Re: App level variable in flow

2004-01-04 Thread Stefan Klein
> How do I store a java object in some application context or an 
> application level variable, just once during servlet container startup,
> when I'm writing an app that uses flow?

Could you not write it as I component, include it in cocoon.roles so that
it'll be loaded automatically at startup and access it in flow via


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Re: JDOUserException: Object not PersistenceCapable

2004-01-04 Thread Stefan Klein

Is the class listed in your repository.xml and the repository.xml lies
somewhere in the classpath? AFAIK, OJB raises ObjectNotPersistenceCapable
in two cases:
1. The class hasn't been enhanced (which can't be it in your case)
2. No description of the class can be found in repository.xml


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Re: role-based access to pages and parts of pages - ideas?

2004-01-08 Thread Stefan Klein

> Any ideas?

might not be of much use for you, cause I am not using the
authentication-fw, but I thought, I'd tell you anyway. I am using a
structure very much like the authentication-fw, but using my own actions,
thus a lot lighter and tailored exactly to my needs (thus not as nice and
flexible as the framework).

There are actions for logging in, logging out, authenticating and
protecting, just like the framework.My sitemap looks very much like
the one in the authentication-example without flow (thus not the one you

Unlike the framework, my protecting action takes a parameter "role" and
it checks whether the user who is locked in has that role. If so, access
is granted. so something like:



That way, I keep everything in the sitemap and my actions. Also, I could
do authorization depending on the url and the user who is logged in,



Here everything in protected/admin could only be accessed by users with
role admin. 

HTH. Maybe you can derive an idea for your problem from this. I am also
happy to share the code, if you want to have a look.


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Re: role-based access to pages and parts of pages - ideas?

2004-01-09 Thread Stefan Klein

I'll tell you a little more about me approach (it was a rather rough
summary I gave you). Maybe some of the problems you see are solved
> 1. I have various roles (between 5 and 10) which overlap in access
> authentication, so every pipeline would need to check for several roles
> and if I need to add extra roles I need to revisit every pipeline. :-(
I don't actually check for roles, but use resources as another level of
resources are what we want to protect (e.g. certain urls, combinations of
urls and request-params, whatever)
roles have access to resources
users have roles

E.g. you have a type of patient record that can be accessed by nurses and
doctors. So you have roles "nurse" and "doctor" both of which can access
the resource "patient record x".
Now the authorization goes like this:
user smith requests access to "patient record x". The authorizer checks
which roles have access to "patient record x" and then whether user smith
has any of these roles. So in our case smith could be doctor or nurse and
would be granted access either way.

The sitemap still looks the same, but instead of a role you pass a
resource to the action.

> 2. My sitemap is growing rapidly and by adding enormous amounts of
> comment I'm trying to keep it clear, but I find it more and more
> difficult to find what I'm looking for. So configuring authorisation in
> the sitemap is not really my idea of keeping it clear and separated.
> 3. I want a general way of handling several pages, i.e. with a minimal
> number of pipelines. If in future I add a page, I want it to be
> integrated without touching the sitemap. I was thinking of adding
> access rules to the source of the form, but that would also spread the
> authorization. :-(

I agree with Alex, it might be useful to have a look at your sitemap, if
we can. Authorization generally shouldn't add a lot of overhead.

What I do is use sub-sitemaps for protected areas. So in my main sitemap
I have


This way any request of form //host/protected/* needs authorization. The
autorization is done based on the requested url (the url after protected/
is actually the authorization resource). So in our example above the
request could be //host/protected/patient-record-x. The authorizer than
checks (in my case against a database) if any of the user's roles has
access to that resource. If so, the request is passed on to the protected
Notice, that you will never have to change anything about this to add new
pages to the protected sitemap. You only need to make sure the user's
roles have access to the new resource (in my case, by adding an entry in
the database). The protected sitemap stays clear of authorization

> 4. One or more roles may have more features/information on a page than
> others. This would mean I have to customize role checking for every
> page item. :-(
For that I wrote a transformer. My pages contain statements of the form

On encountering a cms:auth tag the transformer checks whether the user
has that role. If so, it passes on the enclosed content. If not, it
filters it.


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Re: role-based access to pages and parts of pages - ideas?

2004-01-10 Thread Stefan Klein

> I really like Stefan's idea of authorization
> transformer, which filters data based on your
> permissions.  
Thanks. Good ideas in your mail, too. I think I'll rethink some of my

> Have you thought of contributing it to
> the project?
The project's approach to authorization is the authentication-framework
which I don't understand to enough depth to integrate my transformer with
However, if you're interested or if you think, you could make something
worthwhile out of it, I am happy to send you the class. It's very short
and simple, anyway. I took the inspiration from the FilterTransformer,
but it's even simpler than that.


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Re: role-based access to pages and parts of pages - ideas?

2004-01-13 Thread Stefan Klein

> I'm interested: I've done the same work but with an XSL Stylesheet but
> a java class would be better. Where can we get it?

I've sent you a copy of my classes off-list. It is, however, as I pointed
out before, tailored to my own little authentication system, not to
cocoon's framework. Since the transformer is very simple, it should be
very easy to adapt, though, given some knowledge of the cocoon framework
(which I don't have enough of).

To make you understand the code, here's a quick outline of my system:
Just like cocoon's authorization handlers, it uses an Avalon component
Authorizer that does the actual checking of permissions of a user that is
logged in (I sent you this class to make you understand better). This
component is used by the transformer and by an AuthorizerAction.
User information is - again, just like in cocoon's framework - stored in
a session context. Creation of this context is done by an
AuthenticationAction that checks the identity of a user (again, I've
included the class).

Hope you can make something out of it. Feel free to ask questions.

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Re: role-based access to pages and parts of pages - ideas?

2004-01-13 Thread Stefan Klein

>It would be great if you could.  We can also bring
>this up with the developers to see what they think

I am happy to help, if someone gives my a quick breakdown on how the
authorization-fw works. I am quite short of time at the moment and I
can't run through the code/documentation myself. From what I've gathered
so far you have to get hold of the Handler or the HandlerManager or
something and then ask it to authorize. Details, anyone?

Also, I don't think the authorization framework uses various roles per
user, does it? So the transformer could only filter based on the user
(but that might be good enough in many cases)


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Re: Authentication framework problem

2004-01-21 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi Nesto,

not a complete answer, but some pointers that might help you:

> 1) writing a simple action that checks the user parameters
> (username/password) provided through a web form, with those stored in
> the database. Here the problem, for me, is to write java code that
> reuse the connection pool set for other pipelines (but at a transform
> level). I have no idea...

You need to get hold of the DataSourceSelector to get hold of a pooled

1.Write an action that extends ServiceableAction. 
2.Overwrite the service method:
public void service(ServiceManager manager) 
throws ServiceException {
this.dbselector = (ServiceSelector)
manager.lookup(DataSourceComponent.ROLE + "Selector");
[I am assuming dbSelector is a private field of the action of class

3. Overwrite the dispose method to release the component:
public void dispose() {

Now you can use the dbselector anywhere in your action code to obtain a
datasource which in turn can give you a connection:
DataSourceComponent datasource =
Connection conn = datasource.getConnection();

conn is of class java.sql.Connection, so from here you should be able to
get on yourself using JDBC.

NOTE: I am still not very experienced with avalon and components, so the
code might not be ideal, but it works for me. If someone has corrections,
I'd be happy to hear them.
For a good example of obtaining a pooled connection and using it, look at
the SQLTransformer.

> 2) customize the authentication resource, to use the existing
> authentication framework. But Where can I add the custom code that
> queries my database? Do I Have to change only the AuthAction class?

I don't know the authentication-framework particularly well, but the
authentication handler takes a uri that has to return some xml to grant
authorization or not, doesn't it? You could just write an esql-xsp-page
to query your database and return the xml accordingly. That would
probably be a lot easier than the action-approach, if you're already
using the framework.


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wildcardhostmatcher / mount: session lost

2004-02-13 Thread Stefan Klein

I've got a very odd behaviour in conjunction with the

My main sitemap contains the following snippet:


Every time a new request is received, the session is reset / regenerated
with a new id. If however, I use a uri-prefix (whichever), it works, the
session persists.

Any suggestions anyone? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm
totally stuck.


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Re: building Collection from JDO problems

2004-02-22 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi Bert, 

> Does the problem with object identities mean that OJB is not the right
> way to go when building forms that display editable lists? If that is
> that case I lost quite a lot of time just trying to find an quicker way
> to build web forms.
> What are the limitiations of OJB exactly?

thought I'd point this out to you, since it cost me a lot of time and I
still haven't solved it in a satisfying way. AFAIK, there is a bug in the
current OJB release rc5 with the use of javax.jdo.Query (as you use in
your retrieve method). The objects in the collection it returns are
actually not persistent as they should be. The nasty implication is:
You retrieve a collection, you edit it via your form. You call
transaction.commit() and the database doesn't get updated!
The only way to retrieve a persistent object is by using
getObjectByIdentity (or something like that) like they do in the JDO
tutorial on the OJB site.

They recently fixed the bug (get the latest CVS HEAD and compile it
yourself), however, I am still running into a problem: I have got an
object of class User that contains a field roles that is a collection of
Role objects. When I retrieve a collection of User objects via Query, the
respective Role objects are retrieved with them automatically. The users
are persistent as they should be (thanks to the bug being fixed), the
connected roles however still aren't. So by the time you commit, OJB
tries to re-create the roles in the database and you get duplicate key
errors. I haven't had the time yet to ask the OJB people about it.

This is not to do with your current problems, but I thought I'd point it
out to you before you run into it.

For the moment, I actually gave up on OJB-JDO after spending a lot of
time on it and just use the OJB PersistenceBroker-API which so far works
perfectly and reliably for my relatively small persistence needs.


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limitation in woody-repeater binding and collections

2004-03-02 Thread Stefan Klein
here's an issue I came across the other day and it took me quite a while to figure 
out, so I thought 
I'd let everyone know and maybe someone could include a note in the WoodyBinding 
documentation on the wiki: 
I had a bean with a Collection of type HashSet which I was trying to bind to a Woody 
Reading it worked perfectly, updating, too. But inserting a couple of new elements at 
a time 
caused a problem: The binding seemed to save only some elements and create empty 
elements (no values set) for others. 
Tracing the problem through the woody code, I realised that the code implies the use 
of ordered 
collections such as LinkedList, ArrayList...  
Woody first creates a new element instance and adds it to the collection. It then 
obtains it from 
the collection using jxpath syntax "mybean/collection[count]" to fill in the values. 
"count" is the 
new number of elements in the collection (after insertion) which assumes that the new 
has been added at the end. This is true for Lists, but not for my HashSet. So, in 
fact, any odd 
element would be retrieved, possibly the new one and possibly not. That produced an 
unpredictable behaviour where element values would be overwritten and others left 
Maybe that could be pointed out more clearly on the wiki page where it only says that 
the property 
has to be of type Collection. Might save others some time. 
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best practice for minor form changes/optional elements

2004-03-02 Thread Stefan Klein
just wondering whether anyone has got any thoughts on this/best practices to offer: 
I have got a woody form that I need to display in very slight variations, e.g. a 
certain button 
should only be visible under certain conditions that I can check in my flow. 
The options I can see are: 
1. Have several form templates, one for each variation. Don't like that very much, too 
2. Send a request parameter to the formpipeline. Assign an extra attribute "req-param" 
to the 
optional elements . 
write a transform that checks for the "req-param" attribute and filters the 
corresponding element 
if no request parameter by that name is given. 
3. Use jxtemplate generator to generate the formtemplate and use the context object to 
pass a 
value that determines whether to display a certain element or not. Inside the 
jxtemplate I'd 
enclose the element in an if-statement. 
Any thoughts? Thanks a lot 
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again: best practice for minor form changes/optional elements

2004-03-05 Thread Stefan Klein

I thought I'd give this a second try, since I didn't get any replies the
first time round. I'd appreciate any kind of comment/suggestion. Thanks!
Just wondering whether anyone has got any thoughts on this/best practices
to offer: 
I have got a woody form that I need to display in very slight variations,
e.g. a certain button 
should only be visible under certain conditions that I can check in my
The options I can see are: 
1. Have several form templates, one for each variation. Don't like that
very much, too much 
2. Send a request parameter to the formpipeline. Assign an extra
attribute "req-param" to the 
optional elements . Then 
write a transform that checks for the "req-param" attribute and filters
the corresponding element 
if no request parameter by that name is given. 
3. Use jxtemplate generator to generate the formtemplate and use the
context object to pass a 
value that determines whether to display a certain element or not. Inside
the jxtemplate I'd 
enclose the element in an if-statement. 
Any thoughts? Thanks a lot 

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ant static generation - class not found DOMError

2004-04-29 Thread Stefan Klein

I am trying to use the "cocoon" ant task to generate a static website.
The error I am getting is: 
NoClassDefFound: org.w3c.dom.DOMError. 
Guessing that it should be in xml-apis.jar and checking, I found that the
class, indeed, doesn't exist. Not in the lastest xml-apis.jar from CVS,
either, though. 
What do I need to replace?

Thanks a lot

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Re: ant static generation - class not found DOMError

2004-04-30 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi Martin,

thanks for your help. I doesn't work, though, unfortunately.

> ANT_OPTS="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=D:\cocoon-2.1.4-src\cocoon-2.1.4\lib\en
> dorsed"-Xms64m -Xmx512m

What is "-Xms64m -Xmx512m". I set the ant option as you did, but didn't
understand what this second part is. I don't think, though, that it is a
problem of the libraries not being found. Cause the missing class
org.w3c.dom.DOMError really doesn't seem to exist. I googled for it and
could only find it as part of the JDK 1.5 beta API, so I figured it was a
fairly new class and I might have to update one of my libraries.


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Re: ant static generation - class not found DOMError

2004-04-30 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi Upayavira,

thanks for helping. 

> Does it work with the CLI instead of the ant task? 
No, unfortunately that doesn't work, either. I used the sample xconfig
file from
with minor changes for my project. I can see the CLI loading all the
jars, but as soon as it starts executing, I get the error:

Main Class: org.apache.cocoon.Main
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at Loader.invokeMain(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Loader.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/Options
at org.apache.cocoon.Main.setOptions(
at org.apache.cocoon.Main.main(
... 7 more

Before, while loading the jars, it said however, that commons-cli-1.0.jar
was added and that one does contain org.apache.commons.cli.Options. 
So, since CLI didn't work, I tried the ant task, but, as I said, not with
any more success.

> Are you using 
> org.apache.cocoon.CocoonTask? (There's an older one in the scratchpad 
> which I'll remove soon).
Yes, I am. I copied the sample ant task from
and made some minor modifications for my own project.


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Re: Actions and Session

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Klein

the SessionModule that you access by {session:...} only provides general info about 
the session like session-id etc. You need to use the SessionAttributeModule to access  
attributes. like your username. Use {session-attr:username} instead (if you haven't 
changed the module name to something else than "session-attr" in your cocoon.xconf 
which I suppose you haven't)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 15.09.03 16:32:50:


I'm just trying to figure out the differences between Parameter and 
ObjectModelHelper; using authentication framework with 
DatabaseAuthenticatorAction, i put a var (username) into session:

Then i try to access this var in an action, but i don't know where to find 
it; in my sitemap i use , but session var username is empty.
Here is my sitemap:


Ing. Giancarlo Rosso  
 MCR Srl

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Re: Actions and Session

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Klein

the SessionModule that you access by {session:...} only provides general info about 
the session like session-id etc. You need to use the SessionAttributeModule to access  
attributes. like your username. Use {session-attr:username} instead (if you haven't 
changed the module name to something else than "session-attr" in your cocoon.xconf 
which I suppose you haven't)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 15.09.03 16:32:50:


I'm just trying to figure out the differences between Parameter and 
ObjectModelHelper; using authentication framework with 
DatabaseAuthenticatorAction, i put a var (username) into session:

Then i try to access this var in an action, but i don't know where to find 
it; in my sitemap i use , but session var username is empty.
Here is my sitemap:


Ing. Giancarlo Rosso  
 MCR Srl

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Re: tutorial - MySQL - NoValidConnectionException: No valid JdbcConnection class available

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Klein

if you have tried all the reasonable things and doublechecked your settings (which I 
think you have from previous posts on this thread), it's most likely to be a version 
problem. I ran into the same problem when I upgraded from MySQL 4.0 to 4.1 and had to 
replace my old mysql-jdbc-connector by version 3.08. What helped me was getting the 
(by then) most recent version 1.1.1 of the excalibur datasource-jar from their website 
and replacing the old one in the WEB-INF/lib folder.
Also, there are (or at least there used to be) two versions of cocoon-2.0.4, one for 
JVM 1.2,1.3 and one for JVM 1.4. The excalibur datasource component is different in 
the two. Since you are using the binary version, have you doublechecked you got the 
right one?

For reference, my system:
tomcat 4.1
jdk 1.3
mysql 4.1
mysql-jdbc-connector 3.0.8
excalibur datasource 1.1.1

Hope this is of any help. Unfortunately I don't know too much about cocoon internals 
and dependencies myself.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 15.09.03 10:39:43:

Hi John,

sorry but this is not the solution ... i modified my cocoon.xconf as you suggested but 
the error is still the same.

Anyway i always use mysql in standalone mode without specifing the port number, i 
think it takes the default port.

I am  not expert in using cocoon, but i think that the problem depends from other 
things, like, maybe, the version of  tha avalon framework or something like this ...

I say so because, trying to work around the problem, i put these same configuration 
tags in the .xsp file, just before the esql:connection, and this runs ; i know that 
isn't the right place but runs ... this means that the datasource tags are right and 
driver connection works, isn't it ??

Thanks a lot

> Flavio wrote:
> > jdbc:mysql://localhost/cocoon
> This looks wrong. Surely the url for the jdbc db must be
> ://:, eg
> jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306
> I think 3306 is the port for MySQL. MS SQLServer uses 1433.
> John
> -
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possible to put identifier in cocoon list subject?

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi all,

this might be my own personal problem, but maybe other people have got the same: My 
spam filter doesn't allow for filtering for sender addresses, so there is no way for 
me to identify cocoon-list messages and allow them to come through and I always have 
to fetch them manually. Would there be a possibility of putting an identifying string 
at the beginning of the subject of messages from the list like other lists do, such as 
[cocoon-users] or something? That would be most helpful to me.

But then again, might be this is only my problem, so I should find another mail 
provider. Thought I'd ask anyway, since it might save me the hassle of an address 

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Re: possible to put identifier in cocoon list subject?

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Klein

thanks for replying. First of all, I made a little mistake in my previous post. Of 
course, it allows to filter by sender addresses (that doesn't help, though, since 
there are many, many senders on the cocoon list), but it doesn't allow to filter by 

Apart from sender, I can filter by cc and subject. That's all. So unfortunately your 
suggestion won't work either. It's server-side, though, so maybe I should just do like 
you and use a client-side tool.


On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:03:10 +0200
Steven Noels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stefan Klein wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > this might be my own personal problem, but maybe other people have
> > got the same: My spam filter doesn't allow for filtering for sender
> > addresses, so there is no way for me to identify cocoon-list messages
> > and allow them to come through and I always have to fetch them
> > manually. Would there be a possibility of putting an identifying
> > string at the beginning of the subject of messages from the list like
> > other lists do, such as [cocoon-users] or something? That would be
> > most helpful to me.
> > 
> > But then again, might be this is only my problem, so I should find
> > another mail provider. Thought I'd ask anyway, since it might save me
> > the hassle of an address change.
> Can you sort/filter on "list-post" header? That's the most robust one
> for processing mailing list mails. I use this successfully (client-side)
> with Mozilla (Thunderbird 0.2).
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Steven Noels
> Outerthought - Open Source Java & XMLAn Orixo Member
> Read my weblog at
> stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at
> -
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Re: Actions and Session

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Klein
>This way a can get session attributes either as parameter passed from sitemap,
>or with Session object in an Action. Am i right?

Not sure whether I got you right: You mean, assign {session-attr:username} to an 
action parameter and then use the parameter in the action?

This seems to me an overly complicated way of doing this. Simply accessing the session 
object in the action, as you suggest as well, seems a lot more reasonable.

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Re: File Upload With Action

2003-10-14 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi Johannes,

take a look at the following bit of code. I use the FilePartArray rather than the 
FilePart. FilePartArray is a byte array holding the file contents in memory rather 
than a reference to a file already stored on disc, i.e. the file is not saved 
automatically and the data will be lost by the end of the request unless you've saved 
it (as I do below). I think, you also need to set the "autosave-uploads"-parameter in 
web.xml to false to make this work. 

For more info see

If you need more info, let me know. 

Here's the code:

Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
FilePartArray filePartArray=(FilePartArray)request.get("uploaded_file");
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new 
File("/your/path/to/file.jpeg")));  // here put filename and where to save it

InputStream in = filePartArray.getInputStream();
byte[] buf = new byte[8*1024];
int length;

while ((length = != -1) 

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 08:05:14 +
Johannes Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I looked at the "FileUploadWithAction" at Wiki 
> ( Since I'm 
> not a good programmer, could anyone tell me how to store the file 
> permanently on disc?
> I found this thread: 
> Is this what I need?
> Thanks
> Jonny
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Re: not working in xsl-file

2003-10-25 Thread Stefan Klein
Which stylesheet processor are you using? I was playing around with Lenya
(a CMS based on Cocoon) the other day and they'd made XSLTC the default
and it crashed on xsl:includes saying something like "could't get
transformer handler...". Replacing XSLTC by Xalan did the job.

I didn't go into detail trying to find the problem. Does anybody know
whether XSLTC has a problem with/does not support xsl:include's?


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 20:27:49 +
Johannes Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm desperatly trying to do an  xsl file.
> I'm using:  in my xsl-file.
> Cocoon does not complain it can't find the file, but the stylesheet
> isn't being generated. Any ideas?
> Do I have to tell the sitemap about the included file? If yes, how?
> Jonny
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Re: Reading and passing parameters in the sitemap

2003-11-17 Thread Stefan Klein

> have the following problem: I would like to pass the parameter
> "gr_name" to the redirect-uri which is used in the pipeline. 
Use input modules. The RequestParameterModule lets you do exactly that.
Just put {request-param:gr_name} into the redirect-uri.

(Also see

> Furthermore - I would like to pass the path of the saved
> file there, are there any possibilities to do this?
Would the pass not simply be
"e:/cocoon-2.1.2/build/webapp/LetterMan/grafiken/{1}/" as you as
parameter to the action? Or maybe
ame}" if you want the path+filename. If not, get back to me.


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unittesting flow

2005-10-26 Thread Stefan Klein


I was wondering if someone has got a hint on how to unittest flow  
(javaflow in my case, but I guess it'd be the same for any flow). I  
searched the wiki and the archives without luck.

I saw the callFunction-method in SitemapComponentTestcase which looks  
like what I want, but couldn't get it to work. I have used  
SitemapComponentTestcase to unittest generators before, so I think I  
know what I am doing. I created my .xtest-file, added the flow- 
interpreters role (copied from cocoon.roles) and added a component- 
instance for JavaInterpreter. Still I get an exception "Could not  
retrieve interpreter..." when I call callFunction with type "java".  
Debugging I find that indeed the interpreter-selector doesn't contain  
the JavaInterpreter.

Am I missing something? It'd be great to get a working example of how  
to use callFunction or at least a short comment on what the  
parameters are and what needs to be added to .xtest, just to make  
sure I am not overlooking something.

Or if someone has got a different way of unittesting flow I'd be very  
happy to hear it. I am going to use flow extensively in my project  
and I want to make sure I can test it properly. HTTP-testing, as has  
been suggested before on the list, doesn't go deep enough.

Thanks a lot for any help!

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