Re: [AMRadio] Manual for Gates "Stereo-Statesman" Console

2007-08-16 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

John King wrote:

I have acquired a Gates "Stereo Statesman" Broadcast
Audio console that has four channels and two analog
meters. I also acquired the power supply and "cue"

I need an equipment manual for said audio console. Can
anyone assist? Your assistance appreciated and will
pay for your services. 73, John, K5PGW


I no longer have the manual, but can tell you that console has five 
mixers and that the cue and monitor amps are  internal plug-in modules. 
I don't remember whether or not it has an external rackmount transformer 
panel like its bigger contemporaries in the early 1970's "Solid 
Statesman" line do. Thinking again I believe it does. Iirc you will find 
five identical "output modules" which are left and right program amps, 
cue amp, and left and right monitor amps. The power transistors in these 
modules tend to fail too often, at least in continuous broadcast service.

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Re: [AMRadio] W3PHL

2006-04-05 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

Glenn Laser wrote:

Hi group I am Glenn W3WTE
At the age of 12 I lived about 3 blocks from W3PHL in Springfield. Wow 
what a antenna and I never met the man. Just imagine what happened 
when he came on the air and my Ocean Hopper was turned on. Every once 
in a while I could hear the station he was in QSO with. He was not 
popular with the neighborhood and people always said you don't want in 
that hobby; just see what you will do. I did QSO with him about 4 or 5 
years later when I lived in Pittsburgh using my Globe Scout. Always 
wanted to know what happened to him and I did received the 2 meter 
repeater once in a while when we lived near Annapolis.
Thanks for the memories and in no way mean this, to be a negative 

73 Glenn

I remember hearing W3PHL on 75 but that's about it.

73 de W3NU

Re: [AMRadio] info needed on a UTC CG-512 driver transformer

2003-09-03 Thread Charles Ring, W3NU

patrick jankowiak wrote:

> I'm restoring a nice old AM transmitter from 1957 and it has a UTC
> CG-512 transformer to drive the modulator grids.
> My catalogs don't show this hefty model, does anyone have the
> datasheet for it please?

I don't see a CG-512 in either the 1957 or 1967 Radio-Electronic Master.

Re: [AMRadio] Viking 1

2003-02-08 Thread Charles Ring, W3NU


> In a message dated 2/4/03 10:53:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > Mike, kd0ar, located in Youngstown, OH.  I used to be
> > somewhat active on 75nd 40  a number of years ago, and still
> > operate very sporadically on 75.  I am a broadcast engineer by
> > trade, and am currently building a brand new night site on 1390 khz,
> > which is turning out to be a real fun project.
> What station are you building on 1390?
> Bob Carter
> Operations/Engineering--Max Media Radio Group

Mike is talking about the former WFMJ, which was also briefly WHOT-AM. then
WRTK, and now WNIO in a typical Clear Channel musical callsigns switch. The
beautiful original 1390 site with six self-supporting Truscon towers was
dynamited 10+ years ago so that Boardman, Ohio could have yet another plaza to
add to the daily traffic gridlock there.

Re: [AMRadio] UTC CG-305

2002-09-29 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

Donald Chester wrote:

> >
> >Sorry for the erroneous post.
> >
> >In all my catalogs, CG refers to audio transformers.  Are you sure of the
> >number?
> CG means  "commercial grade".  It applies to both audio and power
> transformers.  This line of transformers was originally designated "PA"
> (public address).  The CG numbers and PA numbers are the same, and the
> electrical  characterists are  usually t he same, but they may be physcially
> different.  The changeover took place in 1948.
> CG (and PA) is UTC's mid-line.  It includes the CVM and VM series modulation
> transformers.  Their top line was the LS series.  There are audio and power
> LS transformers as well.  LS transformers were very expensive, even before
> WWII.  LS audio transformers are rated as hi-fi and suitable for broadcast
> service.
> Their lowest grade transformers are the S series.  These are typical "ham
> radio" qualty transformers, with marginal power/voltage ratings and mediocre
> audio performance.
> I'll  look up  the transformer when I get home f rom work.
> Don K4KYV

Don't forget the A and HA audio transformers. I made extensive use of A-line
transformers in broadcast work with excellent results.

73 de W3NU

Re: [AMRadio] UTC CG-305

2002-09-29 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

Donald Chester wrote:

> >From: Charles Ring W3NU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > Someone else said that the output was
> > >
> > > High voltage 2400-1750-0-1750-2400VAC, DC voltage 2000/1500, 300 mA
> >continuous
> > >
> > > yet the critter is labled (engraved, even) 3500 and 4800.  That's
> >-gotta- be
> > > across
> > > the entire secondaries...
> >'s the same rating, with the center tap as the zero reference.
> >The DC voltage is based on a full wave rectifier using the center tap.
> Be careful when using such a transformer in a full wave bridge ciccuit.
> Sometimes transformers designed for full wave CT operation do not have HV
> insulation at the CT, since it is assumed by the manufacturer to be at
> ground potential.  Running it in a FWB could result in a zorch to ground at
> the CT of the winding.
> The same precaution is recommended when placing the filter choke between CT
> and ground instead of the more traditional positive side of the filter.  The
> high ripple voltage that appears across the choke will also appear at the
> transformer CT and could cause failure of the transformer.
> I'll look up those ratings in my UTC catalogue this evening and verify.
> Don K4KYV

In the 1967 (not 1957) Radio-Electronic Master, I see a CG-305W listed which has
the same ratings plus a note that it is meant for either a bridge or center tap
full wave rectifier.

73 de W3NU

Re: [AMRadio] UTC CG-305

2002-09-27 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

Jeff Edmonson wrote:

> > >Sorry for the erroneous post.
> > >
> > >In all my catalogs, CG refers to audio transformers.  Are you sure of the
> > >number?
> Yup - it's a CG-305 - verified it this morning.  Odd, though -
> Someone else said that the output was
> High voltage 2400-1750-0-1750-2400VAC, DC voltage 2000/1500, 300 mA continuous
> yet the critter is labled (engraved, even) 3500 and 4800.  That's -gotta- be
> across
> the entire secondaries.  Half of that (what you get when you measure from CT 
> to
> outside winding) fall exactly half of what the transformer has engraved on it.

That was me, and it's the same rating, with the center tap as the zero 
The DC voltage is based on a full wave rectifier using the center tap.

Re: [AMRadio] UTC CG-305

2002-09-26 Thread Charles Ring W3NU


> Sorry for the erroneous post.
> In all my catalogs, CG refers to audio transformers.  Are you sure of the
> number?
> John,  W4AWM

There are UTC Commercial Grade (CG) audio, plate, and filament transformers
and chokes.

73 de W3NU

Re: [AMRadio] UTC CG-305

2002-09-26 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

Jeff Edmonson wrote:

> Looking for this transformer on the internet proved useless. Google let me 
> down
> :-(
> Does anyone have an old UTC Catalogue and can tell me what the current ratings
> on this plate transformer are?
> The two secondary windings are 3500v and 4800v.
> I believe it to have 110/220vac inputs. there are 6 lugs on the input, and 5 
> on
> the back (one center-tap)
> 73 = Best Regard"S"
> -Jeff/W5OMR-

Primary 105,115,220,230V

High voltage 2400-1750-0-1750-2400VAC, DC voltage 2000/1500, 300 mA continuous

Weight 50 pounds

1957 price $56,  1967 price $75

73 deW3NU

[AMRadio] Mike Premus, W2OY article from AM Press/Exchange

2002-09-21 Thread Charles Ring W3NU
>From the November, 1987 issue - files 3 and 4 are pictures:

Re: [AMRadio] Globe King

2002-09-19 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

russ dworakowski wrote:

> Charles,  I have a 500B,  that came to me as basket case.  I  ended up with
> all new iron.  Hopefully,  yours was stored well,  and not ina damp
> location.  If so,  it would be good to just fire it up  and let it dry out.
> Its amazing how much moisture  those  old open transformers
> soak up.When all said  and done,my GK 500B,  had changes in the
> modulator-  A higher voltage on the plate transformer- 1500v.  I put neg. 5
> volts bias  on the 811s.  In the speech amp,  I did not change anything.  I
> used a D104 mic and I got real good audio rpts.  I also solid stated  the
> modulator  power supply-  the 816s  kept flashing over,so  bye bye.  Also
> switched to 3B28s in the RF power supply.
> Have fun!  Russ

I have owned my 500A for 30 years but havent used it for maybe 15. It seems to
have survived basement storage with all iron intact. It already has 3B28's and
i can see that the 816's will be at least an inconvenience  so they might go. I
have a D104 and will try it before i modify the speech amp, but eventually i
want to get rid of the couplettes and try a Shure SM5B and a broadcast mic
compressor left over from my years as a broadcast engineer. I am not inclined
to trying to boost the modulation since i won't be in an Arbitron-driven
loudness war. I do see a number of very old original small electrolytic caps in
the modualtor that probably should be replaced.

73 de W3NU

[AMRadio] Globe King

2002-09-18 Thread Charles Ring W3NU
The time has come to revive my Globe King 500A, which is in generally
good condition and mostly unmodified. Where can I find info on it, such
as how to eliminate the "couplettes" in the modulator, and anything else
I need to know.

I don't have any ER issues but i do have much or most of AM
Press/Exchange 1984-92.

73 de W3NU

Re: [AMRadio] No Kids, No Lids.......

2002-09-09 Thread Charles Ring W3NU

> > W2OY Lancaster, NY: "No kids, no lids, no school bus riders."   I was all
> > three, lived abt 8 miles away.  Tuff time getting my DX-35 heard thru Mike's
> > BC-610.

He was still at it into the mid-late sixties, the way i remember it is "CQ 
Class A
only, no kids no lids no space cadets", but part of the story is that in person 
was a nice guy including to "kids". He died of a heart attack while up on his 

73 de W3NU, ex-WA8VNU