Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-27 Thread Martin Hepworth


Well it's not happy - amanda is constantly trying to do a level 0. So 
it's seeing this as a fail.


Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 03:47:41PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>Hi all
>>well I've been fiddle with my new shiney iMac G4 trying to get amanda to 
>>back the thing up. Currently I'm  getting this from the backup report..
>>  stuartdmg4 / lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
>[ snipped part and rearranged next line ]
>>sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / --one-file-system
>>--listed-incremental /var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ --sparse
>>--ignore-failed-read --totals .
>[ snipped part ]
>>sendbackup: index created successfully
>>error [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
>>sendbackup: pid 588 finish time Wed Jun 26 01:11:36 2002
> Note: amanda uses the "--ignore-failed-read" option to tar.  To not use this
> would cause tar to abort if it ever failed to read a file successfully.
> Even something as benign as file removed before tar got to it.  But
> generally permissions problems.
> When using this flag, and encountering one or more failed reads,
> tar exits with a status of 2 rather than 0.  This is what amanda is
> telling you.  The interpretation is that tar had to skip one or more
> files.  I don't know of any way to determine which files.  The rest
> of the dump should be fine.

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-27 Thread Fathi Ben Nasr

Probably mirroring the database and then making a backup of the mirror
allow you to never stop the master server but just the slave.
I don't know if it is possible to have a slave running on a different port
the same server is possible or not. If not, you will need and second
If it is possible, you will just consume a lot of disk space for the
replication and (I think 25% of the database size) extra space for the sql

Ragnar Kjørstad a écrit :

> On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 05:33:31PM -0500, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
> > >The easiest way to snapshot the filesystem is to use a logical volume
> > >manager (LVM or EVMS on linux) and then do:
> > >1. take database offline
> > >2. take snapshot
> > >3. take database online
> > >4. backup from snapshot
> > >5. remove snapshot
> >
> > I would like to comment that while this is a possible way to backup
> > database, it's not the way I would recommend going about it.  There are
> > a couple of caveats:
> >
> > 1) In order to take a filesystem snapshot you must have enough
> > elsewhere to contain the filesystem snapshot.  If your database resides
> > on a large filesystem with other data[0] then you're unlikely to want
> > deal with caching an entire snapshot until amanda backs it up.
> You need extra space with both approaches (pg_dump and snapshot). Which
> solution requires the most space will depend on many factors, e.g. how
> much you write you your database. If it's mostly read-only, the snapshot
> will not require much space.
> > 2) Backing up a database by grabbing the actual files off of the disk
> > can introduce problems if trying to restore onto, for instance, an
> > upgraded version of Postgres, which might have changed the ondisk
> > representation slightly.  There are also problems if you migrate to a
> > different architecture since things like byte ordering can change.  By
> > generating a database dump with pg_dump you insure that you have a
> > portable, plain text file full of valid query commands which can be
> > into any future version of Postgres and possibly even into other RDMBS
> > products provided you choose a pg_dump format which is standards
> > complaint enough.
> Yes, this is a backup-solution, not a migration-solution.
> pg_dumps can not always be imported into newer postgresql versions
> without modifications.
> > 3) If your snapshot code is not atomic it means you must take your
> > database server down everytime you make the snapshot, which on a large
> > filesystem could be a non-trivial amount of time.  With pg_dump you're
> > just dumping the tables via the standard Postgres interface so you've
> > got no issues with doing it on a running database.
> Hmm, is the pg_dump consistent?
> IOW, is it done in a single transaction? (even for multiple databases?)
> If yes, would a very long-running pg_dump not cause problems for the
> running server? I know postgresql doesn't lock whole tables, but it
> means that if data changes postgresql needs to keep two branches, and it
> will require extra diskspace and I suppose also introduce overhead to
> other processes?
> Of course, if the database is mostly read-only this is just a minor
> problem, but that's true for snapshot-backups as well.
> --
> Ragnar Kjørstad
> Big Storage


(See attached file: smime.p7s)

Description: Binary data

Re: Problem with SAMBA and NT

2002-06-27 Thread Lishtovny Denis

(I need to backup NT Server 4.0 shares with Russian characters)
I'm tryed everything.
my envirment in Linux (Debian) are:
$ set | grep '^LC'
LC_COLLATE=en_US.ISO8859-1 or ru_RU.KOI8-R or ru_RU.CP1251
LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO8859-1 or ru_RU.KOI8-R or ru_RU.CP1251
LC_MONETARY=en_US.ISO8859-1 or ru_RU.KOI8-R or ru_RU.CP1251
LC_NUMERIC=en_US.ISO8859-1 or ru_RU.KOI8-R or ru_RU.CP1251
LC_TIME=en_US.ISO8859-1 or ru_RU.KOI8-R or ru_RU.CP1251

samba is installed correctly:
smbclient //NT/Shares "pass" "-U" "user_who_can_full_access"
smb: \> ls
 I see russian chars correctly

smbtar -s NT -p pass -x SHARE  -u user_who_can_full_access -t tar.out
tar -xvvf tar.out
I see russian chars correctly

after that I do backup
4) amdump DailySet1
5) amrecover DailySet1
6) amrecover> setdisk //NT/SHARE
7) amrecover> ls
2002-06-27 \305\311\321\272\321\241\324\341\265\277\277/
2002-06-27 \350\341\324\341\275\253\372 \253\337\321\241\375 2001/
2002-06-27 \350\341\324\341\275\253\372 \363\321\337\241\341 2002/


is that trouble in amanda software?

> 1) create a file with line like:
> ./foo
> ./foo/bar
> ./abc/def/ghi/wxyz
>make sure some of the names include your culprit characters.  Also
>make sure that when you view this file whatever viewing software you
>use doesn't convert the character into octal for ease of viewing.
> 2) pass the file through sed
> sed -e 's/^\.//'  < OrigListFile  > ModifiedListFile
> 3) check if the special characters are converted or unmodified.

I test this advice and the sed work correclty !.

Soory for my bad english, but i am realy need you help.

> > I can not backup NT shares with amanda because of the special characters
> > (e,a,e,...).
> > The indexer seems to store them in octal ("\350" for example) in the
> >
> > So the backup program can not access to directory with special
> >
> > If someone have any experience with Amanda and NT share 
> >
> > I tried to create a share with samba and the backup program can access
> > all
> > the files but the indexer still storing them with octal, and so the
> > amrecover
> > program can not access the files on the tape.

> $ env | grep '^LC'
> LC_TIME=en_US.ISO8859-1
> LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO8859-1
> LC_COLLATE=en_US.ISO8859-1
> LC_NUMERIC=en_US.ISO8859-1
> Opps, my messages are still set to my old value 'C'.
> My suggestions would be:
> 1) check (however that is done) that all your computers are using the same
>character set.  The system can have a default (at least unix systems),
>but each user can customize their own values.  Make sure you check the
>NT and UNIX systems as whomever does the backups
> 2) if you compiled your own samba suite, make sure it gets compiled with
>the same character set in use as will be in use during backup.  If you
>did not compile it yourself, check with your provider to see if there
>is a version specific for your locale
> 3) ask the samba crowd about your problem
> Seems like I'm picking on samba right?  Here is the reason.  Amanda
> do much except run the backup software.  The backup and the index are
> created by samba and amanda is just collecting it.  The index is just
> a second smbtar making a table of contents of the backup file.
> I can only think of one piece of software on the unix end that modifies
> the index after samba supplies it to amanda.  That program is sed.
> It takes the index made by samba's smbtar, which is of the form "./"
> and strips off the leading "dot".
> You might be able to check if sed is the problem by the following.
> 1) create a file with line like:
> ./foo
> ./foo/bar
> ./abc/def/ghi/wxyz
>make sure some of the names include your culprit characters.  Also
>make sure that when you view this file whatever viewing software you
>use doesn't convert the character into octal for ease of viewing.
> 2) pass the file through sed
> sed -e 's/^\.//'  < OrigListFile  > ModifiedListFile
> 3) check if the special characters are converted or unmodified.
> good luck

help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Eduardo Ceva

Hi this is the first time I use Amanda. I read 
every documentation, and I installed AMANDA as documentation says.
I created a label on a tape and after that I runed 
amdump. I noted that I am having a problem of authentication. Can anyone help 
In my log I have what follow
START planner date 20020627
INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
INFO planner Adding new disk 
START driver date 20020627
FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [piaui: 
[access as operador not allowed from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth 
FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [piaui: [access as 
operador not allowed from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth 
FINISH planner date 20020627
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from 
STATS driver startup time 0.092
START taper datestamp 20020627 label backup00 tape 
INFO taper tape backup00 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20020627 time 16.340
my amanda.conf is what follow
org "backup" 
mailto "operador" 
dumpuser "operador" 
inparallel 4 
netusage 600 Kbps 
dumpcycle 4 weeks 
runspercycle 20 
tapecycle 25 tapes 
bumpsize 20 Mb 
bumpdays 1 
bumpmult 4 
etimeout 300 
dtimeout 1800 
ctimeout 30 
tapebufs 20
#runtapes 1 # number of tapes to be used in a single run 
of amdump
#tpchanger "chg-manual" # the tape-changer glue 
tapedev "/dev/nst0" # the no-rewind tape device to be 
#rawtapedev "/dev/null" # the raw device to be used (ftape 
#changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/backup/changer"
#changerdev "/dev/null"
tapetype python04106 
labelstr "^backup[0-9][0-9]*$" 
holdingdisk hd1 {
comment "main holding disk"
directory "/var/dumps" # where the holding disk 
use 290 Mb # how much space can we use on it
chunksize 1Gb }
infofile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/database/curinfo" # 
database DIRECTORY
logdir "/usr/local/etc/amanda/logs" # log 
indexdir "/usr/local/etc/amanda/index/index" # index 
tapelist "/usr/local/etc/amanda/tapelist/tapelist" # list 
of used tapes
# tapelist is stored, by default, in the directory that 
contains amanda.conf
define tapetype python04106 {
comment "just produced by tapetype program"
length 9853 mbytes
filemark 0 kbytes
speed 914 kps
define tapetype DEC-DLT2000 {
comment "DEC Differential Digital Linear Tape 
length 15000 mbytes
filemark 8 kbytes
speed 1250 kbytes
define tapetype DLT {
comment "DLT tape drives"
length 2 mbytes # 20 Gig tapes
filemark 2000 kbytes # I don't know what this 
speed 1536 kbytes # 1.5 Mb/s
define tapetype HP-DAT {
comment "DAT tape drives"
# data provided by Rob Browning 
length 1930 mbytes
filemark 111 kbytes
speed 468 kbytes
# dumptypes
# These are referred to by the disklist file
define dumptype always-full {
comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
compress none
priority high
dumpcycle 0
define dumptype root-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
compress none
exclude list 
priority low
define dumptype user-tar {
comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
priority medium
define dumptype high-tar {
comment "partitions dumped with tar"
priority high
define dumptype comp-root-tar {
comment "Root partitions with compression"
compress client fast
define dumptype comp-user-tar {
compress client fast
define dumptype holding-disk {
comment "The master-host holding disk itself"
holdingdisk no # do not use the holding disk
priority medium
define dumptype comp-user {
comment "Non-root partitions on reasonably fast 
compress client fast
priority medium
define dumptype nocomp-user {
comment "Non-root partitions on slow 
compress none
define dumptype comp-root {
comment "Root partitions with compression"
compress client fast
priority low
define dumptype nocomp-root {
comment "Root partitions without compression"
compress none
define dumptype comp-high {
comment "very important partitions on fast 
compress client best
priority high
define dumptype nocomp-high {
comment "very important partitions on slow 
compress none
define dumptype nocomp-test 
comment "test dump without compression, no /etc/dumpdates 
compress none
record no
priority medium
define dumptype comp-test {
comment "test dump with compression, no /etc/dumpdates 
compress client fast
# network interfaces
define interface local {
comment "a local disk"
use 1000 kbps
define interface le0 {
comment "10 Mbps ethernet"
use 400 kbps

amrecover: is not on Volume

2002-06-27 Thread BRINER Cedric

I'm using amanda for a while (about a year now), and I get this strange
output telling me that amrecover cannot retrieve the file on the tape

amrecover DailySet -t atalante -s atalante -d /dev/rmt/0cbn
amrecover> ls
2002-06-20 .
2002-06-13 .smhist
2002-06-20 Alarm_T.txt
2002-06-13 All_Ports
2002-06-13 Disques
amrecover> add Disques
Added /bartho/system/sysinfo/Disques
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/rmt/0cbn on host atalante.
The following tapes are needed: DailySet22

Restoring files into directory /unige/amanda/sbin
Continue? [Y/n]: Y

Load tape DailySet22 now
Continue? [Y/n]: y<-this step to here took only about 10 secs !!
./bartho/system/sysinfo/Disques is not on volume
set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] y

Because I was really needing this file, I've started to look how the
tape's file are assembled and figured out how to get THE file. Which I
firstly not found through amrecover!!!

I'm quite surprised that amrecover can define that the file is not
present on the tape after only 10secs when usually it took much more

I've checked more than twice the argument given to amrecover DailySet -t
atalante -s atalante -d /dev/rmt/0cbn

In addition, I've discovered that amrestore can only work well, if I
place the DailySetTape at the right position by repeating this command:
mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn fsf 1; dd bs=32k if=/dev/rmt/0cbn of=/tmp/qq ; head
/tmp/qq until I felt on the desired tuple ,...

So I'm feeling that the problem come from amrestore more than

any idea of what I'm doing wrong !!!

Thanks in advance



amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 577 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Thu Jun 27 13:41:22
amidxtaped: version 2.4.2p2
bsd security: remote host atalante user root local user root
amandahosts security check passed
> 6
> -h
> -p
> /dev/rmt/0cbn
> obssb1
> ^/export/diskA1$
> 20020613
Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /unige/amanda/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "/dev/rmt/0cbn"
argv[4] = "obssb1"
argv[5] = "^/export/diskA1$"
argv[6] = "20020613"
amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20020613 label DailySet22
amrestore:   1: restoring obssb15._export_diskA1.20020613.2
amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 0
Rewinding tape: done
amidxtaped: pid 577 finish time Thu Jun 27 13:42:10 2002


 * * *
-- **---  * :(
BRINER Cédric*  o  +
Observatory of Geneva, Switzerland  .:oO0Oo:.   
cedricîbriner@obsóunigeùch* *   o
( ^--- hint:replace the odd letters by dot ):*

help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Eduardo Ceva

Hi Ciprian,
I tryed what you said. When I put at 
piaui operador I have in log what 
START planner date 20020627
INFO planner Adding new disk 
INFO planner Adding new disk 
START driver date 20020627
FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 
[piaui: [access as operador not allowed from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth 
FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [piaui: [access 
as operador not allowed from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth 
FINISH planner date 20020627
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from 
STATS driver startup time 0.092
START taper datestamp 20020627 label backup00 tape 
INFO taper tape backup00 kb 0 fm 0 
FINISH driver date 20020627 time 
and when I put in .amandahosts operador I have 
START driver date 20020627
START planner date 20020627
INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
INFO planner Adding new disk 
FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 
[missing result for /usr/local/etc/amanda in piaui 
FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [missing result for /etc 
in piaui response]
FINISH planner date 20020627
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from 
STATS driver startup time 2.249
ERROR taper no-tape [cannot overwrite active tape 
FINISH driver date 20020627 time 17.290
I really don´t understanding what is 

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Ciprian Badescu


I don't understand also, I'm working with amanda since may (so no
experience), but I suggest you to run amcheck before amdump.

> operador I have this
> START driver date 20020627
> START planner date 20020627
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [missing result for /usr/local/etc/amanda 
>in piaui response]
> FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [missing result for /etc in piaui response]
> FINISH planner date 20020627
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 2.249
> ERROR taper no-tape [cannot overwrite active tape backup00]
> FINISH driver date 20020627 time 17.290
> I really don´t understanding what is happening

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Christoph Scheeder

what are the permisions of .amandahosts? they have to be 0600
and is it located in the homedirectory of operador ?

Eduardo Ceva wrote:

> Hi Ciprian,
> I tryed what you said. When I put at .amandahosts
> piaui operador I have in log what follow
> START planner date 20020627
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> START driver date 20020627
> FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [piaui: [access as operador 
> not allowed from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth failed
> ]
> FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [piaui: [access as operador not allowed from 
> operador@piaui] amandahostsauth failed
> ]
> FINISH planner date 20020627
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 0.092
> START taper datestamp 20020627 label backup00 tape 0
> INFO taper tape backup00 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
> FINISH driver date 20020627 time 16.340
> and when I put in .amandahosts
> operador I have this
> START driver date 20020627
> START planner date 20020627
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [missing result for 
> /usr/local/etc/amanda in piaui response]
> FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [missing result for /etc in piaui response]
> FINISH planner date 20020627
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 2.249
> ERROR taper no-tape [cannot overwrite active tape backup00]
> FINISH driver date 20020627 time 17.290
> I really don´t understanding what is happening

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 9:37am, Eduardo Ceva wrote

> and when I put in .amandahosts
> operador I have this
> START driver date 20020627
> START planner date 20020627
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [missing result for /usr/local/etc/amanda 
>in piaui response]
> FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [missing result for /etc in piaui response]

OK, so you've got authentication working.  Now, are you sure that operador 
has full access to those "filesystems"?  Are you using dump or tar for 
backups?  What does /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug contain?

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: Suggestions please - amanda can't backup remote client.

2002-06-27 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On 25 Jun 2002 at 4:59pm, klavs klavsen wrote

>   compaq.vse /etc lev 0 FAILED [input: can't open: ¼S@: No such file
> or directory]
>   compaq.vse /etc lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
>   compaq.vse /www lev 0 FAILED [input: can't open: ¼S@: No such file
> or directory]
>   compaq.vse /www lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]

> >Also, what is reported in amanda*debug and sendbackup*debug on the client?
> I get nothing on the client-side.. how do I enable that debug? I tried
> to set log_type deamon debug in the xinetd config-file - but still no
> output - except from secure that says my servers ip logged on to the
> amanda-service.

Amanda by default should create debug files in /tmp/amanda.  If they're 
not being created then something is definitely wrong.

> I do have a iptables firewall on the client which is on the same subnet as the 
> But I don't get anything about denied packages in the kernel-log..
> so unless the statefullness is broken somehow that shouldn't be it?
> Every other service on the client works fine (incl. ftp, news and
> imaps).

I don't know iptables at all.  Are you sure it would log the errors.

At worst, you could run a packet sniffer and see exactly what's going on.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

smbclient signal 11

2002-06-27 Thread Michael P. Blinn

I randomly get these messages - what does smbclient signal 11 mean??
-Michael Blinn

>   localhost  //ntserver/businesswork lev 0 FAILED
[/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11]
> /-- localhost  //ntserver/businesswork lev 0 FAILED
[/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11]
> sendbackup: start [localhost://ntserver/businesswork level 0]
> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient
> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -f... -
> sendbackup: info end
> sendbackup: error [/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11]
> \
>   taper: tape daily5 kb 146208 fm 4 [OK]
> -- - 
> localhost-sinesswork 0 FAILED ---
> localhost-er/ppidocs 0  456299 123392  27.0   8:32 241.2  26:38  77.3
> mail /configs0  70 32  45.7   0:00 150.0   0:01  44.4
> mail -cal/apache 0   79580  21888  27.5   0:38 582.2   4:38  78.9
> mail -/lib/mysql 05930768  13.0   0:01 549.2   0:17  46.2
> (brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Eduardo Ceva

Hi Joshua, I did what you said,
/etc have root as owner and root as group
/usr/local have root as owner and root as group
so I put operador in root group and use the command chmod 775 /etc
chmod -R 775 /usr
in /usr/local/etc the owner is operador and the group is operador
so operador now have full acess to these filesystems

well runing ./amcheck config I get this

manda Tape Server Host Check
WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root
Holding disk /var/dumps: 8282444 KB disk space available, that's plenty
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape backup00 label ok
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/etc/amanda/database/curinfo: does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run
Server check took 16.083 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: piaui: [host piaui: port 32773 not secure]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.017 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)

after runing ./amdump I get this in log file

START planner date 20020627
INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
START driver date 20020627
FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [piaui: [host piaui: port 32773
not secure]]
FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [piaui: [host piaui: port 32773 not secure]]
FINISH planner date 20020627
FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
STATS driver startup time 0.068
FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
START taper datestamp 20020627 label backup00 tape 0
INFO taper tape backup00 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20020627 time 12.389

another thing, I not sure if I am using DuMP or TAR, but I guess I am using
what should I do now???
- Original Message -
From: "Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Eduardo Ceva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: help with amdump

> On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 9:37am, Eduardo Ceva wrote
> > and when I put in .amandahosts
> >
> > operador I have this
> >
> > START driver date 20020627
> > START planner date 20020627
> > INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> > INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> > FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [missing result for
/usr/local/etc/amanda in piaui response]
> > FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [missing result for /etc in piaui response]
> OK, so you've got authentication working.  Now, are you sure that operador
> has full access to those "filesystems"?  Are you using dump or tar for
> backups?  What does /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug contain?
> --
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

Re: help with amdump (fwd)

2002-06-27 Thread Ciprian Badescu

Could you change that programs to be setuid ?

__V__   Ciprian Badescu
A L C A T E L   Mobile Networks Division R&D Center
Phone: +40 56 303100 (ext. 5786)
Fax: +40 56 295386

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Eduardo Ceva wrote:

> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 11:04:46 -0300
> From: Eduardo Ceva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: help with amdump
> Hi Joshua, I did what you said,
> /etc have root as owner and root as group
> /usr/local have root as owner and root as group
> so I put operador in root group and use the command chmod 775 /etc
> chmod -R 775 /usr
> in /usr/local/etc the owner is operador and the group is operador
> so operador now have full acess to these filesystems
> well runing ./amcheck config I get this
> manda Tape Server Host Check
> -
> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
> WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root
> Holding disk /var/dumps: 8282444 KB disk space available, that's plenty
> NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
> Tape backup00 label ok
> NOTE: info dir /usr/local/etc/amanda/database/curinfo: does not exist
> NOTE: it will be created on the next run
> Server check took 16.083 seconds
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> ERROR: piaui: [host piaui: port 32773 not secure]
> Client check: 1 host checked in 0.017 seconds, 1 problem found
> (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
> after runing ./amdump I get this in log file
> START planner date 20020627
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> START driver date 20020627
> FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [piaui: [host piaui: port 32773
> not secure]]
> FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [piaui: [host piaui: port 32773 not secure]]
> FINISH planner date 20020627
> FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
> FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
> FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 0.068
> FATAL dumper must be run setuid root to communicate correctly
> START taper datestamp 20020627 label backup00 tape 0
> INFO taper tape backup00 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
> FINISH driver date 20020627 time 12.389
> another thing, I not sure if I am using DuMP or TAR, but I guess I am using
> dump
> what should I do now???
> - Original Message -
> From: "Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Eduardo Ceva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:11 AM
> Subject: Re: help with amdump
> > On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 9:37am, Eduardo Ceva wrote
> >
> > > and when I put in .amandahosts
> > >
> > > operador I have this
> > >
> > > START driver date 20020627
> > > START planner date 20020627
> > > INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> > > INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> > > FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [missing result for
> /usr/local/etc/amanda in piaui response]
> > > FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [missing result for /etc in piaui response]
> >
> > OK, so you've got authentication working.  Now, are you sure that operador
> > has full access to those "filesystems"?  Are you using dump or tar for
> > backups?  What does /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug contain?
> >
> > --
> > Joshua Baker-LePain
> > Department of Biomedical Engineering
> > Duke University
> >

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 11:04am, Eduardo Ceva wrote

> well runing ./amcheck config I get this
> manda Tape Server Host Check
> -
> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
> WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root

OK, this is a problem.  Did you run 'make install' as root?  Those 
programs need to be setuid for amanda to work correctly.  The easiest way 
to make sure that everything that needs to be setuid, is, is to run 'make 
install' as root.

Also, if /usr/local is NFS mounted, make sure it's exported with the 
no_root_squash flag.

> another thing, I not sure if I am using DuMP or TAR, but I guess I am using
> dump
> what should I do now???

It depends on the dumptype you specify in your disklist.  Also, you need 
to know that dump can only backup full filesystems (i.e. entries in 
the output of 'df').  If you want to backup subdirectories, you need to 
use tar.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

RE: Amanda crontab error

2002-06-27 Thread Morse, Richard E.

What's the environment that you are running in from the command line?  (You can
find this out by typing 'env' at the command line -- this will print out a long
list of the variables in the environment)


> -Original Message-
> From: Renzetti Robert A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday 26 June 2002 10:38 PM
> Subject: Re: Amanda crontab error
> Sorry, the exact error is:
> "Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> -
> /dump: 5549882 KB disk space available, that's plenty.
> ERROR: /dev/rmt/0hn: no tape online.
>(expecting tape geo_vol54 or a new tape)
> NOTE: skipping tape-writeable test.
> Server check took 0.069 seconds.
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> Client check: 5 hosts checked in 0.200 seconds, 0 problems found.
> (brought to you by Amanda"
> I know the ver of amanda is old, but it was the version that 
> had been working 
> for years on this system and the only reason that it isnt 
> working now is 
> because the previous admin quit, "suspended" amanda, and 
> didnt bother to tell 
> me what to do. Also, I am not in anyway an advanced Unix 
> user; rather, i am a 
> novice. We havent hired a new admin yet.
> Frank Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > What is the exact error you get from cron?  Generally problems
> > from cron are related to it using /bin/sh for a shell instead
> > of whatever you might be (ksh, bash, csh, etc.) and that it
> > is only using the default system path (which is bare bones by
> > default).  There's also the outside chance that the Amanda user's
> > home directory is automounted and isn't accessible at the time
> > cron needs it.
> >I don't think any of those things would result in a tape error,
> > though, so maybe the exact error might give us a hint as to where
> > to look next.
> > 
> > Frank
> > 
> > --On Wednesday, June 26, 2002 16:47:01 -0500 Robert Renzetti 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > System = SunOS 5.6
> > >
> > > Problem = When Amanda's crontab runs, amcheck cannot find the
> > > tape, but when amcheck is run manually from the command line, it
> > > finds the tape fine.
> > >
> > > Crontab =
> > > 0  16  * * 1-5/opt/bin/amcheck -m geo
> > > 45 0   * * 2-6/opt/bin/amdump geo;mt -f /dev/rmt/0 off
> > >
> > > The crontab was created with amanda user logged in, in amanda's
> > > home dir as "amanda_crontab". Then as amanda user I ran
> > > "crontab amanda_crontab" and then to make sure the changes took
> > > effect, "crontab -l". The crontab file is in place.
> > >
> > > But when cron runs the file, "/opt/bin amcheck -m geo" 
> errors out by
> > > not finding the tape. However, if I enter the same command (as
> > > amanda user) at the command line, it works fine, finds 
> the tape and
> > > OKs the job.
> > >
> > > Help?
> > >
> > > Robert Renzetti
> > > Computer Systems Manager
> > > Geology & Geophysics
> > > Texas A&M University
> > > (979) 845-1366
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Frank Smith
> > Systems Administrator 
> Voice: 512-374-
> 4673
> > Hoover's Online 
> Fax: 512-374-
> 4501
> > 
> -- 

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Eduardo Ceva

Well I had logged like operador, and using console I used su - command, well
I will try to recompile again logged as root, let´s see what happens in my
disklist I have this:

# /etc of piaui.
piaui /etc { # the line break here is mandatory
  always-full # copy properties of root-tar
  compress server best # but change the compression mode
} # spindle and interface omitted here

# amandas configuration
piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda {
  compress server best
} local

- Original Message -
From: "Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Eduardo Ceva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: help with amdump

> On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 11:04am, Eduardo Ceva wrote
> > well runing ./amcheck config I get this
> >
> > manda Tape Server Host Check
> > -
> > WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
> > WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
> > WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root
> OK, this is a problem.  Did you run 'make install' as root?  Those
> programs need to be setuid for amanda to work correctly.  The easiest way
> to make sure that everything that needs to be setuid, is, is to run 'make
> install' as root.
> Also, if /usr/local is NFS mounted, make sure it's exported with the
> no_root_squash flag.
> > another thing, I not sure if I am using DuMP or TAR, but I guess I am
> > dump
> > what should I do now???
> It depends on the dumptype you specify in your disklist.  Also, you need
> to know that dump can only backup full filesystems (i.e. entries in
> the output of 'df').  If you want to backup subdirectories, you need to
> use tar.
> --
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

Amrestore EZ17 hell!

2002-06-27 Thread Kenny MacPherson


I see Jesse is still having difficulty with his EZ17. I can't sit back
smugly as mine is still likely to fail from time to time with precisely
the same out-of-tape error after only writing a small percent.

In both our cases, I understand the hardware compression is off and the
tapetype is correct. However, it still will sometimes run "out of-tape"
especially when there is a level zero on one of the BIG filesystems.

However, it _IS_ a lot more reliable now on these filesystems. The
changes done that I feel have contributed to assist were:
* Adding a second holding disk and so I've got a lot more space.
* Being sure h/w compression was OFF
* (less direct) starting lots of PC backups using smbclient! This seems
to give AMANDA something else to whinge about (STRANGE/offline etc.) and
seems to allow my big filesystems to backup up reliably. 

Or so it seemed.

However, trying to amrestore from one of these file-systems has me
reaching for the Highland Park!!!
ed.root(11)=> amrestore -p /dev/rmt/1mn toronto /home5 | ufsrestore ivbf
2 -
amrestore -p /dev/rmt/1mn toronto /home5 | ufsrestore ivbf 2 -
Verify volume and initialize maps
amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20020607 label MUL21
amrestore:   1: restoring toronto._home5.20020607.0
Note: doing byte swapping
Dump   date: Fri Jun 07 02:23:40 2002
Dumped from: the epoch
Level 0 dump of /home5 on toronto:/dev/sdb5
Label: none
Extract directories from tape
Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 163840+32768, wrote 0
amrestore: pipe reader has quit in middle of file.
amrestore: skipping ahead to start of next file, please wait...
Segmentation Fault - core dumped

Is this back up as worthless as a three pound (dollar) note?? Or is
their a way to get its data back??



Kenny MacPherson
IT Manager
DDI: +44 131 272 7091

> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Michael P. Blinn
> Sent: 27 June 2002 14:26
> Subject: smbclient signal 11
> I randomly get these messages - what does smbclient signal 11 mean??
> -Michael Blinn
> >   localhost  //ntserver/businesswork lev 0 FAILED
> [/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11]
> >
> >
> > /-- localhost  //ntserver/businesswork lev 0 FAILED
> [/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11]
> > sendbackup: start [localhost://ntserver/businesswork level 0]
> > sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient
> > sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -f... -
> > sendbackup: info end
> > sendbackup: error [/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11]
> > \
> >
> >
> > NOTES:
> >   taper: tape daily5 kb 146208 fm 4 [OK]
> >
> >
> KB/s
> > -- -
> -
> > localhost-sinesswork 0 FAILED
> -
> > localhost-er/ppidocs 0  456299 123392  27.0   8:32 241.2  26:38
> 77.3
> > mail /configs0  70 32  45.7   0:00 150.0   0:01
> 44.4
> > mail -cal/apache 0   79580  21888  27.5   0:38 582.2   4:38
> 78.9
> > mail -/lib/mysql 05930768  13.0   0:01 549.2   0:17
> 46.2
> >
> > (brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd.
t: +44 131 272-7000
f: +44 131 272-7001

Registered in Scotland 89839

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information. If you receive this message in error, please
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2002-06-27 Thread m . malicky


Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 11:57am, Eduardo Ceva wrote

> Well I had logged like operador, and using console I used su - command, well
> I will try to recompile again logged as root, let´s see what happens in my
> disklist I have this:

Is /usr/local a local filesystem?

> # /etc of piaui.
> piaui /etc { # the line break here is mandatory
>   always-full # copy properties of root-tar
>   compress server best # but change the compression mode
> } # spindle and interface omitted here
> # amandas configuration
> piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda {
>   always-full
>   compress server best
> } local

You need 'program "GNUTAR"'.  program defaults to dump.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Gene Heskett

On Thursday 27 June 2002 10:57, Eduardo Ceva wrote:
>Well I had logged like operador, and using console I used su -
> command, well I will try to recompile again logged as root, let´s see
> what happens in my disklist I have this:

And thats going to bite you too, Eduardo

The normal (for me anyway) sequence to use when building amanda is this:
as root:

make sure that user "amanda" exists, and that "amanda" is a member of 
group "disk"

#>cd /home/amanda
#>tar xzvf path_to_amanda_archive.tar.gz

This will build you a directory in /home/amanda as 
amanda_whatever_version_date that one was.

#>chown -R amanda:disk amanda_whatever_version_date

#>su amanda
#>cd /home/amanda/amanda_whatever_version_date

Run the configure script giving it the options it needs.  To be 
consistent, I long ago committed that to a script too, and it looks 
like this, and named, and run as
#> ./
make clean
rm -f config.status config.cache
./configure \
--with-user=amanda \
--with-group=disk \
--with-owner=amanda \
--with-tape-device=/dev/nst0 \
--with-changer-device=/dev/sg2 \
--with-gnu-ld \
--prefix=/usr/local \
--with-debugging=/var/log/amanda-dbg/ \
--with-tape-server=ipaddress_of_machine \
--with-amandahosts \
edit the --with-tape-device= to fit your situation of course, and remove 
the --with-changer-device= line if you don't have one.

Now, while still as user amanda, 

when that make is finished, exit back to root
#>cd amanda_whatever_version_date
#>make install

At this point you are down to running amcheck (as user amanda) and 
building the directories and files it needs with either mkdir or touch 
as required until you have a working environment for the first amdump 

By following the above proceedure/sequence, all the various permissions 
and setuid's required will be done properly, effectively removeing them 
from the tools the infamous Mr. Murphy has at his disposal
># /etc of piaui.
>piaui /etc { # the line break here is mandatory
>  always-full # copy properties of root-tar
>  compress server best # but change the compression mode
>} # spindle and interface omitted here
># amandas configuration
>piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda {
>  always-full
>  compress server best
>} local
>- Original Message -
From: "Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Eduardo Ceva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:48 AM
>Subject: Re: help with amdump
>> On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 11:04am, Eduardo Ceva wrote
>> > well runing ./amcheck config I get this
>> >
>> > manda Tape Server Host Check
>> > -
>> > WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
>> > WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
>> > WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root
>> OK, this is a problem.  Did you run 'make install' as root?  Those
>> programs need to be setuid for amanda to work correctly.  The
>> easiest way to make sure that everything that needs to be setuid,
>> is, is to run 'make install' as root.
>> Also, if /usr/local is NFS mounted, make sure it's exported with the
>> no_root_squash flag.
>> > another thing, I not sure if I am using DuMP or TAR, but I guess I
>> > am
>> > dump
>> > what should I do now???
>> It depends on the dumptype you specify in your disklist.  Also, you
>> need to know that dump can only backup full filesystems (i.e.
>> entries in the output of 'df').  If you want to backup
>> subdirectories, you need to use tar.

And bear in mind that dump does not do "excludes", tar does.  The tar 
version must be at least 1.13-19 or better though.  To use tar, the tar 
you are going to use MUST be previously installed so that it can be 
found by the configure script when configure is run, its path 
apparently becomes hard coded into the amanda executables.  I use 
tar-1.13.-25 as I do have some "excludes" in my system.  It works well.

Cheers, Gene
CE @ WDTV-5, CBS for N. Central WV

Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-27 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:30:17AM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
> Jon
> Well it's not happy - amanda is constantly trying to do a level 0. So 
> it's seeing this as a fail.

I find it is generally easier to follow a thread
if new comments are added at the bottom.

> --
> Martin
> Jon LaBadie wrote:
> >On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 03:47:41PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
> >
> >>Hi all
> >>
> >>well I've been fiddle with my new shiney iMac G4 trying to get amanda to 
> >>back the thing up. Currently I'm  getting this from the backup report..
> >>
> >> stuartdmg4 / lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
> >>
> >
> >   [ snipped part and rearranged next line ]
> >
> >>sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / 
> >>--one-file-system
> >>   --listed-incremental /var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ 
> >>   --sparse
> >>   --ignore-failed-read --totals .
> >
> >
> >   [ snipped part ]
> >
> >
> >>sendbackup: index created successfully
> >>error [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
> >>sendbackup: pid 588 finish time Wed Jun 26 01:11:36 2002
> >
> >
> >Note: amanda uses the "--ignore-failed-read" option to tar.  To not use 
> >this
> >would cause tar to abort if it ever failed to read a file successfully.
> >Even something as benign as file removed before tar got to it.  But
> >generally permissions problems.
> >
> >When using this flag, and encountering one or more failed reads,
> >tar exits with a status of 2 rather than 0.  This is what amanda is
> >telling you.  The interpretation is that tar had to skip one or more
> >files.  I don't know of any way to determine which files.  The rest
> >of the dump should be fine.
> >
>>> End of included message <<<

Well, I hate to suggest this, but ...

On my unix system I use gnutar 1.13.25.
I use the same gnutar version on an amanda client I run on a Win2K box under CYGWIN.

The unix amanda is version 2.4.2, on the w2k box it is 2.4.3b2.
The unix box never exhibits the problem you are seeing, the w2k box always "did".

I don't know if my unix box, version 2.4.2, never sees any failed reads, or whether
there is code in amanda 2.4.2 that accepts the exit status of 2 without considering
it a failure.  But the 2.4.3b2 under w2k/cygwin is sensitive to an exit status of 2.

So I had to remove the sensitivity or change gnutar so it did not exit 2.
I chose to modify gnutar.  I always have amanda use its own copy of tar
so if I want to customize it, or shell wrapper it, I can without affecting
the system version of tar.

If you are compiling or can compile your own gnutar, it is a simple change.

At the end of main(), at the very end of the file tar.c is an if statement.

Nominally it says "if the exit status is 2 (aka TAREXIT_FAILURE) print an
error message".  I simply added an exit(0) in the if statement.  Actually,
the curley braces, a comment, and the exit(0);.

Here is the resulting code with the changes (at the end of tar.c).

if (exit_status == TAREXIT_FAILURE)
error (0, 0, _("Error exit delayed from previous errors"));
/* added for amanda */
exit (exit_status);

I scanned the gnutar code and as far as I could see, the only place the
"exit_status" variable is set to TAREXIT_FAILURE (defined as 2) is when a
failed read occured and was ignored.  So I don't think any other failure mode
would be affected.  But I've been wrong before :(

JG Computing
4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:11:34AM -0300, Eduardo Ceva wrote:
> Hi this is the first time I use Amanda. I read every documentation, and I installed 
>AMANDA as documentation says.
> I created a label on a tape and after that I runed amdump. I noted that I am having 
>a problem of authentication. Can anyone help me?
> In my log I have what follow
> START planner date 20020627
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/etc.
> INFO planner Adding new disk piaui:/usr/local/etc/amanda.
> START driver date 20020627
> FAIL planner piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda 0 [piaui: [access as operador not allowed 
>from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth failed
> ]
> FAIL planner piaui /etc 0 [piaui: [access as operador not allowed from 
>operador@piaui] amandahostsauth failed
> ]
> FINISH planner date 20020627
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 0.092
> START taper datestamp 20020627 label backup00 tape 0
> INFO taper tape backup00 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
> FINISH driver date 20020627 time 16.340

On piaui, does your amanda user have a properly configured and permissioned
file called .amandahosts in their home directory?

I would also suggest that you not try amdump until you can get clean runs from amcheck.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-27 Thread Martin Hepworth

Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:30:17AM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>>Well it's not happy - amanda is constantly trying to do a level 0. So 
>>it's seeing this as a fail.
> I find it is generally easier to follow a thread
> if new comments are added at the bottom.
>>Jon LaBadie wrote:
>>>On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 03:47:41PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
Hi all

well I've been fiddle with my new shiney iMac G4 trying to get amanda to 
back the thing up. Currently I'm  getting this from the backup report..

stuartdmg4 / lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]

>>>  [ snipped part and rearranged next line ]
sendbackup: argument list: gtar --create --file - --directory / 
  --listed-incremental /var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ 
  --ignore-failed-read --totals .
>>>  [ snipped part ]
sendbackup: index created successfully
error [/usr/bin/gnutar returned 2]
sendbackup: pid 588 finish time Wed Jun 26 01:11:36 2002
>>>Note: amanda uses the "--ignore-failed-read" option to tar.  To not use 
>>>would cause tar to abort if it ever failed to read a file successfully.
>>>Even something as benign as file removed before tar got to it.  But
>>>generally permissions problems.
>>>When using this flag, and encountering one or more failed reads,
>>>tar exits with a status of 2 rather than 0.  This is what amanda is
>>>telling you.  The interpretation is that tar had to skip one or more
>>>files.  I don't know of any way to determine which files.  The rest
>>>of the dump should be fine.
End of included message <<<
> Well, I hate to suggest this, but ...
> On my unix system I use gnutar 1.13.25.
> I use the same gnutar version on an amanda client I run on a Win2K box under CYGWIN.
> The unix amanda is version 2.4.2, on the w2k box it is 2.4.3b2.
> The unix box never exhibits the problem you are seeing, the w2k box always "did".
> I don't know if my unix box, version 2.4.2, never sees any failed reads, or whether
> there is code in amanda 2.4.2 that accepts the exit status of 2 without considering
> it a failure.  But the 2.4.3b2 under w2k/cygwin is sensitive to an exit status of 2.
> So I had to remove the sensitivity or change gnutar so it did not exit 2.
> I chose to modify gnutar.  I always have amanda use its own copy of tar
> so if I want to customize it, or shell wrapper it, I can without affecting
> the system version of tar.
> If you are compiling or can compile your own gnutar, it is a simple change.
> At the end of main(), at the very end of the file tar.c is an if statement.
> Nominally it says "if the exit status is 2 (aka TAREXIT_FAILURE) print an
> error message".  I simply added an exit(0) in the if statement.  Actually,
> the curley braces, a comment, and the exit(0);.
> Here is the resulting code with the changes (at the end of tar.c).
> if (exit_status == TAREXIT_FAILURE)
> {
> error (0, 0, _("Error exit delayed from previous errors"));
> /* added for amanda */
> exit(0);
> }
> exit (exit_status);
> }
> I scanned the gnutar code and as far as I could see, the only place the
> "exit_status" variable is set to TAREXIT_FAILURE (defined as 2) is when a
> failed read occured and was ignored.  So I don't think any other failure mode
> would be affected.  But I've been wrong before :(


re reply areas: yeah I know - lack of caffene :-)

Re the other stuff.

The client/server are both using amanda 2.4.2.p2

Maybe I;m being totally stupid but I couldn't find anything above 1.13 
(ie I couldn't find the beta's anywhere, just mentions of it.). I'll 
have another dig tomorrow (knocking off time now). However if you have a 
URL to hand :-)

I'll have another dig tomorrow.


amdump ignoring sendsize results

2002-06-27 Thread Deb Baddorf

Hey people --
When I add more disks to the disklist of a working test configuration,
amdump stops listening to the sendsize results.

Amdump is still waiting,   with amstatus saying  "getting estimate"...
the client finishes the sendsize,  tries to return the data,  and
finds nobody is listening:

amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, giving up!
amandad: pid 10266 finish time Thu Jun 27 11:57:04 2002

So the client's  amandad  has given up.

Meanwhile,   on the server,   amdump thinks it is still waiting
and will take another hour or so to reach the "etimeout 150"
and actually quit.

There are 41 disk entries on remote client,
times 2.5 minutes (150 seconds)  == 1 hr 42 minutes.
(if I understand etimeout correctly)
It took the client about 30 minutes to return the estimate,
but nobody was listening by then.   *BUT*   amdump
is still waiting.

Where do I look now,   please?  Anybody?
(Mind you,  this DID work,  with a smaller number of
disk entries.  But I needed to test the tape changer use of >1
tape . so I added more entries.   This is how I eventually want
to run it.If it'll run.)

Deb Baddorf

the bottom of amdump  (which hasn't timed out yet,
though the client found nobody to ACK it):

.  top snipped .
driver: pid 9552 executable /usr/local/libexec/amanda/driver version 2.4.2p2
driver: send-cmd time 0.002 to taper: START-TAPER 20020627
taper: pid 9553 executable taper version 2.4.2p2
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/amanda/chg-multi -info
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 9562 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 960
driver: started dumper0 pid 9562
driver: started dumper1 pid 9564
driver: started dumper2 pid 9565
driver: started dumper3 pid 9566
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 9564 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 962
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 9565 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 963
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 9566 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 964
changer: got exit: 0 str: 3 7 0
changer_query: changer return was 7 0
changer_query: searchable = 0
changer_find: looking for bdbkTEST5-002 changer is searchable = 0
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/amanda/chg-multi -slot current
changer: got exit: 0 str: 3 /dev/nsa0
taper: slot 3: date 20020627 label bdbkTEST5-001 (active tape)
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/amanda/chg-multi -slot next
got result for host disk /var: 0 -> 1492K, -1 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K
got result for host disk /usr: 0 -> 388289K, -1 -> -1K, -1 
-> -1
got result for host disk /: 0 -> 43240K, -1 -> -1K, -1 -> -1K
changer: got exit: 0 str: 4 /dev/nsa0
taper: slot 4: date 20020625 label bdbkTEST5-002 (exact label match)
taper: read label `bdbkTEST5-002' date `20020625'
taper: wrote label `bdbkTEST5-002' date `20020627'

Deb Baddorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]  840-2289
"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old."
- George Burns  <

Amanda vs. iptables

2002-06-27 Thread Jordan Erickson

Hi Everyone,

I'm a new Amanda user, and have been working on it for the past few 
days.  I have sucessfully gotten it to back up one of my clients from 
the same subnet (, which doesn't traverse my firewall. My 
firewall has 2 subnets ( [private network] and 
[DMZ]) and an internet connected interface.  Basically, the trouble I'm 
having right now is getting my backup server talk to my webserver on the 
DMZ through my iptables firewall.

The Amanda FAQ-O-MATIC entry for Amanda and firewalls at
helps a bit, but it doesn't go into any depth on connection-tracking 
firewalls.  Basically it just says it should work.  I have the following 
rules in my nifty firewall to allow traffic to pass back and forth:

iptables -A internal-dmz -p tcp --dport 10080:10083 -m state --state \
iptables -A internal-dmz -p udp --dport 10080:10083 -m state --state \

I understand that the client opens up a random UDP port on the server 
for communication while the backup process is happening, and I'm pretty 
sure that's where it's getting hung up.  I added the following to my 
firewall to try and get iptables to recognize the connections initiated 
from the entries above by putting these entries in below them (they were 
actually there before I started using Amanda:

iptables -A dmz-internal -p tcp -m state --state \
iptables -A dmz-internal -p udp -m state --state \

Here's my /tmp/amanda/sendbackup.debug file from the client on the DMZ:
# cat sendbackup.debug
sendbackup: debug 1 pid 19975 ruid 34 euid 34 start time Wed Jun 26 
13:27:32 2002
/usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup: got input request: DUMP /var 0 
1970:1:1:0:0:0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;
   parsed request as: program `DUMP' disk `/var' lev 0 since 
1970:1:1:0:0:0 opt `|;bsd-auth;compress-fast;'
   waiting for connect on 1445, then 1446
/usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup: timeout on data port 1445
/usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup: timeout on mesg port 1446
sendbackup: pid 19976 finish time Wed Jun 26 13:28:32 2002

If anyone has any ideas on why this is happening, I would greately 
appriciate it.  Thanks!!

Oh, I'm running the Amanda server on Debian Woody (testing), and the 
client on Debian Potato (stable) if that makes any difference.

Jordan Erickson
Network Consultant, Logical Networking Solutions
Santa Rosa, CA

RE: Compile error, resolution, confusion

2002-06-27 Thread Robert Bottomley

I was just about to report the same thing. Amanda 2.4.3b3 would not compile
under IRIX 6.5. I came up with the following fix:

--- client-src/sendbackup-dump.c.orig  Fri Jun 21 01:31:32 2002
+++ client-src/sendbackup-dump.c   Fri Jun 21 01:32:31 2002
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
dumppid = pipespawn(progname, STDIN_PIPE,
&dumpin, &dumpout, &mesgf,
-   no_record ? "-J" : skip_argument,
+   options->no_record ? "-J" : skip_argument,
"-l", dumpkeys,
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
program->restore_name = VXRESTORE;

dumpkeys = vstralloc(level_str,
-no_record ? "" : "u",
+options->no_record ? "" : "u",
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
program->restore_name = VRESTORE;

dumpkeys = vstralloc(level_str,
-no_record ? "" : "u",
+options->no_record ? "" : "u",
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
 /* AIX backup program */
 dumpkeys = vstralloc("-",
-no_record ? "" : "u",
+options->no_record ? "" : "u",

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Robert Bottomley | E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator | Tel: 909-781-5788   /~\The ASCII
College of Engineering   | Fax: 909-781-5790   \ / Ribbon Campaign
Center for Environmental | CE-CERT  X  Against
Research and Technology  | UC Riverside/ \   HTML Email!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Brooks
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 1:10 PM
Subject: Compile error, resolution, confusion


I have been reading through the archives and found a bit of information
that helped me.

for amanda 2.4.3b3, I received errors while compiling on a solaris8 (bybee)
machine.  I applied a change I found in reference to this error, and the
compiler error went away.  the wierd part: this error didn't happen on
different machines running solaris8(bramble), 7, 251, redhat 6.2-7.2, or

the change was to line 244 of client-src/sendbackup-dump.c:
I changed "no_record" to "options->no_record".

Interestingly enough, this appears to compile just as well on the other
machines too.

I have installed on both solaris machines:

I will include the compiler error messages below.  Please note that the
biggest difference between the compiling and non-compiling machines is
that the non-compiling machine has a slightly older os patch level, Veritas
File system and Veritas Volume manager installed, and is a clearcase
server.  Otherwise, the gcc, binutils, make, etc packages are all the same.

What do you all think?


the error is:
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../config -I../common-src
-c `test -f sendbackup-dump.c || echo './'`sendbackup-dump.c
sendbackup-dump.c: In function `start_backup':
sendbackup-dump.c:244: `no_record' undeclared (first use in this
sendbackup-dump.c:244: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only
sendbackup-dump.c:244: for each function it appears in.)
make[1]: *** [sendbackup-dump.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1


Jason Brooks ~ (503) 641-3440 x1861
  Direct ~ (503) 924-1861
System / Network Administrator
Wind River Systems
8905 SW Nimbus ~ Suite 255
Beaverton, Or 97008

RE: Amanda vs. iptables

2002-06-27 Thread Kaan Saldiraner


help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Eduardo Ceva

Hi Joshua, 
becouse it become to hard do find out the problems with my 
amanda I did what follow
I reinstall all my OS, I am running Mandrake Linux 
after, I logged as root and install Amanda as 
documentation says
after, I configure my amanda.conf and 
after I give permitions to the user operador to give full 
access to local filesystem /etc and to my filesystem 
after I create my .amandahosts
then I run amcheck and I get this:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /mnt/dumps: 8349040 KB disk space available, 
that's plenty
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape backup00 label ok
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/etc/amanda/database/curinfo: 
does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run
Server check took 17.421 seconds
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: piaui: [access as operador not allowed from 
operador@piaui] amandahostsauth failed
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.017 seconds, 1 problem 
(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
It looks like I have a problem of authentication, 
can someone help me?
It´s a good idea recompile .configure witth the 
options --without-bsd-security and --without-amandahosts ?
what should I do?

help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Eduardo Ceva

Hi Joshua, 
becouse it become to hard do find out the problems with my 
amanda I did what follow
I reinstall all my OS, I am running Mandrake Linux 
after, I logged as root and install Amanda as 
documentation says
after, I configure my amanda.conf and 
after I give permitions to the user operador to give full 
access to local filesystem /etc and to my filesystem 
after I create my .amandahosts
then I run amcheck and I get this:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /mnt/dumps: 8349040 KB disk space available, 
that's plenty
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape backup00 label ok
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/etc/amanda/database/curinfo: 
does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run
Server check took 17.421 seconds
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: piaui: [access as operador not allowed from 
operador@piaui] amandahostsauth failed
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.017 seconds, 1 problem 
(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
It looks like I have a problem of authentication, 
can someone help me?
It´s a good idea recompile .configure witth the 
options --without-bsd-security and --without-amandahosts ?
what should I do?

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 4:18pm, Eduardo Ceva wrote

> after I give permitions to the user operador to give full access to local filesystem 
>/etc and to my filesystem /usr/local/etc/amanda

You don't need that.  Amanda runs tar as root, so operador doesn't need 
this access.

> after I create my .amandahosts

Where, with what permissions, and with what contents?

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: MacOSX and gnutat problem

2002-06-27 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 06:02:55PM +0100, Martin Hepworth wrote:
> The client/server are both using amanda 2.4.2.p2
> Maybe I;m being totally stupid but I couldn't find anything above 1.13 
> (ie I couldn't find the beta's anywhere, just mentions of it.). I'll 
> have another dig tomorrow (knocking off time now). However if you have a 
> URL to hand :-)

Don't think the 1.13.X are considered "beta", but ...

IIRC the plain vanilla 1.13 is generally incompatible with amanda.
The 1.13.19 and .25 versions generally work.
Maybe anything between 19&25.

> I'll have another dig tomorrow.


 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: help with amdump

2002-06-27 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 04:18:49PM -0300, Eduardo Ceva wrote:
> Hi Joshua, 
> becouse it become to hard do find out the problems with my amanda I did what follow
> I reinstall all my OS, I am running Mandrake Linux 8.2
> after, I logged as root and install Amanda as documentation says

Whoops, you installed amanda, not compiled and installed from source.

Is this a package that came with the Linux distribution?

Are you following Mandrake's instructions/documentation
or those that come with amanda source?

Very important, if installing a precompiled version,
does that version expect a user named "operador" to
be the amanda user?  The user name gets hard coded
into the amanda programs and with a precompiled
version you don't get to choose.

> after, I configure my amanda.conf and disklist

> after I give permitions to the user operador to give full access to local filesystem 
>/etc and to my filesystem /usr/local/etc/amanda

I don't think that suggestion was ever made, and it should not be done.

> after I create my .amandahosts

What is in it?  Where did you put it?  What are ownership/permissions?

> then I run amcheck and I get this:
> Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> -
> Holding disk /mnt/dumps: 8349040 KB disk space available, that's plenty
> NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
> Tape backup00 label ok
> NOTE: info dir /usr/local/etc/amanda/database/curinfo: does not exist
> NOTE: it will be created on the next run

Do not be concerned about "NOTE's" at this point.

> Server check took 17.421 seconds
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> ERROR: piaui: [access as operador not allowed from operador@piaui] amandahostsauth 
> Client check: 1 host checked in 0.017 seconds, 1 problem found
> (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
> It looks like I have a problem of authentication, can someone help me?
> It´s a good idea recompile .configure witth the options --without-bsd-security and 
>--without-amandahosts ?

If you did compile yourself, what were your configure options?

Assuming you ran configure more than one time (for any reason),
did you run "make distclean" before the last configure and compile?
Configure sometimes caches things that need to be cleared.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

amanda problems with xinetd and ipv6

2002-06-27 Thread Ron Snyder

I came across some of your posts in the amanda archives regarding the
problem you're having and I think I might have a clue about it.  We've been
having the same problem recently, and I think it corresponds to our enabling
ipv6 on the machine in question. The startup script (at least in redhat) for
xinetd checks to see if ipv6 is enabled, and starts up xinetd-ipv6 instead
of xinetd.  I believe that this is the source of MY problems, because my
logs show a change right at the time that amanda stopped being able to back
up this machine.

Jun 23 22:47:25 webfoot xinetd[737]: START: amanda pid=19221 from=
Jun 23 22:48:13 webfoot xinetd[737]: START: amanda pid=19255 from=
Jun 24 16:00:02 webfoot xinetd-ipv6[812]: START: amanda pid=2143
Jun 24 16:10:04 webfoot xinetd-ipv6[812]: START: amanda pid=2282

In your most recent post (Sunday I believe), you said that you believed the
problem was that amanda was incompatible with xinetd, but I think that it's
only incompatible with xinetd-ipv6.  My opinion is that there should be some
magic xinetd file entry that says something to the effect of "this program
doesn't understand ipv6 addresses, so it should only be shown ipv4
addresses".  I haven't found that magic option yet.

I suppose the problem may also be related to the glibc on this machine,
although I'm kinds of doubting that.



2002-06-27 Thread Annette Bitz
