[AMRadio] Free BC-250-T In Oregon

2007-06-01 Thread crawfish
QTH ad #599558. Usual disclaimers.
  Joe W4AAB
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[AMRadio] FW: The Man from Dayton!!!!

2007-06-01 Thread Bob Peters

>   Special Counsel, Spectrum Enforcement Division, FCC Enforcement
>   Well you could have gone to the Flea Market, but you came to 
>instead! I've got you now. Thank you for coming to Dayton. Just by your

>sheer numbers you make the DARA Hamvention one of the most powerful
>in Amateur radio, and it shows that you are serious about it ...and
>you care about its future.
>   By participating in an event such as this you help ensure its 
>...you show your numbers and your determination.
>   I'm not going to go over enforcement updates - there's no need 
>take up your time on that. You can follow Amateur radio enforcement in
>publications---QST, CQ Magazine, and on the websites of ARRL, RAIN
>Newsline and now our own FCC webpage by going to FCC.gov and going to
>Enforcement Bureau pages. The ARRL web page has a link to that as well.
>   I want to talk to you about what bothers me most about Amateur 
>...and I want to give you a homework assignment.
>   The blatant rule violators ...I think you can see that we are 
>care of them - or most of them - on a gradual basis. Current violations
>about what we would expect from a service your size.
>   But what concerns me most is this: You still need to "lighten 
>up." I
>said that last year but you need to take it to heart more. All of you
>learn from each other. And you need to work together more and show a
>more respect for your diverse interests and for the service as a whole.
>isn't about you. It isn't about enforcement. It's about Amateur radio.
>   Every time you get on the air, you need to decide what's most
>important to you ...the best interests of Amateur radio as a whole, or
>own pride or ego or "rights". I realize I may be preaching to the choir

>here, but on the air you need to be more cooperative and less 
>argumentative. And I need you to take this message with you when you go

>   Your homework assignment is to read Dave Sumner's article in May
>2007 QST, page 9. I have a couple hundred copies for you and if you
>get one, contact me and I'll scan one to you.
>   In a nutshell, I have good news and bad news. The good news: 
>is wrong with Amateur radio. It is a good service that is showing its
>to the public on a daily basis. Bad news is that there is an element of

>Amateur radio that too often reflects present society generally.
>the phenomenon behind Road Rage - whatever that is - that's what I am 
>talking about. All of you need to work together and depend upon the FCC

>less to solve your operating problems. We live in a rude, discourteous,

>profane, hotheaded society that loves its rights, prefers not to hear
>its responsibilities, and that spills over in to the Ham bands.
>   I can't really say it any better than Dave Sumner did in May 
>QST-Page 9, and your homework assignment is to read it: "Most of the 
>unpleasantness that erupts from time to time on the most popular HF
>can be avoided if we're willing to be flexible in our frequency
>   I have some messages to all the groups along these lines. But 
>I get to that, I want to say that a little more kindness would go a
>way in your service. Lots of you are like people in a parking lot
>over a parking space when there are hundreds available. We are all
>people, and even on the best days, probably work and think at around
>efficiency. We are not the greatest nation on earth. We think we are
but we 
>aren't and we aren't the greatest people. Look at the evening news for 
>about a week if you don't realize that. And think about what the rest
>the world sees going on in America.
>   What we ARE is this: "We are rude, self important, cell phone
>yapping, road raging, and stressed out monsters behind the wheel." And
>too often behind the microphone. You are increasingly calling upon the
>too much to solve your problems. Remember: "Most of the unpleasantness
>erupts from time to time on the most popular HF bands can be avoided if

>we're willing to be flexible in our frequency selection."
>   To all Amateur Radio operators in general: I was looking at a 
>QST the other day and noticed inside the back cover an ad for Swan 
>transceivers. Some of you might remember the 350 and the 250. These
>really state of the art at the time. The 350 has 17 little controls and
>big one. The VFO, presumably to make it easy to change frequencies. Now

>let's go to a 2007 QST magazine and look on the back cover at the
>TS570. It has 46 little controls and knobs, and one big one, the VFO.
>near the back at the ICOM 7800. It has about 75 l

RE: [AMRadio] FW: The Man from Dayton!!!!

2007-06-01 Thread Rick Brashear
Personally, I think Riley hit the nail on the head!

 Well you could have gone to the Flea Market, but you came to CHURCH
instead! I've got you now

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[AMRadio] Lacing

2007-06-01 Thread Rick Brashear
I tried to send this to your email address, but it returned.  The cord
arrived yesterday and it's exactly what I needed.  Thanks a  million for
your generosity, I owe you one.

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[AMRadio] HT-37's

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR
I've got three Hallicrafter HT-37's. 

Last known, two were working, and one was a parts unit, although with 
minimal effort, all three could be made to work.

If you're interested, please reply *off-list*, with your offer for all 
three, plus a W7FG manual.

Would prefer pick-up but can meet you up to 200 miles from San Antonio, TX.

Thanks for your time.

73 = Best Regards,

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[AMRadio] TS-520

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

Also, I have a good working TS-520 (no 'S'), I'd like to offer for sale.

No, it doesn't do AM, but it's still a 'Boat Anchor', and it uses tubes! 
(3 - parallel 6146's and a 12BY7 Driver).

Great for CW!

Remember, please *reply off-list*.

This one can be shipped.  Include shipping from 78223 in your offer.
Comes with hand-held microphone but no manual.

I'm looking around the shack, and there may be more.  Stay tuned.

73 = Best Regards,

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3

2007-06-01 Thread Todd, KA1KAQ

Looks like you made it back home fine, Geoff. Enjoyed chatting with
you while you were up this way last month, hope to work you on the air
soon -

~ Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ

On 6/1/07, Geoff/W5OMR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The more I dig, the more I uncover.

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[AMRadio] Drake RV-3

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

The more I dig, the more I uncover.

Drake RV-3 - Remote VFO.

Condition unknown, but believed to be working.  I don't have a TR-3 to 
test it with.  However, I'm told that the output of the RV-3's is 
exactly what's needed for the Central Electronics Lab rigs.

$50+shipping from 78223.

Please, reply *off-list* if you're interested.

73 = Best Regards,

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

Todd, KA1KAQ wrote:

Looks like you made it back home fine, Geoff. Enjoyed chatting with
you while you were up this way last month, hope to work you on the air
soon -

Hey, Todd! Great talking to you, too!

Yeah, it was a good trip, all in all.  Made Dayton, got to visit with 
Brett/N2DTS and all in all, enjoyed my 4,210 mile driving vacation.

The trip synopsis is...

The trip was uneventful, save for having to replace the back glass in 
the hatch on the Honda civic CRX.  A short-bed dump truck was going the 
opposite direction on a 2-lane road, and apparently a mini-twister 
grabbed the 75m ham stick antenna, and the tri-magnet mag-mount and 
twisted it loose from the top of the car.  When it got air-borne, 
naturally, towards the back of the car it went, until it hit the end of 
the coax... "WHAP! *BAM * /CRASH/ TINKLE, Tinkle tinkle..."  I Thought I 
had been shot at, or something.  The mount got free of the car, hit the 
end of the coax, bashed out the glass, broke free of the coax, bounced 
and rolled around on the highway, and slung off all of the magnets.  I 
found one magnet, and the 75m ham-stick, but the mount is probably still 
tumbling somewhere in a corn field near the Illinois/Indiana state line.

Got the back glass fixed in New Jersey (for about $800 less than what a 
glass place wanted in Indianapolis!), bought another tri-mag mag-mount 
at HRO in New Castle, Delaware, (on the way out of Jersey) but the 40m 
antenna refused to work, and I wasn't in the car at the right time for 
75m, so kinda gave up on HF mobile.

DID pick up a 10m/CB rig from Brett/N2DTS when I was in Jersey, but I 
never heard anyone on 10m.  Listened to lots of smokey reports on 27.185 
MHz, though :-)

So, the short summary of the trip was, drove from San Antonio to Dallas 
on Monday the 14th for an overnight visit, from Dallas to North Central 
Missouri, to visit some friends for 3 or 4 days, left that Friday 
morning for Dayton.  The glass got broke in Illinois, between MO and 
OH.  Left Dayton around 4pm Saturday afternoon and drove to Wheeling, 
WVA, stopped for the night there, then drove the next morning across PA 
(and the [EMAIL PROTECTED] turnpike - $16.75 from Washington, PA to Philly - highway 
robbery!  The turnpike opened in 1940.  Ain't it paid for, yet?) and 
made it to my New Jersey destination, Sunday evening.  Got the glass 
fixed in Jersey, and left there Thursday morning, rambling my way back 
to San Antonio.  Stopped in Willis, TX to climb a tower, and came on 
home Sunday afternoon. 

14 days on the road. 3 nights in a hotel, 2 nights in the car.

73 = Best Regards,
(safe at home in San Antone)
AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Tom Chesek
I have to laugh at you comments regarding the PA Turnpike. I'm a life-long
resident of PA and one thing that I know for sure is that the Turnpike is a
cash cow. It is self supporting with respect to the users paying for that
road. I too am dismayed when I use it even for short distances and what is
costs. I avoid it if possible but am glad to pay if it is an alternate route
around a major backup on the other interstate roads. The latest thing with
the PA Turnpike is that the Commonwealth of PA is considering selling or
leasing the Turnpike to private enterprise for the fast cash the can get to
meet today's overspending on everything else. Pretty soon we will have
Starbucks Kiosks in the State Capital Dome in order to turn a buck. All of
us have to live on what we earn but not government.

Sounds like you had a great and memorable trip. I'm jealous of your
magnificent road trip!


- Original Message - 
> So, the short summary of the trip was, drove from San Antonio to Dallas
> on Monday the 14th for an overnight visit, from Dallas to North Central
> Missouri, to visit some friends for 3 or 4 days, left that Friday
> morning for Dayton.  The glass got broke in Illinois, between MO and
> OH.  Left Dayton around 4pm Saturday afternoon and drove to Wheeling,
> WVA, stopped for the night there, then drove the next morning across PA
> (and the [EMAIL PROTECTED] turnpike - $16.75 from Washington, PA to Philly - 
> highway
> robbery!  The turnpike opened in 1940.  Ain't it paid for, yet?) and
> made it to my New Jersey destination, Sunday evening.  Got the glass
> fixed in Jersey, and left there Thursday morning, rambling my way back
> to San Antonio.  Stopped in Willis, TX to climb a tower, and came on
> home Sunday afternoon.
> 14 days on the road. 3 nights in a hotel, 2 nights in the car.
> --
> 73 = Best Regards,
> -Geoff/W5OMR
> (safe at home in San Antone)

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

Tom Chesek wrote:

Sounds like you had a great and memorable trip. I'm jealous of your
magnificent road trip!

I'm living, Tom.  that's the short of it.  I don't mind flying, but I 
mind not seeing this country of ours.  MOST of the trip was done on 
rural roads/routes.  Brookfield, MO to Indianapolis, IN was done on 
hiway 36.  I think there was even some Route 66 tossed in there :-)  
Interstates are nice, but boring and predictable.  I -should- have taken 
the time to drive along Skyline Drive, starting in the Shenandoah 
Valley, down to Southern Virginia, but it was getting late, and I only 
got to Wytheville, VA as it was, before I stopped there for the night at 
a Motel6.  After a good breakfast early in the morning, back to the 
hotel to 'freshen up' with some "S"'s tossed in there (shower, shave, 
etc...) then back on the road.

Oh, really.. the purpose for this trip, along with visiting friends, 
Dayton, etc, was that this was the first 'road trip' in the CRX.  I'm 
proud ot say that on the highway, that thing -averages- 45mpg.  Readings 
were as low as 38mpg, but that was driving around town in New Jersey, to 
as high as 53mpg (and I -think- most of that was due to 'coasting' down 
some of the hills towards the East Coast, on the Turnpike, and down 
Higway 81 in Virgina, going downhill.

Save for the glass incident, the car did -wonderful-!

I did get a little misty-eyed driving back through East Tennessee... it 
hadn't been that long ago, I was there for the funeral of my fiancee'.  
I thought about stopping to see Dave/W4QCU, and I know I would have been 
welcomed in, as I have been before, but my heart just wasn't in it, when 
I passed exit 407 on I-40 (that's the road that goes to Pigeon 
Forge/Gatlinburg, where she lived).

I was so looking forward to moving my big rig, or building a new one to 
operate from East TN.

Scuze me... must be some heavy humidity outside...

73 = Best Regards,
AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread David Knepper
In defense of the PA Turnpike, take Route 30 and then let me know when you 
are getting out of traction!

David Knepper, W3ST/W3CRA
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Join the CRA - the world's largest Collins group
- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Chesek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

I have to laugh at you comments regarding the PA Turnpike. I'm a life-long
resident of PA and one thing that I know for sure is that the Turnpike is 

cash cow. It is self supporting with respect to the users paying for that
road. I too am dismayed when I use it even for short distances and what is
costs. I avoid it if possible but am glad to pay if it is an alternate 

around a major backup on the other interstate roads. The latest thing with
the PA Turnpike is that the Commonwealth of PA is considering selling or
leasing the Turnpike to private enterprise for the fast cash the can get 

meet today's overspending on everything else. Pretty soon we will have
Starbucks Kiosks in the State Capital Dome in order to turn a buck. All of
us have to live on what we earn but not government.

Sounds like you had a great and memorable trip. I'm jealous of your
magnificent road trip!


- Original Message - 

So, the short summary of the trip was, drove from San Antonio to Dallas
on Monday the 14th for an overnight visit, from Dallas to North Central
Missouri, to visit some friends for 3 or 4 days, left that Friday
morning for Dayton.  The glass got broke in Illinois, between MO and
OH.  Left Dayton around 4pm Saturday afternoon and drove to Wheeling,
WVA, stopped for the night there, then drove the next morning across PA
(and the [EMAIL PROTECTED] turnpike - $16.75 from Washington, PA to Philly - 
robbery!  The turnpike opened in 1940.  Ain't it paid for, yet?) and
made it to my New Jersey destination, Sunday evening.  Got the glass
fixed in Jersey, and left there Thursday morning, rambling my way back
to San Antonio.  Stopped in Willis, TX to climb a tower, and came on
home Sunday afternoon.

14 days on the road. 3 nights in a hotel, 2 nights in the car.

73 = Best Regards,
(safe at home in San Antone)

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

David Knepper wrote:
In defense of the PA Turnpike, take Route 30 and then let me know when 
you are getting out of traction!


Well, it's known far and wide amongst us Southerners, that ya'll do have 
all 4 seasons in the north...

Almost winter
Still winter

I took pictures of my 450-ohm ladder line with 1/4" of ice on it, 
because we just don't -get- ice storms down here.



AMRadio mailing list
List Rules (must read!): http://w5ami.net/amradiofaq.html
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[AMRadio] BC-250-T Free in Oregon

2007-06-01 Thread Ed Sieb
Please contact Joe, W4AAB,  NOT ME!!

-Original Message-
From:  crawfish   
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:44 PM
Subject: GB> BC-250-T Free in Oregon

WA6APN has a free Gates BC-250-T for free. 
He is in Grants Pass, OR.QTH ad #599558. Usual disclaimers.

AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread David Knepper
But, you have to agree that most of you Southerners stay indoors during the 
summer while we Yankees spend time outdoors without the fear of snakes and 
other wild critters.

David Knepper, W3ST/W3CRA
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Join the CRA - the world's largest Collins group
- Original Message - 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

David Knepper wrote:
In defense of the PA Turnpike, take Route 30 and then let me know when 
you are getting out of traction!


Well, it's known far and wide amongst us Southerners, that ya'll do have 
all 4 seasons in the north...

Almost winter
Still winter

I took pictures of my 450-ohm ladder line with 1/4" of ice on it, because 
we just don't -get- ice storms down here.



AMRadio mailing list
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To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

David Knepper wrote:
But, you have to agree that most of you Southerners stay indoors 
during the summer while we Yankees spend time outdoors without the 
fear of snakes and other wild critters.

go ahead, and tell me how there ain't no snakes on the Allegheny 
River... or any other river up there.  Brown Recluse spiders, raccoons, 
bears, coyote, fox...  Them's northern critters.

Well, we got raccoons down here, too.. along with spiders... and 
possibly a coyote or two... 

seems I've seen pictures of a tower somewhere that had a snake that 
draped itself in and around some rungs around the 6 to 8' level... and 
it weren't down here!


AMRadio mailing list
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Jim Wilhite

David Knepper wrote:
In defense of the PA Turnpike, take Route 30 and then let 
me know when you are getting out of traction!


Well, it's known far and wide amongst us Southerners, that 
ya'll do have all 4 seasons in the north...

Almost winter
Still winter

I took pictures of my 450-ohm ladder line with 1/4" of ice 
on it, because we just don't -get- ice storms down here.



Then how did your 450 ohm ladder line get 1/4" of ice on it?


AMRadio mailing list
List Rules (must read!): http://w5ami.net/amradiofaq.html
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Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
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the word unsubscribe in the message body.

Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

I took pictures of my 450-ohm ladder line with 1/4" of ice on it, 
because we just don't -get- ice storms down here.



Then how did your 450 ohm ladder line get 1/4" of ice on it?

*sigh* you love picking on them nits, don't you?

"that often".


AMRadio mailing list
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[AMRadio] Yankees vs. Southerners

2007-06-01 Thread rbethman

This following clip is REALLY a hoot!
But, you have to agree that most of you Southerners stay indoors 
during the summer while we Yankees spend time outdoors without the 
fear of snakes and other wild critters.
Having been born in Illinois, spent quite a bit of time in Wisconsin, 
stationed in Pennsylvania, and have lived in Florida, Georgia and other 
locales, the 'purported' absence of snakes and critters in Yankee 
territory MUST come from someone in Suburbia and spends all the rest of 
the time in an office building!

Snakes are plentiful in Illinois, Wisconsin, AND Pennsylvania.  They 
AREN'T all non-poisonous either!  One is the timber rattlesnake.  The 
four-legged varieties include raccoons, Lynx, and the worst I've 
encountered is the Bobcat.  These are DEFINITELY in existence in these 
three states.

They have a bearing on Radio hobbyists.  Go out and string dipoles in 
wooded areas.  You'll eventually find them - IF - they don't find you 
first!  Learned in Illinois and Wisconsin to wear high top leather 
boots.  It reduces the chance that the fanged one will succeed!

I am now in Virginia.  Geoff may argue whether it's the South, BUT it 
was the capitol of the Confederacy.  We do NOT stay inside in the 
summer!  I take my telescopes out year round.  I carry a concealed 
handgun due to the 'critters'!  I'm NOT concerned over the two-legged ones.

Bob - N0DGN
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Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

2007-06-01 Thread David Knepper
We never get ice on our ladder line but do get a bit of ice on our "pretzel" 
when putting up antennas in the winter!

You can't be too careful when it comes to protecting your pretzel.

David Knepper, W3ST/W3CRA
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Join the CRA - the world's largest Collins group
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" 

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Drake RV-3 / trip

David Knepper wrote:
In defense of the PA Turnpike, take Route 30 and then let me know when 
you are getting out of traction!


Well, it's known far and wide amongst us Southerners, that ya'll do have 
all 4 seasons in the north...

Almost winter
Still winter

I took pictures of my 450-ohm ladder line with 1/4" of ice on it, because 
we just don't -get- ice storms down here.



Then how did your 450 ohm ladder line get 1/4" of ice on it?


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Re: [AMRadio] BC-250-T Free in Oregon

2007-06-01 Thread crawfish
Best to contact WA6APN per his ad in QTH. His phone number is listed in the
ad itself.
 Joe(only the
- Original Message -
From: "Ed Sieb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "AM Reflector" 
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] BC-250-T Free in Oregon

> Please contact Joe, W4AAB,  NOT ME!!
> -Original Message-
> From:  crawfish   
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:44 PM
> Subject: GB> BC-250-T Free in Oregon
> WA6APN has a free Gates BC-250-T for free.
> He is in Grants Pass, OR.QTH ad #599558. Usual disclaimers.
> Joe W4AAB
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Rules (must read!): http://w5ami.net/amradiofaq.html
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
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> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
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Re: [AMRadio] Yankees vs. Southerners

2007-06-01 Thread Geoff/W5OMR

rbethman wrote:
I am now in Virginia.  Geoff may argue whether it's the South, BUT it 
was the capitol of the Confederacy.  We do NOT stay inside in the 
summer!  I take my telescopes out year round.  I carry a concealed 
handgun due to the 'critters'!  I'm NOT concerned over the two-legged 

A friend of mine, Bob, moved to Norfolk/Virginia Beach area back in the 
mid/late 90's.  The locals told her "welcome to the South!"  She was 
'up' there, from South Texas, and therefore said "If I'm in the South, 
how come I had to drive NORTH to get here?"  ;-)

LOTS of 4-legged and slippery/slithery critters in most any place that 
has an 'outdoors' (away from the Megalopolis).

Lots of trees in Virginia to hang antennas with, though.  Watch that 
vine, though.. it -might- have fangs!

73 = Best Regards,

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RE: [AMRadio] BC-250-T Free in Oregon

2007-06-01 Thread Rick Brashear
Hey Brian, 
I wonder about what it would cost for the carrier you used to transport that
thing to Dallas?  I can't afford it, I'm just curious.

> WA6APN has a free Gates BC-250-T for free.
> He is in Grants Pass, OR.QTH ad #599558. Usual disclaimers.
> Joe W4AAB

AMRadio mailing list
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[AMRadio] 20 Meter AM Lives

2007-06-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Approximately 30 minutes ago, I answered a cq from W8VYZ.

During our qso, I worked 2 stations near Pittsburgh, and one in Toronto. 
They could all hear me, but were all skipping over Mr. Bill.

So, activate those long idle 20 meter crystals, and generate some Angel 

Don't be bashful; I did this with my 25 watts and 3 element tri-bander.

I'm still also checking 15 and 10 meters whenever the SSB activity gets 

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

AMRadio mailing list
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the word unsubscribe in the message body.

Re: [AMRadio] 20 Meter AM Lives

2007-06-01 Thread crawfish
Was this on 14.286? It would be nice to have another 20m frequency in the
Extra/Advanced area.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Duke, K5XU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio" 
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 9:25 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] 20 Meter AM Lives

> Approximately 30 minutes ago, I answered a cq from W8VYZ.
> During our qso, I worked 2 stations near Pittsburgh, and one in Toronto.
> They could all hear me, but were all skipping over Mr. Bill.
> So, activate those long idle 20 meter crystals, and generate some Angel
> Music.
> Don't be bashful; I did this with my 25 watts and 3 element tri-bander.
> I'm still also checking 15 and 10 meters whenever the SSB activity gets
> strong.
> Mike Duke, K5XU
> American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs
> __
> AMRadio mailing list
> List Rules (must read!): http://w5ami.net/amradiofaq.html
> List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
> Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
> Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
> To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
> the word unsubscribe in the message body.

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