Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

2007-11-18 Thread Ramit Luthra
What about the Center?
The official language at the central level is English as well as
Hindi. but it's true that English has been dominating since
independence. Legislations, executive's actions, Supreme/High Court's
verdicts are primarily in English. Our ministers (those who can speak
English) prefer English outside/inside the country. Application forms
even for D-grade jobs are printed in English. Therefore one is left
with no option but to strive to learn English. These days when
government jobs are tightly contested by VCs and private sector
requires good English speaking skills, it has become necessary that
special schools must strive hard to develop such skills in VCs.

As far as development of local computing solutions is concerned, as I
stated in my previous mail, it's on the part of government/leading
private firms to take initiative with real interest and commitment
rather than to show off pseudo patriotism. They may go for contracts
with companies like Ms and insure their profits in the country, or
they start developing on their own. If India could develop super
computers solely, why can't it develop a mere OS?


On 11/17/07, Dipendra manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't you think that by the time 10% population of India tries to teach rest
> of the 90% population of India to how to speak English it would be good to
> have a PC in our own language where we understand every word of what is
> written on it and not just keep struggling with written word which are half
> understood?
> The fact is also that official language of UP is Hindi and all letters are
> supposed to be written and typed in Hindi only. Similarly official language
> of Punjab is Punjabi. The case is the same in many of the Indian states. We
> need English till we want to serve and work for over seas customers only. We
> really cannot make English as first language of every Indian. Thus why not
> have option of computing in our First language and have option of English on
> the computers for an important second language which keeps us integrated to
> the rest of the world?
> When France can survive without English why can't we?
> Thus the remedy is both ways. We may encourage English education but we also
> need Indian Language computing development
> I feel bad when all non-English speaking persons become second grade
> citizens in our own country.
> Thanks
> Dipendra
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of LSanjay
> Sent: 17 November 2007 23:10
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> You are right.  Even if they don't know English, all computer literate
> people have good functional skills.  But here my concern is a blind person
> must be well versed in English to take full advantage of computers this is
> not possible for all blinds in third  World  countries including India.
> So far as Windows for Indian languages is concerned, to my knowledge, apart
> from some dummy Government Offices, nobody cares about it. The irony is
> everybody boasts about their language by enrolling their children in English
> Medium and English cultured schools.  Why we should not encourage English
> Medium schools for blind children in every states and districts?
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[AI] Battle for bandwidth as P2P goes mainstream

2007-11-18 Thread LSanjay
 Battle for bandwidth as P2P goes mainstream; Just how the
  conflict plays out will determine whether P2P can
  realise its potential to deliver high quality video and
  software direct to our PCs

Anil Ananthaswamy

WHEN Microsoft released the eagerly awaited Xbox 360 game Halo 3
last month, fans waited through the night outside stores to get
their hands on the first copies. How much more convenient it
would have been if the game had simply arrived on their computers
as soon as it was released. "If we had a delivery service, we
could deliver the content electronically and maybe offer a
discount," says Jin Li of Microsoft Research in Redmond,

Unfortunately that wasn't possible. Microsoft's connections to the
internet would have been overwhelmed had they needed to send out
more than a million copies of the game. That could soon change if
the company decides to deliver games using a peer-to-peer (P2P)
delivery system, which alleviates such bandwidth burdens.

While the workings of P2P systems differ between applications, it
could go something like this: instead of every customer
downloading the game directly from Microsoft's servers, the
software would first be distributed to a small number of
computers. These "seed" computers would transmit the game to
purchasers, who would in turn pass the game to other purchasers,
or peers, all in a legal and accountable manner. Microsoft itself
would need far less bandwidth to deliver the software in this
manner than if everyone connected directly to its servers.

Microsoft is not alone. P2P networks were first popularised as the
technology behind music file-sharing network Napster. They now
look to be the future of high-quality content delivery. Warner
Brothers in the US is using the BitTorrent P2P system to deliver
video, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is banking on
P2P software to deliver live TV, and universities are building
P2P systems to boost robustness at the core of the internet .

But while P2P applications remove the data bottleneck for the
organisation that originates the content, the surge in data
exchange between ordinary users' computers is consuming huge
swathes of internet bandwidth . The business models of the
internet service providers (ISPs) that supply that bandwidth have
yet to account for this growth in use. Feeling the pinch, some
are fighting back, and the way this plays out will determine
whether P2P can realise its potential in delivering high-quality
video and software directly to our PCs.

For most of us, most of the time, the internet operates according
to a "client-server" model. Each time you want to download a web
page, for example, an individual copy of that page is sent from
the web server to your computer. This has worked well for reading
news, accessing email, listening to radio and even viewing
low-quality video, since these applications require relatively
small amounts of data. But as the internet gears up to deliver
high-quality video and television, the client-server model is
beginning to creak.

Take the problem faced by the CBC. To upload content to users it
has to buy bandwidth, which can cost about $150,000 per year for
a 45 megabits/second "pipe". Under a client-server model, this
could stream high-quality video to up to 60 computers
simultaneously, so servicing the CBC's 6 million customers would
be prohibitively expensive, not to mention technically

Like the researchers at Microsoft, to get around these problems,
Mohamed Hefeeda and colleagues at Simon Fraser University in
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, is building a P2P network for
the CBC. Great news for the broadcaster, but what about the ISPs
that transport the content between peers?

Home computer users with broadband connections typically buy their
bandwidth from an ISP at a monthly flat rate. That connection
tends to lie unused most of the time: "The internet service
providers are counting on that," says Dan Wallach, a P2P expert
at Rice University in Houston, Texas. In contrast, P2P networks
are designed to squeeze every last drop of the network bandwidth
available to them. "Once you actually start using P2P networks,
you break the business model of the ISPs," says Wallach.

P2P data now accounts for 60 per cent of daytime internet traffic
and 90 per cent at night, according to Klaus Mochalski of German
internet-traffic management firm Ipoque, so it is a serious
problem for ISPs. Mobile bandwidth providers are especially
concerned, he says, because their networks are smaller.Call to

So what options do ISPs have? Metering bandwidth and charging
users who exceed a certain limit is an option, but is unpopular
with customers, who prefer to pay a flat rate. To conserve its
bandwidth, an ISP can also choose to cut a customer off if they
are generating levels of P2P-like traffic that exceed conditions
of fair use for a home broadband connection. Or they can restrict
the bandwidth available to that 

[AI] Hackers' dirty tricks threaten to distort elections

2007-11-18 Thread LSanjay
  internet - previously touted for its potential to
  democratise the political process - allows politicians
  to anonymise and broaden the scope of their dirty
  tricks and paves the way for new scams

Jessica Marshall

FOR more than an hour on US election day in 2002, the lines of a
"get-out-the-voters" phone campaign sponsored by the New
Hampshire Democratic Party were clogged by more than 800 prank

In the 2006 election, 14,000 Latino voters in Orange county,
California, received letters saying that it was illegal for
immigrants to vote and doing so could result in their deportation.

Shameful though these examples are, at least those responsible -
Republican party officials, consultants and campaign staff - were
traced and charged or shamed by the press. In future, however,
tracing dirty tricks and bringing perpetrators to account might
not be so easy.

The internet, touted for its potential to democratise the
political process (New Scientist , 9 March, p 28), may in fact do
the opposite. It allows people to anonymise and broaden the scope
of such dirty tricks, and paves the way for new scams, say
security experts who attended an e-crime summit at Carnegie
Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, last week.

One trick that can be borrowed from hackers is spam email. Usually
used to hawk counterfeit goods, anonymous bulk emails could be
sent to voters giving the wrong location for a polling station,
for example, or incorrect details about who has the right to
vote. More people could be reached than with letters, and
although people don't generally fall for spam emails, in close
races it might not take many discouraged or misdirected voters to
change the outcome.

Meanwhile, telephone attacks like the New Hampshire prank calls
could be harder to trace if made using an internet phone line
instead of a landline, says Rachna Dhamija of the Harvard Center
for Research on Computation and Society. They could even be made
using a botnet - a collection of home computers that are
remote-controlled by a hacker. This would make tracing even
harder because the calls wouldn't come from a central location.
What's more, the number of calls that can be made is practically

Internet calls might also be used to sow misinformation, "changing
the playing field" for voter-suppression tactics, says
Christopher Soghoian at Indiana University in Bloomington.
"Anonymous voter suppression is going to become a reality."

The internet also makes new kinds of scams possible. John McCain,
Republican presidential candidate hopeful, discovered this when
campaigners set up a MySpace page for him. A bug in the
programming allowed another user to add the following text:
"Today I announce that I have reversed my position and come out
in full support of gay marriage... particularly marriage between
passionate females." Although people who saw this likely realised
it was a prank, it illustrates the ease with which mischievous
words can be added. More traditional media such as newspapers are
nearly impossible to deface.

Manipulation can also happen in more subtle ways. Last year,
supporters of California state's Proposition 87, an initiative
that would fund alternative energy through additional taxation,
snapped up negative-sounding domains including  and  and then automatically routed visitors to a site
touting the proposition's benefits. Similarly, people have
registered  and . Although
merely unflattering to US presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton
and Mitt Romney, such "typo domains" could be used to spread
malicious software or take fraudulent donations, says Oliver
Friedrichs of Symantec in Mountain View, California.

Older tricks such as phishing - fraudulently obtaining personal
information via the internet - are also changing politics. In
2004, a fake website for Democratic presidential candidate John
Kerry stole campaign contributions and users' debit card numbers.
Campaigns are vulnerable to such scams because domain names tend
not to be standardised - compare  with  - making it difficult to pick the official one.
Phishing could ultimately stop people donating online, a move
that would disproportionately affect Democrats and young people,
who are more likely than other groups to donate online.

The low probability of getting caught online combined with the
fact that anti-spam laws and "no-call" lists exempt political
messages makes the threat real. "The fact is that all of the
technology for all of these things to happen is already in
place," Soghoian says. "I'm not sure this will happen in 2008,
but it will happen."
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Re: [AI] word 2007 and Jaws.

2007-11-18 Thread Pranav Lal

I do not know when jaws version 9 will be released.  The beta however is
publicly available and is quite stable.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mahesh Panicker
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] word 2007 and Jaws.

thanks a lot pranav.

when is the Jaws9 full verssion expected to be released?

On 11/18/07, Pranav Lal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are significant differences between the layout of Microsoft Office
> 2003 and Microsoft Office 2007.  One key difference would be the ribbon
> bar
> which replaces the traditional menu bar.  There is a plethora of podcasts
> relating to this subject.  Ideally, you should not be using jaws version 8
> with Microsoft Word 2007.  Though they are compatible, there are several
> significant issues between jaws version 8 and Microsoft Office word 2007.
> For instance, jaws reports a blank line even if text is present in
> Microsoft
> Word 2007.  I suggest you switch to jaws version 9 which is still in beta.
> Pranav
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mahesh
> Panicker
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: [AI] word 2007 and Jaws.
> hi list.
> I have switched to word 07, and  I am using jaws 8. how far is it
> compateble? I find a lot of differences in word 07. do we have some jaws
> skripts for word 07?
> with best regards.
> --
> Mahesh S. Panicker
> room no. 121;
> Kaveri-hostel;
> Jawaharlal Nehru university new delhi 110067 india.
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Mahesh S. Panicker
room no. 121;
Jawaharlal Nehru university new delhi 110067 india.
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[AI] Job website for entertainment industry aspirants

2007-11-18 Thread renuka warriar
The Hindu News Update Service

News Update Service
Sunday, November 18, 2007 : 1500 Hrs

Job website for entertainment industry aspirants

Mumbai (PTI): Those looking for a lucrative career in the entertainment 
industry sans exploitation at the hands of middlemen, have a reason to celebrate
as a new job website would help them find fresh avenues and prospective 
employers, free of cost.

"The site, is a one stop shop. While the applicants can post 
their resumes, photo, script etc online, the producers or directors can log
on to select the candidate suiting their needs from the profiles posted on the 
site," Tejas Shah, Managing Director of A to Z Media, which owns the website,
told PTI here.

Shah is a chemical engineer who has been supplying film and television 
industry-related equipments to various production houses for past 15 years.

"We want to make this site a job exchange platform for the entertainment 
industry. It would also help aspirants from falling victims to casting couch and
exploitation by doing away with the middlemen," Shah said.

After a low response initially, the portal has now begun generating interest 
amongst the users.

In August this year, the site had 40,000 hits. By October, it jumped to a 
whopping 2.3 lakh hits, a 600 per cent growth showing the site's increasing 

"Our industry is at a stage where different films and ideas are being accepted. 
This is one different concept to experiment with," noted film director and
music composer who has movies like "Satya", "Makdee" 
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[AI] Final Release of JAWS 9 scheduled for posting Mondayat Noon ET

2007-11-18 Thread FARHAN
Hi  All,

Just wanted to let you all know first, that the final release of JAWS 9
is now slated to go live on Monday at noon (east coast time). The CDs
for anyone with an SMA will also all be shipped no later than Wednesday
November 21 so they will begin to arrive next weekend for most people.
We will be posting updated information about the final changes for JAWS
9 along with a FAQ section on the Freedom Scientific web site Monday
morning so please watch there for details.

Just a couple of comments for the most obvious questions:
If you have been participating in the Public beta cycle and you are
entitled to get the final release because of the SMA, then you should be
able to use the "Check for Updates" feature and install the final
release that way. If for some reason, the Check for Update process does
not work as expected for you, we suggest that you please just download
the full version from the web and install it that way.

If you are not entitled for JAWS 9 yet, but you have been using the
public beta version over the past couple of months, we suggest you
download the Demo Version of the JAWS 9 final release and install it
over top of the public beta version before December 1, when the beta is
set to expire. The Demo version will post on Monday at the same time as
the release version.

We would really like to thank all of you who participated in the beta
process. The feedback from you was fantastic and we know that it
resulted in many improvements to the final release making JAWS 9 a huge
success. We are looking forward to following up the successful JAWS 9
release with MAGic 11, Openbook 8, and of course, the PAC Mate OMNI
release during the next month or so. Please watch our web site for all
the details as we gear up for a very exciting 2008.

Kind Regards,
Eric Damery
Vice President
Software Product Management
Freedom Scientific
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Re: [AI] Disabled govt employees to get extra leave

2007-11-18 Thread balasaheb londhe
Hello friend we have 8. C.L. The news is applicable for us or not. Kindly 
send circular regarding the same if you get it.
- Original Message - 
From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 2:54 AM
Subject: [AI] Disabled govt employees to get extra leave

> This news will make many persons happy!
> Disabled govt employees to get extra leave
> Employees of the Central Government who are disabled will get 10 days of 
> casual leave over and above the 20 days they already get. This measure, 
> which may
> later be emulated by state governments, will be announce before World 
> Disability Day on December 3.
> According to the government notification, the 10 extra days of leave are 
> meant to enable such employees to participate in "conferences, training, 
> workshops
> organised at the national and state level agencies."
> Sanjiv Sachdeva of Samarthyam, a NGO, says, "This move comes after 18-20 
> people from the organisation approached the Department of Personnel and 
> Training
> requesting them to extend special facilities to people with disability. 
> For the first time, the government has reacted so quickly."
> A DoPT (Department of Personnel and Training) official said, "Government 
> employees are like ambassadors who take it upon themselves to pay back to 
> the society
> what it has received from it. This extra time would give them the 
> opportunity to come up with solutions for the betterment of the disabled."
> Source: 
> Prashant Ranjan Verma
> Project Manager
> National Association for the Blind
> Sec-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi- 22 India
> Website:
> Office Phone: +91 11 26102944
> International Trainer for DAISY DTB Production
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Re: [AI] examination on computer�

2007-11-18 Thread Suresh Sambandhan

I am very happy that you are doing MBA in the
University of Madras.  Do you have a skype id?  If so,
call me to suresh.tsl  my mobile No. is +919840432083 
We discuss elobrately on that topic.

--- vinod benjamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear surash sir,
> Is that true, this is a nice idea, i am also
> doing my masters in public admin, at madras
> university,through correspondence education, and i
> would like to know about this exam much more, can
> you explain on that?
>   regards
>   benji
> -
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Suresh. S

Every solution of a problem is a new problem...Gothe


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[AI] Skype3.6.0.216 it's now releace

2007-11-18 Thread FARHAN
Release Notes
list of 1 items
. Last build: 
list of 2 items nesting level 1
. 15.11.2007 Skype for Windows 
list of 28 items nesting level 2
. feature: Calling support for 
with Skype users 
. improvement: Relayed file transfer speed improved to up to 70 kbytes/sec 
. improvement: More stable video calls between fast and slow internet 
connection users 
. change: Computers with Dual Core CPU's will send 640x480 by default on video 
call with High Quality Video certified cameras 
. change: Extras Manager updated to version 
. change: Skype Internet Explorer plugin updated to 
. bugfix: Fixed some crash bugs related to video and audio calls 
. bugfix: Skype crashed when extensively changing video options 
. bugfix: Audio settings change during call in Sound Settings Widget was not 
. bugfix: List index out of bounds error on sound settings 
. bugfix: Wrong dialog displayed when sending file through chat window 
. bugfix: Error Invalid argument to date encode displayed on some rare cases 
. bugfix: Connection Wizard started in English, even if it was localized 
. bugfix: Call Forwarding "Saving New Settings" animation layout was misaligned 
. bugfix: Wrong error message displayed when sending file to Skype Out contact 
. bugfix: Video Mood message displayed wrongly if message included emoticons 
. bugfix: Handling Skype URI's returned error during logging in. 
. bugfix: Chat button on taskbar stopped flashing when contact online status 
. bugfix: Chat message copy-paste lost line breaks 
. bugfix: When adding numbers to mood message during call then tones were heard 
. bugfix: Pressing space on Take Video Snapshot window took empty snapshot 
. bugfix: Some advanced options not accessible via tab browsing 
. bugfix: It was unable to copy Skype Out contact number from profile 
. bugfix: "Take Video Snapshot" window was not browsable with tab 
. bugfix: Skype crashed when adding unknown PSTN number to conference call 
. bugfix: Wrong video error message was displayed when no webcam were connected 
. bugfix API: Skype4com did not reset correctly 
. All language files updated 
list end nesting level 2
. Older Release Notes
list end nesting level 1
list end

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Re: [AI] Jaws scripts for Kaspersky?

2007-11-18 Thread FARHAN
if you are talking about yahoo messanger,then you can use jaws curser to 
read it. you can do it when you have install scripts. i'm talking about 
yahoo messanger8.1. but if you are using an older version of yahoo,i 
mean,7.5 or like something,then you can press f 6 to move to history 
windows,and use your stander reading commands. and when you'VE done to 
reading your history message,then press back f 6 to come back your typing 
hope that helps.
- Original Message - 
From: "v.t" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Jaws scripts for Kaspersky?

> dear friends,
> did any know how 2 read a unread mails r msgs in yahoo 
> mail.
>  4 example if there r 11 msgs r unread r new msgs out of 44 msgs, i need 
> only that 11 msgs by using jaws commands.
>  guide me.
>  rds
>  v.t
> Syed Imran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi
> Does anyone have Jaws scripts for Kaspersky anti virus?
> I'm unable to perform the simple tasks like deleting viruses, putting it 
> on scan and all that.
> With best regards
> Syed Imran
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[AI] JAWS 9 in Vista and more on Free Open Source AT

2007-11-18 Thread FARHAN

Blind Confidential (Blog)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

JAWS 9 in Vista and more on Free Open Source AT

By Chris Hofstader

My new, Vista based desktop came back from the repair shop as good as new. The 
first thing I did on it was to install the JAWS 9.0 
public beta with its
updates. I can only describe the experience as a bit underwhelming. Unlike my 
first series of articles about Vista, I did not do 
anything even approaching
an objective comparison between JAWS, Window-Eyes and System Access but, 
instead, just lived with JAWS for a week or so.

As I wrote in my first article about the JAWS 9.0 beta, I think it is very good 
and even excellent in some places. As I also wrote 
in that article, JAWS
9.0 is light on new features and even lighter on innovation. JAWS works better 
in parts of Vista where it worked poorly or not at 
all in the past, a definite

Because of my repetitive stress injuries, though, I had to switch to System 
Access to write this blog entry because JAWS, in its 
out-of-the-box form, still
does not support Vista speech recognition, an important aspect of the Vista OS 
distribution. JAWS also doesn't work terribly well 
in the Windows Media
Center software that came with my HP. Both of these areas work pretty nicely 
with System Access.

For the most part, though, JAWS 9.0 is a big step up from 8.xx as its 
performance has increased noticeably and there are fewer 
really nagging bugs.

As I have written before, I do not think that it is fair that the most 
expensive screen reader on the market relies on volunteers to 
create the configurations
and scripts for applications that fall outside the 90% rule. On the other side 
of the coin, though, JAWS does work out-of-the-box 
with more programs and,
unlike their competition, the ability to modify JAWS outside of FS puts a lot 
of power in the hands of the more nerdly inclined.

The three (or is it four) projects I currently work on will release their 
entire software open source under GPL. Matt Campbell 
wrote an excellent comment
the other day when I did an item on free (as in freedom with a lower case "f") 
software. Matt makes some very valid points but I 
think the following items
express a number of reasons why AT should move to an open source model:

· While Matt suggests that a free screen reader will only increase the sense of 
entitlement that many blinks already have, I 
counter with: if a
sighted person goes to Best Buy, purchases a new PC, brings it home, attaches 
various cables and such, turns it on and after the OS 
installation and registration
nonsense completes, do they feel "especially entitled" because they can use it 
without plunking down $500 for System Access or more 
for its competitors?
Following the civil rights argument, would a restaurant be considered 
integrated if they let minorities in but charged an extra $10 
for every $3-4 item
on the menu when serving black customers? Why then should blinks have to pay 
all the extra cash just to use what our sighted 
friends get for free?

· Screen readers, by their very nature, cause a lot of security problems (orca 
and VoiceOver may not as I haven't explored 
how they gather data
beyond the API. At an ATIA sponsored AT/IT meeting a number of years ago, 
Madelyn Bryant McIntyre (then Director of MS ATG) and I 
brought a number of
these issues to the table.

· If a screen reader can function at the Windows login prompt, it can alsostore 
your user name and password and send it off 
to some nefarious hacker
to use later. Not coincidentally, a screen reader can read what you type into a 
user name and password field on a web page which 
may store your credit
card information. An open source solution can give organizations (government 
agencies and such) a way to look at the code and 
ensure that no one built
in a back door.

· In the past (this may no longer be true) some screen readers found ways to 
hack the Windows kernel without causing the OS 
to pop up a warning
message. This not only created a security hole, it prevented the user of being 
warned about it.

· Many people in developing countries believe the best screen reader available 
is JAWS in its 40 minute mode. Thus, no 
matter their task,
they save their work and reboot every forty minutes. To people who only earn 
500 dollars per month in technology jobs, purchasing a 
full featured screen
reader is out of the question.

· Unless the software is open source, adding languages not determined to be 
profitable by the vendors of proprietary 
screen readers, is impossible.
Just take a look at the rather long lists of languages supported by orca and 

There are far more reasons for doing things under GPL, open source and 
leveraging massive collaboration than I can think of at this 
moment. I will renew
my JAWS SMA and continue to use it while working on GPL solutions for myself 
and the rest of our community to use.

-- End

posted by BlindChristian at 11:08 AM


[AI] Freedom Scientific Announces a December 2007 Release for OpenBookT 8.0

2007-11-18 Thread FARHAN
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Freedom Scientific Announces a December 2007 Release for OpenBookT 8.0

By Peter Verhoeven

Freedom Scientific today announced that OpenBook 8.0, the latest version of the 
Companys powerful scanning and reading software that 
makes printed and
electronic text accessible to people who are blind or who have low vision, will 
be released in December 2007.

Freedom Scientific's OpenBook 8.0 goes well beyond just making all types of 
documents readily accessible. This December 2007 release 
includes new synthesizers,
updated optical character recognition (OCR) engines, improved access to online 
books, common keyboarding with JAWS® and MAGic®, 
built-in braille support,
new low vision features, new reference features, and more. For complete details 
on all the new features of OpenBook 8.0 go to 
Enhanced Scanning and Reading

OpenBook customers can take advantage of attractive discounted pricing if they 
upgrade to OpenBook 8.0 before December 31, 2007. 
>From now until the end
of the year, OpenBook customers will be able to do so for only $100. Anyone 
purchasing or upgrading to OpenBook 7.02 between 
September 1, 2007, and the
December release will be sent OpenBook 8.0 as a free upgrade.

"This next generation of OpenBook will provide users with many new and enhanced 
features and functions designed to make their 
reading experience more enjoyable
and to significantly enhance their productivity as well," said Dusty Voorhees, 
Senior Product Manager at Freedom Scientific. "The 
many customizable features
of OpenBook will enable all users - from novices to the technically-advanced - 
to read, navigate, and manage all their documents 
quickly, easily, and in
ways that best address their individual needs and preferences.

"Freedom Scientific is pleased to offer this special upgrade pricing through 
the end of this year as a way of ensuring our loyal 
OpenBook users have an
opportunity to take advantage of and enjoy this newest featured-filled version 
of the product," added Voorhees.

To learn more about the full array of uses and applications of OpenBook 
scanning and reading software, go to OpenBook Optical 
Character Recognition Technology.


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[AI] Sites for data?

2007-11-18 Thread Shadab Husain
Hi Folks

I want to know that how can I get access over the data
and new researches of World Health Organisation. In
the newspapers they give references of researches and
data, and more often than not the source of them is

Though I visited , but to be pretty blunt, could not
find anything sort of data or research there.
Currently I am acutely looking forward to get the data
and researches on sound pollution. Also, I want to
know other sites from where I can take the

Excusably, I am to leave the list in two or three days
as usual.

An early reply will heartily oblige

Shadab Husain

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Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

2007-11-18 Thread Dipendra manocha
Last mail on this subject from me with my personal view that I am really not
convinced by your advocasy of piracy with any of the arguments.

If some one wants to sell some months of work at Rs. 2000 or 3000 then
prologix certainly has this right too.

If eloquance is available with jaws at 6 USD it is because  they could work
out a deal with them. If any developer can project high sales as jaws then I
am sure Vachak can be sold below 6 USD too. 

Dipendra manocha

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramit Luthra
Sent: 18 November 2007 13:04
Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

Rs. 2000 per PC, Hmm? Give me break!
Now, if some software vendor wants to provide a hindi speech output through
his application (which he's selling at the cost of Rs. 2/3000 for instance,)
the user of such application has to buy Vachak separately for Rs. 2000 (just
costing nearly to the application
price,) the total cost he's to spend would become Rs. 4/5000, Would it be
considered it a low cost product (in purely Indian standard?) Compare to it,
ViaVoice/Eloquence (developped by IBM, and is being used in Jaws,); the
English speech synthesizer costs about six dollars (Rs. 250,) per end-user
(included in the application price).
This meagre amount  looks pretty but it's actually right because end-user
has nothing to do with the synthesizer, it's just a component of the
application like Jaws who has actually bought the developer version of the
synthesizer which costs about Rs. 1. So, there must be some diference
between Run-Time licenses (Which are given along with the application to the
end-users) and developer licenses (which are bought by applications'

If components are being sold for such high price, how could you think that
applications' vendors would ever be able to include them in their products?

Just wonder if some version of Microsoft Windows cost nearly about the price
at which a laptop being sold, would anybody buy such OS for his personal

Please consider this,

On 11/17/07, Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the price of Vaachak is Rs. 2000 per Pc. You get the TTS which can 
> then be used by some external softwares.
> Prashant
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ramit Luthra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> > What's the price of Vachak?
> > If someone wants to get it for development/distribution (along with 
> > the fruntEnd application,) how much will it cost?
> >
> >
> > On 11/16/07, Dipendra manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hello Harish
> >> Vchak with SAFA is fully stablised . Both versions of Vachak are 
> >> working with SAFA. Different keyboard layouts have also been 
> >> introduced. SAFA is freely downloadable with e-speak from nabdelhi 
> >> web site. How ever, for Vachak license the license fee needs to be
> >>
> >> Thus we are committed to provide combined support on SAFA and 
> >> Vachak being given along with SAFa.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Dipendra
> >>
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harish 
> >> Kotian
> >> Sent: 17 November 2007 10:36
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >>
> >> Hi Dipendra and all
> >>
> >> I fully agree with you. We shall not have any more thread relating 
> >> to Vachak.
> >>
> >> I have not used this product, but, has it fully stabilised? I 
> >> understand, they have stopped development work. What happens to 
> >> those who have paid for it?
> >>
> >>  Unfortunately, it is also true projects out here don't reach fully 
> >> towards its stated goals.
> >>  True, this is a chicken and egg situation. I really don't know 
> >> which business model shall get us out from this impass.
> >>
> >>  Harish.
> >>
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: "Dipendra manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 10:58 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >>
> >>
> >> >I feel sad when piracy goes full swing even for low costing solutions.
> >> >
> >> > We are left with no face to speak to any manufacturers to put up 
> >> > any time for developing solutions for us.
> >> >
> >> > If we are so stingy in spending then why don't we simply shift to 
> >> > open source domain where all solutions are available free of cost 
> >> > and we can stop living like thieves.
> >> >
> >> > There is no windows for Indian Languages There is no OCR in 
> >> > Indian language There is no decent TTS for any Indian language.
> >> >
> >> > This is the cost that we pay when we do piracy.
> >> >
> >> > We complain that no one made SAPI compliant TTS. It takes 6 
> >> > months of 4 programmers to make non SAPI TTS into a SAPi 
> >> > compliant one. If Prologix decides to do it for us then we will 
> >> > make

[AI] may be off topic but interesting

2007-11-18 Thread LSanjay
 The end of death? Advances in diagnostics and
  medicine are yet again changing our definition of death
  - and may eventually break down the concept altogether,
  says James Hughes

James Hughes

NEXT May, several hundred neurologists and philosophers will
gather in the resort of Varadero, Cuba, for the fifth
International Symposium on the Definition of Death. At first
sight, defining death might not seem like something that requires
much scientific or philosophical attention. Look more closely,
though, and the line between life and death is rapidly becoming
increasingly fuzzy.

The problem started some 40 years ago with the invention of
ventilators - machines that keep lungs breathing and hearts
pumping even after the brain has suffered extensive damage. This
raised for the first time the question of whether people could or
should be treated as dead simply because their brain is dead. One
set of philosophers argues that the destruction of the frontal
lobes, with the memories and personality they encode, is enough
to declare someone dead. This definition includes those in a
"permanent vegetative state" - permanently unaware, but with
enough brain function left to breathe unaided. Others resist the
idea of brain death altogether and insist that the heart must
stop beating before a body can be treated as dead. The compromise
"whole-brain-death" position, which has been written into law in
most of the industrialised world, is that a person can only be
declared dead if almost all brain function has been irreversibly

Whichever definition is adopted, there are many practical and
political implications. For instance, physicians are generally
obliged to treat the living and to stop treating the dead. Vital
organs can only be removed from someone declared dead, and
brain-death laws have permitted hearts, livers and other organs
to be maintained in the body by ventilators until they are
removed for transplantation.

Some bioethicists, such as Robert Veatch of Georgetown University
in Washington DC and Linda Emanuel of Northwestern University
Medical School in Chicago, have proposed that individuals should
choose their own definition of death - at some point between
permanent vegetative state and the heart stopping. But having
different definitions of death from bed to bed presents enormous
practical and cultural difficulties. To see people treat the dead
as if they were living, or the living as if they were dead, is
profoundly disturbing.

As diagnostic technologies have advanced, declaring total and
irreversible brain death has become ever more problematic. First,
brain damage is far more complicated than the whole-brain-death
model supposes. Damage to small parts of the brain can result in
permanent unconsciousness, even if the rest remains intact. In
the 1990s advances in electroencephalography allowed residual
brain activity to be detected in many patients who would
previously have been considered brain dead, and we now understand
that even parts of the brain that are electrically quiet can
still be healthy. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, a
team at the University of Cambridge has been able to detect
near-normal brain activity in several people who had been in a
vegetative state for more than six months (Science , vol 313, p

A second problem is that the growing ability to compensate for the
loss of the brain's regulation of the body means that doctors can
maintain some brain-dead bodies indefinitely. One argument for
the whole-brain definition of death was that the bodies of those
diagnosed as brain dead would soon die, regardless of medical
treatment. Now some brain-dead bodies on ventilators have
survived for years.

A third problem is that we have discovered more about the brain's
self-repair mechanisms and are rapidly developing new ways to
repair damaged brains. We now understand that the brain continues
to produce neural stem cells throughout life, and drugs and gene
therapies have been developed that can stimulate this self-repair
capacity. It may soon be possible to engineer new neural tissue
from patients' cells and transplant it into damaged areas.

Progress in nanotechnology and the miniaturisation of computing
will also eventually allow brain damage to be repaired with
implanted machines. Implanted wiring and computer chips already
speak directly to and from brains, allowing the deaf to hear, the
blind to see, and . Implanted pacemakers can deliver electric
current into the brain to suppress seizures and depression, and
researchers are working on the development of mechanical implants
that model and replicate the functions of different parts of the
brain, such as the hippocampus.

Progress in the creation of biocompatible nanomaterials such as
nanowires to conduct signals to and from neurons will increase
the safety and fidelity of brain-computer implants. Eventually,
if futurists such as Ray Kurzweil are right, it may be possible
to release 

[AI] help for jobs?

2007-11-18 Thread vinod benjamin
Dear lists,
   I am surching jobs in chennai,can some suggest?
  about my self,
  Age: 28
  education :M A in social work,Dip.NGO Management,
  Computers:MS ofice,Internet,folder management,uses JAWS.
  Skills: Good in communication both in speeking and wrighting,english,tamil.
  If you need more details i ll give you.
  Work expiriance: 2 years  of expiriance as a co-ordinater and trainee in 
social work field.
  and i am looking for various fields also,right now i dont know other then 
social work,if any one through me light on various fields were i can be 
successfull,i ll be greatful.
  Hoping to hear from you ,
  thanking in anticipation,
  With regards

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[AI] Talks with NOKIA models

2007-11-18 Thread vinod benjamin
Dear list friends,
 greetings to you all. I would like to know about  how talks work with 
these models and advantages ,disadvantages,for the below model, and your 
suggestions ,because i am planinng to get one. so please help me.
  NOKIA 3230, N70,N70m,n72,n73.
  and also tell me,which version of talks is good for these models is good.
  thanking you in advance

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Re: [AI] Talks with NOKIA models

2007-11-18 Thread Mamta
For all the model you stated talks works with all of them apsilutely fine!

Only you will face a issue while you are on a call you will not have access 
to your contacts as talks will not talk
or even if it will talk it will be so low that you will not bee able to here 
For Nokia 3230 N70 N70 Music and N 72, You will have to buy a second 
generation Lisens, Where as for n 73 you will have to get a third generation 
Just for your information! Talks is available at Saksham Delhi!
you can contact them for further details/Clearifications!
They will surely help you!

Hope this helps!
Many thanks!
- Original Message - 
From: "vinod benjamin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 12:22 AM
Subject: [AI] Talks with NOKIA models

Dear list friends,
 greetings to you all. I would like to know about  how talks work with 
these models and advantages ,disadvantages,for the below model, and your 
suggestions ,because i am planinng to get one. so please help me.

  NOKIA 3230, N70,N70m,n72,n73.
  and also tell me,which version of talks is good for these models is good.

  thanking you in advance

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Re: [AI] good news

2007-11-18 Thread Adhimoolam Vetrivel Murugan
In my view, one can of course share such landmark achievements with
the group, but it is a good idea to send congratulatory messages to
the individual achievers. This has of course been emphasized by
moderators for sometime, but the message doesn't seem to be taken

On 18/11/2007, dr.u.n.sinha narain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dear dr. rambabu,
> i am delighted to receive your reply mail. you would be glad to know
> that yesterday, there was a convocation by lucknow university. dr. k.
> kasturi rangan was there. he told about india's mission to moon. i was
> amongst many who put question before him. as being one of the member
> of disability section i put a question about the mission being useful
> in respect of the disables. he told that by this mission they would be
> planing to add many eye hospitals and cardiach hospitals.  i am sure
> that by this mission we would be receiving better avenues in the field
> of education.
> regards
> dr. udai narain sinha
> On 11/17/07, rambabu adikesavalu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear Friends,
> > Thank you very much for your hearty greetings.
> > It really gives me immense pleasure on recieving such
> > a loving greetings from you both on the list as well
> > as off the list. In fact, I did not recieve some of
> > the A.I Digests for some strange reasons. It seems
> > there had been some quiries about my qualifications
> > and about the subject that I would be teaching at
> > TISS.
> > Although I sent personal replies to most of them,
> > since I missed some mails, let me provide you with
> > those details now.
> > I have completed Ph.D. in Sociology from JNU, New
> > Delhi.
> > I am joining the "Centre for the Study of Social
> > Exclusion and Inclusive Policies". Its a newly created
> > department at TISS.
> > It provides an inter-disciplinary approach. I would be
> > teaching subjects with sociological perspectives.
> >
> > I would like to give one more important information to
> > you.
> > The UGC has emphasised to most of the universities to
> > start the above-mentioned study programme.
> > The Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi,
> > Jadavpur University, Kolkata and Osmania University,
> > Hyderabad have already begun the process of starting
> > such centres.
> >
> > One could expect more vacancies to be advertised in
> > this regard. So, please keep tracking any such
> > advertisements and apply for those postings.
> > You could also visit the websites of those
> > universities that I have mentioned above.
> > With love and regards,
> > A.Rambabu
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Be a better pen pal.
> > Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with
> > the subject unsubscribe.
> >
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> please
> > visit the list home page at
> >
> >
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> the subject unsubscribe.
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2007-11-18 Thread Rajpal
Dear members,


We are starting our new batch of computer course at The Blind Relief
Association, The duration of the course is four months. Admission date is
November 21st. For further information you can contect at 24361376. You can
also contect to me directly.




Computer Instructor,

Blind Relief Association

Lalbahadur Shastri Marg,

New Delhi 110003.

Office 24368529

Telefax 24364730

Mobile 9811551648

Residence 25331668



skype ID rajpal007



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Re: [AI] examination on computer

2007-11-18 Thread balasaheb londhe
High Suresh,
Heartiest congratulation for this great achievement. You have bright future 
in English. Wish you all the best.
- Original Message - 
From: "Suresh Sambandhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] examination on computer

> Hi Sir,
> I had written semester on computer.  I have completed
> my M.A. English in the University of Madras.  My
> H.O.D. Dr. CT. Indra permitted to write my examination
> using my own computer.  At first i wasted a lot of
> time, because we are trained to dictate answers
> orally.  I took one hour extra to complete the paper.
> I think we have to train people write examination on
> computer.  I was not able to give right format in one
> examination which yielded me very low marks.  You can
> discuss about this topic with me.  My mobile No. is
> +919840432083.  My skype id is suresh.tsl  send me an
> sms before coming on skype.
> Thanks
> Suresh
> --- Pamnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If any of you have given an exam on the computer
>> instead of using a scribe or in addition to a scribe
>> kindly write to me off the list with your tel.nos.
>> We have to draft the guidelines for India.
>> Kanchan
>> Kanchan Pamnani
>> Advocate & Solicitor
>> 9, Suleman Chambers,
>> Battery Street, Colaba,
>> Mumbai - 400 039.
>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
>> subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make
>> any other changes, please visit the list home page
>> at
> Regards
> Suresh. S
> Every solution of a problem is a new problem...Gothe
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[AI] Exercising Your Right to Fitness: An Overview of the Accessibility of Exercise Equipment

2007-11-18 Thread Dinesh Kaushal

November 2007 Issue  Volume 8  Number 6
Access Issues

Exercising Your Right to Fitness: An Overview of the Accessibility of
Exercise Equipment Darren Burton and Lee Huffman

Being active members of our local gym, as well as tech geeks from the AFB
TECH product evaluation lab, we have a great personal interest in the
barriers faced by people who are blind or have low vision who want to be
physically fit. Hoping that AccessWorld readers share the same interest, we
decided to discuss some of the issues involved in working out at your local
gym or fitness center, with an emphasis on the accessibility of various
types of exercise equipment.

In addition to our own personal interest, we have been reading some alarming
things about exercise and people with disabilities. For example, AFB's
Active Living Research reported that recent research has suggested that
"people with disabilities are more likely to be sedentary, have greater
health problems, and have more barriers to participating in physical
activity than the general population." In an excellent, comprehensive
article in the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, entitled "Building
Inclusive Physical Activity Communities for People with Vision Loss", James
H. Rimmer stated, "One of the major barriers to access for people with
vision loss is inaccessible exercise equipment." Rimmer detailed the
barriers to access that are found at most fitness centers and presented
solutions for removing the barriers.

A February 9, 2006, New York Times article, "Fitness:
Disabled and Shut Out at the Gym," noted that only 36% of Americans with
disabilities engage in any leisure-time physical activity, compared with 56%
of the general population, according to Healthy People 2010, a report by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That article illustrates many
of the barriers to accessing fitness centers. It also referred to another
study by Rimmer in the American Journal of Public Health that concluded that
the 16 for-profit and
19 nonprofit health clubs in the study all had significant problems. Some
had obstacles, such as stairs preventing disabled members from reaching
parts of the club, and others lacked equipment that could be used by people
with disabilities or staff members who were willing to help such members.

What Are the Barriers We Encounter at Fitness Centers?

In this section, we discuss some of the specific access barriers that we
have encountered in our own efforts to stay in shape and build our six-pack
abs. We also talk about some of the techniques we have used to work around
the barriers and still get a good workout.

Cardiovascular Machines

Treadmills are popular machines for getting a good cardiovascular workout,
and most treadmills use a flat control panel with no tactile markings or
speech output. They also feature display screens and control labels that
people with low vision cannot read. The display screens often have poor
contrast or reflective plastic coverings that cause a significant amount of
glare. The flat panel controls are also often labeled in small fonts and
poorly contrasting colors and, like the visual displays, are covered in
highly reflective plastic. A green Start button and a red Stop button are
common on many exercise machines; although color indicators such as these
are helpful to people with low vision, the ability to start and stop the
machines does not create accessibility. Because of their interface design,
it is difficult and most likely impossible to use all of the machines'
features independently if you are blind or have low vision.

Although a handheld magnifier is cumbersome to use in an exercise setting,
some may find it helpful for reading control labels and visual displays,
whereas others may find that the best technique for getting around access
barriers is to place braille or other tactile markings on the various
controls on the flat panel. We put braille labels on the control panels of
treadmills at our local gym, placing the words Start and Stop in braille
over their corresponding spots on the flat control panels. We also placed
braille markings on the Up and Down arrow controls for adjusting the
treadmills' speed and for adjusting the incline angle of the tread. We used
the braille letter "o" sideways to represent the arrow controls, with the
dot 5 of the letter on top to represent an Up arrow and on the bottom to
represent a Down arrow. We are also fortunate that most treadmills in our
gym emit a beep to indicate a successful press of an arrow, so we can count
the beeps and know how much we are increasing or decreasing the treadmills'
speed or tread angle.

This braille technique allows us to start and stop a treadmill independently
and to adjust its speed and incline, but there are many more features that
we cannot access, such as programming a route with various speeds and
inclines as we go. There is also a great deal of in

Re: [AI] Talks with NOKIA models�

2007-11-18 Thread vinod benjamin
Hi dear mamtha,
thank you for your reply i ll contect the address which you gave and get 
detailes from them,thanks once again for your time,
  take care,

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Re: [AI] Disabled govt employees to get extra leave

2007-11-18 Thread Prashant
The circular  image is available with NAB Helpline.
Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a copy.
The text is also copied below.
*/No. 28016/0^2007-Estt (A) TRcT w&m/ Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel & Training) 

North Block, New Delhi, dated   14th November, 2007 OFFICE MEMORANDUM

Subject^Grant of Special Casual Lea ve to differently abled Central 
Government Employees.

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department had received
representations from differently4abled persons for grant of Special Casual 
Leave to
participate in conferences/workshops/seminars/trainings for Disability and
Development related programmes. 

2.The question of granting Special Casual Leave to differently abled 
Government Employees has been considered and it has been decided that 
subject to
exigencies of work, Special Casual Leave for not more than 10 (Ten) days in 
a calendar
year may be granted to differentlyabled'Central Government Servants with
disabilities as defined in the«Persons with disabilities (Equal' 
Protection of. Rights' and Full Participation) Act, 1995 for participating 
in the
Conference/Seminars/Trainihg/Wbr&shop related to Disability .and 
related programmes organized at National and State level agencies to be 
specified by
the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

3.The period of absence in excess of 10 days is to be treated as regular 
leave of the
kind due and admissible. Special Causal Leave under these orders will be 
allowed to
be combined with regular leave as a special case.

4.  The power of granting Special Casual Leave under these orders will 
be exercised
by the Heads of Departments concerned.

Hindi version will follow.

(C.A. Subramanian) Director

All Ministries/Departments of Government of India (As per standard List)


- Original Message - 
From: "balasaheb londhe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 2:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Disabled govt employees to get extra leave

> Hello friend we have 8. C.L. The news is applicable for us or not. Kindly
> send circular regarding the same if you get it.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 2:54 AM
> Subject: [AI] Disabled govt employees to get extra leave
>> This news will make many persons happy!
>> Disabled govt employees to get extra leave
>> Employees of the Central Government who are disabled will get 10 days of
>> casual leave over and above the 20 days they already get. This measure,
>> which may
>> later be emulated by state governments, will be announce before World
>> Disability Day on December 3.
>> According to the government notification, the 10 extra days of leave are
>> meant to enable such employees to participate in "conferences, training,
>> workshops
>> organised at the national and state level agencies."
>> Sanjiv Sachdeva of Samarthyam, a NGO, says, "This move comes after 18-20
>> people from the organisation approached the Department of Personnel and
>> Training
>> requesting them to extend special facilities to people with disability.
>> For the first time, the government has reacted so quickly."
>> A DoPT (Department of Personnel and Training) official said, "Government
>> employees are like ambassadors who take it upon themselves to pay back to
>> the society
>> what it has received from it. This extra time would give them the
>> opportunity to come up with solutions for the betterment of the 
>> disabled."
>> Source:
>> Prashant Ranjan Verma
>> Project Manager
>> National Association for the Blind
>> Sec-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi- 22 India
>> Website:
>> Office Phone: +91 11 26102944
>> International Trainer for DAISY DTB Production
>> Moderator DFAResource mailing list
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>> with the subject unsubscribe.
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>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Jaws and selection

2007-11-18 Thread Subramani L
In that case, I normally press only shift+arrow key to select this
enables you t leave out the punctuation mark.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geetha
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 5:04 PM
To: Access india
Subject: [AI] Jaws and selection

Hello all,

On selecting a word with ctrl-shift-right arrow, the punctuation mark
that follows that word is also selected by default. For example, on
selecting a word at the end of a sentence, the period that follows it is
also selected. 
Is an option available that makes it possible to select just the word
and not the punctuation mark following it? 

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Re: [AI] About N72 and Talks 2.5.

2007-11-18 Thread amit bhattt
Yes, Talks will not work when your phone is connected with FM radio.
Do the same witch you have done to start loud speaker with FM.
Press key-1, press the navigation down 5 time and then key-1 again. Now the 
voice will come through headphone instead of external speaker.

Warm regards,

Amit Bhatt
Spokesperson - Indian Association of the Blind
New Delhi, India
Skype: amitbhattindia

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"-Helen Keller

Quoting Amiyo Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> How shall I turn it off? Talks is no longer talking.
> Best regards,
> Amiyo.
> Cell: +91-9433464329
> - Original Message - 
> From: "amit bhattt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 6:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] About N72 and Talks 2.5.
> Connect your ear phone with Mobile, start FM radio. Now, press
> key-1 that is 
> OK button, press the navigation down key 5 time and then press
> key-1 again. 
> Your Fm radio will be on loud speaker now!
> Features of N70M and N72 are almost 95% same and both the
> instruments having 
> similar functions.
> -- 
> Warm regards,
> Amit Bhatt
> Spokesperson - Indian Association of the Blind
> New Delhi, India
> Windows Live: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Skype: amitbhattindia
> "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"-Helen
> Keller
> Quoting Amiyo Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Well, I have already purchased N72. So I have to use it in the
> best
> > possible
> > way. Is there any manual for Talks? I cannot find any form of
> help
> > from the
> > programme except the training mode. Can I use the fm radio
> without
> > the head
> > phone? Once I tune in the radio, I cannot control the set any
> > more.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Amiyo.
> >
> > Cell: +91-9433464329
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Ashwani Jassal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: [AI] About N72 and Talks 2.5.
> >
> >
> > > I recommend you to perches n 70 M though it is bit expensive
> but
> > certainly
> > > better then N 72 in al the aspects.
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "amit bhattt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 10:46 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [AI] About N72 and Talks 2.5.
> > >
> > >
> > > Off course, keys of 3230 are better than N72 in terms of
> > usability and
> > easy
> > > to operate between but once you get your hand fixed on the
> keys
> > of N72,
> > that
> > > will also be not a problem to use since you would be habitual
> to
> > use such
> > > keys.
> > > Well its also a matter of choice that what handset is being
> > chosen and
> > used
> > > by a user and I have not found 3230 as good as N72. Specially
> > there is no
> > > comparision in the sound quality of N72 and 3230 and I
> personally
> > focus
> > more
> > > on sound, music and voice rather than keys.
> > > Also, N72 can support memory card up to 1 gb.
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Amit Bhatt
> > > --
> > > Warm regards,
> > >
> > > Amit Bhatt
> > > Spokesperson - Indian Association of the Blind
> > > New Delhi, India
> > > Windows Live: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Skype: amitbhattindia
> > >
> > > "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"-Helen
> > Keller
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Quoting Amiyo Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >
> > > > Hello Amit,
> > > >
> > > > Then, why N72? Nokia 3230 costs Rs. 2000 less, at least.
> > Moreover,
> > > > the keys
> > > > on N72 are quite indistinct. I am feeling so uncomfortable
> > while
> > > > typing.
> > > > Best regards,
> > > > Amiyo.
> > > > Cell: +91-9433464329
> > > > - Original Message -
> > > > From: "amit bhattt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > To: 
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:34 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: [AI] About N72 and Talks 2.5.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hold key is the same button witch we use for receiving the
> > calls.
> > > > If you
> > > > press this key during the call, the caller will be on hold.
> > > > Pressing this
> > > > key once again, will unhold the current call!
> > > > You have asked in another mail regarding chatting and
> E-mails
> > > > through
> > > > Mobile.
> > > > Well I don't have own idea and experience as I have never
> ever
> > used
> > > > these
> > > > services via Mobile but yes, You need to get your phone
> > activated
> > > > with GPRS
> > > > or EGPRS in order to use chatt and Email facility.
> > > > Rates and costs are totally depend on witch service provider
> > you
> > > > have got
> > > > subscribed with. However, it would cost you somewhere around
> > Rs. 50
> > > > only to
> > > > activate the service and this should be one time fee. After
> > that
> > > > depends on
> > > > what plan you choose and what rates are decided by the
> service
> > > > provider as
> > > > I've described above.
> > > > Another thin

Re: [AI] Jaws scripts for Kaspersky?

2007-11-18 Thread Subramani L
Using the same anti-virus software and face the same problems. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Syed Imran
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 8:41 AM
Subject: [AI] Jaws scripts for Kaspersky?


Does anyone have Jaws scripts for Kaspersky anti virus?
I'm unable to perform the simple tasks like deleting viruses, putting it
on scan and all that.

With best regards
Syed Imran
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Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

2007-11-18 Thread Prashant
Let us end this discussion  on the list.

I think most of us understand the reasons behind the prevalence of piracy in 
our society but an effort should always be made for moving to the right 

The onus is on everyone; we cannot put off the responsibility by thinking 
that the  government/institutions have to change the situation.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dipendra manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

> Last mail on this subject from me with my personal view that I am really 
> not
> convinced by your advocasy of piracy with any of the arguments.
> If some one wants to sell some months of work at Rs. 2000 or 3000 then
> prologix certainly has this right too.
> If eloquance is available with jaws at 6 USD it is because  they could 
> work
> out a deal with them. If any developer can project high sales as jaws then 
> I
> am sure Vachak can be sold below 6 USD too.
> Dipendra manocha
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramit Luthra
> Sent: 18 November 2007 13:04
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> Rs. 2000 per PC, Hmm? Give me break!
> Now, if some software vendor wants to provide a hindi speech output 
> through
> his application (which he's selling at the cost of Rs. 2/3000 for 
> instance,)
> the user of such application has to buy Vachak separately for Rs. 2000 
> (just
> costing nearly to the application
> price,) the total cost he's to spend would become Rs. 4/5000, Would it be
> considered it a low cost product (in purely Indian standard?) Compare to 
> it,
> ViaVoice/Eloquence (developped by IBM, and is being used in Jaws,); the
> English speech synthesizer costs about six dollars (Rs. 250,) per end-user
> (included in the application price).
> This meagre amount  looks pretty but it's actually right because end-user
> has nothing to do with the synthesizer, it's just a component of the
> application like Jaws who has actually bought the developer version of the
> synthesizer which costs about Rs. 1. So, there must be some diference
> between Run-Time licenses (Which are given along with the application to 
> the
> end-users) and developer licenses (which are bought by applications'
> vendors).
> If components are being sold for such high price, how could you think that
> applications' vendors would ever be able to include them in their 
> products?
> Just wonder if some version of Microsoft Windows cost nearly about the 
> price
> at which a laptop being sold, would anybody buy such OS for his personal
> laptop?
> Please consider this,
> Ramit
> On 11/17/07, Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> the price of Vaachak is Rs. 2000 per Pc. You get the TTS which can
>> then be used by some external softwares.
>> Prashant
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Ramit Luthra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
>> > What's the price of Vachak?
>> > If someone wants to get it for development/distribution (along with
>> > the fruntEnd application,) how much will it cost?
>> >
>> >
>> > On 11/16/07, Dipendra manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hello Harish
>> >> Vchak with SAFA is fully stablised . Both versions of Vachak are
>> >> working with SAFA. Different keyboard layouts have also been
>> >> introduced. SAFA is freely downloadable with e-speak from nabdelhi
>> >> web site. How ever, for Vachak license the license fee needs to be
> paid.
>> >>
>> >> Thus we are committed to provide combined support on SAFA and
>> >> Vachak being given along with SAFa.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >> Dipendra
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> -Original Message-
>> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harish
>> >> Kotian
>> >> Sent: 17 November 2007 10:36
>> >> To:
>> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
>> >>
>> >> Hi Dipendra and all
>> >>
>> >> I fully agree with you. We shall not have any more thread relating
>> >> to Vachak.
>> >>
>> >> I have not used this product, but, has it fully stabilised? I
>> >> understand, they have stopped development work. What happens to
>> >> those who have paid for it?
>> >>
>> >>  Unfortunately, it is also true projects out here don't reach fully
>> >> towards its stated goals.
>> >>  True, this is a chicken and egg situation. I really don't know
>> >> which business model shall get us out from this impass.
>> >>
>> >>  Harish.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> - Original Message -
>> >> From: "Dipendra manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> To: 
>> >> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 10:58 PM
>> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >I feel sad when piracy goes full swing even for low costing 
>> >> >solutions.
>> >> >
>> >> > We are left with no face to speak to any man

Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

2007-11-18 Thread Ramit Luthra
I did not mean to advocate piracy at all.
I take it as a normal instance in which we had come across to
something very fine that could help us (VCs) in our lives. As usual,
we just wanted to try out the thing but we had been told by the vendor
that one of the components (main one for us in terms of that solution)
was available from somewhere else (and that we'd have to pay to get
it). But we wanted to try out the thing first; before we spend
anything. And what happens in such situation happened with us. We
excavated the component and shared among us. And what the clymax had
turned out to be is something we all know….

But my little brain still not able to understand that if something
would be sold for Rs.2000 or 3000, would it mean that the effort had
been of some months behind the development of that thing?

Oh my goodness! This thread has produced many hyper/hot posts during
last few days, yes it should die now.

The Diwali has been gone, the gift has been distributed, the remarks
have been exchanged, so it's time to say happy belated Dewali to
everybody again!


On 11/19/07, Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let us end this discussion  on the list.
> I think most of us understand the reasons behind the prevalence of piracy in
> our society but an effort should always be made for moving to the right
> side.
> The onus is on everyone; we cannot put off the responsibility by thinking
> that the  government/institutions have to change the situation.
> Prashant
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dipendra manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 10:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> > Last mail on this subject from me with my personal view that I am really
> > not
> > convinced by your advocasy of piracy with any of the arguments.
> >
> > If some one wants to sell some months of work at Rs. 2000 or 3000 then
> > prologix certainly has this right too.
> >
> > If eloquance is available with jaws at 6 USD it is because  they could
> > work
> > out a deal with them. If any developer can project high sales as jaws then
> > I
> > am sure Vachak can be sold below 6 USD too.
> >
> > Dipendra manocha
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramit Luthra
> > Sent: 18 November 2007 13:04
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >
> > Rs. 2000 per PC, Hmm? Give me break!
> > Now, if some software vendor wants to provide a hindi speech output
> > through
> > his application (which he's selling at the cost of Rs. 2/3000 for
> > instance,)
> > the user of such application has to buy Vachak separately for Rs. 2000
> > (just
> > costing nearly to the application
> > price,) the total cost he's to spend would become Rs. 4/5000, Would it be
> > considered it a low cost product (in purely Indian standard?) Compare to
> > it,
> > ViaVoice/Eloquence (developped by IBM, and is being used in Jaws,); the
> > English speech synthesizer costs about six dollars (Rs. 250,) per end-user
> > (included in the application price).
> > This meagre amount  looks pretty but it's actually right because end-user
> > has nothing to do with the synthesizer, it's just a component of the
> > application like Jaws who has actually bought the developer version of the
> > synthesizer which costs about Rs. 1. So, there must be some diference
> > between Run-Time licenses (Which are given along with the application to
> > the
> > end-users) and developer licenses (which are bought by applications'
> > vendors).
> >
> > If components are being sold for such high price, how could you think that
> > applications' vendors would ever be able to include them in their
> > products?
> >
> > Just wonder if some version of Microsoft Windows cost nearly about the
> > price
> > at which a laptop being sold, would anybody buy such OS for his personal
> > laptop?
> >
> > Please consider this,
> > Ramit
> >
> >
> > On 11/17/07, Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> the price of Vaachak is Rs. 2000 per Pc. You get the TTS which can
> >> then be used by some external softwares.
> >> Prashant
> >>
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: "Ramit Luthra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:04 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >>
> >>
> >> > What's the price of Vachak?
> >> > If someone wants to get it for development/distribution (along with
> >> > the fruntEnd application,) how much will it cost?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 11/16/07, Dipendra manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hello Harish
> >> >> Vchak with SAFA is fully stablised . Both versions of Vachak are
> >> >> working with SAFA. Different keyboard layouts have also been
> >> >> introduced. SAFA is freely downloadable with e-speak from nabdelhi
> >> >> web site. How ever, for Vachak license the license fee needs to be
> > paid.
> >> >>
> >> >>

Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

2007-11-18 Thread Subramani L
I also feel it's plain wrong to promote a practice which is definitely
unethical and we can't justify it because it suits us fine.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Prashant
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

Let us end this discussion  on the list.

I think most of us understand the reasons behind the prevalence of
piracy in 
our society but an effort should always be made for moving to the right 

The onus is on everyone; we cannot put off the responsibility by
that the  government/institutions have to change the situation.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dipendra manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

> Last mail on this subject from me with my personal view that I am
> not
> convinced by your advocasy of piracy with any of the arguments.
> If some one wants to sell some months of work at Rs. 2000 or 3000 then
> prologix certainly has this right too.
> If eloquance is available with jaws at 6 USD it is because  they could

> work
> out a deal with them. If any developer can project high sales as jaws
> I
> am sure Vachak can be sold below 6 USD too.
> Dipendra manocha
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramit
> Sent: 18 November 2007 13:04
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> Rs. 2000 per PC, Hmm? Give me break!
> Now, if some software vendor wants to provide a hindi speech output 
> through
> his application (which he's selling at the cost of Rs. 2/3000 for 
> instance,)
> the user of such application has to buy Vachak separately for Rs. 2000

> (just
> costing nearly to the application
> price,) the total cost he's to spend would become Rs. 4/5000, Would it
> considered it a low cost product (in purely Indian standard?) Compare
> it,
> ViaVoice/Eloquence (developped by IBM, and is being used in Jaws,);
> English speech synthesizer costs about six dollars (Rs. 250,) per
> (included in the application price).
> This meagre amount  looks pretty but it's actually right because
> has nothing to do with the synthesizer, it's just a component of the
> application like Jaws who has actually bought the developer version of
> synthesizer which costs about Rs. 1. So, there must be some
> between Run-Time licenses (Which are given along with the application
> the
> end-users) and developer licenses (which are bought by applications'
> vendors).
> If components are being sold for such high price, how could you think
> applications' vendors would ever be able to include them in their 
> products?
> Just wonder if some version of Microsoft Windows cost nearly about the

> price
> at which a laptop being sold, would anybody buy such OS for his
> laptop?
> Please consider this,
> Ramit
> On 11/17/07, Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> the price of Vaachak is Rs. 2000 per Pc. You get the TTS which can
>> then be used by some external softwares.
>> Prashant
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Ramit Luthra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
>> > What's the price of Vachak?
>> > If someone wants to get it for development/distribution (along with
>> > the fruntEnd application,) how much will it cost?
>> >
>> >
>> > On 11/16/07, Dipendra manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hello Harish
>> >> Vchak with SAFA is fully stablised . Both versions of Vachak are
>> >> working with SAFA. Different keyboard layouts have also been
>> >> introduced. SAFA is freely downloadable with e-speak from nabdelhi
>> >> web site. How ever, for Vachak license the license fee needs to be
> paid.
>> >>
>> >> Thus we are committed to provide combined support on SAFA and
>> >> Vachak being given along with SAFa.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >> Dipendra
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> -Original Message-
>> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>> >> Kotian
>> >> Sent: 17 November 2007 10:36
>> >> To:
>> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
>> >>
>> >> Hi Dipendra and all
>> >>
>> >> I fully agree with you. We shall not have any more thread relating
>> >> to Vachak.
>> >>
>> >> I have not used this product, but, has it fully stabilised? I
>> >> understand, they have stopped development work. What happens to
>> >> those who have paid for it?
>> >>
>> >>  Unfortunately, it is also true projects out here don't reach
>> >> towards its stated goals.
>> >>  True, this is a chicken and egg situation. I really don't know
>> >> which business model shall get us out from this impass.
>> >>
>> >>  Harish.

Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

2007-11-18 Thread Amiyo Biswas

I owe you an apology. I tried it on my pc just for an experiment. I just
wanted to test it. However, fortunately I failed and never tried it again. I
assure you that if I require it, I shall purchase the license. In fact, In
West Bengal we do not use even Bengali on computer. That is one reason that
there is no marked progress in the development of Bangali tts.

Best regards,


Cell: +91-9433464329

- Original Message -
From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!

> Let us end this discussion  on the list.
> I think most of us understand the reasons behind the prevalence of piracy
> our society but an effort should always be made for moving to the right
> side.
> The onus is on everyone; we cannot put off the responsibility by thinking
> that the  government/institutions have to change the situation.
> Prashant
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dipendra manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 10:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> > Last mail on this subject from me with my personal view that I am really
> > not
> > convinced by your advocasy of piracy with any of the arguments.
> >
> > If some one wants to sell some months of work at Rs. 2000 or 3000 then
> > prologix certainly has this right too.
> >
> > If eloquance is available with jaws at 6 USD it is because  they could
> > work
> > out a deal with them. If any developer can project high sales as jaws
> > I
> > am sure Vachak can be sold below 6 USD too.
> >
> > Dipendra manocha
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramit
> > Sent: 18 November 2007 13:04
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >
> > Rs. 2000 per PC, Hmm? Give me break!
> > Now, if some software vendor wants to provide a hindi speech output
> > through
> > his application (which he's selling at the cost of Rs. 2/3000 for
> > instance,)
> > the user of such application has to buy Vachak separately for Rs. 2000
> > (just
> > costing nearly to the application
> > price,) the total cost he's to spend would become Rs. 4/5000, Would it
> > considered it a low cost product (in purely Indian standard?) Compare to
> > it,
> > ViaVoice/Eloquence (developped by IBM, and is being used in Jaws,); the
> > English speech synthesizer costs about six dollars (Rs. 250,) per
> > (included in the application price).
> > This meagre amount  looks pretty but it's actually right because
> > has nothing to do with the synthesizer, it's just a component of the
> > application like Jaws who has actually bought the developer version of
> > synthesizer which costs about Rs. 1. So, there must be some
> > between Run-Time licenses (Which are given along with the application to
> > the
> > end-users) and developer licenses (which are bought by applications'
> > vendors).
> >
> > If components are being sold for such high price, how could you think
> > applications' vendors would ever be able to include them in their
> > products?
> >
> > Just wonder if some version of Microsoft Windows cost nearly about the
> > price
> > at which a laptop being sold, would anybody buy such OS for his personal
> > laptop?
> >
> > Please consider this,
> > Ramit
> >
> >
> > On 11/17/07, Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> the price of Vaachak is Rs. 2000 per Pc. You get the TTS which can
> >> then be used by some external softwares.
> >> Prashant
> >>
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: "Ramit Luthra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:04 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >>
> >>
> >> > What's the price of Vachak?
> >> > If someone wants to get it for development/distribution (along with
> >> > the fruntEnd application,) how much will it cost?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 11/16/07, Dipendra manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hello Harish
> >> >> Vchak with SAFA is fully stablised . Both versions of Vachak are
> >> >> working with SAFA. Different keyboard layouts have also been
> >> >> introduced. SAFA is freely downloadable with e-speak from nabdelhi
> >> >> web site. How ever, for Vachak license the license fee needs to be
> > paid.
> >> >>
> >> >> Thus we are committed to provide combined support on SAFA and
> >> >> Vachak being given along with SAFa.
> >> >>
> >> >> Thanks
> >> >> Dipendra
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> -Original Message-
> >> >> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harish
> >> >> Kotian
> >> >> Sent: 17 November 2007 10:36
> >> >> To:
> >> >> Subject: Re: [AI] Here's Your Diwali Gift!
> >> >>
> >> >> Hi Dipendra and all
> >> >>
> >> >> I fully agree with you. We shall not have any more thread relating
> >> >> to Vachak.
> >> 

[AI] About Acharya Software.

2007-11-18 Thread Amiyo Biswas

There was a news in the Hindu about Acharya, a screen-reader for Indian 
language newspapers online developed by I.I.T. of Chennai. Can you write in 
detail about it? It is free, the Hindu wrote.

Best regards,


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Re: [AI] About Acharya Software.

2007-11-18 Thread v.t
hai everbody,

it is good 2 hear this news, bu t could u pls indicate the news was dated. 
so that i can refer the news online itself.

best regards

Amiyo Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,

There was a news in the Hindu about Acharya, a screen-reader for Indian 
language newspapers online developed by I.I.T. of Chennai. Can you write in 
detail about it? It is free, the Hindu wrote.

Best regards,


Cell: +91-9433464329
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