $values['remember'] : false);
$signinUrl = sfConfig::get('app_sf_guard_plugin_success_signin_url', 
return $this-redirect($signinUrl);
  } else {
echo 'Form not valid';

What's happening here:
1) If I login using a existent user, I mean inserted before in the 
sf_guard_user table, the form is valid and all is happy.
2) If I login using a no existent user, I mean over LDAP, the form isn't valid 
and all is ugly.

Why? Any help on this?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] Re: Why the form isn't saved?

2009-06-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 When you do not have overwritten the sfGuardFormSignin then your logic
 fails due to the post validator of this form.
 Look in sfGuardValidatorUser and it should open your eyes. This
 validator fetches an existing user from the database and returns the
 cleaned data, when no user could be found, then nothing is returned
 and your form is not valid.

Well you're right but still without work. I make a modification to the code 
into sfGuardValidatorUser.class.php in this method:

protected function doClean($values) {
$username = isset($values[$this-getOption('username_field')]) ? 
$values[$this-getOption('username_field')] : '';
$password = isset($values[$this-getOption('password_field')]) ? 
$values[$this-getOption('password_field')] : '';
$remember = isset($values[$this-getOption('rememeber_checkbox')]) ? 
$values[$this-getOption('rememeber_checkbox')] : '';

if (sfConfig::get('login') != 'ldap') {
// user exists?
  if ($user = sfGuardUserPeer::retrieveByUsername($username)) {
  // password is ok?
if ($user-checkPassword($password)) {
  return array_merge($values, array('user' = $user));

if ($this-getOption('throw_global_error')) {
  throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid');
throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this, 
array($this-getOption('username_field') = new sfValidatorError($this, 

But the form is invalid again, why?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] Re: Adding a field to sfGuard Signin

2009-06-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 As to your second question, I've integrated LDAP with sfGuard in the
 First off, I used adLDAP (http://adldap.sourceforge.net/
 documentation.php) to connect to the LDAP server.
 Then I created my own class (myLDAP) with a static method for checking
 a username and password against the AD server I was hooking into. It
 returns true if the username/password combo exists and false if it
 Finally, in app.yml, I configured sfGuard to use my custom static
 method to check the password of users:
 check_password_callable: [myLDAP, checkPassword]
 All user, group and permission management is still handled locally by
 the sfGuard backend modules. It simply calls out to LDAP to check the

Hi Alex:
First of all thx for your reply but this doesn't work for me. I will comment 
every step I follow to get it working but without success.

1) Download adLDAP.class.php and save in /apps/frontend/lib folder
2) Create my own class extending from sfGuardSecurity:

class LDAP extends sfGuardSecurityUser {
  public static function checkUserOverLDAP($username, $password) {
$options = 
$ldap = new adLDAP($options);
$authenticated = $ldap-authenticate($username, $password);
if ($authenticated) {
  return true;
} else {
  return false;

3) Add this values to /apps/frontend/app.yml:
check_password_callable: [LDAP, checkUserOverLDAP]

4) Clear the cache: symfony cc

When I test if the username and password bind to LDAP server nothing happened 
always the method signin() is called but something is wrong inside because it 
doesn't work. I'm forgetting something?

PS: I check the LDAP using the class outside Symfony and all it's fine because 
it works.
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] Re: Error while trying to extend from sfGuard

2009-06-02 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
 This is your function signature:
 public function executeSignin(sfWebRequest $request)
 This is the originl from BasesfGuardAuthActions:
 public function executeSignin($request)
 They should be the same.

Thanks now it works.

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] Adding a field to sfGuard Signin

2009-06-02 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
Because I have a big problems while trying to integrate sfGuard and LDAP I will 
extend the Signin() method and add my own logic. What I'm want to do is this:

1. Add a sfWidgetFormSelect to make a choice between LDAP and Local. Something 
like that:

class sfGuardFormSignin extends sfForm {
protected static $opciones = array(ldap=LDAP, local=Local);
public function configure() {
'username' = new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'password' = new sfWidgetFormInput(array('type' = 'password')),
'type' = new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices'=self::$opciones)),
'remember' = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),
'username' = new sfValidatorString(),
'password' = new sfValidatorString(),
'remember' = new sfValidatorBoolean(),

$this-validatorSchema-setPostValidator(new sfGuardValidatorUser());

2. If the user pick LDAP, then the function could be authenticate the user over 
LDAP server and if the user exists and the credentials are correct add this 
user to the sf_guard_user table in the DB
3. Otherwise if the user pick Local the function need to authenticate over the 
DB only and not LDAP.

Now for do this I have a lot of questions:
1. As you can see in the code above I implemented the 'type' field in the 
plugin code, I mean in the core, then if I want to update the plugin I need to 
rewrite over and over the same code every time I do this ¿how I can avoid this? 
¿what yours suggest me?
2. Can any guide me in how to build the function for Signin()? I mean any 
example of this logic.

Cheers and thanks in advance
PS: If any make LDAP and sfGuard plugin get working and can use sfGuard groups 
and permissions facilities I'll be grateful for every help.
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] Error while trying to extend from sfGuard

2009-06-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I try to build my own logic with sfGuard for LDAP authentication because the 
code in the Wiki doesn't work for me. I'm based on this two posts from Sensio 


My code look like this:
class sfGuardAuthActions extends BasesfGuardAuthActions {
  public function executeSignin(sfWebRequest $request) {
if ($request-getParameter('type') == 'ldap') {
  echo 'Logging over domain UCI.CU';
} else if ($request-getParameter('type') == 'local') {
$user = $this-getUser();
if ($user-isAuthenticated()) {
  return $this-redirect('@homepage');
$class = sfConfig::get('app_sf_guard_plugin_signin_form', 
$this-form = new $class();
if ($request-isMethod('post')) {
  if ($this-form-isValid()) {
$values = $this-form-getValues();
array_key_exists('remember', $values) ? $values['remember'] : false);
$signinUrl = 
return $this-redirect($signinUrl);
} else {
  if ($request-isXmlHttpRequest()) {
return sfView::NONE;
1 ? $request-getUri() : $request-getReferer());
  $module = sfConfig::get('sf_login_module');
  if ($this-getModuleName() != $module) {

But when I try to execute I get this error:
Strict standards: Declaration of sfGuardAuthActions::executeSignin() should be 
compatible with that of BasesfGuardAuthActions::executeSignin() in 
 on line 11

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

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[symfony-users] OT: Help with Query in Doctrine

2009-05-27 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I started to use Doctrine today and it's amazing but I have some problems. Can 
any help me to build this query:

 select sum(JobBytes),count(*) from Job where Endtime = NOW() and 

I try this:

$last24bytes = Doctrine_Query::create()-
  from('Job j')-
  where('j.Endtime = now()');

But this doesn't work. Can any help me?
Cheers and thx in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Help with link cross applications

2009-05-22 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I read this great article[1] wrote by Fabien and try to create a link between 
frontend and backend applications. For that I modified some parts of the 
original code from Fabien and now looks like this:

class frontendConfiguration extends sfApplicationConfiguration {
protected $backendRouting = null;
public function configure() {

public function generateBackendURL($name, $parameters = array()) {
public function getBackendRouting() {
if (!$this-backendRouting) {
$this-backendRouting = new sfPatternRouting(new 
$config = new sfRoutingConfigHandler();
$routes = 
return $this-backendRouting;

Also I create a Helper called LinkCrossApplicationHelper.php and put it inside 
/frontend/module/lib directory. The helper contains this piece of code:

function link_to_backend($name, $parameters) {
return sfProjectConfiguration::getActive()-generateBackendURL($name, 

Then in my template I call the helper method:
?php link_to_backend('hello', array('name' = 'Bar')) ?

But I get this error:
500 | Internal Server Error | InvalidArgumentException
Unable to load LinkCrossApplicationHelper.php helper in: 
D:\Server\SF\lib/helper, D:\Server\SF\lib\plugins\sfPropelPlugin\lib\vendor, 
D:\Server\www\residencia, D:\Server\SF\lib, ., C:\php5\pear.

Can any help me at this point?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Help with link cross applications

2009-05-22 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Bring it up a folder to the /frontend/lib directory
Nothing it doesn't work

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Help with link cross applications

2009-05-22 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Ok - I thought it would pick it up from there - otherwise put it into
Thx, now it works but show me another error:
500 | Internal Server Error | sfConfigurationException
The route reservacion/new does not exist.

This route exists in /apps/backend/config/routing.yml so what is the problem?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony Virtual Machine

2009-05-21 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Sure.  I'm working on a first run script and I'll include it.
Ok, waiting then. Also where I can download the ISO image or .tar.gz or 
whatever? I can't find it in the site you provide and also my FF doesn't work 
fine with this site (maybe some add-on is crashing the FF)

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Symfony 1.2 and Doctrine 1.1 problem

2009-05-21 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I want to start with Doctrine ORM and nothing better for that than Jobeet for 
Doctrine. Because JW release the Doctrine 1.1 I update the libraries at 
D:\Server\SF\lib\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\. Then following the Jobeet Book 
I try to empty the cache: symfony cc but I get this error:
D:\Server\www\res_doctrinesymfony cc
 cache Clearing cache type all for backend app and cli env
  Unable to load JavascriptHelper.php helper in: 
D:/Server/SF/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/helper, D:\Server\SF\lib/helper, 
., C:\php5\pear.

Can any say me why this? I check and all seems to be OK 
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony Virtual Machine

2009-05-20 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Could you include PostgreSQL also? I live in Cuba and because blocking from US 
I can't download nothing related to MySQL

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

-Original Message-
From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-us...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of David Ashwood
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 12:55 PM
To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [symfony-users] Symfony Virtual Machine

Wotcha Guys and Gals,


I've just launched a site which allows you to download a Virtual Machine setup 
and ready to run against Symfony and Zend.

It's based on Ubuntu Server x86, comes with the latest versions of Apache, 
MySQL, subversion, PHP  Zend - and includes Symfony 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 (via 
svn so it's a snitch to refresh).

It has the current versions of Pear  Pecl - so installing plugins shouldn't be 
a problem.  It comes with the Zend Server (community edition) integrated - so 
you can remotely manage your environment via a web browser.


It's deployed via OVF - so just download, extract and import into your 
favourite Virtual Machine Client - otherwise I'd suggest installing the 
VirtualBox Client (http://www.virtualbox.org/) which works under Windows and 


The VM Images and complete info can be found at: http://sipx.ws and the Issues 
tracking is at http://project.inspiredthinking.co.uk/projects/show/symfony-vm


With this type of approach you can develop and test against an environment in a 
repeatable fashion.  By using the snapshot/rollback features found in many VM 
Clients - you can roll back an environment quickly and easily - allowing you to 
see deploy/test changes outside of your production environment.




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[symfony-users] Re: Why the form isn't saved?

2009-05-15 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Your form is invalid, because your bind call is not correct. A missing
 array_merge call is missing there.
 Try this one:

You're right. I do the things as you suggested me and the form fail. What you 
mean with array_merge call is missing? Can you help me there? Also none error 
is displayed even if I use the $form-renderGlobalErrors() method in my 
template, why this?

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Why the form isn't saved?

2009-05-14 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have a form which code is this one (soury for be to long):

?php use_stylesheet('form.css') ?
?php include_javascripts_for_form($form) ?
?php if ($form-hasGlobalErrors()): ?
  div id=msg_error?php echo $form-renderGlobalErrors() ?/div
?php endif; ?
?php echo form_tag('@reservacion_create', 
array('class'='formulario_nuevo_editar')) ?
?php echo $form['id_profesor'] ?
fieldset class=datos
  legend?php echo __('datos_profesor') ?/legend
li?php echo $form['nombre_profesor']-renderLabel(), 
$form['nombre_profesor'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['id_apartamento']-renderLabel(), 
$form['id_apartamento'] ?/li

fieldset class=datos
  legend?php echo __('datos_visitante') ?/legend
li?php echo $form['carne_identidad']-renderLabel(), 
$form['carne_identidad'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['nombre_visitante']-renderLabel(), 
$form['nombre_visitante'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['id_parentezco']-renderLabel(), 
$form['id_parentezco'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['sexo']-renderLabel(), $form['sexo'] ?/li

fieldset class=datos
  legend?php echo __('datos_reservacion') ?/legend
?php if($sf_context-getActionName() == NewSpecial): ?
li?php echo $form['motivo_reservacion']-renderLabel(), 
$form['motivo_reservacion'] ?/li
?php endif; ?
li?php echo $form['desayuno']-renderLabel(), $form['desayuno'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['almuerzo']-renderLabel(), $form['almuerzo'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['comida']-renderLabel(), $form['comida'] ?/li
?php if ($sf_user-hasCredential('administrador')): ?
li?php echo $form['estado_reservacion']-renderLabel(), 
$form['estado_reservacion'] ?/li
?php endif; ?
li?php echo $form['id_complejo_comedor']-renderLabel(), 
$form['id_complejo_comedor'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['fecha_entrada']-renderLabel(), 
$form['fecha_entrada'] ?/li
li?php echo $form['fecha_salida']-renderLabel(), $form['fecha_salida'] 

pinput type=submit value=?php echo __('salvar') ? //p

div class=links_bar_left
  ?php echo link_to(__('cancelar'), '@reservacion') ?
  ?php if (!$form-getObject()-isNew()): ?
  | ?php echo link_to(__('eliminar'), 
array('method'='delete','confirm'=__('alerta_eliminar'))) ?
  ?php endif; ?

The module was generated using the task: symfony propel:generate-module. Then 
in the actions.class.php I have this code:

public function executeNew(sfWebRequest $request) {
$this-form = new TbReservacionForm();

protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form) {
if ($form-isValid()) {
  $tb_reservacion = $form-save();

When I try to insert the data nothing happen and I don't know why because none 
error appears. Any help or tip?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Why this behaviour

2009-05-12 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Where did you put this code? I mean in which method in the class?
Wich code? This one?

  $context = sfContext::getInstance();
  $user = $context-getUser();
  if (!$user-hasCredential('administrador')) {

In the config() from TbReservacionForm.class.php

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Why this behaviour

2009-05-12 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Can you paste trace of the error?
Sure ...

# at ()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\form\sfForm.class.php line 956 ...

   953. {
   954.   if (!$widget = $this-widgetSchema[$name])
   955.   {
   956. throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Widget %s 
does not exist.', $name));
   957.   }
   959.   if ($this-isBound)

# at sfForm-offsetGet('estado_reservacion')
in SF_ROOT_DIR\apps\frontend\modules\reservacion\templates\_form.php line 33 ...

30.   li?php echo $form['desayuno']-renderLabel(), 
$form['desayuno'] ?/li
31.   li?php echo $form['almuerzo']-renderLabel(), 
$form['almuerzo'] ?/li
32.   li?php echo $form['comida']-renderLabel(), 
$form['comida'] ?/li
33.   li?php echo $form['estado_reservacion']-renderLabel(), 
$form['estado_reservacion'] ?/li
34.   li?php echo $form['id_complejo_comedor']-renderLabel(), 
$form['id_complejo_comedor'] ?/li
35.   li?php echo $form['fecha_entrada']-renderLabel(), 
$form['fecha_entrada'] ?/li
36.   li?php echo $form['fecha_salida']-renderLabel(), 
$form['fecha_salida'] ?/li

# at 
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\view\sfPHPView.class.php line 77 ...

74. // render
75. ob_start();
76. ob_implicit_flush(0);
77. require($_sfFile);
79. return ob_get_clean();
80.   }

# at 
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\view\sfPartialView.class.php line 110 ...

   107.   $this-getAttributeHolder()-set('sf_type', 'partial');
   109.   // render template
   110.   $retval = 
   111. }
   112. catch (Exception $e)
   113. {

# at sfPartialView-render()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\helper\PartialHelper.php line 218 ...

   215.   $view = new $class($context, $moduleName, $actionName, '');
   216.   $view-setPartialVars($vars);
   218.   return $view-render();
   219. }
   221. /**

# at get_partial('form', array(object('TbReservacionForm')))
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\helper\PartialHelper.php line 180 ...

   177.  */
   178. function include_partial($templateName, $vars = array())
   179. {
   180.   echo get_partial($templateName, $vars);
   181. }
   183. /**

# at include_partial('form', array(object('TbReservacionForm')))
in SF_ROOT_DIR\apps\frontend\modules\reservacion\templates\newSuccess.php line 
15 ...

12. br/
13. ?php endif; ?
14. ?php //if ($mostrar = true): ?
15.   ?php include_partial('form', array('form'=$form)) ?
16. ?php //endif; ? 

# at 
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\view\sfPHPView.class.php line 77 ...

74. // render
75. ob_start();
76. ob_implicit_flush(0);
77. require($_sfFile);
79. return ob_get_clean();
80.   }

# at 
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\view\sfPHPView.class.php line 174 ...

   171.   $this-attributeHolder-set('sf_type', 'action');
   173.   // render template file
   174.   $content = 
   176.   if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')  !is_null($uri))
   177.   {

# at sfPHPView-render()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\filter\sfExecutionFilter.class.php line 153 ...

   150. break;
   152.   case sfView::RENDER_CLIENT:
   153. $viewData = $view-render();
   154. $this-context-getResponse()-setContent($viewData);
   155. break;

# at sfExecutionFilter-executeView('reservacion', 'New', 'Success', 
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\filter\sfExecutionFilter.class.php line 114 ...

   111. return;
   112. }
   114. $this-executeView($actionInstance-getModuleName(), 
$actionInstance-getActionName(), $viewName, 
   115.   }
   117.   /**

# at sfExecutionFilter-handleView(object('sfFilterChain'), 
object('reservacionActions'), 'Success')
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\filter\sfExecutionFilter.class.php line 47 ...

44.   $timer-addTime();
45.   $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer(sprintf('View %s for 
%s/%s', $viewName, $actionInstance-getModuleName(), 
47.   $this-handleView($filterChain, $actionInstance, 

[symfony-users] Re: Why this behaviour

2009-05-12 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
 In your _form.php you have the following line:
 li?php echo $form['estado_reservacion']-
 renderLabel(), $form['estado_reservacion'] ?/li
 It is trying to access the widget which does not exists anymore and therefore
 throwing the error.

So I need this logic in the template? Any other way? How the admin-generator 

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Problems with Propel while trying to insert data into PostgreSQL database

2009-05-12 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm trying to insert some data into a PostgreSQL DB and I get this error:

500 | Internal Server Error | PropelException Unable to get sequence id. 
[wrapped: SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: no existe la relación 
«tb_edificio_id_eficio_seq» LINE 1: SELECT 

I do some research in Google and found this thread in Symfony Forums: 
http://forum.symfony-project.org/index.php/m/72358/ but this didn't solve my 
problem. The curious here is that I'm check the setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo into 
the Map class and it's correct so I don't know where is the problem:


Can any help me?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Why this behaviour

2009-05-11 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I try to hide a widget if a user (managed by sfGuard) has not administrador 
privileges. For that in my Form class named TbReservacionForm.class.php I do 

$context = sfContext::getInstance();
$user = $context-getUser();

if (!$user-hasCredential('administrador')) {

But I get this error:
500 | Internal Server Error | InvalidArgumentException
Widget estado_reservacion does not exist.

The funny part here is that I check the BaseTbReservacionForm class and see the 
code for Widgets:

'id_reservacion'  = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
'id_profesor' = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' = 
'sfGuardUser', 'add_empty' = false)),
'id_edificio' = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' = 
'TbEdificio', 'add_empty' = false)),
'id_apartamento'  = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' = 
'TbApartamento', 'add_empty' = false)),
'id_complejo_comedor' = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' = 
'TbComplejoComedor', 'add_empty' = false)),
'desayuno'= new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),
'almuerzo'= new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),
'comida'  = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),
'estado_reservacion'  = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),
'motivo_reservacion'  = new sfWidgetFormTextarea(),
'fecha_entrada'   = new sfWidgetFormDateTime(),
'fecha_salida'= new sfWidgetFormDateTime(),
'carne_identidad' = new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'nombre_visitante'= new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'id_parentezco'   = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' = 
'TbParentezco', 'add_empty' = false)),
'sexo'= new sfWidgetFormInput(),

So estado_reservacion exists and really I don't know where is the problem. 
Can any help me to solve this?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Inserting new users into sfGuard tables

2009-05-07 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
Recently I send some emails asking how to integrate sfGuard and LDAP 
authentication. Now I'm asking how to save, at least, the username and password 
once it was authenticated over LDAP. Any help?

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Inserting new users into sfGuard tables

2009-05-07 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 I've done integration with ldap or similar systems before and I always 
 integrated my model directly with the central auth server. So that  anytime 
 the model changes, the same changes are made there. You can do this by 
 utilizing the postSave() events, etc.

Can you send me an example? Just for take a look inside the code?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Syntax for embedded forms

2009-05-07 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-us...@googlegroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Steve the Canuck
 Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 5:13 PM
 To: symfony users
 Subject: [symfony-users] Syntax for embedded forms
 I have embedded one form in another.  What's the syntax for accessing
 the field?
 For example, I have ConsumerForm embedded in UserForm.  The consumer
 has a first_name field.
 I've tried:
 in my templates, but none of them work.
 Thanks for your help.

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[symfony-users] Help with sfGuard and LDAP external method

2009-05-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm trying to integrate sfGuard with my LDAP. For that I add this lines to my 
app.yml file:

check_password_callable: [LDAP, checkLDAPPassword]

Then I create a file called LDAP.class.php and put inside /frontend/lib 
directory. The method content is this:
class LDAPclass extends sfGuardSecurityUser {
  public static function checkLDAPPassword($username, $password) {
$options = 
$ldap = new adLDAP($options);
$authenticated = $ldap-authenticate($username, $password);
if ($authenticated) {
  return true;
} else {
  return false;

The adLDAP is another class placed also in /frontend/lib directory. When I try 
to execute the authentication I get this errors:

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument 
is expected to be a valid callback, 'LDAP::checkLDAPPassword' was given in 
 on line 79

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output 
started at 
 in D:\Server\SF\lib\response\sfWebResponse.class.php on line 335

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output 
started at 
 in D:\Server\SF\lib\response\sfWebResponse.class.php on line 349

Why? What I'm doing wrong?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Help with sfGuard and LDAP external method

2009-05-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
  check_password_callable: [LDAP, checkLDAPPassword]
  class LDAPclass extends sfGuardSecurityUser {
 in the config you say LDAP, but later you call it LDAPclass, this is
 why you get the following error:

Thanks FASI, the error now is solved but it doesn't work with LDAP. I check 
frontend_dev.log file and see this:

May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
sf_guard_signin (/login)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
sf_guard_signout (/logout)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
sf_guard_password (/request_password)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
nueva_reservacion (/modulos/profesores/reservacion/nueva)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute homepage (/)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
default_index (/:module)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute default 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
sf_guard_signin (/login)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
sf_guard_signout (/logout)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute 
sf_guard_password (/request_password)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route sf_guard_signin 
(/login) for /login with parameters array (  'module' = 'sfGuardAuth',  
'action' = 'signin',)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter sfCommonFilter
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfGuardAuthActions} Call 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} exec: SET NAMES 'utf8'
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} prepare: SELECT 
sf_guard_user.ID, sf_guard_user.USERNAME, sf_guard_user.ALGORITHM, 
sf_guard_user.SALT, sf_guard_user.PASSWORD, sf_guard_user.CREATED_AT, 
sf_guard_user.LAST_LOGIN, sf_guard_user.IS_ACTIVE, sf_guard_user.IS_SUPER_ADMIN 
FROM sf_guard_user WHERE sf_guard_user.USERNAME=:p1 AND 
sf_guard_user.IS_ACTIVE=:p2 LIMIT 1
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} Binding 'rperezm' at position 
:p1 w/ PDO type PDO::PARAM_STR
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [debug] {sfPropelLogger} Binding true at position :p2 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Decorate content with 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfPHPView} Render 
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {main} Get slot title
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status HTTP/1.1 200 OK
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header Content-Type: 
text/html; charset=utf-8
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 67.73 ms (9)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action sfGuardAuth/signin 
111.99 ms (1)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} View Success for 
sfGuardAuth/signin 69.17 ms (1)
May 06 17:47:17 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send content (113018 o)

Why it doesn't call the checkLDAPPassword method as I said in the app.yml file?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Problems with sfExtraWidgetsPlugin

2009-05-05 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
Recently I start to use this amazing plugin but I get an error when trying to 
work with datepicker component. The error message, provide by Firebug, is 

$ is not defined
dp_display(tb_reservacion_f_entrada)  datepicker.js 
(line 9)
onclick()new (line 1)
[Break on this error] if($(dp_element_id) == null)

Why? Can any help me? I haven't much knowledge about JS and Prototype
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Problems with sfExtraWidgetsPlugin

2009-05-05 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 the sfExtraWidgetsPlugin is not bundled with the jquery lib and so it
 is not loaded automatically.
 Therefore you have to define and load the according jquery and jquery
 ui assets.
 Example within PHP (but you should better define this assets in the
 $response-addStyleSheet( '/js/jquery/css/smoothness/jquery-
 ui-1.7.1.custom.css' );
 $response-addJavascript( '/js/jquery/js/jquery-
 ui-1.7.1.custom.min.js' );
 The stylesheet is needed for the calendar layout and the js file
 includes the jquery and ui libs.
 Everything could be downloaded from the jquery page very easily.

Thanks for your reply Frank but didn't solve my problem. I do the things as you 
suggested and see the HTML output:

script type=text/javascript src=/js/jquery-1.3.2.min/script
script type=text/javascript 
script type=text/javascript 
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen 
href=/sfPropelPlugin/css/global.css /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen 
href=/sfPropelPlugin/css/default.css /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=/css/main.css /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen 
href=/css/residencia.css /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen 
href=/css/estilos_grid.css /

So I don't know how it failed.
Any advice?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Can Symfony works with PHP 5.3RC1

2009-05-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Can Symfony work with PHP 5.3RC1 without any problems? 

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Validating before show up the form

2009-03-25 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have a n:m relationship between two tables: modlic_dvd y modlic_licencia. As 
every here know this kind of relation generate a new table: 
modlic_rel_dvd_licencia with the primary keys of the main tables. I generate 
the model, the filters and the forms for this three tables without problems. I 
want to know if exists any way to check if the modlic_dvd table has at least 
one file before show the form for the table modlic_licencia?

Any help?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Problem with Task or with PHP?

2008-12-04 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I started a new project with Symfony 1.2 and because I have a database created 
I need to build the schema file. I try to run the task:

 symfony12 propel:buil-schema

And I get this error:  Failed loading /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/xcache.so:  
/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/xcache.so: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory

  Task propel:buil-schema is not defined.

Can any help me to solve this?
Regards and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: Problem with Task or with PHP?

2008-12-04 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Fixed, I check the /etc/php5/cli/php.ini file but not the /etc/php5/conf.d/ 
directory where xcache.ini still.
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sebastian Schulze
 Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 01:31 PM
 To: symfony users
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: Problem with Task or with PHP?
 Looks like you've got xcache in your php.ini but havn't installed it
 Either remove it from your php.ini or install the xcache extension.
 On Dec 4, 6:22 pm, Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi every:
  I started a new project with Symfony 1.2 and because I have a database
 created I need to build the schema file. I try to run the task:
   symfony12 propel:buil-schema
  And I get this error:  Failed loading /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/xcache.so:
  /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/xcache.so: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory
    Task propel:buil-schema is not defined.
  Can any help me to solve this?
  Regards and thanks in advance
  Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
  Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: What about the Symfony Guide ...

2008-12-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

This is outdate see by yourself the Chapter 10 Forms for example

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: What about the Symfony Guide ...

2008-12-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 - http://www.symfony-project.org/book/forms/1_2/en/

I agree with you Fabian we can use this book (that remains incomplete yet) but 
this is not the only thing that changes in the new Symfony 1.2. There are a 
lots of things changed here for example:

 * Routing
 * Forms
 * Request 
 * and much more as this article said 

Will be nice if these things appear in a new version of the book. Also I think 
now that Symfony 1.2 was released as stable the developers will upgrade their 
applications and a lot of doubts rain in the list and if we have a book where 
find first then will be a help for every one.

This is what I mean
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Can I install Symfony 1.0.x and 1.1.x and 1.2.x in the same server

2008-11-04 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have this question since few days ago because I have at least 12 projects in 
development and not all are in the same Symfony version. So I ask here if I can 
have Symfony 1.0.18 and Symfony 1.1.4 and Symfony 1.2 BETA1 in the same server 
and how to do this?

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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symfony users group.
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[symfony-users] How to work with sfGuard Plugin and sfDoctrine

2008-11-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm trying to migrate one of my developments to sfDoctrine Plugin but I have a 
problem: I can not use sfGuard Plugin with sfDoctrine. I get this error when I 
try to access to the system:

No connection params set for propel
stack trace
* at ()
  in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\plugins\sfPropelPlugin\lib\vendor\propel\Propel.php 
line 476 ...
 474. $dsn = 
isset(self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['connection']) ? 
self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['connection'] : null;
 475. if ($dsn === null) {
 476. throw new PropelException(No connection 
params set for  . $name);
 477. }
 479. include_once 'creole/Creole.php';
* at Propel::getConnection('propel')
  in SF_ROOT_DIR\plugins\sfGuardPlugin\lib\model\om\BasesfGuardUserPeer.php 
line 289 ...

Can any help me or teach me here? I find in the Symfony Project Plugins site 
but I didn't found anything.

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: How to work with sfGuard Plugin and sfDoctrine

2008-11-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 You need to be using the doctrine version of the plugin, 
 Currently you can only get it from SVN.

From this addres: 

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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symfony users group.
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[symfony-users] Re: How to work with sfGuard Plugin and sfDoctrine

2008-11-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Ok, I made a 1.1 branch checkout, copy the plugin in the plugins folder and 
when I try to run the task symfony cache:clear I get this error:

symfony cache:clear

PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class sfGuardPromoteSuperAdminTask in 
 on line 69

Cheers and thanks again
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Jonathan Wage
 Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 11:57 AM
 To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: How to work with sfGuard Plugin and sfDoctrine
 Yes, if you are using symfony 1.2
 A branch exists for 1.0 and 1.1 as well.
 - Jon
 On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You need to be using the doctrine version of the plugin,
Currently you can only get it from SVN.
   From this addres: http://svn.symfony-
   Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
   Dirección Técnica IP
 Jonathan H. Wage
 Open Source Software Developer  Evangelist

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[symfony-users] Re: How to work with sfGuard Plugin and sfDoctrine

2008-11-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class sfGuardPromoteSuperAdminTask in
 minTask.class.php on line 69

Ok, I find a solution for my last problem. I delete the old sfGuardPlugin 
folder and everything is fine now. Now following the README instructions I get 
this other error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class BaseComponente in 
 on line 16

D:\Development\WWW\gestion.localPHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class 
BaseComponente in 
 on line 16

Why this?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: How to work with sfGuard Plugin and sfDoctrine

2008-11-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Hmm. Because you have 2 classes with the same name defined :)
 Search your code and find out where and why.

OK, I find but without success and for that  I start from zero and delete every 
generated class. I try again using this task:

D:\Development\WWW\gestion.localsymfony doctrine-build-all-reload backend
 doctrine  Are you sure you wish to drop your databases? (y/n)
 doctrine  Successfully dropped database f...n propel named uci_recursos
 doctrine  Successfully created database f...n propel named uci_recursos
 doctrine  Generated models successfully

And I get another error but with sfGuardDoctrine (I think)

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class BasesfGuardGroup in 
 on line 35

PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class BasesfGuardGroup in 
 on line 35

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Problems with sfDoctrinePlugin

2008-10-26 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm trying to migrate my projects from Propel to Doctrine. Today I did a 
checkout from sfDoctrinePlugin SVN and copy the code to plugins dir. When I try 
to clear the cache I get this error:

D:\Development\WWW\gestion.localsymfony cache:clear --app=backend --env=dev
 cache Clearing cache type all for backend app and dev env
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'sfWebDebugPanel' not found in D:\Development\WWW\gestio
n.local\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\debug\sfWebDebugPanelDoctrine.class.php on
line 21

Fatal error: Class 'sfWebDebugPanel' not found in D:\Development\WWW\gestion.loc
al\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\debug\sfWebDebugPanelDoctrine.class.php on line

Can any help me with this?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] What the character ~ means in schema.yml file

2008-10-17 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I have been checking the new form Framework book [1] and I notice something 
insteresting to me:

id: ~
title:  { type: varchar(255), required: true }
slug:   { type: varchar(255), required: true }
status: varchar(255)
author_id:{ type: integer, required: true, foreignTable: author, 
foreignReference: id, OnDelete: cascade }
category_id:  { type: integer, required: false, foreignTable: category, 
foreignReference: id, onDelete: setnull }
published_at: timestamp
created_at:   ~
updated_at:  ~
  unique_slug: [slug]

As you can see in the code above at the id appears the character ~. ¿This 
mean that this field have the common properties for a ID field in a table?  I 
mean something like this:

id { type: INT, required: true, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true }

[1] http://www.symfony-project.org/book/forms/1_1/en/04-Propel-Integration 

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] How to deal with Check Boxes in Symfony 1.1.4

2008-10-16 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have a form created using the task propel-build:forms and look like this:

class BaseModlicCategoriasForm extends BaseFormPropel
  public function setup()
  'id_categoria' = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
  'titulo_categoria' = new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'activa'   = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),

  'id_categoria' = new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' = 
'ModlicCategorias', 'column' = 'id_categoria', 'required' = false)),
  'titulo_categoria' = new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' = 150)),
  'activa'   = new sfValidatorBoolean(),

$this-errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this-validatorSchema);

  public function getModelName()
return 'ModlicCategorias';

The using the other class I setup some Validators:

class ModlicCategoriasForm extends BaseModlicCategoriasForm
public function configure()
unset  (
'titulo_categoria' = new sfValidatorString(array(
'required'='The field is required',
'min_length'='The field must have at least %min_length% 
'max_length'='The field must not exceed %max_length% 

But when I check the checkbox and send the form I get this error:
Unexpected extra form field named activa.

How can I fix this problem?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Why this ...

2008-10-13 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have this routing defined:

  url:   /change/lang/*
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: ChangeAppCulture }
  requirements: { lang: (?:es|en|fr|it) }

I have this link in my template:

I have this method in my class:
public function ChangeAppCulture($request)

Why when I click in that link I get this error:

Action geslicsoft/ChangeAppCulture does not exist. 

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] How can I access to the actual module name?

2008-10-09 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have this code in the preExecute action:

PHP Code:
public function preExecute()
$this-moduleName = $this-getModuleName();

Then in my layout.php file I have this:

echo $moduleName;

If I try the URL http://gestion.local/backend_dev.php/geslicsoft the 
$moduleName variable need to take geslicsoft as value ¿right? Well this var 
cannot take any value and Symgony show me this error:

Notice: Undefined variable: moduleName in 
D:\Development\WWW\gestion.local\apps\backend\templates\layout.php on line 39

What I'm doing wrong?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: How can I access to the actual module name?

2008-10-09 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Thanks for your reply Ant but I resolve the problem using $sf_context var from 
the view layout.php. Now the code is:

$moduleName = $sf_context-getModuleName();
if (isset($moduleName)) {
switch ($moduleName) {
case geslicsoft:
case gesrecursos:
case gesdessoft:
case gesmantenimiento:
} else {

Now it works perfectly and I don't have anymore the preExecute function in my 

Cheers and thanks for all
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

 i think it has to do with assignment in pre execute. I beleive i had
 trouble with this before as well. For some reason i dont think
 assignment for the template works in preExecute. I think it only works
 for assignment within the actions, not within the template. I think
 this has to do with how preExecute is called and use of __set to
 magically assing the template variable form within an execution
 method. Of course i could be completely wrong.

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[symfony-users] sfForms doesn't validate

2008-10-09 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I created a Forms based on a Propel Model and using the propel:build-forms 
task. I try to personalize a little more the generated form adding some rules 
for validation. See the code below:

class BaseAutoresForm extends BaseFormPropel
   public function setup()
  $this-setWidgets(array('nombre_autor' = new sfWidgetFormInput()));
  $this-setValidators(array('nombre_autor' = new 
sfValidatorString(array('required'=true,'min_length'= 4,'max_length'=50;
  $this-errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this-validatorSchema);

   public function getModelName()
   return 'Autores';

So this code when I leave a blank field must be validate but it doesn't work 
because the form is always send. I try also writing only 3 characters (for 
min_lenght) and doesn't work too.

What I'm doing wrong?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: sfForms doesn't validate

2008-10-09 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Thanks for your reply again but myself found the error. My code is wrong 
completely. See the code for the action now:

public function executeAdicionarAutor($request)
$this-formulario_autores = new AutoresForm();
if ($request-isMethod('post')) {

if ($this-formulario_autores-isValid()) {
$autor = new Autores();


Now it validates OK but I have one doubt. I have the csrf_secret protection 
active. Now when I send the form always appear this message: csrf token: 
Required. and the form never is send. What this mean that I need a field for 
insert the secret word or something else?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Ant Cunningham
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 7:37 PM
 To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: sfForms doesn't validate
 Im not sure that this has anything to do with it... But why are you
 extending the base class? Normal procedure is to extend the generated
 form class.
 Reynier Perez Mira wrote:
  Hi every:
  I created a Forms based on a Propel Model and using the propel:build-forms 
  task. I
 try to personalize a little more the generated form adding some rules for 
 See the code below:
  class BaseAutoresForm extends BaseFormPropel
 public function setup()
$this-setWidgets(array('nombre_autor' = new sfWidgetFormInput()));
$this-setValidators(array('nombre_autor' = new
$this-errorSchema = new 
 public function getModelName()
 return 'Autores';
  So this code when I leave a blank field must be validate but it doesn't 
  work because
 the form is always send. I try also writing only 3 characters (for 
 min_lenght) and
 doesn't work too.
  What I'm doing wrong?
  Cheers and thanks in advance
  Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
  Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP
 Ant Cunningham
 Graphic Designer | Web Developer
 Vector Based Design

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[symfony-users] Re: Problems with redirection and sfGuard for Symfony 1.1

2008-10-07 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Before this email I have not because reading sfGuard documentation in somewhere 
said that this is not obligatory so I didn't write in the file.  Today I added 
this clear the cache try again and the same error still appearing. Is this a 
sfGuard problem?

Cheers and thanks in advance 
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

 Do you have theese settings in routing.yml ?
   url:   /login
   param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: signin }
   url:   /logout
   param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: signout }
   url:   /request_password
   param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: password }

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[symfony-users] Problems with redirection and sfGuard for Symfony 1.1

2008-10-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm using sfGuard plugin in one of my applications. When I login inside the 
application I get a server 500 response wich is a Internal Server Error. I see 
the Apache logs and I can see this:

[Mon Oct 06 20:17:00 2008] [error] [client] Empty module and/or 
action after parsing the URL /images/platgestion.ico (/).
[Mon Oct 06 20:17:00 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  
Uncaught exception 'sfStopException' in 
sfController-forward('default', 'error404')\n#6 
 sfError404Excep in 
D:\\Development\\symfony1.1\\lib\\filter\\sfBasicSecurityFilter.class.php on 
line 86
[Mon Oct 06 20:17:03 2008] [error] [client] Empty module and/or 
action after parsing the URL /images/platgestion.ico (/).
[Mon Oct 06 20:17:03 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  
Uncaught exception 'sfStopException' in 
sfController-forward('default', 'error404')\n#6 
 sfError404Excep in 
D:\\Development\\symfony1.1\\lib\\filter\\sfBasicSecurityFilter.class.php on 
line 86
[Mon Oct 06 20:17:08 2008] [error] [client] An internal URI must 
contain a module and an action (module/action) ( given)., referer: 
[Mon Oct 06 20:17:08 2008] [error] [client] Empty module and/or 
action after parsing the URL /favicon.ico (/).
[Mon Oct 06 20:17:11 2008] [error] [client] Empty module and/or 
action after parsing the URL /favicon.ico (/).

I made some changes in my routing.yml file and now look like this :

  url:   /
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: index }

And my action.class.php is this:

public function executeIndex($request)
$user = $this-getUser();
if (!$user-isAuthenticated()) {
return $this-redirect('@sf_guard_signin');
$this-culture = $user-getCulture();
return sfView::SUCCESS;

Where is the problem?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: Problems with redirection and sfGuard for Symfony 1.1

2008-10-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Well I try this URL http://gestion.local/backend_dev.php and when I login 
inside the system I get this message error:

An internal URI must contain a module and an action (module/action) ( given).

Also you can check the backend_dev.log content here 

Why happen this?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

 Do you _REALLY_ think that your error log is readable?
 Use http://paste.org/ instead.
 Also you should try to login with dev environment

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[symfony-users] Understanding routing system

2008-10-04 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have a problem with routing system. I have this rule:

  url:   /modules/author/list
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: ListAuthors }

So if I call the URL: 
http://gestion.local/backend_dev.php/geslicsoft/modules/author/list this rule 
match and will be executed, no? Well Symfony when I try this URL send me this 
error message:

Action geslicsoft/modulos does not exist.
stack trace
* at ()
  in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\controller\sfController.class.php line 207 ...
 204. $this-dispatcher-notify(new sfEvent($this, 
'application.log', array(sprintf('Action %s/%s does not exist', $moduleName, 
 205.   }
 207.   throw new sfError404Exception(sprintf('Action %s/%s 
does not exist.', $moduleName, $actionName));
 208. }
 210. // create an instance of the action

Why? What I'm doing wrong?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Symfony 1.1, i18n y sfGuard

2008-10-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm developing a fresh application and I take Symfony 1.1.4 as Symfony release. 
I'm using also the sfGuard plugin to take advantage in user and group 
managment. Because I speak Spanish I want to internationalize the app and for 
that I do this:

1) Activate the right options in settings.yml file
i18n: on
default_culture: es 

2) Create the i18n/sfguard.es_ES.xml and put this content inside:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
xliff version=1.0
file orginal=global source-language=es_ES datatype=plaintext
trans-unit id=1

Then I want to internationalize first the sfGuard plugin interface. This plugin 
generate the form using the new form Framework so the code is as follow:

public function configure()
  'username' = new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'password' = new sfWidgetFormInput(array('type' = 'password')),
  'remember' = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(),

  'username' = new sfValidatorString(),
  'password' = new sfValidatorString(),
  'remember' = new sfValidatorBoolean(),

$this-validatorSchema-setPostValidator(new sfGuardValidatorUser());


And then in the template only echo $form appear. So I not know how to get the 
label value for put as internationalize string. I mean this:

label for=signin_usernameUsername/label

¿Any idea or solution?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] dbFinder problem

2008-09-24 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
Recently I start a new project with Symfony 1.1.2. After created all model 
classes I'm trying to use dbFinder plugin but I get this error:

Notice: Undefined variable: finder in 
D:\Development\WWW\gestion.local\plugins\DbFinderPlugin\lib\DbFinder.php on 
line 171

Fatal error: Call to a member function paginate() on a non-object in 
D:\Development\WWW\gestion.local\plugins\DbFinderPlugin\lib\DbFinder.php on 
line 390

Can any help me with this?
PS: With Symfony 1.0.17 I not have this problem is only with Symfony 1.1.2

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: dbFinder problem

2008-09-24 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I think that is from a Propel ORM because I have none Doctrine plugin 
installed. I'm using the latest from SVN (maybe is not the latest because I 
update my plugin when you fix the PostgreSQL problem. I'm the ticket guy). What 
you mean with initialization line? This one:

$this-pag = DbFinder::from('Autores')-paginate($request-getParameter('pag', 
1), sfConfig::get('app_paginado'));

Cheers and thanks
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Francois Zaninotto
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 4:07 PM
 To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: dbFinder problem
 Are you creating a finder object from a Propel class or from a
 Doctrine class? Which version of the plugin are you using? Can you
 paste the finder initialization line?
 2008/9/24 Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi every:
  Recently I start a new project with Symfony 1.1.2. After created all model 
 I'm trying to use dbFinder plugin but I get this error:
  Notice: Undefined variable: finder in
 D:\Development\WWW\gestion.local\plugins\DbFinderPlugin\lib\DbFinder.php on 
  Fatal error: Call to a member function paginate() on a non-object in
 D:\Development\WWW\gestion.local\plugins\DbFinderPlugin\lib\DbFinder.php on 
  Can any help me with this?
  PS: With Symfony 1.0.17 I not have this problem is only with Symfony 1.1.2
  Cheers and thanks in advance
  Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
  Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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2008-09-24 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I'm developing a new Project with Symfony 1.1.x and I want to use the new Form 
Framework. When I build the project I generated also the model using 
propel:build-model and then the respective forms using propel:build-forms. Then 
I have this method:

public function executeAdicionarAutor($request) {
if (sfRequest::POST == $this-getRequest()-getMethod()) {
$autor = new Autores();
} else {
$this-formulario_autores = new AutoresForm();
return sfView::SUCCESS;

When I try to access to 
http://gestion.local/backend_dev.php/geslicsoft/AdicionarAutor Symfony show me 
this error:

Fatal error: Class 'AutoresForm' not found in 
 on line 61

I check that this class exists and it exists in /lib/form directory.¿What's 
wrong here? ¿I miss something? ¿Can any send me a functional sample to see how 
it Works and also understand how the new form Framework work?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: [symfony-users]

2008-09-24 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Try to execute symfony cc

Thanks, this solve the problem

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Integrating FirePHP in Symfony Core

2008-09-04 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

First of all I'm not a ZF user I'm a Symfony user. Recently and reading on 
Internet Zend Co. release ZF 1.6 and it comes with some new features. One of 
them is really interesting and it's FirePHP Log Support. I'm asking if will be 
possible include this feature in the next Symfony 1.2 version. I take a look at 
FirePHP site[1] and some articles about ZF and FirePHP[2] and it's not 
complicated. I least this is what I'm think. What you believe? Fabien?

[1] http://www.firephp.org/Wiki/Libraries/FirePHPCore 
[2] http://www.christophdorn.com/Blog/2008/09/02/firephp-and-zend-framework-16/

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] sfPropel13 Plugin and Symfony 1.0.16 error

2008-06-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every,
I follow all the steps in sfPropel13Plugin wiki to install it. I upgrade the 
Propel libraries to Propel 1.3 Beta2. So because schema.yml haven't any changes 
between Propel 1.2 and Propel 1.3 I not recreate again the file. This mean I 
don't use the command:
 # symfony propel-13-build-schema
So I jump directly to:
 # symfony propel-13-build-model
But surprise I get this error:

 schemaconverting /workdata/www/gesti...ynier/config/schema.yml to XML
 schemaputting /workdata/www/gestionReynier/config/generated-schema.xml
 schemaconverting /workdata/www/gesti...lugin/config/schema.yml to XML
 schemaputting /workdata/www/gestionRe...erated-sfGuardPlugin-schema.xml
 file+ config/generated-sfGuardPlugin-schema.xml
 file- /workdata/www/gestionReynier/pl...erated-sfGuardPlugin-schema.xml
[PHP Error] require_once(PEAR.php): failed to open stream: No such file or 
directory [line 23 of 

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' 
 on line 23

How can I solve this? Any help? I didn't install Symfony using PEAR I just 
uncompress the .tar.gz file in a directory.
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] new project sfConfigurationException error

2008-06-05 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I'm trying to start a fresh Project and aparently al lis fine. When I open the 
page for check if every is fine as I thought this error appear:
Invalid configuration settings: [sf_error_404_module] default, 
[sf_error_404_action] error404
stack trace

* at ()
  in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR/controller/sfController.class.php line 218 ...
 215. $error = 'Invalid configuration settings: 
[sf_error_404_module] %s, [sf_error_404_action] %s';
 216. $error = sprintf($error, $moduleName, $actionName);
 218. throw new sfConfigurationException($error);
 219.   }
 220. }
* at sfController-forward('default', 'module')
  in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR/action/sfAction.class.php line 137 ...


I didn't touch any code yet simply I start  a new Project (symfony new), create 
the application (symfony app backend), add a default module(symfony module 
backend default) and test if this work. ¿Any idea? I'm using Ubuntu Linux 
Server 8.04 como OS, Symfony 1.0.16 and PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.1

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: new project sfConfigurationException error

2008-06-05 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Thanks Ant, this was the problem
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Ant Cunningham
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 10:37 AM
 To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: new project sfConfigurationException error
 Its probably because you used the module name default. Since you didn't add
 all the methods in the skeleton default module or redirect them via
 configuration it can't find them.
 On 6/5/08 10:28 AM, Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to start a fresh Project and aparently al lis fine. When I open
  page for check if every is fine as I thought this error appear:
  Invalid configuration settings: [sf_error_404_module] default,
  [sf_error_404_action] error404
  stack trace
  * at ()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR/controller/sfController.class.php line 218 ...
   215. $error = 'Invalid configuration settings:
  [sf_error_404_module] %s, [sf_error_404_action] %s';
   216. $error = sprintf($error, $moduleName,
   218. throw new sfConfigurationException($error);
   219.   }
   220. }
  * at sfController-forward('default', 'module')
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR/action/sfAction.class.php line 137 ...
  I didn't touch any code yet simply I start  a new Project (symfony new),
  create the application (symfony app backend), add a default module(symfony
  module backend default) and test if this work. ¿Any idea? I'm using Ubuntu
  Linux Server 8.04 como OS, Symfony 1.0.16 and PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.1
  Cheers and thanks in advance
  Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
  Grupo de Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Validation problems

2008-05-19 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I'm trying to valídate the data inserted in a form. For that reason I created a 
file called AdicionarLicencias.yml inside the /validate folder in my module. 
This is the content of the file:

  enabled: true
  msg: El campo Nombre no se puede dejar vacío
  min: 3
  min_error: El campo Nombre no puede tener menos de 5 carácteres
  max: 150
  max_error: El campo Nombre no puede tener más de 150 carácteres
  msg: El campo DVD no se puede dejar vacio
  type: float
  msg: El campo Fecha de Adquisición no se puede dejar vacio
  msg: El campo Fecha de Vencimiento no se puede dejar vacio
  msg: Dirección no valida

Then in my class I have a method called AdicionarLicencias() with this code:
public function executeAdicionarLicencias()
if ($this-getRequest()-getMethod() != sfRequest::POST) {
// Some irrelevant operations, for this enviroment, to 
retrieval data from DB
return sfView::SUCCESS;
} else {
// Insert the data and redirect to @listar_licencias 

And I have also the function for handle the Error:
public function handleErrorAdicionarLicencias()
// Some irrelevant operations, for this enviroment, to retrieval data 
from DB - This are the same as the AdicionarLicencias method before POST 
return sfView::SUCCESS;

Al lis good now. If I send the form ,with caused errors, I mean fields empty or 
others cases, to test if validation Works I get this error:

The template /_MainMenu.php does not exist in:
stack trace

* at ()
  in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR/view/sfView.class.php line 463 ...
 460. if (!is_readable($template))
 461. {
 462.   // the template isn't readable
 463.   throw new sfRenderException(sprintf('The template %s 
does not exist in: %s', $template, $this-directory));
 464. }
 466. // check to see if this is a decorator template

¿Can any tell me or give me any idea why Symfony call __MainMenu.php partial 
when this belong to another module and haven't any relationship with this one?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Re: Problems with translation and I18N

2008-05-17 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

After several days giving head butt with the problem I have found a solution. I 
left here because maybe in the future somebody could have the same problem:

1. Set default cultura to es_ES
  default_culture: es_ES
  debug: off

2. Activate the i18n use in every enviroment and put UTF-8 as default charset:


charset: utf-8

3. Activate the I18N helper in every, absolutely every, template in wich I use 
?php use_helper('I18N') ?

4. And not for be the last less important, delete every cookie that application 
or symphony has created. If you don't do this then you couldn't see the correct 
translation and this is what happen to me. 

Hope this help to others in case they have the same problem
Cheers and thanks for every
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernhard Schussek
 Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 02:57 AM
 To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: Problems with translation and I18N
 Are you sure you are calling your site with user culture es? You set
 your default culture to en, and your translation file only
 translates en-es if the active culture is es. Could that be the
 Regards and good luck,
 2008/5/16 Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Thanks Nicholas but nothing, I still getting the same behavior. I made the
 changes in both files: messages.es.xml and messages.es_ES.xml and nothing.
 Both file have this same code:
  ?xml version=1.0 ?
  xliff version=1.0
 file orginal=global source-language=en_US datatype=plaintext
 trans-unit id=1
 trans-unit id=2
 targetNombre Categoría/target
  So  I really don't know what's wrong
  Cheers and waiting for some solution
  Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
  Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP
  -Original Message-
  From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nicolas Perriault
  Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 04:23 AM
  To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [symfony-users] Re: Problems with translation and I18N
  2008/5/16 Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  trans-unit id=1
  You must use this format:
  trans-unit id=1
  The text in the tag must exactly fit the string you pass to the __() 

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[symfony-users] Propel Exception Help

2008-05-17 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I'm working in a form and using the input_date_tag helper. By default this 
construct the dates as dd/mm/. When I try to insert this data to a table I 
get this error:

Unable to parse date/time value for [fecha_creacion] from input: '17/05/2008'

I do a Google research for some reference but nothing can help me. Can any help 
me here?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Problems with translation and I18N

2008-05-15 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

I've been reading detailed the Symfony Book and paying greater attention to 
the Chapter 13 I18n And L10n.  I need to translate a application interface 
because I need this in English and Spanish. This is what I have done until now:

1. Enable the use of i18n in /apps/backend/config/settings.yml
 i18n:   on

2. Enable the use of i18n in /apps/backend/config/i18n.yml
  default_culture: en_US
  source:  XLIFF
  debug:   off
  cache:   off

3. Create two (2) files to test if Spanish translation works under 
/apps/backend/i18n/messages.es.xml and /apps/backend/i18n/messages.es_ES.xml 
and wrote this text inside which one:

?xml version=1.0 ?
xliff version=1.0
file orginal=global source-language=es_ES datatype=plaintext
trans-unit id=1
trans-unit id=2
nombre categoria
Nombre Categoría

4. In my template I have this code:
?php echo __('nombre_licencia') ?

When I call the page in the browser I get the untranslated text, means 
nombre_licencia. Why? What I'm doing wrong?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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[symfony-users] Symfony validators documentation ...

2008-05-09 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I need to use some Symfony validators but I can't find a place to see doc about 
they. Can any help me with a site or URL or book or anything? 
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Loosing partial after validate

2008-05-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have the following code at preExecute() function:

public function preExecute()
   if ( $this-getModuleName() == geslicsoft) {
$this-mostrar_parcial = geslicsoft;

Then in the layout.php I have this other code:

if (isset($mostrar_parcial)) {
 switch ($mostrar_parcial)
  case geslicsoft:

When I execute the action, normally, all is fine and I check using DebugBar and 
at the end I can read this:

View - initialize view for geslicsoft/_LicenciasAdminMenu
View - render sf_app_dir/modules/geslicsoft/templates/_LicenciasAdminMenu.php

Now when I validate a form if I leave at least one field blank Symfony never 
render the partial again. I try also to force the variable in the handleError 

public function handleErrorAdicionarAutor()
 $this-mostrar_parcial = geslicsoft;
 return sfView::SUCCESS;

I check again using DebugBar and at the end it only wrote this:

Filter  - executing filter sfFillInFormFilter

¿Somebody having before this problem and found the solution?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: How I get the Database Connection ...

2008-05-06 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Yes it is, I founded few hours ago when I post the message, anyway thanks

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP  

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisller
 Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 07:12 pm
 To: symfony users
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: How I get the Database Connection ...
 Is it, what you want?

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[symfony-users] How I get the Database Connection ...

2008-05-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have this settings in my databases.yml

class:  sfPropelDatabase
  dsn:  pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/uci_recursos

and in my propel.ini this other settings:

propel.targetPackage   = lib.model
propel.packageObjectModel  = true
propel.project = gestion
propel.database= pgsql
propel.database.createUrl  = pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
propel.database.url= pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/uci_recursos

So I write this code:

class gesdessoftActions extends sfActions
  public function executeIndex()

When I call the URL I get this error:

Database default does not exist

Is this a error, a bug, a missunderstanding by me or something is wrong?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: Route named editar_dvd have a mandatory id_licencia parameter

2008-05-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi Nicolas and thanks for your reply:

 Try to invert the editar_dvd and form_editar_dvd routes
If by invert you mean this:

  url:   /EditarDVD
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: EditarDVD }

  url:   /EditarDVD/:id_dvd
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: EditarDVD }
This do nothing, still the same error.
Cheers and waiting ...
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP  

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[symfony-users] Route named editar_dvd have a mandatory id_licencia parameter

2008-04-30 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have the following routes defined in my routing.yml file:

  url:   /ListarDVD
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: ListarDVD }
  url:   /AdicionarDVD
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: AdicionarDVD }
  url:   /EditarDVD/:id_dvd
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: EditarDVD }
  url:   /EliminarDVD/:id_dvd
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: EliminarDVD }
  url:   /EditarDVD
  param: { module: geslicsoft, action: EditarDVD }

Then in my template(parcial by the way) I have this code:

?php echo link_to('Listar DVD','@listar_dvd') ?

When I try the URL: http://localhost/backend_dev.php/ListarDVD I get this 

Route named editar_dvd have a mandatory id_licencia parameter

I have sought on all sides (templates, functions, routes) having to do with the 
methods associated with DVD and contains no reference to id_licencia. I have 
erased the cache and I trying again and nothing. Some idea?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] SO: Documentation about new Symfony 1.1 Features

2008-04-29 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm preparing a Symfony mini conference to talk about new functionalities that 
come with Symfony 1.1. I found a lot of presentations but all them too 
abstract. I need some extended information, not manual or book, to understand 
the new features and then can explain to my students. Is just something like 
 ¿Any help? 

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] How to use relations with sfPropelPager

2008-04-19 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have two tables, Categorias and SubCategorias. Each Categoria have a 
lot of SubCategorias so the relationship between tables is 1:n. I have this 
method for get every record in SubCategorias table.

public function executeListarSubCategorias()
$subcatsql = new Criteria();

$this-pag = new sfPropelPager('Subcategorias', 
$this-pag-setPage($this-getRequestParameter('pagina'), 1);

With this I get all columns from SubCategorias table but I need to get also the 
Categorias name. Checking BaseSubCategoriasPeer class I see the method 
doSelectJoinCategorias wich selects a collection of Subcategorias objects 
pre-filled with their Categorias objects. ¿How can I use this method with 
sfPropelPager? Also I read this article[1] in Propel Wiki but it's not so clear 
for me. ¿Any help?

[1] http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/wiki/Users/Documentation/1.2/Relationships
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony + Propel + Multiple Schemas

2008-04-10 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:

 Define multiple schemas.

What you mean with define multiples schemas? I understand by schema at 
least in PostgreSQL (the SGBD I use in my project now)  a set of objects 
(tables, views, indexes, etc) that belongs to an user account and as Oracle 
Wiki [1] said It is often used as another way to refer to an Oracle account. I 
want to use having a set of tables in the same PostgreDB. For example:

db: mydatabase
  tables:   table1
  tables:   users

¿Understand now? I can't deal with that using Symfony or better using Propel 
because this last doesn't support schemas yet. I don't know if for future 
versions Propel come with this feature. Also I don't know if Doctrine support 
this. ¿Any know?
 We are building several apps in ONE symfony tree and successfully
 using several schemas and several databases within the same database

As I explain befote maybe you use schemas as Oracle account and not as 
multiples schemas in the same DB.

[1] http://orafaq.com/wiki/Schema

¿Another approach?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP  

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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony + Propel + Multiple Schemas

2008-04-10 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 lol thats useful :) Nah seriously, does anyone from Doctrine read
 these forums and could give us any direction? :) Maybe we should be
 posting this on the Doctrine forum too? :)

A friend mine in spanish community/list made a modifications to 
PgSQLDatabaseInfo and PgSQLConnection classes [1] and he said me that's works 
but really I can't get it to work. The solution? works with only one schema and 
have in it 150 tables !!! This is for now, I expect for Doctrine or Propel 
developers listen to the statement.

(The article is in spanish by the way)

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony + Propel + Multiple Schemas

2008-04-10 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

 Within the same database or does each user have a separate database?
Yep, within the same database.

 We too have been working with legacy code where we have to work with
 existing tables but also add new tables for new features (which
 usually becomes a new database with its own set of tables). This means
 we have multiple DSNs in config/databases.yml and often use multiple
 connections (maybe when we have totally replaced the legacy site we
 can reduce this :-)
This is not my case and I think Ryan G too. 

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] sfGuard installing problems

2008-04-10 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I build a clean Project to install, configure and try sfGuard and LDAP. I 
download the file sfGuardPlugin-1.1.13.tgz from www.symfony-project.org 
uncompress and start read the file README. I start following every step by step:

- Configuring the databases.yml
class:  sfPropelDatabase
  dsn:  pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sfguard

- Configuring the propel.ini (I post only the relevant information)
propel.project = sfguard
propel.database= pgsql
propel.database.createUrl  = pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
propel.database.url= pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sfguard
propel.builder.addIncludes = false
propel.builder.addComments = true
propel.builder.addBehaviors = false
propel.disableIdentifierQuoting = true

1. Create the DB in PostgreSQL
2. Define Rols and Permissions

Since here is pure sfGuard doc
3. Run the commands:
 3.1 Command: symfony propel-build-model
 3.2 Results: All fine
 3.3 Command: symfony propel-build-sql
 3.4 Results: All fine
 3.5 Command: symfony propel-insert-sql
 3.6 Results:
 propel  insert-sql:
 [propel-sql-exec] Executing statements in file:  
 [propel-sql-exec] Our new url - pgsql://gestec:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sfguard
 [propel-sql-exec] Executing file: 

[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_group CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_group does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_group CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP SEQUENCE sf_guard_group_seq
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  sequence 
sf_guard_group_seq does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP SEQUENCE sf_guard_group_seq]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP TABLE sf_guard_permission CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_permission does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_permission CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP SEQUENCE sf_guard_permission_seq
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  sequence 
sf_guard_permission_seq does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP SEQUENCE sf_guard_permission_seq]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP TABLE sf_guard_group_permission CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_group_permission does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_group_permission CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP TABLE sf_guard_user CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_user does not exist] [User Info:
DROP TABLE sf_guard_user CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP SEQUENCE sf_guard_user_seq
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  sequence 
sf_guard_user_seq does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP SEQUENCE sf_guard_user_seq]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP TABLE sf_guard_user_permission CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_user_permission does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_user_permission CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP TABLE sf_guard_user_group CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_user_group does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_user_group CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] Failed to execute:

 DROP TABLE sf_guard_remember_key CASCADE
[propel-sql-exec] Could not execute update [Native Error: ERROR:  table 
sf_guard_remember_key does not exist] [User Info:
 DROP TABLE sf_guard_remember_key CASCADE]
[propel-sql-exec] 31 of 41 SQL statements executed successfully

3.7 Command: symfony propel-load-data backend
3.8 Results: 
 propelload data from /workdata/www/s...ns/sfGuardPlugin/data/fixtures
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'BasesfGuardUserGroupPeer' not found in 
 on line 18

Fatal error: Class 'BasesfGuardUserGroupPeer' not found in 
 on line 18
Segmentation fault

What I'm doing wrong?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 

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[symfony-users] Accesing config values

2008-04-07 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I need to paginate some values from a query. This is not a problem because I 
can use sfPropelPager class. For that I do this at first:

public function executeListar()
  $this-pag = new sfPropelPager('Nombre_Clase', cantidad_por_pagina);

Now I want to create some global var and access to they using sfConfig class. 
I've been reading the Definitive Guide to Symfony specifically the epigraph 
Accessing the Configuration from Code
and there the authors said that I can use the file app.yml. They explain also 
that this file is inside myproject/apps/myapps/config/app.yml[1] but I think 
that I can copy that file to /mymodule/config and use this also. Well before 
trying with mymodules folder I work with the default file [1]. Then I do this:

CantidadCategorias: 2

In my actions.class.php I wrote this:

public function executeListar()
  $this-pag = new sfPropelPager('Nombre_Clase', 
sfConfig::get('app_CantidadCategorias', 5));

When I call the URL: http://localhost/backend_dev.php/geslicsoft/Listar this 
should list the result two by two but it doesn't list as I expect. The table 
inside the DB has 5 or more records.

¿What I'm doing wrong?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP 


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[symfony-users] Working with slots first time

2008-03-24 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I have a menu and I need this menu specific only for admin pages. For that I 
think the better option is slots. Well I put this code inside 

?php if(has_slot('admin_menu')) { include_slot('admin_menu'); } ?

And in my backend/modules/license/templates/EditAutorSuccess.php the menu code:

?php slot('admin_menu'); ?
Here goes my menu
?php end_slot('admin_menu'); ?

How I can show this slot when I call http://localhost/backend_dev.php/license?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica

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[symfony-users] Symfony + Propel + Multiple Schemas

2008-03-03 Thread Reynier Perez Mira

Hi every:
I'm asking if Symfony 1.0.11 can work with multiple schemas in PostgreSQL. If 
the answer is yes, exists any guide or any documentation about how to configure 
the propel.ini and databases.yml?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
Grupo Soporte al Desarrollo - Dirección Técnica IP

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