saveall on habtm creates duplicate new rows

2015-06-10 Thread ajt
Hi, I have a simple HABTM with a lessons/Students table. i simply create a new lesson with an existing student via a while loop , so I should get 2 new rows. I am testing this function. What I get is 4 new rows in the lesson table instead of 2. I have no idea why the extra 2 rows are created

Re: how is this saving without a table

2015-02-27 Thread ajt
I did this and i cant see anything unusual ?php App::uses('AppModel', 'Model'); /** * Subject Model * * @property Lesson $Lesson * @property Student $Student * @property Tutor $Tutor */ class Term extends AppModel { var $displayField = Title; public function get_current_term ( ) {

OnChange event wont work in cakephp

2015-02-27 Thread ajt
Hi, I cant get any onchange event to fire. I just want to disable a textbox when some options are selected. I used id and name in textbox but I cant get thus to work as when i click the radio button nothing changes. I used radio buttons echo

Re: OnChange event wont work in cakephp

2015-02-27 Thread ajt
Is there an answer for this ? I am sure I can get it with an example please -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To unsubscribe from

how is this saving without a table

2015-02-26 Thread ajt
In cakephp I have some code which saves data without a table and I have no idea how. The model,controller show nothing like below it works fine but there is no tablecalled terms ?php App::uses('AppController', 'Controller'); /** * Subjects Controller * * @property Subject $Subject */

Re: how is this saving without a table

2015-02-26 Thread ajt
$terms=$this-Term-find('all' ); //displays everything and you can edit these fields in another page. There is no table called terms in any database I have. How is this happening? -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You

Re: pagination with join and array in cakephp

2015-02-23 Thread ajt
I still cant get this to work with paginate but i can with find all , so there has to be a way $options['recursive'] =-1; I still cant get this to work with paginate but i can with find all , so there has to be a way $options['recursive']

pagination with join and array in cakephp

2015-02-22 Thread ajt
Hi, in cakephp I used a 'find all' to do a complex and this works fine as below. My issue is I am trying to convert this to a set paginated results and I keep getting offset warning Illegal offset type [CORE\Cake\Model\Model.php, line 2936. I am sure the issue is simple but is there a way to

how can i return to page with same search filters

2015-02-19 Thread ajt
Hi, In cakephp I can add search filters and change the post vars into Get as below. This works fine. My problem is how do go to another page found from the list of searches and return to the same page? All search filters are gone when i return as I am not storing them. eg I search for

Re: how can i return to page with same search filters

2015-02-19 Thread ajt
I had a look it and it looks difficult to use. NOt sure if this is the best way to go and where is a complete example and ability to go back to the page? This doesnt really help -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You

Re: cant remove page from url pagination to prevent error

2015-02-18 Thread ajt
You mean use get instead of post? -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from

cant remove page from url pagination to prevent error

2015-02-18 Thread ajt
Hi, In cakephp I keep getting a page out of range error. The problem only happens when I am page:2 or above and I perform a search. The search works fine unless this is only 1 page found and then I get the error if the URL has page 2 or above. I tried resetting the page no, to 1

CakePHP autocomplete tutorial ajax error

2015-01-31 Thread ajt
Hi, In CakePHP, I am trying to create a autocomplete function from a textbox, using this tutorial: I keep getting a Error: AutoCompleteHelper could not be found. Undefined index: autoCompleteText

Cakephp Autocomplete Tutorial ajax error

2015-01-31 Thread ajt
In CakePHP, I am trying to create a autocomplete function from a textbox, using this tutorial: http: // I keep getting a Undefined index: autoCompleteText I solved the helper issue as it finds the

Re: cant get autocomplete function to find helper class

2015-01-31 Thread ajt
I checked the docs and the autocomplete tutorial is for cakephp 1.X To use it for cakephp 2.X I couldnt get it to work so I am stuck -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed

cant get autocomplete function to find helper class

2015-01-30 Thread ajt
In CakePHP, I am trying to create a autocomplete function from a textbox, using this tutorial: I keep getting a Error: AutoCompleteHelper could not be found. Undefined index: autoCompleteText I am

cant send email with this provider

2015-01-26 Thread ajt
Hi, My email code for cakephp worked fine when I used gmail but not for this provider below. I am not sure what to do as I have all the correct information. The error get is timed-out [code] config/email.php public $gmail2 = array( 'from' = array('' = 'Aptutoring'),

cant send email with this provider

2015-01-26 Thread ajt
Hi, My email code for cakephp worked fine when I used gmail but not for this provider below. I am not sure what to do as I have all the correct information. The error get is timed-out [code] config/email.php public $gmail2 = array( 'from' = array('' =

cant send email on remote server but can on local

2015-01-02 Thread ajt
Hi, I am having problems with cakephp email. I have this weird problem where my below email code works fine on my local server but not on the remote server. The error I get is SMTP Error: 534 5.7.14 u5sm29708221pdh.54 - gsmtp which

Re: mailchimp cakephp api

2015-01-02 Thread ajt
I can already create and save emails with cakeemail so forget about this issue . I dont have a cakephp issue I have a problem getting the API mailchimp to connect and then being able to access emails. Composer is never simple . If I am going to to get this to work then it will be easier of

mailchimp cakephp api

2014-12-31 Thread ajt
Hi, I want to be able to view emails in a cakephp page sent via mailchimp. The API is here but Here are the instructions 1)Install the plugin into the APP/Plugin folder, ideally via composer. //how? I just copied the extracted zip folder

Re: cant send email

2014-12-30 Thread ajt
Ok I used ssl and this worked as is public $gmail2 = array( 'host' = 'ssl://', 'port' = 465, 'username' = 'jxxxm', 'password' = 'j', 'transport' = 'Smtp', ); -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter

Re: cant send email

2014-12-29 Thread ajt
Hi, This has no effect and I get the same dumb error which tells me nothing. $Email = new CakeEmail(); $Email-from(''); $Email-to(''); $Email-subject('About'); $Email-message('My message'); $Email-send(); -- Like Us on FaceBook

Re: cant send email

2014-12-29 Thread ajt
removing email from components has no effect i should have said -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To unsubscribe from this group

Re: cant send email

2014-12-29 Thread ajt
A lot of people have problems with this issue on stackoverflow buthe solutions are not clear 2014-12-29 22:44:07 Error: [SocketException] SMTP timeout. Request URL: /crm5/aptemails/test Stack Trace: #0 D:\AA-website design\crm5\lib\Cake\Network\Email\SmtpTransport.php(157):

Re: cant send email

2014-12-29 Thread ajt
Hi, I already have this line below and it doesnt work at all. I just get timed out and if I increase the time to -1 in php.ini it does nothing Whats wrong with this cakephp email as this is annoying now. $Email = new CakeEmail('gmail'); -- Like Us on FaceBook

cant send email

2014-12-28 Thread ajt
I cant send an email as I get a generic error *Error: * An Internal Error Has Occurred. In config\email.php I have this for a real gmail account(pswd hidden) public $gmail = array( 'host' = '', 'port' = 465, 'username' =

cant send email from localhost

2014-12-18 Thread ajt
Hi, I cant send a email from my localhost xampp/win7 I dont get an error , I just get nothing I set up the email and also config. I read the docs and couldnt see anything on this. $Email = new CakeEmail();

Re: cant send email from localhost

2014-12-18 Thread ajt
This isnt working and I need help as I cant fund help from the docs.I set up the settings and in the config file I have public $gmail = array( 'from' = array('' = 'Aptutoring'), 'host' = 'localhost', 'port' = 25, 'username' = '',

compare time arrays

2014-12-06 Thread ajt
Hi, How do you compare time arrays in cakephp? I tried to convert the time to a string without success as I get the same string over again or false. There has to be an easy way which is hidden somewhere in cakephp docs which I couldnt find?

download trigger error

2014-11-08 Thread ajt
Hi, In cakephp 2.5.x I am trying to download an uploaded file from the server. The code below works fine on my computer but when I upload the same code to a copy of the same working cakephp project on a remote server I get this 503 error. If I remove the line to download

cant open uploaded file

2014-10-28 Thread ajt
Hi, I am trying to open a file that has been uploaded to attachments folder on a cakephp project. I have a list of files I select after uploading . This works fine on my PC but on the remote server it is throwing a 503 error which I have no idea in what to do . The error logs show nothing.

cant set the select option on post

2014-10-08 Thread ajt
Hi, In cakephp I cant set the selected option on a dropdown list when i post. Wjat happens is that I select an option and Post. Then the controller will find the data and go back to the same page but the selected value in the selected list is the the default. So I should select a date from

Re: add in a field to a array with multiple records

2014-10-04 Thread ajt
To makes things clearer I can save multiple records at once. I can add fields to these records manually as I need to add additional fields that the user cant add in themselves. The problem is also i dont want to save associated models and just 1 model, so saveAssociated is not what i want. I

get the id's from checkbox list

2014-10-04 Thread ajt
Hi, I have a simple question. I display some data from a table and all I want is the user to check the checkbox and click a button. The button will then pass all the data to the controller Post? and I just go through an find out what checkboxes have been checked with the ID . Like a list of

add in a field to a array with multiple records

2014-10-03 Thread ajt
There has to be a simple answer but I cant add in a field to a array with multiple records . I can do it with a single records but multiple records are different. The below code doesnt allow me to save a record. I can use another save command and add the records but no extra fields.

cant add a new row in a table from an existing table

2014-10-02 Thread ajt
Hi , I just want to add a new row of a table from a form of an exisitng table row. The issue is I can get the data from the existing table called Tutor but I cant save this data and other fileds I need to ass to the new table called TutorEdie public function tutor_edit($id = null) {

cant get post to work from exisitng table

2014-10-02 Thread ajt
I cant get post to work and create a new row. I copy a table from an existing table with new fields and this works if i use put (overwrites)but I dont want put as i need a new row. //controller if ($this-request-is('post')) { //doesnt work

Re: Warning (512): cake_model cache was unable to write

2014-09-29 Thread ajt
2.5 but I checked many posts on the issue and I dont think that makes any difference. The only solution was to chmod the app/tmp folders and subfolders but i did that. I am using cpanel and have no command prompt to run scripts -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us

pass date as paramater in view

2014-09-23 Thread ajt
Hi, How do I pass the date field below entered as a parameter so I can search the date? echo $this-Form-input( 'custom date', array( 'type' = 'date', 'selected' = array( 'year'=date('Y') ), 'minYear' = date('Y') , 'maxYear' = date('Y')

cant add new record in HABTM table

2014-09-22 Thread ajt
I want to add a new record in a table called TutorsSubject. This table is created from HABTM relationship of Tutor and Subject. Anyway I load the subject names in a text box and I can select a subject name but I cant add a new record. I need to set the id of the tutor_id. There are 3 fields

Re: cant add new record in HABTM table

2014-09-22 Thread ajt
But I dont need a saveall as I save to 1 table only ? Saveall is not appropriate for this. I am not sure what to do here. -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

HELP cant display records from a join

2014-09-19 Thread ajt
Hi, I cant get this simple join to produce records. I am trying to link a HABTM model with joins but I dont get any records from the joined tables. I want all the subjects for tutor id =2 but as you see I get NULL and I have tried different recursive levels. i should not get NULL in the other

Re: find all on complex model

2014-08-31 Thread ajt
I tried this and as expected it doesnt work and it cant work because HABTM is a different case. THis has to be the hardest framework to just get data to display from tables. There just is no docs for a complete example. $student= $this-Lesson-find('all', array('contain' = array( 'Student' ,

Re: find all on complex model

2014-08-31 Thread ajt
Hi Stephen, Yes your example was a great effort and I solved the problem. The issue is that I didnt add the fields argument in so this kept giving me undefined errors. I dont think your code will work as you dont specify fields. Your models are setup like mine s that was really well done. Also

find all on complex model

2014-08-30 Thread ajt
I just need to get the details from a find all across 4 associated tables. I looked at the docs and I can get the data from 2 tables but not the other tables. I have a lessons table where I get the relevant tutor id rows to display only. This works fine. I have a lessons-students table related

Re: find all on complex model

2014-08-30 Thread ajt
I cant get the student name to appear or student id -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

Dispay data from HABTM in a view

2014-08-30 Thread ajt
Hi , I have the odd situation where I can retrieve data from a HABTM model (from debug array)but cant actually display any of it in the view. I keep getting index undefined error for everything. I want data from both tables but it doesnt work //view doesnt work foreach ($student as

Re: find all on complex model

2014-08-30 Thread ajt
I am having all sorts of problems and the docs for this is just awful. I have looked into simply getting data from the linked tables and after HOURS no one can give me a working example. I can only assume that this is hard to do or maybe it cant be done? 'The relationships are Lesson (main

Re: find all on complex model

2014-08-30 Thread ajt
No this is not what you do as the Student has a HABTM relationship and I am told to do joins. Also when saying adding something I NEED the code as please dont assume by adding containable I know what your talking about or the docs explain things. I dont understand why simply getting

Paginate from linked model

2014-08-29 Thread ajt
Hi , How do I display paginate data from a linked tables. This is data from a Tutor table but I need data from the linked lesson table which has a student_id and that lesson table is linked to the student table. So I have a tutor to lesson link in the model and a student to lesson link in the

Re: authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-09 Thread ajt
OK I have the answer. It isnt anything to do with htaccess or routing. This is a authenticate issue as I thought it would be. *property *AuthComponent::$unauthorizedRedirect Controls handling of unauthorized access. By default unauthorized user is redirected to the referrer URL or

Re: authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-08 Thread ajt
The issue is that the router adding to the subfolder where the project resides in and not the root dir which I cant access with routing. I cant get to the desired page for unauthorized users. Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'users', 'action' = 'login')); this routes to crm/crm/...

Re: cant use email as login cakephp

2014-08-07 Thread ajt
Hi, I started it again and the problem was I had email as the username field. Cakephp is looking for username -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-07 Thread ajt
Hi, I can authenticate a user but I get problems when a user tries to access from the address bar a webpage it hasnt got access to. What happens is that I get routed to the base index file with missingControler error. SO my path is /crm/students on a webpage the user should not access and

Re: authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-07 Thread ajt
This didnt work. If the user tries to type the url manually in the adress bar then isauthorized doesnt route the unauthorized user anywhere but root dir and how do i code for this? -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You

Re: authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-07 Thread ajt
//ajt public $components = array( Email, 'Session', 'Auth' = array( 'loginRedirect' = array('controller' = 'users', 'action' = 'dashboard'), 'logoutRedirect' = array('controller' = 'users','action' = 'login' ), 'authorize' = array

Re: authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-07 Thread ajt
the user is not authenticated and if they try to access a webpage they shouldnt then surely I can code for this . The problem doesnt happen if authentiation isnt used so it must be able to be controlled with authentication otherwise how does ./htaccess have any idea of what user is accessing a

Re: authenticate wont reroute

2014-08-07 Thread ajt
I still cant get this to work, htaccess is not the answers for unauthroized users. If it is then could someone please show me the code. How does cakephp handle unauthroized access from the address bat? -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter

Re: cant use email as login cakephp

2014-08-05 Thread ajt
the problem is that I can log in with any user when I shouldnt. if the user isnt admin it will still access admin only webpages. -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: cant use email as login cakephp

2014-08-05 Thread ajt
This function wont work as I get no output public function isAuthorized($user) { // Admin can access every action debug($user['role']); debug(asdd); -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter

cant use email as login cakephp

2014-08-04 Thread ajt
Hi, I cant authenticate users when I login in using appcontroller code . I login with a non admin role and I still get through. . In fact I dont get any error and no debug value appears so the isAuthorized($user) doesnt work.l use the same code without email and used username in another

paginate conditions

2014-07-08 Thread ajt
Hi, I cant get the paginate to display with a condition, I have checked the docs and other posts and cant see what I have done wrong. I dont get an error but just no output if (isset($this-request-query['address_suburb'])) { $suburb=$this-request-query['address_suburb'];

cant access dropdown list values

2014-07-08 Thread ajt
Hi, I am using paginate with a search box. It works fine until I use a drop down box to select values rather than use a textbox. I cant get the selected value from a dropdown box to appear in the querystring. So I just select a value in a textbox and then click search , i then get the values

Re: cant access dropdown list values

2014-07-08 Thread ajt
I actually get the index value if the drop down box and no the value. How do I get the value as this doesnt get the value ? $tsub= $this-request-query['address_suburb']; -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received

what is the currect method to disolay jgraph with cakephp

2014-06-28 Thread ajt
Hi, How is Jpgraph supposed to integrate with cakephp? In the controller or the view do i place the code to construct the jpgraph ? The old way is to display a jgraph with an image which is a call to another view but that way doesnt appear to work with currect cakephp. The problem is that

what is the current method to use Jgraph with cakephp 2.x

2014-06-28 Thread ajt
Hi, How is Jpgraph supposed to integrate with cakephp? In the controller or the view do i place the code to construct the jpgraph ? The old way is to display a jgraph with an image which is a call to another view but that way doesnt appear to work with currect cakephp. The problem is that

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-25 Thread ajt
I found out I need to install highcharts with json and I am usure on what to do. I have run composer.exe I am having an awful time creating a composer.json file to install highchartsPHP for windows cakephp. I dont know how exactly to create a file. The examples I have for cakephp composer is for

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-25 Thread ajt
it has been 2 days since I started and I have got no where fast. Just tell me please how do I install higharts in cakephp so i can use it. I need to load data from mysql to do the graph JPgraph is another package and unless there is instructions on how to install and use it with php code (not

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-25 Thread ajt
Hi, I tried to get this working but I just get an error as there is no name anywhere on my computer 'ghunti/highcharts-php:~3.0' composer require 'ghunti/highcharts-php:~3.0' gives an error of 'could not parse version constraint ~3.0, UnexpectedValueException 1)I have the download called

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-25 Thread ajt
If I run a cakephp script 'in a controller' with highcharts I just get a highcharts not found error. In vendors I have the highchartsphp dir with src files and I place these files as well in highcharts. I have the files and they seem in the right dir but I cant get this to work. eg I have

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-24 Thread ajt
I am trying to use highchart in cakephp I still get a highchart not found. I downloaded highchartPHP and placed all the 4 files in `Vendor/HighchartsPHP` In the layout I add the lines with the actual js files in `webroot/js` echo $this-Html-script('jquery-1.9.1.min'); // Include jQuery

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-23 Thread ajt
Hi, I need to use cakephp with data from the mysql and your example is just a jquery separate from cakephp. . I cant setup highchartswitjh cakephp as there is no instructions for use with cakephp. -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-23 Thread ajt
To use highchart I follow the below and I get a highchart not found error. This is really poorly explained and i have highchart.js, highchart.php in vendor. There is 4 files on highchartPHP and they all go where? what am I missing? -- Like Us on FaceBook

cakephp graphs

2014-06-22 Thread ajt
Hi, I need to do some graphs in cakePHP and I am getting bigged down and wht to use and how to install it. 1)Jgraph is used with cakephp but the examples are for cakephp v 1 and dated 7 years ago. This looks outdated

Re: cakephp graphs

2014-06-22 Thread ajt
Here is another which is explained better than highcharts -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to

acl examples dont work

2014-06-12 Thread ajt
Hi, I am having problems finding a working acl example. This example points me to the below links which doesnt work. maybe I can fix these up if someone knows how. So add some groups and users using the baked forms by browsing to and

cant set php env variable wth easyphp for cakephp console

2014-06-07 Thread ajt
Hi, I am trying to setup cake console in win7 and run cake bake as in the link below.I set up the env variable in win7 as below with a php and cakeapp entry in this Path.I have easyPHP 12.1 and php works fine. I get an error with php in failing to load. dynamic library but the php dir is in

display on same page

2014-06-06 Thread ajt
Hi, In cakephp can you post data then display this data back on the same view / I want the user to enter in data to search by and the results appear in the same page. I tried the below but I cant get anything to display on the same page. public function displayform() { if

Re: display on same page

2014-06-06 Thread ajt
ok this works. It displays the same function 2 times and just appends the data to the same form public function displayform() { $test='hello'; $this-set('test',$test); if ($this-request-is('post')) { $t=$this-request-data; $tt=

Re: display data 3 tables

2014-06-05 Thread ajt
There just is no user being displayed with the below, there is with Teacher in the find if I add it but every field is undefined in the view. $this-Tutorsession-recursive = 2; $contain = array('Teacher' = array('User')); $this-set('tutor', $this-Tutorsession-find('first',array(

Re: display data 3 tables

2014-06-05 Thread ajt
yes thats it, I just didnt know how I referenced it and with this code. This took hours to solve so well done $this-Tutorsession-recursive = 2; $this-Tutorsession-Teacher-contain('User'); $this-set('tutor', $this-Tutorsession-find('first', array(

Re: display data 3 tables

2014-06-05 Thread ajt
I set recursive to -1 and it doesnt work as I get user error again. Recursive set to 2 is what works -- Like Us on FaceBook Find us on Twitter --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP

Re: display data 3 tables

2014-06-05 Thread ajt
Yes this works without recursive $contain = array('Teacher' = array('User'),'Student' = array('User')); $this-set('tutor', $this-Tutorsession-find('first',array( 'conditions' = array('Teacher.user_id' = $id), 'contain' = $contain ))); -- Like Us on FaceBook

display data 3 tables

2014-06-04 Thread ajt
Hi, I just want to display fields from 3 tables which I have checked on how to do this and I am not clear on this. Examples I have found concentrate on 2 fields or keyed in conditions on multiple tables. I have models all related in some way. I want the username from a tutorsession table and

Re: display data 3 tables

2014-06-04 Thread ajt
This doesnt work as I get an error when displaying the username from the associated table. I guess i am doing something wrong still. $this-set('tutor', $this-Tutorsession-find('all', array('conditions' = array('Teacher.user_id' = $id) ,array('contain' =

Re: display data 3 tables

2014-06-04 Thread ajt
This still doesnt work as I get an error when I reference the user table which should be linked unless I need to do this another way? view echo 'td'. $item['User']['username'].'/td'; ///error user undefined $this-set( 'tutor', $this-Tutorsession-find( 'first', array( 'conditions' =

cant find a field

2014-06-03 Thread ajt
Hi, Is this is the correct way to find a 1 field in 1 row of data? I just want the teacherID of a row of a given userID but I never get a match $currentuserid=AuthComponent::user('id'); $teacherid=$this-Teacher-find('first',array( 'conditions' = array('Teacher.user_id' =

User table foreign key confusion

2014-05-30 Thread ajt
Hi, I am confused about how the User table is linked to other tables. To keep things simple I have a working version of a linked cakephp/mysql that can display ,add,edit records. I add in security with a admin role who can see every page. Everything is OK but I will need to add users with access