[Tutor] Mixing generator expressions with list definitions

2007-04-18 Thread Ed Singleton
I would like to be able to do something along the lines of:

 my_list = [1, 2, x for x in range(3,6), 6]

However this doesn't work.  Is there any way of achieving this kind of thing?

I tried:

 my_list = [1, 2, *(x for x in range(3,6)), 6]

which also doesn't work.

I wrote a quick function that allows me to use the generator
expression as long as it is the last argument:

 def listify(*args):
... return [arg for arg in args]
 my_list = listify(1,2, *(x for x in range(3,6)))

but obviously this limits me to using it only at the end of a list.

Any clues on this greatly appreciated.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Mixing generator expressions with list definitions

2007-04-18 Thread Ed Singleton
On 4/18/07, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  I would like to be able to do something along the lines of:
  my_list = [1, 2, x for x in range(3,6), 6]
  However this doesn't work.  Is there any way of achieving this kind of 

 my_list = [1, 2] + range(3,6) + [6]

I thought I'd got past the point where there were stupidly simple
answers to my questions ;)  Oh well.  Thanks yet again, Kent.

 or, to build it in steps,
 my_list = [1, 2]
 my_list.extent(range(3, 6))

Yeah, that's how I had ben doing it.  I don't really like it for some
reason, though I'm not clear why I don't like it.  I think maybe
because it's quite verbose so it's a bit difficult for me to read it
afterwards, and makes typos more likely ;)

 By the way I can't think of any reason to write x for x in range(3, 6)
 instead of just range(3, 6). range() returns a list which can be used
 almost anywhere the generator expression can be. If you need an explicit
 iterator use iter(range(3, 6)).

Sorry, I oversimplfied my example.  I'm actually doing:

widgets = [(organisation_widget,(),{'organisation':organisation})]
widgets.extend([(event_widget,(),{'event':event}) for event in

so that later on I can just iterate through the widgets like so:

for (widget, args, kwargs) in widgets:
widget.display(*args, **kwargs)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Unicode problems

2006-08-29 Thread Ed Singleton
I've been having unicode problems in python on Mac OS 10.4.

I googled for it and found a good page in Dive Into Python that I
thought might help

I tried following the instructions and set my default encoding using a
sitecustomize.py, but got the following:

 import sys
 s = u'La Pe\xf1a'
 print s
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf1' in
position 5: ordinal not in range(128)

As I understand it, that should work.  I tried using different
character sets (like latin-1, etc), but none of them work.

The main problem  I am having is in getting python not to give an
error when it encounters a sterling currency sign (£, pound sign here
in UK), which I suspect might be some wider problem on the mac as when
I type that character in the terminal it shows a # (but in Python it
shows a £).

Any help, or hints greatly appreciated.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list

2006-04-28 Thread Ed Singleton
On 28/04/06, John Fouhy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 28/04/06, kevin parks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering the
  existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting your poor
  mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this case i am
  making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my orginal 
  to remain intact
  def mirror(seq):
  odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
  foo=seq[:-1]# copy list, excluding last 
  element for odd symetry
  foo.reverse()   # flip it
  return seq

 Hi Kevin,

 Your problem is this line:

 This is the line that mutates your original list.

 There are a few ways you could procede here.  One way is to make a
 copy of the argument, like this:

 def mirror(seq):
 start = list(seq)
 end = seq[:-1]
 return start

 Notice that we've not calling any methods on seq, so seq won't be
 changed.  The first line, start = list(seq), instructs python to
 build a new list out of the elements of seq.  You could also write
 start = seq[:] here --- I'm not sure which is the preferred way.

A little 'gotcha' with this is that if you have nested lists, these
methods don't copy the nested lists, only the outer list (which makes
sense, but can be surprising the first time you encounter it).  If for
some reason you want to copy nested lists, look into deepcopy(),
otherwise you'll be fine.

Also, personally I think list(seq) is better than seq[:] because it
can cope with anything put into it that it could possibly work with
(even dicts and iterators).

 def i():
... for n in range(3):
... yield n
[0, 1, 2]

 d = {'a':1,'b':2}
['a', 'b']

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: unhashable type

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines

2006-04-27 Thread Ed Singleton
On 26/04/06, Liam Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Frank, just bear in mind that the pattern:

 patObj = re.compile(title.*/title, re.DOTALL)

 will match

This is my title

 But, it'll also match

This is my title
 pSome content here/p
 Another title; not going to happen with a title tag in HTML, but
 more an illustration

 All of that.

 Got to watch .* with re.DOTALL; try using .*? instead, it makes it
 non-greedy. Functionality for your current use case won't change, but
 you won't spend ages when you have a different use case trying to
 figure out why half your data is matching. _

When you only want a tag like title with no nested tags, I sometimes use:


though for anything but the most trivial cases, it's often better to
use BeautifulSoup

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Looping over lists of objects

2006-04-24 Thread Ed Singleton
On 24/04/06, Etrade Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  just feeling my way into Python with a  small app that reads data from
 file, creates objects using that data, stores the objects in a list, loops
 over the list doing comparison tests to filter out various objects.  Here is
 a code snippet:


  Trying to debug this using IDLE.  The calls x.get_a and x.get_b always
 return zero so something is going wrong somewhere.  I think I'm either not
 storing the objects correctly or retrieving them correctly but no idea why!
 All suggestions gratefully received!!!

I added some test input to give the code below, and it works fine for
me.  Can you give us some test input that fails for you?  Can you also
show us your test() function as it may the code in there that is


class myObj:
def __init__(self,a,b):

def get_a(self):
return self.a

def get_b(self):
return self.b

input = [1 2 3, 4 5 6]


for line in input:



# Filter data

for i in range(1,nobj):
for x in L1:# ... loop over all objects in list
print a - , x.get_a() # ... get value
of a from current object
print b - , x.get_b()

It returns:

a -  2
b -  3
a -  5
b -  6
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?

2006-04-22 Thread Ed Singleton
 Yep, I'm volunteering. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't seem to figure
 out how to edit/add pages to http://pyfaq.infogami.com/. The tutorial wiki
 has the edit, but the pyfaq page doesn't. I am logged in using my reddit

I don't think the FAQ is open to public editing yet.  I'm not sure
when it will be, but Fredrik might be able to give a timescale.

I've made a start on adding your questions, but probably won't get to
do much more until tomorrow.


On 21/04/06, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a
   beginner's section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a
  FAQ wiki here:
  Actually I put something about this on PyFAQ just the other day.
  Fredrik was quite keen on the idea, but I've been busy the
  last couple of days and haven't got around to doing anything about it.
  Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If
  anyone here has ideas for questions that get asked a lot
  (like How do I write a program that prints a word
  backwards) then just posting them in this thread would be a
  good start.
  I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being
  reused in the wiki, but it would probably best to get
  explicit permission from them (and other people) to re-use
  text from their answers.
  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

 Yep, I'm volunteering. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't seem to figure
 out how to edit/add pages to http://pyfaq.infogami.com/. The tutorial wiki
 has the edit, but the pyfaq page doesn't. I am logged in using my reddit

 Below is what little I slapped together last night. I copied the content
 from the Python tutor mailman page for the first question.

 Python Tutor FAQ
 What is Python Tutor?

 This list is for folks who want to ask questions regarding how to learn
 computer programming with the Python language.

 Python (http://www.python.org) is a programming language which many feel is
 a good first language, because it makes it easy to express the fundamental
 concepts of programming such as data structures and algorithms with a syntax
 which many find easy to read and write.

 Folks interested in learning about programming with Python are encouraged to
 join, as are folks interested in helping others learn. While the list is
 called tutor, anyone, whether novice or expert, can answer questions.

 If individuals wish to start off-line conversations about a particular
 concept and become one-on-one tutor/tutee, that's fine. If either party
 wants to summarize what they learned for others to benefit, that's fine too.

 There is a searchable interface to archived Tutor messages on Activestate's
 web site at

 To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Tutor
 Archives at http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/

 Using Tutor
 To post a message to all the list members, send email to tutor@python.org

 I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?

 If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't
 understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Post the exact
 error message. Don't paraphrase the error message. The error message has
 details that can help resolve the issue that caused the error.

 What is the policy on homework?

 Although those on the Python tutor mail list are eager to help, they don't
 want to hand you the answers to your homework. They want to help you find
 the answers. If you are having difficulty with your homework, send a message
 to the list about the problem and what you have tried. The tutors will try
 to nudge you in the right direction.

 Why do my replies go to the person who sent the message and not to the list?

 This is by design.
 See http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html

 Also see this explanation


 Unless anyone has any more, I think the above covers the FAQs about the
 tutor list.

 Here's some of the FAQs that I came across scanning the list:

 ord and chr
 parsing html beautifulsoup
 getters and setters
 regex match and find
 maxtrix operations
 how do I make an exe out of a python script
 what should I program?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?

2006-04-21 Thread Ed Singleton
On 20/04/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike Hansen wrote:
  I'd like to send a big Thank You to Danny, Alan, Kent and others(whos names
  escape me) for being such an asset to the Python community by relentlessly
  answering questions on the tutor list.(Do these guys sleep? They must work
  in shifts.) This list is one of the most civilized and responsive lists I
  have ever read. When many pop onto the list and ask what may seem like some
  of the most obvious questions, you guys calmly answer and nudge them in the
  right direction without ever losing your patience. It's a great list.

 Thanks! I do sleep but I have my email tied in to my clock radio so
 whenever an email arrives on the tutor list I am awakened to answer it ;)
  Anyway, I've been reading the list for a couple of years now, and I wonder
  if a Tutor FAQ would be helpful. I don't believe one exists. Should there be
  something on the Python wiki that would list the most common questions to
  the tutor list along with their answers? It would be a FAQ about the tutor
  list as well as common questions to the tutor list.

 I wonder about this sometimes too. I think it would be good to have a
 place to collect this stuff.

 Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a beginner's
 section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a FAQ wiki here:

Actually I put something about this on PyFAQ just the other day. 
Fredrik was quite keen on the idea, but I've been busy the last couple
of days and haven't got around to doing anything about it.

Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If anyone here
has ideas for questions that get asked a lot (like How do I write a
program that prints a word backwards) then just posting them in this
thread would be a good start.

I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being reused in
the wiki, but it would probably best to get explicit permission from
them (and other people) to re-use text from their answers.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?

2006-04-21 Thread Ed Singleton
On 21/04/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  If anyone here
  has ideas for questions that get asked a lot (like How do I write a
  program that prints a word backwards) then just posting them in this
  thread would be a good start.

 We should be careful about posting solutions to homework problems, which
 this could easily be.

Agreed ;-)

The last couple of times people have asked this, there's been some
really good replies that helped them tease out the solution (what to
think about, how to think about the problem, etc).

I think quite a lot of the answers to some FAQs won't be solutions, but advice.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Force a value to int

2006-04-13 Thread Ed Singleton
Is there a particular way to force a value to be an int by either
converting it with int() or returning a default value.

I've ended up writing my own function to do it, but it seems like the
kind of thing that would be built-in somewhere.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] failing to learn python

2006-04-11 Thread Ed Singleton
On 10/04/06, Payal Rathod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to learn Python seriously for almost 2 months but have not
 gotten far at all. Infact, it seems I have not understood even the basic
 concepts itself. I know some shell, sed and awk programming.
 I have tried reading Learning Python - Mark Lutz
 Think C Spy
 A byte of Python
 Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
 But I have not got anything from them. I am feeling that they are
 superficial and do not touch real life problems. Also, not enough
 examples are provided which can help newbies like me.

 Can anyone help me, it is pretty pretty frustating thing for last couple
 of months?

 With warm regards,

You might find reading real code to be more useful than a tutorial:

Fredrik Lundh's Guide to the Standard Library contains thousands of examples:

PLEAC contains loads of examples to show how to do things:

It all depends what kind of learner you are:
Learn by being taught (read the tutorials)
Learn by doing (think of a project, start trying to do it, then ask
here when you get stuck)
Learn by example (read lots of examples of other people's code to see
how they do it)

I'm very much the kind of person who likes to learn to swim by jumping
as far into the water as he can, then trying to get back to the side. 
It's amazing how well you can do something when you don't have any
choice. ;-)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Database Connectivity

2006-04-11 Thread Ed Singleton
On 11/04/06, Kaushal Shriyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do i connect my python program to MySQL DB or Oracle DB or can you
 please specify the URL which gives a detailed explanation on this.

SQLObject is your best bet:

If you're using MySQL, you will need MySQLdb as well:

Any questions, just ask.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Program for outputing the letter backward

2006-03-30 Thread Ed Singleton
On 29/03/06, Hoffmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- John Fouhy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 29/03/06, Hoffmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   index = vehicle[-1]   #the last letter
   index_zero = vehicle[0]   #the first letter
   while index = index_zero:
  print letter
  index -= 1
   The problem is that I get no output here. Could I
   from you?
  I can print the letters backwards like this:
  vehicle = 'car'
  print vehicle[2]
  print vehicle[1]
  print vehicle[0]
  This is not very useful, though, because it will
  only work for strings
  that are exactly three letters long.  Can you see
  how to write a loop
  to produe this output?
  Hint: the len() function will tell you how long a
  string is.
  eg: if vehicle == 'car' then len(vehicle) == 3.

 Hi John,

 I am still 'blind' here.

 Please, see below what I did, and what I got:

  index = 0
  lenght =len(vehicle)
  last = vehicle[lenght -1]
  while last = vehicle[0]:
 ... letter = vehicle[index]
 ... print letter
 ... last -= 1
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 4, in ?
 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'str'
 and 'int'

 As you can see, I am still a newbie...
 Could anyone, please, guide me on this exercise?

A technique I used to find useful when I was very first learning (and
struggling) was to calculate the variables for each pass of the loop
(basically remove all the variable names, just like doing algebra).


 index = 0
 lenght = len(vehicle) # therefore:
 lenght = 3
 last = vehicle[lenght -1] # therefore:
 last = vehicle[2] # therefore:
 last = r
 while r = c: # first pass
... letter = vehicle[index] # therefore:
... letter = vehicle[0] # therefore:
... letter = c
... print letter
... last -= 1 # therefore:
... r -= 1 # therefore:
... r = r - 1 # therefore:

You'll find that that can make it much clearer what is actually
happening.  An alternative is to use lots and lots of print

 print vehicle
 index = 0
 print index
 lenght = len(vehicle)
 print lenght

and so on...

It would be really good if there was a way to have a verbose
interpreter that showed you each of the steps in the process, but I
don't know of any.

For example:

 last = vehicle[lenght -1]
last = vehicle[2]
last = r

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

2006-03-27 Thread Ed Singleton
On 26/03/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  How does one go about creating functions, classes, or callable objects
  when you don't know their name in advance? (For example you want to
  read their names in from a text file or database).
  I want to use this in a few different places.  For example Faces, the
  Python Project Management Planner Tool Thingy, uses nested functions
  to put tasks within a project:
  def MyProject():
  start = 2006-03-06
  resource = Me
  def Task1():
  start = 2006-03-13
  def Task2():
  effort = 1w
  I'd like to load these from a database (using SQLObject), but I'm not
  sure how I can define the name of the function from a filed in a
  database (or read in from a text file).

 Hi Ed,

 I was just wondering how this came out - did you find a way to generate
 these functions dynamically? Or change Faces? Or give up?

I just temporarily delayed the problem.  I'm going to have a look at
trying to change the Faces code to use dictionaries as per your
suggestion, but it would a big task for me (my biggest so far

(I have a new job that lets me do everything in Python, but sometimes
they direct my efforts towards a particular task, which delays my
working on interesting things).

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Opening .py files in firefox

2006-03-21 Thread Ed Singleton
On 20/03/06, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If the browser tries to execute the script you will need to go to
  the file types setting in the browser and set .py to plain-text.
  This is what I need to do ... but, after looking at all the options
  (within tools-Options), I still can not find a way to do this;

 Neither can I! How odd.

  firefox-snafu: when I try to open a file in my document, firefox
  splits up the path, interprets the request as a series of files to
  open, and start to open a number of totally unrelated webpages.

 You probably need to mess around with quotes.

 Something like %1 after the exectuable name might do it
 %1 is DOS shorthand for the name of the file... Putting it in
 quotes should stop Firefox splitting the path.

  Thanks for your help, anyway; I'll stick to opening them with an editor
  for now.

 You've got me curious how to do this in Firefox now :-)

On Windows, Go to Run then type Regedit.  Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and
find .py then change it's Content Type to text/plain.

As far as I am aware this is the default for python files anyway, but
it may have got changed on your computer.

Firefox itself doesn't have a list of MimeTypes under normal
circumstances.  It's mimetypes.rdf is generally empty except for
references to online lists of mimetypes.  (It's stored in your profile
btw, usually [your profile]\Application

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Passing Dictionaries to Functions

2006-03-15 Thread Ed Singleton
If I have a dictionary:

mydict{'var1':a, 'var2':b}

and I want to pass it to a function as:

myfunc(var1=a, var2=b)

How would I do it?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Passing Dictionaries to Functions

2006-03-15 Thread Ed Singleton
Thanks again.

This does bring up an issue I occaiosionally have with the documentation.

Presumambly myfunc(**mydict) is a fairly trivial thing, but it is very
hard to find when you don't know what you're looking for.  Not sure
what the solution is, but the inability to search for things when you
don't know what they're called is a bit of a stumbling block

Maybe a page that very briefly summarises the 'unsearchable' with
links to fuller descriptions?


On 15/03/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  If I have a dictionary:
  mydict{'var1':a, 'var2':b}

 Presumably you mean
mydict = {'var1':a, 'var2':b}
  and I want to pass it to a function as:
  myfunc(var1=a, var2=b)
  How would I do it?



 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Converting String to Datetime

2006-03-15 Thread Ed Singleton
I seem to have a lot of questions today.  Sorry.

How can I convert a string in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S into a
datetime object?

I can work out how to convert it to a time object by:

import time
timestring = 2005-09-01 12:30:09
time_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
mytime = time.strptime(timestring,time_format)

I can't seem to work out how to convert the time object into a
datetime object...

Any help appreciated.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Converting String to Datetime

2006-03-15 Thread Ed Singleton
Nevermind.  i seem to have found the answer in that wonderful PLEAC
site (I always forget about that.

It appears that the following works:

import time, datetime
timestring = 2005-09-01 12:30:09
time_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(mytime, time_format)))


On 15/03/06, Ed Singleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I seem to have a lot of questions today.  Sorry.

 How can I convert a string in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S into a
 datetime object?

 I can work out how to convert it to a time object by:

 import time
 timestring = 2005-09-01 12:30:09
 time_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
 mytime = time.strptime(timestring,time_format)

 I can't seem to work out how to convert the time object into a
 datetime object...

 Any help appreciated.



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

2006-03-14 Thread Ed Singleton
On 13/03/06, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For website, I can't really see how I can not have a dynamic
  structure.  There's no way I'm writing a function for each folder.

 Hmm, this may be a CherryPie concept thing but the vast majority
 of websites do not have dynamic structures. It really shouldn't be
 necessary. Why would you need to write a function per folder,
 simply write one function that takes the folder as an argument.

  I do take your point though, however you often find that it's easy to
  maintain something dynamic than huge amounts of more static stuff

 Very rarely, its easy to do backups of huge amounts of data if you
 know where to find it, its hard to trawl all over a changing structure
 looking for the things that need backing up. Particularly if, when you
 try to restore it, it needs to go in a different place to where you found

Backing up is generally one of the lesser of my worries.  Maintaining
content is primary.  Unless you are dynamically generating static
pages, they are a nightmare to maintain.  Particularly as it tends to
be quite repetitive.  A large amount of the code on any page is the
same as on any other page (page structure, boilerplate, etc).

I think it's a generally accepted principle that computers are better
at handling thousands of files like that better than humans are.  The
more of the repetitive stuff that can be removed and given to a
computer, the better.

  in the difference between hundreds of static web pages and using
  a cms of some kind).

 Yes but a CMS normally uses a static structure with dynamic content.
 The templates stored in one place and the content in another. The
 templates know where to look for the content and the content doesn't
 care where the templates are.

I think we might be using different meanings of structure.  I'm
referring to the site structure, as in which page is a parent of which
other page.  The site structure is just another aspect of the content.
 A reference to the parent/child pages is just another attribute like
content and title.

A (good) CMS would create a dynamic structure for the user to browse,
with folders and pages easily creatable and movable, and references to
pages would be dynamic so that if yo0u move a page internal links to
it still work.

 Dynamic content is 'A Good Thing', dynamic structure is usually bad.

But structure is just an aspect of content.

 BTW On the concept of loading your entire site at startup; if you are
 sharing a server you will make yourself very unpopular since you will
 be a huge resource hog. That's why ASP, JSP and other frameworks
 go to a lot of trouble to manage session lengths etc - to free up any
 unused resources and keep server speed up. Loading the structure
 of the site in the form of links might be reasonable, but only load content
 when you absolutely must. This also helps the maintainers update the
 site without restarting it.

I have my own dedicated server, but point taken.  Though I will still
need to reload the structure of the site when the maintainers change
it (adding/removing pages etc).

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Using Beautiful Soup to extract tag names

2006-03-14 Thread Ed Singleton
I have (unfortunately) received some data in XML format.  I need to
use it in Python, preferably as a list of dictionaries.  The data is a
flat representation of a table, in the style:

fieldname1Some Data/fieldname1
fieldname2Some Data/fieldname
fieldname1Some Data/fieldname1
fieldname2Some Data/fieldname

and so on (where tablename is always the same in one file).

It looks like Beautiful Soup would be a good option to quickly change
it into a usable format, but I need to extract the field name (there's
lots and lots of fields) as well as the data, and I can't work out how
to do that in Beautiful Soup.

If anyone can give me some help I'd be grateful, or if they can point
me in the direction of a better solution.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Using Beautiful Soup to extract tag names

2006-03-14 Thread Ed Singleton
As always Kent, you're amazing.

That will do perfectly.  (Though the ElementTree documentation seems a
bit difficult to get through.  I'm sure I'll get through it



On 14/03/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  I have (unfortunately) received some data in XML format.  I need to
  use it in Python, preferably as a list of dictionaries.  The data is a
  flat representation of a table, in the style:
  fieldname1Some Data/fieldname1
  fieldname2Some Data/fieldname
  fieldname1Some Data/fieldname1
  fieldname2Some Data/fieldname
  and so on (where tablename is always the same in one file).

 ElementTree makes short work of this:

 from elementtree import ElementTree

 xml = '''
 fieldname1Some Data1/fieldname1
 fieldname2Some Data2/fieldname2
 fieldname3Some Data3/fieldname3
 fieldname4Some Data4/fieldname4

 doc = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
 # use ElementTree.parse() to parse a file

 for table in doc.findall('tablename'):
  for field in table.getchildren():
  print field.tag, field.text

 fieldname1 Some Data1
 fieldname2 Some Data2
 fieldname3 Some Data3
 fieldname4 Some Data4

 If speed is an issue then look at cElementTree which has the same
 interface and is blazingly fast.


 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

2006-03-13 Thread Ed Singleton
On 10/03/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  How does one go about creating functions, classes, or callable objects
  when you don't know their name in advance? (For example you want to
  read their names in from a text file or database).
  I want to use this in a few different places.  For example Faces, the
  Python Project Management Planner Tool Thingy, uses nested functions
  to put tasks within a project:
  def MyProject():
  start = 2006-03-06
  resource = Me
  def Task1():
  start = 2006-03-13
  def Task2():
  effort = 1w
  I'd like to load these from a database (using SQLObject), but I'm not
  sure how I can define the name of the function from a filed in a
  database (or read in from a text file).

 This is truly bizarre use of nested functions. Faces must be looking at
 the compiled function objects to pick this out.

To be honest, this didn't seem that bizarre to me.  If I understand
properly (which I probably don't) functions are just callable objects
like any other callable object (or at least can be treated as such). 
Isn't this just a handy way of creating a nested object structure
that's readable?

 I would look into the Project objects themselves and see if there is a
 way to create them dynamically, rather than trying to build this
 structure dynamically at run time.
  I'd also like to be able to do this in CherryPy/TurboGears so that I
  can create a dynamic site structure based on fields in a database.

 This seems more practical. I would define a class that is configured by
 the database can be used as a CP model object. Then you can insert the
 class into the CP site structure using setattr().

 In general you can set an attribute of an object using setattr():
setattr(foo, 'bar', 3)
 is the same as
foo.bar = 3
 but the attribute name is specified as a string so it can be determined
 at runtime.

This makes sense, and I think I can see how I would use it.

To create a bunch of objects from some data (just name and start date):

for fname, startdate in data:
def foo:
start = 
setattr(foo, __name__, fname)
setattr(foo, start, startdate)

Sorting out the nesting should be fairly straightforward (if the above works).


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

2006-03-13 Thread Ed Singleton
On 10/03/06, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How does one go about creating functions, classes, or callable objects
  when you don't know their name in advance? (For example you want to
  read their names in from a text file or database).

 First point, names of functions are no different to names of other things.

 def f(x):
 y = blah
 return y

 is essentialy the same as saying

 f = lambda x: blah...

 lambda defines a nameless (aka anonymous) function and then assigns that
 function to the variable called f.

 Of course Pythons lambda construct is a bit brain dead so we can achieve
 the same result with just assigning an existing function to a new name

 def f(x):
y = nblah...
return y

 g = f

 Now g is a new name that refers to the function called f.

I have to say I assumed that if you then changed f, g would point to
the new f rather than the old f, but I tried it out and it seems

 def f(x):
... print x
 a = f
 def f(x):
... print x * 2
 b = f

Which is really cool, except that the names a and b need to be
decided at run time.

 And with nested function definitions we can write functions that
 return functions:

 def makeMultiplyAndAdd(constants):
 def f(x):
 return constant[0] * constant[1] + x
 return f

  I'd like to load these from a database (using SQLObject),
  but I'm not sure how I can define the name of the function
  from a field in a database (or read in from a text file).

 Same way as you would for any other kind of variable.
 This has been discussed many times and there is some trickery you
 can do using the built in dictionaries that Python uses for its namespaces.
 But the biggest proiblem with introducing new names at run time is:
 How does the existing code get to know about those names that
 didn't exist when the code was written? Ypou need to have the code
 go exploring for names, work out what kind ioopf value they hold etc...
 It all gets very messy and complicated and fault prone.

 So the normal way to do this is to use a dictionary.
 The dictionary is a collection of names with values asociated with them.
 Those values can be functions or classes or anything else.

 Now your code can access the new names by using standard
 dictionary iterators etc. All you need are some conventions around
 how many parameters the functions have, their types etc.

  I'd also like to be able to do this in CherryPy/TurboGears
  so that I can create a dynamic site structure based on fields
  in a database.

 Dynamic site structure shouldn't need dynamic creation of functions
 although the structure might need to be dynamically loaded into a
 data structure in the code. It might also be a parameter of the functions.

Doesn't CherryPy/TurboGears require Classes and Functions for it's
data structures?  (Or parameters passed to them, of course).

I had been thinking that I would load my whole site at startup, but I
guess it would probably be better to write a function that takes the
parameters and looks up the first to see if it exists as a page, then
looks to see if the second is a child of the first etc.  But this
really feels like something CherryPy should be doing for me.

 But as always remember that dynamic anything usually means
 much harder to maintain. All of your backup/archiving tools and error
 reporting tools etc will need to understand your dynamic structure too.
 Dynamic sounds like fun but usually means grief and is only justified
 as a last resort IMHO!

For website, I can't really see how I can not have a dynamic
structure.  There's no way I'm writing a function for each folder. 
I do take your point though, however you often find that it's easy to
maintain something dynamic than huge amounts of more static stuff (as
in the difference between hundreds of static web pages and using a cms
of some kind).

 But if you must go dynamic Python is as good a language to do it
 in as you'll get.

That's certainly been my experience so far..


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

2006-03-13 Thread Ed Singleton
On 13/03/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  On 10/03/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
 I want to use this in a few different places.  For example Faces, the
 Python Project Management Planner Tool Thingy, uses nested functions
 to put tasks within a project:
 def MyProject():
 start = 2006-03-06
 resource = Me
 def Task1():
 start = 2006-03-13
 def Task2():
 effort = 1w
 I'd like to load these from a database (using SQLObject), but I'm not
 sure how I can define the name of the function from a filed in a
 database (or read in from a text file).
 This is truly bizarre use of nested functions. Faces must be looking at
 the compiled function objects to pick this out.
  To be honest, this didn't seem that bizarre to me.  If I understand
  properly (which I probably don't) functions are just callable objects
  like any other callable object (or at least can be treated as such).
  Isn't this just a handy way of creating a nested object structure
  that's readable?

 Why not just use nested dicts?

 MyProject = dict(
start = 2006-03-06,
resource = Me,
Task1 = dict(start = 2006-03-13),
Task2 = dict(effort = 1w),

 Maybe the appearance isn't quite as nice but the intent is clear, the
 code to access the data is *much* simpler, and it lends itself to the
 kind of programmatic creation you are trying to do. Take a look at
 task.Task._compile() in the faces source to see the gyrations it takes
 to extract the data in functional form. The Zen of Python says,
Explicit is better than implicit
Simple is better than complex

Point taken.  Dict's are easier.  And the appearance is fine.

I've just discovered with a little playing, that you can do:

 def z(v):
... def f(x):
... print x * v
... return f
 c = z(3)
 funcdict = dict(foo = z(4))

Which was obvious enough that I thought of trying it, but surprising
enough that I was really pleased when it worked.

 In general you can set an attribute of an object using setattr():
setattr(foo, 'bar', 3)
 is the same as
foo.bar = 3
 but the attribute name is specified as a string so it can be determined
 at runtime.
  This makes sense, and I think I can see how I would use it.
  To create a bunch of objects from some data (just name and start date):
  for fname, startdate in data:
  def foo:
  start = 
  setattr(foo, __name__, fname)
  setattr(foo, start, startdate)
  Sorting out the nesting should be fairly straightforward (if the above 

 No, it won't work. A function attribute is not the same as a local
 variable of the function. What you propose is essentially
 def foo(): pass
 foo.bar = 'data'

 but what you need is
 def foo():
bar = 'data'

 which is very different.

 faces looks at foo.func_code.co_names to find the names you have used,
 and it actually runs the function with a tracing hook to capture the values.

 There doesn't seem to be any other way to define a Task in faces,
 either. You have to actually create functions. I guess this might be a
 good place to use exec - just create the source code for the function
 defs in a string and exec it, then retrieve the function from the global
 namespace and pass it to faces. Then tell me why this API is better than
 using nested dicts.

Agreed, though to be fair the author of faces has probably
overcomplicated the code for handling it (which is a damn shame as it
is really quite a nice project planning tool).  I guess you can't
blindly iterate over the methods of functions, as there are other
methods there that you might not want to use (like setattr and stuff,

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

2006-03-10 Thread Ed Singleton
How does one go about creating functions, classes, or callable objects
when you don't know their name in advance? (For example you want to
read their names in from a text file or database).

I want to use this in a few different places.  For example Faces, the
Python Project Management Planner Tool Thingy, uses nested functions
to put tasks within a project:

def MyProject():
start = 2006-03-06
resource = Me

def Task1():
start = 2006-03-13

def Task2():
effort = 1w

I'd like to load these from a database (using SQLObject), but I'm not
sure how I can define the name of the function from a filed in a
database (or read in from a text file).

I'd also like to be able to do this in CherryPy/TurboGears so that I
can create a dynamic site structure based on fields in a database.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-04 Thread Ed Singleton
On 04/02/06, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have to say that as a newbie, it took me quite a while to get my
  head around that extra parameter (self).

 That's OK, its true of most folks, even non newbies!
 It is one area where Python is different to most languages
 who hide the self completely.

  It took me ages to work out that:
 class A:
def __init__(self, foo):
self.foo = foo
  a  = A(hello)
  is actually a shortcut for:
  a = A(a, Hello)

  I think insisting on:
  a = A(a, Hello)
  would be very good for readability, understandability and

 Only for the constructor.
 Once you have the object itself the method calls wouyld be much less

 class C:
   def a(s):pass

 c = C()
 c = c.a(c)

 is not descriptive of the concept of passing a message to the object c,
 it looks rather like you are passing the object c to a function which is
 a member of itself, which brings to mind recursion not messages...

 Remember that the purpose of writing a class is to *hide* the details of
 its implementation from the user, thus the user never has to use self,
 only the builder. The only reason you are confused is because you
 are both builder and user of the class.

As always Alan, you've managed to make something confusing seem
sensible and logical.

That is the best explanation of this subject I've ever heard.

 But consider file objects, do you ever feel the need to write:

 myfile = file(myfile,filename,mode)

 or does

 myfile = file(filename,mode)

 seem more friendly? Is that because you've nbever actually
 seen the constructor code for the file class(*) and so don't
 worry about the presence of self?
 If you did have to pass the object in, wouldn't you be asking
 why you had to pass the object into the file creation method?

I now agree, and (I think) understand completely.


PS Are there any good tutorials on the more philosophical side of the
object orientedness of Python?  I've read pretty much all the major
tutorials that are commonly linked to, and they often cover HOW to use
classes and stuff, but I'm quite interested in WHY we use classes (and
as I've discovered from you and Kent, WHEN to use classes).   I've
found some general OOP tutorials, but they always seem to use Java or
C which I don't know and don't particularly care to know.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Ed Singleton
On 3 Feb 2006 03:59:10 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I still see newbie-friendliness as a
  MAJOR plus for Python -- it increases the chance that users
  of your software will become contributors.

 Yes, I 100% agree to that point!
 But the point is, the current situation is not newbie-friendly (I can
 tell, I am a newbie): I declare a method with 3 parameters but when I
 call it I only pass 2 parameters. That's confusing. If I declare a
 member variable, I write: self.x  = ValueForX, why can't I be equally
 explicit for declaring member functions?

I have to say that as a newbie, it took me quite a while to get my
head around that extra parameter (self).

It took me ages to work out that:

class A:
   def __init__(self, foo):
   self.foo = foo

a = A(hello)

is actually a shortcut for:

a = A(a, Hello)

or even:

a = new A(a, Hello)

I think insisting on:

a = A(a, Hello)

would be very good for readability, understandability and newbie-friendliness.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Newbie question re. Functions

2006-02-01 Thread Ed Singleton
On 31/01/06, Jon Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Improve the function ask_number() so that the function can be called with a
 step value. Make the default value of step 1.

 The function looks like this:

 def ask_number(question, low, high):
 Ask for a number within the range
 response = None
 while response not in range(low, high):
 response =  int(raw_input(question))
 return response

To be honest, this made sense to me.  I assumed the author wants you
to be able to do the following:

ask_number(Give me an even number between 1 and 10, 1, 10, 2)

The solution would be:

def ask_number(question, low, high, step=1):
Ask for a number within the range
response = None
while response not in range(low, high, step):
response =  int(raw_input(question))
return response

But I definitely agree that he said it very, very badly.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] How can I make a python script go directory by directory and excecute on files of choice

2006-01-11 Thread Ed Singleton
On 11/01/06, Liam Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Srinivas -

 For walking a directory, you can use os.walk() or os.path.walk(), but
 I prefer the path module here -

The Path module is excellent, but it's walk still doesn't take into
account the depth of the current file in the folder structure.

If you need that, I wrote (with Kent's help) a simple script that will
take it into account (you need the Path module above for it to work).

def traverse(directory, function, depth=0):
import path
thedir = path.path(directory)
for item in thedir.files():
function(item, depth)
for item in thedir.dirs():
traverse(item,function, depth+1)

It can be used like:

def doprint(item, depth):
print item

traverse(rC:\Temp, doprint)

Hope it's helpful to someone.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Accessing next and previous items during iteration

2005-12-19 Thread Ed Singleton
On 18/12/05, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  Is it possible to access the next and previous items during an iteration?

 This just came up on c.l.python. Bengt Richter has a nice generator-based 

That's perfect!

It's a lovely piece of code as well.  Obvious once you've seen it, but
you wouldn't have thought of it before hand.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] List-question

2005-12-19 Thread Ed Singleton
On 19/12/05, Øyvind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have one function that finds some values. Then I want that function to
 find new values based on the values it found first. However, by just
 looping, it starts on an eternal job.

 As illustrated in:
  list = [1,2,3]
  list2 = list
 [1, 2, 3]
  for i in list:
 ... print i
 ... list2.append(4)
 4 and it will forever continue with 4's.

 Why would list be expanded with the values of list2? How can I copy the
 result from one list, and do things with the list without getting it to

Because they point to the same thing.

Type list2 is list after your other code and see.

You want list2 to be a COPY of list not a pointer to it.  Do this by using

list2 = list.copy()

Slices create a copy, so a shortcut is:

list2 = list[:]

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-26 Thread Ed Singleton
On 25/11/05, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just had a quick look at Smalltalk, and at first glance the overview
  of the ideas behind it seems amazing, but the language seems quite
  ugly, and it seems to be very IDE led.

 Adherents will defend its simplicity but I confess I strugglred for
 a long time with SmallTalk before learning to love it :-) And yes
 it is IDE led although the IDE can be 'removed' when deploying
 applications. But much depends on the implementation, my favourite
 for PCs is Dolphin SmallTalk from ObjectArts. Its not a traditional
 SmallTalk (ala Xerox SmallTalk 80) but very much one for the '90's

I'm definitely going to investigate it further, as it does seem
interesting, but I remember the first time I looked into Python, I
read the tutorial and was quite bemused as it didn't seem like I'd
learned anything.  It was all so obvious that I didn't feel there was
anything to learn.

As it was I was able to very quickly plunge much deeper and end up
asking lots of difficult questions that in any other language you
wouldn't approach for many years.

  This immediately seemed to me to be a case for classes.
  You provide a way for a user to create a new class by
  subclassing the page class (from their point of view
  probably through adding a few new fields to
  a form).

 That might be part of the problem, if you think of a class in terms
 of its data attributes then that is nearly always the wrong starting
 point. Classes express behaviour, the data is only there to support
 the behaviour. Thats why methods are polymorphic but not attributes.

If classes express behaviour, then what expresses the structure of the
data?  (ie what attributes there are going to be and what values they
are likely to accept).

You need (the option of) a data definition in order to generalise. 
Using my web server example from earlier, you need to be able to say
that for any type of page, whatever it's attributes, you can create a
web form to search for that type of page by iterating through it's
attributes and creating a relevant form field for each type.

 So you think of a class having an interface and users extending
 or modifying the behaviour, not the data. If you follow that route
 you might find you don't need to write self modifying code,
 you simply load new classes with a common interface into an
 existing hook structure.

I definitely had the opposite in mind.  The behaviours of all the
classes would be the same (and would be fairly simple, a method for
rendering the page with a template, a method to update the data based
on a form submission).  Users would basically be able to change the
data structure (add and remove attributes).

  However it doesn't really seem that Python is suited to this.  Indeed
  it doesn't really seem that Python is suited to a persistent

 What makes you think that? Most persistent environments
 (ie long running server processs) are written in C/C++ (or
 maybe Java nowadays) which are far less dynamic than Python.

I'm sure Python is quite possibly the least worst at this, but that
doesn't make it good at it.

  Having a program running for a long time (months) is
  possible certainly, but it seems to be fighting against the language

 Not at all, at least no more than in languages like C which require
 recoding, recompiling, stopping and then restarting the server to
 make changes. Thats why a simple framework with loadable
 modules it usally preferred to self modifying code!

Again, I'm sure it is better than C, but I definitely have had the
feeling that this is not something the language was designed for, and
that not many other people seem to be trying it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-26 Thread Ed Singleton
On 26/11/05, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  point. Classes express behaviour, the data is only there to support
  the behaviour. Thats why methods are polymorphic but not attributes.
 If classes express behaviour, then what expresses the structure of the

 Why do you care? If the program behaves as you expect it what does
 it matter what data it uses or how. That should be hidden from you
 inside the classes. Worrying about data is a feature of traditional
 Information Modelling/Structured Analysis style programming,
 OOP is all about inter-communicating objects sending messages to
 each other, each requesting and providing services to the others.

I get this now.  It goes back to what I said earlier about the I
don't care how it works philosophy.

Each object doesn't care how any other works.  You could completely
re-engineer the internals of an object and that would be fine as long
as the interface is the same.  As long as the methods and attributes
keep returning sensible values then everything is fine.

However, I'm still slightly uncomfortable with it.  It smells to me a
bit like the as long as it works, its fine school of thought.  For
my own sanity and peace of mind I like to have my data structures well
defined, as at the end of the day it's the data that matters (I can
rebuild functionality but data is given to me by other people and can
rarely be gotten back).

  (ie what attributes there are going to be and what values they
  are likely to accept).

 You need to think about the objects that you pass around as part
 of the messages, but those obnjects are in turn accessed via messages
 so their structure is not important. What does matter is the
 relationships between the objects, and they are related by message
 paths not fixed data relationships. This switch in thinking is the
 fundamental difference between traditional and OOP design.

  You need (the option of) a data definition in order to generalise.

 No, you need the ability to modify behaviour.
 Most traditional programmers think in terms of modifying
 behaviour in terms of big if/elif trees

 if obj.type == sometype
 elif obj.type == another

 Whereas in OOP you simply say


 And the right kind of doThing will happen because obj
 knows how to respond to that message in the appropriate way.

But writing a different doThing() for each object can be a huge waste
of time.  You want to be able to write one doThing() that is going to
work on each object (of a particular type).  This requires either
knowing that all your objects are going to be similar in some respect,
or writing a huge if..elseif as you mentioned.

Even just saying every object has a doThing() is starting to create a
data structure.

  Using my web server example from earlier, you need to be able to say
  that for any type of page, whatever it's attributes, you can create a
  web form to search for that type of page by iterating through it's
  attributes and creating a relevant form field for each type.

 So you want, for a given page to create a Form and search.

 But that's behaviour of the Page, just let it create its own form
 and do its own searches, not your problem. Create the right
 kind of Page and it will do the work for you...

But then I've got to create lots of different behaviours instead of
one simple generalised behaviour.

  I definitely had the opposite in mind.  The behaviours of all the
  classes would be the same (and would be fairly simple, a method for
  rendering the page with a template, a method to update the data based
  on a form submission).

 Thats fair enough and the parent Page class would do just that,
 but the template class would have methods that the Page called,
 and you can subclass or data drive the templates to return the
 appropriate strings to the page. (Since web pages after all are
 just collections of strings - or evenone big string...)

  Users would basically be able to change the
  data structure (add and remove attributes).

 So maybe attributes are objects too? Maybe you page needs
 to know how to handle attributes and you can create pages by
 adding attributes from a pick list, each attribute knowing how
 to render itself and how to respond to searches?

This combined with what Kent said, is what really solved the problem for me.

 There are lots of ways to address this is we think of the world
 in terms of intercommunicating objects not static data structures
 with a few overeaching functions controlling it all.

I've really gained a huge amount just from this one topic.  Not least
of which is that classes aren't necessarily a good answer to OOP

  I'm sure Python is quite possibly the least worst at this, but that
  doesn't make it good at it.

 Which brings me back to my original question, what environment
 do you think is good at it? Are you aware of such an environment
 or merely wishing that such a thing could be invented?

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-25 Thread Ed Singleton
On 24/11/05, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  Is it feasible to change a program's source code whilst it is running
  without having to restart the program?  Is it feasible to get a
  program to change it's own source code while it is running?

 You can change a class while it is running.
  For example, if you have a web server such as CherryPy that will
  (hopefully) be running for months at a time and you want to be able to
  change classes without having to restart the server.  Or if you want
  to allow users of the site to edit a class through the web and see the
  changes to the site immediately?

 The auto-restart feature of CherryPy might do this for you. Also if the 
 changes to the site are to a template such as Cheetah, those usually 
  Can a python program change a class, change all the objects already
  created by that class and save the modified class definition, so that
  if the program were restarted it would return to exactly the same
  state? (assuming all objects were saved to a database or somesuch).

 You can have persistent objects using for example SQLObject or ZODB,
  Does anyone have any good links to implementations of this?  I assume
  someone's already done it before.

 It sounds like maybe you come from a background in Smalltalk, or maybe you 
 should look at Smalltalk. In Smalltalk the whole environment is dynamic and 
 can be saved and restored easily.
Just had a quick look at Smalltalk, and at first glance the overview
of the ideas behind it seems amazing, but the language seems quite
ugly, and it seems to be very IDE led.

 For Python, I think you will do better if you narrow your requirements. 
 Python is very dynamic - classes can be changed at runtime, or reloaded if 
 you are careful - and there are several good ways to persist state. If you 
 can be more specific about what you really need there may be a solution for 

What I want to do seems quite simple to me in concept, but is seeming
more and more as if it would be hard to implement.

I want to create a small simple CMS for my website.  Users will be
able to add and edit basic pages.  Pages can have sub-pages (no need
for folders cause a folder and an index.html can be unified into one

Users will also be able to create new types of pages, maybe a
PressReleasePage for example.  PressReleases would be based on a
normal page but might have extra attributes such as Author, Abstract
or DateToBeReleased.

This immediately seemed to me to be a case for classes.  You provide a
way for a user to create a new class by subclassing the page class
(from their point of view probably through adding a few new fields to
a form).  Later if they change their mind they can edit the class by
adding or removing attributes.

However it doesn't really seem that Python is suited to this.  Indeed
it doesn't really seem that Python is suited to a persistent
environment.  Having a program running for a long time (months) is
possible certainly, but it seems to be fighting against the language
rather than working with it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-25 Thread Ed Singleton
On 24/11/05, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are many ways of doing this, few of them very nice IMHO.

  without having to restart the program?  Is it feasible to get a
  program to change it's own source code while it is running?

 Yes, you can overwrite an existing module then call reload
 from within the program.

  For example, if you have a web server such as CherryPy that will
  (hopefully) be running for months at a time and you want to be able to
  change classes without having to restart the server.

 Yes that would be feasible., preferrably in response to an admin
 page where you could fill in a list of modules to be reloaded...
 But you neeed to be very careful not to break any of the interfaces,
 the Liskov Substitution Principle must be strictly observed.

  to allow users of the site to edit a class through the web and
  see the changes to the site immediately?

 Extremely dangerous but the same principle would apply,
 simply load the existing module into an editor pane then save
 the modified version and reload it.

  Can a python program change a class,

 Yes as above.

  change all the objects already created by that class

 Trickier and potentially involves some low level poking that
 should not be encouraged IMHO! :-)

  and save the modified class definition, so that
  if the program were restarted it would return to exactly the same
  state? (assuming all objects were saved to a database or somesuch).

 If the LSP is adhered to its feasible but I don't intend to try any
 such thing! It would be full of pitfalls and an almosyt certain recipe
 for reliability problems that would be impossible to find.
 Self modifying code sounds like a good idea but there is a very
 good reason why its almost never used in production software!

Well, self-modifying isn't inherently necessary.  What I guess I
really need is persistent classes as well as persistent objects.

I always tend to think of classes as templates for objects rather than
factories.  In my mind, object methods are just calls to the class
which are evaluated every time they are called.  Objects should be
strict instances of classes that can't be modified except for the
values of their attributes.

I think I can actually achieve this to some degree by doing:

Class Page(object):
def print(self):

And have all my methods call functions (passing on parameters as
necessary).  That way if I change a function, it will be changed for
every instance of every object of that class.

And couldn't I write a function that would add functions or attributes
to classes and objects?

def addAttribute(class, attribute, starting value):
# add it to the class
# iterate through all objects already created by the class
# add attribute to object

Am I trying to use the wrong language for this?  I love Python but I
seem to keep coming up against lots of practical issues with it and I
really don't want to bother with practical issues.  I just want to
define the behaviours I want without having to bother with how the
computer is actually going to handle them.

I guess it's very much a I don't care how it works! attitude, which
is probably a corollary to premature optimisation is the root of all
evil.  Ignore all issues of memory and speed and create something
highly abstract that allows you to define your solution.  Then work
down from there and start worrying about speed and memory and
practical issues later (or hopefully never).

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-25 Thread Ed Singleton
On 25/11/05, Ismael Garrido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:

 I want to create a small simple CMS for my website.  Users will be
 able to add and edit basic pages.  Pages can have sub-pages (no need
 for folders cause a folder and an index.html can be unified into one
 Users will also be able to create new types of pages, maybe a
 PressReleasePage for example.  PressReleases would be based on a
 normal page but might have extra attributes such as Author, Abstract
 or DateToBeReleased.
 Store the fields in a database, make a factory class that gets those
 fields and generates a page accordingly.

 I agree with Kent, what you're trying seems way too abstract.

Weirdly, I'd just realised that SQLObject does most of what I'm
thinking about.  It allows you to update a class and that will affect
all the objects already instantiated.  It has class persistence in
that it will rebuild the class on startup from the columns in your
table so your 'live' changes will be there after you restart the
server.  Though all that is only for the data in the class.

Each method could just contain a call to a function (as I mentioned
above) all the functions could be contained in a module, which would
make it easy to update them as it appears to be easy enough to reload
a module.

The only thing you wouldn't really be able to do is add or remove
methods, which I guess is fine for the moment.

The only thing I'm not sure of is whether SQLObject can store
properties (as in managed attributes) which I need to do for the
'inherit from parent' attribute that I mentioned is a previous thread:

class Page(object):

   def __init__(self, parent):
   self.__header = None
   self.parent = parent

   def getheader(self):
   if not self._header and self.parent:
   return self.parent.header
   return self.__header

   def setheader(self, header):
   self.__header = header

   header = property(getheader, setheader)
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-24 Thread Ed Singleton
Is it feasible to change a program's source code whilst it is running
without having to restart the program?  Is it feasible to get a
program to change it's own source code while it is running?

For example, if you have a web server such as CherryPy that will
(hopefully) be running for months at a time and you want to be able to
change classes without having to restart the server.  Or if you want
to allow users of the site to edit a class through the web and see the
changes to the site immediately?

Can a python program change a class, change all the objects already
created by that class and save the modified class definition, so that
if the program were restarted it would return to exactly the same
state? (assuming all objects were saved to a database or somesuch).

Does anyone have any good links to implementations of this?  I assume
someone's already done it before.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Source Code while Program is Running

2005-11-24 Thread Ed Singleton
On 24/11/05, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  Is it feasible to change a program's source code whilst it is running
  without having to restart the program?  Is it feasible to get a
  program to change it's own source code while it is running?
  For example, if you have a web server such as CherryPy that will
  (hopefully) be running for months at a time and you want to be able to
  change classes without having to restart the server.  Or if you want
  to allow users of the site to edit a class through the web and see the
  changes to the site immediately?

 This is hard. IIRC CherryPy has a way to automatically restart the server 
 when a module changes, which is not what you ask for but at least it is 
 automatic. A couple of recent threads on comp.lang.python have talked about 



Hmmm, that's discouraging.  Do you know if it's feasible to just keep
changes to code in memory synchronised with changes nto the source
code?  So rather than reload source code, make sure that the source
code reflects what is running in memory?

For example if your program is running, and you make a change to a
class, is it possible to create the necessary class definition and
save it to a file?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Inheriting from parent object

2005-11-22 Thread Ed Singleton
Thanks for this.  I hadn't really considered that I would have to
explicitly store parent/child relationships.

Having been browsing for something else, I came across this page about
Unifying types and classes:

From it, it looks like I could do something like:

class Page(object):

def __init__(self, parent):
self.__header = None
self.parent = parent

def getheader(self):
if not self._header and self.parent:
return self.parent.header
return self.__header

def setheader(self, header):
self.__header = header

header = property(getheader, setheader)

Which I think would end up doing exactly what I want.

I still don't think I'm clear on the use of self though.  Can I only
use it in class definitions?

I think it might be that

myPage = Page(parentPage)

is highly deceptive.  Shouldn't it really be:

new Page(myPage, parentPage)


myPage = new Page(myPage, parentPage)

or am I getting really, really confused?


 Sorry, I didn't really explain myself clearly.

 Thats OK its easy to get buried in the depths and
 forget everyone else is coming at it cold. But
 the use of non standard terms confused things
 even more!

 I want to create a kind of website ...
 I want to have a root object, which
 has page objects.  The page objects
  will have various properties
 like header, footer, body and an order

 Sounds like a job for classes. Create a
 Page class with the various properties.
 Initialise objects with their parent
 (ie containing) object.

 to inherit the attribute from their parent page (ie if it is
 root.chapter3.page5 then chapter3 is the parent of page5).

 I guess the psuedo code would be:
 def inherit()
 return this.parent.attribute

 Just put code like this in the init method:

 Class Page:
def __init__(self, parent = None):
   self.parent = parent # and handle default too!
def getHeader(self):
   return self.parent.header


 Then create

 Chapter3 = Page()
 Chapter3.header = '''h1some long string here'''
 p2 = Page(Chapter3)
 p2.getHeader()  # returns Chapter3.header


 (I know Python doesn't really have a 'this'

 But it does have self and you can use
 this if you prefer!

 knowing who the function was called by).

 Thats not really needed if you use objects.
 Although self does point at the specific
 Page whose method is being invoked.


 Alan G

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Newb ?

2005-11-17 Thread Ed Singleton
These both work (though neither is very graceful).

text = hello
message = 

for i in range(len(text)):
   message = message + text[(len(text)-i-1)]

print message

lst = list(text)
newstr = 

for item in text:
   newstr += (lst.pop())

print newstr

On 16/11/05, Chad Everett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 Have a problem here with a challenge from a book I am reading.
 Any help is much appreciated.

 I am trying to run a program that asks the user for a statement and then
 prints it out backwards.
 this is what I have.
 It does not print anything out.  I assume that I have something out of whack
 with my high and low statements.

 Thanks for you help.

 print \n\nWelcome to the Backwards Message Display.
 message = raw_input(\nPlease Enter a Message.)

 high = len(message)
 low = -len(message)
 print message[high:low]
 print raw_input(Please Press Enter to Exit)


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Inheriting from parent object

2005-11-14 Thread Ed Singleton
I want to create a property that will inherit it's value from the same
property in it's parent object, but will check it's parent's propety
everytime it is called.  But that can be over-ridden, and I don't have
to know what the objects parent is.

For example:

object.x = 3
object.subobject.x = inherit()
print object.subobject.x #prints 3
object.x = 4
print object.subobject.x #prints 4
object.subobject.x = 5
print object.subobject.x #prints 5

What could I put in the inherit() function that would look for the
same property of it's parent and return that, whilst keeping it as
general as possible?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Rename files with numbers

2005-11-01 Thread Ed Singleton
Sorry, wrong list.

Many apologies.


On 01/11/05, Ed Singleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The best free app I've found for this is MusicBrainz [www.musicbrainz.com].

 This has a huge database of obsessively correct details of albums
 which can be formatted in anyway you choose.  It can automatically
 recognise which song an MP3 is!

 This is a similar script I wrote to renumber files in sequential
 order.  It assumes that everything before the first underscore can be

 from path import path
 import re

 def renumberfiles(filesdir, startnum=1):
 d = path(filesdir)
 print d
 x = startnum
 for f in d.files():
 fname = f.name.split('_', 1)
 fname = str(x).zfill(2) + _ + fname[-1]
 fname = re.sub(r ,r_,fname)
 fname = re.sub(r__,r_,fname)
 x = x + 1
 print f.name, ==,
 f.rename(f.parent + \\ + fname)
 print fname

 As you can see, I use the path module rather than os.path.  it's a
 much more intuitive way of handling files.



 On 01/11/05, Dave Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, Micah Elliott wrote:
   On Oct 31, Micah Elliott wrote:
   Now I need to go beautify my collection.  :-)
   While a fun exercise, there are probably already dozens (or
   thousands?) of utilities in existence that do this and much more.
  Seconded. I initially considered writing a script to rename a huge pile of
  MP3 files, but halfway through, I thought, there's *got* to be a better
  way. I found this app: http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm
  Bought it the next day. Holy crap, what a gigantic timesaver. It looks up
  albums based on track lengths, downloads titles from freedb and Amazon,
  does ID3 tagging, renaming, moves files into separate directories... I
  busted through about 20 gigs of MP3s in three days. I kid you not.
  If this is just a fun toy Python project, don't let me discourage you, but
  if you have more than a handful of albums to rename, trust me. This
  problem has been solved.
  Here's a list of apps, including TagRename, that can query freedb:
.:[ dave benjamin: ramen/[sp00] ]:.
 \\ who will clean out my Inbox after I'm dead[?] - charles petzold

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Rename files with numbers

2005-11-01 Thread Ed Singleton
The best free app I've found for this is MusicBrainz [www.musicbrainz.com].

This has a huge database of obsessively correct details of albums
which can be formatted in anyway you choose.  It can automatically
recognise which song an MP3 is!

This is a similar script I wrote to renumber files in sequential
order.  It assumes that everything before the first underscore can be

from path import path
import re

def renumberfiles(filesdir, startnum=1):
d = path(filesdir)
print d
x = startnum
for f in d.files():
fname = f.name.split('_', 1)
fname = str(x).zfill(2) + _ + fname[-1]
fname = re.sub(r ,r_,fname)
fname = re.sub(r__,r_,fname)
x = x + 1
print f.name, ==,
f.rename(f.parent + \\ + fname)
print fname

As you can see, I use the path module rather than os.path.  it's a
much more intuitive way of handling files.



On 01/11/05, Dave Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, Micah Elliott wrote:

  On Oct 31, Micah Elliott wrote:
  Now I need to go beautify my collection.  :-)
  While a fun exercise, there are probably already dozens (or
  thousands?) of utilities in existence that do this and much more.

 Seconded. I initially considered writing a script to rename a huge pile of
 MP3 files, but halfway through, I thought, there's *got* to be a better
 way. I found this app: http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm

 Bought it the next day. Holy crap, what a gigantic timesaver. It looks up
 albums based on track lengths, downloads titles from freedb and Amazon,
 does ID3 tagging, renaming, moves files into separate directories... I
 busted through about 20 gigs of MP3s in three days. I kid you not.

 If this is just a fun toy Python project, don't let me discourage you, but
 if you have more than a handful of albums to rename, trust me. This
 problem has been solved.

 Here's a list of apps, including TagRename, that can query freedb:

   .:[ dave benjamin: ramen/[sp00] ]:.
\\ who will clean out my Inbox after I'm dead[?] - charles petzold

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] OT - Re: Can anyone help me?

2005-10-28 Thread Ed Singleton
You can actually increase your chance of winning in the English lottery.

If two many tickets win a prize in one draw, the lowest prize (£10 for
three numbers) is not paid out.

Also the jackpot is shared between all the winning tickets (6 numbers)
some sets of numbers like 1,2,3,4,5,6 are chosen by over 20,000 people
a week.  You would share the jackpot with 20,000 other people.

Picking random numbers makes you less likely to chose the same numbers
as everyone else.

Incidently, the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 14 million
(roughly).  I've seen the jackpot go up to £25million which makes it
theoretically a good bet.


On 28/10/05, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 07:07 PM 10/27/2005, Nathan Pinno wrote:
 Hey all,
 I am trying to create a program that draws 6 numbers between 1 and 49 at
 random for creating lottery tickets. I want to have a better chance when I

 Define better chance. Lottery odds are how many tickets you buy relative
 to how many tickets everyone else has bought. No program will improve or
 degrade your odds. The only way you can reduce your odds is to buy more
 than one ticket with the same numbers.

 Keep in mind that a lottery is as truly random as one can get (assuming no
 rigging). There is no memory of past outcomes involved nor of better
 guessing techniques.

 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Question about an re

2005-10-27 Thread Ed Singleton
OR tests for the truth of the first thing then the truth of the second.

The first part of your OR is always true, so it doesn't test the second.

What you really want to do is look for a digit and then look for more
digits or a slash and some more digits.


: \d(\d+|/\d+)

but this is easier by just allowing an optional slash in the digits:

: \d+/?\d*

ie 1 or more digits followed by 0 or 1 slashes followed by 0 or more digits.

http://www.regular-expressions.info/ is a brilliant tutorial on regexs
and http://www.weitz.de/regex-coach/ is a great program for testing
them out before you put them in your code.

Hope this helps


On 27/10/05, -Terry- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 os - Slackware
 py - 2.4.1

 I'm trying to grab the value 10 in

 Visibility: 10 mile(s):0

 but sometimes the value looks like

 Visibility: 1/2 mile(s):0

 My not working regex looks like

 re.compile(': \d+|: \d/\d')

 If I'm understanding right, this should match either or,
 but it doesn't work for the fractional reading.

 Can someone steer me in the right direction and explain
 what I'm doing wrong?

 Thanks much,
 - --

   ,-~~-.___. Terry Randall tvbareATsocketDOTnet
  / |  ' \
)0Linux Counter Project User# 98233
  \_/, ,-'
/  \-'~;/~~~(0)
   /  __/~|   /  |   If only Snoopy had Slackware...
 =( __| (|

 He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
 You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours,
 faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe
 it to him to be worthy of such devotion.-- Unknown

   (Best viewed with a mono-spaced font.)

 Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)


 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Passing Functions or Code as Parameters

2005-10-27 Thread Ed Singleton
How can I pass a block of code to a function for it to perform within itself?

For example, I wrote a small function that recurses through a
directory structure but keeps a track of the depth:

from path import path

def traverse(directory, depth=0):
thedir = path(directory)
for item in thedir.files():
##  Do stuff relative to the depth
for item in thedir.dirs():

What I want to do is something like:

from path import path

def traverse(directory, depth=0, things_to_do()):
thedir = path(directory)
for item in thedir.files():
for item in thedir.dirs():

Is this possible?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Fwd: Saving command line keyed input?

2005-10-21 Thread Ed Singleton
A quick tip for the Windows command line.

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A etc don't work, neither does right-clicking
(menu-click).  However, right-clicking does work on the blue title

Right-click on the blue title bar and then go down to Edit and then
you can Select All.  Then right-click on the blue title bar again and
go down to Edit and then Copy.

If at any point you right click in the black part of the window or do
a Ctrl key sequence, it deselects all your text.  Very unintuitive, as
it is completely different to every other Windows app.  (I think they
do it on purpose to stop people wanting to use the Command Line).


On 19/10/05, CPIM Ronin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that one should use IDLE or a choosen editor for any substantial
 Python coding! However, if one  happens to have written some interesting
 doodlings on the regular command line interface (under Windows XP in my
 case), is there an easy way to save ALL input to date into a selected file?

 For example:
 class work_center:
  def __init__(self,x_name):
 self.name = x_name

 x = work_center(machine press)

   ---  What do I do to save the above work into a file named mywork.py



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 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] htmllib

2005-10-05 Thread Ed Singleton
You're like some kind of god!

That's exactly what I need.



On 05/10/05, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  I want to dump a html file into a python object.  Each nested tag
  would be a sub-object, attributes would be properties.  So that I can
  use Python in a similar way to the way I use JavaScript within a web

 I don't know of a way to run Python from within a web page. But if you want 
 to fetch an HTML page from a server and work with it (for example a 
 web-scraping app), many people use BeautifulSoup for this. If you have 
 well-formed HTML or XHTML you can use an XML parser as well but BS has the 
 advantage of coping with badly-formed HTML.


 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] find data in html file

2005-09-28 Thread Ed Singleton
On 27/09/05, lmac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,
 i have a base-question. If i want to read some kind of data out of a line
 which i know the start-tag and the end-tag in an html-file how do i
 if it's more than one line ?


 tdSome texta hreflink/atext . DATA /tr/td etc.

 I would use text as the starting tag to localize the beginning of the DATA.
 And then /tr as the ending tag of the DATA. But if there is \n then
 there are more than
 one line.

Hopefully it's just a typo or something, but you appear to have your
ending /tr and /td tags the wrong way round.

You should be closing the cell before you close the row.

How do you want to get the data out?  This case is simple enough that
you could do a lazy (non-greedy) regex statement for it.  Something
like td([\s|\S]+?)/td would do it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Remaking Vim in Python (was Python Editors)

2005-09-23 Thread Ed Singleton
I'd like a little advice on whether I'm being really stupid here.

Having researched editors and stuff, I've not quite found what I'm
looking for, though Vim comes close (except that it's extremely
difficult to work out what to do with it).

My instinct was to try and write a small program similar to vim, but
in Python.  The very basics should be quite easy.  If I start a system
that is very easily expandable then as and when I need further
functionality I can add it in.

html colourisation and auto-completion should be easy enough to add
using a html parser, but what about python?  Is there a python module
that can parse python code and is reasonably easy to use?  Also, css?

I know it would be ambitious to try and do this, but is it stupidly ambitious?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Editors (particualrly Vim)

2005-09-22 Thread Ed Singleton
Okay, I've also found this:

Which is amazing!  It's an easy-to-use mod for Vim.  It's modeless and
lots of other doubtless heretical things, but it includes an
outstanding auto-complete mode for text files!  Ctrl-Space auto
completes the word you're typing based on what you've already written
in the file.

I've also been trying SPE and that looks to be the most pleasing
editor so far.  It's also written in Python (AFAICT) which will
probably have benefits in the future.


On 21/09/05, Ed Singleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't believe there's any kinds of wars on this mailing group.  :)

 I found this Python Vim code completion thing in my searches today:

 Don't know how good it is, but it looks like it'd do the job.


 On 21/09/05, Gabriel Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Uh oh, looks like you're begging for an editor war.
  That said, I'm in the vim camp.  It can do everything you specified
  for all of the languages you mention (well, I'm not sure about
  collapsible code...web search...aha![1]).  After using it for four
  years, I'm still learning new tricks (see, for example, this page I
  found today on indentation[2]).
  vim's extendable with python scripts, but a lot of what you need for
  coding is already built in.  I find most of my info either in the help
  manual that comes with it (:h) or at vim.org.
  [1] http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mjmcguff/learn/vim/folding.txt
  [2] http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=83
  On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 02:00:20PM +0100, Ed Singleton wrote:
   I've been trying to decide which editor to use to edit Python (on
   Windows mostly).
   My wishlist of features would be:
   - automatic code formatting (indentation etc)
   - collapsible code (to collapse def's etc)
   - automatic code coloring (that's easily changeable)
   - auto-completion of namespaces
   - easy to run scripts from the editor (a shortcut key to run them or 
   As I also do a lot of html, css and javascript it would be cool to
   have an editor that could also handle them, in which case I would want
   the same features for those languages, as well as the ability to write
   macros, scripts, etc in python.
   Having looked at loads of editors, I've ended up looking at emacs and vim.
   Emacs seems too difficult with not enough support for using the mouse.
   Vim seemed better, and I get the impression that it is possible to use
   python to script the editor, but I can't find much information on
   using vim as a python editor on windows.
   My various questions are:
   What other features should I be looking for?
   What would be the best editor for a beginner to start using, with a
   view to the long term?
   Where can I find some authoritative information about setting emacs or
   vim up as a fully featured python editor?
   Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Python Editors (particualrly Vim)

2005-09-21 Thread Ed Singleton
I've been trying to decide which editor to use to edit Python (on
Windows mostly).

My wishlist of features would be:

- automatic code formatting (indentation etc)
- collapsible code (to collapse def's etc)
- automatic code coloring (that's easily changeable)
- auto-completion of namespaces
- easy to run scripts from the editor (a shortcut key to run them or something)

As I also do a lot of html, css and javascript it would be cool to
have an editor that could also handle them, in which case I would want
the same features for those languages, as well as the ability to write
macros, scripts, etc in python.

Having looked at loads of editors, I've ended up looking at emacs and vim.

Emacs seems too difficult with not enough support for using the mouse.

Vim seemed better, and I get the impression that it is possible to use
python to script the editor, but I can't find much information on
using vim as a python editor on windows.

My various questions are:

What other features should I be looking for?

What would be the best editor for a beginner to start using, with a
view to the long term?

Where can I find some authoritative information about setting emacs or
vim up as a fully featured python editor?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Editors (particualrly Vim)

2005-09-21 Thread Ed Singleton
I don't believe there's any kinds of wars on this mailing group.  :)

I found this Python Vim code completion thing in my searches today:

Don't know how good it is, but it looks like it'd do the job.


On 21/09/05, Gabriel Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Uh oh, looks like you're begging for an editor war.

 That said, I'm in the vim camp.  It can do everything you specified
 for all of the languages you mention (well, I'm not sure about
 collapsible code...web search...aha![1]).  After using it for four
 years, I'm still learning new tricks (see, for example, this page I
 found today on indentation[2]).

 vim's extendable with python scripts, but a lot of what you need for
 coding is already built in.  I find most of my info either in the help
 manual that comes with it (:h) or at vim.org.


 [1] http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mjmcguff/learn/vim/folding.txt
 [2] http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=83

 On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 02:00:20PM +0100, Ed Singleton wrote:
  I've been trying to decide which editor to use to edit Python (on
  Windows mostly).
  My wishlist of features would be:
  - automatic code formatting (indentation etc)
  - collapsible code (to collapse def's etc)
  - automatic code coloring (that's easily changeable)
  - auto-completion of namespaces
  - easy to run scripts from the editor (a shortcut key to run them or 
  As I also do a lot of html, css and javascript it would be cool to
  have an editor that could also handle them, in which case I would want
  the same features for those languages, as well as the ability to write
  macros, scripts, etc in python.
  Having looked at loads of editors, I've ended up looking at emacs and vim.
  Emacs seems too difficult with not enough support for using the mouse.
  Vim seemed better, and I get the impression that it is possible to use
  python to script the editor, but I can't find much information on
  using vim as a python editor on windows.
  My various questions are:
  What other features should I be looking for?
  What would be the best editor for a beginner to start using, with a
  view to the long term?
  Where can I find some authoritative information about setting emacs or
  vim up as a fully featured python editor?
  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Multiple Simultaneous Loops

2005-09-15 Thread Ed Singleton
I roughly want to be able to do:

for f, x in bunch_of_files, range(z):

so that x iterates through my files, and y iterates through something else.

Is this something I can do?

If so, what would be the best way to create a range of indeterminate length?

If not, is there a nice way I can do it, rather than than incrementing
a variable (x = x + 1) every loop?

Or maybe can I access the number of times the loop has run?  ('x = x +
1' is so common there must be some more attractive shortcut).

So far in learning Python I've founbd that when I feel you should be
able to do something, then you can.  This seems a pretty intuitive
thing to want to do, so I'm sure it must be possible, but I can't find
anything on it.

Many thanks

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Multiple Simultaneous Loops

2005-09-15 Thread Ed Singleton
Wonderful, thank you all of you.

zip, enumerate, and count seem to do everything I want, though I do think

for f, x in bunch_of_files, range(z):

is a little more intuitive than

for f, x in zip(bunch_of_files, range(z)):



On 15/09/05, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  I roughly want to be able to do:
  for f, x in bunch_of_files, range(z):
  so that x iterates through my files, and y iterates through something else.
  Is this something I can do?
 In the general case use zip():
 for f, x in zip(bunch_of_files, range(z)):
 In this case, where the second item is just the index to the loop, use 
 enumerate() instead of range() and zip()
 for x, f in enumerate(bunch_of_files):
  If so, what would be the best way to create a range of indeterminate length?
 itertools.count() generates an unlimited sequence.
  If not, is there a nice way I can do it, rather than than incrementing
  a variable (x = x + 1) every loop?
  Or maybe can I access the number of times the loop has run?  ('x = x +
  1' is so common there must be some more attractive shortcut).
  So far in learning Python I've founbd that when I feel you should be
  able to do something, then you can.
 Yep :-)
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org