Re: [vox-tech] bare-bones web server

2002-07-18 Thread nbs

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 03:43:55PM -0700, Nicole Carlson wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Can anyone recommend a tiny-footprint, minimal, feature-free, really
> bare-bones web server for Linux?  I'm doing research on web servers, and
> Apache is way too smart for its own good.  :)  Can someone help me out?

boa, thttpd, tux ...

I've seen dozens listed on Freshmeat that claim to be small & fast. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] test - please delete

2002-07-15 Thread nbs

On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 10:51:30PM -0700, Gabriel Rosa wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Dick Ely using JPS-SMTP & POP wrote:
> > test ignore
> >
> > using jps-smtp
> >
> "This is lugod's technical discussion forum. All Linux and computer related
> technical questions and discussions go here..."

I dunno... whatever it was Dick said, it sure SOUNDED technical.

;) ;) ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] GIMP and 8-bit GIFs

2002-07-01 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 11:45:31AM -0700, Henry House wrote:
> If you are using Debian, then you need the 'gimp-nonfree' package. Other
> distros vary, but likely have a similar package for GIF support. Alernately,
> save as PNG (or other convenient format) and use the command-line convert
> program tp convert to GIF. It is beastly slow but effective and supports many
> options to customize the output. It is part of the ImageMagick package.

Ah - If .gif support (e.g. "nonfree") was the issue, then yeah.  What
Henry said. :)

Also, you can use NetPBM like so:

  pngtopnm SOME.PNG | pnmquant -fs 256 | ppmtogif > SOME.GIF

Where "pnmquant -fs 256" makes a Floyd-Steinberg dithered image of 256 colors.
You can also use palettes and other good stuff here, too.  (I believe the
format of the "palette" file you can use with 'pnmquant' is simply
some .PPM file.)

Good luck!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] GIMP and 8-bit GIFs

2002-07-01 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 11:36:03AM -0700, Alexandra Thorn wrote:
> I need to create some images for some old software that can only handle
> 8-bit graphics (GIF87).  I've been messing with the GIMP, trying to create
> things in the right format, and am getting a little frustrated.  Can
> someone tell me how to do this?

WHen you're all done creating the image and are ready to save as GIF,
you can do one of two things:

  1. Save the image and let The Gimp convert it for you:

 Simply right-click the canvas, select "File", "Save As...", and then
 enter the name for the file, ending it with ".gif"
 (With the "Determine File Type:" pulldown set to "By Extension,"
 it'll just know.)

 When it goes to save, you should get a pop-up window labelled
 "Export File," which lets you have Gimp either convert the image to
 8-bit color, or 8-bit greyscale.  Click "Export" and it will save.

 Your image, as it lives in Gimp, is unchanged.  You'll want to
 load up the saved GIF file (in Gimp, Netscape, XV, whatever...) to
 make sure it looks ok.


  2. Convert the image to 8-bit depth BEFORE saving:

 Right-click the canvas, select "Image", "Mode", "Indexed..."
 Choose your setting sin the "Indexed Color Conversion" window that
 pops up.

 Here, you can choose the number of colors (256 or less will save ok
 as GIF) and let The Gimp pick the best colors.
 ("Generate Optimal Palette.")

 Or... you can use a custom palette of colors, and have the best
 matches picked from it.  (e.g., the "Web" palette of 216 so-called
 "web safe" color)  ("Use Custom Palette")  [*]

 Finally, you can also just save in two colors: black, and white.
 ("Use Black/White (1-Bit) Palette")

 You can also choose how the resulting image is "dithered."
 Solid-colored images (e.g. cartoonish) should probably have
 "No Color Dithering," while something that was photographic or
 rendered, or has nice dropshadows or other 'colorful' details
 should have one of the other dithering options.
 I usually use "Floyd-Steinberg Color Dithering (Reduced Color Bleeding)"

 [*] To create a palette to use in the "Indexed Color Conversion"
 dialog, you can:

   1. Edit the color palette using The Gimp's palette editor:

  Right-click the canvas, select "Dialogs" and "Palette."
  Click "Edit" in the "Color Palette" window.
  (You can first pick some different existing palette from
  within the "Select" tab at the top of this window, BTW.)

  You can now edit, delete, import, and merge palettes.
  I won't go into too many details, but let's say you want to
  make a new palette.

  Click "New" (one of the "Palette Ops" at the right of the
  "Color Palette Edit" window).  Give your palette a name.
  Now you can create and edit colors in the palette.
  On the left area of the window, right-click.

  In the pop-up menu, select "New."  It will add a
  black (0x00, 0x00, 0x00) pixel to the palette (at the far left).
  Right click it (you can't really see it unfortunately, but it's
  there, at the very, very far left) and select "Edit" from the
  pop-up menu.

  Now you'll see a "Color Selection" dialog, which you should be
  used to from using The Gimp.  Set the color, hit OK.

  Lather, rinse, repeat.  :)


2. Create some image (a 16x16 picture, for example) and draw colored
   pixels into it.  (Use the "Pencil" tool in the toolbox, and
   use the tiny 1x1 brush.)

   *Ack* - I need to run to lunch, and forget exactly what you need
   to do now, but it has something to do with saving or exporting
   some file into your "~/.gimp-1.2/palettes/" directory.

   Sorry :)


3. Edit / make new palettes by hand in a text edtiro.
   The files inside your "~/.gimp-1.2/palettes/" directory are
   simply plain text files that look something like:

   GIMP Palette
   # My stupid palette
   123 123 123 grey
   255 255 255
   0 0 0 black
   0 0 255 Beautiful Blue
   0 255 0

Anyway - gotta run to lunch!  Enjoy! :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache, IE, error 404

2002-06-27 Thread nbs

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 10:17:38AM -0700, Rod Roark wrote:
> Well, I just tried these two URLs on IE 5.0 after booting up
> Win98 on my wife's (dual boot) machine.  It seems to display
> your stuff OK, regardless of the "friendly messages" setting.

Yes, same here for us, on two different boxen.

It _seems_ that there's already something magical about Apache's config.
on, _OR_ that IE actually looks at the length/complexity/keywords
within the 404 response HTML to "decide" whether it's already "friendly enough"


with the setting on and off   (both cases, you see my nice PHP 404 error)


with the setting on and off   (on, you see the generic IE "friendly" 404,
   off, you see my simply 404.shtml page)

Whatever.   This is why I don't like thinking about IE. :)

(discovered that a server-erroring VBScript in IIS still sends a 200 "OK"
response, since I guess they assume all VB coders are too stewpid to disable
the 'friendly error' setting.   Seriously...  I read this at
just now after doing a Google search ;) )

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache, IE, error 404

2002-06-27 Thread nbs

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:59:54AM -0700, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> > Now to track down a Windows box with IE to test with ;)
> First get the response code straightened out:

> HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found  <-* this is the response code 

> ... then worry about finding IE to test with.

Well _duh_.  I haven't _done_ anything yet. :^)  :^P

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache, IE, error 404

2002-06-27 Thread nbs

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 07:22:28AM -0700, Rod Roark wrote:
> >From Apache's default httpd.conf:
> # Customizable error response (Apache style)
> #  these come in three flavors
> #
> #1) plain text
> #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo.
> #  n.b.  the (") marks it as text, it does not get output
> #
> #2) local redirects
> #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
> #  to redirect to local URL /missing.html
> #ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/
> #  N.B.: You can redirect to a script or a document using server-side-includes.
> #
> #3) external redirects
> #ErrorDocument 402
> #  N.B.: Many of the environment variables associated with the original
> #  request will *not* be available to such a script.
> Looks like #2 is what you are mostly wanting.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't think that will do it.
In fact, that's what I already have.  Using a non-IE browser, go to,
for example:

and, perhaps, compare it to:

So I've already got 404 errors doing magical PHP stuff.  My issue is,
they are (rightly) being transmitted as "404" responses.

IE notices this, ignores any of the actual HTML content provided by
the webserver (e.g., in the first page up there, the note saying
"You're probably looking for the installfest page: _link_"), and just
plops its crap onto the screen.

I want Apache to say "Ok, this is a 404... BUT... the requester is using
Internet Explorer, so I'll still show them the 404 error page Bill so
tirelessly created, BUT I'll just say it's an "okeydokey" response, not
a 404."

I think someone's suggestion to rewrite headers using PHP might do the
trick for me.  If so, I'll post my solution.

Now to track down a Windows box with IE to test with ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache, IE, error 404

2002-06-26 Thread nbs

On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 11:49:23PM -0700, Rod Roark wrote:
> I think you can fix this on the browser side by going
> into IE's settings and unchecking "show friendly HTTP
> error messages"... or something like that.
> That's right, MS thinks that showing what caused an error 
> is "unfriendly".

I can't exactly do this from my webserver. :)
(That's my point... I'm trying to circumvent Microsoft's idiocy)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Apache, IE, error 404

2002-06-26 Thread nbs

I'm curious, is there any way to make an Apache webserver magically
notice when an IE browser is about to get an error 404 and not actually
send a "404" error code back?  (e.g., show whatever error page it would
show, but respond as if it was an "ok", versus a "file not found")

The point is to circumvent the stupid built-in IE error response pages
which are, in turn, circumventing any _useful_ error page your webserver
may be providing.  (, for example, has a rather sophisticated
error page which understands typos, knows about some out-of-date URLs,
and so forth...  It's sad to think so many people might never even see
the useful error response because IE is overriding the server's actual HTML)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] digital camera recommendation?

2002-06-26 Thread nbs

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 09:25:43PM -0700, Henry House wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a digital camera for use with Linux? My goals (in no
> particular order):
> * Good image quality

YMMV. :)  More megapixels help, at least when you want GIANT resolution
(like, 1600x1200).  Check for good zoom, good indoor and outdoor capabilities,
and flash.  Also good if you can adjust exposure.

> * Uses compact flash (the little wafers, each as large as an air-mail stamp)

Those aren't compact flash.  CF are the big squarish ones.  (They also
come in micro-hard-drive flavors of up to 1GB, as well as other devices
like ethernet, modem, bluetooth, wireless, etc.)

The wafer ones are probably SmartMedia, like my Olympus D-620L uses.
They're practically thinner than a credit card, and a little bigger than
a postage stamp.

CF cards (type-I) are almost as thick as a pencil.  Type-2 are thicker.

Finally, SD cards are about 2/3rd as thick as a CF card, and a little
smaller than a SmartMedia card.

If I had all three of them, and a ruler handy, I'd measure them for you.
I can if you'd like, or I can just show them all to you at Tuesday's LUGOD.

> * Complete Linux compatibility with OSS drivers

Check PhotoPC and GPhoto for compatibility lists for cameras.
That's what lead me to my choice of the Olympus I got.

I'd like a smaller camera now, though... one I can stick in my pocket
(rather than wear like a giant Flava-Flave clock around my neck :^) )

> * Linux-friendly manufacturer

Good luck. :^/  HP maybe?  MAYBE?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Device drivers

2002-06-14 Thread nbs

On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 05:15:50PM -0700, Seth Nagao wrote:
> Hey,
> Does anyone here know how to write device drivers for linux?

Pete did a talk on devfs, where I believe he did a little driver

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [web-dev] Setting website icons?

2002-06-10 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 01:27:43PM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:

> I noticed a couple weeks ago when I was fiddling with an ICO editor
> program on Windows that Windows' ICO file contains several bitmaps for
> different colors and sizes (IIRC, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, B&W, 16 colors, 256
> colors, in combinations)... kind of like Macintosh.  From Steven's
> article, it sounds like you need 16x16 size icons at 16 colors, and
> perhaps the ones on the above three sites are of wrong colors or sizes?

Ugh.  Well, screw IE (unless someone can fix and test the icons for me).
I don't have Windows, and therefore don't have access to IE.  (THANK GOD!)

The icons work perfectly under Konqueror. :)

Perhaps an upgrade from Win/IE to Linux/Konq is what everyone in the world
needs? :)

Anyone happen to know if any other 'favicon.ico'-supporting browsers
have problems?  (Does Moz support icons?)

> The editor I used is PC Magazine's IconEdit32 from  That's
> IconEdit32 with "32" at the end, not the version without:
> (Needs Windows to run... maybe WINE will work with it?)

Bleh.  I don't even have WINE.  I'm 99.9% Microsoft free.
(I have their free TrueType fonts installed :^)  I do NOT have any MS mice
or keyboards, even)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [web-dev] Setting website icons?

2002-06-10 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 12:26:35PM -0700, David Margolis wrote:
> so what tools can be used to create this ico?  can you just create a 16x16
> gif and convert it with something?

Like I said, it's been a while.  I believe KDE comes with an editor or
converter or something.

I also think there's a NetPBM-style tool available, too, so you can
do something like:

  giftopnm icon.gif | _something_ > favicon.ico

I forget what the "_something_" part is. ;)

I can check when I get home, if you'd like.  I'm fairly sure I've got
that stuff installed there.  (Debian/Woody w/ KDE)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [web-dev] Setting website icons?

2002-06-10 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 11:34:45AM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Whenever I visit a site using IE or Mozilla under Windows, I notice some
> sites can change the icons that appear on the URL., for
> example.  Does anyone know how to set this?  I don't see anything in the
> stylesheet, as far as I can see I don't see anything obvious in the
> source... (though it's gotta be in the source *somewhere*!.)

Nope.  *brrzt!* Wrong!

You need to throw a "favicon.ico" file in the root of your domain.
(You CAN override/change it via HTML for particular files... I don't know
the syntax offhand.)

A .ico is, of course, a MICROS~1 WINDOWS icon file.  Getting one that
works just right can be a little tricky.  I use some NetPBM tool or
something to tweak mine.  (It's been a while.,
and all have their own icons.  The latter two are
ones I whipped up in The GIMP and then converted.)

Konqueror supports icons, too.  It's actually kind of a nice feature.
Gives extra feedback when browsing a list of URLs in history/pulldowns/etc.,
as well as when looking at your taskbar.  (The program with the "/." icon
is Konqueror visiting some page on Slashdot.  The one with the penguin is
a page.  And so forth)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Demo Machine: Stopped Rear Case Fan.

2002-06-07 Thread nbs

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 05:50:33PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just make sure it works by June 26th, for my Zaurus talk at Davis PCUG! ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Mutt: Saving E-mail Messages as Text Files

2002-06-07 Thread nbs

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 10:05:18AM -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
> Pressing "s" alone saves it to a mailbox.

Hmm?  Since when?

I save e-mails into files all the time!


If I were to save it as something like:


... then THAT would save it into a mailbox (in my ~/Mail/ directory)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Mutt: Saving E-mail Messages as Text Files

2002-06-07 Thread nbs

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 09:12:18AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> (which make ">" the save key) in your .muttrc, i think it's "s".

You can also save the various other parts (e.g., if there's an attachment
or three) by hitting [v] to view the parts of the e-mail, and using the
cursor to select which part you wish to save and hitting [s].

Heck, you can even DELETE parts of a message.  e.g., if Linus Torvalds
e-mailed me saying "yes, I can come to LUGOD!" and attached a 40MB
MP3 file of Britney Spears, I can delete the MP3 file, but still keep the
body of his message around.

(Before you quit Mutt, when the attachment is actually purged, the
e-mail has a little "d" tag next to it  (e.g., like the big "D" it gets
when you delete the entire message.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] another php question

2002-06-06 Thread nbs

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:04:19AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
>Click on your favorite car:
> can i do this sort of thing with php3?

Why not just something CGI-flavored, like:


(being careful, of course, as to what you actually agree to opening and
reading in; e.g., abort if they say "file=/etc/passwd" :^) )

In your "display_stats.php3" file, you can refer to the variable as:



vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] book recommendation: php

2002-06-04 Thread nbs

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 08:49:30AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> any recommendations for php?

If you can wait until July, you can ask the author of PHP himself. ;)
Of course, he's also the author of O'Reilly's "Programming PHP,"
so he might be just a BIT biased. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xlib/gdk questions

2002-06-03 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 01:44:29PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> ok -- i know there's a gdk function that returns the "best approximate
> color" to some given color you want.  there must be a corresponding xlib
> function.  there must be a function that tells you how "close" your
> Color is to the requested Color.

There's probably a Color -> R/G/B conversion to give you back what
it allocated.

> hey -- anyone who can connect to the X server, put a window up and draw
> a color smiley face on a window is a haX0r in my book.  ;-)

Hehe..  It's been so long.  Any of that hax0ring is all recycled code
these days.

But hey... learning Xlib helped me get a grip on SDL very easily
(SDL to Xlib is kinda like PHP to SSI), so I suppose I did learn

(Of course, my SDL code is all recycled cut-n-paste, too :^) )

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xlib/gdk questions

2002-06-03 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 01:35:14PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> i think this is the source of my confusion about global versus local
> colormaps.
> program A has a colormap of 256 colors.  program B also has its own colormap
> of 256 colors.

Yeah... SOrry about that.  I didn't really explain global vs. local.
(I never deal with this these days, obviously :^) )

I think when you do local colormap, it gives you what it can, or a
'best fit' color, if there's no more room to alloc. colors.

(not as 'leet an Xlib hacker as most think :) )
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xlib/gdk questions

2002-06-03 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 01:24:31PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> i've seen this happen before -- but i'm still not sure why it happens.
> can you explain just a little bit more why this happens?

You've only got 256 colors on the 8-bit display.
If program A wants 50 of them to be shades of green,
and program B wants to have 256 shades of grey, that's
more than 256 colors. :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] total wierdness with permissions

2002-06-03 Thread nbs

On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 01:48:51PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> - are you really root?  (not inside a fakeroot)

Wait - Wasn't Pete the one who set his prompt to "#", even for non-root
users?! :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] quick, stupid bash question

2002-05-29 Thread nbs

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 11:29:29AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> ok, haven't tried this, but this looks to me like:
> put stderr into stdout
> redirect stdout (and therefore stderr) into /dev/null
> pipe stdout (which should be null) to grep.
> yet it works.  where is my thinking going wrong?

I'm guessing the order of operation goes backwards.

  "redirect stdout to devnull,
   shove stderr through stdout"

and then finally, on the other end, again, "pipe it to grep"

I'm far from a bash expert, though.  Most of what I know I learned from
your bash talk, and most of that has evaporated off the top of my head. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] quick, stupid bash question

2002-05-29 Thread nbs

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 11:11:19AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> ok, i should know this...
> this redirects stderr to stdout and pipes the whole thing to grep:
>strace lsof 2>&1 | grep System

Try something like:

 strace lsof 2>&1 1> /dev/null | grep

(For some reason, the other order ("2>&1" at the end) doesn't work)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] VNC Screen Geometry Settings

2002-05-29 Thread nbs

Usually VNC clients provide scrollbars.
Is it not doing that?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-28 Thread nbs

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 02:43:43AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   I'm interested in the delay problem you are having... if you are _not_
> restarting the xfstt process you shouldn't have problems.

I'd check to see if xfstt is running.  If it is not, I start it, then
I restart X.

The exact symptom is that applications take a long time to load (or don't
before the X server dies).  This includes gnome-terminal and gfontsel...

> -  What things are you doing when you notice lag or the session vanishing?

Clicking on the Terminal or [Gnome Foot] -> Programs -> Utilities -> Font Sel.


>   My guess is xfstt plays much like apache (there is one master parent
> who runs as root, which forks a client process which switches to a
> dummy user to actually do the work for client connections).  So the
> two processes is normal.

Ok, cool. :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-28 Thread nbs

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 11:11:36PM -0700, nbs wrote:
> Could be a particularly bad TTF :^P
> root  2208  0.0  1.2  1972  800 ?S23:08   0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt 
>--port 7101 --daemon --user nobody
> nobody2378  0.0  1.3  6588  832 ?S23:10   0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt 
>--port 7101 --daemon --user nobody

Barf.  Ok, xfstt was being mean to me, and I got sick of restarting X
on Melissa's computer (not exactly the fastest machine, nor the most RAM).

I'm sticking to X/freetype for now.  It means the fonts she wanted to use
won't work (at least until I try poking some more), but at least the
MSTTcore stuff works.


(forgetting if StarOffice even SUPPORTs TTF... I know it does Type1)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-28 Thread nbs

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 11:03:45PM -0700, nbs wrote:
> On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 07:38:21PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > xfstt   - Handles the Garton font perfectly.
> >   (Gimp was tested, and works)
> Enabling xfstt did the trick!  Thanks!  I guess freetype was more fussy or
> buggy...

Hmm.. Although xfstt seems to spawn a second time, and the whole X session
seems pretty laggy, and sometimes vanishes. :^/

Could be a particularly bad TTF :^P

root  2208  0.0  1.2  1972  800 ?S23:08   0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt 
--port 7101 --daemon --user nobody
nobody2378  0.0  1.3  6588  832 ?S23:10   0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt 
--port 7101 --daemon --user nobody

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-28 Thread nbs

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 07:38:21PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> xfstt   - Handles the Garton font perfectly.
>   (Gimp was tested, and works)

Enabling xfstt did the trick!  Thanks!  I guess freetype was more fussy or

(off to convince Star Office 5.2 to see these fonts, too)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-28 Thread nbs

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 04:26:07PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> - Are we using the same font?  (below is the md5sum from my TTF file)
>   15919e2750f38a3988147cd6ad57d22a  GARTON__.TTF

It's the same.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Re: truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-27 Thread nbs

On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 03:17:07PM -0700, nbs wrote:
> I followed some very nice instructions on the web:
> "TrueType Fonts on Debian XFree86 4.x Systems"
> ( )

PS - Here's what I see:  <--- font works  <--- font does not work


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] truetype fonts under gnome

2002-05-27 Thread nbs

I followed some very nice instructions on the web:
"TrueType Fonts on Debian XFree86 4.x Systems"
( )

Part of the instructions were for installing Microsoft's
"Core Fonts" package, and the other part were for
installing non-packaged (Debian packaged) fonts;
e.g. stuff you get off your MICROS~1 WINDOWS parition,
or download off the 'net.

The Windows core fonts work fine.  I can access them
from Gimp, I can see them in GFontSel and XFontSel.

The other fonts, just some downloaded TTFs, work
fine under XFontSel, but don't get rendered
under GFontSel and Gimp.  Instead, I just see the
text as if it were "Fixed" or "Clean" font...

I'm using Debain Woody, XFree86 4, Gnome from Woody.
Fonts are beign handled by XF86-4 via the "freetype"
module (eg, not via a font server)


vox-tech mailing list

[ot] Why threaded mailer (Was Re: [vox-tech] RE: [ot] posting etiquette)

2002-05-22 Thread nbs

On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 10:53:29PM -0700, Steven Peck wrote:
> H.
> [1] Never understood tracking messages by threading, tried it long ago
> and hated it, so I was unaware of the side effect :) and welll...
> I'll try to remember, but I'm an old dog.

Well, when I see something like this:

   [vox] Help, my winmodem doesn't work

followed by 2 dozen followups, since I don't care about or use even
NON-Win modems, I can easily delete the entire thread by hitting [Esc] [D]

Switching to a threaded mail client (in my case, switching from elm to mutt)
has helped TREMENDOUSLY.  I can keep track of ancient correspondences
in my "lugod" folder, clip and trim and skim through the countless mailing
lists I'm subscribed to, and so forth.

> [2] Doh!  Wrong folder! :/


vox-tech mailing list

[ot] posting etiquette (was Re: [vox-tech] For those keeping track of MS anti Open Source efforts)

2002-05-22 Thread nbs

On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 10:15:12PM -0700, Steven Peck wrote:
> >From

Psst... Steven :)

(1) Don't reply to an existing message to start a new thread, as that
confuses threaded mail clients :)

  209  D  May 22 Ryan   (  24) SEVEN HOURS! was Re: [vox-tech] Is mo
  210 May 22 Steven Peck(   9) `->[vox-tech] For those keeping track

(2) Post stuff like this to vox, not vox-tech


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] xlib question

2002-05-20 Thread nbs

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 11:24:27PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> what's the difference between an xlib Window, Display and Drawable?  as in:
> Window win;
> Display dpy;
> Drawable drw;

I believe a window is a kind of drawable, and both exist on displays.

I bet that doesn't answer your question very well, huh? :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] copy and paste from Konsole?

2002-05-15 Thread nbs

On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 05:48:18PM -0700, Alexandra Thorn wrote:
> Could anyone very quickly tell me how to copy and paste text from the KDE
> Konsole to a file I can save (or else, how to save the Konsole text to
> file directly)?  Been working on something for over an hour, and would
> like to go home and get dinner, but don't want to lose the record of what
> I did.

You could highlight everything you can to save in the Konsole, then
open up a new Konsole and run:

  cat > some_new_file.txt

...and then middle-click or press Shift+Insert on the keyboard to paste
what's highlighted in the first Konsole.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Demo machine motherboard doesn't like > 64 Gig drives

2002-05-14 Thread nbs

On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 02:41:49PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> 2 days ago i put an 80GB drive into satan.  when bios started looking
> for drives, it always hung when it tried to autodetect this drive.

In case anyone cares...

I initially had problems installing my 120GB drive into my box.
A brief BIOS upgrade (which unfortunately required use of an MSDOS boot
floppy) fixed it.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] New Distrobutions Virus Alert + humor

2002-04-30 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 04:42:13PM -0700, ME wrote:

> > ignote torch
> The torch having been lit you see:
> A large dark room with four obvious exits: N, S, E, and W.
> You face 2 Beastly Fidos, 1 RMS, 1 Linus Torvalds, 1 Bill Gates.

Thank goodness this is archived.  It'd be ashame to lose ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] New Distrobutions Virus Alert

2002-04-30 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 03:38:31PM -0700, ME wrote:
> Check your BIOS settings and look for an option about antivirus control.
> These options often check for attempts top modify the MBR and sometimes
> attempts to modify NVRAM. For installations of OS, you frequently need to
> turn off this option. If you plan to run LILO on a steady basis, just turn
> it off and leave it off. (Opinion.)

Do you mean "run LILO" as in, use it as the bootloader?
Or simply as in "edit /etc/lilo.conf and then run /sbin/lilo as root"?

Just curious.

> If  you go to and fro with windows/linux it is your call, but you should
> probably disable it for the install and then enable it after Linux is ont
> he disk.
> > Rusty Minden CCNA :-)
> This makes you happy and excited. :-D

I suppose I could google.. but... what IS a CCNA?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Demo machine sound card...

2002-04-28 Thread nbs

On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 03:26:20AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Well the sound card now works, under ALSA version 0.9.0rc1.

W00t! Sorry it gave you so much trouble.  (Every time this machine gets
wiped and reinstalled, it seems to take one of us a while to get the damned
thing to work.)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux's Vulnerability to E-mail Viruses

2002-04-26 Thread nbs

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 03:08:17AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Chris,
>   Okay, Pete was absolutely correct, the rest of your email was talking 
> about software programs, then switched context to encryption without
> using the word encryption, so I was trying to figure out how a executable
> was safer being asymmetric...  ;)

That confused me too, but I just figured I wasn't familiar with what
Chris was talking about. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux's Vulnerability to E-mail Viruses

2002-04-25 Thread nbs

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 08:47:34PM -0700, ME wrote:
> The most advanced encryption available is found when you use 2XOR
> (double-XOR) with your data and the same key.

Like those ebooks!  Wait, no that was ROT13

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Software suggestions?

2002-04-25 Thread nbs

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 06:58:19PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 
> > >   not packaged, or I'm missing it.
> > 
> > No prob.  
>   But when it's not packaged then I'd need to go find the source,
> figure out how to compile it and junk, which could take an hour
> for each package.  ;)

No ... I didn't mean "It is not a problem for you to install it, lazybones"
I meant "It is not a problem that you didn't bother installing it - it's

Anyway, thanks again!  Also, I made all app. titles on the Demo Computer
page on links to their various homepages.  (Most are
"www.[name of program].org" :) )

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Software suggestions?

2002-04-25 Thread nbs

Also, what servers are installed?  (I assume Apache - what's enabled?
OpenSSH, too, I'm presume.  Anything else?)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Software suggestions?

2002-04-25 Thread nbs

Mike said:
> Bill said:
> >   The Gimp  ( )
> >   XMMS  ( )
> >   Some XMMS visualization plug-ins  (  "   )
> >   XVNC [*]  ( )
> > And, if you have time,
> >   Frozen Bubble ( - avail. as .deb )
> >   glTron( )
> >   FlightGear( )
> >   Vectoroids  [ ;) ]( )
>   done.

All of them?  Cool!  Thanks!

> >   Asteroids 3D  ( )
>   not packaged, or I'm missing it.

No prob.  I've never actually tried it before, so I don't even know if
it's good.  LOOKS nifty.  There's another cool 3D asteroid game out
there, too (not 1st person)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Software suggestions?

2002-04-25 Thread nbs

(This should really be on VOX, but... whatever :^) )

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 04:03:10PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Overview
> Major installed packages include:
> - X11 4.1, Gnome, KDE,
> - Abiword, Gnumeric, Koffice, Openoffice,
> - Mozilla, Konqueror, lynx, links
> - Most of the development tool chain:
>   C, C++, Perl, Python,
> - Many games:
>   nethack, tuxracer, defendguin, gemdropx, etc... ;)
>   the Loki demo archive... :{

Add to this:

  The Gimp  ( )
  XMMS  ( )
  Some XMMS visualization plug-ins  (  "   )

And, if you have time,

  Frozen Bubble ( - avail. as .deb )
  glTron( )
  FlightGear( )
  Vectoroids  [ ;) ]( )
  Asteroids 3D  ( )
  XVNC [*]  ( )

And make sure sound is working! :)  (If you don't have speakers, you can
always use headphones, ya know!)

[*] It'd be cool to show the Zaurus over VNC at the demos.
I may need a little help getting a network between the systems...

Thanks for your work!

I've updated the Demo Box page:

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Hardware Details

2002-04-24 Thread nbs

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 02:17:10PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Okay this message is an overview of the lugod demo computer
> Hardware Setup (software details in separate mail).  I was 
> thinking some information about the machine should be included 
> on the website.  

There actually is:

It's linked-to off of the main demo page (under "Demo Computer" paragraph):

I'll go over your e-mail and update the specs. as needed, though!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] breakinguplongwordsinlatex

2002-04-23 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 05:10:13PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> \linebreak[0]: if it's convenient, please consider line breaking here.
> \linebreak[1]: please line break here.
> \linebreak[2]: line break here.
> \linebreak[3]: you better line break here or there's hell to pay
> \linebreak[4]: hello latex, this is god speaking. thou shalt line break.

Hmm.. this doesn't do much for me.  I'm not in control of the data
being sent.  (In this case, if the people making the data would need
to go through the trouble of inserting a "\linebreak" command, they
may as well just stick a space in there instead, since it will Do The Right
Thing, anyway.  -  I'm thinking this is what I'm going to have to have
them do.)

I'll dig a little more. Thanks for the suggestions WRT the books.
I'll see if someone at work here can ok a purchase. :)
(I've been borrowing someone's "A Guide To LaTeX" by
Helmut Kopka & Patrieck Daly)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] breakinguplongwordsinlatex

2002-04-23 Thread nbs

Is there a way to force a string to break at a certain length,
regardless as to whether it contains spaces?

In other words, some data being printed into columns of a table
word wrap ok, because it's multiple words:

   This is a really long spaced
   entry for the column

Others mess up the table (a longtable with specifically assigned widths):


Any way to just force that 2nd kind of text to break at the column's

(The data really should be changed, but that's not up to me,
unfortunately. <:^(  )

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Not able to log into root.

2002-04-23 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 02:11:33PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> why did you post /etc/passwd?
> it would be more helpful if you posted the contents of /etc/shadow.

Why, so we can all try to crack it for a few weeks?  ;) 

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Not able to log into root.

2002-04-23 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 11:58:33AM -0700, Rusty Minden wrote:
> Dohh! Yes I do I flubbed when doing a search using vim sorry. Still can't use 
> su to log into root.

You'll probably need to boot into single user mode (err.. if you CAN
with a botched /etc/passwd), or (more likely) use a rescue disk.

BTW - use "vipw", not "vim"...  It will, as the man page says,
"set the appropriate locks to prevent file corruption."  I seem to
recall it also complaining and not saving/quitting if the file got
botched up.  (eg, it syntax checks it before committing to disk)

I could be wrong about that last part, unfortunately... :)
In that case, I guess VIM is good enough.  Just be CAREFUL! ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] C++ question - undefined reference

2002-04-22 Thread nbs

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 02:45:12AM -0700, nbs wrote:

> I ported xsc (Star Castle clone for X-Window) to SDL

(there's a GIF screenshot there, too)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] C++ question - undefined reference

2002-04-22 Thread nbs

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 02:16:58AM -0700, Gabriel Rosa wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, nbs wrote:
> >
> > I really dislike C++  :^P
> >
> I recommend learning it before complaining :P

Hehe... Picnic day frustrated me (as usual - far too many stupid people
in town... I even saw a drunk guy walk into In-n-Out with a beer...),
so I've been especially ill-tempered towards non-C-languages. :^)

Anyway... I'm a moron.  I had #ifdef'd the declaration out at one point.


HOWEVER.. I can now go to bed and sleep happy.
I ported xsc (Star Castle clone for X-Window) to SDL
AND got it running on the Zaurus (albeit at a reduced framerate... the
code is RIDDLED with float and trig stuff)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] C++ question - undefined reference

2002-04-22 Thread nbs

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 02:06:09AM -0700, nbs wrote:
> I'm trying to port an X-Window-based C++ game to SDL, and am having
> problems during linking.

Hmm... Well, redeclaring it in one of the .C files as:

#ifdef USE_SDL
Display * display = 0;

...seemed to do the trick.  

I really dislike C++  :^P

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] C++ question - undefined reference

2002-04-22 Thread nbs

I'm trying to port an X-Window-based C++ game to SDL, and am having
problems during linking.

For some reason, event though the variable "display" is declared
(I simply typedef'd its type, "Display", to a plain old "int"),
and event set to a value (just "0"), I'm getting some errors:

castle.o: In function `Castle::explode(Stats *)':
/home/kendrick/xsc-1.4/castle.C:246: undefined reference to `display'
laser.o: In function `Laser::render(bool)':
/home/kendrick/xsc-1.4/laser.C:68: undefined reference to `display'
ring.o: In function `Ring::render(bool)':
/home/kendrick/xsc-1.4/ring.C:88: undefined reference to `display'
ship.o: In function `Ship::render(bool)':
/home/kendrick/xsc-1.4/ship.C:159: undefined reference to `display'
/home/kendrick/xsc-1.4/ship.C:166: undefined reference to `display'
ship.o:/home/kendrick/xsc-1.4/ship.C:169: more undefined references to `display' follow

I'm not sure exactly what this error means, but it's at the linking
stage.  (In other words, I didn't get any 'undefined variable' errors
regarding "display" during the compliation stage of the build.)

Any ideas?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX, DVI, PDF, LaTeX, fonts - HELP!

2002-04-19 Thread nbs

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 04:51:02PM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:

> A few things:
> * If the generated PDF file is not using Times, it should be obvious looking
>   at the PDF in Acrobat.  One can tell the difference between a doc w/CM
>   fonts and a doc w/Times.  What does a visual inspection reveal?

I can ask people to ask the people with the systems with problems
to do this.  Thanks. :)

> * More useful, Acrobat will tell you precisely what fonts are used.  Go to
>   File/Document Info/Fonts  Have your end-user try this on their machine.
>   Compare.


> * I don't see the HP-850S.

Sorry...  By HP-850s, I mean more than one HP-850.  (eg, plural, not 's' ;) )

>   I see the HP DeskJet 850C, and this could be
>   a problem since it's not PostScript.


>   What, exactly, is the printer that's
>   having a problem?  The problem could be the result of driver issues
>   (not that you could fix them, but at least you would have something
>   to blame).

The HP-850 printers ( ;^) ) are the ones printing sans serif, when
the rest of the printers all print times fine.

They also have a slightly tweaked top/bottom margin, I asusme because
of the way the paper feeds.

eg, in LaTeX, I'm saying, "I want the top & bottom margins here & here,"
but when I hold two printouts up to each other, the HP ones are printed
'higher.'  VERY annoying when trying to fit an address & postnet code
in an envelope window. >:^( >:^(

> * In Acrobat on Windoze, there's a *very* useful option "print as image"
>   that shows up in the print dialog box.  It can be a little slow but it will
>   print anything that Acrobat can display.  Sadly, this option is missing in
>   the Linux version.  Have your end-user try this.  Might save everyone
>   a load of time.

Thanks much!  I'll let you know what happens.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX, DVI, PDF, LaTeX, fonts - HELP!

2002-04-19 Thread nbs

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 03:34:27PM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> If you're not doing anything to specifically control fonts, the default is
> Computer Modern (the distinct look behind most TeX documents)
> for the 3 font families of roman, san serif, and typewriter.  The CM fonts
> are not PostScript fonts.
> I'm no expert, but the following simple fix will probably go a long way.
> Insert \usepackage{times} in the preamble of your document.  It
> will make Times, Helvetica, and Courier the roman, san serif, and
> typewriter font family, respectively.  These are PostScript fonts and
> the resulting output files should be much more compatible with PS
> printers.

Thanks.  Unfortunately, \usepackage{times} is already in there. <:^(

It could be that the font isn't installed on the server generating the PDF,
and it's just sheer luck that some of the documents have been printed
with the serif font.

I'll look into it.  In the meantime, if anyone has any other suggestions...

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] LaTeX, DVI, PDF, LaTeX, fonts - HELP!

2002-04-19 Thread nbs

I've just been informed that some documents that are being generated
by LaTeX aren't printing properly on some printers.

I think it's less a problem with the printers (HP-850s) and probably
more a problem with Acrobat on the system (all of these are Windows boxes, BTW)
that the printer happens to be connected to.

On one box, printing to a laser printer, the document appears correctly.
On the other box, printing to the HP-850, the fonts aren't right
(sans-serif instead of serif).

Is there some way of embedding the fonts into the PDF document so that
Acrobat will work correctly?  Or perhaps is Acrobat missing something
or misconfigured?

I've tried sending "-dNOPLATFONTS" to my call to 'dvipdf', but the
PDFs generated with and without that option were indentical in size.
(Unfortunately, >I< don't have the problem, people on the other side
of the country do, so this is mighty hard to test/debug. :^( )


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Touble with Printer Set-up (long)

2002-04-11 Thread nbs

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 12:15:04PM +0800,  Jim  Langston wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a new Linux user,

I don't have time to actually look over the problem,
but I thought I'd welcome you to the community! :)

So... welcome.  And good luck!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Dingus, was modifying mouse selection behavior under X

2002-04-10 Thread nbs

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 02:52:31AM -0700, Bill Broadley wrote:
> On a seperate but related topic, the wonderful dingus.  Way cool, it's
> the part of gnome that allows a gnome-term to autorecognize URL's.
> So for instance as I read this email in mutt (in a gnome terminal),
> when the mouse goes over a url it highlights the url (with no support
> from mutt) then I can right click to view it in my favorite browser.  

KDE's Klipper (cut-n-paste clipboard applet in the taskbar) has a feature
which makes this work "anywhere."  If you highlight a recognized string,
it will pop-up a menu giving options as to what to do with it.

So if it sees that you've highlighted:

it pops up a menu asking if you'd like to view that URL in Konqueror,
Netscape, Opera, Links, etc.

Or if it sees something like:


it pops up a menu asking if I'd like to view it with KDE's image viewer.

It's not QUITE as useful as just being able to click or meta-click an
URL, and have it launch a browser right off, but it's nice that it
works EVERYwhere, not just in terminals.  (It doesn't even need to be
a KDE app., either, thanks to the wonders of X11)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] cisco vpn

2002-04-09 Thread nbs

ok, so i've got:

  1. the IP address of a server i should be able to telnet or SSH into,

  2. some uber-secret key given to me by some web-based registration
 system, and

  3. i've got some less-uber-secret key e-mailed to me by the same
 registration system.

I've downloaded some VPN software for Linux by CISCO, from here:

It has no documentation in the tar archive, though, and the docs. on
CISCO's site are kind of lacking.  (I'm also running on fumes... very tired!)

Anyone ever used this beast?  How do I set it up, providing it #2 and #3
above, so that I can log into #1 above?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] modifying mouse selection behavior under X

2002-04-09 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 01:59:15PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> egads!  the first thing that makes me want to use a desktop manager.
> prolly still won't make me take the cpu hog plunge tho.   ;)  i'm going
> to look into mark's suggestion and if it doesn't pan out i'll experiment
> with booting up gnome when not playing games.

You don't need to run Gnome to run Gnome Terminal.
You already have Gnome libs installed (you use Abiword, no?),
so it should just be a matter of:

  apt-get install gnome-terminal

> really?  i have an xterm man page.  i think it might be symlinked to
> x-terminal-emulator(1).   try manning that.

That worked.  It's a symlink to Eterm's man page though.  Odd!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] modifying mouse selection behavior under X

2002-04-09 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 12:28:33PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> is there a way to modify the selection behavior of the mouse under X?

It depends on the terminal.  It'd be nice if it were some shared,
system-wide preference (it probably is under KDE, knowing them :) )

I'm not in front of KDE right now, but under Gnome-Terminal, in the
'Preferences' window, you can adjust the
"Select-by-word characters" setting.  From the help:

(Note, I had to type this by hand, because the fscking Gnome Help Browser
doesn't let me highlight text to paste.  Argh!)

  Select-by-word characters

Defines a list of characters (or /character classes/) that should be
considered 'word characters'.  These are used when _selecting_text_ by

With "_selecting_text_" a link to a section of the 'Pointer Usage' help
page within Gnome's Help system.

I can't find anything under xterm like this.
There may be an X resource for it.
(I don't seem to have a man page for xterm!  Bizarre!  This is Debian!)

And under rxvt, maybe I'm stupid, but I can't seem to pop any
preference menus up like I can in xterm and gnome-terminal.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] looking for Debian support

2002-04-02 Thread nbs

On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 12:02:27AM -0800, tfarnall wrote:
> Hi!
> I am contacting you because I'm looking for someone to provide paid
> support to me in the use of Debian.

Hi Tom!  Welcome to our list!  Pete Salzman had forwarded your message to him
onto this list last night, and we discussed it a little then.
(You can see the thread starting here: )

> Regarding the immediate help I need, it is for someone to walk me through
> the debian install via telephone.

An over-the-telephone attempt may prove to be frustrating, but it's
better than nothing.

Pete had suggested we do a road trip out to Arcata to help you, as we've
done this once in the past for someone in Benicia.  Unfortunately, though,
it looks like you're a 6h15m drive from Davis! :)

The closest other LUG I could think of was North Bay LUG out in Santa Rosa,
but they're still 5h45m away from you.

Doing a little more search on Google, I think I may have found a LUG at
Humboldt State which might be able to help, if the over-the-phone attempt
fails.  From my response to the earlier thread: appears there's a LUG in Humboldt,
which is run by Ian Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

The CS club at Humboldt State USED to have a LUG page on their site:

...but don't seem to any more. Maybe someone from there can give pointers?

Finally, I also stumbled across this fellow:

...who specializes in "custom software and database development with
FileMaker Pro.  Also, Windows (all flavors), Linux, and Networking."
He's in Arcata.

In the meantime, I'm sure there's a number of people here who'd love
to help over the phone! :)

Again... welcome to the list!  I've got to go run to prepare for tonight's

Public Relations Officer
Linux Users' Group of Davis
vox-tech mailing list

(MS anti-unix site NOT april fool) Re: [vox-tech] Effective home disk backup systems

2002-04-01 Thread nbs

On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 03:03:39PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> btw, was the MS/unisys article an april fool's joke or was it real?

Well, unless it's an April Fool being done by Unisys themselves, no!

 BLUE BELL, PA 19424-0001



  The site is running Rapidsite/Apa-1.3.14 (Unix)
  FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.7.1 OpenSSL/0.9.5a on FreeBSD.

It looks like, while they are running a good OS and webserver (FreeBSD and
Apache), they're still using crap to make it (FrontPage).  ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] writing free getopt, ran into a dilemma...

2002-03-28 Thread nbs

On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 09:13:19AM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> The one I tried to link statically on Windows one time said it was GPL,
> but according to Micah it's apparently LGPL with misdocumentation. :P
> The reason I'm writing my own getopt is because I want static linkage.
> Anyway, some options I'm thinking about:

I don't have the LGPL in front of me, but I believe it says something
to the affect of:

  * if you statically-link, you must also provide a version of the binary
that will dynamically-link, if the user wishes to do so

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] writing free getopt, ran into a dilemma...

2002-03-28 Thread nbs

On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 12:35:05AM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Keywords: getopt, license issues, GPL, BSD, optind
> Hey guys,
> I mentioned some months ago about how I was using GPL's "getopt" library
> in one of my company programs, and I was wondering about the GPL
> distribution issues.[1]

Woah... getopt library is GPL, not LGPL?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] how to be not nice within C

2002-03-25 Thread nbs

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 05:57:02PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> DOH!!!
> why oh why does man 1 nice have to come before man 2 nice?!?   ;-)
> thanks, bill!

Yeah.  Irritating.  Every time I want to man printf, I always end up
with the shell 'printf' program's man page, not the C library one. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] how to be not nice within C

2002-03-25 Thread nbs

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 05:43:54PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> is there a way for an executable written in C to change its own nice
> value?
> is there a system call that does this sort of thing?

As seen in "man 2 nice":

   nice - change process priority


   int nice(int inc);

   nice  adds  inc to the nice value for the calling pid.  (A
   large nice value means a low priority.)  Only  the  super
   user   may  specify  a  negative  increment,  or  priority

(hoping that cut/pasted ok from man)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX longtable

2002-03-16 Thread nbs

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 10:40:47PM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Bill,
> I don't know why you have to type all that stuff to get longtable working
> on your system.  Make sure you `latex` *twice*:

I'm not running it.  Long story short:

  JSP code (not mine, obviously :) ) needs to generated PDF based on
  some user- and/or database input.

  PDF is generated from LaTeX code, which is actually a template being
  parsed by Perl.

So, already we have JSP, Perl, a number of LaTeX/DVI/PDF conversion tools,
and a few shell scripts getting executed.

I'll stick to the simple 'fixed width columns' approach for now. :)

Thanks, tho!  If something changes, I'll look into multiple executions
of latex.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LaTeX longtable

2002-03-15 Thread nbs

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 04:05:31PM -0800, Henry House wrote:
>   \begin{longtable}{
>   p{1.65cm}
>   p{5.3cm}
>   >{\hfill}p{2.1cm} # right-aligned column
>   >{\hfill}p{2.1cm}
>   >{\begin{flushleft}}p{3.8cm}<{\end{flushleft}}
>   p{1.0cm}
>   }

This did it, for me, BTW.  I dunno if it's a GOOD solution, but it's
definitely better than what I was getting.

Thanks so much! :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] familiar review

2002-03-15 Thread nbs

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 02:52:36PM -0800, Geoffrey Herteg wrote:
> To answer Bill's question about the filesystem layout in Familiar,
> here's the scoop:

Thanks. :)

> / is a JFFS2 partition mounted RW.  RW?!  Yeah, but don't worry, it only
> gets written to when you make a change to something like /etc/foo or
> something else not in /var or /tmp.

Similar to the Agenda.

Here's what the Zaurus has, on /my/ particular device.
(Again, I'm running an alternative ROMdisk)

# mount
/dev/mtdblock0 on / type cramfs (ro)   16MB internal Flash ROM
/proc on /proc type proc (rw)  /proc
/dev/ram1 on /dev type minix (rw)  /dev
/dev/mtdblock1 on /home type ext2 (rw,sync,noatime)64MB removable SD card
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)  /dev/pts
/dev/hda1 on /usr/mnt.rom/cf type vfat (rw)64MB removable CF card

# df
Filesystem 1k-blks   Used  Avail  Use%  Mounted on
/dev/ram1   44 24 20   55%  /dev
/dev/mtdblock1   58977  43804  12128   78%  /home
/dev/hda162436  21994  40442   35%  /usr/mnt.rom/cf

In comparison, here's the Agenda VR3  (running a non-altered ROM)

$ mount
/dev/hdc2 on / type unknown (rw,noatime)   16MB internal Flash
proc on /proc type proc (rw)   /proc

$ df
Filesystem 1k-blks   Used  Avail  Use%  Mounted on
/dev/mtdblock03328   3072256   92%  /flash Where ROM lives for

It's odd that "/" isn't listed on either unit's "df" output...


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] familiar review

2002-03-15 Thread nbs

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 12:28:27PM -0800, Gabriel Rosa wrote:
> I didn't like the default install very much, so I went ahead and ditched the
> window manager (ios) and installed icewm. I also went thru the graphical
> package manager (very excellent) and installed vim and bash (essentials) and
> a lot of PIM stuff (lots of options, some taken from agenda IIRC),

Yeah - I heard that Agenda had been adopted/ported for Linux-on-iPAQ,
at least as an alternative.  Did you need to install FLTK, too, or were
the binaries statically-linked to it.

> dillo and some small utilities.

Dillo's great. :)  Until I got my Zaurus (which has embedded Opera and
now Konqueror/embedded - both awesome), I was really paying attention
to ViewML (FLTK-based), Cheetah and Dillo browsers.  I was really hoping
one of them would get ported to the Agenda's smaller screen and
stylus interface.  Oh well... it's moot now :)

> Everything works really nicely, the anti-aliased fonts look _nice_. And I
> mean _nice_ :)

Yeah - I heard you mention you've got AA'd fonts in the terminal.
That's one thing the current terminal lacks on the Zaurus (it's just
KDE's Konsole).  Fortunately, both Opera and Konqueror support AA'd fonts.
I think some of's apps support the available AA'd fonts, too.

> After the near-full install I still have 1.4mb left on the / partition,

So "/" is flash?  Is it mounted RW or RO?

> and half of the 32mb of ram mounted as a ramfs. As soon as I get the
> cha$$$nce, I'll probably get a nice 64/128 CF card to go with it,

64MB CF is only about $50 bucks at Fry's.  You can probably find something
somewhere cheaper.  Do you have the appropriate sleeve (or whatever) to
use a CF card?  If not - how much do those run?  I can't imagine it'd
be much, since it seems like it should just be some kind of pass-thru
with a different form-factor.

BTW - Recently, people started pointing out PCMCIA->CF adapters, which
will allow CF-based PDAs (like Zaurus & iPaq) to use any old PCMCIA card. :)

> so I can carry some tunes around. It'll probably make a nice MP3 player,
> since you can shut the screen off completely, although not as nice as the
> Clie with dedicated DSP.

What MP3 player are you using?  The one that Trolltech wrote for the
Zaurus is suitable, but it's currently lacking some useful features
like forward- and backwards- seeking within a song.

It supports MP3, MPEG1/2 and with a plug-in, MPEG4.  There's a MOD
plugin, but it sounds like it only works on iPaqs running Qtopia.

Fortunately, is coming out with a product which will be
a complete solution for all audio, video and image viewing needs.
(And has built-in MOD support.)  I'm eagerly awaiting that. :)

> One of the things that really impressed me is how easily the screen rotates
> from landscape to portrait (both directions each), and how the hardware
> (screen, audio, apm, launch buttons) worked out of the box.

Can you rotate the screen while everything is running?  Do all apps.
rotate?  Under Qtopia, screen-rotation affects the next application(s)
you launch, so I can have a right-side-up (portrait) terminal, and
a sideways (landscape) web browser.  (It also supports all 4 degrees of

> It also comes with an onscreen keyboard and xstroke, for handwriting. xstroke
> seems to understand my grafitti characters, so I'm assuming the default
> config is grafitti (there's a .conf in /etc you can change with character
> mappings).

Eek... Are there tools that'll let you retrain it?  The Agenda originally
used Xscribble, and then moved to Xmerlin, which was WAY better.

At least with the latter, you could run an application on your desktop
to teach it your own strokes.

On the Zaurus, the handwriting is /fully/ trainable (ie, you can even
remove default strokes, rather than just create alternatives), and
is managed on the device.

If Xmerlin is available for iPaq (I'd be surprised if it wasn't), I strongly
suggest trying it out.  In the meantime, though, I would like to check
out Xstroke and see how it compares.

> Suposedly familiar is binary and library compatible with the debian arm
> packages, but I still need to try that out.

Sounds about right. :)

> Overall I have to say this rocks. Being a geek I wouldn't mind having a newer
> model with more storage (I think the newer ones have 64mb flash/64mb ram, or
> 64mb flash/32mb ram, or similar), but 16mb seems to be more than enough for a
> good config.

I'm ok with the 32MB in my Zaurus, but that's only because someone came
out with an entirely SD-card-based ROM, so rather than having 16MB of RAM
and 16MB of storage (like Sharp's 1.10 ROM), or ~27MB of RAM and ~5MB of
storage (like their 1.11 alternative), I've got ~32MB of RAM and 64MB of
storage. :)

Of course, after installing almost 20 IPKG's, including 3 really
large games, a VNC server, and Konqueror, as well as a 5MB text-to-speech
program and a 20MB install of GCC, I've only got about 12MB of space left.


Re: [vox-tech] FPE signals, sample code, and why they are bad.

2002-03-15 Thread nbs

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 02:42:45PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
over 600 lines about FPE catching, including many code snippets...

Ladies and gentlement...  Mike Simons is BACK! 


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] LaTeX longtable

2002-03-13 Thread nbs

I've got a LaTeX longtable that I'm trying to work with, which is being
widened as it passes through various chunks (due to longer text appearing
in later rows).

In other words, depending on the size of LTchunksize, it looks like this:
(small chunksize)

 abc  123  hello world 1234
 def  456  hello world 1234
 abc  123  hello world 1234
 def  456  hello world 1234
  xyz  999  goodbye everyone  1234<--- with small chunksize, the
  lmn  111  hello world   1234 table starts getting wider
  abc  123  hello world   1234 closer to the first wider row
ooo  911  this is a really wide one  1234

or this:  (larger chunksize)

 abc  123  hello world 1234
 def  456  hello world 1234
  abc  123  hello world   1234 <--- these couple end up
  def  456  hello world   1234  being in the same 'chunk'
  xyz  999  goodbye everyone  1234 <--- as this wider one, so they
  lmn  111  hello world   1234  get widened, too
abc  123  hello world1234  <--- same thing happens here,
ooo  911  this is a really wide one  1234  <--- because of this one

What I really want, of course, is the ENTIRE longtable to be as wide
as the widest one.  Setting LTchunksize to something unreasonably large
(like 500) seems to break LaTeX (all but one page gets rendered).

I assumed I could do something silly like set the longtable's width
to, oh, I dunno... 8 inches?  But the "\begin{longtable}" syntax
doesn't seem to like it very much. :)

Any ideas!?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] zlib vulnerability

2002-03-11 Thread nbs

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 11:54:56AM -0800, Foo Lim wrote:
> A friend brought this to my attention:

Hehe... I don't have time to dig, but it appears a fix is already
available for Debian. ;)

  Get:2 potato/updates/main zlib1g 1:1.1.3-5.1

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] How is put together?

2002-03-04 Thread nbs

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 10:51:14AM -0800, Henry House wrote:
> > but that doesn't mean we couldn't host our own!
> Let's do it! Bill, what do you say?

Err... Uh.  Since the dotfiles site /does/ seem to still exist, I think
it'd just make sense to contribute there.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] more php questions

2002-03-03 Thread nbs

On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 12:20:00PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> how does one "import files of functions" into a php document?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] How is put together?

2002-03-01 Thread nbs

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 08:55:52PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> although -- wait.  isn't there a already?  Seem to have gone away and been replaced with a big
'coming soon' page. :(

   Domain Name: DOTFILES.ORG

   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
  Momoi, Yasunari  (YM233)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2-27-1-601 Ayase
  +81-90-7731-5086 (FAX) none

   Record last updated on 08-Jan-2002.
   Record expires on 01-Mar-2004.
   Record created on 01-Mar-2000.
   Database last updated on 1-Mar-2002 07:48:00 EST.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] How is put together?

2002-02-27 Thread nbs

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 10:22:47PM -0600, Jay Strauss wrote:
> Pete et al,
> The lugod site looks (and works) nicely.

Thanks! :)

>  What technologies are you using?
> That is, how and who did your graphics.

Marianne Waage using Photoshop and me using The Gimp.

>  Do you use some sort of a web
> templating system, lugod has a similar look to other open source sites.

I rolled our own PHP code for the look-and-feel...

> Is the mailing list major domo?  What do you use to archive and search the
> mailing list?  Anything I'm missing

I believe the lists are running Mailman.  The search engine
is Mnogo.  These were set up by Pete Salzman and
Henry House.

Thanks! :)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] php wonders. (was on vox)

2002-02-20 Thread nbs

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 11:58:10PM -0500, Erik Mullinix wrote:
> Hello.
> While working on learning PHP. I have been having problems getting the ability to do 
>php off of apache.
> SuSE 7.3, Apache 1.3.20 with php 4.0.6
> I get the method POST is not supported.

Is this when submitting a form?  (eg, clicking on the 'type=submit' form
widget on a form with 'method=post')

Or is it simply when you try to load a PHP file (eg, asking the browser
to fetch http://somedomain/somefile.php) ?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] attention installfest attendees: X woes on laptops

2002-02-20 Thread nbs

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 03:11:58PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> if anyone here is aware of any distributions that carry 4.2.*, i'd like
> to make a list for my own personal knowledge.  please post your info.
> :)

If possible, it might be useful just to burn a CDROM every couple of months
which contains Debian packages and RPMs (possibly numerous ones... one
for SuSE, one for RedHat, one for Mandrake, etc.) of the latest XF86 4.x,
and possible even have a copy of the absolute latest source tarball...

Just a suggestion :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] ssh remote commands

2002-02-18 Thread nbs

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 06:25:42AM -0800, Charles Polisher wrote:

> Can you clear the SUID bit and add the device 
> to fstab with user-mountable permissions? Maybe
> even use a chrooted mount-point? Just thinking out
> loud...

It doesn't access the rio via a /dev/ device.  It accesses it _directly_.
(It took me a while, some stracing, and finally some reading of the rio
software homepage, to remember this.)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] ssh remote commands

2002-02-18 Thread nbs

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 03:19:43AM -0800, nbs wrote:
> Looking at these issues, and the fact that one will need to be scp'ing
> files back and forth to the host with the Rio connected to it ANYWAY,
> I'm thinking ssh or ssh/sudo isn't going to be what I need.
> I guess I should look into riofs and see if I can do some sort of weird
> double remote mounting.  Or somehting. :)

Bah!  That won't work, either. :^(


  "... at the moment, riofs is read-only ..."


Any other suggestions?  (Henry's "lpr" idea was interesting, but I don't
think it'll handle deleting stuff.)

glad that USB and CF/SD cards are becoming more the norm, and bizarre
printer port access to extremely proprietary flash file systems which
break your SmartMedia to the point where you need to find a Windows box
to run some odd reformatter so that you can continue to use the card
in your digital camera...  are becoming less the norm ;)
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] ssh remote commands

2002-02-18 Thread nbs

I'm trying to set up remote access to the PC on my LAN which has the
Rio MP3 player connected to it.  Unfortunately, the command which talks
to it, "rio", requires root access.

As an exercise in safety, I'd like to set up password-less access to the
'/usr/bin/rio' command on that system via SSH.  Unfortunately, I just noticed
this in sshd's man page:

 Specifies that the command is executed whenever this key is used
 for authentication.  The command supplied by the user (if any) is
 ignored. ... 

This means that I can't do anything like:

  ssh root@zen rio -d

  ssh root@zen rio -za

  ssh root@zen rio -u somefile.mp3

Now, I can set up 'sudo' to let particular users access the 'rio' command,
but unfortunately, unless you've ran the command very recently (eg, in the
last 5 minutes!), they're forced to enter their sudo'ing password.  ie:

  ssh myself@zen sudo rio -d

will ask me for 'myself's password.  What's worse is, since this is via
an 'ssh' command execution, when I type my password, it's echoed back!

Looking at these issues, and the fact that one will need to be scp'ing
files back and forth to the host with the Rio connected to it ANYWAY,
I'm thinking ssh or ssh/sudo isn't going to be what I need.

I guess I should look into riofs and see if I can do some sort of weird
double remote mounting.  Or somehting. :)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Two libstdc++'s?

2002-02-18 Thread nbs

It appears that the game Terminus is linked to
The newer version I have (3.0.2 I believe) isn't compatible, so making
a symb. link won't do.

The folks at Vicarious Visions said that the only way to get it to work
is to install the older version of libstdc++.  I'm using Debian testing,
is there a straightforward, Debian-esque way about this?


(who finally got a replacement copy of Heavy Gear II...  and probably one
of _THE_ last invoices which will ever be printed up by Loki Games. :^( )
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] usb woes

2002-02-18 Thread nbs

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:57:12AM -0800, nbs wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:45:36AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > turns out that USB hard drives are accessed via scsi device files.
> Yep.  My CF card reader (which connects via USB) appears as /dev/sda1

PS - Interestingly, the CF cards themselves appear as IDE drives on the
Zaurus (eg, /dev/hda1 :) )   (And the SD card appears as /dev/mmcda1 ...
and the 'RAM' filesystem appears as /dev/mtdblock1 )

Wacky wacky :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] usb woes

2002-02-18 Thread nbs

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 01:45:36AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> turns out that USB hard drives are accessed via scsi device files.

Yep.  My CF card reader (which connects via USB) appears as /dev/sda1

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] misc. XF86 4 upgrade and accel 3D issues

2002-02-15 Thread nbs

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 09:33:32AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > Now, however, rather than complaining and aborting, running the 'tuxracer'
> > executable actually kills my X server!
> definitely contact the author.

Actually, I noticed that switching video modes (ie, CTRL-ALT-Num-Plus/Minus)
did the same thing.  I compared my XF86Config and XF86Config-4, and it looked
like I gave the wrong video timings. ;)

Now TuxRacer loads and the menu runs much more quickly, but polygon rendering
is still slow...

> satan# auto-apt search glx.h
> usr/include/GL/glx.hdevel/mesag-dev

But I think installing this may fix it:

  The following extra packages will be installed:
  The following packages will be REMOVED:

Off to test more!  Thanks!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] misc. XF86 4 upgrade and accel 3D issues

2002-02-15 Thread nbs

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 09:33:32AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> too bad you didn't look in the linux gamers' howto.  it would've saved
> you from head-pounding and ircing!:)

Actually, I did hit your howto various times (both via Google... even got
the Russian version once :), and while doing a 'zgrep' in my local HOWTO
dir :) )

> use auto-apt.  i think i posted this once before, but it's such a nice
> trick that it deserves to be posted again.

Kewl.  Thanks!

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] misc. XF86 4 upgrade and accel 3D issues

2002-02-15 Thread nbs

So today I decided it was about time I got 3D working on my box again
(I have a Voodoo 3 2000, and am running Debian testing).

I started with the innocent looking:

  apt-get install xserver-xfree86

That bumped me up to XFree86 Version  Yay!
However, accelerated 3D still didn't work.  A bit of head-pounding and IRCing
later, I finally found the answer on Google Groups:

  apt-get install xlibmesa3

Now, the "glxgears" demo runs at ~80fps, even in fullscreen!  Yay!

But now, I'm having a few issues.  The first, and most apparent, is that
my fonts are... umm... different.  For example, in Konsole (the x-term in KDE),
the default font is some sans-serif proportional font which is coming out
anti-aliased, and in non-proportional space (which, of course, looks very odd).

I'm guessing I need to apt-get install some other fonts.  I'll probably
get that figured out if I spend more time (and time while I'm /awake/ :) )

I installed Terminus and TuxRacer today (two of the many commercial Linux
games I've ended up buying or being given, which require accel'd 3D).

Terminus, unfortunately, won't run due to a libstdc++ conflict.  (A simple
symblink won't fix it, so I've had to resort to e-mailing Vicarious Vision's
support address.)

TuxRacer, at first, didn't run, because I didn't have a 'matching GLX visual.'
Checking their website, I discovered that for some reason the default
'.rc' file for TuxRacer asks for 32bpp, but my screen's at 16bpp.
I just changed the .rc file to use whatever my current color depth was.

Now, however, rather than complaining and aborting, running the 'tuxracer'
executable actually kills my X server!

Also, now, my virtual consoles (the text consoles accessible via Ctrl-Alt-F1
thru Ctrl-Alt-F6) can't be seen.  (Instead, I just see a frozen 640x480
zoom-in of the upper righthand corner of what was on the X screen (C-A-F7)
when I switched.  I can still log in and so forth, but I'm blind.  I may as
well have the monitor turned off :^(  --  Note... once upon a time, under
Red Hat, I had the same issue.)

Finally... and this is a dumb question (but I was having a hell of a time
finding anything using dselect), when I try to compile one of my OWN 3D
games from source, I get complaints about glx.h, gl.h, glu.h, and glut.h
missing.  What do I need to apt-get to get those fellows on my box?

Does any of this sound familiar?  And if so, does anyone have any suggestions?

In the meantime, I guess I'll leave my invisible consoles, my akward X11
fonts, and my broken 3D games, and head to bed. :)

G'nite, and thanks!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] reading files into a web page

2002-02-03 Thread nbs

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 11:49:53PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> what's php translation?   like expansion of "variables" in case the file
> has something that may look like a php variable?

No, the entire 'include()'ed file is parsed for PHP.

So, you can have your main PHP page do this:

  Hello !

And then "stuff.php" could be something like:

  So tell me,

  , what do you think of my website!?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] ZIP drive woes

2002-02-02 Thread nbs

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 07:20:06PM -0800, ME wrote:
> insmod load a module, but does not do deps.

Why do I /always/ forget about modprobe!? :)  Thanks! :)

> Also, see if you can dd the device and see if the drive comes on.
> # dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero bs=1024k count=10

Odd... No light.  Just this:

  # dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero bs=1024k count=10
  dd: /dev/sda: Input/output error
  0+0 records in
  0+0 records out

> Does the drive click-click-click-clik a lot while running?

Fortunately, no. :)


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] ZIP drive woes

2002-02-02 Thread nbs

I found some old ZIP disks I had backed up some of my websites on,
and thought I'd poke around and see what I had.

Unfortunately, when I went to use my drive (an older, PPA-style 100MB drive),
I was faced with the following:

  # insmod ppa
  Using /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o
  ppa: Version 2.05 (for Linux 2.2.x)
  ppa: Found device at ID 6, Attempting to use EPP 32 bit
  ppa: Found device at ID 6, Attempting to use SPP
  ppa: Communication established with ID 6 using SPP
  scsi2 : Iomega VPI0 (ppa) interface
  scsi : 2 hosts.
Vendor: IOMEGAModel: ZIP 100   Rev: J.03
Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  Detected scsi removable disk sda at scsi2, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
  sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 08
  sda : extended sense code = 6
  sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  sda: test WP failed, assume Write Protected
   unable to read partition table

The ppa module remains loaded, but whenever I try to mount a disk,
it fails too:

  $ mount /mnt/zip  [ in fstab, it's /dev/sda1 as ext2 fs ]
  sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 08
  sda : extended sense code = 6
  sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  sda: test WP failed, assume Write Protected
   unable to read partition table
  mount: block device /dev/sda1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
  sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
  sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 08
  sda : extended sense code = 6
  sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.
  sda: test WP failed, assume Write Protected
   unable to read partition table
  mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device

I tried mounting them as DOS disks, too (/dev/sda4 as vfat fs),
and I was sure that the "lp" kernel module was disabled before
I tried doing the "insmod ppa".

Could it be that my dusty old Iomega drive has finally kicked the
bit bucket?

Or perhaps all four of the disks I'm trying to read are dead!?
(I know one of them worked fairly recently... I believe it was the
disk I tested the Zip drive on when I put this P133 system back together)

FYI I'm running Debian 2.2 and kernel 2.2.18pre21, which came with it.
I didn't build the kernel on this box.  Looking at the kern. config
file "/boot/config-2.2.18pre21", I'm not sure there's any point in
doing so:


Any ideas?  Or should I go hunt down a new drive?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] PDF/PS formating to save paper

2002-02-02 Thread nbs

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 12:19:40PM -0800, Ryan wrote:
> I'd like to be able to processs my PDF or PS files to shrink pages form the 
> orignal and fit 4 of them on each page of a new document, anyone know how i 
> miggh pull this off?

Dont have time to give details, but I think  "psnup" is what you want.
Check the man page.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] reading files into a web page

2002-02-02 Thread nbs

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 12:13:12PM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, nbs wrote:
> > Or simpler yet:
> >
> >   
> "include" does PHP translation, which Peter may not want.  It's especially
> fatal if you're including a user-posted data.  "fpassthru" is safer from
> security point of view.

Indeed.  I never have any user-posted data on sites where I've used
PHP, and I often _do_ want the contents PHP-parsed.  I'm guessing
fpassthru may be faster, though, so I should probably look into using
it in some places.  Thx :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] reading files into a web page

2002-02-02 Thread nbs

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 03:14:02AM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Better way would be with PHP:
> $fp = fopen("/www/pcgm/bulletins", "r");
>  fpassthru($fp);
>   ?>

Or simpler yet:


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [C newbie]C program is acting weird...

2002-01-31 Thread nbs

On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 11:10:48PM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> What do you *want* it to do?
> Including numbers will need some math trickery.  The place with 'z' and
> 'a' is where it's picking a letter between 'a' and 'z', but since numbers
> aren't in a sequential order in the ASCII system, you can do something
> like expanding the range and 'if'-ing the range for a letter or number.

Or use that nifty "?" operator that I never use ;) ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Why not APC? (wasTripp Lite UPS)

2002-01-30 Thread nbs

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 09:35:07AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Good for you.  A UPS is a nice thing. 
> Why are APC units to be avoided?

My APC's been working great for the 2+ years I've had it, too.

vox-tech mailing list

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