DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread christos

(313kids, I sent this to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and thought that you guys might be
interested to, if you are as bored as I am.)

Someone posted eralier about comparing the two events.  Here is what I
think of the two (let me know if this format fucks up):

Attendence:   1.5 million (though this500,000
  was the 3 day total, so 
  like if you went 3 days 
  you were counted twice.
  I believe on the last
  day alone though, the count
  was 750,000, so like we 
  know that at least that
  many DIFFERENT people 
  were there)

Location: Heart Plaza: Detroit, MISome farm: Bethel, NY

The Crowd:To quote a DPD officer, Hippies.   
  "this crowd is soo cool 
  diffrent: and its the most  
  diverse I have ever seen."
  (we all remember the old 
  lady getting down to James
  Brown, and the dude with 
  the jesus sign, that was 
  boppin to the beats)

Music:Electronic Music: the MOST   Rock, and shitty folk: Not even 
  popular music IN THE WORLD   the most popular music in the
   US (RnB is now #1) as its
   popularity is RAPIDLY declining
   in most of the western world
   (and never really got *that*
   popular in the rest of the
   world).  Though it was THE
   music of that generation.

# o' artists: 70   32

importance:   The first ever large scale   Taken from a woodstock site*:   
  event that, celebrates the   "True believers call Woodstock
  worlds most popular musicthe capstone of an era devoted
  in the city where it all to human advancement.  Cynics
  began.  Also the first time  say it was a fitting,
  that the city of Detroit rediculous end to an era of
  had a large scale cultural   naivete.  Then there are those
  event that had blacks,   who say it was just a hell of a 
  whites, hispanics, rich, party...For four days, the site
  poor, homosexual, hetero,became a countercultural mini-
  suburban, inner city, blue   nation in which minds were
  collar, white collar, etc.   open, drugs were all but legal
  partying TOGETHER (this is   and love was 'free.'"
  a BIG DEAL for Detroit, as
  well as an odd occurence in
  the US in general). 

Drugs:Drugs were there, but open   Have you ever heard a Woodstock 
  usage was not very commonstory that wasnt about
   drugs?  (sorry this is turning
   into a "its all about the music
   y0!" post)

* source:

Basically, I think that Woodstock *might* have been the biggest event in
the states, though its significance and influence is decrasing at rapid
rates.  As a HUGE fan of rock (especially Metal) and blues, I can honestly
say that in the last few years, Rock And Roll is DYING.  The alternative
explosion in the early 90s was very cool, as the counterculture of rock
resurfaced but recently, pop, rNb, and commercial rap and hip hop have
been FAR more commerically sucessful.  

Electronic dance music, on the other hand, can be heard in just about
every somewhat developed country in the world, and is continuing to grow.
The significance of a HUGE electronic music event on a global scale is far
more significant than a rock equivalent, ESPECIALLY when you factor in the
fact that the event was located at the city of the music's birth.  (Rock
was "born" in cleveland btw.)

I'm just ranting now, arent I?  Sorry.  I am bored at work.

Christos Michalakis
Hellenic Students Association

a: 701 E. Kingsley #3. A^2 MI. 48104
p: 734.730.4297
aol im:  Zagori98


"I like deep, dark techno... makes me spunky"
-Lissa Pocze


demf vs. woodstock

2001-05-03 Thread Samuel Hobbs
   i was at woodstock 99.  it was a great time until
that last day.  until then people could pay for the
$5.50 hotdog and the $8.50 bbq sandwich.  then people
started running out of money.  then people began to
realize that no one had pumped out any of the
porta-johns.  then people began to realize that no had
picked up any trash the entire weekend.  then people
got pissed.  i think all the trouble began with the
promoters assumption that kids will pay any amount of
money for basic  necessities like food and water.  it
didn't help that korn played the first night, limp
bizkit, rage, and metallica played the second night,
and red hot chili peppers did a good job of riling up
the crowd on the last night.

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Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread John Osselaer

Listen, I've never seen a party get so out of hand than that edition of 
Woodstock about, what?, two years ago? Man, what was that all about? If this 
kinda thing would happen on a dance event like for instance Dance Valley in 
Holland (60.000 visitors and one of the best in Europe, lots of 'cheese' 
though) I wouldn't even considering going back. The footage we got to see 
here about that Woodstock edition seemed totally out of this world. At least 
for a music event. Don't get started about European soccer madness because 
that's another story I don't get. Sometimes the wrong people get drawn to 
phenomena and that...  brings us back to Ford.

John, getting involved again now he had internet by cable, out

From: christos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: pk what? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 14:30:06 -0400 (EDT)

(313kids, I sent this to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and thought that you guys might be
interested to, if you are as bored as I am.)

Someone posted eralier about comparing the two events.  Here is what I
think of the two (let me know if this format fucks up):

Attendence:   1.5 million (though this500,000
  was the 3 day total, so
  like if you went 3 days
  you were counted twice.
  I believe on the last
  day alone though, the count
  was 750,000, so like we
  know that at least that
  many DIFFERENT people
  were there)

Location: Heart Plaza: Detroit, MISome farm: Bethel, NY

The Crowd:To quote a DPD officer, Hippies.
  "this crowd is soo cool
  diffrent: and its the most
  diverse I have ever seen."
  (we all remember the old
  lady getting down to James
  Brown, and the dude with
  the jesus sign, that was
  boppin to the beats)

Music:Electronic Music: the MOST   Rock, and shitty folk: Not even
  popular music IN THE WORLD   the most popular music in the
   US (RnB is now #1) as its
   popularity is RAPIDLY declining
   in most of the western world
   (and never really got *that*
   popular in the rest of the
   world).  Though it was THE
   music of that generation.

# o' artists: 70   32

importance:   The first ever large scale   Taken from a woodstock site*:
  event that, celebrates the   "True believers call Woodstock
  worlds most popular musicthe capstone of an era devoted
  in the city where it all to human advancement.  Cynics
  began.  Also the first time  say it was a fitting,
  that the city of Detroit rediculous end to an era of
  had a large scale cultural   naivete.  Then there are those
  event that had blacks,   who say it was just a hell of a
  whites, hispanics, rich, party...For four days, the site
  poor, homosexual, hetero,became a countercultural mini-
  suburban, inner city, blue   nation in which minds were
  collar, white collar, etc.   open, drugs were all but legal
  partying TOGETHER (this is   and love was 'free.'"
  a BIG DEAL for Detroit, as
  well as an odd occurence in
  the US in general).

Drugs:Drugs were there, but open   Have you ever heard a Woodstock
  usage was not very commonstory that wasnt about
   drugs?  (sorry this is turning
   into a "its all about the music
   y0!" post)

* source:

Basically, I think that Woodstock *might* have been the biggest event in
the states, though its significance and influence is decrasing at rapid
rates.  As a HUGE fan of rock (especially Metal) and blues, I can honestly
say that in the last few years, Rock And Roll is DYING.  The alternative
explosion in the early 90s was very cool, as the counterculture of rock
resurfaced but recently, pop, rNb, and commercial rap and hip hop have
been FAR more commerically sucessful.

Electronic dance music, on the other hand, can be heard in just about
every somewhat developed country in the world, and is continuing to grow.
The significance of a HUGE electronic music event on a global scale is far
more significant than a rock equivalent, 

Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread dan ito
it was chaos, but damn would i have liked to be there when they broke open 
the atm machines!

From: "John Osselaer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 21:05:53 +0200

Listen, I've never seen a party get so out of hand than that edition of
Woodstock about, what?, two years ago? Man, what was that all about? If 

kinda thing would happen on a dance event like for instance Dance Valley in
Holland (60.000 visitors and one of the best in Europe, lots of 'cheese'
though) I wouldn't even considering going back. The footage we got to see
here about that Woodstock edition seemed totally out of this world. At 

for a music event. Don't get started about European soccer madness because
that's another story I don't get. Sometimes the wrong people get drawn to
phenomena and that...  brings us back to Ford.

John, getting involved again now he had internet by cable, out

From: christos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: pk what? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 14:30:06 -0400 (EDT)

(313kids, I sent this to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and thought that you guys might be
interested to, if you are as bored as I am.)

Someone posted eralier about comparing the two events.  Here is what I
think of the two (let me know if this format fucks up):

Attendence:   1.5 million (though this500,000
  was the 3 day total, so
  like if you went 3 days
  you were counted twice.
  I believe on the last
  day alone though, the count
  was 750,000, so like we
  know that at least that
  many DIFFERENT people
  were there)

Location: Heart Plaza: Detroit, MISome farm: Bethel, NY

The Crowd:To quote a DPD officer, Hippies.
  "this crowd is soo cool
  diffrent: and its the most
  diverse I have ever seen."
  (we all remember the old
  lady getting down to James
  Brown, and the dude with
  the jesus sign, that was
  boppin to the beats)

Music:Electronic Music: the MOST   Rock, and shitty folk: Not even
  popular music IN THE WORLD   the most popular music in the
   US (RnB is now #1) as its
   popularity is RAPIDLY declining
   in most of the western world
   (and never really got *that*
   popular in the rest of the
   world).  Though it was THE
   music of that generation.

# o' artists: 70   32

importance:   The first ever large scale   Taken from a woodstock site*:
  event that, celebrates the   "True believers call Woodstock
  worlds most popular musicthe capstone of an era devoted
  in the city where it all to human advancement.  Cynics
  began.  Also the first time  say it was a fitting,
  that the city of Detroit rediculous end to an era of
  had a large scale cultural   naivete.  Then there are those
  event that had blacks,   who say it was just a hell of a
  whites, hispanics, rich, party...For four days, the site
  poor, homosexual, hetero,became a countercultural mini-
  suburban, inner city, blue   nation in which minds were
  collar, white collar, etc.   open, drugs were all but legal
  partying TOGETHER (this is   and love was 'free.'"
  a BIG DEAL for Detroit, as
  well as an odd occurence in
  the US in general).

Drugs:Drugs were there, but open   Have you ever heard a Woodstock
  usage was not very commonstory that wasnt about
   drugs?  (sorry this is turning
   into a "its all about the music
   y0!" post)

* source:

Basically, I think that Woodstock *might* have been the biggest event in
the states, though its significance and influence is decrasing at rapid
rates.  As a HUGE fan of rock (especially Metal) and blues, I can honestly
say that in the last few years, Rock And Roll is DYING.  The alternative
explosion in the early 90s was very cool, as the counterculture of rock
resurfaced but recently, pop, rNb, and commercial rap and hip hop have
been F

Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread M Elliot-Knight
Woodstock was about people being fed up with getting ripped off (and also a 
good dose of stupidity on their own part). They were in a very hot 
environment with little to no shelter, food and water - I heard and read - 
was rather expensive, and other crap like that. I can't explain the attacks 
on women though... that's the stupidity part.


From: "dan ito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 19:35:16 -

it was chaos, but damn would i have liked to be there when they broke open
the atm machines!

From: "John Osselaer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 21:05:53 +0200

Listen, I've never seen a party get so out of hand than that edition of
Woodstock about, what?, two years ago? Man, what was that all about? If
kinda thing would happen on a dance event like for instance Dance Valley 

Holland (60.000 visitors and one of the best in Europe, lots of 'cheese'
though) I wouldn't even considering going back. The footage we got to see
here about that Woodstock edition seemed totally out of this world. At
for a music event. Don't get started about European soccer madness because
that's another story I don't get. Sometimes the wrong people get drawn to
phenomena and that...  brings us back to Ford.

John, getting involved again now he had internet by cable, out

From: christos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: pk what? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 14:30:06 -0400 (EDT)

(313kids, I sent this to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and thought that you guys might 

interested to, if you are as bored as I am.)

Someone posted eralier about comparing the two events.  Here is what I
think of the two (let me know if this format fucks up):

Attendence:   1.5 million (though this500,000
  was the 3 day total, so
  like if you went 3 days
  you were counted twice.
  I believe on the last
  day alone though, the count
  was 750,000, so like we
  know that at least that
  many DIFFERENT people
  were there)

Location: Heart Plaza: Detroit, MISome farm: Bethel, NY

The Crowd:To quote a DPD officer, Hippies.
  "this crowd is soo cool
  diffrent: and its the most
  diverse I have ever seen."
  (we all remember the old
  lady getting down to James
  Brown, and the dude with
  the jesus sign, that was
  boppin to the beats)

Music: 	  Electronic Music: the MOST   Rock, and shitty folk: Not 

  popular music IN THE WORLD   the most popular music in the
   US (RnB is now #1) as its
   popularity is RAPIDLY declining
   in most of the western world
   (and never really got *that*
   popular in the rest of the
   world).  Though it was THE
   music of that generation.

# o' artists: 70   32

importance:   The first ever large scale   Taken from a woodstock site*:
  event that, celebrates the   "True believers call 

  worlds most popular musicthe capstone of an era devoted
  in the city where it all to human advancement.  Cynics
  began.  Also the first time  say it was a fitting,
  that the city of Detroit rediculous end to an era of
  had a large scale cultural   naivete.  Then there are those
  event that had blacks,   who say it was just a hell of a
  whites, hispanics, rich, party...For four days, the site
  poor, homosexual, hetero,became a countercultural mini-
  suburban, inner city, blue   nation in which minds were
  collar, white collar, etc.   open, drugs were all but legal
  partying TOGETHER (this is   and love was 'free.'"
  a BIG DEAL for Detroit, as
  well as an odd occurence in
  the US in general).

Drugs:Drugs were there, but open   Have you ever heard a 

  usage was not very commonstory that wasnt about
   drugs?  (sorry this is turning
   into a "its all about the music

Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread atomly
Woodstock was a much more important event in the history of music than
DEMF, though.

Woodstock marked the time when the hippies established themselves as a
force.  Nobody cared about Country Joe or Jimi Hendrix before that.
Woodstock was amazing because it wasn't planned to be huge while they
were anticipating huge crowds at DEMF.  

Electronic music has already been exploited and torn apart by business
around the world, but Woodstock still had a purity to it.  

I'm not saying that DEMF was not important, but it's presumptuous to say
things like electronic music is the most popular music in the world
while rock is dead (especially given that in the context of Woodstock,
rock was anything but dead).

Also, electronic music still isn't the most popular form of music in the
world unless you're going to try to include R&B and Hip Hop in
electronic music.

:: atomly :: 


Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread Nathan John de Yonker

> Electronic music has already been exploited and torn apart by business
> around the world, but Woodstock still had a purity to it.  

Amen adam,
They will hopefuly go down in musical history as being special for very
different reasons. The DEMF was a unique chance for a genre to get noticed
by mainstream america on its own terms. 

> I'm not saying that DEMF was not important, but it's presumptuous to
> say things like electronic music is the most popular music in the
> world while rock is dead (especially given that in the context of
> Woodstock, rock was anything but dead).
> Also, electronic music still isn't the most popular form of music in the
> world unless you're going to try to include R&B and Hip Hop in
> electronic music.

It's also pretty damn presumptous to say that rock is dead now. People who
say rock is dead are oblivous or ignorant to good rock, in my opinion.
Just like if you say all hip hop is commercialized, you're oblivious to
what a lot of people are doing.

Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread Kyle J Dupuy
> Woodstock was amazing because it wasn't planned to be huge while they
> were anticipating huge crowds at DEMF.  

actually i heard they were hoping for about 30,000 to 60,000 people last
year, however i can't confirm this.  but, i think that the reason why
the demf was so amazing last year is that vastly exceeded everyone's
expectations in terms of turnout and entertainment value.


Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread Greg Malcolm

Woodstock marked the time when the hippies established themselves as a
force.  Nobody cared about Country Joe or Jimi Hendrix before that.
Woodstock was amazing because it wasn't planned to be huge while they
were anticipating huge crowds at DEMF.

actually it was at the monterrey pop festival in 1967 where hendrix set his 
guitar on fire and then smashed it where he and many of the other emerging 
"Psychedelic" artists gained a wider audience, janis joplin, greatful dead 
etc...the oddball out at the monterrey pop fest and IMHO best performer, 
otis redding and booker t and the mg's.

Electronic music has already been exploited and torn apart by business
around the world, but Woodstock still had a purity to it.

might be, but woodstock ushered in the era of huge outdoor festivals and 
arena rock and eventually became big business in the 
70' other words woodstock was the beginning and end of an era.

Also, electronic music still isn't the most popular form of music in the
world unless you're going to try to include R&B and Hip Hop in
electronic music.

R&B and Rap are the two biggest forms of music by sales volumes anyhow, at 
least in this country...sad.

just my two cents


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Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread atomly
[Greg Malcolm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> might be, but woodstock ushered in the era of huge outdoor festivals and 
> arena rock and eventually became big business in the 
> 70' other words woodstock was the beginning and end of an era.

While I don't totally agree with this, I see what you're saying...  I
can definitely see DEMF leading to the same thing, too.  If the whole
Area One thing and DEMF pan out for Ford, I won't be surprised if other
companies pick this up as well...  

> R&B and Rap are the two biggest forms of music by sales volumes anyhow, at 
> least in this country...sad.

I don't really see why this is sad.  R&B and Hip Hop are the two most
innovative forms of pop music right now by far.  Producers like
Timbaland and the Neptunes have found that perfect balance where they
can get as weird as they want while still maintaining their pop
sensibilities (rock critic euphemism for "selling out").

I think the main point of my original e-mail that a lot of people missed
was that Woodstock was a spontaneous thing.  The promoters weren't ready
for nearly that many people and the whole thing got completely overrun.
The gates were crashed and the hippies just kind of took over.

Also, a lot of the people on here seem to think we're talking about one
of those Woodstocks from the 90's...  Those were wack.

:: atomly :: 


Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-02 Thread Otto Koppius
atomly wrote:
> Woodstock marked the time when the hippies established themselves as a
> force.  Nobody cared about Country Joe or Jimi Hendrix before that.

Yes, but did anybody in the music establishment really care about techno
before last year? They might've cared about the usual suspects that we
all love to hate on this list, but not about the artists that were on
last year's DEMF lineup.

> Woodstock was amazing because it wasn't planned to be huge while they
> were anticipating huge crowds at DEMF.

They were not anticipating huge crowds at DEMF. 100,000 was the maximum
figure I heard in the weeks before DEMF. Don't forget that until 1-2
months beforehand, there was still quite a bit of uncertainty as to
whether or not it would go ahead at all and with what lineup. Serious
promotion was pretty much nonexistent until a few weeks before the
event. Weather was expected to be crap too (one highlight of the
festival: the sun breaking through the clouds just seconds after Mike
Grant dropped Blaze's "Wishing You Were Here". I love synchronicity).
When we told people that we flew in from the Netherlands, the standard
reaction was that we must be crazy to fly halfway across the world for a
festival that the majority of locals didn't even know about, let alone
care about. So when the first day it became the success that it was, it
was so completely unexpected that that feeling/atmosphere made the next
days an even bigger success.
Woodstock of course had much larger social and cultural implications
than DEMF, but in terms of what it meant for the music itself and its
(broad) acceptance, they're both defining moments in American musical


Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock

2001-05-03 Thread Kent williams
On Wed, 2 May 2001, atomly wrote:
> Woodstock was a much more important event in the history of music than
> DEMF, though.
> Woodstock marked the time when the hippies established themselves as a
> force.  Nobody cared about Country Joe or Jimi Hendrix before that.
> Woodstock was amazing because it wasn't planned to be huge while they
> were anticipating huge crowds at DEMF.  

You know most of you weren't alive for the first Woodstock.  When
the festival was happening, it made the national news, but it's not
like it captured everyone's imagination.  The real buzz on it came
with the record and the movie, after which people began mythologizing
it all out of proportion.  If you took a poll right now that asked
everyone over 45 if they were at Woodstock, probably 3 million of
them would say they were. It's turned into a creation myth for 
counterculture, when really it was a half million white college
kids behaving badly. Not unlike spring break in Miami Beach, only
with more mud.

This happened in 1969, after all -- hippies
were well established.  In fact, by 69, the hippy scene had really

Comparing DEMF to woodstock is silly; for one thing, ain't no way
we'll have near enough mud. Or LSD.

DEMF was cool last year. A whole lot more people will be there this
year, so we'll see.  It's more about the music and the 100 or so
internet friends who will be there for me -- in other words, a Netmeet
with beats.

Re: [313] demf vs. woodstock

2001-05-03 Thread David Bate
If anything was to happen at the DEMF it would have no affect on
my Faith in the music as when I go home and put on Galaxy to Galaxy
it's going to do the same thing to me that it always did.  Move Me and
Deprogram me.  This music is not about the DEMF.  The DEMF is
about this music.  Remember that


Samuel Hobbs wrote:

>i was at woodstock 99.  it was a great time until
> that last day.  until then people could pay for the
> $5.50 hotdog and the $8.50 bbq sandwich.  then people
> started running out of money.  then people began to
> realize that no one had pumped out any of the
> porta-johns.  then people began to realize that no had
> picked up any trash the entire weekend.  then people
> got pissed.  i think all the trouble began with the
> promoters assumption that kids will pay any amount of
> money for basic  necessities like food and water.  it
> didn't help that korn played the first night, limp
> bizkit, rage, and metallica played the second night,
> and red hot chili peppers did a good job of riling up
> the crowd on the last night.
> -sam
> __
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