[AMRadio] How the reply button works

2006-06-12 Thread Brian Sherrod

Yes, but the moderator here told sellers they had to put a warning in
capital letters at the top of their posts telling anyone who replies
to be suire not to reply to the whole list, otherwise the moderatoir
said that he was going to banish the SELLER--who clearly WANTS all his
messages to be seen by the whole list and really has nothing to do
with this problem.

73, Don Merz, N3RHT

I did not say that Don.  I clearly separated and distinguished what
guidelines I expected for the SELLER and for the BUYER.  If you placed
the email directly to me at the top of your for sale list as I
suggested, and someone decided to ignore that, it's not your fault,
and I certainly would realize that.

If we are going to use this list as a buy/sell thing, even just a
little, I want some common sense guidelines for how business should
be conducted between the seller and the buyer.  I don't get why this
is such a terrible rule!

I am also thinking of the archives.  I know a lot of folks simply use
the delete button if they don't care about reading a certain post, but
the archives do not distinguish what it keeps, and it continues to get
bigger and bigger.

Another list I belong to has come up with a way to make a searchable
archive from Pipermail, and I'm very interested to watch how this
works for a while and possibly get this installed for us.  The cleaner
our archives, the better the search algorithm will work.  Our archives
contain a wealth of technical information from the last 4 or 5 years
but currently Pipermail does not have a search feature.

Re: [AMRadio] How the reply button works

2006-06-12 Thread Brian Sherrod

Before I actually hit the send key for Reply All, I
delete all unwanted recipients.

Works fine so long as we remember to delete all unwanted recipients
so they don't get duplicates.

[AMRadio] Sellers and Buyers on this list...READ THIS

2006-06-11 Thread Brian Sherrod

On various threads about including previous text I have tried to make
the following clear, but it seems that I have not been able to get my
point across.

First of all; I do not mind people posting for sale ads on the list so
long as they are items that are somewhat related to the items needed
by a lot of BA owners, builders, etc.

The problem is as follows:

Sellers are required to post at the TOP of your list of items for sale
that the buyer reply to you directly.  Do so in capital letters...  I
have asked sellers to do this at least three times in the past three
or four months.  From this point forward, you will have a three
strike, and you're out policy on your membership.

Same goes for buyers.  There is absolutely NO reason to post your
desire to buy something, along with the entire list the seller posted
in the original message back to the 500 or so members of this list!
The rest of us don't need to see the list again, not to mention what
YOU want to buy!  Three strikes and you're out too...

Sorry it has to come to this, however I've tried several times to
convey this rule without being a total AH, and it hasn't worked.  If
you missed it, look in the archives.

Let's make this happen!


There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Re: [AMRadio] How the reply button works

2006-06-11 Thread Brian Sherrod

Exactly Mark.

About three or four years ago we went through this discussion and it
was the consensus that the reply-to button addressed the list.  For
the time being, I have retset the reply-to button to go directly to
the poster since, so far, based on recnt replies this is way others
would prefer it.

I would ask the list members to voice their opinion on this option and
lets set it once and for all, one way or the other.  I find it much
more convenient to have it address the list when I hit reply myself.

As Mark mentioned, this is NOT a bug, but a choice.

On 6/11/06, W1EOF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Don -

This seems to come up on every list I belong to ( 35) every so often. It's not 
so much a bug but a choice. It also is NOT turning a reply into a reply-to-all.

When you click the reply button it can only go one of two ways. To the list 
(the source of the email to you), or to the poster of the message to the list. 
It can only go one way or the other. I would contends that it is in the most 
favorable position. I'd guess that most of the time when someone replies, they 
want to reply to the list and not to the individual that posted the message.

I just checked:
All lists I belong to except one default to replying to the entire list when 
you hit
the reply button. All the Yahoo lists. The LWCA.ORG list. The only one that 
does not,
the one that's different is the GlowBugs list.


Mark W1EOF

 -Original Message-
 From: Merz Donald S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 2:19 PM
 To: Discussion of AM Radio
 Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Sellers and Buyers on this list...READ THIS

 I will do this. But it must be recognized that this feature is
 a bug. No other list anywhere on Earth operates by automatically
 making every REPLY into a REPLY-TO-ALL. SNIP

AMRadio mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
AMfone Website: http://www.amfone.net
AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb

There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Re: [AMRadio] How the reply button works

2006-06-11 Thread Brian Sherrod

Can someone help me keep tally on who wants what?  Please let me know

Everyone, please send your vote to list so we can all feel confident
in the final decision.  I say we close the poll by next Sunday, 18
June.  I can switch it back real quick or leave it like it is now.
It's up to y'all.  At that point, we will let this subject die once
and for all and keep it off the list, as I know it's not related to
AM, but hey, we have got to make this list work the way the majority
wants it and the only way to do that is discuss it for a short while.


 In a message dated 6/11/06 1:50:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I would ask the list members to voice their opinion on this option and
 lets set it once and for all, one way or the other.  I find it much
 more convenient to have it address the list when I hit reply myself.

 My vote is to the person.

 Dennis D. W7QHO
 Glendale, CA

There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Re: [AMRadio] How the reply button works

2006-06-11 Thread Brian Sherrod

Very good John, and thanks a lot for helping on this, as I'm snowed
right now, and would probably screw up the results ;)

Brian / w5ami

There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. -- Frank Lloyd Wright

[AMRadio] Vermont Governor Signs Amateur Radio Antenna Bill

2006-06-08 Thread Brian Sherrod

Vermont Governor Signs Amateur Radio Antenna Bill

Brian Sherrod - w5ami
There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Re: [AMRadio] Good Hams

2006-06-07 Thread Brian Sherrod

I've got a 450TL and a line on a pair of TH's, but I don't think the
750T and the 450T have the same base, but I might be mistaken.  At 450W
of plate dissapation each, the 450's (if the base is the same) would
work in the Bartlesville Transmitter (if I'm remembering correctly).

That's probably what I'm going to do.  I've got enough 450t's to do
the job, and I might even just run one in the final, as it's plenty
enough.  I still have the big 849 triodes which I plan to use for the
modulators as did the Bartlesville TX.  I used this exact
configuration in a lash up for some time, mainly to make sure the old
849's were still good.  They are both 69 years old ;)

Hey, up in your neighborhood (almost) in Shreveport, ol' Ronnie/W5SUM
(ex WB5AWA) got hisself an RF deck to house a couple of 450T's. Check
with Ronnie.  Last I knew, he was gathering parts for a home-brewed
single 450T final, modulated by a pair of 450's.  Since he now has that
deck, perhaps y'all could work something on homebrewing you up a rig to
get back on the air with.

Yeah, I've emailed Ronnie a few times about his soon to be transmitter.

Speaking of which, have you (or anyone) talked to W5NBC lately?  Last I
heard from him, Jim was in Sour Lake, TX, just west of Beaumont, on
Highway 105.

I talked with Jim on 3893 two or three times in the last month and he
is doing very well.  Still lives in Sour Lake.  He has been traveling
a lot lately.  Also Kent, KA5MIR is getting things ready to get back
on the air too.  Seems a few of us have taken about a 5 year break
from the radios, and ready to jump back in now.  Until I get the big
tx moved into my shack and wired up, I will be using my new Flex Radio
with a Henry 3K Classic X on AM.  Look for me in about a week late
night or early morning.

There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. -- Frank Lloyd Wright

Re: [AMRadio] Good Hams

2006-06-06 Thread Brian Sherrod

On 6/6/06, W5OMR/Geoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Earlier, I was bidding on a 250TH on the 'e' place.  I've got 'some' but
you can never have too many spares. ;-)

Anyway, was outbid and I didn't persue it, but I did pass a warning on
to the winning bidder about letting the filament voltage warm the tube
up, and possibly chase the possibility of gassyness away from the tube,
before even a small amount of grid-drive is applied.

his reply was:


Thanks for the advice. I've had to do the same with 6146's that have sat
around awhile. I built a test rig to bias a tube and but(sic) some plate
current through it for the 6146's I'll likely do the same for the
100th's and 250th headed into a BC-610E under restoration here. Thanks
again for passing on the warning. Ham radio is really full of great people.


Pete Hamersma, WB2JWU

You're a good man and good sport Geoff...  I might have some 250th's
around here, but they are boxed up if I do, so will take me a month or
so ;) to find them.  If I find one (or two) with good filaments, I'll
send 'em your way.  In the meantime, if you come across a 750TH or TL,
I could use a good one here.

Brian / w5ami

Re: [AMRadio] Previous Text

2006-06-05 Thread Brian Sherrod

On 6/5/06, Todd, KA1KAQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had a lengthy back and forth with Paul on this and tried to explain
what Geoff and others have said here. I do agree with Paul's premise
that we're all capable of keeping up and reading between the lines,
and in most cases I'm sure that is sufficient.

The main thing that really miffs me is when someone posts a long list
of things for sale and someone responds back to the list wanting to
buy a certain item and also includes the entire long list of things
for sale.  While on that subject; I would like to ask that from this
point on, all sellers include at the top of their list for potential
buyers to reply _directly_ to them only.  I don't mind people posting
items for sale, as it's a good way for us to get first notice to good
ol' vintage stuff before it goes to ePay.

Regarding the inclusion of discussion text from a previous poster, I
say include (if need be) the previous posters comments in regard to
your response only.  If you have a response to several comments made
by the previous poster then use the top posting method, cascading
through the original text much like Geoff/OMR has done in recent

Everyone who has replied to this thread has a valid point, and we just
need to use common sense on how we make our replies.  Back in the old
days, you would have been scolded about including too much original
text due to bandwidth over the net.  Still a valid point, but not near
as critical an issue nowadays.

We have a great group here, and I know we (me included) all screw up
from time to time, but I see far less screw-ups here than I do on
all the other lists and forums I belong to.

You can't help but love the AMRadio list!

Brian / w5ami

[AMRadio] Live Video/Audio feed from Dayton

2006-05-19 Thread Brian Sherrod

For those who stayed home this year


[AMRadio] Gin Pole for folding tower question - OT

2006-05-11 Thread Brian Sherrod

Sort of off topic, however I know there are some really smart guys on here
that may know the answer to this;

I've got a Rohn bx48 (48' light duty tower) that I would like to be able to
fold over/up for any maintenance.  It will have a Ham IV rotor/3 el.
tri-bander and dipole pulley at the top.  I plan to mount in the concrete
base a 25' steel pipe 4 1/2 diameter with 1/4 walls directly behind the
tower for raising and lowering to tower.  The pipe will be 20 feet above the
ground level with 5 feet embedded in the concrete tower substructure.  It
will have a pulley at the top of the pipe and a hand crank at about 4 feet,
with steel cable attached to the tower at the 20 foot level.  Question is;
will 1/4 walled 4 1/2 steel pipe be able to withstand the foot lbs.
required to raise and lower this tower below the 45 degree mark without
buckling?  Seems I can not find any pipe this size with larger wall diameter
around here.  I could guy the pipe in the opposite direction if needed...

Any mechanical engineers out there know the answer??


Brian / w5ami

Re: [AMRadio] 160 meters

2006-04-23 Thread Brian Sherrod
On Sunday 23 April 2006 2:47 pm, Rick Brashear wrote:
 I have a Butternut vertical with a 160 meter coil modification I am
 temporarily using for top band.  It seemed I was hearing more AM around
 1.880 - 1.885 at first, but now seems to be around 1.985 or has my mind
 played another trick on me?  Needless to say, my vertical will not begin
 to stretch that far, so I need to make a decision as to which end to set
 it.  Any suggestions as to where I am likely to get in on the most AM?

If I remember right, 1.880 - 1.9 or so had most the AM activity.  There used 
to be an ol' buzzard BC-610 group that met around 1.985 or so, but I don't 
know if they are still around.  I haven't been on the air in some time 
(fixing to change that), so someone else might have better advice on this.

Brian / w5ami

Re: [AMRadio] : BC 610 needing POWER 220VAC

2006-04-08 Thread Brian Sherrod
On Saturday 08 April 2006 9:16 am, James M. Walker wrote:
 The BC-610, does not operate properly, when the front panel
 switch is in protect or tune mode, if you are on AM. Bias
 voltages change all around as the tune/protect position switches
 in a series dropping resistor to the 115 VAC main input.

I may be wrong, however I thought that ONLY the HV plate voltage circuit was 
reduced via the wire wound power resistor inline with the primary side when 
HV protect is on.  Seems that dropped the primary voltage to about 70 volts.  
The bias, filament, etc. stay the same on mine, and should!  

Still doesn't mean you can operate phone like this without adjusting the bias 
to compensate on the modulator's...  I have done this using the winding of a 
large 12v transformer in series instead of the stock resistor in the 610.  Of 
course there is some change needed in the bias to compensate.

Brian / w5ami

Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

2006-04-08 Thread Brian Sherrod
On Saturday 08 April 2006 10:50 am, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Sherrod

  What does any of this K1MAN/W1AW stuff have to do with AM discussion?


  get back on track here folks.  I've already had two people leave the list

 Plenty, if you ever had an AM QSO disrupted by the broadcasts of either of
 these stations. Although the K1MAN matter may soon be a moot point, the
 W1AW broadcasts are in the busiest parts of our phone bands. The League
 insists on running their SSB broadcasts on 7290 kHz, which is a very
 popular AM frequency on the East Coast and in the Midwest. K1MAN also tied
 up frequencies in the busiest parts of the 20 and 75 meter bands.

Hey Phil,

Why do you want to continue this part of the discussion after I politely made 
a retraction earlier this week to the statement above that you quoted me on?

I explained why I did what I did, and realized I was wrong and had the balls 
to admit it to the group.


Re: [AMRadio] K1MAN thread of discussion

2006-04-05 Thread Brian Sherrod
Okay,  I'll step up and admit that I made poor judgment on this issue.  I read 
something out of context (bad mistake), and detected what I thought was a bit 
of flame throwing, and decided to make my remark.  Once I went back and read 
the whole thread, I realized I was wrong, dead wrong.  The topic itself was 
not really my issue at that senior moment.

For those who think I over moderate this list, I respectfully disagree.  Any 
of you that have been on this list since the beginning know full well that I 
have RARELY intervened or moderated any topic.  The exception of late is 
where I have asked that trimming of threads off your reply be observed, and 
that anyone wanting to buy something another poster has for sale, be made 
directly to the seller, not the list.  That is NOT a bad rule, and if any of 
you think it is, I'd like for you to step up and tell us.

To date (since abt 1997), I have never banned or removed anyone from this 
list, and that is mainly due to the fact that we have a really great group of 
members here, and I sincerely mean that.

Resume your topic of K1MAN/W1AW.  You spoke, I listened
However I still reserve the right to be the mean 'ol moderator if I have 
to  ;)


Brian / W5AMI

Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

2006-04-04 Thread Brian Sherrod
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 4:18 pm, Peter Markavage wrote:
 Maybe you should drop Art, W1AM, a note, and ask him why it happened.
 Pete, cwa

 On Tue, 4 Apr 2006 16:52:46 -0400 Mike Sawyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Tell that to the fellow op who just got his QSO squashed by W1AM
  firing up

What does any of this K1MAN/W1AW stuff have to do with AM discussion?  Let's 
get back on track here folks.  I've already had two people leave the list 

Fwd: [AMRadio] Replies to the AM reflector

2006-03-27 Thread Brian Sherrod

Some of you may have missed this message I sent last week.  If you did, PLEASE 
--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: [AMRadio] Replies to the AM reflector
Date: Friday 24 March 2006 11:04 am
From: Brian Sherrod [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Discussion of AM Radio amradio@mailman.qth.net

I would like to request that if you reply to any for sale items listed on our
reflector, please do so directly to the seller, not the list.

There have been a couple of instances recently where some long lists of items
were for sale where the potential buyer(s) replied to seller on the list, and
copied the entire list of items for sale once again in that reply.

In addition to for sale replies, when replying to any post, please try to
remember to delete excessive content from the original message or multiple
replies to that original message when it is not appropriate.  I know there
are many cases where quotes from the original post SHOULD be included to keep
things in context.  Just use your good judgment on this.

Thanks for your observance of this small request.

Brian - w5ami
AMRadio mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
AMfone Website: http://www.amfone.net
AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb


[AMRadio] Replies to the AM reflector

2006-03-24 Thread Brian Sherrod
I would like to request that if you reply to any for sale items listed on our 
reflector, please do so directly to the seller, not the list.

There have been a couple of instances recently where some long lists of items 
were for sale where the potential buyer(s) replied to seller on the list, and 
copied the entire list of items for sale once again in that reply.

In addition to for sale replies, when replying to any post, please try to 
remember to delete excessive content from the original message or multiple 
replies to that original message when it is not appropriate.  I know there 
are many cases where quotes from the original post SHOULD be included to keep 
things in context.  Just use your good judgment on this.

Thanks for your observance of this small request.

Brian - w5ami

[AMRadio] Notice

2006-01-30 Thread Brian Sherrod
Okay, here's the deal; guys, gals...

This message below (from WA3FRP, copied) is not in accordance with
proper posting to this list.  I have refrained from getting involved in
this discussion since there are so many of you that are far more
informed on the subject than I, but I think it's about time to stop the
thread on this subject here and now.
Our list is primarily for discussion of AMRadio in regard to operating,
equipment, tech questions, answers, scheds, news, and friendly
discussion for those who enjoy our niche of the hobby.  Announcements of
threatening news against our part of ham radio is perfectly acceptable,
but I think it's time to stop this discussion here and now  Everyone by
now surely knows what to do to voice your opinion to the FCC and ARRL.  

If any of you want to start your own AMRadio Politics email list... be
my guest.  Or... there are other places for this already.

I will not tolerate name calling, as this message from WA3FRP has
certainly done on the list.  Everyone has their opinions, but if you
feel the need to get this explicit and decide to describe someone as
Russ has, send a private email, go somewhere else ...or get lost.  You
are, Russ, the first person since 1998 to call someone an asshole on
the AmRadio reflector.  Congratulations!

This list has been a productive source of good technical information
regarding AM operation for many years, and I want to keep it that way.

Again; if someone wants to start another list for am politics or name
calling, go for it.  Nuf said

Brian / w5ami

On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 10:22 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK you've cemented your reputation as being as asshole.  Why don't you  go 
 crawl under your rock and leave the rest of us folks, who want to have a  
 rationale discussion, alone for a while.
 AMRadio mailing list
 Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
 Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
 Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
 AMfone Website: http://www.amfone.net
 AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb

[AMRadio] List Change-Over in a couple days...

2005-12-31 Thread Brian Sherrod
I will try to change us over to the new list server in a few days...

Been really busy here, and have not even had time to get the archives together 
publishing, not have I had a moment to download the pre 2001 archives John 
(BXO) has
graciously provided (I'll get them soon John).

The main thing I want to accomplish at this point, is the transition to the new 
list server.  The archives will NOT be lost, I promise.  The new server should
provide us with much faster turnaround time on postings getting sent out, less
unexplained bounces, etc.  Soon as I do the transfer, I will post the NEW 
address to send messages to.  After this, DO NOT post to the old address, as 
will go nowhere.  Also, for those who are set for digest mode, you will have to 
this in your settings, which I will provide the URL to that page as well.

Again, and except for those using digest mode, members should not have to do
anything, as I will transfer your membership from the old to the new.  Just 
make sure
you record the new email address to post to once I publish that.

Thanks All, and Happy New Year!

Brian / w5ami

Re: [AMRadio] My 2 cents..

2005-12-21 Thread Brian Sherrod
Greetings to members of the AMRadio list;

One of my other hobbies beside ham radio, is Astronomy, and has been for years. 
brother has made this one of his ONLY hobbies for many many years, and has a few
published books on the subject.  I help him maintain (since he's not a real 
type) a website dedicated to helping others who are new to the hobby, plus an 
where he can publish his observations of NEO's (Near Earth Asteroids), and other

My brother (Dr. Clay as most call him) posted this Christmas Message that I 
many of you would like to read:

He calls it his Politically Incorrect Christmas Message...

If anyone would like to send comments to Clay regarding his message, his email 

Merry Christmas to all members of the AMRadio list, and their loved ones, from 
(Brian) and family...

- Original Message - 
To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:08 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] My 2 cents..

 Merry Christmas  Happy Holidays to all,
 AMRadio mailing list
 Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
 Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
 Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
 AMfone Website: http://www.amfone.net
 AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb


2005-12-19 Thread Brian Sherrod
 Here you go Brian. I included December.
 Download from here.
 DBF and MDB


Thanks John!  I'll have a look.  Right now the PST format will be okay.  Since 
going to have to convert all this later, I can figure out some way to convert 
the PST
data and merge it in too.

PS:  I'll let you know after I download the file so you can remove it if you 


2005-12-16 Thread Brian Sherrod
John, Geoff,

I've already downloaded the entire archive from qth.net.  About 8100 messages, I
think.  That covers Dec. 2001 thru now.  John, is there anyway you can archive 
those prior to Dec. 2001 and put them into a dBase format?  I no longer have 
prior to Dec 2001.  I may end up doing some mSQL database type script to 
access the data online using Perl or PHP...  Don't know just yet, as it will 
depend on my time, and that's something I've not had much of lately.  What I 
right now from the qth.net archive is already formated to HTML with Pipermail.  
I may
have to convert the html on these into an mSQL database later.


 Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:29:10 -0600
 Subject: RE: [AMRadio] List Server - PLEASE READ - VERY IMPORTANT
 To: 'Discussion of AM Radio' amradio@mailman.qth.net
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 My outlook folder for AMRadio shows over 10500 entries and goes back
 to 8/8/2000 I can export it to

 1) a dbase type file,
 2) a PST for Outlook,
 3) or a ASCI delimited file.

 And then zip it up and post it on my server.
 Which would you like?

 John Coleman


2005-12-15 Thread Brian Sherrod
To all members of the AMRadio List;

The AMRadio list will soon have it's own dedicated list server!  There will no 
be other lists running concurrently, sending and receiving mail to slow things 
is the case with the qth.net server.  QTH.NET has served us well since 2001 
and I appreciate Al Waller's contribution to amateur radio.

This change will not affect much in regard to what you see except for faster 
of emails to the list.  You should notice that when you send an email to the 
it will be returned to you _from_ the list MUCH faster than before.

The other reason I wanted to do this was to have more control over the list 
I will now be able to setup a search engine for all members that will allow 
you to
find keywords within the archives.  In the meantime, I have also been 
downloading ALL
the old archive off qth.net which go back to Dec. of 2002.  There are over 8050
archived posts many of which are extremely valuable from a technical standpoint.

As soon as I have the search engine setup, I will post the address to this.

I will post another message to the list as soon as the new list server is 
ready.  All
members will be transferred to the new list, so you will not have to do 
except those who have setup special options, such as digest mode.  For the those
all you will need to do is edit your settings as before.

There will be a new email address to send list mail to.  I will also post this
address when
everything is ready, so you can update your address book, etc.  Be sure you do 
posting to the old address will be posting to a dead list.  I will send out two 
three reminders
on the old list prior to this transition.

On another important note; I have asked Paul/wa3vjb to assist me in admin type 
due to the fact I am not always around to keep an eye out.  He has graciously
accepted, and I am in his debt.  Thanks Paul!

Please stay tuned!
Brian / w5ami

[AMRadio] QTH.NET - Please help our host

2005-09-27 Thread Brian Sherrod
Just a reminder to our list members to please consider supporting our host 
Many of you probably belong to many of their email lists and understand what it 
to maintain just a volume of lists and archives.  We are probably one of the 
lists hosted by qth.net, but lets show them how much we appreciate the service. 
always, this is list is free and your contribution is completely voluntary.

I personally make no profit from any of these lists, but I don't have to pay 
for the
equipment and space needed to keep them free.  I just want to do my part in
encouraging everyone to give what you can to help out.

Please go to: http://www.qth.net/ and click on the Help Support QTH.NET 

Thanks and 73

Brian / W5AMI

Brian Sherrod, SA/PA

[AMRadio] RE: AM Window and the Survival of AM

2005-09-20 Thread Brian Sherrod
(See original text by John Coleman below)

VERY good John.  Your words hit home for me even though I've not been around 
quite as
long as you.  Sorry OM!  You gave it away when you mentioned the 1950's TV set.
However I DO remember the TV man coming to fix the 1960's set right in our 
house.  I
sat right there on the floor with him and watched intensely wondering how all 
stuff made the pictures and sounds come in as they did.  I will also never 
the smell coming from inside the opened up TV with the tubes hot and dust 
on the resistors.  Not long after all my questions about how this stuff worked, 
father came home with a used Hallicrafters S-38 so I could listen to the SW 
coming in from all over the world.  My older brother and father setup a long 
antenna outside and the rest is history.  I was forever hooked...

BTW, one Ham your list did not have that I noted right away was W5PYT, Ozona 
He made some real long old buzzards, but nevertheless was very captivating to 
and a good friend.

Others I can mention who are now gone are; K5NYT Gene, W0BVA Mike,  Paul in NM 
remember his call), and I'm sure I'm forgetting some...  Oh and whatever 
happened to
Sulphur John?  I haven't heard from him in many years.

Brian / w5ami

What AM Is To Me

by John E. Coleman, WA5BXO

Operating AM is not about communicating using the most efficient mode of
transmission or the latest technology. It is about technical
understanding of what is really happening in one's transmitter. Not just
the standard old definitions but down in the nitty-gritty. It is about
understanding the technology of old and new. It's about understanding
why one circuit is better suited for a job than another even though both
have the same definition. It is about home-brew equipment and
modifications. It is about fellowship and a gentleman's mannerisms. It
is about fun in learning. It's a little new stuff mixed with some
nostalgia and used in a mode that is pleasurable to the operator and the

Sounds a lot like Ham Radio in general.

Don't misunderstand me, there is a lot more to Ham Radio than operating
AM. There are so many aspects of Ham Radio that I'm sure I could not do
the list justice. For this I am glad. Ham Radio has always been the
seeds of electronic and communication technology. And I hope it
continues to be.

Somewhere deep in my brain are the memories of the days of learning and
wonderment. I can not forget the first time I saw the bottom of the
Sears 1950 TV as the repairman went in with his meter and hand tools to
repair the set so that I could watch Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on the
next Saturday Morning. All the tubes glowing and how did it get in there
(the picture and the sound) I asked myself and many others. Then later
while in high school and having upgraded to general class, I was
privileged to not only see some of the greatest radio transmitters to
have ever been home brewed, but I was known by the men that built them
on a first name basis. Walking in to the shack of K5SWK in the evening
to see the 833s and 866s glowing and to hear the feedback from the
modulation transformer and slight hum of the pole pegs is a memory that
will always make me stop what I doing and ponder the nostalgia. Do I
operate AM because I can't let go of a childhood memory? You bet I do.
And I hope to stir some of those memories in others if possible and to
plant some seeds of my own.

Many Thanks and 73 to those Elmers

Wayne, W5FJS
Otis, K5SWK
Tom, K5IBW
Koby, K5MZH
Jake, K5IQV
Bill, WA5DWX Gene, WA5ATH
Gene, W5HQJ
Roy, W5MRY
Steve, K5LTK
Ronnie, K5MKB
Don, K4KYV

This is just to name a few and I know that a lot are silent keys and
some have changed their calls. But I will always remember them with the
calls heard first.


[AMRadio] Re: AMRadio Digest, Vol 20, Issue 27

2005-09-20 Thread Brian Sherrod
That explains it Geoff.  I knew that I had been in QSO with him as late as '99 
or '00
for sure.
I was really hoping you were wrong...  Appears you are right.  Really sad to 


 We might, but I -swear- Bill Ross (K5LLK) who was close friends with
 John told me, -long- before he died (and I was -at- that funeral) that
 Sulphur John was a silent key.  John's Father was still hanging around,
 after he passed away.

 I knew it was true.  I can't get wrapped around my head that this is
 already 2005   :-(

 John A. Shelton - 2/11/2001
 SULPHUR - Memorial services for John A. Shelton, 58, will be at 4 p.m. 
 Feb. 12, in Maplewood Methodist Church.
 The Rev. Karen Davis will officiate. The body will be cremated.
 Mr. Shelton died at 3:15 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, 2000, in his residence.
 He was a native of Ponca City, Okla., and had lived in Sulphur since 1955. He
 was a graduate of Sulphur High School and attended McNeese State University. 
 was an Air Force veteran and a retired Conoco operator. He was a troop leader
 and a counselor with the Boy Scouts. He was a ham radio operator; his call
 letters were WD5EHS-73. He was a member of Maplewood Methodist Church.
 Survivors include his wife, Dianne R. Shelton of Sulphur; one son, Michael A.
 Shelton of Sulphur; one daughter, Elizabeth A. Shelton of Denver; one brother,
 Roy Scott Shelton of Sulphur; one sister, Marilyn Jean Richmond of Beaumont,
 Texas; his parents, Leonard and Jean Shelton of Sulphur; and three

[AMRadio] Posting to this list - ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ

2005-05-08 Thread Brian Sherrod
I hope this does not seem redundant, however I must once again remind the 
members who
have more than one email account about receiving posting errors.  Many of us 
multiple email accounts/addresses these days, like a Yahoo account in addition 
to the
account your ISP provides to you.  At least once a week I get email from 
members who
receive the list mail as expected, but when they want to post a message, it 
back as rejected.  Some of the emails I get about this are rather irate until 
realize they sent the message to the AM list from an email account other than 
the one
they used to subscribe with.

At this time, there are NO members being moderated or screened for their 
and I really don't think I have ever had to moderate certain members on our 
list.  We
have a good group of people on the AM List, no doubt!

PLEASE, if you do send a message to our list and it is rejected, the only 
reason that
would occur, is if you are not a member, or you are using a mail account (POP) 
is different from the one you used for your list membership.  That account is 
ONLY way the list software has to know who you are, and determine if you are

If you use something like MS Outlook or Outlook Express, you can select which 
to use on the FROM line when you send out email, that is if you have your other
accounts setup to send mail.  Other email clients have similar methods to setup 
than one account too.

Brian / W5AMI

[AMRadio] Email accounts the list

2004-09-23 Thread Brian Sherrod
I am starting to get a lot of messages sent to the list again that are being 
from the wrong email account.

If you have _more_than_one_account for your email, please be more careful when 
post to this list.  Make certain you use the SAME account you subscribed to the
amradio list before sending.  The software has no way to know who you are, and 
if you
are a member if you do not use your subscribed email account.  In this case, I 
to sift through each and every one of them.

From this point forward, I will not approve ANY postings if the account 
manager flags
them as unknown.  They will be deleted.

If you know you are a member and get an automated message back from mailman 
your email was not accepted, etc., then it is likely you sent it from the wrong 


Brian / w5ami

[AMRadio] Thanks All

2004-07-15 Thread Brian Sherrod
Thanks to all who responded to the lightning information.  I have passed this 
on to my brother, and hopefully he will
use some of this to prevent another hit.

