[amsat-bb] VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-09 Thread Gopal Madhavan

I have just got the very sad news from VU2RCR Chandru, that our friend
Robert Kohli VU2MKP became a silent key in Bangalore just a few minutes ago
in a hospital where he had been admitted a few days ago.


For those of us fortunate people who knew Robert, he was  a  truly
remarkable individual who in spite of his disabilities managed to do many
things we would be happy to just attempt. He was an example of what can be
done in spite of such severe handicaps.


Being paralyzed from the neck down, he could only use his head and mouth to
control his motorized wheel chair and it was a common sight for him to drive
around the streets of Bangalore, visiting friends, going to restaurants and
even shopping for radio components for his radio projects.


He was an avid radio amateur, controlling the radio and associated
equipment, all with plastic rods held in his mouth. He operated the computer
also in this fashion and even made computer drawings on antenna designs etc
which he shared with friends- my satellite antennae were home brewed from
drawings he sent me.


He was a keen DXer and had friends all over the world, on HF and satellites
also. When AO 40 was operational he made several hundreds of contacts.


Robert was Life member of ARSI and took an active part in all activities. He
attended several ham fests and knew many, many hams  all over VU and the
rest of the world.


He had recently constructed a home for himself in Bangalore in which the
shack was on the first floor and had made a ramp from the ground floor to
use his wheel chair to go to the first floor, so keen was he on amateur


Ham radio has lost  a great operator who guided many hams and was a source
of inspiration to many of us.


- we will miss you Robert.


May his soul rest in eternal peace


Gopal VU2GMN


Gopal Madhavan 

Shreyas Apartments

128 (old 63) Greenways Road

R A Puram

Chennai- 600 028, India

Tel: +91 44 2493 7724/ 42303129

Mob: +91 94440 18452

E-mail: gopal.madha...@gmail.com


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-09 Thread Gopal Madhavan

I have just got the very sad news from VU2RCR Chandru, that our friend
Robert Kohli VU2MKP became a silent key in Bangalore just a few minutes ago
in a hospital where he had been admitted a few days ago.

For those of us fortunate people who knew Robert, he was  a  truly
remarkable individual who in spite of his disabilities managed to do many
things we would be happy to just attempt. He was an example of what can be
done in spite of such severe handicaps.

Being paralyzed from the neck down, he could only use his head and mouth to
control his motorized wheel chair and it was a common sight for him to drive
around the streets of Bangalore, visiting friends, going to restaurants and
even shopping for radio components for his radio projects.

He was an avid radio amateur, controlling the radio and associated
equipment, all with plastic rods held in his mouth. He operated the computer
also in this fashion and even made computer drawings on antenna designs etc
which he shared with friends- my satellite antennae were home brewed from
drawings he sent me.

He was a keen DXer and had friends all over the world, on HF and satellites
also. When AO 40 was operational he made several hundreds of contacts.

Robert was Life member of ARSI and took an active part in all activities. He
attended several ham fests and knew many, many hams  all over VU and the
rest of the world.

He had recently constructed a home for himself in Bangalore in which the
shack was on the first floor and had made a ramp from the ground floor to
use his wheel chair to go to the first floor, so keen was he on amateur

Ham radio has lost  a great operator who guided many hams and was a source
of inspiration to many of us.

- we will miss you Robert.

May his soul rest in eternal peace

Gopal VU2GMN

Gopal Madhavan 
Shreyas Apartments
128 (old 63) Greenways Road
R A Puram
Chennai- 600 028, India
Tel: +91 44 2493 7724/ 42303129
Mob: +91 94440 18452
E-mail: gopal.madha...@gmail.com

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: [VUHams] VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-09 Thread Mani VU2WMY
It is a shocking and a very sad news. It is a bit difficult for me to  
accept that OT Robert is no more with us. He was truly an inspiring,  
humble and a fine human being. His technical knowledge is par with  
excellence. Rather, it is  difficult to express in words about him. We  
really lost a man with a strong determination and a man who stood as  
an inspiration to us forever.  I along with my family and club members  
express our Heart felt condolences to the bereaved family. May his  
Soul Rest in Peace. We miss you Robert.

Mani, VU2WMY
Secretary  Station-In-Charge
Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC
ISRO Satellite Centre
Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017.
Phone:(O)91-80-2508 2054/2192/2537
Mobile:  91-80-98803 41456
E-mail ID: w...@isac.gov.in

Quoting Gopal  Madhavan gopal.madha...@gmail.com:

 I have just got the very sad news from VU2RCR Chandru, that our friend
 Robert Kohli VU2MKP became a silent key in Bangalore just a few minutes ago
 in a hospital where he had been admitted a few days ago.

 For those of us fortunate people who knew Robert, he was  a  truly
 remarkable individual who in spite of his disabilities managed to do many
 things we would be happy to just attempt. He was an example of what can be
 done in spite of such severe handicaps.

 Being paralyzed from the neck down, he could only use his head and mouth to
 control his motorized wheel chair and it was a common sight for him to drive
 around the streets of Bangalore, visiting friends, going to restaurants and
 even shopping for radio components for his radio projects.

 He was an avid radio amateur, controlling the radio and associated
 equipment, all with plastic rods held in his mouth. He operated the computer
 also in this fashion and even made computer drawings on antenna designs etc
 which he shared with friends- my satellite antennae were home brewed from
 drawings he sent me.

 He was a keen DXer and had friends all over the world, on HF and satellites
 also. When AO 40 was operational he made several hundreds of contacts.

 Robert was Life member of ARSI and took an active part in all activities. He
 attended several ham fests and knew many, many hams  all over VU and the
 rest of the world.

 He had recently constructed a home for himself in Bangalore in which the
 shack was on the first floor and had made a ramp from the ground floor to
 use his wheel chair to go to the first floor, so keen was he on amateur

 Ham radio has lost  a great operator who guided many hams and was a source
 of inspiration to many of us.

 - we will miss you Robert.

 May his soul rest in eternal peace

 Gopal VU2GMN

 Gopal Madhavan

 Shreyas Apartments

 128 (old 63) Greenways Road

 R A Puram

 Chennai- 600 028, India

 Tel: +91 44 2493 7724/ 42303129

 Mob: +91 94440 18452

 E-mail: gopal.madha...@gmail.com

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: IC-910H low audio problem.

2009-06-09 Thread Ronald G. Parsons
I discovered this with my 910H. If you compare the schematic with an older 
Icom transceiver, say the IC-756, you will notice that the voltage divider 
on pin 8 decreases the audio on that pin by a factor of about 50 from the 

I thought of two cures:

1. Modify the radio by replacing the offending resistor.
2. Modify my headset by bringing the line that would go to pin 8 outside the 
mic connector and run it to a 1/4 phone plug.

I chose 2. I plug the phone plug into the nearby headphone jack when I use 
the headset, or pull it out to use the speaker. Works on both my 910 and 

I was told by a person at Heil that Icom made that change to better use a 
TNC with the mic connector on the 910.


 Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 05:21:35 +0300
 From: Kostas Ioannidis kostas.ioanni...@gmail.com
 Subject: [amsat-bb]  IC-910H low audio problem.
 To: AMSAT-BB@amsat.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 According to the IC-910H manual, pin number 8 at the mic connector is
 audio output (which varies according to af control). I connected a
 pair of headphones at the pin but the audio is way to low and cannot
 be used for listening.  Is it normal? I thought that it was designed
 for this purpose. Am I missing something in the menus? Thanks in

 73 de SW1IXP, Kostas Ioannidis

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: CW is still alive and well

2009-06-09 Thread n3tl
Hey Gary,

Thanks for this report. I had a pass of FO-29 on Saturday evening virtually all 
to myself - or, rather, I didn't hear any other stations, and no one answered 
my CQ. If you are referring to the pass that came down the east coast from the 
north a little before 11 p.m., local time, last night, that was the same pass I 
had no contacts on Saturday evening. I learned later that there was one other 
station on the pass, and he worked someone in South America as FO-29 moved 
south. By then, I had switched over to VO-52 and at least had a contact. I 
thought about trying that pass last night, but didn't because of Saturday night.

One of the primary reasons I have been doing some research/testing on power 
levels and gear that is acceptable for satellite operation (and posting what 
I've learned here) is because I sense that many amateurs don't try the 
satellites because they perceive it to be a game that requires specialized gear 
that carries a fairly high price tag. Nothing could be further from the truth. 
Admittedly, I have bought used radios exclusively in setting up my station. 
That being said, however, my station is capable of working all the available 
satellites and modes, and it features computer control for Doppler tuning. I 
have well under $2,000 invested, and my station includes a spare radio. That 
is, I have picked up two used FT-817NDs and a used FT-857D. 

The bottom line is that many hams already have the radio gear they need to work 
any of the available satellites. They might have to buy or homebrew an antenna, 
but that's probably about it. That's not much of an expense to add space 
radio to the mix at any station - and add it effectively. I suspect many folks 
believe they need az/el rotors, computer control, all of that. No ... the don't 
NEED it. Certainly, those things would be nice to have here at my shack. But I 
don't have them, and I'm still working all of the satellites effectively enough 
to have 49 states and four continents in the log and confirmed - and I'm 
enjoying it immensely.

I hope to hear you on the satellites soon, and I look forward to working you in 
CW. I've always enjoyed it, and there is something really special to me about 
using a straight key to work another station in CW over a satellite. That's 
definitely a mixed metaphor of technology - the old and the new - that is 

73 to all,

Tim - N3TL
-- Original message from k8...@aol.com: -- 

 I thought I'd check for activity on a late evening FO-29 pass tonight as I 
 hadn't listened for quite sometime. I heard two 9 land stations who had 
 the pass entirely to themselves. They were obviously good friends as one of 
 them indicated his spam filter had probably eaten the other station's 
 email who had sent pictures. They agreed to go to the Land Line after the 
 indicating they probably lived fairly close to each other. I did wonder 
 though where everyone else was on tonight's pass. I probably should have 
 tuned around more and may have missed some other QSO's. 
 Anyway, it was great hearing CW being utilized. The doppler however kept 
 me quite busy at that frequency as I'm not using software. Just two ears 
 and a pencil. 
 I've got to cobble something together and get on the air soon. Especially 
 since I know there are some good CW ops such as the two fine gentlemen I 
 heard tonight. 
 73, Gary -K8KFJ- 
 AMSAT #32574 
 Sat VUCC #125 
 **A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 
 Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author. 
 Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! 
 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb 
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: [amsatindia] Re: [VUHams] VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-09 Thread Nitin Muttin [VU3TYG]

It is sad and shocking to know that Robert is no more.  I remember meeting
him many times and will continue to remember him as a humble and fine human
being. He was a life member of AMSAT INDIA and has advised and shared his
inputs during the design of VO-52. He was also one of the early VU station
on the AO-40 and other satellites.

Photograph of Robert in his shack can be viewed by visiting

May his soul rest in peace.

Nitin [VU3TYG]

 From: amsatin...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:amsatin...@yahoogroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Mani VU2WMY
 Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 2:32 PM
 To: vuh...@yahoogroups.com; AMSAT-INDIA; amsat-bb@amsat.org;
 Subject: [amsatindia] Re: [VUHams] VU2MKP Silent Key
 It is a shocking and a very sad news. It is a bit difficult for me to 
 accept that OT Robert is no more with us. He was truly an inspiring, 
 humble and a fine human being. His technical knowledge is par with 
 excellence. Rather, it is difficult to express in words about him. We 
 really lost a man with a strong determination and a man who stood as 
 an inspiration to us forever. I along with my family and club members 
 express our Heart felt condolences to the bereaved family. May his 
 Soul Rest in Peace. We miss you Robert.
 Mani, VU2WMY
 Secretary amp; Station-In-Charge
 Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC
 ISRO Satellite Centre
 Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017.
 Phone:(O)91-80-2508 2054/2192/2537
 Mobile: 91-80-98803 41456
 E-mail ID: w...@isac.gov. lt;mailto:wmy%40isac.gov.ingt; in
 vu2wmy_mani@ lt;mailto:vu2wmy_mani%40yahoo.comgt; yahoo.com
 isroh...@yahoo. lt;mailto:isrohams%40yahoo.comgt; com
 Quoting Gopal Madhavan lt;gopal.madhavan@
 gt; I have just got the very sad news from VU2RCR Chandru, that our
 gt; Robert Kohli VU2MKP became a silent key in Bangalore just a few
 gt; in a hospital where he had been admitted a few days ago.
 gt; For those of us fortunate people who knew Robert, he was a truly
 gt; remarkable individual who in spite of his disabilities managed to do
 gt; things we would be happy to just attempt. He was an example of what
can be
 gt; done in spite of such severe handicaps.
 gt; Being paralyzed from the neck down, he could only use his head and
 gt; control his motorized wheel chair and it was a common sight for him
 gt; around the streets of Bangalore, visiting friends, going to
 gt; even shopping for radio components for his radio projects.
 gt; He was an avid radio amateur, controlling the radio and associated
 gt; equipment, all with plastic rods held in his mouth. He operated the
 gt; also in this fashion and even made computer drawings on antenna
 gt; which he shared with friends- my satellite antennae were home brewed
 gt; drawings he sent me.
 gt; He was a keen DXer and had friends all over the world, on HF and
 gt; also. When AO 40 was operational he made several hundreds of
 gt; Robert was Life member of ARSI and took an active part in all
 gt; attended several ham fests and knew many, many hams all over VU and
 gt; rest of the world.
 gt; He had recently constructed a home for himself in Bangalore in which
 gt; shack was on the first floor and had made a ramp from the ground
floor to
 gt; use his wheel chair to go to the first floor, so keen was he on
 gt; radio.
 gt; Ham radio has lost a great operator who guided many hams and was a
 gt; of inspiration to many of us.
 gt; - we will miss you Robert.
 gt; May his soul rest in eternal peace
 gt; Gopal VU2GMN
 gt; Gopal Madhavan
 gt; quot;Shreyas Apartmentsquot;
 gt; 128 (old 63) Greenways Road
 gt; R A Puram
 gt; Chennai- 600 028, India
 gt; Tel: #43;91 44 2493 7724/ 42303129
 gt; Mob: #43;91 94440 18452
 gt; E-mail: gopal.madhavan@ lt;mailto:gopal.madhavan%40gmail.comgt;
 gt; [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Messages in this topic   (3)
 Reply   (via web post)
   Start a new topic


   Change settings via the Web 

[amsat-bb] Re: [amsatindia] Re: [VUHams] VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-09 Thread Nitin Muttin
It is sad and shocking to know that Robert is no more.  I remember meeting
him many times and will continue to remember him as a humble and fine human
being. He was a life member of AMSAT INDIA and has advised and shared his
inputs during the design of VO-52. He was also one of the early VU station
on the AO-40 and other satellites.


May his soul rest in peace.


Nitin [VU3TYG]



From: amsatin...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:amsatin...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Mani VU2WMY
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 2:32 PM
To: vuh...@yahoogroups.com; AMSAT-INDIA; amsat-bb@amsat.org;
Subject: [amsatindia] Re: [VUHams] VU2MKP Silent Key


It is a shocking and a very sad news. It is a bit difficult for me to 
accept that OT Robert is no more with us. He was truly an inspiring, 
humble and a fine human being. His technical knowledge is par with 
excellence. Rather, it is difficult to express in words about him. We 
really lost a man with a strong determination and a man who stood as 
an inspiration to us forever. I along with my family and club members 
express our Heart felt condolences to the bereaved family. May his 
Soul Rest in Peace. We miss you Robert.

Mani, VU2WMY
Secretary  Station-In-Charge
Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC
ISRO Satellite Centre
Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017.
Phone:(O)91-80-2508 2054/2192/2537
Mobile: 91-80-98803 41456
E-mail ID: w...@isac.gov. mailto:wmy%40isac.gov.in in
vu2wmy_mani@ mailto:vu2wmy_mani%40yahoo.com yahoo.com
isroh...@yahoo. mailto:isrohams%40yahoo.com com

Quoting Gopal Madhavan gopal.madhavan@ mailto:gopal.madhavan%40gmail.com

 I have just got the very sad news from VU2RCR Chandru, that our friend
 Robert Kohli VU2MKP became a silent key in Bangalore just a few minutes
 in a hospital where he had been admitted a few days ago.

 For those of us fortunate people who knew Robert, he was a truly
 remarkable individual who in spite of his disabilities managed to do many
 things we would be happy to just attempt. He was an example of what can be
 done in spite of such severe handicaps.

 Being paralyzed from the neck down, he could only use his head and mouth
 control his motorized wheel chair and it was a common sight for him to
 around the streets of Bangalore, visiting friends, going to restaurants
 even shopping for radio components for his radio projects.

 He was an avid radio amateur, controlling the radio and associated
 equipment, all with plastic rods held in his mouth. He operated the
 also in this fashion and even made computer drawings on antenna designs
 which he shared with friends- my satellite antennae were home brewed from
 drawings he sent me.

 He was a keen DXer and had friends all over the world, on HF and
 also. When AO 40 was operational he made several hundreds of contacts.

 Robert was Life member of ARSI and took an active part in all activities.
 attended several ham fests and knew many, many hams all over VU and the
 rest of the world.

 He had recently constructed a home for himself in Bangalore in which the
 shack was on the first floor and had made a ramp from the ground floor to
 use his wheel chair to go to the first floor, so keen was he on amateur

 Ham radio has lost a great operator who guided many hams and was a source
 of inspiration to many of us.

 - we will miss you Robert.

 May his soul rest in eternal peace

 Gopal VU2GMN

 Gopal Madhavan

 Shreyas Apartments

 128 (old 63) Greenways Road

 R A Puram

 Chennai- 600 028, India

 Tel: +91 44 2493 7724/ 42303129

 Mob: +91 94440 18452

 E-mail: gopal.madhavan@ mailto:gopal.madhavan%40gmail.com gmail.com

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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zBHN0aW1lAzEyNDQ1MzgyMDA-  | Photos

[amsat-bb] wispdde to VB.NET?

2009-06-09 Thread john
Has anyone successfully converted wispdde to Visual Basic 2008 Express?  I
need to make some code changes to drive my antenna rotors but I don't have
access to VB6.  Modifying the software for the newer version looks like a
major undertaking...

John - VE8EV

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Another satellite-receiver option

2009-06-09 Thread Luc Leblanc

I try also  to receive NOAA APT transmission with an helix but i got very 
marginal results even with a preamp for 137khz. The signal was 
better but the pagers QRM was also boosted by about a factor of 5...

The only one viable solution was to use my VHF satellite beam with a PAR 
electronics vhf notch filter part number 5602516. Of course you 
should have a 50khz band pass below that results are also very marginal. I 
don't know if the PCR-100 is able to received at this bandwidth 
but the PCR-1000 can and it can be driven by WXtoimg software.

P.S. My home made helix is available for 35$ plus shipping but a bit hard to 
securely fit inside a shipping box. pics available if needed.

On 8 Jun 2009 at 23:14, Jerry Clement wrote:

 I use a Hamtronics R139 Weather fax Receiver with a QFH antenna that I built 
 for receving and decoding images from the weather birds such as NOAA 18. I 
 never had any luck with any of my other receivers such as my Icom R20, being 
 to narrow for this purpose,  although I know of guy's who have modified 
 receivers successfully for just this purpose. My set up may be seen on my 
 website: www.stormchaser.cjb.net  click on: Quadrifilar Helix Antenna. The 
 page needs to be upgraded, as I use a newer laptop than the one shown. 
 Jerry VE6AB


Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
Skype VE2DWE


Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: CW is still alive and well

2009-06-09 Thread John W Lee

Right on, Gary ! 

And in case nobody on the AMSAT-BB knows it,  there
was  a record number of CW logs submitted for the CQ World Wide
DX contest in 2008. Over 10,000 logs submitted.

John K6YK

Find the perfect shutters to update your home.
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread Jack K.
Well said Nigel, I am about to discontinue monitoring this group because of 
the plethora or do it for me questions... do the research first folks and 
then ask what you can't figure out for yourselves... That is called 


- Original Message - 
From: Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF ni...@ngunn.net
To: n...@bellsouth.net
Cc: Amsat-BB amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 2:18 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

 Hi Tim.

 Something that bugs me with e-groups in general is the number of people 
 who have a relatively simple question/problem
 and give no indication that they have tried to solve it for themselves.

 The questions that are basically ohms law, you know the things, I need to 
 charge this battery, what size resistor do I
 need and which side of the battery do I put it?
 Now be reasonable, that was in your Tech exam syllabus.

 Tell me what you've tried to solve the problem and I'm more likely to 
 help. Don't expect me to be your Google operator!

 As for the piggies, well  piggies are generally simple minded beasts.
 On-off keying and anything that cycles faster than every 3nS or so is 
 beyond most of them.
 Most piggies can't even spell satellite.

 n...@bellsouth.net wrote:
 Hey Nigel,

 Thank you for posting that. As I read the original post just now (before
 I opened your response), I found myself thinking ... um ... try it? 

 Hope all is well with you. Did you see my post to the piggie reflector
 about including CW/SSB satellite contacts in the 10th Anniversary
 contest? No response, either on the reflector or off. That's a shame.


 Tim - N3TL
 Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
 Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb 

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Whether or not a question is raised after someone has actually tried to work it 
out for themselves or not is immaterial. 

If this reflector, which lets face it is concerned with some fairly high level 
stuff in comparison to normal ham radio operations), is going to go the way of 
responding to a perfectly reasonable question with the reply of read the 
**g manual, then newcomers and interested observers are going to beat a 
hasty retreat thinking that AMSAT is elitist. 

We must not be seen to be typical of the 'those that know' wanting to protect 
their playground mentality.

I have asked some downright stupidly basic questions on here over the years and 
have always been responded to with friendliness and professionalism even though 
I have often had a mental picture of my helpers banging their heads against a 
wall in frustration. But on the back of that I have been able to help with 
other people's issues where the same question has arisen.

If questions offend then use a combination of filters and the delete key.

My 2 peso's worth.

David KG4ZLB

Justin Pinnix wrote:
 Well, there's a guy on eHam who responds to every question with that's a
 stupid question or go look it up.  That just doubles the amount of noise

 I'm all for experimenting as well, but randomly plugging unknown devices
 together is a good way to blow something up.  What if the programming cable
 is putting out +-12v (EIA RS-232) but the radio only wants to see +5

 73 de AJ4MJ

 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF ni...@ngunn.netwrote:

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[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
Surely we should encourage people to think for themselves and at least try to 
sort their own issues.
What are they going to do when the more experienced are no longer here.

Isn't Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and 
you have fed him for a lifetime relevent 

David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 Whether or not a question is raised after someone has actually tried to work 
 it out for themselves or not is immaterial. 
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[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread David - KG4ZLB
No, don't agree.

Man has to eat and will learn or be taught to fish or die!

If man can not program his radio and can not work it out for himself and 
can't get a reply on a board such as this then he will go and maybe 
never come back and that's another satellite operator we may have lost.

But he will still eat :-D


Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
 Surely we should encourage people to think for themselves and at least 
 try to sort their own issues.
 What are they going to do when the more experienced are no longer here.

 Isn't Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to 
 fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime relevent here?

 David - KG4ZLB wrote:


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[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread Steve Bluemel
Cheers to you David! You just talked me out of unsubscribing to this BB. I'm 
licensed 2 years and still trying to figure out what the question is, let alone 
the answer. 

Steve. KI6OQU
Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

-Original Message-
From: David - KG4ZLB kg4...@googlemail.com

Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 18:13:05 
To: Amsat-BBamsat-bb@amsat.org
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

Whether or not a question is raised after someone has actually tried to work it 
out for themselves or not is immaterial. 

If this reflector, which lets face it is concerned with some fairly high level 
stuff in comparison to normal ham radio operations), is going to go the way of 
responding to a perfectly reasonable question with the reply of read the 
**g manual, then newcomers and interested observers are going to beat a 
hasty retreat thinking that AMSAT is elitist. 

We must not be seen to be typical of the 'those that know' wanting to protect 
their playground mentality.

I have asked some downright stupidly basic questions on here over the years and 
have always been responded to with friendliness and professionalism even though 
I have often had a mental picture of my helpers banging their heads against a 
wall in frustration. But on the back of that I have been able to help with 
other people's issues where the same question has arisen.

If questions offend then use a combination of filters and the delete key.

My 2 peso's worth.

David KG4ZLB

Justin Pinnix wrote:
 Well, there's a guy on eHam who responds to every question with that's a
 stupid question or go look it up.  That just doubles the amount of noise

 I'm all for experimenting as well, but randomly plugging unknown devices
 together is a good way to blow something up.  What if the programming cable
 is putting out +-12v (EIA RS-232) but the radio only wants to see +5

 73 de AJ4MJ

 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF ni...@ngunn.netwrote:

 Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
 Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb


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Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] FS: Icom IC-W32A complete handheld satellite station

2009-06-09 Thread n3tl
I have for sale a complete, full-duplex-capable handheld FM satellite station, 
-  Icom IC-W32A HT, with manual and OEM duck antenna
-  Icom BP-170 battery case, holds 4 AA alkalines
-  Batteries America BP-173X, 9.6V 1450 mAh pack
-  Batteries America BP 171XH, 4.8V 2700 mAh pack
-  MFJ Speaker mic for the W32A.
-  Maldol stubby (2.5-inch) duck antenna with BNC connector
-  MFJ-1717 duck antenna with BNC connector
-  Pryme AL-800 telescoping whip antenna with BNC connector
-  Batteries America Cigarette plug for W32A
I am not the first owner of the radio. I bought it from a commercial vendor 
last August at the Huntsville hamfest. That vendor provided a 30-day, 
no-questions-asked guarantee. The radio did and does work as new, with one 
exception. When I operate it full duplex and use a Y adapter plug at the 
earphone jack so I can hear myself and record the pass, I sometimes get audio 
break up that suggests a loose connection or aged plug. This doesn’t occur if I 
use the speaker mic, which has a headphone jack on the bottom that I can plug 
the Y adapter into. Otherwise, the radio performs as new. Cosmetically, it 
looks as close to NIB as I’ve ever seen in a used radio. I cannot see even 
minor surface scratches in the display face, and there are no scuffs or marks 
of any kind on the radio body or the battery packs. I’ll provide digital photos 
upon request.
I picked up the battery packs, cigarette plug and speaker mic at Huntsville 
last August, too. The original Icom NiCad battery pack wasn’t in great shape, 
so I retired/recycled it. 
I bought the AL-800 antenna before I picked up the Icom, and have used it for 
multiple handheld satellite contacts. Allen, N5AFV, literally has made 
thousands of handheld satellite contacts using this antenna. The MFJ duck is 
capable of making satellite contacts, but it’s not as good as the AL-800. 
I have more than $450 – not retail, but what I actually paid – invested in this 
gear. Full retail price on the packs and other accessories would bring it close 
to $500. 
I am asking $300 (certified check or money order) for the entire package ($310 
if you want to use PayPal because of its fees), with an additional $10 to cover 
USPS Priority Mail shipping and insurance. I am not interested in breaking the 
package up.
Why am I selling? After last weekend’s testing, I want to get a Kenwood TH-F6A 
because of its versatility. With my other HT and my Diamond duplexer, I’ll 
still be able to operate the FM satellites full duplex. I am still unemployed 
(since late December), so something has to go if I want to pick up another 
radio. That’s also the reason for the extra $10 for PayPal. 
NOTE – I am listing this gear exclusively here on the AMSAT-BB for 24 hours. 
I’ll post to some other online sites if it’s not sold by 7 p.m., EDT (23:00 
UTC) on June 10th.
Please contact me off the AMSAT-BB with any questions. 
Thanks, and 73 to all,

Tim – N3TL
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[amsat-bb] Re: VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-09 Thread Clare Fowler

- Original Message - 
From: Gopal Madhavan gopal.madha...@gmail.com
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 3:22 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] VU2MKP Silent Key

 Being paralyzed from the neck down, he could only use his head and mouth
 to control his motorized wheel chair and it was a common sight for him to
 drive around the streets of Bangalore, visiting friends, going to
 and even shopping for radio components for his radio projects.

 He was an avid radio amateur, controlling the radio and associated
 equipment, all with plastic rods held in his mouth. He operated the
 computer also in this fashion and even made computer drawings on
antenna designs etc which he shared with friends- my satellite antennae
were home brewed from drawings he sent me.

 He was a keen DXer and had friends all over the world, on HF and
 satellites also. When AO 40 was operational he made several hundreds
of contacts.

Since I worked a lot of DX on AO-40 I checked my log for VU2MKP
and confirmed I was one of the contacts he had made.
Due to the time difference and relative short mutual window I did not
work very many VU's. I had worked him on  the 25/09/03
and he asked for a QSL via the Bureau.  It took three years for the exchange
to be made.  His nice card was filled out by hand.

Clare VE3NPC

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[amsat-bb] Full Duplex HT's

2009-06-09 Thread Howard Kowall
Hello to all
Just a follow up to the posting of full duplex handhelds
Came across this ht,that a local ham ordered
He was not sure if it was full duplex or not
I will see if I can download a manual to see
Just for a point of interest.
I once had a VHF of a similar ht didn't work to good in the ham band
And not sure if theses are type approved or FCC approved
just a little head scratched for all of you out there
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Full Duplex HT's

2009-06-09 Thread Howard Kowall
Sorry here is the Link

  From: Howard Kowall 
  To: AMSAT-BB@amsat.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 9:58 PM
  Subject: Full Duplex HT's

  Hello to all
  Just a follow up to the posting of full duplex handhelds
  Came across this ht,that a local ham ordered
  He was not sure if it was full duplex or not
  I will see if I can download a manual to see
  Just for a point of interest.
  I once had a VHF of a similar ht didn't work to good in the ham band
  And not sure if theses are type approved or FCC approved
  just a little head scratched for all of you out there
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Full Duplex HT's (Howard Kowall)

2009-06-09 Thread Clint Bradford
Howard - Tell your friend to stay away from Chinese crap and  
purchase products approved by the governing boards of his own country.

Sorry for the attitude ... But China owns way to much of my country,  
and all they produce is inferior crap that U.S. citizens eat up at Wal- 
Mart and similar retailers. There are plenty of amateur radio  
manufacturers who follow my country's rules from whom I choose to  

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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[amsat-bb] Full Duplex Radios - A Complete List

2009-06-09 Thread Andrew Koenig
After a couple of hours of surfing around on Universal Radio and other
radios sites that keep a good archive, I've completed the list of full
duplex radios. Use it however you want; print it out before a hamfest, post
it in your shack. All that I ask is that you let me know if there are any
errors on the list.

Full URL: http://thathamkid.com/website/ham-radio/full-duplex-radios
Shortend URL: http://bit.ly/JclIa

Also, up in the top right-hand corner of the article is a little icon of a
printer. For a printable version (without all of the template junk), click
that icon.

Andrew Koenig
73 de KE5GDB
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] SO50 problems and questions

2009-06-09 Thread LeRoy Miller

I am relatively new (- I have been tring on my own to get the hang of working 
the satellites) with little or no luck.

I have been posting my failed results to twitter and getting over frustrated in 
my attempts - luckly there have been a few who have given me pointers. And one 
very nice person kl7cn let me call him and he talked me though a few things 
during the call he said maybe I should try the SO50. So today I did try it
And much to my surprise and happiness it was easy enough to pickup and find and 
things seemed to working for me (He told me that is was a quite machine and 
that I might have to look for it a bit) 
The pass I tried was at 1710 UTC (110 pm local est) and the sat was moving from 
the southwest to the northeast from my previous trys on the AO51 I knew that I 
would probably not get it while it was still low (less then about 20 degrees - 
also because of where I was pointing the antenna that low I was pointing right 
at a building) I reasoned that if I started looking at about 24 degrees I would 
being doing much better (so that is what I did) at about 1714 or 1715 UTC I had 
heard the SO51 for the first time, still a bit rough and probably still a 
little low by the time it was up around the 40 degree mark I thought 
What the heck I am here, people are talking why not try to make a contact - so 
that is what I did 
I think I waited just a little longer got a nice strong signal and put my call 

KD8BXP em79 --
What I heard on the downlink really surprised me - it was this horrable noise 
(it almost sounded like when 2 people double) I don't know what I did but 
thought ok maybe feedback from the microphone so I unpluged the external and 
tried again
I got the same horrable sound

Now I am sorry up front for this noise I am sure people heard it - so if you 
were on around 1717 - 1720 I am so sorry upfront

But that leads me to my question - what did I do wrong? 
And how can I correct the problem and try again 

I have been really frustrated with the AO51 so much so that I almost put my rig 
antenna and what not on ebay 3 days ago - I cooled off but I really want to 
work this bird 
It seemed (at least to a newbie) an easy one to find and maybe make contacts on.

You will need to know the setup:
TH-D7 A (not the G model I have a G but didn't use it this time) 
Arrow (2 meter/440) mounted to a telescope tripod
Eeepc running ubuntu linux a gpredict
External mic for the radio
I was on 145.850 pl 67hz for the uplink
And 436.800 for the downlink
Radio was in duplex mode and sql was turned off (or open if you prefer)
And the balance on the speaker was set for only the 440 side
I was at 40 - 50 degrees when I first keyed up and the second time would have 
been when it was at its highest point of between 64 and 74 degrees
I was on the high power setting 
I have used this radio for both local repeater work and aprs and no one has 
ever told me that it was making horrable noises
And I think if it was making horrable noises while transmitting aprs the data 
would be corrpted

I hope I have given enough information. I hope someone can help I don't want to 
make horrable noises again

One other thing but I am sure it is my problem not one that someone fix so to 
Once the satellite reached its max and started back down - I lost it completely 
couldn't find it again
I think it was me one leg on the tripod is bent and started to collaspe while I 
was turning the antenna to start it pointing in a north east direct 

Thanks for the help in advance I write a lot to ask something simple sorry 
about that

Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread kd8bxp
If you have the manual you can look and see how the cable is wired up, then 
look on line for the new radio and see if the cable is wired the same
If so then my guess would be they are the same cable

I have an ic-91ad and a kenwood th-d7ag - they use different cables (same plug 
on the radio side) but if you look close they flipped I think two wires and 
putting a null modem on the serial end makes them the same cable and it works I 
have used it on both radios with the null modem for the kenwood 

So you may even have a cable that will work and just need a null modem I think 
it was like 7 bucks at radio shack

Good luck. 
LeRoy, Kd8bxp
--Original Message--
From: Alan P. Biddle
Sender: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
ReplyTo: apbid...@mailaps.org
Subject: [amsat-bb]  DJ-G7T programming cable question
Sent: Jun 9, 2009 3:07 PM


In looking for a cost effective programming cable, I find that many
including the Alinco EWR-7 are listed on places like eBay as for Alinco or
Icom.  That strongly _suggests_ that the hardware is the same.  I already
have the Alinco EDS-10 and a RT Systems Icom cable, so it looks as if I have
what I need.  Google came up with a lot of good information, but I wasn't
able to find enough to determine whether they are in fact interchangeable.
Anybody have any definite knowledge?



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Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: SO50 problems and questions

2009-06-09 Thread Andrew Koenig
I would try taking the antenna off of the tripod for a little while. The
polarization of the satellites changes constantly, and with the antenna on
the tripod, it's difficult to compensate for those changes.

Also, AO-51 is a much stronger bird than SO-50, but AO-27 is the strongest
at the moment. AO-27 has the same frequencies as SO-50, but there is no
tone, and it's got a timer on it that turns it on when it reaches (about)
the Gulf Coast line (for the purposes of maintaining battery power). You'll
have time to get your antenna in the right place with the 20 seconds of
telemetry it starts with (see http://www.ao27.org/AO27/index.shtml for a

For your situation, I would recommend trying AO-27 until you are familiar
with the satellites. AO-27 isn't as crowded as AO-51, but it's also not as
quiet (both in traffic and output) as SO-50.

Don't quote me on it, but I think AO-51 has less than 500mW output right
now, AO-27 is 500mW and SO-50 is 250mW.

Good luck! Once you get the hang of it, it's easy enoguh that a teenager can
do it (I'd know..)

73 de KE5GDB

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 9:18 PM, LeRoy Miller


 I am relatively new (- I have been tring on my own to get the hang of
 working the satellites) with little or no luck.

 I have been posting my failed results to twitter and getting over
 frustrated in my attempts - luckly there have been a few who have given me
 pointers. And one very nice person kl7cn let me call him and he talked me
 though a few things during the call he said maybe I should try the SO50. So
 today I did try it
 And much to my surprise and happiness it was easy enough to pickup and find
 and things seemed to working for me (He told me that is was a quite machine
 and that I might have to look for it a bit)
 The pass I tried was at 1710 UTC (110 pm local est) and the sat was moving
 from the southwest to the northeast from my previous trys on the AO51 I knew
 that I would probably not get it while it was still low (less then about 20
 degrees - also because of where I was pointing the antenna that low I was
 pointing right at a building) I reasoned that if I started looking at about
 24 degrees I would being doing much better (so that is what I did) at about
 1714 or 1715 UTC I had heard the SO51 for the first time, still a bit rough
 and probably still a little low by the time it was up around the 40 degree
 mark I thought
 What the heck I am here, people are talking why not try to make a contact -
 so that is what I did
 I think I waited just a little longer got a nice strong signal and put my
 call out

 KD8BXP em79 --
 What I heard on the downlink really surprised me - it was this horrable
 noise (it almost sounded like when 2 people double) I don't know what I did
 but thought ok maybe feedback from the microphone so I unpluged the external
 and tried again
 I got the same horrable sound

 Now I am sorry up front for this noise I am sure people heard it - so if
 you were on around 1717 - 1720 I am so sorry upfront

 But that leads me to my question - what did I do wrong?
 And how can I correct the problem and try again

 I have been really frustrated with the AO51 so much so that I almost put my
 rig antenna and what not on ebay 3 days ago - I cooled off but I really want
 to work this bird
 It seemed (at least to a newbie) an easy one to find and maybe make
 contacts on.

 You will need to know the setup:
 TH-D7 A (not the G model I have a G but didn't use it this time)
 Arrow (2 meter/440) mounted to a telescope tripod
 Eeepc running ubuntu linux a gpredict
 External mic for the radio
 I was on 145.850 pl 67hz for the uplink
 And 436.800 for the downlink
 Radio was in duplex mode and sql was turned off (or open if you prefer)
 And the balance on the speaker was set for only the 440 side
 I was at 40 - 50 degrees when I first keyed up and the second time would
 have been when it was at its highest point of between 64 and 74 degrees
 I was on the high power setting
 I have used this radio for both local repeater work and aprs and no one has
 ever told me that it was making horrable noises
 And I think if it was making horrable noises while transmitting aprs the
 data would be corrpted

 I hope I have given enough information. I hope someone can help I don't
 want to make horrable noises again

 One other thing but I am sure it is my problem not one that someone fix so
 to speak
 Once the satellite reached its max and started back down - I lost it
 completely couldn't find it again
 I think it was me one leg on the tripod is bent and started to collaspe
 while I was turning the antenna to start it pointing in a north east direct

 Thanks for the help in advance I write a lot to ask something simple sorry
 about that

 LeRoy, KD8BXP
 Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry

 Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
 Not an AMSAT-NA member? 

[amsat-bb] Re: SO50 problems and questions

2009-06-09 Thread Andrew Koenig
I also forgot to mention that a PreAmp makes all of the difference. I worked
a few passes with N5AFV this past weekend for Museum Ship weekend, and he
let me borrow his preamp. On AO-27, it went from an S-1 to an S6, and with
SO-50 it went from an S-0 (still audible though) to an S-4. I'll also
embarrassingly admit that I had my arrow pointed in the wrong direction (for
part of the pass), and AO-27 was still audible with an S3, but only with the

I believe we used an AAR SP450VDA.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Andrew Koenig ke5...@gmail.com wrote:

 I would try taking the antenna off of the tripod for a little while. The
 polarization of the satellites changes constantly, and with the antenna on
 the tripod, it's difficult to compensate for those changes.

 Also, AO-51 is a much stronger bird than SO-50, but AO-27 is the strongest
 at the moment. AO-27 has the same frequencies as SO-50, but there is no
 tone, and it's got a timer on it that turns it on when it reaches (about)
 the Gulf Coast line (for the purposes of maintaining battery power). You'll
 have time to get your antenna in the right place with the 20 seconds of
 telemetry it starts with (see http://www.ao27.org/AO27/index.shtml for a

 For your situation, I would recommend trying AO-27 until you are familiar
 with the satellites. AO-27 isn't as crowded as AO-51, but it's also not as
 quiet (both in traffic and output) as SO-50.

 Don't quote me on it, but I think AO-51 has less than 500mW output right
 now, AO-27 is 500mW and SO-50 is 250mW.

 Good luck! Once you get the hang of it, it's easy enoguh that a teenager
 can do it (I'd know..)

 73 de KE5GDB

 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 9:18 PM, LeRoy Miller kd8...@sprint.blackberry.net


 I am relatively new (- I have been tring on my own to get the hang of
 working the satellites) with little or no luck.

 I have been posting my failed results to twitter and getting over
 frustrated in my attempts - luckly there have been a few who have given me
 pointers. And one very nice person kl7cn let me call him and he talked me
 though a few things during the call he said maybe I should try the SO50. So
 today I did try it
 And much to my surprise and happiness it was easy enough to pickup and
 find and things seemed to working for me (He told me that is was a quite
 machine and that I might have to look for it a bit)
 The pass I tried was at 1710 UTC (110 pm local est) and the sat was moving
 from the southwest to the northeast from my previous trys on the AO51 I knew
 that I would probably not get it while it was still low (less then about 20
 degrees - also because of where I was pointing the antenna that low I was
 pointing right at a building) I reasoned that if I started looking at about
 24 degrees I would being doing much better (so that is what I did) at about
 1714 or 1715 UTC I had heard the SO51 for the first time, still a bit rough
 and probably still a little low by the time it was up around the 40 degree
 mark I thought
 What the heck I am here, people are talking why not try to make a contact
 - so that is what I did
 I think I waited just a little longer got a nice strong signal and put my
 call out

 KD8BXP em79 --
 What I heard on the downlink really surprised me - it was this horrable
 noise (it almost sounded like when 2 people double) I don't know what I did
 but thought ok maybe feedback from the microphone so I unpluged the external
 and tried again
 I got the same horrable sound

 Now I am sorry up front for this noise I am sure people heard it - so if
 you were on around 1717 - 1720 I am so sorry upfront

 But that leads me to my question - what did I do wrong?
 And how can I correct the problem and try again

 I have been really frustrated with the AO51 so much so that I almost put
 my rig antenna and what not on ebay 3 days ago - I cooled off but I really
 want to work this bird
 It seemed (at least to a newbie) an easy one to find and maybe make
 contacts on.

 You will need to know the setup:
 TH-D7 A (not the G model I have a G but didn't use it this time)
 Arrow (2 meter/440) mounted to a telescope tripod
 Eeepc running ubuntu linux a gpredict
 External mic for the radio
 I was on 145.850 pl 67hz for the uplink
 And 436.800 for the downlink
 Radio was in duplex mode and sql was turned off (or open if you prefer)
 And the balance on the speaker was set for only the 440 side
 I was at 40 - 50 degrees when I first keyed up and the second time would
 have been when it was at its highest point of between 64 and 74 degrees
 I was on the high power setting
 I have used this radio for both local repeater work and aprs and no one
 has ever told me that it was making horrable noises
 And I think if it was making horrable noises while transmitting aprs the
 data would be corrpted

 I hope I have given enough information. I hope someone can help I don't
 want to make horrable noises again

 One other thing but I am sure it is my problem not one that 

[amsat-bb] Re: Another satellite-receiver option

2009-06-09 Thread Art McBride
 When using a preamp in any metropolitan area a band pass filter is needed.
Helicoil types are very good for VHF. DCS makes them or build one out of the
RSGB Book. 
QFH antennas can be made 1/4 turn to 1 turn, 1/4 wave to 1 wave all with
different patterns. If done right they are a very effective antenna.

NOAA Tiros N satellites run 5 watts on 137 MHz. On 70 cm AO-51 is 1/2 W and
you lose 9 dB more for the increase in frequency. You have 3dB less galactic
noise on 70 cm, and another 3 dB for reduced bandwidth 37 KHz to 16 KHz.
Doing the math you are comparing 5 watts of (NOAA-18) to .250 effective
watts on AO-51 adjusted for noise power and frequency. A huge difference!


-Original Message-
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of Luc Leblanc
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 8:43 AM
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Another satellite-receiver option

I try also  to receive NOAA APT transmission with an helix but i got very
marginal results even with a preamp for 137khz. The signal was 
better but the pagers QRM was also boosted by about a factor of 5...

The only one viable solution was to use my VHF satellite beam with a PAR
electronics vhf notch filter part number 5602516. Of course you 
should have a 50khz band pass below that results are also very marginal. I
don't know if the PCR-100 is able to received at this bandwidth 
but the PCR-1000 can and it can be driven by WXtoimg software.

P.S. My home made helix is available for 35$ plus shipping but a bit hard to
securely fit inside a shipping box. pics available if needed.

On 8 Jun 2009 at 23:14, Jerry Clement wrote:

 I use a Hamtronics R139 Weather fax Receiver with a QFH antenna that I
built for receving and decoding images from the weather birds such as NOAA
18. I never had any luck with any of my other receivers such as my Icom R20,
being to narrow for this purpose,  although I know of guy's who have
modified receivers successfully for just this purpose. My set up may be seen
on my website: www.stormchaser.cjb.net  click on: Quadrifilar Helix Antenna.
The page needs to be upgraded, as I use a newer laptop than the one shown. 
 Jerry VE6AB


Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
Skype VE2DWE


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