Re: (313) t-mobile]

2006-08-27 Thread Anthony Susan
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (313) t-mobile
From:Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Sat, August 26, 2006 5:39 pm

On 8/26/06, Nick Breinich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can vouch for that. Suckers beware! Tom Cox will let you know why and
how you suck!

 that's some next level lame dude.  highschool level (at best) taunting
 followed by the chilling threat of authority.  classic combo.  but i
 guess that's all there was.

threat of authority? i was just suggesting to him that i wasnt going
to reply to emails that mention threatening the president.

all i know is that in my life, people have never said things to my
face like people will say over the internet. and everything i say over
the internet i would say and have said to people to their face.


(313) and now for something completely different

2006-08-27 Thread kent williams

Google trends ranks the frequency of searches by region, language, city, etc.
Searching on 'techno' or 'detroit techno'  was disappointing, but
looking at the searches for some prominent techno artists produced
these factoids.

1. Jeff Mills as a search term has trended down slightly since 2004
2. Richie Hawtin has trended up since 2004
3. The city generating the most searches for Jeff Mills is Zagreb, Croatia
4. The city searching most for Richie is Medellin, Columbia.
5. The city searching most for Derrick May is Amsterdam, Netherlands.

From this I conclude that potheads like Derrick May, cokeheads like

Richie Hawtin, and people who like Jeff Mills are ... Croatian.

I'm being humorous here, so please no email from offended Colombians
or Dutch. I know that most Dutch people don't smoke pot, and most
Colombian cocaine is consumed in the US.  I will persist in
stereotyping Croatians as dancing fools, though.

Re: (313) and now for something completely different

2006-08-27 Thread Southern Outpost
Lucky you didn't say anything about Australian's otherwise we woulda  
got Crocodile Dundee and the Crocodile Hunter to throw a can of  
Fosters at you.

Southern Outpost - Sydney.
Distribution: Clone, NL.
Infiltrating your sound systems.

On 27/08/2006, at 9:39 AM, kent williams wrote:

Google trends ranks the frequency of searches by region, language,  
city, etc.

Searching on 'techno' or 'detroit techno'  was disappointing, but
looking at the searches for some prominent techno artists produced
these factoids.

1. Jeff Mills as a search term has trended down slightly since 2004
2. Richie Hawtin has trended up since 2004
3. The city generating the most searches for Jeff Mills is Zagreb,  

4. The city searching most for Richie is Medellin, Columbia.
5. The city searching most for Derrick May is Amsterdam, Netherlands.

From this I conclude that potheads like Derrick May, cokeheads like
Richie Hawtin, and people who like Jeff Mills are ... Croatian.

I'm being humorous here, so please no email from offended Colombians
or Dutch. I know that most Dutch people don't smoke pot, and most
Colombian cocaine is consumed in the US.  I will persist in
stereotyping Croatians as dancing fools, though. 

(313) Re: Xochimilco

2006-08-27 Thread Fred Heutte
I can't send it here because 313 doesn't allow attachments,
but I took a very cool photo of the outside of Xochi's last year
the night before the festival opened when the sun was setting
and the sky was just amazing.  it kind of captures the whole
Xochi experience for me :)  It's just a cellphone pic but it's
cool.  . . .


Damn! Xochi's! Now i'd k*ll, cr*sh and D*stroy to get back over there
for some of that sweet, sweet food!

Anyone want to book a Southern Outpost tour to Detroit ;) Payment is
all I can eat Xochi's and that killer 20+ hour flight ;)


Southern Outpost - Sydney.
Distribution: Clone, NL.
Infiltrating your sound systems.
  Homeboy exploded
 at Xochi's in Mexicantown as I was biting into my
 first delicious steak fajita.

RE: (313) t-mobile

2006-08-27 Thread Robert Taylor
grabs chair, opens popcorn 

-Original Message-
Sent: 26 August 2006 15:50
To: Thomas D. Cox, Jr.;
Subject: Re: (313) t-mobile

Well Tom,

I'm disappointed I haven't heard back from you yet.  Perhaps I had my
sights aimed too high for you in asking you to knock off Bush or Cheney.
How about I give you a couple of easier targets ?  If you can nail Rush
Limbaugh that would really piss off my father and a lot of other
Dittoheads.  Or you can go for the easy one and get Genesis P-Orridge
for me for old time sake.  So how about ?  Criss cross, criss cross,
criss, cross...

PS.  I love that new tune by Jarvis Cocker, C*nts Are Still Running The
World.  From the looks of things around here C*nts are alive and well
and living on 313.  

PSS. Social Services are heading over to Tom's house now to remove his
child from his home.  Poor Tom is seriously mentally ill.

 -- Original message --
 Did you ever see Alfred Hitchcock's movie Strangers on a Train ?  
 Let's make a deal ok ?  You do something really worthwhile 
 likesay take out your violent impulses on somebody really 
 worthy, ie: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney !!  Then I promise you that

 I will get rid of Hawtin for you.  You know I can get real close to
Rich and eliminate him painlessly.  What do you say ?
 Criss-cross, criss-cross.
 telepathic regards,
 the kooky scientist
 PS.  I hope some of you get the references on this one.  Jeesh
  -- Original message --
 From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from that stupid richie hawtin tribute page that is p*ssing me off 
  more and more:
  'electronic beats' - Electronic Music, Life and Style by T-Mobile - 
  is an on-going, trendsetting program focusing on the link between 
  entertainment, technology and communication. Centered around the 
  music, trends and people that form an exclusive community, 
  'electronic beats' supports electronic music and its related 
  lifestyle. Slices is a unique part of the 'electronic beats' media 
  mix which includes the electronic beats magazine and website
  so its an exclusive community eh? and what exactly is this related

  lifestyle? this makes me violent.


Any views or opinions are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
those of Channel Four Television Corporation unless specifically stated. This 
and any files transmitted are confidential and intended solely for the use of 
individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in 
error, please notify [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank You.

RE: (313) t-mobile

2006-08-27 Thread Robert Taylor
goes off to buy more popcorn 

-Original Message-
From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 August 2006 16:36
Subject: Re: (313) t-mobile

 Sorry Tom,

 Our emails crossed and I didn't know who your wife was.  I'm willing
to sacrifice my life though still.  So come and get me... now, here,
Detroit, Salem, anywhere.

 Could care less.

youre too dumb to understand what that phrase means. its COULDN'T CARE
LESS. saying could care less means that you care. you idiot.

 FYI, when I was a part of PTV Scotland Yard did raid Genesis 
 P-Orridge's house and threaten to take away his children.  It was all
BS though.

they didnt take away his tits though.

 You really should take better care of your mental health.

my mental health is fine, you should be watching out for your physical

maybe you could get some social security oold man, to help with those



Any views or opinions are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
those of Channel Four Television Corporation unless specifically stated. This 
and any files transmitted are confidential and intended solely for the use of 
individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in 
error, please notify [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank You.

(313) Re: Xochimilco

2006-08-27 Thread Southern Outpost
Nice, nice! That brings back some good memories... I wish I could get  
back there again! I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder ;)

Southern Outpost - Sydney.
Distribution: Clone, NL.
Infiltrating your sound systems.

On 27/08/2006, at 5:26 PM, Fred Heutte wrote:

I can't send it here because 313 doesn't allow attachments,
but I took a very cool photo of the outside of Xochi's last year
the night before the festival opened when the sun was setting
and the sky was just amazing.  it kind of captures the whole
Xochi experience for me :)  It's just a cellphone pic but it's
cool.  . . .



Damn! Xochi's! Now i'd k*ll, cr*sh and D*stroy to get back over there
for some of that sweet, sweet food!

Anyone want to book a Southern Outpost tour to Detroit ;) Payment is
all I can eat Xochi's and that killer 20+ hour flight ;)


Southern Outpost - Sydney.
Distribution: Clone, NL.
Infiltrating your sound systems.

 Homeboy exploded
at Xochi's in Mexicantown as I was biting into my
first delicious steak fajita.

(313) Eclipse 313

2006-08-27 Thread Paul
A new postFutura special for registered users. 

Eclipse 313 with: Dopplereffekt, Duplex, Never On A Sunday and more...


Re: (313) Orlando, melodic techno, Hawtin

2006-08-27 Thread J.T.
orlando rules!! thanks for the heads up on that hertz record jb. i chat with 
him on myspace sometimes haha. he is in seattle, and ignitor and his 
relationship with submerge is a bit on hold...not enough control and little 
problems and like that. i was disappointed with his appearance on ISF2 as well, 
he thinks the track is awfully strange himself and said it was really mad 
mike's thing...he also has that new label triangle, it's a bit on the trancey 
side, but it's still orlando style, so take that in the best way. the ignitors 
did come out way too fast -- most of them are total classics  but i don't think 
they got much me ov is up there with shake and eddie fowlkes and mk 
as legendary unsung detroit producers...inimitable style/personality/funk in 
his music. bite before you bark is huge as well yes! amazing raw deep detailed, 

melodic techno is mostly way too nice i agree. not enough pain in it, too 
soft around the edges. needs more pain and ugliness, not in the sounds 
necessarily, but in the feelings being conveyed, immediacy, real tangible 
feeling. anyways i heard you write off james t cotton, tom. i check out all the 
audion and james cotton etc records that come out, i like them but they're 
pretty disposable raw acid jams, not many real timeless tracks rising to the 
top...but james cotton's dancing box album, c'mon! there is a track on there 
that could be drexciya it is so gnarly and dark. and the whole thing is really 
good -- i much prefer it to most of the chi-techno stuff floating around these 
days. dunno how this grew out of the melodic techno subject tho, this stuff 
isn't very melodic at all.

i like that bit about suburban knight setting tracks aside for so long to see 
if they cut it also. i know many people who do that intentionally or lazily  -- 
but it works, and personally this is how you really decide how much value 
certain music really has to you. fwiw the upcoming convextion album on downlow 
encompasses work from 1995 until a few weeks ago. send money. buy.

I'm just defending my friend just like you are defending your son.

that's really noble and touching and all, but give the rest of us a break aren't going to change anyone's (mis)conceptions about richie 
yammering about him - make your point and move on. i appreciate that you are 
his friend but since i am not your friend the understanding that brings only 
goes so far. being mis-understood is the cost of fame i guess. you can't fix 
it. he could with the proper marketing and pr i guess. but everytime i read an 
article or interview it's all technobabble douchebag stuff. whatever -- me and 
a couple friends have been rediscovering and enjoying that basic channel 
inspired album recently, the music is the music. i'm not generally a big fan of 
it but i do like some of it. don't really appreciate electronic music being 
represented the way he represents it but oh well, that's the way it is, blame 
the media or whatever. richie may well be a great guy. it's not like detroit 
legends like cc and dmay are without faults either. recently watched a little 
youtube interview with dmay, talking about making strings of life...HILARIOUS, 
so pompous. but i mean...the entertainment biz is all bs when you set the 
actual artistic product aside.

tom has to be taken with a grain of salt and a sense of humor. we all talk out 
of our asses sometimes and get way too enthusiastic and self-important about 
our opinions sometimes. tom has a great ear and lots of interesting stuff to 
say if you listen and don't get all bent-out-of-shape because he can state his 
opinion rather undiplomatically. nobody is going to take his opinion as fact, 
tom obviously doesn't know richie, so there's no reason to ruthlessly attack 
him and throw yourself on your sword to defend richie, as if he needs 
defending. it's just a huge overreaction, a waste of everybody's time, and 
besides, you know what you are going to get talking to tom like that. i used to 
flamewar with tom pretty regularly. at this point, unless you're new to the 
list and really uninitiated in the ways of online communication, it's really 
immature for anybody to get so worked up by tom, and then to start insulting 
his children etc -- it's disgusting. it's really shallow and passive-aggressive 
humor. and then the taunting that tom is unstable etcawful, gimme a 
break, that is like elementary school humor, which is childish but also some of 
the worst and most hurtful. i'm very close to some genuinely mentally unstable 
people. that sh;t is 1000 times uncalled for. tom is the best kind of critic -- 
opinionated. and something i notice about tom, he only really serves the harsh 
criticism to people who actively seek the spotlight. that's what you get! if 
you're seeking the spotlight and a media image, you have to expect people like 
tom to blast you, unfounded or not, and develop some thick skin.

(313) Moby assualt in Boston

2006-08-27 Thread telepathic
A few years back when Moby was getting all this BS hype he was coming out of a 
gig @ the Paradise he did for this radio station here in Boston, WBCN.  Since 
it was a promotional event it was not publicized very much.  Apparently, as he 
was leaving the venue he got maced and punched by some angry punk rock kids.  

These punks were so brazen that they had the nerve to videotape the assault and 
put it online.

Now I don't particularly like Moby or his management but I did find out who did 
it and sent MCT an email to let them know.  I was present @ the offices of MCT 
when Rich, Dan Bell and John Acquaviva met them to get on the infamous Prodigy, 
Moby, Cybersonic tour of the US back in the early 90's.  Didn't like those 
people at all but I wouldn't condone them getting assaulted on the street.

Re: my approach to Tom.

Take a look at the Stephen Colbert roasting of George W. Bush earlier this 
year.  Pretty low brow humor probably by your analysis J.T. but I loved it.  

You are right about the BS aspect of PR.  I was constantly surprised how Jeff 
Mills and Rich came off in a lot of interviews as their fame increased.  Much 
differently than their personalities as human beings. 

telepathic regards,
the kooky scientist

PS.  I like Pittsburgh.  We did a cool Plus 8 party there once.  Clark Warner, 
John Acquaviva, myself and Rich.  I spent the day @ the Andy Warhol museum.  
Cute city.  

Re: (313) Moby assualt in Boston

2006-08-27 Thread Nick Breinich

PS.  I like Pittsburgh.  We did a cool Plus 8 party there once.  Clark Warner, John Acquaviva, myself and Rich.  I spent the day @ the Andy Warhol museum.  Cute city.  


that was an amazing party.  it was in the Crane building in the strip 
district.  excellent sound.

Re: (313) Moby assualt in Boston

2006-08-27 Thread J.T.
Re: my approach to Tom.

Take a look at the Stephen Colbert roasting of George W. Bush earlier this 
year.  Pretty low brow humor probably by your analysis J.T. but I loved it.  

no way man i loved that, and it was obviously over the heads of most attending! 
i think you are reaching to compare steven colbert's political humour to your 
way-too-personal-and-vengeful insulting of tom's children and mental health, 
but maybe in person you would've inflected your words just right...

You are right about the BS aspect of PR.  I was constantly surprised how Jeff 
Mills and Rich came off in a lot of interviews as their fame increased.  Much 
differently than their personalities as human beings. 

see that's what i would thinkand even if tom is shooting flames out his 
nostrils etc expressing his distaste for (over-exposed/hyped techno celebrity 
here), i think he responds to reason at least as well or better than insulting 
his kids and intelligence etc...he's just shooting the sh;t...

too much macho

(313) Hawtin soap'eras?

2006-08-27 Thread v12
him,vaeth,vilalobos,magda? and all that business(wo)men
i cant believe ppl still discuss their action..
and then even seriously argue about it? like there wasnt anything better to
do/ listen to...


Re: (313) Moby assualt in Boston

2006-08-27 Thread Joost P
Hey, I didn't want to interfere in all this, but in Fred's defense,  
he never insulted Tom's kid. He only attacked Tom about his mental  
state (and I happen to agree with him), being in such a bad shape he  
would run the risk of his kid getting taken away from him by the  
authorities or something along those lines. I agree that's harsh, but  
Tom's not exactly in need of pity here and if anything is not  
insulting to Tom's kid, but Tom himself.

On 27-aug-2006, at 21:56PM, J.T. wrote:

Re: my approach to Tom.

Take a look at the Stephen Colbert roasting of George W. Bush  
earlier this year.  Pretty low brow humor probably by your  
analysis J.T. but I loved it.

no way man i loved that, and it was obviously over the heads of  
most attending! i think you are reaching to compare steven  
colbert's political humour to your way-too-personal-and-vengeful  
insulting of tom's children and mental health, but maybe in person  
you would've inflected your words just right...

You are right about the BS aspect of PR.  I was constantly  
surprised how Jeff Mills and Rich came off in a lot of interviews  
as their fame increased.  Much differently than their  
personalities as human beings.

see that's what i would thinkand even if tom is shooting flames  
out his nostrils etc expressing his distaste for (over-exposed/ 
hyped techno celebrity here), i think he responds to reason at  
least as well or better than insulting his kids and intelligence  
etc...he's just shooting the sh;t...

too much macho