Re: [agi] The Smushaby of Flatway.

2009-01-08 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jan 8, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Ronald C. Blue wrote:

...Noise is not noise...

Speaking of noise, was that ghastly HTML formatting really necessary?   
It made the email nearly unreadable.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Hypercomputation and AGI

2009-01-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jan 1, 2009, at 2:35 PM, J. Andrew Rogers wrote:
Since "digital" and "analog" are the same thing computationally  
("digital" is a subset of "analog"), and non-digital computers have  
been generally superior for several decades, this is not relevant.

Gah, that should be *digital* computers have generally been superior  
for several decades  (the last non-digital hold-outs I am aware of  
were designed in the late 1970s).

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Hypercomputation and AGI

2009-01-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 30, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Steve Richfield wrote:
Bingo! You have to "tailor" the techniques to the problem - more  
than just "solving the equations", but often the representation of  
quantities needs to be in some sort of multivalued form.

What I meant is that if the standard algebraic reduction algorithm is  
not possible, there are other algorithms you can use to generate a set  
of equations that can be solved using algebraic reduction.  Humans are  
pretty limited in their ability to manually apply the "generate a set  
of equations that can be solved" algorithm(s) because there are too  
many dimensions, but computers have no problem.  I cut my teeth  
working on these types of solvers (in FORTRAN, yech).

I wonder if we aren't really talking about analog computation (i.e.  
computing with analogues, e.g. molecules) here? Analog computers  
have been handily out-computing digital computers for a long time.

Since "digital" and "analog" are the same thing computationally  
("digital" is a subset of "analog"), and non-digital computers have  
been generally superior for several decades, this is not relevant. The  
difference between "digital" and "analog" is the signal-to-noise ratio  
(SNR) that has to be maintained by the computer system. You can  
simulate with perfect fidelity high SNR computers on low SNR computers  
(like digital computers) since they are equivalent, trading SNR for  
frequency.  If you apply the formula for converting digital bits to  
analog SNR (analog SNR = 1.76+6.02*bits), it becomes obvious why  
things like thermal noise make it impossible to directly implement  
e.g. a modest 32-bit digital processor as a non-digital equivalent.

When most people talk about "analog computation", they are really  
talking about real computers (whether they realize it or not), which  
are a form of hypercomputer.  If it was possible to build such a  
computer, it would have some strange consequences for physics that are  
not in evidence.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Hypercomputation and AGI

2008-12-30 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 30, 2008, at 12:51 AM, Steve Richfield wrote:
On a side note, there is the "clean" math that people learn on their  
way to a math PhD, and then there is the "dirty" math that governs  
physical systems. Dirty math is fraught with all sorts of multi- 
valued functions, fundamental uncertainties, etc. To work in the  
world of "dirty" math, you must escape the notation and figure out  
what the equation is all about, and find some way of representing  
THAT, which may well not involve simple numbers on the real-number  
line, or even on the complex number plane.

What does "dirty math" really mean?  There are engineering disciplines  
essentially *built* on solving equations with gross internal  
inconsistencies and unsolvable systems of differential equations. The  
modern world gets along pretty admirably suffering the very profitable  
and ubiquitous consequences of their quasi-solutions to those  
problems.  But it is still a lot of hairy notational math and  
equations, just applied in a different context that has function  
uncertainty as an assumption. The unsolvability does not lead them to  
pull numbers out of a hat, they have sound methods for brute-forcing  
fine approximations across a surprisingly wide range of situations.  
When the "clean" mathematical methods do not apply, there are other  
different (not "dirty") mathematical methods that you can use.

Indeed, I have sometimes said the only real education I ever got in AI  
was spending years studying an engineering discipline that is nothing  
but reducing very complex systems of pervasively polluted data and  
nonsense equations to precise predictive models where squeezing out an  
extra 1% accuracy meant huge profit.  None of it is directly  
applicable, the value was internalizing that kind of systems  
perspective and thinking about every complex systems problem in those  
terms, with a lot of experience algorithmically producing predictive  
models from them. It was different but it was still ordinary math,  
just math appropriate for the particular problem.  The only thing you  
could really say about it was that it produced a lot of great computer  
scientists and no mathematicians to speak of (an odd bias, that).

 With this as background, as I see it, hypercomputation is just  
another attempt to evade dealing with some hard mathematical problems.

The definition of "hypercomputation" captures some very specific  
mathematical concepts that are not captured in other conceptual  
terms.  I do not see what is being evaded, since it is more like  
pointing out the obvious with respect to certain limits implied by the  
conventional Turing model.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Hypercomputation and AGI

2008-12-29 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 29, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

Well, some of the papers in the references of my paper give formal  
mathematical definitions of hypercomputation, though my paper is  
brief and conceptual and not of that nature.  So although the  
generic concept may be muddled, there are certainly some fully  
precise variants of it.

My comment was not really against the argument you make in the paper,  
nor do I disagree with your definition of "hypercomputation". (BTW,  
run spellcheck.)  I was referring to the somewhat anomalous difficulty  
of deciding whether or not some computational models truly meet that  
definition as a practical matter.

Anyway the argument in my paper is pretty strong and applies to any  
variant with power beyond that of ordinary Turing machines, it would  

No disagreement with that, which is why I called it a "meta- 
comment". :-)

Super-recursive algorithms, inductive Turing machines, and related  
computational models can be made to sit in a somewhat fuzzy place with  
respect to whether or not they are hypercomputers or normal Turing  
machines.  A Turing machine that asymptotically converges on producing  
the same result as a hypercomputer is an interesting case insofar as  
the results they produce may be close enough that you can consider the  
difference to be below the noise floor, and if they are functionally  
equivalent using that somewhat unusual definition then you effectively  
have equivalence to a hypercomputer without the hypercomputer.  Not  
strictly by definition, but within some strictly implied error bound  
for the purposes of comparing output (which is all we usually care  

The concept of non-isotropic distributions of random numbers has  
always interested me for much the same reason, since there seems to be  
a similar concept at work there.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Hypercomputation and AGI

2008-12-29 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 29, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Ben Goertzel wrote:
I expanded a previous blog entry of mine on hypercomputation and AGI  
into a conference paper on the topic ... here is a rough draft, on  
which I'd appreciate commentary from anyone who's knowledgeable on  
the subject:

This is a theoretical rather than practical paper, although it does  
attempt to explore some of the practical implications as well --  
e.g., in the hypothesis that intelligence does require  
hypercomputation, how might one go about creating AGI?   I come to a  
somewhat surprising conclusion, which is that -- even if  
intelligence fundamentally requires hypercomputation -- it could  
still be possible to create an AI via making Turing computer  
programs ... it just wouldn't be possible to do this in a manner  
guided entirely by science; one would need to use some other sort of  
guidance too, such as chance, imitation or intuition...

As more of a meta-comment, the whole notion of "hypercomputation"  
seems to be muddled, insofar as super-recursive algorithms may be a  
limited example of it.

I was doing a lot of work with inductive Turing machines several years  
ago, and most of the differences seemed to be definitional e.g. what  
constitutes an algorithm or answer.  For most practical purposes, the  
price of implementing them in conventional discrete space is the  
introduction of some (usually acceptable) error.  But if they  
approximate to the point of functional convergence on a normal Turing  
machine...  As best I have been able to tell, and I have not really  
been paying attention because the arguments seem to mostly be people  
talking past each other, is that ITMs raise some interesting  
philosophical questions regarding hypercomputation.

We cannot implement a *strict* hypercomputer, but to what extent does  
it "count" if we can asymptotically converge on the functional  
consequences of a hypercomputer using a normal computer?  It suspect  
it will be hard to evict the belief in Penrosian magic from the error  
bars in any case.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Indexing

2008-12-27 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 26, 2008, at 7:40 PM, Jim Bromer wrote:

I noticed that neither linked lists nor arrays were particularly
efficient for general operations that would include insertions,
deletions and searches, which, when you think about it, are pretty
much the norm.  How often do you need a large data index that only
rarely needs to be searched.  The irony is that you cannot combine the
two forms in a simple manner so that you can have a linked list for
fast insertion and deletion and an array for fast searches.

There are data structures and algorithms that offer fast insert/delete  
and fast search, approximately constant computational complexity for  
both even.  It does require slightly more cleverness than a linked  
list though since your glorified lookup table will require a space- 
preserving representation.  It is much more common and usually simpler  
to merely use order-preserving representations like the common B+tree  
variants unless you have vast quantities of data.  Brute-force can be  
exceedingly efficient in small doses.

And with indirect indexes (using a handle or an index to an location
entry) the data requires frequent compression (to squeeze out the gaps
in the data area) if there is a heavy insertion and deletion.

An old, solved problem.  Well, "solved" in the sense that the  
tradeoffs and methods for managing this are well-understood.

I believe the problem is directly related to agi because data relevant
to some particular situation will tend to be distributed in a file so
that a lot of relational indexing is needed.

Perhaps the most relevant application to AGI is that it would very  
significantly improve the computational complexity of of representing  
and manipulating high-dimensionality relationships, particularly in  
distributed systems.  In conventional data-mining and pattern  
discovery analytics, the lack of scalability of high-dimensionality  
representations has long been major limitation on what one could do.

But for AI, consider algorithms like SIFT, which turn massive  
aggregates of 2-dimensional representations of 3-dimensional space  
(i.e. "photos") into a virtual model of the 3D space represented.  A  
neat algorithm, but limited by the fact that the algorithm represents  
the data in a 128-dimensional space before reducing it to 3- 
dimensional space, limiting the amount of data you could apply as a  
practical matter.

Since a lot of data can
be described as being analogously similar to other kinds of data and
since many variations in some particular kind of data might already
exist in a database, a great many complicated modifications of
concepts could, hypothetically, be done by modifying the indexes

In an ideal system, the database relation *is* the index.  External  
indexes are largely a software engineering artifact of only being able  
to represent one dimension per relation in a scalable manner.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Universal intelligence test benchmark

2008-12-27 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 26, 2008, at 7:24 PM, Philip Hunt wrote:

2008/12/27 J. Andrew Rogers :

I think many people greatly underestimate how many gaping algorithm  
there are in computer science for even the most important and  
mundane tasks.

The algorithm coverage of computer science is woefully incomplete,

Is it? In all my time as a programmer, it's never occurred to me to
think "I wish there was an algorithm to do X". mybe that's just me.
And there are vast numbers of useful algorithms that people use every

Computers are general, so there always exists an obvious algorithm for  
doing any particular task. Whether or not that obvious algorithm is  
efficient is quite another thing, since the real costs of various  
algorithms are far from equivalent even if their functionality is.

The Sieve of Eratosthenes will allow you to factor any integer in  
theory, but for non-trivial integers you will want to use a number  
field sieve. The limitations of many types of software are  
fundamentally based in the complexity class of the of the attributes  
of the algorithms they use.  We frequently improperly conflate  
"theoretically impossible" and "no tractable algorithm currently  

I wonder (thinking out loud here) are there any statistics for this?
For example if you plot the number of such algorithms that've been
found over time, what sort of curve would you get? (Of course, you'd
have to define "general, elegant algorithm for basic problem", which
might be tricky)

I am still surprised often enough that it is obvious that there is  
considerable amounts of innovation still being done.  It both amuses  
and annoys me no end that some common algorithms have design  
characteristics that reflect long-forgotten assumptions that do not  
even make sense in the context they are used e.g. compulsive tree  
balancing behavior of intrinsically unbalanced data structures.

In short, we have no idea what important and fundamental
algorithms will be discovered from one year to the next that change  

boundaries of what is practically possible with computer science.

Is this true? It doesn't seem right to me. AIUI the current state of
the art in operating systems, compilers, garbage collectors, etc is
only slightly more efficient than it was 10 or 20 years ago. (In fact,
most practical programs are a good deal less efficient, because faster
processors mean they don't have to be).

It is easy to forget how many basic algorithms we use ubiquitously are  
relatively recent.  The concurrent B-tree algorithm that is  
pervasively used in databases, file systems, and just about everything  
else was published in the 1980s.  In fact, most of the algorithms that  
make up a modern SQL database as we understand them were developed in  
the 1980s, even though the relational model goes back to the 1960s.

I don't think I understand you. To me "indexing" means what the Google
search engine or an SQL database does -- but you're using the word
with a different meaning aren't you?

I mean it exactly like you understand it.  Indexed access methods and  

Sorry, you've lost me again -- I've never heard of the term
"hyper-rectangles" in relation to relational databases.

Most people haven't, because there are no hyper-rectangles in  
relational database *implementations* seeing as how there are no  
useful algorithms for representing them.  Nonetheless, the underlying  
model describes operations using hyper-rectangles in high-dimensional  

In an ideal relational implementation there are never external  
indexes, only data organized in its native high-dimensionality logical  
space, since external indexes are a de-normalization.

It is not because it is theoretically impossible, but
because it is only possible if someone discovers a general  
algorithm for

indexing hyper-rectangles -- faking it is not distributable.

How do we know that there is such an algorithm?

We don't unless someone publishes one, but there is a lot of evidence  
that seems to imply otherwise and which proves that much of the  
research that has been done was misdirected.  Aesthetically, the  
current algorithms for doing this are nasty ugly hacks, and that lack  
of elegance is often an indicator that a better way exists.

In the specific case of indexing hyper-rectangles, the first basic  
algorithm was published in 1971 (IIRC), but was supplanted by a  
completely different family of algorithm in 1981. Virtually all  
research has been based on derivatives of the 1981 algorithm, since it  
appeared to have better properties.  Unfortunately, we can now prove  
that this algorithm class can never yield a general solution and that  
a solution must look like a variant of the original 1971 algorithm  
family that has been ignored for a quarter century. Interestingly, 

Re: [agi] Universal intelligence test benchmark

2008-12-27 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 26, 2008, at 6:18 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:
Most compression tests are like defining intelligence as the  
ability to catch mice. They measure the ability of compressors to  
compress specific files. This tends to lead to hacks that are tuned  
to the benchmarks. For the generic intelligence test, all you know  
about the source is that it has a Solomonoff distribution (for a  
particular machine). I don't know how you could make the test any  
more generic.

IMO the test is *too* generic  ... I don't think real-world AGI is  
mainly about being able to recognize totally general patterns in  
totally general datasets.   I suspect that to do that, the best  
approach is ultimately going to be some AIXItl variant ... meaning  
it's a problem that's not really solvable using a real-world amount  
of resources.  I suspect that all the AGI system one can really  
build are SO BAD at this general problem, that it's better to  
characterize AGI systems

An interesting question is which pattern subset if ignored would make  
the problem tractable.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Universal intelligence test benchmark

2008-12-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 26, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Philip Hunt wrote:

I'm not dismissive of it either -- once you have algorithms that can
be practically realised, then it's possible for progress to be made.

But I don't think that a small number of clever algorithms will in
itself create intelligence -- if that was possible then the secret to
AI would have been discovered by now. I think some people get seduced
by the beauty and clarity of maths and want to make their programs
like that, but I don't think human intelligence is like that.

Never mind discovering  "a small number of clever algorithms" for AI,  
we have not even discovered a great many basic algorithms for routine  
computer science.

I think many people greatly underestimate how many gaping algorithm  
holes there are in computer science for even the most important and  
mundane tasks. The algorithm coverage of computer science is woefully  
incomplete, which is why after a half century people are *still*  
finding general, elegant algorithms for basic problems, many of which  
are bloody obvious in hindsight.  In short, we have no idea what  
important and fundamental algorithms will be discovered from one year  
to the next that change the boundaries of what is practically possible  
with computer science.

For example, there is no general indexing algorithm described in  
computer science.  In fact, the only useful indexing algorithm index  
points on a line. Not points in arbitrary space, not intervals on  
lines, not hyper-rectangles in high-dimensionality space, never mind  
more complex relations.  Oddly enough, most computer scientists are  
ignorant of the fact that no useful indexing algorithm exists for most  
data representations or that a vast number of software applications  
are not tractably implementable as a result.

The ability to tractably index almost nothing has consequences.  
Relational database theory describes the manipulation of hyper- 
rectangles, but we fake it very badly with indexes we actually have  
algorithms for.  Did you ever wonder why no one has built a massively  
distributed SQL database despite the obvious value?  It is not because  
it is theoretically impossible, but because it is only possible if  
someone discovers a general algorithm for indexing hyper-rectangles --  
faking it is not distributable.  Several other big limitations in  
software are actually based in (the absence of) this algorithm.  It is  
utterly trivial to describe, and there are literally several dozen  
algorithms that come close, but after 40 years no one has published  
such an algorithm.  When such an algorithm is finally published, it  
will completely reset everything we think we know about many  
algorithms and data structures.

There is a really large laundry list of undiscovered fundamental  
algorithms like this that we work around with mediocre alternatives.   
If you look at most of the limits of software, the vast majority are  
not theoretical limits but limits based on the fact that there a lot  
of missing pages in our data structures and algorithm texts.

Spatial indexing, for example, currently uses "insanely, infeasibly  
much computation resource", so no one implements it beyond uselessly  
trivial systems.  But as most people familiar with the minutiae of the  
related theoretical computer science will tell you, not only is it  
very probable that a broadly general algorithm exists, but it will  
almost certainly scale like Google does.  We will go from  
"intractable" to "insanely cheap" in one day.

The algorithms around the AIT definition of intelligence look very  
much like a similar case,a very sparsely studied algorithm space  
with some rather obvious gaping holes when it comes to the kinds of  
algorithms that very likely should exist in that space.  It would seem  
premature to write it off solely on the basis of the negligible  
computer science that has thus far been done in that algorithm space.

An AGI written by humans would hopefully be a lot more nicely
structured than this, but I think it would still consist of large
number of modules, none of which was intelligent in itself. How big
would it be? The human genome is 750 MB so intelligence could
presumably be coded in less than that. I'd guess an AGI could be
written in about a tenth that, say 75 MB.

The human genome size has no meaningful relationship to the complexity  
of coding AGI.

And what ever happened to Machine is Software is Data? Ignoring this  
seems to be a frequent enabler of specious reasoning.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Introducing Steve's "Theory of Everything" in cognition.

2008-12-24 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 24, 2008, at 10:33 PM, Steve Richfield wrote:
Of course you could simply subtract successive samples from one  
another - at some considerable risk, since you are now sampling at  
only half the Nyquist-required speed to make your AGI/NN run at its  
intended speed. In short, if inputs are not being electronically  
differentiated, then sampling must proceed at least twice as fast as  
the NN/AGI cycles.

Or... you could be using something like compressive sampling, which  
safely ignores silly things like the Nyquist limit.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Building a machine that can learn from experience

2008-12-19 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 19, 2008, at 7:01 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

Yes, you can work around it by assuming Occam's Razor as a sort of  
primal religious principle ... but then you're making a big  
assumption pulled out of the glorious subjective nothing ... which  
is fine, but you should acknowledge that's what you're doing...

I do acknowledge this readily; I often have to disabuse people of the  
notion that I believe much of anything in an absolute sense.  I'm not  
a big believer in absolute truth, but if I have to accept some axioms  
as a creedal minimalist, I will provisionally start with mathematics  
since everything else useful seems to follow from there and I need to  
get work done.  Provisional in the sense that I only accept those  
axioms as long as they remain unreasonably effective.

If there is some other base assumption that is similarly simple and  
works better, I would happily entertain it. I just am not aware of one  
though that may reflect my limited experience.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] AGI Preschool: sketch of an evaluation framework for early stage AGI systems aimed at human-level, roughly humanlike AGI

2008-12-19 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 19, 2008, at 6:43 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

Although, I note, I know a really good baker who makes great cakes  
in spite of the fact that she does not eat sugar and hence does not  
ever taste most of the stuff she makes...

But she *used to* eat sugar, so to an extent she can go on memory

Fortunately, baking is more about process control than flavor control.  
Unlike normal cooking, which is significantly fine-tuned by taste, the  
taste of baked goods is pretty invariant.  On the other hand, baking  
requires a lot of attention to detail and process precision that  
normal cooking does not.  Which is why I am merely an adequate baker  
instead of a great one. :-)


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Building a machine that can learn from experience

2008-12-19 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 19, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:
The problem is that **there is no way for science to ever establish  
the existence of a nonalgorithmic process**, because science deals  
only with finite sets of finite-precision measurements.

I suppose it would be more accurate to state that every process we can  
detect is algorithmic within the scope of our ability to measure it.   
Like with belief in god(s) and similar, the point can then be raised  
as to why we need to invent non-algorithmic processes when ordinary  
algorithmic processes are sufficient to explain everything we see.   
Non-algorithmic processes very conveniently have properties identical  
to the "supernatural", and so I treat them similarly.  This is just  
another incarnation of the old "unpredictable versus random"  

Sure, non-algorithmic processes could be running the mind machinery,  
but then so could elves, unicorns, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and  
many other things that it is not necessary to invoke at this time.   
Absent the ability to ever detect such things and lacking the  
necessity of such explanations, I file non-algorithmic processes with  
vast number of other explanatory memes of woo-ness of which humans are  

Like the old man once said, "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter  


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Building a machine that can learn from experience

2008-12-19 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 19, 2008, at 4:45 PM, Colin Hales wrote:
I'm not clear how you came to the conclusion that I was discussing  
an 'algorithmic system'.

You, like the rest of us, are incapable of discussing anything else.   
Email cannot carry non-algorithmic ideas or concepts.  Just because  
you do not consider your system "algorithmic" does not mean that it is  
not.  Nature is algorithmic, your chip is algorithmic, everything is  
algorithmic.  That which we call a rose by any other name would smell  
as sweet.

If you really understood the implications of your assertion, you would  
not have wasted your time trying to explain it to us.  Seriously, you  
should think *really hard* about what you have asserted in your last  
several posts, because the set of assertions you make are  
transparently internally inconsistent, never mind that you play fast  
and loose with the definitions of the terms you are using to get  
around pesky theoretical restrictions.

There seems to be sufficient available evidence to doubt that  
'cognition is computation'.

There seems to be sufficient available evidence to doubt that you  
understand 'computation' well enough to make this judgement.

It is not so much that I understand everything you are talking about,  
but that the parts are I *do* understand are quite wrong on their own.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Building a machine that can learn from experience

2008-12-19 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 19, 2008, at 12:13 PM, Colin Hales wrote:
The answer to this is that you can implement it in software. But you  
won't do that because the result is not an AGI,  but an actor with a  
script. I actually started AGI believing that software would do it.  
When I got into the details of the issue of qualia (their role and  
origins) I found that software alone would not do the trick.

Nonsense, an algorithmic system is describable entirely based on input  
and output without any regard for its internal structure.  If two  
blackbox systems produce identical output based on identical input,  
then they are mathematically equivalent in every meaningful sense even  
if they have radically different internal construction.

You say "actor with a script" as if that means something important,  
ignoring that every process in our universe is necessarily equivalent  
to an "actor with a script".  Your magical EM chip is, in fact, "an  
actor with a script".

The simplest way to get to the position I inhabit is to consider  
that the electromagnetic field has access to more information (about  
the world outside the agent)  than that available through peripheral  
nerve signaling. It's the additional information that is thrown away  
with a model of the electromagnetic field.

This does not even make sense.  Either the software model captures the  
measurable properties of the EM field or it does not, but either way  
it does not support your proposal.  In the former case, the external  
input and dynamic *must* be measurable and therefore can be reflected  
in the software model, and in the latter case it is nothing more than  
handwaving about something you are asserting exists in the complete  
absence of material evidence. I'm having a hard time accepting that  
there is something you can specify and measure that magically has no  
useful software description.  That is not even supposed to be possible  
as a kind of basic mathematical theorem thing.

I mean, you are asserting that some very specific inputs to the system  
are not being modeled, and if you know this then you can very easily  
add them to the software-modeled system.  You have not explained why  
this is not possible, merely asserted it.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Building a machine that can learn from experience

2008-12-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 18, 2008, at 10:09 PM, Colin Hales wrote:
I think I covered this in a post a while back but FYI... I am a  
little 'left-field' in the AGI circuit in that my approach involves  
literal replication of the electromagnetic field structure of brain  
material. This is in contrast to a computational model of the  
electromagnetic field structure.

Here is a silly question:

If you can specify it well enough to implement the desired result in  
hardware, why can't you implement it in software?  It is equivalent,  
after all.

And if you can't specify the dynamic well enough to implement it  
virtually, why would there be any reason at all to believe that it  
will do anything interesting?

The hallmark of a viable AGI theory/design is that you can explain why  
it *must* work in sufficient detail to be implementable in any medium.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: >> RE: FW: [agi] A paper that actually does solve the problem of consciousness

2008-12-02 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 2, 2008, at 8:31 AM, Ed Porter wrote:
From my quick read it appears the only meaningful way it suggests a  
brain might be infinite was that since the brain used analogue  
values --- such as synaptic weights, or variable time intervals  
between spikes (and presumably since those analogue values would be  
determined by so many factors, each of which might modify their  
values slightly) --- the brain would be capable of computing many  
values each of which could arguably have infinite gradation in  
value.  So arguably its computations would be infinitely complex, in  
terms of the number of bits that would be required to describe them  

If course, it is not clear the universe itself supports infinitely  
fine gradation in values, which your paper admits is a questions.

The universe has a noise floor (see: Boltzmann, Planck, et al), from  
which it follows that all "analog" values are equivalent to some  
trivial number of bits. Since "digital" deals with the case of analog  
at the low end of signal to noise ratios, "digital" usually denotes a  
proper subset of "analog", making the equivalence unsurprising.

The obvious argument against infinite values is that the laws of  
thermodynamics would no longer apply if that were the case.  Given the  
weight of the evidence for thermodynamics being valid, it is probably  
prudent to stick with models that work when restricted to a finite  
dynamic range for values.

The fundamental non-equivalence of digital and analog is one of those  
hard-to-kill memes that needs to die, along with the fundamental non- 
equivalence of parallel and serial computation. Persistent buggers,  
even among people who should know better.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Mushed Up Decision Processes

2008-11-30 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Nov 30, 2008, at 7:31 AM, Philip Hunt wrote:

2008/11/30 Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

In general, the standard AI methods can't handle pattern recognition
problems requiring finding complex interdependencies among multiple
variables that are obscured among scads of other variables
The human mind seems to do this via building up intuition via drawing
analogies among multiple problems it confronts during its history.

Yes, so that people learn one problem, then it helps them to learn
other similar ones. Is there any AI software that does this? I'm not
aware of any.

To do this as a practical matter, you need to address *at least* two  
well-known hard-but-important unsolved algorithm problems in  
completely different areas of theoretical computer science that have  
nothing to do with AI per se.  That is no small hurdle, even if you  
are a bloody genius.

That said, I doubt most AI researchers could even tell you what those  
two big problems are which is, obliquely, the other part of the problem.

I have proposed a problem domain called "function predictor" whose
purpose is to allow an AI to learn across problem sub-domains,
carrying its learning from one domain to another. (See )

In Feder/Merhav/Gutman's 1995 "Reflections on..." followup to their  
1992 paper on universal sequence prediction, they make the  
observation, which can be found at the following link, that it is  
probably useful to introduce the concept of "prediction error  
complexity" as an important metric which is similar to what you are  
talking about in the theoretical abstract:

Our understanding of this area is better in 2008 than it was in 1995,  
but this is one of the earliest serious references to the idea in a  
theoretical way.  Somewhat obscure and primitive by current standards,  
but influential in the AIXI and related flavors of AI theory based on  
computational information theory. Or at least, I found it very  
interesting and useful a decade ago.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Approximations of Knowledge

2008-06-23 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 23, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Steve Richfield wrote:


The use of diminutives is considered rude in many parts of anglo- 
culture if the individual does not use it to identify themselves,  
though I realize it is common practice in some regions of the US. When  
in doubt, use the given form.

 This is a PERFECT post, because it so perfectly illustrates a  
particular point of detachment from reality that is common among  
AGIers. In the real world we do certain things to achieve a good  
result, but when we design politically correct AGIs, we banish the  
very logic that allows us to function. For example, if you see a  
black man walking behind you at night, you rightly worry, but if you  
include that in your AGI design, you would be dismissed as a racist.

You have clearly confused me with someone else.

Effectively solving VERY VERY difficult problems, like why a  
particular corporation is failing after other experts have failed,  
is a multiple-step process that starts with narrowing down the vast  
field of possibilities. As others have already pointed out here,  
this is often done in a rather summary and non-probabilistic way.  
Perhaps all of the really successful programmers that you have known  
have had long hair, so if the programming is failing and the  
programmer has short hair, then maybe there is an attitude issue to  
look into. Of course this does NOT necessarily mean that there is  
any linkage at all - just another of many points to focus some  
attention to.

Or it could simply mean that the vast majority of programmers and  
software monkeys are mediocre at best such that the handful of people  
you will meet with deep talent won't constitute a useful sample size.   
Hell, even Brooks suggested as much and he was charitable. In all my  
years in software, I've only met a small number of people who were  
unambiguously wicked smart when it came to software, and while none of  
them could be confused with a completely mundane person they also did  
not have many other traits in common (though I will acknowledge they  
tend to rational and self-analytical to a degree that is rare in most  
people though this is not a trait exclusive to these people). Of  
course, *my* sample size is also small and so it does not count for  

Similarly, over the course of >100 projects...

Eh? Over 100 projects?  These were either very small projects or you  
are older than Methuselah.  I've worked on a lot of projects, but  
nowhere near 100 and I was a consultant for many years.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Approximations of Knowledge

2008-06-22 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 22, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Steve Richfield wrote:
At the heart of the most troubled projects. I typically find either  
a born-again Christian or a PhD Chemist. These people make the same  
bad decisions from faith. The Christian's faith is that God wouldn't  
lead them SO astray, so abandoning the project would in effect be  
abandoning their faith in God - which of course leads straight to  
Hell. The Chemist has heard all of the stories of perseverance  
leading to breakthrough discoveries, and if you KNOW that the  
solution is there just waiting to be found, then just keep on  
plugging away. These both lead to projects that stumble on and on  
long after any sane person would have found another better way.  
Christians tend to make good programmers, but really awful project  

Somewhere in the world, there is a PhD chemist and a born-again  
Christian on another mailing list "...the project had hit a serious  
snag, and so the investors brought in a consultant that would explain  
why the project was broken by defectively reasoning about dubious  
generalizations he pulled out of his ass..."

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More brain scanning and language

2008-06-12 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 12, 2008, at 9:25 AM, Steve Richfield wrote:
My assertion was that once you figure out just what it is that the  
neurons are doing, that the difference between neural operation and  
optimal operation will be negligible. This because of the 200  
million years they have had to refine their operation. Of course,  
the other argument was that there was just so much that could be  
done in wetware.

While all computational models are general in theory, they optimize  
for different kinds of operations in practice such that an algorithm  
that could be efficiently implemented on one would be nearly  
intractable on another.  We see this kind of impedance matching issue  
in regular silicon architectures, with different functions/algorithms  
putting different stresses on the model.  I don't doubt that neurons  
are reasonably optimal implementations of their computing model, but  
there will be some types of functions that are not very efficient  
using them.  Evolution optimized the architecture for a specific use  
case given the materials and processes at hand.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More brain scanning and language

2008-06-11 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 11, 2008, at 5:56 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
It is an open question as to whether or not mathematics will arrive  
at  an elegant solution that out-performs the sub-optimal wetware  

What is the basis for your using the term sub-optimal when the  
question is still open?  If mathematics can't arrive at a solution  
that out-performs the wetware algorithm, then the wetware isn't  

Lack of an elegant solution, one that is more efficient than the  
wetware methods in the broadest general case, does not imply that  
mathematics does not already describe superior average case methods.  
Wetware methods are general, but tend toward brute-force search  
methods that can be improved upon. A number of recent papers suggest  
that an elegant, general solutions may be possible; it is an active  
area of DARPA-funded theoretical mathematics research.

None of which has anything to do with AI, except to the extent AI may  
involve efficiently  manipulating models of spaces.

Sloppy thinking and hidden assumptions as usual . . . .

The irony is rich.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More brain scanning and language

2008-06-11 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 11, 2008, at 12:05 AM, Vladimir Nesov wrote:

And it extends to much more than 3D physical models -- humans are able
to adjust dynamic representations on the fly, given additional
information about any level of description, propagating consequences
to other levels of description and forming a plausible model from
heterogeneous hints. I consider this ability to accumulate flexible,
incrementally adjustable models, that can incorporate hints from
nonatomic analogous models, to be the central capability of human-like

While I was not aiming at it in particular, it is a manifestation of a  
very general model of computation based on efficient prediction and  
induction.  The model is informed by measurements of the world, which  
allows us to predict the next best action in some goal context. You  
can build very general computational models this way, even (or  
particularly) when thinking about interactions with 3-dimensional  
spaces that are not directly tractably decidable.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More brain scanning and language

2008-06-10 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 3, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Mike Tintner wrote:
Thanks. I must confess to my usual confusion/ignorance here - but  
perhaps I should really have talked of "solid" rather than "3-D  

When you sit in a familiar chair, you have, I presume, a solid  
mapping (or perhaps the word should be "moulding")  - distributed  
over your body, of how it can and will fit into that chair. And I'm  
presuming that the maps in the brain may have a similar solid  
structure. And when you're in a familiar room, you may also have  
brain maps [or "moulds"] that tell you automatically what is likely  
to be in front of you, at back, and on each side.

Does your sense of "3-D mapping" equate to this?

Humans are capable of constructing exquisite 3-dimensional models in  
their minds.  see: blind people.

Having that model and computing interactions with that model are two  
different things. Humans do not actually compute their relation to  
other objects with high precision, they approximate and iteratively  
make corrections later.  It turns out this may not be such a bad idea,  
computational topology and geometry is thin on computable high- 
precision results, but it kind of goes against the grain of computer  

It is not obvious that having that 3-dimensional model and being able  
to compute extremely complex relationships on the fly are the same  
problem.  We can do the former, both as humans and on computers, but  
the latter is beyond both humans and computer science.  We have a  
model, but our poorly calibrated interactions with it are constantly  
moderated by real-world feedback.

It is an open question as to whether or not mathematics will arrive at  
an elegant solution that out-performs the sub-optimal wetware algorithm.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-08 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 8, 2008, at 7:27 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:

I directly and exactly *quoted* several passages that you wrote.

And completely ignored both the context and intended semantics.  Hence  
why I might be under the impression that there is a reading  
comprehension issue.

But enough of that, let's get to the meat of it:  Are you arguing that  
the function that is a neuron is not an elementary operator for  
whatever computational model describes the brain?

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-07 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 7, 2008, at 5:06 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
But that is a world away from the idea that neurons, as they are,  
are as simple as transistors.  I do not believe this was a simple  
misunderstanding on my part:  the claim that neurons are as simple  
as transistors is an unsupportable one.

Richard, you reliably ignore what I actually write, selectively  
parsing it in some bizarre context that I don't recognize. There is a  
reading comprehension issue, or at the very least you don't follow  
what I consider to be the dead obvious theoretical implications.  
Metaphorically, you are arguing that the  "latex sheet" model of  
gravitational curvature is stupid because astronomers have never seen  
latex in space, and then wonder why the physicists are giving you  
funny looks.

Are you arguing that the function that is a neuron is *not* an  
elementary operator for whatever computational model it is that  
describes the brain?

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-07 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 7, 2008, at 10:44 AM, Vladimir Nesov wrote:
On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Richard Loosemore  

But  I have no problem with this at all! :-).  This is exactly  
what I
believe, but I was arguing against a different claim!  Rogers did  
say that "neurons are simple" and then went on to claim that they  
simple because (essentially) you could black-box them with  
something like a

bayesian function.

You stepped in and said things that implied you were defending his  

that is all.

I certainly am not arguing that neuron functionality will probably be
modelled much more simply, in the long run.  But that is different.

I think you misinterpreted his position also then. I certainly
interpreted it to mean something along the lines of what I've just
summarized, or even more generally that a design that is even not a
neural net can be even more efficient and simple. He is too smart to
believe in silliness you argued against.

For the record, Vladimir did a pretty good job summarizing my  
position.  The reliability with which some people misinterpreted it,  
to the point that it almost looked willful, highlighted the futility  
of my attempting to close that particular comprehension gap.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More brain scanning and language

2008-06-03 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 3, 2008, at 6:44 AM, Bob Mottram wrote:

2008/6/3 Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
What are the implications for computing - how would it have to  
change - if

the brain uses literal 3D maps - and they turn out to be a necessity?
[Computers, I take it, can't currently produce them?]

2D mapping has been achievable for a while, but 3D mapping is a fairly
recent phenomena because it's not until recent years that enough
processing power has been available to handle this kind of task in
anything like real time.  To a large extent the DARPA urban challenge
was all about 3D mapping and the accompanying sensor technologies
needed to support it.

DARPA challenges are mostly 2.5D, which is a much simpler problem. On  
the other hand, 3D mapping is pretty cheap if you have decent  
algorithms. The sensors are dirt cheap, so it is mostly knowing what  
to do with the data once you have it.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 7:27 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
What if the brain truly is a conglomeration of many complex  


Are we using the pedestrian sense of "complex" when talking about  
computational models and AI? Seems like an inappropriate overloading  
of its more technical and relevant definition.  The digits of pi look  
complex to the naive observer, but they are most assuredly the product  
of a simple function.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 7:27 PM, Mark Waser wrote:

Yeah.  Those pesky chemicals like adrenaline etc. have absolutely no
objective function whatsoever and absolutely zero effect on the  

of the brain.

Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong suit. Describe the  
function of adrenaline in the context of an abstract computational  
model.  I'm not even arguing such a function does not exist, only that  
you are incapable of making the case that it has such a function.

Don't bother responding.

That's a fair point, since you were not actually addressing anything  

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 5:02 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:

But this statement is such a blatant contradiction of all the  
known facts about neurons, that I am surprised that abyone would try  
to defend it.   Real neurons are complicated, and their actual  
functional role in the brain is still quite unknown.

So you are asserting (1) that you know very little about neurons *and*  
(2) that they are fantastically complex devices at a computational  
model level.  Remarkable that you are simultaneously deeply  
knowledgeable and ignorant at the same time.  I see a lot of  
handwaving and cries of "Complex! Complex!" but I don't see a lot of  
evidence of that fact in the abstract computational sense.  Even if  
one were to assert Penrosian magic, the result is pretty obviously  
simple in the theoretical sense, and we are back to algorithmic  

Let's cut through the double-talk.  Prove that neurons are not a  
simple set of functions in a hideously ugly and complex package.   
Obviously a lot of people think this is a real possibility, why there  
was a thread posted just this afternoon about how powerful and  
universal PEC bucket brigade logic is at predicting wetware neural  
network characteristics.  And those were neuroscientists who  
presumably understand the wetware (though hadn't figured out you can  
implement that whole schemata in about a hundred lines of Python).

You say all neuroscientists know neurons are complex, and yet we just  
had an article about how simple an effective computational description  
is that a lot of neuroscientists subscribe to.  If that model is  
"simple", then neurons are ipso facto "simple". The description *is*  
the complexity from a computational standpoint.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 3:03 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
I find it very interesting that you can't even answer a straight yes- 
or-no question without resorting to obscuring BS and inventing  

By "obscuring BS and inventing strawmen" I assume you mean answers  
that do not fit into your narrow conceptual framework.

Are you actually claiming that neurotransmitter levels are  
irrelevant or are you implementing them?

Neurotransmitter levels are irrelevant. The function may or may not  
be, and the function would be directly implemented in the former case.

Are you claiming that leakage along the axons and dendrites is  
irrelevant or are you modeling it?

Axon and dendrite leakage is irrelevant.  The function may or may not  
be, and the function would be directly implemented in the former case.

Two simple questions.  Two choices for each.  Try answering them  
without the obscuring BS.

What is it with you and the false dichotomies?

What you fail to state is the reason I would implement any particular  
characteristic of wetware neurons; what function is being gained by  
doing so?  Hint: if I can implement it in code I can pretty trivially  
ascertain its function by analysis.  This is the whole "cargo cult AI"  
thing I was talking about. You insist it is valuable to add  
objectively functionless features, and you have hard time explaining  
what features are supposedly missing if we *don't* implement things  
that lack functionality. Sounds like a waste of time to me, unless you  
think these features do something magical.

Step back a second and justify adding gee-gaws to the models first.   
For the neural characteristics that have a function, we don't need to  
copy them -- we can implement the functionality directly. Algorithmic  
equivalence and all that.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] news bit: Is this a unified theory of the brain? Do Bayesian statistics rule the brain?

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

Quotes like this make me shake my head:

Friston’s results have earned praise for bringing together so many  
disparate strands of neuroscience. “It is quite certainly the most  
advanced conceptual framework regarding an application of these  
ideas to brain function in general,” says Wennekers. Marsel Mesulam,  
a cognitive neurologist from Northwestern University in Chicago,  
adds: “Friston’s work is pivotal. It resonates entirely with the  
sort of model that I would like to see emerge.”

It is pretty funny to see neuroscientists congratulate themselves for  
inventing something that was already known in literature that they  
apparently don't read.  Friston's "most advanced conceptual framework"  
has been around since at least the early 1990s in theoretical computer  
science and expressly considered in the context of AI and cognitive  
function.  I was personally using predictive error math to reverse  
engineer neural structure function almost ten years ago (which sounds  
more useful than it actually is -- that is not the hard part).  
However, I will grant that nobody was really paying attention to that  
area of math at the time.  And the biology guys have the nerve to say  
the computer scientists do not pay enough attention to neuroanatomy  
research. :-)

Silly monkeys.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 1:44 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
So . . . . given that the biological neurons have all this  
additional complexity that I have listed before, are you going to  
attempt to implement it or are you going to declare it as  
unnecessary (with the potential that, if you are wrong, you may doom  
your AGI effort before you ever get started)?

You presume that all this "additional complexity" is actually complex  
in a meaningful way.  Since it is relatively trivial to derive  
analogous behaviors and structure with understood function in other  
non-biological models (even if they look biological), I am not sure  
what to tell you.  You are positing unimaginable complexity with a  
Disneyland of functionality, but you need nothing like that to get the  
same structure, behavior, and utility out of the system (*cough* Occam  

This appears to be a variant of the "analog is fundamentally different  
from digital" category error.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Mark Waser wrote:

What do you mean by computationally simple?

Meaning there is a trivial set of functions and/or computational model  
that captures the utility. No need to accommodate patterns below the  
very high noise floor of wetware or which do not have a material  
computational purpose (e.g. side effects of biological maintenance).

 Explain to me how *you* construct a neural network that takes all  
of this into account.

It depends on what you mean by "takes all this into account". Unless  
you are a biologist of some type, physical fidelity is a complete  
waste of time but you seem to leaning that way. The seconds hand of a  
mechanical clock may be driven by a complex dynamical system but that  
does not make it not equivalent in every important way to an utterly  
trivial solid-state counter.

So in short, I would not construct a "neural network that takes all of  
this into account". I would construct a functionally equivalent  
computational model that coincidentally converges on an approximation  
of the structure and behavior of a biological neural network.  I'm  
interested in AGI, not physiology.

Obsessing over biological fidelity is the hallmark of cargo cult AI,  
the fervent hope that with sufficiently elaborate neural network  
theater the gods will deliver a mind.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
Neurons are *NOT* simple.  There are all sorts of physiological  
features that affect their behavior, etc.  While I totally agree  
with your point about "Not only do you have to invent several new  
layers of abstraction, you also have to invent the control  
structures to manage all those abstractions and layers." -- as far  
as I'm concerned, ASSERTing clearly incorrect statements like  
"Neurons *are* simple" totally invalidates your credibility.

Neurons are structurally complex but computationally simple within the  
usual constraints of computational information theory. Only the latter  
matters since (presumably) no one is attempting to build actual  
neurons to get the job done.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Ideological Interactions Need to be Studied

2008-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2008, at 11:02 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
One is elegance.  It would be "oh, so nice" to find one idea that  
would solve the entire problem.  After all, everyone knows that the  
single concept of "neurons" is what our brains are built  
upon . . . .  The problem is that they then take an incredibly  
simplistic view of what a neuron is and then can't figure out why  
they can't get it to work or why they have to use radically  
different simplifications and formulas to make it work in different  

Neurons *are* simple, analogous to a transistor.  What they rarely  
seem to consider is how many different patterns and levels of pattern  
abstraction are required to make, say, a general purpose CPU design  
scale.  You do not go from the 2,300 transistors of an Intel 4004  
(nematode nervous system) to a modern CPU (reptilian nervous system)  
simply by slapping more transistors onto the 4004 design.  Not only do  
you have to invent several new layers of abstraction, you also have to  
invent the control structures to manage all those abstractions and  
layers.  All made out of simple transistors.

I think the general problem with neural networks is not the concept of  
the neuron but the notion that you can scale up the utility of a  
simple neural network simply by slapping more neurons onto it. It  
would be lovely if it was that simple, but I do not think the evidence  
supports the notion that the design can be both simple and efficient  
(in the sense that evolution would find a design to be "efficient").

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-27 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 27, 2008, at 7:00 AM, BillK wrote:

As I understand it, Netcraft's results are based on web sites, or more
precisely, hostnames, rather than actual web servers.  This introduces
a bias because some servers run a large number of low-volume (or zero
volume) web sites.

Of course, many sites use reverse proxies or other shenanigans that  
run many servers through a single IP, which would have the opposite  
bias. Accurately counting server boxes is difficult.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 6:46 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
I have ~100% market share.  Not sure how it is "two-to-one" or  
"dwindling", though I suppose it has nowhere to go but down.

Huh?  First *you* give me numbers of less then two to one and then  
you claim ~100%.  How much did you drink at that barbecue?

So you did not write: "That you have less than a two-to-one market  
share and it's dwindling?"

I responded to your actual statement, not what you think you said.  
Your statement was barely coherent, so I interpreted it literally.  
Ignoring that you were arguing a transparently false dichotomy, I use  
neither Java nor .NET but I do know my market share (to the extent  
that it is "mine"). If you do not want to hear the correct answer, do  
not ask the question.

I concern myself with big server apps

So why are you even commenting on something obviously so far out of  
your realm?

What part of OpenCog is not a server app? The big server apps in  
question hit at least 3 of the 4 "The framework includes" bullet  
points. Obviously it is very much in my realm.

Why do you waste anyone's time?  Do you find it amusing?

It was not amusing until now. Froth away.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

Replying to myself,

I'll let Mark have the last word since, after all, it is *his* project  
and not mine. :-) My only real quibble was with the notion that  
choosing .NET would not have a material impact on developer  

I have to go man a barbecue and get some work done now.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
Do you truly believe that search engine hits is proportional to the  
use of a language or is it just that the valid methods didn't you  
give the results that you wanted?

There is no really authoritative source, that was just one method of  
many.  So let's do job searches in Silicon Valley metro area on Dice  
and count the hits:

Java server = 482
C server = 371
Perl server = 256
C++ server = 250
.NET server = 115
PHP server = 108
Python server = 101
Ruby server = 34

Yes, clearly there is *huge* demand for .NET server environments in  
Silicon Valley. Again, not scientific but it shows a trend.  And while  
you do not like the TIOBE results, I cannot help but notice that these  
regional results roughly match theirs.

And if we do a similar search in the Washington DC metro, we find  
that .NET does integer factors better but still fails to beat Java, C,  
et al. So your impression of .NETs ubiquity in your *own* area, while  
much better supported, is hardly true in any real sense there either.

Not surprisingly, based on the above trend, Silicon Valley searches  
solely based on operating systems:

Unix: 1681
Windows: 956

...with a huge chunk of those Windows jobs being for writing drivers  
apparently. Funny that I should be under the impression that the vast  
majority of server application targets in Silicon Valley are Unix-based.

Do you have *any* viable facts to back up your silly operating  
system assertions?

Which "silly" operating system assertions? That most development  
targets in Silicon Valley are web or Unix? That the data centers here  
have virtually no Windows servers in them?  You assert that is silly,  
but you have not provided any "viable facts" to support your  
assertion. Even to the extent that my assertions are anecdotal, I have  
worked in the data center operations of many, many companies in  
Silicon Valley including some of the largest ones, and if you peek  
under the hood is just lots and lots of Linux servers for the most  
part. But you would not know that sitting in Virginia I suppose.

Just because you are not comfortable with Unix does not mean there is  
not a huge swath of the industry that is very comfortable with it and  
has it as their sole development target. In fact, in those rare cases  
where we needed a bit of Windows software written over the years, we  
contracted out to other locales. The talent-pool in the Valley is  
definitely Unix- and web-centric, and the ubiquity of the Mac as a  
development environment reflects that.

Do you so desperately need to rationalize the .NET platform for an  
open source project that you refuse to accept what is plainly obvious  
to those actually on the ground? If I were you, I would have simply  
stated that my desire to use a particular narrow platform for a  
variety of reasons outweighed my need to maximize developer reach and  
be done with it.  If you had stated it like that, I would have no  


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Jim Bromer wrote:
Would you please direct me to open source project web sites that may  
be of interest to AI projecteers, and a C++ compiler to use with  
them.  I never found any comments on a good compiler to use on a  
Windows XP system (other than the microsoft compiler of course.)  I  
am also looking for a web site that also has some introductory  
material on how one goes about working on a listed open source  

The answer is that using the Microsoft compiler is preferable for some  
purposes, but the GCC stuff works there. Portability is not an issue I  
usually have to worry about, so I am not exactly an expert on the ins  
and outs of moving C++ between Unix and Windows. As long as you are  
not doing a lot of system calls, it is fairly straightforward.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
xtremely productive, maintainable, and scales up well.  There are  
still a few parts of the US where Perl is going strong, but not in the  

The TIOBE programming language popularity index shows Java in the #1  
spot followed by C in #2.  Even Python edges out C#, which comes in at  
#8.  A lot of big companies in Silicon Valley use the three languages  
mentioned above as their official development languages, so it is not  
surprising that they are primary choices in Silicon Valley. The  
important languages I glossed over were actually things like PHP and  
Ruby, neither of which are C#.

I have yet to see anyone attempt to deny my claim about the relative  
development speed on .Net vs. anything else.

Supposed "development speed" does not do you much good without  
sufficient developers, even if I allowed that it were true. As a  
practical matter if you can specify a problem I can always find a  
platform that has better development speed than .NET -- this is really  
quite irrelevant and other things are more important in the big picture.

The language/environment is a secondary concern to the developer  
pool because you could develop this project in *any* language. The   
difference in overhead costs intrinsic to the environment are  
nominal.  I don't like Java myself, but I think a better argument  
can be made  for it *in this instance* relative to .NET because  
language features  are not that important at the end of the day. If  
you were doing a  closed shop project then .NET would be very  
arguably a superior choice.

So, why do you believe that all these developers are staying away  
from the superior choice?  Why aren't the smarter ones defecting?   
Are you sure that they aren't?  Are you sure you want that huge  
developer pool of those who aren't smart enough to defect?

Most of your arguments are based on the assumption that most of these  
developers are Windows developers who just happen to be stuck working  
on Java. Often they are Unix developers who happen to be stuck working  
on Java.  If they stopped using Java, .NET would not be their logical  
next choice.

There are practical economic reasons Java is used so much, most  
notably its ubiquity and the fact that it works well on Unix.  There  
is a trend moving away from Java for some web apps, but it is toward  
languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP, which also run on Unix very well.

If you hate Java, there are other environments with a better feature

Where did *that* come from.  I don't hate Java.  It's just seriously  
sub-optimal so I don't waste my time with it.

*shrug* Maybe I was just projecting my distaste for Java.  I don't  
like it, but I understand the rationale behind using it.

I dunno, the obsession with a very particular and narrow platform   
systems misplaced and inappropriate for a project like this. The  
goal  is (hopefully) *not* to select a platform you like and then   
rationalize every other decision around that.

You mean like choosing the platform solely based upon the size of  
your developer pool and ignoring what *you* acknowledge as superior  
features on another platform?

You agree with all of my technical reasons and then accuse me of  

I agree with your technical arguments re: Java versus .NET in the  
abstract.  My point is that these are minor factors in the overall  
platform decision.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Bob Mottram wrote:

On Linux the performance of 3D distributed particle SLAM (a CPU
intensive task) running on the Mono .NET (version 2) runtime is
marginally faster than the same code running on Windows using the MS
runtime, but only by a few milliseconds.  Performance benchmarks are
very similar to the same algorithms written in C++ and compiled with

Thankfully, I do not think anyone is really arguing performance  
differences. It is mostly seems to be about development environments  
and portability. Every language can get the job done reasonably well  
these days. For example, while Java itself is an ugly re-imagining of C 
++, several other programming languages have been ported to the  
virtual machine and seamlessly integrated into Java, similar to .NET.  
It is six of one and a half dozen of the other.

The advantages being advertised for C# (i.e. new functional
programming features) only apply to .NET 3 or above, which isn't
available on GNU/Linux systems and so is of no interest to me at this

That's the real issue here as I see it. Unix-like systems still  
dominate the server market broadly, and a lot of people primarily  
develop for that market. Despite the efforts of Mono, .NET seems to be  
permanently marginalized as a Windows-only environment. The ubiquity  
of Windows on the desktop does not translate into ubiquity as a  
development target. For many types of very technical development that  
may be very relevant here, Unix is overwhelmingly the real-world  
development target and where you will want to pull your developers from.

Arguments about programming languages are a popular topic on AI
forums, but usually generate more heat than light.

Yup. Programming language selection is largely irrelevant to producing  
AI, and is secondary to other practical concerns. If programming  
language made a material difference, we'd already have AI.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Mark Waser wrote:

C# may have advantages over Java, but
it doesn't mean that these advantages are particularly relevant for a
particular project.

Then make project-specific assertions.  The fact that functional  
programming is an integral part of C# is huge for AGI.  (Your turn  
to make a valid point :-)

Too bad C# is not an integral part of many developer environments or  
most developer experience. It is like selecting Objective-C.

Functional programming is a really lame hobby horse because it is well- 
supported in most of the plausible alternative environments (including  
C++), if not as a direct part of the language then as a trivial add- 
on. You are trading a minor nuisance for a showstopper.

In other words, this is a pretty crap justification for using .NET.   
Where is the fabulous .NET support and development environment for  
MacOS and Linux? Selecting C# really is like selecting Objective-C  
except going the opposite direction (since Objective-C is broadly  
supported in Unix-like environments, and even on Windows poorly), and  
Objective-C is actually a pretty nice language with a solid and  
growing developer pool. Hell, on the MacOS platform Objective-C even  
comes with a really deep and slick set of frameworks and libraries  
that allow you to implement many very advanced capabilities  

Not that I am suggesting actually using Objective-C; it shares the  
exact same problems as C#, and I would use a similar criticism. There  
are people on this mailing list using C# and Objective-C for their  
projects, but they are closed shops and so the selection is more  
easily rationalized. For open source projects, ideal environments play  
second fiddle to broad language support. Painless portability is the  
reason C is often selected over C++ for open source projects --  
universality is that important.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 4:42 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
There has been a large upswing in the number of MacOS laptops.  At  
the same time, there has been an equally large reversal of the  
correlation with Unix-based back-ends.  Macs are being picked up  
because of their engineering, power-up times, ease of use and  
coolness factor -- and the fact that they Terminal Services to work  
desktops just as well as any windows machine.

Where do you live, if you do not mind me asking? The preference for  
server environments is very much a local phenomenon. Using California  
as an example, in Los Angeles there is a strong preference for Windows  
systems, but in Silicon Valley you will find that Unix is pervasive.

.NET may be ubiquitous in abstract because it is associated with  
Windows, but if you actually look at some rather important tech  
centers like Silicon Valley, there is not a Windows server in sight.  
The dominance of Unix-based systems there is so complete that it is  
not even a contest any more. You are apparently under the impression  
that this is not true, but if you continue with that assumption you  
will systematically exclude a vast and very talented developer pool  
that has zero interest or experience developing in .NET even if they  
are using a Windows workstation. A lot of business in Europe  
specifically excludes .NET as a development target for similar  
pragmatic reasons. And developing .NET is going to suck on a non- 
Windows workstation, eliminating one of the major advantages you tout.  
To be honest, I do not know of anyone that uses a Mac that is using it  
for .NET development -- total impedance mismatch.

To use Silicon Valley as an example, C/C++, Java, and Python will give  
you about 90% coverage of the developer pool. The .NET languages are  
in the residue. In Bangalore, .NET is a major percentage of the  
developer pool.  Which is most likely to usefully contribute to your  
project, programming languages aside? It sounds an awful lot like you  
are simply trying to rationalize your personal preference for  
programming language/environment.

And what is the value proposition of Java over any other language?   
It has no unique features.  It's development is lagging.  It's  
developers are defecting (again, look at the statistics).  It's  
fragmenting just like Unix so it certainly isn't as portable as  

The value proposition of Java is a deep pool of technically proficient  
hackers know it and it works on all the platforms many such people  
prefer.  MacOS has a C/C++, Python, and Java development environment  
out of the box (among other less common languages), but no .NET.   
Linux has similar coverage out of the box. By selecting .NET you have  
tacitly excluded most developers in Silicon Valley, and a huge number  
in Europe and many other countries. Java casts a much wider net even  
if it is an inferior environment.

The language/environment is a secondary concern to the developer pool  
because you could develop this project in *any* language. The  
difference in overhead costs intrinsic to the environment are nominal.  
I don't like Java myself, but I think a better argument can be made  
for it *in this instance* relative to .NET because language features  
are not that important at the end of the day. If you were doing a  
closed shop project then .NET would be very arguably a superior choice.

If you hate Java, there are other environments with a better feature  
set *and* much broader portability.  A popular one is C + Python,  
which allows you to combine very pretty syntactic sugar with  
unfettered performance and system access. My point is not that Java is  
better than .NET, but that .NET is a really poor choice if you are  
trying to rope in a large developer talent pool.

I dunno, the obsession with a very particular and narrow platform  
systems misplaced and inappropriate for a project like this. The goal  
is (hopefully) *not* to select a platform you like and then  
rationalize every other decision around that.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: Competitive message routing protocol (was Re: [agi] Deliberative vs Spatial intelligence)

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 1, 2008, at 10:06 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote:

--- "J. Andrew Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your model above tacitly predicates its optimality on a naive MCP
strategy, but is not particularly well-suited for it.  In short, this
means that you are assuming that the aggregate latency function for a
transaction over the network is a close proxy for the transaction
cost.  At one time this might have been a reasonable assumption, but
it becomes less true every year.

That's true in my thesis but I dropped it in my CMR proposal.  Now I
assume that peers operate in a hostile environment.  A message could  

anything.  The protocol has to work even over unreliable UDP with
forged source IP addresses.  The problem is sort of like building a
brain out of neurons that are trying to kill each other.

(Yes, late. I do not have much free time.)

A brain where all the neurons are out to kill each other is a proper  
metaphor for the design problem. In real protocols, every time someone  
posited benevolence for some aspect it was promptly exploited.

In my thesis, I asked whether it was possible even in theory to  
build a

large scale distributed index.  None existed in 1997 and none exists
today.  The best known examples of internet wide databases were  
which uses O(n^2) storage, and DNS, which is O(n) (assuming it grows  

depth with constant branching factor, although it doesn't really) but
is vulnerable at the root servers.  Centralized search engines are  

O(n^2) because you need O(n) servers for n clients.  This creates an
incentive for engines to merge to save resources, resulting in a
monopoly.  (Who has the resources to compete with Google?)

There is an increasingly strong political incentive (between  
countries) to create distributed indexes, but quite frankly the  
technology does not exist. This was something I studied in earnest  
when various governments started demanding such guarantees. To the  
best of my knowledge, we do not have mathematics that can support the  
guarantees desired, though decentralized indexes are certainly  
practical if one ignores certain considerations that are politically  

Something to understand about the big server clusters: as commonly  
implemented, the online server cluster is independent of the content  
generation cluster. Queries may be very cheap to serve even if the  
aggregation and analytics process is expensive. Compute a result once  
and serve it to the world a thousand times. The real problems occur  
when the data set is not sufficiently static that this trick is  
plausible. Fortunately, no one has noticed the man behind the curtain  

Losing to Google is predicated on following their path, and they  
occupy a space where the computer science is transparently  
inadequate.  It does not take much of a qualitative shift in the  
market to kill a company in that position. There is plenty of  
vulnerability left in the market.

I would argue, from a business perspective, is that most of the value  
with respect to distribution is in the metadata protocol, virtually  
all of which are based on naive designs that ignore literature in  
practice. A really strong metadata protocol that could be standardized  
would generate a hell of a lot of value.  Past that, whoever controls  
the essential data under that protocol would win, and for better or  
worse, Google is largely not responding to this. There are many types  
of data they have no capacity to handle in bulk. This is not so much a  
criticism of Google but an observation about their actual behavior.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 26, 2008, at 5:52 PM, Mark Waser wrote:

That you have less than a two-to-one market share and it's dwindling?

I have ~100% market share.  Not sure how it is "two-to-one" or  
"dwindling", though I suppose it has nowhere to go but down.

That technically .Net has blown past you and the gap only shows  
signs of widening?

I concern myself with big server apps, and I am not sure what  
this .NET gap is. Which Silicon Valley companies are developing their  
server infrastructure using .NET? Other than Microsoft (presumably), I  
cannot think of any. When companies want server bindings and drivers,  
they ask for C++, Java, and (god help us) PHP. I have never had anyone  
anywhere in government or industry ask for .NET.  I am sure they exist  
and it will happen eventually but the avalanche of demand is not  
there, probably because virtually no one uses .NET on Linux.

 That when Mono reaches the next version, you're going to switch?

Seems unlikely, since it does not offer anything of value for anything  
I might do. C is faster and more scalable for server engines,  
particularly for server clusters; if you are going to write that much  
unmanaged code, you might as well bind it to a super-productive  
language like Python.  Is Microsoft porting Visual Studio to Unix/ 
Linux in the near future? I already get a really fancy Unix  
development environment from Apple for free, though it does not  
support .NET.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More Info Please

2008-05-25 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
Some not-quite-random observations that hopefully injects some  

- There are a number of good arguments for using C over C++, not the  
least of which is that it is dead simple to implement very efficient C  
bindings into much friendlier languages that hide the fact that it is  
still mostly C. There are a lot more problems doing this in C++ than  
C. If you are doing a project end-to-end in one language though, C++  
manages the complexity better than C (though I would observe that some  
very large yet very tidy and understandable code bases are in C e.g.  
PostgreSQL). In the big picture, this becomes a detail depending on  
relatively unimportant design choices.

- At every technical conference on a variety of non-platform-specific  
topics I have been to in the last year that was full of people that  
actually work on code, I and many others have noticed that at least  
half the people attending were using MacOS laptops. This is very  
strongly correlated with Unix-based server back-ends, usually Linux  
out in the real world these days. The great thing about MacOS X as a  
developer is that it is Unix, and so there is a good impedance match  
between the developer desktop and the production cluster. Using a .NET  
technology for anything is tacitly excluding a huge swath of talent  
and a significant portion of the developer market. This is  
particularly true if we are talking about server-like or engine-like  
code, in which .NET is very much a minority player.

- Selecting any narrow platform technology (like .NET or Objective-C)  
only really makes sense if there is no intention of widely  
disseminating or collaborating with the code. Having nicer libraries  
or syntactic sugar does not do a hell of a lot of good if you cannot  
find enough competent developers to make that feature provide return  
on the investment -- killer libraries and environment save time, not  
developer talent. This has been often cited as a key failure of the  
Ruby community that has caused many projects to move away from it:  
lots of hype and interest but there is a dearth of top-quality  
developers that actually choose to work with it, making complex  
projects effectively non-viable for lack of appropriate talent.

I honestly do not give a crap about the subject being argued, but if  
the goal is to have decent environment support *and* cast the widest  
possible with respect to developer talent, the obvious choice is  
actually Java.  This coming from someone who does not even like Java  
and thinks .NET is a better designed environment; the differences  
between environments is noise in the big picture, but the differences  
in the breadth and depth of developer talent is not. If the object of  
this project is *not* to engage the maximum amount of developer talent  
then the point is moot and it is hard to figure out why it is being  
argued at all.

In short, if it is a closed shop project not meant for wide  
dissemination, then the benefits of .NET significantly outweigh the  
benefits of C/C++ (unless performance is paramount) and is a  
defensible choice. If it is intended to be an open source project that  
maximizes participation, I cannot imagine why anyone would choose .NET  
over Java or even C unless they were deluded about the distribution of  
developer talent on the wild and wooly Internet.

The right tool for the job, and all that.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: Competitive message routing protocol (was Re: [agi] Deliberative vs Spatial intelligence)

2008-05-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
neral (i.e. not restricted to a  
set of data with carefully tailored characteristics) will distribute  
beyond a few dozen nodes, and it gets worse fast when you add  
dimensions.  The new solution I mention above is fully general and  
scales extremely well in a distributed, decentralized environment,  
which seemed to be the issue that needed solving.

The exception to this is if your spatial index is built once and never  
modified (i.e. read-only) in which case it is possible to have one  
that is general and which scales to modest size.  Its a real mess, and  
scalability is something like a five- or six-axis space when talking  
about these kinds of algorithms.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Deliberative vs Spatial intelligence

2008-04-30 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 30, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote:

By distributing the problem across the internet.  AGI can be divided
into lots of specialized experts and a network for getting messages to
the right experts.

There are a few problems with your model that need to be fixed before  
it is legitimately viable, though you do acknowledge some of them in  
the paper:

1.)  The protocol design is naive and will not scale up to the level  
you think it will, simplifying away by assumption topology  
characteristics where deviations from the assumption will have a major  
impact.  There are no general, computable solution to the underlying  
issues (neither in literature nor in unpublished research that I know  
of), and you gloss over or do not consider problems that would have a  
pathological expression if you actually tried to build it.  This is an  
important and active area of mathematics research in a couple  
different fields.

2.)  There is nothing in published literature that will do the kind of  
indexing you want to do in the spatial domain, but it is possible in  
theory.  For your purposes in the broadest sense, things like kD-trees  
will drop dead for pretty trivial systems, never mind for something  
ambitious.  On the other hand, generalized distribution with O(n)  
storage complexity was solved last year which may or may not address  
your issues.

I think the real killer will be #1, as it has the hallmarks of being a  
Hard Problem.  We had a really simple approximation for routing and  
resource optimization that worked well in the early days of network  
applications, but modern network application models break the  
assumptions.  Perhaps relevant for you, a lot of the active  
theoretical research in this area surrounds the problem of massive  
distributed and decentralized spatial structures, though not for the  
purposes you are thinking about.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Deliberative vs Spatial intelligence

2008-04-29 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 29, 2008, at 1:46 AM, Russell Wallace wrote:

Suppose we say there are two types of intelligence (not in any
rigorous sense, just in broad classification):

Deliberative. Able to prove theorems, solve the Busy Beaver problem
for small N, write and prove properties of small functions, construct
cellular automata computers for small functions, derive small
functions from specifications, notice what it's doing, accept symbolic
heuristics to improve its efficiency, think about said heuristics etc.
Symbolic intelligence that can, in some crude sense, copy some of the
things humans can symbolically do.

Spatial. Able to perceive patterns in two or three dimensions. Can be
used, with mods, for a robot visual cortex; image recognition; given a
series of photographs of a landmark from varying viewpoints, can
derive a 3d model and backtrack that to the 2d image visible from any
other viewpoint; can pathfind units around a map in a video game; can
make much better than random guesses as to likely folds of a new
protein chain; can animate a cartoon from the description "cat sits on

I will take a third position and point out that there is no real  
distinction between these two categories, or at least if there is you  
are doing it wrong.  One of the amusing and fruitless patterns of  
behavior in the AI community is the incessant categorization of  
various processes into nominally distinct buckets in the absence of a  
theoretically justifiable reason for doing so.  The above is such an  

As a general comment, the computer science literature on the D- 
oriented side of things is *much* deeper than the S-oriented side of  
things, and the literature that theoretically integrates the two is  
thin on the ground indeed.  This is probably a reflection of the  
observation that competency at D is far more widely distributed than  
S, or at least that far more competent people have worked on D than on  

When I originally switched to the "Spatial" side of things, one of the  
first things I noticed was that the backing theory and literature was  
medieval compared to what you call the "Deliberative" side.  On the  
downside that meant that there was not a lot to work from, but on the  
upside that also meant there was still a fair amount of low-hanging  
fruit left to be picked.  Spatial can scale extremely well in a very  
general sense, but you'll have to do some original work to get there  
because your off-the-shelf computer science will leave you wanting.

It should actually be pretty obvious, even without really hammering  
out the theory, how the "Deliberative" part can be trivially expressed  
in a "Spatial" solution -- the former can be correctly viewed as a  
narrow instance of the latter.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Re: Language learning

2008-04-23 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 22, 2008, at 11:55 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:

There is no doubt that learning new languages at an older age is much
more difficult than younger.

I seem to recall that recent research does not support this  
assertion.  Rate of language learning is essentially the same for both  
adults and children and is a function of the amount of time spent  
trying to learn it.  The apparent absolute differences in rate of  
learning turned out to be attributable to adults spending a smaller  
percentage of their time learning a new language than children on  
average, which gave the false impression that adults learn languages  
more slowly.

I am too lazy to dig up cites at the moment, but I definitely remember  
discussions of this research in the not too distant past.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Re: Language learning

2008-04-22 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 22, 2008, at 7:17 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
In my experience it is not so much that they sound the same but  
that  we don't know how to say them (in terms of mouth mechanics)  
such that  we can isolate the difference between sounds that would  
have been in  the range of a single phoneme in English.

No.  We have a Thai exchange student this year.  There are words  
that she swears are different that sound to me (and the rest of the  
family) to be exactly the same.

Precisely my point.  They sound exactly the same until you understand  
the mechanics of the sound generation, at which point you have a frame  
of reference for recognizing the differences.  The differences are  
there, you are just not using them as a means of discernment because  
you have no knowledge of which differences are important for  
discernment.  This is why it is futile and silly to use sound examples  
to teach someone a difference that we have already established they  
cannot isolate.  On the other hand, the phoneme generation mechanics  
are relatively unambiguous.

I could never hear many sounds until I figured out what they were  
doing to create the sound that was different from how I created the  
sound.  Once I figured that out, it became relatively easy to hear the  
difference because I knew what to listen for.

Austroasiatic languages (like Thai) tend to be particularly difficult  
for native English speakers because they tend to rely heavily on  
complex usage of all the possible bits that English speakers do not.   
However, having delved fairly deeply in one such language myself, it  
is easier than it seems at first once you figure it out.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] WHAT ARE THE MISSING CONCEPTUAL PIECES IN AGI? --- recent input and responses

2008-04-21 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 21, 2008, at 6:53 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
I have been trying to understand the relationship between  
theoretical models of thought (both natural and artificial) since at  
least 1980, and one thing I have noticed is that people devise  
theoretical structures that are based on the assumption that  
intelligence is not complex  but then they use these structures  
in such a way that the resulting system is almost always complex.

This is easily explained by the obvious fact that the definition of  
"complex" varies considerably across relevant populations, exacerbated  
in the case of AGI -- where it is arguably a germane element --  
because many (most?) researchers are using "complex" in a colloquial  
(read: meaningless) sense rather than one of its more rigorously  
defined senses, of which there are a few interesting ones.

Most arguments and disagreements over "complexity" are fundamentally  
about the strict definition of the term, or the complete absence  
thereof.  The arguments tend to evaporate if everyone is forced to  
unambiguously define such terms, but where is the fun in that.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Re: Language learning

2008-04-21 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 21, 2008, at 12:53 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
Like English speakers learning Hindu cannot learn to speak the 3  

versions of the 'k' sound because they sound the same.

In my experience it is not so much that they sound the same but that  
we don't know how to say them (in terms of mouth mechanics) such that  
we can isolate the difference between sounds that would have been in  
the range of a single phoneme in English.  I had that problem learning  
other 'k' sounds (not Hindi though).  I figured that out when trying  
to teach people the different sounds in the range of 't' and 'th' that  
have languages that contain only one (or languages which have one that  
is neither English 't' nor 'th', like some Asian languages).

My problem learning new sounds was not from an inability to hear the  
difference but finding someone who could explain what the difference  
was, which can really only be usefully described by the difference in  
mechanics of generating the sound (most people attempt to explain by  
example, which is clearly useless).  It has less to do with not being  
able to hear the difference and more to do with not knowing which  
differences are important and which are noise.

The part of the brain responsible for
auditory phoneme recognition becomes read-only by age 6.  So we all  

foreign languages learned at later ages with an accent.

This appears trivially falsifiable.  While I know it seems true in  
many cases, I know of a few people who came to the US from Asia in the  
mid-teens who speak perfect accent-free American English that was  
learned when they moved to the US.  Quite a phoneme change from tonal  
East Asian languages, and you would never know they were not born here.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-17 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 17, 2008, at 3:32 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:

Disk access rate is ~10 times faster than ethernet access rate.  IMO,
if RAM is not enough the next thing to turn to should be the harddisk.

Eh?  Ethernet latency is sub-millisecond, and in a highly tuned system  
approaches the 10 microsecond range for something local.  Much, much  
faster than disk if the remote node has your data in RAM and is  
relatively local.

Note that "relatively local" can mean geographically regional.  The  
round-trip RAM access time from my machine to a machine on the other  
side of town is a fraction of millisecond over the Internet connection  
(not hypothetical, actually measured at ~400 microseconds).  I wish  
disk access was even remotely that good.  And this was with  
inexpensive Gigabit Ethernet.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-17 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 17, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
Actually, it's far worse than that.  For serious systems, most of  
the heavy lifting is done inside the database with stored procedures  
which are not standard AT ALL.  SQL is reasonably easy to port.   
Stored procedures that do a lot of work are not.

The standard is SQL/PSM, which looks similar to Oracle's PL/SQL (and  
PostgreSQL's pl/pgsql).  As a practical matter, support is not  
consistent enough or widespread enough for it to be entirely usable  
for purposes of portability though it is getting better.

To be fair, full SQL/PSM support will not be core in PostgreSQL until  
the next release.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-17 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 17, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Mark Waser wrote:
It has always been posssible to tweak any of the databases to the  
other's transactional model.

Eh? Choices in concurrency control and scheduling run very deep in a  
database engine, with ramifications that cascade through every other  
part of the system.  Equivalent transaction isolation levels can  
behave very different in practice depending on the internal  
transaction representation and management model.  You cannot turn off  
these side-effects, and you cannot "tweak" a non-MVCC-ish model to  
behave like an MVCC-ish model at runtime in any way that matters.

Second of all, it was not a weakness -- it was a deliberate choice  
of optimization -- it was a choice of OLAP over OLTP (and, let's be  
honest, for most databases on limited memory machines with low OLTP  
requirements, this was the correct choice until ballooning memories  
made the reverse true).

The rise of the Internet, with its massive OLTP load characteristic,  
kind of settled the issue.  It is true though that Oracle-like OLTP  
monsters have significantly higher resource overhead for storing the  
same set of records.  These days it is concurrency bottlenecks that  
will kill you.

So, is your claim that Oracle distributes better than Microsoft?  If  
so, why?

Very mature implementation of the concepts, and almost every  
conceivable mechanism and model for doing it is hidden under the  
hood.  Remember, they started introducing the relevant concepts ages  
ago in Oracle 7, though in practice it was mostly unusable until  
relatively recently.   Consequently, their implementation is easily  
the most general in that it works moderately well across the broadest  
number of use cases because they've been tweaking that aspect for  
years.  Other commercial implementations tend to only work for a much  
narrower set of use cases.  In short, Oracle has a long head start.

There are new transactional architectures in academia that should  
work better in a modern distributed environment than any of the  
current commercial adaptations of classical architectures to  
distributed environments.

And PostgreSQL will probably implement them long before Oracle or MS.

Ironically, a specific design decision that has created a fair amount  
of argument for years makes PostgreSQL the engine starting from the  
closest design point.  PostgreSQL does not support threading and only  
uses a single process per query execution, originally for portability  
and data safety reasons -- the extreme hackability would be difficult  
to do otherwise.  This made certain types of trivial parallelism for  
OLAP difficult.  On the other hand, it has had distributed lock  
functionality for a number of versions now.

If you look at newer models explicitly designed to make transactional  
database scale better across distributed systems, you find that they  
are built on a design requirement of single processes per resource,  
strict access serialization, no local parallelism, and distributed  
locks.  Which is not that far removed from where PostgreSQL is today,  
if you remove massive local concurrency support and its high overhead.  
There are a number of outfits (see for a very  
advanced implementation) that have hacked PostgreSQL to scale across  
very large clusters for OLAP by essentially making the necessary  
tweaks to approximate these types of models.  The next step would be  
to rip out a lot of expensive bits based on classical design  
assumptions that make distributed write loads scale poorly.

In a sense, a design choice that has traditionally put some limits on  
scaling PostgreSQL for OLAP put it in exactly the right place to make  
implementation of next-generation architectures as natural of an  
evolution as can be expected in this case.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-17 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
PostgreSQL server simply by copy the data and rebinding a WINS name  
or an IP address, I would be in hog heaven even if support wasn't  
absolutely guaranteed since I could always switch back. Given that  
there's a huge transition cost (changing scripts, procedures, etc.),  
I can't get *ANY* agreement for the thought of switching (and I'm  
sure that there are *MANY* more in my circumstances).

The only corporate database that relatively easily ports back and  
forth with PostgreSQL is Oracle. Nonetheless, a number of people have  
ported applications to PostgreSQL from MS-SQL with good results;  
questions about porting nuances come up regularly on the PostgreSQL  
mailing lists.

Beyond your basic ANSI compliance, database portability only sort of  
exists.  Inevitably people use non-standard platform features that  
expose the specific capabilities of the engine being used to maximize  
performance.  As a practical matter, you pick a database platform and  
stick with it as long as is reasonably possible.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-17 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 17, 2008, at 6:07 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
I have to laugh at your total avoidance of Microsoft SQL Server  
which is arguably faster and better scaling for truly mixed use than  
everything except possibly Oracle on ordinary hardware; which is  
much easier to use than Oracle; and which is the easiest to actually  
put *GOOD* code in the database engine itself (particularly when  
compared to Oracle's *REALLY* poor java imitation).

Discussing SQL Server does not generalize well in that they  
reimplement the core engine design with almost every release once they  
realize they hosed the design with the last release.  For example, up  
until SQL Server 2005 the transaction engine was weak such that  
PostgreSQL could spank it in transaction throughput -- in 2005 they  
switched to a transaction model more like PostgreSQL and Oracle and  
gained some parity.  SQL Server still does not really distribute all  
that easily, unlike Oracle or PostgreSQL.

SQL Server versions before the current two year old one were pretty  
much dogs in a lot of ways.  The most recent version is as you state a  
pretty solid database engine.  Oracle is a major pain in the ass to  
use but does scale well, though for many OLTP loads it is barely  
faster than PostgreSQL these days.

If putting your code in the engine is the goal, PostgreSQL wins by a  
country mile.  The entire engine from front to back is deeply hackable  
with very clean APIs and you can even safely bind binary code into the  
engine at runtime.  That the transaction engine scales quite well is  
just a bonus.  People have already written hooks for a dozen languages  
into it.  I've written performance-sensitive customizations of  
PostgreSQL in the past, and for purposes like that it can often be  
much faster than the commercial alternatives, as the alternatives tend  
to be relatively feature poor and shallow when it comes to engine  
customization.  Making deep and very flexible customization a safe  
core feature was a design decision tradeoff in PostgreSQL that is  
somewhat unique to it.  You can do a lot of really cool software  
implementation tricks with it that Oracle and SQL Server do not do.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-17 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 17, 2008, at 2:50 AM, YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:

ARC (Adaptive Cache Replacement) seems to be one of the most popular
methods, and it's based on keeping track of "frequently used" and
"recently used".  Unfortunately, for AGI / inference purposes, those
may not be the right optimization objectives.

It is a cache replacement algorithm, what would be a "right  
optimization objective" for such an algorithm?  There is a lot of  
cleverness in the use of the cache to maximize cache efficiency beyond  
the cache replacement algorithm -- it is one of the most heavily  
engineered parts of a database engine.

As an FYI, ARC is patented by IBM.  PostgreSQL uses a different but  
similar algorithm that is indistinguishable from ARC in benchmarks  
(having implemented ARC briefly, not realizing that it was patented).

The requirement of inference is that we need to access a lot of
*different* nodes, but the same nodes may not be required many times.
Perhaps what we need is to *bundle* up nodes that are associated with
each other, so we can read a whole block of nodes with 1 disk access.
This requires a very special type of storage organization -- it seems
that existing DBMSs don't have it =(

Again, most good database engines can do this, as it is a standard  
access pattern for databases, and most databases can solve this  
problem multiple ways.  As an example, clustering and index- 
organization features in databases address your issue here.

It is pretty difficult to generate an access pattern use case that  
they cannot be optimized for with a good database engine.  They are  
very densely engineered pieces of software, designed to be very fast  
while scaling well in multiple dimensions and adapting to varying  
workloads.  On the other hand, if your use case is simple enough you  
can gain some significant speed for modest effort by writing your own  
engine that is purpose-built to be optimized for your needs.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] database access fast enough?

2008-04-16 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Apr 16, 2008, at 9:51 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:

Typically we need to retrieve many nodes from the DB to do inference.
The nodes may be scattered around the DB.  So it may require *many*
disk accesses.  My impression is that most DBMS are optimized for
complex queries but not for large numbers of simple retrievals -- am I
correct about this?

No, you are not correct about this.  All good database engines use a  
combination of clever adaptive cache replacement algorithms (read:  
keeps stuff you are most likely to access next in RAM) and cost-based  
optimization (read: optimizes performance by adaptively selecting  
query execution algorithms based on measured resource access costs) to  
optimize performance across a broad range of use cases.  For highly  
regular access patterns (read: similar query types and complexity),  
the engine will converge on very efficient access patterns and  
resource management that match this usage.  For irregular access  
patterns, it will attempt to dynamically select the best options given  
recent access history and resource cost statistics -- not always the  
best result (on occasion hand optimization could do better), but more  
likely to produce good results than simpler rule-based optimization on  

Note that by "good database engine" I am talking engines that actually  
support these kinds of tightly integrated and adaptive management  
features: Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, et al.  This does *not* include  
MySQL, which is a naive and relatively non-adaptive engine, and which  
scales much worse and is generally slower than PostgreSQL anyway if  
you are looking for a free open source solution.

I would also point out that different engines are optimized for  
different use cases.  For example, while Oracle and PostgreSQL share  
the same transaction model, Oracle design decisions optimized for  
massive numbers of small concurrent update transactions and PostgreSQL  
design decisions optimized for massive numbers of small concurrent  
insert/delete transaction.  Databases based on other transaction  
models, such as IBM's DB2, sacrifice extreme write concurrency for  
superior read-only performance.  There are unavoidable tradeoffs with  
such things, so the market has a diverse ecology of engines that have  
chosen a different set of tradeoffs and buyers should be aware of what  
these tradeoffs are if scalable performance is a criteria.

J. Andrew Rogers

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[agi] META: email format (was Why Hugo de Garis is WRONG!)

2008-03-26 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

Hi Mark,

Could you *please* not send HTML email?  Ignoring that it is generally  
considered poor netiquette, and for good reason, it frequently gets  
turned into barely readable hash by even the most modern email clients.

I am using 2.0 on OSX 10.5 which handles rendering better  
than most, and most HTML email is *still* generally rendered as far  
uglier and less readable than plaintext email.  Given that HTML email  
does not add anything substantive could we please stick to plaintext  
for the sake of communication?


J. Andrew Rogers

On Mar 26, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
Before swatting at one of those pesky flies that come out as the  
days lengthen and the temperature rises, one should probably think  
twice. A University of Missouri researcher has found, through the  
study of Drosophila (a type of fruit fly), that by manipulating  
levels of certain compounds associated with the "circuitry" of the  
brain, key genes related to memory can be isolated and tested. The  
results of the study may benefit human patients suffering from  
Parkinson's disease and could eventually lead to discoveries in the  
treatment of depression.


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Re: [agi] RE:P2P and/or communal AGI development [WAS Hacker intelligence level...]

2007-12-03 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Dec 3, 2007, at 12:52 PM, John G. Rose wrote:

For some lucky cable folks the BW is getting ready to increase soon:

I'm yet to fully understand the limitations of a P2P based AGI  
design or the
augmentational ability of a public P2P network on a private P2P  

constructed for AGI. I would count out P2P AGI so quickly.

Distributed algorithms tend to be far more sensitivity to latency than  
bandwidth, except to the extent that low bandwidth induces latency.   
As a practical matter, the latency floor of P2P is so high that most  
algorithms would run far faster on a small number of local machines  
than a large number of geographically distributed machines.

There is a reason people interested in high-performance computing tend  
to spend more on their interconnect than their compute nodes.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Where are the women?

2007-11-28 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
nd if what you assert is true, where are all the female COBOL  

wait, why do I have to manipulate complex multi-dimensional graphs in
my head?  I'm a programmer and I've never done that before.  I'd be
interested in knowing why you think this skill is important, but I can
guarantee you many programmers never do it.

Uh, what kind of programming do you do that you would assume that  
almost the entire software universe is working in some kind of linear  
scripting environment?

Any code design of any significant complexity is generally *always* a  
complex multi-dimensional graph, particularly true if scalability  
matters.  It is not something you do consciously, but any programmer  
that works on sufficiently complex software systems is doing it.  If  
you are gluing all the fancy complex code engines together with a few  
glue bits (a lot of web apps are like this) then I suppose it is  
possible to avoid it because some other programmer did the heavy  
lifting.  Which is a good thing because most programmers cannot be  
trusted to produce theoretically complex software elements -- an  
observation, not a criticism.

Communication is necessary for programmers?  I'd say useful, but not

What on earth do you think code is?  The only difference between code  
and people-talk is that code requires precision and non-ambiguity  
since incorrect results are generally considered unacceptable.

Why do you think it is innate?

Because I've never seen anyone learn it, ever; experience changes a  
lot, but the ability to handle complex abstract models doesn't seem  
to.  I've known many software engineers with careers that span decades  
and bucketloads of experience that really don't grok graphs beyond a  
certain complexity -- it is a bit like you reach a certain description  
threshold where pushing more bits into the model makes other bits fall  
out.  That threshold varies from individual to individual, and it is  
difficult to not notice that the correlation between really bright  
software designers and people who are quite apparently able to  
atypically work with complex models in their heads.  I've worked on  
more than one software project where there were members of the team  
that quite obviously never grokked the dynamic characteristics of a  
system even after many months of intimate experience with it, whereas  
others grokked it quickly.  It had nothing to do with education or  
experience or even desire to learn in many cases.

There is a lot of anecdotal and some literature evidence for this even  
if you restrict yourself to the pool of pasty white male software  
geeks.  It is also probably why software has the unique feature that  
half the really brilliant people working in it do not come from a  
traditional CS background; it was not education per se that made them  
great.  The noted correlations with neurological structures is likely  
not coincidental either.

Mostly though, I've never seen anyone learn to develop the ability to  
deal with very complex models that otherwise had all the necessary  
background.  Individual ability to deal with abstract complexity has  
always been remarkably constant over the years in my experience.  I  
have seen people that clearly had the ability from very early on  
develop the knowledge to put it to work in the software domain; this  
ability manifests long before it can be productively applied.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Where are the women?

2007-11-28 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Nov 28, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Ed Porter wrote:
I talked to her about the gap between women and men in science, and  
claimed under her stewardship her junior high schools got a grant to  

the teaching of math to girls, and, in stark contrast to the previous
condition, after several years the girls were outperforming the boys
substantially on math aptitude tests.

Up through junior high, it is *typical* for females to do better than  
males on math aptitude tests, so the apparent implication that this is  
not the case is misplaced.  If the females were underperforming males  
in that age range then it probably indicates a problem with the  
curriculum.  Male aptitude catches up and passes females starting  
around the beginning of high school, a pattern that holds across  
countries and cultures.

I would also point out that at the younger ages you are primarily  
learning arithmetic, which has characteristics that are not  
representative of mathematics at large, which may have something to do  
with it.  If you measured math aptitude in 6th grade and at the math  
department of a university, you would be measuring very different  


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Where are the women?

2007-11-28 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Nov 28, 2007, at 9:18 AM, Robin Gane-McCalla wrote:

The interesting thing about CS and AI is that they are man-defined
fields whereas physics, chemistry, biology etc are defined by nature.

Only to the extent that mathematics is "man-defined", but then physics  
et al are built entirely on mathematics so I'm not sure where you are  
going with this.  Computer science, and by extension AI, is not a  
field coalesced out of an arbitrary set of brain farts.

Perhaps the simple fact that almost all programming languages and
concepts in AI were designed by white males (and a geeky subculture of
white males at that) is the main factor that has limited the entrance
of women and other minorities rather than other cultural differences.

The only substantive cultural bias in programming languages is the  
pervasive use of English language keywords, which hasn't seemed to  
slow down pasty white males who do not speak English a whit.  There  
are only a handful of abstract concepts that underly all programming  
languages, and if you understand those abstract concepts then the  
construction details of the programming language are largely  
immaterial.  How, precisely, would a female minority design a lambda  
calculus programming language that would be radically different from  
the myriad of such languages invented by pasty white male geeks?

Programming languages are derived from mathematical models, with some  
application-oriented syntactic sugar to make common operations  
simpler.  They are precise and highly regular constructs whose only  
"cultural bias" is that they disallow ambiguity as a basic feature  
that follows from their mathematical derivation.  Being able to  
manipulate complex multi-dimensional graphs in your head and  
communicate without ambiguity are the only background skills required  
to be a good software geek; the latter is learnable, but I suspect the  
former is largely innate and even most white males are relatively poor  
at it.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: Re[6]: [agi] Danger of getting what we want [from AGI]

2007-11-27 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Nov 27, 2007, at 7:21 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:

As a counterexample, evolution is already smarter than
the human brain.  It just takes more computing power.  Evolution has  

out how to make humans out of simple chemicals.

"figured out"?  So if we implemented a planet kill, this "evolution"  
fellow would whip up another batch of humans posthaste?

Lotto balls must be brilliant economists; they make multi-millionaires  
with impressive regularity.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Funding AGI research

2007-11-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
up with the ideas?  And if so, why was it so hard to convince  
everyone else?  No one is making the claim that there is no market  
for AGI today that I know of.

If someone had an AGI as thoroughly designed and spec-ed as Babbage  
or Leibniz, they would have little problem selling it, but the  
reality is that we do not have an AGI market full of Babbage and  
Leibniz, we have an AGI market for wannabes that aspire to being  
Babbage or Leibniz.  That is a distinction with a difference, and the  
cases are not analogous.  Babbage and Leibniz competently designed  
things for which their was no market.  A market exists for AGI, there  
simply have been no Babbage's around to meet that market.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Funding AGI research

2007-11-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
ocess works.  You don't have to look viable to yourself, you have  
to look viable to everyone else.  Proving your viability is *your*  
job, and it is no one else's fault if you are incapable of doing it.   
I empathize, but I figured out that you can accomplish far more by  
playing the game according to the actual rules than by inventing your  
own rules and expecting everyone to accept them.

If you are smart enough to create AGI, you are smart enough to game  
the rules of the real world to your advantage without too much  
effort; don't fight it, use it.  It is a waste of effort discussing  
how things "ought" to be.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Funding AGI research

2007-11-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Nov 18, 2007, at 10:45 AM, Benjamin Goertzel wrote:

AGI is always going to be viewed as a major technology risk,
unless one comes into the fundraising process with an extremely
strong prototype (and maybe even then).

With a strong prototype, you can get enough of the right people on- 
board such that the perception of technology risk can be greatly  
mitigated.  It is theater, but it does make a useful measure by proxy  
of the technology for investors who cannot make a really thorough  
evaluation of the technology themselves.

Mitigaging the people-risk requires getting experienced businesspeople
on board, which is generically difficult for an AGI company because  
of the bad

reputation AI has.

Yes, and a lot of investors use this as a filter for a technology  
venture.  If you cannot find a competent business person you can sell  
the technology venture to, it is interpreted to mean that there is  
probably no practical business there.  AI is bad in this way, both  
because it has a well-deserved poor reputation *and* it is so  
difficult to evaluate from the standpoint of someone who is not  
deeply technical.

Mitigating the market risk means finding a market niche where  

work toward AGI is of dramatically more economic value than narrow-AI
technology.  I think this is really the hard part.

Yes, and this remains true even if you have concrete, demonstrable  
proof of solving the general case.  If they perceive an incremental  
path that can generate revenue, that's the path they want you to take  
even if you could ultimately make more money faster by jumping  
straight to the end point.  It is the way these things work.

The particular risk they are mitigating here is that of poor  
execution, which is significant no matter how killer the technology.   
The less execution required, the lower the odds you'll do it poorly.

As I've said before, I am bullish on virtual worlds and gaming as  
an area where
early-stage AGI tech can have dramatically more economic value than  
crafted narrow-AI.   Humanoid robotics is clearly another such  
area, but a trickier
area to get started in right now.  But I'm not saying these are the  
only examples.

Virtual worlds are an interesting sector because they touch a lot of  
areas where current computer science does not have a good off-the- 
shelf solution.  It is an environment that makes many inadequacies  
obvious that software designers have been very good at masking.

I have some significant involvement in the virtual world space  
myself; while it does not interest me per se, there are a number of  
interesting business opportunities surrounding it.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Funding AGI research

2007-11-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Nov 18, 2007, at 10:41 AM, Richard Loosemore wrote:

An investor will want to know
what creative ideas you have that *directly* start to solve that

These are available!  Both Ben and I have detailed plans.  Neither  
of us say "just trust me".

Wait, what?  The "that problem" in this case is not AI, from a  
venture finance standpoint.  Understand that you are essentially  
selling "a non-demonstrable idea on how to do research that may  
ultimately allow us to solve a problem", which is not the same thing  
as "solving the problem".  You are looking for research money, not  
venture money.

One is allowed to have some amount of uncertainty in the business  
side of a venture because such things are always a bit non- 
deterministic.  You can come up with an exceptionally detailed  
business plan for how you are going to become the next Sausage King  
of Chicago, but you never really know how the market game will unfold  
in practice.

Technology, on the other hand, can be very strictly evaluated in  
considerable detail such that there is little or no risk that it will  
turn out to be infeasible; it may not be economical or practical, but  
it will technically work.  Furthermore, an acceptably detailed  
description such that you are not tacitly stating "just trust me" is  
indistinguishable from a prototype for most purposes.  Unless the  
documentation demonstrates conclusively why the technology *must*  
work as intended, it is a "just trust me" proposition.  And in some  
cases you can find investors who will find this to be an acceptable  
proposition if you have the rest of your game in order.

It sounds to me like you are either making a stronger assertion about  
your design and documentation than I see Ben usually make, or you are  
implicitly saying "just trust me" to investors and do not realize it.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Funding AGI research

2007-11-18 Thread J . Andrew Rogers

On Nov 18, 2007, at 3:40 AM, Bob Mottram wrote:

I've heard people on AI forums make this claim many times over the
last 15 years - something like "I have discovered the secret of AI
!... but I'm not going to tell you what it is unless you give me a lot
of money".  I think the thing which makes the difference between
regular charlatanry and an investable project is whether or not you
can show something which might indicate that it's really feasible -
even if that something is less than a fully working prototype.  The
charlatan of course will always flatly refuse to reveal the smallest

Yet crazy "blue sky" ideas get funded semi-regularly by knowledgeable  
investors.  Some pan out, most don't.

One does not necessarily have to prove a prototype to fund a "blue  
sky" venture.  Indeed, if you have a prototype it is no longer "blue  
sky".  There is at least one other type of asset that can be a  
sufficient condition to get conventional venture funding, though it  
may take nearly as much work: reputation.  Individuals with a  
credible reputation for being capable of feats of technological or  
business wizardry can often raise money entirely on spec because  
their credibility and reputation makes a result plausible.  You still  
need a thorough business plan, but you don't have to prove the  
theoretical nature of the product as your mere involvement mostly  
covers that bit of due diligence since you are presumably more  
capable of that evaluation than anyone else in the room *and* your  
competence at that evaluation is trusted based on past performance.   
Note that having a credible reputation in "AI research" is usually  
not sufficient on its own since that whole field has the patina of  
low credibility, you have to have done something concrete in a more  
real field; Jeff Hawkins, for better or worse, is an example of  
someone involved in AI who can carry himself on reputation regardless  
of proven technical competence in that field.

But again, useful reputation in this regard is rarely inexpensive.   
There are multiple paths to AGI venture funding, and individual  
situations will vary.  This is not just a problem for AI research,  
you often have to bring reputation and/or a thorough description in  
other venture areas as well.  The reality is that (virtually) no AI  
research meets the basic level of description and/or credibility that  
is routinely required in other technology ventures.  Any decent AI  
venture will be able to meet these due diligence thresholds; the  
howls of protest to the contrary are indistinguishable from those of  
crackpots and incompetents in every other venture field.

AI researchers don't get singled out for being AI research per se,  
they simply don't rise to the basic level of due diligence required  
in the venture funding world, even for "blue sky" ventures.  I would  
make the observation that this is eminently fixable if an AI venture  
is worth a damn, and some people do raise money when they approach it  
in a proper venture-funding context.  A2I2 would be an example of an  
AI venture that has been relatively successful in this regard  
*because* Peter Voss understands the mechanics of venture funding as  
a practical matter; there is a lot more to it than thinking you have  
a super-duper AI idea, and competence in execution matters at least  
as much thinking you have an idea.  Proactively minimizing risk in as  
many areas as possible make a venture much more salable, but most AI  
ventures tend to be very apparently risky at many levels that have no  
relation to the AI research per se and the inability of these  
ventures to minimize all that unnecessary risk is a giant mark  
against them.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: Bogus Neuroscience [WAS Re: [agi] Human memory and number of synapses]

2007-10-21 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 21, 2007, at 6:37 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
It took me at least five years of struggle to get to the point  
where I could start to have the confidence to call a spade a spade

It still looks like a shovel to me.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More public awarenesss that AGI is coming fast

2007-10-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:32 PM, John G. Rose wrote:
It's really hard to sell if the deliverable time frame exceeds 3 to  
4 years.

Why does an AGI deliverable require more than 3-4 years?  You better  
have a good answer for that, or no one will fund you.  Most people  
*don't* have a good answer for that.

Ya personally I don't like the VC model it's better to deliver  

results even if they are in baby steps. BUT if the guy next to you is
getting massive investment THEN what route do you take? Definitely  

down to who's got the right software IMO.

There is enough VC money for everyone with a decent business model.   
Honestly, most AGI is not a decent business model.  Otherwise  
Mentifex would be smothered in cash.  It might even keep him quiet.

Good AGI with adequate reputation would have no problem getting  
funded.  Indeed, mediocre AGI with adequate reputation routinely gets  
funded.  The problem is an absence of  both reputation and business  
credibility.  There are a lot of people with crap reputation that can  
still turn a dollar.

The reality remains that virtually all AGI projects are objectively  
crap investments, and consequently it is an uphill battle to find  
people willing to make such investments.  A track record is huge;  
proving that you have delivered on insanity in the past will have VCs  
lining up to invest in your insanity in the future.  But you have to  
have delivered at some point.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More public awarenesss that AGI is coming fast

2007-10-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:00 PM, Benjamin Goertzel wrote:
I think that AGI for agent control in virtual worlds is not so  
in terms of appealing to VC's ... there's a real market there, and  
clearly a situation where more and more powerful AGI can yield more  

more profits...

The problem is that VCs want nominally provable profits.  AGI does  
not fall under that classification unless it is so good that you do  
not need VCs.  Mind you, I have no problems with VCs and find them  
easy to work with, but they are usually good for a certain type of  
business.  Angels are better for spec work, but less reliable and the  
dollars are smaller.

I have talked to a number of VC's in recent months -- and by and  
large they
want to pigeonhole us as a company that forever will be focused on  
our first product is gonna be (If your first product is for  
instance an animal

in virtual worlds then -- bingo! -- you're a virtual animal company!!)

Heh.  Very true.  One of the things that has reduced my annoyance  
over the years is finding VCs that have sufficient vision that I can  
work with them.  There are not many of them, but they are not  
entirely rare either.  The problem is largely if they think the  
venture is common.  You have to be something pretty special for a  
mainstream VC to invest in AGI, which means you have pulled a rabbit  
out of the hat at least once.  And "special" means having a  
conventional track record.

It has been well worth my investment in ruthless conventional  
business to develop the contacts required to fund more exotic  
ventures no questions asked.  It was a long way around, but not much  
has changed in the interim.  If people make enough money, they'll  
invest in crazy ventures.

VC's in nearly all cases don't have a long time horizon, so to find  
an AGI
opportunity that synergizes with their needs requires a good bit of  

If the AGI is any good, wouldn't the time horizon be short...?


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] More public awarenesss that AGI is coming fast

2007-10-18 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 18, 2007, at 10:40 PM, John G. Rose wrote:
Well after living in Seattle during the dot com craze the hype was  
absolutely out of control. Yet people did get funded. Was it all  
worth it?
Hell yeah but the hangover was pretty bad :) AGI IS hypeable but  
people have

to make a conscious decision on whether to do so or not as without any
deliverables it's going to look real bad when the investors pull out.

AGI is poorly suited for venture capital in every case I can think  
of.  Ignoring everything else, it tends to leave the venture  
constantly begging for capital which has serious consequences on  
performance and reputation.  It is a Catch-22, though perhaps well- 

In short, traditional venture capital is a poor finance model for  
AGI.  Which does not suggest other finance models.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: Economic libertarianism [was Re: The first-to-market effect [WAS Re: [agi] Religion-free technical content]

2007-10-10 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 10, 2007, at 2:26 AM, Robert Wensman wrote:

Yes, of course, the Really Big Fish that is democracy.

No, you got this quite wrong.  The Really Big Fish is institution  
responsible for governance (usually the "government"); "democracy" is  
merely a fuzzy category of rule set used in governance.

I am starting to get quite puzzled by all Americans (I don't know  
if you are American though, but I want to express this anyway) who  
express severe distrust in government. Because if you distrust all  
forms of government, what you really distrust is democracy itself.

This bias is for good reason; there are well described pathological  
minima that are essentially unavoidable in a democracy.  The American  
government was explicitly designed as a constitutional republic (not  
a democracy) to avoid these pathologies.  In the 20th century the  
American constitution was changed to make it more like a democracy,  
and the expected pathologies have materialized.

If you do not understand this, then the rest of your reasoning is  
likely misplaced.  Much of American libertarian political thought is  
based on a desire to go back to a strict constitutional republic  
rather than the current quasi-democracy, in large part to fix the  
very real problems that quasi-democracy created.  Many of the "bad"  
things the Federal government is currently accused of were enabled by  
democracy and would have been impractical or illegal under a strict  
constitutional republic.

Here you basically compare democracy to...  whom? The devil!?

Perhaps I should refrain from using literate metaphors in the future,  
since you apparently did not understand it.

My recommendation is to put some faith in the will of the people!  
When you walk on the street and look around you, those are your  
fellow citizen you should feel at least some kind of trust in. They  
are not out to get you!

I'm sure they are all lovely people for the most part, but their  
poorly reasoned good intentions will destroy us all.  The problem is  
not that people are evil, the problem is that humans at large are  
hopelessly ignorant, short-sighted, and irrational even when trying  
to do good and without regard for clearly derivable consequences.

Actually, I believe that the relative stupidity of the population  
could act as a kind of protection against manipulation.

Non sequitur.

Also, the history shows that intelligence is no guarantee for  
power. The Russian revolution and the genocide in Cambodia  
illustrates effectively how intelligent people were slaughtered by  
apparently less intelligent people, and later how they were  
controlled to the extreme for decades.

You are improperly conflating intelligence and rationality.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: Economic libertarianism [was Re: The first-to-market effect [WAS Re: [agi] Religion-free technical content]

2007-10-09 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 9, 2007, at 4:27 AM, Robert Wensman wrote:
This is of course just an illustration and by no means a proof that  
the same thing would occur in a laissez-faire/libertarianism  
economy. Libertarians commonly put blame for monopolies on  
government involvement, and I guess some would object that I  
unfairly compares fish that eat each other with a non-violent  
economy. But lets just say I do not share their relaxed attitude  
towards the potential threat of monopoly, and a bigger fish eating  
a smaller fish do have some similarity to a bigger company  
acquiring a smaller one.

The only solution to this problem I ever see suggested is to  
intentionally create a Really Big Fish called the government that can  
effortlessly eat every fish in the pond but promises not to -- to  
prevent the creation of Really Big Fish.  That is quite the Faustian  
bargain to protect yourself from the lesser demons.

Generally though, the point that you fail to see is that an AGI can  
just as easily subvert *any* power structure, whether the environment  
is a libertarian free market or an autocratic communist state.  The  
problem has nothing to do with the governance of the economy but the  
fact that the AGI is the single most intelligent actor in the economy  
however you may arrange it.  You can rearrange and change the rules  
as you wish, but any economy where transactions are something other  
than completely random is an economy that can be completely dominated  
by AGI in short order.  The game is exactly the same either way, and  
more rigid economies have much simpler patterns that make them easier  
to manipulate.

Regulating economies to prevent super-intelligent actors from doing  
bad things is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-05 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 5, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
There is nothing necessary to hold up in court.  The  
trustees/"trustworthy owners" are taking the action.  The fact that  
their decision was based upon the ramblings of an AGI is entirely  
irrelevant as far as the legal system is concerned.  There is, of  
course, the danger of trustee defection but I don't believe that  
you can legally stop that short of declaring the AGI a person and  
making the trustees unnecessary (and I'm not holding my breath).   
The entire point of the trustees is to provide the correct legal  
cover for the AGI.

That sounds like a contributor lawsuit waiting to happen outside of  
the contributors contractually agreeing to have zero rights, and who  
would want to sign such a contract?


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-05 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 5, 2007, at 6:32 AM, Mark Waser wrote:

This is the kind of "control freak" tendency that  makes many  
startup ventures untenable; if you cannot give up some  control  
(and I will grant such tendencies are not natural), you might  not  
be the best person to be running such a startup venture.

Yup, my suggestion of giving control to five or six "trustworthy  
owners" is definitely the epitome of "control freak".:-)

Why all the emotion?

No emotion, just a practical observation.  Lacking real capital of  
some type in the sense most investors would recognize, you do not  
usually have the luxury of control.  Or more accurately, you can have  
control to the exclusion of others participating.  Lack of capital  
(of all types) is deadly to a startup venture, and that very much  
appears to be the case here.

Blue sky ventures and "maintaining control" are pretty much in   
opposition to each other if you do not want to marginalize your   
funding opportunities.  The lack of intrinsic capital is going to   
make things tough, because the only real currency you have *is*  

No, the real currency that I want to have is an awesome talent pool  
and some good demonstrable progress before we look for additional  

Declaring your talent pool as "awesome" does not make it meaningfully  
awesome to the rest of the world ipso facto.  Same goes for  
"demonstrable progress" short of a Killer Demo(tm).  To the rest of  
investor universe, this looks a lot like yet another attempt at a  
poorly organized and value poor AI venture.  I would make the  
additional observation that you do not bootstrap a seed with five or  
six peers, more like two to three and maybe four.  Far too much  
dilution of focus and vision otherwise which will bleed energy.

What distinguishes this venture from the hundreds of other ones that  
are frankly indistinguishable from yours?  It is a bit like true  
religion.  Everyone says their wonky AI venture is the One True  
Venture, but if you do not have religion -- and investors generally  
do not -- they all look pretty much the same.  The paucity of  
credibility that afflicts those hundreds of other AI ventures appears  
to afflict yours just as much.  What is that killer thing that you  
can convincingly demonstrate you have that no one else can?  Without  
that, your chances are poor on many different levels.

I'm trying to find your unique angle here, but have come up empty so  

Yes, that is going to reduce my funding opportunities -- but it's a  
requirement that I'm not willing to concede and I will black-ball  
any "trustworthy owner" candidates who show *any* signs of being  
willing to concede it.

I'm not trying to stop you, I'm merely pointing out that it will very  
significantly reduce your opportunities and probably far more than  
you are anticipating.  Either way, it won't be *my* problem. :-)  I'm  
just trying to give you some practical perspective on the venture  
thing, both generally and as it pertains to AI.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-04 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 4, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
(Depending on your  specific type of interest in a company, an  
argument can be made that  warrants can be more valuable than  

Warrants have the same control problems as options do -- magnified  
by the fact that they are transferable.  They are definitely not  
what I would call acceptable for this purpose.

Eh?  What is the problem with them being transferable?  Of what value  
are these instruments to anyone if they are not ultimately  
transferable?  This is the kind of "control freak" tendency that  
makes many startup ventures untenable; if you cannot give up some  
control (and I will grant such tendencies are not natural), you might  
not be the best person to be running such a startup venture.  If I  
was a VC looking at your company -- not a foreign role for me -- the  
fixation on that aspect would raise red flags.

Blue sky ventures and "maintaining control" are pretty much in  
opposition to each other if you do not want to marginalize your  
funding opportunities.  The lack of intrinsic capital is going to  
make things tough, because the only real currency you have *is* control.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-04 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 4, 2007, at 4:35 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
This kinds of things are pretty strictly regulated now, and  
waiting  until the end to contract a stake to your contributors  
would be a  disaster for them in terms of both their return and/or  
tax liability,

If you're waiting until the end to distribute shares/equity, the  
immediate tax liability is nasty because it is counted as a sudden  
transfer of value. The return, however, if the shares/equity were  
sold immediately is exactly the same as if they owned it all  
along.  If, however, ongoing profits are simply distributed  
(instead of equity), there is no problematical sudden transfer of  
value.  And realistically, there aren't going to be profits pre-AGI.

Depending on how the nominal value is disbursed, the true financial  
value can vary significantly.  Other than outright equity,  
Instruments like profit distribution are about the worst in this  
regard, instruments like warrants are among the best (but you can't  
give those to just anyone), and most other instruments fall somewhere  
in the middle.  The difference is significant: the real return  
between the best and worst can easily be 2x.  (Depending on your  
specific type of interest in a company, an argument can be made that  
warrants can be more valuable than equity.)

The closest *decent* way to do what you want to do is to contract   
options upfront with modifying conditions and qualifications based  
on  future performance.

Do you believe that you could successfully do that?  Would you be  
willing to write up an initial shot at it?

Since many startups in Silicon Valley do exactly this, I would say  
that it is quite doable.  It is less flexible and accurate than  
waiting until the end to make determinations of value, but it is a  
fair proxy and both parties have to agree to it anyway.  If  
structured well, bits can frequently be negotiated off-contract later  
if conditions change.  It is how startups deal with things like high  
rates of churn.  Personally, I do find the current state of  
regulation to be irritatingly inflexible.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-03 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 3, 2007, at 5:52 PM, Mark Waser wrote:

>> So, the share allocation is left undetermined, to be determined  
by the AGI someday?

That's what I'm saying currently.  The reality is that my project  
actually has a clear intermediate product that would cleanly allow  
all current contributors to determine an intermediate distribution  
-- but I'm really not ready to discuss (or more importantly defend)  
that yet so it's better to just take it as -- Yes, it will be the AGI.

You may be assuming flexibility in the securities and tax regulations  
than actually exists now.  They've tightened things up quite a bit  
over the last ten years.

Equity and pseudo-equity (like incentive stock options -- ISOs)  
should be contracted at the earliest possible time, and before either  
financial or delivery milestones if at all possible, if you care  
about the value you will actually be delivering to your  
contributors.  Furthermore, you cannot grant equity instruments to  
just anyone, and pseudo-equity instruments like ISOs have a ton of  
rules that limit their ability to return fair value to your  
contributors.  And then there is the what-if of dissolution,  
acquisition, etc in which a pre-AGI determination of equity ownership  
needs to be figured out -- the way you've set it up, the contributors  
would be entitled to squat.

This kinds of things are pretty strictly regulated now, and waiting  
until the end to contract a stake to your contributors would be a  
disaster for them in terms of both their return and/or tax liability,  
never mind the unpleasant scenarios that can occur.  I cannot imagine  
that a savvy person would accept deferred contracting of options and  
equity.  It would be one of the worst possible equity stake schemes I  
have seen.

The closest *decent* way to do what you want to do is to contract  
options upfront with modifying conditions and qualifications based on  
future performance.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-03 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 3, 2007, at 6:20 PM, Benjamin Goertzel wrote:
So you are going to make a special set of corporate bylaws that  
disentangle shares from control?


Something like: the initial "trustworthy owners" are given  
temporary trusteeship over the shares, but are then bound to  
distribute them according to the wishes of the AGI once the AGI  
passes some threshold level of intelligence??

Disentangling shares from control in a way that is actually  
bulletproof and/or legally viable is difficult and relatively  
expensive.  The laws and regulations are generally written  
specifically to make that a pain for anything resembling a for-profit  
entity.  It requires a high degree of trust between multiple parties  
to make it fly without having an unambiguous controlling financial  

One State in the United States (all corporate law is state law for  
most purposes) explicitly allows the creation of non-economic  
interests in limited liability constructs: Nevada.  As far as I know  
it is unique to that State, but it allows one to completely separate   
control from equity.  This only applies to LLCs rather than  
Corporations out of practical necessity, I believe due to securities  
regulations, but it allows 100% of the control to be granted to a  
party that has no financial interest in the organization and which  
has no obligations and receives no profits.  It is obvious this class  
of entity was designed to allow the creation of a controlling  
interest that lacks de facto exposure because the mechanism of  
control has no intrinsic financial value, unlike control that is tied  
to equity of some type.

Incidentally, control of equity must ultimately resolve to a Natural  
Person.  Your AGI will have no legal ownership of anything.  But I  
guess you can worry about that later...


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-03 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 3, 2007, at 3:13 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:

The problem is that I still want to get rich, and to make XYZ a non- 
profit would be dishonest and may result in some awkward  
contradictions later.  (Unless my personality changes... which is  
also possible).

To put it really simply, your venture is no different than dozens,  
nay, hundreds of other ones.  This is a very well vetted area and  
just about every possible organizational possibility has been tried  
numerous times in many contexts with varying levels of success.   
Rather than grasping for a new way to do things that you find  
aesthetically pleasing, you would probably be better off specifying  
what the necessary endpoint is and then pick one of the many extant  
proven structures for achieving those endpoints if the people  
involved are up to the task and study why those structures worked and  
others failed.

What you have proposed is a blue sky startup with the negatives  
compounded by a lack of legitimate experience at pulling such things  
off.  In many ways, you have a naive perspective of the significant  
constraints on implementation this creates.  The risk profile is  
extremely high, which means that your venture is worth approximately  
nothing to anyone, which the all the economic consequences implied.   
Which in short means that you would retain almost no leverage over  
the project even if you did manage to organize it.

You sorely lack capital, whether intellectual, reputation, or cold  
hard cash -- the stuff ventures are built on.  And capital begets  
capital, so there is a virtuous cycle.  That does not mean your  
project is impossible, but it is implausible.  You need to spend more  
time working on accumulating the necessary capital.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Open AGI Consortium

2007-06-02 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 2, 2007, at 10:37 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
If the corporation does have an influx of cash (due to an  
intermediate success), a consensus of active contributors would  
have to decide how much to share out and how much to retain as seed  
money (and I would push real hard for the majority, if not all, of  
it to be retained as seed money -- unless it were the result of a  
single or small number of contributors who needed to be rewarded  
with a substantial chunk).  If the corporation has an influx of  
cash due to an investor or benefactor, it would all be kept as seed  
money to hire individuals (whose contributions would be recognized  
at a reduced rate due to their paid status).

It is worth pointing out that compensation, equity issues, and  
oversight are highly regulated.  About half of the organizational and  
compensation ideas I've seen proposed would require an army of  
lawyers to arrange, have serious consequences that have apparently  
been overlooked, or would simply be illegal under current law.  There  
a complex tax issues that have to be understood as well.

Things used to be more flexible, but they've been tightening the  
screws on creative organization for years in order to "do something"  
about perceived business malfeasance.  The result is that there are  
complex rules and hoops you have to jump through that get worse every  
year, some highly restrictive, if you want to legally organize and  
operate a venture.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-02 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 11:35 PM, Samantha  Atkins wrote:

There are experienced engineers and then there are experienced  
engineers  A few are 10x to 100x more productive than the average  
experienced engineer.  Since in the real world time to  
implementation is the difference between success and failure it is  
not exactly true that experienced software engineers are mere  
commodities of no great importance.   I suspect you know that.

I will readily concede that.  This is a different aspect of it.  The  
variance in the efficacy of software engineers is stunningly high.   
Unfortunately, for most projects I cannot assume I have a super- 
engineer on board, though I would love to have one (or a dozen).

Most algorithm design work these days is done with the abstract  
system design context in mind out of necessity.  It is often that  
context which breaks conventional algorithms, so there is less  
"systems engineering" to it when finished than you might expect.

Yes and no.  Some of those abstract system models are quite  
difficult to implement in reality with sufficient scalability,  
dependability and other desirable motherhoods.

Well, that was kind of my point.  If the desired characteristics are  
explicitly specified, the solutions will be much tighter.  In  
practice, I get these tight specifications regarding scalability and  
failure modes.

So all those software project cost overruns come from what exactly?

Heh. In practice, they come from project managers and/or clients  
unwilling to accept realistic estimates.  That is one of the absurd  
things about software projects; they would rather you lie out your  
ass upfront and bleed them on the back-end than put too large an  
estimate at the beginning.  I'm not saying it makes sense, but it is  
definitely a common pattern.  Small estimate + huge follow-on is  
easier to sell than a huge estimate + small follow-on.  Human nature  
it seems.

Can you get well-bounded costs on entire systems?  Not really.  How  

Eh?  Worst case scenario, assuming some semblance of competence, is a  
small integer factor discrepancy and usually less.  The really hairy  
problems are those that have been spec-ed with no obvious solution.   
That's when most consulting firms pray that the brains in their  
outfit will deliver them.  Which was me, at one time.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-02 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 2:13 PM, Russell Wallace wrote:
Given a precise specification, the cost of converting it into code  
is reasonably predictable, yes. The more difficult and  
unpredictable part is coming up with the spec in the first place.  
I'm not talking about writing version 3 of your in-house payroll  
program using the same tools you used for versions 1 and 2; sure,  
that doesn't take a big leap into the unknown - it doesn't require  
new algorithms either. I'm talking about creating products that  
didn't exist before.

Designing and building new systems with novel ideas from scratch,  
systems the likes of which have not been built before, is not new to  
me.  I've done it for Global 100 companies, and numerous smaller  
ones.  I am perfectly familiar with the problem space on the systems  
engineering side.  In some of the more interesting cases, it was  
taking risks with several hundred million dollars in transactions  
based on exotic analytics, in spaces and using techniques that had  
never been attempted.

I have, on occasion, dabbled in mundane systems but most have  
involved odd problem spaces.  Fundamentally new apps are not  
something I have not experienced before.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-02 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 10:10 PM, Samantha  Atkins wrote:
Well, in my graduate database implementation class we had to design  
parts of a relational database from scratch.  My design for  
handling the B+-tree concurrency was almost exactly like the Lehman- 
Yao algorithm.   So it isn't all that obscure.   I see there  
algorithm was published in 1981.  My class was in the fall of  
1980.  Yet another place where not knowing how the academic game is  
played was a bit of a handicap.  I just figured stuff out as I  
needed it for the pure joy of it.

Yeah, but you are brighter than most, and genuinely interested in the  
problems.  I routinely run into people nominally with CompSci degrees  
who are dumb as a bag of hammers when it comes to theory or problem  
solving.  Lehman-Yao is not complex, in fact it is quite simple and  
elegant, but it requires grokking the nature of the problem such that  
the solutions are obvious.

It is a minority in CS that do all the heavy lifting of being able to  
solve real algorithm problems.  It is not a light discipline, and  
most are not suited for it.

Most engineers are not all that good at mathematical reasoning.   
They aren't so great at stepping back from the details and seeing  
the working abstractions and patterns behind the details in  
reasonably full generality and formally capturing and manipulating  
those patterns.  Without this ability they often produce sub- 
optimal, brittle results that cannot be easily adapted to somewhat  
different but quite related cases.  While I am better at this than  
many working software engineers I learned a long time ago to  
respect the more mathematical, abstract and theoretical work in  
Computer Science.  So I mine  those papers for ideas, abstractions  
and approaches I missed and was often too head down to see.  I  
would pay a lot for comp sci papers from a few years from now much  
less fifty years out!

Someone after my own heart. :-)


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 1:52 PM, Russell Wallace wrote:

So you think the people who created products like Windows, Excel  
and Firefox shouldn't be writing software? That's the sort of thing  
I'm talking about, not little utilities or version 3 of your  
company's payroll program using the same tools you used for  
versions 1 and 2. This is the frigging AGI list we're having this  
conversation on, after all, not the "writing small in-house  
scripting stuff" list.

The thing is, designing a product like Windows, Excel, and Firefox  
are to a significant extent pretty different than an AGI.  It seems  
pretty obvious to me that an AGI will be a lot more like a systems  
engine design than a feature-centric user application.  Windows would  
straddle this a bit since it does have an operating system kernel  
somewhere underneath that mess.  I would expect the AGI userland to  
be pretty thin (at least at first) and fairly arbitrary.  Lots of  
tightly specified magic that does not require that much code  
(relative to something like Firefox or Excel) underneath a very  
compact API, analogous to modern database engines (except that modern  
database engines have massive accreted userlands and relatively tiny  


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Benjamin Goertzel wrote:

Actually, it is quite possible to patent something purely  
protectively -- i.e. get the patent but then give everyone in the  
world the right to freely use the idea ;-) ... the point being to  
stop anyone else from fallaciously patenting it...

It would be a lot cheaper just to publish it.  Patents, done  
correctly, are pretty expensive.

J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 1:12 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:

Also can you tell me what you're referring to by "well-documented  
social harm"?

Patents are a market regulating mechanism, and therefore reduce the  
efficiency of the market in theory -- it increases the cost to the  
consumer for the patented technology.  The other side of that  
equation is that patents nominally increase innovation which returns  
value to the consumer in other less obvious but important ways that  
are difficult to quantify.

Whether patent-like regulations are harmful or helpful depends on  
whether the direct impact in market price are greater or lesser than  
the indirect impact of innovation rates and characteristics.  It is a  
complex calculus and the direct and indirect impacts vary widely as a  
function of numerous environmental and demographic factors, which  
could lead one to conclude that they should actively managed in the  
same way the Federal Reserve manages the money supply.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 11:40 AM, Russell Wallace wrote:
A week of effort will get you a piece of test code that runs in a  
harness to prove the algorithm works. In other words, it will get  
you nothing whatsoever that is of any use by itself. Creating  
software that does something useful typically takes much more than  
six months of effort, and I assure you, it is not work that a  
monkey could do.

The prototype functions as a template that can be utilized in  
building the final product, and I would hardly call demonstrating  
something previously not possible in computer science "nothing  
whatsoever".  It is what separates yet another boring business app  
from novel new app spaces.  It requires nothing more than an  
experienced software engineer to get a production implementation.   
The point is that this part is pure commodity, actually solving  
algorithm problems is not.  You cannot pay X dollars to Y computer  
scientists and get a result in Z months.  For this reason virtually  
all of the economic value is in the algorithms and not the  

Most algorithm design work these days is done with the abstract  
system design context in mind out of necessity.  It is often that  
context which breaks conventional algorithms, so there is less  
"systems engineering" to it when finished than you might expect.

And approximately zero would be spent on its discovery as a  
percentage of total effort. It's all about systems engineering.

Sorry, but the amount of time spent does not determine the value of  
that time.  That idea passed its Sell By date in the late 19th  
century.  Labor has no intrinsic value.  In the case of a software  
application enabled by a new algorithm, virtually *all* of the value  
is in the algorithm.  The value is not in the time spent solving the  
problem but knowing *how* to solve the problem, since the value of  
the labor would be zero without it.  Hell, we have classic allegories  
in the high-tech business that are all about that very point.

If we are allowed to dismiss those parts of reality that we wish to  
ignore by calling them "window dressing" and "irrelevant", then  
algorithm research is irrelevant window dressing, so let's forget  
about it.

Nonsense.  One is fungible, the other is not.  That is distinction  
with a very important economic difference.  Algorithm research has an  
unbounded and unpredictable cost, systems engineering costs are  
generally quite predictable.  I can go to any competent software  
engineer and get a production implementation of an algorithm with  
well-bounded costs.  If I need a new algorithm, many computer  
scientists will never deliver anything useful and it could take  
anywhere from a month to a decade to an eternity to actually deliver  
that new algorithm even if they are capable in theory.  The  
comparative risk between algorithm R&D and implementation of an  
algorithm that already exists is separated by an astronomical gap,  
and "risk" plays a major role in economics.

Predicting the cost and delivery date of something that requires  
inventing technology that has never existed and is known to be  
difficult at a minimum is a fool's game.

If we must acknowledge reality, then the truth is that an algorithm  
by itself is completely useless to anyone. The useful product is,  
to use Fred Brooks' term, the programming systems product, and that  
is where almost all of the effort goes. Furthermore, for any given  
way of solving a problem, even the first product typically has  
serious limitations.

The "systems product" is a commodity product, fungible, the presumed  
algorithm is not.  Apples and oranges.  Talking about "effort" is  
lovely and all, but that is only one facet of the economic calculus.

If you are developing an application that requires solving algorithm  
problems to be feasible, virtually all of the risk is in trying to  
solve those algorithm problems and the capital invested toward that  
end.  Systems engineering is merely overhead and carries little real  
risk sans new algorithm development.  Full life-cycle engineering of  
large-ish software systems is not something unfamiliar to me, and one  
of the reasons I left it was *because* it was boringly predictable.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Russell Wallace wrote:
I'm talking about the process of going from a stack of CS papers to  
a working, useful program. I'm pointing out that most of the  
difficulty lies in that process, not in generating the CS papers.

Designing a useful new algorithm may take six months of research and  
development, but an implementation of that algorithm will take  
something on the order of a week of effort.  There is nothing hard  
about implementation, a monkey could do it given adequate  
instruction.  There is no shortcut to actually having those  

The non-spatial database problem is sufficiently nontrivial in  
implementation that entire corporate lifespans, man-centuries of  
effort, get spent on implementing database systems (_not_, by and  
large, on figuring out the algorithms and data structures). Why do  
you think the spatial database problem will be so much easier?

You are conflating unrelated things, and making a rather significant  
number of assumptions about how an algorithm might be used.   
Approximately *zero* implementation effort would be spent on the  
implementation of a spatial algorithm as a percentage of total  
effort.  A new algorithm is nothing more than an enabling technology  
with inconsequential implementation time in most cases.  All that  
other window dressing is application specific and quite irrelevant.   
My window dressing has no bearing on anyone else's window dressing,  
and is a completely separate calculus.  Having the algorithm defines  
what is possible and what is not,  having an implementation of that  
algorithm is a minor expense and often not even reusable in any case.

The economics of many applications pivot entirely on whether or not  
that algorithm exists, because if it does the expense of  
implementation becomes entirely inconsequential and if it does not no  
amount of implementation investment will overcome the lack of it.   
You seem to be denying this reality.  If this algorithm was patented,  
the market would be defined by the ability to do the R&D, if it was  
not the market would be defined by the ability to pay the very modest  
implementation expense and organizations that had large amounts of  
pre-existing window dressing at their disposal would have a  
significant advantage because they've already finished most of their  
investment in turning out a useful product.  For example, dropping  
new index types into existing transactional database engines usually  
takes effort measured in man-months.

The vast majority of all people that might want to use an algorithm  
(e.g. scalable spatial indexing) will never have any use at all for  
your implementation but will have a huge amount of use for the  
underlying algorithm that makes implementation possible at all.  You  
put way too much value on algorithm implementation.  The basic Google  
software implementation could be built from scratch today for less  
than a million dollars -- chump change -- and is therefore obviously  
not the gating factor in building another Google.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Jun 1, 2007, at 7:48 AM, Russell Wallace wrote:
Rewind a little, to a very basic data-processing problem: sorting a  
simple array. Imagine a programmer who knows no computer science  
trying to tackle this: likely he'll come up with selection or  
insertion or perhaps bubble sort, which will be painfully slow on  
large arrays. Show him a paper with the merge sort algorithm; how  
much of the job have you done for him? Most of it. Anyone competent  
in a general-purpose programming language can write a fully  
adequate implementation of merge sort quite easily.

Sure.  Some algorithms are considerably less obvious than others.

Forward some decades to the problem of writing a conventional  
relational database indexed only by scalar data. Show the  
programmers (notice the plural - we're now at the stage where teams  
are typically involved) a stack of computer science papers, any  
papers you like. How much of the job have you done for them? Very  
little. B-trees are all very fine, but "now I know B-trees" doesn't  
actually help all that much. The hard part is in the implementation  
details, in software engineering not computer science.

You call them "implementation details", but the reason we do not  
actually use vanilla B-Trees is because they have a few pathological  
characteristics e.g. poor concurrency.  After B-Trees were invented  
it took another ten years before someone figured out the trick to  
make them support high-concurrency (Lehman & Yao, 1981).  The trick  
is obvious and simple in retrospect, but it nonetheless took a decade  
for anyone to figure it out.  On the other hand, it took no time at  
all to go from B-Trees to B+Trees.

In computer science today, high-concurrency B+Tree implementations  
are among the more ubiquitous constructs, probably far more  
ubiquitous than a vanilla B-Tree.  These contain two significant  
improvements over B-Trees:  the B+Tree data structure and the Lehman- 
Yao concurrency algorithm.  Based on the evidence at hand and the  
nature of the problems, I think an argument could be made that given  
the B-Tree as a starting point the B+Tree was obvious and might be  
considered an "implementation detail" but the Lehman-Yao concurrency  
algorithm was not.

I put it to you that a spatial database is like this except even  
more so. I predict that even if you could photocopy a stack of  
computer science papers from the year 2057 and put it on the desks  
of a team attempting to write a spatial database, you would have  
done only a small fraction of the job for them - most of the effort  
remains in the engineering.

This argument is neither here nor there.  Do you need CS papers from  
2057 today because the problem is not an "implementation detail"  
today?  You are still using "implementation detail" in a vague and  
poorly defined way.  If you assume the algorithm problem has been  
solved, then of course everything is reduced to implementation detail.

The spatial database problem is trivial in implementation.  The  
problem is that we need to select a space decomposition algorithm  
that works well buried in the innards of an otherwise unremarkable  
design problem.  You may call the design and selection of that  
algorithm an "implementation detail" but it is the fundamental  
limitation and there is no off-the-shelf algorithms that we can plug- 
in there and get good results, despite considerable effort to find  
such an algorithm.  Implementation is irrelevant, it is a design  
space limited entirely by a lack of specific algorithm know-how.  No  
amount of implementation twiddling will generate the required  
characteristics.  And if we *did* have such an algorithm, the spatial  
database engine would design itself since most other aspects are  
thoroughly solved algorithm problems.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-05-31 Thread J. Andrew Rogers
within normal load parameters for a  
conventional database).  Ignore the other major problem  
(distributability) for now.

Spatial data structures/algorithms that scale in size and concurrency  
are pretty fundamental things.  It is analogous to not having B-Trees  
for dimensionless data.


J. Andrew Rogers

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-05-31 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On May 31, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Samantha Atkins wrote:
Actually patents are commonly filed to be as broad as possible.  So  
a very specific way of doing X will be filed as a patent on X.   
Also some things are so obvious that they are very likely to be  
invented over and over again.  The 1-Click patent held by Amazon is  
a good case in point.  Why should everyone have to license or not  
use something so obvious?

These are frivolous patents, and there are as many for hardware as  
for software.  This is a separate problem from software algorithm  
patents in theory.  Incompetent management on many levels does not  
equate to the underlying idea being poor in principle.

There is also the small matter of prior art.  I did a LOT of work  
in distributed objects and object persistence in the mid 80s.  But  
at the time software patents were just not done, at least not by my  
company.  About eight years ago I looked up patents in this area to  
see that Sun and IBM had a number in these areas that my work in  
the 80s certainly was  relevant to and much earlier.  But since   
the company and I did not keep sufficient records and since I  
cannot afford to challenge them myself the current practice would  
restrict me in some cases from using what I myself invented long  
ago.   That is not healthy.

Sure, this happens and it has happened to me.  The software industry  
does not have mature mechanisms for dealing with patent issues (other  
industries handle the mess better), aggravated by the poor job the  
patent office does.  This is a completely separate issue from  
software patents in theory.  If we made it a practice to dissolve  
things merely on the basis that they are currently being run  
incompetently then you can start with the government at large.

I agree that there is a lot of incompetence in the management of  
patents (it extends much further than software patents) but I find it  
interesting that a lot of people want to fix it by eliminating  
patents rather than dealing with the underlying problem and without  
consideration for whether or not patents are a good idea.  As I  
stated previously I am not averse to eliminating patents, but it  
would be short-sighted idiocy to only apply it to software algorithm  
patents as though they are special or to do so because dealing with  
the incompetence is too hard without regard for whether or not there  
is value in principle.

I do not agree that all patentable things are equal.  I believe  
that software algorithms are much more fine grained and inter- 
related and independently discoverable than say newly machine  

You believe that, but where is the evidence to support that  
assertion?  How familiar are you with some of the numerous other  
heavily patented fields?  Thousands of fine-grained and inter-related  
patents is not a feature unique to software algorithms, and people in  
those other fields will often whine about the same issues.

This does not address the issue of non-frivolous algorithm patents.   
If an algorithm is developed that enables capabilities not previously  
described in computer science literature, how is anyone being  
hindered by it being patented?  Obviously they were getting along  
just fine before it was invented never mind patented.  Do you think  
public access to new algorithms would naturally follow from  
disallowing them from being patented?  History suggests not.   
Fortunately, many new algorithms are not patented, so that is not  
even a real concern in some cases.

Again, this gets back to my point about the arguments against non- 
frivolous software patents being deeply disingenuous.  The claim is  
that people "lose" by not having unfettered access to something that  
did not previously exist and which someone expended non-trivial  
effort in developing.  It is a bait-and-switch many times, where a  
frivolous patent is used as an excuse why everyone should be allowed  
to use algorithm patents that are non-frivolous.

The whole public discussion of software patents is surrounded by  
anecdote, shoddy reasoning, and transparently greedy motivations, but  
no one seems interested in dealing with the individual fundamental  
questions that define the situation.  The unwillingness and/or  
inability of anyone to establish the facts and definitions  
surrounding software patents in any kind of rigorous manner does not  
lend credibility to the arguments made, whether for or against.


J. Andrew Rogers

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