Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Michael Herger
Michael, thanks for all the info. Are you a representative from Logitech? I'm an engineer in the SB/SR team. But I'm no official spokesman. I'm only trying to give answers because none of the officials really understands the problem this community has with the latest development.

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread verypsb
mherger wrote: Will there be a UE Touch? Not the Touch as we know it. -- Michael Does this mean there will be a UE Touch with limited, but easier to use functionallity, or there won't be an UE branded Touch (or Boom, for that matter) with limited functionallity compared to LMS?

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Michael Herger
Will there be a UE Touch? Not the Touch as we know it. Does this mean there will be a UE Touch with limited, but easier to use functionallity, or there won't be an UE branded Touch (or Boom, for that matter) with limited functionallity compared to LMS? What I wanted to say is that there

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread verypsb
That's too bad. It could help me in my decision to jump ship or not... verypsb's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread 505
verypsb wrote: That's too bad. It could help me in my decision to jump ship or not... Buy a Touch. It's probably the best device you'll own, and the perfect solution for playing music. Logitech's decision to not produce them anymore doesn't change anything about that.

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread cbueche
Hi, I'm a long-term owner, 2 SB, 1 Touch, 2 soft player on kids PCs, software running on Synology NAS, very happy user. Exactly this morning, an office colleague asked me what to buy, I wanted to send him a link, and end up seeing all this non-sense. I always suspected Logitech would harm the

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Letten
mherger wrote: Will there be a UE Touch? Not the Touch as we know it. Does this mean there will be a UE Touch with limited, but easier to use functionallity, or there won't be an UE branded Touch (or Boom, for that matter) with limited functionallity compared to LMS? What I

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread hvb83
Not very surprising, but still a shock to say the least. I've owned a Squeezebox for 3 years now. First I bought the Receiver, after that the system was quickly expanded by a Radio. Without iPeng though, I probably would have abandoned the system quite quickly. But this worked so great that I

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread toby10
Philip Meyer wrote: .. I won't be going down this route. I suspect most people round here with SB kit won't be either. Why buy new kit that has less functionality? ... and have to run a second server! LMS for SB players, UE server for UE players (currently limited to a

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread garym
I generally agree with your comments, but I would note that the logitech execs are not mostly U.S. Logitech is not even a U.S. company. It is a Swiss company. garym's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread mrw
mherger wrote: Yes, there's really a disconnect issue with marketing. They don't understand that LMS/UEML is _not_ like any desktop application, but that it is a server. They don't want to hear it so badly (server is too geeky), they keep forgetting it themselves. And therefore they

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread pippin
garym wrote: I generally agree with your comments, but I would note that the logitech execs are not mostly U.S. Logitech is not even a U.S. company. It is a Swiss company. In the business lines we are talking about here almost all of the execs are from and in the US.

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread garym
pippin wrote: In the business lines we are talking about here almost all of the execs are from and in the US. interesting. didn't know that. garym's Profile: View

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread totoro
pippin wrote: Now that it looks like iPeng, SqueezePad and SqueezePlayer will be the only real Squeezeboxes around, can I buy the brand? :) The sonos remote control sucks. There is someone who has a thing called sonospy to get around the sonos number of tracks limitations, etc. Seems like

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread saeyedoc
The big problem with Sonos is the resolution restrictions. It would be a pain to transcode high to low res Flac, besides the extra storage to hold both versions, as well as the MP3 version for idevices. It wouldn't be so bad for sub-critical applications if it would transcode on it's own.

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Paul Webster
I saw MH comment that he is running his server for UE Radio on Linux - so this means (implies at least) that there is still software for the end-user to install. Isn't that the part that causes some end-users to have problems (the installation a s running of software)? If they can install and run

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread garym
saeyedoc wrote: The big problem with Sonos is the resolution restrictions. It would be a pain to transcode high to low res Flac, besides the extra storage to hold both versions, as well as the MP3 version for idevices. It wouldn't be so bad for sub-critical applications if it would transcode

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread vrette
Wow, just wow. I check into the forum every once in a while to see what is going on, and I run across this thread. As you can see from my signature, I have a number of SB units. I will continue to use and enjoy them until they break, or something occurs that makes them unusable. One reason I was

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread saeyedoc
garym wrote: looks like sonoposy mentioned above does an on-the-fly modification of high res files to 16/44.1 as well as overcome the 65k song limit. Interesting. From what I can find, Sonospy is only available for Linux and Windows. May only transcode on Linux machines. If a similar program

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread jp73
what about the people that started Slimdevices, would there be any change they continue were logitech is killing such a great product ? jp73's Profile: View this

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread JimC
bklaas wrote: [Lots of great stuff snipped...] Squeezebox is dead, long live Squeezebox. cheers, #!/ben I had typed a really long response, but then I figured there's really no reason. You've summed it up perfectly, including the kudos for Michael (and anyone else who is still there

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread gharris999
I'm no Nostradomus either. Being a perpetual pessimist and excessively risk adverse makes me more wrong than right. On those rare occasions when my dire predictions come true, I'm suddenly filled with confidence in my Casandra-like, oracular powers. Ben's post just totally validated all the

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread cubdog
So what exactly is the bottom line. How long can I expect to use my Touch just as I do today? I usually control the Touch via the remote on or sometimes with an Android app. It's all so sad and a bit confusing. I don't even know if I should buy another SBT. cubdog

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread garym
cubdog wrote: So what exactly is the bottom line. How long can I expect to use my Touch just as I do today? I usually control the Touch via the remote on or sometimes with an Android app. It's all so sad and a bit confusing. I don't even know if I should buy another SBT.

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread folly
Just heard this news. I've only recently come to Squeezebox from airport/itunes, and I'm really disappointed, since it's such a great product and does everything I (or the rest of the family) could want really simply. Seems that the 'ecosystem' only has a limited time left and unless I want to

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread trouty00
Ok, so I'm reading all this but im still a little confused on what we stand to loose here. I am more than comfortable that I will continue to run my own music from a version of LMS which wont be updated (correct me if im wrong) BBC iplayer? radio streams? will these continue to work or is this

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread garym
trouty00 wrote: Ok, so I'm reading all this but im still a little confused on what we stand to loose here. I am more than comfortable that I will continue to run my own music from a version of LMS which wont be updated (correct me if im wrong) BBC iplayer? radio streams? will these

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Grumpy Bob
garym wrote: internet radio where you save the URL as a favorite will work spotify will work with triode's plugin somaFM has direct URLs that will work BBC iplayer (not sure) Pandora - I think we need the authorization provided by handshake, but not 100% sure siriusXM - no, need

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] outside US/UK

2012-08-30 Thread ldrki
It was working for me on my squeezebox radio until recently (Spain). You have to get a VPN service with US/UK servers (blackVPN, cienen, ibvpn...) and setup PPTP or L2TP on a draytek router or similar. With this setting you could also listen to pandora or slacker for free or watch video services

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread cliffpatte
garym wrote: I have no idea, but I strongly suspect (because of product laws) that you have at least 2 years ( still alive). Maybe longer. In the UK, all products need to be fit for purpose from manufacture for 7 years. So, if a product is manufactured to do internet radio, it should

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread didjean
Just created an account on For the moment, it all appears to be just a rebranding. In fact, that site is an updated version of with a possibility to download UE Music Library v10.0.0 which is a new name for... Logitech SlimSqueezeBoxCenter Media

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread travelfotografer
didjean wrote: But with that site URL, I am skeptical regarding any new Touch like player... Maybe Logitech found that people are now glued to their smartphones, and there is no longer a need for a product like Touch. Instead, you just need a Smart Radio Plus with digital

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Triode
Grumpy Bob wrote: BBC iPlayer still worked when I blocked at my router... R BBCiPlayer will work with the new LMS version using existing hardware players. I'm not convinced it will work yet with the new smart radio though - doesn't look set up for server based plugins to

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread pallfreeman
JimC wrote: I had typed a really long response, but then I figured there's really no reason. I do that all the time at the moment. Jesus, this sucks. pallfreeman's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread pallfreeman
Grumpy Bob wrote: Just received a Tweet from @LogitechUE: As of right now the Smart Radio is only functional with Windows and Mac OS. If it were Linux compatible, I'd be happier! Oh dear. Does this mean a bunch of decerebrate drones from Logitech's Nathan Barley department are monitoring

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Michael Herger
BBCiPlayer will work with the new LMS version using existing hardware players. I'm not convinced it will work yet with the new smart radio though - doesn't look set up for server based plugins to stream audio to it unfortunately. However only been looking for a short time... That's true: all

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread cathcam
mherger wrote: Unless some other unit gets introduced and as long as you can't use it with Squeezeboxes, sync is a non-feature. Buy two of them to get stereo sound (yes, I think that option has slipped in. Don't tell anyone)! :-) -- Michael Doubling the price for an extra

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Michael Herger
Doubling the price for an extra speaker is hardly sneaking in. While I'm sure the old radio wasn't up to stereo, despite having bought 3x radios, `1x touch, 1x boom i cant see using two to get stereo... If you have two Radios synced to each other you can configure them to play either left or

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread cathcam
epoch1970 wrote: Well I had hopes that Logi would sell the businessÂ… nevermind. Thanks to Michael for the brief. Let's hope Logi has found the magic formula, will sell gazillions of players. And then someone very nice and smart will build a proxy to hook our SBs to the new world. That's

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Grumpy Bob
pallfreeman wrote: Oh dear. Does this mean a bunch of decerebrate drones from Logitech's Nathan Barley department are monitoring this forum? No, I'm following that Twitter account and asked a question. I find Twitter's quite a good way to ask questions (if the answer can be in 140

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-08-30 Thread Grumpy Bob
mherger wrote: BBCiPlayer will work with the new LMS version using existing hardware players. I'm not convinced it will work yet with the new smart radio though - doesn't look set up for server based plugins to stream audio to it unfortunately. However only been looking for a short