Re: Tomcat on Linux

2001-11-20 Thread Paul DuBois

At 1:56 PM -0500 11/20/01, Sergey Snovsky wrote:
>I'd like to ask some advice on how to best run Tomcat on Linux -- 
>how can I make Tomcat start
>at the init time (possibly using chkconfig or something similar) and 
>how do I make Tomkat run as the Tomcat user/group -- what files 
>under Tomcat distribution should be owned by whom?
>Thank you very much for any help!

Install the RPM files as root:

# rpm --install tomcat4-4.0.1-1.noarch.rpm
# rpm --install tomcat4-webapps-4.0.1-1.noarch.rpm

The first RPM contains the server software, the second contains the
applications that are installed by default for the other distribution formats.
The installation process will create a new user "tomcat4" to be used for
running Tomcat.  (It also creates a tomcat4 group.)

Then edit /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf to set JAVA_HOME to the pathname
of your Java SDK.

Change directory into /etc/rc.d/init.d.  You'll find a script "tomcat4"
that can control Tomcat's startup at boot time.  It needs to be activated:

# chkconfig --add tomcat4

If you like, use the tomcat4 script to start up Tomcat manually:

# ./tomcat4 start

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Re: Location of jdbc driver

2001-11-22 Thread Paul DuBois

>Hi ya,
>Let's share this with the others ;-), and I think this should be mentioned
>in the docs.
>Anyway, here how I do it, I place the *driver directory tree* in the
>directory as the other class files.  For example, my servlet application is
>called, myApplet, and I put all the class files for this app in myClasses,
>so the directory tree will look like this,
>   |
>   >myClasses
>-->(class files for the applet)
>   |
>-->org(this is for the MySQL driver)
>  |
>  >gjt
> [...]
>See the deep directory tree for the driver, but all you need to do is unjar
>it.  If you use WinZip, right click on the driver file and unzip (unjar) it.
>I hope you will find this useful.

It's a lot easier to use the driver JAR file, then you have only one file
to mess with.

If you want it visible only to your application, put it in the application's
WEB-INF/lib directory

If you want it visible to all applications, put it in the lib directory under
the Tomcat root.

If you want it visible both to applications and to Tomcat, put it in the
common/lib directory under the Tomcat root.  (This would be the case if
you wanted to do something like JDBC-based session management or realm
authentication, which are handled by Tomcat above the application level.
To do that, Tomcat needs to see the driver.)

>- Original Message -
>From: "Satish Talim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 3:30 PM
>Subject: Location of jdbc driver
>>  Hi,
>>  I am facing the same problem. I am not sure where I should place the mySQL
>>  jdbc driver files. What has been the solution?
>>  My servlet uses JDBC and throws a page with an applet. Then via
>>  HttpURLConnection I have to do applet/servlet communication...
>>  Regards,
>>  Amit Lonkar
>>  - Original Message -
>>  From: "Yiu Wing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:41 AM
>>  Subject: [repost] loading class files
>>   > Sorry guys this is a repost. But after doing numerous google search and
>>   > wading through the docs, I still can't solve my problem with regard to
>>   > loading applet classes. I sincerely hope some of you can help me this
>>  time,
>>   > I desperately need to get this working. The same message is as follow.
>>   >
>>   > Hello All,
>>   >
>>   > I'm writing an applet that uses JDBC to connect to MySQL server , and
>>   > applet is embedded in a jsp. I'm new to this, so I went on and read the
>>   > docs that come with Tomcat. I'm also using CVS and ant for the
>>  development.
>>   > The source code layout of my project is as suggested in the docs, which
>>   >
>>   > project name
>>   > |- docs
>>   > |- src
>>   > |- web
>>   > |-->WEB-INF
>>   >
>>   > In the project/web/WEB-INF directory, do I have to create a classes and
>>  lib
>>   > subdirectories? The reason I ask this is because the class loader, from
>>  the
>>   > Tomcat or web browser, can't find the class files. But they're clearly
>>   > the web directory, whose structure is as,
>>   >
>>   > project
>>   > | login.jsp (that's the jsp file that embeds the applet)
>>   > | WEB-INF
>>   > |--- classes (this directory has all
>>  the
>>   > needed class files)
>>   > |--- lib (where the MySQL driver is
>>   > stored)
>>   >
>>   > The Tomcat docs says the classes and lib dir "are made visible to other
>>   > classes within your particular web application", but why my class files
>>   > can't be loaded there? If I move all the class files to the top of the
>>  web
>>   > directory, and change "code="MyClass.class"" to "code="MyClass"" in the
>>  jsp
>>   > file, then everything seems to working OK. Oh, yeah, almost forgot, I
>>   > need to copy the whole directory tree for the driver to the web
>>  as
>>   > well. Setting the classpath for the driver doesn't work. I don't want
>>   > copy the class files to the top of the web directory every time, can
>>   > file be loaded in the classes and lib directories. Sorry about this
>>  rather
>>   > long message, but I'm getting very frustrated and hopping some of you
>>   > help me with this.
>>   >
>>   > Thanks for your help in advance.
>>   >
>>   > P.S. I'm using Tomcat4.0 on Win2000
>>   >
>  >  >

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Getting tomcat 3.2.3 to start as a service under NT

2001-11-22 Thread Gioia, Paul


I'm having the same problem many other people have had, though I haven'
seen a fix yet. I can't get tomcat 3.2.3. to start as a service under
NT4 sp6a, either at the command line or using the control panel. When I
try to start it in teh Service icone of Control Panel I get the message

"Could not start the service Jakarta on \\mymachine
Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred."

I've looked on the  Microsoft knowledge base but there isn't a set of
circumstances approximating this one.

I've also looked at the event viewer and there are three application
events flagged as a result of the error:

Event 4: The Jakarta service has started. 
Event 4097: The RegQueryValueEx function failed for the following
reason: The operation completed successfully.
. (very odd error!)
Event 4098: The Jakarta service failed to start. 

Does this mean anything to anyone? Can anyone suggest anything?


Paul Gioia

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Re: installing tomcat3.3 unix newbie question

2001-11-25 Thread Paul DuBois

>I apologise for this newbie question, I have looked on the internet but
>couldn't find the solution, so I decided to ask it here.
>In the process of installing tomcat 3.3 I had to set the path to java.
>I executed the following lines twice (accidentally)
>setenv JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.1.8
>setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
>I'm in the tcsh shell (freebsd 4.1.1)
>When I do : echo $PATH it shows the path twice:
>/usr/local/jdk1.1.8=/bin /usr/local/jdk1.1.8=/bin
>1 .How can I remove one of those ? ( I tried unsetenv, but I didn't succeed)
>2. Why does it add a '=' in the path? Is this correct?

It shows a "=" because you included a "=" in the value of JAVA_HOME.
Note that you used "=" in your first setenv and not the second.
(I don't know why the "=" got added to the *end* of the value, though.)

Log out and back in so your get your original environment, then try:

setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.1.8
setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

unsetenv didn't work?  What error did you get?

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jsessionid in URL causes Apache/Tomcat to product 404 error

2001-12-01 Thread Paul Carver

I've read a lot of messages regarding this problem, but still can't figure 
out the solution (so you might want to read everything here before 
replying).  I'm using Windows2000 Server on an Apache virtual host running 
Tomcat (more  platform info below).

I'm tracking sessions in my jsp pages.  I need to accept browers who do not 
have cookies enabled.  I redirect to a page using 
response.encodeRedirectURL(...).  This creates a URL,;jsessionid=xxx?myparm=yyy.  I always 
receive a 404 error and at the same time see tomcat message in the console:

Ctx( ): 404 R( /java-mfc + 
/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=bb7p455ro1 + null) null

Everything works fine if cookies are enabled (i.e. without the jsessionid 
in the URL, things are great).  If anyone has any ideas, I would love to 
hear it.

Below are more tidbits of information.
This problem only occurs when cookies are disabled.
I'm using the Apache .
I'm using the Tomcat  (rather just a ).
Windows2000 Server
Apache 1.3.22
Tomcat 3.2.4
Sun's Java SDK 1.3.1
When not using sessions, or sessions without cookies...
all my jsp invocations work fine
all my servlets can be called fine
bottom line...everything works great except with a jsessionid is within the url
I've read several archive message indicating that this can be solved by 
making sure mod_rewrite is enabled with the rule; I've done this, but it 
still doesn't work (remember, this is inside a virtual host in Apache's 

   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$ $1 [T=jserv-servlet]

Of course the Apache configuration has the Load/Add module for mod_rewrite 
All my Apache and Tomcat paths use "progra~1" rather than "Program Files".
My mod_rewrite debug looks like:
(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri 
(3) applying pattern '^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$' to uri 
(2) rewrite /java-mfc/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=rmoxmq6gj1 -> 
(2) remember /java-mfc/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=rmoxmq6gj1 to have 
MIME-type 'jserv-servlet'
(2) local path result: /java-mfc/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=rmoxmq6gj1
(2) prefixed with document_root to 
(1) go-ahead with 
(1) force filename d:/data/apache/www/html/mathfactcafe/java-mfc to have 
MIME-type 'jserv-servlet'


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Re: jsessionid in URL causes Apache/Tomcat to product 404 error

2001-12-01 Thread Paul Carver

Ok, I've got a bit more info here...after looking pretty darn close at the 
mod_rewrite log output, the line;

(2) prefixed with document_root to 

It appears that the path prefixed was to my web directory...not my tomcat 
jsp directory; I guess that's why I get a 404 page not found error.  I 
played around with this stuff a bit more.  It appears that if I do a 
 to a link with a jsessionid, everything works ok.  But, 
anything that goes directly to the web server (e.g. an HREF) with a 
jsessionid in it still gets a 404 page not found error.

Why is mod_rewrite putting the doc root on it?  Since only URLs with a 
jsessionid in it are bound for my tomcat jsp directory, should I write a 
new rule to create a new path to the tomcat jsp root?  Just seems like 
something must be configured wrong since the url's work fine without the 
jsessionid...but then they are not going through mod_rewrite and getting 
the web directory prefixed on them rather than the tomcat jsp directory.



At 10:13 AM 12/1/2001 -0700, Paul Carver wrote:
>I've read a lot of messages regarding this problem, but still can't figure 
>out the solution (so you might want to read everything here before 
>replying).  I'm using Windows2000 Server on an Apache virtual host running 
>Tomcat (more  platform info below).
>I'm tracking sessions in my jsp pages.  I need to accept browers who do 
>not have cookies enabled.  I redirect to a page using 
>response.encodeRedirectURL(...).  This creates a URL, 
>;jsessionid=xxx?myparm=yyy.  I always 
>receive a 404 error and at the same time see tomcat message in the console:
>Ctx( ): 404 R( /java-mfc + 
>/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=bb7p455ro1 + null) null
>Everything works fine if cookies are enabled (i.e. without the jsessionid 
>in the URL, things are great).  If anyone has any ideas, I would love to 
>hear it.
>Below are more tidbits of information.
>This problem only occurs when cookies are disabled.
>I'm using the Apache .
>I'm using the Tomcat  (rather just a ).
>Windows2000 Server
>Apache 1.3.22
>Tomcat 3.2.4
>Sun's Java SDK 1.3.1
>When not using sessions, or sessions without cookies...
>all my jsp invocations work fine
>all my servlets can be called fine
>bottom line...everything works great except with a jsessionid is within 
>the url
>I've read several archive message indicating that this can be solved by 
>making sure mod_rewrite is enabled with the rule; I've done this, but it 
>still doesn't work (remember, this is inside a virtual host in Apache's 
>   RewriteEngine on
>   RewriteRule ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$ $1 [T=jserv-servlet]
>Of course the Apache configuration has the Load/Add module for mod_rewrite 
>All my Apache and Tomcat paths use "progra~1" rather than "Program Files".
>My mod_rewrite debug looks like:
>(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri 
>(3) applying pattern '^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$' to uri 
>(2) rewrite /java-mfc/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=rmoxmq6gj1 -> 
>(2) remember /java-mfc/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=rmoxmq6gj1 to have 
>MIME-type 'jserv-servlet'
>(2) local path result: /java-mfc/jsp/gmain.jsp;jsessionid=rmoxmq6gj1
>(2) prefixed with document_root to 
>(1) go-ahead with 
>(1) force filename d:/data/apache/www/html/mathfactcafe/java-mfc to have 
>MIME-type 'jserv-servlet'
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Tomcat on multi-user box / mod_webapp vs mod_proxy

2001-12-04 Thread Paul Warren


I am currently looking at ways to allow users of multi-user Linux server
to use servlets in a secure manner, by which I mean that the servlets
must be owned by and run under each user's own user id.

Is there a recommended way to achieve this?  The only solution I can
think of is to have each user run their own installation of Tomcat, and
for our Apache server to pass on requests to a different port for each

This brings me on to my next question - connectors.  What are the pros
and cons of using mod_proxy over mod_webapp?  I suspect that
mod_webapp gives better performance, but are there other advantages?



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Tomcat on Mac OS X

2001-12-08 Thread Paul DuBois

Apple has posted an article on running Tomcat under Mac OS X:

It even discusses how to accomplish Apache/Tomcat integration. :-)

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Re: Problems connecting to mysql

2001-12-08 Thread Paul DuBois

At 4:07 PM +1100 12/9/01, Tim Trainor wrote:
>Dear all,
>I've been tearing my hair out trying to get this thing to work for 
>the last couple of days and I fear there is no alternative other 
>than to bug you list gurus for some help:  Here goes
>I have Tomcat 4.0.1 installed and it's examples run.
>I have mysql 3.23.46 installed and it is running fine with the 
>necessary grants etc.
>In my server.xml I have the following section which should establish 
>the connection to the database:
> driverName=""
>   userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" 
>   userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />

You're following the example in sample.xml, which is incorrect.

The MM.MySQL driver requires "&" between the passwords, not ";".
Also you have to write the "&" as the & entity.  So your
connectionURL should look like this:


>But when I fire up tomcat using the script, the following 
>error comes up.  This error is extra-weird because we have another 
>machine here with an identical setup and identical entries in 

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Re: Problems connecting to mysql

2001-12-08 Thread Paul DuBois

>At 4:07 PM +1100 12/9/01, Tim Trainor wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>I've been tearing my hair out trying to get this thing to work for 
>>the last couple of days and I fear there is no alternative other 
>>than to bug you list gurus for some help:  Here goes
>>I have Tomcat 4.0.1 installed and it's examples run.
>>I have mysql 3.23.46 installed and it is running fine with the 
>>necessary grants etc.
>>In my server.xml I have the following section which should 
>>establish the connection to the database:
>>   >  driverName=""
>>   userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" 
>>   userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />
>You're following the example in sample.xml, which is incorrect.
>The MM.MySQL driver requires "&" between the passwords, not ";".

Sorry, I meant to say "between the parameters".

>Also you have to write the "&" as the & entity.  So your
>connectionURL should look like this:
>>But when I fire up tomcat using the script, the 
>>following error comes up.  This error is extra-weird because we 
>>have another machine here with an identical setup and identical 
>>entries in server.xml.

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Re: Installing the MM MySQL driver

2001-12-08 Thread Paul DuBois

>I am using Tomcat 4.0.  I want to install the MM MySQL driver from 
>Firstly, in which directory should I put the file mm.mysql.jar?  I 
>was thinking of either the lib or the classes directory but wasn't 

webapps/application-directory/WEB-INF/lib if you want just that application
to see it

lib if you want all applications to see it

common/lib if you want all applications and Tomcat to see it (useful
if you do JDBC-based session or auth, since Tomcat handles those above
the application level)

>Secondly, how should I change my classpath to include this driver?

Tomcat 4 doesn't use CLASSPATH.

>Thanks very much, Saqib

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Re: somebody trying hack me, what they really wanted?

2001-12-13 Thread Paul DuBois

It's a Code Red or Nimba attack, probably from an infected IIS server.

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 01:04:51PM -0500, Evgeniy Strokin wrote:
> Hi,
> tonight, somebody had tried hack our Tomcat 3.2.3 in win2000.
> Here is the log:
> 2001-12-13 01:18:35 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /scripts/root.exe + null) null
> 2001-12-13 01:18:36 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /MSADC/root.exe + null) null
> 2001-12-13 01:18:42 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe + null)
> null
> 2001-12-13 01:18:46 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /d/winnt/system32/cmd.exe + null)


> Is it something serious or they had tried run NIMDA virus files or something
> like that?
> What do you think?
> Best regards,
> Jenya Strokin

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Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP

2001-12-19 Thread Paul Bundick

Has anyone experienced problems with the following command in the shutdown.bat file:

C:\Tomcat40\bin>"C:\Tomacat40\bin\catalina" stop

basically, CATALINA_HOME is set to C:\Tomcat40 and once it gets to this point in the 
shutdown.bat process (or startup.bat process for that matter) it bombs because it 
doesn't understand this string for some reason.  If I execute the following command:

C:\Tomcat40\bin>catalina stop

it runs until a point that it hits another one of these "strings".

Any ideas?



Re: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP

2001-12-20 Thread Paul Bundick

%CATALINA_HOME% is set to C:\Tomcat40.

This is where I placed the Tomcat installation.


- Original Message - 
From: "Rama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 2:24 AM
Subject: RE: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP

> what is the value of: type %CATALINA_HOME% ?
> Rama
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Paul Bundick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 11:29 PM
> > Subject: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP
> > 
> > 
> > Has anyone experienced problems with the following command in 
> > the shutdown.bat file:
> > 
> > C:\Tomcat40\bin>"C:\Tomacat40\bin\catalina" stop
> > 
> > basically, CATALINA_HOME is set to C:\Tomcat40 and once it 
> > gets to this point in the shutdown.bat process (or 
> > startup.bat process for that matter) it bombs because it 
> > doesn't understand this string for some reason.  If I execute 
> > the following command:
> > 
> > C:\Tomcat40\bin>catalina stop
> > 
> > it runs until a point that it hits another one of these "strings".
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
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Re: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP

2001-12-20 Thread Paul Bundick

Is there something different about DOS in WindowsXP that it cannot interpret
the following statement:

C:\>"%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\catalina" stop

Because if I insert the value for CATALINA_HOME and remove the double quotes
making the statement:

C:\>C:\Tomcat40\bin\catalina stop

It what is the problem with DOS in XP?

Is there some added configuration that I need to do?

Thanks for any help you can offer.


- Original Message -
From: "Paul Bundick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP

> %CATALINA_HOME% is set to C:\Tomcat40.
> This is where I placed the Tomcat installation.
> Paul
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 2:24 AM
> Subject: RE: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP
> > what is the value of: type %CATALINA_HOME% ?
> >
> >
> > Rama
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Paul Bundick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 11:29 PM
> > > Subject: Problems running Tomcat4.0 under WindowsXP
> > >
> > >
> > > Has anyone experienced problems with the following command in
> > > the shutdown.bat file:
> > >
> > > C:\Tomcat40\bin>"C:\Tomacat40\bin\catalina" stop
> > >
> > > basically, CATALINA_HOME is set to C:\Tomcat40 and once it
> > > gets to this point in the shutdown.bat process (or
> > > startup.bat process for that matter) it bombs because it
> > > doesn't understand this string for some reason.  If I execute
> > > the following command:
> > >
> > > C:\Tomcat40\bin>catalina stop
> > >
> > > it runs until a point that it hits another one of these "strings".
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Paul
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > _
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get your free address at
> >
> >
> > --
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> > For additional commands: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Troubles with the list: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> --
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apache tomcat integration syntax error in httpd.conf

2002-03-12 Thread Paul Phillips

Hello -

I am trying to integrate Apache and Tomcat with the warp connector.

I am following the instructions at:
which are dated March 6, 2002, so they aren't too old!

I have followed the instructions exactly as stated on my RedHat Linux 7.2 
platform.  I am not using the RedHat Apache, but rather I built it from 

Per the instructions, I added these lines to the very end of httpd.conf

 WebAppConnection conn  warp  localhost:8008
 WebAppDeploy examplesconn  /examples
 WebAppInfo /webapp-info

When I run apachectl configtest, I get this error message:
Syntax error line xxx
Invalid virtual host name

The line number is the line that is:
 WebAppDeploy examplesconn  /examples

I cannot figure out why it thinks this is a virtual host name, or what I 
have wrong that is producing the syntax error.

Can anyone help?

Paul Phillips

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Re: apache tomcat integration syntax error in httpd.conf

2002-03-12 Thread Paul Phillips

Here's what else I found since first writing the email quoted below.

FYI - Tomcat 4.0.3
mod_webapp binary for linux i386 (I did not compile it)

If I comment out the WebAppDeploy line, then apachectl configtest (and 
"start") report the same error of invalid virtual host name for the 
following WebAppInfo line.

If I comment out both the WebAppDeploy line and the WebAppInfo line, 
apachectl configtest reports "syntax OK".  However, that is useless, 
because I haven't associated any tomcat webapps to an apache URL.

I tried adding a trailing slash to /examples, but that didn't change 

If anybody has any ideas, I would be most grateful.

Paul Phillips

--On Tuesday, March 12, 2002 5:37 PM -0600 Paul Phillips 

> Hello -
> I am trying to integrate Apache and Tomcat with the warp connector.
> I am following the instructions at:
> which are dated March 6, 2002, so they aren't too old!
> I have followed the instructions exactly as stated on my RedHat Linux 7.2
> platform.  I am not using the RedHat Apache, but rather I built it from
> scratch.
> Per the instructions, I added these lines to the very end of httpd.conf
>  WebAppConnection conn  warp  localhost:8008
>  WebAppDeploy examplesconn  /examples
>  WebAppInfo /webapp-info
> When I run apachectl configtest, I get this error message:
> Syntax error line xxx
> Invalid virtual host name
> The line number is the line that is:
>  WebAppDeploy examplesconn  /examples
> I cannot figure out why it thinks this is a virtual host name, or what I
> have wrong that is producing the syntax error.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks
> Paul Phillips
> --
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Paul Phillips
Director of Orchestral Activities, Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University

"You must sing every note you play, sing even through the rests!"
Arturo Toscanini

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Re: Ports used???

2002-03-13 Thread Paul Caton

I just had some port problems with getting Tomcat up and running, so
this is in my head right now! You can see a list of assigned ports in
/etc/services. If you want to check that a port not listed there is in
use or not, use the command:

netstat -an | grep [number]

If you get no result, the port is not in use.


On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, [ISO-8859-1] Øyvind Vestavik wrote:

> I am running Tomcat on a unix testserver (solaris 6.2) which several
> people have access to and use for their own applications. There is no
> authority administrating the ports
> used, and I would like to scan the ports of the machine to see wich ones
> are in use. Is there a unix utility i can use for this.
> Im not planning to break in anywhere.. :-)
> Øyvind
> Øyvind Vestavik
> Øvre Møllenberggt 44b
> 7014 Trondheim
> 41422911
> --
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Paul Caton
Electronic Publications Editor
Women Writers Project

tel: (401) 863-3619
address: Box 1841, Brown University, Providence RI 02912

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mysql-jdbc in redhat linux

2002-03-15 Thread Paul Phillips

This is not a question, but rather an answer.  After about three hours of 
work this morning, I found out why my tomcat configuration (which worked 
fine on my Solaris development server) was not working under redhat linux 

I use Tomcat with mysql and jdbc to do both authentication, and serve up 
the data of my site.

The issue apparently has to do with how redhat configures mysql.  A user 
must be configured in the mysql grant tables as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
- NOT just as user@localhost.

Then, the normal mm.mysql driver, jdbc syntax works to connect to it just 
Note that the jdbc syntax doesn't have to include the "localdomain", only 
the mysql grant table.

Without that "localdomain" in the mysql grant table, the connection is 
always refused.

Paul Phillips

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JAXMServlet + SOAP

2002-03-18 Thread Paul Brown


I've got a Servlet which extends JAXMServlet and i'm trying to
write some code to process received messages.

I am following the Sun example

To get a DOM from a SOAPMessage you need to do this apparently:

 DOMSource domSrc = (DOMSource)
soapEnvelope.getContentAs(DOMSource.FEATURE );

However, the "getContentAs" method does not exist on the SOAPEnvelope.

Have any of you come across this?

Has anybody got a code sample that shows how to get a DOM from one of
the SOAP
objects in the JAXM api?


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Servlets that deployed yesterday ...

2002-03-19 Thread Paul Brown
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

i'm using the Java Web Services Developer Pack EA1 downloaded from Sun


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Re: Tomcat on Mac OS X, please help!

2002-03-22 Thread Paul Phillips

I don't know about the 404 errors.

However, I did see "Invalid virtual host name" when I did not define the 
server name (with the servername directive) in the apache httpd.conf file. 
As I recall, this is commented out by default.  It has to be there for 
mod_webapp to work.

Good luck,
Paul Phillips

--On Friday, March 22, 2002 1:00 PM -0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The players:
> * Mac OS 10.1.3
> * JDK 1.3.1
> *  Tomcat 4.0.2
> *  Apache
> * webapp-module-1.0-tc40 (for Mac)
> The problems:
> * Running Tomcat standalone or with Apache, I get 404 errors on the
> example links. * When trying to use webapp-module, I get this error:
> Syntax error on line 288 of /etc/httpd/httpd.conf:
> Invalid virtual host name
> I have made no changes to Tomcat's config files, but here are the only
> changes I've made to httpd.conf (in the appropriate spots). Line 288 is
> the WebAppDeploy line:
> LoadModule webapp_module libexec/httpd/
> AddModule mod_webapp.c
> WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
> WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
> ServerName localhost
> I've followed instructions from Apple's and Apache's sites, but still
> cannot get it to work.
> Thanks
> --
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Paul Phillips
Director of Orchestral Activities, Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University

"You must sing every note you play, sing even through the rests!"
Arturo Toscanini

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Failure to get removed from list

2002-03-26 Thread Paul Brown

I cannot remove myself and nobody will remove me.

So i'm going to try and get banned as a last resort.


sorry about this chaps but i see no alternative.

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Please Ignore

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Brown

cunt piss twat fuck bastard knob fanny git prick wanker bugger

I'm trying to get the list server to ban me

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Http Sessions and Browsers

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Kofon

Hi all,
I know that a session can be "killed" by calling session.invalidate() in a 
jsp page. However, I'm not sure what happens when the browser is closed 
before the session is "killed". Does the server (Tomcat, this time) still 
hold references to objects that had been created or are they discarded? I 
need to know for sure. Thanks.


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RE: Please Ignore

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Brown

i've done that several times + used the traditional (documented) mechanisms
ovr the last 6 weeks with no luck. hence this desperate measure.

-Original Message-
From: todd tredeau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 3:58 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Please Ignore

Maybe you could ask if somebody knows who is in charge of the list and 
e-mail him/her.

isaco wrote:

>Now that's original 
>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:35 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Please Ignore
>cunt piss twat fuck bastard knob fanny git prick wanker bugger
>I'm trying to get the list server to ban me
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Re: Please Ignore

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Brown

This is the message i get when trying to unsubscribe.

Big thanks to anyone who can tell me what's happening!


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memory usage

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Phillips

I have a RedHat Linux box on which I am running tomcat 4.  The machine has 
1 gig of physical RAM.  Just out of curiousity, I ran the "free" command 
yesterday, and discovered to my horror that it appeared that virtually all 
of the 1 gig was being used up!  The machine had been running Tomcat only a 
couple of days.  And, every time I ran "free" the amount of free memory was 
slightly smaller.

So I did a PS -aux and found all these java processes - over 30.  After 
reading the archives of this list, I now know that those are threads, not 
processes, and that they are sharing the same memory space.

However - two questions.

1) Is the free command confused, and reporting much less free memory than I 
actually have?  When I look at the ps -aux output, there is nothing else 
there (other than all the java) that would account for anywhere near that 
kind of memory use.  Shutting down the tomcat server freed up nothing. 
However, a restart freed up about 3/4 of the memory on the machine.

2) Why is the memory use of Java gradually creeping upward?  I know about 
the reported memory leak when compiling jsp pages, but I just have a very 
tiny number of those (5 or 6), so certainly that isn't it.  I see the Java 
memory use slowly climbing (as reported by repeated invocations of "free", 
or ps, or top) even when no one is accessing the tomcat servets.  Why is 

Paul Phillips

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Apache-Tomcat question

2002-03-28 Thread Paul Sanwald

hey everyone,
   I'm working on integrating Tomcat v3.3a with Apache v1.3.23 on RedHat 7
and running into some problems I haven't had in the past. On this machine, I
have successfully built mod_jk and and generated the mod_jk.conf. also I
have edited the file to use my system parameters, as well
as pointed apache to the mod_jk.conf file. however, the problem is apache
won't start, giving this reason in the logs:
[emerg] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: Error while opening the

I have another system running Tomcat 3.3 and Apache 1.3.22 that I didn't
have this problem on, in fact I never even had to touch the file.

Any ideas as to what the problem might be? Thanks in advance for your help.


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2002-04-03 Thread Paul Kelly

no matter what i try i keep getting SOAP-ENV:Server.BadTargetObjectURI /
Unable to resolve target object when trying to run soap tests using tomcat
to serve the requests.

I have tried putting my service classfiles in %CATALINA_HOME%/classes, im
using the IBM xerces xml parser, its first in my classpath. ive copied the
soap webapps dir into the tomcat webapps dir and then tried adding a project
under the soap/WEB-INF/classes dir nothing works. i can deploy using
Deployment Descriptors just fine. this is driving me crazy.


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2002-04-07 Thread Paul Phillips

I need some generic advice...  probably really easy.

I have written an application with a controller servlet.  The controller 
servlet is event driven - every form submit button on one of the jsp pages 
maps to
"controller?event=DOWHATEVER".  After the controller does its thing, it 
sends the puts the results in a session, and transfers control back to a 
jsp page for display.  My first attempt at MVC.

My initial page is generated when the user types


Now I would like to make an alias that is like:

"URL/whatever/login" which will map to 

What is the best way to do that?

Not being much of an expert at the web.xml file, I tried the following 
within web.xml:



That, most assuredly, did not work.

How should I go about doing this?

I guess I could change the code of my servlet so that if there is no event 
definition provided, it goes to the welcome page...  But it seems that 
there should be some way to setup an alias like this.

Paul Phillips

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RE: alias

2002-04-07 Thread Paul Phillips

Actually, its a bit more complicated, so I don't think Jay's solution 
(quoted below) will work.

I am using a security constraint with form based authentication.

This means that I have to request a servlet that is in a constrained area. 
The container forwards the request to a login page outside of the 
constrained area.  Once the login is processed, it goes back to the 
originally requested page.

So, I have to actually have the query string passed in during the initial 
login.  That is what I am trying to replace with an alias.

Paul Phillips

--On Sunday, April 7, 2002 12:09 PM -0600 Jay Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did you try
>   controller
>   controller
>   /login
> Don't worry about the query string being passed in to the servlet. That
> will be passed by the container from the jsp to the servlet.
> Hope this helps!
> --Jay Gardner
> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 10:49 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: alias
> I need some generic advice...  probably really easy.
> I have written an application with a controller servlet.  The controller
> servlet is event driven - every form submit button on one of the jsp pages
> maps to
> "controller?event=DOWHATEVER".  After the controller does its thing, it
> sends the puts the results in a session, and transfers control back to a
> jsp page for display.  My first attempt at MVC.
> My initial page is generated when the user types
> URL/whatever/controller?event=WELCOME
> Now I would like to make an alias that is like:
> "URL/whatever/login" which will map to
> "URL/whatever/controller?event=WELCOME".
> What is the best way to do that?
> Not being much of an expert at the web.xml file, I tried the following
> within web.xml:
>   controller
>   /controller
>   controller?event=WELCOME
>   /login
> That, most assuredly, did not work.
> How should I go about doing this?
> I guess I could change the code of my servlet so that if there is no event
> definition provided, it goes to the welcome page...  But it seems that
> there should be some way to setup an alias like this.
> Thanks
> Paul Phillips
> --
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Paul Phillips
Director of Orchestral Activities, Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University

"You must sing every note you play, sing even through the rests!"
Arturo Toscanini

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How do you set up a jsp action/filter for all documents in a directory

2002-04-26 Thread Paul Mahoney

Dear Team

I've set up a test-bed Apache/Tomcat installation on my W2K box that is
working fine. I just cannot figure out how to configure the following:

I have a directory of files that can be served by Apache. Let say they are
in directory
"C:\myfiles". I can set up an Apache alias

  Alias /myfiles/ "C:/myfiles/"

and thus get to them through the Apache server.

However, the HTML files in this directory need some translation before they
get served. So when Apache is asked to serve, say, "/myfiles/afile.html" I
need a "jsp" to be run, that is given the original file path to read so it
can provide the translated response.

I remember doing this with cgi once using the ScriptAliasMatch directive.

I've got as far as adding

JkMount /myfiles ajp13
JkMount /myfiles/* ajp13

but have not got any further...

Does anyone know how to do this with Apache/Tomcat?

Many thanks


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Re: web-inf/classes

2002-05-06 Thread Paul DuBois

At 15:18 -0700 5/6/02, Chris Shen wrote:
>this is a bizzare one. i've placed all my classes under the web-inf/classes

Is it web-inf or WEB-INF?  If the former, rename it.

>with the appropriate class structure and everything, and it was working fine
>on my tomcat 3.3. yet, after i migrated it to 4.03, i tried to run it the
>first time and compiled it, and i kept on getting:
>"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
>Package not found in import.
>i did place my class directory ant\uci\edu under web-inf\classes...any

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Strange jsp name mapping problem in 3.3.1 on win2k

2002-05-09 Thread Galbraith, Paul

I'm some strange problem with Tomcat 3.3.1 on Windows 2000.  I have a
page called "Login.jsp" in my application.  When I try to map to the
page "http://app/Login.jsp"; I get a 404 error.  If I rename the physical
file to "login.jsp" (i.e. change the first letter to lower case), my URL
reference "http://app/Login.jsp"; (still upper case 'L') works.  This
only happens with this particular jsp, all others work normally...can
anybody explain this?


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Re: Session Problem - URGENT!!!!

2002-05-10 Thread Paul Caton

I wish people would stop saying "URGENT" and "PLEASE HELP" in
their subject lines. Not only is is poor mailing-list manners, it is
also unnecessary. This being a user list, we assume that most people
posting have a problem they want to solve right away. Your problem is
not more urgent than anybody else's, and there's no reason why your's
should be given any kind of priority just because you shout.


Paul Caton
Electronic Publications Editor
Women Writers Project

tel: (401) 863-3619
address: Box 1841, Brown University, Providence RI 02912

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Authenticating against Microsoft ActiveDirectory

2002-05-10 Thread Galbraith, Paul

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to configure tomcat to authenticate users against 
MS ActiveDirectory?  Cheers,

RE: Authenticating against Microsoft ActiveDirectory

2002-05-10 Thread Galbraith, Paul

Don, are you talking about application code to do this, or can Tomcat be configured to 
do this?

-Original Message-
From: Don Sauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 10, 2002 3:47 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Authenticating against Microsoft ActiveDirectory

Sure, the easiest way is to do a LDAP query to a DC

-Original Message-
From: Galbraith, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 2:35 PM
Subject: Authenticating against Microsoft ActiveDirectory

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to configure tomcat to authenticate
users against MS ActiveDirectory?  Cheers,

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JNDI Data Source and Mac OS X with Tomcat

2002-05-10 Thread Paul Phillips

I am trying to debug JNDI resources as described at the jakarta.apache 
documentation pages at:

I should add that I have already successfully done this on Solaris and 
Linux.  However, when I try the exact same setup on Mac OS X, I am getting 
a naming exception when I try to access the database.

What I am trying to do is use a data source with connection pooling.  I 
have copied the server.xml and web.xml files exactly from my solaris box, 
where it works fine.  The database is the same (mysql).

I can access the database fine from within a servlet if I go directly with 
the DriverManager.  It is the data source that doesn't work.

I can't figure out at all what might be different about OS X...  It seems 
so generic.

I have quoted portions of the server.xml and web.xml below.

I would be most grateful for any suggestions...

Paul Phillips

Here is the relevant portion of the web.xml file:

Resource reference to a factory for java.sql connection
instances that may be used for talking to a particular database
that is configured in the server.xml file.




Here is the relevant portion of the server.xml file.

(from within a context)


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RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links

2002-05-13 Thread Galbraith, Paul

It sounds like you've got cookies turned off in your browser.  Is it possible that 
your browser configuration has changed recently?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links

Hi all,

Apache : 1.3.x
Tomcat : 3.x

I am having a problem in that suddently, for some reason( no changes have
been made to eith my apache or tomcat configuarion for the past 9 months ) ,
Tomcat's session id ( jsessionid ) is getting included in the HTML URLs that
are generated from the JSP code I am using. For example :;jessionid=Gkhjfjfhgjg?type=MX

The jessionid code suddenly started appearing in the generated HTML URL
links about 1 week ago ( again, I stress absolutely nothing has changed in
tomcat's configuration ) and as such, has been causing 404 errors when you
click on the link.

The qustion id, why is the jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links?
and how do I configure tomcat ( or whatever ) to stop doing this?

Thanks in advance

Regards, Mark

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RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links

2002-05-13 Thread Galbraith, Paul

What does the  tag look like in your server.xml file?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2002 11:22 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links

No, i've checked on multiple browsers  with cookies turned on. THe problem
still exists. Sorry I didn't mentio this in my original post, I forgot.

> -Original Message-
> From: Galbraith, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 13 May 2002 16:13
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> It sounds like you've got cookies turned off in your browser.  Is
> it possible that your browser configuration has changed recently?
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: May 13, 2002 11:02 AM
> Subject: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> Hi all,
> Apache : 1.3.x
> Tomcat : 3.x
> I am having a problem in that suddently, for some reason( no changes have
> been made to eith my apache or tomcat configuarion for the past 9
> months ) ,
> Tomcat's session id ( jsessionid ) is getting included in the
> HTML URLs that
> are generated from the JSP code I am using. For example :
> The jessionid code suddenly started appearing in the generated HTML URL
> links about 1 week ago ( again, I stress absolutely nothing has changed in
> tomcat's configuration ) and as such, has been causing 404 errors when you
> click on the link.
> The qustion id, why is the jsessionid suddenly appearing in the
> HTML links?
> and how do I configure tomcat ( or whatever ) to stop doing this?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards, Mark
> --
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> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> --
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> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links

2002-05-13 Thread Galbraith, Paul

No you should leave noCookies="false", the double negative implying that cookies may 
be used, which is what you want.

Are you using Tomcat 3.2?  I use 3.3, and it looks like the configuration syntax is a 
little different.  Anyways, since you haven't touched the server.xml file, I'd be 
inclined to agree with you that the problem is elsewhere.

Can you give a sample of the JSP code that is actually generating the problem URL?


-Original Message-
From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2002 11:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links


Thanks for your reply. I looked for the tag and there isn't one, what I did
find was this :

So, changing the NoCookies value to true would fix my problem? Sorry, I'm
not at all used to tomcat

> -Original Message-
> From: Galbraith, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 13 May 2002 16:20
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> What does the  tag look like in your server.xml file?
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: May 13, 2002 11:22 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> No, i've checked on multiple browsers  with cookies turned on. THe problem
> still exists. Sorry I didn't mentio this in my original post, I forgot.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Galbraith, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 13 May 2002 16:13
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> >
> >
> > It sounds like you've got cookies turned off in your browser.  Is
> > it possible that your browser configuration has changed recently?
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: May 13, 2002 11:02 AM
> > Subject: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Apache : 1.3.x
> > Tomcat : 3.x
> >
> > I am having a problem in that suddently, for some reason( no
> changes have
> > been made to eith my apache or tomcat configuarion for the past 9
> > months ) ,
> > Tomcat's session id ( jsessionid ) is getting included in the
> > HTML URLs that
> > are generated from the JSP code I am using. For example :
> >
> >;jessionid=Gkhjfjfhgjg?type=MX
> >
> > The jessionid code suddenly started appearing in the generated HTML URL
> > links about 1 week ago ( again, I stress absolutely nothing has
> changed in
> > tomcat's configuration ) and as such, has been causing 404
> errors when you
> > click on the link.
> >
> > The qustion id, why is the jsessionid suddenly appearing in the
> > HTML links?
> > and how do I configure tomcat ( or whatever ) to stop doing this?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Regards, Mark
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links

2002-05-13 Thread Galbraith, Paul


I can't think of anything obvious that would be causing the problem.  The code was 
written to work both with and without cookies (though maybe only tested with cookies?).

Have you tried connecting directly to tomcat using port 8080 (if you've left it 
enabled)?  I don't use Apache myself, so I have no experience with either mod_jk or 
mod_jserv, though I think I'd be inclined to get mod_jk working if possible.  There 
have been several messages floating around this list about compiling mod_jk, so if you 
search the archives you may find a solution to your compilation problem.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2002 12:06 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links


I'm using Tomcat 3.2.1 the "offending" JSP file is copied below ( note: I am
using mod_jserv rather then mod_jk as I could not get mod_jk to compile,
should I re-try to compile mod_jk? ) :

<%@ page language="java"

<%@ include file="mainHeader.htm" %>

Vector res = new Vector();
String type = "";
boolean doneSearch = false;
type = request.getParameter("type");

if(!SearchUnit.getRegion().equals("")) {
  res = SearchUnit.getUnitsByRegion(type);
  doneSearch = true;
if(!SearchUnit.getSearch().equals("")) {
  res = SearchUnit.getUnitsByKeyWord(type);






  > > > > >




<% // Dynamic content goes here

for(int i=0; i

<%= address %>

  <%= description %>
  Features: <%= features 

if(u.hasPostCode()) {
de2Map?code=<%=u.getPostCode()%>', 'map',
<%  }

if(SessionManager.isAuthenticated()) {



  Vector facilities = u.getFacilities();
  for(int j=0; j 
<%= f.getFacility().getCaption() %> - Min.Price £<%=
f.getFacility().getStartPrice()%> Max.Price £<%=
f.getFacility().getEndPrice()%> No.Available:<%=


<%-- End  --%>

Select the 'WWW' button to view further details.
Select 'Map' to view a local map of the area. If you are already
registered, you will see an 'Add to my hotels' button. You may click on
this to add the establishment to your favourites.You may register
using the boxes in the bar to the left.
Note to owners of hotels etc.
   If you are interested in having your business listed in our directory,
then you may request full details of our services
   by clicking   

<%-- Conditional includes based on selection type --%>

<%@ include file="mainFooter.htm" %>

> -Original Message-
> From: Galbraith, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 13 May 2002 16:43
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: jsessionid suddenly appearing in the HTML links
> No you should leave noCookies="false", the double negative
> implying that cookie

Re: I'm getting no responses to my requests for help on this list

2002-05-16 Thread Paul Caton


You can see a list of assigned ports in /etc/services. If you want to
check that a port not listed there is in use or not, use the command:

netstat -an | grep [number]

If you get no result, the port is not in use.


Paul Caton
Electronic Publications Editor
Women Writers Project

tel: (401) 863-3619
address: Box 1841, Brown University, Providence RI 02912

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Re: I'm getting no responses to my requests for help on this list

2002-05-16 Thread Paul Caton

Hi Gary,

The netstat message tells you that some process is indeed using that
port. I was going to suggest you follow Olaf Jahn's suggestion to find
out what it is, but I see Alan Eustace has already provided the answer
(ie. it's almost certainly IIS listening onthat port). Looks like
you're going to have to find an unoccupied port and change your
server.xml file as others have described.

Good luck,


Paul Caton
Electronic Publications Editor
Women Writers Project

tel: (401) 863-3619
address: Box 1841, Brown University, Providence RI 02912

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mod_jk problem

2002-05-16 Thread Paul Sanwald

hello everyone, 
   I am having a nasty problem with tomcat 4.0.3 and apache 1.3.23 on a
machine running redhat7.0. I am using mod_jk to connect tomcat and apache,
and until I rebooted the machine it was working great. after I rebooted the
machine, mod_jk.log gives me this error message when I try to start apache.
I am not sure what the problem could be, as it was definitely working before
the machine was restarted. Tomcat starts fine, as does apache when I comment
out the LoadModule and associated code. Any help thoughts would be very much
appreciated. here's the error from mod_jk.log:

[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (464)]: In
jk_worker_t::validate, resolve failed
[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (466)]: In
jk_worker_t::validate, Error  8009
[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_worker.c (164)]: wc_create_worker validate
failed for ajp13
[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_worker.c (229)]: build_worker_map failed to
create workerajp13

here's my file:

# Definition for Ajp13 worker

and here's the relevant parts of my httpd.conf:
# Load mod_jk
LoadModule jk_module libexec/
#AddModule mod_jk.c

# Configure mod_jk
JkWorkersFile /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/conf/
JkLogFile /opt/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkMount /examples/* ajp13
JkMount /contest/* ajp13
JkMount /reporting/* ajp13
JkMount /csv/* ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

# First Virtual Host.

DocumentRoot /opt/apache/htdocs
#JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
#JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

Thanks for your help

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RE: mod_jk problem

2002-05-16 Thread Paul Sanwald

in an addendum to my problem, after changing the LoadModule to an absolute
path, I get the error:

(38)Function not implemented: Error while opening the workers

in mod_jk.log. I can't seem to find very much documentation on mod_jk, so
I'm not sure the cause of this error. Is there a list of error codes online?
thanks for your help. 


-Original Message-----
From: Paul Sanwald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 3:23 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: mod_jk problem

hello everyone, 
   I am having a nasty problem with tomcat 4.0.3 and apache 1.3.23 on a
machine running redhat7.0. I am using mod_jk to connect tomcat and apache,
and until I rebooted the machine it was working great. after I rebooted the
machine, mod_jk.log gives me this error message when I try to start apache.
I am not sure what the problem could be, as it was definitely working before
the machine was restarted. Tomcat starts fine, as does apache when I comment
out the LoadModule and associated code. Any help thoughts would be very much
appreciated. here's the error from mod_jk.log:

[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (464)]: In
jk_worker_t::validate, resolve failed
[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (466)]: In
jk_worker_t::validate, Error  8009
[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_worker.c (164)]: wc_create_worker validate
failed for ajp13
[Thu May 16 14:48:05 2002]  [jk_worker.c (229)]: build_worker_map failed to
create workerajp13

here's my file:

# Definition for Ajp13 worker

and here's the relevant parts of my httpd.conf:
# Load mod_jk
LoadModule jk_module libexec/
#AddModule mod_jk.c

# Configure mod_jk
JkWorkersFile /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/conf/
JkLogFile /opt/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkMount /examples/* ajp13
JkMount /contest/* ajp13
JkMount /reporting/* ajp13
JkMount /csv/* ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

# First Virtual Host.

DocumentRoot /opt/apache/htdocs
#JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
#JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

Thanks for your help

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Re: User LogIn/LogOut

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

HTTP is a request-based protocol. This means that you cannot detect if the
user just closes the browser.
You can do one of the following:
1. Set the Session expiration time to a custom value (usualy is set to 30
min.) This value is the maximum precision you get for detecting user logout.
Don't set the value too low (if the user does not send any request for this
period of time, i.e. goes to have a cup of coffe, the session will be
invalidated and the user will have to login again).
2. (not recommended) Use an applet in the webpages, to keep the session
alive (i.e. the applet should send a HTTP request to the server per minute,
and the session timeout could be set to two minutes). This way you'll know
that if the session timed out, then the user simply closed the browser).


- Original Message -
From: "RamNivas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 1:34 PM
Subject: User LogIn/LogOut

Dear All,

I am having Tomcat Running on WinNT4.0.

i want to track the user loggins and logouts  time  for inserrting in
database.Using jsp how can i track the time user closes the browser or
logout .
i tried using JSP distroy method . but i'm having some troubles with htat
can someone send me a working example of JSP distroy or any good method of
tackling this problem
regards  Ram

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Re: customize error page ini Servlet

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

1. If you intend to use custom error pages for errors that are generated by
tomcat (page not found for example), in the XML descriptor of the web
application you can add tags like this one:


2. If you want to send the user to a page (i.e. LoginError.jsp for example,
when your code detected that the user/pass combination is invalid), the
 tag will do just fine.


- Original Message -
From: "Vaneet Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 1:32 PM
Subject: RE: customize error page ini Servlet

-Original Message-
From: Vaneet Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2002 12:27
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: customize error page ini Servlet

  can anyone tell me how to customize error page in Servlet. when an error
comes in my application, i want the user to redirected to my error page
displaying the error.
   i am using velocity with Servlets on Tomcat 4.0.2 with JDK1.3

-Original Message-
From: Luca Ventura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2002 09:42
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: Ref. : How can I redirect only JSP pages to Tomcat?

ThanksI will try you solution but I hope someone else has already solved
this problem:-)
Sorry..but I don't know how to put IIS and tomcat on different machine: I am
curious to know how to do too! :-(



-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: venerdi 17 maggio 2002 8.55
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Ref. : How can I redirect only JSP pages to Tomcat?

I have the same problem.
You can try to add :forwardAll="false" noRoot="false" in the
IIS listener of your context in server.xml
I've seen in tomcat doc this manip permits to redirect only Jsp&servlets
but it doesn't work for me.
Good luck!


ps: Do you know how can I put IIs & tomcat on different machines?

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Re: Re[2]: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:27 message

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

You are right, no receipt requests should be sent to a list of users.
Still, you are (or your server is) sending the receipt not to the one that
requested it, but to the entire list (which appears only in the "to" field
of the message). This is not right (and it's annoying for all the other
Try to set your server or email client to send the receipt only to the
address that requested it (the address specified in the "from" field). That
should solve the problem.


- Original Message -
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: Re[2]: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:27 message

The problem stems from whoever sent the original email on this subject as
they must have put a 'receipt' request on the email they sent.

Our ccMail is just returning that receipt when the mail is picked up here.
I can't switch it off and anyway our server is technically doing the right

Whoever sent the email either shouldn't ask for a receipt when posting to a
mailing list or possibly the list should trap and squash requests for


__ Reply Separator
Subject: RE: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:27 message
Author:  "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ("Stuart
Date:17/05/02 11:21

   Can you please turn these off.


   -Original Message-
   Sent: 17 May 2002 11:19
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:27 message

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Re: PAUL ...customize error page ini Servlet

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

In the request (javax.servlet.request) you have the following method:
public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(java.lang.String path)

where you specify the new path.
With the RequestDispatcher you can do the forwarding. Simply call the

public void forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)

Be carefull not to commit any writes in the initial servlet (uncommited data
is automatically cleared, commited data results in an exception).


PS: The path should be something like this: "/pathtoerrorpage", and is
interpreted as a relative path in the application (a relative path starting
from the context root).

- Original Message -
From: "Vaneet Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 3:20 PM
Subject: RE: PAUL ...customize error page ini Servlet

i am using servlets .. can you tell me the code .. how to do in servlets

-Original Message-
From: Paul Balanoiu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2001 13:18
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: customize error page ini Servlet

1. If you intend to use custom error pages for errors that are generated by
tomcat (page not found for example), in the XML descriptor of the web
application you can add tags like this one:


2. If you want to send the user to a page (i.e. LoginError.jsp for example,
when your code detected that the user/pass combination is invalid), the
 tag will do just fine.


- Original Message -
From: "Vaneet Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 1:32 PM
Subject: RE: customize error page ini Servlet

-Original Message-
From: Vaneet Sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2002 12:27
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: customize error page ini Servlet

  can anyone tell me how to customize error page in Servlet. when an error
comes in my application, i want the user to redirected to my error page
displaying the error.
   i am using velocity with Servlets on Tomcat 4.0.2 with JDK1.3

-Original Message-
From: Luca Ventura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2002 09:42
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: Ref. : How can I redirect only JSP pages to Tomcat?

ThanksI will try you solution but I hope someone else has already solved
this problem:-)
Sorry..but I don't know how to put IIS and tomcat on different machine: I am
curious to know how to do too! :-(



-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: venerdi 17 maggio 2002 8.55
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Ref. : How can I redirect only JSP pages to Tomcat?

I have the same problem.
You can try to add :forwardAll="false" noRoot="false" in the
IIS listener of your context in server.xml
I've seen in tomcat doc this manip permits to redirect only Jsp&servlets
but it doesn't work for me.
Good luck!


ps: Do you know how can I put IIs & tomcat on different machines?

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Re: Re[2]: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:27 message

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

The "reply-to" field is optional (usualy it's not present).
the "from" field is imperative.
And I don't think the behavior of Andrew Bate's mail server is normal (from
all the mail servers which host the users of the list, his was the only one
with that problem, and this means a very low percentage :).

- Original Message -
From: "Phil Shrimpton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:27 message

On Thursday 17 May 2001 11:55, you wrote:


> Still, you are (or your server is) sending the receipt not to the one that
> requested it, but to the entire list (which appears only in the "to" field
> of the message). This is not right (and it's annoying for all the other
> users).
> Try to set your server or email client to send the receipt only to the
> address that requested it (the address specified in the "from" field).

Most, if not all, mail servers use the 'reply-to' header to send reciepts,
which is set for this list, on this list.  The 'from' address does not have
to contain and email address.

A lot of mailing lists have the reply-to address set to the sender, not the
list, for this reason


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Re: which version ?

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

- Original Message - 
From: "Jayanta Gauchan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 5:09 PM
Subject: which version ?

which version of tomcat would you recommend - 
apache tomcat 4.0.3 or apache tomcat 4.1 ?

i would appreciate any help


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Re: which version ?

2002-05-17 Thread Paul Balanoiu

It's not about using Tomcat 4.0.3 or 4.1.
I always preffer to develop with the latest version of the product (no
matter which). Even more, I try to port (if there are any changes) my code
to the latest version as soon as possible. This way I prevent future
problems (it's easier to require a newer version of a product to someone
that uses your code, than to tell him that you don't support the new version
he already has).

- Original Message -
From: "John Niven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 5:11 PM
Subject: RE: which version ?

> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Balanoiu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 17 May 2001 15:03
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: which version ?
> 4.1


Just out of curiosity, *why*?

At the moment, I'd be too wary to use 4.1 for production, though I've been
using it for dev for a while.

Note that I'm not flaming, just asking ;)


John Niven
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Re: Calendar in XML/java script

2002-05-20 Thread Paul Kofon

I've done one using one JSP page with a bean, one Servlet and some 
JavaScript/DHTML. If you want it, let me know and I'll send it to you, with 
the source code and necessary how-tos.



>From: Uma Munugala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Calendar in XML/java script
>Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 13:22:12 -0400
>Hi All
>I want a help.
>Iam using Apache, tomcat 4.0.3 and struts on windows NT
>In my project i need to display a calendar and user can select any date
>and i need to display that on my web page.
>Is there any software already existing for this in XML/Java script. If so
>please any body point to that.
>Any help is very much appreciated.
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Re: Control user access to directories in J-T ver 3.3 on unix?

2002-05-22 Thread Paul Kofon

I usually use custom user access control (nothing really fancy) since my 
passwords are hashed and stored in a database. I never investigated if 
Tomcat could give me the level of control I often need.
If you chose to go the same way (i.e. create your own custom solution), then 
you could very easily write a filter that blocks access to user directories 
and would only allow access depending on criteria that you set. The draw 
back I see is that you're using T3.3. If you want to use filters (which I 
think is a really cool feature in Servlet 2.3), then you'd have to upgrade 
to T4.x.x; unless your apps specifically require T3.3.



>From: Christopher Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Control user access to directories in J-T ver 3.3 on unix?
>Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 11:29:45 -0400 (EDT)
>Hi, please tell me if fine-grained user access control is possible
>in J-T, and if so, how to accomplish it.
>I'm using Jakarta-Tomcat version 3.3a on a solaris 8 box.
>I have access control enabled such that users of my app must
>supply a password; this uses a SimpleRealm with a local file
>of users and passwords as specified in the context for my webapp
>(in conf/apps-myapp.xml).  To gain access to J-T/webapps/myapp,
>users enter a password.  So the first line of defense is working.
>However, 'myapp' creates directories for each user under webapps/myapp
>where users store their work.  Currently, an authenticated (but
>malicious) user can access the files for another user by guessing the
>appropriate URL under the J-T webapps/myapp/user directory. This is
>the hole we need to close.
>I'm asking about how to restrict access to specific directories.
>I have no need to restrict access on a file-by-file basis.
>We specify a role for the users, but it's not clear to me that the
>role information is used anywhere (?).
>I've read the SimpleRealm part of the Server.xml Configuration
>document.  I have scanned the Tomcat Documentation, including the Tomcat
>User's Guide, the server configuration, etc.  I've googled the question
>with little success (other than some security hole warnings).
>I sure hope that I don't have to create an instance of the webapp for
>each user!
>If it matters, we are using Apache as the front-end, and it forwards
>requests on to the J-T server as needed.
>Does this have anything to do with Slide (something Google turned up)??
>(I don't mean to complain, but I sure would welcome some improvements
>in the J-T documentation. :-/)
>Thanks in advance, I look forward to hearing from someone.
>(cml at cs dot umd dot edu)
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Mod Webapp?

2002-05-23 Thread Paul Sanwald

   since I couldn't find very much info about mod_jk, and was having
problems, I decided to use mod_webapp to connect apache 1.3.23 and tomcat
4.0.3 (on a fresh install of redhat 7.0).

it worked great when I first installed it, then I rebooted the box. tomcat
starts fine, when I try to start apache it says:

[Thu May 23 09:24:49 2002] 5323 (wa_main.c:77) WebApp Library initializing
[Thu May 23 09:24:49 2002] 5323 (wa_main.c:81) Initializing APR
[Thu May 23 09:24:49 2002] 5323 (pr_info.c:66) INFO provider initialized
[Thu May 23 09:24:49 2002] 5323 (pr_warp.c:62) WARP provider initialized
[Thu May 23 09:24:49 2002] 5323 (wa_main.c:101) WebApp Library initialized
Syntax error on line 997 of /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot get socket address information
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

the relevant part of my httpd.conf is:

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp web5:8008
WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples

does anyone have any idea what the problem might be? what I am confused
about is (as with mod_jk), the connector worked fine until I rebooted the
box. Unfortunately , the error string I'm getting "Cannot get socket address
information" turns up 0 hits on a usenet search, so I have no idea what the
problem may be. 

has anyone even ever tried to get apache/tomcat4 working on redhat 7? I have
asked a couple of questions on this list before and didn't get any
anyways, thanks in advance for any help/thoughts you may have. 


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Re: Help on mmmySQL/JDBC/Tomcat

2002-05-25 Thread Paul DuBois

>I am trying to connect mysql database in jsp file. Mysql itself 
>works well. but when I use jsp file, I got ClassNotFoundException 
>caused by could not load JDBC/mysql Driver. I have installed 

Where did you install it?

>  If connect by java code only, it works well. I do not know why the 
>same kind of code does not work for jsp file, does my tomcat has any 
>I am in Linux, tomcat is working with Apache.
>This is the jsp code I am using:
><%@page language="java"
> Connection con = null;
> try{
>   System.out.println("start");
>   Class.forName("").newInstance();
>   System.out.println("JDBC driver loaded");
>   con = DriverManager.getConnection(
>   "jdbc:mysql://localhost/zhaoding ?user=zhaoding&password=zhaoding");
>   System.out.println("Database connection established");
> } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
>   System.out.println("ClassNotFoundException: Could not locate driver");
> } catch(SQLException cnfe){
>   System.out.println("SQLException:"+cnfe);
> } catch(Exception e){
>   System.out.println("An unknow error occurred while connecting 
>to the database");
>} finally {
>   try{
> if(con!=null)
> con.close();
>   }catch(SQLException sqle){
>System.out.println("Unable to close database connection.");
>   }
> }
>Thanks a lot for your time.
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tomcat + jboss on debian linux (testing)

2002-05-28 Thread Paul Massey


I've been trying to get the tomcat & jboss combination
working properly together for a few days (downloaded from
jboss site). I'm having problems running some of the JBoss
example code which currently gives Exceptions concerning
some of the library files (javax/net/Socket).

I'm sure this is just a configuration problem (I've looked
through a fair number of websites for information). Does
anyone have a pointer to details on installing, setting up,
and configuring the tomcat+jboss combination specifically on
a Debian system?



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Apache 2.x and tomcat 4.x integration

2002-05-30 Thread Paul Dobson

I have been away from the apache/tomcat scene for a while.  I am trying to
find the best place to start.
The most recent info I have found is for integrating apache 1.3.24 with
tomcat 4.0.3.
Is possible to integrate any more recent versions of apache to tomcat 4.x?
If so, where could I find documentation?


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re: macosx setup of tomcat 4.0.3

2002-05-30 Thread Paul DuBois

At 20:25 -0500 5/30/02, Donald Huebschman wrote:
>I have gotten a lot of mail asking for the answer to this. In all 
>case the following seem to work, so I thought I would post it here 
>so that people would also find the answer when doing a search:
>The solution is not to let stuffit unzip and untar the the file. Do it by
>hand with gunzip and tar. Stuffit truncates all files to 32 character

Or gnutar zxf.

>names. Java file names tend to be long.

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Tomcat and beans

2001-06-28 Thread Paul Hunnisett

How does Tomcat manage standard Java beans?  I have attempted to use an
application scoped bean ands have included serialization code in the
finalize() method and the code to read up from file in the constructor.  I
assumed that whenever Tomcat thought a bean was unnecesary it would simply
garbage collect it(which would call my finalize() method) but this doesn't
seem to happen.  The bean get's created fine, but not serialized properly.
What is Tomcat doing?

Paul Hunnisett

RE: So what *IS* available?

2001-06-28 Thread Paul Hunnisett

ATG Dynamo is very good (although very expensive)

-Original Message-
From: James Radvan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 June 2001 11:27
Subject: RE: So what *IS* available? 

IBM Websphere is certainly a product to consider for an Enterprise
implementation.  It is a quite comprehensive suite of products with every
function you could want including Application Server, Webserver
(incidentally based on Apache), LDAP, load balancing, HACMP, transcoding,
commerce suite, portal server (based on jetspeed), database, Java/JSP IDE's
etc.  It is however complex to set up and maintain, and expensive.  But you
get what you pay for, right?

Stability, speed and scalability are all excellent (albeit better on AIX
than Win32).  It's not a product suite for first-timers though!

Frankly I do all my prototyping on Tomcat/Win32 and go to production on
Websphere/AIX.  Whenever I have a problem with the 'wrapped' IBM products
(ie those based on open-source code) I go back to my Apache/Tomcat/Jetspeed
reference install to figure out the problem, then apply the fix to
Websphere.  It's an approach that has led to satisfied clients for years.
All thanks to this little 'sucky' product we know and love.

Thank you Tomcat!


James Radvan
Websphere Analyst/Architect
London, UK
+44 7990 624899

-Original Message-
Sent: 27 June 2001 13:46
Subject: So what *IS* available? 

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RE: Tomcat and beans

2001-06-28 Thread Paul Hunnisett

Does anyone have any ideas on this subject?

Paul Hunnisett

RE: Tomcat and beans

2001-06-28 Thread Paul Hunnisett

This is exactly what I had thought, except that it is not what seems to be
happening.  I have a bean with application scope, that is serialized by the
code in it's finalize() method.  The constructor contains only the code
necessary to read the serialized bean back to memory.  Every 24
hours(apprx.) my bean seems to be "reset", regardless of what was on the
disc, to it's original state, which renders my application useless


-Original Message-
From: Randy Layman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 June 2001 12:24
Subject: RE: Tomcat and beans

If you create a bean with an application scope, it will stay there
until you remove it.  Once you have removed the bean from the application
scope, it is eligible for Garbage collection by Java.  Tomcat is not
involved in calling finalizers.

Tomcat also never serializes beans.  It only works with them in
memory and never transfers them between processes.  The spec requires
serialization because other Servlet containers do this type of transferring.


> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Hunnisett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:48 AM
> Subject: Tomcat and beans
> How does Tomcat manage standard Java beans?  I have attempted
> to use an
> application scoped bean ands have included serialization code in the
> finalize() method and the code to read up from file in the
> constructor.  I
> assumed that whenever Tomcat thought a bean was unnecesary it
> would simply
> garbage collect it(which would call my finalize() method) but
> this doesn't
> seem to happen.  The bean get's created fine, but not
> serialized properly.
> What is Tomcat doing?
> Paul Hunnisett

RE: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Paul Foxton

well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]

perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?

> -Original Message-
> From: Sam Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 03 July 2001 11:24
> Subject: Re: List traffic et al
> Emir wrote:
> > List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; 
> thus, issues such
> > as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the
> purpose
> > of this list.
> >
> > Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more 
> often, given as you
> > say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
> > perchance share your knowledge with us?
> >
> > The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to 
> the community,
> > not only TAKING...
> >
> > My 2 cents.
> I have no problem with "giving" to the community - its just 
> that I've got
> tired of answering the same questions again and again, and if 
> I answered
> every question that I had an answer for I wouldn't get any 
> work done (like
> most/all of us here I do have a full time job). Because I saw the same
> questions coming up again and again I decided to get involved with the
> tomcat-book project (which has had to take a back-burner for me at the
> moment due to things going mental at work).  The fact remains 
> that general
> discussion as to servlet development DOES take place here, 
> which leads me to
> believe that there may be a place for a decent developmnet 
> mailing list. Now
> this (jakarta) might not be the best place to host it I'd 
> admit, and if
> anyone knows of a decent list which already exists that covers
> servlet/jsp/taglib development, please let me know. On a 
> related note I know
> for a fact that the jakarta-taglib list contains probably 50% 
> general taglib
> discussion as opposed to specific stuff about the jakarta taglibs.
> As to the general config issues for tomcat, there still might 
> be some scope
> for splitting the list - perhaps one for general issues, and 
> one covering
> integration with other tools (webservers, EJB containers 
> etc). Its just that
> given the volume of traffic I think the things that interest 
> me (and the
> things I could mostly helpfully contribute to) are getting 
> lost. Also the
> generla configuration issues are typically for the newer 
> users, whilst more
> advanced issues (SSL, working with IIS/Apache etc) concern 
> those people who
> are more familiar with Tomcat.
> By splitting the list, you would reduce traffic for those people only
> intersted in one side of it or the other, and those that 
> still care about
> both will recieve the same number of posts (bar some potential
> cross-posting). This would reduce the amount of people (probably with
> something to say) who leave the list because of the amount of 
> daily posts..
> sam

RE: mod_jserv

2001-07-04 Thread Paul Foxton

AFAIK mod_jserv is the old version for use with jserv, you will need the new
one: mod_jk. Yes, you do need to download it seperately.

Get it from You'll find it in the subdirectory
for your platform on the binaries page.
You can find instructions for setting it up in the tomcat manual.

> -Original Message-
> From: Anagha Mudigonda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 04 July 2001 14:44
> Subject: mod_jserv
> hi
> i'me new to tomcat. i have some fundamental doubts. if anyone 
> could help
> out i'de be real thankful.
> I have Apache Web server and tomcat. Now, to create a 
> webserver adapter,
> do I need to download the mod_jserv seperately, ie other than 
> the tomcat
> download ? if so where can i get it from ?i'me using tomcat-3.2.1 on
> HP-UX.
> thanks in advance
> regards
> anagha.
> --
> Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
> Where knowledge is free;
> Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by 
> narrow domestic
> walls;
> Where words come out from the depths of truth;
> ...
> Where the mind is led by thee into ever-widening thought and action;
> Into that heaven of freedom,my Father,let my country awake.

RE: are there servlet aliases

2001-07-10 Thread Paul Foxton

Set them up in the web.xml file in teh WEB-INF dir for your app:




Have a look at web.xml in the examples/WEB-INF dir to see how to set it up.

> -Original Message-
> From: Andreas Tirok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 10 July 2001 15:32
> Subject: are there servlet aliases
> Hi all,
> may I use aliases for servlets?
> With Jserv I can use 
> servlet.WebBILL_MainMenu.code=beusen.bill.MainMenuServlet
> that /servlet/WebBILL_MainMenu 
> refer to (/servlet)/beusen/bill/MainMenuServlet
> How can I do this with tomcat?
> Thx
> andy
> -- 
> ---
> fon: +49 30 549932-37
> fax: +49 30 549932-21

mod_jk for solaris

2001-07-12 Thread Paul Lombardo

Good morning all -

I am attempting to setup and configure Tomcat 3.2.2. to use with Apache
1.3.x  on a Solaris 2.6 machine.

I have Apache in and running.  I have Tomcat installed and handling
requests on port 8080.

I now need to set things up so that Apache will hand off requests for
jsp to tomcat and I am assuming that for that I need to setup mod_jk (or
is that

Now in my jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src/src/native/apache1.3  dorectory I

Makefile.freebsd  Makefile.linuxMakefile.nw   mod_jk.c

I don't see one for Solaris.  I went tp the web and downloaded a and tried that, but upon inspection the source file was full
of garbage and was useless.

I am so close I can taste it.  any suggestions?


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RE: mod_jk for solaris

2001-07-12 Thread Paul Lombardo

Yep!  and if I find it I'll send it to you.  I am recompileng Apache
woth the mod_so configured in so I hope the apxs stuff will work.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: mod_jk for solaris

Hi Paul,

It appears we are fighting the same battle at the same time.  I have
through this for an entire night.  Not only isn't there a build script
solaris in the default  tar, the apxs compile directions are wrong!

I have simply asked some one for a recompiled version.  It is easier.
then you have to work with the mod_jk.conf file and start configuring
gets passed.

If I get the file, I will send it to you.


Paul Lombardo wrote:

> Good morning all -
> I am attempting to setup and configure Tomcat 3.2.2. to use with
> 1.3.x  on a Solaris 2.6 machine.
> I have Apache in and running.  I have Tomcat installed and handling
> requests on port 8080.
> I now need to set things up so that Apache will hand off requests for
> jsp to tomcat and I am assuming that for that I need to setup mod_jk
> is that
> Now in my jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src/src/native/apache1.3  dorectory I
> have:
> Makefile.freebsd  Makefile.linuxMakefile.nw   mod_jk.c
> mod_jk.dsp
> I don't see one for Solaris.  I went tp the web and downloaded a
> and tried that, but upon inspection the source file was full
> of garbage and was useless.
> I am so close I can taste it.  any suggestions?
> Paul
> "This document may contain confidential information, as well as
> proprietary information, of ICICI Infotech, Inc.  Your company and its
> employees agree to keep the material in this document confidential and
> any violation of this paragraph is strictly prohibited."
>  <>

RE: mod_jk for solaris

2001-07-12 Thread Paul Lombardo

Well NOW I've done it.  I recompiled Apache and now it won't start.  It
doesn't like the httpd.conf file.


-Original Message-
From: Nance, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:26 AM
Subject: RE: mod_jk for solaris

I am also in the group...let me know if you find it
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: mod_jk for solaris

Hi Paul,

It appears we are fighting the same battle at the same time.  I have
through this for an entire night.  Not only isn't there a build script
solaris in the default  tar, the apxs compile directions are wrong!

I have simply asked some one for a recompiled version.  It is easier.
then you have to work with the mod_jk.conf file and start configuring
gets passed.

If I get the file, I will send it to you.


Paul Lombardo wrote:

> Good morning all -
> I am attempting to setup and configure Tomcat 3.2.2. to use with
> 1.3.x  on a Solaris 2.6 machine.
> I have Apache in and running.  I have Tomcat installed and handling
> requests on port 8080.
> I now need to set things up so that Apache will hand off requests for
> jsp to tomcat and I am assuming that for that I need to setup mod_jk
> is that
> Now in my jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src/src/native/apache1.3  dorectory I
> have:
> Makefile.freebsd  Makefile.linuxMakefile.nw   mod_jk.c
> mod_jk.dsp
> I don't see one for Solaris.  I went tp the web and downloaded a
> and tried that, but upon inspection the source file was full
> of garbage and was useless.
> I am so close I can taste it.  any suggestions?
> Paul
> "This document may contain confidential information, as well as
> proprietary information, of ICICI Infotech, Inc.  Your company and its
> employees agree to keep the material in this document confidential and
> any violation of this paragraph is strictly prohibited."
>  <>

configuring Apache to use mod_so

2001-07-12 Thread Paul Lombardo

I am still struggling to get Tomcat and Apache to play nicely together.
I have followed the included documentation for installing the mod_jk
module, but when I fire the apxs script I get an error that the mod_so
is not configured into my Apache.  I reconfigured Apache using the
--enable_module=most \

And reinstalled Apache and it wouln't start.  (too many errors in the

After a few harrowing minutes, I finally got Apache back up and running
but without the mod_so module.

I am runing on: 
Solaris 2.6  
Apache 1.3.6 
Mod_Perl 1.2.5
JDK 1.3
Jakarta 3.2.2

Can anyone offer any sdvice for getting Apache configured to use mod_so
without killing it?


"This document may contain confidential information, as well as
proprietary information, of ICICI Infotech, Inc.  Your company and its
employees agree to keep the material in this document confidential and
any violation of this paragraph is strictly prohibited."

FN:Paul V. Lombardo (Business Fax)
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EMAIL;PREF;FAX:Paul V. Lombardo@+1 (860) 409-2099

JSP Problem: not compiling

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Healy

This has probably been asked before but I'm new to the list and can't find
and refernce in the archives so here's my problem:

Installed Tomcat 3.2.2 on Redhat 7.0, everything works fine with servlets
but JSPs don't seem to be compiling. I have the JAVA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME
variables set correctly. Any ideas would be much appreciated, thanks.
This is the error returned for the numguess.jsp example.

Error: 500
Location: /examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

Root cause: 
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

RE: Class reloading

2001-07-19 Thread Paul Foxton

AFAIK tomcat doesn't support automatic reloading of classes. You do have to


> -Original Message-
> From: John Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 19 July 2001 11:36
> Subject: Class reloading
> Hello.
> If I write a class and use it in a jsp page, then change the 
> class, I have to 
> restart tomcat. Is there any way I can get around this, ie 
> tell tomcat to 
> reload the class (and forget about the cached loaded copy I 
> expect it has).
> John
> -- 
> John Baker, BSc CS.
> Java developer, Linux lover.
> I don't wanna rock, DJ.

RE: Generate Excel File

2001-07-19 Thread Paul Kofon

I've never done what you'd like to do. But if I remember correctly, the CSV 
text below will display correctly in Excel:


You'd have two rows and two columns (with headers Item and Price) of data. 
If the CSV data you're feeding Excel is not formatted like this, then 
chances are that you'd get wrong results - that explains why your single row 
of data isn't showing up correctly.



>From: William Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Generate Excel File
>Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 17:58:12 -0700
>We've got it working exactly as you say, but only if the data is delimited
>with _tabs_, not _commas_.
> -- Bill K.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Erin Lester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 2:21 PM
> > Subject: Generate Excel File
> >
> >
> > Hi, I'm trying to generate an excel file as the response
> > returned from a
> > servlet.  I have set the response's content type to
> > "application/" and this seems to cause excel to open.  The
> > data I return is comma separated values.
> >
> > Once upon a time I read on a newsgroup (don't think it was
> > this one) that
> > someone had done the same thing and excel interpreted the
> > data as a csv
> > file and it displayed nicely in excel.  Unfortunately excel
> > seems to think
> > that the entire row of comma separated values that I'm
> > sending it is one
> > single cell (not a row of cells which are the values between
> > the commas).
> >
> > Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong or of another way to
> > generate an
> > excel spreadsheet using JSP?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Erin
> >

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RE: Class reloading

2001-07-19 Thread Paul Foxton

yes, I have 'reloadable' set to true in server.xml for my app directory
(under webapps) but its never reloaded my bean classes without restarting,
servlets I havn't tried it with as yet. The question seemed to me to relate
to beans in JSPs.

Sorry, I could have phrased my reply better : )



> -Original Message-
> From: Endre Stølsvik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 19 July 2001 15:10
> Subject: Re: Class reloading
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Paul Foxton wrote:
> | AFAIK tomcat doesn't support automatic reloading of 
> classes. You do have to
> | restart.
> AFAIK all tomcats does support automatic reload, but it (at least 3.2)
> sucks. If you have "very plain servlets", which doesn't put 
> many "real"
> objects into the HttpSession (just Strings, Longs and the 
> like), then it
> works pretty good. But if you try to use selfmade objects, 
> you get hit by
> severe ClassLoader issues (You'll get ClassCastExceptions all 
> the time).
> Tomcat 4 should work, but I haven't tested it yet. It uses a 
> funky scheme
> of serializing the whole Sessions stuff, and restarting the 
> whole webapp,
> and then "booting" it up again. What happens with singletons, 
> I ask, but
> haven't tested it yet, as mentioned.
> Look at tomcat's xml configure file, it's a 'ish 
> parameter,
> turn it to true..
> -- 
> Mvh,
> Endre

"request.getAttribute()" problems

2001-07-20 Thread Paul Kofon

Hi all,

I have a Bean whose scope I would like to set to "request". I would like to 
retrieve this Bean's instance when the next page is requested.
On the first page, I have:

< jsp:useBean id="beanclass" class="BeanClass" scope="request" />

On the next page, I have:

BeanClass b = (BeanClass) request.getAttribute("beanclass");

However, when I try to use instance "b" of my Bean,  I get a 
NullPointerException. The strange thing is that the code seemed to working 
in Orion. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Note that I can use the instance without errors when I set the scope to 
"session" and use "session.getAttribute()" instead but I don't want to do 
this as my instance should only last for a request.
I'm using Tomcat 3.2.2/Sun's JDK 1.3.1 on Win2K Pro.



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Re: "request.getAttribute()" problems

2001-07-20 Thread Paul Kofon

Hi David,

On the first page, I've got a form with an action pointing to a certain jsp 
page. It's on this page (the one pointed to in the action statement) that I 
try to retrieve the object. Does that make any sense?



>From: David Haraburda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: "request.getAttribute()" problems
>Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:56:33 -0500
>When you say "next page", what do you mean?  How are you going from the 
>page to the second page?  This is important because if you are doing it a
>certain way (such as a response.sendRedirect) your request object won't get
>passed along...
>Paul Kofon wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a Bean whose scope I would like to set to "request". I would like 
> > retrieve this Bean's instance when the next page is requested.
> > On the first page, I have:
> >
> > < jsp:useBean id="beanclass" class="BeanClass" scope="request" />
> >
> > On the next page, I have:
> >
> > BeanClass b = (BeanClass) request.getAttribute("beanclass");
> >
> > However, when I try to use instance "b" of my Bean,  I get a
> > NullPointerException. The strange thing is that the code seemed to 
> > in Orion. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
> > Note that I can use the instance without errors when I set the scope to
> > "session" and use "session.getAttribute()" instead but I don't want to 
> > this as my instance should only last for a request.
> > I'm using Tomcat 3.2.2/Sun's JDK 1.3.1 on Win2K Pro.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Paul
> >
> > _
> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at 

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: Load Balancing for WEB-Application with sessions

2001-07-23 Thread Paul Nock

jk_mount/loadbalancing works well for this kind of thing.  We use it
loadbalancing across multiple servers, with multiple JVMs on each server.

The only issue we had was in the way our (Foundry) loadbalancer handled

We needed session state preserved by cookie or sessionid, and it proved
'difficult' to make the loadbalancer work in this way with the default
tomcat session state stuff, ie.
cookie name = JSESSIONID

Problem is the loadbalancer pattern matching used to preserve sessions by
URL couldn't do matching for cases like:;jsessionid=*.worker
where the pattern to be matched is the ;jsessionid=*.worker

Cookie matching wasn't much better either, so we resorted to adding an extra
cookie in our application that was purely for use by the loadbalancer to
send the request to the right machine.

What we resorted to was rebuilding tomcat changing the name of 'jsessionid'
to something that identified the node so the loadbalancer knew where to send

Works fine, if a bit messy due to hardware limitations.


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 2:16 AM
Subject: Load Balancing for WEB-Application with sessions


For improving the performace, we are going to serve requests with many
computers. Here, a problem with redirection arises. As a rule, the requests
are randomly redirected to the existent servers, and it functions well for
undependent pages and servlets. We have to ensure that a hole session is
processed on (redirected to) the same server. Are there possibilities to do
it in Tomcat, or we have to write a redirector-servlet ourselves, to
control the redirections according to the session.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christian Schildt
Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)


Phone: 089/89013023

Gutenbergstr. 5
D-82178 Puchheim bei München
Phone: +089/8901300
Fax:   +089/89013089

RE: Shared Variables

2001-07-25 Thread Paul Foxton

make sure your variables do indeed have session scope - what platform are
you running on?

I had this happen when I accessed my app through a browser on the linux box
it is running on.

When I access the app from another machine it doesn't happen. I assumed it
must be something to do with the way sessions (as in user sessions) are
implemented in Linux.

- stab in the dark though : )

> -Original Message-
> From: Stefano Bonnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 25 July 2001 12:44
> Subject: Re: Shared Variables
> Yes, I tried your suggest but it happens the same thing. I 
> have also used
> the Nokia Wap Toolkit 
> My application is developed with Cocoon/XSP tecnologies and 
> run on Tomcat
> 3.2.1. Perhaps I have to define the variable in another way, 
> but I don't
> know
> - Original Message -
> From: "Loïc Lefèvre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:33 PM
> Subject: RE: Shared Variables
> > Did you use Internet explorer twice for these tests ?
> > In this case, it appears for me too.
> > Try to run TWO process Internet Explorer not CTRL+N (new 
> window) then
> > try your application on these two browsers.
> >
> > Loïc Lefèvre
> >
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De : Stefano Bonnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Envoyé : mercredi 25 juillet 2001 13:23
> > Objet : Shared Variables
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have noticed that when I start my application under 
> Tomcat 3.2.1 all the
> > variables are shared If I access for the first time and 
> I set for
> > example Name="mouse", at the second access (another 
> session!) the Name
> > variable is equal to "mouse"??? Why? Is a Tomcat bug?
> >
> > Help me!
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >

ClassCastException on a bean

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Foxton


I've just had an odd problem I thought I'd see if anyone else had come
Running tomcat 3.2.2, apache 1.3.19 on RH linux 7.1, I got a
ClassCastException for a bean (called DbUtilities) I use in a JSP page.

The code from the compiled servlet of the jsp is as follows: 

DbUtilities db = null;
boolean _jspx_specialdb = false;
 synchronized(application) {
   db = (DbUtilities)  < this line caused the
Its odd because both the bean and JSP had been working fine for a week or so
& I hadn't modified either.

I restarted tomcat and apache and everything was fine again - just a little
concernred, I don't want this happenning when the site goes live!

Has anyone else seen anything like this?



Testing Apache and Tomcat

2001-08-03 Thread Paul Davies

how can I test that Apache and Tomcat are properly
connected to each other.  As I understand, Apache
takes care of static pages, and passes dynamic ones to
tomcat.  How can I test this?

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TESTING Tomcat and Apache together........

2001-08-04 Thread Paul Davies

how can I test that Apache and Tomcat are properly
connected to each other.  As I understand, Apache
takes care of static pages, and passes dynamic ones to
tomcat.  How can I test this?

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RE: jasper exeption

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton

you're probably missing a ';' a few lines further up in your code, something
like that.

Check you code again or post the rest.



> -Original Message-
> Sent: 06 August 2001 10:12
> Subject: jasper exeption
> hi,
> i have a problem with a simple if clause in my jsp. the 
> syntax of the code
> is correct, but tomcat will not compile the page. here is the alert:
> plz can u help me
> greets
> bastian
> Internal Servlet Error:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPC:
> \tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Fbechtle\_0002ftext_0002ftext_000
> ';' expected.
>  If (1 < 2) {
> 1 error
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader12.loadJSP(JasperLoader1
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadIfN
> ecessary(
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service
> (
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet
> .java:429)
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(ServletWrapper
> .java:405)
>at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextM
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
> org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler.processCo
> nnection(
> org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoin
> org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$

RE: Antwort: RE: jasper exeption

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton


you got a capital I in your if :¬)

if thats a straight copy and paste from your jsp that is. You would get that
error from a capital I on the if.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: 06 August 2001 10:22
> Subject: Antwort: RE: jasper exeption
>   this is my code - nothing wrong with it   :
> <% If (1 < 2) {%>
>  hallo
> <% } %>
> so the jasper exeption error is even worng ?!?
> --
>   Externe MailPaul Foxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>   06.08.2001  
>   10:57   
> --
> An:   "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 
> cc:
> Thema:RE: jasper exeption
> you're probably missing a ';' a few lines further up in your code,
> something
> like that.
> Check you code again or post the rest.
> cheers,
> Paul
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: 06 August 2001 10:12
> > Subject: jasper exeption
> >
> >
> > hi,
> >
> > i have a problem with a simple if clause in my jsp. the
> > syntax of the code
> > is correct, but tomcat will not compile the page. here is the alert:
> > plz can u help me
> >
> > greets
> >
> > bastian
> >
> > Internal Servlet Error:
> > org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPC:
> > \tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Fbechtle\_0002ftext_0002ftext_000
> >
> >
> > ';' expected.
> >  If (1 < 2) {
> >^
> > 1 error
> >
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader12.loadJSP(JasperLoader1
> >
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadIfN
> > ecessary(
> >
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service
> > (
> >
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet
> > .java:429)
> >at
> > org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
> >at
> > javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >at
> > org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(ServletWrapper
> > .java:405)
> >at 
> org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
> >at
> > 
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
> >at
> > org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextM
> >
> >
> >at
> > 
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
> >at
> > org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler.processCo
> > nnection(
> >
> >at
> > org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoin
> >
> >at
> > org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$
> >
> >at
> >
> >

RE: Servlet Uses Another Class

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton

did you import the class explicitly in your servlet?

eg: (without a package)

import MyClass;

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet throws ServletEsception
MyClass instanceOfMyClass;
instanceOfMyClass = new MyClass();


to import the class in the package:

import com.mypackage.MyClass



> -Original Message-
> From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 August 2001 16:04
> Subject: Servlet Uses Another Class
> I am unable to create and run a servlet which uses
> another class which I have create.  How may this be
> achieved.
> Here is my problem:
> I have a servlet (myServlet), which needs to create an
> instance of a class I designed.  I assumed that
> putting the myClass.class file in the WEB-INF/classes/
> directory along with the myServlet.class file would
> take care of this. Yet I get a "cannot resolve symbol
> error".  
> My next idea was to put the class file in a directory
> titled myPackage.  In the myServlet class I put the
> proper import myPackage.*; and in the myClass.class
> file I put the code package myPackage.
> I assumed that perhaps turning the class file into a
> package would help.  But now I get an error stating:
> package myPackage does not exist.
> My question is how can I get the servlet to find the
> class I created so that it may create an instance of
> the class?
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with 
> Yahoo! Messenger

RE: Servlet Uses Another Class

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton

forgot to say - when you compiled the class to put in the package did you do
it as follows -

javac -d path_to_my_package

hope none of this is too obvious, just checking ;¬)



> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Foxton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 August 2001 15:54
> Subject: RE: Servlet Uses Another Class
> did you import the class explicitly in your servlet?
> eg: (without a package)
> import MyClass;
> public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet throws ServletEsception
> IOException
>   {
> MyClass instanceOfMyClass;
> instanceOfMyClass = new MyClass();
> etc.
> to import the class in the package:
> import com.mypackage.MyClass
> cheers,
> Paul
> > -Original Message-
> > From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 06 August 2001 16:04
> > Subject: Servlet Uses Another Class
> > 
> > 
> > I am unable to create and run a servlet which uses
> > another class which I have create.  How may this be
> > achieved.
> > 
> > Here is my problem:
> > I have a servlet (myServlet), which needs to create an
> > instance of a class I designed.  I assumed that
> > putting the myClass.class file in the WEB-INF/classes/
> > directory along with the myServlet.class file would
> > take care of this. Yet I get a "cannot resolve symbol
> > error".  
> > My next idea was to put the class file in a directory
> > titled myPackage.  In the myServlet class I put the
> > proper import myPackage.*; and in the myClass.class
> > file I put the code package myPackage.
> > 
> > I assumed that perhaps turning the class file into a
> > package would help.  But now I get an error stating:
> > package myPackage does not exist.
> > 
> > 
> > My question is how can I get the servlet to find the
> > class I created so that it may create an instance of
> > the class?
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with 
> > Yahoo! Messenger
> >
> > 

RE: Servlet Uses Another Class

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton


where does the error occurr? the first time you actually use the class in
the servlet and after the import statement?

if so it seems you must be importing it ok, so the there's another problem.

If you get the error actually on the import statement then perhaps you have
the name of the class wrong in your servlet?

if you post the code and the error message, might be able to help more



> -Original Message-
> From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 August 2001 16:52
> Subject: RE: Servlet Uses Another Class
> I have tried simply importing the class MyClass, and
> not creating it as a package.  Nevertheless I get the
> Cannot Resolve Symbol error.
> Both the MyClass and the MyServlet class files are in
> the same directory.  In my servlet 
> --- Paul Foxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > did you import the class explicitly in your servlet?
> > 
> > eg: (without a package)
> > 
> > import MyClass;
> > 
> > public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet throws
> > ServletEsception
> > IOException
> >   {
> > MyClass instanceOfMyClass;
> > instanceOfMyClass = new MyClass();
> > 
> > etc.
> > 
> > to import the class in the package:
> > 
> > import com.mypackage.MyClass
> > 
> > cheers,
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: 06 August 2001 16:04
> > > Subject: Servlet Uses Another Class
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I am unable to create and run a servlet which uses
> > > another class which I have create.  How may this
> > be
> > > achieved.
> > > 
> > > Here is my problem:
> > > I have a servlet (myServlet), which needs to
> > create an
> > > instance of a class I designed.  I assumed that
> > > putting the myClass.class file in the
> > WEB-INF/classes/
> > > directory along with the myServlet.class file
> > would
> > > take care of this. Yet I get a "cannot resolve
> > symbol
> > > error".  
> > > My next idea was to put the class file in a
> > directory
> > > titled myPackage.  In the myServlet class I put
> > the
> > > proper import myPackage.*; and in the
> > myClass.class
> > > file I put the code package myPackage.
> > > 
> > > I assumed that perhaps turning the class file into
> > a
> > > package would help.  But now I get an error
> > stating:
> > > package myPackage does not exist.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > My question is how can I get the servlet to find
> > the
> > > class I created so that it may create an instance
> > of
> > > the class?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > __
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute
> > with 
> > > Yahoo! Messenger
> > >
> > > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with 
> Yahoo! Messenger

RE: Servlet Uses Another Class

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton

actually, this is getting a bit off topic (ie not specifically tomcat
related) so email me your class and you're servlet with the error message
and I'll have a look : )



> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Foxton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 August 2001 16:51
> Subject: RE: Servlet Uses Another Class
> hmmm.
> where does the error occurr? the first time you actually use 
> the class in
> the servlet and after the import statement?
> if so it seems you must be importing it ok, so the there's 
> another problem.
> If you get the error actually on the import statement then 
> perhaps you have
> the name of the class wrong in your servlet?
> if you post the code and the error message, might be able to 
> help more
> cheers,
> Paul
> > -Original Message-
> > From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 06 August 2001 16:52
> > Subject: RE: Servlet Uses Another Class
> > 
> > 
> > I have tried simply importing the class MyClass, and
> > not creating it as a package.  Nevertheless I get the
> > Cannot Resolve Symbol error.
> > 
> > Both the MyClass and the MyServlet class files are in
> > the same directory.  In my servlet 
> > --- Paul Foxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > did you import the class explicitly in your servlet?
> > > 
> > > eg: (without a package)
> > > 
> > > import MyClass;
> > > 
> > > public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet throws
> > > ServletEsception
> > > IOException
> > >   {
> > > MyClass instanceOfMyClass;
> > > instanceOfMyClass = new MyClass();
> > > 
> > > etc.
> > > 
> > > to import the class in the package:
> > > 
> > > import com.mypackage.MyClass
> > > 
> > > cheers,
> > > 
> > > Paul
> > > 
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: 06 August 2001 16:04
> > > > Subject: Servlet Uses Another Class
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I am unable to create and run a servlet which uses
> > > > another class which I have create.  How may this
> > > be
> > > > achieved.
> > > > 
> > > > Here is my problem:
> > > > I have a servlet (myServlet), which needs to
> > > create an
> > > > instance of a class I designed.  I assumed that
> > > > putting the myClass.class file in the
> > > WEB-INF/classes/
> > > > directory along with the myServlet.class file
> > > would
> > > > take care of this. Yet I get a "cannot resolve
> > > symbol
> > > > error".  
> > > > My next idea was to put the class file in a
> > > directory
> > > > titled myPackage.  In the myServlet class I put
> > > the
> > > > proper import myPackage.*; and in the
> > > myClass.class
> > > > file I put the code package myPackage.
> > > > 
> > > > I assumed that perhaps turning the class file into
> > > a
> > > > package would help.  But now I get an error
> > > stating:
> > > > package myPackage does not exist.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > My question is how can I get the servlet to find
> > > the
> > > > class I created so that it may create an instance
> > > of
> > > > the class?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > __
> > > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute
> > > with 
> > > > Yahoo! Messenger
> > > >
> > > > 
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with 
> > Yahoo! Messenger
> >
> > 

RE: Servlet Uses Another Class

2001-08-06 Thread Paul Foxton

ok - shot in the dark -

you say your class is called HtmlSqlResult

but you import:

HtmlSQLResult;  (SQL all in upper case)

could this be the problem?
otherwise I'm stumped : (



> -Original Message-
> From: A.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 August 2001 17:21
> Subject: RE: Servlet Uses Another Class
> Paul,
>i appreciate your help.  I haven't been able to get
> any servlet I have created to work which imports
> another clas for some reason.  SO what I am currently
> trying to do is use an example from the Oreilly
> Servlet book.  Unfortunately the book doesn't have a
> solution to the problem I am experiencing.  The
> previous use of the terms myClass and Myservlet were
> used to simplify things.  The real java files are
> and  Calendar is the
> Servlet which creates an instance of HtmlSqlResult.
> HtmlSqlResult is compiling fine.  I currenlty have it
> in the same directory as  Now when I
> try to compile  I get the following
> error:
> C:\work\jt\tomcat\webapps\jd\WEB-INF\classes>javac
> cannot resolve symbol
> symbol: class HtmlSQLResult
> import HtmlSQLResult;
> ^
> cannot resolve symbol
> symbol  : class HtmlSQLResult
> location: class Calendar
> HtmlSQLResult result;
> ^
> 2 errors
> Here is the code for :
> import HtmlSQLResult;
> import javax.servlet.*;
> import javax.servlet.http.*;
> import*;
> import java.sql.*;
> /** 
>  *
>  * @author  alieberman
>  * @version 
>  */
> public class Calendar extends HttpServlet {
>private Connection con = null;
>public void init() throws ServletException {
> try
> {
> Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
>con =
> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:calendar");  
> }
> catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
> throw new UnavailableException("Couldn't load
> database driver");
> }
> catch (SQLException e) {
> throw new UnavailableException("Couldn't Get
> db Connection");
> }
> }
> /** Destroys the servlet.
> */  
> public void destroy() {
> try {
> if (con!=null) con.close();
> }
> catch (SQLException ignored) {}
> }
> /** Processes requests for both HTTP
> GET and POST methods.
> * @param request servlet request
> * @param response servlet response
> */
> protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest
> request, HttpServletResponse response)
> throws ServletException, {
> response.setContentType("text/html");
> out =
> response.getWriter();
> out.println("");
> out.println("");
> out.println("Calendar");  
> out.println("");
> out.println("");
> HtmlSQLResult result; 
> out.println("");
> out.println("");
> out.close();
> } 
> /** Handles the HTTP GET method.
> * @param request servlet request
> * @param response servlet response
> */
> protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response)
> throws ServletException, {
> processRequest(request, response);
> } 
> /** Handles the HTTP POST method.
> * @param request servlet request
> * @param response servlet response
> */
> protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response)
> throws ServletException, {
> processRequest(request, response);
> }
> /** Returns a short description of the servlet.
> */
> public String getServletInfo() {
> return "Short description";
> }
> }
> --- Paul Foxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hmmm.
> > 
> > where does the error occurr? the first time you
> > actually use the class in
> > the servlet and after the import statement?
> > 
> > if so it seems you must be importing it ok, so the
> > there's another problem.
> > 
> > If you get the error actually on the import
> > state

RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-08 Thread Paul Nock

You can use mod_jk to load balance between different JVMs running Tomcat.
Works well, we use it.

The JVMs could then also be on remote machines to either each other, and/or
the machine running Apache.

mod_jk will preserve sessions for you so that subsequent request go to the
right JVM.

You'll need to configure the, etc. to use the
'loadbalancer' worker.


-Original Message-
From: George Shafik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Redirection and Load Balancing

Hi All,

Current System Architecture
Apache : 3.17 (Custom Build)
Tomcat : 3.2.2 (Custom Build)
Deployment : war files.
Platform : Red Hat Linux 6.2

We are after a method to redirect based on a limit on the number of page
hits or the load on the current Web Server.

The redirection needs to be performed by Apache or Tomcat not by the web
page itself. Currently we are redirecting the user to another Web Server
from the current page as the page hits reach a certain limit or the load is
too much on the current box. A better way to conduct this is to redirect the
call to another Web Server at the Web Server or Servlet Engine level, in our
case that's Apache or Tomcat. Its not clear to us where in Apache or Tomcat
we can configure things based on page hits or load if its possible to do at

Many thanks in advance for any help in this area.

George Shafik

RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

2001-08-09 Thread Paul Nock

We're running Linux, Tomcat 3.n (currently 3.2.2), and Apache 1.3.19 (and
also 1.3.12).

We did rebuild binaries, but didn't really need to.  The only weird thing we
did was so the hardware load balancer in front of our servers kept cookie
and/or jsessionid sessions on the same physical hardware so mod_jk
loadbalancing could do its thing.

server*.xml: one for each tomcat JVM, then in your startup script do
something like:
java -Dtomcat.home=${TOMCAT_HOME} org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat -f
${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/server1.xml "$@"
so you can run everythint out of the same tomcat home.
worker.list=lbworker, worker1, worker2,...

# duplicate these lines for every worker... (not lbworker)
worker.worker1.port=   # matching the port number from this
instances server*.xml file  # never tried a remote machine, but you
worker.worker1.type=ajp13  # or ajp12 if you're using it
worker.worker1.lbfactor=2  # we don't use this
worker.w1a.cachesize=1 # or this

worker.lbworker.balanced_workers=worker1, worker2,...

ModJk.conf: use the auto-generated file as a template and mount the contexts
you want to balance on the lb worker...
JkMount /servlet/* lbworker

Apache: append the ModJk.conf file to httpd.conf


-Original Message-
From: George Shafik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: Redirection and Load Balancing

Sounds great Paul.

What sort of environment are you using mod_jk in  ?
- OS platform
- Version of Apache, Tomcat
- How many versions of Apache and Tomcat are you running in parallel in
order to mirror your Web Site so you can perform your load balancing.
- Are all your binaries custom built ?

Can you please e-mail me directly all relevant Apache/Tomcat configuration
files that I need to alter in order to use mod_jk in the manner you
describe. If this is too difficult cut and past the relevant pieces
commenting on where they are from into one file.

George Shafik

- Original Message -
From: "Paul Nock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: Redirection and Load Balancing

> You can use mod_jk to load balance between different JVMs running Tomcat.
> Works well, we use it.
> The JVMs could then also be on remote machines to either each other,
> the machine running Apache.
> mod_jk will preserve sessions for you so that subsequent request go to the
> right JVM.
> You'll need to configure the, etc. to use the
> 'loadbalancer' worker.
> Paul
> -Original Message-
> From: George Shafik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:40 PM
> Subject: Redirection and Load Balancing
> Hi All,
> Current System Architecture
> Apache : 3.17 (Custom Build)
> Tomcat : 3.2.2 (Custom Build)
> Deployment : war files.
> Platform : Red Hat Linux 6.2
> We are after a method to redirect based on a limit on the number of page
> hits or the load on the current Web Server.
> The redirection needs to be performed by Apache or Tomcat not by the web
> page itself. Currently we are redirecting the user to another Web Server
> from the current page as the page hits reach a certain limit or the load
> too much on the current box. A better way to conduct this is to redirect
> call to another Web Server at the Web Server or Servlet Engine level, in
> case that's Apache or Tomcat. Its not clear to us where in Apache or
> we can configure things based on page hits or load if its possible to do
> all.
> Many thanks in advance for any help in this area.
> Regards,
> George Shafik


2001-08-14 Thread Paul Rubenis

Works very well for me running tomcat 3.2.3, rh 6.2 and IBMJava2-13
(build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cx130-20010329 (JIT enabled: jitc)

Mike McGuinness wrote:
> Has anyone tried IBM jdk/runtime environment on Linux with Tomcat 3.2.3?
> I'v got sun jdk 1.3, running on Red Hat 7.1, with apache 1.3.20, and
> tomcat 3.2.3.
> I was wondering how or if IBM's jdk/runtime works.
> Mike

+-- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
| Paul M Rubenis - System Administrator |
| Phone: (612) 624-8337 |
| Fax:   (612) 625-6853 |
| Any connection between your reality and mine is purely|
| coincidental. |


2001-08-15 Thread Paul Rubenis

Another reason to use IBM's jdk is that IBM will support it.  They will
not support sun's jdk.  It doesn't hurt that IBM's jdk is a very good

"James, Stuart" wrote:
> why would you want to run the IBM JDK ? is it faster/better than suns jdk ?

+-- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
| Paul M Rubenis - System Administrator |
| Phone: (612) 624-8337 |
| Fax:   (612) 625-6853 |
| Any connection between your reality and mine is purely|
| coincidental. |

RE: Konqueror

2001-08-22 Thread Paul Foxton

Yes, I've found the same thing in konqueror - it seems to have an odd way of
dealing with cookies, flaky at best, but I havn't looked into it in any
detail. I also find that when I redirect back to page showing the results of
a db update I need to refresh the page before I can see the updates, which
isn't necessary with IE or netscrape.

I'm not entirely sure what you're after, but have you looked at the
getServletContext() method?

Sorry I can't help more, but at least you know its not just you : )


> -Original Message-
> From: John Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 22 August 2001 00:19
> Subject: Konqueror
> Has anyone had any problems with Konqueror that shipped in 
> KDE2.2? It seems 
> to mess up sessions. Ie put something in the session, and 
> it's not there on 
> the next request. I assume this is a cookie problem.
> I asked this earlier this week, but noone noticed/responsed. 
> How do you get 
> the value of the 'path' attribute in the Context directive in 
> the server.xml 
> file?
> John Baker
> -- 
> John Baker, BSc CS.
> Java Developer, TEAM Slb. (
> The views expressed in this mail are my own.

[TC3.3b1] use of taglib causes "org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found error"

2001-08-31 Thread Paul Spencer

I am getting the following error while using Jetspeed with Tomcat
3.3-b1.  This error does NOT occur in Tomcat 3.3-m4!
  [Fri Aug 31 22:19:33 EDT 2001] -- ERROR -- Error rendering Velocity
template:   /controllers/html/multicolumn.vm: Invocation of method
'getContent' in  class
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl threw
exception class  javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError :
Provider   org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found

In addition the .java file created in the work directory is has a size
of 0 bytes.

I copied crimson.jar and jaxp.jar to the lib/apps directory, as
suggested in
but that did not work.

My jsp file is below (Note this file work in Tomcat v3.3-m3 and -m4):
  <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld'
prefix='jetspeed' %>
JSP Hello World!
Server date: 


Thank you
Paul Spencer

Re: [TC3.3b1] use of taglib causes "org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found error"

2001-09-01 Thread Paul Spencer

I have made the changes suggested.  I still get the same errors.

The jsp file will work when referenced directly,
http://localhost/jetspeed/hello.jsp, but fails when it is executed by

This problem is does not occur in Tomcat 3.3-m4 or Tomcat 4.0-b7.  I
suspect something that was changed between 3.3-m4 and 3.3-b1 is causing
the problem, but I do not know what it is :-(.  I do not believe the
problem is with Jetspeed because I used the same WAR file when testing
all 3 versions of Tomcat.

The error message may not be related to the actual error.  The empty
.java file in the work directory may be the closer to the problem. 
Maybe somewhere in the process of converting from .jsp to .java when a
taglib is defined.  

I enabled debug logging. 
 No entries on the servlet logfile
 The jasper log contained:
2001-09-01 17:29:25 - Package name is:
2001-09-01 17:29:25 - Class file name is:
2001-09-01 17:29:25 - Java file name is:
2001-09-01 17:29:25 - Class name is: Example_1
2001-09-01 17:29:25 - 
Handling Directive: taglib  {uri=/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld,


Paul Spencer

Will Stranathan wrote:
> Take the XML related jars in TOMCAT_HOME/lib and rename them to
> x[whatever].jar (for example, xjaxp.jar).  Then put Velocity's XML
> parsers in TOMCAT_HOME/lib.
> I know it's a kludge, but AFAICT, these sorts of classloader issues have
> been corrected in 4.0.  (Which is all the Struts people can't understand
> why their stuff suddenly DOESN'T work - all the Struts WAR's come
> without any parser libraries.)
> w
> Paul Spencer wrote:
> > I am getting the following error while using Jetspeed with Tomcat
> > 3.3-b1.  This error does NOT occur in Tomcat 3.3-m4!
> >   [Fri Aug 31 22:19:33 EDT 2001] -- ERROR -- Error rendering Velocity
> > template:   /controllers/html/multicolumn.vm: Invocation of method
> > 'getContent' in  class
> > org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl threw
> > exception class  javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError :
> > Provider   org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found
> >
> > In addition the .java file created in the work directory is has a size
> > of 0 bytes.
> >
> > I copied crimson.jar and jaxp.jar to the lib/apps directory, as
> > suggested in
> >
> > ,
> > but that did not work.
> >
> > My jsp file is below (Note this file work in Tomcat v3.3-m3 and -m4):
> >   <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/tld/template.tld'
> > prefix='jetspeed' %>
> >   
> > JSP Hello World!
> > Server date: 
> >   
> >
> >
> > Ideas?
> >
> > Thank you
> > Paul Spencer
> >

Tomcat/IIS URL Reporting

2001-09-02 Thread Paul Kingsley

   We are using Tomcat 3.2 with IIS using the isapi_redirect.dll . This
works fine ..but.. upon examining the IIS logs we get the name of the tomcat
redirector dll instead of the actual URL. 
   Any ideas on how we can get the actual URL in lieu of the dll name into
IIS logs for site monitoring etc

  Thanks in advance,
  Paul Kingsley
  eQuality Group Aust


Strange NullPointerException Error in t4.0b7

2001-09-04 Thread Paul Kofon

Hi All,
I recently downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.0 b7. I found it to be quite 
responsive and remarkably faster than it's predecessors. However, my joy was 
short-lived when I found out an application which I had written and 
extensively tested under Tomcat 3.2.2. was not working in the T4.0 b7 
environment - I kept getting a NullPointerException error. I snooped around 
a bit and found out that the following piece of code was the culprit:

File directory = new File("../webapps/humantrack/forms");
File files[] = directory.listFiles();

Now, here's the strange thing: "directory" isn't null but the array, 
files[], is! This code works without change in T3.2.2 as files[] doesn't 
return a null value. What's wrong?



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Re: Strange NullPointerException Error in t4.0b7

2001-09-05 Thread Paul Kofon

Hi Craig,
Thanks for the insight. I know I can't assume that all application servers 
will have a webapps directory so actually, I have a properties file that 
provides the absolute path (depending on the platform) to the "home" 
directory of my web application. However, before I apply any configurations, 
I run some tests using hard-coded values. That's why I came up with the
not-so-portable "../webapps/humantrack/forms". And I was surprised to find 
that a working application wasn't working any more after I changed servers, 
even though their directory structures are identical.
Anyway, I guess I'll just move on to the the Servelt 2.3 spec (good thing 
T4.0 supports it) and use the tip you suggested.



>From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Strange NullPointerException Error in t4.0b7
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:49:37 -0700 (PDT)
>On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Paul Kofon wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 12:03:45
> > From: Paul Kofon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Strange NullPointerException Error in t4.0b7
> >
> > Hi All,
> > I recently downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.0 b7. I found it to be 
> > responsive and remarkably faster than it's predecessors. However, my joy 
> > short-lived when I found out an application which I had written and
> > extensively tested under Tomcat 3.2.2. was not working in the T4.0 b7
> > environment - I kept getting a NullPointerException error. I snooped 
> > a bit and found out that the following piece of code was the culprit:
> >
> > File directory = new File("../webapps/humantrack/forms");
> > File files[] = directory.listFiles();
> >
> > Now, here's the strange thing: "directory" isn't null but the array,
> > files[], is! This code works without change in T3.2.2 as files[] doesn't
> > return a null value. What's wrong?
> >
>Your pathname ("../webapps/humantrack/forms") is relative, so it will be
>resolved against the current working directory of the servlet container --
>something that you should *not* be making any assumptions about.
>You can solve your immediate problem with something like this ...
>   String contextRoot =
> getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
>   if (contextRoot != null) {
>   File directory = new File(contextRoot + "/../humantrack/forms");
>   File files[] = directory.listFiles();
>   ...
>   } else {
>  ... error message ...
>   }
>but even this will not work *unless* all your web applications are stored
>underneath the "webapps" directory.  In general, you can make *no*
>assumptions about this.
>A more rigorous approach will often work (assuming that "/humantrack" is
>the context path for a different web app):
>   ServletContext sc = getServletContext().getContext("/humantrack/forms");
>   if (sc != null) {
>   File directory = new File(sc.getRealPath("/forms"));
>   File files[] = directory.listFiles();
>   ...
>   } else {
>   ... error message ...
>   }
>but even this is not guaranteed, because servlet containers are allowed to
>return null from ServletContext.getContext().
>And *all* of the solutions above assume that you are running your web
>applications from open directory structures, rather than from WAR files.
>This is a common feature of containers, but is not guaranteed to be
>available universally.  So, a new feature of the Servlet 2.3 API lets you
>ask for URLs of resources within a web application in a portable way
>(again, assuming that "/humantrack" is the context path for your other
>   ServletContext sc = getServletContext().getContext("/humantrack/forms");
>   Set paths = sc.getResourcePaths("/forms/");
>and you can iterate through the paths.  Each of them will be a String that
>you can use in calls like:
>   InputStream is = sc.getResourceAsStream(path);
> > Regards,
> >
> > Paul
> >
>Craig McClanahan

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