[amsat-bb] W5KUB Webcast Field Day 2014

2014-06-27 Thread k4feg

Hello everyone,

Tom, W5KUB will have his Webcast during Field Day 2014 from Memphis, 
Tennessee EM55.

Tom has asked the EM55 satellite community for our participation and we 
have gladly agreed to be there and help provide content for his webcast.

/*Here is you chance to to see some of the guys that operate from EM55, 
WA4NVM, WA4HFN, KD4NOQ and of course, yours truly, K4FEG.*//*

Tom really want to get the input from the satellite operators and we 
hope to be able to help him out.

Tom, W5KUB's planned webcast from the Memphis site will be between 
1700UTC and 2300UTC on Saturday so check in to see what is happening 
from EM55.

I hope to see some of you on Tom's webcast this weekend.

73 ALL
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[amsat-bb] AO-7

2014-05-02 Thread k4feg

The Eclipse Cycle has begun for satellite Ao-7.

Typically what this means is that the satellite will lose all power and 
by default go into Start-Up mode every time it comes back into the 
sunlight. Typically Mode B or C are the 1st mode of operations and the 
loss of sunlight prevents mode switches to A.

Predictions had shown that the eclipse would occur either yesterday or 
today, depending on the orbital model you used, and this morning over 
the USA, AO-7 was in mode B.

I have calculated the end of the eclipse cycle but I will update 
satellite information to assure a more definite date for AO-7 to go back 
into full sunlight.

/*This will be my only post on the AMSAT bb about AO-7, I will have 
updates on my Bulletin Board if you wish to follow them. See my QRZ.com 
page for information.*//*

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[amsat-bb] AO27.org

2014-01-20 Thread K4FEG
For those of us who occasionally check on the /*status of AO27*/, I 
emailed /*Michael, N3UC,*/ and he told me that they have /*had a server 
crash */and are in the process of getting it back up.

No additional information on the Rescue Operations for AO27 at this 
time. Keep your fingers crossed folks! We may yet get AO27 back on the air.

Many thanks to the AO27 Group and their efforts to recover AO27 for 
operations. We really appreciate your efforts!

Starcom/SATDX- bb's
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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 9, Issue 19

2014-01-18 Thread K4FEG

Frank, K4FEG here, I do not know if this would applicable to your 
situation, but while I was having control issues with my Icom Ic-910H 
and SatPC32, I reached out to Erich (writer of SatPC32) about the issues 
and he told me that some of the cables and other interface modules 
(USB/Serial adapters) need to have the /*FTDI chip set*/ in them, /*I 
had to search for a specific type of USB/Serial adapter that had the 
FTDI chip set in it.*/

Once I got this adapter, and plugged it in on my Windows 8 and 7 PC's, 
both operating systems instantly recognized the device and loaded the 
proper driver to make the adapter work. /*Erich explained that the 
PROLIFIC chip set, which is common in North America seems to have an 
issue with his program.*/

Another note is that there may be a firmware update for you Kenwood. I 
have had others tell me that their TS-2000 would not properly control 
with SatPC and when they got the various firmware updates for their 
specific model radio, it helped to resolve their control issues.

I do not know if this information is of help or not  but I thought that 
it might, you may post your question on my BB, Star-COM.net, if you 
like. My bb tries to cater more to real life situations and operations 
on the satellites and working with operators and rovers to facilitate 
working new grids on the birds you are most welcome to come visit 
there if you wish.

73  best regards,
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[amsat-bb] k8bl road trip

2013-09-23 Thread k4feg

Here is the Itinerary for/*K*//**//*8BL's road trip starting today:*/

Be sure to listen for Bob on all satellites!

Below is the email Bob sent me:

/*Here is my plan for the week of 9/23-9/27.*/
/*I'll be driving around Lake Huron and activating as many of the
Grids I pass through as possible. On Monday 9/23 I'll be headed north from
Detroit and hit EN84, 85, 75,  76, but I may make it to EN77/87 by late*/
/*afternoon depending on speed  traffic. On Tuesday 9/24 my plan is to 

go through EN76  77 to hit rare EN87 and back down through EN77, 76
and into EN86. On Wednesday 9/25 I'll be in EN96 and go for rare EN97
and head down into EN95. Thursday 9/26 will take me through FN05, 04
and into EN94. On Friday 9/27 I expect to be in EN94, 93  92. All of this*/
/*is flexible based on road situations as they arise, but my goal is to 

/*as many of these Grids as possible.

By Saturday 9/28 my plan to to just dead-head back to my QTH in EN91.

Hope to work a lot of the Grid Chasers on my journey!*/
/*Frank, please try to get this on Starcom  AMSAT tonight if possible so*/
/*folks will know I'll be available.

Good Luck Everyone!

*/73 ALL FRM
/The Commander
GGHQ: EM55aj84ta

...no grid left behind...
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[amsat-bb] ARRL Article on AO7

2013-08-08 Thread k4feg

Hello Satellite Lovers!!

Well it is nice to see that I have risen to the level of being quoted 
by the ARRL, they got most of the stuff essentially correct but did not 
get it completely right:

/*What we know for certain about AO7:*/
1) there are ZERO batteries working!
2) it only works when it has enough solar power generated to make it 
3) it was only in Eclipse for periods of a maximum of 15 minutes during 
each orbit and only during the period I refer to as the Eclipse Cycle 
which occurs at the same approximate time each year for about 9 weeks.

My additional conversations with Jan A. King, W3GEY, have provided me 
with additional information about the design and I have found it most 
intriguing. I have considered writing a more detailed paper centered 
around my conversations with Jan, and my personal observations of the 

//I just am not sure if anyone is particularly interested in such a 
detailed account of AO7's current state of operation./

Many of you have read my running accounts of AO7 operations this year 
since the Eclipse Cycle began and subsequently ended. Many of you have 
provided excellent insight as to why the Doppler shift varies as much as 
it does after these Eclipse Periods and also the theories as to why the 
distortion levels occur on some satellite passes and not others.

Thank you all that have contributed to the debate and the study.

I Hope I have not bored everyone with my posts about AO7, simply the 
most successful satellite ever launched!

/*73 ALL FRM*//*
*//*GGHQ: Em55aj84ta*//**/
/...no grid left behind.../
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[amsat-bb] AO7 switch?

2013-08-05 Thread k4feg
Well I am definitely going to try and make the wee hours of the 
morning pass of AO7, to see what Mode it is in. AO7-a was loud and 
sometimes distorted, but it was weak at others.

I am uncertain of the switch time at this moment but it should be easy 
enough to nail it down once the satellite has settled in to a better 
illumination angle with the sun.

I for one will be happy to have the Old Girl back into her familiar 
operational mode of switching every day and having clean audio from the 

If anyone has some current information as to when the mode switch is, I 
would be interested in knowing when that time is!

73 All FRM
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[amsat-bb] AO7 Full Illumination

2013-08-01 Thread K4FEG
I have taken one final look at the time at which AO7 will come back into 
full sunlight and will not lose the sun any more this season.

My predictions show that at /*22:55:32UTC today, AO7 will go back into 
full illumination*/ and no further eclipse's will occur until the 
Eclipse Cycle begins again next May 2014 (Exact date to be determined).

/If the 24 hour Mode switch occurs on time, the satellite will be over 
North America and I will barely still have a footprint on the satellite 
on August 2, 2013 at 22:55:32UTC. //

Just as a matter of intellectual curiosity, /*if any North American 
operators can monitor AO7 on August 2, 2013 at 22:55:32 UTC*/, I would 
like to see if the /*Mode A*/ switch occurs. I will very close to my LOS 
when the switch will possibly happen and I may not be able to hear it.

Any other reports would be appreciated so if the mode switches have 
started back up we can track the daily time of the switch for everyone.

I like Mode A so I hope to catch a few stations there when the mode 
switches return.
I hope the last 10 weeks of AO7 comments have been to much of a bore to 

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[amsat-bb] AO7 mode switch

2013-07-31 Thread K4FEG

Hello Satellite People;

it is my opinion that we are quickly approaching the end of the Eclipse 
Cycle for AO7 this season. I had previously estimated the final 
eclipse to be on August the 2nd between 0200 and 0300 UTC but upon 
closer check with fresh Kep's  it looks like the eclipse durations are 
decreasing by approximately 10 seconds per orbit at this time and with 
the current durations of the orbits the final eclipse of 20 seconds will 
end at 21:00:50UTC, when the satellite is rising over Australia.

I would guess that at that point the 24 hour mode switch will begin once 
the satellite is in full illumination once again. It appears to have 
been 9 full weeks of eclipse's for AO7 and over 98% of the time it 
seemed to come up in Mode B, I know there were reports over Europe of a 
Mode A pass on individual orbits and I had noted the same for the USA as 
well, but once the satellite had gone into eclipse on the next orbital 
pass it would come back up in Mode B.

In May of 2014 I hope to look at the beginning of the Eclipse Cycle and 
work at predicting the beginning and end of it better.

This has been a fun exercise for me and I appreciate those from around 
the world that forwarded their observations to me.

Now it is time to sit and wait to see if the switches start back on 
August 2, 2013 at @21:00UTC

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[amsat-bb] AO7 Mode A

2013-07-07 Thread K4FEG
AO7 is in Mode A during the 1309UTC pass over EM55aj84ta, just now. 
Signals had slight distortion in them, but CW and SSB was readable.

I am not 100% sure if this is an indication of the end of the eclipse 
cycle and the return to daily mode switches. My predictions had shown 
more eclipses for at least 2 more weeks.

Watch AO7 closely for Mode and possible switch times.

The last Mode A over the USA was back on May 21 of this year.

Stay Tuned folks!

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[amsat-bb] CO6CBF/P Western Cuba

2013-06-25 Thread K4FEG

Late Breaking Update on CO6CBF/p!!!

Hector reported on the 0155UTC pass of FO29 just now that EL81 would be 
IMPOSSIBLE for him to operate from.

He was operating from the EL72/EL82 grid line with an excellent signal 
on FO29.

I am sure Hector will have some details for us once he is back home from 
this trip, still I personally have worked him in 3 additional new grids 
for myself and I have heard him work many others as well.

I have no additional information on his plans at this time so Stay 

/*73 ALL FRM;*//*
*//*GGHQ: EM55*//*aj84ta*/
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[amsat-bb] Wilse WX7P

2013-06-14 Thread k4feg
If you had DN08 crossed off of your Satellite Grid list, there was a 
better than good probability that you had worked Wilse, I had last 
worked him back on September 20, 2012.

Our condolences to his family from /The Grid Guerrillas/ and the 

/*...no grid left behind...*/

Thanks Wilse for the memories and QSO's.

Frank; K4FEG
GGHQ: EM55aj84ta
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[amsat-bb] LUSAT-19

2013-06-10 Thread K4FEG
Since the reports of hearing a CW signal from LUSAT (LO-19), I have been 
trying to listen to it during daylight hours over the USA, It just came 
over Western USA with only a 1.2 degree elevation /*here at 
EM55aj84ta*/, the random Dashes were there and readable during the 
footprint over my QTH.

The tone seems random at times and then just excessively slow at others. 
I have also noticed a tone shift during the transmissions, a possible 
indication of voltage fluctuations at the satellite. I am just venturing 
a guess because I have no working knowledge of the satellites design.

I am not sure what if anything can be done with the 23 year old 
satellite, but it has a nice orbit and it would be nice if it could 
somehow be put back into service, even if only on a limited Sunlight 
only type of operation.

If anyone wants or needs recording of the CW signal. I can save some and 
send them in MP3 format, let me know what information you need and I 
will try to help.

Frank E. Griffin

The current Keps on SATPC32 are tracking the satellite perfectly.
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[amsat-bb] Volunteering

2013-06-08 Thread k4feg


my understanding of a volunteer is someone who willingly gives their 
spare time to promote a subject or issue that they are passionate about.

It is obvious that there are issues with how does one get's involved 
in the hobby we all care about.

I understand that people have their lives to live and they cannot always 
give 100% to their volunteer work, but guess what, there are people out 
here that are retired for what ever reason who have tried to reach out 
and get involved, but alas;
*there is not one clear place to go to find out what 
projects/jobs/issues are out there and **how to get involved in any of 
them, that I am aware of!*

I propose that AMSAT_NA create a position of a: /*Volunteer 
Coordinator*///*Director*/, who's sole job would be to identify needs 
for any and all projects or issues that AMSAT_NA deems of importance to 
our hobby and they would need to communicate these needs in a timely 
manner to the AMSAT_NA membership. This position would not be for a 
person who has limited time but someone who could give the position the 
time such an important position requires.

For all I know such a position may already exist but the task has been 
given to someone who already has more than they can do.

People wishing to volunteer are out there, but at some point there has 
to be a leader to help coordinate and direct people into areas where 
they can best help.

It is a shame that someone with Tom's, K8TL, years of experience, is 
left on the side-lines because no one knew where to direct him so he 
could help.

I talk to Tom on the satellites on a regular basis and I know he is 
passionate about our hobby.

I say we need to /Use them, not lose them!/, these volunteers with 
years of experience and a love for our hobby.

Just from Tom's post about volunteering, I have learned of projects that 
I did not even know existed, communications of what is happening within 
our segment of our hobby is imperative if we hope to grow and maintain 
our part of this extraordinary hobby.

Tom, hang in there, maybe we can put you and your son's talents to use yet!

/Any one have any suggestions please feel free to contact me directly on 
or off the BB, on my BB, on my Skype account (k4feg_em55) or if you want 
to talk I will forward you my cell # in a private email//. /


*/we will work the satellites until the antennas burn off during 

73 FRM
Frank E. Griffin
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[amsat-bb] AO7 in Eclipse

2013-05-29 Thread k4feg

Hello BB's

I have a question for any of the fine satellite operators of New Zealand 
and Australia.  Does any one in those areas monitor AO7 as it enters 
into the Eclipse as it nears the coast of Antarctica?

The pass that is flying over right now has an eclipse period duration of 
9:40. I was curious as to how the satellite was reacting in the 
twilight period as the satellite approached the full eclipse and 
unfortunately the satellite doesn't appear to be near any populated 
areas when it comes out of this eclipse. this is one of the longer 
eclipse's that occurs during this period of the Eclipse Cycle.

Any information would be of interest to me.

thanks for the help from those who have emailed!
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[amsat-bb] AO7

2013-05-24 Thread k4feg

Hello All AO7 Operators;

During the Eclipse Cycle over Antarctica, AO7 continues to come out of 
eclipse in Mode B.

Even better news is that I tracked down Jan A. King the designer of AO7 
and he has graciously offered to answer some of my questions about the 
basic design of the Grand Old Lady of satellites.

I will be speaking with him next week after the Memorial Day Weekend and 
I hope to gather some insight into the operations of AO7.

I am very lucky to get access to him for his knowledge of this great 

73 All FRM,

Frank E. Griffin

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[amsat-bb] AO7 2013 Eclipse Cycle

2013-05-23 Thread K4FEG

Good Day everyone;

hopefully by now everyone is aware that AO7 is going into an eclipse as 
it passes over Antarctica and with the loss of sunlight on the solar 
panels the satellite is going into a Zero Voltage System Reset, and when 
the satellite comes back into the sun it is starting up in Mode B every 

Information from others have said that that is by design, but some of 
the reading I have been doing, suggests that the mode is random. The 
observations made so far indicate that it appears to be by design and 
NOT random.

I have noticed a slight variation in the Doppler adjustment from my 
previous program settings and there have been some reports of slight 
audio distortion. I am currently leaning towards the frequency 
variations and audio to being caused by temperature variations due to 
the lack of solar heating as the satellite passes over Antarctica, once 
again these are just my opinions.

Software predictions indicate that the eclipse periods will get up to 
about a maximum of a 3 minute period at the longest and it will be 
interesting to watch for any variations in satellite behavior at that time.

/*For now we have Mode B repeating, enjoy it Mode B users and Mode A 
will be back in a few weeks if everything stays like it is.*//*

I hope I am not boring everyone with these AO7 reports.

Thanks to Alan; ZL2BX and Ib, OZ1MY for their updates and observations.

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[amsat-bb] AO7 Eclipse Cycle

2013-05-22 Thread K4FEG
AO7 is in Mode B and is giving every indication, from reports around the 
globe, to being in the Eclipse Cycle while over Antarctica.

The software being used by those predicting the eclipse periods are Nova 
and SatPC32, both seem to be very accurate and predicted the start of 
the eclipse cycle very closely.

If the predictions are correct, we will have daily eclipses while the 
satellite passes over Antarctica and based on other information that I 
have received, the satellite will, by default, power up in Mode B after 
the Zero Voltage State occurs during the eclipse.

I plan to continue to monitor the Mode status daily and look for any 
variables that might happen with the satellite. Last year we seemed to 
have had distortion issues for a period during the time when we were in 
the Eclipse Cycle. I have no idea if, or even if it is possible, that 
the Eclipse Cycle was causing any of the audio distortions that were 
noticed last year during the Eclipse Cycle.

I hope with closer observation, this year we can follow any changes in 
the satellite functions and see how they relate to the total loss of 
power on the satellite as it travels through the eclipse periods.

If anyone has any suggestions for things to watch for, or if there are 
other things to monitor, that might give us a better understanding of 
how the satellite is functioning, please feel free to comment. I think 
we have actually caught the beginning of the Eclipse Cycle this year and 
I think we will be able to see how long it will last and if it is having 
any effect on the health of the satellite.

QTH: EM55aj84ta
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[amsat-bb] AO7 Eclipse Period

2013-05-20 Thread K4FEG
Are there any of the New Zealand satellite operators that could listen 
to /*AO7 on May 21, 2013 during the 13:45:50UTC pass?*/

If I am correct this will be the beginning of the satellite eclipse 
period that will run until August 2, 2013.

I am not using any fancy software to track the eclipse periods so I 
cannot determine if the times are accurate or not, nor if the satellite 
tracking software is taking full account of all variables involved in 
tracking an eclipse period on AO7.

My understanding from others is that the design of the satellite is such 
that it will come up as the first state on start-up in Mode B. I do 
not know these things to be true but the information comes from what I 
consider to be reliable sources.

I am just interested in any type of satellite report from the operators 
that will first access to AO7 after it has been in an eclipse period no 
matter how brief. Any information will be of interest to me.

/The current mode switches on AO7 are occurring at approximately 1047UTC 
everyday, I suspect that if we get any type of a total voltage loss on 
the satellite that this time will change(just my opinion)./

From the projections I have been running the eclipse periods will 
quickly increase in duration and they will vary during the day with 
respect to the time of day over the Southern Hemisphere.

One of my goals is to try and determine, with the software available to 
me, what duration of eclipse is needed to cause a Zero Voltage Reset, 
which should result in the satellite reverting to Mode B.

Any help is appreciated! Happy Bird watching!
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[amsat-bb] TurkSAT

2013-05-15 Thread K4FEG

Hello everyone!

2 questions:
1) is anyone hearing the beacon on TURKSAT?
2) if so, what TLE's are you using?

I did not have things set up right after the launch so I missed out on 
the initial beacon that was heard by many around the world.

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[amsat-bb] AO7

2013-05-11 Thread K4FEG

Hello AO7 operators!

As of 1005UTC over the USA, AO7 is still in Mode A, the next 45 minutes 
is the normal time frame for AO7 to switch so the next pass over Asia, 
The Middle East and Western Europe should be switched to Mode B. The 
satellite will be over Antarctica when the switch should occur so I 
expect there will be no one to actually hear the switch.

I am betting that the switch goes off on schedule and Mode B will up on 
our next orbit of AO7.

I'll be on the next pass as well to see what mode/mood the Grand Old 
Lady is in!

73 all FRM
Frank E. G.
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[amsat-bb] AO7 Eclipse's

2013-05-11 Thread K4FEG

Hello Everyone,

I have taken the information from Ib, OZ1MY and plugged it into SatPC32 
and starting on May 21, 2013 at approximately 1346UTC, AO7 will start 
going into brief eclipse periods as it approaches the coast of 
Antarctica. Based on my observations these eclipses will increase in 
duration until they reach a peak around the Summer equinox and then they 
will start to taper off until the last eclipse occurs at approximately 
0245UTC on August 2, 2013.

If the past is any indication of future events, this could mean erratic 
behavior from AO7. Last year for an extended period of time, AO7 was 
coming up in Mode B every day. I do not know of any rhyme or reason to 
which mode it may come up in but I plan to monitor AO7 close this year 
to see if we have another extended Mode B period.

I will try to keep the StarCom BB up to date on the status of AO7 during 
this time. I would suppose the worst case scenario would be if we had an 
extended Mode A condition.

The dates are 05/21/2013 until 08/02/2013 the eclipse's start at 15 to 
20 second periods up to about 3 minutes in duration at their peak. I am 
not sure how much total loss of sunlight is required cause the satellite 
to start acting differently, I know the batteries are totally gone but I 
do not know if there is any type capacitive storage that may retain a 
voltage in critical systems on the satellite. If anyone has any 
information on that I would be interested.

That is my AO7 status report for now! Stay Tuned!

73 All FRM;
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[amsat-bb] VY1RM

2013-05-11 Thread K4FEG
Ron, VY1RM was just on the FO29 pass with a 57 signal into the 
satellite, he made a contact with CO6CBF, for another great QSO for 
Hector to Ron, very short window for Ron and Hector but a good contact 
for them.

Ron is back on the air and has mentioned that he plans to be active on 
the satellites.

He is in Whitehorse, Yukon Territories, Canada CP20lq.

Look for Ron on the satellite or drop him an email if you want to make a 
schedule with him.

Congratulations Hector and Ron for a great FO29 contact!

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[amsat-bb] AO7 MODE

2013-05-10 Thread K4FEG

To all AO7 Users:

AO7 is in Mode A this morning, the normal switch should have occurred 
around 10:50UTC, I believe that it was about this time last year when 
AO7 was stuck in Mode B for about 3 weeks or more.

If the satellite is going into a brief eclipse periods, there is no 
telling when the satellite will change modes, I was able to use SatPC32 
in the preview mode last year, to actually see the eclipse on AO7 and 
predict when they would end, I will run some simulations and see if 
brief eclipses are occurring.

Please feel free to post any findings on AO7 on 
/*starcom...@star-com.net*/, that is my BB that I run for satellite users.

Be sure and check both modes when the satellite is over your location!

/*You can always give Mode A a try!! it's quiet over there!*/

73 All;


(look these coordinates up on /*APRS.FI _satellite mode_*/_,_ and it 
will zoom in on my antennas on my back deck!)

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[amsat-bb] AO7 Mode

2013-05-10 Thread K4FEG


I will check to see if the 1047UTC time is still the switch time for 
the satellite in the morning my first pass that is close to the switch 
time is at 0950UTC, the satellite will be over Antarctica when it hits 
the time at which it has been switching.

Hopefully we will see that it has switched modes over to B and all we 
had was an anomaly today on the switching.

73 everyone!

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[amsat-bb] AO7 Mode A

2013-04-25 Thread K4FEG

Hello Linear Satellite lovers!

do any of the die-hard satellite operators want to work Mode A on AO7?

If you want and un-congested satellite pass that will give you good 
distance and plenty of time on the Bird, then Mode A is the mode/bird 
to try.

Almost any type of an antenna will work, I am personally using a 3 
element HyGain 10m monobander for my receive, it is not perfect but it 
will do the trick, I have managed a contact into the UK with Paul, 
2E1EUB on AO7-a and I have also worked a few South American stations as 
well, Cuba which as frequency restrictions on 432Mhz cannot use AO7-b 
but they can work Mode A.

If anyone is up for a try, I am willing to make a schedule or two.

Frank; K4FEG; EM55aj

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[amsat-bb] AO7 Mode Switch

2013-04-10 Thread K4FEG
/*For those who wonder about such things, the Mode switch for AO7 is 
occurring at approximately 10:47:15UTC.*//*

I was listening for Paul, 2M1EUB/P on AO7 this morning and AO7 was still 
in Mode A when I came into the footprint, I listened and called for Paul 
near center frequency until he was out of the satellite and then I just 
waited to see when the satellite switched mode.

As I stated it happened at about 10:47:UTC I did not have my system 
clock synchronized so my time may be off a bit.

I just thought some of those who keep up with such things might be 

Good Day all!  73;

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[amsat-bb] proper way?

2013-02-25 Thread K4FEG

/*A question for all of the wizards out there!!*//*

I am curious as to what is the accepted /*gold standard*/?

There are several calculators and most are somewhat in agreement but 
some are not.

I just recently found out, myself, that the grid square system is broken 
down to even smaller units than I imagined. it appears that the 
divisions continue in the same 2 to 1 ratio and is therefore variable in 
dimension based on you location on the planet./(closer to the equator 
the larger the grid further north or south of the equator the smaller 
the grid)/.

It seems that my exact location can be found by entering 
/*EM55aj84ta*//in the satellite mode on the APRS.fi website, you can 
actually see my satellite antennas on the back deck of my house with 
those coordinates! (actually my old antennas)

/One additional question for the learned subscribers of this bulletin board!
Is there a distance calculator that can accept up to 10 Alpha/Numeric 
qualifiers for ultra accurate distance calculations? Or does anyone have 
an idea how I could create one using EXCEL spreadsheet with embedded 

Thank You all
Frank K4FEG EM55aj84ta

Also I have some forms I have created for multiple contacts on the 
satellites, these are EXCEL based forms, one is a Log/Label it fits on 
a standard Avery 2x4 shipping label and is an embedded EXCEL table that 
will let you list up to 7 contacts on a Mini Log on the back of your QSL 
card, works great with a rover station in different grid squares, I'd 
be happy to share it with any one that wants the file!

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[amsat-bb] Personal Best on AO7-b

2013-02-21 Thread K4FEG
Today at 18:59UTC myself, (K4FEG EM55aj) and Jari, OH2FQV (KP20mf), had 
a successful 2way CW contact on AO7-b both signals were 559 with 
approximately 1 degree (or less) of elevation on both sides of the pass.

The calculated distance on this QSO is approximately 7862Km based on a 
couple of calculation programs.

Jari has an excellent station for low elevation operations and can hear 
to LOS with ease.


Frank E. Griffin;
K4FEG EM55aj
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[amsat-bb] AO7 Mode Switch Update

2012-12-18 Thread K4FEG

Good Day BB;

this morning during the 1035UTC pass of AO7 over the USA AO7 switched 
from Mode B to Mode A at 1037UTC according to my station clock.

Due to the fact that something cause the satellite to shift the switch 
time to begin with it cannot be said that this switch time will remain 
constant but for the last few days I have been narrowing down the switch 
time and this seems to be a stable point for now.

I hope this helps those who keep up with such matters!

73 FRM
K4FEG EM55aj
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[amsat-bb] AO7

2012-12-16 Thread K4FEG
I noted that Ao7 was still in Mode B on the 0900UTC pass over EM55 but 
on the 1042UTC pass it had switched to Mode A.

On the 0900UTC pass heard KB2RVT working EA8BWY and on the 1042UTC pass 
I worked KJ4MCZ.

AO7-A was very loud and not crowded. at least we have a good Idea of 
when the satellite is switching modes.

Just some information for those who follow such things!

73 everyone
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[amsat-bb] fund raising for Fox

2012-10-20 Thread K4FEG
I propose that AMSAT-NA start charging to post on the BB. My proposal 
goes something like this;

to be able to post on the AMSAT-BB, the individual posting must link a 
PayPal account or Valid Credit Card that AMSAT-NA can charge each time 
that they post on the BB.

The fee schedule would be as follows: Members; $1.00 per post, 
Non-members; $1.50 per post, a monthly charge for members of $60.00 per 
month for unlimited posts for that month and non-members a monthly 
charge $100.00 for the same unlimited monthly posting. Then there could 
be an annual charge to members of $500.00 for 1 year of unlimited 
postings or for non-members an annual charge of $750.00 for unlimited 

Finally we could sell Lifetime Posting Privileges for a one time fee of 
$5,000.00 for members and non-members a charge of $7,500.00.

These fee schedules are in line with many of the other organizations and 
just think of the funding that could be brought in for launching new 

Heck we could have HEO's, MEO's, LEO's and NEO's. There aren't enough 
engineering schools in the world to help us build the satellites. In the 
last month alone the fees would have funded putting a linear transponder 
on the MOON!

This is just one simple man's idea of how we could raise the money to 
get us some more Satellites in orbit!!
Heck, we are being charged for everything else why not tap into this 
valuable resource and raise some money for a good cause!

And you folks thought it would be tough to raise the money!

The simple ideas are always the best!

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[amsat-bb] AO27 UPDATE!

2012-10-15 Thread K4FEG



Official AO-27 HomePage *Oct 15, 2012*
The command team has finished uploading the high level code to AO-27. 
EOS is now running and we are checking out the bird. The TOPR schedule 
will be on digital for the entire pass until we collect enough telmetry 
and finish the on-orbit checkout.

We hope to have normal operations back up by the weekend.
- Michael, N3UC

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[amsat-bb] AO7-A

2012-10-08 Thread K4FEG

Hello Fellow satellite users;

Is anyone operating AO7-a? A few of us diehard satellite users are 
working AO7-A, the satellite is generally pretty empty, normally I am 
just listening to my own signal on the down-link.

Mode A works just as well as Mode B does, you can use your HF beam as a 
receiving antenna if need be to copy the down-link. From EM55aj I have 
worked 2E1EUB in the U.K., I have worked Hector, CO6CBF, in Cuba and I 
have worked HK3MKE in Columbia, the satellite works fine there are just 
not many stations there.

If anyone wants to give AO7-A a try drop me an email, I am retired and 
have the time to operate and I don't mind the early morning or late in 
the evening passes, I have a SKYPE account that I can be reached on as 
well: K4FEG_EM55.

We are running out of options here on the satellites and I am not an SWL 
so I don't plan on sitting around just waiting for a satellite miracle, 
If it's up there and it will receive my transmissions, I am going to try 
and operate that satellite!

Remember: Just work them birds until the antennas burn off during 

That's my story and I am sticking to it!


Frank; K4FEG EM55aj
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[amsat-bb] modified metaphor

2012-09-25 Thread K4FEG
we have all heard the old expression: there's no such thing as a 
free lunch!

the AMSAT version is: There's no such thing as a free launch!

I always wondered why they had that digital burst at the end of the the 
AO27 timer? to help soothe us!

What will they think of next? The wonders never cease!
In the words of the famous philosopher Ted Turner:  Lead, Follow or get 
out of my way!

73 all

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[amsat-bb] I have the answer!

2012-09-24 Thread K4FEG
AMSAT needs to form a union, overpay it's employees, then the leadership 
can tell the US government that if we don't get a massive infusion of 
taxpayer dollars that AMSAT will have to file for bankruptcy, therefore 
putting all of those high paid union employees out of a job, and as a 
side bar we can tell them that we are doing solar panel research as well.

Hell with the way this president likes to throw money away, I figure 
we'll have over $500,000,000.00 by election day(isn't that what they 
gave that solar cell company a few months ago?)

You boy's at HQ gotta think outside the box! we could put transponder on 
the moon with that kinda cash!

I think I'll go listen to some telemetry to soothe my jangled nerves!

See how easy that was to solve!
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[amsat-bb] Satellites

2012-09-22 Thread K4FEG
I guess I am fortunate, I just came to satellite radio about 15 months 
ago, I missed out on the HEO's  and all of the great Good Old Days of 
satellite radio,  but in those short 15 months that I have been on the 
satellites I have some how managed to work 669 grid squares, confirm 581 
of them (and Yuri still owes me 40), I have worked all 50 states on the 
satellites, I managed to work all but 1 of the Canadian provinces, 
worked 11 European countries, 8 or so Central American countries and 5 
South American countries. While this may not seem like anything to the 
people that had the opportunity to make use of the HEO satellites, it 
has been a hell of a lot of fun for me.

In the last week I have had no less than 2 contacts with stations that I 
was their 1st satellite contact.

I may not agree with how things are being handled with AMSAT, I damn 
sure can't get enough information to suit me but I am not going to quit 
operating the satellites until there ain't nothing to work up there.

And by the way, I worked all of my contacts with 2 M2 terrestrial 
antennas set at a fixed elevation of about 20 degrees and they are 
mounted on a Glen Martin 8' Tower on my back deck.

One thing for certain if you get off the satellites you have for sure 
made your last satellite contact, Heck with all the beeping  
booping birds that are going up all that will be needed is a bunch of 
SWL's to listen to the telemetry!

That's my humble opinion!
Everyone have a nice day
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[amsat-bb] KF5LOQ

2012-08-17 Thread K4FEG
Short notice but, Jack, KF5LOQ is mobile on his AZ trip and will be on 
the upcoming SO50 Pass from EM10!

SEE you there!

Your friendly neighborhood Grid Guerrilla
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[amsat-bb] AO7-a

2012-08-13 Thread K4FEG

Just a note:
AO7-a over the USA this morning had a very nice signal, there was no one 
but myself on the pass I was on, but the downlink was strong with minor 
QSB, I tested with variable power levels and as expected high power 
levels would bring on some distortion on CW signals and minor FM'ing 
on SSB signals.

Running minimal power levels seemed to produce clear downlinks on both 
SSB and CW. I am not sure how the bird would react with multiple 
stations on simultaneously but it was quite clear with just myself on 
the satellite this morning.

I think we just need to be gentle with the Grand Lady of satellites 
she seems to working, for now!

I wish I had an answer for what is ailing the bird, but I don't. These 
are just my observations of the satellite!

73 All!
Frank; K4FEG
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[amsat-bb] AO7

2012-08-08 Thread K4FEG
The 2140UTC AO7 pass over the US was heard by myself, I couldn't find 
the satellite on Mode A so on the off chance I switched to Mode B and I 
was clearly hearing my downlink on both CW and SSB.

I am not sure why or when it switched modes but the satellite was 
apparently in a low power mode as the downlink was very weak but 
clearly audible on CW and SSB.

I did not notice any FM'ing on the satellite but I did not hear any 
other signals on the satellite either.

I made a brief recording but I have a high noise level and did not 
record the full pass over EM55.

That's what I observed this afternoon!
73 all
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[amsat-bb] VE3NKL/p

2012-08-04 Thread K4FEG
Many thanks to Nikolai, VE3NKL, who operated portable from 6 different 
grids in Newfoundland, Canada during the past 2 weeks.

*Thanks to his family that shared their vacation time with us Grid 
Chasers while Nikolai took time out to work the satellite passes.*

Great signal and you handled it well Nikolai. Thank you for the contacts 
and new grid squares.

Thanks for GN09, GN19, GN26, GN28, GN37  GN38 (May have been one more!).

When do you go on vacation again??  HI HI!
de K4FEG EM55
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[amsat-bb] EM46 operation!

2012-08-03 Thread K4FEG
Rickey, WA4NVM is operating portable from EM46, he asked if I would post 
up for him the following information:

If you need confirmation for the grid square EM46, please send WA4NVM an 
email with the contact details, No SASE is necessary. Rick said he would 
be happy to confirm the satellite contacts.

If you didn't see his previous post, he is operating FM satellites only 
this trip. He will be in EM46 for tonight and some of the weekend.

73 all!
RAT de WA4NVM/p EM46

c/o K4FEG
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[amsat-bb] AO7-b

2012-08-01 Thread K4FEG
For those wondering about AO7-b, it is alive and well on the 2100UTC 
pass over the US, good signal from Paulo, PV8DX, yes it is still FM'ing 
some, but it is very readable when it is not being hammered.

The Grand Lady of Satellites is holding her on!
Treat her like the Grand Lady she is!

We need her to hang around!

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[amsat-bb] VE3NKL/p

2012-08-01 Thread K4FEG
Nikolai, again has asked me to post up that he will be mobile on 
Thursday and the Grid Hunters should check hi QRZ.com page for updates.

Remember, he is on a family vacation and is trying to work new grids 
while balancing his time with his family.

Thanks Nikolai for the grids you have worked from!
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[amsat-bb] VE3NKL/p in Newfoundland

2012-07-26 Thread K4FEG

*Nikolai has asked me to post here on the BB for him, some information:*

*VE3NKL/p* has added some places and grid squares he plans to operate 
during this family vacation trip. *Please check his QRZ.com web page* 
for the additional information and locations posted there.

He is *currently in GN09*, has been in *GN19*(may go back there before 
he leaves) and his future travels are listed on the QRZ page

He has mentioned that he is moving around  a bit up there and he is 
operating *FM satellites only!

*these are some nice grids for us grid chasers Good Luck Everyone!

He may not work every FM satellite but he is working SO50  AO27.

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[amsat-bb] CQ Hawaii agn!

2012-07-07 Thread K4FEG

Hello Satellite folks in the Aloha state.
the next AO7-b satellite pass you will have a nice 9 degree satellite 
pass that will reach into the central USA, any one want to give it a try?

drop me an email!

Satellite will come over EM55aj at 0124UTC
I will be listening to see if any one can give it a shot!
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[amsat-bb] CQ KH6??

2012-06-26 Thread K4FEG
I know it is short notice, anyone in KH6-land want to listen to AO7-b 
pass at 0104UTC coming up??

looks like a good pass deep into central US for anyone in the Islands, 
wanting to give it a shot!

drop me an email!
I'll be on either way.
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[amsat-bb] Field Day

2012-06-22 Thread K4FEG
For Field Day, I will be looking to help out with contacts, Especially 
late at night, I chase grids so I am used to being up late at night on 
the lonely passes.

I plan to concentrate on the linear satellites but SO50 is flying over 
the US late at night so I will try it as well. those that are planning 
to try a satellite contact for the points drop me a private email and I 
will listen for you in the wee hours, I have already had several 
requests from some of the other night owls like myself, so let me know 
so I can be listening.

Just give me a general idea of which passes you are looking at I am sure 
I can work a few stations!

Good Luck everyone, have fun but most of all, BE SAFE LET'S NOT HAVE ANY 

73 to All,
Frank; K4FEG em55
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[amsat-bb] LVB Tracker

2012-05-22 Thread K4FEG

I am looking for a good used LVB Tracker.
If anyone is downsizing their station and would like to get rid of a LVB 
tracker, I am interested in a good,  used, operational LVB Tracker, for 
my antenna system.

If anyone has one for sale or any other type of rotor control that will 
function like the LVB Tracker, please contact me direct at:


Thanks Everyone!

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[amsat-bb] QRZ listing IC910H

2012-05-21 Thread K4FEG

Listing for a 910H
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[amsat-bb] Re: QRZ listing IC910H

2012-05-21 Thread K4FEG

On 5/21/2012 04:43 PM, K4FEG wrote:

Listing for a 910H
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I think this radio has sold already gentlemen,

sorry it was a GREAT deal!
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[amsat-bb] Orbitron Warning

2012-05-06 Thread K4FEG

It may be something that I did, I am not sure, But I run Windows 7 
operating system and I downloaded my TLE files from the stoff.pl web 
site and there is no data in the file, it wiped out my existing data and 
the other TLE file sources (celestrak)  do not sync properly with Windows 7.

Orbitron is now not functioning on my Windows 7 based computer.
If one of you nice folks have a solution for me email me direct no need 
to clutter the bulletin board.

Myself and another local ham have verified that it is the combination of 
Windows 7 and the stoff.pl TLE file.

I am going to also email stoff to tell him about this problem.

Be careful out there!

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[amsat-bb] VO52

2012-05-05 Thread K4FEG
I concur with the previous postings, VO52 was on both of the morning 
passes over the US so far, and I had to make about a 5.4 khz adjustment 
in my doppler to match up my uplink and downlink.

the bird is still drifting frequency but is easy to follow.

I am very HAPPY to hear it back on this morning!
73 all lets enjoy the bird!

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[amsat-bb] CQ KH6

2012-04-30 Thread K4FEG

Hello Hawaii!

Anyone going to be around for the next AO7 Pass? I will be in the 
footprint at 0132utc would love to catch a KH6 station on Mode B!

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[amsat-bb] KO6E WAS

2012-04-23 Thread K4FEG
If I am not Mistaken, I heard Mr. KO6E work W3FIS this evening om SO50, 
for his 50th state on the satellites to make all 50 for WAS Satellites!

Congratulations Merv. Not an Easy task with only LEO's out there!

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[amsat-bb] CQ Europe

2012-04-20 Thread K4FEG

Good Morning Europe!
I will be on AO7 Mode B in the morning, trying to work into Europe. I am 
far enough inland of the US that my footprint into Europe will be brief.

I am in EM55aj for anyone who wants to look for me, my AOS will be at 
approximately 10:18:20UTC.
I will be calling CQ Europe if you might be interested in attempting a 
contact listen for me and drop me an email.

73' all
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[amsat-bb] HR9/WQ7R

2012-03-18 Thread K4FEG

for those who worked HR9/WQ7R EK66, I received my QSL card from him on 
3.17.12 for our satellite contact back on October 3, 2011.


 73's all and keep the faith, the cards are coming!

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[amsat-bb] FO29 Contact

2012-03-08 Thread K4FEG
Is anyone in Europe interested in trying to try make a contact on FO29 
into the USA?
I am in EM55aj, Tennessee. I would like to try and make some contacts 
into Europe if possible. I have a common footprint into parts of Europe 
starting around 17:07UTC, anyone interested, please contact me at, 

 I would be glad to try and make a schedule.

Thanks to all the satellite operators in Europe!

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[amsat-bb] attn: any KH6 station!

2012-03-01 Thread K4FEG

Any one in Hawaii wanna try Mode B at about 0110UTC on AO7?

we have a footprint into EM55 from the Hawaiian Islands for 
approximately 10 minutes.

If anyone is willing to try or listen to see if they can hear 
something, please send me a private email and we will set up a schedule 
and frequency to give it a try.

I keep hearing that there are folks on the linear birds in Hawaii but I 
can never get anyone to try when we have a footprint into the central US.

If anyone over there wants to try, send me an email and I'll send you my 
telephone # and we can try and make a schedule!

Thanks  help get a ham get his 50th state for Satellite WAS!
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[amsat-bb] K4FEG/5 EM54-EM44

2012-02-29 Thread K4FEG
For the 9 people I worked from Mississippi on the SO50 pass on 2.29.2012 
at 1511utc until 1517UTC, if you want a QSL card I will be happy to send 

Vince I was happy to work you and glad t give you Mississippi for your 
satellite WAS.

Your card is on the way!

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[amsat-bb] Re: Wyatt AC0RA, a skilled and dedicated operator

2012-01-28 Thread K4FEG

On 1/28/2012 10:01, Clayton Coleman W5PFG wrote:

Wyatt Dirks AC0RA is very passionate about his satellite operations.
Having started with a home brew antenna, he has experimented with
several portable station configurations including LPDA’s, commercial
Arrows, and recently added a 13-element M2 beam.

Just today, January 28, he made a 6,941km contact with ON4HF using
AO-7 mode B.   While this is several hundred kilometers below the
distance record for mode B contacts, it is important to note that
Wyatt performed this feat completely portable, without a set of
cross-polarized beams, without automated antenna tracking, and more
importantly – out in the cold Iowa weather.

He’s recently been making contacts with other stations in Europe.
This does not come easily in a portable setting from the mid-USA
states.Many folks who have been around for a long time, who have
“been there and done that,” may not see this as much of an
accomplishment.   I assure you if we had satellites capable of greater
distance contacts, Wyatt would be on them pushing the limits of their
capabilities with minimal equipment.

Not only does Wyatt posses the right equipment, he demonstrates skill
and dedication, something uncommon in young men his age just shy of 20
years old.  We should encourage operators of this caliber as they will
be our future engineers and friends in the space frontier.


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and he owns PREAMPS! yes I said it!
The preamp that you don't need, unless you want to push the envelope!
If mediocrity is your ultimate goal, use the minimalist approach, 
simple, cheap, but if you wish to truly enjoy the full limits of 
satellite communications, give yourself the tools to do the job!

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for all the personal Emails!

2012-01-21 Thread K4FEG

It is nice to know that I am not alone in my way of thinking.
While we all want to encourage new people to come into the ranks of 
Amateur radio, we most of all want the to do it successfully and to 
enjoy their experiences.

I will offer one last Southern Folk Wisdom on the subject with regards 
as to what is essential for a successful and pleasant satellite 
Now for the Southern Folk Wisdom: /Even a blind hog finds a hickory nut 
every once in a while./ In other words, you may occasionally hear 
the satellite under ideal conditions WITHOUT a preamp, but WITH a preamp 
you will have a much more pleasant experience on the satellite and so 
will all the others that are on that pass with you!
Yah'll all have a nice day! I have a schedule on FO29 with Ireland! I 
will be using a preamp!

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[amsat-bb] getting cheep on the birds! (Pun intended)

2012-01-20 Thread K4FEG
There seems to have been a rash of postings lately about how to get on 
the the birds for cheep ( yes the pun is implied!).
IMHO cheap is not always equated with good. No one wants the cheapest 
Doctor around or the cheapest lawyer or the cheapest anything.
With the demise of AO51 and the loss of its simple operating 
characteristics, there has been a migration to the less popular 
satellites. Most of the other FM satellites are no where near as user 
friendly as AO51 was.

With people suggesting that people can get on to the satellites with an 
inexpensive Chinese made dual band HT and a telescoping antenna and 
nothing else, they are creating a perception that that is all you need 
to have a successful satellite station.
Nothing could be further from the truth!  AO27 has a 7 minute timer, 
there are increasing numbers of people who will call CQ the entire 
satellite pass over North America and never answer a single response to 
their CQ's, and for some unknown reason these stations NEVER have an 
email address listed on their QRZ listing. Some of us actually use the 
satellites and do not like it when operators have been told they do not 
need a preamp or a good antenna or a good radio.

It is much simpler to get into the uplink of the satellite than it is to 
hear it.

I wish some of the self-proclaimed experts would tell these people 
that if they cannot hear themselves on the downlink that does not mean 
that they are not keying the satellite.

If people are going to encourage people to get on the satellites, teach 
them how to use the satellites, not how they can get on the satellites 
for less than $100.00. They are getting on the satellite and causing 
interference for those that have invested in the equipment to take 
proper advantage of what the satellites have to offer.

Some of the people that are pontificating profusely on the subject of 
operating for cheap I have never heard on the satellites.

Encouraging people to become active is one thing, but giving people the 
impression that all they have to do is get a basic $80.00 radio and a 
telescoping antenna and they will have a top notch satellite station 
tantamount to turning an untrained Doctor loose to do surgery.

For those that want to encourage people to get active, how about 
teaching or recommending proper operating techniques, before you tell 
them how cheaply they can get on the satellites.

AO27 has such a short timer that good technique is paramount for getting 
the best use out of it, and SO50 has plenty of quirks to make it a 
challenge at times for the seasoned operator.

I hope some of those promoting their own ideas of satellite use on a 
budget would spend more teaching rather than recommending how much money 
they can save by getting the least expensive gear available.

good radio, receive preamp, decent antenna  Patience = a good beginner 
satellite station!

If you can't hear the bird, doesn't mean it's not hearing you!
I am happy to speak to anyone that is interested in satellite 
communications, you can check out my QRZ page.

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[amsat-bb] EM46 12.26.11

2012-01-01 Thread K4FEG
If I worked you from EM46 and you need a confirmation, please email me 
and let me know, I think I have gotten all the email requests filled out 
and in the mail.

If you do not receive one by the end of this week please advise and I 
will get you one in the mail.

I didn't work that many people and I DO NOT NEED AN SASE. I am happy to 
send out a card for that trip, that's why I went up there.

73's and Happy New Year to all
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[amsat-bb] FO29

2011-12-31 Thread K4FEG

Good to hear FO29 back operating over the US!

Lets not forget that our flying friends are fragile and we need to keep 
looking to the future and the need for replacements.

We may get another miracle and have one of the crippled birds come back 
to life in the future, but do we really want to depend on chance?

This is a hobby and we will always be considered second banana when it 
comes to getting help to fund a launch.
Write someone, call someone, offer to help or heaven forbid try and find 
an extra dollar or two to donate.

I don't know where best to use anyone's talents or their monies but I do 
know this, if we do nothing there won't be someone come along and say,  
we need an amateur satellite, lets launch one! We need to take the 
initiative and get another satellite on the launch pad and then beg, 
borrow or steal a ride into space.

A very Happy New Year to everyone and lets get behind some of these 
satellites and find a way to get them launched!

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[amsat-bb] EM46 grid trip 12.26.11

2011-12-30 Thread K4FEG
I am putting in the mail today cards for the following  stations for my 
Grid trip on 12.26.11:

CO6CBF (direct  to George)

I know I worked others, if you need a confirmation for EM46, email the 
contact info and I will send you out my card, no card or SASE needed for 
this operation.

73's everyone
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[amsat-bb] AO-7 contact

2011-12-27 Thread K4FEG
Are there any stations in Mexico, Central or South America that is 
interested in working AO7?

I am looking to try and work anyone on AO7 mode B. I am presently trying 
to get my antennas put up for working Mode A but it will be another week 
or more before I am ready to try Mode A.

If anyone is interested in trying to work AO-7 Mode B please email me 
and we can run the predictions to see when would be a good time to try 
and make a contact.

thank you very much  73's
Frank E. Griffin
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[amsat-bb] K4FEG/p EM46

2011-12-26 Thread K4FEG


if you worked me and need a QSL for EM46, today on SO50 or AO27, email 
me the contact info and I will send you a card.


I am happy to return the favor so many of you have for me in confirming 
a grid.

I was in the parking lot of South East Missouri State University in 
Kennett, Missouri, today EM46xf.

73's and thank you all who gave me a call!

K4FEG/p EM46
now back home in EM55aj!
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[amsat-bb] I STILL have a question!

2011-12-09 Thread K4FEG
With all that has been said here since the expected death of AO-51 I 
want to KNOW what I can do to help move towards whichever, next 
satellite that can be got into space.
I don't care about the delivery vehicle , whether or not it is a cube, 
sphere, pyramid or in the shape of a Volkswagen Beetle.
I am interested in a satellite that can be used by amateurs to 
communicate I have my personal preferences as to what type of 
satellite I would prefer but *_at this point I don't care what type of 
satellite it is.

_*I know how to adapt to what ever mode it operates on.
_*I just want to know WHAT TO SUPPORT AND HOW TO SUPPORT IT!*_
all I have heard ,stop the attacks, do this do that
I still don't have a clear picture of what is the closest to being ready 
and what we need to do to facilitate it's completion.I can't support it 
if the powers to be won't tell us what is needed.

Information is power and I don't have any information on what direction 
we need to head.

that's my opinion!

*_Lead, follow or get out of the way!_*
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[amsat-bb] here's how i see it!

2011-12-03 Thread K4FEG

In an attempt to be as non-partisan as possible here is how I see it:

Lets not live in the past. There are viable projects out there that need 
our IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. No short term action at this time to one 
satellite or another will  provide the Amateur community with a long 
term option for satellite communications.
I for one, want to know the *who, what when  where of getting the NEXT 
bird into outer space.*

I hear support this project or that project!, but I need information 
on how we can FIX the satellite issues and not just put a band-aide on 
it like the politicians like to do!

We all know it cost MONEY to launch into Orbit, lets start getting the 
how, when and where figured out. Then lets start raising money! The 
sooner we start the quicker we can have the birds we want.

I enjoy the satellites, both FM and Linear, I even use CW on the linear 
birds I have made many a marginal contact on a low angle pass because 
of using CW.

That's the beautiful thing about this hobby, it is multifaceted and can 
make room for ANYONE'S interests.

BIRD, ORBIT, MONEY that's what we need not a lot of debate on can we 
Frankenstein some bird into something it is not.

I'm done, the Soap Box is going back into the closet (for now!)
AO27 in 50 minutes! B THERE!
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[amsat-bb] Satellite Satire

2011-11-29 Thread K4FEG
OK I have a suggestion: a new inexpensive satellite, It will be 
designated: *ReNe-Sat-3, *that will be an abbreviation for: *Red Neck 
Satellite #3 ( Dale Ernharts Sr. NASCAR #).

*We will take 2 Woxun HT's, 2 Larsen Mag-mounts, 2**1/4 wave antennas, a 
solar panel with charger from Northern Hydraulics and last but not least 
about 100 feet of NASCAR 200mph duct tape.

We take the 2 radios set them up for our frequencies, duct tape them 
together mount the antennas on the solar panel hook the solar panel up 
to the HT batteries and last but not least we send two of the south's 
finest: *Astronaut Bubba  Cooter* up with the new bird to deploy it. 
We will tell Bubba  Cooter that they can have free passes to all the 
NASCAR races for 2012 when they get this satellite working and in orbit.

I promise they will have that thing (or  should i say thang) up and 
running in HEO and be back before the first race in February 2012.

For those that are not sure, YES I AM MAKING A JOKE!

/*It is difficult work to keep these satellites working and the control 
operators deserve a round of applause from us for all that they have 
done to extend the life of AO51 and all of the other birds.

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[amsat-bb] beg my puddin'

2011-10-28 Thread K4FEG
pardon my caps lock on my post, I thought I was on the AO51 afternoon 
pass and I was yelling at the bird!

in reference to the lapsed call heard on AO-51:
Apparently several people heard/worked the station in question, the 
lapse could be an oversight or someone picked up this persons call. 
Based on what I heard the operator had been around the satellites 
previously. Maybe some one around him locally can ask him if he knows 
that the call has lapsed. The old FCC data base had him located in 
Alabama and he was giving out a grid locator of EL98, maybe he moved and 
lost track of his renewal date. We can give him the benefit of doubt 
until some one can ask if he knows that the license is shown as lapsed 
and recommend that he cease operation until he clears it up, altho' at 
the speed of government now-a-days that could be a while!

well I said previously that was my two cents worth I guess i'm up to a 
nickle now!

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[amsat-bb] expired call on the satellites

2011-10-27 Thread K4FEG


ON 02/28/2009*/


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