Re: [amsat-bb] AO-7 DX

2014-07-19 Thread Wayne Estes

Bob W7RLD wrote:

Through general consensus would it be possible to establish a unofficial 
"DX watering hole"...Essentially, use a given frequency (downlink) only 
when the satellite is less than 4-5 degrees.

Wayne replies:

I don't understand.  Every satellite is always less than 4 degrees 
elevation for somebody.

It would make sense to have a designated DX calling frequency on linear 
transponders that are congested with many users.  But I don't think 
that's the case presently.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: FUNcube/AO-73 - Now in Full time low power, beacon/ Transponder ON mode

2014-05-04 Thread Wayne Estes

Greg KO6TH wrote:

Working now...  Nice contact with W9AE in Oregon.  Low pass, so not
super strong, but now I can start optimizing things...  At the end of
the contact, Rx was at 145.960, Tx was 435.155 (both dial readings on my 

Wayne W9AE replies:

It was also my first AO-73 contact.  I had set up SatPC32 Doppler tuning 
with the frequencies published on the AMSAT-UK web site.  I only needed 
to adjust the TX Offset by +1200 Hz.

The frequency probably varies that much from day to day due to 
temperature changes.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: usb rotor control

2014-01-29 Thread Wayne Estes

KB2M wrote:

I'm looking for a USB solution that will work with 32/64 bit WIN7/8,
SatPC32, and my 5500 Yaesu rotor.

W9AE replies:

The simplest and cheapest USB rotor interface I know of is the "ST1". 
It's JUST an interface, with no control buttons and no display.  Price 
is $39 for the assembled PCB with no enclosure.  Mine was shipped in a 
very small box from India.

General information can be downloaded from:

Installation and setup instructions can be downloaded from:

I never understood why so many people are so eager to pay much more 
money for a rotor interface box that has buttons and a display.  The 
computer screen and mouse can do that!

The interface emulates the old "EasyComm" interface.  Real-time azimuth 
and elevation are displayed in a separate small window on your computer 
screen.  Manual control of the rotor can be accomplished using the 
SatPC32 Rotor menu.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: Adding AO-73 to SATPC32 and Nova for Windows

2013-12-19 Thread Wayne Estes
Adding AO-73 in SatPC32 is very simple if you use AMSAT's keps file 
called nasa.all.  This file contains the AO-73 Keps together with the 
Keps for all the other active ham satellites.  The satellite names are 
already in the familiar format.

You can assign AO-73 to one of the 12 quick-access "letters" on the 
lower right corner of the main SatPC32 screen.  If you have an 
unassigned letter, open the "Satellites" menu and simply double-click 
AO-73 in the "Available" list, and AO-73 will be assigned to the next 
unused letter in the "Selected" list.

Paste the following text into the Doppler.SQF text file.  Open the file 
directly from the SatPC32 program using the menu "?" -> Auxiliary Files 
-> Doppler.SQF.

AO-73,145960.0,435140.0,USB,LSB,REV,,, Transponder

Then you're all set to go.  With Doppler.SQF text as specified above, 
the program will default to the beacon.  To switch to the transponder 
you need to click the CAT menu and select the transponder data line.  If 
you reverse the two AO-73 lines in Doppler.SQF the program will default 
to the transponder instead of the beacon.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: D STAR AMSAT NET

2013-09-25 Thread Wayne Estes

WA4HFN wrote:

How many satellite ops have D STAR radios ?  Join us tomorrow night on 
REF 60B at 0100 utc

W9AE replies:

I've seen AMSAT net announcement messages for years, and NEVER 
understood them.  The messages never specify a terrestrial frequency or 
an amateur satellite.  This leads me to the conclusion that the AMSAT 
net doesn't use ham radio as the communications medium.

What communications medium is used to conduct the AMSAT net?

Is it on a 2-way channel on a commercial satellite?
Is it on the Internet?
What is REF 60B?

If the AMSAT net doesn't use ham radio, why not?

Please explain...

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: Phase 3

2013-09-21 Thread Wayne Estes

What is realistically achievable with a 3U cubesat with an ion engine?

Cost of the satellite?
Cost of the launch?

Time/cost to develop ion engine?

How many month/years would it take for an ion engine to boost a 3U 
cubesat from 600 km to 2000 km?

What is the altitude limit for an ion engine?
Impractical to slowly cross the radiation belt?

Could a 3U cubesat with deployable solar panels power a 1 watt, 100 kHz, 
mode U/V transponder?

I would contribute $1000 to a fund raising campaign for a financially 
and technically viable plan to (for example) launch in 3 years and 
deploy a transponder in "high" orbit 2 years later.

I probably would not contribute to a fund raising campaign for a 
whizbang 3U cubesat destined for a 600 km orbit.

Wayne Estes
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: Golden Packet 20 July gaps: Killington, VT and, Smokie Mountain!

2013-07-05 Thread Wayne Estes

WB4APR wrote:

Only two Mountains remaining to be covered for this historic event.

Killington, Vermont and Clingman?s dome in the Great Smokies National
Park.  On Saturday, 20 July, Just drive up to the parking lots, set up a
small mast to clear the cars with an Omni dual band vertical and play 
APRS (and other) Radios for 4 hours starting at noon.

W9AE replies:

If you put up a fixed mast in a popular parking lot in Great Smoky 
Mountains National Park, it would likely take much less than 4 hours for 
a park ranger to tell you that you can't do that without a permit.

In general, U.S. National Parks have a uniform policy of NEVER issuing 
permits for temporary radio stations.

You could use antennas mounted on your vehicle, but the National Park 
Service does not tolerate ground-mounted "radio stations" in public places.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: AO7 in Mode B

2013-06-17 Thread Wayne Estes

K4FEG wrote:

There have been questions as to whether or not a program like SATPC32 is 
calculating the solar position based on ground track or actual satellite 
position in orbit, I have not reached out to find out the method of 
calculations but based on how AO7 has reacted to even the briefest of 
eclipse's as predicted by SATPC32, I suspect the relationship of the 
satellite to the Sun is being predicted based on the actual satellite 
position in orbit and not based on ground track.

W9AE replies:

SatPC32 displays "Sat in Sun" when the satellite's footprint overlaps 
the sun's footprint.  You can see it change to "Eclipse" when the two 
footprints no longer overlap.

In practice, AO-7's solar panel probably quits generating enough power 
when only a portion of the sun's "disc" is obstructed by earth. 
Consequently, the satellite would quit working a bit sooner than the 
actual eclipse, when 100% of the sun is shaded by earth.

This year I plan to make Field Day satellite contacts for the first time 
in several years.  In western Oregon I can operate the un-crowded 
satellite passes where most of the footprint is over the Gulf of Alaska.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: Hector, CO6CBF Saves the Day!

2013-05-25 Thread Wayne Estes

N1LF wrote:

Not only did it rescue my own failed logging recording, but it allowed
me to hear my distorted audio first-hand, and hopefully
will allow me to troubleshoot the problem before the next pass.

W9AE replies:

You CAN hear and judge your own downlink audio on FO-29.  Use headphones 
and set the "TX monitor" volume to zero so that when you transmit the 
only audio in the headphones is the RX audio.  With the RX volume 
control sufficiently high, you can hear your downlink audio over the 
sound of your own voice in your head.  This must be done using 
headphones.  If you use a loudspeaker you will get feedback.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: HRD 6.0 and Satellite Tracker

2013-05-23 Thread Wayne Estes

N1LF wrote:

New to the birds, and using SATPC32 to control my Icom IC-910H. Also use 
Nova to help me better visualize the path that satellites will take.

W9AE replies:

How is Nova's ground track display better than the one in SatPC32, which 
displays the ground track of the next orbit?

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA,CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: NO-44 SATPC worked today with an HT and Elk.

2012-10-24 Thread Wayne Estes

What is the meaning of "work NO-44"?

Does that mean you digipeated packet data through NO-44?
Does that mean you had a 2-way exchange of packet data with another user?

I'm not trying to start an argument or belittle the accomplishment-I'm 
just ignorant and want to know what it means.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: a couple tweaks to work AO-27 & SO-50

2012-06-09 Thread Wayne Estes

To measure elevation you can buy a simple elevation gauge or protractor.

"Eyeballing" the elevation should get you within 10 degrees of the 
actual elevation which is well within the beam width of your antennas.

When using headphones it's easy to "peak" the antennas by ear.  Simply 
wave the antennas back and forth and stop when you get the best quieting 
(on an FM sat).  Or stop slightly "ahead" of the best quieting, so you 
won't have to adjust it again so soon.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, Cn83ik
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[amsat-bb] Repository for all Doppler.SQF data

2012-01-04 Thread Wayne Estes
I'm surprised that nobody has made an online repository for the 
Doppler.SQF files for ALL amateur satellites.

What would be the best place to keep one?  AMSAT-NA web site?  On the 
DK1TB's web site, where people go to download SATPC32?

Maintaining a Doppler.SQF repository would be relatively easy.  The list 
isn't that huge, and new satellites don't come along very often.

The repository would also logically include SubTone.SQF and 
AmsatNames.txt information.

Wayne Estes W9AE

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[amsat-bb] Re: Need East Coast

2012-01-01 Thread Wayne Estes

Merv wrote:

I would like to schedule contacts with the East Coast. I am in Santa 
Monica CA. I can hear myself on the current 4 sats, but I don't hear 
anyone on the East Coast.

Wayne replies:

What's your callsign and grid locator?

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat : only a few more days !

2011-12-28 Thread Wayne Estes
Out of curiosity, what method is used to keep the International Space 
Station from burning up?

I know that periodic boosts are done to raise the orbit.  Is that done 
with rocket engines built into the space station?  If so, it seems that 
storage and eventual reloading of the fuel would be difficult and high-risk.

Or is the ISS boosted using the engines of a docked vehicle?  That seems 
like it would have its own set of complications.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] simplest USB rotor interface

2011-11-17 Thread Wayne Estes
As an AMSAT Area Coordinator, I occasionally get questions about rotor 
interfaces.  So I need to become better informed about the interface 

I'm well aware of the LVBtracker, but to me it seems to be overkill for 
the intended purpose.  It's not necessary for a rotor interface to have 
a big box, display, and control switches.  The interface really only 
needs to contain A/D and D/A converters.  All displays and controls can 
be implemented "virtually" on the computer's screen.

Is there a simple and cheap USB interface for the G-5500 rotor? 
Something small and simple like FODtrack, but with a USB port?

I'm aware of WinRotor USB, but nobody in North America seems to use it.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: SatPC32 version 12.8b is released

2011-10-21 Thread Wayne Estes

WA4SCA wrote:

You can run the update on a registered version, and it will be registered.
A good idea to put the registration info in a safe place, just in case,
though Martha can generate it for you.

W9AE replies:

I had to re-enter my registration code when upgrading from 12.8a to 12.8b.

Previous SatPC32 upgrades did not require the registration code to be 

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: SatPC32 version 12.8b is released

2011-10-21 Thread Wayne Estes

On 10/21/2011 9:09 AM, George Henry wrote:

The registration code can be found on the 4th line of the file UserDaten.txt,
either in c:\documents and settings\owner\application data\SatPC32 (XP) or
c:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\SatPC32 (Vista/Win7)  where "owner" is your

W9AE replies:

SatPC32 upgrades are always free.

I don't know if the registration code from a SatPC32 CD can be used to 
register the downloaded version.  I hope it's not that easy to hack.

If you don't have a registration code because you purchased a SatPC32 CD 
at a hamfest, send me an email with a photo of the CD, and I will send 
you the registration code for your callsign.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakalnd, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] SatPC32 version 12.8b is released

2011-10-21 Thread Wayne Estes

SatPC32 version 12.8b is available for download at

The main SatPC32 program window now displays more information such as 
the date of the Keplerian elements file in use.

Before upgrading your SatPC32 installation, be sure to use the new 
program (in the ZIP file) to backup your user configuration.  The 
upgrade erases all previous user configurations, but the new program 
will restore your configurations after upgrading.

The download is a demo version that requires users to enter their 
lat/lon each time the program is started.  To make the program fully 
functional, enter your existing registration code or purchase a 
registration code from the AMSAT web site:

DK1TB, the author of SatPC32 has donated the software to AMSAT.  All 
sales of SatPC32 are used to support AMSAT.

Here are the changes described in the What's New file:

1. SatPC32, SatPC32ISS, Wisat32 and SuM now support rotor control of the 
M2 RC-2800 rotor system.

2. The CAT control functions of SatPC32, SatPC32ISS and Wisat32 have 
been expanded. The programs now provide CAT control of the new Icom 
transceiver IC-9100.

3. The main windows of SatPC32 and SatPC32ISS have been slightly changed 
to make them clearer. With window size W3 the world map can be stretched 
(only SatPC32).

4. The accuracy of the rotor positions can now be adjusted for the 
particular rotor controller. SatPC32 therefore can output the rotor 
positions with 0, 1 or 2 decimals. Corrections of the antenna positions 
can automatically be saved. In previous versions that had to be done 

5. The tool 'DataBackup' has been added. The tool allows users to save 
the SatPC32 program data via mouse click and to restore them if 
necessary. After the program has been configured for the user's 
equipment the settings should be saved with 'DataBackup'. If problems 
occur later, the program can easily restore the working configuration.

6. The rotor interfaces IF-100, FODTrack, RifPC and KCT require the 
kerneldriver IOPort.SYS to be installed. Since it is a 32-bit driver it 
will not work on 64-bit Windows systems. On such systems the driver can 
cause error messages.To prevent such messages the driver can now 
optionally be deactivated.

7. SuM now outputs a DDE string with azimuth and elevation, that can be 
evaluated by client programs. Some demo files show how to program and 
configure the client.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: Should I abandon full Doppler correction?

2011-07-25 Thread Wayne Estes
NY4I wrote:

One of the things I like most about MacDoppler is that I can turn the 
VFO and it will follow me. It does not enforce that I use the program to 
change frequencies. That allows one to use a simple VFO know interface 
to change frequencies while still having full Doppler correction.

W9AE replies:

SatPC32 provides three methods to tune across the passband of a linear 
transponder while under full Doppler control:

1. With the radio's VFO knob
(most peoples' preference)

2. With the mouse, by clicking the on-screen tuning buttons
(for example, to go up 5 kHz with a single click)

3. With the keyboard:
up/down arrow keys for 100 Hz increments
left/right arrow keys for 20 Hz increments
+/- keys  for 10 Hz increments

Methods 2 and 3 only work when SatPC32 is the active program window. 
They don't work if, for example, your logging program is the active window.

SatPC32 doesn't force users to start Doppler tuning in the middle of the 
passband.  That's the default, but it's easy to modify the Doppler.SQF 
file to start away from center, or on the beacon frequency.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: PCSAT32 Question

2011-03-15 Thread Wayne Estes
The default time zone setting for SatPC32 is "auto" which gets time zone 
information from Windows.  Leave it unchanged, and your local time is 
always correct (assuming Windows is set up for the correct time zone). 
Nothing to change when daylight savings comes and goes.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, OR, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: Android satellite tracking

2011-02-25 Thread Wayne Estes
On 02/25/2011 8:13 PM, Ron Overdrive wrote:
> There are 2 that come to mind: HamSat Droid and DroidSat. They both do
> different things and make a great combo. HamSat Droid is a satellite
> prediction app and DroidSat allows you to locate the bird in the sky
> like a spotter scope. So use HamSat Droid to predict the bird's pass and
> use DroidSat to aim your hand held antenna!

HamSatDroid is very easy to use and can download the AMSAT Keps file. 
But the output is merely text (azimuth/elevation).  A map of the 
footprint would be really nice.  20+ years ago Instant Track displayed a 
footprint with a 20 MHz processor.  Today's processors are vastly more 
powerful, but no Android application displays a footprint?  I guess 
that's because only hams care about it...

Another useful Android application is "Grid Locator".  Launch the app 
and it displays the 6-digit Maidenhead Grid of the phone's location. 
GPS must be enabled or it says you're in grid JJ00aa.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, OR, USA, CN83
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[amsat-bb] Android satellite tracking

2011-02-25 Thread Wayne Estes
What are the preferred Android satellite tracking programs for ham 
satellites?  Most seem to be intended for visual sighting.

This subject came up months ago, but without a search function I can't 
find it in the amsat-bb archives.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, Cn83ik
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[amsat-bb] Tracking with parallel to USB converter

2011-01-23 Thread Wayne Estes
I want to use my HalloRotor parallel-port rotor interface with a new PC 
that doesn't have a parallel port.  Has anybody had success using a 
parallel-to-USB converter with a parallel port rotor interface?

In the past I used a parallel-to-USB converter and Windows device 
manager decided that it was a "USB printer", not LPT2.  Is there a model 
of parallel-to-USB converter that Windows recognizes as a LPTx ?

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: timing

2010-12-13 Thread Wayne Estes
When you launch WinAOS, you have the opportunity to specify which Keps 
file to use.  Make sure WinAOS uses the same "Source File" as SatPC32.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: SatPC32 Help Needed

2010-10-07 Thread Wayne Estes
David Palmer wrote:

I seem to have to adjust ± 100 to 200 Hz at the start of the pass, and 
periodically during the pass, to keep my return pitch constant.

Wayne replies:

I have to make similar corrections when SatPC32 tunes my FT-847.  One 
likely cause is that the radio's local oscillator drifts slightly when 
transmitting due to heat generated by the transmitter.  My FT-847 
transmit frequency drifts noticeably when I transmit on 435 MHz with 
high power.  It drifts less when I transmit at low power.  Unless your 
radios have high-stability oscillators I think it's normal to need to 
correct the frequencies by 100-200 Hz.

 From one pass to another, the local oscillator on the satellite might 
also drift slightly due to changes in temperature.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: Playing With Lightning

2010-03-14 Thread Wayne Estes
If you live in an area prone to lightning (especially Florida) you 
should invest in a good ground system and single-point ground panel with 
surge suppressors for all antennas, rotor/control cables, AC lines, and 
internet/phone connections.  It's very costly and a lot of work to 
install.  But the alternatives (destroyed equipment or even a burning 
house) are even worse.  The information and required equipment is out there.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA (where lightning is extremely rare)
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[amsat-bb] Re: How to add Moon Keps to SatPC32

2010-02-17 Thread Wayne Estes
Mark Hammond wrote:

SatPC32 has a special program for the Sun and Moon.  It's called SuM. 
You can find it under the Start/Programs button, with the SatPC32 programs.

Wayne replies:

The separate SuM program controls rotors and displays the moon's az/el, 
but it doesn't display the moon's visibility footprint on a world map. 
I can see how EME operators would want Moon Keps in the main SatPC32 
program in order to see the moon's visibility footprint.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, XCN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: Tracking planets

2009-12-19 Thread Wayne Estes
Joel wrote:

Is anyone using Nova for tracking celestials (e.g., Jupiter or Sun ) for 
radio astronomy purposes? I have an LVB Tracker but not sure Nova is 
compatible and SatPC32 doesn't track celestial bodies.

Wayne replies:

The SatPC32 installation includes a program called SuM.exe (Sonne und 
Mond) that tracks the sun and moon.  It doesn't display their visibilty 
"footprint" on a world map, but it displays az/el and steers rotors.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Tutorial to configure XW-1 in SatPC32

2009-12-17 Thread Wayne Estes
Here's my attempt at a step by step tutorial to manually configure XW-1 
in SatPC32.


Note: XW-1 Keps are in the 17 December nasa.all Keps from AMSAT.  If you 
use this file, update Keps and skip to step 2 below.  If you use a 
different Keps file use the following steps to manually add XW-1 to your 
Keps file:

A. Ensure that Windows Explorer shows "hidden files": Open Windows 
Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View.  Select the circle that 
says "Show hidden files and folders".

B. Make note of which "source file" is highlighted in the left side of 
the SatPC32 "Satellites" menu box.  This is the Keps file used by SatPC32.

C. Open that Keps file with a text editor such as Wordpad.  The file is 
located here:
C://Documents and Settings\[your name]\Application 
Data\SatPC32\Kepler\[source file]

D. Paste the latest XW-1 Keplerian elements into the file you opened. 
The Keplerian elements should be 3 lines and should look like this:
(this example is NOT necessarily the latest version)

1 36121U 09072A   09349.53641119 -.0045  0-0  0+0 031
2 36121 100.5050 046.6267 0007989 035.4736 324.6735 13.1639108550

E. Save the modified source file.

F. Restart SatPC32.

Note: Any Keps that you manually add to your Keps file MIGHT disappear 
if you subsequently do an "update Keps".


A. Go into the Satellites menu box.  You should see "XW-1" in the list 
of "available" satellites.

B. Double-click on "XW-1", then click "OK".  XW-1 will now be assigned 
to the next available letter in the lower right corner of the main 
SatPC32 window.

C. Click that letter and verify that you see XW-1's name in the blue 
title bar and its footprint on the world map.


A. In the main SatPC32 window, click "?" -> Auxiliary Files -> 
Doppler.SQF.  The Doppler.SQF text file will open in Wordpad.

B. Paste the following text into the Doppler.SQF file and save it.


C. Restart SatPC32 and select the XW-1 satellite.

D. Open the "CAT" menu screen and verify that you see the 3 frequency 
pairs listed.


a. In the main SatPC32 window, click "?" -> Auxiliary Files -> 
Subtone.SQF.  The Subtone.SQF text file will open in Wordpad.

b. Paste the following line into the file and save it.


This setting is difficult to verify.  After restarting the program and 
selecting the XW-1 satellite, you should be able to enable the 67 Hz 
subaudible tone: Enable CAT, click the "T" button until it displays "T1".


This is only necessary if you get Keplerian elements from Space-Track. 
It's not necessary if you use the nasa.all Keps file from AMSAT.

a. In the main SatPC32 window, click "?" -> Auxiliary Files -> 
AmsatNames.SQF.  The AmsatNames.SQF text file will open in Wordpad.

b. Paste the following line into the file and save it.

36122 09072B   XW-1

c. Restart SatPC32.

You will need to tweak these settings after the official name is 
assigned to XW-1.  Possibly "CO-68".

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: Editing nasa.all file for SatPC32

2009-12-15 Thread Wayne Estes
Mark L. Hammond wrote:

> You may have to adjust your folder options to show all folders, etc.
> under "Tools/Folder Options/View/Show hidden Files and Folders"

Wayne replies:

That it!  "Show hidden files" defaulted to "off" when I recovered from a 
hard disk crash a couple months ago.  Apparently it also prevents the 
search function from showing hidden files.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, Cn83ik
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[amsat-bb] Editing nasa.all file for SatPC32

2009-12-15 Thread Wayne Estes
I want to manually add XW-1 Keps to my nasa.all file for SatPC32.

The SatPC32 Satellites menu says the file should be in C:\Documents and 
Settings\Wayne Estes\Application Data\SatPC32\Kepler

But the "Application Data" directory doesn't exist.  I searched the 
entire C: drive for "nasa.all", and the file wasn't found.

Where the heck does SatPC32 12.8a put the Keps file in WinXP?

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA
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[amsat-bb] SO-67 schedule: 21/22 Nov 2009

2009-11-22 Thread Wayne Estes
ZR1JAK wrote:

21 Nov
00:19 Japan
00:36 Australia
03:33 India
06:55 RSA
09:45 Europe
11:35 Brazil
13:07 Brazil
14:30 Canada/USA
16:05 Canada/USA
17:38 Canada/USA
21:11 New Zealand
23:57 Japan

22 Nov
00:14 Australia
06:34 RSA
07:49 Europe
08:10 RSA
11:13 Brazil
12:46 Brazil
14:10 Canada/USA
15:43 Canada/USA
17:17 Canada/USA

W9AE replies:

I notice that all the passes are scheduled during the local mornings, 
and none of the passes are scheduled during local evenings.  Is that 
because the satellite is in eclipse in the evening?

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, Cn83ik
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[amsat-bb] SO-67 control

2009-11-13 Thread Wayne Estes
All of this weekend's scheduled SO-67 activations are when it is over 
South Africa, presumably controlled by ground stations.

With an unsustainable 5W downlink we can't expect SO-67 to be activated 
often in most places.

Is SO-67 capable of operating from an uploaded schedule?  Or is it only 
controlled in real-time?

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: SatPC32 upgrade

2009-11-11 Thread Wayne Estes
Erich Eichmann wrote:

I have uploaded an upgrade of SatPC32 (V. 12.8a) on my website

The changes can be seen here:

Wayne replies:

I want to say THANK YOU to Erich Eichmann DK1TB for creating and 
continuously enhancing SatPC32 for the global amateur satellite 
community.  And for donating it to AMSAT-DL, AMSAT-NA, and AMSAT-UK. 
SatPC32 is surely the most lucrative fund raising item for these AMSAT 

Please support these AMSAT groups by registering your copy of SatPC32.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: Grid Square Map

2009-10-21 Thread Wayne Estes
The ARRL sells a plain black 11x17 inch grid map of North America for 
$1.  No color, no gray scale.  Perfect for coloring in the grids as you 
work/confirm them.

A smaller version of the map is also in the ARRL Operating Manual and 
perhaps in the ARRL handbook.  I scanned, printed, and laminated the 
page from my ARRL Operating Manual.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN81ik

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[amsat-bb] Re: Arrow Diplexer loss + Arrow v Elk

2009-10-04 Thread Wayne Estes
Jeff Yanko wrote:

You mention about the Elk's F/B ratio.  I've noticed the same thing on 
the Arrow.  A while back, before the new diplexer, I contacted a local 
about 15 miles away, he was running about 2 watts and no matter which 
direction I turned the beam, the signal strength never changed.  Hmmm.

Wayne replies:

If your area is hilly you could be receiving reflections from the hills. 
  I'm surrounded by hills.  The local repeaters are south of me, behind 
a hill.  The repeater signals are strongest when I point my antennas to 
the northeast, at a big hill.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik

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[amsat-bb] Understanding ITA

2009-10-03 Thread Wayne Estes
I just read the article about ITAR in the Jan/Feb 2009 AMSAT Journal.  I 
have to say that the article didn't help me understand ITAR at all.  It 
seems to have skipped the first several steps in the explanation.

For example, what criteria are used to judge that a device has dual use 
as a munition?  It is not at all obvious to my feeble mind how a 23 GHz 
amplifier or IHU-3 (computer) can be judged to have dual use as a munition.

What criteria does ITAR law use to EXCLUDE devices that have obvious 
dual uses as munitions?  For example, GSM cell phones have been used to 
remotely control explosive devices that killed thousands of U.S. 
servicemen.  Are they not regulated because they are too ubiquitous to 

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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[amsat-bb] Re: FT-847 vs IC-910

2009-05-29 Thread Wayne Estes
Not all FT-847's are alike.  A stock FT-847 has wide, low-Q ceramic IF 
filters.  My FT-847 has INRAD CW and SSB crystal filters that give 
narrower IF bandwidth, with MUCH higher Q.  I haven't compared them, but 
I suspect that a FT-847 receiver with quality IF filters performs 
roughly on par with an IC-910.

If shopping for a used FT-847, look for one with optional IF filters. 
Collins mechanical filters are an improvement over the stock ceramic 
filters, but crystal filters are even better.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA
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