Re: [9fans] Moving files to a USB thumb drive.

2024-08-03 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
jas.smoke via 9fans writes:

> I want to copy text files from a Windows PC to a Plan 9 computer using a US=
> B thumb drive.=C2=A0

Format the thumb drive as a FAT32 filesystem and stick the files
there.  On the plan9 side, see dossrv(4) and examine /bin/c: for
an example of what to do.  You'll need to adjust the device path
to match the usb device location.


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Re: [9fans] Moving files to a USB thumb drive.

2024-08-03 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
jas.smoke via 9fans writes:

> How do I set up and manage external storage devices in Plan 9?=C2=A0 I woul=
> d like to attach a USB thumb drive to move files.

Move to where? I.e. what destination OS?

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Re: [9fans] How to PXE boot with "two" DHCP servers on one network

2024-03-25 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Marco Feichtinger writes:

> How can I pxe boot other machines, without my file server acting as dhcp se=
> rver for the whole network?

It might be possible, but not worth the effort. And with the blackbox
DHCP server in that router, it's likely impossible.

If your file server is up all the time, just make it the DHCP server
for the network.


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Re: [9fans] Plan 9 Foundation is a 501(c)(3)

2023-12-13 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
This is great news, but just before I start throwing money your
way, it would be nice to know what you're planning to do with it.
Other than the announcements about the creation of the foundation
itself, and now this, it as been pretty much radio silence about
what you're planning to get up to.

Also, what's the difference between and


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Re: [9fans] down?

2023-11-04 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Yaroslav K writes:
> Do we know what=E2=80=99s up with, the current sources host?

Pings (v4 and 6) to nearby addresses work, so it looks like the
host itself is down.

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Re: [9fans]

2023-04-27 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Thaddeus Woskowiak writes:
> Has anyone written any code to deal with SCPI, Standard Commands for
> Programmable Instruments, on plan 9?

I did a couple of years ago, for the same reason: programmable PSUs and
to suck data down from an ocsilloscope.  It never worked well, and I
have since lost the SD card the code was on (I was using an RPi).

I would be interested in pursuing this, though, as I have a growing
stack of SCPI-aware test gear.


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Re: [9fans] different users for different system roles

2023-02-13 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
hiro writes:
> > should each system role get his own user?
> > Like one user for file servers, one for auth, one for venti, and one for =
> cpu
> > servers.

My was has always been to have a file system user and an auth server
user that are used ONLY for those roles.

As for CPU servers, it really depends on how you use them.  The
main reason you might want to have different CPU server owners is
to control access to physical hardware.  E.g. I have machines that
are used to control my radios via their serial and USB interfaces.
For those, I don't want the "general pupulation" to have access to
that hardware, so I run those servers under a userid that is distinct
from the "general purpose" CPU server owner.

Oh, the Pi I use for bluetooth dev work has its own host owner,
for similar reasons.

I'm sure there are other cases, but that's the only one where I've
personally had a need for multiple host owners.


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Re: [9fans] Update on RISC-V port

2023-02-01 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Waaay back in Nov 2020 Skip sent a note to the list about some
preliminary work on a RISC-V port.  Now that my VisionFive-2 dev
board has arrived I'm itching to try to get Plan9 running on it.
Has any progress been made since that last update?


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[9fans] tls cert

2022-10-30 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Duckduckgo isn't happy with the above site's tls cert.  Did it
expire?  Or is something more nefarious happening ...

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Re: [9fans] Perhaps someone can give me an advice ...

2022-03-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
ibrahim via 9fans writes:

> While on wait I'm intending to port the freebsd bluetooth stack (netgraph) =
> to plan9. I would be surprised if no one started such a project till now so=
>  if someone shares this goal I would be interested in a cooperative work.=20

Huh. I'd never thought about looking at that ng code as the basis for a
port.  I wouldn't have thought it's even close to being a natural port,
but my netgraph experience is rather limited ...

Bluetooth (and BLE) support woould be *very* nice to have.  It would be
really slick to get my Moolitpass MiniBLE working with factotum.  This
has been on my todo list for a while now, using USB to connect.  I need
to do USB anyway to support the older versions of the authenticator


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Re: [9fans] 9P in Forth

2022-02-14 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Alex Musolino writes:

> Seems so:

Oh now that's slick! < 200 lines of code.

Thanks for the pointer.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-02-14 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
A short update on the RS-485 network project ...

I ordered up an assortment of RS-485 "hats" and USB serial ports
to play with.  I also have an Axxon LF1006KB PCIe card that will
go into the CPU server as the "gateway" for the 485 network.  It
should already work with the uartpci driver, but I'll have to extend
that to add support for the 485-specific card functions.  Fortunately
Axxon has been very forthcoming with documentation for the card,
so this should be pretty straight forward.

I decided to take this week off work so I could free up some cycles
to get myself orgainized enough to start on this ;-)  I need a week
just to dig out from under the mess that my apartment has become
during lockdown!  Mostly I need to (re-)construct a proper Plan 9
environment to base all of this on, so most of this week is dedicated
to building CPU and file servers, etc.  But just maybe, by the
weekend, I'll have a couple of Plan 9 devices chatting over the
RS-485 link.


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[9fans] 9P in Forth

2022-02-14 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Just curious if anyone has attempted a 9P implementation in Forth?
This could be fun to play around with on things like Atmel AVRs.
I've had it to -->here<-- with the Arduino programming environment,
so *anything* different would be a joy :-)


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[9fans] Installing 9legacy

2022-02-05 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
I booted 9legacy from a usb image and all is well. But ... how
am I supposed to get this installed on the machine's hard drive?
I can't find any sign of the installer scripts.

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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-02-03 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
When you do the initial install, interrupt the boot sequence and type
console=0 as the documentation describes.  Install the system as usual,
then reboot and log in again using the consoole=0 dance.  Once you're
logged in you can mount the 9fat partition (9fs 9fat) and then edit
/n/9fat/plan9.ini to add the console=0 line.

The best way to deal with the vm console interface is to mark the
vm as 'disabled' in vm.conf and then start it manually with 'vmctl
-c start'.  This will get you connected to the bios console early
enough for you to interrupt the boot process to type those overrides.
Once you have plan9.ini tuned to your satisfaction you can change
the vm declaration to 'enabled' and let it autoboot.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-29 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
A few thoughts after chewing on this for a day ...

I think the major architecture components break down like this:

1) a simple protocol wrapper to enable streaming of 9p over arbitrary
   transports (e.g. USB, i2c, spi, rs485).

2) an addressing scheme that plugs into dial() and ndb.

3) authentication proxies.

4) device libraries.

I think (4) is out of scope for the current discussion, so I won't
talk about it further.

(1) is the key to the whole thing.  We need a consistent way to
expose these 9p streams in the kernel in a mount-friendly way.  I
think the netif/ether kernel framework provides a good starting
point, where netif hides (or at least abstracts) the device-specific
quirks of the underlying physical medium (e.g. X-Base-T, wifi).

In the current case, the netif replacement layer would hide the
transport-specific warts of the physical tranport medium (e.g.  USB,
spi, serial uart).  Where it gets interesting is how we address the
individual components.  E.g. at the "device" layer we need to address
specific end-points, such as USB device endpoints, or an i2c chip
addresses (for both the i2c driver chip, and the device on its i2c
bus we want to talk to).  Then above that we should have a way to
address the generic 9p stream.  Or maybe not -- implementation
experience will show if this is required.  This naturally leads
into (2).

(3) gets tricky.  Devices not directly connected to a TCP transport
can't speak with the auth service.  Two ideas come to mind.  The
upstream "gateway" host could export a namespace that provides just
enough to allow the device to chat with the auth service; I haven't
thought about how this would work.  Another option would be to have
the "gateway" provide an auth server relay service that would be
part of the 9p streaming encapsulation layer -- basically a 9p
bent-pipe proxy to the auth service, listening at a well known
"address" within the encapsulation layer.

I've been thinking about doing something like this for ages,
specifically, to allow me to control a stack of radio transceivers
via a collection of controllers wired up to a multidrop RS485 bus.
So last night I bit the bullet and ordered up a stack of RS485
interfaces of various shapes and flavours for my collection of
Pies, Arduinos, and PCs, with a couple of USB adapters thrown in
for good measure :-)  When they get here I'll get to work on
implementing the RS485 bus layer, and see where it all goes
from there.


9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] aiju boards

2022-01-29 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
> The 9front /sys/src/9/zynq port is aiju board's kernel.

This reminds me to ask ... what did people get up to using their
aiju boards for?  Sadly, mine has been sitting on the shelf collecting
dust for much too long.  I did some early fiddling about, mostly
to learn the fpga toolchain, but then real life got in the way of

When I bought the board I had intended to use it for some SDR
receiver applications I was thinking about: AIS, ADS-B, DRM, etc.
I really should do something about that.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> I am using 5a/tc/tl to build bare metal code for a STM32F405 MCU thanks
> to some hints from Charles Forsyth.

Could you post some notes on how you're doing that?  This is something
I'd like to take for a spin.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Bakul Shah writes:

> - make it very easy to create hardware gadgets by
>   providing a firmware/hardware building block that
>   talks 9p on the host interface side & interfaces
>   with device specific hardware.

Amen!  I've been thinking about something like this for years.
My specific use case involves controlling radio transceivers.
Right now I do this with assorted Arduino hardware that speaks
GPIO and RS232 (mostly) to the radios, and RS232 to the upstream
"controller" host.  This burns through a lot of serial ports on
the controller.

What I would prefer is to have all those Arduinos connected
to an RS485 multidrop, each exporting a 9p filesystem for the
control interface.  Shoveling the data around on the RS485
"bus" just needs a simple frame wrapped around the 9p packets
that provides device addressing and a CRC.  On the Plan9 side
this just becomes another network type, with ndb handling
the device addressing.

As others have mentioned, having a native Atmel C compiler would
be a real boon here, but there's no reason why this couldn't be
done with an Arduino 9P library.  I haven't investigated if such
a thing exists, although I'm sure it does.


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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
David du Colombier writes:

> If it works with 9front, the issue is definitely on our side.
> Our Virtio drivers are very close to 9front's, so I suspect
> the issue may be somewhere else.

If you think that's the case then I need to build out enough local
infrastructure to be able to build 9legacy ISOs.  Then I can start
printfing in the kernel to see if I can track this down.

That might take a while, though, as I'm quite hardware constrained
right now (thus the attempt at the vmm-based VM).


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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
David du Colombier writes:
> I think the issue is elsewhere, since I've tried on QEMU with
> both Virtio 1.0 and Virtio legacy and it worked as expected
> (386 and amd64 kernels).

That could very well be. vmm(4) is still relatively young, so the
bug could very well be there.  I think at this point we've ruled
out the 9legacy kernel as the culprit.


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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-15 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
It gets a bit further -- now it actually panics :-P

: lyndon@orthanc:/u/vm; vmctl start -c clare
Connected to /dev/ttyp2 (speed 115200)
Boot failed: not a bootable disk

PBSR... F5CD  00B2 
Plan 9 from Bell Labsi8042: kbdinit failed

no vga; serial console only
 disk loader

cpu0:  5200MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206A1 DX 0x79BA97F)
ELCR: 02E8
497M memory: 497M kernel data, 0M user, 18M swap
panic: no disks (in #S)
panic: no disks (in #S)
ktrace /kernel/path 80018529 81004b10 

Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-15 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
David du Colombier writes:
> I've just imported Virtio 1.0 support to 9legacy.
> Lyndon, please try the latest CD image and let me know if it works for you.

Hah! You beat me to it ;-)  ISO downloading now, stay tuned ...

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-10 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Are any of you running 9legacy under the vmm hypervisor on OpenBSD?
The kernel boots, but complains that it cannot find any fixed disks
and panics.

I was able to boot 9front, so it looks like 9legacy's virtio
drivers might be lagging a bit?


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Re: [9fans] Alternative to fine-grained mouse usage?

2021-07-06 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Dworkin Muller writes:
> I have physical issues with trying to perform fine-grained mouse
> operations (uncontrollable small hand tremors).
[ ... ]
> So, my question is, are there any viable alternatives for use with

Joining the conversation late ... sorry.  Have you thought about
mounting a server on top of the mouse device that reads the raw
positioning data and passes up a running average of the last n
positions?  Basically, interpose a low pass filter to help remove
some of the jitter.  I have no idea if it will work -- it just leapt
to mind as I sit here breadboarding RC audio filters ;-)


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Re: [9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Steve Simon writes:

> until last year I still had a dual Atom machine which worked nicely but
> is a propper desktop machine even though its a mini ITX.

I have at least a half dozen mini-ITX boards lying around that I
can fall back on.  The problem is I seem to have lost most of the
cases and/or power supplies for them.  Push comes to shove though
and I will use one of them if I have to.  There's quite a mix ranging
from old i386s to a fairly recent and kick-ass 64 bit board that
would make a very nice CPU server.

Maybe I should just go on a hunt for replacement cases.  The problem
last time around was that mini-ITX cases were no longer very "mini" ...


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Re: [9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> For the usb issue, amd64(9legacy) does not support usb mouse/keyboard,
> only ps2 keyboard/mouse.   Is there any such machine having PS/2
> interface around?

Pretty much everything supports BIOS mapping from USB->PS/2.  This is
one of the many reasons I was asking for reports only from people who


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Re: [9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
hiro writes:
> sure you want just one sata disk for a fileserver? or is the worm all on bl=
> uray?

One disk is fine for now.  The blu-ray is for backing up the arenas,
and yes, I'll deal with the xhci driver issues myself. (I can use
slower USB ports until I get that part running.)


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[9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Time to build out some proper infrastructure at home, and the
first order of business is the file+auth server.  I don't need
screaming fast performance, just something basic, and I have been
looking at some of the current crop of small form factor desktops,
along the lines of the Intel NUC.  (But I'm in no way married
to Intel.)

I'm curious in hearing from anybody ACTUALLY RUNNING on that sort
of machine.  The spec's I'm looking for are pretty minimal:

* amd64 arch.

* a gig-E port I can saturate.

* SATA-II SSD disk (2.5 inch is fine), preferably that will
  max out the SATA interface. PCIe/m.2/whatever is okay, as
  long as it works with the 9legacy kernel, but remember this
  is a file server, so I want to be able to pack a fair number
  of bytes into it, making $$$ an issue for non-SATA storage.

* >= 16GB RAM.

* 2 x USB1/2 (for kbd/mouse), USB-3 for external blu-ray writer.

* basic bitmap video (VGA/VESA is fine).

Thanks for any feedback you can give!


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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-23 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
tlaronde pointed me at the APL that shipped in the contrib
directory in 4.3BSD.  In hindsight I suspect that was the
version I spun up at Athabasca U way back when (1989ish).

I was quite surprised to see that a substantial chunk of it
managed to compile 'out of the box' on OpenBSD 6.8 (albeit
with a flood of warnings :-)):

: lyndon@broken:/u/lyndon/src/apl/4.3/usr/contrib/apl/src; ls *.[co]
Llx.ca4.c a8.o ac.o ag.c ak.c ao.o ax.c gamma.c
a0.c a5.c a9.c ad.c ag.o al.c aplcvt.c ax.o lex.c
a1.c a6.c aa.c ae.c ah.c am.c aq.c ay.c tab.c
a2.c a7.c aa.o ae.o ai.c an.c at.c az.c xed.c
a3.c a7.o ab.c af.c aj.c an.o at.o az.o
a3.o a8.c ac.c af.o aj.o ao.c aw.c cata.c

Seems like a viable candidate to base the port on.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> git clone --single-branch \
> --branch Research-V4-Snapshot-Development \

I must be blind.  I completely glossed over 'single-branch'.
But I might have to go back to the SCCS archive on the CDs,
anyway, since Spinellis' repo doesn't seem to have preserved
the actual SCCS commit messages, just the fact they happened.

> On plan 9, hot off the press:
> git/clone -b $branch \

I don't have the native git installed yet.  This might be enough
to prod me into it.



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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Steffen Nurpmeso writes:

> It can even be as small as 
>   #?0|kent:unix-hist$ du -sh .
>   179M.
> when not including all the new FreeBSD things (for which i at
> least track the FreeBSD git repository directly):

Okay, so what's the magic incantation to clone just that subset
of branches?  git-clone(1) is not helpful ...


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> There are various versions of an APL interpreter and, amongst these,
> a version by Ken Thompson, Ross Harvey, Douglas Lanam.
> Is that this one you are looking for?

That sounds like the one.  It's entirely possible the version I
started with came from one of the BSD tapes (we were source
licensed so we had the full set of tapes from V6 onwards).

I have the CSRG CD set, but it's in a box in a storage locker
right now.  Is there any chance you could pull the above APL
source files and leave them someplace I could grab them from?
( would work fine.)



9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] APL

2021-02-21 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Long ago and far away I built/ran Thompson's APL (from the V7 source
tape IIRC) on one of the VAXen.  This was very much pre-ANSI C code,
but the Ultrix 1.1 compiler handled it fine.

About 15 years ago I dusted off the source and started converting
it to ANSI C, but I got distracted and have since lost the source.
Has anyone here done anything similar.  I would really like to have
a native APL (even an ancient one like above).  If anyone did get
it converted to ANSI, a native port could be bootstrapped through

Failing that, does anybody have a copy of the original source
kicking around?  Since the virus is going to keep me locked up
for a few more months yet, porting would help pass the time :-)


P.S.  Yes I know there are a million other APLs out there, as
well as J and the assorted follow-ons.  It's the V7 code I'm
specifically interested in.  Maybe it's tucked away in the
bitsaver archives ...

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] authoritative source for u9fs?

2021-01-24 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Charles Forsyth writes:

> it's also on bitbucket not github mainly for historical reasons but I also
> can never decide which I dislike more.

The nice thing about having it in hg is that mercurial is part of
9front, so there's no need to muck about getting git installed. 


9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] news(1) patch: make -a and -n get along

2021-01-24 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
[ Originally send to 9front-bugs, but this is applicable
  across the board ... ]

This patch makes 'news -an' do the right thing.

/n/dump/2021/0122/sys/src/cmd/news.c:44,65 - news.c:44,72
  main(int argc, char *argv[])
-   int i;
+   int i, aflag = 0, nflag = 0;
+   int doupdate = 1;
+   int printall = 0;
+   void (*printer)(char*) = print_item;
Binit(&bout, 1, OWRITE);
if(argc == 1) {
-   eachitem(print_item, 0, 1);
+   eachitem(print_item, printall, doupdate);
case 'a':   /* print all */
-   eachitem(print_item, 1, 0);
+   doupdate = 0;
+   printall = 1;
+   // eachitem(print_item, 1, 0);
case 'n':   /* names only */
-   eachitem(note, 0, 0);
-   if(n_items)
-   Bputc(&bout, '\n');
+   doupdate = 0;
+   printer = note;
+   // eachitem(note, 0, 0);
+   // if(n_items)
+   //  Bputc(&bout, '\n');
/n/dump/2021/0122/sys/src/cmd/news.c:66,73 - news.c:73,87
fprint(2, "news: bad option %c\n", ARGC());
-   for(i=0; i
Delivery options:

[9fans] Re: [9front] dropped emails

2021-01-24 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:
> only found out by accident,

Not sure what's going on.  I sent a couple of messages to
9front and 9front-bugs yesterday that vanished into a black
hole ...


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[9fans] rfc / internet-draft viewer

2021-01-24 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
I cleaned up my RFC/I-D viewer and mirroring tools and pushed them
up to /n/9pio/contrib/lyndon/rfc.tar.  They're a bit more functional
than the existing /lib/rfc/grabrfc, and interface nicely with the

Note that I have an /rc/bin/aux directory that I 'bind -a' to
/bin/aux in my global namespace.  If you don't want to do that
binding you'll have to fiddle the mkfile a bit.  Otherwise, add
'bind -a /rc/bin/aux /bin/aux' to /lib/namespace to make the
mirror commands visible.

 RFC(1) RFC(1)

  rfc, idmirror, rfcmirror - Display RFCs and Internet Drafts

  rfc [-p] docref
  rfc [-p] -dIis

  aux/idmirror [-v]
  aux/rfcmirror [-v]

  rfc displays IETF RFCs and Internet Drafts.  docref is a
  plain integer in the case of RFCs, or a string of the form
  draft-* for Internet Drafts.  rfc can also display indexes
  of drafts, RFCs, and STDs by specifying one of the following

  -d   display the Internet Drafts index

  -I   display the index of recent RFCs

  -i   display the unabridged RFC index

  -s   display the list of STDs

  rfc invokes B to display the document; specifying -p instead
  prints the document on the standard output.

  idmirror and rfcmirror maintain the local mirrors of the
  IETF document repositories.  The -v flag makes them print
  the names of documents added or removed from the local mir-
  ror.  Only the text versions of the documents are mirrored.

  rfcmirror also puts a copy of the recent-RFCs index into
  /lib/news/latest_rfcs for use by news(1).

  Adding the following to $home/lib/plumbing (ahead of the
  include basic line) makes RFC and Internet Draft references

  type is text
  data matches '[Rr][Ff][Cc][ ]*([0-9]+)(.[Tt][Xx][Tt])?'
  plumb start rfc $1

  type is text
  data matches '(draft-[a-z0-9-]+-[0-9]+)(.txt)?'
  plumb start rfc $1

  /lib/doc/ietf  the local document mirror.

  The internet drafts FTP server ( has an
  absurdly short command channel timeout.  If you have a slow
  network connection this can cause idmirror to fail, report-
  ing an ftpfs rpc error.  The problem is with the IETF's FTP
  server, not idmirror.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] plan9port: acme remoting

2021-01-04 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
I've always just used aan(8) + cfs(4) for this sort of situation.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Plan9 and Pine

2020-04-15 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Don't forget 2ed ran on the ipaq (aka bitsy).

How much of the UI support survived the 2ed -> 3ed rewrites I don't
know.  But reading through the 2ed source might be enlightening.


9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] factotum vs. SASL+TLS+applications

2020-01-23 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
The following is all hypothetical.  I'm curious about how people
think auth(2)/factotum(4) could be adapted to support the use
case ...

factotum was intended to handle the authentication dance on behalf
of network apps. But in the case of things like IMAP, it really
just stores the client's login/password, and provides a bit of
helper glue for CRAM-MD5. Similarly for ftpfs.

I'm curious why upasfs and ftpfs are outliers in only using factotum
as a credential store, but leaving the actual authentication protocol
dance in the clients/servers.  The "Security" paper (/sys/doc/auth)
strongly hints that these parts of the application protocols were
meant to be outsourced to factotum.  Section 2.2 in particular
argues that the auth modules should be implemented once in factotum,
for consumption by the rest of the system.

Beyond the layering issue, how upasfs does IMAP authentication has
always bugged me.  The "/imaps/..." path handles the "native TLS
on port 993" case, but upasfs(4) says "... Authentication is delegated
to factotum(4)" which is mostly a lie in the "/imap/..." case.

Given a connection to port 143, upasfs will negotiate a simple
cleartext login, while blithely ignoring the server's advertised
security policy.  Specifically, it ignores the LOGINDISABLED and
STARTTLS capability advertisments, and there's no way to require
STARTTLS, even in the absence of the capability (e.g. work around
MITM downgrade attacks).  And the supported SASL mechanisms are
woefully out of date.

Obviously none of this is factotum's fault.  But getting this right is
a bit tricky, which strongly argues for implementing this, once and
correctly, in a single location.

I've looked at pushing this into factotum before.  The current big fail
is the flat 'proto=XXX' part of the factotum key namespace.  This
doesn't scale with SASL.  E.g. for some protocol 'imap' we end up

proto=imap  Plain old IMAP LOGIN (and SASL PLAIN)
proto=imap-cram-md5 SASL CRAM-MD5
proto=imap-scram-md5SASL SCRAM-MD5

plus all the '+tls' variants.  And yet it's going to be the same
passphrase underlying all of these.  In theory there should only
be one factotum entry for each IMAP server/userid instance; it
should not be necessary to update your sectore just because the
server's authentication scheme has changed.  And there's no reason
at all to duplicate factotum records just to handle the '+tls'
variants of each of the above.

What this really needs is for factotum to gain knowledge of SASL
as a general mechanism, apart from any specific application protocol.
Then there needs to be a mapping between the application protocol
being authenticated and the underlying SASL mechanism drivers.  The
challenge then becomes how to express this mapping in the factotum

As an example, let's consider an IMAP (port 143) server.  The default
policy should be to use TLS if the server advertises it (STARTTLS),
and select the strongest compatible SASL mechanism the server
supports (based on re-issuing CAPABILITY after STARTTLS, and honouring
LOGINDISABLED).  This would have a key lookup like:

  proto=imap user=lyndon !password=notlikely

To require a successful STARTTLS even if the capability is not
advertised, add "tls=required" to the record.

To require a specific SASL mechanism, add "sasl=scram-md5" (using
"sasl=*" as a default if you need to fall back for some reason).

Of course all of this needs to be glued into auth(2) in a way that
doesn't destroy the existing API.  But it does need to handle
factotum replacing the underlying connection to the client/server
with one that has been pushtls()ed by factotum itself.


9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] fix: plan9port FreeBSD arm64

2019-12-25 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
This gets building under FreeBSD 12.1
on arm64.  Dunno if it breaks the other arm64 platforms ...

diff --git a/dist/buildmk b/dist/buildmk
index 07b223ac..65137556 100755
--- a/dist/buildmk
+++ b/dist/buildmk
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OBJTYPE=`(uname -m -p 2>/dev/null || uname -m) | sed '
+   s;.*arm64.*;arm64;;

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] Forcing display size on Pi4

2019-12-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
I have a 2K display that Plan9 forces to 1920x1080 resolution.
Poking around 9/bcm/screen.c indicates that setting vgasize=WxHxD
should force the size, but adding a suitable entry in cmdline.txt
just gives me a blank display.

Before I dig deeper, is this expected to work?  If it is I'll start
adding some kernel prints and try to find out what's not working.


9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] dc(1) exponent limits

2019-12-16 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
While running some silly benchmarks I discovered dc's '^' operator
limits exponents to ''.  This seems arbitrary, perhaps a leftover
safety measure to keep things from eating all the CPU for days on
end on a slow machine?  I upped the limit to 9 and the test
expression ran fine on a Pi4:

/n/dump/2019/1215.2/sys/src/cmd/dc.c:328,334 - dc.c:328,334
-   if(length(arg1)>=3) {
+   if(length(arg1)>=4) {
error("exp too big\n");
savk = sunputc(arg2);

If you're feeling bored and apply the above patch, consider running
this mini-bench and mailing the output directly to me:

echo -n `{cat /dev/cputype}^' ** ' ; echo 652342 52342 '^' 34232342 / p q | 
time dc >/dev/null

It will take a while to run (50 minutes on the Pi4).


9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] Ottawa Spring 2020

2019-11-07 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
BSDCan is June 3-6 2020.  There's a Postgres conference the week
before at the same venue, so I'll be in Ottawa from May 25 to June
12 (taking some vacation time after BSDCan).  If anyone wants to
do an informal get-together, let's see what we can work out.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Request for (constructive?) comments: Plan 9 : 2020

2019-10-31 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
For BSDCan I say "unofficial" specifically because an "official"
BOF as part of BSDCan would require conference registration.  An
"unofficial" BOF would be off-site (we can just meet at the usual
pub) the day after the conference ends.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Request for (constructive?) comments: Plan 9 : 2020

2019-10-29 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Lyndon Nerenberg writes:

> Maybe an unofficial get together around BSDCan in Montreal next spring?

Doh!  BSDCan is in Ottawa, not Montreal.  The suggestion still stands.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Request for (constructive?) comments: Plan 9 : 2020

2019-10-29 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Chris McGee writes:

> I am unlikely to be able to come unless it is north eastern US or Canada,
> maybe Toronto or Montreal. I know of at least one other Plan 9 tinkerer in
> the area.

Maybe an unofficial get together around BSDCan in Montreal next spring?
The Saturday after the conference ends?  I know a couple of likely
conference participants who would be interested.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Request for (constructive?) comments: Plan 9 : 2020

2019-10-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
> In that vein, here's a poll:

The survey seems more cute than useful. E.g. there's a *big*
difference between "travel a couple of hours" and "anywhere."  And
even though it's close by, I wouldn't consider travel to the US (a
couple of hours) due to the insanity involved in getting through
US immigration, whereas I would consider travel to Europe (~9 hours).
Asia would be out, due to travel time and cost.

But as a general gauge of initial interest it's certainly useful.

Sadly, while I'd love to go, 2020 doesn't look like a year where
I'll be doing much travelling :-(  But I would be willing to kick
in some $$$ to help pay to have the event streamed.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] go under plan9 on the radpberry pi?

2019-09-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Matthew Veety writes:

> Building anything on a raspberry pi is a bit of a chore. I highly=20
> recommend running go on your cpu server and/or local to your filesystem.=20
> The generated binaries seem to work fine.

Go does wonderfully when it comes to generating binaries for
non-native architectures.  I have a few Go-based tools I use at
work that I build on any number of archictures (macos, freebsd,
openbsd, linux / armX, i386, amd64)) that I need to run on one or
many of the above.  They all just work.  Makes debugging a breeze.

But now that they are succumbing to the shared lib/obj doctrine, I'm sure
I will soon go back to writing C code, since the advantage of those
static go binaries is about to be lost :-(

Re: [9fans] printing from Plan 9

2019-09-15 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Richard Miller writes:

> Before replacing my expiring inkjet printer I thought I'd ask
> the list: does anyone still use lp(1) nowadays, and are there
> printers currently on the market which work well with Plan 9?

As others have mentioned, life is far too short for CUPS.

For Plan9 printing I have always just used a laser printer that
natively supports Postscript.  You pay a bit more for Postscript,
but that pays for itself immediately in not having to dick around
with CUPS, gs, or gawd knows what else to get the hardware talking
to whatever system you've plugged it into.

I currently have an HP Laserjet M402dn.  It speaks Postscript 3,
prints up to 40 PPM, supports duplex printing, and talks lpd or
"virtual serial port" on port 9100.  CAD$350 from Staples.

I've never had any trouble making these consumer HP Postscript
printers interface with lp(1).  I configure them as an lpd printer,
and then point all the other hosts on the network at the Plan9 CPU
server as their default 'printer'.  This lets me use the lp(1)
content conversion filters on all the other hosts -- I find lp's
behaviour to be far superior to anything that MacOS and the others

If you really need an inkjet (e.g. for colour), I would still
recommend finding something that natively supports Postscript.
Failing that, you're likely going to have to connect the inkjet to
something like a Mac or a Linux host.  But as long as you can
configure the print host to listen on the lpd port and handle
incoming Postscript jobs correctly, you should just be able to
configure it as a networked Postscript printer.


[9fans] getcallerpc for arm64/FreeBSD (plan9ports)

2019-09-05 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Does anyone have a getcallerpc-arm64 that works with FreeBSD on
a Pi 3?

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 C compiler for Xtensa CPUs

2019-08-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Charles Forsyth writes:

> At a glance it looked as though the MMUs for the on-chip stuff were more
> suitable for Unix Seventh Edition (no later) than "full" Plan 9.

Wouldn't Inferno be a better fit for these sort of devices?

In my experience these things are used primarily as I/O devices,
with most of the CPU cycles going towards reducing/normalizing/marshalling
the data in and out.  Nothing I've ever built out of an ESP*,
Feather, Teensy, etc., would benefit from a full-on Plan9 kernel.

But having a fully-integrated 9P+auth stack would make these
microcontrollers a dream to integrate into a Plan9 environment.


Re: [9fans] Anyone have a Plan 9 4th Edition Manual Set...

2019-06-30 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
michaelian ennis writes:

> I found a second edition set on Abe books last year.  They were not
> inexpensive.

Sadly, Abebooks became utterly useless several years ago, when it was
taken over by bots scraping each other listings and adding 5%.

[9fans] tn3270

2019-06-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Just curious if anyone has ported (or written) a tn3270 client?


[9fans] supported modern laptops

2019-05-20 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
It's time for a new laptop, one that will dual boot OpenBSD and
9front.  Looking through the FQA, the hardware listed there is a
wee bit on the dated side.  I'm curious to here peoples experiences
running on more current gear.

My requirements aren't too esoteric.  I need something that will
take *lots* of RAM (I'll be running several VMs under OpenBSD), has
a DVD writer, and has a 9front-supported wifi NIC.  9front audio
support would be nice, but lack of it is no big deal.

Oh, and lots of USB-A ports, if that's even possible on modern
hardware any more :-P



[9fans] 9front installer misses /lib/news directory

2019-04-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
fussy# hg diff sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/distproto
diff -r 3839b70da66a sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/distproto
--- a/sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/distproto Mon Apr 22 03:05:51 2019 +0200
+++ b/sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/distproto Mon Apr 22 18:11:54 2019 -0700
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
ndb d775
+   news d775
rfc d775
sky d775

Re: [9fans] The lost (9front) boot menus ...

2019-04-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
> I object to quadrupling the timeout.  I am old and my eyesight sucks and
> one second is perfectly sane.

Shut the refrigerator door! You're running up long distance charges!!!

Re: [9fans] The lost (9front) boot menus ...

2019-04-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:
> err... thats precisely how it works. the ONLY difference is that the
> timeout is hardcoded to ONE second see: /sys/src/boot/pc/sub.c:304

Fine, but a ONE second timeout is insane.  And it's NOT at all
clearly documented in the 9boot(8) manpage.

How about a FOUR second timeout, and some manpage patches?

Re: [9fans] The lost (9front) boot menus ...

2019-04-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
> err... thats precisely how it works. the ONLY difference is that the
> timeout is hardcoded to ONE second see: /sys/src/boot/pc/sub.c:304

ONE second, eh?  I need to become much younger again ;-)

Re: [9fans] The lost (9front) boot menus ...

2019-04-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:
> the bootloader has a console where you can change any
> plan9.ini parameter, including bootfile=. read 9boot(8).

I described this badly. Let me try again.

Given a working fileserver config, I want something that does
'user=foo; nobootpromt=bar', but with a (say) five second timeout.
This is different from the current scheme that provides an escape,
but which requires manual intervention.  What I'm looking for is a
timed-out option from the 'nobootprompt=' config, that lets me
override, but only if I'm right there.

It's the same as how (e.g. FreeBSD) lets you interrupt the boot
process and muck about.  But if you don't, it times out and boots
the 'default' configuration.

[9fans] The lost (9front) boot menus ...

2019-04-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Something I miss in 9front is the 'boot menu' functionality 9labs
had in plan9.ini.  Being able to fall back to an alternative config
was a godsend when debugging fileserver setups.  I'm curious why
that was removed from the 9front bootstrap code.


[9fans] 9front dhcpd installer buglet

2019-04-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
The 9front installer doesn't create the /lib/ndb/dhcp directory.
This makes ip/dhcpd silently fail when it tries to hand out dynamic

Re: [9fans] ssh oddities (9front)

2019-04-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Ignore me.  I had stupid firewall rules in place that were
breaking things :-P

[9fans] ssh oddities (9front)

2019-04-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Something else I've noticed is that 9front-dick-tracy refuses to ssh to
FreeBSD 11 or MacOS 10.14 hosts when trying password authentication.

In both cases, 'ssh -d' reports the connection hangs up at 'ssh:
global request:'.

I don't know if this worked before.  This is my first build-out of
9front infrastructure, so I'm not sure what's expected to work.
Especially after the recent updates to the 9front SSH code.


Re: [9fans] SMC SYS-5018A-FTN4 lapic weirdness (9front)

2019-04-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:
> bit 7 is "illegal register access". try to print the pc from the ureg
> passed to the first argument in lapicerror() in /sys/src/9/pc/apic.c.

A quick printf hack says ureg->pc = 0x801103b3 mostly
(>99.9%), but a few other oddballs are:

  cpu0  0x2400c8
  cpu0  0x226df6
  cpu0  0x80208b1c
  cpu0  0x802083f9

etc.  During boot I see complaints from cpu1, but once the machine is
fully booted only cpu0 spits messages.

This is from a generic Dick Tracy amd64 kernel, with a U->pc printf
added to lapicerror().


Re: [9fans] SMC SYS-5018A-FTN4 lapic weirdness (9front)

2019-04-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:
> bit 7 is "illegal register access". try to print the pc from the ureg
> passed to the first argument in lapicerror() in /sys/src/9/pc/apic.c.

Okay.  Likely not 'til the weekend though ...

[9fans] SMC SYS-5018A-FTN4 lapic weirdness (9front)

2019-04-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
I have a stack of Supermicro SYS-5018A-FTN4 servers upon which  I'm trying to
spin up 9front.

For the most part they work, but one annoyance is the *endless* stream of

  cpu0: lapicerror: 0x0080

messages the kernel prints out.  Sometimes these originate from cpu1 as well.
The hardware has eight CPU cores.  I don't think I've seen anything from
cpu>1, but in the blizzard of messages, who knows.

I poked a wee bit inside the kernel source, but I don't have time right now
to chase this.  The hardware runs fine, other than refusing to reboot, which
I put down to the usual BIOS ACPI table stupidity.

For the time being I'm going to put a filter on the kprints, but I'm curious
if this sounds familiar to anyone.

Note this happens with both the 32- and 64-bit kernels.

I don't have a quick way to attach sysinfo(1) to this message, but if somebody
can use that I'll figure something out.


Re: [9fans] Mirroring plan9 sources

2019-03-07 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:

> or and setup a mirror, but finding servers spec'd to run plan9 in
>  the US seems impossible.

I have run 9front on VPSes at ARP Networks.  These days 9front
should just work out of the box.  ARP's support staff have been
very helpful tuning the underlying qemu/kvm settings for me when
I have needed that, and they don't shy away from helping run
"oddball" OSes like Plan 9.


Re: [9fans] microsoft's plan 9 distribution

2019-02-18 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Ethan Gardener writes:

> I got excited for a moment, but then I saw, "This server contains
> protocols that support Linux metadata, including permissions."  It's
> going to be 9p2000.L or yet another incompatible fork of the protocol.

Is Upspin an alternative?  (Not helpful if you're required to talk to
specific AFS infrastructure.)


Re: [9fans] MH port

2018-12-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Mayuresh Kathe writes:

> just so that i know, are you targeting plan9 users for your version
> of 'mh'? if yes, will they be interested in migrating away from the
> way they are working currently, i.e. with acme and upas?

Yes, and no.

Yes, in that I intend this MH to fully integrate with the Plan9
environment (upas, plumber, factotum) when run there.  That will
come with time.  The first step is to get the existing code building
and running, with a very basic inc(1) interface that pulls from the
user's inbox (just like with UNIX).

No, in that there will never be a "one true MUA" any more than there
is *any* "one true X" for any value of X.  On Plan9[1] I am constantly
moving back and forth between nedmail, acme Mail, and a basket
full of my own programs, depending on the task at hand.  The upas
filesystem interface makes the latter a breeze to implement.

MH is just another nugget in that basket of tools.


[1] Not just Plan9.  On UNIX systems I can't keep count of the number
of MUAs, MSAs, and the like I use, and almost always in parallel.  Again,
which tool I use is dictated by what I'm trying to accomplish at the

[9fans] MH port

2018-12-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Mayuresh Kathe writes:

> i was looking for a non-captive user-interface email client like "mh" by 
> rand corporation. i guess i'll either have to learn to use acme with 
> upas or write my own "mh" replacement for plan 9.

A year-or-so ago I started working on my own version of MH, forked
from a then current nmh.  One of the goals for the version I'm doing
is to have a native (as much as is possible) Plan9 build; one that
gets along with upasfs and the plumber as much as possible.

So far most of the work has been cleaning up the code base. E.g.
ripping out all the GNU auto* build nonsense, and getting the code
to compile cleanly in a pure ANSI C environment.

Once that's finished it should be relatively straight forward to
add basic APE build support.  This is a couple of months out yet,
based on my current rate of progress :-(


Re: [9fans] Plan 9 C compiler for RISC-V by Richard Miller

2018-11-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Brian L. Stuart writes:

> Don't laugh.  I actually have a VT-220 on my file server.

You do a lot of manual code compiling and linking from the serial
console of your file server, do you?  Then you deserve all the pain
that can possibly be inflicted upon you ;-)


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Digby R.S. Tarvin writes:

> Oh yes, I read Eldon Halls book on that quite a few years ago. Meetings
> held to discuss competing potential uses for a word of memory that had
> become free.

> That one would be a challenging Plan9 port..

And yet Plan9 was not there to save the day.  Such a pity.

Re: [9fans] zero copy & 9p (was Re: PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Another case to ponder ...   We're handling the incoming I/Q data
stream, but need to fan that out to many downstream consumers.  If
we already read the data into a page, then flip it to the first
consumer, is there a benefit to adding a reference counter to that
read-only page and leaving the page live until the counter expires?

Hiro clamours for benchmarks.  I agree.  Some basic searches I've
done don't show anyone trying this out with P9 (and publishing
their results).  Anybody have hints/references to prior work?


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:

> don't you need sending ability, too for AIS?

No, a receive-only setup is very useful on a small boat.  Where I
would like to go with this is to take the decoded AIS data as input
for "ARPA" style collision plots.  I'm interested in the big boats
sailing through the straight.  They can't turn fast, and rarely
change course.  If I can derive their intentions, I can plot a path
between them that requires the least amount of tacking.

The big boats, in turn, have no interest in us little critters.
They actively filter out the "class B" (I think that's the term)
noise that are AIS transmissions from the small craft.  Even if we
hit them, we can't sink them, so they don't care about us.  Therefore
there is no incentive for small boats to transmit AIS.  Unless you're
trying to locate your buddies for a tie-up somewhere.  (That can
be a very valid reason for transmitting!)


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Skip Tavakkolian writes:

> I assumed you were using an RTL2832U (rtlsdr library).

I'm pretty sure they all do, under the hood.

Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
> I was able to use dump1090 (same author as redis) to get ADSB data reliably
> on RPi/Linux a while back.

I have a pair of Flightbox ADS-B receivers I am using as references.
While mostly reliable, they can and do stutter along with the rest
of the alternatives on occasion.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:

> But given the alternatives available back then, even the armv5 in the
> kirkwood, which was cheaper even before the rpi became popular, did
> the same job more stably, which is why i would never actually
> recommend the pi. And there are even more alternatives now.

I get that. But the actual hardware driving this conversation isn't
particularly relevant,, and devolving to a hardware bikeshed isn't
helpful.  (Not picking on you specifically.)

> Are you doing the AIS demodulation on plan9 on rpi? It would be a
> great showcase. Wish I had been given the opportunity to find an
> excuse to build something like that on plan9 instead :)

Not yet.  First I need to prove it can be done with the usual
suspects (GNU radio, on the Pi -- the native fft libraries seem fast
enought to make this viable).  If the pessimized case works, then
porting the code from the GNU radio python modules to C is a
mechanical process for the most part.  This week I am ENOTIME with
getting the boat tarped up in preparation for the winter monsoon
season :-P.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Digby R.S. Tarvin writes:

> Agreed, but the PDP11/70 was not constrained to 64KB memory either.

> I do recall the MS-DOS small/large/medium etc models that used the
> segmentation in various ways to mitigate the limitations of being a 16 bit
> computer. Similar techniques were possible on the PDP11, for example

Coincidental to this conversation, I'm currently reading "The Apollo
Guidance Computer: Architecture and Operation" by _Framk O'Brien_.
(ISBN 978-1-4419-0876-6)  Very interesting to see what you can do with
a 15 bit architecture when sufficiently motivated.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
> I have been able to copy 1 GiB/s to userspace from an nvme device. I should
> think a radio should be no problem.

The problem is when you have multiple decoder blocks implemented
as individual processes (i.e. the GNU radio model).  Once you have
everything debugged, you can put it into a single threaded process
and eliminate the copy overhead.  But it's completely impractical
to prototype or debug real applications this way.  And it's the
prototyping case I'm interested in here.

So I'm *curious* to know if page flipping a 'protocol buffer' like
object between processes provides an optimization over copying
through the kernel.  Not so much for the speed aspect, but to free
up CPU cycles that can be devoted to actual SDR work.

Since when did curiosity become a capital crime?   Oh, wait, that
was January 20, 2017.  My bad.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:

> Does this include demodulation on the pi?

Yes.  At least to a certain extent.  The idea is to get from the
high-birate I/Q data so something more amenable to transmission
over an RS-422 (or -485) serial drop.

One example is for an AIS transceiver on a boat.  By putting the
radio and decoder at the top of the mast, the backhaul can be a
cat-3 twisted pair cable, rather than a much heavier coax run from
the antenna at the top of the mast to the receiver below decks.

Reducing the weight at the top of the mast reduces the moment arm
acting on the boat, significantly enhancing the stability of a
sailboat (which is how I got started down this road to begin with).


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:

> why? the *HOST CONTROLLER* schedules the data transfers.

I *DON'T KNOW*.  It's just observed behaviour.

> a! we'r talking about some crappy raspi here... probably with all
> caches disabled... never mind.

Hah.  An Rpi tips over with 1200 baud USB serial.  I was talking
about "real" (Intel :-P) hardware for the other tippy-over behaviour.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg writes:
> > The big one is USB.  disk/radio->kernel->user-space-usbd->kernel->applicati
> on.
> > Four copies.
> that sounds wrong.
> usbd is not involved in the data transfer.

You're right, I was wrong about 'usbd'.  In the bits of testing
I've done with this, 'usbd' is replaces with a user space file
server that abstracts the hardware and presents a useful file system
interface.  (E.g. along the lines of the gps filesystem interface.)

To address Hiro's comments, I have no benchmarks on Plan 9, because
the SDR code I run does not exist there.  But I do have experience
with running SDR on Linux and FreeBSD with hardware like the HackRF
One.  That hardware can easily saturate a USB2 interface/driver on
both of those operating systems.  Given my experience with USB on
Plan 9 to date, it's a safe bet that all the variants would die
when presented with that amount of traffic. (I can knock down a
Plan9 system with 56 Kb/s USB serial traffic.)  I can see about
twisting up some code that would read the raw I/Q data from the SDR
via USB and see how it stands up.  But the real question is what
kind of delay, latency, and jitter will there be, getting that raw
I/Q data from the USB interface up to the consuming application?

Eliminating as much of the copy in/out WRT the kernel cannot but
help, especially when you're doing SDR decoding near the radios
using low-powered compute hardware (think Pies and the like).


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:
> from what i see in linux people have been more than just exploring it,
> they've gone absolutely nuts. it makes everything complex, not just
> the fast path.

And those are the Linux folks doing thier thing.  The reading I'm
doing right now is related to the pessimizations page flipping throws
at the CPU caches.  It looks scary ...


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Bakul Shah writes:

And funny you should mention this!

> Some of this process/memory management can be delegated to
> user code as well.

At $DAYJOB we would really like to have application process control
over the kernel scheduler, as this seems to be the only realistic
way to avoid the (kernel) resource starvation issues we run into.

Our back end servers don't go down often.  But when they do, it's for
reasons entirely out of our control.  Because those resource allocation
policies have been pushed into the kernel, and beyond our control.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:

> > Dealing with the security issues isn't trivial

> what security issues?

Passing protocol buffer like objects around user space, that might
affect how the kernel talks to hardware.  E.g. IPsec offload into
hardware.  You don't want user-space messing with that sort of
context, but you want to tag it with the data buffer as it gets
passed up and down through the user/kernel gate.  Practical page
flipping needs a kernel-read-only context attached to the non-kernel
user data part of the page.  A quick solution is to pair pages, one
half of which the kernel owns, the other being the data payload.  But
that't just a start.  And that's all I'm saying: this might be an
approach to a better/faster I/O paradigm, but it needs interested
people to explore it ...


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
hiro writes:

> Huh? What exactly do you mean? Can you describe the scenario and the
> measurements you made?

The big one is USB.  disk/radio->kernel->user-space-usbd->kernel->application.
Four copies.

I would like to start playing with software defined radio on Plan
9, but that amount of data copying is going to put a lot of pressure
on the kernel to keep up.  UNIX/Linux suffers the same copy bloat,
and it's having trouble keeping up, too.


Re: [9fans] PDP11 (Was: Re: what heavy negativity!)

2018-10-09 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Bakul Shah writes:

> One thing I have mused about is recasting plan9 as a
> microkernel and pushing out a lot of its kernel code into user
> mode code.  It is already half way there -- it is basically a
> mux for 9p calls, low level device drivers, VM support & some
> process related code.

Somewhat related to this ... after reading some papers on
TCP-in-user-space implementations, I've been thinking about how an
interface that supported fast/secure page flipping between the
kernel and process address space would change how we do things.

E.g. right now Plan 9 suffers from a *lot* of data copying between
the kernel and processes, and between processes themselves.  If we
could eliminate most of that copying, things would get a lot faster.
Dealing with the security issues isn't trivial, but the programmer
time going into eeking out the last bit of I/O throughput of the
current scheme could be redirected.

If it works, this would reduce the kernel back to handling
process/memory management, and talking to the hardware.  Not a
micro-kernel, but just as good from a practical standpoint.

And no, this wouldn't get us to running on the 11/70.  But by taking
advantage of modern large virtual memory spaces by using page
flipping, we could cut down on physical memory usage in the kernel.


Re: [9fans] APL for Plan 9?

2018-09-06 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Ethan Gardener writes:

> Is there an implementation of APL or a related language for Plan 9? 

For pure APL, I don't think so.  Long ago I ran the Thompson APL
interpreter on our Ultrix VAX.  It was built from source, but I
forget which tape it came from.  It would have been one of V7 or
4.2BSD, methinks.

I built it in the first place to write code to analyze/report
performance stats on our VAXen vs. the swaths of 3B2 and 3B4000
hardware that AT&T was trying to foist on us at the time :-)

Once or twice I have toyed with the idea of getting it running on
Plan9.  But the C source is very pre-ANSI, and as I recall there are
many embedded assumptions about everything being 32-bits wide, pointers
and ints are interchangeable, *0 == 0, etc.  Still, it would be a
fun project, and I would love to have a native APL to play with again.


Re: [9fans] question about #include_next directive

2018-08-03 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

> On Aug 3, 2018, at 11:35 AM, Kyohei Kadota  wrote:
> I know Plan 9's devtls is more useful than Unix's libraries, but finally want 
> to use git and on Plan 9.
> My team works frequently with git.

It might be easier to just teach git to use the native Plan9 TLS API.

[9fans] booting plan9 under bhyve

2018-05-05 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Has anyone has managed to boot any of the plan9 variants under FreeBSD's bhyve 
hypervisor?  Just curious to hear about any success/fail experiences.


[9fans] fossil+venti vs. cwfs - dealing with backups

2018-04-16 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
What has kept me running fossil+venti is the ease of backing up the file 
server.  Copying the venti arenas offsite is trivial.  And Geoff put 
together glue to write sealed arenas to blu-ray as well.

I don't see any simple way to do that with cwfs*.  Or hjfs.  I am very 
curious to know how the not-fossil/venti FS servers are backing up. 


[9fans] SCMs

2018-02-13 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

I struggle to understand how version control is not more actively used.

It's not particularly necessary when you have global state with
snapshots provided by a shared WORM fs.

I always thought that argument was a bit suspect.  And with the loss of, it's apparent why.  The only revision history was 
in the venti.  Now that that is lost, so is that history.  I know that 
there are partial mirrors of sources, but none go all the way back to the 
dawn of the sources venti archive.  And on the mirrors, we lose the 
'blame' functionality fossil provided by tracking who last updated a file.

If this had been hosted in an SCM, it would have been so simple to 
replicate that full history elsewhere.

The other bit that snapshots/dumps miss is context.  When everyone working 
on the code was within shouting distance of the "unix room" that wasn't an 
issue.  But now, that context has been lost.  Annotations about the "why" 
of a commit are as important as the "what."  diffy(1) answers the "what," 
but not the "why."

DVCS adds a lot of complexity
for questionable gain, in that environment.  9front's adoption of
mercurial is a historical accident rather than a desired outcome.  But,
I understand that most people just want to use the tools they already
know.  It's much easier than learning a new paradigm.

+100 on DVCS and needless complexity.  cvs or sccs provides all the 
functionality I've ever needed in an SCM system.  Although I confess I 
have been seduced by git's ability to instantly create and switch between 
branches.  It makes trying out "what if" scenarios completely painless. 
But it's not enough to convince me to use git except on very rare 


Re: [9fans] ReMarkable!

2018-02-13 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

Maybe it's not impossible that someone would come up with a way to input
text using a pen over a screen that's even more efficient and convenient
than a keyboard. So far, such technology just doesn't exist.

Dust off the handwriting code that was done for the bitsy.

Re: [9fans] There is no fork

2018-02-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

Forsyth's Plan-9k had some development in mid 2017.

Where did that go?  I remember there were some changes there I was quite 
interested in, but I lost the reference to the repo source before I had a 
chance to do anything with the updates.

Re: [9fans] RasPi why?

2018-02-04 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

RPi's aren't "the" answer,

Exactly.  There is no "one" answer.  Hardware, peripherals, operating 
systems ...

The "linux is everything" crowd is what's leading to the decimation of 
technological advancement these days.

Re: [9fans] RasPi why?

2018-02-04 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

Why do people even buy RasPis?

1) Serial port console servers. A Pi2 + StarTech USB 8-port serial is an 
inexpensive way to talk to console serial ports on routers, switches, 
firewalls, etc.

2) DHCP/TFTP servers used to remote PXE install the big iron in our data 

3) Interconnecting all the NMEA nav/comm gear on the boat.

4) Sensor monitoring on the boat (battery levels, bilge, tank levels) and 
sending alarms.


[9fans] SMART: Silly Marketing Acronym, Rebuts Truth

2018-02-03 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

The interesting thing (for me) was that
the SMART data from the drive gave it an all clear right to the end. But
unlike the SSDs, there was plenty of behavioural warning to remind me to
have the backups up to date and a spare at the ready...

FWIW, of the three-four dozen or so drives I have actively SMART monitored 
over the years, of the ones that failed, *not* *one* gave a SMART warning 
before dying.

That includes a spinny disk in one of my Mac Minis.  Of anyone, I would 
expect Apple to be in bed with their HD suppliers enough to have HD 
firmware that reliably reports SMART errors (since the disk utilities do 
pay attemtion to it).  I spent a month listening to that drive's heads 
slam back to the home position as it tried to recalibrate itself, before 
eventually dying. To the bitter end, SMART reported "a-ok boss!"


Re: [9fans] RPI faq in words of one syllable?

2018-01-11 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
I wrote up a crib sheet covering exactly this a couple of months ago, but 
it was on a VPS server whose filesystem I thoroughly trashed and is now 
pushing up the daisies.  I will dig around and see if I stashed a copy on 
another machine.  If not, I can re-create it easily enough, but not for a 
week or two due to insanity at $WORK.


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